The Morning' Star ' ..... tr - OX WH. U. WlXLHAtLT. RiTI OF aSTmtTISniCl , , anaa miaaa rw wv t "v. Y. . aa see - W MBll . --. w. JJareaDayaZ. iuut iivva Plve Days, TV VCT"- f " i i .1 II I ill 1 1 4 , , 4 i raswa WMiea tww fttaa " at th Otr. Pm - 1 - t! CSS Jt C, MORNING EDITION, OCTLJSRSL t I f trtoa 3iaa died a a is rmideaca ,a Tort, of anrt dlaweae. A iW in Lufaaa wrvr houva bunt. '4illm tar pma The schooeer Aft, ai tu boat, from Milwaukee. tuppoMNl u &v soo ioa lo tbe itorta ti ia ; with ail oa board. fkd -ntx broke iaC the U al Cetaaaaha, rtw. ai too eat sad lur4 t bc aaauid Bailey. HawU Byrd, :aioii. Mtn-ov-mJ - bm &Aafi Dvcwcabee titi f.r t& tnarUt ot hat wit is iUnfu f r ii'P'irtiUrtnt tfvU:e t W2UaTo will Vi tvn4mi NvVr Hii. t li pott ,j!5c( t Ka;h4. N C, Emory .in f vm?uI C 5 bir7 i l& 5o4t& !,-. c H(in4i. . Iomm .VJ. i af ppiii r .i Uocb!1. ;.iih f Uaiou iaml .H f pUjriac tun. l rir-o., ra4.. T&itty ftJfwJ ;,!ntr to'il (wr of wwwral. 1 ppprif Tilha(M( . V . far 1." :i .a- Cuhalk tuauf orox tjrtCrtelA - - In ihm foi atwfUit tnI ! tHibitn. ax jury fitKt t. rn al nt 4i- hi .! fur ::um mmi t ;oq ot 201) UW- f-f H. riJ(ir suf ff -,?irti a!f Vff5wa. fj Oa f '.: f,:t.ry ftri V Wfpml trm tft "ur'ia4 !utULaf mt Cbt C . &J jutjijuioa . tlt nmiait of two gtm io at. . .:.cun t t9T tfcvai' U H oU. u: aTtt lour 3rn f JI i)C&4'M). f"a tt 5Cfll S3. pinu tor i to th. prf-:C of Saot Co t Sten tor Ci!attt m for tb ili :i.:t" mi ! voot!4nt lhi it U the Dm to win. .Ihonw now wrr b hcl irocn Arthur. CcrUs vfot no hlp from Hilly. Artbar Norfolk. v tt cetebr; tb big tctocy m VirgjouL Norfolk U live town aJ fall of ptrittira. Mor ntt Jewnb oatbrkj bire .x-crrJ in Autri. Two of the mob wr killW by tb- police toil vrl wouoiU. Nw r(aj m ft itohiif ber iructit. Her receipt fat eottoa t!on ir to trM of the romrepoaj nij prvi of Iwt Tear 1 15, T 40 ble. m Tb ncvrro elitoe of tbe Nw VoTk 'ruA . f ht JOp "to 6 jbt" "( th l!oQrtxn.e ie-lr wr." lint thr ny probability of thr wjtb- Anoouocta tbe dealb of little iiiUi t VViUoa, brother Wouat, of th- Mirror, uj potlclly nJ tralb i : I y "Tb vim b bat tbe fruit ' 4.fty jjnereU- A WihiatoQ pviil to tbe Ibil i.MpbU I a J. Kep., MJ tbt Arthur i a CAnli4ai for the 'vttion am! will make a stroc; tfjkl t r it. .l;Ub of Df J. Jnon icaJ t. positive Wm t tbe caeJic&i pfo-f-ioa of tbe Un iil dCAtrt. Ha A4 eery JitAnUbeti n4 u o( Southern birtb of Georji, we b Ue. A yotaof Uwyer t Litcbfltld, Toao.. baa bn tent to jail for a 7r foe tortrj. Coneetticnt will pinih proraptlj for bcriraalika tbla but RiurJr ! rarJed ratber aa a ia art" aai ta paaaslofer. Mr. EliiaUUfe MilW.of Pb.UJel pbla U ft peeiraen. Sbw w Ji vorceJ froot 3i illr, tbeo ea4rri4 a brotbro( Uoo. Sam Randall, got a divorce (torn bin, tbti mArrieU Mtt Ur s (fain, al now eweke eecooj Jitorce. DaHa tba Laat 4 f Jta twenty. Ibra paraoca bars bca killed and ftftj-tbrew bata tbtn wonodad In patting dowa Cba ualawfa taann factar of waJalajr. ileal cT tiee bsT occamtd la tbe SocJ , 2a four wtr iICa4 tad cu rU. rpo- Jed-'rr .; - - VOL. XXXIII.NO. W wtrt in hope after tbe Amer ican TTvarime with ike Lanrtrr tbat "onr English eoujina" in the theatrical line and of distinction coal J show a clean bill of moral be a lb. Bat rrad what ex-Major Hall, of New York, says in a receot interview reported in the Cincinnati! C&mmenrial GaseUe; " Aa e'ort will b made, I euppoae to brini KIm Terry lato society ta New Torar "Tlat le already biaf dooe. aaid Mr. IU11. tut I do oot think tt win iucceed. Kr tCeily. Mije Terry! tfleorted btubaad. ta ia Eaf Uad. aad Mr. Brodribb, who waa fortnarfy M ra. Irrlajr. alao remaiaa abroad. aai wbil Mr. Irrtajr aad MUa Terry are Ujtax ta dreal paru of the city, it Uol peooabte that t lock aociety wiu take ap either."" Leey, tbe cometuit, b a cold blooded fellow, lie baa bad two wive. Hia flrat baa joat obtained a divorce. Ha coollj tella a rrportrr: i A to ay chi'draa by Mr. Levy No 3. or Mr. Tearle, ae ahe U bow. tbe. by de clar)aj thai aha waa never aajlhicc to me wae aaeer Uvlly married to cm place the ctaxop of ilt(imacy on them aad I hall have aothiof to do with ber or thetn ' Mr Lavy waa ia eiccneat p4rtta. Ought not a fellow like tbat to blow bis braio oat whiNt blowing bi bora? ----- - - - Iord Cbiaf Jatic Coiridp took copious not-s wbile ia tbo North bat ioc bia rvtarn borne be rrfnaee to tell what they are. He aj be baa an opinion bat will not deliver it "antil be baa tboroagbly aasimilated tb information be gathered." A awoaible fellow! Tbat U jusi what an'intellignt Jadv ooght to do if I tbe vidcac thoroughly add then rto-Jer bonrat jodg-mr'nt. .. -11 i-.... . - Artbare friends in and around "the Coart" are-, or profeaaed to b, very aaognine tbat be will b tbe lle- pctbttcan nomirnrc and all becaaM of tb recent electioo. He L in tbe lead of bta party candidates. Tbe Tammany organ in Now York coo- cedea this. A large n amber of members of tbe 4th Congrcsw are already in Wash ington, although it doa not assemble Wfore tbe 3rd of December. Sena tor Vance and Representatives and Cot of North Carolina, are on hand "watching tbe corks." Spirits Turpentine. Mr. W. T. Caho baa retired from the Ptooawall EUiyrim, Mr. John II. ttectoa wtil coo U one lu pabltcatioa. Mr. (teorge Carr retires from the ScotUnd Keck CVnwiiiit. but ex pacta to rrvama- the editorial barneas oot locf beoca. We will be Dleaacd lo see hia with ua efaia. Socccaa atlrod you. Scotland Neck Commontttaitft : Mr. Klt White's fla. cootalnlo( abont tit baka of cottot. was coosumcd by fire eo Moods 7 nlffct. It was dprxMed to aava tara t-t oa fire by sotne toceodlary. Ilaleigb I1ildr: Maj. Wioder, th (votcaaaty Maaafvr of the R A O . It. A A. . aad d C, Railroads showed a re porter of the ViA&r this moral oj. the four braatiful cars which srrtwd at the depot la thia city oa Saturday lat froos Wilmlof too. tVIawarv. Carthage Gazttt: We are orry to Vara of the dUastrous fire which co&ramrd. oa the tnorniof of the 5th iot. ta f9 houiw. acrvw aztd 10. CO) pounds of rtl cot loo. brtoarlof to Mrs. i. J. Oil mora. It ia uppoed to hare bca the work of sa iaccadiary. New ILerne Jiurat: Tberc was a serious aray lat T&orJv night at Kioatoa. twtwraa loa Cootabl Iaufh iaho add J. J. Setters, taadsrd keeper N. t. ta which tbe former fos badipr cvt Ka a kaife. while the latter recvi red some tmavy bow oo lh head. Charlotte II om4-Democrat: Tbe (la houaw of Mr. Robert W. McDowrtl la tel Orvck towaah,pv waa buroed oo Frt day. Kovvcabef 3d. shout 3 o'clock V. M.. toevthev with fifteeo or eighteen bales of cotloo. The kas lo Mr. McDowell is a se rious ooe. axnouatiaK to at teaat l.SOD Clayton liuii: In tbe competi tive drill si Tar tor o. between the hdf cocaba Guards aad Um Wash! a (too Uxhl lafsatry. the Jiadt deoded ta fsvor of the former. Aai aow th Washlcrtoo Uiht tafaatry have cballaofrd th drccm Ouartls to 4rUl for a purw of A at Orraovin. N. C rittsboro J4CvnL- Oa last Fri day aa eefta raa iato socaa cars at Gulf aad qaite a scoaah-ep oorurrad. Fortaaale- ty bo pervooa wrre lajared. I lev. wrCiam Walker, of Caaada. has been la vUed to tha rectorship of the Episcopal Chorea here, but ha has not yvt decided wfertaev he artll accept. Tha New Heme Journal is io- f ormed aed by' a rrCJetnaa just from Hyde air that a fatal aray occurred at a cou waditaa' la drrttack tewoahtp on last WedacadaDxbt. A iwax tnan by tha aaxaa of Crea waa marrkd on thai niht, AAd after the marriage cetemooy was over tha crowd ta atteodaaca cot to drlaklof. a row esaard la w&kb a youor man by tha oaxoe of DalUaca was killed aad another whoa name our UfornviM did not learn was mortally woncded, WaJceboro ImUSigtnctr; On Wedaeadar alibi of last week. Mr. W. E. Wliaama. of tha Weavilla vicinity, lost ISCOrond) of seed cotton by fire. Durtax tha ;foor raarf of Its aabrtence, the rXiJw A4TkanaTaI aad MecaaakaJ Asao dalXoa aaa given to tha farmers of this sec Uoa owr five handred dollars worth of AfWrolTrml aiarMsea. above thiea haa dred doara .worth of g naaoa, and more tha Uic thoueaad doUara worth of perl odlwala, avoasly aYHcturat . " ; Toisoot JIom 'J law. weeia tr ww pabUsbedtba fact that Mr. ,17117 it, Tfsii, who Uvea about ooo and ball 45. WILMINGTON, miles west of this place, made eleven avers baks of cotton to a oae horse crop; this week ba famishes us with an item ia retard to bis corn. He informs us that be baa Just fathered from ona acre of land thtneea aad nioa-tenths barrels of corn. Ua baa made 673" bandlea of fodder. 2f ponads to tha bundlet Ha also &ot 8 bushels of peas off of tha saxoa acre and left at least one-third la tha field. Last year ha made fifteen barrels aad two thirds, and foorbnndred aad ninetyelf ht bandlea of fodder. Year before last be made on the same acre 11 barrels of. corn and 017 bundles or fodder, . Who raa beat thia on one acre for three years In succession f Goldaboro Jesaevipev.- We are sorry to so sconce tbafMia. & D. Phil lips has again been stricken with paralysis; aad aha Is now lying ta an unconscious and very critical condition. Enoch Brown, wile murderer, was found anility at Halifax Court last week and Scales ced to the gal lows. The funeral of CapL James F. Jones took plaoa f ram. the residence of J. Q. JJrltt. Esq., ta Greene county, on Wed nesday. The dwelling house of Mr. Psm Boon, residing shoot fire miles from. Magnolia, was destroyed by fire a few oigbte sgo. together with most of the furni ture . The fsmily were absent from home at the lime. Mr. Boon wsa insured for $300. The maav friends of Mrs, J. W. Bry an in this city will be pained to learn that death has bereft her of another sister. Mrs. Nunn. of Kins too, who died on Fridsy night last after a loog and painful illness. Uev. Dr. HUboralefl our city Isst Sat urday for Bockloaham. wber j he preached yeaterdey aad will lecture to night. Tbe rveereod gentleman was much pleased ith Gold bo ro and our people, and we oo the other hand are delighted with him. He goes to New Berne lo lecture la December, when we hope lo have him flop over and give bis lectures on Lee and Jacksoo. THE CITT. : A. B Board wanted. Mcjtsojr 8 j nodical tails. OrtSA HorsE The World. Jonjf T. Schoswaid Clgsrs. Htt5)iiZROKJt Steel engravings. Quo F. TttajtT Tbe finest beef. Wk. Qratsxx Best sauer kraut. Mrs, 9 J. B a arm O real bargains. VasLasa fc YTxa Pianos and organs. M cm Baoa. fc DaRoaiurr Fancy goods aaai Swaa. Receipts of cotton yesterday 701 balea. Plenty of frost and considerable ice yesterday morning. Tbe thermometer in this office regitered M degrees yesterdsy morning at 6 o'clock'. At 9 P. 3L It was 5. Tbe polpitfof tbo First Baptist Church will be filled by our Presbyterian friedds oa Sandsy next. The types made It 7Wwtry ia our last. Mr. Geo. W. Hornemsn.i- L hrsrisa of the Lutheran Sunday School, was one of the peak en at the Luther cele bration Sunday night. Wo intended to say yesterday that the rainfall in September was 14 laches and ta October only 1 Inch. The Signal Observer gives It more correctly aa 16.53 inches lo September and 1.09 inches lo October. .. . Tfcedra Thaawaa. The interest jn the prospective Thomas concert U quite genuine, and the citizens of Wil ml often seem determined to secure the visit of tbe great Maestro. The manager of Mr. Thomas la tee tbtt the organization Dumber sixty attiats. and travels by. special train. It will arrive in Wilmington from Charleston oa the aorolag of tbe concert, snd will not Jea re before midnight, thus guaranteeing a full and complete pro gramma. At least fifty names are neces sary for the guarantee; of which thirty-four are now secured. The raarth Street Jltrkib We notice severs! imprbvementa made to tbe Fourth rUreet Market recently, includ ing tbe partial iactoeure of the top s very ncccAMry precaution la view of the sp proacb of cold weather and the introduc tion of new sash aad lights. Now If the gas lights ware to front of' the utalls. so as to throw the bgbt on the meat, instead of being st the back, everything would be in "hip-shape. Raaweralda. The Msdiaoo Square Company give the beautiful play of "Ksmerajda" at the Opera Houae this eeeolng. Tha Keening Telegram. of New York, says of this popular drama: "The success of "Esmeralda" cannot be doubted. It is a charming story, touching snd skillfully oarraled.snd itisdramstic in the purevt, nay, highest sense Every line is telling, and the Inftrtst in fortunes of tha people Is not allowed to Hag for an instant.' The Wertd. The Canton (Ohio) DaHy has this to ssy of the piece to be pat on the boards at the Opera House oo Fridsy and Saturday next: "The World" was presented la a highly sacccaaf ol meaner, and aa audience never departed from tha Opera Houae better pleaaed than the ona of last night, all corn meotiog on tha great play in the moat com plimentary terms. The actors are good, and some of tho scenes excite Intense inter est." u Tha nsMSSere Bawtlst Chareh. Rev. W. M. Kennedy, we are glad to learn, was recalled lo tbe pastorate of the Masooboro Baptist Church at the last Con ference meeting, oa Saturday evening last. Ha has served tho church faithfully, and tha unsaimUy which characterized the call upon him to continue bis pastoral relations with it, attests tho confidence) and esteem la which he Is held by-ths members. Tkritk. Bishop Geo. P. Tierce, of the Methodist E. Church. South, pasaed through thia city yesterday morning a rwts to Richmond, I l BUboo Karananab In where ba will assist boldlax thm Vlrrlnla Annual Conference. wbkbooBTeaaala'tbat cltj to-day. . i 1 N. C, WEDNESDAY, WIL3ILNGTVX PRESBYTERY Tke Bedr In Seaalast at the Second PreaBvterlam Cnareli. The Presbytery convened at tbe Second Presbyterian ehurch on Monday evening, at halfrpast 7 o'clock, being opened with a sermon by the retiring 'Moderator, Rev. J. & Black, who then formally constituted it by prayer. Tbe roll was called and the following ministers and elders responded : Revs. Duncan D. Black, Colin 8baw, Jamea M. Sprunt, D, D., B. J. Marable, S. H. Ialer, Archibald McFadyen, Alexander KIrklahd. J. R Wilson, D. D., CM. Payne, K. McDonald, J. S. Black, John L Rose, Jr. . Ruling Elders G. R. Carr, J. H. Murphy, Jsmea B. Carr, J, A. Faison, J. O. Player; A- Southerland, Henry Harrison, W. J. Cromartie, D. L Burney. C. H. Robinson, JL McDongall, J. W. Cowan. J. N. Corbet, II. W. Burwell. Tbe calling of the roll completed. Rev. J. M. Rose, of Goldaboro, was elected Moderator, and Rev. Alexander Kirkland Temporary Clerk. Presbytery then adjourned until yester dsy morning, at half put 9 o'clock. MOKXmO SESSION. The Presbytery met at the hour designa ted, snd sfter devotional exercises by the Moderator the regular business was taken up. The committee appointed at the last meeting of Presbytery to prepare a Manual, submitted their report, which was taken up seriatim and adopted as a whole. Certain overtures rent down to rresby tery by the General Assembly were adop ted. Recess was then taken until 3 o'clock P. M. AFTERKOOH SESSION. Upon reassembling after recess the order of the day, "Free Conversation on tbe sub ject of Religion," was taken up. Mr. Alex.-Phillips, of Clinton, after an examination on Experimental Religion, was received under the care of Presbytery, and, on motion. Presbytery proceeded to hik examination fur licenture. Mr. Wm. Newkirk, of Duplin, after ex aml nation on Experimental Religion, was received under the care of Presbytery as a candidate for tbe ministry. At night the subject of Home Missions was taken up and discussed. There is a full meeting in attendance and the session has been entirely harmonious. The Wllnalnctan Lts;ht Infantry. At the usual weekly meeting of the Wil mington Light Infantry Company, Mon day night, there, was one. application for membershiD. As we before stated, this company now haa nearly fifty members, and it is very desirable to swell the mem bership to at least seventy-five, which num ber can be supplied from the present quota of arms. We are glad to know that there is a growing feeling in fsvor of tbe com pany in the community, and we hope the fact will be fruitful of results to its advant age. Wilmington ought to support one first class company of one hundred men, and every business house, every factory, every mill, in fact, every family, should have at least one representative in the com pany. Employers and others should not only be willing to grant this as a favor, but to look upon it in the light of a duty, and be willing to spare such employes the time lo attend the drills and parades and be come proficient in the manual of arms. We know that it is the desire of the offi cers to mske the Wilmington Light In- fantry one of tbe crack companies of the South, and the only thing needed to insure this result, and that ia the very near fu ture, is the active and intelligent co-opera tion of those who should feel the deepest interest and pride in all that concerns the welfsre of the city and its institutions. Financially, the company is on a good fooling, having a very respectable surplus in its treasury. A Flaa Animal. ' Mr. Jsmes W. Southerland has just re turned from a trip to- northern Alabams, with a handsome' bloodefanimal, for which be says he paid f 985. The horse is known by the name of "Abdallah Chief," and his pedigree is given as follows: "Abdallah Chief by Southern Chief, dam Abdallah BelJe, by Gam Elastic; 2nd dam Lady Abdallah (dam by Granville 2.26) by Alex ander's Abdallah, He is in-bred twice to Alexander's Abdallah and twice to Mam briao Chief. " He is a beautiful mahogany bay, fifteen bands and one iDch high, has only been driven twenty-threo times, and it is claimed. that he can beat 3 minutes. He is five years old and said to be of one of the best trotting faroiliea in the United States. -- I, m nrrs Coart.- - David McLaurin, a. colored youth, was called Upon to answer to the charge of throwing rocks upon the streets, one of which struck another colored boy. He was adjudged guilty and required to pay a fine of flOorJbe Jocked up ia the city prison . for.tbirtj diys..f . . . t Fsniy Benton and Josephine Smith, two young colored women, charged -with en gaging in an affray oa Nutt street on Mon day afternoon, were ordered to pay a fine of i3 each or go below for thirty days. nrwea Party. Our friends of the Dorcas Society of. the lilheraCiurcbvwni have their 'Mum Party" at tha Qtf . Hall this evening. In , addition to otber.attraxtiona, the- beautiful frmiggsdaldiv that baa, bee? on exhibi-' W at MrrHelMberger's book and mtiW atcW.iora. ' ffl: - Oo and aea.tba'f in. r- . -Y ' NOVEMBER 14, 1883. The "JHeet" Monday Iflsxht. "Close on the'hdunds the hunters came, To cheer them on the vanisn d game. The WUmlngnFoxClabhad a glori ous time Monday night. . The fox bagged a few days since was turned out near the eastern limits of the city, and after an ex citing chase of an hour through and around Oak dale and Pine Forest -- cemeteries, poor Reynard had to succumb to' "Two dogs of Black St. Hubert's breed. Unmatch'd for courage, breath and speed.' Then came a "drag" , race through the streets of the city, and for two hours or more there was indeed . "music in the air. Many ladies' and gentlemen, besides the members of the club, were out some on horseback, some, in buggies, and one very large and beautiful bevy of fair ones "grouped in an ambulance;" and all seemed to enjoy themselves heartily. . Tbe air was crisp, the "qileen of night'.', was beautiful and bright, and there was nothing wanting to make the occasion one of the most noted in the annals of the W. F. C. The fine dogs John and Nannie, "with ears that sweep away the morning dew," led the pack, .though some of their com panions were no laggards in the. race. Bob Allen, gorgeously arrayed in his nocturnal' skull-cap, was in at the death and captured the fox's tail ; or, speaking after the manner of men, "took the brush"; and in all future chases we may expect to see that "brush" waving, like the "white plume of Henry of Navarre," in the" thick est of the fight. "To wit!" Presbyterian Synod. The State Synod of the Presbyterian Church will meet at the First Presbyterian Church this evening at 7.30 o'clock Min isters - and delegates commenced arriving yesterday. A large attendance is expected, and the session will continue during the remainder of the week. BITEB AN0 MARINE. Br. steamer Carbis Bay, hence, ar rived out yesterdsy. Tne steamer Oov. Worth arrived here from" Fayetteville yesterday, after an ab sence of several months, she takes the place temporarily of the steamer A. P. Hart, which is on the ways here for re pairs.. LIST OF LETTERS Remainingtn the City Postofflce, Wed ocsday, November 14th: A.--J R Addington (2. B -William Brown, Bobt Berton. J B Brown, Ellen' Banks, Charles Bailey (2). C Liucinda Clark, Francis Campbell. D G L Drewitz, Millie Ann Davis, Nelson Davis. G E A Green, Julia Green, T G Graw. H Annie Howard, Frauz Heck, F Holt (2), Rev F. R Howell. Eddie Howell, Lucy Henderson (2), It G Holmes. L Adolphus Lynch, Hans C Lettity, Sallie Lee. . M Annie Mckenzie, James McDawen. N Thomas Nolan. P William H Pone. Wm T Price. R Agnes Richardson; Chancy Roverts, J ii Koe, 1 nomas Keynolds. & F B Satchwell, Hosea Shephard, John Street, John id email, Bailie Ja epooner. W Tho D Wieden, Toney Walker, Sarah Walker, J W Welsh, Evander Wat son (2). . . 1 E. R. Brink. P. M., Wilmington, New Hanover Co.. N. C. city Items PERSONAL! TO MEN ONLY I Ths Voltaic BxxtjCo.. Marshall. Mich., will send Dr. Dtx's CaxxBRATXD Klxctbo-Voltaio Bklts aso Elec tric Arruairoas on trial for thirty, days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, and Manhood, and kind of troubles, ruaranteeing sooedv and complete re- storatlon or neaitn ana rnaniy vigor. Address as -a- . . above, n. a. no nax is incurred, as tmrty days trial is allowed. HOW TO SECURE HEALTH. It seems strange that any one win suiter rrom tne many derange ments brought on by an impure condition of the blood when ROSADA1IS restores perfect health to tne physical organization, xt is, indeed, a stTene-tneninar rvruo. Dleasant to take, and has often proven itself to he the best Blood Purifier ever dtBOovered, effectually curing scrofula, Syphilitic disorders, weakness or the moneys, Erytripelas. Malaria, all Nervous disorders, and Debllitv. Bilious Complaints, and all diseases in dicating an impure condition of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, etc. It corrects indigestion. A aim? le bottle will Drove to you its merits health renewer, for it acts like a charm, especi ally when the complaint is ox an exnaustive na ture, having a tendenoy to lessen the natural vigor or tne Drain ana nervous rystem. THE FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE OF THE NURSERY. The following is an extract rrom a letter written to tne uerman jurormea Messenger, at Chamberabureh. Penn. : A Bknetactbess. Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Winslow will prove the American Florence JNigntingaie or tne Nursery. Of this we are so sure, that we will teach our "Susy" to say, "A blessing on sirs. or neiping ner to . survive ana. escape eolickmar.and teethlna sieve, Mrs. Wixslow's SooTHrMS Stbtjt relieves the child fmm rutin. mires dvsenterv and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces infiammatiomcureswind olio, ana carries uie mians aaieiy inrouga me teething period. It performs professes to perform, every Iml We never seen 2 her only through the preparation of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." lr we had the power we would make ner, aa sne is, a pnysicai saviour to tne miant race, ooiu ur u uruKKisbo. 85 cents a bottle. Wi tttw -HTtPOTtT) OH" LAST MONTH'S DRAWING of The Louisiana State Lottery Company shows a lanre distribution of prizes. The management was entirely In the hands of Gen'ls Beauregard and Early. Tnev announce tnai ncaet no. wow fsold In fifths of fl each), drew the first capital prize of $75,000: one-fifth, ori$ 15, 000, was collect- ed oy Jars, au r. nyor, i non iw mj "br other fifth, or $15,000, by Mr. Thos. Matterface, alike of New York city: also amongst others : Ticket No. 24,434 drew the second capital prise of $35,000, and waa also sold In fifths: one to H. C. viohardson, collected through J. K. Dick A Co.. Bankers of Meadville. Pa.; one to Mrs. L. Wool ery, of Philadelphia, Pa.; one to Mr. M. C. Mit chell, a well known stove dealer, No. S.108 M sc., N. W. . Washington, D. C, etc, etc. Ticket No 59,499 drew the third capital prize of I10.000.sold in fifths, one to Mr. R.M.Flak, Hopkinsville.Ky. ; one to Wm, Jowary, mo. vem w.auuon Bireet, Chicago,. His,; one to Mr. J. J. Madding, of Wash ington, D. C. Nea. 85,058 and 08,442 each drew the fourth capital prizes of $8,000, and sold in in fifths at were all the high prizes and scat tered in all directions. Among others : Mr. Wm. ;H. Ford, of No. 296 Dryaaes St., ana J. a Tur ner, Common and Baronne sts.. New Orleans, La. The next Grand Semi-Annnal - Drawing takes place TOesaay, iwwiudbt iiu, .looo, wiutapiuss frc formation TnTih1n. 15 QOliars ana overwui oe eqanAoiy aiviuou. - . ,1 ' JJ t J J MimdsfjBros. DeEosset, TRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET. ' . . . ike pleasure to announcing that, for the Wed J SJr : !ise I'KaoyMttiJ um. ovi. ., " WHOLE NO. 5056 Weather Indications. For the Middle Atlantic States, cloudy weather and occasional rain, followed on Wednesday night by light snow, southwest to northwest winds rising temperature, followed on Wednesday afternoon or even ing by colder weather and rising barometer. For the South Atlantic States, slightly warmer and fair weather on Wednesday, falling followed in northern portion by rising barometer, variable winds shifting to southwest and northwest. For the Gulf States, cloudy weather, fol lowed on Wednesday afternoon, or evening by occasional rains, winds shifting to north and west, rising barometer and colder weather in northern and western portions on Wednesday. For Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, occasional rain or snow, colder southwest by northwest winds and higher barometer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mum Party. rpHE LADIES OF THE DORCAS SOCIETY 07 St. Paul's Lutheran Church, will hold a' Mum Party oa Wednesday evening, November 14th, -at the City Hall. Refreshments served. Garden Oysters in every style. Admission 10 cents. suwe novuxt Wanteds JJOARD WANTED, IN A PRIVATE FAMILY, by a Single Gentleman. Address nov 14 It A B., -StabOtficb. Samson County Beef. TROVERS OF GOOD BEEF WOULD DO WELL to call at STALL No. fft where will be found The Finest Beef ! ever brought from Samson County. I purchased from Mr. T. L Rackley. Also, FINE MOUNTAIN BEEF ! will be on handlfor four weeks. nov 14 tf GEO. F. TELLEY. VAN LAEB & YATES, DEALERS IN SUPERIOR PIANOS AND ORGANS, MARKET STREET, SOLE AGENTS for Sohmer & Co.. Decker Bro thers, E. Gabler & Brothers, A. Baus & Co. a PIA NOS, and Mason & Hamlin, Geo. Woods, Carpen ter & Sterling ORGANS. as we buy for cash, and know what we bu re can offer to the publio the Lowest Possib Terms, either for cash or on the instalment plan. We also take Second-Hand Instruments in ex change. Organs sold for $5 andJ$10 in cash and $5 monthly. nov 14 D&Wtf Synodic al Suits, J3UT UP IN THE VERY BEST STYLE, In IMPORTED FABRICS At . MUNSON'S, Merchant Tailor and Gents' Furnisher. novl4 It Not Imperial, 2UT?THE BEST SAUER KRAUT TO BE HAD anywhere. Also a well selected stock of FAMI LY GROCERIES at Bottom Figures. Best of DUTCH HERRINGS, at WILLIAM OTERSEN'S GROCERY, aov 14 tf Corner 5th and Market sts. Cigars. 5 AND 10c CIGARS, PURE HAVANA FILL ERS the best now offered. D'RUGS and MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS Of the highest grade, at T. BCHONWALJJ'H nov 14 tf Drug and Prescription Store. Great Bargains ! AT MRS. S: J. BAKER'S .MILLINERY EMPO RIUM. I have been receiving New Goods every week. The Lgdies will find ii to their inte rest to give me a call. The liberal patronage re ceived induces me to sell Goods very low. . All kinds of Stamping and Hair Work done at short notice. ' MRS. S. J. BAKER. nov 14 D&Wtf 122 Market St. Lost! s -M TN ECSTACIES OVER THE NEW AND HAND- some lot of PICTURES Just received. STEEL ENGRAVINGS In endless variety. Plain and Highly Colored In the most artistic style. Just the Pictures for presentation purposes. All, especially those who have been waiting for this arrival, are requested to call early and make a selection, at ' HETNSBERGER'S Live Book and Music' Stores. novl4 tf Goal by Telephone. TELEPHONE NO. 42 WILL FILL YOUR OR DERS for the BEST COAL AND WOOD In Wilmlngjon. Remember No.- 42, The Central Yard, North Water Street. noviotr o. a. srxuxiiujka.-. Brown Stiff Hats ! leading Styles ! HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatters. no" 11 tf Ship Notice. All persons are hereby cautioned inst narnonng or trusting ay oi the crew of the German .Barque ''EMILER," Captain W. Knuth, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Master or JS. PESCHAU A WESTERMANN, - Consignees. nov 13 St Ship Notice. . All persons are hereby cautioned not to trust, credit or harbor any of the Crew of German Brig EXPRESS, Jrtheir contracting will be paid by W. FRBTWURST, - Master Ger. Brig Express. B. PESCHAU A WESTERMANN. nov 11 8t . -t -''Consignees., Z2X. aga w:::.::.":.:;.::-::. ids Z 3W&.""'""--" 2 K ' T 2Jlnth.... 10 00 f w?;4..- Two-Months,. it 00 " " ThreeMontha, ' as 00 .spaaTaar, fit 0TOontraot AdvertlaemenU taken at propor tkmately low rates. .Tea Unas aoUdHonparefl type make ona eqnarv NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIQ-HT ONLY. WEDNESDAY, NOV'Il 14,1883. MADISON (MtUABp THEATRE CO. 'In the beautlfoL North Carolina Play, E S M E'R AL DA. TCT FAMOUS ORIGINAL CAST. Reserved Seats $1.00 and 75c; Admission eoo andSSo. .novl04t OPERA HOUSE. 1 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, XXnv 1 P 1 n and SATURDAY MATTNKE, IXU . ID, if. " J. L. LITTLE, AND HIS SUPERB. DRAMATIC CORPS. IN ni OWN. REALISTIC PLAY. TIfcL "W"03ria.- THE GREAT RAFT SCENE. Reserved Seats $1.0 at DYERS'. Admission 76c and 50o . Gallery 85 cents nov 14 at wed fr sat More Boom. QWTNG TO THE STEADY INCREASE IN MY business, and for the want of more room, I have ran' ed the Store adjoining my prenent one, and enlarged the one I now oooupy. This (rive, me ample room to show my FINK STOCK of HOME-MADE CANDIES. Having engaged an EXPERIENCED CANDY MAKER, of Balitmore, to assist me in the mak ing of my Candles,. I can therefore give tbe pub- lio the benefit of the PUREST, FRESHEST tne ruuKST, fkkshest and FINEST CANDIES in the city. I have three large Show Cast tree Show Cases, containing One Handred and Fifty different kinds of CAN BY, irom wmcn selections can De made. As I am manufacturing for tha Retail Trado only, I can guarantee PURE AND FKBSH GOOD" DAILY. It is not the quantity bat the QUALITY we nave. Receiving by SI DESCRIPTIONS. -Come and see me. No trouble to show goods. MRS, B. WARREN, nov 11 lw 113 and 115 North 8econd St. Fine Free-Hand Portraits ! IN CRAYON OR PASTEL. HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM MT ART STUDIES, 1 wish to Bay to friends of Art and the publio generally, that I have spared nei ther trouDie nor expense m preparing myseir to put forth work A8 GOOD AS THE BE8T in my line;, and I think I have reached a point when I can safely claim the desired result. I respectfully solioit orders for PORTRAITS. Good satisfaction guaranteed. Orders' for Christmas Presents should be sent In early. ORIN T. THOMA8, Artist StTidlo. 119 Market St., nov 8 tf Wilmington, N, C. Clinton, Pt. Caswell & Wilmington R.R. OFFICE SECRETARY & TREASURER, " WILMINGTON, N. C, Nov. 6, 1883. Bids vTJLL BE 'RECEIVED UNTIL THURSDAY, 15th Inst, for Grading the Fourth Section of the Wilmington, Clinton A Point Caswell Railroad, beginning at the Fifth Mile Post and running to the Tenth. Specifications eanbe had of the Engineer,- Duncan M. O'Hanlan, at Point Caswell. J. H. BO AT WRIG HT, nov 7 td Secr'y and Treas. All u i imjxu i ja nuAOW aolii ijuunr, XJ for cash. I will sella large and valuable LOT -W- A TITT-V , T . TT I TtTT t arm k T T V llltflilffl m tne Nortnern part or tne city or Wilmington, commencing in Western line of Third Street 00 feet south of its intersection with Davis Street, and running parallel with Third 8treet 188 feet, and with Davis Street 105 feet, being the Eastern half of Lots 2 and 8 in Block 818. For particulars address H.' McD. ROBINSON Attorney at Law. Fayettevllle. N. C. nao nov4D8wAWim NEW YORK BY DAY AND NIGHT, Gotham By Gaslight. Famous Frauds, The Murderesses of Amei ica, Cupid's Crimes, Mabilie Unmasked. . . Secrets of The Tombs, ' The Mysteries of Mormonism, A 8pangled World. .For sale-only at HARRIS' nov 9 ti News and Cigar Store. SEASON! GOOD FITTING SHOE, EASY AND COM fortable to the foot, made of BEST MATERIAL and in latest style, can be had for a low pMce by calling at onr place of business. Ladies. Misses Boys, Children and Gentlemen supplied. Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET, nov 11 tf THE COMING WEEK We will be getting I n Many New Things ! IN BOTH Carpets and Dry Goods. BLACK ALMA CLOTH MONDAY. r. n. MciirriRE. nov 11 tf C. E. Smith, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 8 A 4 STONE ST., NEW YORK. Liberal advances made on Consignments of COTTON, NAVAL STORES, Ac. Orders for the purchase and sale of contracts for future delivery, ootn in tne new iom umon and produce sxonanges, i , promptly executed. sep4tf Boxing Axes, F OR SALE BY GILES A MURCmsON, 100 and 110 Murcbfeon Block. nov 11 tf Hardware, -yHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WM. E. SPRINGER A CO., Saooessors to John Dawson A 0 , 19. 81 6 88 Market 8trc. novlltf WUmlngtoa. W. Ct Constantly Beceiving, JTW ADDITIONS TO MT STOCK THXJ week. A full line of Gawenmens Saddles and Trunks. Call at the Old. Stand. Ne. 10 South ;noV Utf" ktaLLAKJX