Om OTaa9,One Payw .21 . illirtJjsr'Ibn Plve Dayay.iM.tfc.i.,.4 ,nthT rJ."!.:..?... JO 00 4i Th l(onthfc7. ? I M 00 ffl fits Months., i.i-il.i .W.r:...V.. 40 0i r ,,Y.One-weea.r-..-tf S; . v.:4 K,Two .Weeis,.ii:,..i..' 'HiT.-noo. . . i fi 'i one-Year,.. A . f W ''iS&.tofytxu AdterUseinecats taken at prppor tlonateiy lowrateav Vi ? v;4 ,:..fnrtj'v t HMi : 'Ten lines' solid yonparefl type make one rjtran : NEW" AD.VKRTISKMEN1U t "IE T IMUWI w ' " - w ' vttr vol: 115- . . ; :j -:jraaraGTO$;'N.' ! ' 1 citeBOLW: N01S4971 ,M IT! ! mwmn 7.i U nw ,,oUS!S(; EDITION. .-i tt).-u. Eact rvtnvt. i- M If x- CK Ttx tf t W I.- V 111 .... ?)t! u!v TV aaraiUrkMt. ij Mi"!. o ruwit turnHi. kar7tT6). . fit.J m& rii? cutio ai alla ,r, 4 .vjrtt . 1 1 -:.. f t, ,.n: r tJ the SutV'a 5U1 at 0 of ... . A felnl Irt mLif Lh vr.m r r 1 ,hm':"" bare twve r-rr-xl ..j u- ,t 11 ..I" t Ua wialh Urwy A i4'T "f "a fM(f WtkWSoi- ni iv-nyi nd at n'il. N tii. ii- fj-ct M k t wnia tial fth 1 t. tiw wttJrvuiat 0 k?fv o wot bf 1 !'' M!Hf ivtnui.i TV k til tunber in fruttt eWiwrv, ia Ftp-, fr. Is ,..i'vl t t7.X. t Ca ia r4r O I 'iilnur! u I ')t ilr - J em n v rlf.n f r litnh jttt pt 1 fir. a IHtt-r: wMtiJMra uU.t rl ul H4;u. N X Sftd . 1. ...i nirtf i $ 33&t ftt). pnu ! . Ii r t o t mea Ta Jn trial ' liunwlf t-iitirly t' i .... - to kiins; b. cmliM t for t N-tluwr rMt ne tToa .u r..iik Mr- i twiner wamici. Hi- in' (vrt t.4ll it rA4 bi iolj ''.,i S.- .)t k bi via-tor V all thar .1IB I " I l irl wn.-nt. I t r. J . .bNll w rl-rtl to W ; lWn. , rit. i I i t. 14 ' wkd a- IV)twt ail Hr-vly I , I vn.i th rmiiftlrr of tbr pU AhrtUvvtm bavj in Waahiw ton. Tl 1ruJet anJ tsnr a tkw ifx C trie Un- bv- i ry anarahl 0rrly. i lh rl fLMfin sir- it ! -1 . . .ft..' turn- of Virginia" lcUl UOO. li v-a Soit 'ht te m rummMiwa f nm thu rxtrv. Atlf-My (Hrnri kft.-r U al- Urwy for lb W-jUrm I Trl r-Db Contuinr. Wlul wH Sitm do if th 4rrnmiil liold hi f rvnl ta tak lxai stpa at o lim tAiOMt th crrratioi ? li w 4 tul th bvat ia lb rootry 'r)r'atojB. Si itwn riiUm from IUItmrr ome ra.-.-al thrrw a ojatbrigb tl plat- vi win. low of tb r xr in wbirb Pre t.nt Arthur w rhn Tb Vh intftn Stiff ctyv: ri'b'trM tAi wrO b cUim-l la-i fal 1iliua ih pnrdi:t)a of 3Uiki-tf4. taw xiihitt 'tMCi-oi-gnK hir Jui- whk-b rada Th- frwunW-at f t!U T"s!tAt rtun. wJI tw i (Mr-Mit at IW Utar sasrt th n.nicft, im! omaJ ta pv-cr-vttli-iw a-e- U u eaa-oattawl in the JTsiUJrl tiu apr that lLsxulall la! gone '. II rribr to uprvl th lraXl of th pZatforwx. Tbl (.Ittftm ir- tht s1mjI1.i Lat oo whiy an.1 tob.x Nrl all IVuOvtMxsMtA arw at to jfcl rii of lh 144 inillHHM rwri uA the I'tUKwi. Tb-f krvow that thi M the y to krp it o tW fft.tri$ on-l-r th tariif. It w iLawJli' work T1rw i4 gvomow lftrowy in WU-.n-tn. It m araooj the Norwegians wh. dwell ia Iho mirtliwretrrnt por tion of th Stti. It m spreading rapidly imofl th-m A phyairisn ays : "At th prtwmc time tVr ar fur Uf nM. ratrm la lh t'sUl !UI. ' aamVly. yuma M iaornA aad North.(rra Wh ton!. iar forwrctaaw: Cattforaia. Ut Chiawv. Louaiiaa. aad umm( th taduka-t of tlw Corthwmc TV4 the iuwaiw h twetdla-c snsoox -. aad that, tow. with rixaparalivt rapdtty. caaoM foe 4 noowal b duwbd.aad it wmxaj srrw that thi iinw h mo for W-JaiyMi aod a tiooai artioa to prvvwatldsAft-vaer iotr4a -oa o4 frthr prvad." A Uun-h, wool-vtjed 5Ute Tlightt IVm.xrrat wm in oar ofiii-w jester ly U tur the corioa plat form of the VinrioU Democrau h lid not kruw what to tblnk. Mid b b.J pli,k left opon which t. stxn.J a,J ihat wa "Nvrr to rot for a Radical Tb -Sr h.A been nghting oa thai plank m rUijoa after elect ioo aad it pro- poica lo cootinno lh 8gbU Bat wnu aoratihing rtnjogur lo tUod ro4lco. pLuk raad p of taHff.proUction, tariff rtsl action, tariff' for MfMrn KA)itAn At J T1. . . . . . I protective Unn may oe I Meon. Spirits Turpentine. Tarboro Ctuid: We brd an wtaiUfaBt ireoileauLe the river eoaM be SMtte ae4Cbe Uke year rooad f rea Tit beeo U W!Unjctoa If Jetlire wtte property plareJ. sad Uaa ft coekl be dooe for 4A0na JeoJea trrb-m tttexaptd oa a portioo of Um Htt. oat Ur were kiceted Italctgh yurmrr t JftcAanie: I hTiax dutarMl the date, The police amabMl U prrvnea doHatf JaJy Moat of ParrerTa pewirj-ct for Waae U qnlu a fair erop. lUiaaWU. dlj Jhkxm : Very Mtiitfactorv proT- aeiog made oo the foor twrka. buiidinf rotor p la the burnt .M a mrj-w a I - - mm m iim i tv I Vfe a-irtrutA a V T?iTi- hftwl & AuWStfn-' rrft(Ml at a acOval. larrt. Private Swala bore sway Uv pri. tropby-a ail rrr cop: the "Trt-? r,w wo BT or" 1 .. . ' " . few dr aro la aa effort to save a little rlrf 13 I cax old. LVat ftU overboard fro. ofaeure dci bow uzer uraocn. nr. Soobrr promptly laarped lato the wu, iMiuW Htlle rut aad .sank with her t. Us vu wry moch eihaoatcd and &ad l bm wrapped ra blaaketa to restore aim IT Mctrrdcd la aaviag the child. New Ileme Jawrnal: Mra. John W 8aae(jtfa4 aayutf ewd hr hiw- rravr I sborre ivr te a prl Uoo railut aaU rail R a brauCfui saaft cSftva feet atcH of AUeave rVn4ie rraaiba, This caark o, rrmymcwm iwmaxm mwj woo mow MharlsIToerl aal wtlj a a lasliar trtouht to Mvmmw Ittmmrn IS ihnrJ. I -Tjosv aadi w. rtaacartroro, ss u.. s71m J. Ilk agt ihlrty-eirht I mrrrw aUs m4 tee dtyi His I w1d9W V the tT sarvlvae of fcfcs famiry I kvAhtfr. fa. 'brother, ter and hmhwod I . I IJUjlon II la rumortSJ I rosoHi woeaaa by Lh4 aasn or J t - - . w . 1 1 a . ( r I ! I l- Land Uviaria I li I Waft. w. idk. ?ajwi- mII I with Ibm UNatiuo to kill ooe cnhwwl sna I A . Uttisrwl wwet tolhe . wl hr4a6uck aUr. fih iacxtiukUJr tafarnai I Mr. itaod of th aMarae of th wact. I al avbotUe foUof the wUr waa tak to UJrtr U be aaal yad. II waa aacerUla rd that ther waa arMsuc ooweb ia the butUt fall of water U kill roe bwadred par- Jsoe waa si ft wt aad takes to IU- Iricb. aal now la jaii. ltaltgb J ilr : A eolocr-d nan. saaa- ttkaers, waa killed ow tb Calraa Cratral Railroad. rar Matthewa. oo Wrdanaiay aifht laC He was strrjek hj thepiarbof tWrwrioe.faiMef to notice the emoUry sf bal fWn. Kraroey, rotimi waa acefcVUy diwwned ia the Cape Fear rtwrr. aar Haywood, oa the Slet all. lie waa a eaaa of f aaal ry, aad thought macb of fa the oMwmttaity U wbkb he reeMc jnfca Watsoa. cotorsd. waa aenoasly I ialumi ia lh fare by taw bnratier of th ryUaW et a thraahiof ovachlaa. -Capt; vnr.aun Pmith. of the Kalrigb A OaMloo rtkilrnad. has evrrvd his family, aad wtu aaaka thfe rtry bia aoeae la the future It orr4n Um. rsaidsace at the corner of ftaJmhory aad Jooea etrwta KSxatxlh ClJ KcunomUL The various onus of ptae straw has famished tmploywwaU to many prrsooa la thta asc Uoa ol ?tort2t CaroUaa aod latrodoeed new iaduatriaa. Most of our people are sway mcmtlj to the samaale. Cottage Ufa os. tike orswa, at N eg Head, arrcas to be tha favorifc war of doiag the summer aoULa-av The eoort howae, czesue oa. ihi sm?4hfy I grows aoarc. it as said by taf $10,000 will be repaired lo cxxafUi k. ooeae ooa has aaal that there Se a acttliag of one of the walla We hope act. We tudantaad the Hthing is vry ftae at ISagv Head. Tom Skiaaer caught ovrr tT htradrTd ta ooe day. Tbwwwr a violent soraado that paMrd orev the town about o clock Tues day aight that was Urrvfle. shaking the aauaa tfaUatiai hoosrs aad blowiag dowa a bkmhw ow Wstar tiwra. aol ajao a shelter of the AlbsaoarW lIooa. For a few ain vara thsr waa ieaaiat daarr of grval dtrortioa. - Cropa ia Martin are lonhiax toiVodtd. Home rottoe U as hlrb at a bms s momt. wujut m jnui au' forMartle: It If ralhcf 'dry here foi ft br ralVf dry bete for the I aM iw I Aahevtlte CiiiirA: Died, ai her I rmkjroce Lo Brevard, oa Friday mora in r. Jaly Xh Mra A kL Gash (formerly Mkee T. W. fthufeed.) In the SOU rear of her The ooly case tor the Uyor s Coist yes-Sa- brsrvea) a hoahaad aad three chit I w, lh., of Jnha nurrlm "K A bareeartieal Hatloa in coo- I acti.i with the UeocraphicaJ lepartmeot I of lb I'. S. CoaU Survey baa been rstab- I Ushed St AshCTilk. at tie house Of Mrs. I Hall, aadrr thane of Mr. Iteynolda. A statioo has,likwtae been eaUNiabod ai Mowat rWah. wkech wtn be kept open ua lil December next, and is La conncctioa with the mouotalali furrey bow being made. A coo tract baa bees catered into br the United Sutee authotiQct with Prof. a F. Vcaable. of thJa place. U cooooct the two statioae by a line of level.: Mr. II. McCraekro told aa be had on hie farm on Crabtree ovrr one haadral acrea u aad then coukl shew orchard graas I graM. btckia aiag owry tnree ineaee ottarxiw hlrb. Ia every section we hear or a urre I VJSm ia acSare. preparatory to stock- raUtog oo a largely locrrajcd scale. I - a Charlotte - Journal- Observer: I Christopher Carpenter. Zaq . om of the last landmarks of ther old citlxnuhlp of CVawlaod rownty. did Toaadar night at hM rraideace. ared M year. Mr. Carpen- ter was oanof the proeaiaeat aaea of his coooty ta tne oua um, nor Rcgwtrr of Deeds for that county Tor 23 from the Rock Ilill cot tea factory, passed I throorb the city jrnUT tort Danville, to ro to work in the factory st I that Viae;. wSre, they ear, thrv grTbotter pay. A not rroea rne ueei. iww i naantv. fsfartrMBS tfcXoo.rxt Batur- . .... . ! I The old coomaadcr r the coiapaoy. Oeo, M. W. Raasoca. wLU ba peaarai Ia deliver T. 'i.S vn Aarira devsJoped veer iuServtlle la 8anry eeuarr; 121 ttSvZZ S railed thwCrowell, and hi being worked by 1 it I Mr.K. RMcOwO;TOpfiateodct Mr EporftU and It ' wUl rtj I Blr attract' mw utUo tbere.- 'Tb ore that vu test to Baltimore f or aaea aad luca wm IDQOQ to J iciu -was hum 'picked oat, but was ntfecrcd from the pflej on ta tratam, a&a au t&e Miaaoe h eaM to; be erniaifr rich.' . : 1 ' ! KtntatM OoUIaf. ' - & P. TaTtoi 6toleo poule.'' J. C S r a ru went MckCTd, hooey, Kktim CdubIj Jostket M Ooram'rr 4rtJ We leara 4ki .Uaere is to be a rowing race t WrfWrllle Bound soon I G- neibert lAikt? ad A. JLord. I We 1e.m thst ErrtHoeeT Frincia, of tbe the stea aaer ' MXJ became I overheated a day or two aro. and has since been aofferiag very raoca from the effeets. I . , , , , " KVU www mn. ih ea a-.rt-ta fl-l .m l f-ta h V I a .a. .a, . rrr v n I IW IV I J"daJ. about 1 o cloca- Ueart disease. I A gentleman who attonded the I railroad taeetjar at Clinton ibforms us that I rvapeela 8ampo. and that a fine display I of thea can be made at the approaching Fair. The frame Work of the Ranks IIou-e oo WrigbewiUc beech, being erected for the Carolina Yacht Club, is in portion, aad the work -wtlT be" rapidly ponhed to cooiplctioo. ' Id advance of a call from a dole- I ratioo of machlsjata. aailous for In forma- i tioo teUUve to the "coovoT wheel" men I .. . , . . ' . ..... wu-J wnu iu KonfMHiMniiwana w woum say that we wrote eaMrv 3LttL "'ses u.. Tf n,mm m mmm Wllaalaiar t as4 MXiiaa'orC Isfonnaiioa U rwvtvM thmnrh . W- HI V. Ill li W W UMVUJU T' tar tfom a IUhlfov- tvani u Umn i. f-j. . Bahlmore bouse to Mratra Keftoo A Forabea. of this citv. u , j i tbe effprt that UtlW-LrM ia In nrrt on liiw I U eTPTi that LTUksflck! is to PCt oo S lior of trametv between that citv and WD mlos. aUw-o pealed tn, throof fa those geatUwxo. .to give the line every eocoorarement In order to keep it up Ooaaeetijoo by X earner with Bakisaere la a saatter of ao little importance to WU mis too. we Imagine, sod if our husineas saew resJly feel an interest hi the saaltar stow is their Urae to show it. as we are assured If ft is not properly op porlrd now, aad should be permitted 'to awjprad operatic oaee eaore, there will be oo hope of getting np a line again. .raaratake aiaauk. ! Below we give a ttatrmcnt of the foreign aiport from the port of Wilmuijrloo for 1 the raoath of July, aa compiled from the I books in the CuAtotn flouaer I valued st 30jm. SpiriU Tarpeolioe 363.047 gallons of pirita turpaalfna, valued ai tSS.914. lumber 000 fret, valued at t3.4S2. Sklagice 313,000. valued at Total oa American vessel,' tfJ.&0; on foreirn vaaacls. fldl.AS. 3rJrl total flW.- Iasw York Sure-Ifcv. llaaiel Mor Boatwrlgbl. AI fialemMJaa J bra Bellamy. Ia Bladen County Miss Kate Taylor. Ai Ithica, K.SV-Mlas Una McQuirg. At ' f aahtagtoa. D. ' a4f taV Tbredpe Sorj(Crr asMl MbW Addle Spriareft. ' At Dallimore J. JC OraaL wave wrwls raJr. W kara from Mayor Hall, who bis jat rrturord f rota rUnpwo, that the peo pi of tbatCMtaly aretakiar great in teres I La tbo pm ni J Fair of the Frutr Orowen' Asancfatioo. to be held in this city oo the 23od aod SSrd of ' Augoat, and that there will undoubtedly be a large number of peo- ptr pmrot, front' that section of the Bute. Way aro Cowrt. , - .v . ouv.vaiiwi, iiiMswiMi fighting, and that was continued far the r.-Hanta nntll this mmbP RIVKB AND VIARINE. The steamer Wat. Captain Robeson, arrived last night from Ellxabethtown. Re ports tha river still tailing. The Norwegian barque Omar Odd, CapC Torkelseo, which sailed from Rio Janeiro Jane 8th, In ballast, arrived at oatacHkieYWaTlrr. iOpe f the men' dd f tmx.whi . ftr-MB 1 eavsisi ' , . . v i twenty days out, but there has been ao sickness oo board since. At all events the iiviu W asrva. t wsioui atag Ttaww vessel will be detained at- quarantine until J1 danger (If there is any) ia passed, n. The steamer Arrtt &U CapL Oreen, arrived here yeaVrdav. being Ous flxst Fay- ettevUle boat here h serend dsy. "Cap. n v.. K. rs.a w-rth f " ' , ' " minnnn anln nntll he Jiears from him at FayrUevinc Ia the meeatlme. however, ,7, , , . thw AWtA As, wiii make a trip to "The uypresa vttta a.qaanuty.oi jret4u L,M ltrtTtt1.u'trtlnra "and Wadden's . ... . Tbe Cypreaa. for Waddeli Ferry, seven fii ior$3&&aim. ten or twelve milee above, will be left at 'The Cpr aawltlkperw notified by letrr from the agents here to call and get their goc Tb. river was atia : faHTag U lart accent: ' J 1! il. jriLZZIJi GTOJW A.lf CZJIfTOW t ike Cllateai Point Cairtrell: Tk aoniaal meeting of the stockholders of the Cllotoa and Point Caswell Railroad Oooipeur was held at Clintoo on WeAbee-i Buy list; ' Pretident F. W. Kercbner io the chair. Oh motion, committee, consisting of ! Hoo-.A, A. McKoy,: A. " Adrian and H. J. Peteraon, waa appointed to select a Board of Directors and report the names of the same to the meeting. The committee ro - Ured, aaq durisflr LMir absence Mayor E. D. iiaU,of this city, who was present, waa II. J j J J I i s I haadaoene speech. adroUng the speedy j rag the Importance of direct communica J tioa Wllmingtoo. He also took ad j tbe-opportnnity, ; l.Hf course j 01 nw aaven xo tne approacn- I W FntirTWr ' In Wilmington and.urge I opw ae ciuzens oi txunpaon w iw preaea. I with their fruit for exhibition. V . I 1 - ' . l : . j conunendipg . the following to constitute I Directorg nd the same was I adopted by the meeUar: I F. W. Kerch oer. Jas. C. Stevenson, A I bfld. R W. Hicks, John D. Kerr, M. C. I Petuaoa, K. T. Boyken, C. Patrick, W. A Jehneoo. J. A Ferrell. M. O. Killett Capt R. P: Paddison, being a contractor, declined to allow his name to be used for re-election opdn the Board. After the return of the committee Judge Jse&.oy was caiiea out ana maae a stirring m s . 1. -j ..k i- k.v.uVi ,- -zzrA -a -t. - .v j urgently appealed to the people to build it. I at the same time abowisr the necessity of I such cceasMwkatkn with. Wnminjrtoo' and I . , , , , " 1 wo lUTBOtana wwcu were tun; w nuiiuw I socn eonnecuoo, eou io sae peopie ot tvh - I mlnrton and of 8amtMon county. I ... a.,- I ... j was rt and aprjrored. 1 A report of the progrese made in grading I was made by Ihe ebglneeT and waa pro- " " " I as made by the engineer and waa pro- i , . . ,t i. .. ' "wuwu cr7 Alter the adiournment 01 the meeunc or stockholders the newly elected Board of Directors met sod re-elected F. W. Kerch- ner. as President. On Thursday the President and Board of Directors visited the work, examined the rradinc aad. were highly pleased with the progress thus far made. A qsiwlis BaatM. The follow iac oerrespoo dence settles a qweatioo that: baa- canned oo little talk in the community: Col B R Moore, SoUritor, dec. : 8ra Ln the official list of the Justices of the Peace for WHminrton township sent to me by the Secretary of State the name clericA CTTOr aidthat Mr. A. David, of this city, was the one interested, I address- d a communication to the Secretary of the list he sent me was a "true copy, sent dbwn to him by the Clerk of the General Assembly, and that be had no authority to vary from it. I then sent notices to ail the Justices to sppear before me and qual ify according to law, and the sheriff returns in said notices "A Davis not to be found in my county." I would like to know that ir in your opinion a vacancy exists. Respectfully, 8. VanAmringk, Clerk of the Superior Court. WruanidToit. N. C. Aur. 2, 1883. & VanAmringt Eq., Clerk of the Superior LourU Sir: In reply to your communi cation of the 1st inst.. I have the honor to give you' the opinion, from the facts set forth, that there is a vscancy in toe otuce of one of the number of the Justices of the Peace for the city of Wilminfton. Granting for the sake of the argument that the General Assembly intended to elect the person whose name was sent up for that posit ioo by gentlemen whose preference the Legislature wished to conform to, and that the name of A David was so sent up, roii have the authority of the Secretary of State, that A. David was not elected.but that A. Datu was elected. And then you have the official return of the sheriff of your county upon the back of your return sent out according to law to A. Davis, that no such person can be found in the county. And if such a person could be found, I do not think, under the facts in the case, that he should be allowed to qualify, inasmuch as it can scarcely be contended that the Legislature iotended to elect "A. Davi." Respectfully. fcc-, B. R. Moore. Catawba Cannty aad the Frnlt Fair Capt. R P. Paddison informs us that he got a letter from the Messrs. Hall - Bros., of Hickory, a day or so ago, in which they say that tbey intend to work np Catawba county and see that she is well represented at the approaching Fruit Fidr. Persewals. - Rev. -Dr. Carmichael. Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, is now stopping at Miss mil's, 24 N. Second street, where he will remain until the fall. . Quarterly JtleeUnga. Third Round for the "Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church, South1: Ookesbury, at Bethany, Apgust 4th and Ulh. BJaden. August 11th and 12th. Clinton, at Goshen. August 18th and 19th. Elizabeth, August 25th and 26th, Wbiteville, August 25th and 26th. ' Point CaswelL at Point Caswell, August 18th and 19th. Waccamaw Mission, Sept. 1st and 2nd Fair Bluff Mission. Sept 8th and 9th. EObT. 0. Burton, P. E. How to Or Birr. Expose yourself dry aad night, eat too much without exer- riae. work too hard without rest, doctor all the time, take all the vile nostrums adver tised, and then yon will want to know How to Get WrxL.--Which is answer ed in three wordaTak HoprItters I f WwiBMMBfpjrrttw,. S. ArT. COTTON-BEI.7 tiVS.1 August 3, li prater Disxbicts. WiTmlnrton ' CSxarleston. . 'A n nnnta ' I Sarannah' 1 1 Atlanta I Montgomery . ;j jeyr Orleans I Oalyeston. Vicksburg I JJiVMts j.mjv.. . Memphis , , Weatlier Indleettone., . t . The following are the indications for to For the Middle Atlantic States, gener ally fair weather, with cooler ' north Wefete ly winds and rising, barometer. 1 For the .SduthTAlTantic States, fair wea- i ther, variable winds, with rising barometer j I r ! For the Golf States, winds mostly south westerly, fair weather, .with, stationary or rising barometer and nearly stationary tem perature. For Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, fair weather in the Ohio Valley, with part ly cloudy weather and local-rains in Ten-! nesflee; winds. mostly southerly, with rising uarometer ana Siauooary or, jower tempera- ture. miseries of flloaitlto Time., I 3 . a - m. j 1 V . m. I j sou put mosi peopre m a nervous irigui. ; 1 Their tails they stick with doisouous prick . chiidr.o flh -n(1 mfcV. fhPm ink. Oft buzzing wing the insects' sing, 'beforo in- I J serting their wicked sting. Victims com-' .1 P""? 01 uruei P"5. anu wuuiu rauier uui .1 be bitten again. The pain to stop, ' apply i H nr PMH)T ntVT'fi Path TTttt wr ' b irom tne aruggisvs snop. t 1 XHBi ISAKLS. The malls close and arrive at the City. Post . Office as follows: I Northern through. mails, fast ,1 lJOJV. I Northern through .mails, fast.......... 7:15, P. M. I nunoem uuuuku buu wtur uuub .-. o:wa.jb.. Ralehrb.u. ..'.... . .. ..6.-1ST. M. 5M0AM i v.. uaunjaan aim ; A. A N. O. Railroad, at .8 P. M. A 5:40 A. M. Bontnern mans ror ail pomia eouxn. daily....-...;.'... i &00 P.M. Western mails (C C. Railway( ,dailv (except Sunday) 0:15 P.M. All points between Hamlet and Ealeieh 0:15 P. M. Mail for Che raw and Darlington Raii- IVWI......U.... --l. . CJ .W i . JB.. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston i... MJ....: -.1.. 8:00 P.M. TQ xtI t otHI lo A nrl aAIam nn Parw aa-i River, Tuesdays aiid maays law i.aa. Fayettevule, via Lnmberton. daily,-ex-ceDt Sundavs 6:15 P.M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices Tuesdavs and Fridays 6O0 A. M. Smith vule mails, by -steamboat, daiy (exesnt Bandars) 8:30 A M. Halls torKasy am. Town creeK, nai- lotte and Little River, Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00 a. M Wrightsville daily at 7 . . 8,3o A. M OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ' " Northern thro' and way mails 7:30 A. M- Southern mails 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 9:00 A. M. Malls couoeted ntm street - toxes from busi- ; nesa oortion of citv at 5 A.M.. 11:30 A.M. and 5:30 P.M.r from other parts of the city at 5 P.M. General delivery; opea from 7 A.M. to 7.30 P.M., and on Sundays from 6:30 to 9:30 A. M. i ! o j, r :' h.oA il varnemuoHyerjuu uu ouiusr wiu w 930 A.M. Stamps for sale in small quantities at genera delivery when stamp office is closed. Stamp Onloe open from 8 A. M. to IS M.. and from to 5 JO P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office , CITY ITEIffS PERSONAL 1 TO MEN ONLY 1 Tax Voltaic Bsxt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dtx's CaLaaaarsn Exjotbo-Voivtaio Belts axp . Exxo raio ArruAJvcas on trial for thirty days to men ; (young or old) who are afflicted with Nervoas DebUity, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind of troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete re storation of health and manly vigor. Address as : above.' N. B. No risk is Incurred, as thirty days , trial is allowed. ' "J ; MOTHERS 1 MOTHERS 1 MOTHERS i Are ! you disturbed at mght and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crvinr with the excru ciating pain of cuttjng teeth ? If so, go at once J ana get a oottie or suw. wiJNHjLUW swiu ING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor Jittle suf ferer immediately depend upon it ; there is no mistake aboat it.- -There IS hot a mother on earth who has ever used it who will not tell you at onoe ' that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother, and .relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use ' ln all caaeai and pleasant to the tastei and is the 1 prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents, a botUe. , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Stolen, ON THE NIGHT OF THE ND INST.. FROM the subscriber, at Catherine Lake, one MARE MULE very dark bay, has white patches of hair under collar and on back; has very large hoofs, and is. about 14 years old. A suitable re ward will be paid for her recovery, or for infor- mation leading thereto. ';.- . aug 4 lt , S. B. TAYLOR, Notice. rrns ANNUAL MEETING OF .THE JUSTICES JL OF THE PEACE and ! the COUNTY. COMMIS-1 SIONERS for NEW HANOVER COUKTY. for the il purpose of Levying Taxes and transacting such other Dnsiness'as'ina be broughi before them, will be held at the COURT HOUSE, on MONDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1883. at 10 o'clock A. M. . JOHN COWAN, aug 4 It' ' 1 Secretary. To-Day, QOME. LOOK AT OUR 'AND ASK PRICES. 'MUNSON. ' aug 4 It Ifarine & Spy Glasses. A KEW ASSORTMENT, Jrk. i. u , . . received at' ': . r 1. 1 HElNSRERGEfi'S. i A SedondHan:d VrODEBN STYLE, 7-OCTA VE, CARVED LBQ9. in perfect' oraer, will; be sold cheap 'to make -. i ' f . i . . ' ..... .: room for new ones. Here is .a Bargahx. ' 1 . , . ' "tCag A if - i4ve fecikaSSMusto Stores.' AViUtA.UK ( - ! f: ' " ,f Max. i- Mini -Raia Tempr !Temp; Fatt I .. 95 .. 94 ..'u73' 09 ' i 96 73 4 u .01' ! ( .. i.Sa- 68 . . j05 i . ; 95: . 73 .02 j W -71 -J--07'" ! .95 ' ; 78 ...00 . i 100 73 .00 I -96 75 .00 , . 89 68 .11 86' 68l f .00 1 ADVERtlSEMfiNTS. : ' iliTf I.:. j ill i 1 NSW MACKEREL. NO-1, 2 and 3, ; V'-'. u .. '., ,.;' : . - , At Retail, and la Bait BUs and Kitts ) ilf.f .if ; ; ... Jt!.i .11 . M . OSB BBU. 8TKAINES) CLEAR nOSKY, flirecti f from the farm In DnpHn countFt for sale by; ..- tbexaUoior lew. j y.oftwant gropd; IJo 40 I Bbis SUQ!ARS, bought very low, and 'for sale likewise, all grades, i. . ; :, l - t. COFFEES Boasted Pally,, foa: sale. Wholesale and' i- f RetalL f ,j. 300 Lbs Choice "North Carolina HAM'S,' g BWs.naU PIG HAMS , . " PMeoa Xarfeet Bf , tent, BMt i)I Bacon Strips and Shoulders. , i -iti u. . ; aug 4 tf J. C, STEVENSON, REAL ESTAfE, STOmBflN&Ci, SOLD IN FRONT OF TCOURT boTrsbfl ( ' VEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN1 TlltS BfersiNES'S JL , warrant me in asking thn nnbliVv fnr a -libe-: i.iil s, .YANAapwctwi Auctioneer. Jy 28 oaw4w sat nac Review and Pofeeopy. Dividend Notice. U). j rjHE DIRECTORS OF THE. BANK OF. NEW I HANOVER have declared a Seml-Annnal DW-' rtend of FOUR PER CtNT:, payable on the 8th instant, to Stockholders of record of this date. S. D. WALLACE, Cashier. JulyS, 1S83.: ., augSat, Lime ! Lime ! : 'AKUO FKKSH NO. l ROCKLAND j LIME, NOW LANDtNG, For sale by E. G. BARKER Si CO. uLl. aug 3 3t Notice. n rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PURCHASED JL the Schooner CHARLBS THOMAS, herebj notify all persons having claims against said Yes by atji, :mi vceseiu ukui . wiiuui juo um ureuricu by law. or this notice will be nleaded in bar of their recovery. . , HANS A. KDRB...,. I aug 3 Wt HARRY H. K BARGAINS! W5 HAVE A LOT OF BANISTER A TICHE NOR'S LOW-CUT SHOES ! worth $6.00, which we will sell at $3.50 for the ti . - -1 . i: !.: iii i.i . NEXT SIXTY DAYS. .Every pair warranted Hand-Sewed. Call and get a pair. A. SHRIEK, 1 i 108 Market St.' ' aug 8 tf Run On New Neckwear, j XI7E HAVE Ji;ST RECEIVED THE LARGEST T T LINE of GENTS' NECKWEAR ! ever in the city, consisting . of CLUB-HOUSE i jmvq wiwnv rnwiiro Dniwfiim onnna DTnnu i . i , NOVELTIES, Ac. These Goods we are selling'! 1. iJ-t" r I lower than they have ever been offered. Pique Flats, 12c each. : ; - Winsor Scarf, elegant, 34c each. Nobby Polka Dot Ties, 24c each. ; Beautiful -Pengees, ;. . SOc worth $1.00. j And numbers iof other. Styles at VERY! LOW PRICES. j JOHN JDYEK & SON, i augS tf ; Tailors and Haberdashers SKINS, HARNESS LEATHER, ENAMELED j -Leather.and Carriaeceaaargies.PheetonsJtoad Wagons, Trunks, Bags, Satchels, Shawl Straps, ' Trunk straps, Saddles, Harness and Plantation, Goods lower than ever at' McDOUGAL & BOWDEN S. jy 29 tf 114 North Front St. STEAW HARRISON ALLEN, ff ii., ,u. x ( tuattera, 1v 29 tf Scliool. Books. TTVEPOSITORY FOR SCHOOL BOOKS ADOPTED I i a. t ci a j. n . j aj -n j ai t dit to "into School Stationerv of all kinds. Oreans and I Pianos sold to schools and churches at greatly I reduced prices, and on easy installments. ; , n. v, iirf;;tifiS. I New Arrivals. AVERY FINE LOT OF HARD RUBBER AND i .w . . w .1 a 3 .1 1 .i ra. JNicaei jaountea namess auu jsauuiea. aiso Trunks, Travelling Bags and everything usually I kept by First-aass Saddlery and Harness sept dv jfirst-uiass saaaiery ana Harness justao- i iiafimmta.. Call at the Old Standi Front street I li next to Jacobi's Hardware Store. Goods sold at I bottom prices. j. h. mallIrd; j jy 29 tf t , Brown Gins, j "ly E ARE; NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR THE celebrated Brown Cotton Gin for early delivery. Also the Cone Cotton Presses. Send in orders at oncedon't delay. -r n . . WM. E. SPRINGER ft CO., 1y29tf Suocessors to John Dawson A Or ' . .. ... - -,.- - .. j D. A. Smith. rpHE MAMMOTH FURNITURE WARE ROOMS ' of P A Smith have been refilled to their fullest capacity with a full stock of Furniture of every description. Call and examine prices, Ac. i - 1 . 1WI A. M V. .4. .ann. UierEoolam Ul aiii GMe'iiis.'Co. '! ! .: t l !i;!l .,!-, ) - . S . FAYS ALL ITS LOSSES (WHETHER LARGE j- ir M M . I - ; '!. ! ! ,, - or emall) immediately on receipt of proofs, with- tii. iv.- .- .' ; i i .;.!. . , . out discount.: . it'- au-t, ,1 i ' . - ? ; JNQ. Wi ; qORDOl!! A BEO, Agent ; Jif29$f ' -'?- ; llf Mbrthr Water St ' ' - - ' ' rl; ! i r mi Hiii j.'. i i JH)R SUMMER WEAIlCN-o . f, . , Gauze Undershirts (fromraso to S1-C0.) ' La Trtderweartvery;oooL) . ' , Open work Knit Vndershirts. 1 ' Jeans; Nainsook and LlRht Snmnier Mcilno Drawers: ' . Bioyole and Flannel Shirts all color ami h sdes j of white, blue, rraen, brown and bronze. ' " Percale, Penarr and Cheviot Shirts, warranted notjto thoW dirt for a week. Prices ranfrlnir from 6Coto$2.00t. : i i- - .. r- Socks, all shades of Shrimp Ptaik, Cronhed : Strawberry and Gendarme Blue; alo quloter and ' sober colors for those preferring thorn. A full lino of , every thinir oool and thin for Southern Summer wear. Get a Sicilian Coat and be'booL For -sale only at s A. DAV1D' P. a Large lot of Pearl Shirts Just m. Jy29 tf " - "i" Closing Out Prices! QN ALL SUMMER GOODS. WK EltOPQSE making-Such reduetioBs, commencing Monday, as will make it an object to shopper. IN WHITE GOODS Some real btrirains lunt in .today... t JERSETS AGAIN MONDAY In stzci 39 tn 1 Colors and Black. FANCY MATTINGS ore scllincr very cheap, (in ahia jron will afrree with us), and the tylex are 'good. V ' . ; . " It, BI. McINTIIH.. !''' ;Sug Coffee, Flour. r" ' 'ISO E1?ned BuaARS. a" frades. i 500 8acks cholco RI cofficb- 1 1000 BWs FL0CB' aUffrade For sale low by jy 29tf G. W. WILLIAMS A ,V 'f rrr. 1 " Corn, Bacon, Lard. JgQQ Bash Prime WhRe CORN,, " 100 150X68 s aad fitaG" c R slDEs- H nr Tubs and Buckets LAJtD, f ' f I J ' . ' 1 For saie ioWbys ' ' Jy 30 tf G. W. WILLIAMS A OO. I " Salt Salt. Salt. 7KA Hacks Liverpool salt. i j . . it . . . j In Striped Sacks, 150, 180, aooi. , , . For sale low by . a. w. williams i cur Jy29tf i it&ils, ffbbp-Ironv dliie. ... . ' Alt najls . - IQfjQ'BHindles'flbOPIRON, "? ' BblsDlStillcrfl GLUB, ' " i For sale lowby ' jy ?9 tf G. W. WILLIAMS A XX ' Drive Wells! c HEAP PERMANENT WATER SVPn.Y. , They never dry up and cost less than open Wcllfl. uan oe pui aown anywnoro. rno pkiii rr-quiivu. , 7. M. KING & CO., 'SMe Agents "Defiance" Ranges and '"Farmer Girl" Cook Stove. - Jy 20 tf Bock Liine, TJtOR BUILDING PURPOSES. X1 FRESnLY BURNED PRICE REDUCED TO f 1.15 PER -AtSK. I .LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR LARGE. LOTH AND TO THE TRADE. Address ' FRENCH BROS., Rocky Point. N. C. or O. G. 1'AKHL.EY, Jr., 4p i tf en to fr Wilmington, N. C Well! AXTELL, IF YOU WANT A DRIVE WELL I VV PUMP, that brings WAtcr pore a UMP, that brings water pore and fresh from untainted waters below, come to ns. Those Kaxrmji.uaTUa iinataTepronouncca trc nest: we are Just in recoiDt of our third sh nmcnt. Call ana see mem. PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. 23 South Front fit. Jy29tf NORTHERN (FIRE) ASSURANCE CO. OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. Assets $14,286,900 00. The full deposit of f 10,000 has been made with the Treasurer of North Carolina for th security of Policy Holders in thiH State. M. 8. WILLARD, Jy20tf General Agent. Appolinaris Water. THOSE WHO ARK FOND OF A PPOJ.INA Rlfl WATER, oan now get this Healthy and (Pool ing Medicinal Water by the Glass. Also Vichy, ' Saratoga. Kessingen. eeltzor mid other Mineral Waters for preventing fevers-and aiding diges tion during the ,hjt .weather. For sale by F. Ml AGOSTINT, ' At ti. G. NORTH ItOP'B Jy2itf Frnlt ami Cnf!l.Uirirv Btorw . More Bargains. WB STILl1 9AVE A FKW Tn0SK 8KKB "T GOODS, for MISSES and LADIES, which wo are UiBK for 1.00 and fl.23; and now add a line of il IXrfc SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN, which we pro- . ;!!. -.Si. . .i . ! . ' ' pose to close at less than cost of manufacture. n-n v.nn. , 4 n v eu e I40 K ffroriPh rV. KATia " vvr vvr 108 N0RTH fkONT STREET. tt-t- :.. . ADRIAN & V0LLERS OFFER FOR SALE ij Hhds New Crop Cuba MOLASSES, FJQ Hhds Porto Uico MOLASSES, CA Bbil N. 0. MOLASSES, UJ different grades. 2 Bbls SYRUP, 2QQ Bags COFFEE, Rio, Lagurra and Java, OKfi BW SUGAR, all grades. 250 Bo5es bbl9 cracker-' and CAKES. O A Flrkms and Tubs BUTTER, 0J ,'. . ' Tos best refined LARD, Q Cases bestrefi ned LARD in Tins, ( ' 2)Q Paus ana T008 0684 refined LARD, 1250 IOUR' 'rom 8uPer "ancy. JQQ Bbls Irish POTATOES, 4 J2 Bbls TURNIPS, 200 00X68 TOBACC0, aU ff0"' JQ Thousand CIGARS, " RICE, SALT, SOAP, Ao., Ao. ap 8 tf -it v

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