i '. X . - 0 - - - , ' - cn worUi. Hop Bitten U1 ami to rsjoice. ii.i:i cum 21 the poph aai ,1 Ctrrtar, ndr foot Ml h,i who jovr family von oava Urifhl diapause or tot Hop desert will cure , -.v a.l hia. rich aad pnor know ,f I p letters f of billcea, aer- I j, ,. ii; com plai a U. iiu- with Hop Hitlers end I (If flillS upi'a auwMum eoa let the i;U f if I Hop Hit- n v -mi i u.i i.ve been plagued i m i:ti oriM so. aat uoUJ a yver bv Hop Bitter nr. ;-i-yrta hi boaee froea ach-tiVu-n.stisra sad Nsurala-ts, with !,-.( !i wiaeljr. ,;l 'h.ju ua sorrs. pimples i.t rftrum. erriipcl, blood pOr ., if.-- Hittwri will rrmemt them m.ia u tare. feal'e aad . , run- p iA.nl. bo tk-airtta i;cth Hop fUtters ia tub , z.crt t. a Hop Dittcrs !i.!uy aad Liver coca- Mnu frura Umbp furred, thy .tormwb fmm ia- vi;:u a. cb- anil dlarase '' th utm.l bn J um r. i. who woj rf.y u-td -. r.Jv .J.wtom ftrr uvo f in. I ut!n.ry HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Eenewer. Kaltr 1 1 a, ;..n -f t ,r.'inu"Uun ftr Ute tbkir. f no , xt iiu-u:. :: :!! rmwlww &iK& wmf tk in n -u:itr it.ui ""1 . hy Ut- rriMi.-i f irj.Tt-. Puy ul m witS (Mrfwe . ml.iriir'- n i-'-;i-ln wiioi 'ryftnrfy fcautv , H. "i. :i iu H i:a &Mrwa UJ out Iw I. Hall A Co Nashua, N. II. n arm J U IlwMw 4 t r lie ti Mlmii'tnl of tii- :.lnt, a Ir hr tt:itM ax trrttAta tSim w liiii in' o-.n?i:J bT H.int f.tr' f e-m-Kitt-t Tttia (S ;! maijli liw -r' h rja(t 1 ;-t of tiota!. til i t;'1 h hi or-ft-i.. r'rtt pr Jn i' !rritfw!. fr '' r .lrel r-r t: pnrptim '.:. nrnlir'tnj 'icat fta r r'..Mt tii. tTpip f ti rvl '- "if .! Jrn-t tit mf IT J t7t3 fur r4 I i lMi Alll "W"piiuntf W c!. iitrntii,,fi(, ,f t)uttM nt Uritsc eiUVrtic but iii v.iBav wtroftr U tnl U rUv-i f nr'i( r,:.,. waici s raj4 6y U T i luirfn,.,,, UTW X.ttmtrf (MS. Mr- "ii;m- pioYtnng cmaaM tM mtnflua, --;-'..ir!.,-, ,f u biwml. MMtd, kxrU or .::nn-SiajTi Xsarrrra U tavalMfti. , """"it ji-wiiutn It tb khmm wna4rfl laitf "t 'li it mr TiiCtiiM4 t ataainf Tctn. a i-v l V '' Dnrxi- TW DR. . A. KlCiX '.. Pmpr'alur, $t, Jm9, Xa. a J. i-tteMoa. Ajws. r T &f. H) t0.:t am cb ta ta U or THE rCLKOftATED WIlJIoiBlIEFOfia FOR SALE lw .! fnant a Oi ajry Pfttrt r-klr. on asnibttluB "it.nmrtt "ill 1 lilr ,1,,- 'o. j, .. n worw ataor4 y t& t"o- ' liunT txw n. aoJa ptarn. p1 In. ') D t fra lJtl la UK) mcb ti . kir. 'BP '' tat u raimp Two Uaa4ra4 lit 'r", 'Jfi i,il.i, i 1 riM aarcA aaa ""n ),, -' '"'"' t 0"Ort V fmtr. a i: iimUT .':",,1',t, "-f nprtwfif mf 0Cnla H I .f j a Axr3Krrvr. ur.:tj.tt.m. Xaaa Cfe. 5. C. li(T()N POST. I.,) 'i v I iar. ajtt TUOftDCCBtT nr.r t "lt xc .:iaptaM aawa Of aay papar uut. "I. I'llllH 1 '"""""'l aaj rjuuwu wtara RJtTXSL 'i T- l . i Kootha. ta ad- K:.r It JO par Taar la atraa: "lii.m CLC HATWL fi.il '"" U1W rriaa4 HI ma Ma 0 0 v tj ;.. of ,11 -V t i I mm .... ' .,r--.l 1 f.. f'jf aar y a aver. The "Morning Star: nAitcii. Hof ho! Mcht Why do yoa blatter? Ooj thm bocxh bo blonomj clatter; Do too, ouh your coal of ! Fed th pab of April beat? Do not itra1 toy loocr, Nlxbt U troox. but Uzht U troofer; Ertry root withJa earth's breast I a vela by tuaUfht preased. FuUr throb each pau of life. Ertry Mm U ia th trlfe. Ah! ofcl ftHow ! I can ce That yoo ttiH are mocklac me; Aod you bloater juil to hkie Foroo inooMat, yoar tvect bride I Cooae. throw off yoar coat of mall. Ah! What bow? a maJdea pale! Kbs her (totly era you fly; 8r! a tear U ia her eye. CtrrrtnL OVU 9TATK COTKnPORlBIES. Not Democrat or DemocraUo editor, certaioly. If w baTo rihtlT read; bat speaia for ourarlf aoJ we bclieYe that oar leoitmeou are thared by othen we say that we are oppoaed to aay measare tat cootemplaUt a oatioatl lastead of a Slate system of ptjWlc achool. Thle U the pcaiUoo of th Democratic editors referred k dot, and there la nothing la it locoo sUteat with a wilUogaesa toreceiTe Korem meat aid la the way of aa appropriation or aa apportiocaxeat axnoog the State, of the arptu fuod la the oatiooal treasury North Caroiioa certaioly oeed tubsUaGaJ belp for bcr tchooU. bha ia too poor to proid for her childrto: but the cannot afford to bare the national fOTero meat step la aad take charge of the schools, because it would be a loec stride la the direction of a ceatralitcd goTrrnmeat. Federal aid. if it coots at all. most come without any cooditioo that will deprive the States of abaoitit control of their own school sys tems. Democrats aod Democratic editors will oppoae it if complied with such a con ditioo. I tiiy;trt Ijjalc. Education coobts in 'drawing out" what ia in a man. not ia stuffing somethiog into him. Any maa is edacateu who knows bow to do ooe thlog well, if it be only chip ping iron caitiag. Hia service will be in demand, and be will be a useful member of society. Of course, the more thlegs be knows thoroughly the greater his chance uf Sucre. Hut aa old fash iooed schoiaUc cducatioa had precisely this value, that it iacrra.cd a ctua'i chaaces of learning any thing hset hi haad to. by increasing bis lateiiigeoce. Ijtrvudurj Tins "What the South need."' said a promi nent lawyer to u the other day. '"is cheaper mooey aod immigration of the belter kind." And h was right. Where money com raaads 13 per cent, aad more it is not to be etpected that people will engage la maau facturing or other iadustrtea which will build ap a community. HVlam ..Idruaea. SOUTHEnX ITKJfS. Maj. Jaroea W. tfrcon, a promt aeot member of the Culpeper (Va.) bar. wa stricken wi;h paralysis oo Friday. The citj of Wilmington, N. C, haa thus far contributed for the relief of the cyclooe sufferer of the South fl.21I.19. That ia a liberal gift for a praiseworthy ob- Virginia, like North Carolina, is famous for lU robin roneta la ooe most near Culpeper on a recent Sunday hunters kilktl 3.500 birds by actual count One robin had a head nearly pure white, while breast and motUcd gray wing. Roanoke City, Va., ia to have a ctxioo factory oo aa extensive scale. It will eviat Of thU aum rhitadel phta capitaJUts have subscribed $300,000. and the buAineaa men of Roanoke f-V).000. It Ls thought the addittonal toO.OOO will hn raircd ia a few days. The New Orleans Picayune prints the following: "Lee statue attracts a great deal of attention aod admlralioo. aad many pcrsoa have inquired why the statue was not made to face the splendid length of St. Charfee avroue. What.' said ooe cenUemao. 'would you have Lee turn his back oo the North t " PKHSOXA L. Poor Conjjrc'njan Wise! The more by wiggles 4he further ia eocs his fot. ra nwj. J oho S. Wio gels in deeper sod deeper. Oht What a United web wo weavo. When first we practice to deceive. BalUtmrrt Xijr. Mr. Spurjjeon, the eminent lUpewt prra.:hcr. has fallen heir to a large fortune that w. left to him by the late Jiepl I'uol. of Ix-icccr. Sr ilic 3Ioute6ore, at ninety a: or. i Eog aad's o!det baronet, aod Sir !e"rgv lLm Sartorios. Admiral of the Fleet, age ninety three. Ls the senior knight. Joa-juio Miller tells a congrea local oxnaulte that the Moemoos are ' cranks' and "Guiles us." The less tht Jojuia says of other people s marital rela tion the better for bis own fsme. HjUi- POLITICAL POIXT3. Tlic onl thtn that beats the weather on variety is the Democratic senti ment oo the tariff qoeslioo. Ritimri .Btrr-Ka, . The Morrison tariff bill, upon being indorsed by the Democratic caucus, will become the teat of the future fealty of iVmocraU to Democratic principles. "We hope," say the Charles ton (3. C) Srva and CvnrUr of Monday, that the statement that Mr. Ilaadall will strive to defeat Uriff reform by the parlia mentary trickery, ia which be is aa admit ted adept. Ls untrue. Dut there is nothing ia h: record to forbid the suspicion. Joseph Palitxer, of the New York Worls. whose residence Beit door to Samuel J. TUdeo gives the editor peculiar opportunities with Mr. TUdeo. says upon the latter a authority that the sage of Ora mercy will not be a candidate for the Presi dency. He thinks Mr. Tllden favors Sena tor ciect Payttc PIIOTKCTIOS THAT DOES SOT PROTECT. The Peon Iron Works, of Lan caster have shut down for aa lade finite pe riod. The high price of Iron aad the rtfa sal of the men to accept lower wages are the rcaaooA given. The sheet will of Reia Brothers, it Niw Cast!, has beca idle for four months, owing to the failure of the Arm la Nowtsber last. Now a movement ls oo foot to form a company of 1.5w shares) at 100 each for the purpose ol purchaaiss; the mill aad working It. Prrrsacmo, March 4. The ex act eataat of the redaction offered by the steel firm of Siager. Nimick A Co. to their employes) was ascertained today. Melters are asked to accept ft per loa leas thaa the present rate. Heaters, rollers, aad all their employe whose wage are over S3 per day. id pee cent., aod laborers aad others Whose wage are leas than $3 per day. 9 per cent. !!??"'! TaQ B ch&Srsnto sea est sad savs ths eomte iss tbes jmw frees aww to PsTsnabsyliiiiawSh tba eoOantkav This rpaoa la earned by TT.ACTrTWXUi'P mXLL or ttmrm we saaaa lb f usees aatmal arpcaztDc aa tba ktbal at arary raooio packaga of Biaefc. aalTa oJl Darbaa BmnSlna' Tobaoso. Krery itlja.thakaa Bmoalnsr Tnrawo mafla wUbovt trada-mark of tba BaB. nitiimMHiiiiiiiiiMimiiiiinmrTm cob s DAWlr arm ch Sa mh 8 Dismal Swamp Lottery Co., Or NORFOLK, Va. Tbs fraaehlas of this sntarprtse ts based upon tba eharterMl rttht trantad to tbs DUmal Swamp Canal Company, and Its legality baa been repeatedly tested before ths Courts of the Statsw Tbs parpoee ta view w ths 'Improvement and estenaloo' of ths Canal, thas ecarlnc crest pabllo benefits. Its fair conduct has already seenred public eonfldeaea, aad tbs next Drawl ox will bo made oa tba 20lh .T1ARCII, ISS-I. before the pobllo. In NORFOLK. VA. CLASS E, 23CTIEMS : CAPITAL PRIZE, $5,0OO. i mrv. i rrtxa of H.0OO ts ji,ooo I do 1.300 ts IJCO 1 do i.ono U i.oto i do soo is aoo i do 9 i aoo l do at) u aoo 1 do aoo la .'00 t do auo U 800 S do I'W are MM IS do SO are 750 too do 10 are I 000 sou do 5 ax .. : OCX) rraoitAno raisas : of SO f450 of 90 970 9 of SO 130 S3 rrUea. Dutrtbattn S 13,030 TICKETS ONLY 1. r aa of Oxnpaay. Lottery similar to that of Louisiana J. I. IIOHIIACII, - - - Manager. Addraaa all appUtatloos foe Information, Tlek : or Acoaclaa. to J. P. IIORBACII. 807 Main Street. Norfolk. Va. Th aodertWroed snpervlaed the Drawlnc CUss D. of tba Dwtnal Swamp Lottery Company, and oarllfy that It waa conducted with strict falr- i to all latcrca-eU. GEO T. RTKJBRS, CUAS. P1CXKTT. Coram baiooara. CERTIFICATES. SiOOO.OO I hereby eartlfv that I held the TV tat No. 7 IS. Claaa D. In the Dismal Swamp Lotter Orx. drawtas: tba t apitsl Prlas of f-VXW, oa tba i t fabraary. 1(M, .- nd that tb aama has beaa promptly sauted wltb txv kf. A. MARX. eaJao. Va Peb Cob. 14. f JOO.OO. I hereby oartlfy that I bald Ticket No. ST9T of tba OUfnal Baraaip Lottery Co. tbat draw a prUa of Bsoo, oa Un slat Psbrnary. 1ft. aad that tbs axaooat was promptly paid ma on preaeotatkin of tbs ticket. tX P. BAXTXR, Jr. tfoetb Mills. N. (X. Peb. ST lb. 1884. SSOO.OO. Recalred of DUmal Swamp Lotte ry Co. Two Haodrad Dollar, tba amount of Prfaa draws by TVast N. 4SHT. Claaa U.ooSlat rebroarr. 14. . i. a. t uuirsu., U. Xorfoik, Va. Pah. 2V1. l!4. S. 8. Prank Hn. S 1 tOO. Tba amallee pHx of $100,150. $10 od 3 axrrea-atlax about $1300.00 are not of coorn bare paetnad. bat bsve mat prompt pay ma at. Drawuf of aaa X oa SDtb March, fab SI tf to lb cat The Ticket for 1884. Tlin SCAM LESS Turpentine yiri a PLATPoaM diclarid aoaisst LsUkS. whlchwiU cause A LA ROB INCRBA8B ver aa other makesof both Sptrlts and Ron in o the operator. Tbs causa of ths treat tnoreis ta Naval Stores last year may not be from over peodnetkMi of the Crude Turpentine, bat from the treat savin from teaks by ths reneral ose of ncniLLAN duos'. SEAMLESS TDBPENTIHE STILL Waars TOIHTT-PlVa" TfXW AND S1C0HD HAND STILLS, from Twelve to Thirty BarreU eapaetty, together .with a lanr assortmeatof XXTSA WOBXS, CAPS, AJEMB, EITOA STILL BOTTOMS, .GHATS BARS, DOORS, GLCK KET TLB3, aad ALL KINDS OT STILL TRUOirNas. RATAIR3 thnjajib ths coantry a specialty. As sow Is the Unas to plaos your orders for 8TXIXS, eaU oa or address 3IC3IILXAX BROS, FAIKTTKVILLK, N. C, or SAVANNAH. CU. jaairtr th sa Cliildreii's Hosiery. AVERT LARGE STOCK MTJST BE SOLD. Bsnratns eaa be had, XI W 8TRTXO FSINT8. Great Bargatns hi GKNT3NXCKTTES. . fab If U - JNa J. BKDRICK. Still, WHOLESALE PJUCES. . fSTOu oootatlons, ltahoold be nadsrstood, renresant ths wholesale Drioes - Mnarall. In maklar op small orders algher prioss have to be eharired. . --- .. .. AsmcLia. BAOuLSu Gunny . Standard rsooa. io .,,11)4 00 1 BACON North Carolina Bams, j ft ... 8 ho aider. SJ ft Sides, chotbe, ft Wssrxsut Smoksd Hams, fi Side. . ft Shoulders, V ft...... Dsr SaXTsa Sides. 9 ft Shoulders, ft ft..... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Band, each New New York, eaoh oo a. tIP TT ............. BBBSWAX-HP ft...- BRICKS Wilmington, 9 M Northern ......:..... BTJTTKRr-North Carolina, ft ft. Northern, 9 ft CANDLK&-9 ft Sperm Tallow......;..... Adamantine CHSESB ft-North'n FacVy Dairy, cream 8tte COPFK5 9 ft Java Latnyra i Rio CORN MEAL 9 bosh., in sacks, Virginia Meal COTTON TIES fi bundle DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yd Tarns. V bonch EGGS dozen FISH Mickerel, No. f. 1 bbl... Mackerel, No. 1. tt half bbl.. Mackerel, No. 8, bbl Mackerel. No, S, 9 half bbl. MaokereL No. 8, W bbl...... Mallets. bbl ' Mallets, Porkbbls N. C. Roe Herrine, ft keg... DrvCod. 9 ft FERTILIZERS 8,000 poanas French's Carbonate of Lime 7 oo 8 50 57 50 M 00 7 50 & 9 00 63 50 87 00 51 00 t 85 00 50 00 & 40 00 & 45 00 57 00 45 00 & 67 00 & 70 00 E70 00 60 00 60 00 French's Agricultural Lime Peruvlaa Guano, No, 1 No. 8 Lobos 00 00 Bauffh's Doable Easle Phoa. 00 00 Carolina Festuizer 45 00 Ground Bone Bons Meal Bone Flonr Navassa Guano Complete Manure... Wbann's Phosphate. Wando PhosDnate.. 00 00 00 00 00 00 40-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Bcrtrer A Butt's Phosphate 00 00 Bsoellanxa Cotton Fertilizer. 55 00 FLOUR-V bbl Fine 0 00 0 00 5 00 5 50 6 50 9 00 5 25 6 00 7 00 13 Northern 8uper Extra Family City Mm Super Family ft 85 0 50 C 00 5 75 00 10 Extra Family GLCK 9 ft GRAIN 9 bnsheL Corn, to re, bajrSjprtine, white Corn, cargo. In bulk, " Corn, canro. In bas, Corn, canro, mixed. In bags Oats, from store Cow Peas BIDES ft ft Green Dry HAY ft 100 fts Eastern Western North River HOOP IRON 9 ft 77X 00 80 70 70 70 60 1 25 . 1 25 1 00 90 3 I 40 55 1 30 4 10 1 lO 90 80 Ski LIMB berrel LUMBER City Sawed 9 M 00 ft. snip Stuff, resawed is oj Rough Eds-e Plank 15 00 20 00 16 00 18 00 (?U.23 00 15 00 West India Cartroes. aocord- tnc to quality 13 CO Dressed Flooring, seasoned. IS 00 8caotlln and Boarda,com'n. 18 00 MOLASSES ft ration New Crop Cuba, In bhds GO K " In bbls.... 00 Porto Rloo, In hbda 00 " In bbls 00 Sugar Bouse, In hhds 00 In bbls Of) Syrup, In bbls 40 NAILS fi kec Cut. lOd basis.. 3 25 OIUS gallou Kerosene Lard Unseed Roeln ' Tar Deck aad Soar 1 POULTRY Chlcken,llve,gTown Spring;.. Turkeys PEA NU it ft bushel POTATOES 9 bushel 8 weet.. Irish, per barrel POnK ft barrel-City Mess.... Prime Rump RICK Carolina, 9 Rough, at bushel (Upland).. Do, do (Lowland) RAGS 9 ft Country City ROPE ft SALT w salt Alum IJverpool Ltsboo American.. SUGAR ft ft Cuba Porto Rloo A Coffee B " . 1 4a 20 00 ftfiH 00 18 00 1 10 i Ex c .: o 84 Ouhed 10 11 SOAP 9 ft Northern 5 M SHINGLES fl M Contract 5 00 7 00 Common 8 00 8 50 Cypress Saps 4 50 6 00 Cypress Hearts 0 00 7 50 STAVE- M W O Barrel ... U 00 18 00 M O Hoirsbead 00 00 10 00 TALLOW 9 S 5 6 TIMBER fl M feet Ext Heart (1st class yellow pine) .13 00, 18 50 14 00 Prime shlp'r. 1st class heart. 12 00 IS 00 Extra Mill, good heart 50, 9 00 10 00 Mill Prime 750 800 Common Mill 4 00 4 CO Inferior to Ordinary 350 400 WHISKEY fl gallon -Northern 1 00 5 00 North Carolina 100 250 WOOL fl ft Washed 00 25 Unwashed 18 2.) Burrv 14 16 tVILFIINGTON IONET MARKET. Exchange (sight) on New York H discount Baltimore Boston Philadelphia Western Cities.. Exchanges 30 days, 1 9 cent Bank of New Hanover Stock 107 First National Bank Stock 90 Navasea Guano Company Stock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons 23 Funding, 1866 10 Funding, 1868 10 New ia 80 Special Tax 4 W A W R R Bonds, 7 Wo (Gold Interest). . . . 116 Carolina Central R R Bonds, 6 flo 106 Wilmington. Col. A Augusta R R Bonds. ... 105 Wilmington City Bonds (new) 6 fic 100 " "8 ffo 100 New Banover County Bonds. 6 Wo 100 Wilmington A Weldon R R Stock HO North Carolina R R Stock 80 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock 60 WUmlngton Cotton Mills Stock 120 THE BEST PREPARATION For RssToaiHo gray hair to it natural oolor; For rasTSSTnio tne nair iroia ivrmny itray; For raoDCCTHa a rapid and luxuriant growth; For saaDiCATiKS scurf and dandruff; itrhinv A all diseases of the scah: For rBETB!rno the hair from falling out; and FnrmiTTBiito for which a halrtontn.is re- ourred it has no JOai The moncsT tbstimobtaxs of Its merits are flren. From Rsv. CHAS. B. READ. D D , Pastor Grace Street Presbyterian Church. 1 RicKxoaro, Va. For several year I have used no other Hair Dressing than the Xanthine, which had been warmly recommended to me by a friend who had tested its value. It has. In my experience, accom plished all that ls claimed for It as a wholesome Sreeerver and restorer of the natural oolor of as hair, and a thorough preventive of dandruff. CHAS. H. READ. For sale by nov 29 ly J. H. HARDIN, Druggist, om Ju aug sep feb 29 Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital, -Cash Capital paid in, Surplus Fund, - - $1,000,000 $300,000 - $50,000 DIRECTORS W. L GORE, G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD XacRAE, H. YOLLKRS, R. B. BRnXTKBS, C. M. 8TKDMAN, ISAAC BATES, J AS. A. LEAK, F. RUBINSTEIN, K. B. BORDEN. J. W. ATKINSON. ISAAC BATES, President, i O. W. WILLIAMS, Tloe President, aaSOtf 8. D. WALLACE, Cashier. I til 5lT?ednf fejSftftfri i a.rv . yV&Cjy J:i2Nif " VtI PUBLISHED DAILY AST) WEEKLY mm i ssw i- Snlscrip Don Rates In Airance. DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid ,. " " Three Months' " ... ' Two Months, " - " ... 1 " One Moctb - .... WEEKLY STAR, One Year, postage paid. " Six Months, " " . Three Months " . ...$7 00 :.. 4 00 ... 1 5 ... 75 .$1 50 ... 1 00 ... 50 S0TICE& OF THE PEESS: The Stas Is decidedly one of the best papers la the Statel as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to it Salem Pmt. The WUmlngton Stab has entered, on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. Charioue Democrat. , The Wilmington Stab has entered on Its twelfth year. As a daily journal of news it stands "up head." Concord Beqister The Wilmington Stab has entered Its twenty fifth volume. There is no better paper published In )he State. Xenoir Topic. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon Its thir teenth year. It ls one of the best papers in the etate. narrenwn uazeite. The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papers;of the Soath. Oxford TorcHiqtU. The Wilmington Stab Is not only one of the best edited papers In the State, but for freshness of news and typograploal appearance cannot be beaten. Jackson Bevorter. . The WOmlneton Stab Is one of the very best na pers In the South, in every department from ty po rraphy np to editorial ability and independence. FUrburg (Fo.) Index-Appeal. The Wilmington (N. C.) Morktno Stab Is a modi el newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say it ls the newsiest (secular) paper published in the South. liichmond ( va.) neitgiout aeraia. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers in the South and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of It. Tarboro Southerner. We like the Stab because it is thoroughly re liable, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and In fact a perfect news paper. Long may the Stab twinkle. ML Airy Visitor. Although at the head of the press in this State In all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to improve. It is a Stab of the first magaitnae. May its lustre never wane. The free Will Baptist. The SrAB ls so well and favorably known In this . section of the State, that we can say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know. It is in every respect one of the best dai lies In the South. Bobesonian. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed Its twenty-second volume. It Is one of the mot t brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac. The system in the get np of the pa per surpasses them alL Tarboro Southerner. The Wilmington Stab has entered on Its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, weu ea lted, a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and tc North Carolina Journalism. Charlotte Observer. The Wilmington Stab Is now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has be sides Increased the amount of Its reading matter. The Stab Is an excellent paper. Its prosperity ls not surprising since it is so deserving. Chariot4 Observer. The Times c&nnot say a word too good for the WUmlngton Stab. It has Just reached one of Its many birthdays. As a newspaper it ls a favorite with the State press and Is sought after by the people. Long and prosperous life to It. Feids Vills Times. The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the verv best of our exchanges, and consider it the peer of any Journal published in tne Boutn, Oxford free Lance. Lar, Why Is It that all the papers with the "name of alar are sucn bright little le Journals t The Wilming ton rv m Stab, the Washimrton Star, the Fred.- ericksburg Star, New York -Sfar, for example. There must be something In a name after alL Bichmond ( Va.) Stale. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still contin ues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those Jof any other of our exchangee, and its editorial de aartment is conducted with much ability. Mrr oanton Blade. Humble In Its beginnings, as was Inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of for tune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now beams resplendent In the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. As a newera per It has few equals, and no superior, for appro priate selection and Judicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among our most accepts ble exchanges. Silisboro Becorder. The Wilmington Morning Stab has entered up on the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able success of the Stab Is due to its strict atten tion to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) la that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the pa per ls all that the term of "good newspaper" im plies, and Its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral influence of the Stab never be re tarded, and may its genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. Goldsboro Messenger. New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK Every SATURDAY at 3 o'clock P. M. REGULATOR Saturday, -March 1 BENE FACTOR " March 8 REGULATOR " March 15. BENEFACTOR " March 22. REGULATOR " March 29. Hf Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and Soutn Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to fl. a. SITIAI.l.BONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Ttaeo. G. Eser, Freight Agent, New York. W. P. Clyde & Co., General Agents, feb 24 tf 35 Broadway, New York. Baltimore and Wilmington Steamship Line. STEAMERS RALEIGH & VIDETTE On and after SATURDAY, JANUARY 5TH, a Steamer ef this Line will sail - From Baltimore EVERY SATURDAY, .AT 3 P. M. From Wilmington, SATURDAY, unless sooner loaded. Through i of ding and Lowest Through Rates Guaranteed and from points on the Railroad and Cape Fear. Also, to and from Boston, Providence, Phlla delphta, and all Western Cities. For Freight Engagements apply to A. D. CAZATJX, Ascent, WILMINGTON, N. C. ANDREWS Sc CO., Agents, , S. W. corner Light and German Sts.. deoSOtf BALTIMORE. The Person County News, Published at ROXBORO, N. r WUXTAJtEK. ot OLBBONS, Editors and Proprietors. ' " ' , m,. ToTrwa ha tha largest circulation of an paper published or circulated In the fine tobacco aeotioa of North. Carolina. : a . Advertising rates very -IlberaL f Subscript ; StOO per year. -' ' : "r . Railroad Co. utmca or GCT't, SuPajtiMniHPKai1, ' : v Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 18,,1SS3 Change of Schedule; ON AND AFTER NO VR 18, 1883, AT 1.05 A. M. Passenger Trains on the Wilmington fc Wel don Railroad will run as follows; ; ' - .XF Mall and Express Trains, Bally - Nos. 47 North and 48 Sontn, . . . ; r Leave Wilmington, Front 8t. Depot, at 9.00 A M. Arrive at Weldon . ... .. 2.81 P M. Leave Weldon. , . . 8.00 P. Ml arrive at wunungton, jrront at. Depot, 8.40 e. M. Fast Tbbotqh Mail akd Fasskkosb Tbatsi Daily ; No. 40 South.. Leave Weldon 5.50 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front st. Depot, 10.25 P. M. Mail and -Passkngeb Train Daily No. 43 Nobth. Leave Wilmington 8.00 p; M Arrive at Weldon 2.20 A. M, Mail and Passenger Tba ins Nos. 45 and 43. Leave Wilmington 13.80 A. M. Arrive at Weldon 6,80 A. M., Leave Weldon.. 105 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington 6.55 A. M. Train No. 40 South will stop only at .Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rockv Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 P. M. and 4.30 P. M. daily. Returning, leave Tarboro at 3 P. M. and 10 A.M. daily. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3 25 P. M. Return ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 8 30 A. M. daily. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Riohmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con nection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. Train 42 Dally except Monday." " 45 " " Sunday. ' - All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. , For accommodation of local travel a Passenger Coach will be attached to Local Freight leaving Wilmington at 6.55 A. M. daily except Sunday. . JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. nov 17 tf . IILHIMTON 'COL'MBIA & AUGUSTA Railroad Co. Ojticb op General Sup't. I Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 18th, 1883. f Change of Scliedtile. ON AND AFTER NOV, 18TH, 1883, AT 483 A. M., the following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road: No. 42 Leave Wilmington 7.15 A.M. " Arrive at Florence 11.40 A. M. No. 45 Leave Florence ....rptJWOPi M. " Arrive at Wilmington. . ;,10:M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally)-' Nos. 48 West and 47 East. Leave Wilmington Leave Florence Arrive at C, C. & A. Junction Arrive at Columbia Leave Columbia- . . . ... . Leave C;, C. & A. Junction..... Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington. Night Mail and Passotsbb Train . .. 9.10 P. M. 2.40A.M. .... 6.20A.M. .... 6.40A.M. .... 9.55P.M. . ..10.20P.M. .... 4.83 A.M. ... 8.23A.M. Daily. No. 40 West. Leave Wilmington . .10.40 P. M. Arrive at Florence 1.45 A. M. Mail and Passkngbb Tbain Daily No. 43 East. Leave Florence 3.35 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 7.42 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton and Marien. Train 42 Daily except Monday. " 45 " " Sunday. Passengers for Colombia and all' points on G. & C. R. R, C. & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take 40 Night Ex press. Separate I Pullman Sleepers for Augusta on Train 40. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. Local Freight leaves Wilmington dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. novl7tf . CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Office op Superintendent, 1 Wilmington, N. C, June 13, 1883. ) Change of Schedule. VN AND A UTTER .TTTNT5 13. 1883. THE FOL- KJ lowing Schedule will be operated on this Railroad: - PASSENGER, MAIL. 'AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. ) Leave WilmlnetoB at.. 7.00 P. M, No. L V Leave Raleigh at 7.85 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte at 7.30 A. M. ) Leave Charlotte at 8.15 P. M. No. 2. Arrive at Raleigh at 8.30 A. M. ) Arrive at Wilmington at 8.25 A. M, Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated In Table. the Company's Iflme SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL. EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlotte 8.15 A. M. Arrive at Shelby 12.15 P. M, Leave Shelby 1-40 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte 5.40 P. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 f or Statesville, Stations West ern N. C. R. R.. Ashville and points West. Also; for Spartanburg Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General lassengor Agent, je 13 tf Raleigh Register. HarW In UtehiMiarv as soon as the Drintera re ceive the neeessary material the publication of the , RALEIGH REGISTER, a North Carolina Democratic newspaper, will be commenced. The Register will be printed weeklv until the great political campaign of 1884 begins. It will then be Issued twice a week, or as often as may be useful or necessary to the Democratic party In North Carolina. It will be printed from new and beautiful type, on good white paper, and though it may not be large enough to hold all at once all the good things that glowing prospect uses sometimes promise, yet the application of a thorough knowledge of how to use them will put into its tnirty-two uroaa columns tux newts much good reading, and a complete history of what is done in North Carolina. Mr. Hale will be editor of the Register. " The price of the Registbb will be $2 a year; $1 for six mouths. Pay for your home paper, and then remit for the Register. Those who remit $3 to this office will receive as A PREMIUM,! . either volume ordered ef "Hale's Industrial Se ries." Two volumes are now ready: Ths Woods and Ttjcbxbs op Nobth Carolina. BCnrtls's, Emmons', and Kerr's Botanical Re ports, supplemented by accurate County Re ports of standing Forests, and illustrated by an excellent map of the State. 1 volume 12mo. . ninth. 273 nn.. 11.25. - Industries op Mouth Carolina Ik ths Coal and J bon Counties. Emmons', KerrV, Lald ley's, Wilkes', and the Census Reports; supple mented by full and accurate sketches of the ' Fifty-six Counties, and Map of the State. 1 volume l2mo. Cioh, 425 pp., $1.50. Address RALEIGH REGISTER, jan 19 DAWtf - Raleigh, N. C. The Marion Star, npHE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN A the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest and most prosperous In the State, offers to Com mission and Wholesale Merchants and Manufac turers, and to those who have adopted the plan of soiling by eaplc,iui exceHeBtssedlnm of com munication with a large and influential class of merchants, mechanics, planters and naval store men, whose patronage is worth solicitation. Ad vertisements and Business Cards inserted on libe ral terms. , , s t Address TUB STAB. octStf " - Marions.. C REMINGTON SHOVELS, SCOOPS and SPADES.;. EHIITGT0N GOOD? ella,ll3.-- - - .1 - REMINBTOII ABBieOLTBIAL C8.. ILIOH. U.t. ' 1 Sy.H.OOIiSONa,SoutlraAsrt.Baltuiiora.MJ. , ; , DYSPEPSIA; I have a positive and permanent cure for this .. . disease and all derangements of the digestive or-. (rang. Circulars, containing the very highest testi-." ' -" tnonials, sent on application. Half pint bottles, 'by express, $1,60; per dozen, $10. Address DR. W. W CREOOllY, Charlotte,N.C. GOCJSM.MIBS 1 hTe poaitlTo remedy Tof lhTto dlBa iT" Tibs tbonauMls oTaaaM of tbs wora ktnS aa of fcmc undinvhaTa kaan enred. Indeed, ao .tronr limy nltti In ltaeffioaey, that I wlU sand TWO BOTTLKS FBKB, together with a VALPAaaa TSgATIflS on thla dlaeaaa, , ta any soflerar. Give Bxaraee and P. O. addra... , PB. T. A. HLOCUM, tsi Pearl Bt Mew Tork.. LATjIES or Young Men In city or country to take nice, light and pleasant work at their own homes; $3 to J 5 a day easily and qntetly made; work sent by mall; no canvassing; no: stamp for reply. Please address Reliable MTg Co., Phtlad'a, Pa., drawer TT. TO ADVJBRTISBalS-Lowest Rates fer advertising iri 977 stood, newspapers sent free. Address GEO. ROWKLL A CO., 10 Spruce St.. N.Y. " " mhlDAWlm , POTASH. -Iodide of Potassium is one of the strongest of the minerals used in medicine, and has produced much suffering la the world. Taken for a long time and in large doses, it dries np the gastric juices, impairs digestion, the stomach refuses food, and -the patient declines in health and weight. Persons with Blood or Skin Diseases should be careful how they take these mineral poisons, as In most instances the effect of them Is to almost permanently Impair the constitu tion. To take the place of these poisons we of fer you a safe, sure, prompt and permanent re- , lief from your troubles. Swift's Spec! flo is en tirely a vegetable preparation, and It Is easy to convince you of its merit. I have cured permanently Blood Taint in the third generation by the nse of Swift's Speci fic, after I had most signally failed with Mercury and Potash. F. A. Tooxxb, M. D., Perry, Ga. A young man requests me to thank you for lit cure. of Blood Poison by the nse of your Specific aftgrall other treatment had failed. - . ' tC$os. Jacobs, Druggist, Ath ens, Ga. TRIED HOT SPRINGS TWO LONG YEARS WITHOUT RELIEF. Mercurial Rheumatism made me a cripple. Af ter trying the springs two years, and the Mercu ry and Potash treatment until I was a keteton and unable to do anything, I was prevailed upon to take a course of S. S. S. After taking threa bottles my appetite began to improve, and I rap idly gained flesh. When I bad taken twelve bot tles I felt as well as I ever did . It is now twelve months since I took S. S. S. My health and appe tite are good, and I am able to attend to all the business I can get. Chas. Bsro. Hot Springs, Jan. 1, 18S3. "PUT ME SQUARE ON MY FEhT." Twelve months ago I was persuaded to try S. S. S. for Malarial Rheumatism, which bad crippled me so that I was unable to attend to business. Less than twelve bottles have put me square on my feet; have steadily improved; haven't felt bet ter in ten years. C. K. Gunn. Hot Springs, Jan, 1. 1883. Our treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to applicants. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. N. Y. Office, 159 W, 23d St., bet 6th & 7th Ave. jan 18 tf ch s m Buffalo Lithia Water TAKES THE PLACE OF THE SURGEON'S KNIFE FOR STONE OF THE BLADDER. ITS VALUE IN BRIGHTS DISEASE. TllB GOUTY DIATHESIS. Ac BUFFALO LITHIA WATER SUPPLANTS TUB SURGEON'S KNIFE IN STONE OP THE BLADDER. Case of Dr. J. B. rWelstling, Mlddletown. Pa. stated by himself. "Experience In Its use In Stone of the Bladder, in my own person, enables me toattest the won derf ul efficacy of the Buffalo Lithia Water in this ' painful malady. After having been long sub-, jected to sufferings, the Intensity of which can not be described, I have under the influence of this water passed (I am confident I am within ths bounds of truth), at least an ounce of Calculi (Urio Acid), some of which weighed as mu-h as four grains, affording Inexpressible relief, and leaving me In a condition of comparative ease and comfort. I am now passing only occasion ally email Calculi, and they are not attended by the intense suffering which their passage bos heretofore occasioned. On one occasion Ipassed thirty-five Calculi In forty-eight hours The ap pearance of this Calculus Nuclei indicates un mistakably. I think, that they were all compo nent particles of one large Calculus destroyed by the aotlon of the water, bv means of solution and disintegration. At my advanced period of lite (1 am seventy-seven years and six months of age), and in my feeble general health, a surgical opera tion was not to be thought of, and the water seems to bavo accomplished all that such an operation, If successful, could have done." Stoks in the Bladdeb (Uric Acid), Symptoms or Bbisht's Disxasb. Case of Mrs. jn.1 a. , o.mju m l . jva , iu mm diuii ii of Bronxvlile. Westchester, M. Y. "Mrs. was subject to severe attacks of Gout, a consequence of an Inherited Gouty Thta thesis, followed after some time by tonlnthe Bladder. The limbs were very (Edematous, so much so as to pit readily on pressure with the finger, leaving an Indentation long after its re moval. The Urine was loaded with Urates and 26 per cent, Albumen, and the enteroscope revealed Crafe.showtagunmistakabiy.as I thought,.&rigA' Disease of the Kidneys. ' I prescribed the Buffalo Lithia water.Spring No. 2. which afforded prompt relief In the Gouty Affection, and resulted, in a few weeks. In the passago of a Stone five-eighths of an Inch long by one-fourth of an inch in diam eter. Under the continued nse of the water the Urine has been relieved of Albuminous Impregna tion, and restored to a normal condition; no Casts can be discovered, the (Edematous condi tion of the limbsjhas been relieved, and the gene ral health of the patient to a great extent re-, stored." 8 tons 1h the Bladdxb, Phosphatic. A Case stated by Dr. B. S. Hardy, Hookerton Greene county, N. C. "My son, a young man, suffered from Stone in the Bladder, of a mixed character, cons Is; ing chiefly of Calcum, Carbonate and Phosphate. After persistent use of all remedies indicated in the case without benefit, I put him upon Buffalo Li thia, Spring No. 2, the use of which, for some six weeks, resulted In the passage,at short Intervals. A .a rf am all mi ta myi t tTA. An0,l..' of Sand, followed, sometimes afterwards, by the discharge of a Stone weiffhlnar 12 arains. the Unr est, I am confident, I ever knew to pass through the Urethra, virtually ending his tronbh-s. since which time any unpleasant symptom has been relieved by the use of the water for a short time. Its action ia this case has been indeed wonder ful." Water in cases of one dozen half s-allon bottles $5 per case at the Springs. springs open dune 1st. Springs pamphlet sent to any address. THOS. F. GOODS, Proprietor, aotOtf alo Lithia Springs. Va PTJE CELL HOUSE, UNDER NEW MANAGKMBNT. Wllmlnfjton, IV. C. . B. JL. Perry, j-ropricior. First Class hi all Its appointmenta Terms (t-00 o S3. 00 per doy- t feb 8 tf Land Plaster, R SALS BY WOODY CURRIX, uenenu uoamiflsion Jteronanis, Also. Sole Agents for the PORTLAND PLAS TER MILLS, the products of which are made from HARD PLASTER and FINEST GROUND. . Correspondence solicited. ian i ti "-" r. .vN 0 . i- ...- ' -i w"41-rv.;-( .. ft. '.' .. "si vi v- f - t . r. t ::v .'; V ,tU'. if. v. rt. 'V ' i t , 1 1