The7 Morning Star. n u. ill uuujixns. jBAxzai oar, AJDrxsxTisiaar nii"rj fK . 1 " " "T r' i ri a m c T TW f t V S or av - - Sw1!!.'.... woo xnr Montlu . um ?v a cja i Wa w MX " .. T aW r ih fetWO aW i ta mt , v r ;vw.'.. M 90 'Oontnot AdTertltement Uka M nooor tarn ciK m c i-Hf CVS VOL. XXXIII. NO. 83. WELm&IXfSirVi. S.UNDAY; DECEMBER. 30,-1883 erw akk ; '.aWi I to kM Tea line soltd UToopweQ typ mk cm qwt . '.. " . , " . . ! " T 9. a. MORNING EDITION. ocrrkTrES. ru Pup CoosiaCdryU April i ? A piosiUoa U b l3 rturcIJ o,rx taa Trac lo-a al Soaur - W I (I'M . n.-.r ai t.CX am: t& tUck tat Traaca f maU w n,,anaA; faw, , !. UmC ixiXO iwt tl C1aciU fav U4 4Tvlr ct i4 "t lillltnl fur toa7 A wapiiiM of work fti tAtf Wi!a ..i Mill, UraL Hmi, Lo SXO y n imi him m Tr tMj KaM4a ik JWikiO 14. C. . it Ht Klaf Kof . , il J . jr et. etCba 'li.'l t 19? ) : ' if iutJWr9 Sur dil aa- f .1 .t nirait r. w4T.ikT.J ?re. i (nit pir.t4 trpa(ia dull. I . y A Onnt U ia Jail si Dal , . ( e bagtary. H top, mf. ttm lnral bt h- eut a. i 'i.-i-w ir 4,i, So b no txrioqi dsa- (' rj an'4, a4 at Snt r- fita-taaia trnod th htta aa.! oo eokorkl boj v i-m '4i1!m ftoilaa tally ta rVkta .,,ttt. t. oo tb l?tb. by ho.X- hrinCiu.M jua. W hop that Emory Jpr, the , .. , M out f or oiScw.will n. f. K 'unrirml br tb So t aa IiHtr-t Attorn j. . nnti camfxxwU of pro m nilrn Ian x at York '"n tb t Tib iat. A boot f .irt 'lf-t warr prrot. frsnt a atrH fall whilst ,:ttt" out of bU carriage oo Tbor- ik N bma wr brwkrn bat the Mi:c nrvk waa bmii. He ta in .-.? b anothar stx Jaj in New York. Tb wlkirt match r.srti mirfy havr paid VanJrr txlt (rr one weak' rmt of H u i..k S4-an garden. K-q, tha actor, t having a hard tun of it. fails to draw. The truth i b ia not in tha right Iio to in writ 8anaXioalwias an4 leg-i li mit plas bat the boards a yet. Th Waahingtoa V says that th. Senate haa oo right to originate iti.-.rir Jik nator Bailer 'a bill proposing to abotisb tha Internal lUvrnn t jUm and that it is oncoa ktitntion vL At Merideo, Connecticut. W. J, llntHjin.a U a prominent citisfti. He ha. jt given lesf bail to numerous emitters and in doing sewtook along with him tha pretty wife of John Wilkrrwo. Savannah ia in rameat about its naw bouL Mr. J. A. Wood, of N'ew York, i tha arcbtlect who baa lrawo tbo plaa of the Grand Hotel. It i to c-t IT-O.0OO. W with we i-oqUi writ each ar item for Wil- m i n ;tri. The Philadelphia Tim is eorrnpl J ougb to bop thai a good dinner A . ? ,. , , wiil prova- too tnacb for Carlisle Sma an.! .(.nl Ln c.a n;,knU I ... r f . Fh ' 7TW prrbap rrHra. a rra the I .paaker by ila oa s0L.r be .ta w low ataakrar,! of r 4 political morality . ,. . . . k l FaiU3tAroP,e ener-0,e banker of Washington, fr. Cor .-oran, now ta hie Sdth year, ha bmn doraikl br lh Freach with af the Ordr of Melaatoe," which waa foan.Ied i A. I). Hd- The Haiti, more Swm designate btro as ""Sir W. W. Cotroroa," lb U aaatag-ioa va rtprfeesu I r, Mr. Morrison aa earing that his coca- I .... .1 mtttre will cult a pretty g rural re- 1 d action of the Tariff a4 that ia ar- . a .k k . . 1 ran g tne proTMioca ot vac om toe i . . ... ... . . . k' . r. ,.. I COOOlHtS Will lOO W IZm pceaiOimy ..v.. ' I Wt y4TV4M m aaaCUUB hii aj fM I . lkkank ri ii ii k W.k V. I kVkid ,w V.: ' . 7 or noi a out eaa gal tAroaga uxe Hoqre withcut bejoj amraJsJ so a to ilnlnj its oJfalaes It cutter of acrt cvojectorc " - j BUint book "bACft. fir lxcai of tbt siowocst with whicb be for tdihm copt. Ht Lm rtectred a boon of IT5.0OO from bii poblIber o! will gat in mdditioo 15 eU . i rojilir oo .xttj copy. Alrtidjr 100,000 copw. Urt Uen -order. TbU obowt tbo !otrtl Amorioan IUfftabitcaca tilt io bim. Hero tU aaot of th oriS.a of the book: 111. prl la Wiartoo sod Dr. namocoi cf 2f tw York, tolihSn that ht aaoai et'ar r to Earopa ia jood coca pa oy ffljri!f l?fJ"!i Ujc bat aot tadtlnf occapaUcas for bb wrrnfiaivai ia Bka aviau. ii au aoC waa I to to to EorOM .4 k.n k.. 1: u .1W1.. la do a wat Oct fay to tkt Coosrtamioaal Lftrary. Wall IWth J f OO utatoaa Tairty lean Kw. lie aan U caaa o-rt aim lila a fiaaa that tt would b dan! work to pl aia tweolr yvara tparWaca o Ppr. aad b saw thai lb pro&iao of aa ccupxioa had beta solr- Tb Laofftry baa btQ plating io rtu-fceaoed, Va., and the Dirpatch sy. of Ur acting: As aa actrtaa aat U ccrtaialy XTrcabi. cuoa b.vmla a woaa of eulturt aad rl SMa( yt La tapraKa fafl aftt wit- aHaf M( pkWformaaca I rattar loal rl3ar fav hartax so aa amatenr of u-'kiat taaa aa sniat who has g irto yrara of statl to tb prtjcaaioo. &m cannot. aar-3k t toaai Jartd a rcaakabJ ac- I traaa. Nor to oar auad doa ar twaaty tatiC ar to tba app4aa aba baa ficrtrr! or tbo frtai aalcacaa aba baa attracted. Tba SDlistloa of bar luccrsa moat Ik etlbar ia Llai morbtJ carioaitr far seciag aa MkaoVdrnl kaSr of Ear tiab faabkna or tba artfs! aaaaacr ta hc bar saaaara awat kaa aal bar ad wrtjaml It U acat pobttj do ta part to txb tbaaa caaaea. Aa to bar braaty WtU. aba baa a 6a. gracafal fom. ilb aa attractlra face, yrt saa eaaa4 milb tratb b coaaidrci baaa Ufal tsAt(i. tbart wr aaaay fair facM of nraa ao wKara d bcr pvrforcaanca Wat arvaiag aiacb QraCLiar f Tbarw UUlk io Washington of Mirfi.. sasrar oo the frt lUt. At I this U a Sialhero prodoctioo soma Itpablicaa ProtetiooUu can be foaokj to favor it. flat toasraacb as a great proportion of the sugar tax I f!o.i iu way directly into tha Trea- I ury tbao that oo any other protected artid, why not retain that or a per- .. . , . , .r -r-r" M",,lMUU w .the tat favoring Northern tnanafar tori, that pays two dollars to the owners to every one it pays to .the Trraaary? 'JL' I iI-iJ C?jEGL? cT , mum aovstHTieatrf ?rT Mnnos Let's pay op Oaix Xbowaji Flo art. IlaivvaxjuiKa La4l day. Mom El Ha max A card A- Davro Odds and ends. Orxaa Ilocma Alice Oaleav D. A. Sarrrw Card of thank. Mrs EL Kxxxaa Just received. Orntaaocao Furnishing good. Go. F. LrrrLaJoax $10 reward. 311 So. Faojrr Sr. Jfarae wanted. OiuxRFmJCTCH A Sosa Take heed. F. M. Kivo Jt Co. Somathinr new. QaXJts A Mcactrrsox Hardware, etc Mc Do c all A Bowdes Whips, etc Sra-raacoi Start the saw year right J. II. M t ll. a a rv Saddlea, trunks, etc rULTTKoax k Wil. Sxaajcaair Lisa. Jso. J. II cd at cs Razor steel tcisaorv Mrxta A DaRosazT Young's balsam. DaxociOLS A CoErrrytbing nice to eat. Mirma Stockholders 1st NsL Dank. W. 11 Srxrsaan Jfc Ca Breech loaders. O. W. WtLUAWi A Co Flour, sugar, etc Haxktsox A Seal and polo cap KamcaxiOk A CaLPca Baoa. Molaaara, bacoo. floor, sugar, etc . AtWa OsIm Oswra BaaSTaw Caaaaaay. Tbw Ralcigb Etmig Visitor says of the pavf ormsncw given by this company at Ra W!gb: "Not aa averaga audieaos was at Tucker Hall last Wsdneaday ttLrbt to greet Alice Osire and her Opera BoaHee Company in tbeir two-act operatic eztraragaxua 'Field of tb CUXb of Ooid." bat tboa who did aUrod en Joyed U. if hearty applause ia any rvtdesca. Alice Oalca ia aa lively and nxiiHlr as ah was tea rears ago, and bcr rake baa lost ooo of IU volume or wcel- aeaa, and waa remarkably Coa in the Gob- tie' dor as sung by bar and Miss Adele Lsocard. Tbrfsorport U vTry rood. The . . aflaa kf.KL. fl. av 4V ""wV mmm w m m mm -www- mm caer rvcelvad aa ootbarat of applause. ait aoext. by'Mlas Leooard, w-re well sung. I ,ki. i- k v i . 'i- .1. a I.. w.wiri;vwiv pruo -rose. . avewwa- waa bu vi wm to I JlUi f.kf Lllta TVVIa It . U I TT. rand occ'Daa. awartwoaada half boora very pkaaant- - . m m irflXottwa atarwaawl Tbe arplkatlJa of Mr. B, a Borden, for rakaae from Imprisonment for cost, under a writ "of JLJoj vryw, which was heard by H Hooor. Jodge McKoy. In chambers at dots a. SXapaoo county, oa Friday. laal raa denied, and be returned to this W watrdar mom i or. la chargeofan cEcrr. . : - I There were three UtermenU-two ad alls . . . . . " . I aaxi oo ca&i ta uaxoaje Kxwtrj uu- - - .tf - - - - Be2rae CeUrterr reoort ao Interments for tha week. ' Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery report (.trtBata.n mduiia-fcr tbe past wecu - A COLORED fit A UD Haw Ijtrs flwr af Clara4 : I - la Wtt MTaJcaai r Fr r CramKnia Arr t, at.' f 1 . 1 I lfxVpottW of U colowd popuUUon. WPW VWi cTtnuit of what Is oileced toUi fixat clan .,1. the pmoaof. coiod ladlTUu! who rlrea hit I nxm u W. U. GIbaoa, who deocrlbei hlm-; It I mlt a ftailcmaafrom. Mobile, Ala.;" ta engird in the cotton L,...--. ..Ma lA.. taotV.or the staple la 2Tew York to amount to akoat.3.00. The cojored peo- WUmiato- had aome experience of . i . ... - I . I atWrnlMd "etitlfm mort-hant fmm L nrruwr I known as Dr. "Wllbouis, or Wilbur but mHI la-T lat tlifima-l- t. Imd udod to socae ezteot by the new comer. The "ftoUejaaa fnxa ITobfla tU New York" did not totka aa preaeotable aa appearaace aa tha "Doctor from LiTerpooirio fact, he as ralher ahabbj, bat then a pleotj of I free backs will corer op a multitude of I defecu, aod shabbloe U only re- " J P oir.cHy woea .n- waj4 v wm va tAAa.aa-ikA-s'a Wb-a Um "racoUoa dealer" called at I kooae of Ileubeo McDonald, I cotored. aoJ tolj Reuben wife to pui 1bat away and keep ft for him, and handed her a stocklai apparently stuffed w.tb gTwiQ backs, she was sure her lucky tar aa ia the asccodaacy for awhile that a rata could be made to feel at home even ia a boerdiof houe. When Reuben came. however, and "Mr. Gibson" began talking a boat bis money millers, a slight suspicion was aooaad ia the mind of the proprietor, ho bad Wit a good deal at one lime sod a her by tiranra geeau, who are "here to-day and gooe to-morrow," and even the liberality of tb stranger la pressing upon bl tittle g1r! the acceptance of a nickel, failed to eoUrciy reasaure him. This aoa- pkioa grew la ialenaJty when the stockiog, hJcb haJbew left witb Reabea'. wife ua- unprwaioo mat it was sianeu wun mooey. turned oot to contain nothing more than a package of old newspapers. Ap plication at the baaka of the city, also, die- cloaod Lhe decvpUoa prmctiord by the "ex- ctxioo dcaW" ia claiming that he bad re- crived from ooc of Vbem tbo cash for a drtl toe 9o oaeaotime Oibaon -P0J T wholesale to go to work ia the D.uaal Swamp, cat- Uor trTaDb oolca. He dalmi b acting at agvol or contractor for a com- paay who waa led a vaat number of poles, aad the inducement of $35 per month. $35 in advance and all expensea of travel, etc., paid, bad worked like a charm among the colored population, and be bad very soon booked Ibe naracof 200? at least, who were anxious to precipitate themselves into the "Dismal" and swing the sturdy axe of in dependence lie was to meet them at 10 o'clock ycXierday morning, and soon after they were' to board the train which waa to take them fo their new field of la bor. About that time, however. Officer J. W. Bryant. armed witb a warrant Issued upon the complaint of Reuben McDonald, discovered Gibson making bis way ia the direction of the depot. lie induced him to return, and, upon finding that be was a prisoner, Gibson Insisted that be had plenty of money in the bank. The officer accom panied him to one or more of these insti tutions, where he was told that the man had ne flboaey there. Finally, he was taken before Justice IIDl, and here he waa con fronted by the "Dismal' two hundred, headed by the foreman, James A. Green, selected by Gibson himself to superintend the operations of the men. They were all considerably eidted over the fact thathey I wd in such a msnner, while I had been doped such a crowd collecting" on the streets was a source of cfo small wonderment. Gibson was requested 'by lhe magistrate to give bond io the sum of $100 for his a p penance at 8 P.M. He said be could furnish the bond oruieposit $1,000 in collateral, but it was not necessary, sod he was thereupon marched off to jail. The case came up at the time appointed and the defendant was required to enter Into security in the sum of $200 for hie appearance at the next term of the Crimi nal Court, to answer to the charge of false pretense. a"eraaaafk Mr. Wilkin Roddick and his friends. Messrs. Wm. Crawford, of Sampson, Craw ford A Simpson,, of "New -York, Wm. Lumb, of Boston, and Alexander Mctsaac, of New York, leave for Duplin county to .a. .vuu.j - OO a bunting expedition. While J . w.l morrow there they will be tbe guests of Dr. Mat- I . . , . uewa, a gooa aoo sum una ox wue mm I i.t ..4. rt ii,. aOk - 4 w m, h. . u k party we ahaU demand a "fair count.- We are betting high on Mclaaac. Hon. W. P. Frye, U. 8. Senator from Maine, expected to hare spent the Christ- mas holidays ia Wllmiagton and vicinity, j as the guest of Geo. a XI- Manning, but was prevented on account of lie indisposl-" tlon of his wife. Hr. I. B. Huggins was slightly better n.inlir D. 8. Cowan. Eao.. of Oolombu. who ha berailrt log in" Florida, la spending - ..." . . . . . I some day bere ana ia looaing ue picture j t00 health, as he always dee. Wm tA a nlMMnt chat of a few no- -- - - - , - holldav. W- y, who ta here for the bolidaya. We were glad to tee him' looking so well. There were ao 'eaeet for the Msyort Coort yeaterday mornlDg. Fifth. Sdnday in Advent.. f The dayVafe one minnte longer. - Dij'i length ' 9 hoars - and 44 Receipt of f cotton yesterday 154ba!e. Eggs were not as high daring Chrictm&s week u they had been for sere, rel weeks prerlous. There was a Very heavy frost jc-terdsj mon ani; wm smi uiick in I ' vt. .11 The graded -schools open to morrow, and all the c expected to be promptly la their win an children are ezMcted to be Dromotlv la their okces. . I Tha Sandav Scnaol Runner nf I . the First Preabrterian Church, at the Citv Hall, on Friday night, waa pronounced a grand success. -The Register of. Deeds issued eight marriage licensee during the past week, of which, three were for white and Are for colored couples. Don't forget the New Year's ball, to take place at Germania Half to morrow night, under the auspices of Ger mania Lodge No. 4 K. of P. Owners of hogs should try and keep them off the streets as much as possi- I ble. They are rooting up the sidewalks - a I ldJJ n owa portions of the city. Mr. W. J. Mott has provided his sausage factory on Market street, is the rear of Mr. Bellois' store, with a No. 10 draw cut aausage chopper, which is run by steam. life-like crayon portrait of the late Dr. J. Francis King is on exhibition at Yates's. It is the work of Miss Bessie Willard, of thlscity. a- At a meeting of the Produce Exchange, held yesterday, it was de cided to close the Exchange for business on Moodsy and Tuesday, December Slst and January 1st. Wo hare received a copy of the excellent baccalaureate sermon deliver ed at Marion (Va.) Female College, June 3. by Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, of this city Copies arc for sale at Heinsberge'r's and Yatea'a. The Norwegian barque Maury, CapC Olse'n, was cleared from this port for Liverpool, yesterday, . by Messrs. D. R. Murcbison A Co., with 1,887 bales of cot ton, weighing 863,033 pouads and ralued at $36,203. We learn that the condition of Mrs. Klein, who was accidentally shot and wounded in the neck a few evenings ago. was aot considered so favorable yes terday. She is still suffering a great deal and the ball has not been extracted. - Shipping facilities between this port and Baltimore are to be increased by the addition of a new steamer the Vidette to the Baltimore & Wilmington Steam ahlp Line; and on and softer Satnrdaynext a steamer of this line will sail from each port every Saturday. f3TSee fourth page for other local news NEW AD"VERTISEMENTS. Nurse Wanted. GOOD NURSE- WANTED, FOR A CHILD. Settled one preferred.' Apply to deo 80 It 311 SOUTH FRONT ST. The Annual Meeting QF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FIRST NA- olstil, BANK, of Wilmington, N. C., far the election of Directors, will be held at their Bank- tog House on Tuesday, tbe 8tn or January, 1884. A. K. WALKER, Cashier, dec 39 Bt Jan 1. 9, 7, 8 810 Reward. LOST. OK THE RALEIGH A GAS TON R. R., on 96th November, a Memorandum Book, containing- gold penoQ, N. C license, issued to S. H. Marks a ux, and some puotograpna. it nas my nameMn It. i win pav tne finder the above rewaro. -. dec SOU GEORGE F. LIT I LKJOHN. Care & H. Marks A Co Petersburg. Vn. A Card. HAVING LEARNED THAT A REPORT IS IN circulation that I have made, or am about to make, aa assignment, I take this method of Informing the pnblio that the report is absolutely aatrae. I am stul carrying on my business suc cessfully, and am prepared to meet all my obli gations . MISS K. KARKER. deo 30 It D. A. SMITH'S FURNITURE WARKROOMS, Dec. 29. '83. XX7E EXTEND TO A KIND PUBLIC OUR V V THANKS for the varr liberal and extensive ptronxe bestowed on our bouse tbe pastsea- son, and hope by low prioes, careful packing arid prompt attention to the wants of our customers to merit a eontlauance of your patronage. nance of you Yours truly. dec SO tf . D. A. SMITH. T -wvlDlf CHRISTMAS DAY, A BLACK and tan TKRRIKR DOG, answering to the name of JIP.' xha fmdee m be rewarded by returning her to aun loms JOHN L. MAFFTTT. Positively! TT WILL COVE OFfV - JL. ON NEW YEAR'S NIGHT! tiiE' LARGS oqubination raffle i AT MoTT.HItirNY'fl PHAJ t o'clock akarp. A fewehanoes lft. decsstf TT -Uni.1. HELP YOU I ! 1 jonnga Oongh Balsam. A safe and very effloa- roaxura Cough -'-itti eious remedy fo Conghs, Colds, Catarrh, Influenza, Young's Couh Balsam. Ycmng cough BaiSnl, Asthma, Croup, Whoop- I Young's Oocgu BalMun. Yeang's Congh Balaam. Young's Cooah " ( Vkli a vi -I Athav tfltav. I eases of the Throat and Longs. I oned by many of our cit-. I . Already used and end' laeas. Sold anhr bv MUNDS BROS. A DxROSSET, daeSajt Ageata, Market and Second Streets, NKW f ADYERTIS Baltimore, and i,?Wilmington SteamsMp'Li .:' '? STEAMElis';,. . J .'. . EALEIGH & VIDETTE On and after. SATURDAY.-JANUARY 6THta Steamerof this line will Ball r - ; Fjom Baltimore EVffBY ATUBDAY, AT 8 P.M.' From Wilmington, SATURDAY, ualess sooaer loaded. Through BOli of: Lading and Lowest Through Rates Guaranteed to and from points on the' naiiroaa ana uape jrear. Also, to and from Boston. Providence, Phfla alphla, and aU Western Cities. delphla. For Freight Engagements apply to - A. D. CAZAUX, Aaraat, WILMINGTON, N C. ANDREWS & CO., Agenta, 6. W. corner Light and German 8ta.. dec 30tf BALTIMORE. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT! BY OPENING YOUR ACCOUNT WITH J. C. Stevenson. T7V3R MANY REASONS HE KEEPS AND WILL continue to keep THE BEST. He has ample facilities for prompt delivery. He Is the largest receiver of Conntry Produce, Eggs, Chickens, c, io. . - He is the only Grocer who Roasts his own I Coffee, thereby guaranteeing the quality, and grinding it fresh dairy. . ensuing year, and in no case will be undersold, qnaiity being the same. We will try at all times to be polite, consid erate and accommodating. Your attention is called to a consignment of Mountain Roll Butter, 26c per pound. 14 pounds Brown Sugar for $1 00. 13 " Light C. " " 1 00. 12 " ConfecA. " " 1 00. 11 " Gran. " " 1 00. North Cat olina Sides 11c . " Shoulders 10c. 3 pounds Fat Turkeys for New Yeais. JAITJES C.STEVENSON, deo 80 tf MARKET STREET. Last Day rpo PROCURE CHANCES ON THE BEAUTI FUL DOLL at HEINSBERGER'S. On Monday, Dec. Slst, at 414 o'clock P. M., the ownership of the Doll will be decided by a committee of la dies and gentlemen holding chances. Those who wish chances, and those who are entitled to chances which they have not re ceived, will please call early At HEINSBERGER'S live Book and Music stores. dec33 tf 1884. kN THE EVE OF THE OLD YEAR WE WOULD ' respectfully express- our thanks to our na trons for their liberal patronage, ana we shall en deavor to continue to be worthy of the same by honest dealings and careful attentions to the wants of our trade. Wishing you a merry Xmas and a Happy New Year, Respectfully yours, BEHRENDS A MUNROE, dec 33 tf S. B. Cor. Market and 2nd Streets. a; Roberts1 Hpr Steel Scissors. A FULL LINE OF TBE JUSTLY CELEBRATED Roberts' Razor Steel Scissors Also Roberts' Parabola Needles, said to be the best in the world. dec SO tf JNO. J. HEDRICK. Golden Harvest. a FULL FLEDGED "GOLDEN HARVEST." ThaV8 the kind of COOK STOVE WE KEEP. They are a thing of Beauty and Joy to EVERY HOUSEHOLD. Only sold by PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. deo28tf Giles & Murchison, jyjURCHISON BLOCK, . . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL". HARDWARE, TINWARE dec 30 tf "AND CROCKERY. Imperial Seal Caps ! Roys' Polo Caps! HARRISON ALLEN, Batten.. dec SO tf Fine Art! T7X)R THE NEXT MONTH SPECIAL INDUCE X MENTS will be offered oa all Orders, after which time the prices will be advanced. An ear ly application la especially requested. Portraits from any kind of small picture. Prices, Ac., on appnoation. ORIN THOMAS. Artist Studio, 119 Market St., Wilmington, N. C deoSOtf Now Then, WE'VE HAD A GOOD TIME. LEVA PAY UP and commence aeain. . We have a few "no-. mlnaa' assets that have been standing so long they are tired. We would like the chance to oomp" tnem. bo come in ana aon x, oe unuu . MUNSON. de.b 801t , Clothier, 4q. SOMETHING NEW, FOB WHICH WE HAVE i ' applied for letters patent, A PORTABLE GRATE, adapted to Ccal or Wood; suitable alike for uo itairs or down stairs whereventllation through an open fire place Is desirable. Has adjustable sheet-iron setting and requires no mason work. . Combines ventilation witn great heating capacity anaeoonomyoi mei. aqu uuuk o ii-t uasu only $6 00. dec 80 tf T, M. KING- A 'CO. Whips and Spurs, 1HAMOISI SKIN! LAMOISI SKINS CUBBY-COMBS, HORSE i Rmahai I innnv Kmahoa a 1 Brushes, Dandy Horse Boots, uait- ere, Blind Bridles, Collars, Hall's Patent Breast Collars? jnezereatest invention of tne age, REIN HOLDERS. A foil line of Carriages, Bar- now, owiuiciauu iriuur - i- McDOUGALL A BOWDEN, dec 3.9 tf Not. 114 North Front St, Furnishing Goods. ' TITB DO NOT WISH THE PUBLIC TO LOSS - TsiRhtdf a very important fact, viz : Ourlarjreand : I eleeantly assorted stock of Underwear, Neck- wear. Hosiery, Collars, Cuffs, Ac, &c. ' -' Also, attention is ' asked tn nnr "RlmwrknrP Shirt-the finest and best Dress Shirt in the city. Being superbly laundried, it commends itself to those who are In search of a Shirt ndapted for extra occasions, balls, parties, Ac.-- We are exhibiting the largest Hne of Scarfs in 1 all the latest shapes and shades; and a complete stock of Clothing at any price. OTTER BOURG, KING CLOTHIER. Wilmington, N. C. deo 80 It Just Received. J HaVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF Velvet Lined CANTON STRAWS for School Hats, and a large lot-of FELT HATS, which will be so'd at reasonable prices. " Have in a complete stock of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, CROCHET SHAWLS and FASCINATORS, CAPS and SACQUES. All sizes, colors and prices in "JERSEYS" - STAMPING and HAIR-WORK done at reason able prices. 9IISS E. KARREIt. dec3D tf su Odds and Ends. . THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK WILL BE SOLD VERY LOW. We offer some BIG BARGAINS in ODD SUITS, ODD COATS, ODD PANTS and ODD VESTS. A large lot of BOYS' ODD PANTS at low fig ures w ciose. Our assortment is large and varied, notwith standing the run on it before Xmas, and the most fastidious can make selections. - In our Merchant Tailoring Department we of fer some Styles at Reduced Prices, and invite an inspection. . . ' A. DAVID, deo 30 tf Merchant Tailor and Clothier. Families Supplied - WITH Everything JTice to Eat. Dried Fruit, Prunes, Peaches, Apples, Blackberries (elegant), &c, &c. . CANNED OKRA and TOMATOES, best tnlng yet produced for Soup, and a great convenience to the Housekeeper. We have also CANNED OKRA and CANNED TOMATOES, finest Vegetables known to the gar dener. Nortli Carolina Beets. Not "dead" ones, but thoroughly alive. From the fertile soil of Western North Carolina. The sale of Fresh Summer Vegetables, with snow, on the ground, unprecedented. Come and see for your self. "Buy whilethe market is low; prices are be coming firmer, with an upward tendency." So cries ye average seller. , P. L Bridgers & Co , 110 North Front St. decSODA'wtf Flour, Bacon, Lard, &c. 1200 Bbls LOIJR, 031 k""68' 50 Boxes D. S. C. R. SIDES, 15Q Backets and Tubs Choice LARD, 500 8ack8 0110106 RI COFFEE, 2518 Stand. Granulated SUGAR, 25 do Extra C do y5 do Golden C -do 7f Hhds and Bbls choice tO Cuba MOLASSES 2Q0 ao -do Porto Rico do 5000 Striped Sacka Lrv"-'SAI'T. 1000 SaCkS mE SALT, Factory filled. g0 Bbls Cftotoe RICE, . JO BaIes RANDOLPH YARN, 10 do SHEETING, Bagging, Ties, Twine, Tobacco, Snuff, Nails, Hoop Iron, Glue, Bungs, Soda, Potash, Soap, Candles, Lye, Potash, , Candy, Crackers, Oysters, Ac, Ac., . For sale low by G. W. WILLIAMS A CO., - wnoiesaie urooera ana decSdtf 16 A 18 North Water Street,' f uonstantiv Jieceivinfir. i mm m Am ak a' -m i ' ar o ' TtfXW ADDITIONS TO MY STOCK week. A full line of Government Saddles Trunks. Call at the Old Stand, No. 10 South Front street. . , deoSOtf J. H. MALLARD. , Rreech Loaders OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES, 7 ALSO A FINE assortment of English and Gemma MiikkIa Loaders. Wadding, Caps, Primers. Shot, Shell, Powder. . Reloading Implements' of all kinds. Good goods and guarantee prices. ,- . ' ; W. B. SPRINGES A-CO. , (Successor to John Dawson A Co., 19,n2MaTket8treet, devSQtf WUmington, N. C. OPERA ; H 0 US E . ' , , , . l . Two HigMSa Dec'r 31 and Jamary ,1. OPERA BO U PFE. A L I O E. O A T E S, . ; ,...,.,. .. r, supported by a STRONG & CARXFULLY SXLXCTKD COVTATCT Field of the- oloth of Gold ! -.aiid".'...( . .. . conrad the corsair ! ' ReBeWed Seats'$l, at Dyers'. Adoalaslon 7f e, 59o; Gallery SSo. deo 80 It Grand New Year's Ball AT GERMANIA HALL, MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 18. Under the aaspIe.ea.of GERMANIA LODGE No. 4.K. of P. ' No Gentleman Admitted without a Lady. Ov KAMPEN, MARCUS BEAR, JOHNQlEa CHEN. JNO. OLDENBUTTEL, JN6. W. GEROTf, Committee. th su deo 27 at A Beautiful J3IAN0 OR A FINE ORGAN IS ONE OF TIIK most appropriate Xmas gifts. We offer for tb next two week's extra inducements In such fine makes of Pianos as Sohmer A Co., Dicker JJros.. E. Gabler Jfc Bro., and others. We have aleo tlio finest Organs made in the world. Tlx: dough a I Warren, Mason & Hamlin and Geo Woods. We have also cheaper Pianos and Organs wbioh w will sell extremely low. Our suocess is owing to the fact that we keep the best Instruments that are made, and sell them on the lowest possible terms, our long experience enabling ns to pur chase our goods at tbe lowest rates. We take old Instruments in exchange, and we sell for cash or on the instalment plan. Orders from tha country will be promptly filled, and every instru ment ordered will be guaranteed to give satis faction. fy YanLAER & YATES, dec 16 DAW tf 119 Market street. SWEEPING- REDUCTION ! -IN- 2TVBE1T D E PA RT Rl E IM T -BEFORE- STOCK TAKING, -AT- TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 11S Market St., WILMINGTON, N. C. dec 27 tf Take Heed. A DEALER IN TOWN. BEING UNABLE TO suit a difficult customer, sent him the following: ' Take no offence. You must admit Your homely foot is hard to fit. Of all the different feet I've seen . Yours is the ugliest I have met; And there's no shoe to suit, I ween, In all the town that you can get. But he was mistaken. Tbe party called on GEO. R. FRENCH A SONS, ICS North Front St., who fit him beautifully witb an elegant pair or Shoes. He wrote to the dealer: I took no offence at the note that ton writ . And admit, since you ask it, my foot's hard to fit; But your goods were not shapely, nor finished, nor neat. As those of French A Sons. rAcyarw hard to beat. dec.aotf k I Bacon, Molasses, &c. 50 Boxes Dry Salt 8IDE8. 200 Hbds and Bbs MOLASSES. 2000 Sacks LIVERPOOL 8 ALT, For sale by deo 8 tf KERCH NER A CaLDER BROS. Flour, Sugar, Coffee. 1000 Bbl" FLOXrp 1 (( Bbls SUGAR, Granulated, . ExIraCandO 1 A A Sacks RIO COFFEE. 1 V V For sale by KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. dec 83 tf Hay, Corn, Oats. 250 Bales Choice TIMOTHY DAY, 2000 Bush White CORN, 2000 Busk Black Mz. OATS. For sale by. dee 30 tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. James A. Lowrey, . TTHEEL WEIGHT, BLACKSMITH AND GEN eral Rrpairer of Carriages and Vehicles- Work of all kinds attended to without delay. Thanking my friends for favor extended f . ta the p81 ictt their und favors and r DreDared i branches in a food and wnrkmanllVa minkM Place of bmsmess, on Princess, between 3rd and 4th streets. - . su novlSoawtf Rock Lime, T7VR BUILDING PURP08WI. J? - ; FRESHLY BtTIWEI). PRICE irrmm m ai.ia per'ane. I.IBEKAL ISCOUNT FOR LARGE LOTS AND ' TO THE TRADK. Addreas FRENCH BROS., Rotirv Point. N. C or O. G. rAnslJti, it.. THIS I wJPatoaageminture; ATter an experienoa I aJfertlr'oo'rearaas a Meohanlo under Cant. S . . a . a . a . and I ono,xr warrenton, andtnWUmlngtoa, I J ara now prepared to conduct the work In all its rap 1 tf ato fr Wilmington, N. C.