The Morning Stan i i jfc :rjj4'vt' rrA Jttf f l f I I "!J a ' 1 ii i.i I'M' FoarDayw.!,;...... tf -fvt -v.n 1 r.-!fM .OnaWe,.'ii-v.l-..'..i.'.;.i..c ' 4 0 ,T . ' , 1' ..'-itTwo Weeka,.!;. ; l S U O Mttl . 1 1 a i ii g tw aSWaswav A mw wmwmt - - tu, 9ff MlJ -.. T?-..vt-r -aaaBaesw . . w rv-"'!. e j ... i Mil: i ... t ...... . 1 MOUSING KDITTON. . .. r - u Ta.1 Ulr. . aUV wa. TW cuaui rp t Ti .u. .. TV Inn iriirtkx ,l m r)t9tai Urn LlVrt l!Mtw of L.U-. - rvny iar9 rr kill ay aa HW. . T Kite a . ( ,-..u v b.)pwtj fiii Uurlsrj U ,jrw 4nlif . rl by Mr. M V:ita.ji. On fta.Jrvti fo t y I'x-ttiMit lui iel rmir la (vi Tlw FBk a? a.- i u.ili. m U . t tpettrl Ulfc i will h ittMM-iu at'l Smm VJm ' i ' fly (tHtt:. ttuMtWr O.Mit UJjr .. ft 71. W nxrwVJ ml Mr lit l lit. lt th Kv aan9 opprrr j. Jlijv HtrN.iIl m now nownl bi- I i4 tlx- TtMn lalrr. inr Villi.m CartU, in Ifrr yr' .Viy;tw, miord ChaH AJamV att u-k on rrk. l'h BraAiliAn thr d'Affairr at VahiaUri h x Wn n brjf prvw Ait. I i. - in a Vi.4hinto( talkn Ilr m a '-l motto for all mm, . 4itr iaclaJU: V ii nluM m thm wsnew of faar)iiMa ( h in tW rat hoU of col tn. iltm La pyiritM tr anT t .!.. tii.t tikM4 ift rvJ furvvwr of 1 VUrl-r I II.- N Vrk 7m uy that Mtm M.j,J,jnt' Lkl -Sir Ttum," i vry (Mr Hat it a!- cola txd ! ). Lwlix I uo.lir ," UxU naay v. 1 sc 'ti:i pri.l. 1U'. Ilar-vaj Moon, mat Hist Spriw-,) www. h.aI lrrnty Mrn lt.M kit.) ( co kille! Iy a bJt f li'hlnmi Itr r t irl l of th rin or h ro4il. Sa brn kill- th Kon collator ami . '.ii.-.i. i S.- t.t whtky irt'l to b i. t.Uruik th ?kat4P. If that h.uU 1- ( M4wl UiiSralt I !' rllrrt hy tnij.i i v i-l from th Trwury I Vp.rtmut at VahlQtn 111 !"( rtrt .jr it t'u h io wl nJ thoroufhljf in that wj. rh-r i another rrvnk till who f klk of follow!- Wrbla. II uua i Ki. U rilB. (oi4hrr fraan. a iiii.ii in, with a fisme forth uit.l.-rtaktn. Jai Hack, ay b think lt im mUkc iVr trip through th wkiripol. i trying tt. Khlr hwwt An ahU writer oo laxalioo in the t ) u'i44Ma ttMti Cvwararriahowa how lh theory of Frotrtioo first ortnttfHL! It t th offspring of the n.U of King. After a long ami l.-tp.-ruo fiht foar frlom ia Kng Uit.i vn tory fell to lb lot of the p.-.pU ( tracea tikis throe th r-in of K.lwxrd IV and CoAIea I. . What a tin compliment the fol lowing La in thi.a time-serving age. rii V'a.hingtoa W jaatly aays of Judrw Mack: That a aahikt have auaiaed the kwrh o'ars ta tha cifl of hia fdIowIU 'mm, wtthout aayta. had he been a uttm pMiajnwy mdir Um e aaaav f trwk?Ckna. Law trinmiag of wnica. aa ran aw penoaJ pwrermwat. hla aow aaa itr ravtMtrO. The eatrvrwra la charge of rivers tn.l harbors hav rr portni their ex f nditaea for the year a siding 30th M Jane, 133. The followiog eon- -rna th Sath xxul is instsactive; 5o Worka. A ro d to AppM Act Ule. UU. $a.ctM - Hkoco 420.3O0 3CH.CC0 .li,0i wMXiOO a.W3.0lM alS.ScO S33.3ri m.0CO Vlabaaaa . . i''oruJv. ... ''ryia . .. . farotlai Ciiroltaa. rioia . 4 13 .. ..t .13 Atw Jery RaaMaded 1. app'a 1SK4. f m.TSA f CO. cog 103.(71 94X9(0 714.000 I75 S71.3S3 4131 8373IJ H4.00O K3.7U A.Uixaia inori.1 fartUiaa. N Cnmliaa. V "nai. . . . 4 13 . ia .13 13 Oo th firrt "dy 'of lioyemW at, whco a pcnt toUme dou, ih. W.tY Bra. wilt be ,U .. ..... . , xy im tvuuiuoo i o cwob m of aboat foar inhc to the leocth of . eira cnjr rra4rra from aoTeo to etht cantM nor rcauinff mair uh w. - R"" ,,. rl , 'jo-ku an.l . " . more .tlTCU0ir lUan ever cxiore. Hut, not withstand toe theeitraet- " per year, $1.00 for six mootha, or 40 cenU for thre month. Ior o1, ru in largo addUi-Mi to our aabacnpUon lut in inrrajJ pmmploa ia the pay- mmt of dnr by our tuborribers. . V tru.t oar friewds will show lhir ipprrixtion of oar eotrpri by aiding a-a in exteodirtg oor circu latioo. Two wekj before JaJe Ulack di bo eoniderel btraaelf ia ra- ra.rtJ. health an.1 aaU ba raa rel o- ting laay asui thai h bad more law raaca than ha eoab) attend to, Mr. F. A. Burr write to the Philadel phia iWa concerning the great man a&4he Dxvm article: "32 nad it over carefully, thea looked Cap00 the fltda for a aaoaaeat wrapt tar dp thouxat. II thra Uaraed. and with Uaa wcaikar look npna aia face which waa a otkmbla waao ha area pkaard. said: I fa Jeff aaa loa-hia taaapet.' I a the vMral awnT aoaveraalioai wa had b went rr ta drUil Uaa aetata of hta aaarwer to It He spot wry kladfy of Mr. Davta. aod daJs with law anaject la has Bftpptsat maa- mmr. U M4ad aaa to aawd aiaa aoaaa ao- UoritJra aw ired lo aaa ta rrplytac to Mr laavia. aad. with a to reutra I I tan aaa The turn of the story about the finding of Noab Ark on Mount Ararat i aboat this, ae we gather it f rum ae account in tha London Duilv .V A Kalian by the name of 1 (iarvy visited tho monastery on the a room that tne roonu said was . .. . . i ceiled above with the ribe of the ark. peaanev of betag supportra by tne I riliapr a vnaacl, and the wool ap- I - pxrnl vary' oil- 1 ne monastery I wa-abemt few year after. Read and tier!- , - . i . 1 , i ; . . k.J ; Of Geo. ItooaTa children we learn the following from an exchange: "Of thellood duldraa.the two ehiat daafhura were taken., by Mr. Maary. a rrlativa of Mrs. Hood, and are aow being educalMj la Germany, with bfca daughUrra. Joha a Hood. Jr.. the eldest boy. la the oww adopted iaao the fasaily of Mr. RoaaeU. A pair taria glsia art iba adeplrd ehil drva of a Mr. Adaaa. of New York; todixtrt pair of taria trlr Is are ia tha family ot Mr. McJCse, of Mississippi; another boy. Puacsva try aasaw. la Ua adopted child 0 a wealthy Bnsddw lady of New York. aa4 aaothwv. (JawaU. ta ta tee raaaily of saoiher New Yorker, reaidiDr awar the Rm- elra en. Thus have the faLherksa bern I tadfo.- ' f Ihiladrrphla is known 5ty of Chorcbe, having Ue I .a I of Chnrcbaau" hav nr more in - c I prv portion to populalloo than any . . I f. L.. -am ,1.. . I DIUCi. uu uiui v ia w tuitt a m I proportion to population than any of " I uaoflS. There were. 5 79 per - Sons tO a dwealtOfiT. Kse (frleSM U uu pagr we.HI Do roiDieu .ioij , ; - ..1 lF n,f ku.-. w . ... ... . - - ; . i - ;i uaiian uay. near jo. t. ycounua, uuusuuuk i , unua buuiuh "r ,T . A neit, having 5.93. Haltimore tnird, I with hiai dariag the oast sixty days, as It I foreritlcing a sailor from a vessel, and was I , .. 1 t t-i--wia 1 piQHrTheodore Voight, a little German -bar-" T. . . .B. m-m-i i ... "'f" ' . I of a rjuitle on the left, of Italian marble, ana 1 CT- wa a)iitf nt. tim ahnn of Mr. chsui. Ban- having 6.54. 8ao Franco is fourth, having New York is tenth, with 16.37. There, are many manners and ens- terns in Ko eland that are aa absurd . :.- I -Toa,nU"' w awi.l-4. - oom cai, ribly to crnrki-- . . ' u V AlnA ? J w - a? WUm royalty ieaf iahsa, Wecpy I a recent drertiseraent, from the I lotJ&rj McTKyvrn. r.!TiA.rr:rf-T5- . - - bwt a dt'w.'ry -wTt asKar "jwyiajsrr. v w aT1" vtot.. 7 w ""-. - I se natiaa iKerarr I The Near Vavk 7Tms aaya of the great actress of Southern blood, IUa Mary Anderson: - ' "Mlaa Aadarec. will tnceas at X. T.a tn f mijui TJKm. I m l.tmnin fid the 1st of earptember. she will remain there oatll Uecaaober 17: then she , wm travtl ta England and Scotland until Aa . icul t- tJ . 1 . . .v.. 1 . swa, a ccacaiaws i aaw wbi rcaarai to ua coenaryi. six. ttr, tacar I tsrrnu. a.. kl. " Tkw I . Ducheas of I adoa.' to Mka Anderaoa. ff. " i i ..(.Mai. i : who, hews-rer. haa -dacided not lo appear U tt. Mr. Wilde tad reertotr-!t Offered I , Ytrt tTVra ealkd Tae Itthiiisia to i S-rfi ro tr rv-tioa. atrio ssUVta laad corn U badly damaged, that planted c"y ycsieniay. 1 etysaw pt Yaw- aa4 previa. ad 11 lte and in the kw groands proota well. CapL Washington Catlett has returned KJsaT UJ' 4 Cotton and trbacco haj not tnflercd a great from bis trip to Yirgiabv - . 'grr tJL j? ,? f u deaL . . . Ex Judge Russell and family ere home sW. -ae e f a rre . 1 . -e sr . 0 M las Aadwrsoa. who declioed It.' Hov gTownap opU can go to New York in b3o faaily TitimiicT by Wr iai - iounft r- I - ---r- z: T,r.' I pe elownvn r bn raed .to r death Urnficxl.- Tke .'Utt !Nir, Xorki i i aa aia j M i hi kt u am a v. a - I iTTyl' ' - Ttrfn ua da? havasC a Tnativ taaa off l aoow bita tw airaia. Ta XlZtf was ae- I "T. d the erad of tt all was " that laTnearthU. town oa Monday, eyiB4Jaa vmujoi wm iwwi w. -iv-- mui, I 1 t I Ii It fittl H Jltll I 1 I 111 it 1 1 I r7 7 TT .TTr I prrcaaUoQ lo peniude Ibto Creorri friend I lopotaaeoetaylahlsajMwUitostaalaway m vvljk.BAI v Marl t V YtlAar."'l , . t i r. ing from the Ilichmoiui Dinpaicfi: I Tb.hoatiJUy In Ylrgiaia la directod Mlha aimrJa mxaUoo .of taxes ia concern. M. Ihii over and above all else Is the do- aire to rrl rid of IlepqUioaQ tlecliooecrsrs and ballot k politicians paid for prf form, - v ...j-. w ny by tho Lipb tavx. 'In fftct, they are ratber benefited. They do not pay a rentof the lax. The consumer foots U h; - . t-t-t - The Ibiladclphia Amrri'an, which J it one of the ablest nixM?rH ooliticaJ. . - .... I economical and literary in the rsoan- try, says of two Southerners: "Major W. T. Walthall, of niloxi. Mias., one of the beat authorities on sabjecte con- n.t -;,h th hir rnhV anrl iuv cial upecu of the Oolf country, contri- butea what we are sure will be a very com plete article on Alabama to Mr. Btoildart's Kacyclopdia Anverkaaa.' "Rev. Dr. A. G. Ilayirood. the prwklent of Emory Ool lrf. Georxia, writes on several topica con arcted with the Methodist bodies nf the Foath " 1- - It is not generally known that the Freoeh navy is superior to the Ilritish in first class war vessel a. The Eng- Uah hava aro that sro larger, but the next seventeen belong to tho French. In 36 vessels the Fn-nch are miperior In 21. Spirits Tiirpentine. . p?" Vtf1 w" day nigbt three while boys, Joe aod John Alford. and Doe Conine, were at the de pot, drunk. They got I a to a inrnculty and Honine. waa badlr rat with a knife, bv r . : . New Berne Joiirmd: Raleigh . a t a a a a raise the amount required they . propose, to a s mr s-mrx i I m...i. t. t Z,V i..f I t i a av pa 1 1 1 ay 4 af wavvsjtj 4 w avu w aa eaai aw a Wednesday. lie givca a pad account of Mr. Edward Eagan, who was IloboiU aoid his tobacco in the barn last week at 3v par hoadred. Mr. W. H. Wiggins sold hie crop of tobacco from eighteen acres last week at the bam door for $37 per hundred.' Aa he qatt the all- cotton system several years ago. It ia need- tews lo aay be La feoeperooa. fJUrk thTZu Agent ... .. . rt . Tt I ef thcCarroliaa Centra! Railroad wnalnSbel- I hfwaat Halurdav. An artist accommnlcd iJSt Kxpoaitsno. The whole Carolina Central I Railway roa will be iHos- l ffs V IlilTisr.t has milrol I Mr. r. K. llllJlATd Has rolired I from the editorship of the SooUand Neck -f haa heAn humUI bv-1 am iff! sml hill bran siimnr.ind hr I MrraM. Cmrr Mr. Jliinrd, Mu; M Jai I IdUawa aaid laoWrlooa.eaWofe-W a. -V M. I Westl glad V M SOOItcW IB agrccmeni Wltni "h . iTT 7 ZJ ..TL " " 1 1 a a a . I . 1 aa I a A ITT " I aoaJi oa gaaa a w- m puyI" aviyiT i a- ih nit tfiKTMiAr in anMit we m rnn nu.. . , We. )0ntor- .M bv Mr. John T. Patrick. I ulrrmnt treat for Nortli Cwoliox potol - tCWraavarm 1ft MV iKftl .11 rWO!. 1 1 n. I jring to ecote white J-mJatermli m.W SBBiaV4 Bmmmm w y asjaaeav-ai ww "-T - I a - tli- 4 a. WXWSWC1 OJ w inwr u wwiw tk Aral rt nat fnnai rwimiinimlil I uSSall , Goldaboro J?uZ&f , We haVe healthwcoontv ia watermelons fin size. Ours weighed , 3 pounds, t Ain't that I I "'a . S a-ms k aa. s 1 weasa. I t7 1?' ' .V"' tLI , norae aavs Mr. Scott, in Beaufort that the owner claims to bo to vtaxs old.,lThls U I IT Mr. J has tha horse ha rode daring the lata war, -lbwsanotaooltlhen.. - ! un-any horse we know 1 Henderson Gold Leaf; Hov. M. FlabeU 1 ooodactlag a very sncceasfol j revtvw rneeung luum s vapej, otno- dial rrotestant. about six miles fvm Hen- k1!, :Tarrf aa wa - t am . atawwwaassji ifsaMsiar v. opTCTaj wm,iuu.iiiim.iiuiuvw TT. . , .. . 1 a 1 : - I ; uowtwro juJoiycr. uu" I SLUS ball gama at that place 'tart Thursday. 'In which John F. Humphrey, or this city, 1 aad BcnJ. Taylor, who lives near Jtt, Olive, were badly eat. There area much ex- I diomentatthe tia aetfia even now.i ovax vav ai. ai j, vuw im.s m LlV.,frt.4'..t frr, the contradlctorv 1 r ------ --I slalcciDU Currant OO ine. Streets, mat wa I j - . 1 taa loss, to rafrmia from enterier I " . . . ,H I in i a Tavnjm;sra expecianv since mere wm 1 be a trtii ja cooxi. oaaapa oi a aenoua na- 1 . . . i tura. , . I mvwwn day night the handsome dwelling house of Mrs. Carter Abernethj, t the Catawba, rjTtx, 10 mQca norlheast of ,Kewton, w&a CamfAeittf destroyed by Are. - - There" ecma WDein orgauzauon ox Darn mm- OT i. x :.." - vvrT -7 Tr .4'.TiJ JEruit Growera' l"E:v- u 'uk 'TJT a j . " - a a t- t &aj : . " I'PoBj Brum milt, Tenerable lady eighty I countr. uil RalnrniT. VLaa TIsmma libill. died at tAe reaidence of hm mother. j . no unn ucwu wiui buttuw vi uo lit fl A tm Tnli. l.S.Am - nt.. I !Ti: fc - V . J I wr Klttroll. : -J--A tntneral apriof has recently been diacortred oo the land of diecovered on the land of : .XrSUy.aDtharnSe I A - a. . a a il LAj fAiais CHapcJ. Poplar Creea alt. JUoo, ana ul church near Burapaas Cross. Roads. nave au nia rOOd ana SnCCeSSIal revival 9.riJ . ' Asbeville Vitizen: Prof. W. C. Kerr, In connection with the Kovernment aurver. Is here, this belar now fn his field I of oporaiirma. - -r The "Round Knob" is I the nam of a hotc being erepted , by WP I - ll . ii . . i - a i .v . k. . completed this fall. In order to aoa to me attractions, Capk- gprague Iqnda to have (5,780 feel high,) about four miles distant, aod will havw erected there a bnlWing eapa- biaof aOTommodating fortyor fifty rtonFrL'rn j rraca, John Anderson, a town negro, and ?h? brakeman on a f&engr I train. We do not get particulars; out ine I result was that Lytie was fearfully cut . I WT . . . 1 I . 1. . J . . 1 umin. rveao aot get; uu wjuj a soiie 4n jor piacea. in Hruj Awrwai fhn Taav rrrMfl IfW bin &fld t . . .. . i . . I I lo the back. Anderson was arrestea. p-a w-w www w vv wv. - - - jr" " - I Fassenrrrs rromall parts or tne coun- I trv are ratadlr findina: out the facilitiea of the routes opened through North Carolina by the harmonizing of interests of the conVptoTof the eonneona Jmco on the Tennessee and Kentucky State Itae. We found in the train on Tuesday, parties Iy!v3a?lkad Ihfirvr'srinto 5he State by these new series of connection, . Senator M. C. Butler, a distinguishad soa of South Carolina, is visiting Asheville, with bis family It will be. seen in hume ws aoltrmns that the distinguished lariat. JtadM IlaJTln la renorted verv ill at f bis home in Hnlxtxwo, and that very grave reaolta are probable. T"TT"rT1 nTT"V" I.I I I W JL L I - NEW ADYKItTISKiTIKNT. Mun sos -Linen dusters, etc : A. fc I. SiraiaR Low prices. NoncK Fruit Fair Committee. J. D. Stkixjbs To Fair visitors. FmjiT Fa ib Order of procession. xcrkaioN Ladies Ft. St. Church. Noticb Fruit Growers' Association ' W. E. Dans & Sow Corned mullets. .wrwl aSwaa. A f : I .,V. . . - rx. J uii kifc y ui buuiiii iisix wa n,i n i m.rvt v,tr. I vvuvjv aaaaau asuva ca v -w wa aais r vw f v- lkcn 10 c,lJ nospital. is said to be improvisg.; . ' ReT. p. II. Wood left last night , , . to be gone a couple of weeks on a visit to the All Healing Springs. r tfii i 1 . I ionn 11111, coioreo, wno was re- 1 JJ 8U M uwcoaxgeu irocu w-rwy noepiuu. O d ndjurtrick Flenn. for a ' In justice to the boy we would sUto reported yesterday to te very sick. p We lhat novd eniliied I .. . I auline, or tne Uirl ol t iney ueii, writ-. . . . . ,- I en oy a lany ot t'enoor. is ung wua inrrma huyhx tv t. n-A ili ,v" . . 4 A aN rTAh.- M HjMKI fA I oe given av vpera iitok n-u.u. iui . A U . w e M " C. Jlanda' drug store and at t)--. a. Oq,,'- r j . . - The thermometer registered aa hicha. Wdegreea. scant, in the Star office yesterday-. It was generally given up to : . . Dei verv net uav. A boarding house keeper on the . . T '.i ' WDSri WSS DCIOrC JUStlCe OX 1 1 118 VeSleruay flneij "d frora which PPV . the Bbperior Court. C. HllL colored. caDcy wu;Ktu ship, la this coan ' . I Mrs. John E. Lippitt has beren awarded the contract ior furnishing re- fresanu;nu at the Ciiy HaU during the Fair. Tiiiaiaaaatisfactorv aasurance that ... wm , J 7 .aaaa r-, . . - . ' sr w sr awsssssa . rvi. v n TAhnaon' v. lirw.ri. , w: - v. r . 1 vcS" w . v, from their Northern trip.' CoL IL B. Short, of Columbus, was in the city yesterday and win probably re main until the close of the Fair. xtfttew hy a Dec a yetmg nian, said to be an engineer from. Thrginia, was set upon by ayicious. . ... . I uogon loim aireea, near tne corner oi va? - m.iIi mnnUi, .w, r -. -vu. v. v,.v.-.; . . ... . . . . . i - . -11 " . : inn dbojv. niiten &doqi me uiu Ana authorities were notified, and yesterday af- I laraivm th animal was kllM htr Omr J. " 1 Reuben Grant. yesterday appeinted J. Qf eruption and in the foreground, near idtolM Several broken tote pffDlES' 8lJP?KBS,. at v " 1 magistrate to fill ; a va-l foot o( A mountain, .the rutos of an 1 fedas In Wilmington Town- anient cUy; while Ihq .bay ia dotted with,, J ltesa, rmanyls and Hehae Myer bro- I ; wa'toLndWana' them off oolck . " C ' i j I gondolas.' , 'ine ooruering, Aiso me.wora oili ' u-nedllboJiWJtPtC5tyHall, the programme,! , ' . r Btate is m hand for eahibitioo, aadqaiteav i a I number of people ye .already iarayed I .rr.n .-j- ' L ' ;S4.L "v" i raDeiD? iQe DreituiiBaries or ute exuiuiueii. I 1 : We-learn that the imnreasion has cot abroad ia the commuoity that there wiU, I no exhibition at night, while the ball . no exhibition at night, whije the ; ballj I . : ttherewUl beUumberof j ' &" "- J intended by management. that theilrge I ann ranfLWrum hmklirvf ahall he one OTann blaze of Ihjht and its ample halls filled with I fVishtMi'nHitnAa ,! " in aoora .1 ine exnioinon nau win oe The doors of the eihiblridn hair will be I opened at 10 o'clock and Ihe' oerembhies I wiU oommenoe at 11 a'cleck. i -t- oi 1 ii. M. Hivda nf thn flMVnH 'PreahvtArinn i eburch', and an address of welcome by jt BOr; Mayor E. D? &aH,; which will be followed by ntusic. An oration wili then be delivered, at the conclusion of which that song in which all good North, . rth, j State' will be sung by the entire au - dience. I I Th p -, n,,,,, TOni fnrnlsh th I IntfPIl mfln to I rinMi ff ,mn rr tha - -hmm. I rFfja oTaJUi riatl will vimt vxT at t Kia iraDva . w wa wu via caw uv a-a a House to nhrht. and one of I . ... the moet magnificent affairs of the kind that ever took place in Wilmington. , At night there will be a display of fire works on Third street in front of the hkn. The late hour ai which the committee Oh the Fair adlourned Monday niVht camupA ' tne SccreUry to overlook the following names on committees for the Ball; viz: On the Honorary Committee, E. J. Pen- aypacker and lion. Wm . h. Smith. On the Reception CoeanaUtoaJ?: Heins- berger aad T., Donloo. . , Members of the Association and members il i . t iui u ' :u... Ml .i.; " i ui vuc -etc men tvmumicw win PurerU House this morning, at 9.80 I , , , . ..... . . , A illUI. AT .ST . I AM ..TTTkA a. ..AnalBmn BT.II nA formed under the direction of . the Chief Marshal, Col. Jno. J. Hedrick, and march j to the Cily Hall, where the opening exer cises of the exhibition will take place. Iffayor'a-Coairt. Telfair Smith, a small colored boy, , ap parently 14 or 15 years of age, was. arraign ed on the charge of larceny. He was found Monday night coming out of a door of the new market house, with some cigar I Kntroa anI ftitrarpttna in hia nibapsni on Tt - - was in evidence that the door had been closed and afterwards opened by some one ;: that .the packages of cigarettes he had cor responded with some for sale at one of the Btands; and' Adam Brown, a cdlored huck ster, testified that he discovered upon go ing to tdf stand yestejlry morning that some one had been taaiggtiag- with it, and ; had taken chansia he hXXtifXHn hia monev a v.. " UOI IO iue BIUUUNI Ul fcWU OT UOlltUB. to lhe amouBt of two of three dollars. Ha uired the MVQ .J in the sum of 50 for his appearance at I rt in ft r,r ,h?h n, w5 oAnf. tr. I that the police officer said he had" no money J about his persen when he was Rested, TTattie Pnoleau. a colored damsel. 1 . : r T 7 - a charged with disorderly conduct, was re- 1 - . . . uw.,-, r . ty days. , , . p.iMtlDir br a Colwred Arlist. I' m th naint rnom at. the Oners House I . - " -". there to be seen, a oainting whioh; is to be I used ns a drop. curtain at Sfc J4aris,'s Hall, B la the Giblem Jge buUding, in It was executed by J. C. Hill, a colored I f r i,ici ito h. k.tnfnt i if110 8ltf!!1,I!T puo uo iu Huauuu , iiuuk. , .u 1 , v. tt-.: ::., I of tTcn s? S village and mountains in tl - . j the haiSlr HilU. of variegated .with therep- ! refutation ol a large ..golden, ayre, at the. . foot . Taking into considerafion the limi- j ted opportunities enjoyed by Hm to exer f pise his talent and perfect himself in? the art, I we think the painting reflects great credH 1 v x :s M til V!; iJWI4 J u a hju xaaaxa. r ew - . . j a i-k -r ; ; j I i Sal he Memck. : .was k arraigned before, I Justice MiUis. yesterday, on a peace war-, rant sworn out oy ner. nusuana, .jaenry 1 r , ,v M i,0jw- wb: 1 t-aforl I jucnwa, iu wk uaiwB on affidavit from another magistrate.- The' .. . tWA U,o' case was dismissed at the cost of the prose' cutor. on the groWthat a husband could nottesUfy against his wife:;, '; Tne same aeienuant was arnugucu m 1 assault and battery and this case was of the prosecutor; U.. ' Oar friends of the fifth Street 1 , . t "i ,us. j 'i I -.... :n : jut, i.:t - ; . -.. V- , i;uuruu wui kivb viuiuu ui uicu mcukhi- ful and enjoyable excursions oa-Wednee-' j dar.' the 29th Inst: f which will bethehtst'I . i . . . . o v- of the season under their auspices. "i on me rurni Vesuvius m oiikui, auw i nressea my ucxe w m. a. uaupn, noww i "'t v . . a. -nara r : z .iiu4 .s a a 'linnh TTpnrc' MprrJelr 1 teacn-our "Tsasy" to say,' A niessmg on sire, upon nenry jaerncs 1 wi-giow-fo-hehilnKheTto survrroaad escape ikla rtiami aaaA at f ho nnat I the irrininc. colicklne. and tee thine siege. Mas. Saw- ssis a.aa a ijiva aajw ww ,w-w WHQLE NO. 4986 r ? ?' ,i . f .r. ,i Dmsion of Telegrama and Reports for the isenem or -uommcree ana Agriculture. Tpmp. Temp;, ' .17,,j!; iiv ?r ;06 .0 .01 , ; , .02 , '.OS"-- .20 to. j I . . i nialveston. . .02 . .10 " J00i,..: .19 ! "i m-uu w. . I lf.Itnt.i I . ?fi r"? ' ' hi . 1 1 I I weather inrfiMUoria.,; i I ' The followine are the i V ,Te:f9llowtog are thejiidi Viv. . , -v .. ... Middle Atlantic States, fair I , . . . ,ji, . i . J table winds, risfne'baronfeter'l I ; - - with stationary or a slight rise in tern pera 1 ?- I ; For the Soth Atlantic , States, f,air WMth(r in thA nnrthorn nnrt.inn nnil fair I preceded by partly cloudy weather and lo- I .T'r.tfMi in- tWAi,';itiaMl).'uHA'.- I riahle wmds and stationary or rising ba-- riame wma I rometer and nearly stationary temperature i For the-ESst ulf Slates;J faWweather, I tm nnrt.inn witli variohlo nrtnrla and of a. I tionarv barometer and temnerature, PoV the est Gulf States, fair weather,4 poutherly winds; stationary 6r falling ba- romete and' nearly 1 stationary temperature.' i For Tennessee and the Ohio JVaUey, Uerally fair, weather, winds mostly south- j westerly, falUng barometer, and stationary I prnsing temperature. RIVBR ANn IHARINB. . I : ' , x 1 . T'ho Kc innn 7?anAl honn urrivorl at a j a- uv wriw uvw xv iwv, u w( ua & a vv faamburir August 17th. I .r . ,. . . . M I ? Offing to some disarrangement in her I machinery . the . steamer Passpqrt had to J take the steamer Minnehaha in tow yester day afternoon and brin? her to'the city., The river is rapidly ' falling again. nnt flmn f fht TVnvth Kts, n-rt-ta ' that there had been a rise of eight'fect, but there was only three feet and a half of wa- ter on the shoals Monday morning. rawMea;linorfow. ' ' The excursion down the nver to-morrow i.'i - . . : , j'.'j blds fair to, be a "Splendid success. Persons buiH ti,f,in fiio tiit,Miutnr FlSlting the eUy from the Up COHatry WlU I Vr Violf r.A rJ',.TZ ' " I look at the "deep blue sea. - .... LIRT QF IiBTTEIlS ; : Remaining in the City Postoffice, Wed nesday, August 23d : A. Clara Andrews, Mary Ann Allen. : I B-Wright Bizzell, Z; M A Booker Mat t)rown,.mary jane jseery, inauge irwwti,- J A Bradly,, Charlie Bagley, CharlcsBeh- nett.. C Elizabeth Carr, Julid ' Campbell, Wm JPJfe-'-V J-.L.'wt-,..,--. tt I pavis (artist), LiZzio Davis u uainenne nomas; unaries uixaey, a i F Dennis Foreman. G W Freeman. G-Thos Griffin, Bettie Graham,' Willie Godbolt, Rachel Galloway, W M Guyerrt i H Elder C B Hassel. I J William JeiJferson, Thos Jenkitfd, ' K William Kornegay, Martin. Kelley, James H King. - a ! M Marinda Mckre, Hagar Moss. A j NLT Nixon. ; : ,i P Randolph Peters, Granville Paston, Christian Peterson. 4 " 1 ! : Q Maria B Quince- R John Ray, Darkeye Rufe, William Russell: ' ;r ' " ' ' :- i S CharteS Smith, George E Strpbecker, sT-r 1-:: B: o iT-Capt A k Turpie, Robert TraSk,. xnomas J lan, nepsey mompson. .W ousan aers,-iraen nmw, me- fnrM0b Sehiff. & Bros; Branch. Hadley (& Farmer; James (S . fS calling for letters in the above . . ha t. , iisfc.wiu iimhuw aay auvciuiKu. , will he sent to the Dead Letter Office, at Wn. c.t if notaM foithin i " : E. R Brink, P. M., : ; Wilmington, New Hanover Co,, N.Cv- ; , CITF ITEMS j piatsbNAt TO men" ONLY't Thb Voltaio &blHty Ix)8tylitallty and Manhood, and tronbleaenmnteeiMspoedT and eomi Iir7; ; . t nr -r Tranmw mim) TtTvnnj ttd inler, Ho. 25 Avery street, when a t-S&wrepreeen- that my ticket was the lucky one I did not drop my razor ana Btop wortL. w ueu uuuucu i ca .87 -MSa.; : 97V ' 76 fi3 iV- .71 ,. .95 - 70 m 97.; - 72 , v. ,94 , ;73 . f 98 . 74 l(- 95 ' t 71 k.. .96 , ' 68 95 69 and will probably open a barber anop ox his, owrul " - , Ithte efty-Boston (Mas&Star, Jaly 86;. .IT TTj jQeO. B.: FrOnCh &.'S0nS. aasa--sipawwaa-a ..l'.f LOST FAITH IN PHYSICIANS; Why la It that ' ' bo many persons use proprietary meaicines, or I & it, bense peopte patent medicines, as eaaet( There are Inntunerabje Instaji G KemRedytor "all dsesf the J gM. KyraKVS' - .si xv. uha ArA. ssKhSH 1 -rt-r.rr-r , oi 1 eases, icisnowonaeruia,ii suouiu w muio .01- than hastUr written -and eareleasJy. pre- E&SBt&W 1 r rom rmpure niooa. 1 it w maorsea oy leaning-, professional men aa well as by enunent physicians anapiners. rry.n. -,. .;. 1 - - THE FLORENCB NIGHTINGALE OF THE. nurseRT. The following is an extract from a ,cburPee SA. ZJ 2, nrsery. Of this we are" so Sure,' that we will WnreLow's Boomixs STBirr relieves ther child from pain, andjjurea dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gum8,ieduees'inflammatlon,oure8wlnd teething period. It - performs precisely what it professes to perform, every part of it nothing coiH5, ana carries tne nuant saieiy uaouga uo We have never seen Mrs. Winslow anew g0 her onlv throogh the preparation of ner "sootmng power weweokl make her, as she Js, a phyrical an for. Children lwsinina;.--' x we: had. the saviour wuw ymwuw -tM- 83 cents a bottle. tow,! ; I! lines BoUdNonpariiIit7pemftlM,plieiwnr. , Notice. THH OFFICimS A1?D MBMBEBSOP TUB ,nV': C Frait Growers' Aaaoriation vQT moot nrotnM . I -Jr this wrairaio. i u yjuiiBUi Iiocsk. : 1f..ii B . f.1 i-'' Fruit Fair. TpHE SKVEBAL COMJOTTKES, tI : The Committee on InTit&tlon--Ilon. DtttJ Chairman; ..,,., t;.. I The Committee on Decoratk Ol. J.' XI$l-ri : The Committee on Finance F. tf. Kin, Chair-wan,;-' .' i- '.-,) . 1i .J'.'W"'' -, ' i r- tti . . .- - : .,,.nr''.'Vt i', - The Committee on Ball H. MoT Oreen.Chali man;antt . . ,,.,. .. t,-i-t-r i The Reception Committee, , , '$f'm- I Will meet promptly THIS MOKNTNO, at .o'clock, to escort the Fruit Growers' Awocla'.''- . xne rrocession wui De neaaea by tbe CX Cutnefc- j APrJljt'jat every mettiber , tpf the various Committees will be promptly on hand for escort doty. - 'f ; t ; I nalnaa zr411 ha fimlV.Ai1 TTjvm , Tt YTnfl ' ang221t .i tr Chairman of Commltteet PEELinnrARY I ! f W i, i- v - ? -.."; M loii brtliciV. C. Fruit Crowcrt? Association. -, . .., ..'. , .VI ... . 1 Ul I.---' i ' '- 'MBMBERS TIIE A8801 AND MEM-, ibere of the several, local otamlttoes are re quested to meet at the roroell House, at 9)4 A. It, on Wednesday, Angnst 23d, at which time a ; prooessioh will be formed In the following order: " f ' Marshals. Cornet Concert Clnb. I ; The Several committees hi the following order r Finance Committee. Reception Committee. Ball-Committee. jDecoratlon Committee and other Committee.. I riWria an1 a v-tvJ cvaava l7U auaui Lino of March down Front to Market, np Market to Third, np Third to the CltyHalL . J ibltton RoTm in the ty UaJL 4lte opening exercise will take place at the Ix-' All tt 7An a fa xrkw Kl ft iho laaialoAmainr our State nd who are doslnot of. eneonrac1ii is muusines, are respeot: uiiy mritea to join tne -procession. L. f The foBowine jrentlemen have been spnAftAed Assistant jiiarsnats: jar. a. Adrian, Mr. jenjrene w lgfrma, jac w. - at. iai isrrlns. Cant. W. M. Parker. Mr. Dan O'Connor. Assistant Marshals will be 8milied with Sashca. . at 47 Market street.-- - . . .- ' . JNO. J. OTDRICK, -,; . MS2-ltV . Cbleaj- . , . , g I; JDXCUTSlOll ! w . .... T30SSIBLT THE LAST OF THE SEASON, UN- JL der the supervision of the Ladles of Front Street M. X Cnurch. PA8HPORT wilUcave her wharf for SmithviUe and tho Forts at 0 o'clock I next Thnradav morninir. the 23rd. Fare for trlr, cen.t8V Children nnferl years of ae25cenu. 1 One of those matchless dinners on board for ro . . .... , fl (W ents. su we aug 19 St 0 Notice. ISITORS TO TUB FAIR ARK INVITED TO I the ORTH CAROLINA HOUSE, i. j ! Corner Second and Prlnooaa sts., Where the best of WINES. LIQUORS. CIGARS. . : . . " ., , . .i.w Ac, will be furnished them. Meals at all hoars. . Open day and night. Nearest place to City Ball. t . ' -:(."' J. D. STELLJflS, - . 'fit aug223t Proprietor. Loir Prices Hale CkeerM Bnjcn ' "K INVITK THE ATTHNTIOH OF ALL . !" J tnose ro vnom money is an odjoci, to tno v EXTREMELY LOW PRICES ! i ' 'fl : j ?. ' . I ! ' ' 1 ' ' ' J We have placed on our entire stock of SPRING , ';! AND SUMMER CLOTHING, in order to make room fqr our large stock of Winter Clothing. ( A. & I. SHRIER, Reliable Clothiers, ( , au)?22tf , 114 Market St. . jjVlNEN OUSTERS, WHITE VESTS, I ALPACA COATS, CH'K LINEN SACKS, U !' BARGAINS in the above at ' .' , MUNSON'H, . r ! aug22lt' Clothier and Merchant Tailor. '' t First of the Season. ' p OK' BARRELS . ' ' ' FKESH COItNEU MULLETe".' f' - : r !! ! -i ' i s , H'- Send in yonr orders to ' . 1 . . aug22tf ' W. E. DAVIS A 80N. I Prices Tell the Tale. rpHB BARGAINS 6N MEN'S LOW 6H0K9 ALL ' i-1 ? r;. . ,. -. i . r.: TAKEN. We have few of LADIES' 8ER0E left 106 NORTH FRONT STREET, FlOlir, HolaSSeS f UU nmt . ' - ' , innntohWanrfad m. r r j taa bws molasses,' aw Forsalcby aug 15 tf KERCHNER A'CALDKR BROS. Sugar, Coffee, 'Bice. ?100 BblS Retoed su0Alts.' fades. '100 BAK" C01Ilt, ftl1 Tade' ; trf BblsRICE, ' ' ' ..ti. For aale by ; ,.' aug 10 tf KERCHNER & CALDEB BBQS. Salt, Vinegar, Lard. QQQ Sacks LTV. SALT, 2 Bbls CIDER VINEGAR, Buckets LARD, For sale by an 19 tf KERCHNER CALDEB BROS. 7 4

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