rrrv wvxrrs.j ris. i cy fJNW ba !WPa I alna rrn1i:t k..y, W04 r. Mum y iim , i w fa via natj f f t LM m a t t Man in - mA Mrliial fxm M 1 m I a Hlf tui wxxxiv rra 4 mry r-vir t aaa u v mmmim mm. m M at.sa'UW . f - 1 1 !'it -t titi inf 1 1 1 rui tn 1 w arr4 rtctr aTarUaiaa raa T.rt&H art.? Wl "Vtt f .WW MnM M fta IM kwwch.t. u4 U fmU fm Ca litWUMMnt to at ara r)fM Cvarr eO 4. tommm f.rL5 W 4-T raa as a-sr ftarr afaliinaiHiW aa mt 4rrtw (Ml Trawaav ,W a jri:ujrT aU wrQwiiwiMt tl aif 4-f no Mia f Kftxi Cm ultmn A aa ra v aanca wtu or P euRe 4 . twrUmunmt on to nidl r Mil.- u npcjo 9 Ox ?o&&r. a4 iftrif c fur tan rtaI:9 ytfliwtwl .w,wimH)w r attf Out mt ! FVmawat n mhIhuh 0M1 te t-an til tort?. iMiataijr h wmmi ml um ay mub ftrc f ihiv ni0iwt wfAtontt fiarv b M-r or iar v& ttmUMM rfMti 4Twr rpmntTT ' nt la omi to kinrUMMal U turn rin f IA tU A Waa Wl 4T3W aMtra fe U pax ay N ant kftn trtl tOna kifrlnQan( ttl Ok Ufa prtfc tJ atT b pwapnoiddi for UM tBJo of Qw SCr V kia KV- tamtltjuiuaa mnat 6 oaaJa ft-y CV". tufl, ftMCai Xoaay Unit. XtjnaK a te 1aaiii Laaa. uoiT aanA gam (T nana 111 a a4 t& M ac to p0aiaaa. The Morning Star. wizjtrxoToy. x. a 'recoil ETK-itso Armit. , I vu cTtf core eceOeU tiAa t thU J Work of s tauch geains m "The time. . ' r . I GrMdUilmoV bot it ia l all of inteT- in. " 1 ' - -. y, . -vL- COMMgRGIAL; ' - '- , ' m m . ft . 04for meat Pdgtgy blU wiUbiti 0i SuS la all probability We v4 , , j I oU 0 w rt at ore tn wimj , "robbery" . of the Drotectire, tariff, ! THE LATEST NEWS? fiVefl-modeW redaction, muob-l- ' V --r: JL 'TTf !,WIMIMTgN MARKKT. t ' 1 .V . . I , - 1 rm 4tr- tt'- AUTO IWP H J W OtlLm P 3 ' - V c STAR.0PICE; April 8.4P,.M.; v TSJOF' U a cum for profoaad.bBianiUn tlat oar Socthern Stoaton bre for gotua th ltsaocj of tbe filled the Uahts of aUtory " aad la their aaxi45tx."or aa arpropfUtlont ltTe cinJ th Nrthra CoooliJ.tiooIrt is their aai aad vicked. auabha the CoesUtatioa. W arjpotalorud ia koowmg tht ch ma u Bjvi) aa4 Datlcr, Vt aaMorgaa, UarrU acd Bck, Coko aad Maxey did not -arTtfider or worxhlp lh Gold to Calf of 'IUdi' Cll I JTWWUOO. Wa rtprodac to-d-y pxt of Stealer IUy-rd patriotic and t: oaalik pa agaiot th Consoli dation chaew We a!o reproduce tt tract from rcat tditoriaia to thrv ot thtab!tll4pbllcaaapn ia the North, Oar reader caa tee from them hoar thU Edacaiiooal bill U riewed. Ia aa editorial experieoce of eoroo tweaty-Tcii year iredo oot reroem br the parage of any bill that ie o fraaght with danger ae thb Paternal Pedagogue bill of Senator Blair. It U a trecamdoM blow at the Constitu tion at all eoaod and honeet princi ple of interpretation, and aa Senator IU?ard tatd, with marked troth aod mphajkie "it U ceatralization ron mad." It is a more daugeron blow than that given by the Sopretne Court io the Igal Teoder.cxne. Io tht de cision it vu decrved that the Will of the Ooogrt U the Saprem Law of the land, and noi the Conttitutioo of the IToiud State a was held by BVEN1NO EDITION. d Je-r" eon aau Jtooroe ana j action, anu oj attran m tm cojiuatKaa. I Mam hall and Taaey. Ily the action Vhn th- eoator Toted them- I of Coogrrse io thia Pateroil echeme tlTct a privati CTtary each to be I it U propoed to give a practical paid forbj th pH3pU we took dee illustration of the decision of the mieice thereof oS very plaioly coev highest Jadicatory. ThU Coogrwa dmn4t it ia more than oce editorial, dots what the Supreme Court eaid it " m -- The effort. ,ta get the tax on wool I Sap rem e Court, which brushea away 1 Ri.irKdaeationaiJBiii Paieerf intae rcttored.f-iled in . th.. House . by a Pe ,Mt hJPr erected a against Con- I - - -: y. Sene.v . . f hp io in naya fgz' fteetb;ojf tlrewords of the fnndamentrf,WaBHiHpriV rSn'S m nia'lran1 Ohio, -diaeoiiaed U.t . J.'j1 ? m V ..t. 1 'WjnTo-ht naLed Blair. Educational bilLaa . .. I . I Si ISM UCVlAitB. m-RUeCU'lIIilb lUCI D I o - I . - ..... Jr. thax pmn aad uptiaiX na.nonett aao. I -m ihm-ffT wave ' w I wff M fA ? ,t 4 tameadeA.B0 une wP9EV able etauemaa. Senator -Bayard. It genUmentShlt waa re- or to the people, the .supremacy Of ; . m e e f I I a v a 3 - t . nmnynlin arfa Nairlha I 11 .l , .tTTl-lJj . i..u - . 3-w4J K:--.-..,. . "For one. I dout care thst the party whka X teloaa aaal) cotne into' power on leaettshatl be to-trie freer trsde to. the Cjpla; a better' ioeestment . to .capital, ferswecceto the laborer, and greater f lory to the American name. " Let the Democrat- In 1 CongTeM tick to that text .through Til nd good report. Mr. Morrison etated that the wool queetion would be oon eidervd when the Tariff came up which he propoeed should be on the 15tb of April. der it amounts, to $77,090.009," The- vote- Iweu i or me people or me unuea i -t,tt - , States to recognixe the 'acts as they . Watt ""'-Slj miVf inu vv realize inac lu ouuueiuj Senators -aad Repreaentatirea . they are choobg,delegates Jto Vbody pos-. aeaslng Very nearly absolute "o wer.' SKIT A. TOR TtA VJTtn ON FEl ". EDUCATION. . 4T VwUiv v mwf. inn. - - SPIRITS TTJ3RPENTINE The market was i:quptedrai, at 80 cents per gallon, all d at the close the same was bid, without sellers. ( h r , ' 1 ?J7R0SIN TM market was quted--rna, at'i0-forine4 and lfr tions.,,;. , j y .' ..V. ; TAR-The imarief? was Tfiimya $1 05 JjferJhbl.'bSSO lbs,' with sales at Quotations. ' CRUDE5 TERPENTINE The market was steady,. With sales reported atrifl 00 forlHardandjfl 75 or fwvDip, ! i'lkmioKpApril '"8 ATM Biundard pub-J ,- CigtTTONrThe market was : quoted rrmJ : llahea'a dl8patcbfrom-iMadridthicbas-t 1 pn a basis of Hi cents per J &".Aof:. Mid dling. " We hear of small sales at' that &ticura POSITIVE CUBE format, SKIN & jox, pimples' rtou aeru that much dleasureisfelt . by the Spaniards toward America, 3 f oei allowing; Gen. Augero to leave Key W est.' t ; ff' " ' JJ-ieitaa at-: rfca TT-'. " "? - C Dltr BUI laCa-trsvllxatlott Bon . r , .BXatf.. - j The addreases that i had been made in the Senate by different Senators had so impressed him that be felt obliged carefully to review his opin ion, 'lie knew the South; ri He bad given thought to the condition of its. people, and had observed their trug- r F1NA.NCXAX.. I ''wi.i... ':n-n-- . According to the Encyclopcedia Britannica' the "Antiquitlea of Mexi- Jow Poblho? b Kingary. I glea after the war. He had observed was the moet costly work ever pub- the newer of their manhood slam, Ibhed by a single individual. It is their strong men and warriors crip- t . - , pled, the-desolation of their homes, composed of seven volumes and cost ' hwtJ of their gy8tem; 120,000 or about 600,000. It But there was one cause more devas- broke the lordly enthusiast, and it tating than all others,, and that was ought to havo done it. Henry I that alter .tne piougnanare of desoia- Brooke, if living, might write an other work to be called The Fool ofQuality.' Mr. Henry George says he has lectured to 27 Urge audiences in England, and with the exception of Oxford and Cambridge, be had the full sympathies of those be address ed, He says the movement he coaches is destined "to grow and be come a very great thinj." He is an American and advocates land nation alisation aod ooo6scation. Mr. Gladstone's Ministry is to be attacked by their former friend and colleague, W. E. Foster. This time it i all about Portugal. We wr urprod that eo few S3uthrn papers took the matter io b.n). The Korthem papers tpoke out snd moMt of them in eoodeca na tion. Within a few days we have nottcd article in the Baltimore m and in the avaonah Are censarieg the ba.fl and in the proper terms. The UcJ.-acv tn the CcoTTr-e el to aaarpalioa and hj and a far as we can there is act very much .ltroc m the two parties eo these points. Thre ar mn in both who ot iia.4t tr nc aod aOos n.l thr are aten ta both partare who srw -Tit aijrw to vote for eteaa arww that are wroo ia pnnciple aad basive ot privilege aad powvr. We b !- it u th daty of the prnM to he opinions sbat Tvemsact tn4ur! anl to tiprm theea frevly sad wtthoet eoesidnotp whether tby sr io oppoitioo t party acticn or imltvultssl aetmo. The lUinoaore Democratic, syr tint attao'iua of Coofrm i oo-w tiouMIalM rcr tita it w ia Vxm tmt dsrs of too laepu6i;c. out it u lyuwHioenola' tht tn majority of li avccaNtrt i!sot inurw. if as oiucb. limm ai U5oe to Us cuo uiarti4o s dut tSir prviiavvanors bIf or tanwipiirtiir of emtary ix li mf tm fairly coaUni3. Lfm. tbat if UxT woijiij Armtf tct Uwtr fce 4-Ja( til iaaar of c!crcrery sad pUt?os4 moQ?rta. ai 67 xUotHaf ta proYi ioa ef fee efisUasr eivU wrncvact diata ba Ute opnrtaaitUts f jr li i-xsTcise ef 'tsv fiasveav l&vy wvuU r rut of Ua larrwt vol SBONt aa a o-y tax puniutk nf Wir ktlars sail thmit iilcr." mi Kt The Savannah aUo says: .Wws, Democratic, a vottsb 1 Tua.nsrss on ni vemsKHT.Tax. The reader should not overlook the vote in the House on the motion of Mr. Thompeon, of Kentucky, that it was both "rtnieit and incrpMntn for the present Coogrrs to abolish or reduce the tax on spirits distilled from grain. Messrs. York aod Cox, of North Carolina, argued ia favor of total abolition. They were for free whiskey evidently. The debit bowed both Democrats aod Kepub Itcans bad no sympathy with that sentimeoL air. I bompson a raouoo was sgrecd to by a very large majo rity 179 to 34. It is a mere waste of time to be movtBg to wtpe out the liquor tax. Mr. Springer, the able Democrat from Illinois said, and said truly: . "Us l&ovisat hm grtl caass of Lbs prepie dasinrd to at wakssy taxed, end ae wtaUti Coqxtsm to cite aotke tbsi tals tax of srvraty miHioes would mssia 00 the statute book (Xt t6i mtsptti saJ savr- wsi got Xavpr UasdUU amd eprr aavmrws iff OJ. That is common sense ttaleemao- hip. It b much more; it is states manship based on right principle, on sound economic laws. Tax the need less luxuries and cheapen the posi tive neceariee of life that is true political science. If Democrats will givo up hobbies and work for sound, practical ends they would be working with hope of beneficial results to the country. Let them unite la lowering all taxes in reducing the publio burdens. If the men who favor abolishing the liquor tax would combine to get the laws changed to collect they would not waste the time of the Congress. Abolish the present Ilevenae System that ongtt to be done. OCXS BOOK TABLE. Kittt's Ooaqcxar. By "Charles King. U. & A., author of "The Colonel", Daogh' Ut. PbOsdelphls, J. B. Llpplncott Jt Co., 1SS4. Prettily bound, well printed on jcood paper. Pafte 803. Ills first story was well received by ta press of the country. It was said to be a decidedly en Urtalalag aod cleTer work of fiction. A Wrra II aad Wojf. A Love Story. By Julia McXalr WrihL Philadelphia, J. B. LippiscoU & Co., 18di. Here we have aa old fashioned love story without chapters of abstract reflections and psych o logica aaalyais to wade throuxh before yon "it to the point." Neatly bound aad wn priated. Paces 320. Not Ltsb Othcb Grata. A Novel. By Rota Noochette Carey, author of "Nettie's moment when every self-governing agency that the law could supply was coming into operation,' the par ty io control of the General Govern ment adopted the unhappy policy of interdicting every vestige of self government in the South until it toas absolutely annihilated. He did not cite this for the purpose of reproach or recrimination, but merely as a part of history. He had come into publio life since the war and his main object in doing so bad been to do what might be in his power to bind up the wounds of civil war in bis country to assist, in the res-, toration of all the States to their proper positions of equality in the Union. To that end he had op posed every measure whioh he had deemed unequal or unjust. He had been in this Chamber when not a single true representative of the in terest and sympathies of the South ern people was found in it, and when such representation as existed was, in truth, scandalous misrepresenta tion. How different a condition ex isted to-day. The people of the South were now represented accord ing to their will, and the courageous and large-hearted publio opinion of the country had risen too high to fermit again such an overthrow of iberty.as had taken place a few years ago. He was grateful to God that this bad come, bnt this could not affect his theory of the Union. That was unchanged. It teas a Union of equal States, what Madison called "the Compound Republic of America," This biU, in his opinion, invaded the harmony of oar political svstem. tie tnen entered on an Hew .Trorlc Stock ' Br TelWlipti to h Mornlmr Star.l ; ' :kKWVYos' April 811.15 A; iM. Stocks have been dutt :and strong this morning., with an advaiice of per cent, in prices. Western Union and' Lake Shore recorded, the greatest Improvements Cancer for Twenty Tears. Mr. ,W. JL- Robinson,, Davisboro, Ga., writes, under date January 3, 1884: "I am getting on finely, the ulcer ia gradually healing. .1 feel that' Swift's Specific: will cure the horrible. cancer which has been feeding on me for over twenty years." . Mr," -O. G. Barron of Banning. Ga. ," writes, dated March 3, 1884: "The soreness has all cone out . of . the' Cancer,' and my health has greatly improved. I have taken six bottles ot Swift's Specific, for a Skin Cancer, which I have had for years." Treatise on Blood and Skin Disease mailed f roe. ' ' ' Thk Swift Specific Co., 7 Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. ; price. The following were the 'iifncaal quo tuitions: " ; Ordinary..... 8 : ;icentaptt Good Ordinary. . . . 10i Low Middline:, ........ 10J Middling...... Hi Good Middling. ....... lit fEANTJTS Sales reported on a basis of tl 45 for Prime, $1 J661 65 for" J Extra 'Prime; and $1 751 80 for Fancy.' Market steady RECJUiriS. Cotton. Spirfts Turpentine. '. Rosin ; . . . Tar. i Crude Turpentine, . , 145 bales 208 casks 884 bbls 149 bbls 400 bbls OO.TIESriC MARKETS Raleigh Register. Earlr ia Febrnary aa soon as the printers re- tbe neeessarr-inaterial-tne pabuoation 01 eeive the ttALEltill REGISTER, ' ' . . . a North Carolina Bemoc ratio newsnaper, will be commenced. The Bxmerm will be printed weekl-v until tbe rreatpolttieal oampalgn of 1884 bejrtns. It will tnen be toned twice a week, or as often as may be nsefal or necessary to the Democratic party in North Carolina. It will be printed from new and beautiful type, on rood white paper, aad though it may not be large enough to hold all at onoe all the good things that glowing prospect use sometimes promise, yet the application of a thorough knowledge of how to use them will put into its thirty-two broad columns all the news, mnoh goodLreading, and a complete history of what u done tn North Carolina. Vs. JELuje will be editor of the Rseisra, The price of the Bxeisrra wnl be $2 a yeax; $1 for six mouths.' Pay for your home paper, and then remit for the Biemift - Those who. remit Sa to this office wiH receive as .- . A PREMIUM,! alther Tola me ordered of "Hale's Industrial Se ries." Two volumes are now ready: Tbs Woods a its Tucbxbs or North Carolzhaj Curt la's, Emmons', and Kerr's Botanical Re ports, supplemented by accurate County Re ports of .btandtng Forests, and illustrated by an exoetfent map of the State. 1 volume 12mo. Cloth. 27S dd SlJH. LrDtnmnm or North Cabolika Iw th Coax, ahd Ibow Counttks. Emmons', Kerr's, Laid ley's, Wilkes', and the Census Eeports; supple mented by full and accurate sketches of the Flfiy-six Counties, and Map of the State. 1 volume ISmo. ClOjh. 425 pp., $1 60. :- : Address RALEIGH REGISTER, janlSDawtf Raleigh, N.C. . SUBSCRIBE NOW FOB The Cotton Plant. An 8-page 40-coltrmn Ayrioultural Journal, the onlv narjer in South Carolina published exctusivelv in the Interest of the Farmer and Manufacturer. The best and cheapest Agricultural paper in the South. . ONLY CO CENTS A YEAR. : ! , sas? ssi a.v t vitv i ea ... f" aiecaerwe. "uueents n mm, eic. 4. n. 1 1 . . , Uppincott & CO.. Philadelphia. 1884. Pa- h"f per back, 463 pegts, price only 25 cents. The official organ of the State Grange. Endorsed by the leading citizens of the State, and by the best farmers In the State and the South. - i The paper praised her other works as full ot domestic charra aad bright scenes la girl Ufe. We judge from the notices of others that the authors books are free from all Impure tesdeociee aod may be read with Istertst. Send postal for specimen ooples for yourself and your neighbors . Address W. J. McKERALL. B tt ' Marion. S.C.; I STATU JUG UTS AND CON GRESSIONAL SUPREMACY. Waal Tw la4Jac nspeklleasi l"a frs Say. PhilsdelpbLa American. On the other hand, the most earn est support of the measure comes from bouthem Senators, whose gene ral disposition has been to insist on minimising the authority of the na tional government, but whose local necessities foree them to regard na- copious readings from the Federalist and other early authorities, to show the unconstitutionality of tie biU, claiming that Congress had no power tn tT th riAAnln at larom In MnMlfl . rr I mi . i-t.i . 1. 1 1 the people of any one State. Uongress I XHe UlDilCal JtieCOruer PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Rroughton & Co. RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. C. S. FARRTSa, Associate Editor." Organ of North Carolina Baptists In Its .44th Tear. had no f und from which to pay the ex fenses contemplated. Taxes would ave to be levied in order- to meet them, and if the bill before the Sen ate was to be passed, then logically and neoessarily Congress can, ac cording to the will of a mere majori ty, occupy the entire field covered by State functionsy and local self-government would die in apathy, it would shrink up from disuse of its faculties and the spriog of our liberties would become dry at its very source. This bill, he contended, was centralization run mad. In natural order, bodily nourishment came before mental nourishment and was a more indis By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Financial. . New Yobk, April , 8.. JNbon. Money easy at U&2 per cent. - Sterling exchange 487(&487 and 489fS490. State bonds quiet. . Governments firm. .x. i : : . Commercial. Cotton firm, with sales toay of 244 bales : middling uplands life ; urieans 11 C Futures : barely steady, with' sales . teday at tbe following quotations: April 11,71c; May 11.77c: June 11.87c: -July 11.98c ; .August 12.08c; September llv69c. r Flour I mi iff, and unsettled. Wheat 3llc higher. Corn unsettled and better, irorfc dun at $16 351& 50. Lard firm at $8 75. Spirits turpentine firm at 3333c. Bosin steady at $1 451 50. Freights firm. FOREIGN MARKETS. I By Cable to the Morning Star.l I1IVEKP001.. April 8, ,Noon Cotton firmer, but not quotably higher; uplands 6id ; Orleans 6td ; - the sales ' to-day - Were 12,000 bales, of which a.OOabales were for speculation aud export; receipts 20,000 bales.of which 10,900 bales were American Uplands, 1 m c, April and May delivery 6 7-646 8-64d; May and June delivery 6 10-646 ll-64d; June and July delivery 6 14-646 15-64d ; J uly and August delivery 6 19-S46 20-64d; August and September delivery 6 22-646 23-64d; September and October delivery 6 21-646 22-64d ; JSfo vember and. December delivery 6 6-64d. Futures firm but quiet. 2 P. M. Uplands, 1 m e, April delivery 6 9-64d; April and May delivery 6 9-64d; May and June delivery 6 ll-64d all buy ers' option; June and July delivery 6 l(H4d, sellers' . option; July . . and August delivery 6 20-64d, buyers' option; August and September delivery 6 24-64d, value; September and October delivery. 6 22-64d, sellers' option September delivery 6 26-64d, value. Fuures firm. 3 P. M. Breadstuffs dull, with a very small business doing. California wheat No. 1, 7s 5d8s 3d; No. 2, 7s ld7s 4d; red western spring 7s7s 7d; red western winter 7s 9d8s. 4 P. M. Uplands, 1 m c, April delivery 6 10-64d, sellers' option; April and May delivery 6 10-64d, sellers' option; May and June delivery 6 12-64d, buyers' option; June and July delivery 6 17-64d, sellers' option ; July and August delivery 6 20 64d, buy ers' option; August and September delivery 6 25-64d, sellers' option; September and October delivery 6 23-64d, sellers' option ; September delivery 6 26-64d, buyers' op tion Futures closed firm with active demand. Sales of cotton to-day include 0,000 bales American. -Poisons, Ulcers,Absees8es and inf ami? Bl( ture3, the Cuticuka Rew,DIa8 Cutlcara Resolvent. theTT" -fier, Diuretic and AenCexSe? f diSood PW from the blood and perepiratfon afe" moves the came. Cuticuba, the Instantly allays Itching and Inflammfl.?k,n the Skin and Scalp, heals UlcenSS clc stores the Complexion. Ct-rt(1 R? k 8ore quisite Skin Beautifler and Toilet an n- .rdisvenaable in treating skin dta&wt " . rough, chapped or greasy skin, bla h.nl ohes and baby humors. Cuticur bl - t the,onlyinfalllble blood PurUanHd'M8 . known methods of treatment ad-b?Pb.h,lll solely by the Concuiu "bemediiV leartn1' CBf .and healthy skin. ' leavln cleu IWl". an d m ra. Rim.n ...... ' ertown, Mass., write : dur lfttle bnr Ji"'. Belcli .afOleted with Scrofula Salt Rhlum'a'Wr fe5I!Lsln bATas bor. and nothln. JSIfe Ko 111111 uoipou wmMlU We tried CrTIrrV, T 0 MBDIE9. which eradua iv p,,a rinilR. nnv fut fair aq taiv nhiM until he 1, Of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty yb??" Ing, by Citticuka Hemkdies. The mnK?,staiIld ful cure on record, a dustpanful of Lond,er from him daily -. Physician? and hff1 !Lfe" thoughthe must die. Cure sworn tn h!eD1' Justice of the peace and HendPr.J)etoreii mincnt citizens. 1 e most pro. Mrs. S. K. Whipple, Decatur viilu ? writes that her face, head, and lome pan'jfc body were almost raw. Head covered wwS?b? and sores. Suffered fearfully andtrSi thing. Permanemtlv cured by the cSi r JT V' hjsdies of a Skin Humor. M u Re" Sold by all druggists. Price : Citicvra Resolvent, $1.00; Soap, 25 cents. Pomin"8 AND CHBaucAL Co., Boston, Mass. "m Send for "How to Cure Skin Dinu. mh 6 D&Wtf wed sat "'ffff Groceries. Groceries, 1500 Bbls FL0UR' a11 CTades- ! 250 Bt1S Granulated SUGAR, 2QQ m and LaCTiyra'coFFKE?'111 ' Q Tierces LAPiD, QQ Cases and Buckets LARD, 50 80x68 cheese' 4Q Tubs BUTTER, -JpJQ Boxesaud Bbls CRACKERS. 200 BWS 8EED P0TATES. 30 Bbls TURNIPS, 2Q Bbls APPLES. fJQ Hhds MOLASSES, 125 Bbls do 200 KeesNArLS Bundles HOOP IRON, ' Q Bbls and Half Bbls MACKEREL, Tobacco. Cigars and Snuff, Candles, Soap, Candy, 4c, For sale low by mh 2 tf ADRIAN & VOLLKRS. Choice New Crop Molasses. SECOND CROP NOW LANDING AND WILL BE SOLD PROMPTLY FfiOM WHARF AT LOW PRICES. mh20tf WORTH fc WORTH. tiona) aid to education ae lodispensa u 1- j 1- 7 r. 7 1 say that Coocress could appropriate deal of their State Rights notions be hind them in coraiog back into tbe Mr. Til Jen bas been talking to Gen. Jobs FX Gordon, ex-Senator of tbe United States, and be assured bins tbat be would not accept the nomination if tendered to bim. Gen. Gordon aava of tbe old man's beaUti: 'I was rather rrstlSed to flad. too.' Ia ptie of reports, that his rbvalcai etrescth was tauca icreater Ihaa L tad anticipated, aaoutbt he Is vtrr feeble. -I did toot. Union, and tbat tbejr unite witb tbe rest of tbe country in recognizing tbe fact that tbe Uoited States is a Nation fully equipped for every un dertaking essential to its national ex istence. New York Times. Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, yester day ' expressed; tbe 'opinion tbat tbougb there was grave doubt as to tbe constitutional authority of Con- fressf to pass hi Blair Education il)y bo did not. suppose tbat fact would bare any weight in determin ing its fate.- Congress bad practi cally assumed tbe -power from the foundation or tne Government to do what it chose to do, and no scruples as vo too ionsuiuuon naa preveuvea it. money to be drawn from taxation to support the citizens of the Southern States! It seemed to him quite as fatal to stab our form .of Govern ment in one vital part as another, and the hand that inflicted the wound should not be his. No State had ever divested itself of tbe power. nor could it before God , divest itself of the duty of providing for the ele)- EVERT BAPTIST SfiOULD TAKE IT As aa Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. : Only $2.00 Per Tear. Address BIBLICAL BBCORDEB, deo28Itf . . ' Baleigh.K.C The Home Journal, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MOKOTNO. j A t Warren ton, Tt, C, I JOHN W. IflCKS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. It has a splendid circulation In the counties of Warren, Vance, Halifax, N. C, and Mecklenburg, Va. As an advertising medium it is unsurpassed. Terms S1.S0 a year in advanch. Address THS HOME JOURNAL, - aa 5 tf Warrenton. N. C New Yorlc Riee lUtartcet. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, April 7. : The market is without radical change, with sales moderate and of a "jobbing cha racter. The quotations are as follows: Carolina and Louisiana common to fair at 5 5ic; good to prime 5f6ic; choice to fancy at 67cj Rangoon at 4i5c duty paid; 2f2$c in bond; Patna at 5Jc. Don't Spell the Mile. There is no use crying over spiled milk," says the old saw. If you are not only bald, but have no life in the roots of your hair, there is no use crying over that, either. Take both time and yourself by the forelock while there is a forelock left. Apply Parker's Hair Balsam to your hair before matters get worse. It will arrest the falling off of your hair and restore its original color, gloss and softness. It is a perfect dressing withal, clean, richly perfumed, cools and heals the i r - 1 PUR CELL HOUSE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Wilmington, . C. B. Li. Perry, Proprietor. First Class in all its appointment. Term I2-00 o 3.oo per aoy. teo ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security Against Fire. The North Carolina Home Insurance Ci, RALEIGH, . C. THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WKllJt rv X licies at fair rates on all classes of tnsnrw losses are Dromptly adjusted and nam. 1 property. All 1 Hoi ope; lu North Carolina. LfLAlillUl.1V ttUllUJvu.".! 1 "Home" is rapidly Kainlnfr in public tavor, appeals with confidence to insurers ox vtn Agents tn all parts of the State. JOHN GATLING, President. W. 8. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON & MANNING, AirenU, sep 28 tf Wilmington. W. W. Shepherd, y- ATB-Qg FAYETTEVILLE, HAS LOCATE at 130 NOBTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTOR . 1 . . -1 - j oil hi fnenW" v)im ha HU h triuA tn uprve all his rnenaia winwARTiroaa noMMlsSION MBRCHW'- LIQUORS cheap for cash 1 COMMlSSiy?" Keeps on hand a good line of TUVT.r C. E. Smith, THE LANDMARK. ; PUBLISHED AT STATES VHtLE, IREDELL CO., N. C IS THE , "Tttsrs l a stow but sUadr rrowti of abuaea ia Coocrva ef ea klal an.f an. ethrr. It has sot ba eaaaj vsars siacs it bom Uiaf practiea ta gtve th fsssdy eC a Co frssssoaa wao Js darla4 bis torn of oce Cle taiaacs of tie salary ks wtxBhi aave sarusil tt be aU Bvsd aaul ta ml at his Wrao. At Cnt oafy Qm faacraJ tpwosca ware paid, aad tase wtrs roedaet to a wry r?uaaii saouat. Tasaa rz psasss fcate lacrtsssit. sew-ar. uatil taey aouraat ta tqwfimflitis ot dollar. . Ta action of tie Pssaje ta vctia. pririie sacrstartas ta Aimsaare ws tn mot etair aa at eotamia. is still lie occaaiua ef coosoMot Kobody doutu Hal tie taav hmr at tie !Xos will tooa follow tie pr-eada-nt aatalliaasil by tls Saals. Tie growth, ot toaay otlg aboaaa la Coa rrsaa mlilt ta trwL Wf t&aaa m .r,-l. cisat to show tier is a coostaaUy lacrtasiaj v ywin wo fTttm ta tie us cf tie fecpfe's nacawy." I etar aad purer da ys tbe records ef . Cwgreesmso ware overhauled wheo they so ajbt re-el ecUcn. When caadidaUe- fee tie Hons wcatrbe' fare the people tb.T were met by . . . 1. a ' . swss r , vct aa4 Jh fmh TlV.rTN. ." UJera1 I Vhich la oppcaitlou see oieArlyJand beaAl ta) proeecaUotf aaJ th d e- ' -;; ; Ideooujioea .ioroualy tha tendeooy W m. ja-Jt Ta, .. S S I tt a a . . a W IB T BlXl Ml irHlLlIlTl V TIT ' 1 TM t FTTa 1 m 1 Tt ft UKVt Jvfl. WfiAl ra- Well I F13al rtawaW I M KT" aavMal MaI f frW . I " - -- . w . rL. LJL? ' ' a-.t ' Z -V I power, hasten to yielttoU whff it pU wiarfowfr watcii th. vote iCentwy wDl not U ..corapietej be-l ffliinrp1Ui,rM'icme , ju 11 (m 1 tu iM wciooti Doaoef.) it lSTrT:l wuiniifca sa ouiv, iae errors uupre- uSHU!l81 wM pay attealioa to f ccllka lis otier storicsUclearer 1 ""V trron " thoM Uacwleth ameecrf iit--; li u I iTe ji.t-.- Tl' " . . . 4Mch ,for 7 conldT fio4 jnoMm.. . . s , , - , , , jTT Vl W1e5 wnuflj. i. ja.aoi guage stronfc caouga tyeptay.:tbe vation of its own ignorance and poii- - j-m n-wA.-ati Todi vnr in Wflm Wnrf.h erty. The concession to Congresff I JLI1U VtJAliriU. XTUbCbLaill t" w of the power assumed in this educa- I tweeely religious and family news tional measure would be to start the PSJ m a 3 I vmuvM ua vmu vwvuimi as -BuviaBa49f Ctttl oouniry on a course wdicq must eua in the withering of the States. imi M Beat la tne South." Loulsbure Times. Our valued contemporary, the Wil mington Stab, has begun its. new volume. It ranks amonsr the best in The" history of '. Congress I the South, and eoes 'it "strone for a tot utsjwry oi a sony sevs jj vn- I wnu ruorm. xi is well eaiteaanu w yuuifimm iuviv ui icsj vyvn, 1 auuwo dius ui prosperiby. me limitations unooeea oy tte. terms .or by the spirit of the Constitution, and neither the Kxeoutive, fwhioh was expressly tTesiffned as a checlc on such, encroachments, nor .the Su preme Coart,"whiolv was intended as aa impassable barrier' to them, has OOB stATE CON TEStPOBABIEs. If the tliaes be hard, work the harder, aad sin aad whistle at your work. -Yfoxk. Is a good thing to drive mischief out of the head. We are told that aa idle brain is the devil's jwork-sh6D. - We beheve it Bataa Is on the alert for Idle men' aud wo- cauBOt Wrwawr. tad any coaterUl eiaoi, so far J proved or much avail in 'preventing 1 men.... Labor with, a wuV If -you a bt coaerraacn wtat. la lis ciralcai I or rctaruinff them, lhia aneorotion I obtain wages as high as you sunnose you CncCUlcm lfr-a mr1.rf.(.Hln . I 1 m . . . '.- . t- A ........ avV - l... " . Tr . . . . " .. . T . Ornensbore. N. CL- . - Terms,a00rrannum,laadvanoe. rju a-: The ellglMllty of Its location, the number and activity of its agents, and the constantly increas ing demand for it among the mere solid classes of readers tn. various sections, gtvs the CENTRAL fkoxkoXAMT pecuuar claims upon the patron age of the advertising fnbllo. Terms very favor ble. Consult tout business interest, and address the editor -i-M .' . ( .,- ? i: -. W J. Iw inCHATO. i :. . , . . Greensboro, N C. ; nwnnPcn -a-ar" 1 'JalOTdH'ant0 . J i ' .1 - piijshed;veeei,tat; MARIOir,SO ZTTH PAR OLINA , a ii iiMimauin uifwiiat.mii m un .1 nears 01. uio- ira AJe country the heat Cotton aaAtiAtl m.r 1mO. Wav, Cfarna L e 5 m v 2 7 I It is ar-esirtblemedlsJBieofnmunloattoh with both the Jierchants anct yarmers of this section; and particularly with those of Marlon JJid Marlboro Counties. It is therefore the paper for the Business Men of Wilmington. ' aeeStf - - Pronrtetor. r Carolina. It is the onlv Democratic Faoer nublished in Iredell County one of the largest and wealthiest norni ties in the fitate and has attained -'a- lartrer local clro tuition tnan any paper ever-neretoxore published la the county. : - ' r Its circulation In Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle ghany, Yadttn, uavie ana ireaen, is .larger pnan thatof any wro papers in the State combined ; and to rapidly aoauinng astrong foothold lnForsythe, Surry, Bowm and western Mecklenburg. s It is the onlv paper in Western North Carolina that employs a Eb&ttlab Canvassins JLoknt. and thus keep constantly before the people.'1' unaor this system a rapidly Increasing circulation is the result, maklnr tne Lakdjcabk, . v THE BEST AS'VERTISING ..CEDIJJM,, J . WBST i - Address . fLANDMABK," ' - '- ! :Statesville-N. C; COMMISSION MERCHANT, yORK No. a A 4 STONE ST., NWJH Liberal advances made on ConslpunenM COTTON, NAVAL STORES, &c. Orders for the purchase and sale of contrj for future delivery, both In the New Yort and Produce Exchanges, promptly executed. sep tr Just .Eeceived, JT CAPE FEAR FLOUR MILLS, NEW FLOUR, NEW WHEAT. CORN, HAY, GRITS, HOMINY and MBAt1' ways on hand and for sale low. ' ' C. &; WRIGHT, Proprietor ' febSl tt : a 'CAPE FEAR FLOUHK. HORTH CAROLINA BEBlOllBf : ' "One of the mostuseful series of d books ever published about any 8taU. ton Jfost. Mi The.Imcolil,JreSS, ; p HaleJMustrial Series. FUBliSHEiy EVERY fBI&AYAT 'LINCOLN : . " - ?' '. ton, Cj, 5 'Bj JOHN CU T!Ot'K4r ajal s?roprf. ' : The PTiUSR . Id ank n mto-T erf traA . h. fhriaA mfhi have tried ttj to ber one of the jbest Advertising Mediums in Western ' North Carolina-' It has a 5 Two Volumes Now Beady. I. Tbe Woods and- Timbers f.NK0arr' - Carolina. Curtls's, Emmons , 0 , Botanical Reports; supplemented Dy . - CouritT ReDOrts of Standing Forests, ano trated bv an excellent Map of tne d"" a - Mr.- Carlisle's concession" to the Protec tionists to remove all taxes on tobacco, cigars and snuil and, reduce , theb. tax on pearJx brandy to ten .cents a. gallon, may not impress all low tariff Democrats as be ing a wieejeaove. nBut there is ait immense amount ox satisfaction la knowing that this modification of. internal .revenue taxes is conditional upon the success' of measures devised Waive relief from the oppressions of xwrmooatrous tariff tjulem.Elisabetb Ciiff tilo0i. yj .i y . -j - ; . , Thtsverlmeum f , TMojiBBOJliiajll New-flayed ; "'tjaiy"aeeexy ' mi ""inn nii, loco. or tasNorta forevery-manin North. Carolina who has faimi 'mine. tract tit thnhi- nr ster power, to. 8 ?ll."vThe., letters - of com? staff correspondents ' have "given the Paxdtxtm a great repatation thoghot'NewEngaBd, as the only real representative of the. "Tar Heel' State: and aU NAW TMirlnrxTan vfii thlnV at in- bating In North Carolina send to tbePiLuimx wJr"'i.tPP sewers. -'." l . - For termaand other xmrtfeTi&M. address i ! - "t- f--BETH G. JOHNSON,: Business Manager Tan PAixanitm; D Want on: ?i;7,New.Haven,Conn. large a ateaaily toajsfagtpan I's Volnrtift 2mo Cloth. 273pp.A-' coin. .Humiii" iJiLTawna i jmavftiATifi-. nnrrn nun i . - . reountl Subscription Sl.SQ per annum. r I in ii coin. & Mecklenbure. rat. rf"-. S. . n..L. - anrt.AaMlMn UM a. a. A J I M. In tha ral and Iron Coon"-,,,. sj-iis i l i.i 7 a . t KHriaa ;rrri -i j .wortn xroiinsu xmmvuB, . ppir Fiftyix Counties, and Map of the Staw- .. 9 Published eyew Wednesday ta tmnbertoi,'lf. C.. ;ByWW. M9p&im&iri- TT"AS'THE IlARdElSEP (jTBCULATBN'ltltlPpLlET AJL lajgestaxlTertismr patronagar ot anvtmDer n ...A A.m. a - TL 1 . . J. 1 . ' . jut uwAutn. . i iww lutn ovtireigBs iiunareu sud- Durioonj iu woeson. oounsy aione,.Desiaes a gen- onn oiromaiou m tne eounxies or SLooreOum berland. Bladen. Columbus. Rinhnumrl -J oi k, - the adjoining counties, - Marion, Marlboro and 3ariington. la South Carolina. ci - Jan 84 tt 1 Volume lih ft Cloth. 425 PP- -Mb7BoohelerX mailed on receipts of toe price, by Af-,;m -.'it.t b. 3; HALE A SON, TiTBiis'HXBi, BoblsssxiiSBs asb StatioV , . NEW YORE; P. JL HALE, Publisher. Raleigh, n OOtStf T-ti ;; ?'"?;.!' '..a.'!

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