-. , . ;. . - -; ; . -v.-. ; . v Ix.v- v'r;.;- - : -- "K-,-V V-- : .' . - . VO-' '..Voy ,Kxa,. -:i v -vv'..c;. --.-.ev; v- n st Tr si nvtmrriatv . - he Morning Star. -....iff ... ..Tte "5Hir kxvmrr aeasaA "; .Twtwka,...;. v no , v - 'SSSL jooo; Tw Month,.... is M i .,.11 II H llt . .v.i. . I I 1 l tv 1 'J ,i i 1 Yl , II i'-Xl .11 I f - ' h " -."" I 1 - . ... r: ... a ..... i2r5S ciSTiSS m -mmmtt Own - .it RNlN0lBDriTON;: , o-r a 8a-uor- ;-ntmtw aaa ' a .4 Kaf Psa I Tot f"n Utt. rrpcrla , v.n .,..i u wwnMi Ti tU-- fi Bpr .ut nfi eJ tlkJbaae'a s II1,,r,Iv-.u.mi. t '.a aommltW o Rj ,,( j .- with lacmctimM at lo r i n I'trfiiijmi atrrnaat of tpt"ii , ;,i;r w Jn.ry. fc.t . ., ,r-iii! A bill p4Ad fla ;rt pf of li Stai A ,, ,,v ,r V Jrey. tirU t icn M!iut tit atutapt Id brib a nwn V Ar to E-teJ&aa$J Crt Naw , . i , it, M-i:ipt by axaa v bari aa4 i -r a .Umf. Two i !.-tr m t a couotr. S. C . fullj ,r.i v!n: J.Mtia.t New York mrH-iu n -nr i t pr crni. . rwwo i ...... . I . . . . . i n : : i: H,(iU 13 ISc. ut&r-a soar I i.s al ,.!. ri.r. ui moiri ut-navi i .,.: ii. i"in. uardMl 49tJc: tvmla .,! ; ft 5Qt S3. sptTtt lurpvotit , eU-mtax at XV ; tt i'trvlf and hu ram will a . .. i i hl''r rdt-peaam an wind i )f).c.v ov WMm r cxr.o i i'.kft'!- an.I Krvoi hA tx-jf un. . ''hut rv rririnj to do ii Arhi I,A.rK; u. a pri- A rib J ).'!. i Krr. ji u (fntv vi-i- i Mftui.n, Jk iirlrI in by in iWvculn wf aJ- ...M-.u ,i.xn i Kipc lay Cotri. hffrv th N V (.lals- . . I to v i ' i, . ! r.f ti.i t. that eol I . I A I P Svj - I . fV;.iOfl i AnT bill Vlii t rr- I "t ?' f5 I: wilt reoo-.-tr. f t lii'fH ct4l rdicXio of not - 1 1 : -ir t-i. That will b . f' bl it will la- many ' - pi ii 1 -11 I.tntrwrt ia of th opmioo kr Carlisle the right iH f.-v ?ti. I ru .errata tmiottt f .r il.r t'rvsidvaca . Hut. (ineral. inn i rr )t with oa ani joif opin :n , .unit (of nothing tn iwnlits i. a rvjjuUr irimp. V' I liitju h lir, AOjl ah rvcent ' . s j'tii.f who olTendi her a -1 in.;, i!inx a tat hickory tick. A . 'hit . ih way th bi ft .. x ' women right their rrooi. nit" Cot i to get IT3.00) for I :A he m t writ. It is to be a pi..:.i.-J bUtory frim nurhariAn's irn m i.t ration up U .nhur and wiii bm tpAxklin and radbft. Cot it -ry lrtjrhf. Thia t s bvtler job th.n bm Speaker. Coif At ho. lifted htv rWI for a nomnt (tjen his ilimal oK-mrily to " m.r sS,e Arthnr'a cSanc4 for tha ')mirvtion uv ecIIent. Arthar M i:.i oqt of ofHc y Hsye 't John ShvT.o, aI OKe got hi Hnr.r, b,,rri5 f.iho with OskvS .Vm" hot horl an-I there la a Mm. VsIertA k r;v jj MiJuVn. 3U.. i.a,l fi: f,mr weks f from which 1.. J .fi gAe tOO.OO.) to Vil,lT l'tlrgrTaDOl I I . i o to .Wior TKvOogical Vm,a'y; ,oio t Drary CoJIegr. pnnileM. M.x; AO,CaW to tha fhiirag, TeoioAl fWromary; 30t- w w HmiU.o CofVt, f Ciintstfl 1 . xa, ether bfgw Sanaa nta Uk Amhem tvj othty Ne EaglsaU roiUgv ami Obariin 1., rally. All are ii th iouiwa of Coogreg.' tionaliere. , .V,. tfySXe iawrtir aVs opfo. onfsvnnc' pa4i iha tA cfl' w hssly; X&J-arw paraded hy , aa ej ehaagftw Bat it ia not iTsi-1 thai thsr Amrricttm is) a tstj ettrrctat Protao. tjon paper, owned and edited bj sa . . " , - --- - - - - - -.v----- - ........ . . - , " ' ' ' ' 1 ......11 . vol. xxxm.-NO. r . -k ... bow! for whUkvj and f r, Jto Ucco. Tlty know which id Cf tKir brvftd U batter!. Clew at . . . . . m . T ... , tb Intern 1 Ujt tad th Tariff Ut is aafe J.fTtnon LiTa to a fin. hoaM la r I Chartrttoti an j the jSVomi Corir I AJ IH penOTXaOC WSS UtUSMa sou Ttrjr sauiacxorj. it saye: "It has beta aU of TU RlTaU' that Ura U B mora diTrrtiof play wba tb parts era atiqaaarr tUWS. aad oao aaore UJiarl Ue tsa actiaf Is la aaj wtae f aaltf. If tale t tro. t&e caat last alxht si tut iadd aatra Una a atroex ; Tor taa verr larra aadkoca wars hrpt aitaraal- ULsaa sct sx-S aat oms ei iaa goodituaca wilwUca lb rocfy adouaua wi ioa va IOOM. 9 umw ww rat aad tacae tadoded probably a Urr majcritT o( t&oas creseat. ta Z2s A r- was a allfftual rertuuoa. U paia the entire corapanr as be- in-- -rtionallT fine. f rv. 7lv. tT1a V Mr R The Lenoir JVjue tells of ilr. It IL Ho.Jsre betoff fioed I20O for con- .w ..v fe .w. w- tempt and ordered to jail for 20 days bee a ate he rtascd to tenre oa the jury that was to try a prisoner to whom he was related. The Tbpic aajs that the attorneys for the de- at mmm nai . r 11 il . . l 1,11 . 11 k. i 111.11 n j .. . .. no oojeciicn, oe was oounu o acrre; . a wbereopoo itodgea arose 10 nis seal and Uied rather vehemently that ... . . : . u -r" a a ..a . a t panel oy lore, oai uui ne aosoiate- ly refaeed to serve as a juror in this caae. The fine was oot remitted bat the ail sentence was. A horrible sCfstr ocoarTcd at Mon- terer. Iliffbiaoa canir. a. air. Rachrosn, coanty sapenntendent of public. school, qaestiosed the accu racy of a qaotatioo from Shakespeare that a Mr. Atchison, a Northern roan, had given. This incensed the latter to ssch a degree that be planged a knife into Rackraso several times. Atchisoa was jailed, whence he was taken by a mob sod hanged. Ruck men is not drsd, snd the lynching is regarded as raoal strocions, and rightly ax ff ft m. f ' m m e k j.mtl t sa I " " K14 " UkUU,u I I .- 1.1... w n t tt. t. I w .w.M:.;r ,K- w x r - I .1 r VK...- Tt win I WW m'M W W Wm m -m -mw - Bf ikly v - 4 I i" a I i- kltAa, aflaaa if flSWM. I eary to tha Democratic party. Mr. 7 lisle is a strong and well furnished editor sad love journalism. He will ' make a paper worth rrsdiog. The I pric? will b 92 a year. The paper will cobtain T2 colomna. Thvre was a fatal case of yellow fever in New York 00 Sandsy last. Mr. Robert M. Boyd, a tobacconist, had been to Hsrsosand npon re turn ing home died. There is not a -day in the year that it is safe to visit Cobs ss there is nsver a time when yellow fever does not prevail to some extent. Spirits Turpentine At Waynesville the mercury is rvportad to hsve stood at 30 degrees below srro. 1 . Ty V T . -it I TV I . f irKort 1 n n h 1 1 1 m. I procaloeal New York, cotton merchant aad I I MS W nmsillO IWBW W, own a opva handed caartty. was ooro in lortn I Caron&a la 1S23. and married Ulas Bims. I of Warrea cooaty. lie dwd qoiu receoUy. I ... . . . t,.;. - v. ... Highlands Anierpru. v e are ladabted to Cap. Pnce for the Hem, thAl oa the 1 ivh OIL. a convict at work at Pigeon river escapeii. tiroks iato a houa, took what moaey he could I Cnd and left, but was rtptured at the high trestle. lie wsssUa-ytarUrd. a fl . . tlf CUAXlOlie UMT7ver; n re- I t ret to leara of th dsata at net borne in I Mocksvi:i oa the momior of the 14th I r vrL tt.m r..iThr f. Ar I Echralm Gsither. Eo Mr. Teeter, a cuuea of epper McckWnbarg.' brought a wsoo load oi dreased rahbiU to the city ytaterdAy. and aflrr eonjldrratfe buinng uo th marks succeeded In disposing of th a. Us had nearly a hundred rabbit la his wagon, sad said be captured them all la two rtsya. FayettaTille Sun: A Urge num ber cf rabbits bare been broutht to our market darisg tha past week. On asday sirbt, lith test..- the barn sad stable of Mr. Lather Branch, about three mi eawt of bar, war burned. Supposed to b ta work of aa incendiary. nWd. st th rvakWa ef her sou. Frank V. Erase. Keq..aalitorcf thaaVjrirriv7 CZq(:U, la BlrmlsgLiffl.' "Ala., oo the Itthlost. Mrs. France ' Evan, aged TS. years, r& was for a ausbcr of yvars a jmLUtl t4 FsyattsrUJ, if t w:'Hem Journal' MasUrs ef vtssels pJytagihe waters' of the Pamlico aad Croaua sounds, repot: that the les farmed dsriasrUa kaU hArd frvexlsg wsa- rCyWcrdarlLlJtUou Board a iv rr ixrat anq tscocasoa. - r. The. U. Coaklr. of .the ftrm of rrn?.iF"Tl "J. pwc" I a.S sv - a a a. rlvrd frota Balut&or. sad eroDoscs to ooea ue caaaisg tsUN'Tihneat la ahoatavcek. -7s put factory, whka ass beca eftrfrsbTrad" wa ma wVrk IhU week. I ' .. . . ... chances are not caiy oral rale, but he is si- I company wita tne noaru oi unvewn oe i A A j r a v. - i paaaea oyer vne roftu-ocu on neuorauir. ,.vj mm sv am a in rea sa ajtm m war mm sr w s aiaiwa. w m-w viirt s "wa a w ww i w saw .BaawsauiaM-' 99. WILMINGTON, N. CA FMDAYv.JANTJAJl Y 18, 1884: ijirfM ji4cia tua jtaa nest tui. or Talar t7 fro RodtSh. hTta . . ' - . , A - . - . . . - I nachad th mirsl tocther tenaiffofo! Uk Cr TeJ A Y41ia VIIT IUUrcmd. Oool for tt.rUwy comvaj ts4 for jjjj . y hmr or Coz&tm- baa. OoL W. J. Orws, coaplhaan on ill lim tot hit attratioa to ih wtau of I oat CMtL H will SoaW? prora aa 1- M 0Qr RetfatatUree iatlpejt. saca aames as mickoj, imuqm. Asne, Uux Oei. Qraeo has ao eaej task;, before him.. The Charlotte OUtrvtr tells ot IKa ruif iiminri a tartt dfllllia hmLhw-a aaaad Coaaally at Hickory. Ibey were tnt TW .fnuirifd their arraatwhea they defied the oCcer. A mwaw mm i a. wuiwu mw ..wt -4m ssfsa ' Wit t . I saAl t wastx. v Kalssaeail ciaoa, no wrrtr. .co or I tsea wtu a Tin sxM sner a jew ureiy i iwwi lxmb two VVBBWI w&i -wwv rnr I aSray wae the wouadlaf of Mr. J. F. I AberoaUiy, a young man of Hickory, who 7"D?fP. "..,w7w I wa badly cat wiui a anile la laa aaoc oaajycaiwiuaBmieiMoaoaa 01 arm ta ttj brokra by a blow frota a dub. After I roea were sahdued they were Ukea before Esouire IL a HamUtoo for trial. thorooth Isreeticatioa followed and the I ConDeUj-s were required to sire a bond of f300 each for their appearaocc for trial be- 707,-75ri-7"(-y-fid ad and were carried to Catawba Jail and locked up. Mr. WV A. Rice went to Char lotte, pcrchaaeda poo ad of powder, aad pal it ia bis pocket. lie went horns, sad taadlDf by; the Are. managed to throw ?f IV v.?wd :ff jf and s urribte exploaloo took place with the foltowlBg eflet as given by theChar- loue Crvr: At the time oltse expioaion Mr. Rice's coosln. a Uttle girl. I log near him holding his child In L was stand- aer arms. waicoingair. luceorawinga lotoi mings blngMr. rucedrawing a lot of things I f Kia -wt4V Tra . K I Irf wsksi KIav r .r-.-'- Z-Z?.r f I room, where It was picked op with iu face d btck,?1. "d burned with lb . . . a . ..... . powdr. Mr. Rice's bands were painfully burned while his face snd head suffered sadly, his hair, whiskers, eye brows and tja iaahes being stared close to the. ski a, beside the boras he received. His cousin (So was holding inecaud) did not escape. beiog paiafully burned about the face and srsas. Mr. lUce's ovcroost was destroyed and U house came near burning down, .Ndoe of the sufferers are seriously turned. and ail will recover, with more or less I I carf. Raleigh AV-cr- Observer: The color of the uniform for the SUlo Guard is dark Wuo for coats, sky bice for trousers. mea are tunica, collar, cuff slashes and klrtAUahoa Of Scarlet Ctli: COtS have tWO I rows of North Carolina huttooj, seven In I !rS!L7- ZZrZ:rKlm2YJ?. hiiijv vi p.aiKk. aus ias4J wausa. a ami uci- iniu arv Uoiud Sute iTruUllorx with the I f. VTT! I (Va .WLWWaala mA mmxmm mmrn, w M1 MVwPy'svwviei aw w tas sssaa aasru euv wa the letters "N. a" oa I rs sisd metal fomUhlett scar let braid, with . . m.A an i.i .. orbrllWsal wb!te meUl-wonl UrnUh, Tne w aaninrtoa onrretoooaptii et me i Charlotl OWwr writea that Bklneer'a I ... .1 a, i A a . n.i.i l.a hi hm xai mn imisdl mat sdv sr-xia-Ti en uuwf win rri. . . ft .... 7 MomeAjrrow. N. C. Jan. 13. 1884. This raomleg about six o dock the store dwelliog occupied by Mr. L Moll, was diovered rtatm flrn. Nobody was oa lh nrnnlwa hiaMM Iff 1 nil and rw. fore aaaiaUace could be rendered the entire boo of roods was consumed. Nothing was saved except some household furni ture. Raleigh jFbnmr and Mtchanic: John Scott, colored, charged with rape, was adiudred s luostic and sent to Golds- boro Asyiam. Harry Jasper, the young man who robbed his room-mate was riven s striped suit for two years. Vorke. who shot Dan. Priest near Cam eron, has been jailed at Carthage. Mrs. Wa G. Lewis, well known In Ra leigh, by an accidental fall suffered the fracture or a rib, ooe aigni last wee a. in her residence at Stateevfll. The Carol oa Central Railroad Company are build Is r a new snd handsome depot st Brevard's Bution. A telegraph oQce is to b established at Iron Slat loo. One of the two negroes who choked Miss Bailie 3(aaoo. and held her while they deliber ately robbed her coacrib, has been lodged lo Oxford JaiL we kam from ex Sheriff Moore. The rascals name Is Leo Lvon. I .. . . , r 1 m nA Kj. I. a n mmmH nmtilM h.llnn hMn I sMjteoced for fire years at spring term of I Jf wur. ,UTCU" I cnapei ituieiectcu commeoceoicoi ocacera i dot lung since, lbs marshals are: Messrs. i Maon (chief). Sinclair. Arrioglon. and 3100 roe. of the PhL; and Messrs. r aust, Vrlrbt, Stricklsnd. of the "Di" Reps, sre jje,. Lo0. Laihun. of the "PhL ;" mod Measra Patterson, Eller. Eaton, of the Ball managers are Messrs. Howard tod Halgh. of the "Phi.,- and Messrs. Graham (chief). Wilson. Cabal, of the ,.DL- Rev. C. M. Pepper, at call of mm . t . a a a- . a. uoiasooro Mtanee, rises toaxpiara nai uo I was one oi tne returning memoers oi ion- i fereoce whom a few bad boys offended at th DavUaoo dolhtra droot bv ridiculinr I remarks and significant soags extolling the virtues of chicken pis, snd bad eggs. "Bad eggs P sort e sough. HKW ADTSCTtTISICTI K?IT" Mowsow " BalUegs. OrTtnA. IToraw-Annle Pitley: CVtHA Hocss Hsalon Brothers. IlrmsBxaosn FUnos snd organs. 1st Nat. Baxk Report ef condition. 4tm sAiAaaA-iiam8urgogu.g. Srarwsoji and Moonx-Oranges, etc.-- 1 1 Jf "frTT ... - - r I eaj. s Mr. N. A. 8 ted man. Jr.. has removed to' I- thU city from Enxahethtown.and will open aUwoflce. .3feaara W. J.Fogu. and W. H. Mnse. I ox uurnam, ara ner oas vuuL.Air. rogue I Ifj.tAxtlni oot cia four joaoairfobv or f ,v. c.w i. .v. i.. wu k . . . . : V' .:.,:. ' jar. Asa A. wvwb, lormeriy ot uus cuy, 1 Mis Is aer. .. a Tit to hU f rieods Sfid rttatiTSt- ' 1 awmuiiv . rci,ciui i - . .. i mjjwraw ) . This city aadTlcinity was risit- of boaiaess hoases opsm Wcdaasdsy night; Better Ucaiefal. The fishermen are getting their nets read to entrab the ansnaoectinff shad. which are now nearly la season. I Delia. XatsJos. the colored wo- I man who was so badJy horned a caopleof ..... I wt" u aia 10 oe ipronu i oiui cwa soap. ucj I took as If Ibey had beeo acalded. Garden lnV gnffered bodlT Onlr one trifling case of drunk- . o - I miimi u nmridMl fnr the CH-r Court ves- i ,-.- I terday mornlnx, and that was dismissed I iiv - i wlihoucsfotmal trial . TbdOfficeof the Superior Court Clerk ia beiajr OTStnauIed and nttea up. , , . . i j expaotsa to reUK in a ae- "u "e WWi " Cidd improremeot of the Temple of Jus- tice. A meeting of the -various com mittees, having la charge tbs arrangements for the Leap Tear halL will-ba?-leld et.4 o'clock thi$ afternoon, at No. 410 Orange artnue. - i 1 The 49th anniversary of the ( PhnmthiUn T.itprnrv Ro- . . " L . " I cieaica oi vvaae r oreat jouege taaea piace I on Friday. February 15th. 1884. We are 1 receint of invitstion cards, with the com- illolrtf i.;,tirtn mM. with th mn rJiment. of the Marshals, gotten up in the, pliments of the Marshals, gotten up in the I. . . a . . . - . . j Mghest style of the art, fbr which we tender! j acknowterJgmen ts of the Star.' f Proposed W., T. Sc o. B. R. At the meeting at the City Hall on Wed nesday night, to consider matters pertain-' virti . tit I "f to ine proposea vviimingion, ngnis- villa Jfc Onslow Railroad, an address was delivered by the new Prcshleat. Gen. T. w ua plan of proceedings of the company, under new organization. It is proposed, we understand, to insure the construction of u. road to Wrlghtaville by the summer, push the matter vigorously. To this end the rww nrMnt will rr ahnrtlv Lartnntnn a Rf tne gcure stock in the m, n e.,d t N, a r--r' --s man poculiarlj adapted to-tlie btlsiness of eaavasaeg. havia made a vary succosrf et tour of Europe in the Interest of Colored schools some years ago. lit .is a Iswyef by profeadoti. U a native of Louisiana, but . . . . , , . r UCT:u l""'u"ui """,',,,u" . TNI a ft Odd Fellw. At the lsst meeting of Cape Fear Lodge No. 2. I. O. O F.. of this city, the fol lowing newly elected officers were in stalled: N. G. A. D. Brown. V. 0. R J. Mintz. Recording Secretary A. J. Yopp. P. Secretary Wm. L. Smith. Treasurer John Maunder. Chaplain W. J. Yopp. Conductor R. G. Ross. Warden J. W. King. R. 8. to N. G. R. a Townsend. L. 8. to N. G. J. R. Mahoney. R. a 8. J. W. Woolvln. L. a 8. Wm. Goodman. R. 8. to V. G. Chaa. Schulken. L. 8. to V. G. W. H. Montgomery. I. G. J. W. Hawkins. O. G. rW. M. Hays. tlawlst Brwtltem. These remarkable comedians will appear at the Opera House Tuesday, January 23d. tv. xt v.v rv. n,. nr onrmW lua lien 4 vi m. wvcni'iy m w v J3U1 MJS' "'"rrv " Zl .iViZirj . I auiiy tor .wuiu uic; bw a lew years ago, ana puj, u w "wreui ur. Bat they are something better than" mere gymnasts, i ne sre ciever pan wmimisuj in the true sense of the word, with an ample mastery of the art of comic expression and gesture-r-end they are often moat amusing when in comparative repose. It would be useless to attempt anything like a descrip- tion of the performance; it la one which ap- peale almoa entirely to the ey e. There Is L. A ft. jM a m t a-. tKa t m rv ma maw m-9 avnrau o v "u I couatrqucutc, v . cvuoc mi wo introduction of the different performers and some elaborate stage mechanism. It Is sufficient to say thst the entertainment is brief, full of fan, and free from vulgarity." Oakdal Cemetery. At an adjourned meeting of the lot owners of Oakdalo Cemetery, held at the I Company a office in this city. Mr. Donald MscRae was elected President, and Messrs. Edward Kidder, Geo.' R, French, W. H, Northrop, James IL Cbadbourn, Wm. J, Yopp, Dr. A- J. PeRosset, Directors for I the ensuing year. " After the adjournment of the' meeting of lQt ownert the Board of Directors met Md m6h J. Jones as r3ecretary ,ad Jkesaurer and Timothy Donlan as a-Mntandmt I SnpermtendenL afalrats Cart. . . HsrTT DOTS WSS sxralffnerl before JOS- I tice Mlllls, yesteruay,.duugod with ssaiult snd battery upon Busaa Dove, his wife. Defeadant was fudged guilty andjudg- menawae uinucu ubqu nm pmyiacu t costs. TnAaamaaendant was arralmcd On a J Ipeacs'warrSut'aworn out by Susan. Dove, i ' . J . . I . i . - .v tM I aou -wmm rojuucu w ymj w wm a-"." t Mftb.:nm;9W'JW 1 foritttyaya. , ... T - dby-UfhVileet.soowaadrainyesterday W wmna weatherjariable fallta. ' A TVTTVT vtTt TTr Boranat. ' o;. f ' ; " ANNIE PIXLEY, . ix.xauamonmenoinaaiouecomDanr i ; x' .. i BupporceaTOT aur. iruajNii. jawjcj. ana oerowu Tn nAiiAA tAtind aAvaal doors . vv ... . . . I. j ohi, iwuuiwui- talented Cempamr ia thtenr popular play. - r w Z84.zzmz oc nr.; citnars was tne moa i OFERA JJQ USE. 2, ; Sl p'.. -; . . '"ywiwwr- .-i i (in I -a w no a penormaaoe wmca hkot I uc measort. laere sm :no.$poaaor I i. i. m., . a . - i ' " a - I of ttateiali, msnt and ha' . 1 ZLZZlLi' II , w... . . 3 1 i. S . - ;.. . ASUdS Ytaler. ' : ' rnw v iT.n.r 9io ts -A- nie Pixley Ooopany.wm appear at, the I Opera PJ the Philadelphia Bord says: . av. ni.ll. J.t-Ll. i .tanUPku. ( ! .n and she baa lon Bince weo fame in the pre ni"On 01 uxe uue W.: uer reappear- i inM jabi fivfrninc- at me w&irmi m urn h.r. r. th w.ai f .n ivntinn .TV rfT.i- uZiZZi-Tirl tZ which must hare been highly gratifying to I I her, and showed the bold she has on the f Ipoblfa. - She is well snpported by Mr A Frank Loseef a sterling actor, as YubaBtU; 1 tained." i j i -a m aw Tbe l.neay Number., The drawing of the Louisiana Lottery; held at New Orleans, on Tuesday, the 15th inst., shows that No. 31,993 draws the first capital prize. 75.((k 8old "in New York I p4fteTsbui-8v'Vatf"Na"'2ft000 draws the Ia n,tftI r afiflft1 --ma in w..m.-L . rt.n . w.-. 1 178 draws the-third canital onxe. .w.oto. I sold in Detroit Mich.: Nos? 13.144 and f . An , - r i caui to,, bwk 141 uciua, oi, I and Plaquemine, La.; JSoa. 16,847, 43,648, 72.960. 98.868 and 98.669 each draw C3.000t,i sold i New .York. Chicago,. Ban Frari I t- , . -r . . m TT! -1 cisco, .Cincinnati, burg,: Miss., Dc xiaanviiie, lenii.-, vicjvs- DennisoB, 0.; 'Kbsduako, Mias.,and Carden's Bottom, Ark.. . a- - Superior Court. Of the cases set for trial yesterday, that of F. J. Swann et. ale. vs. L. A. Hart and J. C Bailey, was taken up. All the evi dence was taken during the forenoom and the argument was commenced, M. Q. Wad dell, Esq , leading off for the plaintiffs, who was followed by Mr. George Davis for the defendants. For the- plaintiffs: Messrs. , , , ' Y. . . M. Q. Waddell, M. Bellamy and Judge o ii u,,.. ,K. j..n'j,.,. tTnn rw Russell. For the defendants. Hon. Oeo. Davis ana Messrs. McRae & Strange. Pending the conclusion of Mr. Davis's I AT?UDient ,the. Court, at 5:30 o'clock, ad- ioumed until Uus morning at iu oclocK iv... I ' i 'VZ??' A tlmt wUfc-wmrf wits mm I Junkin tho riverbetween Feint Peter and jBowden.. distiliery,1 a night or two j&a . ' M, lr .tr I wj v - I The onlv occurjants. a colored man. a bo V I " " took refuge in a small boat at- the flat and paddled to the shore, and the last seen of the flat it was drifting down the river, while the wood was de moralized and shooting off in different di rections The river, which rose about twenty feet daring the late rains, is now falling gradually. THIS MAILS. The mails close and arrive -at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSB. Northern through malls, fast.. .. .. .. 7.-00 P. M Northern through and waymatts. Vr . 8:00 A. M Raleigh 6JAR 24V 8.-00 A. K Kails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes sudd lied therefrom Including A. tt N. C. Railroad, at... 7.-00 P. M. 8:00 A. At,. Southern malls lor ail points' ttoat n, dally 6:15 A. M, &8.O0 P. M. western mans iu. u. Aauway; aauy (except Sunday) 6:15P.M. AUpo ints between Hamlet and Baleigh 6:15 P. K. Mb.11 for Cheraw and Darlinston Bail- road .776:15 A. M. A 8.-00 P. M. Malls for do ints between Florence and Charleston 6:15 A. M. & 8X P. M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear . River, Tuesdays and Fridays. 1 1:00 PiBL Favetteville. via Lumberton. daily, ex- oeDt Sundays. e:i3 n. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays. 6:09 A. X. Bmithville mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays).. 8:30 A. M. alls for Basy HCl, Town Creek, Shal lolte and Little River, Tuesdays and Fridays. 6KJ0A.-M-8,30 A.M Wrlghtsville dally at. OPKN FOR DELIVERY. Northern thro' and way mails. 730 A. M. 7.80 A. M. 9.-00 A. H. goutnern maus............ Carolina Central Railroad aausoouwwQ rrom 8irev ooiw irom BUM- ness portion of city at5 A.M., llflO A.M. and 5-0 p.m.; from other parts of the olty at 5 P.M. General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6.09 P.M. and on Sundays from 8:30 to flo A. M. carriers delivery open on Sunday from 8:30 to 9:30M stamp Office open from s A. M. to 12 M., and r from 8 to 6:30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Railroad time, 75th meridian. ROSADALIS to the Great Southern Remedy for thn cure of Scrofulous Taint. Rheumatism, Gout, White Swelling, Goitre, Consumptioh, Bronchi tis, Nervous Debility, Malaria, and all diseases arising from an impure condition of the blood, The merits of i :tms valuable preparation are so well known tha: a passing notice lsbutneoesro- asaing adera nra nf t h nroessity of always-hating a bottle of ROSA DALIS among their stock of family necessities. Certificates can be presented from many lead ins-Pnvsicians. Ministers, ana oeaas or families throughout the South endorsing ROSADALIS in the highest terms. We are constantly In receipt i gcrarces, and we do not hesitate to reoommend it HUM ratuuntt rewcuj ivr wgvun ui irUV above diseases. TIUBUTE OF BE3PECT. Wilmington, N.C., January 17th, 1884. ' r orncs wTucraaTON . ,.f. BOARD OF tTNDBBWBITJERS. Whereas,- stnee our last meettea. the Secretary of this Board, our esteemed fellow member, WM. J. GORDON, . has been taken from n. and we shall see him no more on earth, and desiring to niioa ob raoord our snpreoiation of his mary TSThat uTtteTdeath of Mr. Gordon this S&lr jaajo was endeared to tnem not oniy ny msoni- bat by the, Ae eiose wd,Tbatc stedfamD relaticnahip of an esteemed ..... .... ... ni.j.tti v z frlem in. mv0d. That oar sTmpathiee are extended to hto amloted famDy In theh great sorrow, and that mr mourn with them the- lose- thsatbey and w a afflicted family in tnei mourn with them the 1kr hmwtt anatalned In hi we mourn witn tn r. "vaejiuai wa alike have ustainea in bis unumeix a 1KawW 1, seat to the fasaOy f ear departed.frteae. - mvlvd. That theae reaolutkms be i rnoch, perhsps, as her excellence ss anac - : f o ' ' ' and their Xnaitsh-Prenoh Cbmedtoa, in ' i l tre i JT&a is probably her most aceepta- tortY ybass' expertencb op aj? old TiP TTHT'A n-'R -'R'Kr STTTSSIIR I t r ltl bless well as 'moat celebrated specialtT, NTJBSE. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup is the ;AJja V U X-tltJJJ iJl OUAOOJj I . - TTTTOT .TP. NH: ' ril t ft f ?A?-..' ' : V" i-fr V - LWeatfcrIfioD. - f ' IV? The f ouowiM aw the ladiwatjoaii foro-' I dav: - " v?v:-a;.i: r winds and fall&& liaroineter, ?h ? For the Soath i. Atlantic : ates; fair. 11;" "1 ir'"1"" "1 t-i .v I .-!. , . -.. . ;LL'.i.ii ' I auiWR-anaaj uneraooaflWHgai oy I clearbur weather. 'TariaWe wiBdsUfalliM harometer, ffollowe4ia the western,pprtion I Vx. TmiuuiM Ka Hltiivt V.lhii For; Tennessee ;and, the Ohio Vallei, local rainitt eaeee- lair weather in nresoription of one of the best Female Phvaiciana and Norses in the United States, and has been I used for thirty years with never falllM safetyand i uuouess dt nuiiiona 01, mowers sua oauuraa.irumr I tho feeble infant Of aweek old to the adult. .It I oorrecta sulityof the;stoma5h, roueyes wtod oolio, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health andoomtort tomotherandeblli, Weraaleve it B to vav wov ouu uiuon iicukuj ui xao hviiu. ui au rrvriiiuTt -r J ,Tw a TTT-rrrf A tt I CHILDREN, whether arising from- teething or I aooompany each bottle. None renuine unless the I lao-sunue 01 uuKiia -n.iuvLo ia qnuie out-. 1 ide wrapper. Sold by all Medloine Dealers- 'assents a bottle. . . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fiTIOTt of th A fioTifl lt.iftTI I v f c OP OTWWW .wilminq- Hna, at the close of business, December Slst, 1883. ; - anovuvjM. I Loans and discounts.............. 733,437 03 Wi-iA'Wi' 8,834 63 50.000 00 61.949 22 38,587 14 22.001 93 3,345 87 79.903 46 9,189 62 28,664 03 284 27. 46,031 00 22,725 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages. . . Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other National Banks Due from State Banks and Bankers. . . Real estate, furniture and fixtures Current axtaenses and taxes paid. Bills of other Banks..: Fractional paper currency.nlckels and pennies Specie Legal tender- notes. lemntion fund with U. S. Treasury Sper cent, of circulation). 2,250 CO Total-. ..$1,107,103 46 . .$ 250,000 00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. surplus iuna. surplus fund 41.465 76 Undivided profits 70,499 C8 SendsBaSs4f?f. 0.Ut8tanillMf' .' .' .' 1'456 oo (Individual deposits subject to check. 286,343 60 I Demand certificates of deposit 282,701 45 I Due toother National Banks 12,800 45 I Due to state Banas and Bankers 849 04 I Nots and bOls re-discounted 115,009 13 Total. 11,107,103 46 I State of North carohna, County of -New Hanover, ss I, Al . K. . WALKEB, Cashier of the ' above i namadttBJBFatf golegiaiy teaili4he I statemenfrfti tnie to the best of my knowledge J and belief A. K. WALKER, Cashier. ., Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of January, 1884. A. J. HOWELL, Notary Public. Correct Attest : D. G. Worth, 1 Auekd Mabtijt, Directors. B. E. BuBBtrss, ) jan 18 It MmiDistration Notice. TTAVING QUALDJIKD AS ADMINISTRATRIX. a upon the estate of the lata William J. Gordon, notice is hereby given to all persons haying claims against the decedent to exhibit the same to me. on or before the 19th day of January, 1885, or this notice will he pleaded against them. Those who are indebted to the some will please make im mediate Davment. Mv brother. Mr. Wm. L. . Smith. Jr at the Bank of New Hanover, is fullv autnonzea to represent me, ana act tor me in ail matters oi Dusmess. ALMERIA R. GORDON, jan 18 oaw 4w fr Administratrix. lOOO PIECES OF HAMBURG EDGING ! THE FINEST AND MOST EXQUISITE PATTERNS TQ SELECT FROM. These Goods must be seen to be appreciated and will be told at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES to make room for Spring Goods, AT ! TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Slarket St., Janl8tf . . WILMINGTON, N. C. "THRESH DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND rAT-JSNT AUW1C1NES, Garden and other Seeds In great variety, ' Cigafe, Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco, Soda and Mineral Waters. MCND8 BROS. DiROSSET, Jan 18 It Market and Second btreets. Pianos and Organs, jyjADB BY THE MOST CELEBRATED MANU- factarers, endorsed by the leading! and eminent pianists of the day, and warranted not to blister andpeeLoff in two or three months; but are guaranteed to rvsisi the atmospheric changes of the JSbnth equally as well as any Piano or Organ made, aad to improve in quality of tone by use. Calf snd examine these famoas instruments, at HETNSBBBGER'S 4aaltf - LJvaBook and Musie Stores. '; vns x mov o w ";;.. , 'Oohttsct AdrertiMSientt takes at propor- , 4-tfoaa3r low latee. , 7. v V... 1 , Thn IMm HI fm.k. .... V ' i Vli V NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ,- T - - ."- , ; r 0PEEA SOU SE. Oneflp Bnly ! Moniay, January 21. I Uraenientof the CharmlntzToang Aotro and M'LifiS. U111LU Uf TMK SlfiKKAo - MtosPlWtothe tlUe role, tawhlohahewtll L I Sate of Mats commences Frld&r. Jan. 18th. ae-' 1 . 'A3p", I yer'a. Beaerred seato l. Oeniral AdmtoaW- i A VT " I o,.-,eairys8o.: jasww i , v. I f -p t? T A TT O TT ft P. f ' : 1 rn--.030r Tntmn OO I Ban " m" ' am m. 'a. '. : . '1 '' C ' f??gJ aT The Cheeriest. Brightest and Vait Jnvnn r.n. ok mnos oz ue rreseni siajca. J A Quartette of 8peakinirPantom!mlt8, of each i nss sratainiiT Deen saia. -whijmk kv I LOOK AND GISTUfiB WA8 A JOKB." I Themost Laughable andPleasiofc Satertaln mont eyer presented on the staire. VCft, MIRTH AND MUSIC IN HARMONIOUS TJT toTKTlSTIkrtfW suEdl AAX J I wr-rw - ' Splendid Scenery ! Btartlinff Action ! : . most Wonderful and Startling Effects ever pro- i aucea on any stags. . ! . - j . I Sale of Seats opens at Drer Monday. Jan fir. I Reserved $J: Admission 75o and SOe: X3aUry SBe. jan!84t . .' FIOBIDA AND JAMAICA OHAN&ES; I - ; DI AN RIVER ORANGES, Large aad Sweet, we arm aAH1n at ' . ' . vi:. w2.ftoror 100, or 40 cts. per dozen. Sweet Jamaica Oranges,' $4.00for 100, 30. els. per dozen, --2 for 5 cts. J GOOD COCO ANUTS, 5 CENTS EACH. "AMBROSIA," Food of the Gods. Think of it; cheaper than anything else. Supply your selves at once. J. C. 8TKVENSOIV, jan 18 tf K. J. ROOBE Sc CO. Suitings ! Suitings ! JM POSTED AND DOMESTIC, TO ORDKK. . ;'- Best Goods in the city. . Prices Reduced. ' , . MDN80N. Jan 18 It Merchant Tailor. FBESH ARRIVALS 1 ATMORK'S CELEBRATED MINCEMEATS Ja-Bsarela, alf Barrels and PaDs; aad PLUM PUDDING- In all -alzes. These are the very best goods of theirklad and no family should be without them ORANGE MARMALADE, a most dellghtfull Sweetmeat for the tea tafcl. To arrive oa Tuesday next a fresh supply of inge Taffy, nfs Boston Crackers, Genecove Wafers, Coffee, Cakes, something new and afaa; Orange Bar, Almond Macoaroons. - - Coooanut Macoaroons, and THE GENUINE ALBERT BISCUIT in one and two pound Tina. For sale low. Jno. L. Boatwright. 13 A 14 NORTH FRONT 8TREET. novll tf J i . 0t Wanted. gITUATION AS I RUG CLERK. BT A TfOUNG MAN with over three years' experience. Sober and Industrious. Address 8. S C., Jan 17 at Clarkton, ftf. C For Sale, X00 00111)8 spLiT pinb wood Forsale low by jan 16 4t JAS. H. CHADBOURN A CO.' Bock Lime. T?OR BUILDING PURPOSES. 1? FRESHLY BURNED. PRICE REDUCED TO $1.18 PER CASK. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR LARGE LOTS AND TO THE TRADE. Address FRENCH BROS., Rocky Point. W. C or u. u. f akjsukx, jr.. . ao! tf mi tn fr Wilmington. N. C. We Offer, TN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR LINE OF BOOTS AND SHOES, the following SPECIAL TIE : Children's Spring Beel Shoes. Misses' "Commoif Sense Heel" Shoes, Ladies Fin Kid Button Root i. with FloxIM Soles the neatest ' Shoe In town and varveosa. tortable. . s Call snd examine at Geo. B. French & Sons, 106 NORTH FRONT STREET. tan IS If . . , W. & E. S. LATIMER, . . ATTOUNET9 AT IAW, . . -' V I ;m - :' I . . OFFICE. ' . r , :, - 8. B. COR. PRTNCESS AND WATER STREETS. jan 8 Im Easter Term. T7XTESTDING FROjI iilirjART TO MARCH. Fl TT. ,.;V .....r of the Eightieth Annual Session of , --" -SALEBX ACADEMY, v ' Beaina 'January 7th; 188C Spring .Term berfm apruvuii. aav " .- J aa it an'M, an S DATWw ri - , , . ..Jr.. .el's '''vJit''; ". . . -n I ' IL ' : '!-. 1- : ... - - : . i lv. t .'f?Vr. '.. . - .. . ', .-. t . 1 r. ,r, . . . i'1 ''.-'' V -7 w .;'; . - ''V'c , .' J ' - y'y ,- ... . . V'-'v -,v;V V" . - .." i i i , v "V m ay. - 4 - . ."..... v '; 'r : -I?,-': ?.,rv' -. r:;v',v ;:;-.". - , v -4 .

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