-aa ttt imar'ca rru, ta :.? t .- saw M Umi aautaY uJU fa 9 .9UMtp ' aaonxa. m4 nta Wi tiM4 "fV Sa t'l5wr J La U naifa na - r-' ay w4 from to faav. rre a wixitT s. Aa t MMMM .-nun ultMM rwK.ll M tar -- "j mmtm - . ttiMt vUr t ni tAra .Lara, i I wav sa w . utr wm M W : " ""c"s : two nqf,! :T S; taroat MXl'M U aUfla Sal iM t invito. TW v. rw M imih Kmwrt, rwuoal Maa JtVxlajM snifaa ftaa4 at "Tf rbia ft Iraa lanr.Uia 4 i to tto to tn atiaai wnaasiiia Plaint I til UmJ Cuhoft as A.i AJMUftin mta to Ikalkrv rmtn Ultli . impf Mr f BlaMk vUl bo ikntimt MMMMriixuf to tto ptiaimMi Jfml h.trVmnutmt tor Uto U I t.rrrtiiimmit- wUi to towrw HintrvM (kr to umi, JWil n mti lrrvtouim kmrUMMtwi . AtU tottowrv tor tomuli' MMt1tleNa in,nto, wlulA b ito atov umnniMUii lto trUI to toii I M prnpaM ilto. MT toT MuabavTf to r i'wnv 4toi(M totaT mU vrrT 1 m ry ato IAt wul hvMtT to MjMuOiMt lttototM(tMMtoBUMU WtntttaniiM aaaat to to Otoa. Ovmn. rHnua Howir chML Kx: Loctwr vnif oa ftntf mtn Ut to M tto Ui ubilato. 't 'oncrtdt arrUtaMr n to iCuto to Uwnp mKnitk Bnufnnnw wtannt wsr alkaiT1 .rwMa) ihM tfvin irrtfy ta na) Dt Mmwl tA tiifarttonaHl W1I to Aw iiwr k to aant h !ktn inriif ito tAna kla ati-Tot-tu nwnt to Ita, l (ntMi arCl ofT to The MorninsStar. RfWUllin It. IKaXARA. wiLxixoToy, -v. a M.pat KTa-fc Srr. 21, 1SS3, KVENING EDITION. qcrra rimt We l4;Utbury W.tiehrmXH rr tarns to itA rh.ry that the 5t ""affeetA" to b tn doqbt - to th meaning of thf Stat rv5ltJon rvtativr to the itiLom.il fetoaae, It eopie a para- rjraph from the !ra to aiMtain what it ay. W renpeetfullf "ggeit th.it in view of th fa:t that the Sr immediately after the adoption of th renol'itwm n l1--, eiprvuscd la opinion that it wto a blander; th.it it h.M rvpated daring the la.t k month.' probiibly a haodrcd titne I f.hat tt vv a great biaadcr to favor lAutuA.k-y the tat on whiskey and tohiwi o instead of hmjij the plan f rolU'ctm-, that it has strain and tim in unu9 after iiwao eotvlemnel th.- dcliverane of tho Convention i wonn5 the abcJiUoa of the tax oa tho' nt'.-.i$M latanee. wheskey and toh.i.-1-o, humt and cg-arv that the ."r! r inmt b ud to bw 'l-tia ;.. loubt" the meaning and intent o ta I onipnwor, rimion. in r 14 A uiTrvoctf ot opt n too imonf jwm of it b- tehanjj' I. to th' rtviin m-;. inoj wkrJ io t ui.M mat. a. ,fwntn had be aO repeatedly n th.it ii dt not iippoM that aa f kit. intiirient mi! rt-mi a con tain prary M th" Htti'rtutm woatd ijnotn thi ry . ei)nc to pnur th.it lh Sra h i.1 nrrrtitud f i-nnvietioa t. th- maaamjf of th.it ry unfortunitr rvi)tion lfori.lld. Wn toMnrv th tli,-Aw4t that we h.v n doibi whatever a to lh m'inin of th Soati '.mrfntioo r"oJutum. tt mv;iat to ihli.ah th t.i n n'dt." ltitan. It wx i t-nit-tNior t mm wh io!it th lla of the land. It Wto I yielding to unr?:i,nin'X rl m.-r ad blind prrpidi..:. Il waa a trerrtoodoua hliiniir wheo it w aIoptei in t and tt will prove a far greater blan Ur if rvpriited in H'. Sch ia oQr !Mn')t eQvitioo. Why should tui. aich needlrstt Utarie to wkitakay aad bt-r, to ( i--o n.i ciira b Laaed ? No man Uvm i eoruplle! to a thenx They can b dMpeosl with altogether with an improvement of health aad a great aavia; of pocket. They are simply and anmUukably Utarto. They Lax the pocket aad impair th health. The man who .Iowa met driak wkUkey aad beer does not pay cm cent tat ape thaca. The tnaa who dea nc4 chew or tmeke to b:toa or eiar doM not pay one pen ay tax. The tax every cent" of iV cocaea oat of th rorwvifwn. Why not Ua thera? If it U Ik Teoaj. and ta othsw IIevna men who arw the effetwlers wh arw such a rteach In tho nostril cC tha recpIT eMy rtoi fit riJ 0ftMm aad Ui tit UtriwU We luvt alwaya saspeteS "that th ttiX aim tu to gtt rvf A far, for thU U the war to keep tfp ProUctioa Tht rtuUouU admUbU. Wo v... f,n QtJ froci' thCM orsfn to thia fft- H PaohjJiu. illaitrioa father ww, but UJs, t h satisfied w.th-'abol'uhloff the I doubUeaa one of the strongest and coZxicn and chaagiog tha mod of l We uy again, gt rid of Yong Cootxr and Company and let the tax cooper mj retmJUB. ' ' There are no rtielee of prod action i acre mre no .rw . . nr m4l ii ft M V we Wui wdl aj tobacco, cigar., and bocr. Tbere are no article tne tat upoo which U o eaH and to jort for none bat eonamer pay the Ui, and they pay it in proportion to their u.K. A long to thre u a to be Uil la aappoi-t the Government - m tKat t aKtalJ b Uvied bpoo three article and upon all other luxurus. Thw ie th poeilion of the Sta. A KXCItLKTr II.ttrTB-TIO.'. The tax onJer the Tariff on malehee wx rriact by an act of last Con-, gTTM from 35 per cent, lo 15 rr cent., and the tUmplax w removed alx Already German, SwedUh K4;tMh mAtchee are bet nc ported, and are now old in Wilmington Tee price ha dropped with the lift lag of the tat. Il ha made cheap MdK It ha bound in the very na ture of thing to have thin reeall, all rUooe u the contrary nothwith taadinff. Soch fal and alanderon heeU a. the Chicago Tntrr-Orrtm wear boldly that high tate do not make high prx-e. They wrar that American ??ioe are cheaper than Kglvh ahoe-x iin. W. IL Cot ha jojt retnmol from Kogland anl he war a pair of KnglUh hand made hoee that cct but 12 that are eoal to New Kngtanl $o and C ahoca. Hat take the eaae of matchc. The tax wm tifted and foreign matchc were allowed to come in ncarlyVre of Uxx and what follow? On July 1st laat the new law went into effect. The New York 7tww aaye: 'Uatc&c Jroemi ia 'nee al ooce. for the cbcap sutcitea of Sweden Immediately ut tals euket. aad tb Ptamoad Hatch Cxupaay pt down Its prkeav It baa bow btMuoii cirrulax price Itrt ia which it aa- o3uacra a ruikuw oi uir jura eu.. w . " wis a m frt)m 13 10 per cue to 3 Z5 aad S3 SO. Tie corn ra at b-aa been forecd to take this tap became la rvmoral of the In Vernal taa aad rrdoctioo of the dty broke op iU Baooeeere. M atch factorka caa now be wtabtiitbetl wiUVotil a laxe oapilai. aad mur small oee arc tpnoKior op ia toe North wTMtero States wberv lumber Is I here cs sfuii 15 per cent, tax on- dar the Tariff in the way of custom home charces. Ac. Hat here we have proof positive that a high tat nvikce high goods. The price of match- oaht to come down at once a all the atorve in the land. xtir nr id rim late vtab. John Iloa-h, in his testimony lc- fore the Senate Committee, profesaes I to hae new and accurate firurrs con- I cerninj; th xu jjivrn the South du ring the "late onplca.antresia." Ac- cordioi to Itach there were no lcSa than twenty three vessel sent oat as btWk..t runner by Kngtand and he jjiTt tho name. He aays they took oot munition of war to the value of ot)(ooo He ava the Northern navy that wa improvi.! cost 15?, 0CO,o all told, after ded acting the sal iflrr the war. He aava there ar thirty live utbvr vJr-la to be old which will reduce this amount. Wr qaote: la cihteeo yean nace the war webatl C-ot for aew Mval vtascta ooly 3.0CXXOC(X wtu! Kckaad haa afcat $ t M.Ctt).0XX FVaae. tWWiO: Kuiaaia. i3o,a.OCO; Italy. :EJ.0iX0i. tknauay. J7.0i.a. Turtey. fT.OOCO: BrvnJ. H0.000.000. a. rhii. IT.dXl.ttiX all oo lroocLwl-ln all or tOO.C30.0i30 i pen. ted by eur a t-i a4 coenmnrlJ riraJia. Tbrae Crxirra uat for ibm fart that wc bato now oo aav Th vunfctt vranvL. which did ft rrtscw dariaf lh war. were built to ttw! h aad ihouk) harv l-n aoid at tto cUm of th war. aad aantoil oambrr of r$U-urat iroo aCtl atcl rraarit tubatilutnl. Iloach oaght to have supplemented hi teMtinvony with, a tabulated state ment as to the expenditure of the Navy Department since the war. We have nnderaloo.1 that millions upon millions haro been literally waiteljby Hobeson and other since the war. We think ono vessel alone has coat nearly 2,000,000. At any rato the Navy has been very costly and that too when we had none worth the name. . . ... a . . ... I ? Ana ail ui nrwat iiepuoii- can rule. Tho mha know JnJf ItnflRn I best will U thoeo who will recret U. neaity of hi reaigaatioa moat aa oo of tha AawaU, JoaUeoa of v tAe Suprem Conrt. Failing health ParBJ. one oi tne recciv ... . . I.ias wiAaowa. Thu was about three na-comptuicu mna to giro up a poet- 404 o worocu to moca ana in I watch h aerred ht SUU o welL I aa . ft la war bmvret among the brave; in ol tamuulj n4.th, tfT vxi P-1 7 " wiu carry wiui mm 1 U gooa win of all good tarn. an samea; bope that tho Qrtat ' taay briag U li aUaaaated and a.ed form the ilmngth and health. JbJ.Rq1So; w uppoae,. ia ahont aixty yearvof ago poaajblyJ A littlo leal or .ClittJa wore.' He U 1 not aa Jcarocd or aa abio & lawyer I bt furnuhod oMiving North Caro- Una jansU. jior mjq ngmlnation. I t Uw Itenocnu jxjjea,-. I !akethe8othioftdlyDonotraticlnl8l. i bectaM it woaM eaprare U nerro wow. I IIo oouM he baVine tnixxam f u f ri rr, and I ihmt wooU be Robert Wcola.--iA'V J Doogl wM once a man of binx. 4 Soch talk aa the above ia non-4 cose. The idea of the South be-, coming "eolidly Democratic' with old Bon Batlcr aa the nomino of the party for Prceident. Tb , truth" w hi nomination would cauao lite party tofdUsoiv at onco. He oould not ourr a Southern Sute. Even Ar- a thnr conld beat him in any Sute in the South. Butler i not thought of in the South in connection with the nomination. lie i not the remotest pOMtbility. Ho docn not command the rvpeet and confidenc of one man in ten "thounand in the whole South. He tho only federal ihI dicr who waa ontlawed by tho South berauo of his bea.atly awaulu upon the fair and virtnou women of New Orlean. He i unworthy of the aa- aociation or attention of any South- em man who i elf -respecting. If ho wer noininatNl it would be a farre to count the vole. Why nhould the negro vote for auch an old rep robate a Fred nay they will? Gam mon ! The Washington (iazttU copi hat the Stak aaid about having the Itfxiter corrrctel by iwmo intelligent noldior in every command, and add: "The IloaUr. ao far aa it concerns tho treorw from tLU countr. la now bcinK cor rected lo tkU mABner. The work will aoon be completed by the Awociauon. Thia i the right spirit- It is im- pOAAtblti for one man to correct it. I ji Moore no doubt has done his work with care and as well an any one could have done it. Hut men were ah if led from one arm of the ser- tiro to another, or from ono regi ment to another, and thua a dupliea- tion of names waa inevitable. i ne aim ahould be to get the n-turns as exact as possible. Let the precise number of troops farniah-d by the State be ascertained. It will out rival all others. CURKRNT COMMK'T. How the situation has chanc ed in one short year. Twelvemonths ago (Jen. Hullers candidacy pro voked only smiles on Hepubhcan countenances, .now tbere is very little hilarity indulged in. The Al bany Eccnuuj Journal says: "Se rious aa would be the consequences of butler s re-election to Massachu setts, they would be no less disas- troua to the cause of good govern "cni tnrougn tnc country Butler's day as a very funny joke is about oyer, it is time to consider mm as a leader of the most dangerous polit ical forces of tho day. and to extin guish the buffoon in the position of political authority. i his is iu stri king contrast to the mirthfulnesA tbal would havo flavored our con temporary's comments last autumn. It doesn't take long for the wrinkle to co mo after- they get started. oou W, JJrrn. The Civil Service Commis sioner ia Washington aro still con sidering what they shall do about Mr. Alahono alleged violation of the civil service act. In tho meantime Mr. Mahone, who doesn't seem to care a continental what they do about it, troea oa making new assess- mcnta and using the r odcral . em ploye for stump speakers in the Ma hone interest to his heart's content. After the election is over Aleasrs. Hi ton. Thordan and Oreorv will probably make np their minds to get ' t o J ----- . very inatgnant at mo ontrageous conduct of the Ileadj outer Senator, and declare that be ia real mean. A prc-aecution for violation of the law at ono. however, would do more to satisfy the public that tho Commis sioners mean civil werviee reform than a whoToYolorae of empty de nunciation ottered after the cam paign i o v er. J'hU. , 7Tm, Jnd. 1 -m sa - THE WA r TO SEND A POSTAL TfOTE. .v BaJtioor Americaa. That some people do not fully un- , , . 1 . . M .. . I ri nrvr inn inaiiMii tr ' t rs ruuntia.i, . : - . J - i . -1 . I uf 11 ... - t . . . T P y oenoea oy a recent case at tnacaty ,rtoffice.AgcnUOTan deainng to Wanaxull J.5U lO AIT. J. U. Smitn OM D.ttlAU "Eatton. Md.," and then, without forther rivalry; dropped the note in- ma now. wlliclu wma uniDiT miriM - ,.0 received no acknowl- wnhf and called at tho rwwttoffiM raate complaint. Ilie note had not f reeeiroa very naturally, it tfcrflUot ,TK).Uater. .When th. seauer, oj stvuig jf name .ana aa ."4. lfir?C!JS? I . t I .wav. Kh .Maw iiuuuur iUWUn I .M nil uie ureuiu iUMUUor CTOgreSS I.areaaiUt ffriDUieSJ. V YVaajt JOneinir lO! the r.KWWW"""" uaisirpiaaa ihks, I. rj Ui 1U4 UitlU WATiK BTKKET tleaUr 1 :. .T. . at Vlnn Mrf lrr' erhtvavtI't--fl liof -Shellsi WaddhiirPrlmerBj Oartridirer Ba,llXt..: ,.iit f AND 1 FKLNCK8S STREET .. I f4." , jn.iuHtu mj iurirwu I ,.rt . ? , . "."J . ri"" fT. I .iuri!dz. t"iiiiii5uuoii oi.l ,(ps, Game Bags, &o. -In fact we can sbdwT 1 WILMINGTON N c. ' n' I awawea jot wpiior. manufactures I Perry. Davis'a. Pain Juliet turned the in-f astock of Hardware. TGoo4aimdCTto .i t vr'.i I i , " I or black lead. Pencils .Of all gradca and 1 -tfuder 6uL' Then'' came sweet . aToori nl I tee prices. ' ' - - .': ;U I I 'Board il.25 per Day. Three Tickets 11.00, Sin joy of I aa envelop, and under proper covor. I .trW at fnaWavttT- ufflu f -zlJi , .inen.camq. .tweet .sleep and r , . , wm. E. springer co ; I vtrc Ijaeals Sent oit , JFiJ 031 THE SriBIT S WORLD, A 'riwrifljiBi.rrxsii V ! yV'M waf wfi SaVAXWAnGA..Septembt 2p. lircat ciciicrnenr naff- oceri crcatcu horo hr the following letter, which haa becn-received- byCMefef .PoUpJL To lAe CAiefoflhtuSdvannah, 7A .wSmY Th a fnllot6irw oonlilulii- eatiorl i i-throagh J.thoAroUwTPya'lt, modinmahip of C.?DSmith,'Tof Ixjuia'vilte, . ioow1;1 etdbMbg: fat i W spirit waa ; prtMentv antloin aaaVith? followinc Btatemetrt tif I'l tfiijemi pi dyed aa a drvcmfoeY t&t af wholesale grocery IQIBq' in. Charleatdn;! 'S.' 'CJ jl waa rouracrcu. uu lupj i vu uit f monthi . six.. mile below Savannah. Gi 'My body waa first fobbed of -ra goia warcn, a cameo ungur - brfcaat-pin, Vand" $30 in mQneyand my body waa thrown intoabayouy;X waa born in Macon. Ga., and am & feet 94 inche ln height. - Mr-hairy eyca and rnulacne arc- aaric, ana! i ara dreHsod in a black coat and '.vest ami checked pantaloons. Two of the negroes were oyatermen ' and had a bmL The other waa. a teamster named Mose. He did the killing by striking a fearful blow on thoBido of my head, crushing, in my skull. These three negroes aro now in Sa vannah, Ga.' My name is George W. Ueach." . ' ( ' The abdvc occurred' In my room, in Owensboro, Ky., in my presence, aiil I was so startled' that I immedi ately reduced tho same to writing, and now transmit tho substance of the spirit revelation. If, on inquiry, there i any truth in this matter please let inu hear from you by letter and oblige, very respectfully, II. W. BmnwKLU MOT A LESSON IN FOINT. Tkr OppltloB atoaTce Taxes. to Ifaternal N V. Times. Itcp, Low Tariff., But the good results of tho re moval of the stamp tax on matchc furnish not so much as the shadow of an argument for the abolition of the taxes on tobacco, spirits, and fer mented liquors. Matches arc one of the necessaries of life. Everybody uses them, and everybody is taxod when a stamp mast., be affixed to every package. But the payment of tho whiskey and tobacco tax ia purely voluntary. Any man who for any reason is opposed to internal revenue taxes may escape those now imposed in this country by abstaining from tobacco, whiskey and beer. The peo ple would receive no benefit what ever from tho repeal of these laws unless cheap whiskey and cheap to bacco are public benefits. We do not bclioro they are. Tho cry that has gono up for tho repeal of the internal revenue taxes is false and hypocritical. These taxes are not oppressive, for it is in their very nature that they must be paid by those woo are both able and will ing to pay them. The politicians, tho newspapers, and the party con ventions, like that of the l'ennsylva nta Iwnublicans and. that of the Dem odrats at Trentou the other day, who demand the removal of these taxes, wish to be rid of them in order. that duties on imports may be raised. COTTON. .1 ' , New York Commercial Chronicle. ,Nkw York, Sept. 21. Tho movo- mbnt of tho crop, as indicated by our telegrams from tho South to-night, is civen below. For the week end ing this evening (Sept. 21) the total receipts have reached 00,319 bales, against G 4,34b balos last week, 33,- :io.h uaies lue previous wee ana 11.3G5 bales three weeks since; making the total receipts since Sep tember 1st, 1883, 194,475 bales, against 100,478 bares for the same period of 1882, showing an increase sinew September 1, 1883, of 33,997 biles. !Tho exports for the week ending this evening reach a total of 37,200 bale, of which 10,816 were to Great Britain, 9,914 to Franco and 7,476 1 to the rest of the Continent, whilo the stocks as mado up 'this etoning aro now 280,304 bales. The decline from the close of Mon- I i" L,; ' " Z 1? uaj n biiu iv w co. um co ii quuw I day was from 16 to. 20 points, except j for September, which yielded paly 8, i points and brought nearly the same figures as October. There waa some recovery in the "'latter dealings 4 of Wednesday, and Thursday after a dull oricning showed 'more atrength, and closed slightly1 dearer. ' To-day- . m " . . a ido opening was strong, ionowea Dy a graaoai aavancc,- umu me ciosb ... . . was 7(ii points ' aearer ana2(54 points above the closincr figures of last Iriday for tho distant deliveries. k,l n nintji dAaror fnr RrimKir I f l.t t t bo nr,t f nftW HArri'A f TT I o!7 " - Ji ,1 . , -, -i, , ' i s: , I tt. on Saturday last. Inere nas been 1 j ajgood businesa.for home jCpsurqp- I Anderson and by him placed in inrr OwESsnnan. Kr.. Sent. 14. '83. somo'expprt'ahij :Tae8-,rbaunted:by an apparition of lion. WQ ca somo - eXDOrU ana.ineg-.l day afternoon 2,400 balea were taken Uf 8reciatiQn. Tb-da there was (AM ''a-k.-a-lrtw V. A A M a T u rL:,iiT, V-'v., - n - rtod dno last evenTnV for .i.siiii " . .i.i: : a 1 1- " tL'i r lhST7- "P r 'Wwk are 832,500 bales. - -.(. . - . ... . i cared mr Wife's Weakaea.. " 4 , From Evansville; Ind., the homef our I T manufactured acturedby thd Joseph' DWoa Ur correspondent, Mr. John R.; Patterson; and Fraley "Was sentenced to twelve years cornea tho following "Samaritan iTn th rhitentlary V1- :; is cftrcd my wife of a, case of female" weak- " ; ' " " ncsa." rViwextrartfromMrte's ; I V;&Xm'M&, ,lfiMif:si t I CIDia JQ..t Or. Jersevr UltV..f JXeWL JerUPV. I incr- .. Tonmnrn fWiTrilmnna fn finriiu fml. ,f-'Jwti.-i-iiS. IV i '-fl Ottt 1 NfQtnrt1'rtTI J HMlPA r x sep23tf Suooessorsto John Dawson &f ly24tf R. J. SCARBOROUGit, Prop'rf TEST NEWS". THE 7. .4 wr ni a v troDall? IJOJTHBTyOKlJll '4 i TOREldN- Vvnaessenowar I.r a.aa; -- W toiiiWitKtheerin !A1laTrrfyaitieiwvgg les r;-;.i.rBv.Ol.tott;AioraincB rifbtiSinivfer the loss of Ufe is serious. - . . .,. Woolwich, Sept 2l Old sol(Her8tde- Claw that the ;explosioi JS&$S& tun of ' tho; explosion have been found.. Some pf ; 'liTSS!. -Av fkii arfiltnrtf hrtrritkai -J !i6os::8cp :M A" dispatch-" tm I Vienna state that Russia is makiagyexten; airo preparations all along tiM uermaaanu Austrian-1 frbnttersi1 Tenders have been AAkert frt- a 000 milltarv beds. All bf the .railways have been ordered to have 1 inili-: ! . -. , -aa .t a . a- 1 . 4ary cars in 'reaainess. a use us- wu ' 'l --m ... . . J .. ninrlr Sei, and their captains have been ordered to prepare for the transportation of ammu nition, troops and; provisions..-., These "vesV. scls have ceased' executing private.,. Orders,; and the carriage of corn is thus interrupt ed 1 Enormous provision depots have been established along the frontier, and two armed corps have been distributed between the Vistula and Berg rivers. A list has been made of all persons who ih the event of war will be deported from Poland to the interior of llussia. jllE LOTTERY MUDDLE. 1' - Tne Louisiana State Court Intervenes In 1 Ueliair of . tlie IiOttery Co;-Tlie Postal Authorities Taltlng Steps tor nenaoval of Case to Federal Court. By Teteffraph to the MornlnK tar. I WAsmHOTOK, Sept. 23. The Postmaster, at New Orleans has notified the Post Ofliee authorities here that ho . has been , ordered by tho State Court to deliver the mail , mat ter, addressed to the'New Orleans National Bank; intended lor tne ' Louisiana lxUery Compnay, and has asked for instructions as tp what he shall do. He has been directed to obey the order until it shall be! reversed Or modified, and consult with the U. S. District Attorney at New Oilaans, The lat ter official has been directed to take the necessary steps f or the removal of the case from the State Court to the Federal Court, and to move at once for a dissolution of the injunction.: ' . . ; , .. WEST INDIES. Increase or Duties In Ilaytl A Terri ble Dattle Reported Destructive ire. (Dy Telegraph to the Morning Star. J Port-au-Prince. Sept. 10. The Go etSment has augmented the duties 33 per cent., in addition to the 50 per cent, in-' crease made some time ago. Thc,Juioney thus raised will be employed in repaying the loans from merchants. Advices from the South report that a ter rible battle was fought last week before Microgogan. The Government troops aro sustaining a serious defeat. Jcremie ia surrounded by a force of 3,000 men. The Boss number 1,500. They are now fairly provisioned, and anticipate success. Tne largest commercial establishment in Santiago, together with four other houses. has been burned. Loss estimated at $80,- 000. FINANCIAL. N York Stock; market Depressed and Lower, By Telegraph to the Mornlax sta r. ' N-vw TonK, Sept. 24, 11 A. M. The week opened with renewed depression in Vfllard shares, and lower prices all round. Oregon Transcontinental is down to 52, against 54 at the close Saturday. Northern Pacific sold down to 32, and preferred If to 64. The decline in other shares ranged from i to J per cent. It is said that the Northern Pacific Company will is sue 125,000.000 debenture bonds, 6 per cent'.;' to complete the road, furnish addi tional equipment, take caro of the floating debt, &c. YELLOW EEVKR. j Two wew Cases Reported from Pensa cola Reservation! By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Washington, Sept. 24. The Secretary oft tho Navy, has received a telegram from Commandant Welch, of Pehsacola Navy Kara, doted the 23d, as follows ; "Two naw cases of yellow fever in Warrington, both children. The ease reported yester day proved to be swamp fever, lately from PArdido Bay. One death (a child), from malarial fever, having first had the yellow fever. j ' LO U I SI AN A i Pfve men Killed' and Five Wounded by a Boner Kxploaion. ' V. ' lisyTBieirrapntothe Jtorhmsr Star.l BnnavKPOBT. Sept. 23. The bodies of five mea, all White, who were killed by the. a. - V s a i - - y J 111,1110 GODsuUCUOu OI a railroad bridge.. over Red river,: last night, were, all recov erfed from1 the Hver to-day." Some, of them arb terribly mangled. The wounded men, five in number, are all 'doing well, excent Abe GUlican,. colored, who will probably dip. .The coroner will hold an inquest to morrow! . , . .; . , MASSACHUSETTS. An Insane Woman. ; Jffurderer Com. inlts Sttlclde Haanted by an Appart tion or Ills Victim. ' - By Telegraph to tho Mornhl: Star. Bostow Sept. ; 23: Cornelius Tobine, who In 187T caused the death in South Bos- or mary menazen, oy an assault oy a VS laml. an vn was V an ;asy- iiguiea lamp, anu wuo was sepi w an asy- l.iw. k, mi . VBa. ru suicide bj takihgtHu4s green. He has been uudku ur uu uumwu ui mi; ucau nu- ce ne commiiiea tne crime. T NOiim Carolina. i ' Alleged jrioenalilner Convicted of i, , JHanalaBJiter. j -; i iBy Telesrraph to thee Hornbur Star. " . - Raxkigb September1 24 The . trial of id fraieyi an' alleged J moonsmner. for murder of H. F.- walker, revenue Ofil- cen in Stahlv eofttv; On Febrmnv 8tb.was tbncluded af Ckacottl-OiV'SaUirdav nie-ht. A verdict of - manslaughter - was rendered I Van Vllh a'ann1 rlnhV TSIrs tiin Jn 1 QBraeTu full force without previous : waro- ' I i Burglars 1. Jfo. Midnight assassinR? ISTo- I . COMMERCIAL. W TTi-MXNQ T O N- MA BKET. '' " STAR 'OFFICE. Sept. 24, 4 P. M. j SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market :opeHedeay-iat 36rcents per gallon, with sales of 100 casks at quotations, closing firm. ROSIN--Market: stcadyaLi$l-15 : Jox. i - ,: - -T -- - sthiifr bake his own muffins, to Strinedt,.ls20jk-prJW TAR The market was firm at 3 W per t ol 2Jbs0iates at . CRUDE . TURPENTINE-Tho marKet .! was quiet and steady' with sales 6001100 ,a;t $i 25 lf6r Hard and $2 25 iorr Yellow T COTTON-VThe market .way.-. galea reported of 150 bales on a basis of 10 'cents per for Middling.. The following 1 rFriiinarv Ordinary. . , cents iP ih. Good Ordinary: Low Middling. . : Middling Good Middling. 8 1316 ; .10 .101' PEANUTS- Market Arm and indifferent iy supplied at $1 651 70 for Prime, $1 75 I 80 for Extra Prime, and fcl 851 90 per bushel ' for Fancy. Shelled 5 cents per lb. RECEUPXS. CottOHJ.-i. ...... Spirits Turpentine Rosin. . .'..'....... 888 bales 311 casks 1,445 bbls 190 bbls Tar.... Crude Turpentine 227 1H l1 KVl H! TI tlf H K t .. bbls ': 1 liv ilL'rHih to tlie Morning Kim Nkw Youk, Sept. 24. rNoon. Money irrfgular , and lower at , 22 per cent. Sterling exchange 482i485f . btate bonds dull. Governments generally unchanged, , j Commercial: ' Cottoii quiet, with sales of 491 bales; middling uplands 101c; Orleans 101c. Fu- tures steady, with sales 10-qay at the 101- 1 . A 4. 1 nf rf"V -M. . . lowing qucHauQUH : oepiemiKsr iu.oe; ber 10,38c; November 10.48c; December 10.59c; January 10. 71c; February 10. 8lc. Flur- quiet and steady ; Wheat quiet and Miic better. Corn dull and iJc lower. Pork steady at $12 25. Lard dull at' $8 42$. Spirits turpentine 40c Rosin $1 501 60. Freights steady. ' FOREIGN ItlARKKTS. ; fBV Cable to the Horning Star. ' Livaupooi., September24.Noori. Cot ton market dull: uplands 5 13-16d: Or leans 5 15-16d; sa'es 8,000 bales;l,000 bales for speculation and export ; receipts 6,700 bales, 2,750 of which were American.. Up-' lands, lmc, September delivery 5 51-64 5 52 64d; September and October delivery 5 51-64d; October delivery 5 50-64 5 49-64d; November and December delivery 5 49-64d; December and January delivery 5 50-64d ; January and ' February delivery 5 53-6M; February ; and March delivery 5 55 64, 5 56-645 55-G4d; March and April delivery 5 58 64d; April and May delivery 5 62 64d. Futures dull. Lard 42s. . 2 P. M. Uplands, lmc, February and March delivery 5 46 64d; May and June de livery 6 l-64d. Sales of cotton to-day include 5,500 bales American. 8.30 P. M. Uplands, 1 m e, October and November delivery 5 30-64d ; December and January delivery 5 5164d ; March and April delivery 5 59-Jb4d; April and May delivery 5 63-64d. . New York Naval Stores ITCarttet. -New York Journal of Commerce, Sept. 22. Spirits Turpentine The market rules quiet and is rather easy, with merchantable order quoted at 4040c. : Rosins The trading is more in small lots ; prices are without important "'change. The closing quotations are : Rosins Common at $1 50 1 524; strained at $1 52$ 1 55; good strained at $1 521ai 55; No. 2 E at $1 65; No. 2 F at $1 75; No. 1 G at $1 85; No. 1 II at $2 00 ; good No. 1 I at $3 052 10; low pale K at $2 20; pale M at $2 65; extra pale N at $3 00; win dow glass W at $3 75. Tar is quoted at $2 80 f o b for Wilmington. Pitch is quoted at $1 85. Charleston Rice Market. Charleston News and Courier, Sept. 23. ;The sales were about 56 bbls clean Caro lina. We quote: NeW crop, at fully fair to;low good, 5f5c; good 6c. . i 4n Enthusiastic Endorsement. ! Gordam, N. H., July 14, 1879. jGknts-1 Whonyer you arey? I don't know but I thank the Lord- and feel - grateful to you to know that in this world pf adulter ated medicines there is one compound. that proves and does all it advertises to do, and more. Four years ago I had a slight shock of palsy, which unnerved me to such. an extent that the least excitement would make me shake like the ague. ; Last May I Was induced to try Hop Bitters. I used one bottle, but did not see any change; an other did so change my . nerves that they are now as steady as they 'ever were. " It used to take both hands to write, but now iny good right hand writes this. Now, if you continue to manufacture as honest and good an article as you do, you will accu nrulate an honest fortune, and: confer the greatest blessing on your: fellow-rhen that was ever conferred on mankind. TIM BTJRCH. r iviiiis mm mm k m: CELEBRATED JpEARL GRITS, HOMTNY ANl BOLTED MBAi' ARE THE BEST.' Onaranteed fresh and sweeL A few bales of that CHOICjfi EASTER HAY still on hand. ' V:' All Roods at lowest prices and satisfaction as. surcd. ... ; ;,. . - - ;i C. Bi WRIQHTi ; f Gibson's ! Gibson's ! TMPORTED JBSTB FLAVORED TATiIJCT,nade X from pare Loaf Suar and the finest Fruit Juices and Extracts. jAlso. a new supply of Drags? OMfloaTSj Patent Medicines, &o. - , At , , . P;C. MILLER'S, my23tf Corner 4th and Nun Sta For Sale, k VALUABLE ynu. nut) jauoareu acres ui kuuuiuuuhiw -land belonclno- thAreto: also. Twelve Oonfl of I f UUll Boxes., -The -whole is convenient, to transports- I tion, and will be sold upon reasonable terms. 1 i - -Apply to LEE; & XAWBENCE. t Ss.Ai 'aillr DA 1m r ,,. ..: ... Hamnniili On , I ' " ' ' '.",'" ; " ' , J. I r A 'li' j-J .. I TMar AA- !.l...t.. . -A.i i laf aaA UMiman m w.vwuii , I '.. - ; ; . Woman at the Wash-Tub. 1 The man viha jcriarncs t a. woman just to make a "drudgc of ner, or to use her .as a mere household imple ment for doing domestic work, has a .very low idea of matrimony. He 'H'fvoci ' trt ' havt. trv mtmA hi num ;be sick with nobody to rnurso him, and, in a word, to be a miserable old J bachelor. . -The wear-arid-tear on the woman who leads the life of a drudge is ; dreadful. On washing-day she is at the tubs with her hands in soak and soap: Orr ironing-day she is lifting heavy flat irons, and' hurting hrr back and shoulders. Everyday sIk is lifting a heavy baby, wearying Jut , self all over. Then she is providing for the keeping alive of the man who has sworn to honor, love, and protect y a her, but who is wearing her out by making a slave of her. If in the country, she varies her exercises by milking the cow, and possibly carry ing in wood from the wood-pile. It irithe'city.she undertakes the variety of lifting heavy scuttles of coal, and perhaps of going to the sewing so ciety to make trousers for the Pacific Islanders. It does not kill the woman out fight. It enfeebles her, and thins her . blood, and upsets her liver, and makes her a martyr, continually suf fering grievous torment. If she will takeBrozem's JronDittcrs before she is utterly prostrated, there is hope for her. The fact that many thous ands of weakened women have been built up by this most excellent iron medicine is matter for encourage ment to every weary, over-worked, broken-down woman. To the blood , the muscles, the nerves, the liver, and the stomach, this wonderful prepara tion gives the life and the refreshing that are needed. Ask'ycon' druggist, of physician, and they will tell you how the ladies are helped by it. m ''.. 8 septlD&Wly nrm W 1 a LOVELY COr.iPLEXlONS POSSIBLE -TO ALL. : What Nature dciiiS to rriiiny Art secures to all. lagan's Magnolia Balm dispels every blemish j overcomes Redness, Freckles, Salloness, Jlongh iiess, Tan, -Eruptions and Blotches, and removes all evi dences of heat and excite ment. The Magnolia Balm imparts tho most delicate and natural complexional tints no detection being possible to the closest observation. ; Under these circumstances a faulty Complexion Is little ghort of a crimo. Magnolia Balm sold everywhere. Costs only 75 cents, with lull dj rections. 1 feb251y su tu th nrm foliii'i DR. cnEKVKRS CUCTRIO BKLT. ar Aaaar, J a .mrea.lv for the ran of demngoBwit of Ui. praerMMn orjt.n. WhMimiir but Ubilitv of tb.nnantlT. m'ji oaran. from wh.i TCr caoae. tba coalinaoa rtnam of iXKCTRtCITI pemlhi Oroagh tfa.parto mult raitofe team to lualtay aatlaa. Tba u aa mUuia aboat ihtt ImtranMnt. - VaanofBM aaa tnt It, aoi tkonMbda of enrol ar UntifMd i. Wi na ImtlMol ta. v worn Vigor, SterllltT In fwL aa tarn not confound bu wlta ol!rt from tal ta la. Thl U lor taa a Indtacralka. Iaeapartty, Lack of t Hfini la caiad. Do tanaalM of tkM. .(ctrie brlUl'r tlawl to core all til from ONBapMin. Mmm. For circular, irlrinr full la(ormatloaaddrMaCHECV.H lUCrfilC BKI.T, CO U1 WaaMlastoaSk, CoMafo. ill, dec 5 eodly tn th sa dec f THE SEASHORE ! HOTEL BRUNSWICK SMltnVTLLE,' k C ' SEASIDE HOTEL, wNtttnfnaxrtf.v:- ' - . . . .-r; .. ... B. L,. PE11K.Y, Proprietor. THESE TWO SUMMER RESORTS WILL UF OPEN M01TDAY..MAY 28. The Hotel Brnnswlok, at Smlthvllle, Is twenty nte miles below Wilmington, and accessible r two First Class Steamera, mahlng two trips dally. STne Seaside Hotel Is sit aa tod in a lare rrvu oa Wrlphtsvule Sonndf is 00m posed of onttaireH for families, and within seven miles of W limine ton, at the bead of a fine Shell Koad,he best In tne southern country. BOTH HOTELS FULL VIEW : OF THK rater Bathtnr.: . OCEAN. (Good Surf and StM-Water BaAhtagr. jivery variety or insn, tars. Clams and Crabs, j variety of Fish, and abundance of Or" Spacious Ball Rooms, with fine Bands of Music (Ten-i" -Pin Allev. Billiards and Bar, I iia-Terms moderate. rje 7 if EfJSINESS. SOON TO BE ISSUED, 6TH EDITION 17TH YEAR OF. PUBLICATION, Will contain, over 60,000 NAMES, and ta In tended to be the. JTOLLEST AND MOST RKLIA .1 . i . 1 l .-. ,,-.J . .1 ' i l , ; REFERENCE BOOK, ever pabliahed for North Carolina.. . i t , 'The Bnemees 'and Profossional Ken ot evory Cbuntr. Cltv aad VUUure will b; rWeJ and attastr

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