f he Morning .-tn 1? Ootatraot AdrertlMmenta t&kea &t troor ?Ssa VOL. XXXIV. NO. 23. WILMINGTON, N. 0., FltlDAYi' APBIL' 18, 11884. :7HOLE--NPi-5188. f!SSSJSS: Hum kMA Kouparefl type mio 6nfl mjtfnr mmmwmmmmm , ... ' , T. , . t vr . i t , - 7 J-" Two Months, . ...4 !? I 1 . 1 - i 11 " - - i - - - - .. - , . - .. . - ,-:,, 1 . . . T . .r . ' , - k' m '. ' 1u p.it ! t .1M M0RNIN EDITION. OVTLUTKX. .. . . ... uitrj -ii . i -...ioi cum. u rjiuuuwr - ev!.. rjf ottirwi n 3Stofel3 ta C W t& Inta 3vra lUr . - tue MUUy. emp. J , 3urllia- b- J ud ty cm Ii S.U " ' fa, tiie fjrtraaoeol ......... .,ri-r!ia4 tKe matt. rill.' ;1 .nii..' ..wu.'VfoSj Kpoft4 O . .a Smti Caroiae la cociae YIri;a county dae to tan i.itr uft tabre . w iari. t!i wiaora. , ...., -a -m tliai3i. out ,., 1,,,,, i-i-ft I1 it!" 3- txcmK aa- . . 1 . L lit . . j . 4 l! - III- i i;v : 4 ,J.-:hn.- to bcom a )lt )! I 'l ;'),! iiu""l',ir Willi nj i inooancrd l.- -t Ui MclonsIJ and inn (."Wi :0:ii! V ' I.- ik KI LV'ii.jrri..nr S"iin Xth.ii tn the li ia rule or ! ii 'n i: ff '.! ..-i Arthur iiii : v ' l'l'i I't arill Cht act l' ' ''i,)u.in.! it hun-lnM baai- n. t. if N Y ork h i.c4 I iUrr omi;i ! i n nn.-ii . ibr "ra have i ii n il f..j ! in ttium rv.f out if' ( '.n '"mm-n, it i ii-r tli.it they 'cvi-ri, '.i.)u-t.a4 Ihortn m?u met n I 3.DH N- York, t, di !. '' .-lijiit h yt bill The police "r- -i i ncrou And th- order i itni. li l J Harrh. n mtcrmting uii prp.i.-r.J rticfd in the laat .-ia.i'i'i I'.t-j ..it.sr Lj.3o New Hanover nunc? h :e coiantoe of that .irf - i.i.J btfivUiful pper. r r-rry. of Williams College. .Am i.i-inr of an excellent work on P iiitii:.; K,:uoom v aad a Free Trader, tiul Pt-jf V knUaren, of Chicago, a P-x.,-. - ;,.n..,; t i debate before '..in r.oo:y:, iUfjrra Clab. Th lm wrtti.' tate Kievutive toium:tv m--t at italejh Wednee-J-7 Cxpr.. o.-tt j t'oke rrgocl t'U.ur-nn-.hip, nd Mr. It. II. ;?;.;.! m el-trd u aqc:eeij him. V " -'v. V '.mi ntiou wx c !;! to n-tt in ILaii jf ti on the .'5th of June. '. f inn.' of Chtflr K-vd, the m. . nuoiM ho'i..'! novelet, a ti a:Uidod to hi. pn :oth , bm.i .1: hi own rr- iatt by -he aidf of laar Seyraoar. t:' p!rt, '!"nii. wbo hU lifr-long Ar ;4 .tiriin up the Calo.0.4 H h.w no i 4nvail army l In com with th n-cubr ininewe la fait. His ut.;ad by levying a poo V-.Un (iw written a tetter of UhMo.c:..,. We w.Il pablish 1 "-' -norr,, U came aoder oar y - Itu fr this iseae. Tbe let " -'1 l Uh of Apnl. 1 S.-Jf. He of kJcatnUtraUoo. "" never in the 'on rw tftr the Coostitatioo was "a i TxriJ. That be was -tiomat ia the ,OM that Jul Kliey sad Mr. Sam flan.lall fWt,oou k what we have wen proved. We will give " morQiideraUoo bereafur. Im )IQ' aocraiic papers are try Jt aAke it rPlr lbAt Dem lnJ J been in fa ex t Clioa thu Jff"on ram . rroUcti"t. , We .can v Te Milieal dieoosatooi as far T 44 HM- I tbal jtar Mr. f. whom we heard, potout ellela . i-- I i orr laranhml lOofiha SO Da. I k- . ,i nnn firm I that chnrch onlr. but extended tn ail I iloiT UathOIlc ana AD081011C unurcn'OI 1 -i. u -n n a w I of Ba yl 'ir u " I " I mU"KlV'Wi y ,V I " T . . " I V. v.! tuutta jlnW latllJ -r- I HTUCklU CLIUGI UBtWOTW ii UU 1 U WU)i&, I . . .. -;- - , w... ' , , ,.i:1ivr r-v- I ty. utiio lannahed 5. So Xw lork, I ne of common senae in the aelectioa ot the I uiren unaer our nanus anu seais, mine i correBponaenitBays, w .passeu wnnin one i uujuu Honeea to ro to New yorajwa wiu , -v riff. bt him on Uut U. ia part. Iq tb vot 00 tb qocstioa of go log into Tariff IUforta tier warabat i uti ciuukunu iiinocriu who tduhi . ni v. . If. T.m. O , K4Mt4 uiwi auiiwiiu v- Clin DMnmu taIj1 for Hitform. i with hi. Mrtr-th. r- York otd " re, Peooajlrania and . nfc t nff Re- i'enatjUania and Obio gave i -LJ-J.: .4 - : . r i "v- ' vn J4j iiuji i iiiu form. Uat we are glad to say tbal Eaioo.' Tba fricada of Inform claim m that ISO Democrmta will vote for tb. bill . WB" 14 TOrJ" HP ,or 0041 CT,OD' Mr. "Hideo told tbe California D- mMf. iK.i -.11-1 sl T. um mim WW uiua V44 4 ivv day that if nominated b3 would Pot acc.pt. Tbe Califomlaaa told Wml thal antes be was the candidate the Democrats would be beaten, aod there was no ujo ia holding a coo- veotion. Thai is cettinir it down fine, If Tildeo dice then all is up, I and he is aeventy years of ago. Io his letter he says he cannot be a can didate. Fodge! JaaMM A. GirCeld kaw James O. fUaiee for twroty vrars, sad (elected him oa the atreegth o hla kaowkde and ac- quaiataace. Yvaa, llcp. Oro. Tbe Wet IUpublicao papers gave n...t i - k. i .v....... z rcli. T. m. 1 table Ilepablican papers now have bat a poor opinion of Blaine's cba racier. Garfield and Dlaioe were UoobUcss of tbe some type of men I oence their aaltalton. I Mr. Me Do wd all, editorof the Pro- I tm rt . . r m j I CM 111. j 41 "MnM, W MJ. 1IIUCU i - " i i - ill I clartd that"M to rUfoniKS A though: tAs pl&tfvrm of 1 &?6 cottLi not be im- 'prored tipO", tmd the party Aad bet ter use it ay a in." Tbal was strongly a nti-Protection. See Wednesday's Stak for the deoonciatory portion of the platform. Spirits Turpentine. m m m . Mr. Hale is makine a capital North CareUaa paper of the flaleigh Iie?i I I Articles advocating Judge Fowl I for Governor are appearing in Democratic papers Just bow. Tbe Snow Hill TUjrapK learns that the sew Baptist church ia Orecnville win cost $14. oca Hick onr Carolinian.' A postal card from Bakersville says anether man was killed there Sunday night. Warrenton Gazette: Mr. Wil liam WaUoo sold his tobacco this week at 40 prr hand red. His logs brought 20. Warrenton Home Journal: Mrs. Gen. Green has been stricken with paraly sis, aad to very low. She is with Mrs. Jod;e Dark Davis, al BJoomlngtoo. IU. Wadesboro Timet: We bare made dilljrent Inquiry ia reference to the fruit crop aad are pleased to be able to state ll was act Injured by the cold snap of last week. The KpUcopal Convention of the Diocese of East Carolina will meet at Wsahisftoe. N. C. on the 14ih of May. sad durinjr the session the (httttu will be pabJiahed dally, the price being &3c Concord Times: Tbe colored Usthodlst chorea In Cole burg was blown dowa oc Wednesday oUbL The ap ple aad peach trees are ta fall bloom, and so far the prospects for a heavy crop of fruit are good. Greensboro Workman: Dr. M. A. Cheek, aksioeary surgcea to Che eg Mai. aasoeg the L. Mrs. Cheek aad her three children, together withMks Julia. the Doctor's sister, took the train for Philadel phia lasl eight Warreotontfie.' Mr. John C. Pritchard telle as that he taw tobacco cut, rated, stripped a ad sold last year by lbs Wth day of Auras, al $60 00 per hundred. Aad ytt some say they caal make tobacco because it tales so long lo make aad mar ket IL New Berne Journal: Forty-ooe boxes of peas were shipped by th steamer Sbeaandoah) Ttteedar evealsg. They sold oa the wharf at $3 to $3.50 per box. The steamer Deflance cleared for BalU- I more yesterday with a cargo or iw.ow I of lumber. Durham Recorder: Onr excel lent Board of Conaty Commissioners ap propriated $300 to make a county exhibit al the E-iposiUoo. making la all subscribed by the county aad ladividoals $1,550. the largest with the exception of Wake thus far made. Fay eiteville Observer: ' A cor respondent wrlles us from Energy, Chat ham county, thai Siler formerly Mat thews X KoaVS--(s destined to be tie ywiai oo the ay. AT. V. It a between Fay tteeCle and Oreensbtrro. Tbe depot has beea completed. . - - . I Ilkxory ; Prtu: The caoantaim j have been white with saow this week. I TV. fm-it mn la thoneht ta have been !a- I lorad by recent frosts. - Tbe Methodist I , a"- - uvu I ore Drone out on Bhepnera mountain, in I J'usCLUCUU ""g Djrovcuiuxvi or isorm uarouna ana tne Assistant isisnop i half mile anart and doin but traronna nre lor Iteiorm. Virginia jaawpa coanij, aoout wo nui irom matters as to avoid tne possiDinty oiany- of Virginia officiating, the Benediction was aee except to the timber which I Hoover Hill mine, on Weaoeeaav of last I ,vi ,v. : n I , . . , . . .1 ' care 2 Uemocratio TOtee asraiosL fm kiw-. hrr,.s n fmh rrl Wl kluu w"a- pronouncea Dy tne uisnop or Mississippi, torn ud and laid waste, the egrejraticai of Newton are soliciting aid tar, presemr called upon Bishop Watson, at aad the Right Reverend Theodore Bene- May 81 andl Juael. , ; - v, - . -Uirabnlil their church whicuwas totallj Tjbrarr' rooms. In the 'Mssonlo' Hall diet Lyman. D. D., Biahop-of North Caro- -Newton Grove Mission, at Black s Chapel, (Uatroysd by the ncent ejrJose. - " . i7 . Una: aealso by the other.JRight BeTerend JuneTanda ,,t ImA XiwTt! Common eealiA: I efi e 1 " ntchr Iiol!n ba?Tbe B. tIfLT 4m . . . . . ; I Scotland 1ccV Commonvxalth; otx Epiwal frtettdaara aecoraUn tha - WMinIfl UQ& IH WUmlfiflAQ S I dot train l nuTfoay ooraiDL oaTinz u 'wiJZS'ft The t ayettOTiUe Vcnercer noiea . . . kind a well as in the regulaUon of the "UV ' fertiWlle use. stable maaore, coUoo seed and home made ferU- 17 f00- lCMa h P"' mITTT tH TI f TIjJj Tnt .1 I 15 re doIlArV reward U o!Tcmi bv the 8teele rh"'ffJi!ii??f I , c ... q,.i i i i;w.4 utiwi uvunumu, IZrLrZJrZl'Zl" " T VF (TTU aVim ViTPlf Vfij. UlCCUeUUiV 1 A . . . land, and doinz rrcat cadare to the umber I on aerrral thousand acres of land. No i ...iiii. - - UU"U",I' wtmucjtu. Dr J T o W IStcd auS olSowS a uu nun tmm wnt, xcu o . iuo rrmr aaj MtekanU hears that Jude Bennett declioea to be conaideTed on the carpet for the Gubernatorial nominaUoo. I Ur. J. Itowaa Rodgers, son of the Attorney Oeiieraj &on U. Itodgera, u ti nlntviH tn b Mli for thm rAalltinn com! nation for Bheriff. The Anson InUUffctr compliments Judge Bennett and his coarse ia Ocmjrreas, and aaji if he be not nominated for Governor, he will cer tainly get the Sixth DUtrict Congressional Boml cation. Raleigh Shes-Observer : Su perintendent Scarborough leaves for Wake Fortst to-day to attend the funeral of the wife of Mr. Chaa. TV. Bcarboroorb. who ia a member of the facullvof Mnrfreesboro Female College Tha remains were brought to tv axe r orest yen to n ut r oreat yesterday. i ne oiaie US? rSSSA matter cooaidered was to reference to tbe survey of certain swamp lands in Jones aod Onslow. The committee, Messrs. Kenan aod Scarborough, made their report, re commending that the work be done. There a considerable talk In regard to the re- itnin. crt, . Mnvnvi i t v.inmhi. Tir- rell countv. and Edenton. were submitted. The Elizabeth City people promised to man it eat irean interest in tne scnooi ana "!odd 1 WeJSa'Sa'ite The i . . list of the ocrmalsUasfo'lows: University, I rjtiapel Hill. J. L. Tomlinaon. Superinten- dent, opens June 17: Newton. Prof. M. C. I S. Noble, June fwnv,Tfer IfaeacU. time not set; Elrtaheth City, prin- dpal not yet known, time not fixed? Frank- llo, Macon county, principal not yet chosen, opens about J one 23. There are five col- SSUTSUeEiS Berne. AU these have regular terrns. I he I meV orm This ve the Fcabody fund does not go to the normals, but to the 4 mmm ,V 44-1 4B W4n1 t KSB Vt Afffl SI 1 SI A fJin t JL i SSAal ajws. Swv swi aecM MarawMM Btir.i- ufVi .ia lhi. ,mf. The fuo(j u small and terms will no doubt be shortened. The fond will be about $500 a chool CITY. nfiir AOVKKTIIEnEim. Mt'Jtsox Come at once. G. F. TitxJiT Fine beef. WAjrTxo rurnUhed room. Mcxds & DsRossst Soda water. 8. P. Co lux a Jt Co. Auction sale. IIcrxaBCROKR To base-ball players. National O. S Co Business offer. G. IL Fkhsch & Sox Some remnants. lel aret. No cases for tbe Mayor's Court yesterday. Cotton is coming in slowly. Only 9 bales received yesterday and 6 the of rroiin. and AssisUnt Bishop of I Beli was 8QOt by another colored man nnmerable Instances where cures' have been ef day previous. The stock is probably nearly Virginla, Certificate of Election and d Richard Lilly, at Rockingham, dby tikauiiad . . . .. . . .. I Hirhrnnnd countv.. 011 Wednesday niffht. I had been eiven over by physicians. It is one of cihausted. I -Thero were some fine cattle brought here from Sampson yesterday, fat- icxxtd by Mr. T. L. Rackley. One steer in the Jot weighed 1.523 pounds. They were sold to Mr. Oeorte Til ley. The German barque Jlarte, I & . 1 Capt. Foss. was cleared from this port for Grteeock. Scotland, yesterday, by Messrs. Robinson & Kin?, with 1,500 barrels of tar and 1.331 barrels of rosin, valued at 3.(WS09. Mr. Lee, route agent between here and Richmond, informs us that the "French Doc Ursa" is creating ss gTeat a furor In Richmond as she did in Wilming ton, aad that she says she is coming back here when she leaves there. From all points we have cheer- I lng newt in regard to the fruit crop. In many cases. If no unforeseen drawback oc- I Curs, the limbs of the peach trees will hsve I to be Drop pod ud to prevent them from . .. ... . . .... . . . I. breaking with the weight of fruit upon j them. JaveaUle BaeefcaJllsta. There was a match game of baseball yes terday between the "Eclipse," Capt. W. Bitsett,,and the "Queen," Capt. Robert Merritt, in which the f ormer scored SO and tba latter 4. There was also a match game between the clobe known as the 'Qulckstep," Capt Tom Bunting, aod "Moonlight," Capt JaracaOwena, la which the former scored 11 aod the latter a. . ' Baeepueai. ; A Urge aumber of our dtixens and vial ""' Jfr' i were the coatntalaUons . which the new. . I THE JfEW BISHOP " " i CoraU-a or Bt. Alfred. X Wat . !. of St. James- daercb. Wilmington, a Blanop ef the ITew or the BiBhop-elect of the ,t rwi?. o. rinAa' I 1 -tk wuvuna, t?r ,D wlhtt",?Ti ?to,dt? I ' ' . nk mi as uKjk lunuimi ui inn mam wra-iii wlthia the walls of that building except perhaps, on the oceaden of the funeral of the lata Biahon Atklneon. Manv hart come from a distance to witness the ceremony. I nd niber of. viaiUng clergy was un- I uuaJry. large. Tiere -aan r' v " no cuafusion, nowver. or . Ma no difflcuity in oi- i uininr mu aa ta trABfrajiT me caan on . occasions Of Public interest; the committee I I dt0 ..a.. Jt mission had been issued some weeks in aarance or tne consecration, snowing upon i 81Ve ceremonies we. have ever witnessed F. Simpson met with some loss from an their face the number of the pew in which I waa broncht to a close. It was tha most I ntho. eniaerwa. inntea to .seat, ana gen- j this way the very lare assemblage was -rv-dtw ni nnUii tHtMl r . .r . V . ". . . I Al 11 'clock procession of Bishop and Clergy entered the church through the vestibule and proceeded up the centre aisle to tbe chancel, the venerable Bishop of Mississippi, assisted by the Bishop of Maine, heading the procession. It was a touching sight and one well calculated to excite emo tion, to see that holy man of Ood, whose locks have been whitened by tbe frosts of I four score and six winters, and who is so I universally beloved, passing up to the altar I ... . , , - J P"rm tne iemn uuty ass.gneu mm. i wucwwi, wic ..". ! me piace oi nis naimry ana uie diocese oi North Carolina the one in which he labor- ed continuously until his elevation to the Episcopacy. The Bishop of 'South Caro- Una and the Assistant Bishop of Virginia were the Presenters, and they occupied seaU on each side of the Bishop elect, near me centre oi tne pianorm; a peculiar ntness in that arrangement also, as tbe State of NorthCarolin Joins Virginia on one side and nouin irruini air ins ounr. i nn wrmnn was preached by the Bishop of North Caro- ins; again a peculiar fitness, for this portion of the Lord's vineyard had long been a part ... - , .JL. ' rritoy aod tbe people he adoVessed were those whose spiritual ruler he had been for more than ten vears. The Biahona ofU.Mdof8pring0Id..he o.e rrom tne extreme norm ana me omer irom me TZTr UM 8 Jjr. brethren of the South and to participate in the solemn services of tho day. The order of services was as follows: The Opening Collects and Commandments were read by the Bishop of Maine, the Epistle by tbe Bishop of Springfield, the Gospel by the Bishop of Maine and the Nicene Creed by the Bishop of Springfield. A hymn was then sung, after which the sermon by the Bishop of North Carolina, It was a fine discourse, delivered with great animation and force, and was listened to witn rapt attention Dy an. iis aaaress to , , . , , . I uiv iauwp cict wm ouicaiu auu tmpico- sive, and his reference to the division of the Diocese and his consequent separation from the people of this portion of the . i i i , . otate to wnom ne naa always ueeu mom i closely attached, was peculiarly touching and affecting. The Presentation of the Bishop elect was then made by the Bishop r rr,, 0,a a v tUa I vuvuiuu lauuiuuw " j Rev. Nathaniel Harding, Secretary of the Diocesan ConvenUon. the Certificate of Consent of Standing Committees by the President of the Standing Committees of this Diocese, the Certificate of Consent of 1 - ... v V m W the Bishops oy the itev. ix. toinns nugnes. 1 I . . ..I The Bishop elect then gave nis promise oi rn fnrmltv After tne Litany service the presiding r,, . ,K, -..oir.m.o- inKmiin,i I Bishop made tho customary interrogations, whtrh were anawered bv the Bishon elect I wnicn were answerea dj me uisnop eiecr, who evidently struggled under deep emo- 1 tion. iri.. .ii nJ,w.r.tlAn th. li.in. a. a " - wm.. .njiU 1 hands by the presiding. and other bishops I wss then performed and the Rt. Rev. Al- I f red Augustin Watson arose from his J Vnm rlmhMl with tha inlpmn nnwora anrl I knees ciotnea witn me solemn powers ana 1 responsibilities of a Bishop in the Church of Uod. I The 4Z4m nymn was men sung by the I choir to that grand old tune "Lenox and I the congregation, catching as it were the 1 inspiration of the occasion, Joined with re- I . ., . . . i . f i i l sounding voice which filled the church in a general burst of Joy. . The Letter of Consecration was then read by the Rev. Dr. Huske, and is as fol lows: Is tub Naks . OF- ' Thk Father, and of thb 'Son, and of thx Holt Ghost. . Amzn.. To .t. thb Paithfiti.- ur Citeist Jestjb TmiOTJQHOCT THS WoBXD, GSEETTNQ: Be It known unto you that we,. William r ... Hruti T' Ti T V. Tl - Kv -TMvinn mlalAK 'Rianon rtf MMfB4nri anaiated Km . Ricrht Revereni wiiHam T&11 White I jjowe. D. D.. Bishop ot. South Carolina, I - Bishops whose names are- Hereto bud- i under the protection of Almighty God,lnSL Jamea'CWb, ia the pity, of j Wflmington and State of North Carolina, on ine aeTenteenta oiy 01 Apru, Bemjr Thursday in iSaate. Vesk la tHe -year auu dukjr-xuiu, wu, ouu uicic, iu presence of a congregation of. the clergy and laity of the Diocese of Norta Carolina, and of other Dioceses, according to the due I and prescribed order of the Protestant EolscoDal Church in the United States of J manca,' i mq m coniornuiy fwua ma I Cwioii8 thereof prdaio. and consecrate our -Asaffii!-js I or manners we were iuuy ascenainea, into the sacred office of a Bishop , in the one city and State aforesaid, on the seventeenth l-A thousand, eight hondrea ana eigntyiour. Bishop of Mississippi. Consecrator. T. 15; JLrTKAN. I s. Bkho of North eaToUna . , f T""?? S w Assistants. W. B. W. Howe. Bishop of South. Carolina. i luo. .iivii wuiuiuuiuu luuyntu, lixo i Tho tta1 rvn.mr.n;nn -Fniinnmri PreairliBiahoTv and theRiahnnanf Main. I o r sr i I . . M . ... . n. .1 and one of the grandest and most impres- orderv and the mo8t reverent assemblage ijmu6 " vv,v,u.ij m order, as it should have'Wn, and nothing .a . ,u , 1 """ uluot B'-'ui,uluU8 priety or to offend the sensibility of the most devout. Signs of Trouble In tne Republican Camp. There are ominous signs of discontent, disorder and demoralization in the Repub- rlcan camp hereabouts. There is evidently a storm brewing, and whether it will attain to the Idimeneions of a political cyclone or onlyassume the proportions of an ordinary "breeze," will depend probably in a great measure upon the turn future events may take. There is a no inconsiderable portion of the p.y whodontKte,heaoonUken -t w-hWo TW thint the nti ri. ment at j- u not colored, should have en represented in the re-or- ganization of the Congressional Com-, mittee. Then the Liberal- business is a thorn in their poetical sides that pierces a little too much Tor comfort, They don't like the idea of old party men vein? in-noted for annh new nronita a York and others of his Uk. and they if i .1 1 . . M t tney nave got to vote ior a democrat tney wiJi 8Upport one who is consistent and never deserts his flag for the purpose of po- stacks were blown down and the fodder litlcal aggrandizement, and is therefore to scattered all over the field. An eye-wit-be trusted in his professions and declara- nW8ay tions. "-T.T"" and Changes In Mes8r8. Parsley & Wiggins have recently added to their mills mschinery for the man- ufacture of sash, doors, blinds, and orna- mental wood-work of every description. We are glad to see Wilmington pushing for ward in the work of diversifying her in dustries. Mr. W. J. Rosenthal has bought out Mr. Isaac Greenewald in the boot and shoe busi- ness. Mr. Isaac Greenewald succeeds Mr. A. David in the boot and shoe store formerly carried on by Dryfoos & Bternberger, jjr James Sprunt has associated with him Mr. William H. Sprunt, his brother, an(j tney will continue the business of the I J . . . I nrm or AJex. sprunt as Bon, wnicn was 80 lately dissolved by the death of the senior member, and undet the same name Alex. Sprunt & Son. -mm-mm m , i &CUUCUJau JUOfc "v 1,10 luo" Richmond county, on Wednesday night. I -. - ota' 'j?? 81Diy Proe "V BUB"""W tne snerin tracaea mm to nne anu - - - r Al I me wooub, UU will yntuauij lto ijuiwi. WltflflA I nod al ran MTtliraTinn H m rri IT LIIH I w . n nnt I whlta People of Rockingham, who are not l" to che Preferred against him by his assailant, who was actu- I J J I Bieu Jcjuouojt. t m mmm n.-nn.i I . . . 1 Mr. unaerwooa, travelling ageui. ior mo ti. ,. . . l.,,!. i iueigu uieg-uHer, ia ucio a umu . visit. Our old friend and former townsman, Major James Reilly, was here yesterday. . . . . j imrm the visitors here, in attendance I ifv. optinn nf "Richn W.t.nn 1 Jia g liilv ifVUOVbi w w av ar f wwaea we noticed Maj. John Hughes and Mr. Wm jt Oliver of New Berne. CaDt p paddison, who is in the city, fl nt hnmtn tav. TT will not re- turn to Georgia. 'Capt. V. V. Richardson, was here yester day. . ; , -i- Quarterly 1TI eetlnes. Second Round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist 22. Chnrch, South: Topsail Circuit, at Herring's Chapel, April 19 and 20. " , ' - Bladen Circuit, t Soule's Chapel, April 20 and 27. . 4 , Wilmington, at Frbnt Street, May 3 and 4. Brunswick Circuit, at Macedonia, May 10 and 11. ; ' ftmithviUe, Mav 17 and 18. Whiteville Circuit, at Pair Bluff, May 24 lanaZO. : Flem!net6n Circuit. May 28. fEliiabetbfCircniV at Bladen Sprinirs; -vo U an -- 1.4 . THE LAST, XTXCftONE. ;tl toe 1 - pi I Penaer vutted by cyclone-Dow ' DemoratlW Xbl. Ift tl j Polnl hw I ' '- f ' V" -, J ell etroa.i . i iie winu proweia wnenj jtiisiem, ana ffiou bearest the iootfd thereof, but cannot I ao?w-teg-, corresnondent in Pender who 1 POsFntes a corrfapottens , renaer, wno. lWiom :TEiit:w tu wi i j vTO iuuuu8i,uu mu m0 orpointJaswelt The disturbance mUe river, which , ...S . ' was literally: " hurled from its bed upon the adjacent " land, the - water I dav. for UaDL f aaoiflon tells U9. that it tfWWWPIW j,bicvuku AQcn fira rat JKwth, salart awj I w Vo nfl u woa .hi thmnrh th4 COMMISSION, to Competent . -( r --- - wind.. Fortunately: it missed the houses, i j. .i . .. . it I passing uirecuy oeiween mose oi messrs, W-v - wm:. ir.iMM w - a causa, auu n iiAUaLU iuaiuaoo, vui t cevvaii " little dam- . was broken, crass not even escaping the eeneral destruction. Dr. Jas. existence of the same storm. There was evidently two distinct cyclones within one xiiiie oi eauu outer anu- iraveiiinjf near iutj 8ame time. It is perfectly apparent, our I . . . . corresponaent says, tnac tney couia not J have been the same, both from the course of the wind and the space between them, where things were left untouched and un. injured. Another account says the cyclone struck I the ground near Mrs. R. A. Lamb's place, at what is known as Colly Mills, on Black River, three miles from Point Caswell.: Gathering force as it went it struck a point on Black River at what is known as the Malpass Bluff, crossing over to the east side of the river and going out a mile through I the woods of Messrs. P. Malpass and Wm: XUp There tt mm to fork or divide, one current jroini? down in the direction of Moore's Creek and the other in the direction of Dr. J. P. Simpson's, Daniel McDuffie's and John Newhirk's. When it struck the latter's place it was about.- spent, only throwing down a few panels of fence. At anl old colored woman's place, between Colly Mills and the river, the destruction! was fearful. Fences were nrostrated : some' I were upr0oted and others were twisted I ana Droaen on iikb tney naa Deen so many broom straws; and out-houses and dodder to be about seventy-five or One hundred yards wide, and the water was thrown up n a spray to the height of about twenty-five or thirty feet. It came with' a howling. rushing, roaring sound, resembling what might be expected from four or five trains of cars running over a bridge. It was a 1 " , . - , i I sight truly appalling, remarks our corre- I spondent, and one long to be remembered. Dr. . Simpson, describing the hurricane, says he heard a peculiar sound and went to the door, getting there he supposes, about the time the cyclone struck his prem- ises,' and his holdine firmly to the facing of the door was all that saved him from be- ing blown away. The storm, he thinks, consumed about ten minutes in passing his house, and soon died away in the distance. In addition to the other losses, Mr. Mc- I " . I uume naa an oi nis iences oiown uowu, some of the rails being carried through the air some four or five hundred yards. No loss of life to persons or stock as yet re- . 8 ported. CITY ITEMS T Aom vn a Trm 1 rvr rTTWfirw 1 to r hadbeen given over by physicians. It is one of ine oesc remeaiea ever on:erea to tne puduc, ana SgTSSS fil attDlliW Z0XJJJJ eminent physiclamT and others. Try it, and be curea. a who is mrs. wiNSLOWf-As this question fa fvnnnnntlv nnlrAH -nA ttHII ofTMrtln onr that afct4-k a a lady who for upwards of thirty years has unti- ' deTOted he time and talents as a female MaaiaK1 wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowledge, obtained In a nietime spent as a nurse ana pnysician, sne nas compounded a Soothing Syrup for children teeth- lng. it operates like magic giving rest and uoiuiii, auu io, luuxw . cij euro w c ,te the ooweis. in consequence or tms article 1. Wlns- low is Decomuig woria-renownea as a Deneractor of ner race; children certainly do bibb up and bless hen especially is this the ease in this citv. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has Immortalized her name by tnls invaluable artl ole, and we sincerely believe thousands of chil- aren nave been savea. rrom an early grave oyits timf.iv Mli tha.t miiiimia vi nnhnm win fnare its Denents, ana nmtemca ig ner blessed. No Mothkb has discharged her duty to she hersuffer- mg little one, in our It the benefit of Mrs. Trv it. mothers tbt mg uctie one, in our opinion. It the benefit of Mrs., Winskr ion. nam sne nas given w's Soothing Syrup1 Try it, mothers tbt it how. Ladies'' Visitor, Sew York City. Sold bv all dnuadsts. 25 eta. a bottle NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted. GENTLEMAN WANTS A COMFORTABLE and neatly famished ROOM, 'without board, but with use of Hot Bath. . Address apttlt COLFAX, P.O.Box 670. To Base-Ball Players. J-UST RECEIVED A LARGE : LOT OF BASE BALLS, BATS and BELTS, all prices and sizes. Ckmeandejcamnteatfi,-. ;' -, . HEINSBERGER'S. , rjr BREAD-WINNERS. ! " ' - -; A Social Study. ' For Sale at r . - . HEINSBERGER'S aplStf ' ! Live Book and Muslo Stores, i t -XV ADYKRTISKMKNTS..,- ,1 1$ ET1I W. DAVIS, Anctlonecr. BY SAM'L P. COLLIER A CO. HtS DATAT 10 O'CLOCK, WE WILL SELL es pooms, corner rtorta water ana i Princess Sts.. j Furniture. Crockery, GlaMwara, Vaaea, Blaoklnjr, Azea, Aa. . ap 18 It Challenge ta the Stte. T All BOUND TO SELL THE" BEST IJKE.' 1 cant help it. I hare tot TfllETr Hi i4? OF - FINE CATTLE, fattened bf Hf. T.ltaealerj T - I oompare- witn tnem. - . . . . f . 8FKENO LAMBS, XUTTOjR AND TEAL on - hand DAILY. ; Leave ordera' with " :y i, 'If ' OEOkQB F. TTLLKY, ' -apl88t fraata StaUMo.a. ; I jTusiueBB auiiKBr lor ouiie ajcvucj la lui city. Keeponslble Company. Business nraotloaDr a mono opoly. rivalling ivainnsr tb e Telepbbne. $500 CASH, KEOUIKED for $1,000, Bample outfit. No bonda. AO dress, frirlnff fall name and ref erenoe erenoea. iTHE TIATIO'AL O. 8. CO., New York Oitr. Offloe, 5 VanderbOt Building, 182 Nassau btreet. ap 18 6t Don't Wait JpOR OtJR "GRAND OPENING," BUT COME at once and bay from a moat desirable stock of CLOTHING AND PIECE GOODS now on exhlbl 4VM a VTTWQnv tfil .... ap 18 It Clothlar and Heronant Tailor. IN FULL BLAST OUB H1NDS0ME JODA FOUNTAIN, with its delicious Pure Fruit Eyrupa, with or without Genuine Cream, and a full ike of MINERAL WATEK8. The ladies are requested to make onr store headquarters for Soda Water, and anything else usually purchased of drug-ems. MUNDS BUOS. ADkBOSSET. Market and 2nd Streets. . Our Lemon Seltzer will become popular, ap 18 It Some Remnants. HAVE SOME FEW BBMNANT8 ON several Lines of Goods that we are SELLING CHEAP LESS THAN VALUE.' ' Come and BUT A BARGAIN from Geo. R. Freifdh & Sons 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. apl8 tf Notice. rjpHI FtRMOF ALEXANDER SPltUNT tb BON" harln beea dissolved by the death of the Senior Partner, Alexander Sprunt, the survivor, James Sprunt, has associated with him his brother, 4 William n. Sprunt, and they will continue the business of the old firm under the same Arm name of ALEXANDER SPRUNT & BON. - ... ... f JAMES SPRUNT J WILLIAM H. SPRUNT." April 10th, 1884. Steamer Passport "yTLL COMMENCE HER REGULAR SUMMER K?f toS 8nLhTllie inJ? r tTurM&: April 18th. leavlne her wbarf daily at 9 a m. She has been thoroughly overhauled, and lain flrt- SCHEDULE for 8mlhvllle and the Forts Friday class order. ap 17 tf J. T. HARPER. Fine Art. ttavinq DECIDED TO SPEND THE SUMMER Xl Norn' 111 tho Dur8ult of m7 art 1 ihu leae for Nw York about the 1st of May. I shall be pleased to take a number of ORDERS for PORTRAITS with me. and all who take ad- ftfeUri w&TCfoVi Mantle m portrait , aa can tve proauoea in crayon. Visitors are invited to call up to i he 87th Inst. Very rebpectfully. O. T. THOMAS. Artist Studio 110 Market 8t, ap 17 tf Wllminjrton, N. C Misses and Ladies' Straw Hats ! HARRISON ALLEN, ' Hatters. ap 17 tf Did You Ever fJRY THE "CHARIOT" J IF NOT, DO 80. IT Is THE BEST CIGAR for FIVE CENTS on tbe MARKET. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. . At HARRIS ' ap 17 tf News and ngur Store. Heal. HPHE BEST (BOLTED) MEAL IN THE CITY. JL Grain, Hay and Feed, Seed Peaa (Clay), fco PRESTON CUM MING tt CO., Millers and Grsln and Peanut Uealers. ap 17 tf W k WTP Tl AGENTS to carry onr Cottonadea,. IT Ail ill II Jeana. Casslmerea, Ac, on commis sion, in connection with their preaent line foe Spring trade. Address M. CHESS WELL A CO., Manufacturers. 440 Msrket Street, Philadel phia, eod apllSSt BocklLime. POR BUILDING PURPOSES. -T FRESHLY BURNED.: PRICE REDUCED TO Si. IS PKR CAKK. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR LARGS LOTS AND TO THE TRADE. . , ' A .7 rin 4HU v - .j Address - FRENCH BRO&. " . -'V - or O. G. PAR8LKY. Jr apltf tnfr Wllminirton. N. O. Something Nice. Oft A pounds 07 ; - FRESH LAKE SALMON, To arrive for Wednesday's Market. Leave vonr ordera la tima or m will mias a treat, , ap 15-tr DAVIS' FISH MARK XT. ' White Goods. ? CHECKED AND EMBROIDERED SWISS, IRISH and PERSIAN LAWhS, Victoria and other styles 2500 Yards STRIPED LAWN, at lOo per yard. worth doable the money. aplStf eivA. 4. tuuuuua. , NORTH FRONT STREET, '"! v" i IS THE ONLY PLACE tn the city to get a GROD CIGAR for CENTS. Ask for GOLD TIP BBAND.' rnhM tf 1 'V;".f'; x- T. 't i, r '. i.' ; t , 1 . ," ,J l j. v. . ... .11 I apl78t Jm. ; '-" ' "'f v. k 1 if '. .." . ',... I.' w .. -i f ' " I it , t .. . 'ml 4vy , . i- . i ; . i ri- ' - :. .. ' r'" - -v. v . - j - f -