Si; ' i v ;. 7' t , . " ? aATE8 OFApVKITTIIifriOl ; fhe Morning" Star. I: Zip i l i . t iJaa -a. KATES OF ADVliUi.' tl f yw. WV- 1 76 ' i 7i 7- II v vrn. it. mujAui. Maa Tk 00' H ia bail axcrT 05 air . v " rre 1 il.. Months.. Hi Vmt.Ka . - -1 von leHi'x-'.x.u Oantrftot AdverUaement token tt propor J i rS5r rs. S' v.OL. XXXIV.-NO. 8. ' WILMINGTON, NiC; TUESDAY, JYPRIL 1, 1884. oI14 Nonparelltrpe make one squftlt ' lV - T J7 T TT? Nf : V PHT A?" . 1 '" Jf. ... a ... 't.f 1 "aRt '. it ,.tf ii J-i-f-vf,-. i JT- - -i - f - . ; two Weeks,..,., ; v 1 " ! . "Three Weets,. . M v r - v - - - " Three MonSC.. ......... w.s.. w '' ............ W DC '-.. 1 v., .... v( ) UN I NG EDITION. or tx.vks. , ,( t 5a,jnti:. Oe.. br ofiiof tA f m.-i.cni lit wkifaw aJ coo- C!n.:iaail O . nawti 8taT I,- flafit ti conaif court bow w4 ,in,.,l fty r& tie tauiUr Uf4 Ott -.,.mn aft eo.7 it fwnoM ....-.: :;:;!. j'n al rw-rt4 jeeUr j ,y jut ift.f nuati. 1H 17 k ,,! '."in ppr3t--!i, t wfciaih WtTV , (i..r.uj,-,i TS miatio foe ... ioiUr Tb Owoc of ,,M jr-l:ni tr3op a tontm t Ciacia- , . , --f. in . hr nt no farmer fn of ,:1 -)rf: Nr" York ooerketa: i u. v : ftiJ pr :rot . rotioa quiet XJ (l, ,,"7 if. T Hcfltt tl IV: )utWa floor lu ' i. .i 53at 3.V ei. ur.lxl ! .: t2; H. euro. ailJ SXiiAk:; . i r i t Si), (pirtt lurp0- It tt ttAl4 tht faU 73,0O North- uLuSS wllexleDtwe nippU htw. tWtca Florid UU Rockingbim Toedj wiotcr. xi u duu(6 to lappoio i raomizg un iht DOdj or Df. wnllfleld thit tliMe Nmiifi ih,0(K thiMMjnn. PwJta wm foood ilwt dJjUnce be. Tbtj go to JACksonTille, iUy a week I xht wet a&d Jodswl'axintt r&ft of orW aixl ifce ll r .ml ti . no uiscoTerT wm mmaft ner ' r " I M&rcik Ut ocijtibcfrnood people tlac Ban- other towni In Florid, and af Mr - I d7 night lut, at which Umehe mjste- -f Sunday waa a lorely,day. Don't" forget the new hotel. And why not a public park? .J.; A. Bladea ?onntx Tblef Cmncbt and : ; Iprline4 Here. 1 One Waym'aiGKay a 'colored indiyld- nai from Ellzabethtown,' Bladen county, waa arreeled:'here yesterday imorninjr on the charge of larceny. Itaeems that Way- m A M V ft m i9 .hat I in K .v. .v aisappero won ua doom oi a -M.-w w-. i rtuure in Tanoaa direction for othsr locali lie in other State. If Wilmington had tht new nd elegant hotel it woo 1J catch many an one of the 15,000. Only last Saturday one con doctor heard 11 Northerner return, tog from the South lay they would like to atop over a few day in Wil mington, bat they did not. 90 T: & . t A M ill. T-V J ' rimwi rwiB" 'man McKar and his brother-Joe HcKar Receipt of cotton yesterday j were arrested for Waljbg ' turpentine from bale. - , . ' . s - I Mr. J. M.' WM, hada preliimnary'hear , -.a-- i : the Sew Vor k Deffl .. , f..t for MorTvwa end tt i. i f r 1 i inmtei pirn ur to Vty mi 1 1 Arr ail ' hii ouii -r nrt.6 the Ia 'fMin i itj wi Vi r",vT7 bill. .nVn; r -fofn ht brok.rn oat i i .'ii i i -nn.-jf m. A fellow p.i.i ioa ii for th co i' M, or no". !.k:n of ljoamiojj in .i. if Jia. If it it i! " ' ii. i'. f.titnilirij to lh public ; M'-i-n ir.'H it .Jo f f Rior tai.'i '.. ntl t month tbn it !i i i a-- ) th I Ml fo'jr. Tb conuencc that follow im perfect Laws or defeclir criminal trial ar Ma in tb very lamtnta bU affain in CinclnoatL William Beroer U a murderer, but by tho aid of a corrupt jury got off with a com paratively light verdict mamUugh tr. Tbt outrage public sentiment nd then a great riot follow an J pro bably a hundred men are slain, whilst the guilty man escape death and U safely confined at Col cm baa. There i nothing encouraging in that terrible Cincinnati disturbance. A Northern roan, writing of the large ojster grounds in Maryland and Virginia, says: "I hw veiled Uxiay foe fifty nllee over pUated oysters si the Urce, excc-pUs for fire or sli mile, wbea I pejaed Ovtr Ibe stursi beds. 2io lee lha 300,000 seres of tbte sad CbLaCtttea.roe Beys ere tekea up' by oyster pUaters. sad ss w seii sioof we are coatieosily ewrrpiaf over smsJl pioe baeb bicb evsrk the boaaderte of bede. Upon thee bejde aot kes tba bJf a caiUioo Uubeie of pUaters were pieced Uet ro, sad it lb toftboHnft of eooie wbo sre UrjeJy latorcsSed La oyster culUrsltoo prove tacorrect. sad three bays ere not ovepieated, aot lees tbaa 1.300. COO bush els of choice oysters shoald be (stbercd for coekeC rroca this bey dariof sett fs.1 sad wiater. .' i tc S u ti . once 1 !! ir. fi-tif);. tit! t-jn. I acting i.i .iij. - vvndnn eAbh.hn3Tit in ir., , i N V rk T JQOg ii " i t i rj!ir. irhiU h- a rot). I ' -rvi?f" wr? rr-eti. . i in..' .i tf'ni.a frr.,U xo-l vlrairvrs ' " p.-u j.)f?.t '. ri: a ( 1 00,01:0 t. b prentei to lV-..rv WM n.l 10 eollect- , . i 'i-ii vir s,-iii4t wrute ' n.J with msny in i . i..'.in-. r. expect to re- . .). '"o r-rnrhe biscorknsl ro- I b eari ear thai a r oaoney oat of a poor i'w other msn who ever lll.tlla'l I 'tl.l.i,. K i ,1 1,1 l " n in n.r the uie of tt.T' . .l.:i 1 p 4 . i I white rfrphsnt rk Mr I 11 '. .in ...ti if., n.i mi the: it is . ? the "e-rrd wbitr h in' .if V .... V t . 1 " ,; 4 w aiu.ia ci)ior wttn r TUim l)4)44j fcbQ.J.nin irnrl r lon in, 1 aMuoidtere to tbeir fie. t "imrw the fSntuh csa whip the Anb h e.r c t.rh thero, ' h- 4 n .ta-.: nms- ' (.r:be ia s staf rl4)e cuantry 1 ii ntu) tat tikt4rt K4 now f. the I)rr i.- i.. l.i-rn 4 ,;nilu-6 of opint.a between ""' '"" o(f the two psrtree. On """t " "'' fn.v.jh: the mob was ' pfi-.rr4nd Anl u w oot . p-uit;,-.: parrel. Itoy of lh X-)h -rt .4rmi. H m ta Put county. " "norj hwown pereoa to Jim Urtr- " lebt de him. lie l.l ,n d ,s form in which .ind h,m,f i0 work loojp """ p.y the debt, ami in cas fu,,,r- ;" w to U sold to tb X'l.-in b.d-Ur. The Superior Coort Ont.i in tojoctioo od no sal ",! The Cs baJ Uen ta- -:J ?rsme Court. Ibe l.ii proepects are elatmed to ! .... ..... """"7 " ptt of what Lord Pamell thinks be iTtoerU etectioo.- He .-jys 20Ot- ,!0 vill be rxcteol to eoesr cam- tpasi fh foUowlng from r r . "'oua M i,jai4caat: ,'TUe l)fW4sm, s te Liberal of .. tf? '"Ctiailac wttJs a fir to a dh the eeau ef rsxllMLVSOt at the lJnxdjtrrtf$ report 162 failures in the United State for last week. Of theee tb followisg were in the South, not counting tboee with but 00 fail re; Texas and North Caro lina 2: Delaware, Kentucky, Loais tsoa, Maryland, Soath Carolina and Virginia 3; Tennessee 4, and Mis souri 5. Spirits Turpentine. Tb Clayton II uJ report tb bwrataff of the dweUior, brloo.0ft U Mr. O. W. EL. The New Berne Journal tells of a tree la Joe county 23 feet. 3 Inches ta circuavfereoce. It is announced gravely that eboot fire hood mi meti.' more or Ice, if aoeataaled foe Ooveraor. "could carry the fall etresflh of the party." If so. theo ooe esaa le as stroojr ss aay othrr rasa. Bat wbo believes soca aooseose ? Dr. David T. Taylor, a most ceilmabie ceatlemaa. died si Wae&lajrtoe 00 TUeedsy UsC He wss a rradoate of the Cslvermitr. was a most rroisl rvotJe- exaa. wboea we had knows for more than lairty five years, and was abodt 53 years old. we suppose. Marion Lamp jftxt; Colonel XeeJ bee juet muraed from Ajesaader C0aty. bsviaa takro a cocaract to build a raifrnad from StateevilW to Tsjlorsvitle. tie is a railroad ma of rreel experieoce sad knows how to push work. He will wort 10O head sad will befia Moadsy week, the 71 of April. IUIeiirb .Voce-0?.Trrr . Th wheat I this couaty serer looked so well st this seasoo as si present. Burglars, it a p peers, wilt aewr stop theit work in Ihb bCkte. A few alible peet Uee. J. Ueory SsaUh'e house st arreasboro was catered sad robbed of $100. We see ia the papers accouats of auawrocs robberies st various poiata. Durhsm JUporUr.' We leans thai oader an order of the Board of County Coceaieeioaers th ceoeus of the colored children la district 2io. . Vkkers. for Durham lowashJp. has bee taken and the da saber Is 63 We than thai returned by the eecamitiee. The census of two districts la this township shows thai the committees had reported 193 cnildi en more than they harm. They proposed to draw 437.50 that they were not entitled to. Could such mis takes be honestly made. Bakcrrvill Democrat: Sunday eibi last, as Aaa Goajre was crossiatr Iloaa mooatain wUh her UtU fir!, seven vrare of sv, sh becam bewlidered and caaUy loec 8h Cnally mad her way to the Wilder houso and crawled oader th prch where the paeeed th remsiader of the aifhl. etposed to th ex Ire me cold. Ia the saoralac sh mad her wsy to Sheriff McKlaoey-e house with the child, where every effort for it relief was mad, hot it waa of ao avail, for th child soon died. Nw lie me Journal: Mr. John F. W. Sorrs. Uvtaf about thrr mllea'from Soow UVl, kt hie carriaf bouse. sUble sod bars, with some) eighty barrels of corn. 6y ere 00 Thunder ksc No laruranc. Leas about f 1.0OO. Tb first farden pea of the seasoo were handed into the Jmrml oCc yesterday by Mr. D. 0. 8omw. Another week of ibis detlxhtf ol sprtaf weather aad eur trocksrs win be shipptsf. The Us too Meet! of of the Bpt Easter Association ajeembled with ta church al Klaetoo on Friday mornlc at 10 o'clock. Rockingham Spirit: We bear ef ao disaster la our county. butatPekla. Moafroaxery county. nd that vkialty. w ar lafotrnsed that th storm did fearful work. Jo AUred aad wife, colored, were kI2erf aad about fifteen other person more or We tajursd. twenty boost blown down r damsxed. aad feccisr and timber lerei ei to a fearful atest. la th town ( rvkia. w ar sorrT to hear. jxt. w. w. with whom he was spendlor the nJiht The tupposltion is that: In a fit of mental derugemens be naa wandered on to the river and fell in and was drowned. He was a promising young physician of some S3 year of are. and was a native of this county. Asbevillo Advance: While en faxed at work on Hi. Clayton II cln turfs mill. In Yancey county, on Saturday last, a Mr. Woody, son of Green berry Woody, of Mitchell county, lost his life, and George Mclaturf waa badly injured. -The end of the forebay. where they were, gave way aad with crushing fore cam'against Mr. Woody add bore . him down under the rush leg waters. George Mclnturf was graxed by a beam of the timber which dis located his arm at th shoulder and bruised him verr much otherwise. His wounds are painful, bur are not coosldred serious. Greensboro Workman: We are glad to see It stated that the andent town of Edenton. which is finely si tasted on Ed en ton Bsry in Chowan county. Is in a re viviac condition. There is no thought fa). pbUsnthropIc man wbo does not thick of how much gubernatorial t mber will be left over on the highwsys and byways of North Carolina In 1894. IUfls of it will go up Bait Itrrer. From the Ilorm we learn that the executive committee of the Chatham County Expoaition Associa tion have appointed R. J. Powell msosger lahlef, to make the Chatham exhibit a success, and II. A. London, Esq., and Rev. P. R Law were appointed to prepare a pamphlet descriptive of the county's va ried t eeourcc aad attractions. CharloUe. Observer: The ru mored work of the cyclone In Lenoir, as was to have been anticipated, proved to be ail a mistake. The first action of the Board of Directors of Davidson College wss to take stepe to secure the service of Prof. Flcmming (Greek and German) for the col lege next year. Mr. George W. Ilsr- key, of Mstlhews Station, has just patented aa excellent mean re distributor. The pat eat was granted him 00 the 18th last. The many f Head of Miss Julia Jackson, in this city will be interested to know thst over la Europe, some cunning adventuress has been passing herself off as Miss Julia Jecksoo. daughter of the famous General Stooewall Jack too. and has succeeded in creating a big seosaUoo. We regret to aaoouac the serious Uloeas of Col. C. T. Myers, of the Southern Express office in Ihtecjty. Us was yeeterdsy reported la a critical coodilioo. at his reeideooe 00 West Tryoa street. Capt. V. E. McBee. who waa la the city yeeterdsy, states that the Weetern North v'arolia road held her owa during the stomvt last week, and was not Injured la the slightest degree. All the slides have been remord and the road is now ia a better cooditiou than ever before. Th late cyclone tapoed Cabarrus The extension of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railway, to Wilmington Is the most hopeful sign of our future. -' From a paragraph we recently read in the Savannah Timet It appears that Wilmington is ahead of Charleston in deep water f acilitle. ; Only two or three trifling cases came up for theMayor's consideration yes terday morning. That 'of James Eppes, for burglary, waf continued for the State. -. There ri a bad washout in thsv road reported this side-of Little Bridge, on the old county road, and just ' within the city limit. It is said to have caused injury to several vehicle. Rev. Geo. S. Best, of Kenans vilie, Duplin county, has been called to the pastorate of the Masonboro Baptist church. He will preach his first sermon on the second Sunday in April. We learn that some public spirited WUmingtonian has offered to do nate sufficient lsnd for a park If the city will lay It out and add the necessary con veniences and attractions. Revs. D. D. Dodge and W. I. Hull filled the pulpit of 'the First Baptist church on Sunday, In the absence of the pastor, the former preaching in the morn ing and the latter at night. Rev. Mr. Crisp preached at the Fifth Street Church at night. A gentleman informs us that the barometer was the lowest on Saturday that be ever saw it, and yet we had con siderable blow here. The weatherman in formed us yesterday that this had been a big breeze up the coast, and this msy have sccounted for it. rclare Under ing lfore a ; magistrate, and . were bound over for their; appearance : at the jlast fall term of then Superior Court for Bladen county. Joe 5 McKay . appeared and wail tried and sentenced, but Wayman has ever sine been at large. Yesterday morning Mr. DV M. Sutton-of Bladen, who was in the city on business, saw and recognized Way man on thai wharf, -whereupon he hunted up Mayor HaU, who issued the necessary warrant, -and .the two, accompanied by a poUcemaa; returned to the wharf, when Mr. SuttonfTjoftited out the fugitive and he wseUteo Into ritebdV ancr parried to th lock-up: The 'necessary notification wH be given the authorities of Bladen and Mr. White, and the prisoner will be turned over to them when called for. We learn from Mr. Sutton that suspicion rests upon Wayman1 McKay of having been connected with a number of robberies that have occurred in and around Elizabeth town, but the one in question is the only one in which there is unmistakable evi dence against him. . Weather IsidieatloBs. ' iu - - v The following are the indications fox to tay - ... -. ,. ' .... . 'For the Middle Atlantic States, warmer fair weather, followed during Tuesday by. light meal rains and 'north west winds.shift ing to southerly. . For the South' Atlantic States, warmer fair weather, followed during Tuesday by local rains and variable winds. For the East Giilf States, warmer, partly cloudy weather, local rains and variable winds, mostly southerly. ' ' . . For , the . iiVest ' Gulf States, ' slightly warmer- followed by colder partly cloudy weather, local rains and southeast veering toi southwest iroids. For J Tennessee, and the Ohio Valley, generally wanner and partly cloudy weath er, local rains and variable winds, m southerlyi.:-.!??-' '. A Priienet.EieapM,, , John Fisher, colored who was convicted of larceny at the Febcnary term of the Criminal Court of this county, and sen tenced to the county House of Correction for six months, made hif escape from that institution on Saturday night last lie had a ball and chain attached to him, but suc ceeded in picking the. lock with a, nail. Superintendent Savage , offers a liberal re ward for his capture and detention until he can get him. ' : ,.' HTfiW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. OUR V.' WILL TAKE PLACE Oil ? Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Alril slf ri fifri onrl fri ' : ! 0BU7 r da,wAa vvuuuu vvm .. a' ' '..- '1: ' TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, llpSXarketSt., mbsatf ; WILMINGTON, N.C. ART ! ART ! county, blow lor down the bouse of Mr Jake itarteell, ia Bethel towoahip. Mr. ilarteelt was laeUotly killed aad members of his family were seriously injured. Blind Toms manager look the "phermone nua," as the darkies call him, around to th colored Baptist church last night for the purpoe of giving the colored people a chaac to hear and see Tom. An admit taeoe fee was charged, yet the colored peo ple fairly swarmed in and never did Tom appear before more eolhusisstic audience. Thete was a peculiar sympathy between performer aad audieoc and it was a happy Urn for all Mr. Fernando Wads- worth, who is president of a company re cently formed to work the Crump mine, exhibited ia our oCke yesterday a Large aad beautif! augret of gold, weighing 218 peaayweighls, and worth 1313, This ex traordinary nugget was found last January ia the Crump vein at the 100 foot level. The vein is 100 feet wide and apparently iaexbauetibl. The Crump mine la located twentr miSee soulbeaet of Charlotte aad was opened thirty years sgo, hsving froducrd since that time in iU work ng days 410.000 worth of gold. A special correspondent of the Ofoer ser started out from Catawo elation and followed the track of the storm for about ten miles, beginolag at the river near Buf falo Sboais. aad coding at Jacob Setxer's boue lie says: 1 1 eery Pitt hsd his barn sod all out bouse demolished, dwelling house moved sod chimney moved blown down. William Fisher hsd all his build lags wrecked. All of Sidney Kale's build ings were destroyed. Tom Lrvin lost near ly everything he had. Mrs. Miles Aber- oalhy had every building except ner owei ling bouse destroyed and thai was badly damaged. John Lawrence aad Mr. Wycoff were badly damaged. Ail their timber and fence are gone aad Lewie ace lost ?ihe L part of his house. All the Umber is de stroyrd from there to Old Providence church. User Aeernathy, colored, had ber houee- and contents car ried away. She- and several chil dren were la the house, but none of them were seriously hart. Miss Julia Hamilton had all of her out buildings des troyed. Nothin left except the dwelling house. Jame Wlikle's house wss unroof ed. Lawson Robinson bad all be had swept away. lie owned a splendid house and every necessary out building that a man could wish for, but now he has nothing left. William Uuesucker's bouse wss blown down aad his sister. Ludnds, was inetaally killed. His mother wss badly hurt. Dr. McNeill had all his buildings destroyed except the dwell! house and th chimneys were blown down from that. Poly Hewitt's house was entirely destroy ed aad his oaly chid badly hurt. Mr. Ja cob Setser. an old man. was badly hurt and every building on his place destroyed. Noah Seller's place was badly damaged. There is terrible distress ia this communi ty and I do not see how some are to live without aid. THE CITY. MStCT 1DVKBTIIBJIE5TS. P. StacxAia-Cyclone picture. , Mcjisox Bp ring stock clothing. J. H. Savao Escaped convict. McxMifc DaRosexr Easter cards. W. D. G asTan Horse and mules. HxaYsxxuuiia--Prang's Easter cards. G. W. Woxiascs t Co. Ez-8Usmboat Co 8. P. Coi.tjaa & Co. Auctioneers, etc. Cboslt di Moanis Agt Acme Mfg Co rt.! I. . - - - K Hainan Ia .UclM to prevent th I buildags, Ac. It was also reported that ot Paraeiute Atheboro. lUadolph county, bad suffered Iaaerwvlas. Bevsrty Scott, who waa Injured by being run over 00 th railroad a few'dayi ago. Is said to be Improving, and bis physician thlak b will haw him out la a couple of week. He was not hurt so badly as at first thought Oae or Ike aappeee Arreet. James Eppes. a South Carolina darkey, was arrested yeeterdsy morning on the chsrge of house-breaking and larceny. It is alleged that he broke into the house of Al. Mulligan. 00 the wharf, on Saturday night last Mrs. Mulligan heard a noise in the house and left her room with a light to ascertain what it meant 8he encountered a man in the ball. who immediately knocked the light from her hand and escaped down the stairs in the darkness and made his way out of the house- Mrs. Mulligan had a pistol In ber hsnd and fired at the re treating form of the burglar, but failed to bring him down. She says, however, that she recognized him before the light wss knocked from her hand and that her visitor was none other than Jim Eppes. A search warrant was issued, a shanty car occupied by him was searched and a shirt belonging to Mr. Mulligan was found in the car. The shirt, however, was not stolen on Saturday night but was missing after a similar raid on the Mulli gan premises on Thursday night last This connects him with that robbery, and the identification of Mrs. Mulligan will go far towards connecting him with the burglary of Saturday night Eppes is said to have served a term in the South Carolina peni tentiary, but we do not vouch for the cor rectness ot the statement The case was to have come up befere the Mayor's Court yesterday morning, but was continued for the Bute until to-day. In the meantime Eppes occupies a cell in the city prison. A Waaelerer. Yesterdsy a very dark complexioned for. eigner, with a red cap on, something after the style of those usually worn by Turks, and with his baggage strapped to his back, presented himself at the City Hall. He could speak hut one word of English, and that was "Jerusalem.' The Janitor at the hall took him to the Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn, under the impression that he was a Jew, but here it wss found that he bore with him a letter purporting to be written by the Archbishop of Jerusalem, in which it was stated that he was a Roman Catholic, lie was thereupon directed to Rev. Father Moore. We subsequently Interviewed our swar thy-faced friend, but of course could make nothing out of what he said. We read bis letter, however, which purports to be sign ed by Rev. Pedro Paulo, Archbishop of Jerusalem, and is in English. It states that the bearer's wife and family were mur dered by the rebels during the late war in Egypt and that he had to flee the country; that he is a devout Roman Catholic and a good Christian, and commends him to the good will of the charitably n disposed who msy feel inclined to ski him and further his cherished purpose of returning to Egypt when peace shall have been restored to the country. The letter also states that be has relics from the tomb of our Saviour for sale by which he hopes to realize some funds. . Cbaafa lm Baslaeea. It will be seen by advertisement else where that Messrs. Cronly & Morris, who have so long carried on business here, have disposed of the same to Messrs. S. P. Col lier'i Co, who will continue it at the old stsnd, southeast corner of Princess and North Water street. Messrs. Cronly and Morris, we understand, 'will htreafter de vote their entire . attention to matters con nected with th Acme manufacturing enter prise. In which they are Interested. Wilmington Street Improvements. We are glad to see our city authorities paying so much attention to the condition of the streets.- If those who used to plod through the deep sand a few years ago, even in most respectable and otherwise at tractive localities, should return home now after a protracted absence, they would find quite a different state of affairs. In fact, there are many, doubtless, who have been right here at home all the time, who have but a very imperfect idea of the amount of work done in this direction, and of the great improvement which it has necessari ly caused. The old reputation which Wil mington used to bear, of being "nothing but sand hills," is no longer applicable to ber. We are neither troubled with sand or mud to any great extent, and in rapidity of drying after even the hardest rains, our streets can beat the world. ' Capt Weeks of the' steamer Louiae, t thinking seriously of .rimnine a steamer between Wilmington and Little River, S. C. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at nitrht and broken of Tom rest hv a aiok child raff erinff and crying with pain of cutting teeth f If so. send at onee and ret a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sntuxt for children teeth ing. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend apon it, mothers, there is ao mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind eolio, softens- the gums, reduoes Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mas. Wrxstow's Soothins Stbof for children teething ia pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest ana Dest remaie pnysioiana ana nurses, m tne um- tea btates.ana out the world ted States.and isforsaleby all druggists through- jmce 2 a cents a oetue. Another Burglary. The house of Amos Boston, colored shoe maker, corner of Hanover and Second streets, was entered and robbed on. Satur day night last There is a store under neath, with steps leading from the outside to the door opening upon his rooms. They entered by this door, went into the room occupied by his children and searched their clothing and then went into the room oc cupied by himself and wife. It being Saturday night he had most of his week's earnings in his pocket, aggregating some thing over eleven dollars, which was taken, together with one dollar and twenty-five cents which was abstracted from one of his wife's pockets. The clothing which had been searched was found Sunday morning on the steps outside the building. No clue. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dirt Cheap. JJOESES AND MTJLES, AT A MERE SONG, FOR CASH. Call at Sutherland's Livery Stables. Only good for a few days. ap 1 tf W. D. O ASTER. Agent for Consignee. 'Oar Seaelde Reeorte. The Charlotte Observer t referring to the Messrs Scoville having completed arrange ments for the opening of a fine hotel at Wrightsville Sound,, to be known as "Sco ville's Seaside Park," already referred to in the Stab, says: "The hotel will have fifty bed-rooms, two bowling alleys, two billiard tables, a good bar, and ail modern improvements. The owners have agreed to expend $3,060 In improving the hotel, and Mr. Scoville will spend $3,000 in furnishing it. His lease begins April 15th, but he will not have the hotel open before May 15th. 'Sco ville's Seaside Park' hacks, run by Mr. Southerland, will meet all trains and carry visitors direct to the Sound." Will Send PICTURE OF THE. CYCLONE GROUNDS, near Rockingham, post age paid, for $1.00. I have four different Views the four for f 8.00. apply to . if. BiNCLAIR, an l it Rockingham, N. C. Escaped Convict. LIBERAL REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR the arrest and delivery of JOHN FOSTER, an es caped eonvict, to the House of Correction of New Hanover County. JOHN H. SAVAGE, ap 1 It Review copy. Sun't. Express Steamboat Co. rKR BOATS OF THIS LINE LEAVE FOR Fayetteville and Landings on the River, Mon days, Wednesdays, Thursday? and Saturdays, at 2 P.M. SHARP. Passenger accommodations first class. Freight received at all hours. Through rates to Stations on Cape Fear & Y. V. R. R. TkON'T FORGET LAST WEEK'S ADVERTISEMENT, AND SEND IN YOUR ORDERS A8 SOON AS CONVENIENT. . Very respectfully, . O. T. THOMAP, mh 80 tf Studio 119 Market Street. Agents!Wanted FOR GENERAL BEAUREGARD'S MILITARY OPERATIONS Ip the War between the States, 1801 to 1S0S, with Personal 8ketch and Narrative ef his Services in tne w ar win Mexico. 8 vols.. Octavo, of over 600 pp. each. Written by Judge Alfred Roman OP NEW ORLKANS, FORMERLY OP 6XM. BKAUREQi.BD'8 8TAFV, From Notes and Documents Furnished by Gone ral Beauregard. Prospectuses now ready. Persons wishing . good territory should apply immediately to ' "V., mhsost HARPER A BROTHERS, Franklin tqaare, N Y. Llake a UT0 of u gO YOU WILL NOT FOBQltT TO LEAVE word with us, to send and get your "old Mat tresses and Furniture for repairs or put up that Awning.' We have Just reoeivi d a new supply of that superior PINE HAIR for mattresses, and a full stock of FURNITURE, which we are ailing" at BARGAINS. mh80tf THOS. C. CRAFT. Aot., Furniture Dealer, SO So. Front St. Spring Styles. WE CAN SHOW YOU MANY HANDSOME ap 13t GEO. W. WILLIAMS 4 CO., Agents. A. B. WILLIAMS & CO., nao Agents at Fayetteville. t LINES OF BOOTS ANB SHOES ! Samuel P. Collier & Co. SUCCESSORS TO CRONLY & MORRIS, AUCTIONEERS, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Office and Store S. E. corner of Princess and North Water Streets. Sale days Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. Consignments solicited. of superior make and nnibh, and at prloes that ' every one calls reasonable is necessary to your toilet A neat fitting shoe .Z' You buy them of 1 T Geo. . French & Sons 106 NORTH FRONT STREET, mh 80 tf Shad ! Shad ! Another Telephonic "Exchange!" Mr. P. H. Sullivan, whose arrival from Richmond, Va,, to assume charge of the Telephone Exchange here, in place of Mr. J. C. White, was chronicled a week or so sgo, is thus early to leave us, having been promoted to a more lucrative position at Alexandria, Va. He is succeeded by Mr. G. H. Glass, also of Richmond,: where he has had experience in both telegraphic and telephone offices. He will receive the same cordial welcome that was accorded his predecessor. Mr. Sullivan leaves for Al exandria to-day. Board ot Aldermen. A special meeting of the Board of Al dermen was held at the City Hall last night, to open bids for city supplies, &c, for the current year. The contract for furnishing the city with lumber was awarded to Messrs. Northrop & Cumming, and for the city printing to W. L.DeRosset, Jr. Bids for lighting the city and feeding mules and prisoners, were referred to committees. A resolution was adopted prohibiting the storage of lime in warehouses between Mul berry and Orange streets and west of second Btreet. Pereonal. Mr. S. G Worth; Fish Commissioner, is here, looking after the proposed fish hatchery to be located here. HAVING DISPOSED OF OUR AUCTION Bu siness for the" sale of General Merchandise, to Messrs. S. P. COLLIER is CO., we bespeak for them a share of the patronage so long and libe rally bestowed onus. ' "ZZ apl8t CRONLY & MORRIS. Cronly & Morris, - GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE ACME MANU FACTURING COMPANY, JjV)R THE SALE OF PINE HAIR, FERTILIZERS AND COtf TON SEED OIL. Special attention given to the sale of REAL ESTATE, STOCKS and BONDS, either privately or at public auction. Office in building S. E. corner of Princess and North Water Streets (ud stairs.) Wilmington, N. C , April T 1884. ap 1 tf Spring and Summer Stock QF READY-MADE CLOTHING and GENTS' FUKNISfflNG GOODS Will be opened THIS WEEK. ap 1 It QK&tS&rwVfj! mhtf - W. X. DAVIS SON. Hattresses. T-r ffai ? : v.. ... 1 . - " ' . 'V - I, . ' .. . ' . . . . : - ;. - ... -. 4 A u. btoce: of curled hair, moss, I'; xl Shuok; and Cotton, Excelsior and Straw Maf- T v . " tresses on nana ana ror sale low. Also, new stock of Furniture and Window Shades for Spring trade offered at low prices by D. A. SMITH. " f tnb.80tf Furniture, No. Front Street j Just iM -flic Factory. CALEM CASSIMERES OF ALL GRADES. Also a new and light fabrio suitable for hnvm. .fno f-.Tv..i.3 . lianilanmA Innnl f9 TTTeYA - " TOWELS AND DAMASK. mh 80 tf - JNO. J. HXDRICK. '. .. ' ' lit' . .'-1": '. j.. small ; -?7!i ' i..v .1 Bock lame, MUNSON. Clothier and Merchant Tailor. TTOR BUILDING PURPOSES. JD FRESHLY BURNED. PRICE REDUCED TO SI. IS PER CASK. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR LARGS LOTS AND EASTER CARDS, HAP PAINTED.. y-V DTQTKT A T. TVH!ST'WS KJ beautifully executed. Also, a handsome assortment of Easter Cards, plain and fringed, Just in by Express, which will be sold at wonderfully cheap figures. MUNDS BROS. A DiROSSET, ap l It Druggists. Market Street Prang's Easter Cards. A N ELEGANT DISPLAY OF A MOST SUPERB lot of EASTER CARDS, that have progressed to Address TO THE TRADE, FRENCH BROS., Rocky Point N. 0. . ' r O. G. PARSLEY, Jr., , 1 fir Wunungton.N.a v :!,(; apltf or sutn rOBTH FRONT STREET, ' IS THE ONLY PLACE In the elty to get a43ROD CIGAR for t CENTS. Ask for GOLD TIP BRAND. maSOtt' - We regret very much to hear that Major XTured a1?isaSa XSaTX D. J. Devane is very low, and that his re covery is despaired of. . - . Mr. Hugh Waddell, of Washington, is here on a visit to his. brother, Hon. A. M. Waddell. , r - Mere Improvemente. . Happening in the office of Mr. JameS F. Post, yesterday, we saw the plans of two elegant Stores to be erected fn the neighbor hood of the Front street market . They will be 54 by 80 feet, with probably a fine, hall above. r. . : . . . Burners. Handsomely decorated Silken Face Cards, mounted on rich plush mats of various colors. Hand-painted Cards, new designs, on easels. Bannerettes, beautifully arrayed in new de signs on lancy Dunu&nea stanar.. a .1 ' ',' ' , ; y i V v Small Cards, Large Cards, and "Cards to please he oerf eotion of modesty, the eovish beautv. the fastidious youth, and the old . and the odd. Call SUE HAS VAWISRED, , fTUTg P-RHWt.'H FKMALE SELS'-ACTiWa FOR- X. tv-Horee Power Tooth Extractor, we bmb,w t bu H. C. PRBMPERT may aim be ronna at sis . Old Stand. No. 7 South Front Street where he is " . v-! . nrana.rei to ao as nee. a juu v uaaa . ... w- - CUTTING, so., as can be had m the elty. 8. Hot muon on iwm, ou uut inmnm. earlv and examine the variety at ..j , . . - HEINSBERGER'S ap 1 tf , j 1 Live Book and Music Stores. : : - - - r ' ' 'i . - ' ' II U TV Try IA ' -Send six cents for postage, IX AT AAeO Li and receive free, a costly box or gooaewmcn will aeip an, or eixner so, to more money right away than- anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers abeo tuttely sure. At once address TRUE A (XX, Au gusta, Maine. - vahBODAWly: v a Moles. Ringworms, Tetter. Ac, move ia a hurry The proof of the pudding, Ao. - : mh SO tf - a t MINISTRATION NOTICE. Having QuaQ ed ea Administratrix of the Estate of liam Hard wick, deceased, notice Is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said Estate to make Matepavme against said Estate to present them for payment WU- .g,f Iven ; lent; and to those having claims immeda on or before the 10th day of March, 1886, or thte. wt1n will Kaa nUamAmA In Ka, nt t.hlr MenVerV. - SARAH HARD WICK. mh 13 eawew , tu Administratrix, , 4 'I 1 . -. , !... -j 1 5; - I

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