ThtvMorains-Star. f a r- r r 4 :. ; ft : w - ip.t tv. w inS '- Three DayMl. ' I '" Flv Iar. f.i'; U .VT .1 W y v .) ri j Iv I I ,-. I it, I J ri w 1 1" . II t fr;,.i .:. .. . . .Wrf l i ill II, ,11. . imm im.m. it av wa. 'aw. - . sav w ar. m w a - ' Ta tfcf )! iw.a a t MmiM . ft akMUMt " ... im . ...... r ....... rsa ftnu. tr-fAii im r-r. nwm -.&a & arattju to a m. I 1 . . m . MORNING EDITION. ,),! f AWtlui Lia-nia U b bA . , , Jffk J W 0rr. of fUi- n.r. iiiM frm iWM rcidU -von from ur oufMtn i Oct.6r Utt. 1 1 imiltoii of t Maio ft.Mip'd! iVrttot b i, . .! u tli t.rl too is UrU K-tj (4 K.Iio HH AiU for kt ot VI l cri wuri will Utt loa Dwcoaa r, r jt. Ti WAiotoai MtH La ut !f ttiftioq fur .1?.3H1 a Htw atai : nana Ta a aonacTot of ta -m-rrt. aiai'i lterwr as tinywi tax CWtilif flu lrt.i umt CX ciMnaf f it 4pM i A rH0 1f RiJt. 1 :tt. Ta Htmat jlo t Uta 4"ni j-Hit .'.-iin. U prispwrtj aai anTj lmxa r- rMportwl A ftl $m fia at t'i.wft. Wia. i a.t. ar a a 'u-i.wl. Xw Yarifc ariU. Uo7 J5l .r runt.. euUoa Una ! tt T tni ; ) t4 matj u!'ir Suf cMir at f : : 7 cr, ia(fijMl 8(H t233. rnaia ( t 3)CJt 71; ptfU trpa:iav n N- York ppr jftr Uy pp"" th i2wti for tb- ifov- A poof girl, joJ ribto at l r.tburif. PmtMy lvat&. tot)k ber .f- hc.:i-M of th eruel trratmrot of hr brothrt. lit EnLn! 2i,oco jhotjjrph of Miff An.lro h fcxco oLJ. Sbe r . brq Ckn in a pbotorph ctgbt it. l tlif-, nJ i. of hnic an. yrh .iii?-t aanooec f Rn. Dr. ilcFrnn. "i. no thai th fir', div We p p i ' - h W .1 -to5 orm-t !tbouj;b contra- n aJN wiH no. aJIar thr rr mnni of tS lamnti PrvKiQt, Abf ihtm I.tatfoln, to b uo.litirlv"l, . frtrwl bJ to raxf tbm. A prominent (Jrraf l HKjbarj .iviiUfcUil with th V r Drp-rt mul, Ajf Grtnnj cta pat 000 m in ih dli ift lhrr ck. Tb n;rw" toooJ ih IVmo eritH prtJc-inon n Ilu.-hmonl Oa or two proin wrw hit ni pinfol- iajri. Tb AttAci ovcarrr.l trAl pouu tb nnrch Th Liwat. (i'twlf. imappoH! U b Iomc in th Arctic rwos t of no kin t. lfrvw trUy. bo pIt bU aim iil?arntl y. Th o&cr cotn ai.nJti nro truopi u tb Ut w r. Col. C D. Vrdf. chMtxan of tba IUpabtiea But Eirtttitr Comtnit of VirjtaU, tj that Mbon h.v not op bat U atronjfer nJ mow d(lat tkn r. Will won irt nvr cmF f ! h uor of th ttaff to Job Kil aajt it i no trw thai h will rtu. ."Wnr to br it. If h woti ont j jjp with ot.l !jo and IUTIU M. op 8x1 1 flir what a rt I if t th eiat7iJ woaH bw. lt lh !Vim)rtii fttrtM& A 8nv!i cmf, ,-fr, ftij aoi fof nothiag.' Accortliojf tj liruMirnt ' tb cot ton nilU ia th Soath caada bat lit tl eaon7 dario; th pl twU months and all bcaa. lh tlainod wa Uoaitax! aal tha pric war Jow. Of coaraaj with grratar damand and wklar niArktU thr would hrm bn bighr pric. Dr. J. JJarioa Sicaj wa a naiire of Soath Carina a, i learn from a Georgia txe&aagw. U wi dta tlajpxishaxS both U Pari and ia N'aw Tort II had baxa grvati j honored by aanroaj eron4 heads and dt rrtd It aod bad pailcata th world c-fr. Il vaa of ih Tiry firtrt rank ia hi proftMioa. . II via bent in ISU. mfii mi 1 1 aa aannae fter VOL. XXXIII . NO. If old Bo Bailer wrote hit Thxxxkrgiixng proclamation Harrard College ottgbt to male-amend at oncm bj taiklog him D. D. What coM b more piooj than tbii: La arrar oo taai balk ad overflow of bUaaJaf raTsaaabcr tba poor aod lowly wbo eoar t dpfirvd of ibero. and rira aad Boaka basor accorttiar to bU aboo- daAa aai tboj 00 tbat daj cbrer tba hart aod qakkra tba rratftode of trtrj uca oa, for how eaa aoj rvfrala fma tbaaka to ll!si when pautakiajr of Flia biMaiat? Let awry oea ba marry aod tairtb f u 1 wi:b awry laaoccot port aod paHMnr. rajoaciajc tbarrby ta lb (oodaraa or lh1 P. aball all on tat!fr to tbe rtofy of tba Falbr. wbo ia !IU prori- daca btb cma tba eartb br iorro for tb fatnr. trrai boni tba arm of tba Ua.a. tujtd tba trtapt from Cibrrror o a3 mercbaaU. ril up tba poor aod lowfy. aa4 ordiad aa apwni prorraa of tba pafoph add girvt tbana power to tbe aod ia dim tuna of f!i proaidace to ob Uia jsaca aa4 eqoai ribf for all mo " Mr. John N. Staple, of Grrn-b-oro, r among the speaker at the tlichmood (V-) jo'lr. He apoke well aod we rr-gret to a him so ear-neat in hurrahing for free wbia key and "frw cbtat." He wanla th ixi on the choice laxnne re pa!rdL Capt. Jaxne Barron Hope, th poet editor of the Norfolk Land mrky made an caracal ..and eloquent pjch that w freuenlly applaa dad. II ahowei cooclaairely that howevar gracofalljr and pointedly and ably and practically he od bia editorial pen that he alto had a tongue that conld "draw audience till night and that waa barbed witb winded word. . Her are aome error on the aecood page that ware orerlooked in the proof by the printer or by the proof reader: In tbo article 00 "lg4," at nearly the c!o for 'mrrey will Aav4" read "Uac4.n ThU wu cor rected. For "ProVtiooiu'read "Iro- fvtioatata in the thtrd com ran. In the paragraph concerning the Attor ney General for "irrifcn read wrif- Spirits Turpentine The TMtht'n Imdtm ta pnbliabed at I.fU.'ita on tbe Raleirb !t Outoo Road tnmt wbr tba Halifax aod Warrm lioca toia Mr. Job a W. Ukka U the editor Vfe hope ba will be laatalaed. Greenville IUittctor: While ealiof oyatera dowa at tbe wbarf Wedoea- day. Capa. rjroo opaoad ooe of tbe bt vairee aod fooad Iwealy ore nearla ta it. Tbe pearla are J1 ef jnrxi qaalitr. aod t p rtyroo aar a wooia 00 1 ie a for tbeca. Tai ta a moat remarkabia flod. Kdantoo KTiftT: Kdenton ia bwrecoiag a hotter rottoa market tbao tbe f orVhTO citia. Il will oet more here tbaa a Soft cXX. The taw mill of Mr A. If. Wbluromb. of Riiabetb City. uik fir N-al S o'clock oa Tu:iay morn tut aa1 wma totally daatroyed. Moat I tbe IuaNr w Mmt Tbe Ore la ur piMU to kae been areideetal New Berne Journal: Mr. Bryan Laee. a ritisrov of thia couaty wb lirea near CuoC4. wnl wi(b a trrfc) ml fortune laat Siurdr oitji ia tbe buroiog of bia bar. ioclltojr oioa baica of cutloo aod ail taw euro b bad boMked. It la tboucbl to be lb work ef aa Uceediary. TbU i tbe croad aaiaoataoe of tbia kiod Mr Iaoe hs bad wtt bia a few year, biedweiiicf bvio bra buroetl not maay year aiace. Charlotte Otnercrr: Mr. W. Mooca a graduate ot Davidwo CoJlege, aad far avcoe Dm a teacber io cHeel Creea, tbua cowety. bet eaorv receaUy of Waibaila. A f . baa acrrpted a proVwombip ia Aoa- tia Coif Hbarmaa; Tesaa, aod paaard tbroufb Cbarlotia yratrruay 00 bta way to bia aew borne. We bare it from food aatbority Lbet amofeaeoU are aireiy bwa! male foe a rad ecamp mat f tbe Uvard. at nana Sprtojca. ttt laaaar. Tbe eocampearvl will rua tbroub ta day, aad eeery member 0 tbe Guard wtll b paid by toe $Ule tbe aaave wagei pwr day taat be would bare received by ttajiaf at borne. Oxford TotxAlijhi: Ker. Dr. Baird aa aeveptad tbe caJl to Stephen cbarcb aod eatered upoo be datie. Tbe preach la f of Ree. Mr. tlatooa here baa beca a rka aarraat tadeed, 70 perauoa bartoe made a prof aaaioa 0 reliioo ; 31 bare been rerHvw loto lb Partial cbarcb, 77 barixix brrn baptiwd 00 Friday ereolof iaaL We kaao that work 00 tbe Ridftway aod Richmond road ia beioe dooe ia tba beat of atyle aod ia atcadily eoo'via forward. Tbe rradiae on tbe CUrtjriTTe aad Tryt-nile road Is oow w Lib ia oq mie of Ilaoe river, aad tbe gr dia 00 tbia aide eeceaaary for aa aolraace tato CUxk jvtUa ia almoat completed. It doe act take nruch foraaugbt to aee that lb la road will oo it taai o loog after Croat ia Lb river la Clarkrville. CITIT. nnw a o TitxaTi s rxts. Mcaso Shirt, etc Sua, Bau. Keep wsrto Orsaa Uovaa MilLoa NobU. Haixsaasvoaa fkrei eagraviags. Tartoa's BaxaaaIm masse stock. Par&jcio Ctoaaa For saJ everywhere. Mean Baoav ADaRoeaarr Garden seed niisess IVetslee. Monday alht next "A Haa 9f the Peo pW" wiU b prttaenUd at Lb Opera House by MJ too Nobis aad compaoy. Th On eiaaaU Rnyirir says that thU play -la aot oaJy laiaasa la ita thwJHa latercat. bat 1 caJcalaled to do rood to society at large. W bar before had the pleaaur of odaavnrtax 'o do aome Joatice to Mr. NooW'coosmmai sklB a aa actor loth Um shkh be haa created fsvMsnaalt Xast aight h ranswed hi karsls v aad added fraaJk ooe fa en or two. phase ot hi sfiarcfdaf paiho. la sttoaxloca diSertol froaa wbat wi Lav seen before." 17. ;wmnNGTON, n. o., Friday, November io, i883. LaheaJ CMta, Cool weather yeaterday. " -ReceipU of cotton yesterday 933 bale. Sale 400 bale. Copiea of the Stab are Vept.on ale at Harris oewt depot aod at the Pur cell noose- We are afraid oar visitors will have 14 weather duriojc the remainder of their tay here. We are glad ta learn that the "mum party" of oar Luther a friend waa a bif ucccas. The horse of tbe Little Giant Fire Eoglae Compaoy are befog drilled witb tbeir new drop Lame. - Jamca A. Lowrey haa opened a carriage and repair ahop oppoaite the City Hall. 00 Priaccaa trect. Nothing dc6nite ha yet been beard from aoy of tbe priaonera wbo broke Jail bere 00 Friday caoroiog laaL Charlotte is gloating over tbe arrival of tbe Carolioa Central pay train, uodcr command of Capl. W. N. Bowden. The November meteor are about due. A "shower" was expected last oigbt. but tba aky was oUacured witb clou-la Egg coDlioae loo high for the average bouackeeper to reach. Wbat ia tbe maiicrf Tbey are now retailing at 90 cent per doxrn. Tbe magistrate complain that they oevr knew it so dull ia tbeir Hoe. Tbere a real epidemic of good behavior prevailiog . There waa a better feeling in cottoo yesterday, witb ao advaoce of a liteeotb Spirits turpeotloe also bad an uowtrd tendency. The "last remains" of the late street railway, "burkd" on Market street. io tba shape of a foundation for the track, were takeo op yesterday. We learn that Rev. Dr. Pntch ard la amoog the xtamber expected to lec ture uoder tbe auspice of tbe Wllmiogtoo Library Association the present season. Not a single case for the Mayor yeaierday morn log. except ooe poor tramp, wbo was lodged for the oigbt sod tbco sent to buol for otber aod" more iavil log fields. The member of Synod te- ceivcd ao invkaXioo, through Rev. W. 9. Lacy. Staled Clerk, to diak aoda and min er .il waters ad tt&Tva at tbe fountain of Uraars. iluod Dro. & DeRosset. Tbe large iron safe of the Car olina Ceo lr 1 Railroad Compaoy was suc cessfully removed from their late rooms, in tbe Murcblson building, to the new offices of the compaoy on Front street It was a big Job. Hawlr1a at Larlafcrt;. A shocking morder occurred at Laario burg no Tueaday night last, about II o'clock. It aocms tbat a row originated in a bar room 00 Mala street between a young colored mia named Charles Warren sod two otber colored meo (brothers) named Joon aod Mardocb Malloy. coocevaiog aome couolArfcit money. The quarrel was floslly adjourned from the bar room to a ball room ou tbe opposite side of tbe street, where a dance was going 00. aod where tb dispute aaaumcd a more serious aspect Fioally John Malloy dealt Warren a blow witb a hatchet, aod Murdoch followed op tbe deadly aaaanlt by stabbiog tbe uofortu oa'.e mao io tbreo separate places with a koife Warren lingered uotil Wednesday moroiog. about 4 o'clock, when Heath put ao cod to his loCeose sufferings. The two Mlloy escaped, aod up to last accounts bail oof beeo beard from. Cbarlie Warren. I be murdered maa. was a loadng character, originally from Atlanta, but more recently from Charlotte, and was aged about 18 years. Tbe Malloy a are bar bers, aod bad a shop 00 Main street Iswimb sTatr. The following is a list of the marshals appointed for tba apprpeehiog Fair of tot Sampeoo Couaty Agricultural Society, which take place at Clinton on the 5tb, 61b. 7lh aad 8th .of December: Chief Mar shal. Jamea T. Murphy; Assistant Mar ahsja. E. W. Kerr. M. J. Herring. D. M. Peterson. Oeorre Marable. n. L. Ostcs. J. A. Steven. W( B. Stewart, D. C. Pattcr- aoo. Joseph Faiaon. Ben R. Owen. James F. Moore, W. K AJten. L. Richardson, Cbv1 Co- Wm. L. nill. Chs. Worth, Tho. Radcliffe, James Williams. Ta Warlal. Tbia plsy will be tbe attraction at tbe Opera House this aad to-morrow evening. It Is spoken of by the Lebanon (Pa.) Tim aa follows: The World" la Its scenic effect and Blot Is the best drama produced In Fisher's a3 this season. Everybody was delight ed with It, The plsy is one of the spec tacular order, ana Its scenic beauties have never beet) surpassed in Lebanon, aa waa folly demonstrated tn its receat production. It abonodata thrilling -sketcbe and from the riagiar op-of the curtain to the close of the performance the Interest In the play doe aotflag." f- Perse-sial. We had the pleasure of a call yesterday from Mrs. 8. VL MooUgue, of Richmond, wbo 1 here canvassing for "Soldier Life in the Army 'of Northern Vlrg1nIa,," a very popular work by Mr. Carlton McCarthy, of lb IUchmoad.DowlUex. Mrs, Mon tague is a life member of the Virginia . Hia torkal Societyand la also Agent for that body laclndlog tb Endowment Iuad. Mrs. Montague IM A lady of refloement and loteingenc and brings leUers of recom meadaiioo;from leading Virginians. . . , . : .-, -.. . ... . . v .., .... . , ' '.T"' ,50 ' ' ' ' ' TRESBTTER1A2T SYtfOi aaaiUanaJ Earollsnent of siembe atauaaUsur. Cpaasmlttee AnaotMseed Reports xrern Praabytertea StaUaU . eal Blattera Commltteea Appointed -4aUk Sesioola Adareaaaav, Ac : Special Btar Saport. 8ECOITD DAT. '' The Synod met at 9:30 A. M., and was opened with prayer by the Moderator. Af ter the reading of the minutes, additional enrollment of members was made. Presbytery of Oranjr F. P. Venable, Chspel Hill. Presbytery of Concord M. L. Barn hardt, Norwood; D. W. Lowrance, Prosr pect Presbytery of Fayettevjlle Rev. Joseph Evans, W. J. fimith. Bluff; M. E. Dye, FsyettevUle; J. F. McNatr, Laurel Hill; Dr. D. McBryde, Shoe neel ; K. Natheson, Ben Salem. Presbytery of Wilmington I. R. Fai aon, Uuion; A. H. Perry, White Plains. Presbytery of Mecklenburg Rev. N. M. Woods, Rev. F. L. Lee per. Rev. J. J. Kennedy. Rev. R. A. Miller. Col John E. Brown, First Church, Char lotte; D W. Oates, Second Church, Char lotte; John M. Houston, Hopewell; J. M. Huffttetler, Union; A. O. Re id. Matthews; 8. R Williams. Monroe; J. S. Morrison, Polkton. Tbe Moderator announced Lhe standing com mi Uees: BUls and Overtures Neill McKay. D. D.. J. JL Wharey. J, S. Black. J. R Hutcheson, Joo. D. Currie. Judicial Committee J. Rumple, D. D., J. P. Gammon. 8. H. Isler, David Whar ton, Neill McDonald. Address to the Churches James 31. Sprunt. D. D.", K. M. Mclntyre, T. J. Alii soo.-E. P. Penick. Jno. G. Potts. Systematic Beneficence Jas. P. McPher 00, Jas. C. Alexander, P. P. Winn. M. Ferguson, J. T. Plsyer. Minute of General Assembly Roger Martin, O. L. Cook, D. J. Craig, R A. Knox. G. S. Carr. Union Theological Seminary W. A. Wood. D. D., Jno. M. Rose, Jr., J. W. Primrose, D. L. W. Robinson. A. F. Steven. Treasurer's Report W. H Michal, Robert Bingham. J. H. Coble, J. K. Gra bam. W. J. Cromartie. Report of Trustees of Synod E. F. Rockwell, D. D., James McQueen, W. F. Thorn. R C. Rankin. J. W. A. Kerr. Devotional Exercises j. R Wilson. D. D., C M. Payne, Geo. Chadbourn, Alex. Sprunt Statistical Reports S. M. Smith. L. K. Glasgow. B. F; Marable, J. P. Smith, R. S. White., Synodical Records Jno. S. Watkins, David Fairlsy. Thos. McConnell. Leave of Absence Martin McQueen, S. L. Wilson, A. W. White, J. P. Flanigan, J. W. Cowan. Various reports from the several Presby teries were then called for and appropri ately referred. An overture from the Pres bytery of Mecklenburg waa also read in quiring whether an alternate appointed by a church session could take a seat as member of Presbytery, when the principal had reported present and enrolled, but had then absented himself. It was referred to the committee op Bills and Overtures. Rev. Dr. Wilson announced that Rev. Dr. Wood, of 8tatesville, would preach to night Tbe Report of the Trustees of Union Theological Seminary was read and refer red to the committee. This institution is under the" control of tbe Synod of North Carolina in conjunction with the Synod of Virginia. The report presented the work of the past year and the present condition, aod was hopeful and encouraging. A sup plemental report stated the resignation of Rev. Dr. Dabney, the election of other professor, aod the present outlook. The matter will be brought prominently before the Synod during itssession. Rev. W. .W. Moore, of the Synod of Kentucky, and now an assistant instructor in Union Seminary, was invited to a seat as a corresponding member and was receiv ed by a standing vote of the Synod. The reports of the Trustees and of the Treasurer of Synod were received and ap propriately referred! Orders of the day were taken for the re ports of the various Synodical Agents. . The msjor part of the morning session was taken up with the report of the com mittee on the Standing Rules of Synod. Tbe revision was approved, and tbe recom mendations of the committee, aftr amend ment and discussion, were adopted. These require the election of a Stated Clerk and of Synodical Agents every three years. Quite a discussion sprang op on the effect of this action, whether the terms of office were not thereby vaca ted, and after some action arid reconsideration a committee was appointed to draft a minute covering tbe matter in -question. The committee on Statistical Reports re ported In part, announcing the death du ring the year of Rev. T. P. Johnston and Rev. F. P. Harrell. of the Presbytery of Concord; of Rev. R A. Wailea of the Presbytery . of Orange, and Rev. W. M. McGilvary, of the Presbytery of Mecklenr burg.' " The following committee were ap pointed to draft suitable miniates touching the death, of these minister: On the Rev. R A. Wailes Rev. J. N. H. Sammerell and Robt C. Rankin. On the Rev. .W. M. McGilvary Rev. W. S. Lacy and Col.' John . Brown. " On the Eev.'P P. Harrell Rev. J. Ramsay and D. W. Lowrance. On the ReyHT..Pr, Johnstoa Rev. S. F. Rockwell, Dv, D.anrj R. Aj J&iox. . It was made the.order of the day to hear Major Roberi Bihghain this "evening after public worship,' concerning the i interests of Davidson College.- : , - Winston was chosen, ..after a . handsome little speech from the Moderator nomi nating this point, as the place for holding the' next meeting of Synod. Twelve hu&dred copies of the Minutes of the" current session of Synod were ordered to be published.- The Synod also approved the docket as prepared by tL "vated Clerk and mailed to the ministers and churches and ordered the preparation . of such docket for succeeding meetings of Synod, and that the expenses be payed by the Treasurer. Rev. J. -Rumple, O. D.: was chosen Synodical Agent of Education, in place of Rev. L. McKmnon, removed' from, the Sypod. Dr. Rumple was requested to pre pare a report on this subject. In the afternoon, Rev. L. C. Vass, the Synodical Agent of Sabbath Schools, made an interesting report on this subject. - A' resume of the work of the year indicates in every particular gratifying increase, both in interest and work accomplished. Mr. Vass -reported 154 schools, with 1,841 teachers and 10.418 scholars; 342 scholars have been received into the Church. The contributions for school purposes, were for school,purposes $ 2,373, and for benev olence $1,269. This work of the schools of the Church awakened much interest. On the subject, Rev. Roger Martin, of Shoe Heel, made extended and earnest re marks, approving the resolutions, urging the attendance of older people with their children, and the critical and spiritual study of the Scriptures, and commending the holding of Presbyterian Sunday School Conventions. Rev. J. W. Primrose also made an inter esting address on the subject. Remarks were also made by Rev. Messrs. Evans, Winn, Rev. Dr. Rockwell and others. The trend of discussion was in the direction of stricter parental training and diligent con trol. After discussion, the resolutions were adopted. It was ordered that tbe Stated clerk have the earlier records of the Synod copied; the original records then to be deposited for safe keeping in the archives of the Presby terian Historical Society. Synod receded from business till after public worship in the evening. After divine service, Major Robert Bing ham, Superintendent of the Bingham School, made an address, presenting speci ally the Davidson College Improvement Society, but treating, with exceeding naivete, greatly enjoyed by the Synod and the audi ence present, with" much force and origi nality and in striking and sententious man-' ner, of the need of higher culture, and the special advantages and necessities, of Davidson College- His scriptural allusions and quotations often were telling, andwerjs evidently keenly relished by the Synod. Major Bingham is a man of cosmopolitan views; aggressive, energetic broad and lib eral. His address was listened to attentive ly to the very close, and was backed by large experience and wldebb"-? .tion. His work for education in the Slate, apart from his own private enterprise (of such marked success) in normal schools, teachers' institutes, and educational associations, gave his opinion great weight. - His com mendation of Davidson College as a Pres byterian institution of high merit was in telligent and sincere. He claimed for it a position not equalled by any denomination al institution south of the Potomac. An immediate effort was made in behalf of the Society, and nearly four hundred dollars at once raised. Synod ad journed till to-day,at 9.30 A.M., and was closed -with prayer by Rev. D. D. McBryde. Synod Notea. Among the delegates in attendance upon the sessions of the Synod of North Caro lina are many whose names and influence are held in high esteem prominent in lit erary and educational circles, as well as-ecclesiastical and religious. Col. W. J. Martin, Professor in David son College; John B. Burwell, Esq., Prin cipal of Peace Institute one of the Tem pory Clerks of the Synod; Major Robert Bingham, Superintendent of the Bingham School; Professor F. P. Venable, of the University of North Carolina, and others are in attendance on the sessions of the Synod. Among those well known in business and political circles, who are drawn to this city by the meeting, of the Synod, are Jesse H. Lindsay, Esq., of Greensboro; Col. W. H. Michal, of Lincolnton; Col. John E. Brown and D. W. Oates, Esq., of Char lotte; D. P. McEachern, Esq., of Robeson, (the Scotch Senator from his county in the Legislature) ; and - E. J. . Harrington, Esq. , of Moore county, who has also represented his county. " Rev. W. A. Wood, D. IX, of StatesviUe, preached at the First Presbyterian Church last evening, his theme being the character of Saul, the King of Israel. His style is simple and clear, his manBer without dis: play, and his thought fresh and striking. A large congregation was in attendance. n" . .... TIsltLna tbe Schools. ' " Maj. Robert Bingham, bf the Bingham School, who Is here ifi attendance upon the 'sessions of Synod, visited the various gra ded schools of our city yesterday, under superintendence 'of Prof. Efoble, and ex pressed himself as' well pleased with what he sawand especially with the evidences of proper discipline and good order which , were presented, ' WHOLE NOi 5058 Weather Indication. The following are the indications for u day : For the Middle Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather with light sn"ow in nrhr ern portions, winds shifting 4cf west and northwest, generally, colder . weather and falling followed' by rising barometer." For the South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather and light local rains, north to west winds, stationary or slight fall in temperature, followed by rising barometer on Friday and light local rains in southern portion. For the Gulf States, fair weather in north ern portion, northerly to easterly winds, stationary or slight fall in temperature in eastern and central portions, rising tem perature in west portions and rising fol lowed in western portion by falling ba rometer. For Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, fnir weather, northwest to southwest winds becoming variable, colder weather and rising barometer in east portions,, followed onJFriday by rising temperature and falling barometer in west portions. Military. .-r Applications for membership in the Wil mington Light Infantry are being handed in, and the prospect now is that the com pany will soon have its ranks increased to the proper proportions. By the way, we learn that a grand mili tary ball.i8 being talked of as probable in- the near future,. which will be expected to eclipse anything of the kind that has come off in Wilmington in a loDg time.. Wicked burglars on Sunday morning last robbed the residence of Rev. Edward Wootten, of Statesyille, who mar ried a lady of this city, having forced the shutters. . They stole Mr. Wootten's watch and purse, with $10.25. RIVER AND MARINE. Nor. barque Nord Amerika sailed from Cadiz for this port Nov. 8th. Rus. barque Atlanta, Nybefg, sailed from Maryport Nov. 12th for this port. CITY ITEMS HOW TO SECURE HEALTH. It seems strantpe that any one will suffer from tbe many derange-, ments orougnt on Dy an impure condition or the ! blood when ROSADA1IS restores Derfrct health ' to the physical organization. It Is, indeed, a strengthening syrup, pleasant to take, and has often proven itself to be the best Blood Purifier ever- discovered, effectually ourlng Scrofula, . Syphilitic disorders, Weakness of the Kidneys. Erysipelas, Malaria, all Nervous disorders and Debility, Bilious Complaints, and all diseases in dicating an impure condition of tbe Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, etc. It corrects indigeetion. A single bottle will prove to you its merits as a health renewer, for it acts Jike a charm, especi ally when the complaint is of an exhaustive na ture, having a tendency to lessen the natural vigor of the brain and nervous system. THE FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE OF TEE NURSERY. The following is an extract from a letter written to the German Reformed Messenger, : at Chambers burgh, Penn. : . ABeukfactbess. Just' open the door for her, and Mrs. Wlnslow will S rove the American Florence Nightingale of the fursery. Of this we are so sure, that we will teach our "Susy" to say, 'A blessing on Mrs. Winslow" for helping her to survive and escape the griping, colicklng, and teething siege. Mbs. WiNBLow'a Soothinb Strup relieves the child from pain, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces inflammation, cures wind colic, and carries the infant safely through the teething period. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, every part of it nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. Winslow know her only through the preparation of her "Soothing . Syrup for Children Teething." If - we had the power we would maice ner, as sue is, a pnysical saviour to the infant race. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. OBITUARY. DR. J. S. ROBINSON. Died, at Elizabethtown, Friday, 9th November, 188 Db. JAMES S. ROBINSON, eldest son of tbe late Dr. H. H. Robinson. , Forty-five years ago, in Bladen county, the sun roseon the infant face of James S Robjnson ; a few days since that same sun set on the grave of his manly form. From infancy sto childhood, from boyhood to manhood, amid joys and sor rows, in health and in sickness, in life and in death, Dr. James S. Robinson was hated by none, was respected by all, and . was loved by many. Nor was it a common love, confined to brothers who adored him, and a sister and wife who idol ized him ; but many loved him as few -love strangers. Graduated from. two medical colleges of repu tation, engaged from the first in a-large practice, Dr. Robinson was a physician of unusual ability. He inherited from his family, among whom were and are so many distinguished physicians, medi cal taient 01 a nign order, ana ne cultivated suo- cnmfnllv nature's ffift. Whether in the hospital, administering to the torn ana mangiea limns or ittnteaerate soldiers, ry in Ha nnmVtlo rtrifto era o rlnn1inAnnAn Phoeltw'a or in the humble cottage attending upon Charity's sick, or in the bed-chamber of wealth, earning his professional fee, Dr. Robinson was that rarest of men, the same. Unselfish to a fault, charitable beyond human, generous in excess of his means, the subject of this indifferent tribute to his memory early won and to the last retained more of love and less of enmity than any ever known by the writer. Of him friends may well realize, that the God, who made such a man, has claimed him for His own. All the sad and long day on which his remains lay in nis nome. cauers or every age, irom umia maiden to more composed matron, from fright ened youth to saddened and' sorrowed old age, paid him respect by a tearful look at him they loved him bo well. Many an historic hero has died over whose grave fewer tears were shed. The river bank, hi? native Cape Fear, along whose edges he had played in boyhood and whose waters had mingled its murmurs with his happy laugh bf "auld lang syne," was thronged with people of all conditions and color, who had followed the coffin bf their friend to the steamer "North State," which bore his remains to Wil mington, where ethers of his kindred had pre ceded htm to Oakdale Cemetery. The high esteem in which the departed was held in Wilmington, where he had formerly prac ticed medicine, was manifestly shown by the large concourse of people who followed him to his grave. In Wilmington he was buried, last Sabbath afternoon. The city, that gave him his bride, has given him a grave. But a few years ago, in Carolina's "City by the Sea," he stood at the matrimonial altar; to-day, in his windiDg sheet, he reposes in her Cemetery. The beautf . ful affection and faithful nursing of him, in his last .sickness, by that former bride have proved her well worthy to be his present grief stricken widow. May the God, who has reoeived the one, in His Own good time, aecept the other; and may they and their kindred yet meet in that Heavenly home, where deaths and partings are no visitors, is the sincere tope of One Who Loved Hiar. Fayetteville Observer and Raleigh News and Observer please copy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Patricio ! a Cigars ! 5 Cents ! FOR SALE EVERYWHERE, nov lStf Starts. JAUNDRIED AND UNLAUNDRTED. Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Scarfs, Flats, Knots, r. Gloves, Half-Hose, Suspenders, , As well as the best of CLOTHING, J At ' MUNSON'S, nov ie W Front St. (ON W Contract A&reraaemtmtM uxma propor TmUneaaoIldyonpartypin!akoiqTiArr NEW ADVyrSKMgNT OPERA HOUSE. JT-KLUAY, SATURDAY, : v -...Ili tn and SATURDAY MA.TINXX, J Q 1 0 1 -aa- J. I. LITTLE, AND mST SUPERB DRAMATIC CORPS, IN HI - OWN REALISTIC PLAY. T1l& "W;orld. THE GREAT RAFT SCENK. Reserved Seats $1.0 at DYKR8. Admission 750 and 6O0 . Gallery SB cents nov 14. St wed fr sat OPERA HOUSE . ONE NIG-HT ONLY. - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 12 10TH YEAR. IOTH TEAK. The Eminent Comedian and Dramatist, MILTON NOBLES, And his famous Company of Comedians. MONDAY, NOV. 19TH, the Powerful American Melo-Drama, In Pour Acts, written by MILTON NOBLES, entitled A MAN OF THE PEOPLE, MILTON NOBLES in his famous character crea tion of JACK RYDER. No ckrad so dark but sun doth shine behind i. ; No wretch so lost but in bis Inmost breast There burns a spark, let gentle lore bat find It And warm to life, will make the finder blest. Seats on sale at Dyers'. Prices as usual. nov!6 3t . Keep Warm ! "DLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! SOO PAIRS 10-4, 11-4 and 18-4 BLAITKETj', purchased at the largest Trade Sale ever held in America, and now offered for less than Manufacturer's prices. .CARPETS ! Just reoeived a fall line of Car pets, Matt'ng and Rags. CLOTBINU ! CLOTHING ! Overcoats, Suits, Evenlnr Gowns, Card lean Jackets, Underwear, Laundried .Manhattan and Keep's Unlanndrled SHIRTS. . ' Full line of Rubber Coats and Gossamers, Hats, Caps and Shoes. Goods shown with pleasure, and bargains gua ranteed to Retail and Wholesale purchasers. who are cordially welcomed always. Call and see me. Respectfully, SOL. BEAR, nov IB tf 20 Market St. RETURNED! HAVING PURCHASED An Immense Stock ! In the Northern Markets, I am now prepared to show some of the FINEST AND LATEST 8T5TLES OF Millinery and Fancy Goods ! The prettiest line ever seen In this city. Consisting of IMPORTED AND DOMEST.C NO VELTIES; and I cordially Invite all the Ladle to call and see at Our Grand Opening ! To take place on MONDAY, TUESDAY A WED NESDAY, Nov. 19tb, 80th and 21st, at Taylor's Bazaar. 118 Market St. P. S. Every Lady presented wl h a MEMORAN DUM BOOK SLATE. nov 10 tf Lost! JN ECSTACIES OVER THE NEW AND HAND some lot of PICTURES Just received. STEEL ENGRAVINGS In endless variety. Plain, and Highly Colored in the most artistic style. Just the Pictures-for presentation pnrpof es. All, especially those who have been waiting for this arrival, are requested te call early and make a selection, at HEINSBERGEK'S Live Book and Muslo Stores. nov 16 tf Garden Seed. TO PURCHESERS OF GARDEN SEED WE OF fer inducements. Our Seed are ALL FRESH, having 1nst arrived from Philadelphia, AND WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. White and Red Onion Sets. Truck Gardeners call on us for fig ures. MUNDS BROS. A DaROSSET, nov 16 It Seed Dealers, Market St. . Tame Deer. TTANDSOMB PAIR OF TAME DEER FOR SALE. Apply to J. D. JOHNSON. Bladenboro, N. C nov 15 3t T AND 1 LAND J-ON REASONABLE TERMS for cash, I will sell a large and valuable LOT Sty1 in tbe Northern oa of Wilmington. commencing ia Western line of Third Street 04 feet south of its Intersection with Davis Street, and running parallel with Third Street 182 feet, and witb Davis Street 105 feet, being the Eastern half of Lots 2 and 8 In Block 818. For particular address H. McD. ROBINSON Attorney at Law, Fayetteville. N. C. nao nov 4 D2wAWlm Bock Lime. T7K)R BUILDING PURPOSES. JD FRESHLY BURNED. PRICE REDUCED TO Jl.l PER CASK. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR LARGE LOTS AND TO THE TRADE. Address FRENCH BROS., Rocky Point. N. C. Or O. G. rAKSl 3LEY. Jr.. ap 1 tf so ta fr Wilmington. N. C. NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED A8 EXECU TORS of the last will and testament of John McRae, we hereby notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to exhibit the same to us on or before the 27th day Of October, 1884. - AH persons Indebted to the said John Mc- Rae will please make immediate payment to us. Hlgued, VUNtW McHAE, WM. LARKIN8, Oct 26 oaw6w fr Executors. IN SEASON! GOOD FTTTTNG SHOE, EASY AND COM fbrtable to the foot, made of BEST MATERIAL and in latest style, can be bad for a low price by calling at our place of business. Ladles, JOsses. Boys, Children and Gentlemen supplied. Geo. R. French & Sons, 106 NORTH FRONT STREET, nov 11 tf ,Xo Year