r. a u r iiw r an. aMBj i.-. t -...r.TA anrf honor I keen tierDctrmted by the Itepublican I United wv. T" 7. . V" - - , : Democrat r wrMt Own m twt ,awif ft ft M ar mrt ) JU X BMMUu a 4r. It '; tw .-. f I i 47X1 1 timwwij, las; Urwwa MI I u JB l 19 ffmr-av :r OU ; ix-m w'a. M l 't 6aA mi i VHMKte. s eo. Ta Bop. rtfVt SiwImCT VMtJiA IWlLml Mm no nif n um, aoiv l aaf st-tos .frwtTlmn lift ftirit . - ..Mt. I. i? ' COOUaUOC aaa minti ?t w ,T nlU who an Bat the pcJuScaI arena is nt good MCbainnaiTcf Ihe Statb school cf DWt!i Tt.rtctrJ o?.cnr. maUu, U Wunt wastry will ibc-ir UaL Tbt ltf of f . Mrlon4, worthi, well U UgisUtor b not balf to pleasant j wiltt .the . d otic.. of the CommUt, baring erro npon; u for tn or 'fiftcoo Yeart.jaod w ill 4 to Pry Twin uxora fd. 8 txTpivi'lnn w Maes vtu sr fi nap " t ta option ( ia pntvift. AaaiMRttMat. Aoi2bn 4At OetoUl 4 'tutk? par Mwa t amilk to rOu. A I wnmtmTin ; win Aat rmw porwtwtu mt twr waajuy a tarty, tfwinxra to ua tract. (fiat!-.! klfwttert wy au Zuvi to j tmitnim ftimiriii wfrauat svr aawr CumntiutttmttuiuK tCM UWiy nttAa tiuuj bt 'MTf at&aar wr. UV ta-Wfti-T M .rrCtr tAMi4 tr c5r u jiiim OaT 4iiw t tiwrtiw Wter , UH 0pmt ta (not t 3Xk (tTTTlV (V tins MJM art!mfm to to, 0 prpre:r trd ai-r tmirr not uJ ft Ckanfe. .n Oim. Ktwi ter Coir aa m Tfaim v'J i tlf yM The Morning Star. r wiLUin it. nnuiao. Fhioat Efa-i Araxt. or par aj i nqcuqw ms Maaj a aaa wbo waotta Wajhtog toa Tirtaoa aod aobrr- bcramrr ir naraaad debaocbeJ. Politic art a r MecMtt j and, vara xaoit' him to do vitb tbca. Bat cot to with tbt tr- oitol ' Ltt tbtm ktep' away.';, Let tbtfi kep"Far froa tbetaidiiog crowd' Ijnoblt itrife," Let cot tbt parity of fcaalt life bo brobgbt in contact wilb the low standard aa4 dibaaing Jnflaeoco that belong to ur I poUtJCt. Let not tbt ilicoy irptst tattr vat aacrta paraawiacai wwrr. It tttms that in MaJacboactu tbt txjxrnneot of cooffrring npoa wo cats tbt Hgbt to rote for cbool coratatttees baa col prorcd of any practical Taloe. For tbirty years women of a certain sort ware duapr teg for tbo.'rigbt, after H wa girto tfceta iftttraa oht tbit it la not I apprrciatd or ntiliicd to any great extent, tat iosior w js oi m ezpentnest Tbe tocceas of the Ttry limited expert OMatt&At baeuos far been tried oat not tr SciaUr brilUaat to excite ranch tntaoaiaja ottt a prtpoUJoa to cxUod iu bat eoi mi eocb a practkaj dm of the om tAicoU Cf ball, a taleat to trusted to tAa. aa to wArmat from Ua& wr of look- La at tlve qocstioo, u aq eeUrretseo t e f their fttiiiicaJ pocre ot acuoo. i-er&Api iney sbat tUnd t&Al tie na All aon throw a theta rs ao( worth rickiac crx. Dul Lhda of nAil thtaf thoQU tx4 be dcapiml Until thT have Aaowo uat ther taJu u ur;er rriTtrt by at a lac tbm nwat pooible o( (h Amail oo. th7 muat xpct to nxct If tbb new "craxe" cannot find fat or in a section too ranch given OTtr to Mbtni and notions',and new and baleful ideaa in politics and re ligion and practical morality the aV probabilitj i, we are glad to believe. that il will net meet with sacceM in the cooAcrralive Sooth. t i too we cceeda-l taiaoocitrnction. , . .'"d JCesotpea. Uoat iwe .fleartuy room mend the cabeat and faithful efforts r, on our iemocrauoN representatives, from this State to secure a speed repeal of the - tizea imposed -by thia oppressive -ayatfim. .r - -v lv t '0 : lUsoluedr Tiat tha people of North . roiinA.. ac - too reouebteaeUrlo. PQ loabtless be an efficient. and accepta- ( deceired.by. tie pretended m claim ,of blc chairman? ' i ine coaaiuon ana atepuoucau: picB oi tms state to aestre a repeal oi mm t States, and the position of the 1 THE IiATESTvNE WS. sratio party in this 1 regard; is ;y , - tV-f-i 1! known to'admlfof '4onH'or .. -r !-.rf ,fiLjvn- FEOH ALXPABT9 OF THE T70IILD We trnitonr commercial organisa tioos will not forget the-important meeting of the own era of tbe Capt Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad Company; o be"beld , at Fayetterille May ?. Wilmington should be well represented there. Uepnbllean ' State Contention Preal- - denl ArihnitJSndorsed-AriralffnmB5 r o. xtte Pemoeratte Party Tno Uele Kate t cnIeBOtrtnlr Prefereneeaf - &S1 k5t) ITeleph to thdrdlnk 8tar.) ; ItAiBYtt&t, April -'18.-The .platform adopted by the Republican Ctonventioii en n arses the 4 admihistratiott " of - President syatem. - They aaaertedlin their;platr J Arthur, becanse otJbis prudence ; impar form and maintained niion ' the oan- I tlality and. patriotism as a RepubBcan, ana term ana mamtainea , npon .we can, -1eeaa -idsxwewTatisxu honesty, wisdom Tata two yeaia ago tne, juauc wu- . and 6tAUxmasiBhln hare given peacVpro Unntng said yetem, and their, sudaen J greis and prosperity to the country. :It fli annonncement of an oDDOsite. Doliev I rains the Deniocratic-iparty; of Tennessee ia a recognition of tbe.Yaliditv and for the robbery of ther bonds ofWState " f"ic f " XU JLms World is a family pjAgaxibe pobliAhed at New naven, O00114 by-Ujaa a BAjdwto, at $3 a year. It contains ti pagts sod U ia tbe interest of moraUty and rebglon. v . ; . t Tls TTats ftitod4nt for 'iifti'con tAios iu oauU tax lot of mitler. It Is well printed and well edited.- Prof. aTJas- con clude bla sketcb of the'OOllege. Price $1.50 a year. 71 Sinfarii for April contains seversJ papers. Among them "Art and Science of Sanitation," "Typhoid fertr'ia the Cities of the Uolted Sutes," "Milk Food,' "House SadIuUod. thst are. well worth the atieotida of all . It is a well conducted monthly, la well printed. At 113 Fu'ton tree!, N. T.. st tl a yeAr. or 35 cents a copy. A. N. Bell. M. D., editor. T. U. Corbally. M. D., Associate Editor. a Oa EVENING EDITION. rsniiR tcrratoK-i aarr nacat. Th vote in the MAjsacbcjetU upon the wesaan $riSr9 bill vu a raulAf toxt b .k. It ahowed that the crxs" to!t rather than ?'itaei irroua.l. A boat foar to one were Atiot evn the acxslltfet exer cL of the elective franchise x con- flaetj to municipal election. That . rtiht. If the stnktrs haJ gained that foothoM they woald have plant ed their bxaorf, erected their bar riera, broaht oat their eie guos and prvparvd for other and more ta- porunt coc)aetJ. ro t: i wcii done t. cotch the nake at once if you did not kill it. Foar to oae will da. We hope thAt the next attcapt ra.I to level the standard of female parity and rtpectabiitty in any Scite will how a utill fraailer minor ity otv The worst enemy of the human w the mid or woman who would introduce the w oca on of the land into the political Arena. Of coane if women voC they will next want to hold oSke. It would indeed be a I day for the rc when the roothr aad i.ttier'i. the matrons and roaititfa b-a to moath politicst, to electioneer for their friend or favor ite, to elbow and battoa hole men to 5cur their aifie sod ia di(fuc, for all thi woald 0001, and 0ome .jaickly If lie ice were first brok.eo by coaferho the ballot a poo wjmeti. L6 the sanctity and parity of thf dorur!:ic circle be kept part frora aII contaminating iniaeoce. I't politic be kfpi oat of the inner home circle. Let the women- the mother and elter leave to men the dirty work of politic. Thouaanda and ten.a of thousands of men who dislike the atmoephert of the polling booths stay away rather thxa breathe it. It U a fact thal men are not made better and purer and more elevated by politic. Tbt tcicnc of govern acot U a coble one. Tbt study of the Law that gov era nation and tbt great priacipies of a federative, con stitational govern raent It one of real interest and valoA.- Bot tbt scramble for office the wire-pulling tad pipe laying the ichexaia plotting, ma nipalating the self -assertion and Im tnodesty of the professional cc sker tbt torrugtlooy tnS profiiga ey that so often attend oficial life the l&tAlUbl las? for pabQo place and the greed foe pay the broken promise tbt cocceaimtnu ihe, bodk in tht cocstaat f raclict of d'uaimo-tation-tbt want of .aLaecrt coatie tions and honest ptrpott -these ar not inspiring tbeatdo not lift apnea to a higher , plane, , do, not ennoble and dlgalfy and. add a wct grace, to lift. .FtTT3Ca:tly:B0t all taeo who art la pttitic are4of tblf clast, for wt art glad to know that tbtrt art noble, hijh-toned, eonacien liona, sincere, part men la politic TfXK KX KCtTTI Y K CO IX JXXTTKK. The Democratic State Convention' ia to meet 00 the 25th of June. We expected some such action, We gavo oar views in advance, as we bad a right to do, and now that the day se lected i to advance of the time for the mcetiog of the National Conven tion we have no more to aay on that poioL All's well that end well. A rreolatioo was adopted favoring I Caswell; M. S. Robins, of Randolph STATU JR3IOCIlATJC EXE. CUTIf'E COMMITTEE. lUHMtiag Taeer4ar-CtalnnaaCeke neaAsj-B. II. BatUa, Baa, KJaee4 Cfeftlnaaa-Tk CaaftaUaa Called Jiat at-Haela(Iaa la Haar4 to lalarmal Utrtait, Atu, Ac Raleifh News-Obeerrer. Ralkioii, April 16, 1834. Pur suant to thecall of the central ex ecutive committee of tbe Democratic rartT met this day. At noon the chairman, Capt Octavios Coke, call ed the committer to order. I ne xoi lowing members were foond to be present: Messrs. It xtaiuo, ueorgo 11. Snow aod J. J. Lilchford, of tbe cen tral executive committee. tint district Harry Skinner, of Pitt. Second district A. J. Galloway, of Wayne. Third district II. li. 5bort, ot Columbus. Fourth district-J. S. Battle, of Nash. Fifth district A. E. Henderson, of the abolition of the tax on whiskey and tobacco. It is now a foregone conclusion that both parties will adopt in their State Conventions a plonk favoring the total abolition of the tax on whiskey, beer and cigar. 7Aif triX prxxrtkttU'j eliminate the Vxm! tufjurt from tAs cjicoja. Both partiea in North Carolina will go be fore the people as the advocated of fre tobacco and free drinks. We must say this, that whilst tbo Democrats generally in the east may a agTee to let the contest over tree whiskey and free tobacco go for the year, it is a very great mistake 'for any one to aay in the face of facta that there is not a very respectable minority who believe io taxing these very article. We have as much opportunity and means of knowing public sentiment as any private citi zen or editor can have, and we state it as a fact that there are a great many Democrats who aro at heart and soul in favor of taxing the luxu riestobacco, whiskey, lc whilst changing tbe plan of collecting. In a recent test vote in. tbe House to rxdut ot iboU$ tbe Internal tax only 25 Democrats coald h rallied to vote for it. In North Carolina Sixth district J. D. Shaw, of Richmond; W. J. Yates, of Meek-lenbnrg. Seventh district W. li. Ulenn, of Forsyth. Eighth district Jordan stone, proxy for R. M. Furman, of Bun combe. Mr. R. IL Smith, of Halifax, repre sented as proxy for S. J. Pembcrton, of tbe sixth district Mr. E. R. Stamp represented Mr. Charles M. Bus bee,- of tbe central committee, and Mr. John D. Stanford of tbe third district Lt-Gov. J. L. Robinson, of Ma con, And Maj. 8. M. Finger, of Ca tawba, being in the city, were invited to seal in the meeting. The Appointments made by tbe central committee, of Harry Skinner, of tbe first district and John D. Stan ford, of tbe third district, to fill va cancies were ratified and confirmed by the committee. At this stage of the proceedings the chairman, Capt, Coke, called Mr. other for a turkey and creDt within K - . a ar - a W . J. latea to the chair, and in an ranee, when Mr. Gordon ud with his appropriatiate speech tendered bis I rifle and shot at an object in 'the . a a - . jnstice of thei position of the. Demo cratio party npon this great question; The resignation - of Col. L. Jf Stephenson, Wf .Wake, las a member of the central executive', committee, was tendered.' It was accepted, ana R. G. Dunn, Esq.,' was chosen to fill the vacancy.' " The following resolution, offered by Mr. W. B, Glenn, was adopted: ; . Resolved, That it be recommended to the county conventions that when they meet, to . send delegates to- the State convention, they also appoint delegates to attend a congressional convention of the . districts as now constituted, to be held at the same time and place with the State conven tion, for the purpose of organization in tbe congressional districts,and also to elect delegates from said districts to the national convention. It waa understood and announced that the congressional conventions al luded to in the above resolution are solely for the purposes of organiza tion and electing delegates to the De mocratic national convention,and not for nominating candidates for Con grew. R. II. Battle, Chairman. J. J. Litcuford, Secretary. CURRENT COMMENT. Where does the "protection" com in, if the tariff do not raise the price of bome-made wares? What, is the motive for putting such a tax on? Why did the Onondaga Salt Company sell salt cheaper in Canada than in Syracuse? And why have the copper companies of Michigan sold copper this very year to for eigners for less than any American' citizen could buy it of them at whole sale?,! Perry, .in The Million. Senators Vest and McPher-. son, reputable men occupying seats in tbe highest legislative body of the co an try, made no concealment of their belief that the present Secrets-! ry of the Navy is not only dishonest himself, but the cause and inspiration of dishonesty in others. Ue was charged with jobbery in the award ing of contracts, and while every one who coincided with them insist ed that the condition of our navy and our coast defences was disgrace ful, they announced with nnusual candor that they would not trust their rebuilding to tbe present See retsry. This feeling, which not only pervades the minority party, but finds expression in the strongest newspapers and by the best men in both parties, is such as has seldom been shown toward a man occupying the dignified office of a member of the President's Cabin eL-PMlZUme, Jnd. Hep. : A Fatal mi take or Two Bantera Near : AVaaee. Special Dispatch to the News and Courier. Georgetown; April 16. Mr. Alex. Gordon and a negro man left home last Tuesday, near Lanes De- pot, going turkey hunting',- each taking a different direction. Near a swamp they secreted themselves and began yelping, and each mistook the and for seUin the rsilroads of the State at low. prices for, bonds- they had previously branded as irauavuenij cuaxa ujo ciny cratic parti with pretending to favor low taxes -and -fewer, , oflJce-holders, and t yet making taxes higher and offices nore nume rousi with hoarding in the- State Treasury hunch eda of thousands of. dollars of the people's money; and; with creating a rail road commission so. much. in violation, of justice, law and the constitution, that the courts have enjoined; them.from exercising their functions; denounces tne lease 01 pec itentiary, labor, so as to bring it into com petitioatwith free skilled, labor; and con demns the .Pemociatic tariff policy as cal culated bring .American labor into dam aging reanflicfr with the pauper- labor . of Europe and of all the world. . '';y " ; The: following are the delegates to the Chicago Convention: : - State at large-K C. Houk, KTnoxville; J. C. Napier, Nashville j T. F. Cassels, Memphis; W. P. Brownlow, Jonesboro. Congressional districts A. EL Pettibone, John W. Brown, W. CL Chandler, W. H. Chumlai H. P. Griscom, F. V. Brown, B. W. Burford, John Pratt, W. T. Ellcott, Wm Ekio, H. L. W. Cheatham, B. J. Hadley. A. M. Hughes, Jr., Richard Har ris, S. W. Hawkins, J. C. Watson, Carter Harris atidJ. H. Smith. The delegates are without instructions, but, according to the most authentic infor mation obtainable, the delegates, as regard their Presidential preferences, stand sev enteen for Arthur, three for Blaine, one for Logan, one for Edmunds, and two doubt ful. FOREIGN. SvT L MI N?G T 0N??M A EK E T,j STAR OFFICE. April. 18,4 P.. M. . L SPIRITS TURPENTINE Tbe market asquoted-nDrra 'at 28 cents per gallon; I with sales of 200 casks at that price. " '-' -, ROSIN-4-Tbe market .was . qnotpd dull at $1 10 for Strained and $1 15 for,, Good" Strained f No sales to report. . ' TAR The market was flrn ate $1 10 per bbl. of 280 lbs, with ; sales ! at quota tions. ;, -!:V.i V . - ': ;t. ;:J ' - -''" ' CRUDE TURPENTJNIJ:-The market was steady, with sales reported at $1 00 for Hard and $1 75 for Yellow Dip. : . COTTON The market -was quoted quiet and steady on a basis ; of ill. cents per lb for Middling. Sales reported of 35 bales. The following were the official quo tations: - ' " ' f '. 1 " Ordinary. . . . , Qi ; cents n. Gopd Orcunary. ..... lOf LowMidcUing...,....ll Middling............. llf Good Middling, 11 PEANUTS- Sales reported on $ 1 45 for Prime, $1 601 65 for Extra Prime, and $1 751 80 for Fancy. Mar ket steady, f &ticura DISE jot cv f GTrru PIMPLES not: TO CLEANSE THE SKIN. ScahTT (area, me umcuiu SMnira . ""i -"ciniallihit is, Inherited and Coritarion. w 0Tti- teS ns, UJoeAbBcesses and Infanti?' ft 1, the CxmcuBA Bsidi ?klH hi. " fler, Dlaretlo and Aperient:expe?8e diS00 from the blood and persniratinn Uea" wS. moves the cause. Cuticuba thPa.nQ instantly allays Itching andInflaS,?kln C. the Skin and Scalp, hlals ufcmailo. efi IBiores ine complexion. Ci -rici-ru i. DOr( qulslte Skin Beautifler and Toilet JtT Z .aispensaWe in treating skin ououu ur greasy BKln, b ackhBo1 ohes and baby hnmors. Cuticur It, bfi ffiera?ylnfallible bld PUrifie" ' and Sb2 C'taaa. Honeliton. v. the patient's body and lhnbs. and Tt J L?? known methods of treatment hai-K.,5blck U t.i.n. i m li.i. - ueen .n.i, solely by theCirricuRA Bj.,, T r?.1!, c5 healthy siln. "uk cieu la basis of I and healthy skin. RECEIPTS. Cotton Spirits Turpentine. Rosin i-. Tar ...... Crnne Turpentine. . 21 bales 177 casks 780 bhls 107 bbls 80 bbls Mr. and Blra. Everett Siebhin7r7r ertown, Mass., write : Our little . ' Bel affliotea with Scrofula, Salt Xunf an? las ever since be was born, and nothini J"7"1! give him helped him i until We tried Ccnf S mkdibs, whiah (rradually cured him n- -now as fair as any child. mm. until uh VrV9nler' Henderson, N v i of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty ve'.v.c,nr4 inr, by Cijticuba IiEiiEniKs. The most fnl enre on record, a dustDanfni .0I1(1. Justice of the peace and Hemis,..,. " eI" from him daDy. Fbysiclans and hk m thought he must die. Cure sworn to beSS" "son', mogtp; mincnt citizens. uoruEsric ihakkexs. Frencxt SneceaalnTonqaln Tbe Black Flajra Completely nonted. (Br Cable to the Mornlxis Star.l Paris, April 18. A telegram has been received from Gen. Millot, commander of the French forces in Tonquin. dated Hanoi, April 10th, which reads si follows: "The enemy has again been encountered not far from Hung Hoa, and completely routed. After the engagement we destroyed, the citidels of Phu Lorn Trom, where the leaders of the Black Flags had taken re fuge. Our forces are now following the right bank of the river Dai, with the ob ject of threatening the enemy in the south and obtaining redress for the massacree of 2 i mi ti i 1 :u miBBiouanes.- iuu diuci. riaga uavu wiui- drawn to Northern Tonquin. The rem nants of the garrisons of Bac-Ninh and Hung-Hoa, Chinese and Annamites, to the number of five thousand, have retreated to Tranli Hoa. Gen. Delisle is going to Ninh-Binh te observe them. In the cap ture of Phu Lorn Trom the French lost five soldiers killed. Besides this eleven coolies were drowned." MARINE DISASTERS. Two Schooneri from Southern Ports Disabled. New Yoek, April 18. The steamer Orsino, which arrived from the Mediterra niau, reports April 17th, latitude 34, longi tude 72.13, spoke schooner A. A. Shaw, from Brunswick Ga., for New York, with loss of boats and deck load. Schooner W. B. Steadman, Charleston, lost her foretopsail in the gale off Sandy Hook yesterday. TEXAS. resignation as chairman of this com mittee, and then retired. Mr. Yv. B. Glenn offered the fol lowing resolution, which was unani mously adopted: JCetoived. lb at this committee duly and highly appreciate the able, honest and efficient services of the lion. Octavios Coke, chairman of the State Executive committee, and bis resignation as such chairman be more than twenty Democratic papers I accepted; that they luiiy recog . . ..: .w 1... I nise tbe fact that be has made efforts nv aiso. ,v . I for the party which have- been sue- ivcitv nionic eipiwfu ue,ui-vi i .-roI. and that hi nnonti um. preference for tbe whiskey and to- I ficeefor the party have been such as bacco tax. whilst favoring a change K entitle him to the gratitude of tbe in the manner of collecting. There are statistics that teem to justify the opinion that beer-drink- Ing is a sort of temperance agency. In Brooklyn the statistic in a police precinct and in a sub-precinct were as follows: rVjaXa- rrMSOtft. tta Tlxo Ta eo.. iSjat Br 'aalooaa. 3 . . S 1 t Ima la MM or atoiiea- . are 1JCJ An analysis of this shows that whiskey drinking is a great many times wom tbin bter dririking. We leave the figuring to those who are eocideriog temperance agencies. Dcmocratio oartv of theState. Messrs. Ulenn and 15arxiewereip- potnted to wait on Capt Coke and inform himcf tbe action of tbe com mitteev Capt. Coke, returning, urged the committee to accept his retiigna tion giving tbe reason that in flaenced him, and stating that be was ready ana willing to aid in any and all legitimate wara the objects of tbe committee. The committee then accepted tbe resignation: Mr. It. if. Battle was unanimously elected to fill tbe vacancy and as sumed tbe dntiee of. the cbair. . On motion, .Wednesday tbe 25th day of Jane, was fixed for tbe meet ing of tbe Stale . Convention, and bushes. Rushing there he discover ed that he bad shot the negro through the head, killing him in stantly. The jury of inquest exon erated Mr. Gordon from all blame, as it was clearly an accident. aaaaaa-a-MBaa OOU STATE CONTE31POR1BIES. What, then, is the duty of the party in Congress and of its Representatives who are soon to meet at-Chicago? Let them declare that their ultimate purpose is to make good their own party's record as the advocate of the liberty of all the people sad of the material welfare of nine-tents of them. By preventing Fedefal encroach- meats, through the excise npon that home rule which the sovereignty of the States was intended to preserve. By discarding absodtely the principle of protection, and declaring, for a tariff which ultimately shall be laid solely for revenue. Let these, the traditional principles of the Democra- a', be affirmed with all the power of unam guous w ords. Fayctteville Obterver. - We believe that Democratic principles are the wisest and purest the country has ever known;-and that they comprise the only real Republican lams in the Republic J But Democratic' politcs and practices often nead purification because ia many cases they have widely elapsed from Democratic principle. Ralrigh Farmer and Mechanic. When a Republican Secretary of I by Mr. Galloway, of 1 Wayne, were War la 1S9 had sent Into South I unanimously adopted "A Single Fact la Wortli-a Snip-load rirfsaHSU .He.- W: B. Lathrop, of South Easton, Maaa under date of Jan, 7, 1884, says: &fw I aVtfSet" rSari rrm wAaaa a aartniV aaftAA Raleigh designated. as the place of I on his under lin. whldr had faeen pradaallv holding the same.1 " , ' '" . ' s . I throwing worse tmUl h had eatemaway his The following resolnuons; offered I -fpuowawtnegTima, ana waa ieea Carolina the qaota of nftl that tbe Sute was entitled, 'to for 5tbe nex thirty years, a great outrage waa per petrated because it waa intended to ana the negroes to distribute this large aapply- throngbont tbe State. Senator Hampton, stated "in the Se nate that none bat negroes received these arms, and that it waa imposed bit to find thexa now., Tbi waa one of tbe ten thousand wrong that have K,IX3oltca Tbat Mndivlddallr'-ind aa a committee wo bsartily. approve the plank iu .the -platform of the Democratic party advocating, the abolition of the internal revenue sys tem of the general government as oneroas and oppressive to the people of the State. - f "f r - u JidioIvtiL .That the policyy oCihe partTia hUSuto".onJtthU rjojeatioa has Seen repeatedly declared both in lie puuorm ana in namexoaa tn.emo-rials- from Detnocratiof legialatnre addressed to the Congress of the ing itself on. the inside of his cheek, and the sureeons satd a horrible death was soon to coma. We gars him nine bottles of Swift's Speciflo and he has been entirely cured. It has created great excitement in this section." 'Treatise on Blood' and Skin Diseases mailed free. . ... Thh Swept Bpecific Co., . o Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga. P UEC33.EI ;H OIT S Er r d nonnaa pit. UA3A.QoaastTiiJC -,y- 'Wimtxigtox,- nrcH-v J3. 1m Ierry,, Proprietor; Tlrat CUat to allits appointments.. .Terms X3.00 o aa.00 perdoy-- . feb ttt Spread of tn Small-Fox In SEaranall. I By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Gaiveston, April 18. A special to the Jieios, from Marshall, Texas, says: "The small pox is spreading. Seven additional cases were discovered yesterday in the family where it first appeared." FIN AN CIA Ij. New York Stock market Firm and Hlgner. ( By Telegraph to the Morning star. New York, April 18, 11.15 A. M. Stocks are firm and if per cent, better than at yesterday's close. Sweet Con asd BInlleln. Most of our readers have thought very little of the fact that in the exudation they see clinging to the sweet gum tree in the hot summer months there is a principle that is considered the' most powerful stim ulating expectorant known. They have no doubt thought less of the fact that in the mullein plant seen in the old fields is a mucilaginous substance that acts as a sooth ing demulcent on the inflamed surfaces of the lungs, and which has attracted the at tention of the medical world in consequence oi its wonderiul effects on consumption. When these things are considered it is not surprising that "Taylor's Cherokee Rem edy of Sweet Gum and Mullein," the great panacea for Coughs, Croup, -Whooping Cougx and all Bronchial Affections, is proving such a boon to those suffering. For sale by all leading druggists. 25c and $1.00. Mrnu'actured by Walter A; Taylor, At lann Ga, proprietor Taylor's Premium Cologne." f Groceries. Groceries. 1500 FLOUB Knules. OKA Bbls Granulated SUGAR, aSxtraCandC, 9QQ Bags Bio and Xajroyra COFFEE, 40 Tieroes LABD, , JQQ Cases and Buckets LARD, QTBoxes C1LKBSE,' Boies and Bbls CRACKERS, 200 -bl" BSD. ?OTA?OXS. ; gQBblsTDBNIPS, 20 BblB AITLB' ' 5 Q Tnda MOf.A SffBfl, :'.i25?biB ' d?: '' ;:.200NAP- , ,. 250??.EOOPI?olI ' 50 9bteand Half pblsMACJKKKEL, Tobaooo. Cljrars and Snnff, By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Financial. f Nkw Yoiik, April 18. NoorU Money easy at 13 per cent. Sterling, exchange 487i487T and 4894489i. State bonds du)l. Governments lower. . j Commercial. ' ; Cotton quiet, with sales to-day of 235 bales; middling uplands llc;, Orleans 12c. Futures steady, with sales to-day at the following quotations: April 11.82c; Msy 11.86c; June 11.96c; July 12.07c; August 12.17c: September 11.79c. Flour quet. Wheat fle higher. Corn ifc bet ter, forfcdull at $10 6ii6 75. LAra nrm at $8 50. Spirits turpentine weak at 31J 82c. Rosin dull at ft 451 47. Freights quiet. FOREIGN JT1AKKBTS. (By Cable to the Morning Star.l Liverpool, April 17, Noon Cotton firm, with a good demand;, uplands 6id ; Orieans 6fd: sales "to-day of 15,000 bales, of vhich 4,000 bales were for speculation : and export; receipts 400 bales, all of which were American. Uplands, 1 m c, April and May delivery. 6 15-646;16-646 15-6td; May and -June delivery 6 16-64 6 lT-64d; June and July delivery 6 21-641 ; July and August delivery 6 25-64d ; August and September delivery 6 29-64d ; September and October delivery 6 26-64 6 25-$4d; October and November delivery 6 15-64d; November and December de livery 6 9-64d; September delivery 6 32-64dr Futures opened active, Ibut since have become dull. Tenders at to-day's clearing 1,000 bales new docket ; 1,200 bales old docket. Sales for the week were 53,000 bales, of which 31,000 bales were American; specu lation 35,000 bales; export 11,000 bales; ac tual export 4,900 bales; total import 60,000 bales, of which 42,000 were American; stock 1,054,000 bales; American 790,000 bales; afloat 235,000 bales, of which 110. 000 bales are American. 2 P. M. Uplands, 1 m c, April deliv ery 6 15-64d, sellers' option; April and May delivery 6 15-64d, sellers' option; May and June delivery 6 16-64d, buyers' op tion; June and July delivery 6 21-64d, sellers' option; July and August delivery 6 25-64d, sellers' option; August and Sep tember delivery 6 28-64d, buyers' option; September and October delivery 16 25-64d, sellers option; September delivery 6 31-04d, value. Sales of cotton to-day include 1Q.100 bales American. Breadstuff s firm, with an active denmand. California wheat No. 1, 7s 7d8s 4d; No. 2, 7s 4d7s 6d; red western winter 7s 8d8s 2d. Corn old mixed steady at 5s 2d; new mixed 5s Id. Common rosin steady at 4s. 4 P. M. Uplands, 1 m c, April delivery 6 15-64d, sellers' option; April and May delivery 6 15-64d, sellers' option; May and June delivery 6 16-64d, "buyers' option; June and July delivery 6 20-64d, buyers' option; July and August delivery 6 24-64d, buyers' option; August and September de livery 6 28-64d, buyers' option; September and October delivery 6 25-64d, buyers' op tion; September delivery 6 31-64d. Fu tures closed steady. New York Naval Stores Market. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, April 17. Spirits Turpentine The market is easy and dull; merchantable order is quoted at 82JCi Rosins The movement is very light, and prices are rather more in favor of buy ers. The quotations are as follows : Strained at $1 45; good strained at f 1 47; No. 2 E at $1 501 521; No. 2 Fat fl 55 1 60; No. 1 G at fl 701 ; No. 1 H at fl 901 95; good No. 1 1 at-$2 05 2 10; low paleK at f 2 402 50; pale M at 802 85; extra pale JN at f3 4U; win dow glass W at f 4 004 12i. ; Tar is quoted at f2 75 for Wilmington; pitch is quoted at fl 85. Cnarleaton Bice Market. Charleston News and Courier, April 17. ' A moderate business was done with sales of about 160 bbls clean Carolina. The quotations are as follows: 4$c for com mon, 5h5ic for fair, 5f5ic for good, and 66c per lb for prime. Carolina rough rice is quoted at f 1 10 1 20 per bushel for interior, and f 1 201 50 per bushel for seacoast; as in quality. - Mrs. S. E. Whipple, Decatur tmiTI writes that her face, bead, aW some p' body were almOBtraw. Uead covered wlS ilE and sores. Suffered fearfully and tried thlnif. Permanently cured by tha Curr r.T' xehixs of a Skin Humor. 1 CEi - Sold by all druggists. Price Rksoitent, S1.00: Soap. 25 cents. Pm, ;!1" and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Send for "How to Core Skin Diif.w. mhSD&Wtf wed sat toe "or ff1 TCAFITAIi PUIZt, $75,000. Tickets only S5. Shares in proportion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. We do hereby certify that we svperviu 0u or rangements for all the Monthly and Smi-Amuai Drawingi of The Louisiana Slate Lottery Vonimmv and in person manage and control iht dramm themselves, and that the same are conducted im honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward ail par ties, nd we authorize the Company to vstthuetr cificate, ivith facsimiles of our signatures aUachti tn its advertisements." s9 Commlsalonert. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable parpoeet with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve rnna or $42U,uuu Has sinoe Deen aaaea. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on andendorttdbf the people of any State. IT NEVER. SCALES OR POSTPONES. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DEA WINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE, FIFTH GRAND DRAW J-LHU, UilAOO Mil XI THJi AUAUAHI VJT AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, JUsy 13, 1884 168th Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, 8 75.000,- 100.000 Tickets at Five Dollars Etck, Fractions In Flflns In Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize ,000 icon 12,000 W.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 30.000 36.000 ,000 1 Capital Prize. 1 uapitallTize.. 2 Prizes of $6000 6 Prizes of S000 10 Prizes of 1000 SO Prizes of 600 100 Prizes of 200 800 Prizes of 100. . 600 Prizes of 60... 1000 Prize of 25 APPROXIMATION PRrZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 9 Approximation Prizes of 600 9 Approximation Prizes of 50 1,967 Prises, amounting to Applications for rates to clubs should onli be made to the office of the Company inlnewor For further Information, write clearly, riTtaf ran aaaress. Mate e. o. Money uraers and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, I POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters g Mail or Express (all sums of $5 and upward! W Express at our expense) to M. A. DACPHW. New Orleaas, I or OT. A. DAUPHIN, I 607 Seventh KU, WasnlnirtoB, B.C. ftT 0 DAW2aw4w - WtW Dismal Swamp Lottery Co., Of NORFOLK, Ta. The franchise of this enterprise Is based P the chartered right granted to the DW Swamp Canal Company, and its letraJlty been repeatedly tested before the Courts oi State. . ,j The purpose in- View is the 'Improvements extension1 of the CanaL thus securing P publio benefits. . y. Its fair oondaci has already secured pu confidence, and the next Drawing will bemw on the 15th MAY, 181. before the publio, In NORFOLK, VA. CLASS G, S CHEME : CAPITAL. PRIZE, 5,000. Tne Unman Hair. How to Preserve and Beatjtify- It. -Many persons abuse this; delicate and beautiful ornament by burning it with al coholic wasJiea and plastering it with grease, which has, no affinity for the skin and is not absorbed. .Btjnett's ; Cocoaine, a compound of Cocoanut Oil, etc., is unri valled as a dressing for the hairrr-is really absorbed, and is. peculiarly adapted to its Various conditions; prevehtihg its falling off and promoting its healthy growth. Housekeepers should Insist upon 'obtain ing Btonett's Flavoring Extracts, (hey are the 'best. 1 - ; : J t l l l i l 1 6 15 100 200 1 Prize of. . do .. do do .. do do . do do do do dor do- .. .$5,000 is.... . 1,500 Is... . 1,000 1.... . 500 is.... . 200 is-... . 200 is.... . 200 is.... . 200 Is.... , 100 are-- 50 are.. 10 are.- 5 are.. -"fl - 0 ... p "' a - t - & 140 if V mmm mhStf Candles, Soap, Candy. Ac, For sale low by & vollees. . PBbfiabed at SQZBORO. H. C . J; , :f .ITAIlXn A; GIBBONS, .- ilrltori and Propriators.: - , ' Tha NEWS baa. th jnt Alniln.f1nn nt .n paper published or circulated Is the fine tobacco wuuaoi rtortatjaroiina.------- - - -. - AdTertlsina; rates .vary abeW Snbserlptlon ttoa per year.' r -,. I IV DR. f DYES! "appboxtjiatios RIIZM : 9 Xt '.; 50 9 of 30 9 of 20 5c Prizes; Distributing $3 TICKETS ONLY fl. Plan : of Lottery similar to that of Company, J. P, itORBACIT, - mnaSi r- Address all applications for Information, ets or Agencies, to Uotn otreet, . . , , J. P. HORBACH, 207 M ata .Wgfc " The undersigned supervised thelWf B of tha Dismal Swamp Lottery fWP fsir certify that it was conducted with Bin ness to all interested. nnnTTRS. GEO. T. nOOEKa. win' xit wrflmA-tATiPi Ti Trrrr rm - - . I JJ ArriuscM seat on SO Days Trial TO MEN ONLT, YOUNG OR OTJ,. who are aaiTeiw inoinNaBvons Dkbdjtt. Lost ViXAurr. '. wastdiq wkakrxssxs. a&d aU tnoae diseasea of a - PKH805AI, Hatubb, resalttBg from Abuses and a OrHsa Caxtbks. Speedy relief and, complete restoration to ; Hiuih,; Vioob and Hamhoop - . OoARAirrxBDi v Bend at . once t or Diastrated - - Pamphlet frejs. Tddreas - TTO ' ALTAIC) BRLT CO MaratialLj Wk-lt.X' Prizes Paid tn Prevlona Dra $5000 to M. A, Man, Salem, Va. 500 to O. F. Baxter, Soutn ui."- jjjol 1800 to narties In sums of from 55w . . apl9 tf tu th sat nov22D&Wly tuta sat nov) A-PEIZE. JrtSSSSSsS SSof loods which will help aU if t.h workriii- lnttelysum. At onoa" address daWIT'