: 4 " - ' ft.' R A ! C HO L E rnor. DABnrn Prophylactic Fluid ! . rfi itUMtu K a-a wa WILL PREVENT THE CHOLERA! rh ami poarwrfal Aa- Umpto aVaTaa wAlv tr.WM althor KTIH x U.T a HTUtHiU L T paaalar a ra ran 11 .-oawt wtlA rt'KX. hWUT axd cljc.. th puaactkM o ia. H'til'la, " a 1 1 . w I f Hail r,M ,4!jaaaW H um i'ln'li". rr T"n all fais, aVBrre.va- FAKf i"l! mw'yT.W TBI k no roajf atiom ur . nf k-'i' rit tha , , , ,11 1. t.n at ' I 'H ii . r ;uit i T Kit ho it KS.tt.TnT IXEML ...tra ii dint '' ' ii it j miHMioit HHI ill. i. . t IttCK. RliuM 'Ktl-.tK. ,. ,:: H LI CLtHST OK vrAKt-Jt r i hc-iK T Kt porfl tlx Ala n'C' IV KM. r from A II. vnrf it uul t ts; AJ A Mt Tmkm t'M trwV l-tiWrT U H trflMtt J-iii rtni. UfMC in runitl iTuiii or itxl'iKlaitr a.l a. i .K I'll" ti"iiHirt rt tiwkt of . . n;t'Vl'ii rl Mttl taihl x it rit ' ki ' l I'l IS II ! h (Am ! : ii Y IU i ( 'ill' 4:11 ' ti v II la ea ka alta. rrU l M H "a I'lmrii v tic 11attar 1, 1 ii nut vwriaia aa 1 ..w ' 'w'Vli'ft f.tll ':wH (fiu aa unwit appi (!.' Kit t I I I 'llMO, it 'Irillif hMllMt rilltADKLi-ULA. I I. it litt. w ti- arm f I.OO. a w a Cholera! i'HOtl4 iiaA.Nruaf j ALL CMOllffft o St AtS YlELO TO THE INFLUENCE OF i PsrryD.vis'sPdflKik t F WH ttMRt K XI 4iM.. ivi ' I u v ,iltir Ittwl . .Mrly m iA lk.ir Mil rii. a iinii'r-. Pun K.iilwr. mmIv .i4 HiM " W imiiint. Rr-rtlW.. V . " ta ' t hutori ml nUi r t miiiJiwr jnyimiri I ). fcl A k.U ' I vt t ntr iRt iu;tsTs .srt 1 ;r lea it Those Women Folii. low llf-Mal Oliawal .mm raUf wraia tJk7 a1aa I' J ral a a 4 . 1 . iiiiik n mm-it thin th kMi'W. ai mi 'ii Mtw -Iwl, im tA w a mhm iln 1.' worH ' Hha anal praaia vaiif ttW i: hnwi ai-i ttomM wttlMxit laiwli i-ioipiaat ' in voiiiMii ft itioiil. rt I Mi'tiiMrf f lao 1 i-M. i a IU f n. IBM. tltoim lutrai (nunvt 11IIIII..W :i4 ui New Kittf!-mt wuan t tft 11111 fiilda wlalnrii !,iu4 4a t)Oif tlml lt 1 ' I.. it tor ia t M-ri.(,!f in NatiJ. aatf lAa . ' i- a . ! ' !' .voi-ia" t.ttia k ;ai-it laiuifaai .1 wWr fivw tfc fc;aa a tl'ialia AI nun Clltua '( (.. NaUttat laoil J ijrlilfi k .1. .. 1 ' a l.i-ttaar rataa--arajai aeaMla. Salvia or 1 - 1 - ; 11 i.ajaU. ay tr Jixt Caam aixt aMt 1 t..ni t.iaal wniaaa arS. tia-' la aa nr 1 in ,f U'vaai W aA4 th0 ith aiiitaattiwaa kI iiar iparlativa 1 ' 1 11 -iiim 'Mxlaia na ftaayHala aat 1 a.l aaavimitt .Mt t a alf. aal 11 . ifii-.ai wiiui( w ta Salary oaf asafWait- ' .it uu ! M.utat at tSa Saata of tea . in. I im fi !ti . mi" i,ki aa t. Im ware la 'ii.i.- ir If tltiaaw iMtial yara) . v .i-'ii irtviii taa ra wA aav'aif THi a. Iih rrt, pavia n tlaa -lal ' WWavr taaf if 11. In iion ,lf aOaa p.nl.i lfnM f tAa a.ililaar-a tllaa iar.. ir laaa htnr Cnal It t iMtara y mim tvvaM-aLioa . W.aJSJ I Jfk i;i r?..vT3l tt irH! niMii tll natr ! Jia ,iitva a if tna paliav b.iaiiaa) Jail. try fvaa-fe ai-H. t w aXranartat t that rl y nut Irat-ait Haii ;.a Ilka Iwtart i.a utW t-iavaaWr v il li tin ria Baam.a a pi.taaar aawaaar. ia i...r ru,...i t,, aMl fcut !. IWaL rt Si rmmfr wtktea ! y.'t r' iata) yi ia! a- aaal Mini will. a iir iniiiat l a iA Pa Aafava pariaaf y jar (. ura ami iuttiiMe Aa pfanCaar la aaar fawa. - A t.. ila avainl n IOI rat la IW al4a. Vtliitrf A A .ftiuai . fWniria(li' J I tavtnla w V w IK a i aa aa a aa 1 FOX THE P2UlME)Tr CCZDCTrt 1 CONSnPsVTiQN, I'fjaan.aiail aa aw n piles. an A aaaaa iy a taTlT raa aaaaatutarar ..:.. ,. USE I t D-aajwt, a wa rr am aa I Tho Manon Star, T"JL7I-?I HZVkrn rmtmn a Ulaa raa Caa aaatkaa. aaa a Uia 1 aaaal auu aaaat pmmawai at laa ataaa. oafaaa ma Akaa a.aal.aa ami W anAaaia Ma-Tl VTajTt wau aava a aaailiaiar D nunU'ataaai Vila main-AaMiCla. BV "". waiiaa patiiiwaara a ara "rrimraaiata aaal J l it tivairof ',' ilk' ti rvrisw t A lMfhr. (J 11 H i Kavfeaarr-Waart a 'aJTl 'ai f atUA I aaiaaia. aat m 1 nqa.f tratiaa; aaaa-M a that Vavtat aw a akWraaaai 4aaa satxaaaaaW H Pruam'a Aaal j i i - 11 n 11 ii if mm 0 aa4 tadaaaaavl aaaal at rai tarava. AJatiaaa 21 The Mornm-Star. tii oirrorriUBi. T aTltA. a. at. a. MATT. Tba kftaj sayaIa ItrWW VKki faa lha WlM-LI L.i man A k m. I To wocaaa Ufurf op hcrmt: womaa, I hav but tears foe thee," But Wars T SAd Ah hm la bH Thereat, lb tears that cornforterl (N"o other beautiful wocnaa breathed. No rival sxoooc men hai ha The seraph's word of lira wa sheathed Tb roUeo frail hner on the Im. Hr kJ w lord of .lithe earth. Wherein bo cbikJ hi wailed iu birth.) Tert to a bride ' "Ye. therefore tears." u Edr for. "Yea. and tears there Ah brW la Rieo. there were fears. i&Ai nrt bJuh your young cheeks Lm( that first i ts. hid tn im iiwi. Let Kdeo wiihemi from your fecC Mother of wocoea ? Did you tee HOW brief rour brautv and how brief. Therefore, the lore of U must be la that Cm ranlea. that flnl erief ? fXd thoae flmt drora of sorrow faJI Tt mare Wi pit far as sll t O vUo mourner by the dead. y oe wa(ciir At tu rrr rrmas rrowo : O lerleji for soma dr!in r heJ Cekl pillowed oa the prisma stone . (r wi with drowaioff avas. He koew Wan irre the c ft of tear to you ! Am tit Spirits Turpentine. hir. lUyirl Datw, a moat enti- mable you or roaa of ViU3n. u dead. lacxinjjton Iitxttch : Our in- fornsLkm pathemJ frean iatarly every sec Uoq of tb ountrT. U to the effect that crop are lulrnuti. aad will faj abort uo- Icaa rata rotnr n. Durham I'iant: The increase of the tatbie property in Durham town hlp duriax he pa.t year, that Is. aioce the I vu !Ut waa Ukeo. wi be over ivjOO OCO. (olJ)Kro Mtssemjcr : General Tbooiaa I ClioctDAa. of North Carol 10 a, U o-irw TiajtiOat to Ikiatoo. where he meets few meo who were la pubiic life with hirn whea he entered Cooattm m 1 843. An rsrly meetioe of the Directors of the GoialtbtM-o. Soow HUl sad Greenville llailriajd U ia coo tern ptalion The Dlrte- toea sre u W Iiocnphrev. 11. P. Gralnirer. Jmmea ii. Cbarry. K C YeOowley and Ir. v . J Jooarv UAJtMt Jlritt, a ynuor man of Grantham' townahip. aoa of Mr aioeharo Mntt, dwd on Tueaday. jrel 24 years. i . Wilson Mirror: Dinicl Sum raer. well koown sad pepuur citizrn or Itinl firmly. fca bwn bitten by a aoak. lie is now uaarosiar. MaL JcnkJtw r poett crop ia some portion of Xaah aa he of vrrj Uae. sod in othera very Inferior. ' aB .a a a V . - v e learn iroen ue jraarjer a art nf rs-arals have have bem iwitvcinnr a number of anautpectisf farrners through out thia arction. They travel with wironi ami claim to rvpreaent a Richmond tlrm hn buaiocaa tt U to cleanae feather. They bare aOcreatii ia "tailor, in" st eral etcrJ eot citizen in the Grantham's ana! TVntomvilkf arctia-wu. lUleth Visitor: Wc hear that the rro piioo civm Mrs. BtooewaH Jarkaoa ami lauf btrr. at Lbc AUaotic Hotel Morenead. urp-vaail anvtblne sver seen in tab 8tale. Tho Lar;- bail rvara u beillianUy lir.htetl. Twobaadaof tnuiac were in attendance. Xrv Jackoa and daurhter came forward. aarrarnpaairl by quite a Party of ladies and rentlemen. Mr. J aa. A llryaa. in tbe name of tne people, made quite a pametic talk, in rraponje for Mrs. Jackaoo. Mr. Ctrx D Thoroas a prominent lawyer of .a-awa, juat made the moat brautil al ten minute pexb ever bearu. Over eirnt hndilml prrsDosi were introduced by Mr. Hryao SalmhurT M'aU-Aman : M. Ij- Holmea of this plAce has cut three tons of hay at a entftnr; from a ooe acre lot of clo ver and orchard f raas year after year. A negro to us unknown very brutally and evioualy aaaw!tat a whiu roan, whose oame we cmid ' nr aarrrtaJo. with an ax band! in the 8urr Spriorv K-vcality oo Tueaday evenior Taut. Mr. Jcho A. aklr wj sUrtlcd Ttsterday by theei- pkwioo of a small dynamite torpedo which he was carry iof kv on of the porkcta of hU panta lie camped with a slibt bruise to the jrmo. and two or three abrasions of tbe arm wbkb bled pretty freely. Two UuUf aesrra b-iys wr amualnj; themartres near an underintoand bnbk of rarth at Mow rry' brick yaHTuradAy. whea K grt way and burieU them clean out of sirbt. Men oa-ar at hand rsp to their relief, ao.1 by dil Urrol uae ef ahovala aooa jro them out. ( toe of ihatra JaXkJtl a if his errs were abeut to leap out of bis head, ana he was CoaairaUv beulard. The other bail a brakm thifn anl waa badly uard up. Near librae Journal: Trie color ed flaptiat church at Wahiocton wm dc- atroyed by fire oo Friday ni,tbl lal; sup- pawrd a nave oeen ine wotk oi no lacesur ry. as the culored people have been dia- putjaf for aocue time paat. We re- rret to hear of the death of Dr. W. T. Keueedr of ?tooewan. which orcurred at hU honae oa WriJoeaday sljcbt. The okjrat tvouae to this acctioo oo the north aja of Neuae river, is now a tenant bouae. . a . a I or tne i arm oc v--etx vrrro. ri . uiwu I7C1 The okiaaat houae oa U south Mja of Neuae river is oo the farm of Dr. iVnL fiaanith. at Iaoe Laadlnr; it bears the ! of 177X1 It is sa4 Utal (ieo. rrna-w Marion and staff quartered la ooe room of the booaa la 1777. Thecror la Hrtfe county are said to be M leant one- third ahon. Tbt crorw la Greene CvajatT are rvported as eiceeOioriy noe. We hear that several of our farmer. ami huaioraa men ia thia sectioo loleod - ... aa vijt.fr the Louisville tvtpoailion. tie priw-t thai the t.nratar of Nsrth (aro Na and ArrWultural Department will I natality ahaaard wheat KorU Carol In ana en there aad UehoU the marT18crnt dipl ays fnade by other Plate Charlotte Jormal Obsrrrrr: Cr. Georre EL Wllaon. who has been ar piatol receiver for the old Hank of Cnar loiLa. s now payioc tha stack holders oi that cooeera about 7 310 cents oo tnc II of atock. This bank waa charteml lo tTa3. Mra. Senator Z. II Vance is I peadaac tha summer in the mountains wUh bar buabanO. and woo oaa oeeu cnucauy 111 for the past three weeks, is we are flad k leara. retUor better, tier aaoceroua condttioaNcaoprd her friends considerate khrra foe a time. Cromwell ten wUt- ot his hat and waited at the star la the street until Zeb came op coiar to his rooea. A neero waiter who foUowod wilb Urora wrils hat saw him aaaault Zcb with a knife. rtt him down and stab him maay Umea, . . . . - a at a. a a TtTV aad left him wtiieriar u ots daooo. n ocu found tweaty anlarttaw afterwards be was ly aaaal from ioaa of Oaooa aaa nte je - . . a I J a aralcb aa1 mooer room i ne watca eviuco- ly (arts cT-wthr TiakacsV U "aib waa hmkn la two olace. Soma are disposed to think that robbery waa the motive of the aaaaalv Mr. Charlie Vance beaxioc of it. rase up from the spda. 4 on BtnrHj rrvoiac aUackAl Crosawell. kaocied him do ww by e wb ptatot aaa wa ptw aa.ffiir tA ritmn ahs when arrested by llaT tnntiaio us ,uiscELLA2rrn T i The RomAnr CalLo.ioa propoea to hTo a float lux eiujTch.tov' traTerse lha Arnaaon tuvtr, ptopeiied by steam, to ad Tanca tha XaiCb, Tb IUv Phillip. Brooks has la tbe pre or Marmntaa A Co. a vol am e of "Sermoos preached la Earlish Churches," which will be published in Sep tember. . Father Rionltn, of Chicago, who has been appointed a bishop and coad jutor of the Archbishop of Baa Francisco, la only thirty-eight, and is thought to be the youngest Catholic bishop to the world. He wsa born io New Brunswick, but was taken to Chicago when quit younf . One af our beat preachers once said to us, "What I like about the North Carolina preachers is. the sympathy they bare for one another." His remark struck us as a truth worth remembering. Unity amooe the ministry ia half the battle for the aucceas of a denomination. Raleigh aVewetirT. Biblical student are taaoifect log rreat interest in a recent report from rglaod thai the raleeUae exploration fund has recovered from a Bedouin tribe east of the Jordan pieces of skin containing portions of Deuteronomy and the com mandments mad about $00 yean before Chrtal The soul oo earth is an immortal fruest. Compelled to starve at an unreal feast; A spark which upwards tends by nature's force; A stream diverted from Its parent source; A drop dissevered f mm the bound lean sea; A moment parted from eternity; A pilgrim panting for the rest to come; An exile snxious for bis native home. HannaA Mare. "The Presiding Elders a Con vrnlioo of the Northwest paascd a resolu tion reqaestlng the Bishops to exercise great care In the appointment of men to the office of Presiding Elder who use to bacco. If riosaiblc, they thiok such sp- poiQimenls shook be avoided. Cimn ai.' AdcoeaU. Our tub-Bishop laugh at such resolutions. In the Virginia Con ference "quid rides." Jiiehmo ui AdaU. Since his meeting last spring, laymen have been leading tbe regular Thursday night iryer meetings at Dr. Skinner's church. It ts a mailer for grati tude on his part, that tbe church has in it o maoy men gifted with public speech, and he so expressed himself on Thursday night (ant. We think tbe idea of thus making the brethren excrciae their gifts in this way Is a good ooe, and we throw out the blot lo the patera.-JiaVvA Recorder. , "Great haata is not always good ipcol " Yet you must not diny-dall in caring for your health. Liver, kidneys and bowels mu( bo kept healthy by the use of that prince-of medicines. Kidney-Wort, which comes In liquid form or dry both thoroughly efficacious. Have it alwava rrly. " .: , i f" Uae the American draphJle load pencils manufactured by the Joseph Dixon Cru cible Co . of Jersey City. Naw Jersey. Housr eaubliabed In 1837. The only pen cil awarded the Grand Medal for Progress at Vienna, in 1873. Eighty-one first pre miums awarded foe superior manufactures of black lead. Pencils nf all grades and atylea at reasonable prions. t TORPID DOWELS, f DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. - rroea Uwsao souro axiau three-fonrthj oi tba din aaa oi tbe tauan rur. Tneae vympaocn Imlicato Uw'.r . . -Iia o( apaaAISa. Haw. la ........ llsulm aha, faXIaaaa aft. .1 . ,.jU io aartAaa LmkUjt . . , . tUoa aaT tut, Irrltaali. ..: t--:i.rr, Iw patrtta, A 'aliajt ... .t,na arfl.cteal aaaa aflaty. IU.-. . rluliarlariltbi HaUt,DaU aai.-ara- tl.a rftdhataJtMla vad t'rta. t "T I'ATIUX, and de mand the oao r n-meaiy that acts directly oolbeUror. .,,Ijr-r rrvodlcine TtUTTM 'tt'tAI ham ao caaL Ttietr aetiort on the a kl atrya and SA tn ts aJao prowrn ; rrrroovtftg all Impolitic Uiroagh tuea three Meav am-.ra af ik, rtum," pcoOnotug appe tite. aoaiMl 1lgetlna.-Ternlav nrrh, a clear akin and a vigorous bortr. '1 l-l'fH PILLS eaaa no naoara or gTirWng nor interfere wit dalrr work and aro a parfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. ms nzu likb a akw Ajr. I baea havd lyprpt, wttb Conatipa tVn.tfroyvaara,aal have triad ten dlnarant klada oi pUJ. aad ILI A'S are the first that bar tloay aaa Bay gnod. They nav ciaaaad ta-a cars ateafy. sfy appaitlie ia PMUadkl, Sood rHgeata readily, and I bow have aataraj paaawrna. I awl Uxo a new man," WU- AU VTAJLDS, aVa2myTa, O. fcalwa a,aaa, Oaea,A Morray StwN.T. TUTT& HHllrllYlui Cbat ILara oa WBiaxxXs cbaoaed ln taatrr to a iHtmsr Rlacx try a st&cle ap pUoatJo) of thta trra. Sold try Drocgista, or sen t by erpraa on receipt of 1. OOrw, 44 Morray Street. Sew York. Tim HAIoal tf BUnJl RfCflPTS ffilC. Jy 3D rVaodAWly aa we ft nrm Jy SO LOVELY COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE TO ALL What Nature den les to many Art hecurtu to all. Hasan's Magnolia llalm dlxpols ererj blemish, OTerrornes Itodnesn, I-Yerllejt, Salloiniess, Bongh ness. Tan. KrnptlonH and IJIotehrs. and remoTes all eyi denee of heat and fxeit? menL Tho llajjiiolla Balm I mparts tho most delicate and natural romplexlonal tints no detection wlnfr possible to the closest obserration. Under these drciirnstanc?s a faulty Complexion Is little Khort of a crime. Ifagnolia JUlmfeoldeTerywhero. Costs only 75 cents TTlth full di rections. at" fab S3 It S I I arm febSn -aJJLTtU&CaOSaU. a I aod am wv fr GoodaEaBtem Hay, lJoa SALE BT WOODY ah CTJRRIE. Ctommaatoa Merchant la lanatim aad Naval htoraa. I,!- P WDmlnrton. N. C T h e M o r n i ti'jSiar, - PUBLISHED DAILY AST) WEEKLY I "S Si-scriptioii Hates In Attraice. DAILY STAR, One Tear, poatAffe paid,. . . " SlxXonths, ... - Three Months' - .... " TwoMontha, " " .... - One Mooth " .... WKKXLY STAR, One. Tear, postaKe paid. " " SU Months. " " . Three Months " ...$7 ... 4 ... a ... 1 ... .$1 ... 1 ... H0TICES OP THE PRESS: !h Hrii la decldedlv one of hA fwajtt naTvnni In tbe State, as bright aad newsy aa ever. Long life to It. ScUraa jyum. The WQaatneton Stak has entered on Its twelfth yar aa irooa a paper aa any people should want. Chorion iMmtocroL Tbe Wilmington 8t.h has entered on Its twelfth year. As a daily journal of news It stands "up head." Ocmcord kjiUr. The wTUnlngton Sraa has entered Its twenty fifth volume. There Is no better paper published in the State, Ltnotr Topic. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its thir teenth year. It Is one of the best papers In the State, W'orrvnto Oozettt, The Wilmington Stab has entered Its thirteenth year. Tt has beoome one of the leading papers.of the Soath. Oxford TbreMUjht. The Wilmington Stab, is not only one of the best edited papers In the State, bat for freshness of news ana typograpteal appearance cannot be beaten. Jactttm BeporUr, The Wilmington Stab IS one of the very best pa pen In. the South, in every department from typo graph t np to editorial ability and Independence. TtUrtlmrg ( Fa.) Index-AppeaL We like the Stab because It is tnoronghly relia ble, eandlda fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and m fact a nerfect newsnaDer. Long may the tab twinkle. Jft. Aim Visitor. Altnengh at the haad of the press In this State In all that makes a paper valuable to tbe reader, still it bonUnnea to Improve. It Is a Stab of the flnt magnitude. May Its lustre, never wane. 7 fri WiU BajUUL The Wilmington (N. C.) Morwtko Stab la a mod el newvpapar. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate tt merits when we say It Is the newrtett (aecnlar) paper published in the Sooth. Richmond ( lo.) SMgiou Btraid. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon It thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of tbe beat conducted and edited papers In the South and, as a North Carolinian, wo are proud of It. Tarboro Southerner. The Stab la so well and favorably known In this section of the State, that we can say nothing of which It thousands of readers do not already know. It la In every respect one of tho best dal lies in the Sou th. Eotonia. That magaifloent beaming Stab has completed Its twentv-aeoond volume. It la one of the most brUnant. eradlte and soarkling dailies south of tbe Potomac, The system io the get up of the pa per (urpaaae them alU Znreoro bouiAerner. The Wilmington Stab has entered on Its twelfth year. It Is a most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a eompeadlnm of all the news of the day, and tan boaor to Its city, to North Carolina and to North Carolina Journalism. CAariolU Observer. The Wllmtngton Stab la now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has be sides InrTOaaed the amount of Its reading matter. The Scab ta an excellent paper. It prosperity Is not an rp rising since It Is so deserving. Chariot' OUemr. Th 7baM cannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has Just reached one of Its many birthdays. As a newspaper It Is a favorite with the State press and Is sought after by the people. Long and prosperous life to it. ReitU villi Ttmat. Wh la It that all the papers with the name of Star are such bright little journals r me w umrag ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, the Fred- arlckabnr- Star. New ork Star, for eumpie. There must be something In a name after afl. RicJunond ( 10.1 State. - Th Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to success. We eataMsrn th Stab very highly, regarding It as one nf the vera best Of oar exchanges, and consider It the peer of any JournatJ published In tho South. Oxford Frf Lame Tbe Wilmington Stab has entered upon Its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still contin ues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab mrr hlarhlv. rauraxdiDaT It as one of the very best newspaper that comes to this office. Its news column are always a little fuller than those of any other of oar exchange, and Us editorial de aarrment I conducted with much ability. ibr 0OMaaa Ulade, U amble tn Its beginnings, as was Inseparable from an enterprise begun amid tbe wreck of for tune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab baa steadily "waxed" un til It now beams resplendent In the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. As a newtpa pr It has few equals, and no superior, for appro priate selection and indteious arrangement, and we are proud to rani It among our most accepta ble exebangea UiRtboro Recorder. Th Wilmington Moajmce Stab has entered up! on the thirteenth year of It existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate It upon Its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able anoeeas of th Stab is due to its strict atten lion to basin ea. The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) 1 that It always has the news, and this is the first thing in Journalism. Otherwise the na pr ts all that the term of "good newspaper" Im plies, and lis corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the haalthv. moral influence of the Stab never be re tarded, and may tt genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy years of usetuiness- Oouttboro MtJfruoer. Bnffalo Lithia Water TAKES THE PLACE OF THE SURGEON'S KNIFE FOR STONE OF THE BLADDER. ITS VAL'JE IN B RIGHT'S DISEASE. GOUTY DIATHESIS, Ma. THE BUFFALO LITHIA WATER SUPPLANTS THE SURGEON'S KNIFE IN STONE OF THE BLADDER. Cam of Dr. J. B. Wclstling, Mlddletown, Pa.. stated by himself. "Experience In It use in Stone of tbe Bladder, In my own person, enables me to attest the won derful efficacy of the Buffalo Lithia Water tn this nal.fnl Tnavlawfr. After havlmr been long subject ed to sufferings, the Intensity of which cannot be described. I have under the Influence of this water passed (I am confident I am within the boanals of truth), at least an ounce of Calculi (Uric Acid), some of which weighed as much as four grains, affording Inexpressible relief, and leaving me in a condition of comparative ease andoomfort. I am now passing only occasion ally small Calculi, and they are not attended by th tntenae suffering which their passage has heretofore oceaaloned- On one occasion Ipassed thirty fire Calculi in forty-eight hours. The ap pearance of this Calculus Nuclei Indicates un mistakably. I think, that they were all compo nent particle of ooe large Calculus destroyed by the action of the waur by means of solution and disintegration. At my advanced period of 11 a (i am seventy-seven years and six months of aga). aad m my feeble general health, a surgical operation waa not to be thought of and the wa ter seem t have accomplished all that snch ap operation. If anoceseful. ooaid have dono." Stobs nt tbs Bxxddxb (Uaio Aero). Stbttobs of Brioht's DnrxAira. Case of Mrs . staled by Dr. David E Smith, f Mrs , stated by Dr. David K of Bronxvllle. Westchester. N. Y. "Mrs. was subject to severe attacks of Oomt. a eonseqoence oi an mneniea uw zia 4Avi followed after some time by Stone in the jUmdier. Tbe limb were very (Edematou, so mach so as to pit readily on pressure with t he Cnrer leaving an Indentation long after tts remo raL Tn Urine was loaded with Urate and 25 ixr cent. Albumen, and th microscope revealed CVatfeahowinaT nnmlstkab.y,as I thought, rwAT Tjittam of the Kidney. I veesoribed the Buffalo Lithia waterprlng No. 2, which afforded prompt relief in the Ooute A fiction, and resulted, in a few weeks. In the passage of a Stone five-eighths of aa inch long, by one-fourth of an Inch In diam eter Under the continued use of the water the lYuit ha been relieved of Alouminou Impregna tion, and restored to a normal condition; no Caete can be discovered, tbe CSdematou condition of th limb ha been relieved, and the general aaaith of tbe patient to a great extent restored.' BtoanraBuDin, Pbosthatic. Cass stated by Dr. B. 8. Hardy, Hookerton, Greene Co., N. C. A aH . aon. a yoong man. suffered from Stone in She Madder, of a mixed character, consisting chiefly of OaWaw. Oireoaafe and Pkotphate, At tr paraiatent as of all remedies Indicated in the oase without benefit, I put him noon Buffalo iMa, Spring No. 2, the use of which, for some arMika. reunited in the passage, at abort inter- hvala, af &roet, of small six, and at times of par- I ' . ' an a 1 S .aI M. tlalriSOi etamm, louovai, atHoeumea aiKrwania, by the discharge of a Stone weighing 12 grains, the largest, I am confident, I ever knew to pass through tbe Urethra), vtrtualiy ending his trou ble, aioce which time any unpleasant symptom has been relieved by tbe use -of the water for a short time. It action ta this case has been in deed wonderful." Water ta' esses of one doten half gallon bot tle, S3. SO per case at tbe Springs. Rnrlnaa ooan Jane 1st. Borings pamphlet sent to any address. THOMAS F. GOOD; a llSai E)aata4 e.-m X y . aFVrJa AVJ 3 Wll Baffalo Lithia Springs, Va apiatf tVOur enotAtlonar'lt should "be anderstooe, repreeeat the . wholesale prtex generally, r ln no small orders higher pnoea have to be BAGGING Gunny . .. :. .. Standard. BACON North Carolina, Earns. .. 10Kd 00 00 00 10 lf 00 00 00 00 00 1 90 0 00 24 & & 9 ' 18 11 10 OS 00 Shoulders, tt t... Sides, choice, tt S 00 00 oo 60 75 50 00 50 Wkstkbr SxoKin Hams, tt . Side, V Shonldera, tt ft Dbt Saxtbd Sides, tt ft..-. 8honldera;'tt ft..... BARRELS Spirit Turpentine, Second Hand, each.... .... New New York, each. ....... New City, each.. a BEESWAX tt BRICKS Wilmington, tt M 1 80 2 00 1 90 25 8 00 9 00 14 0C 25 35 Northern 0 00 BUTTER North Carolina, ft. 18 Northern, W ft CANDLES ft Sperm Tallow Adamantine CHEESE t Northern Facfy Dairy, Cream State COFFEE tt ft Java Lagnyra Mo CORN MEAL tt bush., in sacks, Virginia Meal.... 25 18 25 12 12 14 16 14 28 14 12H 80 85, 75 7 85 00 14 00 10 18 13 10 TTVfi COTTON TIES bundle BOMBSTICS Sheeting, 4 4, tt yd Yarns, tt bunch... 1.50 1 00 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, bbl... EGGS tt dozen. , Mackerel, No. 1, 9 half bbl. I Mackerel, No. 2, tt bbl Mackerel, No. 2, tt ball bbl . Mackerel, No. 3, bbi. . . - Mullets, tt bbl Mullets, Pork bbls N. C. Roe Herring, tt keg. Dry Cod, tt FERTILIZERS 2,000 pounds. Frenoh's Carbonate of Lime French's Agricultural Lime 16 00 i 16 8 50 9 60 5 00 8 50 4 00 7 00 8 00 5 20 00 (2 18 10 00 10 00 5 50 , 9 00 4 85 8 50 4 00 10 7 00 8 50 7 50 9 00 62 50 37 00 51 00 80 00 50 00 40 00 45 00 67 00 45 00 67 00 ' 70 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 5 00 Peruvian uuano, wo. l. No. 2. . Loboa Baugh's Phosphate Carolina Fertilizer , Ground Bone Bene Meal Bone Flour Navassa Guano Complete Manure 57 50 36 00 00 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 Whann's Phosphate . Wando Phosphate.. Berger & Butz's Phosphate. .3Exoellenza Cotton Fertilizer, 55 00 FLOUR bbl Fine . . 0 00 Northern Super 0 00 " Extra 6 25' " Family 6 50 City Mills Super 5 00 " Family 6 00 Extra Famllv 00 5 50 6 50 9 00 5 25 6 25 7 00 13 glue tt ft i:a GRAIN tt bushel. Corn, store, bags.prime. wnlte Corn, cargo, In bulk, " 75 68 70 66 60 75 4 10 80 77 70 73 68 62 80 6 11 1 00 90 80 8 14 14 1 40 Corn, cargo. In bags. Corn, cargo, Mfx n bags. Oats, from store Cow Peas HIDES tt ft Green Dry HAY tt 100 fts Eastern.. Western North River 80 70 HOOP BON-tt ft LARD tt ft Northern 10Ja North Carolina 00 LIMB barrel 00 LUMBER City Sawed tt M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. . 18 00 Scantling and Boards, com'n 12 00 MOLASSES -S gallon, New Crop Cuba, In hhde 36 " In bbls. 00 Porto Rico, In hhds 00 " In bbls 00 Sugar Mouse, in hhds 00 ' In bbls 26 Syrup, in bbls 40 NAILS tt Keg Cut, lOd basis.. 00 OILS tt gallon Kerosene 12 Lard. . HO Linseed 90 Rosin... 15 Tar 00 Deck and 8par 00 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown 35 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 Spring.... is Turkeys 75 PEANUTS tt bushel 1 50 POTATOES tt bushel Sweet . . 60 Irish, per bbl 3 50 PORK tt bbl. City Mess -'i 0Q Prime 16 00 Rump 17 00 RICE Carolina, tt ft 4 Rough, tt bushel 90 RAGS tt ft Country City ROPE ft 8 A LT tt sack Alum . Liverpool,- Lisbon........ - American ... SUGABtt ft Cnba Porto Kloo -. A Coffee B , O - " ExC -v.- ..... Crushed ....... . r;- soap tt ft Northen.-., ...... . 8HINGLES tt M Oontract.... 5 00 Common 2 00 Cypress Saps. 4 50 Cypress Hearts 0 00 STAVES tt M W. O. Barrel. - - 12 00 R, O. Hogshead..-. 00 00 TALEOW tt ft 5 TIMBER tt M feet Ext Heart (first class yellow pine).. 14 00, 14 50 Prime Ship'g (first class heart 12 00 Extra Mill (good heart) 9 00 Mill Prime 7 50 Common Mill 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 3 50 WHISKEY tt gallon Northern I 00 North Carolina 1 00 WOOL tt ft Washed 25 Unwashed 20 Burrv 10 WILMINGTON MONEY MARKET. Exchange (sight) on New York. hi discount Baltimore H " Boston ii " Philadelphia. H Western Cities... ii " Exchange, 30 days, 1 tt cent. Bank of New nanover Stock 107 First National Bank Stock 90 Navassa Guano Company Stock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Kx -Coupons .... 23 Funding, 1866 10 Funding, 1868 10 New 4s 80 Special Tax 4 W. W. R. R. Bonds, 7 o. (Gold Interest). 116 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 o 105 Wilmington, Col. A Augusta R. R. Bonds ... 106 Wilmington City Bonds, (New) 6 o 100 " " 8o. 100 New Hanover County Bonds. 6 ttc 100 Wilmington A Weldon R. R. Stock 100 North Carolina R. R. Stock 8C Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock SO Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 100 Lowell Machine Shop, Lowell, Mass. MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COTTON MACHINERY Of most Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements. Paper Machinery ALSO TURBINE WHEELS. Shafting and Gearing, Hydraulic Presses and Pumps, Elevators, tfec PLANS FOR COTTON ANPCPAPER MILL L. HILDRKTH, Supt, LOWELL, MASS. WM. A BURKE, Tress., 28 State Street. Boston. mhStf Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital. Cash Capital paid in, Surplus Fond, $1,000,000 . $300,000 S50.00C DIRECTORS W. 1. GORE. G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD McRAB. H. VOLLERS, R. R. BRIDGEBS, C. M. STEDMAb ISAAC BATES, JAB. A. LEAK. F. RHETNSTETt 11 BORDEN. . 3. W. ATKINSON ISAAC BATES. President ' G. W. WILLIAMS, Vice President D. Waixacb. Caahler. ang20-t ::r 1 aa& '' ' m M Railroad Co. Ovinia 6 Gan'.i STTraBiSTait iixKr. 7 tyumlngtoiu N.O, July 8, Change of Schedule. ' ON ' AND AFTER juLY 8, 1883, AT; 3.00 P. M. Passenger Tralna on the Wilmington Wei don Railroad wOl run as follows: " Day mail and Express Trains, Dally - Not. 47 North and 48 Sontb. Leave Wilmington, Arrive at Weldon. . , Front St. Depot, at 8.40 A. 12.40P. Lafiave wetdon. a.oo P. Arrive a Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 8.40 P. M. Fast Thbotjsh Ma n. and Passingib Train Daixt ( No. 40 South. Leave Weidon. 5.50 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 10.25 P. Mah. ajcd Passbkosb Train Daily No. , . I i North. Leave Wilmington . . Arrive iat Weldon . . . 8.00 2.20 P.M. A. M. Tvain No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Golds bo ro and Magnolia. Tralas on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 12 M. and 4.30 P. M. Dally. Returning, leave Tarboro at 3.00 P.M. and 10 A.M. Daily, j - ' . TraiS on -Scotland Neck Branch Road leavea Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. M. Return ing leaves Scotland Neck at 7.30 A.M. Dall v. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North Daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con nection for all Points North via Richmond and Washington. All trams run solid net ween Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. For accommodation of local travel a Passenger Coach; will be attached tp Local Freight leaving Wilmington at 6:15 A. M. Daily except Sundays. -' JOHN F. DIVINE, j . , . General Sup't. . T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, jy 7 tf WILMINGTON, COL'MBIA & AUGUSTA Railroad Co Op1CB OF GENiRAI. StTF'T, J .' Wilmington, N. C, July 8tb, 1883. f Change of Schedule. ON' AND AFTER JULY 8TH, 1883, AT 9.00 P. M., the following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road: NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally) No. 48 West amd 47 Eaalt. . Leave Wilmington , 9.00 P.M. Leave Florence 2.40 A. M. Arrive at C, C. & A. Junction 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 6.40 A. M. Leave Columbia 9.55 P.M. Leave C., Qi& A. Junction 10.20 P. M. Leave Floaknce 1.55 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington. 6.10 A.M. Night Mail, and Passkvobb Tratk, Baii.t. No. 40 ; West. Leave Wilmington. 10.40 P. M. Arrive at Florence 1.45 A. M. Mail ahd PASsxitesB Tbain Dailt No. 43 East. Leave Florence. 3.35 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington. 7.42 P. M. Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemington and Marlon. Passengers for Columbia and all points on G. & C. R. R., C, & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Ex press. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Angusta on Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. Local Freight leaves Wilmington Daily, except Sunday, at 7 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Iy7 tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. OVFICB OF 8 U PaHlSTKiTDKNT, Wilmington, N. C, Junel3, 1883. f H Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JUNE 13, 1883, THE FOL lowlng Schedule will be operated on this Rall- "Spad: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. ; ) Leave Wilmington at... 7.10 P. M. No. 1. ) Leave Raleigh at 7 35 P. M, Arrive at Charlotte at. 7.00 A.M. , 1 Leave Charlotte at 8.45 P. M. No. 2. V Arrive Raleleh at 8.30 A. M, (AveatWulnBnat'i.liiAM: Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated tn the Company's Time Table. EX- SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER, MAIL, PRESS AND FREIGHT. . Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlotte 5.30 P. M Arrive at Shelby. . 9.00 P. M. Leave Shelby 7.00 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte 10.30 A. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Raleigh, Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Tram No. 1 roi tstatesvuie, stations west ern N. C. R. R., Ashville and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville. Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. ia. v. .i units, Superintendent F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent. Je 13-tf New ork and Wilmington Steamship Line. STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK Every SATURDAT at 3 o'clock P. M. REGULATOR. . BENEFACTOR. REGULATOR... .Saturday, July 28. Aug. 4. Aug. 11. Aug. 18. Aug. 25, V BENEFACTOR. REGULATOR . . . ryrhrouph Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and Sontb Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to THOITIAS E. BOND, ' Superintendent Wilmington. N i Tbeo. 42. Eaer, Freight Agent, New Tory W. f. Clyde & Co., General Agents, Jy 27-tf 5 Broadway. New York. Atkinson & Hamiing's Instiraiitse Rooms, i BANK OP NEW HANOVER BUILDING Wilmlntftaa N. C. Fire, Hariue alF Life Coipanles. Capital Represented Over 1100,000.000 OTrtMER NEW MANAGEMENT. : Wllinlnsrton, K. C. B. JLw PeiTjr, - Proprleior First Class in all tts appointments. Terms . o $3.00 per day. ) ' febStf al1l "VJ If 1 I ii JJ ,i LjvvCr I I .- ' iH K 1 IL - Egeworth Solioolf , 'anii.iPTiifAni!' wv nvi.iNn. . BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR TOUNO - . LADIES AND CHILDREN, ' ,.- . . THE TWENTY-FIRST SCHOOL TEAR BEGINS 7 Os: , , , ; THURSDAY. SEPT. 80TU. drcnlars sent on application to the Principal. Mrs. H. P. LEFKBVRB, No. 69 Franklin ' COIiaLKOE OF 'j ;..- , . , Physicians & Surgeons BAlaTIMOKE, M. The practical advantages of this School are unsurpassed. Clinics held at City Hospital. Ma terniteand Maryland Woman's Hospital, all of which belong to this School. Pbystologloal and Chemical Laboratory Work required of ever student. Apply for a catalogue to DR. THOMAS OPIE, Dean, 80 N. Caioy Street. M. M. m. T-IVDRCES. No publicity; residents of XJ State. Desertion, Non-sn 1. port. Advloo an applications lor stamp, w. BVay, N. Y. jukji, Ait-y. .f M. 43 Newi aug 1 1 aper Adv'ng Bureau. 10 Sprttoo St , N AWlm ' ' ' Bellevue High School,!; BEDFORD CO., VIRGINIA. For Boys and Young Men. Prepares for Busl ness, 'College or , University. Thoroughly iuia , handsomely ulpped. Full corps of rnKtrudors. Beautiful and healthy location. eaitny For Catalogue, address XV. H ABBOT, PrlnelpaL. Bellevue P. O. jy 1 AaS W 3UI ' WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE MALE AND FEMALE DEPARTMENTS. Sitn atloh most healthful and delightful. Full corps,. Of instruotors,!both in COLLEGE aod l'HEl'Alt-. ATORY SCHOOL. Well ordered Christian family " government.' Terms moderate. TIURTY-TIJl 1D SESSION begins SEPT. 4TH, 1883. For Catalogue, c, address REV. T. WARD, President., ' or MISS L. A.OWlNGS,Preceptrcsf. Jyl7D&Wlm. Westminster, Md. Tate Epsom Spring. HOTlEL OPEN THE YEAR RODND. AfrURlf'S GREAT REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA , ii diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Live Kidneys. ate. It Is especially adapted to Clerks, Invnlld.i, Ladles, and all persons of sedentary habits. Un tnand dally increasing. Shipping to all parts nf the United States at the rat of 2,000 bnrreJs per year.i PRICE, $5 00 per barrel and SC.00 norease of two dozen quart bottles, delivered In Depot at Morristown, Tenn. Terms cash. FRKKinT RATlt- to Wilmington, N. C, 49 Cents per 100 taoanrU f REFERENCES OUR PATRONS: Wn. H. Bernard, Dr. W. G. Thomas, R. W. Hicks, Oscar Pearsall, Dr. J. C. Munds, D. L Russeily J. F. Garrell, of Wilmington: R. II. Jor dan &, OoJ. L. Brown, F. 8. DoWolfe, Dr. T. C. Smith, D. P. Hutchison, J. 8. Hpenoer & Co., .1. W. Wadsworth, of Charlotte; Dr. Jno. A. Boyd, G. Wi. Dargan, Darlington, S. C; Win, II. Jones, Thosi P. Smith, George W. Mclver, Cliarloston. 8. C. Sinkilar lists ooald be added from all ovor tho Sontp. Oar patrons endorse it In tho strongest langtage. Read a few: Major Campbell Wallace, Atlanta, Ga. : "Of all the 8priilg8 of Virginia and Tennessee, I consider the TTate Epsom' the most wonderful, and the properties of the water the most valuable." C. W. Anderson, Savannah, Ga.: "For all com plaints Incident to malakial looamtibs, I oon- sldertbe water unequaled." J. B. Carr, Durham, N. C: "I think It the flneftt water to be found anywhere." H. A. Barnard, Marshall, N. C: "I have pa tronized Tate Water for more than fifteen years and was cured by It of dyspepsia, livor complaint and kidney disease. My daughter wan ccnxD perfectly well and sound of a broken and boto leesly shattered constitution." James CreeswelL. Eho., Greenwood, S. O: "I am fully and earnestly Impressed there Is no other mineral water on this continent whoso healing qualities will compare with Tate Spring water." Geo. Smith, (of the Commercial Cotton Press,) New Orleans: "I have ueed the Tate Water for the last eight years, and find It retains all It Sualities for any period." (M. H. Church, of N. i., endorses In nearly the same language). James Swann, (of firman, Swann fc Co.,) N. Y.: "I have found Tate Water of great benefit , and , superior to many other waters I have used." Dr. J, 8. Weatherly, Montgomery, Ala.: "I know of no mineral water In tho United sat-e that has the same virtues of this water." Mts. Gov. A. S. Marks, Winchester, Tenn.: "It fine i shipping Qualities make it a blessing to suf ferine humanity." J. M. Studebaker South Bend, Ind.: "I believe there Is no spring In America that contains tbe healing qualities that Tate Spring docs." J..H. McAvoy, (President Bemls A McAvoy Brewing Co.,) Chicago. 111.: "I have it continu ally on draught In my house, having become al most a family necessity." Geo. Bullen, (of Geo. Bullen & Co.,) Chicago, 111,- "It Is the most pleasant and effective water I have found anywhere, and you can count me among your regular patrons for It." Large forty page pamphlet oontalntng analysis, and full Information on all points, mailed free to any address. Leave orders with J. C. MUNDS, Wilmington. N. C, or address TOMLINSON A RAGSDALE, Proprietors, ndv 7 tf Tate Hpring, Kant Tenn. Tobacco HAVE FULL LINES OF TOBACCO. which we are selling ElfiHT CENTS und.-r I Prices prior to May 1st " GROCERIES AND Also a very large stock of PROVISIONS at bottom figures. ray C tf WORTH A WORTH Cape Fear Mills CELEBRATED J3EARL GRITS, nOMINT AND BOLTED MEA L ARE TOE BEST. Guaranteed fresh and nw'ot. A few bales of that CHOICE EASTERN HAY still on hand. All goods at lowest prices a satisfaction as sured C. B. WRIGHT Swift's Specific Id not a triumph of science, but in a re velation through the Instinct of the untu tored savage, and is a com p let o antidote to all kinds of Blood Poison and Skin Humor. Swift's Specific has cured me of Scrofu la, which Is hereditary In my family. I have suffered with it for many years, and have tried a great many physicians and all sorts of treatment, bnt to no par pose; and when I began to take Hwift's Specific I was in a horrible condition ; but, thanks to this great remedy. I am rid of the disease. There Is no doubt that it is the greatest medicine in existence, and I hope any who doubt will writ to me, E. C. HAWKS, Jr . Clarksrllle, Ga. After suffering twenty-live years with a painful DryTetter, ainful DryTetter. and trying many i trying manyphy- siclans. I was at last relieved by the ne of 8wi't's Specific, and I cheerfully com mend It to all similarly afflicted.. Rzv. I. R . BRANHAM, Maccn, Ga. f lOOO Reward 1 Will be paid to any Chemist who will find, on analysis of 100 bottle 8. a 8., one par ticle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 8, Atlanta, Oa. ry-Write for tbe little Book, which will be mailed free. Price: Small Size S1.00 per bottle. Large ' Size (holding double quantity) f 1.75 par bottle. All Druggists sell ft. novniy . ehsai aer a? any 1 it li't 'A . i a TKX STTAK, avSaa a C rxJkw. r "

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