t ' 4. T- - f f . 1, I he Morning Star. bato of ADVKrrrmnoi , , Vf" ' '"''- " : I4-' 0a6Qiur OnDay,.i....i;.;. ..,;....... tl 'V 1 1 ..''T J Thr Day.. i .....". :' ' " . Jw Dtri,...;..;.,! ; ,( , j , " Rw Dty,..,.s.;......i.'M w .: . J i r Two Month,.. .... : -..... 18 tn , Yfl. II. UCttJfAUts. it hi , rr. st n.'tr-M.V -" I 2 y - naa M at t I ii VOL. XXXIV.-NO. 9. WILMINGTON, N 0M WEDNESblYlPRIL 2, 1884: Ooatnct AdTertlaemeat takes at frovA WHOLE NO. 5174 ?2?J .,, u'! n - Ten Ones solid Nonpareil type male one ijui'f- . ... . -. ............ - . '. .. . " !, .-I . f .,. ., S "... 1 ? .- " . ' : : ' " ' - " v - " ? " -v. r pfl- ,"?"f, 11 C I raUcxMat la dUanu drwa b proTtd to I from OoocordU v, .mt I E BBbTof CtoafmJfrooiUi I of Marca 23d. - I SUU ef i York. He wu Ukea ta I will be1a May CJoocordU OoDeg. K. CL ao4er data i Oar Clir IlHiPltal ImproTemenia la I Wsatber Indication. 9Ti Our oommenoenint I wraaa.-V ' - I 1 0 following are the indications for u. ; Kill I JOiS. caanaayCajCj. W. nirriato. ef Con- U;ofafC Haua&t," N. C. wOl deUrer an I " mw "OT WM ?ffT W'X" ' v" m eM v. kciiBcik mci vrcmtcM I wui wu a uj amio, aika uu I - - -- i r. . - j r F"??T . . - . uamajnoa ioc uu acaiwa, ana more wuj do in yet. P. Po8L who u,- contt aavm the aoatheast to southwest winds and lower ba- r, hrmui f I oo LrvaJad aim w!t? ut Iba4?:i nntit is I -fvici K uururTTtcrurui ju ecvianvc : work WUI be completed in about two rometer. ai.ss334; i tntiA rvj -rvi. ii... I ci Meniwonn. nas ac- T"-w-ww. tuaiuwii I a.l aV.. I t ill J. II .... . . . . . . . I .:.! 'iu ! rKjrt iaf irsue aat tuu a biri f Ta SaJMj3e or nllaai I . V : .rr- 01 I Vl7,h.Ma I week. It embraces an addition 65 br 25 I For the South Atlantic States, light rains tZ7&TJl& Addi oSnl?!- feet, with a pitch of 14 feet, in which will .paatly cloddy , wea' sou towest of catha. cc!ax1nC La laUadk to kill hldl fiyf HMT ln " NEW AD VERTISEMENTS. ; . SETHI W. PAYIS, Attcttoneeiv . BY SAM'L P. OoixiEB & c6l' t: :?HoriiM MnteatlAnction. ! in front of onr Sales Room, North Water St. , I v - . "- . umj uuifsa ana uxi jnuiiis, wen broae in car neas, -'iX:, :; '. -4 " ;:ap'3 It NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . ' . Samuel P. Collier & Co. SUCCESSORS CBONLT t MORKlV A trcnoNEKES, stock: and bkai kstatk Office and Store 8. IT. corner of Prlncaa arvd : JNortu water streets. included two bath rooms for male, and i winds, lower barometer '' and alight rise in Ha chaMil Ifr. Ei rmn .fvi Mr I .iiau, a oruerner, w rtonwr. wno I female: water closeU: a rjlarxa.taVinir in temrerature. VSZZJi "iaU the whole length of the house, being, lOof For the East Gulf: States; local rains; a4 aaaor .fJrJ conLt rant cfJjl riJlSt I Norfolk came from North CaroUna. It by 10 feet, , and also a piazza on the east lowed by partly cloudy colder weather, rurn rr I "t wwp o iwta oncers ana mca I . w.... w vj. r, i I ... ..... . ... I .. . . . . j aaar ale command." I t.vw w w iae or me ouuaing no Dy 5 feet, a dispen- I aouinwest to nonnwest wmas, iouowea oy ccilo ScT'lhtoriYu operating; room, and room for tiaing barometer on Wednesday. : ! pelltd sertral illiaiooa. In the first place tweWe cots, A drainage pipe win lead For the t West Gulf States, Ught local they were not so dreadfully poor, and from the east side of the buUdinz from rains, followed '-"by colder fair weather, -Guilford couDtr send, aeren I far;h ftT a aTS dT. I water closets, etc. to the adja- I winaa sbifUng to west and north, mgner coavkta to lh CF.s Y . V. RaUroad. I and all afrea that J,Auld Reekie' cudna1 I niTine, which will be supplied with barometer, r. . Waldoo An. Otct 4 000 I "eUad for beanty and happlneaa and I water by the Clarendon Water Works I For 'Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, talaaof couoa chaorrd haads la Enfkld f,V' !UIl f7 a i Company. Tinners are now at 'work on followed by colder partly cloudy firm at datta tha past six months. JfSf Jk.I f1! the roof. The entire work' wheSW weather, southerly winds, shifting to west Du.Ufr Soar fa8 1 I ILichmonil IZarliMt Th-t rvrlnn 1 tn-ti Ka-M (K- Z unu I w?aa-wi -m tn . wtA tMMMMkMlM i And nnrthwest find rifilnt? barometer on v mimu j mj i iivu, nui icouiiausi vi uutv tcuicui tnr o 1- All Dersons are herebv oantloned . against harboring or trusting any of - Sale days Taasdars and Friday of each week. " Consignments solicited. ' TTAvma DISPOSED OV OVR AUCTION AX slness for the sale of General M erobandloe. fo Ifeasrs. 8. P. COLLUiH A CO., we bespeak fur ap2 3t k r Norwegian Barone I them a share of the patronage so long and Mbe-f S-IKBY, Capt. Halvoraen. as no bills I rally bestowed oa ns. - - ; ; v '. s-pf their contracting wiU be paid by I p 1 st CBONLY A MORHIS. . . . 7 ' " 'I ! 1 .. HTi!Trn inn n.ln.. I : . . .! ... ..:,-. ( tl- wr Ut of m, ia tWl H'tl HIM" U-'l" ill ,nirr Imt-y Spirits Turpennne. 4 k a. tinlsomJ cuoapaaMa ta JXJjat-uih-..'h1 t. d courts ayTaiaat ... . I . nrn ( cj ixnjai vonwr ut. ?. T. eaartsta: . : ; -i,ti: t 1 1 t hu; B at I Ilichmonil HocJhrts The cjclooa I tenant hooaet, they were " 83 I paLkata hava alL been ramorad from th I caoch m baaU P oala I eoart kooaa. . uader dlractiooof Ehri5 I 1 ' v Spring siDdis to Measure." QLOTilS, CASSDfEBSS, ? r WOSSTEDS AND SERQ1CS. . MUNSON, ap81t . Merchant Tailor. V I Smith, a naaral dtfanlo no. whlt uV I m r 1 m -r-m -n , ,v,r.u :.r;ntii ay aas iowvr ia. de. Is roia oo. I -1 1-1 r I -l JT Wilson Mirror: IL A. Bynumfc a. a. m at au . . a waanay larmar Of nu coaoty, made 44 iiiur I ! rk Iry fp-U U1 U I bajr of cottoo last year oa thirty fonr acrea I .n.i t4n.-4.Ui.f .actor j. .hti; Utn Arthar ani i ?)..! a run: tt iho ittrlf. M rn.ton rupb li.aliy drnira 1 . rnf? i..tut r,t to bt J o J .,- t.-n'iii I.orrry, of Indiana, of land. Waara paioad to hear 0 the critkmJ U2aaa of ex 8hert2 Ilalnea. of aah eouaty. Wa aaw a gatlmaa on the ears ti thar day. who told ns that WU soa was th rmilt town ha had seen south of rftw ilarto. Shelby Aurora: The Shelby octrrchaaU hate satahlLahed a tobacco fam ia order to show tha profits la the culture ot tna w-txi. The scartH few is rajrtax U SUUarUa. Sflf lDTBKTHIUIBflTa. Wm. II. Gajntx Soda water. Caen ox Noncm Csew Frey. kfcirca A DaItoaaxT--Eater cards. Tatxor's Baaaa pno j opening. IlazxaBxaoEa Prang's Easter cards. Mcjtsox Spring rulliogs to measure Coixrto A Co. Sale horse and mule. P. CrataruTO A Co. Low as the lowest the Hospital and add greatly to its facili- I Wednesday. i j i 1 I . - . , r ..utuU1u48u. . I The Ifnaband'a Dilemma inesiieoitneuospnai u one or m rathe.r good one, and by the way, a pa amnfldem of nanosomcst ana mosti pleasant locations in true oneis told on a friend of ours whose AliigUir orirounauwuij. a us grvunua are ucau- 1 wjfe nad a certain amount ot currency on iinegauoo. vviuLOAii a. ujKjcjfN, tlfnllw lall ti ini Hnm-H with tnM I T-r 3 1 i ,i 1 "K " ""; .v " nanus., ne perauauea uer kiiau mcru SODA WAT7B1 SODA WATJB I i- v ' , ,: SBASON188. -- WfthtmYaried attstttoa ttog department of my Bmtmess, and by nsing ONLrhe Purest Ma terials, witn AjoujkdJTK uuiAJSujKJiisa: in au Cronly & Hoiris, GENERAL AGENTS JOB THE ACME MANU- FACTUBINQ COMPANY, 'r - : TpOR THE SALE OF PINE HAJtB,FER7TLIZXRS AND COTTON SEED OIL. ) r V " Special attention glren to the sale of HEAL - ' ESTATE, STOCKS and BONDS, either prlrately 'vi er at pnbllo anotlon. . - V . - - -- - -. - Office la brzildln 8. Z. oornar of Trlnnnaa nl Nprth"Water Streets ap stairs ) Wilmington, N. C, .April 1, 1884. apltf Druggist. plants, shrubbery, grape arbors, etc The I was a ood deal of risk to run in carrying sick and others under medical or surgical I m0ney. and convinced her that if she attention find it a quiet and pleasant re- I wouii entrust it to his care it would be per son, surrounded by all that can contribute I fectly safe. Getting possession of the biUs I LOWEST" in choice TABLE MEAL and HOMI to their comfort and chase away the I that nieht Dinned them to his undershirt, "Below Cost" TS NOT OUR MOTTO, BUT "AS LOW AS THE ttttl Bta. Two white 'tramps applied for gloomy phantasies that are so apt to hover around the sick bed or haunt those deprived of the out-door exercise so habitual to them. J. F. Stephens .a kt... a. .!- - te tt-v i . . r . .. . " l I" -" -wJXO-n- to . g . 11 BBTUni: " I r " f-Avw. n. I t. . ,v v I i. ?upMQJ A UX, as Ora tt IM tows of I M6 job oquw aioauaj i - .- : n n :n; the iVrti-imt Tolk i.-, t !i.ip.-I Hill n.I not I Si 7 aa ay. ; :. Ii'.' -'II I. n l Ht ..U.-tl ;t Alb n?'t funeral will m nctt ti4f'iy. (lis bit wtil Factory. sJao aaJod to Whisaaat. I aight. Shelby Avrvra; W axe sorry A match rame of base ball was to Warn thai lha scarlet ftttr U rag lor . , , , ,, . M . amoof th childrea la th Iowa of Suua- T,tnJ aftarnoon between the Jo- rilW. TUxaaa Harry, son of Mr. Mo oile clubs 'Atlantic." CapL Wright; sod Harry, of WaiUker. Sooth Carolina, stole the Eoterprise.- Captalo Roberts,In which .feT.r ,a"prrV ac X the former scored 13 and the latter 11. The receipts of turpentine at V l Vm. )i:ri'. ntft t th Ilotoo -'iv ir:t- H.rarvJ n,l !Vn-J!-.hi ".' i bv an iraiti-nt iiiiouiK. t h.irwtf't tn th.tt lickrt. ' l. ! I i u-Mirn hvl tij Mr t ican j t v j.) n.). inow. TVicrw werw .ii 4 i in til vi w ir, iM ,lteI of Whitaksr laat weak. WWW onW arrcal aad a proaJard rvtaro of the f0 ho rnada hi tacap. TUmao ts a yooag man of S3 ytmn. Httsboro JUcvrxI: Aa Mr. W. CJ. Harris, aa ared riliaea of thai cooatr. waa ridisg Lara horseback yratarday. a hoar uddaoJy startad by tha roadaida about larae BUka from here aad frightened his horaa. which jornped aaida and threw bin aad then stracd with oa foot on his leg. aaarlho aakk. b-raklof no booa bat cut tin a small artery. Mr. Harris was able to mooat his boraa and ride here. this port daring the month of March, 1883, footed up 2.397 casks, and. for the saae month this yeas 3,23? casks, making only a diifereece ef 10 casks. That is close clipplog. We naar .learn that Messrs. Crooly A Morris have only disposed of thdr A farmer's hand was caught by a goose. And he tried in vain to get it loose, For every twist the firmer the hold That was taken by the goose so bold; But this he learned from the conflict sore, As from its firm grasp the bird be tore. That to pluck a goose before it is ripe Is not so easy as "setting type." Printers who turn farmers have a cood many difficulties to contend with. For in stance they are used to tha "chase.' but not to being chased by a discontented bull They know all about making up a "form.'' but that is quite different from making up a farm. They think they know all about "shooting clicks," but when it comes to i." t. 4.-? t ttatrd ' -t :h. tn at thar in a t-t a 1 'If'i v ;rin wnSimfn; hostile ..) ii ia 'i hi f'rvi-l it.-. i" tn I'M 4. 1: m i.'v.-iopin th - tbt-ra a rv i!ip.ir.,v,it opposition tu lha tin !.ii- .-r.. Vn.tit r. i'x if i;r:V4 " '' ' ' I- - .-n V rrly ara :a ..no i by North Carolina la- 'l',. I ..4.4ft J'lic CsplwrrtJ," H i . A.ii-iUr, n4 -Kilted i !..hI.- t Mra. Mary ttrw- n'.-t.r..- suction business for the sale of general merchandise, aad win continue to operate I the kind they usa on a farm they generally Kinstoo Irtm IYcsj: Ij Orantre I ' real estate, stocks and bonds and the I get them overloaded and they kick; or if dots; Rrr. Geo. W. Saadartia has been, reolieg of property of all descriplions.with they don't, the mule does. In a printing 1Ha Tf lh1 f ire" 8- P" Co"5" offl lbe'h P'- of "coins." but if Nw Beraa oa May 10th. The re- they get any coin out of a farm they have " .Mthf4 r Quito a numbtr of our citizens 10 dl VnilT liveIy for iL They are W rZ.,":" T ,,T. vUited the farm of Mr Thoa EH,. .hnn, fectly familiar with all kind of printing Shad bwcxta ia tha market at SO cents per I three miles from the city, which was so pair, barps Jack Cab at 5 aad 10 cats each, badlv damarrd br tha at f Tn night, the 85th ult. They found that there had beco no eaaggeratioa of the effects of the storm la the published report. The field looked like the bed of a river from which tha water had Just receded and aearry his entire crop is literally ruined. i Tarboro SoHttAcrner; There is a decided aexttimaat In this county for the aoroi nation of tha old Uckct. Ttiden and Haodrtcka. Tha old legislative ticket of X3T3. would ba a food ooa for the cam paign, tha three D a. Dridxera, DraswtU and Bartow. Mr. Wm. Thlgpen. of t&ia eooatv. Ia varr low. Laut fWnrdar hau a atroaa ot appopleiy. lie fell and was carried aosna Inscaaibfe. He has not rrgiacd cooactooanesa. Salem Prtt . Wheat is grow lag vtgonmsly. but some think too much rata ts act good for it. Israel Lindsay presses, from a No. 2 Washington to an eight-cylinder, but when it comes to a "dder press they are all in the dark. A "goose' is a part of a tailor's outfit, and not of a printer's: hence is harder to under stand by a farmer printer than any of the above enumerated articles. Beware of the goose I Tt rrraevaaett T., XT. O. B. It. A dispatch from York. Pa., under date of March 27lh, says: "Gen. T. Morrison Cheater, President of the Wilmington. WrightsviUe A Onslow Railroad, met the RetverT of the Body of au Drowned Klasi. The body of a drowned man was found on the west side of the river yesterday morning and towed into the dock foot of expecting to discard the garment for an other in the morning. He neglected to change, however, and, some time after ar riving at his' place of business, thought. of the money, looked for it, and found the pin in its place but . the currency missing. He hurried home, called his wife out of the parlor. Where she was entertaining com pany, and informed her of the joint mis fortune that had befallen them. A boy was set to work, searchfngthe premises, in terior and exterior, but unsuccessfully, and our friend was only" relieved that night, when, upon undressing to retire, he found the missing funds in safe deposit in one of his socks. His good wife will be her own banker hereafter. Ger. barque Apotheker Diesing,8t&&ts, hence, arrived at Stettin March 26. LIST OF IiETTEBS Remaining in the City Postofflce, Wed nesday, April 2: B Eliza Brown, Jno Best, Mary Barnes, S G Barfield. C Robert Clark. H Cornelius Hill, Charles Holt, D F Hall, Francis Holland. J Charlotte Ann Jenkins. L Annie Jane Littleton. M J E Murray, R. McRary, Phil Moore, J C Meyer. N N P Nelson, Fannie Newton. P J T Parker, Judy Payne. R Charles John Ryberg, Bettie Rinaldi. 8 Celia Stewart, Dinah Smith, Eveline Sykes Jas Stearrix, Jos J Sharp, Minerva bimmons (2). T Josephine Thompson, Herman Tiet gen. Claus Tietgen. W Geo Willis, Mollie Wilson, Rosa Willie. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised." Letters will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, at Washington, D. C, if not called for within thirty days. E. R. Brink. P. M Wilmington. New Hanover Co.. N. C. N, HAY. CORN and FEED. PRESTON CUM MING & CO., Millers and Grain and ap2tf . . Peanut Dealers. GRAND SPRING OPENING ! WILL TAKE PLACE mh 80 tf HARBISON ALLEN, Halters. Use Only rpHB PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL, Which is now scarce, bat can be had at mhlstf . SCHONWALD'S PHARMACY. " New Scarborough House; On Thnrsflav. Prldav VTO. 104 NORTH WATER STREET 9 I XI AND PRINCESS STREET , and Saturday. April 4th, 5th and 6th, T7TT.lUTXriavvT XT n t a imu a at xjt a aa v The Finest Restaurant in the City. Board $1.85 per Day. Three Tickets $1.00, Bin-- gle Meals 85o aeo7tr No Meals sent out. R. J. SCARBOROUGH. Prop'rf WITH THE Finest and Largest Stock u 1 1 1 1, '"lit HM.i Auutta 4 I ', of th '-. tikt that tine lpaMi- t thrir man la ls. I ut l ... i '." 1 1 Low much tra4 ';"!r '! IVmovMU do. lUyard 1 .,M.aM r Uy r. 4n. Peo iit.n en ! , l;;in nd Lmcwln. Z oV nirnt HUl wlYhX Board of Biabops of the American Metho- Mulberry street. It was recognized by fore T. B: Douthlt, Eaq. on Tuesday last, dial Episcopal Union Church, now in sea- Robert F. White, colored, employed at the for "wife-whippiog.- Magistrate Doiathit sioa in this city, ia the interest of the rail-' Capo Fear mills, aa that of his brother, Y?m tSl wu011 ' L?m road b0 "P"0 presented he Isaac White, who started from Maultsby's if a i.r. t -k i . rlAlma nf th mH nnw In rnnru nf mn. Point, abova this citv. on the 27th of De- FyUla'v La aLia rnlli tor his Arr. I lnvlU K. IK- rJLU AM... , I romW ..( in m. small lvat hpjivilv laden Wilmington, at Fifth Street, April 5 t- .v.. i.w ki. I t r I . ..' I and 6. . "w mtMfJf.u'm I in the Slate of North Carolina. As a new I with wood, ile was to nave Had the as- nuj inntui s am sutuni o smiiot Qnarterly Meesinsa. Second Round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church, South: Clinton Circuit, at Johnson's Chapel, Robloaoo. of tha Wlottoo Lir before I d'Prlarc. it is conducive to a practical so J sistance of a flat and another person, but I April 12 and 13 the Odd Ft llam t la Wiaatoo, on test Fri- lotioo of the negro problem on this con- I they failed him, and so be started by nim- tsy night. Is highly spoken of. tineol, without prejudice to any interest or self. He had not proceeded far before he Oxford Orphan IVUnd; The violence to any conviction possessing the wis warned of the risk he was run- qnaafJoo of tha daily stage Hoe from Otf ord germs of a malarial prosperity sufficiently nlng in trying to carry such a heavy to Durham Is oversaily favored. to Invito the cooperation of aH good men load, and threw off a few sticks, The oaJaas iahabttaat haa never known v . brycM tooacco to be aa hla as It la now. of every party and creed. Irrespective of but not enough to lighten the boat to any, afl.f 41 aaa m-m I m9A I Ms la4IiM aawsla HTYiaa TTrvsi W4 a TTt tVtva aa si aa aw. An t A KiM1 1 twA (SMim kt fprWairf! ft A AA- 700.1 rr.-ovrry. ticCM msi)J uUacorvrvd 00 many planta- I nrtslon of their InLermt and faith in tha I vere storm came un and It is supposed his enterprise, each subscribed to the capital I boat was capsized and he was drowned, as OP MILLINERY GOODS I Ever shown in the State of North Carolina, At WHOLESALE and RETAIL, to which we in vite one and all for inspection, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. 118 Market St., ap2tf ' WILMINGTON. N. C. Prang's Easter Cards. N ELEGANT DISPLAY OF A MOST SUPERB lot of EASTER CARDS, that have progressed to perfection throagh . the hands of experienced manufacturers and artistical and original de signers. s Handsomely- decorated Silxen Face Cards, mounted on rich plnsh mats of various colors, Hand-painted Cards, new designs, on easels. Bannerettes, beautifully arrayed in new de signs on fancy burnished stand. Small Cards, Large Cards, and Cards to please the perfection of modesty, the oovish beauty, the fastidious youth, and the old and the odd. Call early and examine the variety at . HEINSBERGER'S ap 2 tf Live Boos: and Music Stores. EASTER CARDS, HAND FAINTED, ORIGINAL DESIGNS, BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED. a1as a nonrlonma a aantma-nt TafAa lt tw b Elain and fringed, Just in by Express, which will e sold at wonderfully cheap figures. MUNDS BROS. & DsROSSET, ap 2 It Druggists, Market Street. Spring Styles. WE CAN SHOW YOU MANY HANDSOME LINES OF , ' .' BOOTS AND SHOES ! of superior make and finish, aad at prices that every one oalls reasonable. A neat fitting shoe is necessary to your toilet. Yon buy them of Geo. R. French & Sons 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. mhSOtf . Shad! Shad! k 1 W 1 QRDER NOW. mhSOtf WE. DAVIS A SON. l I V'., Mattresses. A FULL STOCK OF CURLED HAIR, MOSt, . Shuck and Cotton, Excelsior and Straw Mat tresses on hand and for sale low. Also, new ' stookof Furniture and Window Shades for Spi log trade offered at low prices by D. A. SMITH, mh SO tf Furniture, No. Front Street. 11 - Jnst irom tie Factory. gALEM CASSIMERES OF ALL GRADES. ...' Also a new and light fabric suitable for small ' boys. . Just opened, a handsome supply of nDE'TfS., -' ' ' ,V "L TOWELS AND TIA MASK - rv V , i mh80tf JNO. J. HEDRICK. V.- vr mucli ykiu.l 0 I. m lht lr Jhn K. K..wrdt it lck xl ''...ri!! i.r V 1 Topsail Circuit, at Herring's Chapel, April 19 and 20. Bladen Circuit, at Soule's Chapel, April 28 and 27. Wilmington, at Front Street, May 8 and 4. Brunswick Circuit, at Macedonia, May 10 and 11. Smithville, May 17 and 18. I TTORSES AND MULES, AT A MERE BONG, y oueruw vyireun, ai r air niuu, may 1 for CASH. Call at Sutherland's Liyery Stables. anu 7zo. Dirt Cheap. Steamer for Sale. , . w - A:SMALL SIDE-WHEEL PASSENGER STEAM-" ''T ' . V JBOATf ready for Immediate use. For particulars address D. CONGDON A 80N, mh266t New Berne, N. C. pr.Jbiy d. i it writ IU I tioca la thia cocaty- Mrs. Dr. Z. M. Paacall died at the residence of her daugb yar. of ar. and u Utm jr rjriagvtoo. 00 Monday, the Mth I tock of the road, and recommended all I nothing was ever heard of him from that May 31 and June 1 Flemington Circuit, May 28. Elizabeth Circuit, at Bladen Springs, Only good for a few days, apltf W. D. GASTEB, Agent for Assignee. i tJ 'i:iifr county. N C Ha I Tueaday last Mr. Uaken I who would promote the industrial Interest I time unlibhis body was found as above tl - - - . . k. -. k m mu u ma ljaiutu uuiMEk a m . ... . . . " 11 tii mm.ttry atXTU fiftv J.Ti whirh brnorht tl . oa matcriat welfsro or the colored people I it? 9HL Tha I.B63 nounos were raised oa I ho uaewiao. 1 I LmIK.ii Im M hM TTfta MnMMl ii'-l tnanner. r.l atirw I t k AHtl ntimtut fkW I yiaTra Co art. from tha warehouse books. 'amounted to James Eppea, colored, had a preliminary f 1.334.91. bearing before Mayor Hall yesterday morn- CJoldsboro MtMmger : Duplin 0C. charged with feloniously breaking in- - in-t the Natical llo.rd of TkTaJly "to Si taaK , .L, n t"' ' A corrvapond.ni of the -iih prrtar ocVcr two exceponj, proo- I evidence that ha called at Mulligans v.;,. , , . 1 lava not to Co at au remaneraava mis sea- 1 nouae at a quarter to 1 o cioca 00 oaiur- - """two. . bciw u, h.- nigntand asked for a dear, which was raiaoa tha other dir. bctchcriaa him no -I -w hw n t. thm ttiafactido of I badly aad apJJttlaa his ooa in two try a ..m . 'h Pl thaaaaelrae I Mrb C&renaVa announcea that "two of the I . . j,..,,,.t. Kt. ",m from rvii , . .JCT I r7 .7z I 7. . i iK ot.f win -rA ""np wd could dutlnguish his features. 1 1 i' Arr ot ru.krkcd t'tt. ihr., ;M i .:h.rx- of mucii crook rr-p3ndRt of tha slated. The Coroner viewed the remains, which. were far advanced in decomposition, but held no inquest. An account of White's mysterious disap pearance, with the circumstances attending his departure from Maultsby's Point, was published in the Stab soon after the occur rence. Newton Grove Mission, at Black's Chapel, June 7 and 8. Cokeabury Circuit, at Cokesburyy June 14 and 15. 3 Point Caswell Mission, June 18. W. H. Bobbitt, P. E. CITY ITEMS FOR BILIOUS COLIC For abating the spasms ot bilious colic. Benson's Capcine Porous Plas ters act promptly and splendidly. refused. About twenty minutes after 12 o'clock Mrs. Mulligan heard a noise in the house and fouad him in it. She had a THE MERCY OF THE HOUR. The reader who hears afar off of the celebrated Charity Hospi tal, nearly two hundred years old, learns with surprise that $5 or even $1 sent to M. A. Dau nhin. at New Orleans. La., will procure a whole or fraction of a ticket In the next drawing (April "f7 ,f pr day. for the prpariko tha coming snmxnar la Europe Mha Julia He escaped, after slapping the lamp shade maZt"WJ' tlu" CFd aa part of thatr 8pocar. of Pvaca Iaatilata. aad Mr Geo. off tha lamp and having a shot fired at LT: U " n kae T. Winston, f tha UaivtrtiT.- The laat .Qd flBftlT nT)tn Randav af. tania-foarthaqwotatloaa aaxaeU wa raprtaeni tna Mtmrnffrr, ana ' , ' J " ' . I his wtaktr lattara will doubtkaa prove of ternoon. between and 8 o'clock, back of great Interest to our readers. I the round house In tha railroad yard, by ""i mom Win lt tn tioi.t t.- U in ki.i.n - - mmm ae4awflwB l n w Ury, la, .uai K.l 7r. Clinton Caucasian: Sentlmenl " "orneuanu to. Uheehan. He was 'tih la divided between Glltaar and Scalea f or required to give bond lathe sum of $100 nX t mjr, iho wo bare, Governor. Soma think tha ooa Is tha for hU appearance at the next term of the 4 - Ud t. Uarn that from fif- troaro'. aoos Ua ether octah Court, failing In which he was n Li , . ... daU baa any strto rth la DopUa county. . . 0 n twenty of tha Northern Gen. W. O. Lew U haa been in Sam p cotto3aiL 'W, ttp the Tarcail Honsw ioa eocat'' mrtnll t?t op rmmU 1 tnd that they eipreaa Dr.SS acclichkl Prof. W. D. Munsou. the new director nnuwi,.. .it ... , . .. eama aar betor aeriooa. happened to of tha Cornel Concert Club, arrived Mon- 'IMUJOW WHO WftU M T Tt f.T ..t TV..i imir. I . . . . . . 1 - I xjnifHua receivea a corcuat welcome uixau canoos ao 1 wia iwubumi wu w . . tt v 1 n . un Tnrr were nam in eaiaiea. 1 1, . . uk"" ' 'r-4amnc lnmmo.4 r is "lo th Foreign Kxporta firom tne Port of WU mlagtoM far Staa BIoiitTa of miareli. The following is a statement of the for m - , TTTl . I OWIh Ml. 'AVIUM U1CH1U A'.M.TU.a. v. - eign exports from the port OI Wilmington Louisiana State Lottery Company, which gives .k mh ofMarrh nt rTA with $t000.000 as a - guaranty for te support of that vm hi. - j I DO Die the value of the same, as compiled from the books in the Custom House: Cotton 600 bales, weighing 235,816 pounds and valued at $24,800. Rosin 42,159 barrels, valued at $54,416. Tar 4,511 barrels, valued at $6,823. Pitch 9 barrels, valued at $22. Spirits Turpentine 196,621' gallons, val ued at $66,278. Lumber 923,000 feet, valued at $14,566. Shingles 438,000, valued at $2,548. Total in American foreign vessels, .$164,891 $179,353. 8th). the -167th Grand Monthly Drawing of The noble institution. Tne reaaer may ger in return S7S.O00. but that need not deter a real philan thropist. A REMEDY FOR LUNG DISS AS ES. Dr. Kob ert Newton, late President of the Eclectic Col lege, of the city of New York, and formerly of Cincinnati, Ohio, used Db. Wm. Haix's Bata very extensively in his practice, as many of his patients, now living, and restored to health by the use of this invaluable medicine, can amply testify. He always said that so good a remedy ought to be prescribed . freely by every physician as a sovereign remedy in all cases of lung disea ses. It cures Consumption, and has no equal for ail pectoral complaints. Wm. H. Green, Agent, Wilmington, N. C. Express Steamboat Co. rpHE BOATS OF THIS LINE LEAVE FOB Fayetteville and Landings on tho River, Mon days, Wednesdays, Thursday? and Saturdays, at 2 P. M. SHARP. Passenger accommodations first class. Freight received at all hours. - Through rates to Stations on Cape Fear fc Y. V. R. R. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO.. A. B. WILLIAMS A CO., ap 1 3t nao Agents at Fayetteville. ABT ! ART ! TTORTH FRONT STREET, IS THE ONLY PLACE In the city to get a GBOD CIGAR for & CENTS. Ask for GOLD TIP BRAND. mh S3 tf ' - i . I . -t , . t "'. .'. SHE HAS VAIVI8IIED, THE FRENCH FEMALE SELF-ACTING FOB ty-Horse Power Tooth Extractor, we mean. out a. v. riucMrauT may still be found at his - r. -. Old Stand, No. 7 South Front Street where he is ' v . ( prepared to do as neat a Job of BHAVINO, HAIR' C- ..'. - - ' CUTTING, Ac, as can be had In tha city. . . ' ' : . P. S. Not mnoh on Teeth, bnt can make Warts, ; Moles, Ringworms, Tetter, Ac, move In a hurry. - .' - ,. 1 The proof of the pudding, &o. mhSOtf; V 1 ' r . . D ONT FORGET LAST Eerchner & Calder Bros WHOLESALE ' ' Grocers and Comsion Mcrcbanls, Offer for sale a full line of - - , J . , WEEK'S ADVERTISEMENT, AND SEND IN V OUR ORDERS v AS SOON AS CONVENIENT. Very respectfully, , O. T. THOMAS, 'mh SO tf Studio 119 Market Street. A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, having passed Teasels, S14,V0; m I sereral sleepless nignta, disturoea Dy tne ajronies .- Grand total, I nA that Mrs. Winslow's Soothing SvruD was ivrur just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was strongly in favor of Homceopatny. Tnatnignttneonua t ,M 1 1 '' btr, bat Peirrela front. Golngdown the hill made- his headquarters at neinabergert c.pl Price, Harbor Master, reports the flXioS; -wntruia gvo4 many. Lot al tha Kiddktoo miJL Mr. FhnBpaa horse book store. f ollowia arrivals at this port for the month, baby still suffering : andliUe contemptag an- h.t w . , , ... ran away aad ran into Mr. reircea sulky. w n r-T. oiiiu " iouo"8 mT,us w othr gieepiess night, the mother stepped from ...... r ngJueiiietswera thrown out but not . . Dr Smlthvillo. quaran- of March: the ,roomto attend; to 'fomedome duties I'arcall aad tho others. much hurt. : The Tahicics were DOta oo 1 pnja;o, waanere yeawsruay in a- 1 amsbicak. aAila&il. I tendance ODon a meeting of thu Onaran- I 0. . ' v k out tnnaire. 1 . Dieruucio. ........... . . v,v. o I a oir.. , . I fnr,Tjk F5i ntirrr ErrrtSJ . On ItlaoBoard. I Rarnnee 1 283 Jut r.;, " . w T'SMP UaiMondavaTahtCoi. IL Kailogf and IL - mmm Schooners ....19- 5.843 " - ia was not a brave Coo- I a Leach. a.7cf the United B tales Itrrt- I Alt-FaaPa Day. Agents Wanted FOB - . 7 ' ' EM: St A I, IlEAUUEGAlllTS TWII.ITAIiY OPERATIONS In tho War between the States, 1861 to 1865, with Personal Sketch and Narrative of his Services in the War w ih Mexico. 2 vols., Octsvo, of over 600 pp. each. FLOUR, SUGAR, BACON, SALT, RICE, MEAI, f CORN, OATS, 5 SNUFF, SODA. LYE, STARCH CRACKERS, CANDY, HOOP-IRON. GLUE. I AILS. BUNGS, PAPER, BAGS, COFFEE,' MOLASSES, LARD, r HAY, , POTASH, SOAP, CANBLES, RIVETS, ., MATCHES. BUCKETS, . t -wj ft, i : is- aAa w as not a brave Coo totfiar. -One wbo srre4 I 3rrtca. made a raid Into Anson cocn- Wo heard of bat. very few April fool him- writ- 1., tr..i tr. and eaptared two stills ,5ja 1 trlcka yesterday. , Tha best wm that of the Wv. ' " " ?rtl JiUJZ-?tTx?ZLZ V party. who passed peanuta arotmd among Bques Total American...27 11,1)63 FOREIGN. 1 9 .3,424 tonnage. ' as 1 : 230 ca . Sttud to tne naoy. ana saiu uoumugv iu uiui . . - fZ&T Wrllten by Jadge Alfred Soman JV or XIV OBIiEAKS.; - -A s..-. I poMrxr of asic BXAunxQAan's staw, snd suffering crying oaoies ana wbusm mgnss 1 j. . , - , w have disTOe&rL A single trial of the Syrup I From Notes &nd Documents Furnished by Gene- J?,i!S?JS?M ral Beauregard. . - , , AXLE GREASE, PO WDEH, TIES, AoW eW - ' ; t ,5 ii. T" . . . v. 1 . . v.i I t. .i a . v i-i. 1 1 . I irjsrs ..,........ - . a2:r"! kkhi Caah gained say UStAtlca for about two yaara. cpacd snfloenUr to inatrt a email portion- Schconers... ......... W,.:-.Mr-i -TA f!1?: of cayenne pepper from a knife-blade, -Ha ' .Total foreign. . ..:iSV;4.043 ""msu by our forcea wa cajarvd a to town.. A cwraipoodeal writlog had a number of them 'red hot.- come the prejudioes of the mother. ; Sold by all Druggists cents a bottle. .Total Tsssals 40; totil tonasge 16,006. LTTTL ETON MORRIS. On the 29th of March, by Rev. W. L HnU. Mr. J. F. LITTLETON and , MlasOEA MORRIS, all of .WCmington. ,-. 1 Prarpectuses now ready. - Persons wishing good territory should apply immediately to ... .;. The "Old Hickory" F nasi and Trunks 0-1 ' ARM ' WAGON, CaRRIAGE - BUGGncS, ' Carts, troys, nuggy Harness, lauriaga ar- f Jt mn 30 ft TTARPKR A KRC Franklin Square, N. nss, Kooaaway uarnesa, ituck uarness, vmn -and Dray Harness, Collars, Hemes, Blind Bridles, ; , nr au ainaa. liaea. Hacks ana Batoneu.. .- ; Repairing promptly done by skilled workmen. . . " - 1 - - ifoDOUGALL A BOWDKN. . . ' mitnre store, , c . , t ' Next toD. A. Smith's Fumltnre I 3! -'- ... . Sr- . v. - a -- 1'? I .1 t .X

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