1 i i - . T T - Pt i t tt a nrrrprrr -nt ittit o i l r, caUi grcit rabject of ixxiUon Tat "tm ta. ta t M A TJ W TJ T - uinuuitji, I . . a . -r-r--Jf .-.i last eiM u t-0 rouocry i ...vm.vv. oiui imi routine - woric to.-uuf i i im a&A jm-i-vv;-: kn n m it w rr. im tu tmntm in nnaU Alt uMnnmHiwiiM Fvft I f ite Kj V )tlim t A.rmrttmiiwf biiiTi4 OKry wilt k nTT-4 tM9MinMkabMMrk TH tro UirJ UUy rk ') piU ft rntif b J-rxitw At tSO 4,rnrtmiinw to NInv i-w.li . lfrHwiiMt on prftto4 'id m Umm mUmtm of Mtuneittniwiw. .irtiiHHntmta" w'U N oHitrvwt l-tf itMiit ft ttnH tfaw Mt fit tittM MMtr 9a-MMC "'I V au ii wry n to MwnawrkUl hn of rA )Pp MCirrwati. out? iit - ri tHf. b?"io or fc N1""! im of t2N 9biteA. ml UkMtV lxMt or Uktn fjirtl to Owir MvniMf JiaiiM wWtaMM -r Mtorr ArfrUlMirhn;itNrrapST"k tarn Mi 12WI-V iMMirw h mttXHym t Wmtm mm to on SMiTMHi thm tfamwm wCl b 6to UU Omit f tm 4irMno ooattsto Am Mor to tx mt to lifts Trto IA Uem kia Imrumnml to On. UM orupriHOu will ooXy b raipqIMo r U SUkilQitf of IM pi" to Ui toV The Morning Star. wuffxoToy. tf. c, KVKNING KI)I W IB w MM W 1 w A 91 MM H S " Kt-Iotrcmor Hcndricka, of In li.n.v, h. !on bto crdill with wl bilitict And und political jidTnnL He at rvnol mikinj; rhw in Ii)wl At Council HlafT ht a.! Jrriwrd r lirw crowd oa the nth in t. He Ii.-umhJ the Tariff, but h toucllt It CAtttMXMly, jjioirf f A UutpAtcK t tl Mew Ji'ork T"in!, Iw'foriu Tariff p-iprr, mj: th tuiS mvumlkm b-co pnttly tVr on tb.U fmtio tr.? f.r mwbi Thi m corrirvl fr Mr. Hcodrick-s like mont tXttncx-ratitr polttiritiM who h poiwnf thirty fi year of m WHta itt the grvat fWferm raoirc nwnt. "They Li nprda' iV th ''t mrch of ccooomic re f nu-t. Thm p-ple rt (xt in ad v vnr of th? ptitj?LnA. latead of U'iJi. thy are t-if WL If they I. not Cake i-:rt- thfry Will he Wfl- f kr l-hrn. thy wll neirrr catch op with th rr:r-!arL r FItt (v. Hetvlrvek U correct wht h ay lhut witrk of the T rtrf rrffm rm.ii n yrt to b oo' Why. oefr, it hA hat jat h nn. Fact ! Voa ar rorrrcl i ayin that -th .Tariff will not W tbHndonl derin the continuance of the national debt." We h not ap that it will firr b cntirrly aharulonr.l. It can nccr b abaa dnml. b-aaw th Itaric4 ftpm abroivl houM alw3j b ti4. Kojj land tatc under the Tariff a few important arttcle a tlocn or o. Hut I(cn.lr)ck m crrtainly lvel bcaIcl at ooo point. He ha jnf'inent and pcTrrption raoeh In undcrtan that the tat n t?Aijiryt I ft-r l,Jt,-i; tnmi rvnSinu. IIo I I .kj. i rut itoivrnor dtc not come out for aTarilT for Hevenae only, hut ftor? '"rh mix ja-t rrveat nf it peoviion within thu revvnu standard a will pro mote the tadastrfc of the couatrjr and the Sab-rmt of la)mv witluut crwUlae mooopo liea. " Th New York Trwrj like ine tJovcrnor's p5iition. It styn: "If phtrnly mm that there h paAnr of lUrputl:a recroU 00 the tarifX n'Fuiw,iwHN urfu on aw party rre ekely the aama cmih wMch will wta tfumm 11 r rtv wfuf wta thca I recrait if . th Ketmhikaa ara f.iiA . . . enouKtk la drtre Uuna away. Ill oa prrferedew are eUarty toe a tariff strictly foe r-? ta4 , kw a . una wakrh. aniC tW ir aa. win f araku caouc h awney V carry et k CWvraixumt. Mt th Utvreat 00 the debt, aad rroUt for tt rcJWOOJkUltaa4rA)c Utfc tucb urUI. wtta rmaflf caly m tw . re aa pTotecUvw daktea woukl aecewwuir n BjKiA-nn. iev a earr (mm l k.. ... . - ravevna doty reewry ht tha rlxrw fau it U nrotwcUtte. aoU ta araa. TV Kaaix f ravenoe tax t UV poiat wtMr la caeca taper.-?!!!. .V tax amaaence ta he. pro. tecute pcccity U ll &) petal. 7 ; "', ThaCfOtetnor did oleirueakia !f with entira clcaxncaa a to the . . . . " ii a-.'" t i.. poaitkoa n iooaSxi cu fnMIf.a Iw TirfT i iir.irt tr! W -' Ho2k tnim f wi mnch frld ctti trn qTm&Ut U ocfr w :P5?f..iSr w irrirW . Senator Mc- -' - " - . TXxtllJ. or Irtduoa, 'n' 5; . - . . . . . ... . I oa whUkey ajjd br, tobacco and pin. IU M a blind lAdr' of the blind Who In 1M-I will iUnd np lfor ill stand no lfor laUHlol PcPle and praely argnc that tU Ul oo whUkey and beer -v vi i r.r-.r ndthat a tat thoak! till b kpt on the baboM commodilic io onitrcral a Mrctt nK9J iroj. Daring the campaiiitl. of IS0 we drew larprly poo an rx client wfccch made ia the Koom by Hoo. Joecpb J. IHtK of Franklin, in tho matter of exnditorr. We copied f mru him ome very ignifieant 6 rr r ltie to the coet Of th CQItnm hoo- where there waa no commerce or hut little There wero then, aal w uppoiM mch f the cajc till,ru tom hooiww on the Atlantic coa.t that crMt two, or three, or fire time aa much to maintain them aa the 'total receipt were. There are collection district io the Uoioo now that are valaelcam, for Chore U but little to collect. They are ucd a ft place for tho faith ful henchmen. Hot what a Uf men. doa abo.e it it to create and keep ... .1. iKk.'.- P iron, jrr w poaitire inecurra, and which, cauae tha opJe to be heavily barduned .to maintain the arae. The Coogreaa baa aureiy a roach needed work of re form before it Jort at the point In dicatciL lid the cuitoca hoaacu'lnd' revenue dwtricl4 be abandoned that are of no practical and oi no fi aanetal importance. The following, taken from the New Tork fWtmer- utl ?!ulUtim will aallafy anyone that there L prcaaing need for Con jr agonal iotcxfcrcnco, and in a mat ter that promUoi reealta far more en eouraging to the people than the twaddlo about civil acrvicxT reftn 'aa mduljed In by "U( fn." Our lew Vojt ctcaarrary aaya:' 'k J "L-wC Tear tbe. co-iertk-a 'at Wla-aaaal, Ma. fee i.antc acaouated to $1,731, wmilm rhe Ct-i of cuJloctioa wma $3.9-3. TVioboco. Ma. broorbt $7.C53 to t Trv-aory. bui la order to etiaia it. $10v- 53J aad to U paid o Tbnw are Iwt aw- eimeaaof the ijatcxn, bat we add a few ether. At tbe we et3CtBlrTihee Jaacwrea at altaoat every IXHat, Tbua. B. atarrX Oa.. took ia $1,317. aod tklouV.I . m C t 1 the Iccdom waa Uwa aanrtuoaj y""f tf $133 J tad tiM eutr $X2Hl la anlcx tncoUccl I Cn at tUUx. His.. t.xx &u tone rral.ajKl. while Kattcktl. " Maav. pet $223 lU Uact ft-araaai ipuf, to Col lrcat uk! ai tta!T auiia-J theat owa'pock- a$t.S3H. J9TV rrrat cosaaMam at lillla Kejr H-txx.N. J.. WUW1 $300. tU kbc r- of e-CUv arm i.&tt, At Keoa- Ue, Me., the rnriiU aaaouaicd lolltt aod la expeaera , to $7i-s aljrartaa;a, Man, Itfiweeer. Ukc lira pajini'-tho.ra- ctr lcrc NiajC $1S ami taecuataf col- Thewe are aaroplc,.bBt th" do not exbani the K Diaawi w the whole army ot iapcrnaruemrir- from the Unit! Stale Treaaory. .. a roBTaTKcmai. IU. IL T. Bacotvof J2ilrginU CVoftreocei'SrrUcii aa that the quota lion in hi aermon i rprrect, xn fol lown: i- "The atlIU tU the gU grind afow , .' But taey grind ticecdnc aaialV 4 It aeem that the printer marrcl the quotation a it appeared in the f o 1 Sraa. Mr. IJacon wntea; ' v liO f'lr t contend for lu mrrecfnea. I AiWrtfr I. IaJ u,r. Jtow for it Tu IZ? iu t TTiS Jll?ttr5E L . . ? . 'kr l w he touched u but rather marred lu T ha nn W'" noa. uoted the weed a -used by him I ara bro out of place In the ac- I e aappocu Mr. Itaco ling from mrory.- rVorn he quote? He did not qaote froo Iongfellow, and he did not quote from tho Grck Oracles JLo which we rcfcrrcl ? VV rierUf write to put I "B toe amy, caa increasoa . . . I tar aaihis goods wero con Mr. Bacon ncrtit, a to the ex art I ' . . w I orda ho aaod. He i correct in say- I ing that 'VTwa a , maxim long bo- I lore llc aays or ixngteuow. lint I not nxnU only in perrertton. k 1 ine I original la vast difference Mr. Bacon teema' to bare, fallowed the ur after it rhad hn memfstA If ho'wm crdjilcnhPdrSlJll wUoK "fcrtad, a ..wiir find thjo wniaai ai Ui ayufcdohtIWl I he will find tt fJA-f.V-J"::'.! I r r . . Highway robbery U vary common I in ew a-4eUITITa Oeoaiu In one I w I .. roiaa. I tna stovvaa aboQv Xoodon growing bolder Tfc I ' 8 T The 1 biri down, Mt'ino aoco.n. thfjbWd-bitt of chocks for 1175 rold w&tcb ana cnam, ito la a,yf add pocUde. and .crcn " - W O I rii,n mn rimo to I I t . .u . " hK.M I .! in fctntarinc? ibu -two robbers i cwv in ranmrini' huu w I 1 1 rm . . i i. t . ;Korc.racntlonoJ, bat tbe tbirJ ooo I . . . vry iwv , Jodg IJonJ appears to have upct' iQn in irK... J a jqoeatfon that o,cn TBDWC acou . i n hw not the umo by tbe State Saproio t aa act wa pa.el making tbe com pom, of that act reeeirable for taxom .. .. ..... i .r,. 1UC9. iVC. IIUHl VI t, lus Ac. Another act, pa.1 after- .!.. . t .k ward. prohilntiHl the receipt of the coupon for la drided lO U u held that the coupon, tta. or not. Judge Hood, raakra a deoition that- reachcii thia prtint. Ho h'ldhal the moreoffer iag of a coUon to the collector fni taita i. a ufficienl tenlfr, and that the collector can b witrainwl from collecting by a levy, lliin ducisio,, drwtrJeaaothelmocrata.. Tlio i - . .juste-uuxut Uie validity of an act that creatcnl ooo po rmt 1 cgal tend e ra. "nf- iron Keller, the Pcnnsvl- I . I aniaa.JIigh rotcctioo-l ia atiU J i n0 U Ujing goi back tyoean aid hin-cauao by sec a ring the abolition of the very proper and just tax on whiakey and -tobacco. That tax hurt tho Protectionist. ThoNew a York 7Vi aya; ' "Judre Kcllcy. who, ia a letter from Cnxiaad to a friend, makes the aignincnnl atatcment that his 'chock la almost welt.' antMXlBCe that he hope to get borne Id time la fd re that frightful aoarcc of political . OorrupUon, the internal tax ayalcm, a fresh Taat before the campaign cloaca. " Io will, fipd aomo of the roost . ... eamet co-workcm among Uw Dpra- acralic papers that prof ew to favor a Iow Tariff r Tna rsiiovicAta. 1 1 - ( T7t &Mm foe October ia.pul L-ivJnco f lae muVr chat-in nereltiea aa. "Nasr NccdJcwk" JSchl illuntn-tcd: 2 enlorcd pllc;3 DationaJ coatumc-pkturc; I A . . . m . a . li l . mwmioe. of urea- aon ntlWwW; flat paper pticrna: 7 em be oi. I cry uo- 'g1imi 5 loUUi icttcr, aoJ i alphabet. . ., ,. . ce 30 cent. New icrk Iaternati.nal Kewa Cooipaay, 31 Iicckman atrevt. T JfumXattUm tor Hcntcmbcr waa be- artkle la very eleverry dnoe. It la entitled TUo .ncnoncnAj In watcro Scenery i4 a aoat tatranrdiaary article ilia. The lautraliona are moat aUi-iag and aurpaaa rW. We hara acver area any pictures f tbe woawiiirfui land tk at gav ui u pcpiaua.4 and ..apfV-benaioa tJ. ht i wait ta traveller. The articki ia w rittco 3y Mr. W. II. IUdiagalitiaaUmirable. .Koran ia ta art ait. Amuog the itribatotra are Joimn llawthortie, Kate jrkU," Jocr; Ucnlo Corncllua Mathews aad Jl.. XX Iiuoner. tnaxaiuoe fur- I phtierl at $3 a year Impmvlng. Itiaap- Ttroachlag more Dearly the ataocurq of the n ." ' rr 1. 1 1 . . ii fiirvry ua uarjvr in. ui mmcr. a mus Traliona it la far behind, and yet a few vcara ago It wootd fear? been In the .'rout . in Chi. very particuUr. - It Is a good publiot-' 'tioo. Addreaa'Te (XMirt, New York. jfanJrOttitim, Temple CURRENT COMMENT. i l be iTotocuonisu ouaiu to be delighted with the new Tariff whici Mr. bam IkAndall helped tbera top, Tho American Consul at IidTreporta to tho State Depart- . r. 1 . racnt that there is everv reason to bo- I llievo that the shipments of woollen i goods from hi district will continue deAe and that: l,v tho ehd at 9 aocrcaae, ana tnau ny too ena or the year, there will be a very serious falling off in the amount of exports. He says also that the flax trade 6f . . - mmm I I OIS last 0 1 p3 CB l I 1 . - 1: to the ' United States, bocauso tho ( framera of the new Tariff, in affect- - bcuuq cxkcob a to .pre- yem shipment. This is real Pro- tection of the right sort, which .shata. w fcWa iiuvu y-rus, 11m compeia kno American vt: . :.v. . .1 puunu mi ju wit"'jH - ' " TTI ur ko pay whatever Ui hocaOf mAQufactnrcrs choose to aa- '- Charleston Kewa bentvwnai .will , hAto,lo be; made- an issne; ' before it can be gene raJlacffoctaaJiycxrT6ccd. .Wo knows how great ' an evil it naa bon coma. It is aaeaalihat has crown by almost j-d moercen tibia dotrree nn. ltd 1U-V oKgKthfg : hadow laorer 9 -Iljmblic office and pahlie bnsw f. preauioal and an hip cab- 1 14c; hxfolwm jaotent from -doty for I eakrt axcaae tienitponthe alleged " not iq soMion.:Ye TerT much doubt that. If there U ma nai o5iaei i j,. a 1 I iml .tr. i hi act was I itmu.-. trcnuv knocking tno . ooia J' irbm uac annn across xae wNWHuuon3(f..u iw r X Jf mZ f 7 f lqHerapttheiff the'Dove ihn conld be enforwl. The Xnrt Jackyer, 'boat raairyin';be8tan'dafj, f jujisiIiEf TtlSASTEIlS.1 declared that it bad no intention of he do, en be hoPbofo ban's wide open ' j - : 3idinir aa to whether the colleitor en henck do 4 gal gwihe ter drap airrfeal r iba.M J!Oww of a V s , right upang iu unv Mtil want,ga,v aoifMlI.rMfllrBleap of Uxc wan bound to roceivo the . -! Iw J54?i WeWirt IMsaotet' Ttoft r Steward n w&a quo- I ino atsinct win do adversely siiectod, I sent managcmcntjvrill ever be found nicbtr krnti; I ana tnat a targe manufacturer or p mai uueoU wu apommnuw ioie: aotikUid I .al . x I , moQitrof -monortoHestlio Itepublican Ta- mat no naa maae -jj' uncle :it mi us oy co urt- I AtWtiU unc,e us wwrponniiB a mo- w'at, tack a notion dat' he J ticjnof PriacerBfamaroitjuui that the dpr; bait '4f ?mrAn-ii:i'dawtodMtY nmonedsuddedly. to I want a bait ef VimmbnaV do'tot)"i 111. .11- t .. Vt--l ..VI . 1 t. J.l I Ifo wautd Tflimraona.en 'dar..dey in dollrec - Ho niouf 'water, en dar I Tlags, lasUng1 eit hottrs. hegaeK Ioottqjt do airamona. itow den' w'atlttpnt took place between Ha -Not. iand-l y' hi yntner nigger, ne too smart fer dat.' lie des tnck he. e" ? TU ,,'I niwu, no am, cn. wau ier -u i .1 ;t- ' " ' -M r" ftin,t I . J . I nbn dran in vitM. continued Uncle pey mayiaallerfden may rlntter, bntnuttcrn en srInalIhi,aintdone'n tiamage yu ex 1 nows anva taint . -. i - . . i bein' folka, do wimmcn aint got none vanUgo er. da merw Now datV I tjtTi u pum u ,vu. Mv"."' iu . tej,n' un you. HE A OltEFD. Detroit Free1 Press. j In front of a Detroit butcher shop' yesteruay n nuicncr sat oieaning-ar rpvolver. It waa a rusty old "Colt which hayl not been oaed for -years; and was to be out in order nd traded- off. A ahoe-maker came i along di - v.tltf n.wl nUanrvA. j Kif course there'll be an accident'' ' "Ye-a, I ircsume so,'.' t j "It in't loaded, ia it?' . "Oh, no." "But it will go off?' "It will." ., "I never see a revolver Without wanting to handle it. Let me look at that weapon. Ah! I'm satisfied now that it doesn't contain any stray bullets. Do yon suppose yon could I hit my foot ttV that distance?" ' "Certamly 1 oonld. Wow, if she wan loaded Pd take a dead ight like that and pall the tritrt-er and ' 1 faa mm, ulku.mlVnr n rrSrvrx1 tWA f Ant i a fix; raiv-isav j i a rv a; www w kLgh andVyel(ol like an Indian, and when became down .he danced and , , . ,, , i ' kickeil and galloped around until copie thought mm crazy, it was only after a crowd had collected and cornered him up in the Aof thatany pne round out tho trouDle. Ine butcher had pot a buHct along the soic oi nut look ciose cnougn io araw blood. "I told yon she'd go off !" howled the shoe-maker, aa he sat with his ! !oot in his hand.' And didn't I agrea with you 2", innocently responded the butcher. r MU. VAN1ERB1L.TS GREAT . WEALTH ' Oath in the CirlclnoaU pnqujrif.' .' "Can you't tellme I askodwRere. , iVanderbilt's'riione'y, I mean the Old ' l i tl... flikAldinolI mWmm. M. IM. til n iiivtiiuy. 'j-'YjJ lTroiwi 1 ment bonds left.. IIo baa 2PiOOO,0.00 in Lake Shore and New. York Cen.- tral, probably more. of it ia Lake Shore. He has $1 0,000,000 in North-, Iwth -tt ftnr? honn TTn l, - m . ' .. 'stock in the Red Line and otner frcicht "compahTee. lie has' some- thinc' in tho Michigan' Central. V estimate his wealth at frbm t 150,000 to 200,000. ' ODII STATE CONTBIIPORABIBS. There are a few Dcmectats id this State" ; who are ready to loin ia saying thai Judge 1 honeiaeorth Caroht ocrata are Jealousy of the anti-Democrats Fowle wants .to- Ma- Carolina. These few Dcm- .r.,i iht.k U im. iuvmimv. 1. roads iato bis chances for Governor.: The Liberal, are awaro of hU strength and .think by drcwJattog -this report they can' .-lfl n5rt Sth innM hli. w itma or -.j- giient Warrtnkm Home. The Ccnnmonwealth while under its ore- ! - 1 t-A. v 1x1 va tAJiuucia Mra lauvi ihk v-eklat (A 1artAtn .k mUnii fiM f tbn flnth and . in the graia fields of tho west to pay an, unjust tribute to the few rich manufacturers of New England. Scotland Wtck Commbn-. ' Tfy they Call nia- " Tea tbari sadly so." said Jenkins "my hair is turning gray and falling but before its time; Use some thins ? I would, but most hair restorers are daageroua.'-'V'True," answered Lis friend, ' "but Parker's' Hah? Iialsam ii as harmless as it is effective: I've" irioait, and 'know. ,ive the naisam 01: show and the boys will soon stop calling you "Old Man Jenkins.'" .It never fails to restore the origloal color to' gnry or faded hair. -Richly perfnmed, an elegant dress- Uso tlie Amencan Graphite lead pencils manaracrared by the Joseph Dixoni-Crai clMe Co., of J Jersey ' Cityr New JeTBevy nouae established In 1827. : Th only'' pen; eibj awardod the Grand Medal far Progress at Vienna, in 1873. : Elghty-Onfl nrst pre miums awarded-fer sajpeilur manufactures of black lead. Pencils . of all grades-1 and style at reasonable priceaT1 ' ' ' in m I11 1 I t "v "-?'M,iittw! v- i .rtsfeoorteflralmviaziost twomcers jaija I The. followinc were tiic a up in parun en uiau yer cnue yer wants 'simmonH i gt mcn.j? Tne-.lo6s;ol Vie acfe Jnagsls 1 Vl-' " .... i . Ll... I xi.-o fVotfwi Ant on .7.7 Wi WM good. e n, aown dey carnal . Ha, ike, tcJmb WA,&S'' " n that waa decided l jg trthrA It mil M I I II If I 1 1 1 I wv - w w - - -i -r-T ' r T ' ' M - J I - ' cCoart, In.1871 ,uye;- lJat di9 yer ynther nWer; he KSS BnSSiSSrffi fffflSSfrt x!MIv.f ,10i . l i : . n m ry t r nia tttrwA? -ftn war mn - mo iuiui iwiiai o.ua receipt of tbe cou- I , 5.: t fresolt. I IIJJ. . tll'H UUKiV UU I wav WIU Ultl 1 - -i I .-. . . --.i . . .1 a.cau ITI M iMr . r r . 1 I 1 I 1 . 1 1. uf m... rrwinft tr. Vfinnrr flhlnl AAn mikn I ninrnTncr hrnmrht thft PAritftfn"ftnf1 ernw Of I great 'miration g, w'oa. ,Ue koonerrank .nfroew gWffiK dey gifa Olo ex 1 ia, dey 'till know dat 2&y- .tVpnh r 10. 55c -. January 10.65c; February folki ha folk-, en, w'c.V U como ter. ?p.79c. .-Floor--dull -and heavy, , Wheal But caii atil i! .'iinairrs AJBteipN- able aavh and Haleeattinc 8alonwatNckiKH Xarket itjnsit. Beat Work' '$kd atteflttOT 'giai?- r ' .,. v. i-":, "toad. - . ' JyWtf ' FOREIGN. J Heporte IllBMf Priaec . Blamarclc BatUq etween ; tbe French na W?'MraW!V4 -nri&rtt?3rS i tot coasollatian.: 8cp japn isl pUoe,tetwef(Ehirofeai:CIak i -aitinr reinfortKmenta. It is Probable j frbni tbA tenor , of tbis dispatch thaMie: rK? mi n hit th nnrtViftMtn f Ha Nol dt -r rrrVv "rTo7-r.. th tcrmlned to .Tecaptare -Sontey;; W;tbe I r reocu".' wno nave aept cunooais mere ior - h. W it'oiol iwlkt' (wmnte aelta-'-were "met from- H'Noi to battle being- tbe Newnrif I :tBltotoni(witlrlJ rtifWuMi 14 Thn rtMtTlfl,lfn i t-- m r r American which arrived at thia port this wastakeoff on Txay Woue hundred m. to southwest of Oar flatteraa. i aAAflnAii, vta., oopu - Newport had forty-three passengers and a ctew'Of sixty-eight. The first and second I officera, the purser and one sailor afld tbe steward' were washed overboard," out aii were rescued eicent the steward, 'named Pcrceaull. Who Was lost ! Tht) ship lies In the river awaitinirthe arrival of the steamer Sara day: Saratoga3 from NeV Y6rfc,vue. tt6xt 1Tues GEORGIA iJ - 4 Nro . 8eaad to be 1 Haa-AavKxelUn Watch Between ' Cnarleataai aaxt SavanvaJk. military Teana. j By Telegraph to the Moraine Star. J ArasTA, Bept.' 14. -Margaret. Harris, colored, has been sentenced -to- be -nanged in Gordon ' county, October 19tb, for poisoning coffee, causing tho death of a colored child; .-. Sa Vanuatu, Sepl'14. The rtifle shooting contest between the Military "Teams or pharleston' and Savannah yesterday, was won br the .Savannah team bv 34 noints. ft was the most exciting: match that. ever, took place in the South. . i - XEW ORLEANS- fUt i city rrreatawrr 'Imbroglio Still (By .Telegraph to the Morning Star. i Nkw OnijaAss, SeptQmocf 14: OnWjbd- acsdav .City Treasdrer Walstie we again f ejeciea iiom nis ouice oy ke pouce unucr J ordcrs of xhe Mayor. Ju Iizarus is- ejected fiom his office by the police under, I sued a rule ma, ordering the Wty uouncii, I Mayor; and Chief of Police to show cause, T-rfrwS'f. ih discharge Qf his duties,. Bhoald not is- I 1U0. .., , ' , TEXAS, peatrnctlea' or a Ceaton fJln-?-0e Slant t . .;' Brne 10 Death. . ! IBT Talegraph to the Mornlmc Star.l 3 a tiVESTOW . September 14. A Hillsboro Ifapatqh- uaya Bowler Bines'- cotton- gin, even miles west of here,- has - been burned ind a man burned to death. - ..( . . vina war at. : k - - . pi mm aorK staea jnuarKetKirone .una '" " ' - Hlliri: ' v!' By yelwaraph to th-Moratag Ktar.l NkwTork, Sept. 14:11 A. M. Stocks tr 5. nor nt; the latter in Wabash preferred. T ; - -: -er;ia m j New Iuoomfip, Miss., Jan. 2, 1880. j 5? y2 n5Ie. mi 1 1 nn n cr inr iia ihul bivm vimni uii.ii aa. w- eunenng ior tne iaai nve yeare wim ase tBitters and have triedjt. I have heard of Hop four bottles, and it as done me more good l ua v j uovu va lt than all tho doctors and medicines that 'they could use on or With me. a I am old land poor, but feel to bless you for such a Jof the doctors... I have had fifteen doctors 1 , tzX rVi nX.n ounces of so- J atsae. One gave tneseven Ounces 0X80-4 relief by your medicine and: from torment latton of arsenic; anotner iook rour quarts 1 inT lOswl m -All fhv rnnlH tall wad -that it was: skin sickness Now, after, teltwaSI' these four bottles of your medicine, my 'skin is well. Clean and smooth as ever. f .- - tJ&KX Ji.JlUt;iJ-. SmrTl-r,SH-FfSBr-8HrPPED -t-aHrnts.itt-JNoTth-Carouna-, South Care- : una and Geojtiajtee bjem tobe to Rood : condition. auifSglf W. K.DAVTS & SON: Bank Of Netir Hanover. 1 - I Authorized Capital, $1,000,000 Ii Ca&h Capital paid in, -;' - ; $3d0,D00 Surplus Fund, $50,000 f v DIRECrrORS : ; W. I. GORE, C. M. STEDMAN,. . t , G.W. WILLI AJCa,: DONALD MacRAE, B. R. BRTDGERS, J. W. ATKINSON. ISAAC BATES, JAS. A. LEAK, ..BHSSTEIN, .'. E. B. BORDEN, ISAACBATSSi Preside-ti h. W. WTLLIAMS, Vice President, an 20 tf r 'r In.a few Dys;.. ur TT7E WILL HAVE NEW .-. In the meantime a few. BARGAINS may be had . -' 'J- r.rw ii: it r.-.- ; Ik.ItAlaanH21?pKEvir a. & t a . - ... - j m . . r w- - aagBwjaajaaaaaawpAB , lEUUIlEialiftM was : steady, lit 37 cents per gallon, with l .aaies reported oi iuo casics ai quoiauons. j J "ROSIN Matket firm - at f 1 17i J sieitoVM'V & are of a bright rel , . fiAH ine market was nrra at fiitw per bbl. of 280s Ibsf Trtttf sales at qtidta'. f uantlr&r'ow-WAmliYircUli Karket flroi :with. small sales j9f cents per -lb for Middling. official quotations: , cents 3R RECEIPTS. - I upupn 237 bales 168 casks 1 up"" IMo 1,178 t - ' - -- ' bbls?. '- f i'riid' Turpientane. 104 DDIS' 13(;iWs si i rri .feST I V "in Jit t u v ; . jte? yelerarti 'to 'XorauiHtiVr '. ' ' FinatieiaL NkW York, -Sept. 14. Noon. 'Money djill and lower at 22i per cent. Sterling exchange 481f484f. State bonds dull. Onvernments firm. -. j , . Commenu'l . CJotton quiet; with sales Of 1,274 bales ; middling uplands lQic; Orleans lOic Fu tures steady,-with sales to-day at the fol- daJf atff W Lard 2dy at $?& Spirits turnentine 40i41c. Rosin l 52 i tHJ. j? TcigQis quiet ana uncuangeu. .. FOREIGN ISAKKBTS. i ' ' i By Cable to the Morning Star.l ' ! Li VKRrooii, September 13."-Noon. -"-Cotton Market steady; uplands 5 13-16d; Or--leans 5 15:ld; sa'es 12,000 bales; 2,000 bales for speculation and export; receipts 4,150 bales, of which 4,050 bales were American. Uplands, 1 m c, September de livery 45 52 645 53-645 51-64d;, Septem ber and October delivery 5 51-645 50-64d; October and Novembeif delivery 5 50 64 5 49-645 51-64d; November and Decem ber delivery 5 50-645 ; 49-64d ; December and January delivery 5 51-645 52 645 ,50-64d; January and-February delivery 5 54-645 5SH545 53-64d April and May de livery 5 68-45 62-64d.-- Futures quiet. Hales for the week were 7U.0U0 Daiesy oi f hich 46,600 bales were American ; specu lation 5, 000 bales ;export 11,500 bales; actual export 12,500 bales; total import 24,500 ' bales; of which 14,000 were American ; total stock 783,000 bales,' of which 511,000 are American; aftot-104,)00 bales, of which 23.00(r bales are American. - j 1.3Q P. M. Uplands, 1 m c. September and October delivery 5 49-64d; October and November delivery 5 48-64d; November and December delivery 5 48-64d; February and March delivery 5 56-64df May and June delivery Od. ; Sales Of cotton to-day include 8,500 bales 1 ; ' - - American, , Breadstuffs market easidr. ' Manchester, market -for ySrns and fabrics firm but not mticli doing. ' ' 1 v ; 4.00 P. M. Uplands, Pm c, September delivery 5 50. 64d; December .and January delivery 5 49-64d; JT January &tid February 3 J 5.Q0 P. M. Uplands, I 'm c, September delivery 5 52-64d ;': September and October delivery 5 50-64d; October aud November delivery 5 49-64d; November and December delivery 5. 49-64d; December and January delivery 5 50-04d; January and February pelivery . 5 5iH4d; eoruary ana marcn delivery 5 56-64d. .Futures offering free. r . mmammTl.- - . New.aTorlk Naval Stores , JTIarKet. New, York Journal of Commerce; Sept. 13. Spirits Turpentine There is a trifle Steadier market, with- rather more demand ; sales of. 100 bbls m .merchantable order at 40rc, and small lots at 40ie, closing at 40Jc bid, as" tho 'fiouthern advicesj are :rmer. JiosinsrT7The market has not. varied; sales re of small lots, with prices aA" little nnset tlftd Tho niintatinTia sre.-: iRnftirw-nnrn- rrion nt $1 524-: .rained .at -&1 . 55i rood strained at fl 601 62i; No. 2 E at tl 70 ; No. 2 C at ftl .60 ; Ne. 1 Q at 1 90: No. 1 H at $2 05; cood No. 1 I at $2 15; low pale K at? $ 35; pale M at glass W at $3 75. Tar is quoted at $2 80 j gg 100 for Wilmington, fitch is quoted at , Charleiton Rlea fflarHet. Charleston News and Courier Sept. 13. About 25: bbls ot old crop ; were sold. 'We quote old crop clean Carolina at 55c T Common; 5i5ic for Fair; 56c for 'Good; and 6C for Prime.1 .. . . -""r Ti.T i oX: i1 30 Per bushel for'scacoast, as in quality uow uuxi Tx Kruvat ji Knee-Breech for Letter Carrtcra. Rumors come from Washington that the j Government intends to. uniform its post men in trousers Of the continental pattern, 'it seems incredible, but stranger : things have happened. These very useful and un- I'derpaidmcn are now very comfortably and .neatly uniformed,' and with the aid ot Perry I i Davis a TFain Killer they can make fun muu ugu cijulo '"' jhot Bun and their liability r0 summer dis- f eases from drinking impure water, and eat- ',t unat;y h (" 1.,. kAnn Pni. ; dent Ones among them generally go' armed I With a bottle Of the specific, and at the first litwincm nt wiuni). or ananicion of rfi&rrhcea. they medicate their water or food, and per- naps iaKe a siruiguk uose.i u. ney Know irom experience what its virtues are. THE SEASHORE ! HOTEL BBUNSWICE SMrrnviLLB, N.C. .' .'! ; ." . " r;r. '' .-' - .. SEASIDE H0TE-i :n WRIGHTVI K, N. C. 1 , fi -'" ' f' -.- '' '' " . '.-.i ' 1 -'. . f j Bi L. PEttUY, Proprietor. .' 1..? : 1.. . : i..- , .:. riHESB.TWO SUMMER RESORTS WILL BE ,X OPENMONDAT. MA 98. .,.,' The Hotel Bronswick, at Smlthvflle, ts'twenty flve miles below Wilmington, and accessible by Ifiro First Class Steamers; aiakfag two trips daily. ... Tne Seaside Hotel iarsituated In a -larpe grove on Wrh?htsville Sound; is composed of cottajres rtenjatthebeadof AneelLBoadthebeat I UBOTH HOTELS m POTliVlBW OF -TI ior ramuieav ana witnin seven inues oi wmnuur.- U1B HOTELS rN'FULL ViKW OF THS j'.: ; , . :. ; .. r ;.. ,.uK. orf and Still-Water Batincr, " . ery v&nety oi isn. ana. aoana&nce or uys rnatns and Crabs.-'"'?' '' f Spaoions Baa Rooms;' with 9 Bandar of Mnaia Ten-Pin Alleys, uuuaras ana tsv. round, hui nearly so, "and 'not quite the thirteen : I ,.".unui;wiiu pan oi an: men long. -for - j . ', Blood corpusles are closely laid alonesidc of , each other in vour . 1-11 - .IM 1.! . .i ijioior. inejrwe inis coior io mc Iron that is in them. But for this red olorof the corpuscles, the blc;jl ould be a colorless fluid. ' As the blood rapidly goes its rounds- through arteries- and veins, driven by the heart, the corpuscles go with it, forming a very important ! part of it. X If there is not enough iron in the , blood, the corpuscles suffer. Yon cannot feci a corpuscle, nor can you : see one, except with the microscope. put you can tell that they suffer, by finding out that you arc weak and poorly and pale. The cheerful red ' that is on a healthy cheek is owintj to the iron in the blood corpuscles. When the cheek is blanched and pale and looks almost lifeless, it is because there is not enough it on in your blood. J "How can I get iron into my ' blood?" asks somebody whose ac quaintance with that metal is in the way of nails, pokers, horseshoes, or railway rails. The iron in the blood is the self-same metal as in the heavy hardware. But oh! in such a dif ferent shape ! There is a wonderful preparation of iron that is made so that it nour-" ishes the blood by entering into it and becoming' a part of it, thus trav eling through arteries, veins, and heart. This preparation is an im portant part of Brown's Iron Bitters, the medicine which has acquired such fame as a builder-up of broken down systems, and an invigorator oi the blood. Brown's Iron Bitters gives you the health and strength which you can obtain from no other source. 13 t 4 lb. sept 1 n&Wly hep 1 New Oiu.kans, Anjnist. 1. IKS.'! TO THE PUBLIC ! Investigate for Your-nclvc. rostmastcr-General Grcsham having puMlsIn : a wilful and malicious falsehood in regard 1 1 :ii character of .tho Louisiana State Lotterrrmi pany, the following facts aro given to tho j.nl ii. to prove his statement, that wo aro engaged in : fraudulent buslnesSj to bo false and untrue Amount of prizes paid by Tho Louisiana State Lottery Company from January 1, 1870, to pre sent date : Paid to Southern Express Co., Now Orleans, T. M. Westcott, Manager Paid to Louisiana National Bank, tl,:Gr,,.!:cl ir,.in'i KS..VO T V-r V. TWMnn I Paid to Louisiana Stdte National Bank, I Q TT Cunniulir Tifilrl Ant S. H. Knnnedv. President. ald to New Orleans National Bank, A. Baldwin, President Taid to Union National Bank, fi. Charlaron, Cashier Paid to Citizens' Bank, K. L. Carriere, President. Paid to Germanta National Bank, Jules Cassard, President Paid to Hfbernia National Bank, Chas. Palfrey, Cashier Paid to Canal Bank, Ed. Toby, Cashier Paid to Mutual National Bank, J os. Mitchel, Cashier Total paid as abovo. ; Paid in sums of under $1,000 at tho va ' rleus offices of the Company through out the United States -. mm $J,i.'.V!.l.' 2,('.-T.4H t4.HHi.WK1 Total paid byall. ....... sN. I For the truth of the abov. facte we refer t in public to the officers of tho abovofiamod cn rations, and for our legality and standing to 1 lie Mayor and Officers of the City of Now Orleans to the State anthorttlcs of Louisiana, nd alw. t the U. S. Officials of .Louisiana. , Wo cNaim t -1 egal, honest and correct in all our traVsa l as much so as any business in the oonnkrv- 011 ' standing la conceded by all who will tovffjtig:i',- and our stock has. for 'years been sold sXei" !Rnard At Ttrntflrfl . .iirul nvriMl hv manv ifv"il I best known and rosDected citizens. 55 nt. A".' DAUPHIN, Prcsld t3S-OAPIT4l PBKE, $T5 I Tlcfc;etaqnlyjt5. Sbare In proport Louisiana State Lottery Company, "We do hereby certify that wc tvpervimr. lh iDrawings qf The Louisiana Slate Lottery (!"" and in person manage and control th dramw themselves, and thattLsame are conducted, nil, I honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward m ) 1 , ties, ana we autwrtze ine IhA dnmnanv to um Hit c tificats. With facsimiles of our sionatvrrs attarti, i in its advertisements. ." 1 commlaalonem. . Incorporated in 18G8 for 2R years by the Loci ' lattlre for Bdncatlonal and Charitablo purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reni n 1 fund of $430,000 has since been added. was made a part of the prosentStato Constltui By an overwneimmjf popular vote us iranwn nrlnnted necember Sd. A. D 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endin g l '"' the people of any State. IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONRS ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY T WIN A FORTUNE, TENTH GRAND DRAW INO. CLASS K, AT NEW ORLEANS,)TUKSI)A October 9, 18 83 161at Monthly Drawfnc i .f?.. OAPITAIi PBIZE, $75,000, 100.000 Tickets at Five Dollar Mimt U. Fraction In Fifth In Proportion " ' ,. , ; LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capiial Prize 1 Capital Priae 1 Capital Prize $7r..(MI0 iS.OOO 10.000 12,C0 . 10,IK . 10,000 . 10,001' . 20,0TH( . 30,00(1 . 25,000 25,00" C,T. 4 r.'K) 2 Prizes of $6000 5 Prizes of 2000 10 Prizes of 1000 20 Prizes of 600 100 Prizes of 200 800 Prizes of 100 600 Prizes of 60 1000 Prizes of 25 . . APPROXIMATION TRIZKS. i 9 Approximation Prizes of t50 9 Approximation Prizes of . 000 t Approxuation Prizes of 200 Prizes, amoontiBR to . tir.w" Applications for rates to clubs should only made to the office of the Company in now " leans. For farther information, write cieany, cn"' full address. Addreaa P. O. Money Ordcrs am" Registered Letters to srw dnxiiLawa BiAxiOriAaV ban k, ,- , . New Orlean, ' bfatery letters by Mall or Express to . ',,: I ,.f- ,flf. A.. DAUPHIN. New Orlean, ! jor Jtr. A. DAUP1XIN, . ; 601 Sjeventli St., Wablnftton, ' sep 18 D&W2aw4w " " 'we sat sep 9 tf tTerms moderate. 37