4 J, i Hi it "i a.tae W J- (Vm b p. -.4 4 .f. sOt y r w mitAis -- r t Haa. P- - mm rMti ai aa It l-r vwmv 1 w & ta aaa M OTtrrrw lurra o-ULT--a ay -r. It m: J.r-. t n um tk i . $'. t-4r MM: as . IWMJH a: wooiAa, U Ta J A- MMMMt af 9 Jsa-raaia, luM flQia'tiA inaMf V4ia4 ru.rt.lwaj tepht fc-J a "City team." IB mi tor ta a-a Ittwrtlii m4 n wm it DM far W ntm U to iAarml 1 JO aiTU-ra K MTf eAr iter. tAtmm tumrxh a a-ty fMk rwioa a wa. ts tainlsaf U-iT ra. pamt, WwaoinCluM af Tfranaa. aa or .Haary ai t pf la n Hi n-aea -rCU, pa fi -- a I-af1, A tmtStmmmatm to frWJoar f-ma a-a-t. to w-muiuT toy tymm ta. ftiMw arm to toJJ astr mmiH!u to UVs pta-th-i 4atir4 tmrtHMmna at ata-t a OMiTf! to ,f iMM.)iin k mrn4 W1U to mDm4 N -',1, ' k&m &thm t Ito w6lnto. MMl hHii (rt.lMiaMe tost Ito toa4 rw I.I r'jMmacitii' Ui to tonru l."Sr p" toV t :. -w t r mrtlMMMraW Ctoatfti .1 toOn ty Um .mriCMt ttt to r9nwt tori tnuMtoaa cr toxr d to auklo It Jjltonta MtttAtox ft MlkNS wtottor h Urn ttm. mi mmnwatotliHW ettarwwat fU to altorvwl U wn'Mim hnrnm IU trtojit ilirttoMaU si U ta if w 1 Kit' wita p-p-r MTptok r tor tauatAfy - tor MNmMloiff to aartf CtoaaiiaiMeiiMH sto iaT rwf-tt tov" ton laMj)Ml IrMT M lMvyt Aia T Mtov r. Itor vrtil iBvwtkA'T to toiimwiiiM nwm to HMto T rMMai OvHmv. tnnak M Lur CMif m) imitiMini wVJ to tito fta ito w6Hto Ctero i m to 0ur4 to wmI to iimm o kJmtiM Mf uua Nkr to bfur rwnia Mmm wtttoM tr to A.t "r.aiwr IWhU( wr apwatry tta am iter Mln m MMrOa Cm. I tto ktnnkHMil wfa to tto mm to to la knw twri kto iipinn.ht Aaf Uto aMiittf a to The Morning Star. f WILLI A Tt If BXX.fi MIX K V KNINO KDITION. irn riRoiiM ar Tim W r rrally rjol at lh pn--p-t of th thtbit th.t North Caro tin n to xn.xkm U th kpprii-ehinj r.Mtot KtpxttioQ. It will bx no 1oiii( mmoribU time fpr otir r plrt. Tlw Irtl.-tir tr4 mvj hn it m.k.l in pprojn tton th w w dmwl ri!Sr.nt to rn N'ortb C.ffirt ii pp:ir to har mont 0' irinir aetir . r tl.t to kao th.it Mr. Mr-h. th Sipr tntffnlnt of th tjtt Ajjrwaltaral I Vp.trtn-nt, w m prnmpt to avail iiirti.-alf of th pDti.con mvla by th !.-tI.turw ia. th4 opportam' y af f ri4l by th- IwmCuci nunjM. Mm HI. J hu A.attanta 1 Wrd ri.ItC.l f 'p sh work -b v Wwn iniatrvaa iii.l tntrUiot fron the biao;Cjj f' th tabr of prifvratioo aI ( i'.M-tton, tnl th r--rlt i tllat N r.h Ctrorm. will hkve a more r.nmir, a mow tnkiO, .BOD v in.J ami W(tr rolla-ctioo ic rMttQ tbita xaj otbr Soath tr Stat. It n no.-rl by Dr. lihny, who ! in Vton, rt-p.-rmKamli. tlto) rpcka. prvpor .on. dMtrtHittion Aivl arranivmrat of r.h artu-U'-t, th.t then will be two f.hor(4.nl artieito frni North Carf itri 00 rihibtti.m. Oar prpl will hi mnh iaii4e to b- prol of oar Sf. ir.n, n. it iini'umiQon rntoarvve, in to thank Sir. JlHlarW, Dr. D.b-n.-y. ntl thir --l ibrr for th il in. ai-i of their rlfort. W0 iUd to avail ourtolvr of m mtrrtjn tttr from Dr. Dab- . wf?j ILW-frf'y I''f. W ax ur it will b jfoI r4liojj tot dXl of our popU who Uv North frrtma anl who rri in her propnty al ra-xrifa. Dr. Db t-y tka taik mat m f rl t": Tla limtr own m.irvv u the macai rtaaaa af Mm fcaSea-vaa-f fmtos At UUa MM , ( t ula. VatT aoal tito talT of our 1 WW.M. U. TVt am vary tutUatk: c-rrr h ac ch-ry liwa. our 6-aa:k waiaaU. our eurry aa-biak curry puoiaw aa4 cwrty iaa. O'u. lumf BU w4i camim a ta.aa-a af tr-vl-ax -l vff U-a cna4ry frora M (sm l Calif jl. MMi t aa yrabeniar -He tetiiit out kaow t2U wk tiAWr t UaUat la tft-n euatry I u jaal-riay ita. tfte tw.' wnrtara wao ara ftiitiajt aatw- aol tT-aU. .)ina of Ui apaciixwea -w .! aaU I w-ataatuaialW at ttetr &aitf 4Cui aowUy T-w fW Vm blkck fraaita praaaota or m.me a Miff we ii to aa y .f I avev T-e fwTvtauia of l& aftoo aa-4 it 8a aa aay fT-Ua U th arerVt. batuia taa a xwwa 4-1 aich In kl fcatw at 3. Si) a fu.t 5onM f our QtirbhT' rille fTaaJta h prMMauacat prrfactlv atu. Wa hav mvaxm tDrcicaaae her ruauuaio fUlar-r. ourea V-a oI tlacH fcovMt.V.afe M tract gT- vKBuva, vaay are a 044. 0..f fray ao-t tWa eeUtrv-j .-- ftoaa Caofea aaU 2 aut-a'.a a lu o fduxut aa- .a . . v. . . . MftUmcUto o aa ithaM f am ; I eaeaul vnt aa Uva eoUwvti tuiHa aiwlkW tk l t ealy aaaatiaa, a faar URara wtKH .at - "" "-V- j I tMV LaaA ' L Orl.Ma f; t I a-I baea erapaewt ami rtamiaed fcv a 1 rarrth e a. a. . . aava tacasa iarM-n rt ' taaa paopU. waaa we uWl boia atteaaai a a . U aaolalactrWatafivocfc toe taaTaataa . " at fcaa. , -. 1 5.... - A ptaaaaat aad waU writtaat Uttar of North CaaliaLu la tfca Golda- trip tO alIffcasl jri fJK ZSiSfSf? ii jamw - -1 v. r r.4r tbe rVnlr Fair be4 Wllmiofftd. Iwt tV, atlraeUil grtat iUtron nd wa4 coaiiderc4 tb cbirf thing bown. Tb ' geaUcmazi who pre pauml H will take il to Boatoo wT.cre we hope tt jrill rclipM all competi tor. We reur to it to ak whj it i that fruit-evaporating i not more groerallj- resorted to? If lle far- taere woM Ueeot more fmit-raUing and thn, gi.e dlveraity to ecoplojment taej woaia uc.. rwwardetl Diveraify the rrope, raiae more frail and learn thoroughly tho procew of eraporatinj: fruit. The marketa of the North aa well aa the South are open to them. There ia 00 Tariff to ioterfere; there ia no High lfotective bar be-i-wire fence to beJze out the farm era of the South. "The whole bouodlcae coo- tioeot ia" tbeira. The Chattanooga (Teonere) Ti- of a recent date, ooatairM the following encouraging waragraph. We call the attention of farmer- eapecially to what ta aaid: Trull vaportiofc la a o-m la potat. To j car fi bardiy a poo ad of fruit waa rrarara-e4 la thia tatin aeetioa. Ltoi ymr the avaroratora were laLroUoced aad aoU rpiilly. Thla year fruit evapocallof tUa brrocM aa imporUal loduatry. Mr. O II. J-ra-wia. of Lhia city. Twterd-y Aippmi t.0tpuu aca of evaporated fruit to CSura4". -ich waaacat Ux him from Oa partMi a IwJk.li ax by Mr. Kia. Mr. Klojr will vporu ar-rr-J ihocjajsd boaheliL. II rvJin-i rmra Ulo CO eeeia rr oouw (JtrappJ-Mi Kan are eogctd ia evapo nUmt pcMak aaJ the aaajorily of the fruit axa rv famtliaiixiaa' Uem-Hrni with Lh Brorrm aa-i r-cocvm to d'Mpoae of all Utiaif neM prca!act ia thl maoia-tr.' M t'Tt L A T"K D A-D rURVRRTM qraT-Tio. In tb Aofi't number of the imtAtrm ltit there ... Tk I fwv. Herbert T. llacon - 1 a v a I . . , . I I ,., -Mfc....- on irtrctoo. f page --u, I moli . follower I 1 flu. catUa of iWi rriad )owlv Aa-i UV-y fttad eirrc4iaj xBaU." I It U well eogb to note an error I . . . ? . I 10 tnta. liOOieiiow nu put inio 1 vera an old aayiog that baa b?en I m ften dLacaaaed by the Icirnrd." ITe I wntea tt aa followa: I "TVwi the aiflla of Gmi Cna4 aJoaly.yet I U.T rrtad eJicrrtJiof mzuUI. T-o.t. aiti patkacw ht aUada waitiof. ta etartaaaa irrtotU ha alV". t Now Mr. Ilacoo qoU-d il very i corrvctly both x to laagwage and verai .cation. It ia not plural yh aa ha givea it, but aingular OtnL Iofllow followed the correct read ing of the old worda and not the cor rupted and modern uaage. We have aid that the learned have dlfcu.Md the original of the word of I-oogfollow. Or rather they bava triad to leara lh aothorabip. Mit wnlerarofltent tbemaelvew with referring to the JaruLt Yulmhmt of the poat Herbert, where he aays: M('fi raUl grind alow bat aure. Now. fteorga Herbert waa born in The aayiog or aenUment ia much older that Herbert. A few year a;o aoma of the New England achooU wera diacojaiog the origin of tha line developed by Longfellow. We d not know how far back they J trac.J it. Wa can put them on the track of probably the original. In I ml ,b. - W,. Uu. .n, not b.r - than tha fourth century, and are I I r-v;M- -a ir aa rK nA ---Ir.. j j I ry. the very aentiment traiMlatrd into I KnglLah by I-ocgf allow nay be found. Tb Greek haa tha aiagular, (!oL We have no firtek Utters to repro- j dacw it- Thoew interrstol ran obtain the etact Greek firxn Mr. John II. Mill, superintendent of the Orphan Aayloro, Oxford, S. C. He baa a- copy of the Greek Oracle printed in I'aria some two hundred and fifty yrara ajr. Tha North Carolina Hoard of Health baa jaU iaaaed a pamphlet of twenty page mlaiJcd for free dia- tnhqtioa- li enfllled,: A jYear'a Cant pai jrn A jfaln at Ifrt, and U con taina aogrationa to eititena of citie, loans villj-ra and bare lata, how to keep their atreeta and homes in a baalthy eoedltion. .Tbil ia metjtime- I e-V a - aa y. 1 d star, aura i ute isurnii of tbia com inanity, aad to the health and peoaparity of the people of , the StaU at large, haa M-ayed iaiuown way to war u poo the 151th o a cation aad tojca.l t.efu! and nieOk ir formation aroont tha rxinln Rat O M t oora waa aoprofesatima! labor. We were only working aa a volunteer ally of professional expert. We hop lhia laat Uaae ot tha Board ol Health will be exteaaively distributed and thoroughly read. The paraplet waa Pvrartt by Dr.,Thotaa P. Wood ofthia town- who U at thihtid of the Mtau Hoard of Health. rrt. karlKUrr . J L . 11 1 w ' . i ii. .11 . i i.vi :Nil.6 i. . 1 w. Viirwr- riH. Ktanr. KUCBas OUUfCU. EATirrjf7?. r. r. pool. my-THAtitaSork 1 wiy,- Jicyfia on 10 Pwr.i. iK.MKimrK J7.tibWio(: v 5g cWmTt vm tboaUj'ix' or eiabt montht go lhthowM near i T uir4 of uu. . w J age, ant if remarkable inttlUwtuU. lfest; dfcaUog for the Unitr! Siatca Ifool, Utoor irapreion of him re- I. . thu he waa tb(l ioleHectual men of hia age in North Carolina, and gave promise of much uaefulncaa and di-linction both aa a lawyer and a politician, v Wr deeply rvgrct to-we our highly educated andaojierbly en dowed young men'dying in the early rorinir time of life. The death of a apnngume 01 hip. i qc uia. upcrior young man ia a very great j j loaa to any Uiramonweaitn. jn an age in which - high attainments are not the diatingumhing feature it ia . ..,1. power bad not attainwr to ineiriun i fptmbcr 5th. 1883. develnprne'o( when he wm atrock I 'Cordially rcci Kw K- ...t mr. Ioath, mcnia oi nooa wu e Howe; lA'the- Firat DiMriet, the mem- our common .coantr,,.it wili.be, a U-r of'tbo laat Cooffrcaa, Hon. Iiouis great gratification 'to me, as it w my ,wdirttWteM jphiinary . . ........ 6 '11-16 cents If) 0. Uilam,.a popular and excellent ion TR. wufto Wrnabbdt'moVe tifre$- 9i " . " campaigwcr. ,Wa never el Mr. j imatecTalion9 beteb, th, oauao lor very mwr. r-jiv -. .. tW .find f ree l ikiono. - 1 : ' : !-hk ,t yujti-b-y steady, with aMe'-to-day at the a vounr? man like Walter Tool de- 5 --l o-SJ;! 1 Bi-Men-tajQwM od bu fiiiowliigqii6tationsr AxrgusflO.lSc; Scp a young man uae I That the coming exhibition may oon-1 mWLmrikjt i-th.K.hnt-h. ara.. 1 .At--rknti-AH9AvL.tl acends to the grave. Klixabeth City haa been much be- reaved within a few ycara. Iu three flneitt rninda probably have boon quenched in the night of the grave. llartin, Whcdlnv, Tool all men of aiark, all lawyers, and the laat (wo young men, North Carolina ia indued ierravrtl in their death: Mr, Tool waa a JUpublicaq, but many of hia a' arm eat peraottal friends were Dem ocrat, a we have beard. i A drug deck by the name of Jaffna IWhlrng, living at Hra-Iford, IVnn-vlvania. ia nrrnarintr to make 11 . i-- ; .i--tr " ir - . m a a wr ulj it ij a a tw v -.am. a a -,- i W . lAn .rnjkfininlinff laritli in ttrti- -- " -" brella, aud finda that he can tie a t at top of a very high bridge withont Injury or difficulty. This encourage ' Yl .. I. ... aI f 01m w u.-- m- ...-.... The bridge ia 301 feet above the wa- ... ter, Uivlcaa the aulhoriliea prevent be eipeeLe to jump off the high bridge with only a large and extra trong nmbrella to bear him up. We ana-indebted to the FayetUv ville Obarrrrr for an opportunity to read a aklch in hrtt tmJ Strratn by Hon. Walla U Staadc, of Ilock i ogham. It i ery eleeriy doaa. There ia a aimplicity and realistic charm about it that make It delight ful reading. We bavo long regarded Cel. Steele aa one of the fulleat and-. , roan deal of NortW Carol iaiana. IiU crrarraihg accounr of "At Iyve'a in the Olden Time," ia worthy of pre pervation. We would be glad to see rnore of the aaxne kind of work from bia band a. We are com pell ol to note some groaa crrora in Sunday'a iaauc. For "'lea than '- read "leas than tw-." For "ctiuofitv' read "oaaei e. For "hmocatum read "iieo- cation. The following ia the cor- reeled paragraph in the article he.id- d "iSpeak Out": "la thU a 'time for timid coueacla" a. -a a. nr a J!3" uS -JTJf .Uo1 Why ahoukl Dcmocrala fail to Inalat upon 1 . f 1 a a a J . a opturooa . ia ao oour woeo u aam o uoverntneat U to hrtac 10 the tmaiuu number T" tob fisnooTr. TMuiT$ Mnma Am for Aurutt 18th and a-ih cooulaa, amoog other paprn, the fol- lowing: The Real Lord Byron, Quarterly; Half a Century of Literary Life, London Quitrtrrig; John Richard Green, by Ed ward A. Freeman, IfrilUX tyuirtcrtj; Claavlc Conceplioo of Heaven and Hell, WtMtmwuUr; Cave Tombs in Galilee, Fort nfyMlf Voltaire In England. OurnAiU; The iEmpreaa Eugenie. Fl!jhl to England. Tern 'pi Bar; Grace t)arllng.- Isrirure tlavr; Bca Ialaod C0U00. CJLjatAer'a Journal; Rcnre oatoOUiol. ABtXt Ytar fimnd; with in aulmenu of "Uaclc, Owge' Will," and ;-Alooc the rUiver Streak." , and Poetry. Pf k $3 a year. Our Mil 0m$ tor . September la well filled, wall printed, and well illustrated, and. will be a arts to plraeo tha chiVUen.- f Price ft. SO a year. Kuaaell Publiahiag Co., 2-5 BrotnOekt atreei, Doatoo. . dttlmoud" MtQifiA4 for August coat-Oca tha foilowlag: .The Mill ion aire, Part V. Tw Belka Araba, by a. Paiealioe J2x- ptoaert. Recant . Frtoobr Noiela ; J-omixda-- ecoca f a Ro-a-ahlra roroat; King Mlcaat Oo the Iload to Roacoa Ikcatta; Tryiog the Yacht, by Jameali IMiertaoa; Maater Toraloj'a Hipcrlmcnt; A Heather-DunrTog eUaryJamea PerfUfon, .iBieAatronomerj Liberal 8utscfvienee to France and Ita'fte ulia. JiLuJh&od la always lively and' ln tereaUag. Price 3 a year. " llodueed from lv rTha XJeooard ScoU PublhiiLsg Cdm paay 41 Rarciay atreet, N. T? -it f? Xa!I of dry.' buaky. pcalca and LtUa pirn plea Dr. iJeioxi'. SWo Cure "j'1 r"1 Jour scalp aad remove all Scale It la tha beat head -d rearing cTet umletyi-! per package, U ail drocx-fta. LETTER FliOJU aor.JAKVIS. FYedcrick W. Griffin, iSy., Secretary I iovitatiODs to bo oreseiit at tuo opt I . .... , T . fal1. nn f V n va aiavvii 4at4 10 lUBbUUbu w tptsseed in your Ititlenii and'beln. te-j-iieHtlv.desirdus I oH between ibe varic-a sectloqs of w. ww mmm, . X4 W JU W . - J no-ill Ka lo of Now Eneland taxwi. , North Ca-- rolina waaibofr object a 07 e PWcipawuHi of North i Carolina in your .Qxhihi-Jl tion; while at the same time, ; we At, not nfc in ' 'diiio-niiiA the1 do not seek to disgoue toe fact that business considerations baxl their, last' ana proper woignw a wotild be a proud thought to -me if any agency, of mine could contribute S - . ' ' . m ' -a . . .T I to iuch. rcsulta. In tho future of the great country of which New England h darolina are amonff the and NoTth Ua,na. ar? m"5 V5 component parta, there ia a field for -ercus emulation as well aa mutual I aid, in which, without' regard to1 nfl - -r il.t ; : 1 , ..l,aTi.lvZfi' ' .--.-i.--"- ' " j unbject of difference in the past, the I aenirations and endeavor of tJ4 duce to this result, it should, be the . ' w . duty of all, as it will be my aim. I w 1 1 a v t I will cheerfully comply with the vrishes of the management in the ishci iv'a I be day's proceedings. ' ' eg to express my warm appre-1 qialion of the distinguished honor conveyed in the invitations extended f inn With great respect, f . ' i . , , f am idr, ; '", Your obeilient servant, ' Tnos.'J. Jarvis. , Mr. (triflln, the Secretary, informs Uie Stab aa folIoVs: t "That hater in in reply to one of I Manuf I diation on S4'ptember 15, Gov. Jarvi-. Hhould renpond to the offer of hopi- tality cordially made by tlie com mon wealth of MaasachasetUi which in embraced in the following toast: f()ne who is identified with those great paeuiagts of history which are U ill wilhiu the memory of living a t w.? men, ami woo ia iiKewiae a aisiiu-. I gui-hetl reprenenUtive of the 'new la au lkl-.lt. V4-ilI a .y-vav-i -liV f Jm I rtA rV which shall accomplish for the South that glorious, destiny which await her in the hopes and desires oT all men." "Will North Carolina have a good exhibit?" "About the beat of any of TIIK SOUTIIKRN STATKS, illiiotiirh Tennesaeo and South Caro- hna will pave a splendid showing. Ono of the feature of the Exposition' ihiayear will be a combined exhibi- ,. .'1 . tion of the natural products of tho 8outri and extreme West." TEA AND SILK IN CAROLINA. NORTH VY-aJxisston a Kerr, Slate Geologist, Tea,--North Carolina tea : plant, ...)Iwln I1T rwinpl is i naf lv of jopon, Jllex caasine) is a native of thoj-tndy regioua near the coaat, and ia a very gcnxi suDStituie tor Diacic I tea, when properly cured. And the I Chinese tea plant flourishes through out the eastern half of the State, seeding and propagating itself with the luxuriance -of a native; and a number of families havo supplied their own tables tor twenty years. SUA. TheadaptioTJof trjesoil and climate of the- State to ' the culture of -ilk was demonstrated by the carly colonistWrairv-Jiogland near- 1 . u j 5 6 , ly two hnndred.yeart iagoranoV Since 1839, Silk has beetl produced in small quantities tor domestie con- I namptien in eacn ol its geographical I divisiona. lint a' new impulse baa I .... - i . j . 5 , . cent experiment conducted under the ' .1 .PI 1 1 0 a 1 auspices ot vne vteoiogicai ourvey at i FayetteviHe; by French and Italian 1 MtwrtA.' TTm nrodueti was onnal tA I thn Kronoli anrf Ttaltafi Bilk- And tha '-, r i.A Ia li recent invention of an improved fila- ture, for reeling the Silk from theCO- I COOf) V secins tO remOVO the last Ob- .aa. .-i . ,i . . ..vi:.t . i -mwv w iuc nu-uci i wwoimnraeni and indefinite expansion of this great 1 industrv. - .. ,. I; orn rrATH coNTsnpoiiARiKS. I ; , The aay inga of a free, untrameled press o mora to raise fallen humanity to an at do mora to raise fallen humanity to an ap- preclatloa of , their manhood than almost t any other agency. There are ao few men I ! who aay what they think and believe to bp right regardleaa fear, favor or affection. It "wm do wrong to speak of that .which would iniuro others without benefiting any one merely because we do not like a. per son; but it ta tha duty .of . every, man to asak what he thinks .and live up to hla ooavictiona. . A, man.or DewsDarjer that t never, aaya anything but 'that.-,; which he leioaa is popuair, unnt. for puplic trust, much kaa to be a ieader .f . thought Ye need mereputapokan newapapera and -men. tne nawapaperaare rar.m adyanceK we be lieva, aa they should be, in thia rjartlcularj -tA'iaataia ft iv . :1 , ' 1. But atm-we acem willing to go oul dfiv-j ieir our horace tbroagh. - the-inmd anti drtchea; wmch remain to ahoW jusf. Where the shabby roads' of r our forefaUiera -once? were.. North CajicJlaaaeeda, to. .wake-up on thts Important matter. Next to 'Its chrlatianltyJ arid' its educatiotf,1 ndtl.r poiaU U3hore tiaariy thecivilization, en-i jightemBep t; puab, energy- prosperity, pub-, lie spirit, advancement, and general worth of a Stale and people thanfthe condition Of ita public roada. NamelberStates in iho Unlon wheae- lawdaauaw meet valnahln wbpaHairacat.rfOBpwv whose credit la beat, and you will ,have , list of aUU riaing. MinouH Republican Dem. mine. renneitihr'lhatMon' the ocfta!iorj 1 lice and a search besranrfor the ner net ra tors I , 1 . , i Lrn,Mim.' Tr m-MMi tm --oiwi t JfebruarV deliverv 0 37-o4a: Fehruarv 01 me owning 01 wa rtcw ngi.ana T.LT:. "; March deliverv 5 4l-fi4s C pTiiden arid:5er-Qtls jy FTTATFT N 111 WS. 1, i j0il.n6r between tne Finisamer! I vm fnr KAw Yftrt". and th; fitimel-'Woofl- I bum, frotEart, WWJS?1 I Tt;.ua; n vuuyuiu ,u iiiuijuij i 'V 1 - if prepares Jrjsh Natioaal League ot Great r Jritaiq, - IDC Oil XMOYBWUB lilUV,muUj U- I I announced to be heia at leetfs.rmperj ypmra iiittnnne... 678cas8 1 J1 ' The prograrame demands aelf , gov- lsWi 1 f K . reenta-.IJTar.'.t..,..if.. 333 bbla ti6D of the Irish laborine class, in Parha menu , . LrrEKjpoot, Aug. 27. The' warehouse hereof Green & Taylor, and 2,000 bales-of a j ' . , war .i ' ra a i I cotton belonging to Messrs. Facheri. have rru y1"" " ' Z .... ' llxwDoi Aug: 27,The Times toy's the release of MrVBhaw, iJritiah mMonary in .,. taVnn miRnnor hv I the inchsettlera-.ternimatea a difficultv wjiich should ever, have arisen. DOTJBIE MfJJUfIi, rl ..f.H-. ,r a -w - r-a - ---- --- ------ aaali Tw fleee Arrnled on '.. IBy Telecrcpb to the Vonthv. Star. ' ;-.: n. ;'. .- rr rr- !tel and wife. German 'shop-keepers; Wer rauna muracrea vesoeraav in ineir bujuj in te subutb. of Savannah. Customer, went te the store yesterday morning and; found it closed. IxjOklng through the' window bfinda they dJsCOvcred Ifrrtef laying on the flbor In a pool i of blood. ; The door was bit ret open and a ghastly sight was reveal- ed. The murdered man was lying in the Kiddle of the room with a handkerchief tied oVct his eyes, and his skull crashed with y 1 a ' tt some Diuni insirument. nis wire was found hincronagofa w-the parlor: with I The matter was at once reported to the po her tnroat cut, ana one arm neany severea, .nnn tA hr l-t-o nf mnnm ia bis rK-essioJl and it is believed was I 1 w a. ft jj ar nlurdered while defending bis property from burglars. The crime was committed between 8 o'clock Saturday night 'and 7 O'clock Sunday morning, flartel and his wife were middle aged and were highly re flected. FTNANCTAL.. $w Tark Slock Blarkel-Depressed anal Lower. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. -T". X . . . t vin - , r inW l UK, AUgUSI SI il.dU A, ill. There waa great' depression at the Stock Exchange at the opening of business to day, and during the first twenty minutes of usiness prices dropped to 2 per cent, from the closing quotations of Saturday. The entire list shared in the downward anovemeat, sad there was a free pressure to Sell. 12 M. Stocks have been firm with a re- I fovery of to 1 1 per cent, from the lowest! I P001. Ortn TransconUnental and North- I KSL .6 T1, a I At noon pncea show a reaction 01 to If I per cent.; Oregon Tianscontmental again leading. TITE COTTtiN CROF. 7nfvei-Ie Hea-arta Heavy Falling afT aa Caaaarel wltli Iaat Year. a . ' (By TBlearapfa to the Morning Star J , I riiv ORiSAHS, August -O. uispaicues ir 2.i3ten-wra from sections of j he cotton bciti ahow a coasiderable falling Nkw Orleans, August 26. Dispatches Oil In the crop prospects as compared with last year, except in Tennessee and portions knd boll worms. The decrease is estimated in some cases at 33 per eenjt : Many re port! from Texas also show-a falling off in the outlook. The corn crop is also reported considerably damaged by the drought. THE PRESIDENTIAL PARTY. .arrival at the Upper Gernr Basin Af- ' P KWe-All in UteHaat of aTaalth. ' By Telegraph to tbe Mornlnx Star. I TTiPte ncrmtn "R inner VvTTvnrsTvv Natiokai. Paxk, Aug. 24. At 1 o'clock,; to-oay, alter a austy marcn or viu miles, OTBr "UKU ran, uib rrauueu. ou party -w. m I itu,i I j.mw Kafiin tho Na. I nvw ihj IV. ivi J i-w vwup, .. their ride on iioreeback of 230 miles, every 1 . a a. - ii t a a .a a . m I inemoer or tne expedition is in me oest or. i health, and not an accident of the slightest J ? " LUC J"ul -'sa 'sat I 100n anunuttfliiAM, aiAaa., .au. x, -oou. . -. - r - ., . vh,a . S . U8Y?, uwn vaiy'-jcs. tw w l 1 have been verv sick over two vears. iney aiieavn me up as past cure, i mea !th mo-t skillful nhvaicians. but thev did 1 not reach the worst part The lungs and heart would fill up every night and distress I me, and my throat was very bad. I told my cMraren i-never should die- in peace liunliM had tried Hop Bitters. . I have taken I i two bottles. They-have helped me very 1 1 much Indeed. I am now well. There was a lot of sick folks Here who' have seen how they helped me, and they used them and are cured, and reel as thankful as I do that there is so valuable a medicine made. i MRS. JUUA jG; GUSHING. PERRY & GO'S a il3 1-ris-vs.F ,-, "Thead Pea aia apeeudly ' hiu-dened :it the -point. in sat oorrode or met, a&d.wULba found , Tnort serviceable and durable. - 8mieoard,wltl- ' fan different styles of xt plated pena,sotfor trUta-oaPaitlrtof-5-eitB.v44:-.f . ; , . ; ,- Holo;Aceata . "Ivtsao,r Blakeman,: Taylor & Xo., -.r--..- " -IfCtr-TOBK.: ,. ' . Jan8tamty : tn fr .,: f . ,aa 2 ; . .' .. . - wNfiWr ScDoronffh Hbiisea ..... w . - I W.tiJi., :u iJ.iJD -PilNCESS STREET ( The Finest BeateuraxUia the City. - : Board $1.23 per Day, Three Tioketl flM IBut (le Meals 35o. o Meals ae-out.'M-.n--s.r-r?r.-,--.' . 17 xa u a. . SCARBOROUGH, Prop'rT v C(M;.tERCIAL. W.ttMl'lTGTO MARKET. I fAK;OFFICE.:,Xugust27, 4 P. M. market pened quiet at 38J cents per gallon, and ported 1TAII The market Was frrih at 1 80 rier r -1 ii. fl. '6280 lbs, -with salcs a't quotations; ' i UKUDE TDItPENTINE-.Tbe market. waa irregular, with sales reportetl at 25 f ITT IforjHardand $2 502 55 for Yellow Dip v jcOQN jiarket quiet'and nominally unchanged.' The following were the official lb Vt' RKCEIPTJI. I : j JJoitdii 3 bales 678 casks - 1 Crude Ttirpentitte. 1 - 187 hhls 1 By TdlefiT&ph td the Moramsr Mtar. ,; Financial. !Nxw Yokk. Auffust 27. Noon."- irregular at 23 per. cent. , Bterling ex change .482486. State bonds dull. Go- 1 .vernments firm 4 i Oommeretal -.w. v.--.-- -.1.1 Rrf!. .'Jl-. ;l niiddlihir Fu- vijlitdres barelv steadv. with sales to-dav at the .'aivf u& ua a. v . vw zvvu.i iy, auy 4 -i u vui u&i 10.16c; December 10.24c; January 10.34e, . Flour, ouiet.and unchanged. ' Wheat opened ttc lower, out afterwards reacted iic. Oorn dolt and a' shade lower. Pork dull M Wf00U 25. ; Lard weak -a i8 75 1 -r-v " . vi Ircights quiet and steady. FOICKICN iff AHKKT9. ' IBv Cable to the Morning Star. L-iv KKPOOL, August 27. Noon. Cotton in moderate inquiry and freely supplied ; uplands 5fd : Orleans 5d: sa?es 8.000 bales: I lOW bales for speculation aud export; re- I -i rra K UfUl T-iQirMa nf wninl. O Kiwi vtt - ceipts 6.950 bales, of which 2,500 were 'American. Uplands, lmc, September and Qctober delivery .5 3 64d; October and No vember delivery 557-64d; November and December delivery 5 36-64d; January and and March t ana April delivery & 44 (Hd. Apnt and May ( delivery 464i. , Jhltures qvU.. , I I .orn -dLla Kii Inner Ploo t miniloa flTa Krf I 8.00 F.' M. Uplands, 1 m c, "August anil September delivery 5 40-64d; September ana ccioDer delivery 0 sy 64a ; uctooer and ITovember delivery 5- 88-64d ; November and December delivery 5 36-64d. , 3.30 P. It Uplands, Tm c, November and December delivery 5 38-64L; Dacember and January delivery 5 38-645 89 64d; April and May deliver 5 48-84d ' 4.00 P. M- Uplands, 1 in c,i September and October delivery 5 4fr645 39 64d; October and November delivery 5 89 64(?ft Jtsawa. Futures firm. j,;r . ' Sales of cotton to-day include 6,000 bales American. Corn new mixed western 5s 6id. New Tori- Naval Stores iflarket. New Fork Journal of Commerce, Aug. 25. , ' 8pirits Turpentine There is a steady market and no important change quoted, with a light trade demand; merchantable 6rder quoted at 41c bid and. 42c asked tlosins The comparatively low rates of freight give a livelier movement in low grades of rosins: the sales show steadier' prices, and include 2,000 bbls common at fl ou; i.ouu ddis common tp- sinuncu at $1 55 and 1,000 bbls good strained tl 62. Quotations: Rosins-Strained at $1 55; good strained at $1 62 ; No. 2 'jE at $1 70&1 75 ; No. 2 F at $1 801 85, No. 1 G at $1 95; No. 1 H at $2 10; good No. 1 1 at $1 15 2 20; low pale K at $3 40; pale M at I 3 oo(; vu; exira piue n at, I 8 00; window glass W at $3 37375. I !squoted at $2 502 75?for Wilminj $2 652 70; extra pale N at f 2 90 Tar Wilmington. 1 fitch is quoted at fi w. Charleston Rice market. I Charleston News and Courier, Aug. 26. : The sales were of a retail character.' The rates are as follows: Common 55c; Fair 55c; Good 5f6c; Prime 6c per lb. Illa First Day at Saratoga. Saratoga was a new idea to him. It was so jolly to go from spring to spring and , take a drink pf the water of each. No two of the springs tasted alike. There are about forty springs in Saratoga. After tasting nearly half of these, he began to have a . j : - j. r i ' w a 1 I ,ing most of the day in this way he went to queer iceiing msiue ui iiiiu. ncr opcuu- i bed. It seemed as if all the water-wortcs ot i .tne lower regions were raising a not wnum :lI A -r., 1 l...w. wn- Ha UtUI. IWI BCVCIUl UUU19 Ul aUUj , u. tuUULUh 4JI XtUUtl 1 Alii iuuJii. K gave hjm . relief and comfort, and . O ' J r - . - , icharmed him tp sleep. i m n , nf hi , - ;"TT' ST. JOSEPH'S, FE3(ALB ACADEMY OF 1V1 THE BLUE RTOGE, : xho Academy ia conducted by the Sisters of Merey.andisaice-sibifebytheBiiirca UicKOKy (Tqwh), Catawba Co., N. C. , The location very eeslrable, on account oi A'SJ'k : IIII III I llH.I II 2,l IT SSJIlia IIIIIUUUUU BUC7JLI-- T iiiediiifware new and furnished with mo dnrn imn-oTmnnnt. I The 6roundivrvaDle for exercise. i The Faculty chosen to impart a first class lite rary and musical education, along with domestic economy. - i Terms very moderate, at $13 per month, for Board and Tuition. Apply for Circnlars to ,,liar, ang 7 3w tn fr SISTER DIRECTRESS. ST. HART'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, ff. -C. rfHK ADVENT TERM OP THB- BSTff SEMI , i Annual Session of this School begins THURS DAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH, 1883.K IVjr Catalogue address the Reetor, -j xw uawoK Rbt. BENNET SMfibES, A. 5L ' ' i jy 8 PA Warn CHARLOTTE FEMALE INSTITUTE. ; : A MON(J THE FIRST IN LITERARY, MTSIC ART Departments. Session exiends from ; September 11th, 1883, to J one 11th, 1884. , Apply for eataloeue; '' f . , : REV. WM. R. ATKINSON, aug 12 lm , . y Charlotte, N.C ST. GEORSE'S BALL FOR BOYS Helstew town, Baltimore county, ML. prepares for any ooUeee or business lire. Saw per year, un surpassed in the Middle States. PROF. J. C. Kl NEAK, A. M., PrinclpaL Catalogues sent. aug 2 8m ... ;. . . . 'i hi.1' 'DUCKING, . RIFLE, . DEER and ' POWDitR, ; Mapui Stored by X-?JVr HAl1V& PEdkBSiliia 1 H. Brunhild Bro. Fine Liquors & Wines, ' ' AND PROPEIKTOHS OP Mouther rr S t a r - f " - Rye WHiskeys. Bead Certificate of Prof. CIIAS. W. DABNKY.Mr Chemist. : ..tv VS-"18. N Oct. 7th, 18ft.. . ' I have examined carernlly and thorot.ff.ilv analysed a sample of whiskey, certified to ? .1 fair sample of the brand, known as "Sontlictii Star," manufactured by Messrs. ir. Brunlilid a Bro., of Wilmington, N. C, and find it a remark-i bly pure and strODK whiskey free from all a.l.ii teraxions and fraudunt additions usually 1111,1,. to whiskey. "Chas. W. Dabitit. Jr., (Hipmisi "IN 1ltANSIT niRKCT. A Cargo of Bass Ale, Guinness' Extra Brown Stout, and Cochran & Cantrill's Ginger Ale. . i . Hicks & Brunhild Bros. RICIimOND, V.A., KANUFACTURERS OP TI1E BEST &. FINKST BRrGHT AND DARK CDEWINC! T0BACCO3, 'IN ALL SHAPES AND SIZES. Send for Samples and Quotations. Je 3 tf THE SEASHORE ! HOTEL BRUNSWICK SMITnVILLE, N. 0. SEASIDE HOTEL, WRIGHTSVTLLE, N. t IS. I. I'ERRY, Proprietor j rpnESE two summer resorts will i k f open Monday, may 2S. The Hotel Brunswick, at Smithrllln. Is t weni v five miles below Wilmington, and accessible l,y two First Class Steamers, making two tripH daily Tne Seaside Hotel Is situated in a lurjre crxv. on Wrightsville Sonnd; is composed of ciiitajri'i for families, and within seven miles of Wilniintr ton, at the head of a fine Shell Road, the Ix si in the Southern country. j BOTH HOTELS IN FULL VIEW OF TflK OCEAN Good Surf and Still-Water H illiini'. : Every variety of Fish, an.l hIhumI.'wich ,,f tVn ters, Clams and Crabs. Spacious Ball Rooms, with (inn Bnruls of Mu- ir Ten-Pin Alleys, Billiards and IVir. Terms moderate. J! . 1 ADRIAN & V0LLERS OFFER FOR SALE rfpj Hhds New Crop Cub3 MOLASSES, Q Hhds Porto Rico MOLASSES, A Bbls N. Ol MOLASSES, different grades, 2 Bbls SYRUP, 200 BafrsC0FFKK' Rl fy an1 ,:,V; Bbls SUGAR, all' grades,. OKA Boxes and bbls CRACKERS ZOU and CAKFS, O Q Firkins and Tubs BUTTER, 4Q Tes best refined LARD, Cases bestrcfl nod LARD in Tins, 2)0 PaUa and Tllhs best renne1 LARD, ' 1250 Bb'3 F1OTrR fr6m Snper tJ Fli,"'v. 100 Bb!s Iiish potatoes' "25 Bbls 'rXTKnrs' 200 BoXBS roE''C0' al1 fades, 1K( Thousand CTQARS, " RICE, SALT. SOAP. A.C., &C. ap 8 tf Appolinaris Water. THOSE WHO ARE FOND OF APPOLINARIS WATER, can now pet this Healthy and Cool ing Medicinal Water by tha Glasa.1 Also VU-.hy, Saratoga. Kessingeh, Seltzer and other Mineral Waters for preventing fevers and aiding diges tion during the hot weather. For sale by F. M. AGOSTINL At S. aNORTHROP'S, au 18 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Havlng tho Sole Agency for the 'TANNER & DELANEY ENGINE CO, probably the largest, most modern and best ap pointed establishment of the kind in the United States, the subscriber offers at prices he mnfi idently belieyes will attract to this point a t r:il In MACHINERY it Is peculiarly fitted to handle, ! ENGINES and ItOIXKllS, of every description, from 4- to lBO-Horse Power. Also, SAW ana UKIST MUjLJS, WiniS, J j in ami ERS, Ac. To their line of PORTABLE ENGI N KS .and BOILERS, specially adapted to Farm use, he would Invite particular notice. Catalogues furnished on application. Corn s ' pondence inyited. au 12 D&WSm' ' " ' Wilmington, N. C. THE CELEBRATED , ARRINGTON GAME FOWLS FOR SALE jyj-Y GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL RE putation. They have fought and won a series of the greatest mains ever fottght on this or any other continent, and Fifteen Fairs, on exhibition at. Philadelphia In TC. were honored by the Unl- ted States Centennial OommlsBloner with the Di ploma and Medal. I have a variety of Colors and most approved Breeds in the United States. I will Ishlp splendid COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, pe v.nwMa rt c .T.. - . Mm a no in no ,,ih AAu: ViX), V. v..., ..w. w-..w -v.w -- HENS, $2.50 and $3.00 each; or $7.00 per Pair! Siu.uu per .no. u raise - wu iiunu Pairs this Summer, the" Finest Games In the World, and will ship Young Fowls of March and April hatch during the months of August, hp tember and October, at Five Dollars per Pair, or Seven Dollars per Trio. Whoever disputes tho superiority of my Birds, will please back the assertion with their stamps. Write for what yon want. ' '' AddTess, J. G. ARRrNOTON, ap C tf niuaadstont iNasn Co., N.C. ENC0DRKGE,B0HE INSTITDTIONS. TiieNorti Caroliiiffomr Co. RAI.lICrtf,r!. THIS COMPANY CK)NTlWuES TO WRITE PO lieieS at fair rates on allclasses of insurable property. -".c ',rf All lossea are promptly adjusted and paid. The "Homert is rapidly gaining fa public favor, and appeala.wUhAttMf denos fa Inau rpra of property hi North Carolina. ." ' ' " ' " W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. Pulaski cowper. suoervi PER, supervisor. ep'26tf ATKINSON MANNING, Agents. .Wilmington, KM A