TT J rfA IV ftti S"W w n or" faroim, poMO"! Au.y. se4 w f r. t! r". I turn att iw(t flu UUM SMMtUMt t.M P l T i im mmtX fc tu.wr iM 4rawl to v tAmn"rar m IM ft. t p wmi m wastrr stab r tflaa4 t mt . . Aovrcerwr. hatw oittn-o ii t m ; 4mtx tin; uu-w4rx I Mt? tan .i JB: ft- M ; wa. V jo, ' w n4 ii Mr Un rail MM; em Jul ; lw month :7M; uum anaA $J4 al La aatutUMt S iM ttrtff tMMiUtat am ML T 44 whiwmii nunc of xn?a lotM r.4'na StwiiaCS VcTokiV ffeittJnai 4r . wW toaT4 rmrM Jtimevmta rasmt .-S.xi.Ma mntlm mi Sf CT Hmm" SS ?" 4rM fetMMiw aa4 kmiw Aa P t Ulna. A.trUmutMmNrM u a Cfff ft feuf-wl It JO 9 nrmm ttuwrttoa. rwH ami. tr tacK 4av rua im. Wminlntmni of TTlnAk r B rw m mrr ! w.TtiainMk 0 at ux7 Wf itcM rili Dr tit fpl aatMUMal oC f himtrttKM to nrm wUl N ntrail till ftr lU Ui motion t tSm ?ai!MtuM. t Ar4 19 te UK 4ai a 41 wnCJtHUMkWk, 4-irUsiltMica' WUl N &npt SJ.T P OA winr.ritt AP mjimU ibtrfwl trMuriwot xtn.momm aim N nt It Cli". Cfrl. rlttit vf tarn 9nti!aM iair mUar fttminoaa wtions sr Arv M iM 'n nr or.rtmr wr. iaT wCX 6'Trftiy 6 4.1 rtr fwmr fvrtTy taw o mm at lMir to ttvwr'Jm ta. WVn" a te m ' tjuiit ii dtnrJtmmtst wdl 9 buwrtawt '.:tM 3i-" to i mft to aun i-irarf Uto ttau 1! MHtnii!i for mllta of Uk ppr to tim Jr- lf.irn The Morning Star. fty WILLI in It. nam ah o. irrLjfrxoTox. x. c. EVENING EDITION. mti j. tilokv roimciL n KroKD. Mr. TiMn i. not the nW. in tUctual ra.Aa ia th lVfca7cratic pirty. Nt one evr npponl that ht w a.4 bU a man x Horatio Sey mour or JaJ; Thurman Ami other b9 CAmi. Hat he U a n-t pfty tnngt. Ho I a good p.-t-tm5n of a Nsw York p.ihticiaa. It h.v. cum" t p A.- tht h exert mor totliitK'w ovrr th d""tini of th (wcxioTa&ic party than aay roan m it, oe who h a bo ideatified with it d'ltio th t.vt dcadu. What he .y t rrarilrd x oracular. To .lav it i bhevi thai h will dictate ' thall b nomm.iScd ai ChicA, and ?ipn what plasfortn h hall S.nil. I: brcnft of mterrst to kn . vrhf-ru ho !".ax3'l a t TanJ lv- r- If hi ; hoot And trust worthy tt will not bj dicult to tell, bMra;n5 h h.A a rrord extending through n-arly thirty yrarof politi cal life. If h.- t. oot hooeat and trt worthy tlu-o hi.' ritteranc are of no val'io and th-y oujht oot to hai any inHi-'Ci-' to determining fi?ao amri" of the party. What then U Mr. Tildea's record ? In he i running for th At- tmy CWneralhip of New York. I le naui thm : "TS," whole pro.fTs of Mximtj consists ia W-waia tkow i 4tjua. by the vJyi U$rZ 'tum tr aoirtiLiry iUitue L&r of iiuU ui-.u. ihiim o6a't;ctA waicn are al uttt hi 5mptil only throua the Atfocy of iJ" eramenC. ni ia itmmmtmf t m?hm Urf idatMm ui fftMtr-jitf tXtt f t iiuiieiJ tutt rumi unU ct.tcumt. Out Amertcaa iotitJiU)0 necoicaixanl thw klea oom compifUly thaa otaen, aad the Pe-av:r-Uic party h.u fsoermlly been the futaful x rJua of lt pr V e de-rtl-opmrnt. ta tnont of t&e ra practical iMntttna.' of our time li? u tyyvimd tie iXd Vf .AMot, a ad hca. it we o Utrt)w for those ebjectj tuj prtferrrt'l to trtiet tam t wleer. eafer aad more eScieot fttfRQci tweotwl t t& rights of ear Amrca tai jtry. wkleA U now beia aia (. Sil tHe world wita the rvoowa of iu cbie'rvaieatJ. it oaj rtf-asod to duvet U ppicadoo by yryAtiilury of prvtAitit ta prfria thAt eacia toaa ahoukl J'wlf how he caa taaAe hu owm Uhor moat prtMiioctlvt;. aod truia,x for DW acztecare result to taoMt a.Cu rtl law wtuca eaade ewnry one of oar million of city ponl alio a l li.uly chHnt h: food. &a4 yet f arateh bnjrr rythiax that hae breo pro vUwwl tefortthaadL " If he i hoa-t aad truitwofthy it L ea-y to from thu how A4 woald vote If in the Senate on all each me.vur aa the Kaa.a. cattle bill anl Utair'a scheme for helping illite racy maialy ia the Xrt Mr. Tilden wonld never rote for raa starve that allow the interference of tlW (Jovernmeot," and "fvm or te bt oZtct lX.9 relieving Ohio river 'tferrre, earinj tie eocmth aal erb ami poor children geoerally of New York city. Ia 1ST t Mr. TiUeo waa the Dem ocratic eandklate for Ootaraof of e w.York- lUt U the pUtfona: -eeewe fm ; tUri Uiatioo. f SUV Bl tmrSAml MrtnMtln I not t souaJ ? TH4 it6t lt4T ifowhjdoUnotfi. ISSIf The AlL Ba;.tM Illiteracy-brought on hlf century, cd It baa readable today as TFTTlX IATEST NEWS Tl! U fir RfUr o tbttUtltkn thW.Tbewhto broobt it en, afLC ---; f U " tocM from bt apcb EceepUog the will not do. , The white brought on lcclia aioolhlj; ,71,1.1 wa would not jnake :,.-:tf ? iIi: ,1 noalnAUoa . . 2W .- tee war; illitoracy was tbo c4um; but .efcSfcona -precisely aa the 'editor doca- we 5 i'l - . Sianoiliclioa aaJ riti f tstif . Monk most bare tbcte cd- ittnt of promt reiwf. tneaaurw of tectxriiy f o tie f auun. IM jnu m a iuu 3 tV JW ff AJ ajftt fy. n sdrtAkM le direct bcaiaa of UdlTUluAia y ar( aot uiaa3a tor wiu . . JxJT?Z foroa IM kdxnlabcnuioo aa4 to a-tTv las coaatry. Come weal or come woe. Lwr ntv. A docs he propose to lower it in IDi? xIf so, why ? Let the people the oppxt4 people Mr. Tilden talked of ten yeara ago, have an aa- Mr. TUden waa nominated for the t.i t, i mnucucj tu j - 1370. Where did II s4 he Mlowcrel he tand then? . What sai4 the platform ? 'WKlnmsd that all fcMU" fit ha be oatv for iwa . 1 1 11: .v.. tt f K n ''"""S '"v,t- " mocracy have loet grouoa u aeeras. From a noble party of prinrijs it threaten to become a party of mere shifting, timeaerviog erptdtiney. Bat did Mr. Tilden agree to ac- -wrt th nomination wito sucii a rvlAnk in the oUtforra? Ho did. r That plank rae submittel to him be fore it waa adopted. Mark that - The committee appointed by the Na- t - . :r. v.;m tiooal Convention to inform him of his nomination said: w. nrwei you with the decUrtJoo of I nr4fM-niM ocel bv the CooTeattoo. ana I UaideaM list rw U rmaare i- ih wuruioQ wmxntrr of pou.vai vU- I uy whkh iataeilyaUly coactru Me I m ' - mlm. wlfr 1' iXd itrt utovii f txi I 9J UU I i , .i . .' it .r I thm Ire!deov will be a raaraU of their i . . . . i tticcrea. sad it will t as mucn your pleas ure to re fare aad eaAlaUla them. If elect- eu. as U b ours to five them the stanp of 00001 reperwrntaUve approbauoo. Now wht did he say? Did he tell them that he would not carry out in good faith the principles and policy annunciated by the Convention. Nay, bat he sale): "If your choice should be ratified by the people l the eiectioo. I should eotcr upon tie ifrral duties whkh would fall upon me TTry taura in the ipiril oi coosevrauoa in wilier miutvi 4 v.- In his letter of acceptance he chAraeicrued the High War Tariff a a "moat unscientific and ill-adap ted method of taxation and declared thAt it had "increased tho Slurries of ih ftopU (xr beyond tho receipts of the Treasury." With these doclaratieos before the country iAmuel J Tilden was elected J I by more than a qaarter of a million I I raajonly. I What ts there in that tact to make . - - . i Democrats timid, unstable, unooad j in H3I. If Mr. Tildeo ts honest and reliable he would be with tho He formers now if in the Congress. sarwaxoia blub o covsua?iURY KOI' CATlOJf. Tbe debate on educating tbe I 1 w w. : Mn.u f.-.r Rflviv I .1 TVi t tn v I 1 .u . -n 1 .: n t. jon ! The stock market opened strong, but de- I Spirits Turpentine .,.. . , . . . j ;.. cllecd 1 to It per cent., the latter in iraci- Uosm 1,04 nae." There ia no Sam Ilandaltwm illiteracy ia moat denae rn North but it ia another thing and inesti- fic MajJ which7ell off to 54f. After 11:30 Tar... 1,133 in the rioinnjt word. There waa Carolina, South Carolina and Arkan- mably more essential to know the o'clock a stronger tone prevailed, and Crud Turpentine 372 " . , jA-i' 7I i in-. motives that inspired the colonists to prices advanced itof percent. Denver, 1 no hedeioff no an worthy dodging Wherever there ia illiteracy n.i.-; r n ft. t Texas Pacific and Kansas & Texas con- ooitiestic markets masM by the Paternal Government Me South will agree to tax- tbem has opened. Senator Blair's speech selves one aMar for every three dol us magnificent absurdity because Ura that tbe Paternal Pedagogic In based upon his bilL Wo ask tho at- slitution may bestow. He calls this tcotive reader to put the following things together and then watch the result: I Mr. BUir says that "nearly three- I Imrtis of the illiterate voters of the I country are in the Southern States, .v. a.-rr I voters ef tbe country." Certain eminent Southern 'educa tors" it used to be teachers "bad expressed the conviction that many ofth States (Southern) were unable to meet me niucuities wnicn iie- i raey was imposing upon them." Put I these two faeta together tbe three foarthe illiteracy and tb-inability of many Southern States "to meet the difficulties that is to say, to edu cate this immfluse. three-fourths. Keep that in mind and then read farther. I Senator Blair conteoda that thero I bid ba no dimtnaUon of this I ,opo,Joa, -il.Ur-b.,cn 1870 and 1830. That ia not true .as to I the South, bat let it go as x fact that I therv haa been no "diminution." I Then what? Head farther. I i b proporttoo or white people ml the Uoloo in 1930 who COttld not I wrtta was C.9 per cent; of bUcka I call himaelf one but he ia not ad 7.0 pr cnt Bot the ag &ra-1 vanecd aa f ar aa tho horn-book of tor is pla4 to sa7 that -had com- moo schools extended TrV. I S 1 . I sata in auoini nomoori tbronehOQl in uniua but there would hav I Mark joq, there baa been no "dim- V av ma non ot iintrj , nd ot the white popelatlon there are 93.04 per I cent. that can read. avrr?; I rt!I TUW. .lirtit:. I .. r " waa i bac. sa pi n I OTCf 3 white In erery 100 'could read. Blair will have to try again aa to the cause of the war. - Now go back again.1 Blair aaya. tbree-fonrtha of the illiteracy ia in the South. Of tbo negroca 47.70 are illiterate. He aaya illiteracy la a creat cur.. ercn to briocin on the v. .J 1. rit Doeahe really mean what be aaya? Does be really purpoae in bis bill to I care this awful illiteracy in tho South. Who can uy that when he examine hia plan? I He propowa to distribute ao many I literacy." That looka fair. It looks W r., firthrr. Thrift I J -"-- I milliona are not to bo distributed I . . . . when the States raise themaelve and I a r nrrw- nno. Vr. V V : rT ' r intra Ol me sura 10 oe given vy 1 - I . 1. fl,o H. 1 hterate and poor states in oraer 10 I draw the Paternal help must raise one-third aa much aa it is protKed hall be given in aid. North Caro lina baa aay 47.70 of illiterates. She ia poor, but sho must raise $1,000,000 to receive $3,000,000. Massachuiotte is very rich. She can raiso and does raise millions for her publio schools. She needs no , , . . . help for thero ia not much ithteraoy, but still the Paternal Institution at Washinirton that ia to co into the 1 : 1 : wooic,o pvuagug.o Massachusetts $1,000,000 -raoro or A ...J a lti f triVi (irrl ffr. - "v t - i . . . 1 1 m.- we 1 Lun AL-ViiaiBiiiuu jaw aa v m w 1 . ... 1 aad prosperous aro helped, whilst tho urdenod. The Blair bill reminds us of the II! P (T T fawAM fViA WS K anil 4 A 111 A M lUi It 4sVV3 eUV IVU csva oppreasca the. poor Many luxuries are lightly taxed and many neces saries aro heavily taxed. Tho higher priced goods pay less duty than the coarse fabrics. Hut this by tho way. There is no sincerity in Blair's plan. By it the rich and prosperous North will get what it does not need, whilst the poor and illiterate South will not find relief only by burdening iUelf to reach it. If Blair believed all he said, he would havo moved .v.. .yI.a A.n. nf th 15 OOO 00O for tho first vear . , ... - . because he says that illiteracy .s a most direful curse to the country and " - j tho South haa threo-foorths of that curse. Tt . t t ne propoaea no sucn incasurv. v a . i l r uouocs not reaiiy go to worn in a sensible way to remove tho curse. lie givca help to tnose wno ncca no help and ho doles out his help to thoso who are whelmed, submerged in the alougb of ignorance. There ia 47.70 per cent, of illite racy among the negroes. They can not be taught unless the vhius n helping the ignorant. It looks much like oppressing the whites. In what wenvo said we have not considered the Constitutional fea- tores. Wo do not believe that the Congress has any right to make this j.-.. --a....: : .u . .n.i it it has then this follows: the Presi- dent must have charge. We will consider this moro at length hereaf ter. We have already in several cdi- torials pointed our objections to this eepeme oi taxing ice peopie oy me Federal Government just to help tho J States educate tbeir voters. It ia all T . . , I gammon. It is a tremendous farce, It ia another move to strike down tbe States. It fa another concession I t a u.m;ifAt.n;.m Tt anmW .fTort to make the people lean on Paternal tiovernmcnt. Ine o la tea can tax I themselves to educate their own ehtldrea. Why Ulc from th. Statea IU.000,000 in lo mam U to the Stales to be expended in a given way? Why oot let the States attend to homo aifairs? Why break down local eel f-eovern mcnt? i0 good, soaod Democrat can veto for an v auch measure. Honur trao Denocraov if bo favora the j o ir.m:tiAn:.n L: l mil U Ikcuuuiiuiu, iiMuiiwuiau ' aohom nf . Pitomil Oovnrnmont is - i.'lit - TUB rBIUODKOAlV. . TXe Ecltctie JTaQtnim for MArch ia we fU1d turaallr. the case. . It contains 14 cia laaen from ue ioreign pcriodi- cala. aad in addttfoo literary noUcea. for- library notes, and miscellany. This f . . " 7 ' . J " . I mooxAiy lss been published for nearly a . . . . . . J concede that the mort of the artlclea are readable an d many of ihem profitable. We omelimea wonder how a certain " paper was cboaen.wlca there were so many that J . rw hettrr that vaM nvMnlrP1 Price .-vw w . -vw . jcar. . reiioo, to, iwuu N. Y., publlsber. j. ThtifodemAsetor AprU baa an. Inter esUn story by Canivet called 'Bosihenes; Bard Mr. Barclay. member' orParlia mcnt, baa a paper entitled Nuw View of Mormonism." The fine novelist R. D. Blackmore, has a story called ."Not Until Neat Time." Thero is a pocmby Robert I lkow nlng and many other papers, oy ior- ein author. Price 15 cents a number or ' $1.60 a year. This ia a cheap eclectic, but docs not draw mainly upon the more fa mous periodicals. 1t MuHcal Herald, a monthly magazine, paoiiuwmijoiwn.uweii worui au . t . a i t . iw Hon. It la a rood thine at 10 cents a num- be.. Published by Tbo Musical Herald I rnrnmnr Ynn will likA IL Trv it CURRENT COMMENT. It ia one thing to know the relation beti relation between the Fourth of J uly It .1--. i j tt a 1 Know mil niBiauucr nauiiiwu auu 1 comas jeuereou nvcu im wcio great men in meir aay; uut 11, is au- other thing and a great deal more important to know of the Hamil tonian and Jeffersonian theories of government, in what respects they differed, the relations sustained by these contemporary statesmen to the General Government, and how far each succeeded in perpetuating his doctrines. The pupil who leaves school without adequate knowledge . r .1 r . v 1...: "I I 01 wiu motives ui due icwiuiiuuai; falhcn the actuating and precipi- t-tinf? causes of the separation from tho thraldom of kingly rule, comes I into his maiontv so ooorlv eauiDDed I A, ;,41,1 A.fttV,A I , . j:Jjii .- chancps are mo9t decidedlv in favor I . . J nnanrna nm m ri 1. iiMruifii v 1 1 1 hviit oi nis proving a very aangeroun I . : . u i, v.;- "nd is most impressionable, when . . . ;ma:n,,ion is t easilv kin(jled by the stories of the brave I a e ao rf tKn TAfaf n f Vt nm f rV IlKof. Ohl UilCTO f K WAA V A VA OlOhUCl O A V ty, he has failed to adequately learn too one great, vuai lesson oi n w lUUUUt O 11 lObUI , W1U UCWUIU Hie r . u j TV, , cksy Pr,-y ul "uc ucniagojjuc. io Current. Hon. Henry B. Payne is rap idly approaching that stage in the journey of life when be can enjoy thin mpllnw twilight that falls on the pathway of the octoeenarian. It is a stage adapted to rest and reflec- tion. But Mr. 1 ayne active organ- - " f ' uT-l Vu" I t.ion of his ability to undergo the t,.1.hin. nf . trm in tho Whiro ICgl3 ui roc i uutuiug vuo ljucj- i . . i j i i toe veneraoio necress aiu wno, upon a ,.tUe Do (0i9 cver eet too 0u to marry?" an- swered, "I dunno, honey, "io mus' I '.. .1 T To " T!l- ax sum'un older dan I is." Brook lyn Eagle j Dem. KENNETH K A TNER'S REPLY TO II EN II Y A. WISE. Raleigh News-Observer. The following remarks of his in the United States House of Repre sentatives some time prior to the war, under very peculiar provocation, havft at least made him known throughout tbo limits of his beloved Carolina. Mr. Wise, of Virginia, remarked: ' North Carolina had so long followed Virginia that she now felt like an ap prentice just set free." Mr. Rayner, of North Carolina, arose and said: "Sir, North Carolina needs no defender here, and if she did, she would be unfortunate in having no abler advocate than my self. It is a sufficient oompiiment to her to say that while on the North ana on the aoutn oi ner ine spirn oi reiorm nas oeen uuauiu iu uouwuu with the demon of faction, on enter ing her borders the flag of constitu tional freedom is seen floating in triumph from her Atlantio beach to her mountain tops. of her -J she hafi not as many bright names to aaorn ner history, aa those who revile her, sho x ai jeast aavea tne .disgrace or violating their dying precepts and dishonoring their ihadea. "Let it be remembered that Athens was once the noblest and proudest 8tate of Greece. All the other mem- do her 0 Yet she was thrsA to surrender her freedom to the golden bribea of Philip, whilst the hebans, who had bo long been the iStjy on the field TSSaEC -iS oujecis oi ner retrroaco, pensnea i the expiring liberties of Greece. Let the gentleman from Virginia take the allusion and apply it at his leisure." Hoanoke. A VOICE FROM MAINE. From report in Belfast Age. cratio th nrMpnt RnMKi;...-. li .o l. ing a tar apon the people far beyond oTtitulW-X.? ifr .ri.hi0g many inda8tri to en- rich a few; and that we bail with tho i , r . rr i uiyut-ow Mi;iioa ine eugrw wnica i the committee on Wava and Moans . ... T7 . " " J , . IQ Ine IlOnse in Congreaa are making to establish a tariff rpfArm. whinh ia demanded .alike . . . ... . y -r . by frugality' in 'the admlniatraU'on b . .7. T . ev.u. rrAvntnm anf ana eqaamy In incidental taxation. rUsolvd. TKnf . TO h nmn. iZthZSSZ iX.JSSZ SiJ ?5? :5a?ir State Committee, in behalf of lELXJSSX fiPP6,868 Per issued in Columbia, over thirty years ago, be- npmnrnf, f Af,;' . Aa Rriand: Blan"or0: 5SH, SSSS?!" . ... .. I . . ... . JSA.UTJ1. i cy-a-o. , - By Telegrapii to the Moratee Star.) Rt .Tmro'a. Ni F' March 19.-A violent I . . . .5 l I MOCK Ot eanuquaso-waii ciireucuucu , usx- , . prv.iA;trt)ii riiotiirranA yeaterdayTb-eweigbtof disturbance wa8 feit id the vicinity, or Jiaroor urace, Heart's . Content, rHart'a Harbor, J prignua - Bay, R6bertaand HW'y-. - :.05 SliSS7S& uit: uiabui uautc . wcaiy- ivvivr v - - Th disturbance took: Dlace between 1.30. i ana i.ij p, iu. OBITUARY. K Sadden Deith br 5Iame Anna ; Blaaep. .. . . t . By Telegraph to the Morals Star.1 ; ' , , HEW JtOKK, Marcn aw.-juoajue f-""2: Bishop, one n f anjoua finger, who bad a world-wide reputation, died suddenly last. mgni oi apopiexy, u 7. Avenue. Her . husband, Martin Sennits, was ai ner ueusiuo wueu . ouc uicoiuiu last. She leaves no children. FINANCIAL,. Mew York Stock Market Price Ir- resnlar rBy Telejrraph to the Mornln Star.l New Yobk. March 19. 11 A. M. tinue in cood demsnd. inere was a dit- 1 crence Qf ai per cent in cash and regu- Jars in Michigan Central. Nathan Myers' crockery store.101 Gravier street. New Orleans, was turned yesterday. Less $85,000; fully insured. Neuralgia and Sick Headaelae. In Aurora, 111., lives Mrs. Win. Henson. She says: "Samaritan Nervine cured me of neuralgia, vertigo and sick headache." f . Awnings. TTTB MAKE AWNINGS OP ALL "KINDS. GET ou? estimate before placing your order. Mat- tMW. nnv.ud fnmiM nnhnimi re- I . . , v,,Qe 0.v Tmr?wr- TTTRE, WINDOW SHADES, &c, in the city, to be I sold at low down prices, at I . . thos. c. crafts, aot., Furniture Dealer, 20 So. Front St. mh 1C tf BOSTON POST. I rrvTTl ATT TTaTTTTWrrrOT T a UTTa mTTlkT-rTTirTT V I X AAA VJtAS, J 11 V AAV VAAJAAAK AAA 1 Ia VlkV U UAAAJ A. ltrue blue democratic newspapek. The clean Family Newspaper of Massachusetts, I WJUuwuiUK lug iuk wiuiiiDwuona ui nuj ii" I In New England. The Boston Dally Post is especially noted f o its reliable Commercial and Financial Features. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dailt One Tear, $9; Six Months, $4.50; in ad vance. Wkkklt Fridats $1.00 per Year in advance; Six Copies for $5.00. CLUB RATES. Five or more to one address will be furnished as follows : DAILY POST at So.oo per year per copy; Ten copies for $7.50 each, In advance. I in ciubs of Five or more, one copy wiiibe given to the organteer of the Club. - WEKKL Just Received, T CAPE FEAR FLOUR MILLS, NEW FLOUR, NEW WHEAT. CORN, IIAY. GRITS. HOMINY and MEAL al ways on hand and for sale low, -a B. WRIGHT, Proprietor feb Si tf CAPE FEAR FLOUR MILLS. THE aval StOTeS Market EepOrt I r "1 AND PRICES. CURRENT. The first number of a WEEKLY JOURNAL, Devoted exclusively to the Interest of SOUTHERN PRODUCE, Will be published . ' SATURDAY, APRIL 5th, 1884, containing the latest information 'from all the markets In tbe world, respecting SPIRITS TURPENTINE. KOSIN, LUMBER, COTTON, TOBACCO, RICE. WOOL, &c. and tho value of all articles used by PRODU CERS. Subscription 52 .50 p-.b annum:, covkbino post age. Specimen sent on application. Published bt It. DUNDAS CIIATER, 187 Pearl Street t, mh 18 tAp 5 tu th sat NEW YORK. ADVERTISE TS Mercliant and Farmer, PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT MAItISOUTS AOZINA it has a large and increasine circulation iri the SSJSST heart of the ee Dee country, the best Cotton Vtoth the section, ana particularly with those of Marlon WSSS J. D. McLUCAS. deostf Proprietor. The Bobesonian, Published every Wednesday InLttmberton, N. By W. W. McDIAllJttID, AS THE LARGEST CTRCULATION AND THE nrea aovwrismg patronags of any paper H1'.1!0.1?1?? coJStLe8 Marion, Marlboro and ..... 1 -. ; ; :The CentralTrotestant AJSSSgS9&SSStfiB 1S5S North Carolina, is pnuiished at vtreensDoro, n. C ,-i-erms.a2 ooperannnBlaadanoe. V ? .Ug?Pit3L?,it8loatlon tha. number and aottvtty of tt agents, and the constantly 4nercas- ing demand for it among the more solid classes of JSiST"0"?.. the CENTRAL vwtaijt poumh eiauns upon the patron VHVeJQ7 Greensboro, N. C. "w. l rr-v--r-" T'-r v,w usuyuuiiureuBUO. I ionner navms DUDllsneO thB first. dnilTnuwans. SOMMERCIAL. :th4miig,ton market, STAR OFFICE. March 19, 4 P. M. SPIEITS TDBPENTINE The market was'qioted ffrm, at 31 J cents per gallon with s&les of 50 casks at that price, and lOOjdo at 32 cents. - : ROSIN' The market was quoted firm (,ra 1 At 1(1 f- Qfnu1 1 OA flnsA ! 1.1, i 10 iui,Buiutu uu T. w i. uwu J . . -i. - ... . . nn. .11 Btramef, wnu .saies at ouu oois-uowi Strained at quotations. " TARj-Tne market was firm at $1 30 per bblJof 280 lbs, with sales at quotations. ' CRUDE TURPENTINE The market was steady, with sales reported at $1 25 for Hard and 2 00 for Yellow Dip. COTTON The market was quoted firm, with small sales reported on a basis of 10i cents per lb for Middling. The following were the official Quotations : Ordinary: . .4 8i Good Ordinary. ...... 9 mdmin ...... .10 cents R). ! Middnng 10 , Qood Mfriming I0f PEANUTS Market firm, with sales re ported on a basis of $1 35 for Prime, $ 1 501 55 for Extra Prime, and $ 1 60 1 70 for Fancy. RECEIPT. Cotton. 3G bales 87 casks bbls bbls bbls By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Financial. Nkw Yokk, March 19, Noon. Money strong and easy at 12 per cent. Sterling exchange 486f 487 and 487489i. State bonds quiet. Governments lower for three per cents Commercial. Cotton quiet, with sales to-day of 487 bales; middling uplands 11 1-1 6c; Orleans 11 516c, Futures barely steady, with sales at the following quotations: March 11.04c; Anril 11 AA . XTqtt 1 1 QKn . Tnma 1 1 9Q .Tn7v 11.51c; August 11.59c. Flourquiet Wheat openea ttc lower, out reactea c. eorn dull. Pork dull at $ 17 62J17 75. Lard steady at $9 75. Spirits turpentine firm at 35c. Rosin firm at $1 501 52. Freights quiet. FOREIGN ItlAKKETS, I By Cable to the Morning Star.l Liverpool, March 19, Noon Cotton steady; uplands 5 154 6d; Orleans 6 1-1 6d; sales to-day of 12,000 bales, 1,000 of which were for speculation and export; receipts 13,700 bales, 5,850 of which were Ameri can. Uplands', 1 m c, March and April delivery 5 61-64d ; April and May delivery I K i?Q 5.4 fshfl O AAA . fo-ir a-riri Tn-ni Aa lVforvr I L VLV7U UTU , AJAOJT CAAALA CJ U-AA VAAA V 2. a e a I k? delivery 6 l-64d; September and October I QfiliVCrV 6 12-640. it UtUTCS OUiet I J , ; a H Bacon long clear middles 45s. Lard 47s. New Yorlc Rice Market. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, March 18. The movement is in small lots to a mod erate extent at generally firm prices. . We quote : Carolina and Louisiana common to fair at 55ic; good to prime 5J6ic; choice to fancy at 6J7ic; Rangoon at 4f 5c duty paid; 2f2ic in bond; Patna at 54c. Savannah Rice market. Savannah News, March 18. The market continues steady and un changed. Sales for tbe day were 59 bbls. Appended are the official quotations of the Board of Trade: Fair 55ic; Good 5 5$c; Prime 66ic. New York Peanut Market. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, March 18, Peanuts are held firmly, with steady demand in a jobbing way. The quotations are at 10c for best band-picked, 9c for extra do, and 8c for other lots. Burnett's Cocoalne for Loss of Hair Chicago, Oct. 11, 1880. Three years ago my hair was coming out very fast, and I was nearly bald. I was also troubled with dandruff. I began using Burnett s UocoAXNE, and my hair immedi ately stopped coming oat, and has con stantly been getting thicker. My head is now entirely free from dandruff. My wife has used the Cocoaine with equally as gratifying results. P. T. Platt, with F. MacVeagb & Co. Burnett's Extracts are the ourest fruit flavors. f Groceries. Groceries. 1500 Bbls L0UK' radea OKA Bbls Granulated SUGAR, &J) .-Extra C and C, 2QQ Bags Rio and Laguyra COFFEE, Q Tierces LARD, 100 CaS6S and Buckets LAitD, Q'.Boxes CHEESE, 4Q Tubs BUTTER, JfJQ Boxes and Bbls CRACKERS, 2 Q Q Bbls SEED POTATOES, Q Bbls TURNIPS, 2Q Bbls APPLES. 50 Hhds MOLASSES, 125 Bbls do 2QQ Kegs NAILS, 25 Q Bundles HOOP IRON, 5 Q Bbls and Half Bbls MACKEREL, Tobacco. Cigars and Snuff, Candles, Soap, Candy, &c, mh2tf or saie ww Dy ADRIAN & VOLLERS. N. A. Stedman, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' '" ' OfBce on Princess, between Front nnA M ata JUSaS - wSSSSSS In tbe Basement of Building No. 114, next to old Practices In all the Criminal n-nrt rHxrll Vinii of New Hanover, Bladen, Columbus, Pender and Brunswick Counties. , janl9DiWlm The Sumter Advance. Tlic PcopIe'sPajier, PM?,IliLT.SI3rM' S. C, BY D ARB 4. PARMELEE, two Praotical Printers the sing Medium in the County for merchants outer ousiness men. Subscription only $1.60 per year. 1 - . Address DARK &JPARMELEE.pan mh Ati . i Sumter. S. C. . The Lincoln Press. PUBLISHED EVERY pday, at Lincoln: TON, By JOHN C. TIPTON, Ed'r and Prop -The PRESS is acknowledged,' by those who nave iriea it,io De one or tne Deal AavertlslBS dlumestemaNor patronage ialn I eland, Burke and I t : -" oojaxjiat aaj vaxucjs is we nest a.avera com, uaston, uarawba,- Cleavetond, Burke and I SCO: One Column, $100., No deviation ir" -Meenbnrg coimUes. ' Advertising rates fibe- ratesv AddrMs." r ENTERPIU.'I c. raL Subscription $1.50 per annum. mh 11 tf i s tf 8tonewi-r' Disfiguring HUMORS Aching and Burning To, tures, Humii. gating ErUp. tions, such as 1 SALT EHKTJM or Kczema, Psori, . Head. Infantile or Birth Humors ' is'. form of Itchlne. Scalv. Pimnw : i1"'' cvn. aid w mo 'vwu, oam caliu. ouaip. with 1 , t ''wea 1 ur ' - J KIJO er cleanses the blood and rlu!: tmrir, I ties and poisonous elements and n, J r,rniri. Cntlcura, the great Skin Curp lays Itching and fnHammatlon 111 "5?,ntlr al- ana scalp, LeaJs Ulcere and Sores 1,1 , Ski" the Hair St( rnfln. Swsn ... and. Toilet Requisite, prepared fromTi-T?a"t,fler '." uvm .r . (1.11 t:. H 1 1 IHIT n . r. luuisiitjuuauiB m ireatinpr Skin I) Humors, Skin Biemishes, Kough, chu , '1 Skin. '-"'I'PeUoroiij vrnticura uemeaie are absolnipi. and the only real Blood Purifiers and si J ,!" uaers, rree irom mercury, arsenic i.a, 1 1 8Q' any other vegetable or mineral ojsil"' r It would require thlaentircTaeTTTT" tlce to a description of the cun's I)(.rf "J"" the Ctjticuka Kesolvent internal'; I v imi ed bf ha and Cdticura Soap extemaDv. I T,ri- Eczema of the palms of the haudsaTTT" ends of the fineers. vervdiflflP.nit tn ,i?.nd .f ie aUy considered incurable; small patches of tfB' theface' rheUm n ear3,m'3e' Sslft Scalled Heads with loss of hairh number, heads covered wiih dandruff and , eruptions, especially of children and infant. ' ny of which since birth had eeIasn.,'n Itcbtng. burning.and scaly tortures tint i fled even relief from ordinary remedies t ( .' and healed as by magic; ' 800li"l W9m m1 m lA-nMw n - . . oi skindiseases, scrofulous ulcers, discharging wounds, each and all of which h.. been speedily, permanently, and QvwvmS, cured by the Cuticura Ke.mkdiks ""wuy Sold everywhere. Price: Crncnu, Moenis Eesolvent, $1.00; Soap, 25 cents. lVm,ii, ' and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. ' ' Send for "How to Cure Sklu DlHraM. mh 5 D&Wtf wed sat toe or C At Boatwright's, CllOiCe Family Groceries. Our Goods Are Not Surpassed In Quality and I iTf laxeapnebS. Everything Guaranteed As Represented. Jno. L. Boatwright 13 A 14 NORTH FRONT STREET. Jan23tf New Crop Cuba Molasses, gQ HHDS. OUT OF FIRST CARGO. ALSO. Porto Rico and New Orleans No lames AT LOW PRICES. HALL & PEARS ALL feb2D&Wtf New Crop Molasses. WE ARE NOW. LANDING 372 Hhds. & 100 Ebls, VERY PRIME BRIGHT New Crop Cuba Molasses, It will be sold promptly. WORTH & WORTH. 1an 27 tf ENCOURAGE HOME IHSTITDTIOR Security Against Fire. Tie North Carolina Home Insurance Co. 11AL.EIGII, N. C. THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WPJTK P" licies at fair rates on all classes of insured PJAfilosses are promptly adjusted and paid "Home" is rapidly KaininR in public rf. appeals with confidence to insurers of PPM"' iu North Carolina. Agents in all parts Of the State. W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. .PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. : ATKINSON A MANNING, Apentii, sep 26 tl WumlngtonJ THE CELEBRATED ARRINGTON GAME FOWLS FOR SALE lUfY GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL H ATA.. putatlon. They have fought and won a serlwo the greatest mams ever fought on this o other oontinent, and Fifteen Pairs, at Philadelphia in '76, were honored by we ", ted States Centennial Commissioner witn v ploma and Medal. , , .mrorei I have a variety of Colors and most si Breeds m the United States. I will .ship flJ pair i"mo, Aiwiuiu o.uu tutu, -jinndrw 10.00 per Trio. I expect to raise Two U"" Pairs this Summer, the Finest Games in World, and wfll ship Young Fowls of Ma" ' April hatch during the months of An&,X,i Seven Dollars per Trio. , . mT nird Whoever disputes the superiority of my Will please back the assertion with their Write for what you want. nrx!nroS, ' .Address, J. G. ARRTN0 TC. ap 6 tf - Hllllard&ton, Nash Co. Tie Eei Bat Has Flown. B UT H. CPREMPERT'S FASniONABLftD to stffl the off vin and Hair, Dressing Saloon , of attraction, and all who exi coil of single cussedness had calL better gi; J'B The Pctnilico Enterpnse OfnnTTrrrr ITT H. A' FIRST CLASS WEEKLY PAFi'tl,l'u . ta the GRAIN REGION of tho btaw- m 'tSStSSX Sqiiares. $30? Quarter Colnmn,45: "abort' $S): One Column. $100.. No deviation from

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