The Morning 'Star; RATES OF ADtBBXMwwi v .- it w. ill ukuhxut: , ..cud oAXtt" aacaW MOtur 1 1 Y 1 t w ,iv J .... n .. Wtna. - - n rkna VpO....: L ........... .. " W W i pr ODntract A4vrUsementa taken at proper ' -, tlonately low ratea. .'fcfijik't'.i v'-'Vt Ten Bnea solid Konparefl type make one aqtiarV VOL. XXXII.-NO. 134. ; ; : WILMINGTON, N. C., .TUESDAY, AUCHJST WBTOtTE-NO. 4990 . ' . ' ... ulkrMMt " 3- .jr- - - .v. .Tm u ..7i.x- x. 'jT.'.-.-vi ' " . .t. :? - v T , i' . . ,. wiwittjr--t" "'"'" " . . mt.h- OKlNI1 ni'i a ivii. .1 u.()rt:ta of OWr erica a . trrvrU. Rrt from I .,. of li- cuiloa belt. yT Tar i.l tMrtii0! of Tit fHrnjC otf prv - i ;.K ... thn .tcrrwiMw in HfcM in by .JruUC lv)uIo .lrttlr a.l ratiU". A co.llu-o w-nrr(-l ia iu- Briti-iU Wtwo llw ffroca .1. ..wrr timMlMl (W HritiHl. LaurT ..i(.r.i. IW Utter iturMtlkktcTy iu.it4k'"SW Ui erw-m wrrr Jr iwl. Iumi ia M b wmt nrki J llrncy J xv srTf. wm t.-nvl .t IU .ti u. ,H '. . fo a .ilKr f ivpuly , r,ir vi- II nix I'.iM-i-ie i nit -y '( . r-mvJ oo l. i uilill WMMJaMt Att LbM JUKIUT ,f 1. H.-tl of $;l.Cttl , ., i,. li.slitrbMJM-r Ana rvprwtr. i' ttut ) i , i' .si. l .tlirt. Ciw fll ii , i.T- ih. kh K ! i. r,' umm u cAl'taUry 1 .Vsgwr . . hi it iiu-lit' u iwmL lo.-4:i. is piHu .ly U".niiy. th m.- t iVe I n-1 ir! ituj .ii Mm CUiMrUttl. v i. ..kpi'"tfl ff-in tinu. M.x . ft V i.iiwui. ritU ft'tin-! J o -urrMl u Ur U Au.irv llutt -try . c ia plM-t tf rvtj UmCimI ta tAfV t alir uuitri ai mtkar rVr SilW.l S Yorfc okrft.aU XocmJ i-i p;r t!ui. . cuttDit etum-tl t J tvSl T Kcnow wu&r fl.x )ai l 3t vurtilnl rvd I I NVt&t 31. cur a. uoxlfc-tl 34dttlt:. rviMts tut t ft U. pitt lrprUa U1 itUt t It tlil. wm of ,erh Iriah 1 . r 11 1. (' -tttrf hkthr to th t:kt tf M tun" ! jn tlrwn-l. M, tl..rt 11 lUya. of rut L..n . 1. it.- it .I.-tU br hw wn U.V1..1 I vtr. vk. Ho r 1 bt --j J rtT !r K K. i Itl)n wx wrijajkly M.t Lv mm 11 imfil (Vttrrhoudt at tMMi. W FIU. N. V Mi. Tt I Vxlor itl trini-ra to It t -tttr,tl tht 1U,i:M p-la prwAtrnl at the bt Ath.rW of t! .-cy of Krwtula held at New 4iririi. i ttlford couoty N"raHy rv rj Stita ti rrprrantrd. ! J tr t r ( a 1 l.'ltrr in r-tu- ta tb' in ill to attrnd thkt l!.ikM Katf. fir will awk .fttthl atal lrihn; r-h wb-o he t4A.! up bfri Sw Knjfl k jMiMnh hi l'ttr whrrv. Mi- CbarchtK, tf t. Ioi. the yiuni luJy my di.p- .-irrd. U-lieted to bjir rm b .t trd by lh aaave av?ottalrvU who ofT raMa tlirriao, u.l thru oiTerod to rlarn her for a certain iiiii tf tnonev. In 1971 th taatble lon of Ti t imounlnl t. 1 1 l?.i4,l?. In 1 rliv n y-3r after, thJy amount l to ti.V5,4T. Soralf thU ia ry r-rarkkbU. What Northern Slt- can hov auch r-rtiTrry"" within the urn time ? In ru T rrfrrtve on tho rt-nd .4je to the liaof jiftrd roen that K.hciKoth "ity h.I utainrl within t frw y-Ar, wr amntrntiofttlly omit tel th uame of the lata Judgw Hrk. a gentleman of pure anl honorable life, whowe avrvicwe to the jple of North Carolina ahoald nier b forgotten. The hammer School of Chruilan fhiloaophj, of which Dr. C F. Dee ma i rrevdeot, hl a narrow earape on Tharaday laat. TKe aneet iot waa held ia the IVeabyteriaA chnrch al llichHeld Springs N. V. A iltpali-b saja: " About aooo a Urrt&e licadctUat track lU ml f the t aimeafwi church, aad. ikacia 06T. airwct a tree U Mr Kaappa yani. U wae aarrte4 that tW seaooi did a keep faith to their adrrrUaenanal aod left the CaifvrmiiM charch. for the lrraby tartaa. The lute. Dr. Dertaa aU thai the atww haTiaa Mt' ia taw rreabytetia chtiirb wma their aal-aUoo. ! Tbe'tieorgia Dexnocrata cm to be exceptionally fair. The Lrgwlitarr, which b saaeh one way, haa jast re diatrictad the Sutax. Is ait of the ten Die tried the negro- jwpoUtioo graatly execeda the whltea. In Geor gia there ara 92,000 more white than n t i m . . I . i -i I. ,.. . . an. 1 I I pca oi eoiupioajcooauw. i uo Ordtw doobt!. bow hl Ikey r aboat. We confww the fairowa mm - --'i- - - ..... never lOilOV tt. Tae blograpbio. on the Count de tambord. the laat of the Bourbon. I r V iMn At laat 1 mm ona Z i ui wtcm ww cvuaiv b uw jim.v. "Tar wt much tht wm nalhctic aod t)T o ncaa. laoU ta the life nd dcaih T ptWU MWMJIV m U4V liU AM u.sua pf itJkk Jw. loscure, ou uooxo mu . ... v i . . v:. ... & ma 11. A F a-v aM. mi. I7rrJrTr. '-7r::r ,v j r awvaXs i u mnJiv w MN wMia kvhi ww M Ki. K ,tlav4 AmpvaI tl ji-Uu 47 Vjr - frir c of the oa lot of the tKUaa. Uaa: twxaarAr T u win th rpolr f ror. Heart. Duc de" f HorUVauv. lb title riven to him at his bap- f rr!!Si- r. X aa.i t& rriacraa Carotin of the Two mm u ."tw.-. w Picviara. 4o Drva. aaja a rtwoi wnw, -tvav cauawl mora rateicia to the Cooaer- , "ViT rt rr4 01 . O 77.v. .. of rraac a Srt 33. 1JC0. for the rwaat iruu V waa -aamv a va -! a a -.-uaniirc J aa wm ww a w -aav - rnm riiaarva vaa a a v. 1 nav aaiai w v t v ova vi a4aau tiauaw" J ... .W at.1 iVa T7f.. 1 t. 4 tLMafNart!al f aw L.vfaa. War K U-h K arf h-W tu:iT craAriVi7i5. after AT trrn yrr of war." Our Sapreme Court Judge are .... 1 .1 v. v. m,:.. "mr" "" t . : tt I m V - P - - a - - W 2 1 u.iir" r rain crwr rt wnmta ... v.- 1. V. . nunu!. mmmm n m. m utf.v n . i ini u . i ' weather rbyaically, whilst Judge RoJSa, with a delicate constitution, ba. broobt down to death's door. It U stated in one of our cr changra that both ho and Judfo A1h are thinking of rraieniotr. The able Judi? Dillarrl bit! to retire b- caoM of hi health. It ia almost crrtain that the iWncb will have to a m a m. 11 a. . a . ck rvioitxxr!. 1 ncre ui mto w uo H c Jo.tioa, aa the UUgatioo of tho Stata tawlo great that lKro nxn however industries ' and" capable, tiinooi Jo tlva wwrk. The Itencli at orraaial now acoma to bo A trap to kill off able joriata. Spirits Turpentine. Pmlfeo Xhlerjri: Orope are trporUtl aeaauca oetter'tHaa Maeaeae asrweied. whllacora waa acrionaly dam- crnl by the oar lew bug la the sprtag. rioa an.1 cottoa aa looaiag vary one. New llemo Journal: Ilev. C. a TVU. i.. . I t a fT fwMn tKa liafMUc ehareh la thla ritv. A Urre I V of aea oau were brought up oa the I frtLrkt trara yratenUy from Hart bead City I for Ifr Qeo. ATfcfO who la prrreriog thera I for the Beaton RxpcelUoo. I Derbam Rtcordrr : We leara I thal Judje Thomas ft Aabe peaks of re- I raag aie poaojoo. aa AaaocuM juajcr o 1 the Skinreane Court. Jodge IiulQa. who baa here elmagerouaJy aick for aeveral weeks at kW horae la UUaboro. will alaorcaignee acrmat ot UI health. It b a matter of deep regret to every North Caroiiaiaa that the health of three two legal light it ao feeble. Ilaleijrb Virit&r: Dr. John jO. It Myera. of Daaoiott county, about lea mild below Waahiogtoo, N- C. loat by fire a fw days ao a large barn, with coo i.!erble corn and forage and all hU ve bklrt and farming Implement-; also his aubiee. with Tow horvw aad leveral mule. The fire incurred about S o'clock ta the taoraiar aad ia aaid to be undoubtedly the work or aa leeodiary. Lkaufort TkkjJumt: In Rcau- t ... lfnn.1,1 k 11 .ml 1 t r. TOCl Mr I .uaa. w j i -- -7 77" 7.. I rtSOth. 18H3. Mr. Selaey Ana Taylor deU. relict or Geo. iV . I Taylor, dicraacd. aged BO year. 6 month 1 aad 30 daya LhJ. al hi residence I la rL.auf.-trt oa Ttieadav. Aumal 2IkI I 10. CapC John Bevaridge. atd 57 year.. I -m I 11 avoaia and ia oaya iarx. itevcnuze I wae bom a acouanu. aaa cmirniai vo I . w. j - - " - - - - - i JUT. J. XL- LOX. acroucr ot .air. iwu. vox. I . .V!. . t . , . rm. . . Lafn Kla Ufa n I o um ywwi Kmt-m. a . . I atd a a Iff . - - 1 - - - a a M W I wm I Jloouar laat- lie carvieaaty aeatcu miia- cifen the gunwale of the boat and the tail uciciCBi iiutkiwn.. w v- i bveaat and shoulder, knocking him over- I board and dlaiocaling hia aoouider. atr. u. I aa expert rwhnmer and managed lo keep htmaelf above water with the arm whicn waa oetn lured, until the boat could be ueked and brought to him. He wa. how- j ver. aaved only by hi own prcaence or otbki. aa he seised oa a rope which wa Uragiiog ia the waUr and ncil on onui ne I CCX9 ouid be drawn Into the boat. .-llalelgb XtttOterrr: Tho lotal receipt of cotton thl araaon to dale ara 3I.33 while to the aame date laat year they were 61.033 bake. Thl after- aooo a religious nuaemectiag will be held ia the ree Immedlalerr ta front of the old maasioo, lower Fayettevffle street. rrtday while the family of Mr. face, iirmg half a mile freci Samaria church, a few milea real of thl city, were at church. Waving ai the hooae only an aged lady, a mulatto maa came to the bouao and attempted vo force the door open. The plucky old lady at ooce took a hot gun aad gotagton-wtaiow fired at the man. who then ran off. She a hi face aad may bo able to Identify btaa: Aa he praag out oi the lot another tnan Jtraped. out of the I cc.nrT w .kT 7T at. . a - av a k. rwaarn COOCetkaKa. r-J r:mi-.j , found a true bill against Joan uonoo tor i the mordeg of. IVric jfuxaeu. near iioca- r ville. a fWdaytagV ' ttOTtoawUl DO tnea I aextweek. The Jury alo found a true biu 1 ajraloat J II. Wlgxtaa. a wl tTirViaa. a while mas. and I hlie man, m 1 Waa. ChrUtmu and Hardy Greco, cotoreu 1 xi and Hardy C " " I a I WavChJ men. for men. tor aaaauit nu Martha Eraa. a yoaag wtTwafat 7 22& tcfSi woo wa at wae aprta; v . wdl Scperior court, erotenced to be hanged j on the 2Jd of June. JOB IN DOHi aKHW . aw. !fSSr for Lift aniaria Beraett to loaaae. oT- Ui'rWbr-tX wodi. fttbrilWy. TU UpVWy wto t " Z L T 1. JkIu thei T Tl V INnu F rhaM vtl kit I - . ww . - I a tAiirflfthawM An ' Ha htl 1 'A .UUUl Cfl,?l?I0' "Til ..rir ar tlymt lh beat I have . K l,.il . 1 fir8t aanftl LTaair ca uua. aov wwn n aoaas I . . r r . . ..7: 1 - b""" 1 i aikmiha . rr. i . k.1 l I " . TT: 7 ' . ........... . . i xr. .. . v. ji. tmacocaw aaa UArxv. aa rwporu. i ne U7L Jfc.S I drouth, bat la Lalccsfer aJS fVndy Moah mjm r m. uiu ujudit. &iuj r ion lujUMla utnrocxL rait taina jiare i attj jus occa iagw8- id oi I Vmel ltn br Dr. "fl D Rmllh. vrhtch h3S laUeontl wilt of the 1U lL3 Ue hu , .kad bdaoo- . TSS'SS. I .f.. .-. . a I tUOm amuuiU IIW nCUiT COtOIXU nmil U-Ut Of which weigh. -a'. i xbere are two smelhrtts of rsre richness La color, threw ' green qaarta foaod only, in uacoe. ' we bare been rarOoslartr stxuc I ... .. .. . . . ' . I WILD Ufl n LXItKxl HtatT or tWO BUUjcbV OI ; , . 'i 1 beryl of treat purity and brilliancy. But that which U the moat attractive ia the . I boh K is eleven sapr. WWUI. AWVBKW IUCIU W wwJMvrB-, I Mflnliia n, cat foe atones found La this country.' Charlotte -: Vovrnal- Obrtm . V" . v . 'U ufe . Jlral au-ri 1 K v m iw Tiinf .riHii u 1 . w Aw TK u recdvea IT too railroad bead, j t m ivia trfMN rtwrll f luUvn cooniy. irauDBi rr ... . . . . i T i . v . i - - ,u-fwvm napt rurUn that I I -'C ."irVl . 7 . Vs.. -w- I - uwwr w ---- r f ortawHa. : A abvera aeddent had oorjurwd 1 m m a - - - aK I Ik mm . aaw. ari taaHaUT I MniMial io, h-irt, but as it turned out. the I an m jH rLtrta- r iolr broiaed up cooaiderably, I " aV-" " no boaca bavin? been, brokeo. Mr. f??- .'.riJffL Lw0?"' jona uyroox. a ciuxao 01 union couo.y, IV a. .4 I aai Tat a aara n n fivm a-faaitK ra Vr (aeorgv WUaooaaUll. a short dlsUnee from 31 c roc, day belore yesteruay. . lie was I standing br a revolvlog abaft, when It I eaucat nis ciouucur. aaa insuaaur ne .was being whirled arwlad at a fearfulW The I a a . . 1 t m a aA iL . saait was tortunaxeir aovcraj icci ironi uie ground, which allowed his body to go ww awu uici " 1 ujuw . wvuuj,.v wu la I tact with aaythleg. So rapidly did he rf TOiTe mat one 01 ax anoca waa mrown from hi foot aod went orer the engine. Wbeo hU clothing had been torn entirely caT he dropped to the ground in an inacn aibla tooJilion. A ahlrt alecve band and one ahoe waa ail the clothing that remained on his body. An examination proved that nr booca were broaca. atr. iiyrom u r- coTering. The Charlotte bound pas- atogar train 00 tho Rkhmood A Danville itT, A.,r. l00:! track through an open switch and colli- aawjaaa mivv vi a WMutua waat aw i .uqt with a malcrial train that was stand- a . e tllZ ral'w "uJo Dare breo diaaatroue. A it was the cagioe waa bauly damaged, the truck were knock ol from umlcr tho ndcr tho pojul I car and the track aycti'rraln SwSbouri ' ru torn a cllf-ot delayed Charlotte JournaL Observer: In the Inferior Court yeaUrday ntorainjr. the eaao of Ticket Ageat Adama and Condue tor Noabtl, who are char pod with cmbca- i.lax railroad fuada. waa ooatinued bycon- acot. and set for trtal on Thursday of the ml term of the Inferior Court. A taileoaw eAeiai who has aoen thirty-eeven year of active acrvice recently rrmarke! to our reporter that it waa more sale now to rua paaaceger trains SO miles per hour aod freight trains 5 miles per hoar than it was tweoly years ago to run them at half that rale of apeed. The police ooaunlsaion eompoacd of Mayor Maxwell aad Aldermen Robertaon. Waru and Rlglcr heid a court of mvwtigation yeaierday, .which resulted I in the sapeoo of Cfcict of 1 04 ice uam- I ri,r, .f mT Thl I cbargebrpurht against Capt. Harrison was tht he failed to discbarrt! hildnty promTit- Iarbaoce tbV 21st The charge araioat txrficemaa McManut waa that I : . . . . . J of iotosicatioo aad neglect of duty. I lieojamia nun, a young weiier.wao 1 will be rernembefctf by our ciuxena as a I former workman la Butler' jewelry store I hal who left here last win tor to open bnsi- 1 for hicnaelf in Laurinburg. died in a I wexvu wuirr; iwmik vuHtcym laucu a-aaw? 1 woo,U where be was found veaterdav morning, lo his home in the town. Young I Hahn had been una king hard, we learn, I anu oaa a.irayou hi mm: wwus, wucic uc i . . ... .. 1 i v I waa acltcd with Bl. - About 11 o'clock laat night a colored man named John Alex ander waa walking along" Trade treet, east end. In company with another negro maa and a party of women, when - they' were " . . . . . I vr... 11 cooiroDieu try a nciv uiuku juui. aiu ftoUjer, who drew a pUtol and ahot John Alexander in the head. The wounded man broke from the women aod ran. He waa a . r,-. . k t k. .utiiM TKa IUUUU UKl IWWM. vw M VVIIW. Mmmv I LuJki uruck hU fotebcad and running tmln,i th. .kull cam out at the temole. I TViimnum Orr an1 Ilnalv rantuml MatL I Vy4Jkxa. woa UJU iu uiwuug, m tujuicaa VMi,., vwninr and had him arm! mod. T . . . . . . . i x- . 1 . Del ore ID a j&ayor tnai. iwaicrvaiY at- a a a a. trmrnn inrv vnnnr manr well drcasca. aod having the general air of a city plug aoout mm. iteppeu oo oi uo iTeaiem ijnioo TekcTaph Oflce and had walked a fcW atp. WDen the tall form of Policeman Black welder overshadowed him. and look- iojP up MW bimaeif in the hand of a hlunaL frharlea IL fltarke waa hi name WM jg Iticbmond. Hehadoom- rallied forgery and hence hi arreat. .-m r-r-t -r y- t : l T m V" JL I 1 -CLJ V 1 -X. JL. - MRW ABTRllTrlBnBNT. Harrts Cheap reading. McTtaoa Fall orercoata Osnr T. Tnojaaa Fine art. natx & Pxaraaix Grocer lea. Cactio JTot-icx Crew Evvlva. W. EL Davis & Box Freah flah. Cnorrtr tk Moaart Ahctfoh sate. Wm. P. CuAtowLX PropoeaJs for atooe. addaja Jaata eg a WatTaVaewA IlaeA- aaer. lea tenia y morning Jack Bennett, a well I known colored hocxiter, also known by the I . x - . . a name of Jack Davit, who Uved onliamelt, 0 . . ,. . rjckwcuu carrcsui auu wjum mvx:, s i up and pot on hi dotting with me vw 1 , .:MTxniA if, mafkrV TTa came down I ..ja.iJi' tAira, but naa oerwy reacnoa u era uwr j I . a a a M a. a when he complained 01 reeling oaa, wa 1 aelred wltt fl choking eeasauon aaa rc- tarocl to hi room, laid himaclf down ou the bed and In a few minute, afterward. ...... waJ . (r Deceased had been suffering to cWeiieni wiaatUta, i whlah hia TJoJk n. waa hatwa-n 40- and 00 I nd JoaTea a fam Uy. 1 i acw !! a. I " ! i balea ,-The iyor had large col- I 1 e.cuE100 on beryeausrday. r mi. i . j 1 1 . . i : i . ' i eicorsion on um nuwn uxlav. I , . . " onBiaerao.e improvementa nave beemnade fa aod about the grounds of the St Thomas' Catbal Cemetery near this I ritv And the work is still belnp tunLinuad.. I I ' " " TQnbran.Brna.Ct. I 1 ' 1 I Durmctner. was ciearea rrom mis port iot I Hull. Eoeiand. vesterday. by Messrs. Alex. r n . a. c! - :. v n oaa -1 - r i. I Dpruui a, swo, wiw ,ow tw-s 01 spinia I turpentine and 1,100 barrels of roein, valued at $55,800. Mr. 8. O. Wfcrth. fish Commis- ionerofthe Bute, went down the river tltno. - .! - , . . Vorgt b ..oxcuraton to . . - , W ...7". ..T . .. w rt r. ... ... . . . frw nueanu woe rana -vo-morrow Vx i utj mufQlHT. oo vile ateamur a ihuiast. I , . . a? m :f l npoer auspices ot ueiauieaoi lueruu. . Jaeuuwisi unurcu. nuw ta yuur r . . . , lui 1. I gr uu marc wh Mr. Lyra an B. May, the new Superintendent of the National Cemetery, la leading a rather lonclv life iust now. his mily having not yet arrived from Coal I Harbor. Virginia, their last location. Sick- 1 ncaa has dctaioea tnem. The brig Jennie Hulbert, Capt. tarkj, was cleared from this port for w Iticnmocd. Maine, yesterday, by Messrs. Parsley & Wiggins, with a cargo of 400.110 feet of lumber, said to be the largest cargo of lumber ever cleared from this port on any one vessel. Bav. Dr, Taylor la LaBdaa. A friend In this city has received a letter rrom itev. ur. Taylor, late pastor 01 me . -. . a I nm liapusi unurcn, oaiea wuuon. aug. I 18th, an extract from which we append, il inleresliQe lo hi8 1 noaiaoi irteoos id una cuy. l wem un a fc m . a. i .1. t tw a a I aatoroay evening to me oiu cwnway at BuohUI 8W f BUQ" yan. Isaac Walts. DeFoe and many other illustrious onea. Across the street ia the I ohurch where Wefley preached, and in the of il to hls "d moDumen.L 1 .1 k a ' . a a a S 2a plucked some of the grass growing on it. for rou. It is herewith enclosed. I have had a most delightful time. The ocean brip was all that could be desired. My stay in this wonderful city has been one of con stant sight-seeing and enjoyment. I have been viaitlng places and spots of which I lave heard and read aad dreamed all my life. With what strange and thrilling feel- hags I realize the fact that I have been to Westminster Abbey, Saint Paul's, Hampton Court. Windsor Palace, Smith- field. Charing Croat, Whitehall, old West- minster Hall, the houses of Parliament, Loadon Bridgeaod ever so maay other I wonderful and hiaVorio places. Last Satur- day I spent several hours at Mr. Spurgeon's I borne. O. what a Dririleee. to shake the I - r o ' 1 and be In the company of this great knd good man I Yesterday I heard him j preach, morning and night, in Exeter Hall. I And he dJd p-aaiT. though in feeble I .rr. , . I health. With what eloquence and power j does he proclaim the grand truths of that I Baviour whom he lovea so much 1 I could I - P8"- must BtoP' iDr. Taylor says, in concluding his inter; I rtintr bttr- "I exnert to po from here to I "O r 0 I v , . . n..;. ,1: Lucca via Genoa and Pisa, and later to Naples, I Rome, &c" I p. m m aawa HVt Q a WflBi lag-to gAarary A aeo elation Dl- I reetere Addrea. , I We lay before our readers this morning the following circular, prepared and issued .... . . . in. . oy autnoniy, ana mvoxing puuuc iu In an Institution which should commanu .v . x .i,iMn. "The Directors of the Wilmington Libra- rv Association, realizing that it is as Institution wblbh,.if properly . conducted, will contribute to the culture of our com- j mnnitv. are endeavoring to reoriZanize ana I ful Bvtlem of loaning them instituted, and I only book in library edition will be added I hereanerto the present collection, ine library rooms will be rearranged aa soon aa practicable, and made an agreeable place of resort for ladies and gentlemen for pur poses of ttady and learning.. The usual winter course of lectures, under the auspices of the Association, will be made as com plete as opportunity permits, and the litera ry dubs, which have heretofore added an interesting feature to the Library, will be encouraged and supported. The Directors are determined to conduct the Association upon library principles: to adopt and en force rules necessary to its efficient man agexnent; and in their present effort to build I up an Institution creditable to Wilmington, XI T I membership. The present membership is I Inadequate to its purpoae. It ia , necessary I that it should be increased to at least two 1 rfl The Dlrertnra artlelt the Interest I I and mpmtvTuhln of everv ' reanectabli e cin- I Mn particularly of the ladies and young I people of the community, and upon the I An tii naa nr inw irvn iwtnna aarmn. ?""Ar fJ7i7Z. .Tw M y. ?''J. I contribute toe amount oi me annual auea i to the auppon or an msmuuon or ine aina. W are reaneated to state thattha annrml I rtv. ' , J ' . -T I m aaa iniuauon tee one aoiiar. MHMIMVW. tnay be niailed to air. Jo. a. Willara, oec- or haiided to Miss Parsley, Libra Library Room. . - . Thfrteejk Tears Dyeewelw "I suffered with dyspepsia for thirteen r-LSi a. it .Irf.vo mna .n-h dianrdera. ! At omgelBta. -J- , ' t 1 rira avh u junri I -xr i v. . li. . i n.. t. .. ceed from the root o( a rosia ghedon the Uest side of the river . the etoT Messrs. G. W. Williama & Co. " It hid got- i ipn nnrior nrMTWfwvwi hAnwovbhbn mo. 1 i u ".v w.. i ' - -i j I monntfid thu roof hiDMiu a ima.11 IaA, - r.' nom mM' I mmmMMd iA mmaef Thhincn nluvWlfn u-i""J'"& " - i tance of about one nun urea .yai03i De-s I f or .thev could, eet to a SDOt rwhoro I .1 1 ji on 1 1 t . .1 1 mev . cuuiu nil meir uucicei. out vuey I worked with such rapidity and displayed I such activity that the men on the roof were P1 Pretty 0usy throwing water upon the I Am ati4 MKkft w ivkAVMmi llioo' VtaA V I u!v " w- " epafc was KiTea 10 um-wura. ui nniig uu urning shingles. . When he .fire, was seen from our wharves nearly- every one predicted a big fire and the destruction 1 Oi a gran ubu Ui pruucrir, uuk airiturici .u it to .een tBat Tlct(frrw destined tope&'Wth, . ., j. ,t , ..i.A I V nmvl item-fll nlendid firemen. In iuchwi, Fu:u proved themselves splendid firemen. . minute the fire was under con- trol and ia another flve miautes it was en- Jtirelyout I The engines and hook and ladder truck I were at the foot of Market street, ready to be transported across, but it was soon found that their services would not be needed. If the fire had gotten fully under way it would no doubt have resulted very disas trously to the naval stores men. As it was the loss was slight. ' Child Abduction. It has been ascertained that a little boy by the name of Jesse Franks was abduc ted from bis parents at Prattville, Alabama, fourteen miles from Montgomery, by a man named Hurd. The little fellow was taken I to Wilgon N. n by his abductor, where. gOCQe cause or other, he was deserted by Hurd. who Drobablv stole the ehild with iew of extortine a ransom, but after- wards feared detection. This was some 1 Ume Jn June) our informailt states, and it , til recentiv ihat it was ascer- ed. through some remark the boy made about his grandpa. Gholston, that a corres pondence was opened with the Franks fam u (Mr8 F; a daughter of Judge Gholston. of Alabama), and it was found 1 that their child had been stolen. The little fellow was put on the train at Wilson Sun day night, in care of Capt. Downing and passengers, and upon arrival here was transferred to the W., C. & A. Railroad, in charge of the conductor on that road, and is doubtless in the arms of the loved ones who had mourned him as a second 'Charlie Ross." Reaalajc an Officer of the Law Some thief entered the premises of Jus tice J. C. Millis, in the southern section of the city, about 9 o'clock ou Saturday night last, while people were passing the streets Und lights burning in many of the neigh- boriog houses, and robbed his chicken coon of three hens and a fine rooster. ISquire MUUs and his wife had retired a lit tie earlier than usual that night, and, hear " ' . . ing a noise among the chickens the former hurried out and was iust in time to hear , . . . . the thief making his escape from the pre- mises. while the door of the chicken coop Was .found wide open. The thief had drawing a staple, which had been driven through the nnst and clinched on the other " ' uid The thief had tn rat awav in aurh a p- - - rw Q " " " J hurry that he left a number of chickens in the coop. And now all the householders in the neighborhood are nibbing up their double barrel shot guns, seven-shooting re volvera and old armv muskets, and ex Dec t to to sleeD niehtlv. for some time to come) with one ey6 Bhn( an1 the other on their chicken coops. Falae Pretenae. : nnVrt Hoatin nlnred was arrested nn l. t , .... . tue cnarge oi oouuatng guuua uuuer pretense. It seems that he went to the atnre nf MeAnm Hnlmen & Waiters, on the sen tea mat ne naa oeen sent mere uy Messrs. R. G. Gausc & Co.. for five boxes f herring. It turned out subsequently b . J iuuk utj naa uu. uu.uui . uw tv vitv uw.- ring, and a warrant was accordingly issued for his arrest. He was required to give bond in the sum of $50, for his appearance for preliminary examination before Justice Milliq, in default of which he was commit ted to jaiL Sadden Death on Saturday. We alluded briefly in our last to the fact that a colored woman was reported to have fauen dead over the railroad. We since learn that her name Was Lucy A. Laboo, and that she resided on the corner of Nixon an(j Seventh streets. She was found dead . a-tnrdav morning last. Cor- m ncr 060 011 turaay morning last.. WT oner Jacobs was nounea ana neia an ins- nnet tiver the bodv. the verdict of theiurv j. deceased came to her death by j causes to them unknown. She was about 43 years oia ana leaves nve cnuaren. Peraonal. Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates, formerly of the - o. . -U' v 'm,.h nf tia n?t W now of Raleigh, who has been on a visit to1 . P ' v , . , W ,frd8 ere daring the pas week, will return home Jjp old con- mratinn were delighted with his sermon gregation were delighted with his sermon Sunday morning.. -J. Capt. E. J. : Pennypacker, Collectorof w -- ern .W- some weeKS past, nas re turned. -1 ,- ' .. ' ', Vi War Depainmenc. Sfsnal Service, l. Division of Teleagaa and RepoHa f orlhe Bejiefit:GlC&ns ., 1 I COTTOlfliatT BVLItBnjf. t Aufeiat 27jl888-5 AVERAQB Districts. ;'!Max.; Temp. fTemp. c ail. Wilmington':.: Charlestoa. ... . Augusta. , . . . . Savannah1 ;.'.v Atlanta..;.... ' 86 ; .87 89' - 88i 87 ! 88' 8 ei 67 71 .00 .67 M .33 .38 .87 ,26 ,01 00 m .00 .00 AQ"4M 70 , 66 67 -66 70 68 .65 65 66 ;Monteomety. iaouii;j.... v Hew Orleans T. GalvestoriV. Vick8burg;Vv!. 1 Little Rock.;.. Memphirt'y. , ; 90? 89 t r 1 weather ladleattona. m iThe1 llowinareericatioti.s for to day: - .rii-.,.' - ., . -: '.i For . the Middle . Atlantic States air weather, winds mpStly , eaf lerly, UA jonary, or falling bomet. anuiiearlystotliary temperature. f "rf ' f " j For the south Atianfe States, genettiiiy iir muittimr.' .(Jf. SntAM . i" . . . . T ' i .. ' V1.?,.' . V.J MI W lllll llllll'll II 1 1 1 I IIWllHalllHl H Hi mi FortheEaat Gult.Statei.rigefleraUy air Weather, winds mostly easterly, stationary ' 1 1 rometer and temperature. '' T7t . 1 TIT . 1 r. . ' . ' ' ' .4 M ' . " ' " j "H? , ' p 1 ir ill.1 vvnoi 1 .1 1 1 1 1 11 1 .ju Tan" uf i.l T ri .r winds mostly nortli to east,. stalfQnary ba rometer and temperature. For Tennessee- m and the Ohio Valley, partly cloudy weather ' and local rain?, vari- able winds, falling barometer, stationary or a slight rise in temperature. ' . ' ?- Bev. B.'f. Sanderai;.! -' 1 . The sermons of Rey.:"Mr. Sanders, a the' First Baptist Church, on Sunday last,' are spoken of in terms of much praise by those' who heard them. Mr; ", Sanders, during a vacation granted him by his own charge, for the purposes of change and recreation, is kindly serving the congregation of he First Baptist Chinch, ad very acceptably. We are glad to learn that the ocean breezes are having a good effect upon his health, which was not of the best. Accident to a Child. Mary Bell, the infant daughter of Mr. W. S. Newkirk, fell from the piazza of her parents' residence, On Second, between Mulberry and Walnut streets, i yesterday affernoon and sustained severe injuries about the head and shouldersfalling a distance, of twelve feet. . It was at first thought that the little girl was fatally injured; but subsequently a member of the family reported tliat she was better and likely to recover. Church Matters. J i Rev. A. M. Conway requests us to return his thanks, and through him, that of his congregation, for $403 contributed towards remodeling and repainting the First (col ored) Baptist Church ; 1i53 of which was subscribed in Wilmington and $350 by out siders. He expects to start out on another soliciting tour in the fall. Capt. Smith, of the, steamer D. Mur- chison, reports that the river was about sik inches above low water when he left Fay--etteville at o'clock oil Saturday- morning-. A telegram was received by Messrs. G. Wl Williams & Co., , yesterday, , announcing that, there had been a fljse of two feet. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ship Notice. All persons are hereby cautioned : aerainst harboring or trusting any of the crew of- British Brig EWlVAi i-iroin new xprK, an 110 uuis 01 uiuir F-cotttracthig will be paid by Consign ees or C. W. BROWN, aug 28 3t -; ' : f Master. Improving Capcj Fear River be low Wilmington, N. C Propo sals for Stone. U. S. Engihbbb's Oitict, 70 Saratoga St., Baltimore. Md.. Auerust 23d. 1883. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING STONE I OR t.ha TmnmVATnpnt t t.hc. Ponn Pna. Y?lvAr iNorth Carolina, will be received untill rioon of Heptemoer 4tn, isw, at yio umtea states engi neer umca, wummgton,sJM. v.; ana openea lmme- aiateiy thereafter, . JTOlt AUOUT VOW TOHS OF B'lXJUJS. Blank forms, soeeifications. and any desired information can be hadtpon application at this office, or to the resident Engineer, Mr. HENRY uauojn, at w ummgton. jy. v. WM. f. C-tAlUUlLilj, aug28 6t Lt.-Col. of Engineers, U.S.A. FLE ART OETRATT IN CRi T70R AN AA PORTRAIT IN CRAYON OR PAS TKT. aend vonr small Dleture of any kind. Remember, you are not expected to pay for a Portrait until you nave seen ana acoepiea n. jay rices too are at a great sacrince, in oraer xo ally nitroduce my work. ORIN T. THOMAS, Artist Studto, 861 Broadway, N. Y. Address-144 West 23d St. Friends visitiDg the city are especially invited. .ang28tf ; SHIPPED IN ICE, FRESH If ia 11 SH1PPE1J tn ail nninta in North Carolina. South Caro lina and Georgia. Guarantee them to be in good condition. aug28tf W. E. DAVIS A SON. Cheap Beading. -JOVELL'S LIBRARY, STANDARD iaBKAKX, Seaside Library, Monro's Library, and all of the leading Magazines and Periodicals, at publish ers' prices, at ' !j '' HARRIS Best 5 and 10 Cent Cigar ta the city, au 28 tf 03-Oxr"3tTo"iaJi? BAGGING and TIES, ..... '..11 i- -.. i--;;;.,t --. ' SALT and MOLASSES, : . . ALL GRADES OF FLOUR, ' v h ' 1 And REFINED SUGARS, f !; HALL & PEARSALL. ang28D&Wtf ' ' i NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 ! Sundries at Auction r ON TO-MORBOW (WEDNSSDAT) MORNING ' , at 10 o'olk, we will sell at our Sales Room. Booth ; '- ' -Water Street, for account of whom it may eon- . ' cern " . ' 20 Barrels SXOTJR, sltjrhtly damaged. ' K U ' !20 WASHING MA CHIN EH. lor acooont W. A tV." w - Hoaaenoia ana K.nonen rutuiiTUKE, -rf , . 3 IRON SAFBS," .!. r,-; V.,T,f abc a genera assortment or tmnartea, prepar - v atory to onr removal to Store Southeast corner I of North Water and Prlnoeas Streeta. v - 1 r Unlimited goods will be received nntU rooming: of sale. ' . . , . CRONL1 A MOKRK, ... -, aug28t ; AnfcUonors.,wV ' ; Fall Overcoats, TN DARK GRAY' DIE FRIEZE,, At MTJNSON'S, aoa28lt Clothier and Morchont Tailor: ' . i .11. 1 1 11 .j. 1 i. 1 1 . Kew Furniture Warerooms. l A TNo. aoGRANITBROW, SOTJTH FRONTt.i f o opened with what I think tea well fleeted' . j, . - . -.if . . . . t Furniture and Beddinf . I ' ' . , '! ' ' ' '' i " T J K .- -.-' ' I Pf,- , I 'Our aim Khali be t deal fairly aod aqaarolr-'" I' with aJI.'ikml.FnflTw.trnll'r aka.ahAraD( thatxililio I patronage. Courtoona treatment guaranUjed tf ' . . - . .... : . au woo ravor me with a oau. , i I 'ay:" . . Taut cuajT, airrut. , Prices Tell the Tale. , 'pmt bargains ON MEN'S LOW snoM ALh ,s taSen. We have few of LADIES' SERGE Wt" ' -' . ' "., , at. Irvm rtioA nf 1 Art Anil iva rtlYAi. 4ifa lartutlr several broken , lots of LADIES' SLIPPERS, at Creat Reduction. Call early or they will all b zone. Wo Intend to ma them off oulak. Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. t . . . . ; a - , t ' - - - i All Losses i jN THE NORTHS Rlt FIRE A88URAN0B CO. ;. (Assets 01-f,3C9,OQO), ar paid IratfledlntolT ' on presentation of Proofs of 'Losses, without tbe . sixty days' deltfy usually claimed, and without '. ' 1 . the reduction of interest. . . . 1 .(. V.. 8. WILLARD, Gon'l Agent, 1 , ' j aug 23 tt 212 North Water Kt. 1 To the Ladies. XK WILL SELL, FOR THE NEXT TniRTV DATS, some very handsome HAND-MADE STRAIGHT GRAIN AND KID SHOES. of Laird, Shober & Mitohell's make, for f 4.O0 i . worth $0.00. ; Call and see them. . - , A. SHRIEK, aug 26 tf . 108 Market 8t. New Goods ! A LBUMS,' AUTOGRAPH AND PUOTOOK r'n. 1. jut, Fine Box WritinR Ta r. Straw waste raper kotfl. i Inkstanda of all kinds and rIzcs. : Cas h Boxes. Knsala Leather Card Cmh. Memorandum Books, larce and small, for rest pocket use. ' : ' 4 '. "aper ana unen nciure cooks, Vlsittne Carda. Chess Men Racxred edare I ed edge Note Paper, and Envelopes to salt; In new-J ' ' i t Bometmng new, Vfilvnt Plctnro Frames, larcro and small. Best kinds of Black Ink, Carmine and Scarlet';. Ink, &c, Sc. f ' For salo cheap at ' !. , , HEINSBERGER'S aag2Ctf Live Book and Muslo Store. ' - : r " m f ; Slimmer Specialties! , '"y-E ARE ANXIOUS TO CLOSE OUT SOME ; Summer Goods In Men's Wear, Boys' Wear. .' Chlldron'n Wear." In Suits : . ,-.;( In Odd Coats, . ... 1 In Oild Panta. ' In Furnishing Goods, In ota, eto., eto. ' We havo not marked them at cost, but some ... will go at much loss. In fact we aro determined to eloar out the remnants if low prices will do It. . A. DAVID, ' auglOtf The Clothlor. . . , Bargains Now ! THE ORDER OF THE DAY FOR TUB COM .," Ing week. ' CLOSING OUT REMNANT I. odds and ends, A o. , in bath . DRY GOODS AND CARPETS, j - GOOD ASSORTMENT JERSEYS. i R. 91. McOTTIRE. , . aug rib tf t I Am Coming Again.'' A M USING A COOK STOVE BOUGHT from it you 1 6 YEARS ago, and 1 am com lng again rwm . for a NEW ONE. Your STOVES LA ST." frta man studies economy. BUYJH JTr PURE WHTTK 011 . , s . angSCtf 7 Bock Lime, , RTTTTTirWrt prrRWOSTWJ ! 1 . i' PRICK REDUCED TO tl.lfi PER CASK. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR LARGE LOTS AND TO THE TRADE. Address FRENCH BROS.; Rocky Point, N. C. or . O. G. PA! ARSLEY. Jr.. ap 1 tf satufr WumlngtonrM. C Harbleized llantels. rpHBSB BEAUTIFUL QOOD8 ARB MEETING ' with great fayor. They are very low hi price. and may be put In old houses with the ease of an j ordinary grate aug 26 7. M. KING A CO. ' Fnniitiire. nniT a t TVTnririi If M'lm nfTITICRTn IW PAK- 7 lZr. Oiamber. Office. Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture. Carpet and OU CJotna. a tlngand ito S. R- Cor. Market and and 8U., augWM - 1 - Wilmington, . C. -A "f

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