I. ' . . a a - . mmtlMk H - T-l t.'i ux? nmm rui5Tiu r mi iiT ex w 4a rti, , UMr.iMMnM txar4 mm te CWTf U -v nrr-t It buh Iw m hnnMk Cvor tftiM t. tftoMB (kMitiaa mt 4ii7 ft Wjh-w Cta, th-ij ; bi Sateinat TiouLiv W. rar tiwirf iti I'lininmirt ir trnIT t ' -mm, puU rVitU ktM. Uu te vU or t tAvpi iiiiimhm.I .NrUMnMii'j to tCo tl5a4 MtW. Mtof ar vte. wCl k Anr4 Mtr Wil!4 in la) fiita I f DiMtrKiiM ! nr4 Wii W ii.rrai "VUi III. '" e Ul vCIn 9(kitMte. Mtai tfcof 4 i.rriim(5i nif Q kwtj -rw v lwtlK-mwji'- 7a j tncrvict ft mji. anrM cM A' Una MaiI ifcftit, nw ultr omt me i ( arn. r F.rtiiitniit iuni(e fn TIrMK ' a U ftQj mmmnnlnMinm 't WU b feTl M nl ta ilviuHk. Aau'tra MrVi T jrrof W00 OMf 9f OotttATT O 1 cwrmnw!... tai u-v eDa 4 in amm 1 n 1 ti 1 1 immaJT t w 1 Twnra i , -a w - - r - w V. ' . ,M.m.rTaaw-f.a-t aj tatvwt 1 .ri .k. tU ewte taAia- I .wni4UMN itita v a4 ca. wn, I r ... . ..--h:1 k .1 I w..i.r i- r " I afto.,4i!a . L. ... tnncmn pi w - - 1 mmmI -jk-tr to.- . a-r.! nT uft Prf I a-4xHri a.ukin - arv I '.iwik r- I Artjs ..ua aiVr. wirt Hum 1 ir u .rw.i ca. wif tn t ainE ui a un.ni.in wa i i a fj Duir 1n a ..iTrti niuje pr 1 a oi-r . - fc aim nrsT ta-. I jMrtlnnmnt la Htm 9Wrti MV.uu(hi tt Ut ukiX!U4 q ta pa lo ate he Mornin? Star. xa.viaii. WTLXIXGTOy. X. C Wcummoat Etists. !". 13. 1SSJ KVKNING EDITION. TIIKIVTXKIILTtt H THK bSKM. HdU h.e bn tntroklaoed ia the It)aM that -oocm tobacco. Mr. I latch, of Mi.oarv. hi mtrodaced a Sill t,i aIIo tob-o irrowrrt to sell f.. oMrtoo who are not etvaaa- r fMurm wtthoat paying a tax. If taw would not opa tb dr for rVi4 would b inclined lo fatror I .... I t,m r4rmn i-oau i - . 1 f ia.All Ua to Laborer or PHt O f.- ndneil aw. stA it I " ' " ouii o i on irnini iu uj - ii .V . V - V.lt . - - r j I t..t lt tvoni in we can now . . I wh t th t i hIl not b piiU. i t 1 1 . v . I -?n. t ot tatn4aci a oiu ia-i i . t . . t... I move in r.n; nn. airrviwn. i. up i ," f.h md of coUectian of I r.h tntrn.-i tAt. w he not seen '.! t.tt of hw bIL l( it wcorrrctly -I. j t -.-t. I ruml tn in orwi awM:n iron, i W 4 inn nton vlf ady poblwbrd it is I prM;l y rbr is wh-it. should be dooe. dmand for a change io North '.rolm. M IAt if not in thr tAti .V -hnfie tn the mode f ,-ol!--f.irti- is precisely what will .itis? Jt ten bir illicit distiller or h ir. -l ms of politicians who are not !v dt.sMtCiMrii with the proorss t .-oJU-tnx hat with th tt itself I 1 t I L I m ninf n.j 10 0 1.CO. i l: .-in b chined . to rats the I ttt"ij i4ui tax to support the I tovtf rtintsot. an.t without the often y ttm now mp!oyrd Why nof. rh.tnjf thn A t w on whiskey and br, on to o.u-ro irjit rif irs is a better tat than n bUakets and ho and wool j ine o h; nd ch-p crockery. If the Uf I n whisksy ts rmoinl th tai oo I thu nre's.inrs raast b retained io- .nniti'iy i trust ftau is mat t .j - a a v .a I a sound pohtu-.il rcaooray? ald it J n.tt hj wwll for politicians who think I nhrfrwts to condescend to stody a j w r-w rood luthor of wcoaomtc works? I It is no known in Washington tmon- latelltot sad informed leg- tsiuors inxi rvpal of la Lax I "rdd n.4is,iblu irrtaU a l,r-i Jtit I th ji.,Sn. and s.P ths . . . . '"rnm thj t .jfu trm. 'tfrmi. What sort of t.tifsminship do yoa call that which J m th fjc of a clear and oomisUka- I b( showing that a dsdcit in the rev- I n of tns of millions will be ere- . Jt.-.. still Jrran.Js thtl tt shall b done? I Us ia a bold Isolator who wUI taks ihta sup. Is he not blind legislator "ho dl propose a me- suretlut w,U s.d io disrupting Cf r,-iflaL. th fto..mM.s pinlytio Uotrnramt ;eo. Cot U on the risht track- eluajp the tacsf. of eoCecting. but I as rstaia the ta. W hooe his bill lit . , , . I wdl pass if it is as waappoS) t I . r wryVmm is I Bart tabr- t; initrt-l uxri in mil prhm-) of-wfom- ItitJmBort. both io tL taction of,coIUciin laid bou ta i. n.u-ou oi ,cu.g iaUeaplifjinffOf ILeiytUta. It U W.nt. of th iboKf and inKiai III of tb rrtett tjlro thai an icti ba bea given for iho poli tkiii"t vbo Lave aoaght to male it a baadte for pcpalariiy. Tbe Loai- tXtv-r ecaltioo folio-. od m Mit Coe i0 tMaocr-Uc. wiU lati:a ocA rt-licd ctaajre aa lo . c.im f ccmptal arifl4 Uva Uxm Ca- toUmv Tila daaad UoalTaaerBDUUc mjiiftatAlirta at dMtkfsCtlAO WlA UK Hit later wr to tiUl la thm lateral oi U ppto. axtd did nd touch opo popuUr 6clloa The Ui on liquor n Ui on lux- qrif. It oaghl lo be toand Dtno- crUc doctrine lo lat laiorie. Bat thrr r rmocrats who oppose thU, bol favor Uiiog aeireiwarics. Cnri . There ti no ccne if be ba, very W. an oU fa-btooM Democrat a b Uever in a lovernracnt by the peo ti 1,- v. ftij ,:rr.m Whif thrrp Jrajrj, ooaxruct me processes 01 pro pie. If be t an oia iitne nigmrrr Att..,'.nA th. fuii of lab.n. is no etcn for even the grrat Ham- mw, in - Coogmw afur he became Wxhing too's Secretary of the Treasury, rc coeameoded the taxing of piriu and s. WM ..looted bv lhe Congresacom- i . . I ' n-r th Statra ,UFkc. - - . .,,.1 . t . 1 K .im kind. I .... . a. . I I th. f.a Hftfin .niriLJI iVC. W I " -1 ItM-tisl from the Treasury, or I - - ' . . . 1 0 . r. I taroujro me ria.c 7 r.w 1. . 1. . . . V. ,11 .t aw.v I cw or dl kii uit 1 . " ... v . .1 I rnra im leuows wuu arc . . . . .111 itoitUOl (Of Ut 01 euu"' i . j t. J UCW lOV. no-HIOP 3ttT quS tAs last internal eoUtcrr. This can be done. It lhe army ol Tbia can be done withoal io in the way of revenue. Hat it i all folly lobe introducing bilU to abol ish when if the Congress wa blind' eooagb lo vote for sacb a wild finan cial meuare il woald stop the wheel of the (roveroment by creating a de ficit numbering millioca, and thu forr tb coalinoanc of a high tax at lext 13 per cent. on th com- modiUea of life. The V aahiogton Avtf aj : 'TVcMitrr wVJ aot coearol to the aVn 0 ihm laxea oo liqoora ualU the DaMic dU U cither paid off or made a A long v there is Government so loog there matt be U. The Uimj . -.it . t ni i air anu eiotiaoie stvciu ui , . ... . j . taitloo m i it tn kwwa oj n af no M prrrf v. I ne m " a imjuni v.m w-c t . i ... y . .w. i L . V 1 J k . . . mA I hit . coamou s"fi.j ami cumravu inutw. . . . ... B YW say Uvea that lb waukey ana . . . . . . 1 1 i. .: j : ) . a peer Lax saoaiu oj con.muru mutu .!. .1.:. nueiy ixt-bw ot uoiog mi ium gr.laally relieve all hoobotd com - mo.Jtiir irora taiation. i B ... . I (et. rcaie, bo rrprrsents a big I . i n: i... ... l n . .4 .1 wowary ii..rc, u uiHwuim i bl which is described as beiog for j the toul . abolition of tho internal lairs W have not feen lhe biM. Since are pari og the above we have seen a rrport 01 iifu. iiooert i. Vance's tw. He represent a big whiskey Distrwl ali. e copy iwjher his views. He 1. much nearer to what the Srati has been contending for than we were pre- . I I .1 1 .1 . . nareu to etrxci. lie tninas mai to I abolish th". liquor tat "is practicable" and vet he ut that "vrhatut it u s t,tb& to atiemi it. but to read- fast the system. He wishes to sweep away in wnoie svttcm, out ne . . . . ... thinks the lav roast be retained This will sail as. Wipe out lhe lit njjster change the plan of col lecUpgbal keep the tat on the need- less laiorie. (eo. Vance will soon iatrodoce? a bill to collect the tax in a new way." Good. The Ut i to be collected by salt oi stamps as in . m the casw of tobasico now. He says the "rtTfoai would bw jast a.s ccr- tain this way as by the present ob no i ioqs and corrupting system The Sraa feels eocoa raged. Al- most alone it stood np for a long tim in North t.arolina acratnst r- I T txal and for a chance of the svstem. I Inlhaisicu we can cooqner in Korth ,. , , . 1 Carolina and io no other. The Imperial Council of Kussia have determined to giro more re spcnsibtlily to the minUters,and more liberty to the people. A dispatch 1st a from St. Petersburg of lhe 6th inL says that the Czar "does cot believe that ths Rossi an Monls are vet suf- t - -1 -- . j - - ficiently prepared anccessfnlly to assume the respoosibily of self-go vtnaeni, and favors none of the proposed measures to give directly ! .v i .w m to thw maxsca a voie in the affairs of the naUotu" He U probably correct to U oo-ditloo of hU people, bat la mrr doabifnl if K U -5 In M" . resisdo? the rrooosed rhanes. Ilia I nwsuDg am propowea CAaOges, IliS I h tenure of life U brittle, a there rill be no AUdiuooAX iUbilitT cxtta on hub ut vpvwau uiv auifi vi MfbrmSrhleli u abroad ia'KauU. Carlisle it consistent. 113 spocbc n bvnMWy wilh lhe Dem0cratio. In I8T6 lhe DcraocraU in National Convention aaaembled act , . . , . , -i . forth a detarauon of principle. Samoel J. Hideo, of New York, was" orolnated for the Presidency and a elected by moro than a quarter . , . f j of a mtUioo majority. He was placed opon a piaiiorra mtocw - i minea oy tne neaerai uour o en riff Reform. It will be in order to sore good faith-and perfect solvency. rtprodoce the Tariff plank of 1870, j. wil ri?fresh the memories of our I . ' ..... We deoouDc lhe jJrwmt Tariff, leried upon tvextj Article. m a maiUrpUe of tAjiulie. vwptalUy mnd falae vrtUnM. iljkldaa dwiadllnr. oot yearly rUlog rt venae. It Aa inporriJ many ndus trit t ntUidiM m ft. Il prohibit im port lhi ml bt parchaae the product of American labor. It ha degraded Ameri raa cooiiserre from the nrtl to an loferior rank oo lh tz h aca. Il ha cut down i me aie oi American mnHi;ura hom mJ brod. aod deputed the return the sake of American manufacture at of Amrtcao ajrricollure an loauauy xoi- lowed bv half our ncoDle, IlectU IAaw- fis fit timm wum fJU 1 prvdvst to tke promoca fraud, foater ajagiUor, eo- hnont merchant. We demand thai all custom bouse taxation ah am, only for Tbero is talk amonz members ot , . ;fl.,:x.tin vjuuuiciK vs runui 1 -ws CF ton winter, vne is me iuaun:i Ja.tice sxanlev Malthews's eirclion . .. "... .1 ' . . . ... other u lhe Aliorney itencrai s ex- . , t.- traracrancea ana mouses 01 111 uuiur. .... to the New York Times f , ia sDOointlor tne lion. lUCDaru rowiey. u, Praidot's reaaesL a iDccial couo- :.i7. .u i. .v. o ".v- : Crowley being a member of Conrress violated the statute which especially for- & fll 1 OeODCf 01 UOOrrtM W U I J m 3" 1 inrSS SflS, wUI showthat CrowleT was to appomted. and drew pay fox hU leral services while be wa drawing hi salary a a member of the HOUSe. There is another matter for inves- ligation. George Bliss is accused of . . m Jr, recetv.ng 11,000 for an opinion when be was acting aa special counsel for lhe OovernmenL "Judge Gilliam i reported to have said that, some year aro the County Courts had power to regulate the fare and charres of boials. Those must certainly bare been rood old day. " This is from a Slate exchange, but we neglected in clipping to note which. By reference to Wheeler's history it will be seen thai in the old ... vtT t coantiem. pnor to tho War of lode- r peodence, there were schedules of prices regulating tavern charges, i nre were no noteis in tnowei aay s. i Inns and taverns were the names giv.cn to bouses of public entertain meet. A reference to jnany of the old counties in Wheeler will furnish the list. Lifutenant Newcomb has been transferred to the North Carolina .. . . v.. lli.fnct X IDSDCCtor Ot the llle inspector 5aviDg Service. He is said to be a nf f!iirt nffi oor W nntiCA that I . there is great dissatisfaction at his b . ... , . removal from the lake Micptgan DUtrict and a petition U talked of to ' Congrel asmng the recalling of the OKN. R. R. VANCE AND IN TJ2RXAL REVENUE. Ills Tlsws-A Caaacsla Ws or Csl IkUb(. Charlotte Observer's Interrlew. Wasihjiotox, Dec. 8. I was fortunate in finding Gen. IL 13. Vance at home this afternoon and gelling from him an expression of views on the subjects of the tariff ... i and internal revenue. For several erars. as is well know'n he has labored for the abolition of the in- tcrnal revenue laws, and especially for the wiping oat of the machinery by which, as'he says, the people of North Carolina bare Wn held in thrall and some have been corrupted, Gen. Vance: I havo long thought that abolition waa practicable. I still think so ' And yet, as there are so many rbo do not, and so many other interests to pe consiaereo, perhaps it tsouUi be best to attempt only a readjustment of the system to the actnal wanU of the people. While riMin as nnr rtnnlA dpsirn tr sweep away the whole corrupt and corrupting institution lull ,o and political evil I would pli.h something when th efl institution inn oi moral accom ffort for relief is made. CMauTTi:Oiwtvxi.---Yoa think the work done will be in the line of rtduciny the iniquity to its smallest proportions preserving the tax and the skeleton of the agency for its col- leclion ? Gen. Vance Just so. Ixtouldre- duee the tax on spirits, (yon know I am MnAniltv airainit tK - linnnr drinking and the fiaoor manufactor- ing business, but as a Representative T lo choose between evils, and thlSSlmJA nearly aa possible equally all aroand. That is. wbatsTer radnfAn is rwwisi- ble, I Would bm to tSnrM the " beucfitbrandy and whiskey man- i UuxaXOTTX tBSrsvxx. Have VOa vn -TT - j tl "TOJ I btfl rtady, Of do TOU CrODOSe at this session to introduce one on the ' I tubject of the Intern! reyenue laws i -J ----- . v. , - - uen. Yanoe. X es, $in ,-i nave thonght bnt measure " which I hope "wiu meet the emercrenor. iiiearatt is not yfet ready. But the" outlines arewnfething like thUr Retina nexo teat the tax, v Toould col- WU1CU X reduce as far as practicable, .vrBniur in tier we pnocipw, mo .more moderate the taxation the morp, encouragement to " manufacture and thelarger the revenue. ' I vould have' io c7 county where spirits are manufactured one bonded agent, and onl onPj whoae bond mJ ht be e. tern of licensure would greatlj sim- piny uie Dusmess doiu w PyPie and lo the eovernment. 1 nere would bo only one set of officers im- party,. has assumed ' the direction of Ton raediately responsible to the central quin affairs by virtue of an imperial de authority' at Washington. The whole Ti concern or surveying, gaugiug, Bpy- me settine one man to watcn an other would be at an end. Jievenue icould be just as certain, even more rrtain. in reaehinn- its ororer Dlace. , . - , " -.- ty.a and the unpleasant inquisition, tne o -- r i. . . - corrapunz ruacninery, vne irauu uva the terrorism as thev exist now would be obviated. Charlotte Observer When do you propose to introduce this bill ? Gen. Vance At an early day. I will state that pending a recent can . .. .'x 1 van-, for th Snalcershin I submitted mv rrpnral Jps nn th int.prnftl rev- . w 1. j c a J " .." 1 0 n 1 1 in .til" at ,nr lain hiiii i i mi i iii mial ,7, ere verjr , ruAi ta cor t noT rno nnnnirpr im I v- V sw ftfUV wuv sws-rw-.w -w cieariy mjavor vj imwnuw mwwr . ,1. .: i n y yy. " would rro to the utmost limit of Dru- I rtPllfO HT hrintr rpllCf. lie tOld me I r tt h WM ratmia7 W rAo- . ... . . 1 rnunn revision or ine interna rev e- " ... , . nue legislation on tne siaiuie oootte, I Jn.lnrJinrr ovnrv nnaaihlp rhfinnp. in 1 v. . . . , , ' - M? oiom bureaucratic vlan ofcol- 1 1 ittnn. I , I UHARLOTTE OBSERVER JMOW.ren- eral, what of the tariff? Arc we to have a eeneral reduction all along tho 1 no a -orIntir.r. nn A f aw aril- ?' Pme importance, or wil. it ena in smoice, ao you mm r Gen. ance. No, not the least, nor do I incline to the opinion that 1 1 n pn.Kt!An mo Ko (TAnArftl or sweeping. Hardly anything radi I - i . 1 r. ca', aisturoing industry oi any sort, will be effected or seriously at- temled b the real ieaders of the party. The revision will be care ful. Further, Gen. Vance said he was in favor of abolishing the duty on salt as an article of ' necessity to life as bread itself. CURRENT COMMENT. f -m i i ivl : . ""i,'t. " '"'V ceive "ine JB-ariy foeticai works of Franklin E. Denton, appropriate- 'y Dua n tne Drigniest oi scanei. -Jir- Denton blows a reed of extraor- ,. , dmarv resonance; the band at a Coney Island side-show is nothing to him; one instinctively recalls the wniw-w " wuwuu.... hibition. Language fails to express the complex emotions excited in our j bosom by Mr. Denton's tremendous verse, We are divided in admira tion between an Ode to the Ameri can Flag and a beautiful, beautiful Hymn to the Surt, beginning "O Sun ! hell wandering, up tho universe ! God smiled ! thou wert ! thou art a laugh of Him. !" Bat after two hundred pages of the Dentonian rhetoric, one's reason be- w m. n .... .B 41. A Anil 4nAl P . . is fam tQ impiore lne poet in his own moyinir words- - moving worus. "O color-maelstrom '. holocaust of splen- dor! ... .,. .... O Armament shekmah ! beauty-hell ! () torture roe no longer J thou dost render Mv soul disenergied, faint, too unveil.'" Ine Critic. While the whole country is indiirnautlv demanding the extinc- ... j - 0 liou of Mormonisra at any cost, tue N-w England ministers are calling attention to a kind of polygamy pre- vailing there ouite extensively on rj mere quite extensively account of the easy divorce laws. There is one feature in which the western Morinonism is said to be less immoral tban that which prevails in the east: there the DOivo-amist is - r . rfo I compelled to support all his wives;m the east he is permitted to cast off all but the last to shift for them- selves. A New England minister lately stirred np the ire of an influ- enttal member of his church by pointed remarks upon this subject which touched him, in a tender spot. ne cauea vne minister io account,. but the latter was supported by the congregation, and the "eastern po- lygamist" found it prudent to remove to anoi ner town. jjoic. Jimertcafi, ney. Cisr.Cleveland baa no Donbt the TartfT will be an Important Issue. By Telegraph to.the N. Y. Herald. Albany, Dec. 9. Gov. Cleveland, when asked what significance should be attached to the election of Carl- isle by so large a majority, said: "If Congress at its present session shall I fail to reduce the revenues, now ad- mitted to be larger than necessary, I have jio donbt that the question will become an important issue in the Presidential election of next year, e,od that the election of Mr. Carlisle to the Speakership will tend to com- mil the Democratic party to advo- H. nn..Vi a mviamn t( mwrtwna Uwa as will secure a reduction of excessive revenue, by removing or lessening such duties as increase the J?1' t "l8 f "It' r&ir than those which enhance the price r t i, v - w " c-red wh.- M " - p. v 'J rT"i U1C- wrowiicuy ouw, j., or ve- riUa, Warren county. Tenn. 'It had : fits. I e-v!r ,. TnZ $T.M I TnTTT7T - A nmrCT! "NrTflTI7'C ft -ri r . s- a"- " M&rtM VA OFTHBWOSLB lrr:rr-r7-.,', . rrane uid. cbinm-Admirai rourbet Ordered'to Became Operation wltb tne . TJimoat ' Visor rbe .Press Rome on the Visit of tne Crown ' (Bt Cable to the Moraine Star. 1 PAMfe,"Deo.'12. At the Cabinet Coun cil, yesteroay. iPreaident Ferrjr stated that he had teles-rapbed Admiral Courbet to re sume operations with the utmost vigor. London, Dec. 12. The Rome corres- ; ac. cordlns to'the latest news from China, the father of the Enroeror. head of the war Der. l2.Tha Pa Rome. Dec. 12. The Papolo Homo states that it Objects in no wise to the German Crown Prince Frederick William visiting I the Pope, The Moniteur de Borne, papal wkw.ssvsidbi noiuinguaB ueenueciueuou i ai me vaucan regarain? me visit or iue CroW0 prillcef which it says will certainly A. Tf.i! . il A 1 i emDarrass King Humbert and the r"ope It shows the difficulty caused by both the King and Pppe living in the same city. The Opinton newspaper, on the other hand, remarks that the visit would pfove that it is perfectly possible for both the King ofItaly and the Pppe to live in Rome. Paris, Dec. 12. The Gaulois states that Prime Minister Ferry told the committees I Of the Republican and Democratic Unions that immediately after the vote of conn i ... . m . aence m the government naa oeen passea Withe Chamber of Deputies,he t elegraphed i rn a nmiroi i :nnrrwir rrv mmrm rnn : n inpsp w mu wua www w Uwa vmv I onthAvltioo that if. crotr tVio o'AVArnmtfnl n . V " b.r carte blancJie as to matters pertaining to th Tonquin question. Admiral Courbet I s . . , mii I nnva nf th nperntintinnB noh dirlo hnlrtinir I . . wvv-. , e ite present militarv position in Tonouin. if thA nrdroai is rpfnri ArimiminnirrhPt 1 - r--"i- . is to seize Jac JNinh. bontav and ilune A h th - ni-flrp rantnrP3 I - JT : 1 a imu uiuuusiuuu iui uctutiavauua ia iu be made. If thev are also reiected Ad- n ' i r r 1 . . I oi uve lartro ninese pons, ine ixauuns says neither Canton nor Shanghai is to be t.i.n Wo00 T T?ow ia oWOTo t I fending the friendly powers and Admiral I Courbet will confine himself to operations ureujou ucucosarv iu uuiaiu outiaxntuuu from China. WASHINGTON. Date for Holding Republican National Convention. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Washington, December 12. The Re publican committee met at the Arlington to-day. D. M. Sabin, of Minnesota, was elected chairman. June 3d was selected as the date for the holding of the National Convention. TEXAS. The Fire at Hubbard City An Entire Block Destroyed. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. J Waco, December 12. Last night an in- I ceuuiary nre oroxe out as nuuuaru vjiiy. in the hardware store of Towell & Good- maD which destroyed the entire block The loss will be heavy, there beiDg only f-""c. FINANCIAL. New York Stock Market WeaS and Lower. IHt TeSTa.nh tn th Wnrn 1th Star I Nkw ytc ivmhr 12 11 A M - Stocks are weaker again this morning. The decline in prices ranged from to 1 per cent. The weakest Bhares are Northwest, Northern Pacific preferred, and Missouri Pacific and union Pacific. Bitter JBread. Complaint is frequently made by those wno use DaKing powders that they leave in bread, biscuit or cake raised by them a dis agreeable, bitter taste. This taste follows the use of all impure baking powders, and 13 caused either by their containing alum IntvAlnyuMl t f Yl qIta a iKaan a Vwvr n i j j . . . . "... impure ana aaurieraiea cnaracier 01 omer "gredients used, or from the ignorance of their manufacturers of the proper methods of combining them. These baking pow- dere leave in the hjead a residuum formed of lime, earth, alum or other deleterious matters, not always, though .frequently, tastoble in the food, and by all physicians classed as injurious to health. The Royal gating rowder is free from this defect, in n . : i tv. i I i",.".""...1"" " "" JL"C luui raiseu oy it is always uweei, ngnt ana i wholesome, and noticeably free from the is always sweet, light and peculiar taste complained of. The-reason of this is because it is composed of nothing but absolutely pure materials, scientifically combined in exactly the proper proportions of acids and alkali to act upon and destroy eacn omer, wnue producing tne largest tuiiouat qi riusiag power, v e are jusuueu in this assertion by the unqualified state ments made by the Government chemists, who, after thorough and exhaustive tests, viiu, unci iuuiuuku auu CAiiauonvc tee us. recommended the "Royal" for Governmen tal use because of its superiority over all others in purity, strength and wholesome ness. There is no danger of bitter bread or biscuit where it alone is used, RE A SONS AND RES UL TS. Washington Post, Dem A system! of taxation so fatally s l vicious that it takes from the earn ing8 of the pe0ple annually a hun red millions more'than are re quirej for all legitimate public uses. A foreign commerce almost entire ly surrendered to foreign ship-owners, A navy on which half a billion has been expended since the war, but which is officially confessed to be utterly worthless as o ships and guns. An army so hopelessly demoralized that it is dissolved by desertion as fast, as it can be built by recruit- ing, . The Mormon problem in worse shape than it was when the Republi- can party declared war on polygamy twenty - seven years ago; . These are some of the results of a : . e . . " - C y "UI : rU ThMQ a W nf t.hArpasmnB why the country demands -a change, Let the Democratic House set the Tall in motiorl. , n -n l t i. . TTOm JieafJing, renDSyiVailia. PiKKrinScIS:0?1 ;r. , For GenUemen's Suits, . ror Boys' buks, - tadtes and Girls' Cloaks. These Goods are Inst opened and worthy of 'T " ' .mo. j. ctdrick. COMMERCIAL. W ILM I N QfT ON MARKET; f ' STAR OFFICE, Dec. 11, 4 P. M. '! SPIEITS TURPENTINE The market Opened duJl at Z cents per gallon, with sales reported later of 250 casks at 31 cents ROSIN The market was firm &t $1 20 of, fT Strained and $1 25 for Good Strained, with sales at quotations. TAR The market was firm at $1 70 per bbl. of 280 lbs, .with Bales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Market steady, with sales reported at $1 25 .for Hard and $2 15 for Yellow Dip" and Virgin. COTTON The market was quoted dull, Ordinary... ......... 7 cents tb. Good Ordinary 9f Good Middling. Low Middling 91 Middling 10 PEANUTS Market steady, with sales reported on a basis of $1 00 for Prime, $1 151 20 for Extra Prime, and $1 25 for Fancy. Cotton ... Spirits Turpentine. Rosin. . . ... ...... ... Tar Ofj-ii Turpentine. . 594 bales 220 casks 864 bbls 273 bbls 222 bbls OOITIES flC MARKETS I By Telegraph to the Moraine Star. financial. New York, December 12, Noon. Money - strong and easy at 22 per cent. Sterline 1 1 . . - .... . . exenange 4ii44. btate bonds quiet, Governments strong. i iJOTTl7TlSTC,l.(lL . Cotton dull with sales to dav nf 41S . yonon uun, wi n saies 10 aay or 4i bares; middling upiandsiofc; Orleans lUfc I Futures weak, with sales to-dav at the fol I lOWing QUOiaUOnS. J-ecemDer 1U.44C, Jan "r. A"-U1K '""""X 1V-D?c; Jnarcn . n ei. -ra-l r, nr- - ir . iwoic; April iu.V4c; May ll.07a Flour onA wk .,h a a.,j. rower, uorn unsettled and a shade lower. Pork dull at 15 00f&15 2,1 Lard Rt.Pftrtv 1 . . 7 . . . .. r: 5? ? iXi apinta turpentine -dull at 65c. Kosin steady at 1 K)(7h 55 Freights dull. fOHBIGPi MARKETS. iBv Cable to the Mornine Star.l Liverpool, December 12, Noon Cotton weak; uplands 5d: Orleans 6 1-16d;sales to day of 10,000 bales, 1,000 of which were for speculation and export; receipts 5,800 bales, of which. 1,850 were American. Uplands, 1 m c, December delivery 5 51 64d; January and February delivery 5 53-64d; February and March .delivery 5 56-645 55-64d ; March and April delivery 5 58-64d; April and May. delivery 5 62-64 5 61 64d; May and June delivery 6 2-64 6 l-64d. Futures flat. Meats Long clear middles 40s; short42s 6d. Lard 46s. 1.30 P. M. Uplands, 5 13-1 6d; Orleans 6d. Uplands, 1 m c, December and Jan uary delivery 5 51-64d: July and Aueust delivery 6 8-64d. Bales of cotton to-day include 7, 500 bales American. 3 P. M. Uplands. 1 m c. January and February delivery 5 ' 5&64d. 6.60 r. M. Uplands. 1 m c. February and March delivery 5 54-64d ; March and April delivery 5 57-64d. 4 Jr". M. Uplands, 1 m c, December de- livery 5 50 64d ; December and January de- livery 5 50-64d; May and June delivery 6d; June and July delivery 6 3-64d. Savannah Rice market. Savannah NewsJDecember 11. The market remains firm and unchanged. The demands runs light. The sales were 45 bbls. The fo!lowiDffare the Quotations: Broken 3&4c; Common 44a5c:Fair 54 5c;Good 5c: Prime 6a6ic: Choice nominal; Rough Country lots 90c$l 00; Tide Water $1 251 40. Cnarleston Rice market. Charleston News and Courier, Dec. 11. The business was light and unimport ant m amount. The rates were 4f 5c for Common; fair 5ia5ic: crood 5a6c: nrime 6i&c per It). New York Peanut market. New York Journal of Commerce, Dec. 11. There is a fair movement in small lots on wants of the trade. Supplies are more freely offered. New are Quoted at 9c for best hand-picked, Sfc for extra do, and 7c for other lots. A Stalwart old Enemy. One of the toughest old adversaries of Lu man comfort, and most difficult to extermi nate, is rheumatism. Many middle-aered i . ... . T peopie raner loriure wrtn- it, and the old folks who have it find it the nest of their IOIKS lives, 1? mi. m . j.ne case or a venerable lady of Lewistown, Mass., is ef great interest to the victims of thi&tougb old enemy. Mrs Swett says: "I have been using Perry Davis's Pain Killer for about eicht years As sooa as I apply Pain Killer I have al- most immediate relief from pain." OR. CHEEVES'3 ELECTRIC BELT, or Regenerator, Il mad znreuly for th cor of derangement of lhe procreativ organ. WnancTer any debility of the genenttTe or at ocean, from what . Ter eaoM. the eaotinaeni ttream of ELECTRICITY permeatinr Arontrn th parti mast restore them to healthy action There at o miitake abont this iastromest. Tear of ga bar teited it, and r""" " an .wtineu ro. wattaw Irora indueretloo, IncapKity, Lack of Vigor, Sterilityfa fact, any trouble, of theu crgasi U cared. Do not coBfonad fb, with electric belU adrer- titedto cm all tilt from head to toe. Thit it for th ONE pecifit I Bpcee. For clrTnIanTpin(- full in format ton addreti CHEEVR Iectric belt co!; 104 Wa.ulairtoo stchjeai-o. I I R- . . .. I Zdeo 5 eodly tn th sa deo S THE best; preparation For BBsroaiNo gray hair to its natural color;. For PRivBtiTua the hair from turning gray; - For producing a rapid and luxuriant growth,;- , For iBADicaTiNo scurf and dandruff; . , For cubikq itching & all diseases of the scalp; For PBsvmrTiNo the hair from falling out; and For svsbything for which a hair tonic is re quired it has no equal. .- : The highest tbstimohials of its merits are given. ' IBTom Rev. chas. h. nt&u; u u., rastor urace Street Presbyterian Churck.l , : RlCHMOHSr VA r Vcit RAVfiral . vears I have used no other Hair Dressing than the Xanthine, which had been warmly recommenaea to me oy a men a wno naa tested it a value. It has. in mv experience, accom plished all that is claimed for. it as a wholesome preserver and restorer of .the natural color of J VUC litiir. tutu o uiuiviwu uraieuuvo ui uauutuu mm. iiitr-rarraiiri-artieiw. ror saie ay . a. ni num, uruKKUS'. noy 29 ly om jn aug sep . feb 89 Don't Bikm your 'Grandmother I 3ome people who are suffering from thin and impure blood, are in the habit of saving that their trouble is hereditary. They think they hnve inherited bad blood, weak stomachs, irregular livers, and broken-down systems from parents or grandpar ents. These people often become despondent, and say that nothing can be done for them, and that they think they will die just as their grandparents died. This is a very bad blunder. The blood that courses in your veins, good neighbor, is not your great grandfather's blood ; it is your own. It is your own body that is ailing ; not that of some good old grand mother who has been in her grave for half a century. Instead of com plaining that your ancestors have gone back on yQU, you had better begin to tone up your own blood, regulate your own troublesome liver, Set your own stomach to rights, and get ready to enjoy first-rate health. You want iron in your blood. You want a tonic for those flabby muscles and those bothersome nerves. You wapt something which will drive out that debility and brace you up and give you robust health. In a word, you want Brown's Iron Bitters. This is a medicine for the living, to make them enjov life by driving out disease. Its pe culiar preparation of iron enters into the blood, driving the badness out ; giving enrichment for poverty ; strength for weakness ; vigor for las situde. How much better it Ls t take this pleasant and simple remedy than to suffer with the debility and distress which lead down to death. The druggist and merchants in your neighborhood keep Brown's Iron Bitters. Try it. 4 I sept 1 D&Wly nrm aev 1 BOSTON POST. THE OLD, INVINCIBLE AND THOROUGHLY , TRUE BLUE DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. The clean Family Newspaper of Massachusetts. Containing the most'complete news of any pnpor in New England. The Boston Daily Post la especially noted for Its reliable Commercial and Financial Featured SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily One Year, $9; Six Months, S 1.60; In ad vance. Weekly Fridays 81.00 per Tear in advance: Six Copies for $5.00. CLUB RATES. Five or more to one address will be furnlnlied as follows : DAILY POST at $8.00 per year per copy; Ten copies for $7.50 each, in advance. WEEKLY POST at $1.00 per year per eopy. In Clubs of Five or more, one copy will be given to the organizer of the Club. sep 8 D&W tf NORTH CAROLINA RESOURCES. "One of (he most useful series of descriptive books ever publisJted about any State. " Bos ton Post. Hale's Industrial Series. Two Volumes Now Heady. I. The Woods and Timbers of North Carolina. Curt's's, Emmons', and Kerr'x Botanical Reports; supplemented by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, and Illus trated Dy an excellent Map oi tne state. . 1 Volume Kmo. Cloth, 273 pp., $1.25. II. In tne Coal and Iron Counties of North Carolina. Emmons', Kerr's, Laid ley's, Wilkes', and the Census Reports; supple mented by full and ao on rate sketches of the Fifty-six Counties, and Map of the State. 1 Volume 12mo Cloth, 425 pp.. $1.50. Sold by all Booksellers, or mailed postpaid, on receipts of the price, by E. J. HALE & SON. Publishers, Booksellkbs and Statiorchs, NEW YORK; OR P. M. HALE, Publisher, Raleigh, N. C. oet 2 tf mQto TTncnm T-ririrr to JZjJJ&UIU. (DjJL -LLi&. - uuill urtn iflij i Mil ituunu. N ATURE'S GREAT REMEDY fob DYSPEPSIA, diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Llrer, Kidneys, &o. It Is espeoially adapted to Clerks, Invalids, Ladles, and all persons of sedentary habits De mand dally increasirflr. Shipping to all parts of the United Ktates at tne rate of 2,000 barrels per year. PRICE, $5.( 0 per barrel and $6.00 per cane of two dozen quart bottles; delivered In Depot at Morrlstown, Tenn. Terms cash. FREIGHT KATE to Wilmington, N. C, 40 Cents per 100 pound. , REFERENCES OUR PATRONS: Wm. H. Bernard, Dr. W. G. Thomas, R. W. Hicks, Oscar PearsaU, Dr. J. C. Hunds, D. L Russell, J. F. Garrell, of Wllmlnrton: R. H. Jor dan & Co., J. L. Brown, F. 8. DeWolfe, Dr. T. C. Smith, D. P. Hutchison, J. 8. Spencer A Co,, J. W. Wadsworth, of Charlotte; Dr. Jno. A. Boyd. G. W. Dargan, Darllnfrton, 8. C; Wm. H. Jonen, Thos. P. Smith, George W. Molver. Charleston. S C Similar lists could be added from all over the South. Ourpatrons endorse it in the strongefit language. Read a few: Major Campbell Wallace, Atlanta, Ga.: "Or all the springs of Virginia and Tennessee, loon id it the 'Tate Epsom' the most wonderful, and the properties of the water the most valuable." . C. W. Anderson, Savannah, Ga. : "For all com plaints incident to aTaT.aBIat. lOCaXITIIl, I con sider the water unequaled. wn t r h VnTlt.fl nrivwhere ' WatertO 06 lOHnQ MyWDeW. H. A. Barnard, Marshall, N. C: "I tronlzed Tate Water for more than Art J 1 1 t. J 1 . 1 1 . j. a. uarr, uurnam, a. v.: i uiiilk it tne unom have na- flrteen vears and was cured by it of dyspepsia,4iveT complaint and kidney disease. My datjshtxs was cubid perfectly weu ana so una or a oroaen ana nope lessly shattered constitution." James CreesweU, Esq.,-Greenwood. B.C.: "1 am fully and earnestly Impressed there is no nther mineral water on this continent Whose healing qualities will compare with. Tate Bprlnir jvstir Geo! Smith, (of the Commercial Cotton Press, New Orleans: "I have used the Tate Water for the last eight years, and find it retains all Ha qualities for any period." (M, H. Church, of N. o., endorses in nearly the same language). James Swann, (offnman, Swann Co.,) N. T. : "I have fonnd Tate Water of great benefit, and superior to many other waters I have used." Dr. J. 8. Weatherly, Montgomery. Ala: know of no mineral water In the United Mates that has the same virtues of this water." Mrs. Gov. A. 8. Marks, Winchester, Tenn.: "Its fine shipping qualities make it a blessing to snf fering humanity." . .. ,, eT. M. Stndebaker, South Bend, Ind. : "I bells ve there Is no spring in America that contains the healing qualities that Tate Spring does." - J. H. MoAvoy, (President B mis A MoAvoy Brewing Co..) Chicago, I1L: "I have it oontinu ally on draught in my house, ha Ing beoome al most a family necessity." Geo. Bullen, (of Geo. Bullou A Co.,) Chieafo, IU.: "It Is the most pleasant and effective water I have found anywhere, and yon can count me among your regular patrons for it." Large forty page pamphlet containing analysia, and full information on all points, mailed free to anv address. ' -' . Hfeave orders with J. "C. MUNDS, Wilmington, N. C or address . TOMLTNSON A RAGSDALK. Proprietors, nov7tf tTate Spring. East Tena.

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