f - I ... s ' . t I.- V;- i- ".'""'. ' ' ' IllaaaMaMaaaMaaawaawi'aaaa The Morning Star, Satttrpat MoaxxaiallAzai 8, 183. MORNING EDITION; TH K I-ATKST NEWS. Finn AixFArxs or tex world ronTY-KSGitTit coxa HESS. -...tia for a IX all eea IU11 CarmL4C - Sjraav utrt-mnu mu i n rsr Ta'r to U Xortau Slar.l mow! to dcHrr l committer oo ilUh urr A!Tir from cotlIrikQ of la hill to P5uiu ti-TttiHaxf nayoficrv U wm tit bU Mr WUio wuJ. whicb hut b-a tatrotlucwl br if. Pck..wbo jrp ("WUacu) a.j Ui 6Aia of WU';mi ta aoUl ttTiax introduced tt II (WlllUxn) Hnw aothiai whttw of ucii bill. 11 Oiiwrinimwi U nwpooAibUity for it ducwi lh bH for HI eolxu. u i mia rfil!xasLa td coco l. Uj.)kJU fj Mf. WUl-aau. ad jtac that t& Sioatof h-ui frwtd to lairouuc v o la Mr. WUiiam IiikfOC fc (IWk) bd la-fi.,.-f it Hut hn bow fjnod lbt Uif oof bla cullrri woold cooat to l r- Tb cocnraitu- wer dLcarrd from lis furCir cotwulrt-oo cf ia oui. wn w ! oa Hut tabw. tirl 1j5U pwti tb, bU ftattvortiiojr, tb coa.-itTQcUJa of ftm proof buUdiof of k a hall of r-conl. Tc wll m prd p?roprUUt 5(X0:O for lb paf- p)K?. la tat coura os u. v.. .rinl tiiK t&d aoecr rrt of Lb cmpt Ul ut tU',nd wtA ppT ai tf par kJ IVtjJd i j-ht act trb.D (! tr tb c:ipituI, wouid probably wait la NiifninJ cn itJ foof. Ttm ?ixl to.ik up, ad itlex mdlax ihit'.l lim. ritd Uui bill cotwcttatlsf mAjontT of lb Jwift of lb Suprtra Cnurt of tiXd tuUd SUts to t quo rata of tlw Court. tattt.l of tit Jad at ufor ren-xirwl by U. Tb bill Lto pro- from illiox oa lb tuptrrn bna wbo ta c?wm eonir u? for ppal. Thn S-o.tt tao J o.irod oatU Ma Th aniirtt iLir ia ta II JU.f w4 Jt r th -ua.uiatrioa of bill of A Pri : cna.-u-ter. frucirHy for lb relief of individual Tb bill wk;ca o-cupJ lb ire: purl of t.vt Fru!ay' t-ioa. taS a inorx.a tb nttinemecit of Atfnsd Tleajoo i.jo wiia la ralk of cirool. cm up u ua2auQd biiiia! &ad vi Sa&uj p.jnrd of by bta m:otaaitti to tb Mill Urr Coramiitw witaoul ia.trictijo. fhM fL) 1.x: i. rrrr?w aalil ? 30 lb teToiaf sM-iwioo U b for lb coadrlwQ f ta.non bi!!.-. ir.i5.vr;ro.v. r4waw lt TMi-T1k I. ty, Am. l3rTiir-ia t ta M jmia St J W i.urTi. Irra 7. PropoMia r ria lavtUwl fr lbt parcbM of cocwUmaed n;k'U mwU Ta oaly oe la Sxjtirro p.irt U tN rwa. at lsrl RoyJ. i. C . JimI j we rrtristTtrd froca la GraiAa Ootttt. munt rmoiatiuo of coadoimac p&iaed by ih Aai-ruaa Cuokh oa Iba dsU of L.wkrr. tad woulil forward laca m wil x Mi m.-ncapajiax lt!r cf tra4niUA from nimArt-k ( ta twpartcarot of Cit 1:1 t fnw lUjt, H addil tal a Ld b-d do cnrmuuaic&iioa or aadritadia2 w&At- r w-.lH thm foneia m coexnitte ia r:-jnt tw ta Ci.:Ut. It propoard lo dl ntirelf wita to iVrartcacnl of Sut. Tb Ut:-r f PrfaetJ lm vrrk retufaia ta rvw(titioii, b tnil, ad mlrrady two pul Is.f.mi in iubLarB ia 15 awpiprr. b i iwa cmbtctl fruca Earvp. but ia tddt turn it etpriMi:d DiNi.rt:t' rrrttt he ft:i5 mmjilttl uadr tb cucuta.tjiacv tt r".ui"n thi rcsolutioc. rts It.njjMn O'rnooitlr oa Jmlu:iAry U ! xy iirttcU-ii f tr-r'.Mrt rrport l b m.l . ti.-ir.'M'nUtirw Itjilia-l' bill probibi U-.it t'ourtji of tb Ua:'.rd Ju:r froca r !vin n wrtt of prytj ajr prrjoa tcn. u.rril by UU Court Pi 8-JO.it CotnasittM oo Tcrrttork bo nfvi ?. fi tbj ara "Liacola" to ta otw tvrr.tory wbicb it U prpin! to ral vtt of tiio aortUcra portwa of ta prtsent l rrruory or iHi-utt TTj IfotjHM PmMic ttati CoajraitU tt !iiv tJ-Jrtl un.n!niouiy to m:cai35ad 'h- r.irttiturr of na-raraetJ ad aaproCectrd 1i..a ;riat.:il :. tb AtUatic t Tjciflc IU.. jul Co. urs.KjoUoi to about f-rty riKGlXlA. r.r llyt-.Ttrwr 1 tri4 CUr Ti-nraa t ta X inc str I HrcirTtDSP. Mircb Cadr dcwi.3o "f tr. faiteil Sutv District Court. Mr Uuxa- ud.r 5ld : public suctioo tuua.tioo of w r rLeio ar MTvrd moolb kf on Nmnl tb caof.ar E. O. Irwtii u rcntrtNiad. tary beta I a leaded fo ta icrs.nU ia iUyU. Ta mined t tivlr wr ild about two wvk o. i ra lot. to LSw York prtic. bo wr tuid to baw bra tb orixial ftipptT but th court nef u.d to cooflrm the .' st onitfreil ncsal ia brokta kxt. Ta.i !: todty rLL6ed IJ.iJtX w&ka. wtb :itX) r-crtTtl for powdr prwiooaly Ui. iui o toUl aaaouat nrfr fl.COO tb,a w bid U ta CxiS tait. Tb rm-l cone of ta ero wu about fT.Ct). A rveou lnfortar u aaerrd Ut SMturtUy ombfia Floyd couatj. V.. by nrvwirntiia-irt. Tb aco t aot fftro. rru I Xsw Yojc. Mrva ? TV UDmt arn tlx Ujtd a rripo of erxum 4 all rru tin.- rVrOrmW !. tfl' UIt(o. iot.3oabI;frw (Mum. M1M4;K foio. 3U- ok; ;WCH ru,m. MJJ11 : Worfolk. l na.Dtjja ,.6J; IHrw Tort. ICO . XrtD.r-ton.tn.m; rv-rVl-raf. l.TTlTill .lfpbliK M.i:rJ; Wt X'olat, J87.S38; I.ruawU k. 7.6JM: Port lijyiJ. li ft); To 3rv City petal 1 .520; tadiaol rflUa rrrtV t KflUf. : I pwacrtb) it i my prvtk. U t&n KTT? by P'- - of KJ- Ky. lad. II nfrml to AnurwiM ILLIXOIS. A. &ailM4 rfMU(irt XXkV4 t ftT000-talct4 f rttUry CwUt. Ot TatMTm&a to t& Xorefe Star.l CatCioo. Marrh 7. About CM o'clock last SaAcruay na-jwMr IUrtktt, of lb Cbicao. BurUcitoo s Quiacvy liailroad. Left Lis cZLca tor laocfc wiioat Uklax Ibe prtcaatioa to clooa U comUaiiioo ol Iatj-o t&fe la wticfc mocy for JTt of eaployt. wxud- peailad. Manof ia room w.uav. ta nturct of ocar attaclxot of xhe oace. tw had aiao com to laacb- Before bU tfiM tmla wai robbed of ail 1U coo tenta. wlta ihm cxccptloo of om pwekagea of akkcij aad tzaaH cbaan; tb total amouat Ukea. aj scar aa lb company in hMmnr kaAwn and aa laTvati fUoa tela iaatitated. PaymaatcT BartleU o iVLmd from tba acrrice of lb cocapaay for ocfUvoce. aad tb matter waa placed ta lb baa da of dctectlTt. Ao eCort wu mad to keep tb aSair qakt, to bo pea ixtas ta ctccuTts wouw w i- tsir wrrk-hat unoo tb matter btflcomlor knows, aad la Lb belief Uxat aa txafrtratcd aUtemeat would bo pub- !Lahi4 rnnMrninr th robbery. tbO Ol- ftcia tbowtd a wUliona toi th m-wmt r.f .kotLJ mi nofi be faraubcc to lb public Tb Ibeory adraaced by Ibe lM.iiiMAr IKi mmrvin IM UVU U rU9- s. ...a -nmn!!ibi4 br a anak Uuei. Two doora led to lb cajbkr" ot3ce from a Tacaat room, oo of wbica waa fouad ajar oa lb rTtaJutr a raturo. Tb pyma- Kr i room la l-jcaied in tba roral oaee or V. .t. m lh IMYtBll floor Of IbC buUdior. waa cooatrocUd aiprtaaly to ruard axaiaat mtrtuxoa or uxcii. oui m u ttviuac tlxo most ordinary precaution ap ccax to bar been ignored. Pnif aoo. XI arch 7. A mao from I ,n. th atjttM that Frank Randa. a dca pcrado. w bo mad aa attempt upon lha life of Deputy Warden .McDonald at tne State penitentiary Uat Saturday nlzbt. and who waa placed in a aolitary cell, laat nlcbt auc- ceeded ia endiajr bu carter oy nan jinx mm mt with m, nnrtin of bia under -clolbiof H waa fouad dead wben bia cell -door was opened. DV SIS ESS FAILURES, am ailla litatr ttsvrt fr tb rfc. pry Ttcrx?n to ta Koroia Star. Nrw Yorx. March 7. The buaineaa fiilnrr tarocrhout the entire country for th eaat atrrea dar. aa reported to It. C Dnn & Co.. Dumber 2TJ. of which 318 were ia th United State and 5$ In Canada aa iaereajtf for th LnlUnl Stale of 33, and for Canada of 14. aa compared with Lat wtek. Failurr are on tne tncreaae lo th Mxddv aad Pacific State, and espe cially La Canada, where th figure of the week are hliher than hare been reported foe year in that period. rot: ei ax Oraaaalt Slaare at Cta TIIIU a Tltaaa- rTnllh r Weaver Strike. f bt Cabi to tb Moratae Star.l Lojfuojr. March 7 Tb Chadwkk Park mil!., at Aaa too u ader Lyne. New Man cheater, were burned thia mom In c la the aam town two thou a ad wearers hare atruck aa a mJuclioo of waxra ia threatened. Vtftama. March 7 A quantity or dyna taxte aad oitro-clrcerio haa bevo due or rred ia a bouw oppoait the maojion of IUroa lL:UL.child The ruprxTaitloo U that tacrv waa aa laicotion to blow up the maa aioo through aewera. MAIXE BtltUw r nllr Kapler ray TUrrao4 to ta Morataar Star. I Laxwnrros. March 7. The boiler of the Boetott mill, at Bryant 'a pood, exploded to day. kiUia; four tne a. while another man was badly injured. Tare of the killed wr boiiirr makrrr. from Boa too. who bad joat repaired the boder. which bunt while they were galberior up tbcxr toola. kiknuic spiBha. nar I aa iwa 9 m Ka iSka wa1 mm t . e av-wng iMiUAUMi ill sw, s a rauiiu for Eumtw from rfew l ork to-day are f 430,000. of which 200.000 U aUrrr. Lawaoo. Oraddorck A Ca.drars. Atlanta, Oa, aad Jack Craddorck. their aucccaaors bare aMijrocd. Liabilitiea 1 00. 000. imcU Disfiguring HUMORS, Itching and Burning Tor tures, Humil iating Erup tions, such as C ALT KJtrtnt or rewma. raorfaMW. Seald O tU4. taaatil or inrta ilaaaorm. aad Trr form of ruata. Sear. Mstpr. frcrwaioa. Iab- t.vMiusa. asu Cooper Ckkrd tw aa oi ta ikwd. aata aad Sciip. wUb Lorn t Uair. aeo poitrriy e-arJ y ux crmrmA Hiiwu. rwtleara II !!, ta aw bioo4 pmrtfl r. ciaa lb blood aad txrptrm,tl'-o of UaporV eia aad po(aoeoa imat aad tbsa reoaorea Ulm iieunm. Cwtleaira, tb irt Sala Cor, tastaatry at Utt rtehiae aad fnif aramario. elnn Utkto a4 9 aia Clevra aad Son, aad mtorM tii ttale rwtleair Sys aa eaqaMt Skta Boaatlfier ad ToUt R.p'tts. twprd from itnrra. la tad'jaaaaM trattsva saia tH m, Kabr Haianra. Bteeaaa, tiooxa, Cnpod or otly saia. Cwtlewrw KaawavSt ara abrautr rcr. aad Um oaUT r-A Stood fwi Uaia a km a txara. rra (raa mmtrmrr. artUo. UmA. cloo. or gy eae twk oe mltxrai pobaoo wbuw. t www 11 raqnte tbl atlra ppe to do Jaa tlc in a dacrtcH of Ut ear rfomd by ia CVtiwu Kaant.awT latanxalty. aad Ctrricw aa aad Cl'T t aa Soar aafraaily. Reawwaax of tb pJM of tb baada aad of tb nda of ta &arr. vary dlSowIt to lxmi aad aaw aUY eoMUtTd tacatatM; aaaaU ptSa of tattar aad aait rtxai oa tb ara, a, aad aXda of taa tac. SaJll flaavda with loaa of bmtr wttboat aambvr. rrard wftb daadraS aad aeary evpUoa. aapajcury of ebUdrea aad Infant, ex ay of wfcieh aaaea fcba Itad a a aaa of oafc; tuailac. barntaarjaad aeary bortare that bai Swt rwa rb( from ordlaary rawMdtaa, kkkW aad fcaUd aa by maV; rlaa, Wpeoar. aad othr frlahtfal forma of aft diiiiaia arWttJa aiora.oid aoeaeaad dlawaarrtaar wvaada. mmeh aad aii of wbloh ba bMa aoavday. parmaaiaUy. aad acoooavVaJy wwi oT to tmcm Rtatwaa KaamLvr-. ttdtt; Soar. XS eatm, tVrraa Uaoa xnCatsKu Co B-nm. siaa. "w t Car Sal a ma." ixswu wad ami to or fro Sarah Barnum's A 9SWXX TO HJLMXM CKMXBTX3. th raab: book Toe al nassiir . w wa aad Clear saoea. TJ Lateat 3rwvpapr aad atacaala always fab Sit Hcsirllnllets srt runtzDh rtsa toa athxtail. bCCT aad JTOB tIIAXcaa b foaad at cor raw STaHtaS th I s ma ra a tay fahctU . Uraaata. wtxh, ether W. X. DAYtSASOX. COMMERCIAL. ' " CO TXOX ST A TE2IEXT. rienrf r tna Navttoataxl CtUa Kx- ' ebancet rtw Orle.na. (Be Tlcrah to ta Horatae Star J New Onutura. March 7. A report of the trado of the Ualted States, aa made nn br the, SecretarT of the KaUonai Colton Exchange, rlrcs the following figures for the period from September sin to eoru- ary 20ih, iQClojlre: ln. iooo. Port receioU. bale. . . . 4.W0.4SD 4.801,403 Total net oTetland. . . . . 7l3.eCQ 843.817 Of which to mills 418.870 437.658 Of which to port. . . 273,233 863,200 Of which la transit... w,n. Of wbkh to Canada... 14,eC3 29,359 Vrrvort tA Great Bri- tiln .1,833,077 l.W0,in Ilxporu to France 873,873 8,157.914 Export to continent... 710,149 838.529 Exports to Channel. . . . 10.453 18,988 Total exnorta. 1.933.850 8.208. WW At aca between porta. . . 19,617 83,697 Total t&kinea br North- ernapinnera: i,uyo,voo i,o.oo " . . . . . . f I W AMI Stock at ports at close of February oo,u Overland for Fcbru- arr 51,304 70,374 Snitmers' taklnra for February By TVUcrarb to ta Moraine BUr.l New Yors. March 7, Evening Sler- Hc exenanec 4S6f. Money 11 per cent. Oovernmcnia steady; four and a half per cent 118 : new four per cent 12S; new . three per cent 101 bid. State bonds atcaoy. Cotton quiet and atcady. with sales of 43 bale: upland 10c; Orlesna lc weekly net receipt 1.053 bale, groas 16,245 bales; exnorta to Great Britain 8.233 bales, to France 563 bales, to the continent 1,825 bale: sale for the week S.5S8 bale ; atock an un haiW rocaolidated net receipta to day 15.209 bale: export to Great Britain 15 639 bale, to tho continent 1,284 bale. Southern flour atcady; common to fair extra $3 60&4 80; good to choice do $4 75 6 50. Wheat apol not quotably changed in Drico: ungraded red 81cfill 20; ungraded white 80$l 34; Na 3 red March $1 07 ril 07 Corn apot a thaae oeticr; un graded 57462fc: ungraded white 6067c; No. 3 March 61J61!c. Uau apot nrm; No. 3. 40c Coffee apot fair; Rio dull at ti2 50: No. 7 Rio on spot 110 90; March 110 63. Soxar ateady with a good demand; Cub centrifugal 8 9 168c; fair to good reflate 5I4o5lc: refined firm. Molasses ateadT: New Orleans S556c. Rice firm. Cotton seed oil45Q49c Itoain firm at $1 48 r l 50. SplriU turpentine arm at soc Pork dull and unsettled; old mea on apot $17 504J17 75: middles neglected and nominal; long clear 9ic Lardopened 6 8 poinla bigber. cloaing about 5 point higher; western atcam on apot j ou; aiarca $3 61. Freight to Li rerpool dull- cotton per atcam 533d; wheat ld. Cotton Net receipU 37 balea; groes receipu 407 bales. Futures closed easy; sales to day of 48.000 balea at the follow- tne Quotations: March 10.84010. 85c; April iaS6c: May 11.04c; June 11.16c; July 11.27 CJU.23c; Angurt 11. 3C&11. 37c; September 11.0831 1.10c; October I0.6VO10.7lc; rto rember 10.59S10.6lc: December 10.60 10.63c. Baltimors. March 7 Flour ateady with a rood demand for low frrades: Howard atreet and western auper $3 753 50; ex tra$3 7304 75; family $3 005 75: city mills auper $3 753 50; extra $3 73 6 23; Rio brands $3 633 88. Wheat southern ateady and firmer, under light receipts; western ateady and dull ; southern red $1 13 Ol 13; southern amber $1 I4I 17; Wo. 1 Maryland red $1 1541 154: No. 3 west ern winter red on spot si 5ffli uej. Corn aoulbcm white easier; yellow bigb er: western lower and dull; southern white 5&a81e: yellow 58fllc, Oats ateady and quiet; southern 42 45c; western white 43 43c; mixed 4343c; Pennaylranla 42 43c ProTuiona doll 'and weak. Mesa pork new $19 00; old $18 00. Bulk mesis shoulders and clear rib sides pack ed 8i104c Bacon shoulders 9c: clear rib aide life; bame 14(15ic Lard refined $10 25. Coffee dull and depressed Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair $11 23 13 50. Sujrar ateady and quiet A soil 7fc Whiskey quiet st $1 191 19. Freights dull. Cnicaoo, March 7. Flour quiet. Wheat moderately acUre, atcady and hinder; no. 2 Catcajroaprins 91z92.c; No. 3 red win ter 99c$l 01. Corn firm, opening fc and closio? !c hlrber than yeaterday; caah and March 50131ic. Oau ateady and ic bifber; caah 83c; March 81c Pork firmer. opeoing 57fC higher and closing quiet; caah $17 604417 65. Lard In fair demand and 510 poiats higher; cash $9 309 85. Bulk meats quiet eaoujders $7 'JO; aliort rib $9 20; abort clear $9 83. Sugar un changed. Wh la key steady. or. Lotns. March 7. Flour quiet. Wheat hither and alow: No. 3 red fall $1 101411 10 cash. Corn steady and in- aeUe: 48f4SrC caah; March 48, 4Sc Oat firmer and alow at 3334ic caab. Pork iobblnfir at $17 874. Bulk meals loorclear$9 10 9 33; short rib $9 25 Q.9 33: abort Clear $9 50. Bacon Iag Clear $9 80; short rib $9 87410 00: abort clear $10 124. Lord dull and nominal at $9 23. Whiskey ateady at $1 10. SiTA5(iH. G. March 7. ripirite tur- neatine ateadr at 33c: no sales. Rosin ateady st $1 20l 234; asies 2,200 bbls. Crarxsstok. S. C, Msrch 7. Spirits turpentins quiet at 33c iloaio unchanged; atrained and good strained $1 301 82. New YortLCoraparatlY Cotton Stat- IBy Tclerapb to th Xorntas Star. Nstw York. Msrch 7. The follow ing Is the com nara tire cotton statement for the wee coding thia date: Net receipU at all United Stales ports dartnr tne week.. 68.687 123.633 Total receipU to thii date 4,373.123 4.984.837 Exports for the week... 103.673 123.474 Total exports to this dale. 8.009.594 3.331,973 Stock in aa United States ports 901.113 90,599 Stock st ail Interior towns. 108.665 140,185 Stock In UtctpooI 999,000 963.000 American afloat for Great Britain......... 230.000 220.000 COTTO.1 SXARKITTS. " By Talecranh to lb Morals; Btar.l March 7.-OalTeaton. dull at 100 net receipts 595 bales; Norfolk, firm and ofxer logs light at 100 net receipU 1.044 bales; Baltimore, ouiet and . steady at lOlo net receipU 441 bales; Boston, dull at lie net receipu 1,434 bales: l-nuaueipnis, nrm st lie net receipu a.iuv oajes; etarannan. steady at 10 5-16c net receipU 463 bales; New Orleans, quiet at 10 71 no net receipu 4.534 bales: Mobile, firm at 10,c net re ceipU ISO bales: Memphis, steady at 10o net receipu -'t uues; Augusta, nrm at 10 5-16c net receipts bale; Charleston, firm at 10o net receipU 699 bales. Wizkit Rxcrrrrs. Galreston. 9.869 bales ; Norfolk, 8,813 bales ; Baltimore, 8,230 bales; Boston. 2,099 -bales; Philadelphia, 8,191 bales ; Saaniuth, TT. bales; New OTlcans. 24.164 bales: MoLiWL 8.004 bala: Memphis, 1,823 bales; Augusta, 703 bales; iuarKBton, o, oaiea. FOUXIQW gAKKETa. - IBy Cable to the Kornlnc 8tsr.1 -Lcuroov, March 7, 7.00 P. M. Spirits turpextiae 25s 9d26s. . i- . -TJrTaAPOOiirrch 7, $ P. M. Pale rosin fisQlOs 9d. Spirits turpentfne 26s 6d. a-s- .. ,Z -v - r Bala TTrotxcUt tn tb. Forcat How (pressing it is to see acre of trees cut down In the midst of a noble forest. How saddening it is also ta see that thin spot in the midst of your otherwise abun dant hair. Stop it at once by the use of Parker's Hair Balaam. ' For actual efflcien cy this f am on I article stands at the head of it class. Elerant for tho toilet, delicious In order, and restores the original color to M .a - .f S -.11 gray or xsoea nsir. jconomicsa,a8 a suub, occasional application keeps the hair and scalp in perfect order. , SM . MARINE. Fort Almanac Hlarela 8. Sun Rises Sun Sets High Water at Smitliville. . High Water at Wilmington Day 'a Length. 6.20 A. M. 6.03 P. M. 4.49 Morn. 7.49 Morn, llh. 43m. ARRIVED. Stmr Louise. Weeks. Smithville, master. Stmr Bladen, Oreon, Fsyetteyille, O S Love Jfc Co. Stmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Stmr John Dawson, Colvin, Point Cas well, master. , Stmr River Queen, Bagley, Bannerman s Bridge, master. CLEARED. Stmr Louise, Weeks. Bmitfiville, master. 8tmr Bladen, Green, Fayetterille, C 8 Love & Co. Stmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. MARINE DIRECTORY. Llat of Vel In tn Port of W 11 mine ton, ff. C. March 8, 1884 rrhla llat doe not embrace veaaela under 6) ton-. BARQUES. Margarita (Nor.), 850 tons, Funder, TT! J. Q I . Deodata CNor.). 370 tons, Andersen, - Heide & Co Kcpha (Nor.). 475 tons, Madsen, 1 EG Barker & Co Frcy (Nor.). 281 tona, Halvorsen, Heide & Co Mentor (Swcd.), 802 tons, Persson, u i' aicDane Helgcscn (Dan.),264 tons, Axelscn. Heide & Co Marie (Gcr.), 567 tons, Pcrmien. tz fesncau cs YYCsiermann Vereiu (Gcr.), 180 tons, Tahncke, K fescnau a Y estermann A M Scbwcigaard (Nor.), 429 tons, John- aen. U l' Me Dane Arizona (Nor.). 543 tons, John sen. lieide x uo Gna (Nor.). 400 tons, Andersen, U if Me Dane Erna (Gcr.). 523 tons. Burmeister. K U Bwker & Co nermann A Clara (Hay.). 234 tons. Teel, is U Uarter 3S co Vulcan (Swcd.). 373 tons, Lenander. lieide s Co SCHOONERS. AlfaretU S Snare, 254 tona, Smith, Geo Harris & Co Thomas Sinnickson, 260 tons, Dickerson, Geo Harriss cs Co Catbie C Berry. 320 tons, Smith, Uco liamss & uo Mary E Stockholm, 257 tons, Reed. ueo uarnss oc uo E H Drummond. 296 tons, Higgins, E G Barker & Co Jennie N Huddell. 260 tons, Henderson, Geo Harriss & Co II W Anderson. 304 tons. Enelish. Geo Harriss & Co Anthea Godfrey. 183 tons. Price. ueo liamss b uo Hunter. 197 tons. Whitton. G Barker & Co Emma C Cot ton. 834 tons. Ayrcs, Geo Hsrriss & Co John J Ward. 293 tons, Inman, Geo Harriss & Co Mary L Allen. 312 tons, Butler, js yjt .Barker an uo City of Nassau (Br.), 78 tons, Kelley, . j it iTirrenune Mary J Cook. 436 tons, Oreutt, ueo liamss & uo Alice Borda. 354 tons. Dukes. Geo Harriss & Co Llat of Veaaela Up, Cleared or Sailed for thia Port. Tho folio win e vessels are mentioned In tbe Nw York Manlim HtgitUr as belnir op and cleared for tats port : BAItQUSS. Albatroaa fKor.X. 803 tona. Olaen. Marseilles. Ala (Nor ). 461 tons, ueisen, rrom btetun nor. ISib iunin rxnr V tons, from Calais Feb. 8th. Doea (Nor.), 810 tons, Andersen, from Port Ma- boo reb. 11. . . . SmbU (Nor.), 579 tons, Simoasen, at flusnlnjr Jan 8ta. Krwln (OerJ. SS5 tons, Langhlwicb, from Ant warp. Feb. 87. Xxpreaa (Swed.), CO tons, Hillstedt, at Liverpool Jan. 31. llatue H. (Br.), 403 tons, Cochrane, from Liver pool Jan. IS. Ilocaaaa (S wed ). 207 tons, from Seville Dec 20th. Hr4 Don VJ Jemn (Nor.), 289 tons, Nielsen, at Liverpool reb. 13. . Xonlneen Aoirasta (Oer.), 403 tons, WUde, from Rtaltln rW! 84ta LaPlata (Nor ), SCO tons, Andreasen, from Cadiz Nordenakjold (Nor.), S94 tons, Abr&hamsen.from uvarpool reo. a. Qaeea Victoria (Nor.), 295 tons, Alsen, from Ca lata, Feb. 8. 81 Tab (Nor.), S90 toes, Ilenricksen, from Liver pool, Fab. 89. , : . Htm iMd.v AOS tons. Krook. Havre Feb. 8. itaa CNor.). 4&S tons, Veale, from Liverpool reo. iv. , . , . . . rxfSit, . Tto i Aaba (NorO, X taa. Christensen, at Ltverpol mi?LZr,n v o . ViM MJr.mnnl uuus. i (Oer.1 878 tons, Fretwurst, at Liverpool Jai Kerala tor (For.), tons, from Seville Jan. 80. TBE MAILS. Tb malls cloee and arrive at tbe City Post Offlo aa follows: CLOSE. Northern through ma 11a, fast 7:00 P. M Northern through and wav mails 8:00 A. M Raleurh 6J5 P. M. t 8$Q A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and mo tea surmlled therefrom lnolndtnff Southern maua for all points south. aau7 o:iO a. m. d.w r. m. Western maUa (C C. Railway) daily (exoent Sundav) 6:15 P. M. AUpotnU between Hamlet and Raleigh 0:13 P. M. Mail for Cberaw and Darlington Rail road 6:15 A. M. 8.-00 r. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston . 0:15 A. M. A 8:00 P. M. FmTettevlUe. and ofHAea on Cavne Fear Iitrer, Taeadays and Fridays 1.-00 P. M. FavettevtUe, vlaLamberton. dsHr. ex cept Sandara. ... 0:15 P. M. Onslow C. H. and In termed La to offices. Tueadaya and Fridays 6M A. M. Smithville maua. bv ateamboat. daUv (ezeept Bond ays) 8$0 A. M. MaUa (or Easy nai. Town Creek, Shal lot le and Little Blrer. Tneadara and Friday. - 6.-00A. M WrtghtavUle dany at 8,30 A. M IOPKN FOR DKT.IVKKT- Northom thro' and way mails 70 A. M. Southern maUa 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad fcOO A. M. Stamp Offlce open from 8 A. M. to 13 M., and from 8 to B30 p. X. Money order and Register Department open same aa atamp offloe. MaUa eoQeeted from street boxes from busi- nees portion of city at 8 AJL, 1100 A.M. and 50 P.M ; fmm other parte of tbe city at 8 P.M. Star Saloon JS THE PLACE TO GET THE FINEST NEW RTVER OY8TE1W to be found In the city Also, WINaa, LIQUORS, CIGARS and TOBACCO. Call aod b eooyBoMv Tinoeo. ... " r UEO. F. HERBERT, 1 ' ". ; Proprietor. fan 1 tf " " ' ':'V-r ' AbsoIutelyrPuires This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholeeomenesa. More economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sola In com petition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in "wholesale, by ADRIAN & VOlIiEKS nov 4 lv Sirm too or frm 4p nov 24 ; Groceries. Groceries. gQQ Bbls FLOUR, all grades OKA Bbls Granulated SUGAR, aSO U Extra C and C, 2QQ Bags Rio and Laguyra COFFEE, 40 Tlerce8 LARI' jQQ Cases and Buckets LARD, PJQ Boxes CHEESE, Tubs BUTTER, jQ Boxes and Bbls CRACKERS, 200 Bb'8 SKKD potatoes' Bbls TURNIPS, 20 Bbls APPLES, 0 Hhds MOLASSES, 125 361,18 do 200 Kegs NAILS, OKA Bundles HOOP IRON, 0 Bbls and Half Bbls MACKEREL, Tobacco. Cigars and Snuff, Candles, Soap, Candy, Ac, For sale low oy mhStf ADRIi :an A VOLLBRS. Furnitiire. CRAFT'S la tho place your FURNITURE to get, A nice Secretary and a nobby Chamber Set. CRAFT is the leader of the Furniture trade, Ills broods are the best, you know, that are made. Now for a list of goods kept in store I'll Just mention a few, don't ask me for more. There are Bedsteads and Bureaus, and all kinds of Chairs, Some on the first floor, others up stairs. Then come Washstands, Tables and Mattresses, all frrades, "With Sideboards, Writing Desks and nice Win dow Shades; Baby Carriages and Easy Chairs, come suit your selves, Rocking Chairs and Whataots, with five and six shelves; Centre Tables marble top others with wood, Spring Beds, medium, with others very good. Just think of his Cornices, the finest extension, With so many other things too numerous to mention. Now give CRAFT a call, he will treat you all right; His stock Is a marvel, in fact, It's a sight. mhUtf Peruvian Guano. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. HAVING RECEIVED ALL THE GUANO shipped to this country DIRECT FROM THE DEPOSITS, under new GOVERNMENT CON TRACT, we offer to the trade PERUVIAN GUANO of tho best quality and in excellent condition. For particulars and prices apply to HURT ADO da CO., 10 & 18 EXCHANGE PLACE, tn thlsat NEW YORK. feb 5 eodSm ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security Against Fire. He North Carolina Hoie Insurance Co, RALEIGH, N. C. rpHIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE PO- licles at fair rates on all classes of insurable Drooertv. All losses are promptly aaiusiea ana . . . - . . . , . pa aid. The ag in nublio favor, and insurers of property Aarenta in all carts of the State. JOHN GATLING, President. W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON A MANNING, Agents, aepgStf Wilmington. N. C. New Scarborough House, NO. 104 NORTH WATER STREET AND PRINCESS STREET WILMINGTON. N. C. The Finest Restaurant li the- City. Board 81.25 per Dav. Three Tickets f 1.00. Sin gle Meais sac jso Meats sent one dec 7tr u. j. (HAubokuubh, itoptt Be Red Bat has Flown. "RUT H. C. PREMPERT'S FASHION ABLE SHA- ving and Hair Dressing Saloon is still the centre I of attraction, and an who expect to cast off the of sine cussednesa haTbetter give him a I OalL f el 3 tf Tobacco Selling Fast. QftA BOXES AND CADDIES aSOLD WITHIN j j v i nana w jumg. 200 Boxes and Caddies to close consignment. Various Brands from 20 cts upwards. HAM L BEAR. SR.. mhStf 18 Market Street. The Biblical Recorder PUBLISHED By Edwards, Bronghton Go. RALEIGH, N, C. REV. C. T. BAILEYV Editor. ' REV. C. S. FABRISS, Associate Editor. Organ of North Carolina Baptists ' . In Its 44th i Year. , EVERY; BAPTIST SHOUED;AKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. Only $2.00 Per Tear. Address BIBLICAL RECORDER, Raleigh. N. C deo 28.tr The Hoine Journal, PUBLISHED EVEBT. FRIDAY MORNING. At Warrenton, N. C. JOHN V TVIHCKS, EDITOR AND JBOP3UirrOR. It baa a SnleniMri AhmloHmlii tlx nntrntlAa nt 'Warren, Vance, HaUftua N. C, and Mecklenburg, Va. Aa an adyertlaint raedlam It is unsurpassed. - Aormn mi.su a rear in i aa n : . - . l Tear in RTmnnh Address idre UVMJu JUUiUIAli) f- - w --Warrenton, N. C M8tt - BROWN & RODDICK, 9 9 North Front Street. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, THIS DAY, A LINE OF DRESS GOODS ! THE GKEATEST BAKGAINS f WE HAVE EVER OFFERED UNDER ANY CmCUMSTANCES. 18 Cents Per Yard! .MARKET VALUE 75 CTS. CALL EARLY IF YOU DESIRE TO PURCHASE Hamburg Edgings AND Insertions A New L.ot, Very. Very Cheap ! BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONT ST. feb 17 tf Opposite former stand. Questions of Economy A GIT ATE THE MIND OF OUR AVERAGE citizen, and are pemlexinir the brains of ve trreat statesman. Without going into much discussion, wo wish to quote a few "points" below the market, and keep our friends from being "cornered." The gentlemen on the other side seem disposed to answer these questions of econoiry by solicit ing your patronage on small things, thereby en abling you to to save a few cents each week or month. Now wo propose to do as we have always done, SMy the Interests of Onr Customers, and save them A FEW DOLLARS EACH WEEK, providing them, at the same time, with the BEST ARTICLES OF FOOD obtainable. P. L. Bridgers & Co., HO North Front St. feb 24 DAWtf Just Received, JT CAPE FEAR FLOUR MILLS, NEW FLOUR, NEW WHEAT. CORN, HAY, GRITS, HOMINY and MEAL al ways on hand and for sale low C. B, WRIGHT, Proprietor feb 21 tf ; CAPE FEAR FLOUR KILLS. We are Marching Oh, ND KEEP THE BEST, AND BEST ASSORT MENT OF COOK STOVES ever offered. Pumps, Toilet Sets, Tin Ware, Sheet Lead, Door Mats, ana otner gooas in enaiess variety. . - PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. mh2 tf We Neglected rpo PUBLISH OUR USUAL ADVERTISEMENT on Tuesday morning, but we did not kbglkct our friends. This week we offer our usual assort ment at prices equally as low as heretofore, and in some articles perhaps a little lower. WE DO NOT SELL ADULTERATED SUGARS, but the purest goods that can be obtained. All our goods will be sold at the very lowest living prices. feb 28 tf JAS. B. HUGGINS & CO. Great Reduction. A LARGE STOCK OF PARLOR SETTS, MAR- jri.Die -rop wainui jjea ixoom sens, Liounges, Wardrobes, Book Cases, Side Boards. Hall &o., .will be sold at greatly reduced prices at U nisuitisiNus s jiujmwjjs's, a. a. cor. Market ana ana streets, Wilmington, n. v. mn s tf Cow Hides, TrTnrw mraav winmijfc nnv wwraq. XL Axle Greasa, Neatsfoot Oil, Harness 6li Blacung, Harness soap, none and Dand urusnes, uurry vomos, saaaier nbs. SaddlervtGooda of .n kinds, Buggies, irays, done. McDC SbuALleOWDrEf PUy a. Smith's Furniture Store. Next to D. A.! mh2tf C. E. Smith, COMMISSION MERCHANT. OOTTOTI. Orders fnTthlTr; -MSHbaaa J0?1106 ehangeaj-promptly executed. Liberal advances made on Oonlnn.fV I ZTsUFT??? ".nifi unaer. m, Mf OlVllA Oln lull VV M IIKK. S TrtASa axA..MMM M SnfA A f TT hU . ' UW KAVAT. TmKiy." Vl 1nCi??r;iu!" ""-i in W lmra JUST OPE MED ! -AT- K AT? 116 Murket gt. French Nainsooks, Victoria and Persian Lawns, Piqne, Marseilles, Checks, 20,000 Yards Embroideries. LACES. A FULL ASSORTMENT JN ALL NEW STYLE) AND DESIGNS. BALANCE Ol ! WINTER iGOODS SELLING OUT VERY CHEAP, TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING 110 MARKET SI jan SO tf Hart, Bailey Co. 19 & 21 South Front St WILMINGTON, A. ., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IK Engines, Boilers and Saw-Mills, Steamboat, MiU & Machinists' Suppliei Bolts, Huts, Washers, Wood Screws, Hose, Beltings, Lacing, Inspirators, Pipe, Fittings, Valves, And AU Sorts of Machinists' Supplies feb24tf t47APrrAL PRIZE, 875.000.H XI elteta only 85. cTbarea In proportion Lonisiana State lottery Company. ranatments for all th Monthly and Semi-Am Drawings of Th Louisiana State Lottery Vmm and in person manage and control tu drowwg themselves, and that the same are conducted honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward au fa ties, and we authorize the Company to wtUiuar tiflcate, with facsimiles of our signature atUuim, in its advertisements." Commlsalonei Inoor rooraced in 1868 for 25 years dj - T-l 1 . n rio4tahlAnurD0W with a capital of $1,000,000 to which aresem luna or $420,000 nas since Deen aaaeu. m , . By an overwhelmln popular vote Its nw" was made a part of the present State Constiw aaoptea jjeoemoer 2d, a. v. it . . W k The onto Lottery ever voted on and endow the people of any State. IT NEVER SCA' SCALES OR POSTPONES- ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMB Eli TAKJS PLACE MONTHLY ,.,,- -) WIN A FORTUNE, THIRD GRAND ING, CLASS C, IN THE ACADEMY OF AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY. lHarcB ih 18841 66Ui Monthly Drawinc- CAPITAI PRIZE $T5.000,- 1 AA AAA HMarafs! amtft VIta .nllart (m , m. wa W V m.SwJ.Jam,wajaw -, am- M w v Practlons In PUtn In Proportl- LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize. . . 1 Capital Prize... 1 Capital Prize... 2 Prizes of $6000 . 5 Prizes of 2000.. 10 Prizes of 1000.. 20 Prizes of 600.. 100 Prizes of . 200.. ,. . 2 2 . id, : 11 . fi . ft ft : 800 Prizes of 7100..i.'. 600 Prizes of -60... . 1000 Prizes of 25 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 8 Approximation Prizes of $750 0 Approximation Prizes of &oo 9 Approximation Prizes of T50 2 es, amounting to. .. . . . vSTb AK Appucaraona ror rates to ciudb made to t.h nfRna nf the. flnmnaiiy leans. - ... full address. Make P. O. Money Orders p . New Orleans 1A)enpaT. wivrva ni nrdlnary leU.i. m Mail or Exnreaa CoJl nms of $5 and UP' Express at our expense) to rrni1- New v"""- ' James A. Lowrey I - " " - - ikdu1 W- eral Sepalrer of Carriages and Vehicles- of all kinds attended to without delay. .Thanking my friends for favors extern fftA In riJ T rhfilr kind " nirnrt V' OWtt, oiw&rnmou-. brScheTmod and wKanlika I pi&oe of. business, on Princess, t?& su 1- r : - . , - . -. - . - : ' - . . i : ..- .,. . t- - - . . v . , .... , ... .