ill t " ti'iiwi' AxitpxabiErr. of oar time-lhe pr-eecration I Uom tntn wofein Ir Dot Included. I ltT and hmnantty of his measures f or I THErTXKSOTSWSi :': COMMERCIAL. "r'J; of Uoastiiational Iitxrrlj mc5.i Tcl.r ncbdastnon, m at I Nut I TCAitc xn8Ir1gnqvsBcer-ry 1 ry jij X L ' , , ill: J "I ; ' ' f 4i , V 1 J.1 j! .-0 ;! f A ! i I, ii i K tnr-m nmtiy MUM far Iww aanarfcat na. I - - lb' , uiu uui lMWin iui mmisswwm I , ,rrn , t : , :i I njnWLT.T.r IETT .IrTRK WIlKi.n 31 3 S tMimdkii - . -t. !- -. ... i 'luwe . a .movement am air-a i "-ir..r-rrr r " .rut I . . iv... lfc. 1 v . 7 . . I yet to repabltoaniM the Roman Oar I Hi I ft rn. tr m.,rr "JS J 40 m wm .amccnt for Armor. ... , . - - -u WrfipRorrRr it haji iniUil 1 . .it rtrtT-o tw I tirotgh to minjr yer of hald ' TJIX' wCIl V I conflicf. Il coal-J noi ait in chv- AKBiCA!f nirroaiEs. "torpts liincrofl begta more than ing Miluiaty rim . by , 1 fif ljsvr ago tbtepVt9n of "9 con-up I pxrlr to rctaia ihjwot. Il cieat bitorical work, lie wm then I . i -ii i .t - I do not rropo l m.k any .och rrmirkiblv eifU! Vonncr man of ir I,3ve ine Pwer or . : . -.. . I ' .i tint? the American BiahoDS. In idiiw inn nroMMirni iiKiamt Mmt ininr tmn. 111a hl v i w i - WhiUt not iotloming till thai it par- I highly ornate,' Jomelimt tlniMl DriirrMtjii km t ' ; lit V : tAn ft W : w anrartk. I ill lll . Im mwath. ttT W : Um nuaClMk t hi of iki yQDrU T9 wuk on- Mf ill wmoiwilt of TIr. NtfiOt lh2a n-!i itwr MMCia TruXt-irnl Vm tr Sim tHamuin, Aoal M wu pr Ba fi . l ' la mnMwiniint r i n t i .rr-rtim.m-,M fn-r t (um I tr may Jo it fio.l nothing a. poxI gorjjvou. and freoaently redundant ' ''(CLni . w t ta lk OFP'"- H ""rt'" lb1 verr common fault with yonng T'ltUVZSST I 110 rral rforo o Uriff i to bo men however able and accomplished. exivectd from the Htzb I rotevtion I V c rraJ bait of hit work more than 5 TwTt' 'a -IIra I Ilnablican nartr. It U certain that I a Quarter of a century since. There tae right of Mat eannov d k"4 wen? uuviix voiomes men compieuxi. aatel by aUioinj a party that i Sinoe then it haa grown into twelve, durrardful of tbco cacrcd right- old edition, and terminates with tho So the .Kfor will not prove recreant war of Independence, we think. Hut to duly becaiue it i not able to agree of this we do not apeak ex cathedm. wit one plank that may he adopted. Mr. Bancroft in alilt living in hi It tar ad to tad by the white rad eigbty-tbird year. He ia preparing XTtlV9Siftt,, fl,,,i It will probably ruder aa efikieat ail ' volumes He conijireweM the n.twnMi. AMtka v.!om.-tei.trtiMawu iriic in behalf of ijMuit lkw work, and rewrite a great deal of it. t mrv wm iw Mh. A 4.iWMimma cmrt; iaJ or U HomiwJ Thoccond volume, winch i just , rrumf-.. p fA- W-ru.V Kirfy will tho? out, is aid to be almost a new work. n.iuiu ft ..n w-ti- tn ia ap wb ire i willing to accept all that Noone can well afford to bo without MmmitnUlktUna mr otaorw'nn. trUl bi ebArwl t r. tMT.raM.mimiA i m4. f U'ne or saui. . paper luai i inta reviseu ami masterly work. 'f a piwi MAnii auf pmt aumthlT or ttukf or ilMiajaii ftnotl-r proparf-r raft " c" J w,u " Th SltuaUoB In Cbleaco TTneIineed- Ilev. P. Corrigan has started it. He Tbe Western Union Preparine for wmcn is mat inepneste-in tniB coun- tne" triB;eiHreetTev f ! STAR OFFICE, August 4, 4 P. M PIK!jrS TTEIPENTIE The market opened dull at 86 cents per gallon, with sales reported later of 100 casks at35J cents, ROSIN Market steady at $1 17 for Strained and at 1 25 fof Good , Strained, with, sales 'reported at 'quotations.' t'"' Hf'f''T2r,,T'K?s.I-iu..- i 1 a j. fRvTeleirranhtf.theMorniiJff8tar.l.t I .uinnci, upencti nwmiy . Chicaoo,: August: A-r-There was little f 1 "80 per bbl. of 280 lbs., with sales at. chaneo last night in the telegraphic situa- I quojtions. l't. RaMiiJtttiutut at Tj '... p(, ftr rotiT in .iTauM At 1AM rt i hum trU or for ilnpia a aouMwal o H n-firf or Wl. t !-'r.lmmnf lu nUww Mkt auttter. or to M . .r-hnif tu tA pualtioa 4HrivMi i.lorttlwminitit m wlfc' pMt4Mf f tiswrttom In imtrfciMi wMl mnCIaal llil f tlii. ' il 'HC!m t U raniMWr. sxi ikTnl IP a of t'f-T "Tlf 1I1IH " kopt MM UU nJ mt TVW ,Mr'lmmniilt" ti terfvl par ml St . 'V. I . Wa v a Ituropo ttiia power is possessed Dy tion Here. -UOl. mowry, Bnperintenaent CRUDE TURPENTINE Tbe market the different countries and Father JSS'ti was steady with sales reported at f 1 25 Corrigan does not see why American anything the. operators can : do by, calling jfor Hard and $2 25 for Yellow Dip and ... i ii . . out the railroad telegraphers. Virgin. pnetsshall not havethe same power Members of the Brotherhood who, for' T TdNiLMar'ket ' oiioted firrta with granted them. He says' that with some daya pasture. been, Muting mystery . auS WVt. rtnt w th b . bualy about an impending strike, which1 no salea to report.; .-The following were tbe reference to American appointments wouId paralyze the Company that strike offlfcikl duotations: . 'no strict is the secrecy in sending being uuderstood to be jcaUipg out of OrdiAaryV.':::'U);.,t;;.:.-i 11-1 6 cents lb , , ' the railroad operators, now give out the (WnrrfitaW - ' ' '7 15-ir the . names to Rome, that the very impression that the operAtors-who took the. Loddlff ' """'" 9 " prieets who havo spent themselves in places of the strikers ar.e pot., satisfied, and. Middling... ':.':'. V. 9 i f . , . that, a lArge number 'bf them' Have 'been Good MIddmiff. ' 10 building up the cbnrcn can not ob- initiated into Cbe-BrotheThoodJAutara kepi . .:71J ftE ui-'-Y '1 . Uin an inklin" of who is to be their at work till such time aa a large enough rjuux u i o-marnet sieaoy. We quote: tain an UMin0 ot wno is to De tneir forcQ Joside ohA. whenTth wifl fl 5bl 55.fprPrime, $1 601 65 for Ex bishop; also that "the laity and the called out in a body aad. the .Company, tra .ime; and 75 bughe f p nriesls. and th vrrv biehona them- left thout operators or ability to get any, , ea V" J . r I as tnere are no more outside operators j receiftk. have to depend upon the enterprise HiBrunhildCcBro. . v - 4 mpoirmej Asrf Dealers of Fine Liquors & Wines, AND PROPRrEXOR8 OF South e rn Star Rye Whiskeys, Read Certificate of Prof. CHAS. W. DABNKV,;.lr. Chemist : T v "Rauiigh, N C. Oct. 7th, 18Hi I have examined carefully and thorouirhli analyzed a sample of whiskey, certified to bo I fair sample of the brand, known as ''SomlKfrll vi r rr" "" ""u it a re mam a of a pions lady convert at Rerae for the first autheutic information of tbe appointment of the bishops for this country." He says that "this whole TEXAS. A Fearful Wind ana Rain Storms flanaea Blown Down-HIBf Persons Injure. ' ' ' " ' By Telerrapb the Morning1 Star. I ' , Galve8ton, August 4. The News? Mid- Cottou.... Spires Turpentine Rosip . . . . . . . . . . . . Tar........ ......... Crude Turpentine 10 bales 391 casks 1,183 bbls 89 bbls 284 bbls Sr?55r-iron? whteke: free from all ad ul in whisk fraudulent additions usually made "Chas. W. Dabrxt. Jr.. Chorolst " IK TRANSIT DIRECT. A Cargo of Bass Ale, Guinness' Extra Brown Stout, and Cochran & Cantrill's Ginger Ale. Hicks & Brunhild Bros. nt vrf utar wT. tUmf will ea-rrlaAiy 5a KwnltUoiiai im 5a Bal it Chaaa. T Chaa. DrWV wonay ur(Mr. Ktpraiax or a Nanrtara ttftcar Oaiy Wat NMiuttaiM'aa W'U 6a t&a f Ja pu&ilnitar. ".nr.r,it UvariMa W'U au ba au'a4 k - "! "iftair or sdartlMa ar tAOitf firalc to i.iiair rlr tmlhaa aHtt tr iim ml brwMlwn rtaa. 4.rr!Nar ftoii i-a-fa tpaulTy Uka amaa or mimm tTtmr iamtr Ut aitvartiMa ft. Wara too te m i iwiwl en -miai wll ba taaara4 S ttla UhiIt Wra a t-raia.lHar Hatra(a fr '.n pi;wf t !a aat fc Dim tirtf t2ka lima ki .J-rr' :wit)nc to to lAa prfarabi Wil ay 6a MMtMiiiNttMa r (fta CiaUlu af L&a Baa l kai a4 The Morning Star. RTWUttt" K. HKNItHD. vriLSitxc, Toy. x. c. KVHMN(, HDITION. t c di ti or oxn-m irt. I'h i thrw r m.ny vinant views imon th" IVmointA in rr-rd to c-)nnic 't'si)n.s thr' ..s n. iloubt. A ;l in.-r t th? nwppr of the ountry ' nou'h t show tht. In N rr.h Crolin tha IVraocrit r nvi.-r pit. ip. Th TrirT is a pr pi-x!Tii .ji-tioo. We c:a rinJ in r.,-n mmur,i" wak (rom our ofn- a I Vm.xT f.i- t'f9 TfA.l; a IVrao ff.if; a nmj-rAtic U. ii.-w r in TAnt? for Kv-nu only t 'onntituttonAl TAnlf ; A lVno.-rAt v!. y cAa not j- cuaC, but h Uv')i" TnrT f r !ITnuj with Im--l.-ntii Iroti-rti'n. Thrr r nvrn f.iu r h ! of I !. -rat.s on the FirtT An. I with ofAt, ijaes-'..n-. w whif. is th .luty of Ivm- f t un-I-rr u.-h i-iri'umUn.vii ? M iic -t-h .t-r orf into rhUton th p irty a. ! his own i-w rw not tnct in th TAriff plat form of th. St.At I 'oucnti o 1 We f.huik thi- wo.jl.i b- a ;rrAt niMtake. I'. out.l b ii:i.Ja!. for wh.TV CAn ' x ' n Ili-pubiit-Aa prty o(7rr n. rufn.;" for any ktn.l of a ' -'. rh.- H-p.bfi.-n parly h 1,1 nothiuj or but lttl to i-ommon with tiu IVm.jcr Ui- party A tlirr to hfcvw lha on n.J fi h.- i4 Afxiat "nly thin hUl m t-tntnn by mi- two parr.1. WhAt th-n houl.J nio. rAt.4 Jo ' W hol.j njo-6 m- rJy th t thy hou!i rnu4ir ". ,.H,i yurt f . ah. I h4p for ivr a '.ion m th futurw onJr th. ftht of .t prtrfn- An.J infartixAtion. W U- Iitfvn tht in th neit camrxiin a.' . r ,houI.l p..Uhi lu" w lh dul-r o( CTerT PaPrr tb id. a.4 i.n.1 i;ra t. nvki ronaraoa fiht for tho al Atton of North CaoIioa i. I aio4f. th ol.i An.i ttll A.-ti nwrtxy Vha Scu ha aver rntrrtainnl t r a moment ny oChrr prjrpa, n.l Any inmuaiun or iatitnati.n to Mi2 contrary t. a fAl-w. x t i mAli- ion. lK-,.vr-At. know whAt th pvf brought forth Thy know only r.oo wu wh.S Rflu-a! ru! in N'orth roltn mui4. H )i,t opjMn.inj' m.Iivnln! vi.-w on public . ttion "y bw, th-y All oa ht to unit.- in . ommon p.irp. ia ir.rif the eam try from IipqbU-an control. If thar. luill U d pUnk not wvnV,i to tpr,HM your iw, or if thr hul.j bi m piu-y in.lvat4 thAt w .ittatfti to you. that txct, houM not dnv. y(x( 0- UwQ yonr iva1 for th u-rr4 of th- only i party that by iu a-w ha. shown tbt th .IwatinitM of th country r tt in iu han... StamI by the oli party. No .liff rrn't of opinion on on juration ouht to prtjeopt opposition to alt XoeoamJ. wtl informed Deaocrtt can hold mach) thai duitiDguuhea Iat-tr-day tlepablicanMm. That party U on.4un.J upon the two vital qoea- ha- nrr faltrrrd in tbe pa.t in rro I Ip hi old edition ho did a good drrinjj fAithfal and earneai erice to deal for North Carolina. No Ame th iromi oU Iemocrati pAty of ritfan has ever explored the archive, th. I'nioa will not bo foun'JTalthlea and libraries a Mr. Uanrroft ha whn iu wrricesi are ncedrtl io W- am to him are we indebtetl for im half of found principle aad boo cat, portant information concerning our economical. curvitiCatiooat' rlrin- J State. Mr. McMaster takes up the mttnr rn-t wlib tb hiahnriH for it UALVK8TOW, Augusi 4. a lie jyews aua matter rests w ith the Disbops, for it LJolhiaQ say8 a fearful wild and rain h certain thaL llome will-grant this storm ' ccurred- last' evening, which cam- grant this I storm : sev- A . persons Deneatn the rum ah ot me think it for the best interests of the I in mites were badly in jured; but sd faT as learBcd nobody was killed. A livery stable was blown down, and the contents of a lumber yard were scattered over the prairie for a gre:it distance. ' power ,th. p,u if church in this country. RICIIITIOIVD, VA., MANUFACTURERS OP THE 11KST i KIM NT BRIGHT AND DARK CHEWING TOBACCOS, Oeorge r. Cable, the South' best novelut, living or dead, says of the A JIKA.NSA S. Tbe Troubles between White and Hiaeka ta Heaapatead Connty. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l racaL utory about where Mr. lUncroft lw,w,an novt""l 1 oursncnen : W hare thought that the great I Ijare it. That i- to nay he begins "He U certainly ihe greatest of conteni- t... .V- t I . twi ..tit r -ry wrucrs iuc uni ri. auu wmj ')'"'" i"yv - i.j writer me -fiiory 01 niAa temperate realist. The Sra v not a r re TraI ei- I Lho American People pntit. The- St a a L not the alvo- I dxn appreciate thin .!.....: t.-. :. e I . : 1 . . . . lc - "rery tniere-ung an lar Le ht ,n the matter of blacks. The number of negroes killed is m - . -T- 1 I . -. . . ... I I I tl .1 . 1 j rrrxo.iruiioa oi me i arm in iucn i ii n written one volnmei without . . i:. I uru nuu b"j ubyc uccu arresiea. ' i lanujgc aim in iibciaiy iiiciuuub but he is a man without the imagi- lUy Telegraph to tiie Mornlnjr Star.l Financial. Nkw York. August 4. Noon. Monev rla.11 -" "1 1 . it. if I TXT ATT L'lT . T . T Hi r,n,i . uiMrmi per cent. Sterling eXCliange I aonftrio Anuniiiut. senu ior M:nnpiin fotiO!ot- otaie oontls dull. Govern ments strong. I je 3 tf i Commercial Cotton auiet. with salfi n.rlAV of arsk commissioner's Snlc of lii :! bales; middling uplands lOc; Orleans lOc, Futures quiet and firm: sales to-dav at lh 1l ! ... . J . ' . I lonuwxng quotations: July 10. 27c ; August K1 viktuk and in pursuance ok a 10.2Sc; September 10. 07c j October 10 OfV- f. . . . . ....... NovfemhAr10il1,.n0.mL. i(Mnn viZ,! cree or sale, maae on llie 7th .lay of .Inly, A v - , v.i.iii fcv, i J.v. X1 IVUI. and Quotations. Hut no one work, which ir quiet and Steady. Wheat. iiC higher. I P-185, by the Superior Court of the founiv .f (Jorn moderatAlv" LITTLE ROCK, Aug. 4. -News from Pork firm nnrt n7oi i iAr New Plover. State of North Carolina, in . He nav that I he Norwecrian nov- I Hempstead county, last nigbt, reported I Lard firm at H 0 RmrSt-3 ( QQ8 I tain dxoarte sneoial rvma&p.iWntr iuniliiur ;.i I oni r r i n rr 1 1 tat I hi it ea rranorn I ffwlim v I On T , I lial. Hoyesen, is "not an artist." He iJurity exists imongboth whl and , f S g Court, wherein James K. Cutlar and wife .,,,, FOREIGN 1TI A II . a way thAt lh lAburrm of the coun- j first read log Ilaxicrofu try h all not oppcrwed and the Wc refer now to Hancroft's new manufacturing interrtu of the coun- edition because of an instructive lew try hall not tx wrTH-ked. The SrA aon it trachea. The. New York Critic thmk the prrrnl Tariff i unoual, thus briegu out tlo point we would unjut anl opprvive. It blievre male: that it boohl b rvforru.l. read- -The work U not erntillv ju.tM, trapliBe.l rrJn.vL and that I th rorthod of rrlalia ami the view Ukrn COTTON. native faculty, and at the samo time witli an obstinate desire to create types." No living American novel- Joseph J. Cutlar and wife Susan, Annie I. lvi.-i-William T. Cutlar and wife Millie, David N. ( ut In. .. .1 n,fn T I . I . 1 I fDn fi.ii. ii , , , . 1 1 "no oarau, nuuu n.. ouiiar unci wn.- w m0 juuruuis ovar.i i jsnzauetti, Isabella Sellers and husband Jus. ,ii LlVEiiPOOL, Ams. 4. 1 30 P M New I Sellers, Margaret Burnett and husband AlliH.ui mixed corn 5s 3d- lard 45s 6d I 1rett ape Plaintiffs, the undersigned, the oom- lX)NDON, August 4, 4 P.M. Spirits tur- I al? ln Bald cause- wul sell by publii nentinp Hfk aunuu, to me nignesi Kidder, at tl A Summary ef tbe Crop to Date. By Telejrraph to the Mornlnir 8tar. Hkw York, Aue 4. Receipts of cot- a 1 II a ! . rk r a i i i,t "haa pro.luce.1 a strong imprea. I ZTS'K ion niMn him." I totil visible supply of cotton Tor the world J. -symptoms. Seemed like poisoning. What I Hf lot,2 block H5: Commenclnif nn tiic westorn I . . . . I ia.- i ww-r . - I linA Af ffnnrt h-otoof AA fant d. 1. -.1 1 . . r .. Frlsbt In tbe Farm Home. Court House door in the City of Wilmington, County of New Hanovr afrtKuuti.l nn u t-iiwifu DAY. AUGUST 6TH, 1883, at 12 o'clock M., ho Pn,;i ll :i. . tt t'i1ilT'"?"CTU""5U pry rty. Biinaiea mine l ily WMU oiujk av uigiH. . uuusuai i oi Yviimingion aroresaia, being the eastern pari Tl r r a ii 1 1 ii Km4av - . - & . I - miw-iion fiixii.1 ne ri.UMit ol I I. t .. I i m m, IX1ICI mica UT kilr I 'T : iT .... 1 f e T. rvrw imnmrvini nr ik- -t k... .: turiii iiaot-r anuiavorn reiorm. il - - a 1 - - . KAA . UJOIV I I in.- thi hit Ihnnnhl f Tit if I a .i . ft. - . .... I J J . . ...... I .-.I if,- mmJUi a- .v ia Democrats: wia4Hi ex- anww ami intumcioa to i - . v.,-... J I oiiti of what U called fine writing. A v.. . .!- iu - i wsfotroi rntionccwMQ in many com bales. 1.998.85 bales, of ; which 1.290.056 bales couldlt be ? What had they eaten ? Was IK? are American, against 180,156 and 744.- I. " arsenic in the soup? Was it strychnine I running thence southwardivec feet, ti,,.', New York Timet i i T.our I 557 resiectively last year. Crop in sight I ,n the cottee 1 Was it rats-bane in . the warciiy parallel with .Ann .street vu fret, Oif-n.r vie i muuu u uiese. xoccismrn nan not i rr:z r-. .n.ici n-.i. beep cleaned for a long time. The family had been drinking impure ' water. They might have died, only that they took Per ry"!) a vrs's Pain Khxer. Family well. Faitn house happy. Everybody pleased, j BOSTON. opon uch luianr aa whislcrr and to b -. It i brcau.; of the views thit om of our eoemiea have triel to place aa in a wrong position, and to pretend that such views were trra.ooable, and that in urging them we were trying to break up the Pern- oTAtic party. We hare blievrj that tbe true way to correct an error i to eipoe it. The Democrat are rorwlantly altrriog their plan. Have they not io eeveral parlicuUr done thi in I y would be without il for a great Virgioia, ami within a few daya? I dml, for it is full of beauty and elo- partuire pajLArra 1n theoM r1 new edi lioeo, laatructive leaaoes for hu atudeoU in thwart of cocnpoailion. Mr. Bancroft at thei are of foreacore U frank ctiouffh to hjw that be haa learned a goott deal i n thvm Altar of alrle ince he brirnn Ibm work fifty yrartajro." 1'hat great historian. Macaalay, .when he had passed his novitiate an.) bad reached his fiftieth year, was ilis pUaaeil with bis famous and splcn dii paper on Milton published in his 25th year. He thought il too tawdry and ambitious. Dut no lover of his Failure of a Large ltlanafactnrer Lia bilities $500,000. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. IJoston, Aug 4. The Journal confirms the report of the failure of Charles W. Clements, and says his liabilities will amount to $500,000. Clements employed This view abound throughout the J nearly one thousand hands . ,in. his various Ml..- . I 1 ICS. i lie i roteciion papers tree- "It fa to red Uic abolition of the internal revenue tatea on the pretense that it is de manded as a relief by the people, but io re ality because it would form a new pretext for thp maintenance of high protective du nes thence eastwardly to the beginning. . 1 11. DARKY, Jy8oaw4t su enmmis:. inner. Sale of Valuable City Property. North. ly admit it. Hut it is highly crimi nal iti a North Carolina paper to dare to say anything like it. Dut "truth is mighty and it will prevail." FINANCIAL. A SOUTH CAROLINA l OUNG LA I V IN NEW YORK. New lork Ntoek Market Decline la Prices. IBy Telegraph to the Horning Star.l New York. August 4, 11 A. M. Stocks were firm during during the first half hour of business, but before 11 o'clock the mar ket declined i to f per cent. HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURE for KIDNEY DISEASES. Does a lamo back cr disordered nzine incU-f cat that you ore a victim P. 'l'H unf DO NOT 11 (HESIEAEE; uae.Kidney-Wort at once, (drag-1 I joomc th disease aad rcstos-e healthy acttan.1 e I O ft i S -t complaints peculiarly I buUIGSa to tout sex. such, as nainLjl und wcakiftS3C3, Kidney-Wort is unsurpassed,! as it will act promptly and eafelv. I Either Ser. InooutinerLco, retention of nrine.l SI brick dust or ropy deposita, and dull draggingl c pains, all speedily yield to its curative power.12 j O- BOU ET AXI DHUGOIST3. Price $1. John London and wife and others eX parte. IH IS le KB quence and power. How atae Has Won Success. Washington Capital. It is surprising how many educated and accomplished ladies there are ac- 11 AND ALL'S TRICK. THI Lilt Kit A L AND XIIK IItlII rTV. a oft.-n f Alln k wrrle before the irjcon)butibl wa1I of ita aancluary. We never sought to injure, in the lcal tht Democratir parly. If you critu-i a mraarr, or if you critic . a public orTiciAl, upcrervoc- organ will cry, oat, "Yoa are J ocll eodDftfcWly an we fir nrm oct 1 WASHINGTON & LEE UNIVERSITY, LEXINGTON, VA. INSTRUCTION IN TUB' USUAL ACADEMIC Studies, and in the Professional Schools of Law and Engineering. Location healthful; ex panses moderate. Next session opens Septem- For Catalogue address "Clerk of the Faculty." . Q. W. C. LBB. jy 13 2m fr su President. I to cnt off the more than $100,000,000 IAW SCHOOL. OF :ff SSSS: tlTtZ Washington up university. stamp indelibly upon the policy of gen. a. w. c. lee, president. the government the abominable pro- tnstruction by text-books and print- .ibcrale are not no united that ihey lil.tinr i fresh ci.rnrPltn !l,a So 1 teV , tariu lo w-,cn DOin eqaily ial subjects by eminent jurists. Tuition and fees ..ft.j i ni'imntr a iresu cirarettc. aue is a I snhse.rih. I Sso nr sessinn nt hit... mm h Kftinn.-n o. rln frrtr ik.m . . 1 . .1. T ." . I II... fT -txtt I ' '; I jn vr. riaainn -J n j .1 j j - y - a jiimt kin- 1 urien 1 ui.iiiiiudiiiuii'i ui iouis Lt. xienrv for many years a commissioner of We thought that the way to arrive At w i rraalta was &' eorapare opin ion and to learn by the light of ct princ Truth was never yel in jurr.l by bing eipxiMj lo lighL II U only Hrrvr that bidea itself in a dark i-ornrr and criea out when it is hit. Krror ba aauItol a thouaartd litm- clr niA.Jrl of Truth am ha. I which Ireland is not immediately I ment I afterward learned that she Baltimore Day, Dem. That the Pennsvlvania DemocratH tually engaged in business in New should demand the abolition of the lork city, w inle dining at the house internal revenue system is natural, of a friend the other evenino- T was I Tn tU loot nnm-Aoa QnnM.i t t? .Mr. 1 aroell and bis Irish followers introduced to a vivacious younc ladv dall. the Democrat. nd William Dow tbo wbip bami now in the Hn- wnnsc irfv graces suggested tbe man- U. Kelley, the Republican, fouo-ht tih Houe of Commons. By rc- no".lf a 1ar,s,an belle. She received side by side for repeal. They wlnt . . - 1 .11 tt-niMMi irom i,ne nost- i-ing 10 vote on ail legislation in P-. and it was with mnM. natIol,. , .... . .. .... . M..VllltJI- ( Petition for pari it ion f ( land. JHE UNDERSIONED COMMISSIONEK, Ap pointed by the Superior Court of New IlanoviT County, in the above entitled cause, in pursuance of the orderof said Court, will expose to sale, hi public auction, at the Court House door, in the City of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock M.. on Tuesday. the 14th day of August, 1883. that three-story Brick Building, situated on the north side of Mar ket street, lately occupied by tbe late John Uawson, now by W". K. Springer & Co., front ing on Market street 16 feet and 0 Inches, running back 60 feet. Terms, one-third cash, the balrfnce on a credit of one and two years, with interest of eight per cent, per annum. Title reserved until purchase is paid, unless the purchaser proposes giving u mortgage with power of salo to secure the de ferred payments. Purchaser to pay for all pa pers and for registration of the same, and taxes for 1883, insure the building and transfer Policy. Possession given October 1st, 188:1. WILKES MORRIS. jy 15 oaw5w and Aug 14. tu Commissioner. Patapsco Flouring Mills, Established 177-1. Bnbra 1774. Roll 18 8. ronoerned they can uton effectually I chief director of a down town tl- whceK on many measures the f' .wrill.'r , 5,ce "Y(.U raa7.we!1 'She is a PATENT vCAGAMBRILL Mrc.Ci without Irish help. They have tre mendous power in a close division. The New York 7Tir. rays of the Abl injuring th jrty." Wr baveaonght I altitude of tbe Irish members only to do good t tb IVmocrAtic parly. We have, frankly amj freely girm our opinions aa pnblsr journal iU. lentil il shall br lon that partie are infallible or that the free don of the prea no longer ctisis it "But lh party which ia prrparetl to go lunueM .Dwaruj me reUresa of Irish gricr ascra win gri l he irwli na-tnbrrs ia effect declare Spanish affairs in Washington. Her father, (icneral D. K. Mcllae, was once a candidate for the governorship of North Carolina, and during Presi dent liucltanan's administration was consul general in Paris. He also ao. For Catalogue and full information address CHAS. A. GRAVES. Prof. Taw DOG DAY EFFORTS AT FUN. 4ZilE! fr su we Lexintton, Va. I ri M1K HANNAH MORB ACADEMY.FO't GIRLS, Tho "Rl.ioV PrnnV" nrrbt tn A??ar. .Ba!tinaore- Note.d .or. healthfulnesa, - . ""o"" tuorougu msirucuon, carerui training and refln- Deiter loan any other piece on the I lDS influences of a christian home. The next term run SUee. It has mora Intra A,, nrUnn y"1?10 SEPTEMBER 19th. REV. ARTHUR J. ri,;;, . I iucti, a. m., m. o., Kector, Keisterstown, Md. aug 2 2tawD&W2m th su Picayune. Fraternal: "Our dear brothpr vote. The Irish brought to this country the celdbra- JJ.JJJ ff" an 'a S that they have no ted (intend dispatches. With wealth Ik . permit us to call him so, since any college or business life. $300 per year. Un- uc saj s wc al u all usa. THIS COMPANY OWN AND OPERATE THREE MILLS, as follows : PATAPSCO MILL A, at ELLICOTT CITY, M.I PATAPSCO MILL B, at BALTIMORE, M1 PATAPSCO MILL C, at ORANGE GROVK. M.l. having a daily capacity of 1 S00 Barrels. PATENT ROLLER FLOHIt Manufactured from Maryland and Vlrgini.i Wheat, celebrated for its purity and richness ..I Gluten, Phosphates and other nutritious I'm rjr'X"" .."" u,"u V?"u or upon aiula r.nltivated. opnpr.n. m',A K iiiu4 uuMucA or. aa io mu nrrvni ri i . t : , .c t. ct them forth. He U a poor friend of the IVrnocratio party who will bin.! bi conscience to politicians and will inJor all that is done, both the io.J aoU th eviL vV e bav lrn in earnest. W governed by th- beat of l f lb" (,,'1,,tn Ministry lPrt.r detcrmincl to give his daughter a . n ' !LTJ .1.1. . . . . . ... r last leiier unaer my pillow." murmured her husband, "often sleep over your letters." The child was unrinnhf ojiItt r.i- I ttf i , Til -I . - J 1" - I " uiuimLg,mi, ftJIUlLU : LlOW e wi.n to see Ireland prospering cocious, if not remarkable, for one are you?" "Nod ad all well, thag you. I've neaa. "it's a strange isn't it?" "How do vou ilo lrih rxJiUca, and tbey will swap votes finished education, and accordingly with vonr fr or sainAt any KogliTh or Hritish or im tutors were provided her during his "And I " m KtLTrelSJ " TOU 'D MM f JUV famiI' in d Frfnoe! went to'slS raotive. .nd while r d. not wrrve from the pMition this paper bn.s taken on the great and trading .pjrlion thai Will COV) d It the ncit carnpain. we may Dot diecu th questions so elaborately aa heretofore until the lime for real ac tion arrivea. Hat do not forget lhat the Star stands now eiacUy where il haa al ways uod a0 advocate, of the Vmocrui jopU of Xortf Curo-A-o. Anl thia "wflhoot reward or lha hope of reward wherein we dif fer from soraa others if c journil wtic guardiana who now keep walth and guard over the Lmocratie party ef North Carolina. ahd contentel if it be possible. We would dislike to see Parnell leading lil forces against the Liberals in a crisis and thereby endanger the safe- A the SranThxs said af ain and . o r i Ireland haa no such friend among llriiili stitrfmn w Mr. Gladstone it, and if ho is driven from power by a combination of the Tories and the Irish party it will be a shame, and in the end will react powerfully against Irish interests. Ii in known to all aludents of Irish history that English Toriea have rarely been friends of Ireland. The 7171, which is well i-formed aa to Irish affairs, says of tiie measures of relief introduced, ad vocated and carried by tlie Lib- "A weak point of this position, in theo ry. Is that there Is no measure of justice to Ireland prodlog. mBd that Parliament has cone, moctt rurtaer to conciliate Ireland loan anybody can Justify it In going upon JWrrlarw Tall i.tJ v I T"' "T m vne Mgiiaa voatlluUon. It ccrriary leiier taaea the potttion ku created a sort of fendsJ that the law revolving ea ad id Atoa for :rth.,V -Uhed freedom of con- a. lounoT n.P.rtmot to tunJ corapwuv examination does not V0 They ay they want pply to women. Ji aay. Uai: SEtt" 7ig liberty to appoint as he choose-. So itsem that when the Bible men- Mr.x Gladstone haa surpassed all other British Premiers in the liberal- vw-iuu.i, ii uui, rcmsruauic, ior one are your moa ai day when she was visiting tbe Vati- fearful code id by can Pni.o l;nu .s . j i thing about colds, i i"' .: r. u bead?" "Why. thev alwavs aettla in-'th; w, , uai ne gave ner nis bless- weakest place. "-Merchant "Tra surpassed in the Middle States. PROF. J. C. Kl- naiK, a. m., frincipal. Catalogues sent, aug 2 2m ST. MART'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, N. C. THE ADVENT TERM OF THE 85TH 9EMI Annual Session of this School begins THURS DAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH, 1883. For Catalogue address the Rector, o Kkv. BENNET SMEDES, A. M. jy8 DAW2m nc am a nontifieSl aml U VT. " -. veter. UlVi.S MOUNTAIN standing the cootl will of the Uolv A.nd. ??w ld dld you say she MFTT d- TT SnTTHnT Father, m sfortunecame. Her fami- Wff ".r3- Jenkins of the Museum . ' w w ij, Iv's entire aiat Ja , s . attendant, pointing her sunshade at the KING'S MOUNTAIN, n. c, i) s entire estate was swept away, Egyptian mummy m a-easei -"Four thou- . and two years ago she determined to 8Qd years, ma'am " answered thp man vJ?ate! OJi JJ? Air Pn? Eailroad, S5 miles start for herself. Coining to New U wonderful will preieai taj l orkshe rented a little office and 2jf ? Ar teeth false ?" NSe? "h""-'"-' ...ciiuiiuiiiau career WllU . iuamess . uu aiiacnea on Northern .o tittle typewriter. It a perilous LuTJ, feIOW ? Maine TST SS'SSS-iSfe'SS SS . t -....uic iuauicai.uikY vi uu uvrearemeni. afibrorl- "Hnin ; l "si"ivi' ike New Vnrl- k r I wifo n.n'n ti"7 ".oru.ur . . " ouw" aieiiuea " jugjjBrf io wiucb the PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Brought on A: Co. RALEIGH, N; C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. the industry of Miss MoRae. lawyers, SS?"' eP .Y'111 a Perfectly grave face: The BibllCaIr B.PfArflpr judges, and other friends of her fW V a mi ihe trewth- 1 out C -BAUriUcU. XlreUOraer . u ' a . xrI . 8 OI "eriatn - Qf wives just naow." ni published nv "ouweo meir admiration for tho I . , " black of the Souths ;,i k iJol.aa j ' More beer aoo;a. -----b. 5.v"k. : epiooi ""iswuw ana rererencp. ani work came in so rapidly that she soon had a dozen machines in alaro-e. airv ofhee, upholstered with Persian fab rics, where to-day ahe doea tbe largest type-writing business in the city, and has been appointed nrm-.;! lor the sale of machines. Jndt?el)il- I Ask your Grooer for PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE. fATArstX) FAMILY PATAPSCO EXTRA, ' CAPE HENRY FAMILY, NORTH POINT FAMILY, CHESAPEAKB EXTRA, BEDFORD FAMILY, ORANGE GROVE EXTRA. C. A. GAMBRILL MFCS. CO. 32 COMMERCE ST.. BALTIMOKK, MM Represented by J. T. McIVER. je 19 Cm we fr su Wilmington, N- CtOIftl MCBAL, PARIS, 1S7M. BAKER'S CHOCOLATES . . Jlaker't Premium Chocolaterti b"t prcpArkHoa of plain ohoooltror fam ily um. Hater". Bnakfcu Cocoa. from which ths i smu of oil hu been xemoTd. easily dlgsstal and dmlrahly adapted for invalids. paJbma Voanlla Cboeoiate, ss a drink or satsa aa con fcotfanimy Is dallckmasrtida i highly xermnmmiaA .by itoatat. Sattf fintma,' Inralnabto as a, diet for cbil drn Omui' BwmA i CkocolaU, a mostazaUeataraalsfcrBftmiUea. , 'Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. JJATCTIR 3 CXK, ' Jprosaafcir, Jfosa, M ' wefrsu J Jan a lan S D&Wly Cotton Brand IOD told me the Other daw ,... h I i'OTftrrc ir flvnftft av -rx , - i . J wa fcar uvi I " v v v Aivt-wn ii mm 9- mi sy ej work gave satisfaction in hi rW wnonn pk;ii.-. tt. rilV, d he confuted da -Coi JSWWS General to Pans n having in th ,imu o.1 1 P0?1 . o r w I ....j ""uujooiaui uverworKefl cal and accomplished a daughter I men with satisfactory results." Perhaps, after all. it that tho Pope's blessinrr ia tn, ! i I NfiW flrfin Tnmit,. Qa.1 clirod. , wwa, auAAUU OCCU J UST RECEI VED. ALSO A FULL SUPPLY OF At J. K. M oILHENNY'S Dn I irot On beer. More l Danph!ol , Got hot. M..1 J , i c. my L ; ..: REV, C. S. FARRISS. Associate iwito. wdl l. .. . pm M Mi Carolina Baptists 6rade Acid Ptospliate. David A. Oitrtias in Life I 4 In. Its ,44tH Tear. HoasFORnA w ZISS!1 Gihbs & Co'sHlghGrade Address ' doc '28 tf Only $2.00Perear, BIBLICAL RECORDER. Raleigh. N. o. AHMONIATED PHOSPHATE. ty A pint of UiA flnp inV-' A- sawU.ntu . - w w auaa, ivi f-f I llf or schools can be made from a ten-cent rs! o Aviamona Liyes. Try them, f Come and see us. MOILBLENNY Ttrno. t Corner Market and ' - : The Person Ooiinty News,, Published at ROXBOKO,JTiG:T WII1TAKER sic pillllOIVS, s ; Editors sad Proprietors. . ; ' ' Tbe NEWS haa the larnst. ni,x.ioti je 8 D&Wtf E. J. POWERS WfLMINGTON.IN. C. Gibsoji's J Gibson's TMPOBTED FINE FLAVORED TABLETS, mnd'' Ju&nPdBExtBUgar flne8t FrU" Me4feaes-oraPP,y ?f Chemicals. Pn-t F. a MILLER'S, mT 83 W Corner 4th and Nun Sts. v.. v . i i it It m Ho 1$ jy 24 tf $1 eo wr yeal. W Snbsorlptloii

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