v TJT1 tf t as t rf .t. ia ...' y .n.i r. am 9 I 1 ju f j i 1 nx' a " f .Murr U ra U n far flfcmtn ft M Mtf, $i iM J anft m mum tu tnmm tmmtjm. fn lUrv ti jo j Jrx. $J r . $4 i t W Una twll VI M t n vwutO rt t anuauM ai 1 mi aaua'v sa l th 43 a mvw awiiwii 9a, af FV". fSattna. ia ns'ws VKinA rwfJwai Haas 4 a wtii arM rvu 4iiite e tt In tan.wa, m aa t" Cmm Ne 4.t,anatM Hi fmt mmm a t29 wii mm i ju a Suasrttoat T muu ir, iht Amro a tfjkUy rate Tw a irw t&eni mi U-.f tab. A atr oterr CI mmJm fee oaSepfta Ajwimiwrm to U wini wnmt. m to f.t- t uk aptuui mg Out r1mm. mi mjuuf .1 . rrvrJMunaa tm fjwinnnroi J Wm IA Ha mi-jtoi4 6M Morl. UfM A.t-mr,lmmntm tn t Vto mt Tlmr9 Aim 4iia m Moan (br a I A- nuiMMMiii ftikit f mm win! fbvnm mi j.mnnnkHUni wr (brr to IUfil 44 fruiMiaacC to 4nan wt nvnmm wftn'Hiy uy K' fy V rto toriy. aurtu to cuatrwC Cnftrt ti"iqi 1 VQI W iAmwI to mmh tanr pn mm mdrmr::Hm maf fyt to sn fwrobkr aawlumia wtsaji4 ctsr 4ftrr 41 CbaaMaUaatttxuk rain vxrf amfaini fen 3n4 4r m Uwwi irWy pprtT mc fi QUMTtoC. 4T 4u4 W Wto4 ! 4oU. If 4M Dt mmrj tOM wv. taf Q tawte&i ra'wM tt IM nml uom( u to wO,toiii, A.tnfcii ftmtM Isto ynng to Wm mm raum taT 4wH W to fctfltW t Uto Vmilr- WV 4 tT-tSJtio Mtnntt fhm Men to hm wl to 4oa toto u un kit awtiMmni to to. um prc1-" w'J ettJT b roaoooaOto (u ta etoiaiBtt IM gcw to aae SamtttAMMMi un4 4 taM bf C&ank. TrtJV a.TMr7 Orlr. Si to Rnc4 The Moraine Star. - BTwit.x.ian u. tratxasti. WLLJfTXGTOX. X. a TcxaoaT Kt.tc4, Aran. 23, 194. EVENING EDITION. a raoreirrtoi rat on raenrse Ttov DKnoxaaTs. Th4 Protctioo Democrats ia Coo- rnwt ar not happy. They havs caad tho verv Ute dlcoverT that tho popU rvally mean Reform, and that nothing bat a start in that direc tion will giv satUfactioa. The rrtl movement ia New England Is mamUtakahU. The N'orthwent Lut year gsve sis that all men with ordinary iotelliywQcw tok 4n except th Irotvtico IXemocraU. War Tan2 ?am allowed hU teal for a vrr bad caa. to irvt the txtter of hi ja.lanC la hU saxtety to plaS h:. IVatiNJtioe Iltpabticaa fnnd h went as far a t. I. Kel- Uy, th pcial etpeneat of lennsyl vanlaa Irotctioa, He tu o in tfttential that h carried too forty or fifty Ximo-nU with him. The rvnutt w that th people arv raoviog otaa.lt! y and tnovitahty ia th dt- rtioo of Reform that the Randall i; Sad thra.Ura completely stranded and their only aaoctatr are Republican whoca they profeiw to antanise. Tu iijw how aapUaaat moat b their position it U only necessary to men tioo the propoaittoo they made th other day to 8pakrr Carlisle and Chairman Morrwoa. A commute 'of three wer nt to thowe? gentle man to make a proposition they were aathoriieil to make. It vi "cheeky, ba? it ohowed their dwtrrs. It waj ia writing and it was nothing less than an bandaraeot of the Morri son bUL Thy raajt vote against thio lior 16 pr crat. redaction at the Mm tim they favored redac tion. They proponed that a new bill ehoald bo introduced, in whih the abolition of the' tax on ftjAturro, beer, frvitv spirits, (eaxept whiskey) cigars ehoatd bo a prime feat a re. Very canning theeo Decaa-ratic Protec tionists'. TJWy at Uat will under stand what getting rii of tent of mil!kc of the tax oo laxaries would mean. Others may be blind and can see no ahuardity or ineoasijUnoy or dan jer or folly la wiping out the most of the internal tax, bnt not so these adroit and far -seeing followers of War Tariff Sam. WeU. what did Speaker Carlisle and Chairman Morrison say to this extraordinary proposition? They asked for their hill The astonish teg reply wa that they had prepared non. They wtr told that it -was Impossible for their proposition to be entertained- Bat 1st s qaote from th Wsehisgtoa tetter la the) Boston , of the date of April 2tb, 4 It sajt: ; " " . - ts2C(i?'iiir rrfaoa to&l taeea r,, -rtio-i fta.xraii were tx 1. Car'.i-ia, i.sTlZL?4 ICtd hm rnl-w.) t.HVV OftOO! BOS ""f in.tm of UUU vte t ry; 434 tiui tijr kU earrWl oul UU d- tm truMB 41 ccn OI caJ..iu wmji 431 ocas cocasiUc wtla la prcpoi- tcr; cr. f4'na4 Cut Hy 4ioaM b4o B4i IlUtM OU3CQJ. WBre. . vuey toauorpt to cxtl rttxj tacm B4J tT t nrtaM riforBert.' Mr. Cr!U.' 401 Mr. Hrrijoa to(i Mum cocbcb!u Ihttit Sr moctX4 oU. 4ad Ui4l to 4CCpi ucb 4Q ;irvoa!iJ Ui iiar'T to dcUrt la tb eoutttry tl4i til tirt to riac UrlT Uxv AlUt morlog beaTto ao4 earth to dtftat wfona; ftr caawog a de lay of oootbt hi the coBsider&lioo of tit Momtoo bill thn ProloctJon Dtaocrl4 cotnt forvanl with a proposition to aboIUh 4JI of the in tmU tax hat that on whukej alone nd to rvport a new hit! for Tariff Reaction. If GirlUIe and hU frieoJe vre ttaptd tooagh to LUto to ach a propociUOQ what woaui rcsai.ri Why. these IUadaHites would bring In a b31 croooiint- redaction of at loaat IS or 14 per renU-they might even go to 23 or even 50 per cent, bat how ? They would pot the re daction on tho articles in which Pennsylvania and New York and New EnzUnd are not interested so much or could not be injured by it. For instance, they would aboIUA the sugar tax, thua catting down the sur plus by more than 43 millions. They would hft the tax oo coarse cotton goods as the New Eoglanders say that they do not cow require proteo tioo on those grades. The South manufactures them and hence the movement. Mr. Chase, of it Lo gland, in his speech in the House, mention O-i Uh. b,ioS n. . k- f v. rrMi; The Protection Democrats will achieve no sach victory as that sought. They will have to stand by their record as indorsing in 1894 the War Tariff of 1842. The Senate Committee on Educa tion and Labor havo reported a bill that forbid making contracts with laborers in foreign countries and im posing severe penalties for the viola tion of the laws. It is intended to prohibit the importation of "pauper foreign labor." The idea is to ex tend tho big Chines Wall around the coon try. There Ua necessity for sach a law as long aa the High Tariff exists. I'nder it tho employers the mann fscturvrs reap the benefit, for when they are annoyed with strike they ro abroad and obtain laborers. The bill reported in the Sraalo is intend ed to pat a stop to tho employment sod importation of alien labor. Bat the people mean to have the Wsr Tariff eteadily raaeed. It will come. All me politicians in tno coantry cannot prevent iL They may dvlay. bat the redaction will com and woo bo unto thoso unfaith fal pablio servants who attempt to betray the interests of their masters. TftK TALK AXD THI TBKXD. The llk in Wa.hinton on tbe Cincinnati riot was a boat whatmiebt have bn eipected in a city where Strong Government ideas prevail in every department and taints almost all legislation. A letter in tbe Lou isville CovritrJoumtd from the poet Joaquin Miller contains certain pas sages that may be read with profit. lie says the talk was for a "stronger Government." Tbe growth of this idea is alarming to all sincere patriots who love a genuine democratic, re publican Government in which the State are sovereigns, the people are frw, and the officials arc the servants of the people. Miller says this trea sonable utterance is not new. He says: "Tfce expression and tbe desire was born wilb aad U noarisbed by the Vanderbitts. Goulds and eaooocrata. who are slowly but rcrviy rvtuax tneir grip on the tbmat or ta llepubtte Tbey want their wealth protected, and are not willie? to trust it to lie reojue for protection. Here lies peril. A stxoojtr Govtrssent means a Govern ment not of tbe people, by tbe people and for the people. It means another kind of Government; U meaas treason to this Gov ernment. Til talk in favor of a strong uovvrament u aitogctner loo ireqoent here at tbe nation capital.' The trend of the ag Is towards a Centralized Power. The acta of Congressmen are altogether in this direction. In the meantime the peo ple who are being betrayed are si lent. Tbe price of libcrtT is eternal ml vigilance. :- I Reprvmnuuve Lyman, of Mass., sent out circulars to his District to I aaceriAln amm .Ma, if v:i :"r7.S.r . . 6 :t: ywm (Term voa aOOUUOu Ol tbe I Uqvor tax. " The repUe were over I wbilabgly opatAst this, -Thsre wore I btat cne-suth who favored the vlplnr ool of the wbUkty and tobacco tax- rpv . .. ' . - I The rep!, were mostly-from mann- mj ... " " amuw a connaeraoie 1 eaaW who f Atort4 abollahtos the tax oo sa jar (a 8oathns producU I tlag-aH raw materials 00 the free list." . The-Philadelphia -American, ItepahUcaa Protection, tbtie mnis'ap And 'too will see from iU langasge thai it confirms the often repeated; rage if would be a matter of .aston statement of 'this pspcr that Proteo-- ishnjpnt if a. man who. has HvecLaa tioniU who faror the abolition of the 140 millions of internal tax k n o w that it will bcnr&t their cause. A mcrican "say s : ' " v-!' ' ' The 4 V A)tetUir, the replies' "to f Mr.Xjma were 4troar!v ia 00a dIrtcUon.--2. la oo dlrtcuon.--ft. 4. sxl s. It nut t reaxmbeml, firm. wau- faeSmrr. wlto are otually more aailous l&40 t& aversfs or tn people u prtmtrt tXsUrifmgHtmJ The English papers seem to think thattho United Slates are compelled to so guard their borders that neither filibustering expeditions nor Fenian incursion nor dynamite devils shall escape. The Spanish papers complain and the English pa pers have had much to say. Bnttho ..... - ... w lb1 bM 1Q,1,ty of fa4reM ,orH"mo9W cogiuvu. JI "agb the years. It says: I "T4 sittstAAA IK A m4-4ma nAMffuman! would nodertaks the task of suppressing el W Vi kkVW MV Sa lUVt IWi H W V-4 to m Irita sriutors would be simply ssklog it to do what tbe Eatlish Government steadily rt fated to do (4xxlot. who defended political aasaaaination as heartily as any Irishman, and did bit beat lo practice it, was sheltered In England for many years, thouch It was known that he was continu ally eoxxd in ooojplracT. Ilerten pub lished hi iofiammatory Koiohol in London, and no request for Its suppression was eren listened to. Before the American Govern ment csn act. It must be shewn that the IrUh agitators have committed an actual oSence going beyood the ceneral incentives to crime. Evidence to that effect has never yet been forthcoming." We suppose that our Government would not allow expeditions of a hostile character to be fitted out against any nation with which it was 1 i. oou.d hdl, rp-.nt I either the manufacture of dynamite explosives or tne transportation 01 u to Europe to be used for wicked pur- poses. Said the Tilden Platform in 1880, and we reproduce only a fow sen tences from tbe chief plank: 'We denounce the preaent UrifiT levied onoo nearly tow articles as a monster piece of injustice, inequality and false pre- tenses. It yields a dwindling, not a yearly induftrS oo sobiidiae a fewVit problbiu J t 1 . ... f I - V J - Imports that might purchase tho products of American labor; it has degtaded Ameri can commerce from the first to an inferior rank oo the high seas: it has cut down the sales of American manufacturers st home sod abroad." Such was tho bill of indictment drawn up ander the advice and con sent of Samuel J. Tilden. It was bis new Declaration of Independence. Tbe House passed the bill to es tablish a bureau for the collection of statistics on wages and labor. This maT bo of much use. It is believed that this is tho beginning of a move ment that will culminate in a fuller recognition of all American indus tries, and that before long there will bo two other Cabinet officers one in charge of agriculture, mines and for ests; the other in charge of manufac tures and commerce. Tbe House) paaeed a bill permitting the onrcbase of foreien built vessels I and admitUng them to tbe American - , . , regmry. Why the amendment waa voted down favoring tbe admission of materials freo would be a putale all round. If the materials are put . ... . , i into a vessel they may come in free, out ti mey come to oe worked up into vessels they must not bo free. I Curious that! Gold is going ont to Europe from our shores at the rate of about 3 millions weekly. Since tbe 21st of February nearly 30 millions have been shipped. At that rate nearly 200 millions will go out during the year, is that aneaitbful condition ? Tbe Republicans have been in power I for twenty-three years. TUm. W. v-l, Tt ... . . . crops oi wneat, iduudh nouung re The New York Time insists that .torVthe f ruitf olneas of exhausted tobaoco np to date of 497 delegates chosen , . , i r t.i- r . . I to the Republican Convention but I ISO are for Arthur, lint the Times is very bostilo to Chet as is the Evening Poet, the other most decent Republican paper in New York City. There is one Northern man who docs not like the Florida hotels aa a class. He has been to Raleigh and nnljip Dr. RIaoVnalPa nanr Kntimr I - w mwV 4J 1 . I w v.ov. 1 CURRENT COMMENT. t aaavsaaasaaja " ' ir !, t. t u I TT.v . U WWfS the Orld that Upsets all S man's notions. I Lis to exnerienca Iha iWV nf mm I earthquake. People don's beliere in many. things ia these days, bnt they hrt T firm conTictioa that the earth Is fixed and solid in its rela- tiona in manVin VVJi.n , tr,i. m shaken by the shakinirof the earth. demoraluee and generally scatters th oaa whrt fl tint innrr ' ark trial I eanr rcadnr' understand, that John yiMWKWBIiy asWUDQ- I ed at an earthquake Inhisht lit- wo uu. j.ivrjei juanamarK. -It Is reported that Mr, Blaine Propoff. to bring an action against rn . a ICTJ c" I r e vmu vi uMftM as the tattooed man in - a political museum, ihis teems hardly credible, X . I 1 -i '"J " c;- tl- .uu;. - QQes J0."" long as ho has in the fierce light of I LI! ? A 1 1 1 . mm I f " t "r in)?J toon.vi.irxha.pictuxBjJ! libellous f is. untrue, and cannot therefore' injure Mr. Blaine in - the estimation of . bis fi'Ilow-ooantrymeD.rIf the picture is tfuthfalit is sotklibellons, and the T) js oat 0f place, New YorkTimes LET THE JPEOTttE RETAIN TUB SURPLUS. NaahTille World. Millions of surplus in the Treasury represent. the toil and sweat of the workingmen, who are unnecessarily overtaxed. Millions' of surplus in the Treasury . .u. jm . f .. . i.u I are the product of the wealth-pro ducing energies of the country. Millions of surolus in the Treasury I are a constant temDtation to Uon- gress to engage in reckless legisla- noa auu w mane lavieo apprupna- tions. Millions of surplus in the Treasury are calculated to demoralize and cor rupt politicians and thus to imperil the future of the'Republic. Millions of surplus in the Treasury mean millions for tbe lobby at Wash- ington and "the perpetuation of its evil influence in the government. Reduce taxation 1 Abolith unne- ,v j , . , cessary and burdensome taxes! And let each and every citizen retain in his own pocket the contribution he i now forced to make to the hnndred millions of surplus. IMPORTANT DISCOVERT, The London Times saya that Prof. Maspero, tbe distinguished French I Egyptologist, has discovered at Ek '0? ,rreo) K. I ti, an ;mmanDa nen-rn. polis, which dates from tbe ftoime- I aic period. Five catacombs have so tar been opened, xneso yieiaea izu mommies. A large harvest of papyri, jewels and funeral treasures is ex pected. COTTON. N. Y. Commercial and Financial Chronicle. New York April 25. The move ment of the crop, as indicated by our " telegrams from the South to-night, is eiven below. For the week end ing this evening (April 25) the total receipts have reached 20,923jbales, against 30,274 bales last week, 30, 113 bales the previous week and 37,091 bales three weeks since; making the total receipts since Sep tember 1st, 1883, 4,693,266 bales, against 5,611,909 bales for the same period of 82-'83, showing a decrease since September 1, 1883 of 918,643 bales. The exports for the week ending this evening reach a total of 33,636 bales, of which 20,422 were to Great Britain, 3,577 to France and 9,637 to tho rest of the Continent, while the stocks as made up this evening are now 572,785 bales. During Wednesday and the open ing of Thursday, the tendency of prices was mainly upward on ac count of the very small movement of tbe crop and the reduced visible sup ply; but in view of the considerable accumulation of supplies at this mar ket and the apprehension of free de- Hveries on May contracts, the epecu- lation for tbe nse was conducted ?QitG telj. and last evening the later months were weaker. To-day thttrn WBB . R,;ht .,,... ftn Rtroni accounta from Liverpool, but a slow business caured a decline with a quiet closing. The changes as compared witn last rnaay are oran uuiuts ,owr for thi. CTJp and 46 oint8 for the next. Uotton On the spot has been very quiet throughout the week at unchanged prices; middling up lands quoted at lljc The total sales for forward delivery for the week are 494,300 bales. OCR STATE CONTEnPORARIES. We heard one of our most intelligent cit izens say a few days ago that if the bur glars that have been stealing so much in Wilson were caught a vigilance committee oris ht to take them in charge and adminis- ter justice. Wilton Advance. Agricultural chemists say that one tobac co crop exhausts tne lana as mucn as eleven - m a. a .i a. ai. s . vv lands. We hope the farmers in this section wiu never neginrauungiooacco. itartoue Home-Democrat. Bayard's name is a platform in' Itself big enougn. broad enougn and strong enough for all to stand on without hurt or harm. His public record challenges the profoundest admiration, for upon the es cutcheon of a splendid public service there is nof a single stain or blot or blur. Wil ton Mirror. In its zeal to have the internal revenue yitem wiped out, root and .branch,. the uoterzer would nave its readers believe that the natural conseouence' of the arita r. B " Hon by Democrats for a purely revenue ' - " mm-rw lIMyyi HIM . W... .1 ' . W v. form to the whole people,- will be a schism in the Democratic ranks. . It deplores this prospective Democratic defection 'which the low tariff folks threaten if they are not mn IT inn mnat ImnArtint mMinni nT ro. U1 low na loixa vnreaien 11 iney are not aUowed to dictate to the party its precise line of nolier. This wv fif treating the anbtect la aa amtiainv aa ft U rorrlinnr JZ CUylhkon. They will abolish the internal revenue on whiskey and tobacco, and thus necessi tate the keeping a high duty. on imports. Tbe blind clamor for . free whiskey will save the protectionist. The Republican party, the champions - of . protection, see this, hence the willingness of that party to advocate the repeal of tbe Internal revenna. ""5.,f.?Tpormlarroute, to that end. Both parties In North ' Carolina are frb!ngfnr this lOBidft trsgfe-' Ona TtftrtV hiTin ewti il5S?f .15 gfor this Inside track." One party object in taklos- this nigh cut. and the other is ru&hms? bundlv alon? trvini? to get In ahead; never considering where they are to take np.Gold&borm Bulletin, f . " Tbe reputation of Ay ers Sarsa'parilla as 4. maintained. "by ca. UTf t lasae anu aauy maung. THE LATE ST NEWS. FE01I AUkPABTS OF THE WOBLP? MARINE DISASTJSBS: a Ktmahf o Barned mi Portland, Me. ; Tliree men Fertett fn tbe Flaitoei-a ( ' Schooner Bno ' Sown" on ;tlie New-; fonndland Coast--TwelVe Mei Killed (By Telegraph to the Moraine Star,! PORTLAisro, Mk April ;28L"rThe steam ship jraimouth. 01 ine xoiernauonai v; shin Co.'s line, caught fire at the wharf at 1 olock this morning; and at 2 av wasl still burning, v She will prohaDiy oe loiaiiy destroyed- She was valued , at $1W,UW; Insured for $80,00a Three men are sup posed to have been- burned to death. -They were sleeping on-board,! and have not been seen since the fire. ; ? -; ,: 11 St. Johr's. N: P., April 2a The French banking schooner Pauquebot was run down I yesterday morning, forty miles southeast of Saint Pierre, by the Norwegianbargue ITioTrewwerl1 kUlSiand I Twelve of the crew were Kiuea aou : drowned. The captain and six of the crew were saved and landed. FOREIGN. Tbe United States and Portugal The Former Charged with Ignortne Sov ereign RIenta of the Latter Govern ment. - JBt Cable to the Mornlmt Star.l Londok, April 29. A dispatch from Madrid to the Times says, "The American recognition of the flag of the African In ternational Association, with the evident Intention of ignoring Portuguese ri&hts. I has caused great irritation in Portugal, Such a recognition looks like a piece of very snarp practice, novei in wiOTauomu relations, and hardly contemplated by m- temational law. If sovereien rights should be ignored, because slavery" has been car- ried on and high protective duties been en- forced. America would stand badly, as she was Portugal's best customer in the hal cyon days of African slave-trading, and her protective duties are four times higher' than those stipulated by England in the Anglo Portuguese treaty." TEXAS. i Heavy Rain Storm The Country sub merged for Mllee Railroads Dam aged, etc. By Telegraph to the Horning Star.) Galveston, April 29. A dispatch from Dallas to the News, says: One of the heaviest rain storms ever known in this section occurred Sunday night, submerging the country for miles around between Dal las and Hutchins. On the Houston & Texas Central Railroad, sis miles south of here, a washout occurred, into which the south bound train was precipitated. The engine was upset, and the engineer nearly drowned. No trains ran on this road yes terday. On the Texas & Pacific and Texas Trunk lines slight washouts also occurred. The creeks and streams below the city are so swollen that a great volume of water is emptying into Trinity river, which has chansed the course of current, and present ing the extraordinary spectacle of the river running up stream, carrying with it drift wood, etc. The damage to the crops is Blight. KENTUCKY. Bitter Wranglo In the Louisville Irl marlea between tne Arthur and Anti-Arthur SXen. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Louisville, April 29. At the Republi can primaries, held in the various wards of the city, last night, to elect delegates to the State Convention, the feeling was so bitter between the Arthur and anti-Arthur men, that with one exception the ward elections were very disorderly, and resulted in the selection of two sets of delegates. Hon. Walter Evans, Commissioner of In ternal Revenue, was elected delegate from his ward. TELLO W FEVER. A Naval Teasel at Newport with the Disease on Board. fBy Telegraph to the Horning Star. W A suing ton, April 29. Secretary Chan dler received last night a telegram from Commodore Lace, stating that the Ports- mouth bad arrived at Newport, with yel- low fever on board; that the disease is not serious,however, and that all of the patients are convalescing. FINANCIAL. New York Stock market Weak and Blower. t Br Telegraph to tbe Horning Star, t New York, April 29. 11 A. M. Stocks were weak and lower this morning, prices are down J to f per cent. Union Pacific fell off to 64, Western Union to 62, Kansas . & Texas to 13f, Central Pacific to 53f, and St Paul to 80. A FAIR DIVISION. Texas Siftings. "What's that you've got in your apron ?" asked a lady of her colored cook, who was in the act of going home. "Who me ?" "Yes you." "Whut's I got in dis heah ap'un?" "Yes, in that there apron." "Vid duls." "Let me see." She ODened her apron, which was nearly large enougn tor a wagon cover. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself, for you have taken nearly everything in the house, I thought you were a church member." i'Hol' on right whar yer is, lady. Dar wuz two pies in de safe, an' I tuk one. Dar wuz two loaves o' bread, an' I only tuck one. I tuck half o' de meat an' half o' de udder stuff. Ef I wa'nt a church member I'd tuck all. Thinks dat l's act fa'r ter leab yer half.' I's gwineter quit Vorkin. fur such cuis folks." . . Don't Spill the Milk. There is no use crying over spiled milk," says the old saw. If. you are not only bald, but have no me in me roots oi your nair, mere isno use - crying over that, either. Take both time and yourself by the forelock while there is a forelock left. Apply Parker's Hair Balsam to your hair before matters get worse. It will arrest the falling off of your hair and restore its original color, gloss and soilness, n is a perfect dressing withal, clean,, richly perfumed, cools and heals the scalp. f SIIE HAS VANISHED, Old Stand, Mo. 7 South Front Street, where he Is Moles, Ringworms, Tetter, Ac, move in a hurry. The proof of the pudding Ac. . mn 80 tf . New Scarborough House, Xm 104 NORTH WATEtt STREET -Wjr.- : -rV'AND- PRINCESS STREET ' T-- WILMINGTON. NC. . The FlneBt ReBtaurant in the City- ' " f Board $1.23 per Day. Three Tlokets $1.00, Sin- le Meals &5o. No steals sent out. . , dec 7 tf . . B. J. SCARBOROUGH, Prop'rf - commercial: j 1 ftflNGTON MARKET. STAR OFPJCE, April 29. 4P. SPIRITS. TURPENTINE -The market was -quoted dull , at 30 cents per gallon, with nothing doing. . ' x, , ' r ROSIN-Thd - inarket was-quoted firm at $t 05 for Strained and $1 10 for - Good gtrai ned,"with' small sales at quotations. Also salea bf 67 bbls fine' rosins fat T$S 50 - for (M) Pale, $3 Qa for (Nl Extra Pale, $3 50 for W) Window Glass. aiid $3 75 for X W) x . . . ' Extra Window Glass; closing firm, with 1 rumorea sales at oeiter ngures. TAR The market was firm at. $1 30 per bbL of 280 lbs, with, sales lat qnota tions; ...'.,'. :-'?':-ii.:j2;'.-:l , "h CRUDE TURPENTINE The -market was steady, with sales reported at $1 00 for Hard and $1 75 for Yellow Dip. COTTON The market was quoted on a of llf Perfor M;jH1;ni. Hmflii aaio rtrteA 1 Th fol lowing were the official quotations; Ordinary.... . Qi Good Ordinary. ...... lOf Low Middling 11 Middling............ .llf Good Middling. .... ...llf cents fi, i c PEANUTS Market steady, with sales reported on a basis of $1 40 for Prime, $1 551 60 for Extra Prime, and $1 70 1 75 for Fancy. KKCEIFT.V Cotton.;.. ...... Spirits Turpentine. 3 bales 113 casks 1,550 bbls 145 bbls ,68 bbls Rosin Tar. ....... Crude Turpentine. ......... o mm BOiTIESMC MARKETS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New Yokk, Apil 29. NooiL Money firmer and easy at 2 per cent. Sterling exchange 487i487i and 489T489f State bonds dull. ' Governments a fraction lower for 4"s. . " Commercial. Cotton dull, with sales to-day of 184 bales; middling uplands 11 11-1 6c; Orleans 12 1-1 6c. Futures steady, with sales to-day at the following quotations : April 1 1 . 70c ; May 11.85c; June 11.79c; -July 11.89c; August 11.99c; September 11.62c. Flour quiet. Wheat unsettled and iJc lower. Corn I lie lower. Pork dull at $16 75. Lard weak at $8 Spirits turpentine firm at 33c Rosin steady at $1 42il 45. Freights dull. Baltimore, April 29 Flour steady and quiet. Wheat southern steady; west ern lower, closing dull; southern red $1 12 1 15; southern amber $1 151 17; No. 1 Maryland on spot $1 13f bid; No 2 western winter red on spot $1 041 05f. Corn southern scarce and firmer; western lower and dull; southern white 6164c; yellow 6063c. POREIGN MAKE ETS. I By Cable to the Morning Star.l Liverpool. April 29, Noon Cotton dull and easier; uplands 6 13-16d; Orleans 6 5-16d; sales of 6,000 bales, of which 500 bales were for speculation and export; re ceipts 15,000 bales, of which 8,400 bales were American. Futures dull and steady. Uplands, 1 m c, May and June delivery 6 9-64, 6 14-466 13-64d; July and August delivery 6 19-646 18-64d ; August and Sep tember delivery 6 23-646 24-64d ; Septem ber and October delivery 6 19-64d; October and November delivery 6 8-64d; September delivery 6 25-64d. BreadstufEs dull, with a fair demand, Bacon short clear middles steady at 44s 6d. Sales of cotton to-day include 4,200 bales American 2 P. M. Uplands 64d; Orleans 6id Uplands! m c, April delivery 6 9-64d, sell ers option ; April and May delivery 6 9-64d, sellers' option; May and June delivery 6 9-84d, sellers' option ; June and July deliv ery 6 13-64d, buyers' option; July and Au gust delivery 6 18-64d, buyers' option ; Au- crust and September delivery 6 22-64d, buy- ers' option; September and October delivery 6 17-64d, buyers' option; September deliv ery 6 25-o4d. sellers option, 4 P. M. Uplands, 1 m c. April delivery 6 9-64d, sellers, option; April ana May delivery 6 y-64d, sellers option; May and June delivery 6 9-64d, sellers' option; June and July delivery 6 13-64d, buyers' option; July and August delivery o l-64d, sellers' option; August and September de livery 6 22-64d, sellers' option; September and October delivery 6 19-64d, value; Sep tember delivery 6 24-64d, buyers' opon. New York Bice Market. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, April 28. There is a firmness and a fair degree of activity: Carolina and Louisiana fair at 5 5?c; good at o?6C; prune at 6JbTC; choice at 6f7c; Rangoon at 4c; Patna at Die. Charleston Rice Market. Charleston News and Courier, April 27. Rice was in fair demand. Market firm. Sales 200 barrels. The quotations were : 41 5tc for common, 5i5f c for fair, 5 6c for good, and 66ic per ID for prime. BOSTON POST. 0LD- invincible and thoroughly TKUB BLUE DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. The clean Family Newspaper of Massachusetts. Containing the most complete news of any paper in new icngiand. The Boston Daliv Post is ei noted for its reliable Commercial and Financ; features. ' ' STTBSCKrPTTON RATES. Daily One Year, $0; Six Months, $4.50; in ad vance. Wkkkit Fridays $1.00 per Tear In advance; six copies tor so.uu. CLUB RATES. Five or more to one address will be furnished : DAILY POST at $8.00 per year per copy; Ten copies ror 57.50 eacn. in advance. WEEKLY POST at SI. 00 ner vear dot copy. In Clubs of Five or more, one copy will be given to the organizer or tne Club. 5 sen 8 D&W tf The Central Protestant AIWEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS paper and he Organ of the Methodist Protes tant Church in Nor ortn carouaa, is pnonsnea as Oreensboro. N. C. Terms. 82 00 per annum. In advance. ' The elieibilitv of its location, the number and activity of its agents, and the constantly increas ing aemana ior k among me mere soua classes 01 reaaers in various sections, give tae CJKNTRAL PROTESTANT peculiar claims upon the patron age of the advertising public Terms very favor- Die. vonsuiG your pnsmess interest, ana aaaress tne waitor , , ' ' J. L. MICHAUX,' 0 . OreensborOi N. C: SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR 1 7 The Cotton 01 In The best and cheaDest Agriculture : nr-r in t.hi South. 1 '-- - "' ' f ' ONLY 60 CENTS A Y2tA -The official or organ or the state Grange. r the leaning citizens of iia Ht t Endorsed m ana toy the South. - t fanners in. th.Stat, t1 t . Send postal 'for specimen copies jTnr yoarseU" UUJWU4 UOlftUUVlff r, , - TT: - 'if. W. JTMcKEKALL:'' , - Marlon. & O." frticura POSITIVE CURE SKIN & Bjf ttox PIMPLESto SCRORIU nberited and r.vit .:.. " ..""'red. Poisons. Ulcers. Ab8cRfa a ,",,",nui. nuS tare, the Cxjticpra B.Mipg, Z "ni'' V fler, Diuretic and AenCeM!J,2! flntfnvn nAaAi irom me Diooa and perspiration an .i moves the cause. Cuticura, the ereai Iiu" 5 instantly allays Itching and InflaEP'11 ft the Skin and Scalp, heals uKS' quislte Skin Beautifier and Toilet h,"iA'' an a disnflnaahlft in t.rnn, -i,."1" Requisite. Itii azures itie ivmpiexion. Cutici k. v. ,B8 H- r,....:"".u rt rough, chapped or greasy skin, bffif in,l ' ones and baby humors. CuticltI l J?is' they infallible blood purifiers and Ohas; Houghton, Eo .i7ZTZ Street. Boston, reports a case of s pi,58 8i der his observation for ten Tears the patient's body and limfis, and "to 1 known methods of treatment had-bW T ch,11 solely by the Cuticitra Kemedies. leavtai'."?1 and healthy skin. lDR clean Mr.andMr. Everett SiebbiTTT" ertown, Mass., write : Our little hnv u"7. Bel,;1) afflicted with Scrofula. Salt iihtJ "a.R l"ribl las ever sinoe be was born, and nothing give him helped him until We tried fe, KEDIES, nmuu t;rnuuiuiy curea him nntiTT " fair as any child. UBtl1 it now as of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty 'vL' tag, by Cutictea ItKMEBiEs. Tbe mo,t w ful cure on record. A dustpanful of InZ from him daily.- Physicians and hAl'1 thought he must die. Cure sw,. t justice of the neace and Hmiprn. "tl0re mlncnt citizens. most pro- JBl:?: JE. Whipple, Decatnr, Miehl .. ! .1 .1 T""'"'i JHt'I ran wriuco uib ucr mue, neaa, ana Some Dkrtin r body were almost raw. Head covered with L lT and sores. - Suffered fearfully and tried I ming. i-ermanentiv curea Dy the Cutitbi . Sold by all druggists. Price : Cmcrm Kesolvbnt, $1.00; Soar, M cents. Kin.? and CfHBMicAi, Co., Boston, Mass. 810 mh 6 D&Wtf wed sat toe or frm A RENOWNED TONia MRS. JOE PERSOYS For General Debility, Bntlds up the System & Imparin Vigor and Health. JUDGE STRONG'S OPINION. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 3d, )m Mrs. Joe Person : Madam Some months ago I was In bad health, suffering from debility, indieestion and Ion of appetite, when a friend who had experienced great benefit from the use o your remedy, in duced me to try it as a Tonic. I did so with the most happy results. I take great pleasure in re commending It as a valuable and efficient Veee- table Tonic, and wish you much success. very respecttuny, - GEO. V. STRONG. DR. BARKER'S OPINION. Pklitier's Ham, Cabtebet Co.. N. C, July 7, 1878. Mrs. Person : Dear Madam T think your medicine it tbe best that is now before the public, for the cure of Scrofula. I have irreat confidence in it, and be lieve that it will do all that you claim for tt. I have the personal knowledge of the condition of young Mr. Stokes, before he commenced taking your medicine, and I see that you have hit testi monial that he is cured. Go on. and I aay God speed to you In your efforts to ameliorate tbe condition of mankind, and add to his comfort and happiness. I will do all in my power foryon among my friends. Yours, respectfully, DR. W. II. BAEIKR For sale in Wilmington bv WM. H. GROT, Wholesale Airent: .1. C. MT7NDS. MCNDS BK08. & DbROSSET. and F. O. MILLER. Apply lot Pamphlet of North Carolina Testimonials. .is. ap 24 tr p vnnnn'oa I JxOU6xl6p UlULcllCo. 1 K Bbls FLOUR, all grades, 1UUV c i TlKIa niKinnTatrvJ STTRATf. ZOU iKxtraCandC 2QQ Bags Bio and Lagoyra COFFEE, JjQ Tierces LAKD, 100 Cases and Buckets LARD, QIBoxes CHEESE, " Tubs BUTTEB, JgQ Boxes and Bbls CRACKERS, 2QQ Bbls SEED POTATOES. 20 Bbls TURNIPS, 20 Bbls APPLES, 0 Hhds MOLASSES, 125 BbIa do 200 Kegs NAILS, 2J0 Bundles HOOP IRON, 50 Bbls and Half Bbls MACKKkju Tobacco. Cigars and Snuff,' Candles, Soap, Candy, 4c, mh2tf ADRIAN A V0IAEK8- Choice New - Crop Molasses. SECOND CROP NOW LANDlXG AND WILL BE SOLD PROMPTLY 1W WHARF AT LOW PRICKS. mhaotf wonTii&wg5- Just Received, ' ; mwrr V a AT CAPE FEAR FLOUK jmii-w. ,TT1 NEW FLUUn, NEW WHEAT. ...... ,, alAHl CORN, HAY, GRITS. HOMi ways on hand and for sale low C. B. WEIGHT, Proprietor f eb 21 tf CAPE FEARFLOCTj! Atkinson & Mann Insurance Bo1"8' BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILD0' Wilmington, N. C. Hre;; Marine and Life Aggregate Capital Represent" lelt tf H0T1SJ PURCELL UNDER NEW MANAGEMSNT. xMrtinttntrt on. N. i.taf. Tt. ti Perrr, 1 rvy :rrt Class ta all Its appointments. Te jtf - rrvt CfVRANSTC Turn; btttxt o. , J. Itching, Scaly, Pimply, Conn.-rV nnoa. l to$&00 per doy.