nt itxno sta, ? 5y ,r- tt in.n at binol aUfiT.eav. afr. 1 W T"1! w ata aaoata. mJ uaarbwa. ar wAarrMtaar a UM V TH WSXXtr 9TAll D4&aM&4 aornif M It Ml pmw orni M ft HI 9 VmT. It m ft MLS m Jar. at : Ivi rv It tiiUmiiH tu da : two mnath IITH; tbrmm watta &J 1 ia not, M rat iilt tot Ok. Ttt rn f ui4 XoaoaraiX irve. aaaAa m iQ&arai aa MMHMlt a FaChra2. B2a riAUi StMtoCf Kaaiica. fuUtaW Mm jTV A.'.. will toav4 rcaiar aUrarUaiaa? i tiM tif tmt tmrnrikm. matt tl mnt ar m tea tu tMoiwrmt ijurujMjiirui. rw- irt. itro itnta at diTr rtv .... i., Tk.k. a ir -mi nwnary mm n w umij mn ( ui tw triciT Q Jnv At ua NiM wia. mVrrT Z iT vMtJ pbaoav wttt 6 STm y tmrtlmtmtmtji am waia o pu4m1 Mtnlt nt. At Um avUn of tAo 96t1nlkP. tva4 arawt I vr.'Mimnta" wlli to c&rrl 1-tT pr oA- .r.r-w .lmrtltmnntntm tllamat!&n4 krr tSm tmm .nr.ivi-eMl 5r atn4. afiUMTt trMlaa tr aw? o -4.'ib.rfeau ... i;J taimamiiiiwntj tml wwnmiiwiiiliflixa or n.uii.if-o Ar tdM, fwctw b atmgm e i rait tan' twit nft or uuuvi m im W14 P VMTiwa as rf lunate ftr trvaNixn Ut C.immnnfitveioatv matm th-T uatai taapur nt mm w or lilm-uMM br'mety ani rport-r J-tai r raU tuteroMt. r ait vtMMl j lint, if aNMD hi in avwrr osAor vtf. Ukttr will EtfrmrUkAiT W ItaNnlttADi'mt nitMt V BXjJo hr cws. rwv or fa KoawAorW PtI M.uto OtiNr. aUpraw LottMr iWf wmiA roaaitfami will ho ( tlkat uf t!W paoilNlk.tr. dmtmtt aUortlMMra will oa ftuuv4 lo at mmI t&Mtr 9mm or ttlnftlw ajir tfta Ibrtlca to tJMir tHr'r pwftiiiiai wtr.fa atr aanrr al Atrt!iwira htii awra tpmsltj tA Saraa or WMina t&o? t-mirm k aUm-tlMaa tiv Star ao b ' itAiiMit UN a4rraNimoa. will bw tamrtod CAwDMUf. Woraan aJrvrUMot nttwu fir tftt 94pnr to ft to kina tfnrlhrf Uom Si atvnIMtttat lit tn. Uwt ftoarMu wUi ooUt mmvinMTti Ar UUt tnoilliaaT of tA par to aia a- The Morninp; Star. Hy WILL! ITS IL. HKRSAttD. WILXIXQTOX, X. C. FiiiotT K.Timti, Artiir 3, 1SS3.' KVKNLNG EDITION. JMM1tt.ln tn CiKKStAL A!St THR riH M riTKtLiB. In th. diConsl on "JoarnalUm" in yrtrday's Srk our train of r r!.--tin ww Ui.irto! by on of oar t-t Virm. trh-n:tr. Th le- tcrihar; In-far Aftl i n-t an or- in bu'. iVmoiTitw P-Pf that 1 toy! t tb p-ph of Virginia and it. own lonn ifinY. Iwvfcrrtn to tt. n 4it---s?, it rf-ntlT .id Th ptH'yi ill -tppnet-utitx ti -uits Ap lfii w4-nmm Ihr-y Itnuv t&At it t inlaj i-U t ul .rt4nt imi ti.ti ymMmt ftr U t:nt if (turtle 4). Thwf know. t. ULat w t tht-m th- rrry brC ttrmwtMHp ia.t our fMtoun'CJ . iXinl, ! tai w il Lhry l Ln Uwr iff ur candxl pa- p-'ft thfj will b niorv hi ijhly vaI"eL Yltm Sr not indrprndne io poll fi. s tf omwli.n ptrn to lavlrpnd ii. -w m it. dI-H'u!t)n.4. Th Hraa w i f.horaM'fi I Vmo-rti- p.ipx'T, op j.trt.nf th (i HtlttnwHt.ti yr'iys f' th- lVm.H-raf.u- prty, not as at 1 'i-r.h by rtinwrntion.'t ni vi op of ill .rt, lut a. forruulatr by th t pn-nf.. '( I -m-r v-j n-l as d-;iv-fi-.l ui Nrt'Sr ')0 vrntioria. It tmt pin Lt on a t th '( vrwf nl otln-fwi.'t' homo poli-tn-i.tn. It n.t pilot it.aclf oo f.ii U.wty and provincial anJ -tion- ii ju. Im-'nf.s of l.x-al poht-tan rv.p tri thtttr Si.tU and do n.if. rt";ird th.i itit-r--t. of th jjrrat i- trty thrttt;rlouf. tin? I'oioo. It do ii.. f. pport a pi ink m a Mat pUt- f ra hn that plank ia tuad oat of .J-.-avl -r ni- moik.1 timber, or h-n it mtaitoi4 tho party almoat 'vrywhr byond th Stat. 'Hie Sra a "-i,tpr, di-usniii j at will politi.-, . -i-n-ar. rvhion, litrra- titrv, c-'i'l'-'ir.ion. lmn!tnr mann- f Ic-tiifM, in. I auch other things aa I I ar ait riv- v an-ty ami mtrt to ita l'"ll,n,n' Almoiat rary wrk w re- ,vn" I'U.-r 'mm mn of rdacaUoo m th.a and othr Stat-a rnoara- vith kind and apprvciativ I v '!. A fw dava . ao th mail j bi-ht 14 a Utur fr.ma a V(rgiria iu littl whip and bring railing ao-iaL-ai uwhor tprna-.in hia in- rasations. If it ha. any eooaeienee iwt tnd ;ratru-tn at our rdtto it hoold b abame of itself. rial tltm-uMaton Two waka agii w I h.vanl t'roni d RatiOai.ahl Pro f.-sr-a m a Socth Taroiina on.i ,)( tlw:m with acarrelr an I d -- "r worua ar tiw full of kinin. t tt.r I .....I... - a. a . UIJ ua to thiak of reproducing thstn. ThH thn h. tp. Th-y r Tia fron h.ta-toiaO, htjrhly rda.trd txm , f who love the trnth, who !! m raa.lor and tn--rity. nd who I,k- ..-.rrWy nf topi.-ia in joarnaluam. TheSraat nt pxmo.ltc. V jrive h.6 th- .am, mo.ant of t.. .n.vrrydaj alt th yrar rftd. W avrrar- na,r than .iirhu-n c. ttmN of 'i'ruU aa.rj ,jiy, and not for a .hort tina. but for y ThU of wvk UtU, M w U ahtadant v vin- W arcr uk oar . oonUmporav x to Uk for tha nana in which I I 4 1 thseccaJact i .v. WMU aw ma his ovi It U boo of' Wr bonnoJst, lUSrft d cot intermeddle or Tolantcr Sm! rice. - The-JStaw -H omV" f rortd in thi wy.; , Wvphlih 311 daily copies each 4 yrir. 5rloJ thooaaad I editorials, long and short, each j cat, and apoa maumc rahW topic. We do not i auppoae that all of these thousands of article plea every reader. We would be trrcaUr sarvnsed if an? one person liked all. lint we give a variety. i aiwi mh i &ir-mi nam reauer wm i . . . . . . - f ehocxK' that which pleases aim. Wo I attesid strictly to onr own oihee and do not prr.ame to impertinently die- Ute to other editors what they shall write. The way to make a good, pa per is to work and to confine your oversight at home. We have known men to make fortunes by attending to their own business. We, could make sougvutions or find fault with a. i I the management of exchange," but I we have never preuiivel to surest I r J cbineesi. much le to claim to know i -r- - mor ,,tinS lh,,r PP than Uy uo toensMiTe. r.vcry goou papvr baj an individuality. Kverj capable alitor hx views of bis own as to the conducting of a public newspa per. No outsiders have any right to interfere in any way with the roan afmnt. If a subscriber doe not like it then it It his privilege lo qnit and it bett trrt th? shemld be done than for him to hold on an)l vex hi sinful soul with corses. The Star is not poblished in the right section to be indejendent, even if it dtirrd to be entirely non par tisan. The condition of tho South is peculiar. The while men must hold toijetht-r. Their interests will be in constant jeopardy unle they do thu. The Star is, therefore," neceiarially U toon extent partisan. It stands by the Democratic party. , .. . , J bat it reserve tb right to enticise j . .. . iu ra-virew of pabtic pltcy wbvn it regmnln them a imprudent or un- w, it rnnA tnrriiir tiM nnnMi . , I , roovictionta W a nal-e of ohticians I who run a convention and generally and particularly in their own in terrL V clw by an extract from an editorial in the ablr-st Republican pa pr discussing in its i.iue of the lt tost, the Ilepublican thieves The New York 71m? says: "TWir WJr of aa orrta U tx-wj paper that ailarat abrwit Um r-raia ia iU oD party, txit prrpwtualljr brUhon the IVra ocru. As tot Mm TiK . it a U piik3 iaif rvCi-rr W0ra thta a Data ocriic tUkf. No. the Has is .t . t, .n ,k .Tt u belurvra ia turoiojc the ra.arl ouk but it ill not bm I a? orrta of any prtf . nor of Lawwa, bj or bttJc. nr of ctrprli-a oor of moooprMtja. "' If it had ben an "orin" it would never have written that paragrapn. 1 Th rrai- of or ana . rea.Iy-made. It m t!i nr! of the psrty altunetl to pra--. TSSIC RALKIaiM OHOAS1. TTi orjn at lialrth w "cheeky. It will not imarrr ou r qqrationa and i; ha th impndtme Io turn around and ak with th antp of its ringer and th crark of its little whip a jaei'.i o of th Sraa. Here jl ia: '" i& Sraa propi1 in rul faith to ab.S ty Um actioo of th 8taX Coorrw lka of th lVm.-)rrtic Cooarrratlrr party. aU to Mppct pi l form aal ikthra Imo or prtariplna auoplru by that coavvo out rxnm'ot or ttpUaalion lt Im aaawrr b yr-a or nay. wiu Now th dillrreocr U'twrra an or- gaa aad an iiulp;nd-nl I-m.vi-ratic- papr may b sn jot hrre. The oran dar not answrr our .jucslion and w triS answer its ne-ation. Th SraK Has aalft'and again lc i.nw.tlktl il will mnnnskr iK. ,.nm,i. hsm of the Democratic nartr if thev I r J J are hont, trnatworthy men. The organ know thi. and it knovn too that the Sra can b trusted when il taya it will do A. hn vr sin- no t.wW aiMv Vrra.wii. a.n.1 ik , - r oran know a it. But atitl it eracks The Sra wi& h,X. any de claration or maolotion that drelae? in fav r of free whiskey and free to- in. A.. r'.iK.vn .Wn wa , rii,iri. IUe organ dare 4 ... i i n. i m,ij iirrty a anA caiiaiicaiiy i " that it wilt da to. n Sraa is opfK)d to a tare! I Ux op the a-ea-rve-a or life, whUit I I ta,mg aaci, anperlaUva Iazanes a whr-aey an. Wee and wine ami I toba- co. If that' treason th mak the moat of iL I ve v . I We have noi tsllte.1 in six months witH W 1 I w HOMcntamn tne . ua-aae between the laturieaand necei- ,7 ariaw that do, not indor. tba poai- lwn of he liTaa. Crack yoar whip Mr. (W&& Orln.Ior imin .- yoar wbip 1 1..,-- ii , I ia Miuwcr gn ana see I . ' - w aawM W PVV I bat it U-fraid to answer. We would I ask it tKkTT y f-idWcovLf will the orgahMajahouti - 'X it f Will it kick ? Senator "Morean. of Alabama, think Mclionald a.re'fawieio iU Stb. I lg in 'doiwilwiitrwger to-day thanianjrtothtj"mafi. " Hut if. Mr. Tilden fbould pf for ilia nomi nation this may not be the case with cDnaf d4 fn' issV.' " Senator Morgan has a good opinion of him, and says: "His course hM always been a consistent oae sad his Democracy Is unquestioned. , what we need Is a man wbo u possessed of sound doctrines and honest cooTkUons of duty sod who will lire up to his convic tion. This is undoubtedly the case with Mi. McDooeld. lie is a food, safe man to llcQOmia He does not think that the Sonth, regards with much fafor the idea of nominating Tildcn and Hendricks. Wo do not know how it is elsewhere, bat we hear it said frequently in Wil mington "I believe that Tildcn is" our slrongvut man, and Unit hi nom ination will be equivalent to an elec- I n I lion. Do not understand the Star lobe advocating "tho old ticket." Tho StaR ja a Hwpapr There hare been eight shoo fail ures in Boston within a few days. Although the bounty paid the M.v aehosetts manufactorvsrs under the present exhorbitant and unjust tariff is v,rv hirrh. it is not hi Mi enough it j ---o o o , iceiiiA. to kwn the bio- shoe luaker seems, to Keep tue uig suae inaiters from "busting. A pair of shoes that can t booght in Kngland, and C niAm sf l,nfr rrt.lial ,1 K, fr ... , T -, n 111 uuaj ij 'Uuuuir tuv lrni ted States. Kvery timea" father shoes his wife and children bo is paying a tax to New England man ufacturers of from SO to 100 per cent. And still the cormorants are not satisfied. Here is the jay a Protectionist re gards the Virginia platform as to taxing luxuries. The Augusta Chrom- rr uw 0 ic iuica uomtmr enooacs tue tr- riou umornuc iniu urm u in ins suuir ..m r.r tt ni UVI XIOMD I affJIlDa Till lUl&d DT IQU tX 1- B.u 7 i cy. m ml l&u outdi u in u cdu o ute frra Iratle lunacy in "North Carolina. TA a-ii rwiu . - t)f course it will. ipe out one i .a and tbe other w ill be suns to starnl. I HeUh! The Anton 7Tnwj u informed that J in the 6th question tho word icta riss was intended and th word Itue urids wa. an error. The whole con text. tnd acopc of the question show thea. CURRENT COMMENT. On tho lower ground of ex pediency, the proposition to shirk the tariff iane is foolish. A tariff for revenue i a part of the Iemocratic party, and one of tlie corner alone f foundation, visibly inoorpora- tel in its entire fabric We can not separate the party from it in the public mind except by distinct, reite rated repudiation and abandonment platform and oor campaign speeches, will deceive nobody and lose the I mfidence of tho who believe that . .a a. V T . I eratic nartr id the nartv of tAriff.for. 1 revenue, or forsake his opposition to 1 it becaose its nlatform is iflent alKt tbe tariff. We will gain no friends by sach an omisaion, and cause the dignat and demoralization in our own ranks that inevitably result from the cowardice- of leaders. (Jrcrn M (S. i '.) Xcw, Ucm. Hot a few days since an edu cated negro of Atlanta left that town between two suns, carrying with biro a considerable amount of money, of which he was the custodi an. This money embraced the con tribution!! of a society of which he was a member and an officer. 1I average capacity, and be seems to VMarvv-wvawavBtWVaaaaVS. VU 411 1 have had the bene tit of what is known aa "higher education." He t only committed a skillful and rcessful forgery upon ex pericncetl nk officens but he counterfeited a success ban seal of the society in order to betray tue trust confided in him. Maron ( (ia.) Telraphy Ihm. IKON OHE IN NORTH CARO LINA. Washington C. Kerr, Slate Geologist. Iliaa State contains a vast quantity r . i ted over a very wide area from the K -i . 1 i.-lr.; i. I i. ' " w v ju.- iwnuac, lor example.' for ncarlv four bun- Jrm f r i 1 sva wAf w.dl a it.. I . j I limit of the State, beint? fonnd in wokabU qaaatitiea in not less than . ... . I tnirtj counues. iiui a more impor- J Z1 Uian lhe "ety or the. r r .i. j :. r I L a. ;lMre ucywiw.: irpn i baa been smelted for a hundred years in the .Middle and WM(rn mnnliai I - . , . : . . . .. , .. - L" !SMaJu.rarT; DUl..n llJaaoawtltica saScaent for neiarh. brOoTfwrampt brota, . though o equal to the i - -' I .-, imam iton. -nincrrtn nis fvoaa, . tnoagn so rudely prepare. ! .a a aa Mdil t V, .... o a' I v . "fc uue, uu- i m ' " i bvw and moat of tbtriron hHhert5 - manu of U.bjit.Aematite leV abunilant; aryv lim jmroorti! Two .Ends of tiarbcii (6rc oecnein aiAjciationjifithlhe vi:lthlicottish biackindJJid li ore, (calcareous sidcrite). Many o the beds of the two former ores, magnetite and rsd hematite are. en tirely. freQ f ffym, bolji sivphujvan phOsfShOrtjSf sdnio'oPtlienr dita a iiia!i'aiifiK'.' uthtrw tifwie- tsstiii still fltkert lioCH. ofvUhw mioate, together with a small qutttifs.and of sah nurremain undeveloped orilv because occurring! in a region hert&foVc 1 ble, and wholly o devoted .iogn- wholly '. devoted .togn lOUy ' devotea .iOgrt- culture.; .Hut (their hiob value for-tbei inannfaelnro of the best kinds of cut- lory Htel, and ior.tha Basspmer rra.i is bringing them promptly Jit to notice and demand SILENCIS WOULJD JlA VE' ItEBX BETTER. A ' 1 Chicago later-Ocean, Rep. j--"If the Inter-Oceafi oould be per suaded to, read some of Ha Maasa'ehd- setts exchanges it micht avoid makr ing Huch a spectacle of itself when it, undertakes to write about tbe Tejvka- ' bury buHin ess." Sjyringfield Unions I lien. Tlie Inter- Ocean has read tho ex change list and witnessed he raortir fying spectacle of numerous brethren of the press in Massachusetts ridi culing ah investigation which they should have demanded ' 'under tbe nftine "of humanity. Gov. '.Butler's aim may have been selfish and he may have failed to prove all the charges made, but enoagh has been hwn to prove tho wisdom of the in- - 7... , m:A0 -BU lao 8CMt, i'he sooner the run Irrdtirtn ar1 :. that . I if., w-ia nnt J prea of . Massachusetts :geL over up - holding such a mess tbe better. Hon- I J . . ... ...J I lOQplo do UO care.WDetJieJV S I Ilepublican or Democrat which strikes down such inhuman, monsters. but they will stand by the. man who gives the blows, ' ' . " , ' A .FUSTfiTA T EM EXT. Norfolk Virginian. General I r ad ley TV Johnson has written in the 'Strikers abont the Westeru Uaion aa. fallows: . "When a numb, r of workiogmen and woniwi demand higher .wage ; from, a 00 r- poration which paya,2.per cent. ,divir J , . . 1 ' 1 dends on Qignty million, of WAered stcH-k wUicb does not .reoresent tif- I .no r ra thA .... - . - - I id f .-w il4iti tnf a prvti nr. at. t rNi . w.v. i fj "-r. . .v . w 1 liliiu mi.- mfui. iiic 1 r . - . . , i iiiioiic .iL 1LS own discretion. LO in- 9orD t,e mass 6f the taxes thus levied, 1 and to refuse to pay jnst compensa lion to ib.if neonle bv Whom its enor- .''- mfm prOhts are gathered. (Vneral Johnson's statement of tbo issup hptwealn th- ftplpflrra.nh .:i , i .i. w...,. it: Company is just. The- Latter . $or- poration tares the public at' its dis cretion, and refuses to pay its em ployees a tair compensation, It is guilty of dishonesty in both transac tions. A XEir ORDER. Wall Street News. " alter, he began, "yoa may bring me a npring chicken, a piece of Iamb, a choice cut of Ho was interrupted by the appear ance of a friend, who chatted with him for three or four minutes, and then left. "Waiter, how far had I got asked tho gentleman. "You were going to order a choice "Ah cs I;wm then under the m . 'i impression mat tire west was enjoy- ; i"g find weather, and the wheat was IvAl m -a l-a m nl tri 1 i aa fiaAA oVi v'a H.1 p A day for a fortnight, the harvest is delayed and wheat is being badly damaged. Waiter !" I "ies, sir." J "1 u make a . aa a aT a new order, based upon of 13 per Cent, in the I a falling off crop JJrinir me a dish of nork ami I benns ami a glass of milk. A GOOD JOKE ON AN EDI- TOR. Tarboro Southerner We are told a good ono on the fi1tsr f1hmm-ki4l nrrA T? ni yl a i 1 ln 1 Timts. Some time ago a rich old man in Person county sent for editor Tom in great haste. Capt. E. knew that the old fellow had no relations, VrV v...... ....v. iiuf me j and fondly mnsed as he went along "vj f, ,, g- . , 0"J M,d ,d m,aD' arJ?1ethir wbl8' per. "Come closer." I ho editor ap- proacheal. "You know that I. have worked hard, and that I have earned every cent I . have. got. Some time ago, you remember, I subscribed for your paper for sixjnnths. There is jiit one more number due. tne, and as I am dying, and can't wait till VOlir next iaillin rnm oa Anl not: rriun S1, nu a nickel and all .f n-r ' ...... wh.. w .j .. Ireland. Sorry Tronblea. ll ia .Imnol tmnM.:v1. . . . 1 with lni.ni in . ki t. : n.oi . . i . "w .m WVI tiuu UltO. aililUDb U iilA body tortured by disease and -racked bv 5 nje!9beorlc treatment So ooea the bod V struirilinT for frpMnm When a great feader arises. Ireland woes may end. The great leader that expels Aothmg like it for summer. diseases. KWn m jxittle in the house; Never travel' wlth- out one in your satchel. Thenob Always hSVe a doctor arinnrf ' 1 . w t - ...v.- iiiumian urapnne lead pencils ; manufactured tor m Jewmh Ti inn rVii. Uoaaweatablishe! in iso7J' J aau : . . uai tfri aw V . .41 .1 a aT . TW - I- ill i i. i. .O," , .V '.""'J k 'I mw um wranu aaeaai lor.irngrfffg - " -vwTfWM 4aaMaM f, Ukf.(BH I - 1 THE XATESilN soptheJ? i r is YORK. ; K n Resignation of Gen. Ecfcert Denied VnTonnded Report Relative to ITIexI- ean - TelegrmphOompany Catbelle eera. t 4thte1Mornlnv? Star. 1 vV1 Wnu Yuimi Auwst 8; Ths rtussiaahatJ llwl'.'liaaklJ;gPgGd,ftt. Cknerhadgnl ppsiUoajas f f; t'r9: t, ., ThenaQpaosment wv tjh,e local papers of ijKpTa ' ZTfJ i- wtiAiitnrfrSfi.ftf5Jn I Za 7Zk?Z& I Sttth'Ap'eFio8v-kAnotrujItuLuicgjigc queice oLUhetstriki thiyeerAUniQn employes, as that Company has been able to tranBTHK pMnlptJy Jbaainessr 4o and from that quarter. 8igwd.:-JoayB, ard, i Secretary Mexican, telegrapn Company, j New York, JulyB!-The Catholic 'Ab-1 stinence Union of 'Atoewcjf'aHtefeee's'ioil in"' Treasurer: j as. u. JNatan. of . at. . I'auJ. Minn.. Secretary. FOREIGN. , Trltl orJewt In Habean for ITIurder Ing a Ctarlattair Clrl Vrli-t, Not GptlryJJeatn. of tie King of Annain Tbe Frenen Preparing for the Cam Talgu In Tonqnln. ' ' ' lBCabIatothSMormne8tar.l ' Londox, August 8:-The trial of tbe I r2jwF'j a christian ten Jews, at Jfyiregyhyaza, Hiingary, irn murdering issther aolemosia, 1 easlar. io order to procurojier blood to mix oirl in a h vnfto-rtcriiA ot Tm' , in paover bread, has been concluded. A 1 ruici oi not, gumy-wasreBuereur.- liOWDON, Aug.. oy Ai aispaicu iroru ai on, of today's date, states that Tuduc, 1 . ... . J 1 1 Bna was-succeeaea oy rnuauc. 1 Rt. ih Vronnh mmonr r. j "ved at " " uw campaign in lonqmo With Mr. Harmand. ClVll CommiatlrtlW.r I General in Tonnuin. and Admiral?IViirhel. Qeneral in Tonquin, and AdmiralJCourbet. DETROIT. Destruction of tbe Commercial Flonr InsRllIIa. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.j Detroit, Aug. - S. The . Commercial Flouring Mills of this city ,.( were destroyed ,Z. i JL? C.rDg; Trey W mong the largest in the State. Loss $75,000 : in- su ranee $23,000. . The su ranee $2S,uuu. lhe work of rebuilding will be commenced immediately. ";V j W-" u irtitt.. ki TrTFtiitt.- 't-1 .-Ki New Vorat Stock .-inMnTfrrHre.?1 Hlihcr. "I By Telegraph io the Vornuur Starll ! ' Nkw Yokk, 'August & il A. M. Stocks have been firm and higher 'fhis rooming! Theadvaace in priea. ranged, frptu i to i per cent.. the( latter n Wabasa preferred. Burnett Coeoala, Tnlike air Other Hair- areaaf nar. '!' - I r. . i is ine iiexi or Dromoiioir me stow in or ann beaut if inff the Hair, andrenderin?: it'dark I and gloasy. The Cocoadse holds, in a I liquid form, a laree Drooortion of deodo- 1 nzea cocoanni ui . nreDarea exnresslv for ses the peculiar properties which so ex - acuy suit uiq various coDoions 01 me nu; man hair. The superiority of Burnett's Flavor eno Extracts consists i a their perfect pu rity and great strength. , f WESLETAH- FEMALE IHSTITUTE, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA, OPENS SEPTEMBER SOTH, 1883. ONE OF THE Fibot Schools for Younq Ladhs ra ths Uni ted States. SarroondJiurs beautiful. Climate nnrarpassod. PupUs from eighteen States. TERMS AMONQ THE BEST IN THE UNION. Board, Washinar, Emrllsh Course, Latin, French, German, Instrumental Mosio, Ao.. for Scholastic RTf WM. A. riARRIS, D. D President. I . r. btaunron, Virginia. I Jy 7 Deod4wA WCw sat tu th I Uniprsity Virguiia. DEPAltTMENT , OF LAW. en owi j a.-xa w 1 I i nu csjuuuu-vira ui ivuiuiuuaau oiabuie Law I fl?" tUeLaw-eiye fnU instruction in the principle E&S a -a a 1 .V a a. - iL 1 I tuueuos w mid pcureuiry 01 me I Jir5&Si?v. --t . r - - TTti itt at ci f'TT Cif XTi rtri n i o UlUyerSliy 01. Y lTgUUa. RtHOOLS OF MEDICINE. Fnll and thorongh tastrtction, by lectures and dailyoexammatkmsjmtbevanoossnbjectsof AnatomiiUi m&tHai ihnniiont racuity. or to JAH, jr. uakkisun, July 18, 1888. Chairman of the Faculty. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Fa cnl ty of Six Professors. FnU Courses in Civil Innl.f... rlL. t .V. a iv. I Faculty, or to twj.'ji' " MwB"ca jas p HAERisoii " I JAS. F. HARRISON. July IS. 1883 Chairman of the Faculty su tu th ' ' Jy aSeodlm JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Colgate and - MUve&l . u.-.r .:; i; Announeements for 1883-84 will be Courses. sent on ap- plication'.' sat je 1G Doaw&Wtf ST. GEOH'GE'S HALL FOB BOYS, Reisters town, Baltimora 'countjr, Md., prepares for any college or business life. $300 per year. Un- rpassed ia th Middle StAtm vttnv .T n Kr. iwvn. a. jn.. mnclDai r?rJTf I Catalogues seat. , J " " I ST. MAEY'S SCHOOL, THE ADVENT. TERM OF THE 85TH SEM i. . rLnual ? 831011 of this School begins THUR8- For Catalogue address the Rector, " ' Jy8 D-aW' BKNNKT SMKOES' A- M- KING'S MOUNTAIN HI G:H: SCHOOL, Wnafc number of students last year 197, from four oytB. DosuMss -i-ouesB attacnea oaziorthern plan. Average cost of board, tuition, and two softs nut form,' -with '.all other expense for-ten .mentlis, aaoa Send for catalogue and health Cfrcolar, W.T.R.BELL, - auKSiDAWrw . ... ..Principal. T Flobert Rifle, WR VAW OFFER ME INPUPEMENTS, TO Urooklyaj .yesterday, elected itbe, following f 0,t 55ifdr pg' j omcers: , ttev. . j. m. uieory, ot wis., u r-: -. President; Rev. j. D. Bowles, of Ohio, ! Fa PrAme. and $1 75 per 8rtuated bit1 the "Air Line " Railroad. Sputhwst of . Charlotte,, in the midst of the I a . vani,e- ?aJLrax' w: c-aricl Mecklenburg health and beanof tie mOTntahiSr Lal V0 an artvertialn medium it ia unsurpassed boardlnar school in wtm -Nrh nZTi I Terms S1.60 year in advance. , t J MfNQO M ARKKTi 1 A.R OPFIpE, August 3, 4 P. M. ' SPlfilTS TTJtiPENTINE The market. na4uteadyJal,35i- cents per gallon,! I. , with sales reported later of 250 casks on private terms, supposed to be 36 cents. j ROSIN Market steady at $1 lTfforj praia a- fo Q6od , trakiofl, ; l I he. market opened steady f 1 &) per hhi of'280-' lbs. with 1 sales fi l VS nil A'W n llAVt,tH,itU, s CRUDE-'' TU RPElfTINB--Th market ttrafeiStfliflr; with fi.ilpq mrurtfc at 41 9?v fri-r . caTTON-Mrket ,,ntfiri .ut TO;.hl ..jftOTTON Market ouotetl nlt with t 'vl vV " rV.:J ' the official quotations : Ordinary. ,JtJ,,.. ...... .,tJb y 16 cents lb i ooa uramary.. . . . . ,.. i id -10 IwJBlddltogii v.k.U 9 Middlmg... 9 " ooaVtidUw. .9J , V ..." ; PEAUTSMarket firm.- We quote: 60(1 G5 fof Ex- hiishel for Ifyncy, 0 v ' .n 8ECBIPTN. CuttuU . . ., ........ Splrjts Turienijne. Roaifl. . . -.. . . . . .1 bale Sift casks V558-bbls .' ; bbls '215 bbls i Tar... Crude ,Turpentinpr . 1 4 ' i- Uy Teteirratib to the Morntacr Star.l Nkw Yokk; trgnst S.NoOn. Money I str'ong'and higtier. atJk6'pet'1Qent. SterKng I exebange 483J487J;." State ;,b6nd aull. Qoverttmentstirm. Cotnmeretai , :, Cotton steady, with sales to-day of 889 bales: middling uDlands 101c: Orleans 101c. Futures easy ; sales to-day at, the following quotations: JiiTy ? 0.18c; ,&uprust ' 10.19c; oew.naq; ifecember iy .yzc, , mour quiet I nnil nnWTinnowul- Whoof niiiot and In I lvtfr f!nrn n0t hiit 17& hin-h Trirb- better, .porn quet' but -oJugher.' Pprk weak at. $15 50gil5 75. Lard , steady at oijuriuj turpenunt; ooc. nosiu $1 571 CFreighfS.kteady and' quiet FOREIGN JHARKBTESi.. (By Cable to the MornloK StarJ i8-i-in SW1 demand, which is, freely .met at n&A . I aa w vf ia oon haloa-. mihuW fr ai. sales of 13,000 bales4..fsOO'ibalev)fGB,!!spe cniatgwn .ana export ; VTeoipts .qw bales I 1 m c, August and; Septembei; , delivery I a04avpeppeainer ana v.eQPer I -K9! a04avpeppeainer ana .vetQPer I tM.vt?ry; . .oq-waii.')iw;,WDer1, anu JNovemoer delivery & s 6M; JMOFemOenand January delivery 5 38 645 37-64d ; Janu ary and Februin-y deljTerjr S S9-645 38' 64d. -i ; - ' : ' : Sales for he week were 63,000 bates, of which '4BjtoO bales were American; specu lation 1,830 balesexport 31,600 bales ; actual expdrt 3,600'bales;' import 40,000 bales, of which 30, 500 were American: stock 927,000 bales; of which 673, 000 are American refloat tittemuer ueiivery l o-vu; JJeceruoer anu 203,000 bales, of which 34,000 bales are I American. I 'Meats Short clear middles" 41s. I and December delivery 5 Se-od.' ; Manchester market for yarns and fabrics firm. i . Sales of cotton to-day include 8,800 bales American., , . 3.30 P. iL Uplands,, I in., c, August and September delivery . 5 37-64d : Novem ber and- December delivery 5 35-64d; De cember and January delivery 5 36-64d. 4.00 P. M. Uplands, 1 m c, October and Movpmber deliyery 5 3t64d. , Futures closed-quiet. NeWTork Naval Stores JtEartcet. I Jiew iOTfk, Journal OS Commerce. Aug. 2. Spirits turpentine There is. a trifle stea- dier market . and a Slight improvement in prices, with a moderate stir to demand; ', nUi0 ; f,i o-riaQ-r' Sales of 100 New York barrels on dock at 37c. ' Rosins There is a moderate inquiry for strained at steady prices : medium and fine qualities are' quiet; sales were 1.500 bblfl fhod ' fitrnihpfY Jit HO lnnrfwl ThA o t Z " . l??? VZ JT 7 o w ,7iT wSTfr .trwn in. i lH' S flFsfodNll a ZOj lOW pale Jv at 4a pate JVl at 1 f2 708 75; extra pale N at $2 903 00; j Ark vV " , ' -a - -n- -. -m I wmaow giass i v &i fo aiwfrijtx iaris quoted at f 2 252 50 for Wilmington. jritcu is quoiea at w. Savanna.Ii Rice Market. Savannah News, August 2. The market continues steady and un- cuaugeu wiiu saieB oi i M oarreis. w e quote : jjiujvcu ofjujti;; vyuxuuiou $(joc; r airt(Q I aAiuuri1 ana iiUuu aimitsirti. never par 5ic; Good 5J6c; Prime 66ic; Choice nominal; Rough Country lots 1 lOtf&l 15: I t Tide Water $1 201 45. J Given ii n tiv n0itnra I "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up j . ,iT .... ., . , . .. I ' assure you it is true inat ne is entire- lv cured, atift with nnt.hino- hiir. TTrwri Ttit. I tefe; and only ten days ago his doctors gave him lip aftd said he must die 1" I go this day and, get some for my poor wen-a-nay i mat s remarkable ! 1 will George I know hops are good. t The Central Protestant t'ainna iVt nan Annnm In n'.wt. ... ' TPB elihflity of its location, the number and activity of its agents, and the constantly incroas- big demand forlt among the more solid classes of I The eligibility of its location, the number and SSeaXrS& r . i . ; ucuBauvio va MoIaiki trnnlAtia annrlAiin A.1 rfmt-rm-n 1 tr mo, .. uubuui jruur uuuiuss inierest, ana address J. L. MICHATTX, Greensboro W. C The Home Journal, PUBLISHED' EVERY FRIDAY HORNING, At Warrenton, N. C. JTOIIN AV. IIICKS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. It has a splendid circnlatiottin, the counties of SI Address. THE BOMB JOURNAL. atrstf ; Warrenton. N. C. The rion i5r, mission and Wholesale Merchants and Mannfao turers, and to those twho have adopted the plan of selling, by sample, an excellent medium of nhanSt f Sllf THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER; PUBLESKED IN the Poe Dee section, one of. the wealthiest and most Drosoerous m the Rfjitn nfr. T n rffjponrf -practical PtGOITTOM BIM) F0MJGO!IDEISEIL at, at! Stronfr, Simple, Purable, not Complicated, eaallr vuuiaeadt Ugbt rvalta? with Bwlr moUon. j I I lyTheBrnali isdrirnn by belts at both emi&.JH The cylinders nre larpo and stiff, with out t.-el DearingB running la anti-friction mrtal boxes. The saws are made by on- owti machinery from the best Sheffield Bteel, of 'Thou. Firth & Son., the ti'etli wilt not bead, break oil, or turn back. Iron pulleys throughout, brush strongly made, will! adjustable boxes and. cat i Vournnin. The machine In all parts is well proportion iron frame, mnerlor work. nanlili, ent ied, nti terial. rong fine finish ; adjusted to produce ix'itt K8HlbUnultf. anu Kolnrithstandinflr the many addPd lmproTempnt6 these KEICB will be kept as heretofore pubiliibed, via: 3 wiuVi'i s I tvJ lgwCogonCriri Co., j" I Y I pricesof I WUh Self- With Self. Sixes. I Gin! I Feeder or Feeder and """v I Condenser. Condonser. ' 30 saw a 75 00 $100 00 "$126 00 S6 ' 87 M 110 0 144 60 AO " 100 00 mtO J66 00 45 ' 113 00 14AM 170 ft 60 " 125 00 160 00 lf 00 60 " HO a 10 00 tsM 00 70 " 160 00 80S 00 Sl,t 00 80 " 180 00 g 09 l 00 tiyMoro Brown Oina hare been sold durinir the iant four seasons than any other two makes combined i N. B. Our manufacturing and shipping facilities are unequalled. Full descriptive circular with hun , dreds of planters; testimonials sent on appUiitioii. Correspondence Solicited, address, ' BROWN COTTON WIN Co., Nw London , 't . WM. X.' SPRINGBBJfc CO., Annt, , ., Wilmington, N. ( ' my 12 DfcW4m wed eat H.Brunhild feBro. IMPORTERS AND DIALERS OF I TTN n T .i n n rwa Jl-r "X7i n I 1 AND PROPRIETORS OF I . a . O X I O ll'IIT II HTM o L d I Rye Whiskeys. Read Certificate of Prof. CHAS. W. PABNEY.IJr Chemist. "RaIiSigh, N C. 0t. Tth, 1882. I have examined earefuliy and thorough! v ilvzed a samole of whldkey. fcertlfied to te analyzed a sample of fair sanrole of the brand.- known- as "8ontlini fetnd frad5,ilent ditloos tnally ,nal "Chas. W. DXbnxt. Jr.. Chemist." IN TRANSIT DrREOT. A Cargo of Bass Ale, Guinness' Extra Brown Stout, and Cochran & Cantrill's Ginger Ale. i it Hicks & Brunhild Bros. mctiinoivir, Va., MANUFACTURERS OF THE BEST & FINEST BRTGHT AND DARK 'CHEWING ' TOBACCOS, IN ALL feHAPES AND SIZES! Send for Samples and Quotations. ' ' je 4 ii . . ROYSTER'S CELEBRATED CANDIES RE MANUFACTURED IN RALEIGH, AND comprise a fall assortment of .the leading styles "y wimuuv uuuhl, lu juiwr anu 11W51 candies made in this sia. ann tcottat. av mtmn ,!t--. A..a. .1 a. a A 1 t-tt" -mnm a n wm, .m ht, the 1 i State, and EQVAL t made in this country. , Three Ponnda for $a00. Baskets ! a large and choiee selection of Plain and Fancy lunches to fill them. rnmK oi. tne uevniea meats, the Corned Beef. Chipped Beef, Sardines and various Canned inuut or xne-caaes ana crscaers and PICKLES. Pickles that are hot,' Pickles that are coiu, x-icKies mat are sweet, jricaies tnat are sour. White. stomach" in hot weather I Pickles COLD ENOUGBTto cause "frigidity of "wite,rT,HOT KNOUQH make 7oar ye Pickles SOUR ENOUGH to make your mouth wmw t!tte & Think of all these thinrs and see if we cannot suit you "COME EARLY TO AVOID THE RUSH." P. L. Bridgers & Co.f HO Nortli. Front St. jy 29 D&Wtf X . r J OOtTOIl DraHlCj a a- a a a High Qrado Acid Phosphate. Gibbs fi; Co'sHigh Grade AMHONIATED PHOSPHATE. E, J. 10 WERS, WILMmGTOW.rN. C. Je 3 D&Wtf The Biblical Recorder PUBLISHED BY ' " Edwards, Bronglatoii &. Co. RALEIGH, N.' d1' ... REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. BEV. C S. FARRISS, Associate Editor. Organ ofr North vCaroia Baptists . "! In Ita 1 44tli Tear. . EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT '"I' fo.': :.i.-i tn!., ; r j'fr.il I IJPaJW fa worth aoUoiUtlon., .! s an Axlysrldng Madiuna, Unsurpassed KF "Vfr te K Cali s'eenk. Jgfe on UbS: f Only f2.0O. Per Tr! J7tf GILES & MURCHISON. W2Stf THS SPAR, h Marten s..a Addreaa deoSStftiiir BIBLICAL RECORDER. ' 1 ' Ralebro. N.