fir rtrtia cca!!r .' ' fl ha bcora cmom i wrfia tha .-inaii of aa articta., ta a tlajfaal. late--"tin Rvtaaar. Tti rn is law cm 4vrt!aasiaai m w tnM all tucfik ' Atl impiy rail ataattoa am Y Ifop Hi t Wr. ! a p&eia, haw tJrtn. . hi m "T? ta?utcw prop? T ftea, tho ocm irUl. whka to prove tir vaiaw taal iay wtll aaeae w Bay rn Exaao favwrahly aotkwJta til lUo Uff ai la a UI atar mwlimi; "Dkor 'i iijii th vtrtoaa of lha ; pu a. ta prcTat.ra af Hop Phi ;lil i -;,tf : i .niiMiQifif anwlirio wh"i ir . II . p.t,l5iw t Vr OO' OJMff T 1 on t4 i!ir( a u!?rwf aloa. piaiac i., '.!; t.m t.if e,rv' r fix Cor tkug( or si ("mm J ." ,) -c Mt m ruri by flop Ttil ;ihiwm ay itaiMrft .bruf ' ta.fJ'" v tiafir omM t f.f that , v jii j mj- tutf ) are tiVrt . miry hi .'mpIrcMt"ir of kdtiMy. fvf. ' IH.utliM Nr . Vblf. 1 t!W kxtt phytici.!. I., f l !! IjK'Wll trfoll4 al.. . ,. .. ..-..f ' i nuri hm m 1 . .- 1IW !"! i J lt'p FU( rue r ii t'. ra i (i awn. ii i'tf &u r W ttT f Ufira, .H T ISMS" rnt WORST tSM TO-OAV IS Rheumatism .tzunrtTK&T n rvf act C:trt 1 : r 2jni ru tint. uvjurnM tv mt rwns sz xxr OA ttZZ f lit tnii? nX'jtrts.m i rut M'JSCiti C"w if tr jutts rut trtif rexvr shuts nut mxr Perry Killer ia t p.iatt in-'ir',at. -Uitcetar' ur tvwit t& mum 9 U:ai, n4 H anJSMTta iwniiiiwtr m4 t;r t aoir for r rp.if : it ta n-r rr r, w(itwJWM4MM4 in. mn Hi. s rto. JtiMiiXoa, a :tr& 4 rrrurral tu. Il liwtiw In ..r miM, nr ru w I MMlm wftiua Whl 7 B ova yfuji'wj a t ft.1 UWM VM aalriaia. i iur -nf - p- riunonii n tt m.uo i "r t ,m a-ia ftrW c-. -v Da. a i-WU-Oa, J.&taaaa-rt.WTri. n0IWtt arqa aattal 59 t l a LfV T aaa n aCcJ&w fc vr liv' jMhim-N SlAb H- ii rwM Hrmm fwma a U .MM v ' l"l mmm Ma wiiun i w a.rt m4 1h i mmm en afci i i iriMMi Atldnson & UnTming'fl 1 aaaiymca IXaa . . WIlaataarMav, Jl. C. t. 'lZi The; Morning-Star. " O lMa. f brf or fear lay Tran aail U. ' 1 Kaaw lai: ihj at! vatJ. ifi aaU bold. Stall brio j lay death lo thee" "No to r cried OIf. wrotb, with flaaif "Mj tjmJ brl frWoJ a traitors bean rtraj t t tar hia kcaor. for lia hour h Aim Ao4 Mjis; droT ih iel. Bat arn Uu poicl'cf fl cao tura or dull? Tvara aftar. comiof lo hU charjrrt ftata. .V pciaoa aarprot. loJftU wlihlo tha Ikull, Th priaca hi death a?oua4 fara. or at vtatk cotwi roatRUtu Lt all obtaja to traJa txtacra other ciatrr th Ca!tai Sutaaba removed a rciy at la cirrooviUacaa eooaccted ta-rwith will parmit. Bf o doiai; we wiH twoi rxotroha other csaootriaa to rataU t aa4 dnrHmtsata fla( Aaverieaa ( ratkQ. a4 raaaifftctufr! prrJacta (Wl ffuwi. W tmu thai tha (mat tax ai Amf laa paoia ir ia fevor of TaxilS mluc- tioa. aa) U aiao who ar ao hiiavi by mtlt iateravt. it ppra to u. re b-mn4 to ruormia tha jutt-v of uch a meaaora. Ttt la.jra hrr hro true to thir proeo Thy wra epctd to axmt thl la u ftiriy aa4 joanly. a4 their hare dooe r ,W,i .Vri C,a-'aawaaW.k The Uar ooht lo ba V eaialii that "two a ata eaato aA awiotaedt la bui tnm) tho ttACk Of (Ortdf hOQ!d OOt br Ihrowa qo tha market a4 aoM at retail (ft ffcicwloiIr oooaioal prk- lo the dtn owaf of oihrT daaJwra who era ea4aToria( t t. a lrx;limala t4.iaem by wiltox joo.i el firprtca ll ia oeu fh to parallia bo iaiMv a4 it (recta to m that there are crwt?:t.-ir eaoi to nJ?fT We without iac o.tiir hae it. H'jblia iraarrA Tiri.x kli. as. T -1 a.l fool. A 1 fooia aaia Are f o4nl imoe th oo of own, Hut ha t fralr!t fool ia life Who brlli UU huaioea to hu wife It i tcljeecl id Wajhinjton ikt lha eboicw of a pteca for tha botdlef of tb "tooi lUpuhiicaa Coaeroiioa Im ltwtrro to4:ftOpIi tnl Ph-ll- pan. Cheery p-.anijcr: "Any fear u suj iiicufti&i the tnaartlc currroU. Capcata. by t iag near the coop a?" Cap taia "t)h. oo. tir flfa. ha no effect oo it wbueer. Pk iUroo Taooytn oo lilies: "irwe cr it b. it wetoa lo ece. Tla oalyxohia to be food. K ta.i hert are more thaa ccrooct. Aa4 ttmpia faith thaa Sormaa bkwl " The ttooiojf of Mr. Laogtrye penal car aaar CuoaeilaeilW. ia Ihi btate. t&a other ofihv ta hiatnactlea merely a &oeia that there are aena brutea ia t&e couatry w&o are neither dai nar ia Jil "I hear jroar uocle i deaJ," a eaapatheUc aeihbue to Mr. T worn- tr "lie U." teplie.1 Twoeaty. ifraeely Dul ha brave aay teeUAaatr "Yea. threw of thov " "Threw of them'" ei claimed tkm aiaboe woodenaity. "Ye. lh o!4 Ttaaaa. New Teataxaeot. and tha Ile iird ctlitlua '" - TTj wteked roan of the (hicAo yw ' Tha mMrolctfmt atcribw Mary A a ihcrwio UleoU aad beauty to Vhe fact that hm wae hea at a uavt wbea Japiter. Venua ad tha moca wer!l ta coojuactioa. Itta tot be.rd lo tcaaHaw that whew Mary etep fihr. oid Puc. GtiZLa. wa ialided opea nuasaaity the tra Major waa ia per- Mr. Unghl Clark, a Jaugbur of Joaa Urta-hl. i ictuTio io favor of wonaaa uSrae. I-op!.J von Ilankc i in hi htr eighth year Another volume of hie taivvrwl lluttory" i prveeatly to bf i.ijel The Iaka of Cxllrnoal, who wee m-eetly captured near Trapaai. Sklly. be brfxaad. ha bw rafi-ecxaed for $3). C If he ie JUe tha everace Italian noble ma hi frt-nie ovade taJhly poor tra.le. W. Itome, I 9. 3tltT. SavaTtee', lxtr of Civil aad Caaoa Law. and until m-eotiy th fope doetveetic prtUfe. ha tft the !hmaa CatholUr Cbvrrcb To-day Ue waa rvceived iato the cococauoioo of the rpMtf-'pal Church by Dr Ntvto. la ft Paal' AmerWaa Chorch. Th actoea ear Mr. Bwher is a wooiVrfal audience.' Ill bi cyra flow and the cotjr man aa4 in hi facr. If thre U fua he Uab ail over and ludtf. acd w baa the? crjW lima cotoee he wcepe wUhoul reeerve- aad wipea wy p.ct hadrrrhif foU of tear. Aar theater cowtd aSord to pay Iketrbcf a Ui ealary ta fo twkw a wveh aad lal a hot He fm oc: lo tb facl that f either haa beea peruaded to uaa MM Vraaoaa ia eloctitioa tioce coast of to ihU eotrj the LoodoQ Fa Jt O $C!S aayti "Tha Hrtth patli vroaW 0e AtaerWaa aadiacr a real debt of frail tude if they coold penuada Mf. Irrloc alo to Jeer hoar to Cwah aUah la a tnaahar aaderataadet of tha paople." Coming ffjoa hUh Dri.A aoCrcr-J Ihta U raer rw:h oa Iteary A". J. WVrii .5 O & ITKJtS. An -nixnber of th Ixoiian IireUiure I colored) tol threw larkey and mU tham for IW Mr. (ttorsr rnt, of Jferi- C.t aar. couatia hir craad. ad ereaa frad aad rvA ff TvaJ-fraadchl id rea. La haa 103. Thocnae Gal?, a euran of lbc waf of 1M3. d-fl tAU wk at hU home la Sehetl. Ald ! Jt ra tae rrpotatioa of bafaar a tioriuny tjpnjhi enaa Sotsxa Soathcrn allegad Damo- crtlM aa para are repaatjaata; u ni . . . V, nmaatlAaLat ever Car ol ia I tie- W roUJat " T.'S raoraeat aadar lhair looiuea. Eerily. I .Vrwa. Xwa, thai tha Oarw ft"r!ila,i; aThahUiUiaX PfV" waa roCA aa arp7 aaa -yr criar. Oo. Iralaada ThaaanwK Ff clamaia act loa. bat H aS deal. .V.-T. Tlaiea. , eaaBBBBaBaaaaaaaaBaaajBaeaaffk Sweat peavra dwaHa ia thai rtJcalAreo taa waata aervoneaeea. a yapajewa- ah aad hradacaa ara aakaow-a. Tbea per- eoa.1a iHlowDr. Bea-oa" Cry aad Chaaaaau 1 Taf cara af btv- aalaarr aad aworaJfte paiaav . "OH 171 Y HEAD I, ; no iy Inr; "Tiinons: I. OAN'T . SLEEP." .5 r m:h man m (CZJfY4.CjUx JMLC PLtl r m ntuuu Mwm h rvnr m. rudaekt tr Mar, "o dw your arc. Caaatown,0. rmJbr wir wtftrtw aWtf aa U trvim aWa atiAMfr. aa Oanl Gvdfor mt 42; ArW My iMwrafyitt." RgT. Daal AAaa, kootarado, Fla. ae. Tow 2 aw cmd "-Wm. W. Hob banl,alaacawr. 2. B. oLmJ a iJLm Adr ettrJ au of imvm Wlen.- Jtr. Alfred Dreealer, MUaoa. Pa. 9f miXmr eitJ, tmttjt a tmoiXtr't, wXsrt ttry e rwnl VaJaOle.'- X P. Cornell. Pltta taraa. fa. "CWwiii, HtUr & mtrttms AeoiacAr of ;erw mttm0.- MWa L. at. Cnamberiaia. ta rairaeil. Ohio. "" VrW aw e HJ ao. e ajwrwaa aeafA." Jaa. P. KeUy, TaaewaU & 1L. Va. rr J. W. Kaalar. a proaiaeat "recalar" of Balttaaoee. pare tbe this a tab trtbote: The rnrporiaat addSUoa aaa4e to tae muUria la tae Uet quarter of a ceotary." Dr. tWaMia'e Sata Ctrre eonsKta of internal and etteraaJ treataaea at tana Use aad k makee Ue eta white, enjt aa4 oooth. It eontaUui no pel oaoo dror- at drujnrtata C X. OUteatoa. 8oi Wanla 1e Aaeat for Dr. W. BeaaknaM Raaiaiaa. Hi mitoo t- New Tort f6 UDeodAWlj la th aa nrn fab 13 SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO. KNOW. There exists a mejinji of se a soft and brilliant Comple xlori. no matter how poor It may naturally be. l(ai?an)larnolia Balm Is a delicate 'and harmless arti cle, which Instantly remove Freckles, Tan. Redness, RoachnesA, Eruptions, Tnl car IToshlni, etc., etc. So delicate and natural are its effect thif Its nse is not suspected br anybody. No lady hna the riht to present a dLsflxrnred face in wxlety when the Magnolia Halm is sold. by all druggists for 75 cents. fb3lr aetata nna feb 3 A Brilliant Scheme.- Dismal Swamp Lottery Co., or xonFVLK, vo. Th fraaehlee of Ih'ji aaUrrtee ta bated npoa tae charter created by the UciaUtare of the aate to the DHmal 9wa&p Utaal Company, aad tU WaiXty be been falm teeied before the OerV ; Tha ebjeet ta rlew to the Taapweemeat aad ttct.'- of ta Caaal aad that fall rpportast- ir bbt b rtrva for lb percbaae of th TVtet. wbkh tare are oly of 25,000 Willi 356 Prues, the drawta t wCI take place oa the 20th December, 1883, at wh'.a Itae tx wCI ' be toad ta the City of Norfolk. bf ore the pebTio. aad acdrt the roprr teioa of dalf aothorUed 0cnCDljw!oor, aad tn Uk taeaxMr each nqc41n aorith. Th Vrw!c of aat Jtoreoiber was roo t rcc evaUy ! atJbfactorVy eoodoeted; the dlstrt tet7a of tJt.eooclvtaa ajearaare of the rtabllttv aad rood faith of the OonTny. and now CUA83 B t rrMtd 1th the folio wtne SCQCMK : c?aiitai rniZE, t,ooo. I f- of txero H ooo I d lco ta . loo t a., i.oa u i.o I do SCO soo 14., t IKO J da 0 U I 4i 20O I. S0O t d. jo) l an do io are ji dr. are TSO low rJ. JO are 1.000 do are l.OOO rri iinrin nuiw : ,.t so t of .. . 9 of S .... 180 SA? rVi rHtr1bot!n SI3.0BO Tinir.TN oly SI. Pa of Lottery .is-Uar to that of Loniaiana CVeDpay j. i noitnAcii, atoiicail" for dob rat-, or fur In format ton niu t oiwt hmiama. aotald be plainly wtwtn niMim. euaurtv and low of writ. r. lunlttaarea Joo!d be wnt be Xtpreen rather thaa by Ft-. tfSUe mooy order or recllred KiprM chare npoa A aad larrer tarn will bepeM by tha t owpeny. Ad4m piaialy. J. P. OOBSACn. Norfolk. Va. .Vraot. for ee of TVkota rqnlred throaaboat ta Mate. Addrvae appMeatloe a above. T eadrlr?d aperrtrd the Drawta Claaa A of to IXtmil Hwajnp Lettery Goenpaov. aod ert(fr that ll waa eoodoeted with t1ct falrnee to ail Utrree ed CUAS. PICXKTT. av 34 if la th eat coennilselooer. 830,'OOCrFdE S2. 4th fiSTSlZ,ltSi'L''& Teotpa BoUdlaa. la LoelevllJe, Ky TlimSDAT, tJECU 2T, 18SO. a la arm. torraaT akb a draw- iVoaTeharteredlry the Lalare of Ky.. and .dWeil by th, hlfCOartto the atate. rvd rrea to Heary CuaetTtbeijom cfjCWX for the proaipt payment of all prUe a Rrv-oLcno r stsoli KOtBia pBAWisoa iay ticket holder hie owa aperv1or. eaHoiTthe a br oa W tleke and eee the aonweoadtn aataberoa tha ta placed ta the wteelUhJepeeeoee. Theeadraw wiiioo eeroa the ka-a TberJey of wrwrj month. Read the Ba4rlfleaa DicDiaxa acnaMx 2s tSRSs'srhiJS , yZ ICC rMea aoeaehtaoa t Ki aiaML. ao aoo Prteee an each 10.000 Z TW rm to Mm M each 10,000 e p.. uio aeh. Aaoroxtouutoa Prlaea, fa. too t Prteaa aroeaeb. ' wwa t Prtaa tMeaeX SCO UB7 PrtseaV fllo.a Half Tteheta tUOO. WVote TV eta. t. T Tlaaeaa, Jra e.fA. t i u..jO Trafl tn lnir. or'ead by ti: riav. I)OVT fr"I T RKUUTEXaD laeeaoOeev Order cf ad?wmfkb7 fV aeeaa aaa be e- at oar expenea. Addraea 11 order, ta 7. i. DOOviLAa, lejarua, ay. deeteedaw ta U aa ! The Morning Star PXTBttSHED DAILY AHD WEEKLY Eliscriptioi Rates Ih Airasce.' DACLT STAR, Ona Taar, poctaxa paid ....$7 4 .... 1 .... " Three Month - .... - Two Month. " .... Oaa Mooth " " .... WKEXLT STAR. Ona Taar, p6U paid. - StxMontha, " M . " Three Month - " . .fl NOTICES OF THE PRESS: The Sraa I deoidedlT one of the best paper In tba State, aa brtatat and neway aa eTar. Lonjrllfe to iu oatew ire. Tha Wltatatoa Staji baa entered on It twelfth year a irooa a paper a any people ahoold want. CKarioiUDtmocnU. Tba Wlhnlnxton Stab ha entered on It twelfth year. A a dally loarnal of newt it stand np head. Ctmcord &iisUr. The WUmbvfton Stab ha eatered It twenty fifth tdIobm. There la no better paper published ta the State, Loir TtaAc The WUmlajfton Btajl ha entered qpos its thir teenth year. It 1 one of the beat papers in the ett, Warmlcm OwtU. The WBmtarton Stab ha entered it thirteenth year. It ha beoome one of the leading papers.of the South. Oxford TotxAliahL The WQmlartoa 8ta ia not only one of the best edited papersln the State, bnt for freshnees of new aaa typotrrepioal appearance Cannot be Tbe WUmlotton SrAa is one of the very best pa per la the Booth, in every department from ty po rraphy up to editorial ability and independence. ?Orowrg ( Fa.) Indtx-Appmii. Toe WUmtajfton (X- C) Moaxnie Sraa 1 a mod el newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate ll merit when we say it la the newtiett (ocular) paper pnblished In the South. Richrrtond ( rJ BMioic iirrotcL BvTfae WUmlasjton Stab baa now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. . One of the beet conducted and edited papers In the South and. a a North Carolinian, we are proud of It. 7ur0oro SoulArmtr. We like the 8n beoaoae it is thoroughly re liable, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, rrawvy, spicy, and in fact a perfect news paper. Long- may the Star twinkle. Iff. vliry VitUer. Although at the bead of the press in this State in all (hat make a paper valuable to the reader, till It continue to Improve. It is a Stab of the flrwt maaaltnde. May Ha lustre never wane. Tk fVt WiU BaptUL The 8 r a a I so well and favorably known in this aeetloa of the State, that we can say nothing of which it thousand of readers do not already know. It I In every reepect one of the best daf lie tn the &onh,Ec44onian. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed Its terenty-eeoond volume. It is one of the moct brilliant, erudite and sparkling dallies south of toe Potomac The system tn the ret up of the pa per wrfi'ii them all. Tartoro Southerner. The WQmtngtoo Stab has entered on It twelfth year. It Is 1 most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a compendium of all the news of the day, and aa honor to its city, to North Carolina and tc North Carolina Journalism. laotuxu uoterver. The Wilmington Stab la now taking the regular midnight Associated Pree reports, and ha be Idee increased 4be amount of its reading matter. The Stab Is an excellent paper. Its prosperity Is mt rurprtjrtng tnce It Is so deserving. Chariot' Oierrw. The nw oinnot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It haa Just reached one of Its many birthday. As a newspaper it is a favcrite with the State prea and is sought after by the people. Long and prosperous life to WFrids rUU Tim. Whv I It that all the papers with the name of Star are such bright little journals t The Wilming imlng-Fred- ton Of. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, the ertoksburar Star. New York Star, for ex ampie. There must be 'something in a name after all. BicMmauA ( I o.) StaU- Tba WHmtngton Stab, we are pleased to notice, till continue on the high road to success. We eateem the Stab very highly, regarding it aa one of tha verv beat of our exchanges, and consider It the peer of any Journal published in the South. Oxford res Lake The Wilmington Stab haa entered upon it 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still contln sea oa the road to uccea. We esteem the Stab Ttn hi hlv. resrardlng it a one of the very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those 'of any other of our exchangee, and its editorial de aertment la oonductetl with much ability. irr 0HSlO fiiadA, Hiusbl In It beginnings, a was inseparable front an enterprise begun amid the wreck of for tune that attended the eoUapee of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now beam resplendent tn the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. At a newrfa pr tt ha few equals, and no superior, for arrrs prtate selaetloo and Judicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among oar moetacospt ble exchangee. ITUltboro Recorder. The Wilmington Mobxixo Stab ha entered up on the thirteenth year of it existence, and we take thl opportunity to congratulate It upon its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able soocea of the Stab is due to its strict atten tion to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) I that it always has the news, and this Is the first thing in Journalism. Otherwise the pa per la all that the term of "good newspaper" Im plies, and 1U corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral Influence of the Stab never be re tarded, and may Us genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. GtiitUhoro Memgr. H.BrunhildScBro. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS OF Fine Liquors & Wines, AND PROPRIETORS OF: Southern Star Rye Whiskeys, WHICH STILL TAKE THE LEAD a Head Certificate of Prof. CHAS. W. DABSBY. Jr Chemist "RALxaea, N C "I have examined carefully Oct. 7th. 1882. and thoroughly analysed a sample of whiskey. ale or whlakav. certified to o be a fair sample of the brand, known as "Southern Hlm.t " mannfanttired bv If (r H. Brunhild A Star." manufactured b Bttx, of WUmmgton. N. C., aad find tt a reraarka-. ; biy pore ana strong whiskey, free rrom au mm teratkfhs and fraudulent addlUans usually made In whiskey. "CBAi, W. Dasitxt. Ja.. Chemist." DIRECT IMPORTATION. Baas Ale, Guinnei' Extra Brows Stont, and Cochran & Cantrill't Ginger Ale. Hicks & Brrinliild Bros. RICHMOND, VA., MANTTACTURESS OF "THE BEST a FINEST BRIGHT AND DARK CHEWING TOBACCOS, IN ALL SHAPES AND SIZES. Send for Sample aad quotation. dee 7 tf Hess tork, Hams. &c. 100 BZM DHY 8ALTED SIDES. 100 Bbl" HKAVT MXS3 poRK- gQQQ Lb CALIFORNIA HAMS, For sale by HALL & PJEARSALL, AGENTS TOR d0 1 DAW tf DUPONTTS GUKPOWDER. O.I.C. yynT TT LB YOU ARE ALWAYS 8 HAYED SO clean and roar Hair b o nicely cut. It tsbe raoa yoa have it dona at H.C. PKKMPKRT'8 raahioaabla Saloon. No. 7 South Front Street, tw odoor below Solomon1 corner. oet7tf WHOLESALE PRICES. ' tSaTCatTiraotatlona, It should ba indWstood; represent the wholesale prioes generally. In making up small orders higher prioes have to be charged. , : - - -i "7 ; . f- AJtTICUtS. . . . FKICXS. BAGOTG-Qunny J0 11J4 '. Standard... ......... . ..... . 00 a 18 BACON North Carolina 1 ' ' Hams, ft lb . 00 & IS Shoulders. V B Tin rrh 11 00 00 S 73 ' "Sides, chowe, e fi 10 12 WbstxbxSkokxd tt.: 17 18 Sides, f B 0 0k 9 Shoulders, ft B 00 00 Dsr Saxtkd Bides, fi B 0 7; - Shoulders, !..... 00 00 BARBHiTfl 1 Bplrita Turpentine, Second Hand, each 00 175 New New York, each.i 1W 200 New City, each..., 100 190 KKX8WAX fi B. .'. . . i 85 6 BKICKS Wilmington, f) M 8 00 & 9 00 Northern....... 0 00 14 00 BUTTER North Carolina, fl ft. 18 & 25 Northern, ft 1.... 25 & 35 CANDLBS fit b Sperm 18 25 Tallow 11J4 12 Adamantine...... 00 & : 18 CHKSSS ajlN-North'nPactV U -MJ. Dairy, Cream 00 13 State 00 COFFKK ft lb-Java 18 28 Lagurra is eh 14 60 50 Rio CORN MEAL fj bush-, in sacks, Virginia Meal ?. COTTON TIES bundle DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, $J yd 6J 7 Tarns, ft bunch 00 85 EGOS ft dozen... ....... .. 23 25 FISH Mackerel. No. 1, fl bbl...' 18 00 & 20 00 Mackerel, No. 1, fl half bbl.. 8 50 & 10 00 Mackerel, No. 2, fl bbl 9 60 10 00 Mackerel, No. 2, fl half bbl. 5 00 5 50 Mackerel, No. 3, fl bbl 8 50 9 00 MuUets,flbW 5 ro 8 00 Mullet. Pork bbls 11 00 12 00 N. C. Roe Herring, f? keg... 3 00 4 00. DryCod.fl .... 5 10 FERTILIZERS fl 2,000 pounds French's Carbonate of Lime 7 00 7 50 French's Agricultural Lime 8 50 9 00 Peruvian Guano, No, 1. . 57 50 63 50 No. 2 86 00 87 00 Lobos 00 00 51 00 Baugh's Doable Eagle Phos. 00 00": 25 00 Carolina jrerttuzer.. 45 00 50 00 40 00 Ground Bone. -. . 00 00 Bone Meal 00 00 Bone Flour r : 00 00 Navassa Guano.- 40 00. Complete Manure 00 00 Whann's Phosphate.... 00 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 45 00 t57 00 45 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 5 00 5 50 6 50 9 00 Bcrger ds Butz's Phosahata. 00 00 Exoellenza Cotton Fertilizer, 55 00 FLOUR fl bbl Fine. 0 00 Nortnern Buper. Extra Family City Mills Super j. Family " Extra F&milj GLUE fl lb GRAIN fl bushel. Com,8tore,bags,prlme, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, " Corn, cargo In bags, " Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags Oats, from store - Cow Peas HIDES-rfl lb Green Dry HAY fl 100 lbs Eastern Western North River HOOP IRON fl lb LARD ft ft Northern 0 00 6 25 6 50 5 00 5 75 00 io- 5 25 6 00 & & & 00 13 75 CO 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 45 90 4 10 CO 80 80 & & 11 10 00 90 a 00 00 North Carolina... LIMB fl barrel LUMBER city Sawed M ft. 14 & 40 Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Rough Edge Flank 15 00 West India Cargoes, accord ing to.qaality ' M 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Boards, com 'n 12 00 MOLASSES gallon 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 New Crop Cuba, in bhds r' " In bbls.... Porto Rico, in hhds " " in bbls Sugar House, In hhds In bbls Syrup, In bbls NAILS fl keg Cut. lOd basis.. OILS J gallon Kerosene Linseed Rosin Tar ". Deck and Spar POU LTRY Chick eus,live,grown " Spring Turkeys . PEANUTS fl bushel POTATOES ft bushel Sweet.. Irish, per barrel PORK fl barrel City Mess. . . . Prime. Rump - RICE Carolina, ft lb Rough, ft bushel RAGS ft lb Country City ROPE ft lb SALT ft 8 alt Alum Liverpool . . . Lisbon American SUGAR ft lb Cuba rorto kico A Coffee B " O " El C Crushed SOAP ft lb Northern SHINGLES fl M Contract. Common Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts STAVES ft M W O Barrel. R O Hogshead TAIXOW lb TIMBER fl M feet Ext Heart (1st class yellow pine) .13 00, 13 50 Prime sbip'g, 1st class heart. 12 00 Extra MUX good heart 8 50, 9 00 Mill PrlBJe 7 50 Common Mill 4 00 Inferior to Ordinary 8 50 WHISKEY fi gallon Northern 1 00 North Carolina 1 00 WOOL ft fi Washed GO Unwashed 00 Burry 00 "WILMINGTON MONEY MARKET. Exchange (sight) on New York Baltimore Boston Philadelphia.... Western Cities-. Exchange, 30 days. 1 fl cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock First National Bank Stock Navassa Guhno Company Stock discount 107 140 23 10 10 80 4 116 106 105 100 100 100 110 -80 50 130 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Con our 9118. Funding, id Funding, 1868..... ' New 4s A Spociwil Tux . W a W R R Bonds, 7 flo (Gold Interest)! . . Carolina Central RR Bonds, 6 Wo.... ..... Wilmington, Col.' Augusts, R R Bonds. . . Wilmington City Bonds. (new) 6 ftc " " 8fc New Hanover Comity Bonds, 6 ftc Wilmington Weldon R R Stock . North Carolina R R Stock. .... Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock. . . Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital, -Cash Capital paid in, Surplus Fund, - - - $1,000,000 $300,000 $50,000 DIRECTORS : W. I. GORE, G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, R. R. BRIDGERS, C M. STEDMAN, ISAAC BATES, J AS. A. LEAK, F. RH KIN STEIN, E. B. BORDEN, J. W! ATKINSON. ISAAC BATES, President, G. W. WILLIAMS, Vice President, au20tf S. D. WALLACE, Cashier. BRANSON'S N. C. BUSINESS DIRECTORY for 1883, SOON TO BE ISSUED, 6TH EDITION 17TH YEAR OF PUBLICATION, Win contain over tf,0OO NAMES, and is In tended to be the FULLEST AND MOST RELIA BLE REFERENCE BOOK ever pnblished for North Carolina. Tha Business and Professional Ken of every County City and Village will be recorded and olaasifled for convenient reference. Price f .00. ap25tf C.E.: Smith, Kj No. 2 4 STONE 8T NEW YORK. Liberal rvmviv Liberal advance made on consignments Of COTTON. NAVAii BTVtUSS, dto. nnir 'for tha purchase and sale of contracta- for future delivery, both to tha New York cotton and Produce Exchanges, promptly executed. ep4tf 00 34 00 & 87 00 39 00 42 00 a 00 00 23 40 80 8 25 3 40 12 13 1 10 1 45 90 1 00 15 18 00 20 00 & 22 25 &, 27K 00 & 12j 1 CO 1 26 1 10 & 1 45 60 80 3 50 & 3 75 15 00 15 50 13 00 14 00 17 00 & 18 00 0m 8 90 1 05 1 80 85 no ffh 75 00 00 00 75 .0 00 0 & 00 tW 7 0 & 834 10tf 11. - 5 & V4 5 00 7 00 8 00 8 50 4 50 5 00. 0 00 7 50 U 00 18 00 00 00 10 00 5 6 14 00 13 00 10 00 8 00 4 50 4 00 5 00 3 50 t30 22 15 ttirtiiw!i' a - - Kaiiroad. oo orricrBoGM.8uirSTaOTrVfTTT WUmuletoaTN. C. NovW 188S. i Change of wj, ipi i r nwv . SWednle. T ON AND ATra NO YtR 183883, AT 1.05 A. M LrThteJSeason'S Passenrer Trains on the Wilmington A Wei-1 uitot don Railroad wlU run as follows: . . 1 . -X . pt Day mall and 3xpreaa Traill, Bally Noa. 47 NorU) and -48 Sontn. - ! Leave WiMingtan, Front St. Depot, at 8.53 A. JL Arrive at Weldon.... . ,4 &31 P M, : Leave Weldon. ..w.:..... .v." 3.00 V. M, ; Arrive ai Wllatingtoii, FroatSt, Depot 8.40 P. M. Fast Tbbotsh Mail Aito PAsaraoTaJuir DArtT1 NO.40 8oBTHi ': U;t.i... . Leave Weldon. v. . . . ; . . 5.50 P. M- Arrive at Wilmington, Front at. Depot, 10.25 Pi af Mail asd Passbkoer. TnAis Dah,t No. 43 - NOKTH. .'- .f. Leave Wilmington : 8.00 p. M Arrive at Weldon 2.20 AM Mail ASD Passenger Trains Noa. 45 and 42. Leave Wilmington 13.30 A. M. Arrive at Welaon. 6,80 A. M Leave Weldon. 1 05 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington....: 6.55 A.M. Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. - Trains ouJTarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 iP. M. and .4.80 P. M. daily. Returning, leave Tarboro" . at 3 P. Ms and 10 A.M. daily. Train on Scotland Neck. Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 8 25 P. M. Return ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 8 SO A. M. dfcily. : " - Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all DOlntS North dailv. Aril rail via. liinhmniiH and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. - Train No. 43 runs' dally and makes close con nection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. Train 48 Daily except Monday.! " 45 " " Sunday. ' All trains run solid between Wilmington and . Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. For aoeommodationof local travel a Passenger Coach will be. attached to Local Freight leaving Wilmington at 6.55 A. M. daily except Sunday. JOHN F. divine; General Sup't. T. mVEMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. nov 17 tf WILMINGTON 'COL'MBIA & AUGUSTA Railroad Co. Opricn op General Sup't, l Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 18th, 1883. f Change of Schedule. O1 lN AND AFTER NOV, 18TH, 1883, AT 4.! M.. the following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road: No. 42 Leave Wilmington 7.15 A. M. " Arrive at Florence 11.40 A. M. No. 45 Leave Florence 7.40 P. M. " . Arrive at Wilmington 1210 A.M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally) No. 48 West and 47 Eaat. Leave Wilmington. 9.10 P. M. , Leave Florence 2.40 A.M. Arrive at C, C. & A. Junction 8.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 6.40 A. M. Leave Columbia 9.55 P. M. T nn... r Br A Tnnolnr, 1A OA X XT Ajoaw v., v uu a. w uuv; . . ............ .wuw a. jju. Leave Florence 4.33 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington. 8.23 A.M. Nisht Mail and Passskokb Tkain, Daily. No. 40 Wbst. Leave Wilmington 10.40 P. M. Arrive at Florence , 1.45 A. M. Mail and Passbnqeb Train Daily No. 43 East. Leave Florence : . 3.35 P. M Arrive at Wilmington .' 7.42 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at-Flemington and Marien. Train 43 Daily except Monday. " 45 " " Sunday. Passeneers for Columbia and all points on G. & C. R. R., C. & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, anfl all points beyond, should take 48 Night Ex press. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta on Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. Local Freight leaves Wilmington daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. nov!7tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Office op Supxriktbndett, ) Wilmington, N. C, June 13, 1883. f Change of Schedule. AND AFTER JUNE 13. 1883. THE FOL- lowing Schedule will be operated on this Railroad PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. 1 Leave Wilmington at '7.00 P. M. No. 1. V Leave Raleigh at 7.85 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte at 7.80 A. M. ) Leave Charlotte at 8.15 P. M No. 2. Arrive at Raleigh at 8.30 A. M. ) Arrive at Wilniington at 8.25 A. M. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL. EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Daily except Sundays. Leave Charlotte Arrive at Shelby Leave Shelby Arrive at Charlotte 8.15 A. M. 12.15 P. M. 1.40 P. M. 5.40 P. M. close connection at Trains No. 1 and 2 make Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 forStatesvUle, Stations West ern N. C. R. R., AshvUle and points West. Also, for 8partanburg, GreenvUle, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Eassenger Agent, JelStf ; New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. STEAHERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK Every SATURDAY at 3 o'clock P. M. BENEFACTOR Saturday, REGULATOR BENEFACTOR REGULATOR. " Nov. Dec. 24. 1. 8. 15. Dec. Deo. t)ec. Deo. BENEFACTOR. 1 REGULATOR. . 29. Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and 'from points in North and South Carolina. For Freigbt'or Passage apply to THOMAS E. BOND, Superintendent, . Wilmington, N. C. Tlieo. G. Eger, Freight Agent, New York. W. P. Clyde A; CO., General Agents, nov32tf 35 Broadway, New York. . PURCEIL HOUSE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, " Wilmington, N. C. B. "1m Perry, :V?ftrpiiiPtor, ' First Class in all its appointments. Tarma'i2-S0 to $3.00 per day. feb8tf y ifr.irtij tlf ADyJKlJTISKMENTS. -) mm.' '4 hv aiad tha 1mm U PITa. , or FAIXISQ 8ICXNSS8 Uf-koz .tody. Iwrrntir remedy to ear th wr . Bna vtn M faUti n tmwrn far-nnt ow rftrlng cur. n1t T I d rt ONlc. It frf rtdrw PVH. 6. KOOT, IM Pc.r) St.. N.- - a LUanA I awtll sura Vimi FKEE! - -Tlif II linfl I .1 martT. .1, .n lli.m i-ff aUmeeadthaaTtlwmrmarB noiln, I luun Kru.Krev 'FREE!! FREE!!! NewDeeotlptlve Catalogue A Pr'cu Play, 4 . uramas, Guide Books, S. ' Scenery (Paper), 5 Speaker, .a a. " Ethiopian Dramar. 2 a . Tableaux Light, Colored fire, & Pantomime. B , -. S . i - Burnt Cork, 3 ' . Wigs, -ft. . j-s--. v i - Beard, dw., Ao. . In fact, everything for Amateur Theatricals SAMUEL FRENCH SO.N, 38 B. 14th St, N. Y. l ban apoaltlToMdy fot tb above 41mm s by 1 c wtMuMf'Mtw. lM worst Kiaa aaa 01 lonn ntftndiBa haatd nna tad, to .tron. ta air f.liti mi In Ha efficacy, tbit TwIU id Two BOTrXafl FRRI. together with a VAtOABta TBBATI8B thl dkaMM, . aT uCrirr. OIt Kxpmii and P. O. addraaa. DR. T. BLOOOK, ui Pearl au, Tork. 1 ri 1 i , ' , 1 1 I, . , ADVERTISERS! aend for oar Select Liat of Lo cal Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell A o., 1 Spruce St., N. Y. . deolDAWlm ONLY ONE MONTH TO AND IF YOU WOULD AVOID THE RUSH AND PRO ; BABLE DETENTION, SEND IN YOUR ORDERS PROMPTLY FOR FIRE CRACKERS Mince meat, Lemons, Raisins, Citron, AppIcs,Cnrrauf , Candy, Nuts, Cocoanuti. Extracts,' Vc. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, nov 25 tf 8. S. Cor. Front and Dock sU. . Tobacco. w E HAVE FULL LINES OF TOBACCO, which we are selling EIGHT CENTS under prices prior to May 1st. Also a very large stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS at bottom figures. mv8-tf WORTH & WORTH. 12- of the continued use of mercury and potash for the treatment of Blood and Skin disease they never cure, and nearly always Injure or totally ruin the general health. A WELL-KNOWN DRUGGIST. My drug store was the tint to sell 8wift' Spe cific. It wasthen put up in quart bottles whloh sold for $5 00 each. I have seen a great many cases cured by its use, and some who had tried all sorts of treatment. In fact I have never known it to fail when taken properly. I sell a large quantity of it, and for all diseases that are dependent on blood poison or skin humor. It cures pimples and blotches on th skin, and makes the complexion fair and rosy. A for blood taint, there is no such word a fall. K cures cases that have long withstood other sort of treatment, and without any of those recurring troubles that generally follow mercurial and other so-called cures.' T. L; M ASSEN BERG, Macon, Ga DRY TETTER. For years I was afflicted with Dry Tetter of the most obstinate type. Was treated by many of the best physicians; took quantities of mercury, pot ash and arsenic which. Instead of curing the Tet ter crippled me np with mineral poison and rheu matism. The Tetter continued to grow worse, and the itching almost made me crazy, In thU condition I was induced to take Swift Specific, and the result was as astonishing aa It waa grati fying. In a few months the Tetter was entirely well, the Mercurial Poisoning ail out of my sys tem, and I was a well. man and due only to Swift's Specific. AU like sufferers should take It. JAMES DUNNING, Louisville, Ky. WHAT A PHYSICIAN SAYS. Cypress Ridge, Monroe Co., A bx , July 23, 18S3 I have a bright little daughter who will be two years old next month. Sde has been troubled nearly ever since her birth with a skin disease, which I first diagnosed chicken-pox, but later found it to be some sort of ecsema; at any rata it resisted very stubbornly all the different trest ments. I procured one bottle of Swift's Specific and gave it to her in small doses three times a day.and in a short while bad the satisfaction to see that she was entirely well. I am so well pleated with its effect on her that I (hall not only ue tt in my practice, but I shall administer it to my other children and take it myself. W. B. Bbontb, M. D. Our treatise en Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to applicants. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer ft, Atlanta, Ga. nov 21 ly oh s m TnE CELEBRATED ARRINGTON GAME FOILS FOR SALE "MT GAMB YOWL8 HAVE A NATIONAL nE putation. They bare fought and won a series 0 the greatest main ever fought en this or any other continent, and Fifteen Fairs, on exnioitioa at Philadelphia In "78, were honored by the Uni ted States Centennial Commissioner with the Dt- ninrna and ICedaL I have a variety of Color and most approved Breeds' In the United States. I will hip splendid COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, pei Express, C. O. D.. at from $4.00 to $8.00 each HENS, $2.50 and $3.00 each; or $7.00 per Pair $10.00 per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred Pairs this Summer, the Finest Games in the World, and will ship Young Fowl of March and April hatch daring the month of August, Sep tember and October, at Five Dollars per Pair, or Seven Dollars per Trio. . , . Whoever disputes the superiority of my Birds, will please back the assertion with their stamp. write ror wnac you want. Address. J. G. ARRINGTON, IHlliardaton. Nash Co.. N. C. ap6tf ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security Aajatnst Fire. The North Carolina Home Insurance Co. RALEIGH, N. C. T' HIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE Po licies at fair rate on all classes of insurable PIA!Tl!oases are promptly adjusted and paid, Tha "Home" i rapidly gaining in pnblio favor, and appeal with confidence to Insurer of pro perty in North Carolina. Agents tn all part of the State. JOHNATLTNG, PresideBt. W. 8. PRTMROSETSeeretarT. PULASKI COWPKR, Supervisor. ATKINSON A MANNING, Agent, gep 28 tf Wilmington. N. C. The Home Journal, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING At Warranto xt. If. C. jonN TV. HICKS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. It has a splendid ebrculatton ta the OTti of Warren, Vanoe, Halifax, N.O, and Mecklenburg, Va. As an advertising medium It is unsurpassed. Terms $1.60 a year in advanch. . Address THE HOME JOURNAL, an 5 tf Warrenton. N. C t 3 ri r