'A PILLS TORPID DOWELS, DISORDERED L IYER, 0,5 MALARIA r" -f ta tec. TV. J V ir - Krea a "y" t,.iir Law1 . rwt ta """l 11. "r - , J r 7-'y tas a -t "'" ,. mwlluftM Tltf " -tt fcfnfawy rtTr- - 2 TI?1 111 l a tn. prawir "3 1 . !., Ttrrrs rtt-us !1, , .- -er w toexsre aStWOTEJTO MALARIA. ft "tJHK A Jl W HAST ,r ...II. ('- TT o fcn ,,i,l.,l. ' TUTTS HAIR DYE. '". ,, j .r.,-T Hu.r & tn! ?- - .(r!l.,. ,. m .. tr. Tot. rr o ' . ,,. r.i r..l. '. ' Hu.roilwAiT i ... .. ... ."' II . i r i.y ' r4 ii r- i .rui'iv milium t .m '-mm. . WlU .. In k-l iKwrntal inii.i.i.niiniry v.iur H.ur U Tbi:i CrxiAy, Dry, If .in if - tronhlfl ntk DuntlrulT. -.4" .1 till if-ulp. Ayer'sHaii'Vigor. ''i.Iu.k me f ilia ITw .1 "-'in ifii.in it. m i i J C A i Co . Low(,Mji. R Stream. ' n Urn of t4 '4 a:lf i M nf tttAMr WW " thi (tiw l;1,rtf ...I rVi; -w nitfitf in. ni .j. uiaail :ria of (I'jti, ; i.,r i 1.- it, "it tt f r-nt if .; i.ii.w. iNi.nif 1 ?,:.Pi' 1.- in wr. " "" 1 : urn it tint lll;i,nt .-, L)l)p.:-tir.lio 'inf t.n .i.r'it, .i ,,itr All in. J n..ii.1-. ramwlt fo il it i, -in,!,-rt m itm ''iiii, n-a I V'!.( ts S-3aw ?A1J. 1317 BAJIHR'S MM Gucca. ' wtit. V-.iu urtu.ft th rjmm ml "'' "" ' .m..v.t tl&Ml.lr wi.i n !u,r..-t,r-, a.r nun nuunj. ' . ).iil.-t...l MKiaiUU-f. ' - --i g laal So Havea Palladium ir """.....', . " 1 " t.t4ir o o ca uuMn tmrlwui. a in, Hum '.tin,, , '"" ,. r.-'i ..ir ai!.intri. a,M iti C. E. Smith, v5 I ThevMoniing Stan la the Uasa of tbe tropica a City wu lylox. And Youod her dark nmptm a merciless foe Wer eoi!ed la a terrible cordoaof races. v r:a Certe Cashier eyes that gleamed op (rota below. Aed fsralse came forth Ilk a ihdo of evil To perch la lha hear to aad tlarkea A4 ow CcaiTU aad uatiejcT9 Iriato- Tt ftoarte crcaiIsrrTu Cw Uillj by. Bui a waraiat ca bj oa wion of tb onrm T&al acattond 12 Seport lika karta oo la ttut. A-oii a famiaa-waa eu,Ulud ctodd lh raxapana. To lit to Ui mtaac LL wiada caTkd paaC Otrr xhm tUia caxaa l2 toie of a pibroch. is wwj ihtijc mtwtc taai maU to beaM lata; "Tba Qktopbctk aracoalof ! Ihm CaropbelU ara com40tr It c&ocU ia tncloJ prclo( aad a&riii. T3U CVrrrai LtTKiiAnr aosstr. Coioocl John Hat btocraDbv of LtacoJa U rapWt Matsf oocopkUoa. Morray will the letters of oa I7 X Thero U a large demand in EaUAtl lut sow for KaKTWoo" works. of coww. to HatL&ew Arnold's recast critic Urn. Voloro I. of Mr. Justin Mc Carthy "History of tbo Tout Oeorjta" U now ta pnnw. Mr. Andrew Laocr, liurarr edi tor of It Loa4oo Duthr mil brtraf- tr act j editorial rvpmcatatira of Harp r t JfjuiZVf la The conclodioff volamea of Mr. rrwlt'i "LiU of CAUU" will not be cuhtaitjcl before tii aularan. tboaxb tbe autbor ba1 flaUbrtl tbrta ve-reral wrekt The Qaeen'a book h attained a foqrta ttlitiAo. tatr Ihouaacd copka bariaf bcea Uaued. Tbe occra of tbe NxA ia doe ta Ibe taicrrst aUacbifi to tbe wriur. Mr. John Crew bu completed hut bkxrapby of Georpi E2io. aad tbe rccwtxxl will pobliaa it ia tbe autumn ia two vtlaaMw. It will eooaiat for tbe tn5l part of Grorje Eliot k(Ur. The Hlrpere will reprint the Oor-ja EIkt ismji la tyle ualform with tiurir Ubrary editioo of her oottU, Tbe oIuom was kfl by the author ready for th prrwi. It coatalae arvvral abort raaajs aa4 aotr wbkb bar cot brrrtnfore bera priad. rKILSO.SAL. Carlo Agnero, the Cuban revo- !atiiaary katier. U a good avaa. but be wairbA MM f ha mm thaa 113 poaada, Emory StorrsN cravats have in- I " . . . l created f root 200 to SCO with! a the last four years 21a wtH be able to make a gaudy rvtura by lh Um the next eeasua Is taken. Monsiguor Capel is struck by thm prwnseiowtae-a of eaiWreo over here. tl caikJ wita aa archbkhop oo a Udv. who aU to br four rrmroki boy. "My Nry. ipak to the archbishop. The boy bM out ha baa J. aad said: "How do you ilo. Are r Captain Flads promises that hU at? railway ia Tchoaatrpec will be la workiaf oekr withia flva years. It will b 130 oaika loaf. tad ih $Ta.0CQ.0OO wbtch & propoNr to ?ui oa It enostroctioa has brra takro up. ia grot part, by aa Rcft-iM syasLkala. Edmund Yale is not the only meat MiStnt ftoca Jouraallstk iadiscre tioo. Mr. nory & Hoax, director of the ekrkal JWrwi.' aW iww. has prioted ocat thiaf ttapkaal to toe Iiauaa uovrra cwsi. aad has brvn seatcoecd to ill Booths' imprtsuooMOt. The death is announced of John Laaoastcr. Trilow of th Royal Geographi cal Weekly. It was Mr. LaoouW woo brouchl his yacbt oacr are aunag toe aetaoa brtwrvo the Kraxsarre sad the A la titat cS Cherboorg la aad who aarvd the CapUia aad scvrral of the crew of the Alabama. SOVTttKRX IT Kits, John D. I.eseroan, of f'harle- lou. S.C. 30 years old. a wholesale grocery merrhaat. kilkd himself Wedaeeday. A retersborg Utter says: "Tle farl avaUmeol of the Democrats of ;kuthid Vlxfiata ia favurmbie to the ooeat oAiioa cf Mr. TUdeo for the Presldeocy." Mr. William. K. Gayle, a citi sea of rrede nek j burr, aged AO years, was ton ad dead last Mooday mora tog ia a small cream sear the summit, la Spotuylvaaia. Mormon Elders who have been I preachia; taU coevwm ocar i4ca vy. UrUe rfo Itousr, ia wHuwapwu coaaty. Vs.. have lacurred the dtspkasure of the good cttLn of that neighborhood, woo ate cVtenaiaed to force them to leave the couaty. At a meeting of the Johns Hop kias Literary Society, la Baftimore. oo Thursday rveeteg. poacoa ia ftccn diSercat Uagnajcrii. lacladlog Chinee. Japanese, awlera Greek. Daaiah, aad rwegiaa. were recited aad traasUtioos were given. rOLITICAL FOISTS It will he the old story with RUiae far. sad no farther. CL-o$ ilersUl There's always' rooca for one eor la the larUf reform wagoo. There's or 8auel Jackson I lands! 1 and kr. Xmi, of Itootyivaa-a. i fwsms for P. Iroo Ksik va W. W The protectionists were getting there throats ready to shout over a Dcmo cratK def eat la LottUiaaa. Thwy had per suaded themselves that the LooUiaaa sugar piaatert wec!d take occaaioa to show their hostility ta the? Morrisca Tariff till, hot the tkmocraUc majoeUy toras oot to be nn wkldy ia Us peoportioa. rii, Jieerd, JL Th Moot coca rv AdeertUer suggtsis that the rrotectlooJjts do not go quite far enough) ta their demands, aad taai 1f they couM get Ccgrrss to react Uw fcrciai coosxaners all oetr the cooatry tobtry twice as n as they now co, it ' weald rvtkve the maaaiactarers irooa me i oi eTfcteef ever petHlocUon, aau give qnita iionsronrra acid muspnATE, for overwerksd feoaka. Dr. J. P. Oowaa. Ajhlaad. O, says: -Il proves satisfactory as a serve toaic; also La dyrpeptfe eoadV Uocs ef the stoeaach. wtii geoerai dehtUry, toehi sa we Cad la orfrworttd frxaalea. w&a eerriyca lusaltche aad tu accczapaai. saeaUL"' -, ... .- r f . . DE2XOCHAUQ OIZQAXJZJL- ' v;-. f onuiu f tae jfrema eraU Party t Hart CaroUuu . , . Rooms Dxk. Cxxtkal Ex. Cojc, ItxLnan, ilaj 20,1882. ThU committee hereby publisb tbe plln of orgAnixAtion, of,, the Demo- cratio party compiled from tie rnlea and Ameodments heretofore adonted by the Bute Deraocratio Executive Committee. TOWTTSnir OHOAX1ZATIOX. 1. The unit of county onrAnizAtion I w ujowwDsnip. in eacn town ihip there shAll be an eiecutive com mittee to consist of five active Dem ocrat, who shall be "elected by the Democratic voters of the several townships in meetings called by the county executive committee. And said committee so elected shall elect one of its members as chairman, who shall preside at all said committee meetings. 2. The sevcrAl township executive committees ah all convene at the meetings of the several county con ventions, or at any time and place that a majority of 'them may elect, and shall elect a county executive committee, to consist of not les than five members, one of whom shall be designated as chairman, who ehall preaide at all of said committee meet ings. 3. In case there shall be a failure on the part of any township to elect its executive committee for the pe riod f thirty day, the county ex ecutive committee shall sppoint ((aid committee from the Democratic vo ters of said township. 4. The members of the township committees shall elect to any vacan cy occurring in said committees. 5. The county executive commit tee shall call all necessary county conventions by giving at lean ten day notice by public advertisement in three public places in each town ship, at the court-house door, and in any Democratic newspaper that may be published in said county, request ing all Democrats of the county to meet in convention in their respec tive township, on a common day therein stated, which said day shall not be less than three days before the meeting of tbo county convention, for the purpoee of electing their dele gates to the county conventions. That thereupon the conventions so held shall elect their delegates to represent the townships in the coun ty conventions from the voters of the respective townships, which dele gates, or such of them as shall at tend, shall vote the full Democratic strength of tLeir respective town shtpa on All questions that may come before the said county conventions. That in case ru convention shall be held in any township in pursuance a a tta of said call, or no election shall be made, tbe towoahtp executive com mittee shall appoint such delegates. 6. Each township s'.iall be entitled to cast in tbo county convention one vote for every twenty-five Democrat ic votes, and one vote for fractions of fifteen Democratic votes cast by that township at the last preceding gu bernatorial election: Provided, that every township shall be entitled to cast at least one vote, and each township may send as many dele gale as it may see fit. 7. That in cases where townships consist of more than one ward or precinct, each of said wards shall be entitled to send delegates to county conventions, and shall cast its pro portionate part of its township s vote, based upon the last preceding vote for Governor in said township. 9. That for the purpose of fully in augurating this system, the present county eiecutive committees shall continue in o'tUce until tbeir success ors are elected under this system, aad shall exercise all tbe functions pertaining to said office under this system of organization. 0. The chairmen of township com mittees shall presido at all township conventions; in their absenco any other member of said committee may preside. in. In cvses where all the town ship executive committees are re quired to meet for the purpose of electing county executive commit tee., said meetings shall be deemed to have a quorum when a majority of such townships shall bo represented in said meeting cn - NrT A5D DIHTKUT CONVENTIONS. 1. Tbo several county conventions shall be entitled to elect to their sen atorial, judicial and congressional conventions one delegate and one alternate for every fifty Democratic votes, and one delegate for fractions over twenty-fire Democratic votes cast at the last preceding gubernato rial election in their respective coun ties, and -none but delegates or alter nates so elected shall be entitled to seats in said conventions: Provided, that every county shall have at least one vote in each of said conventions. 2. The chairman, or in his ab- senee any memoer ox tne county, wnaloriJ, judicial And congressional co mm it tee small call to order their respective conventions, and hold the chairmanship thereof until the con vention shall elect its chairman. 3.' The executive committees of the Senatorial, congressional ana JO- I dicial districts, respecUvely, shall, at ... i. i at tne cait oi tne respecuve cnair-i . l., ; I their respective districts, designated in said calL And it shall be their duty to appoint the time and place for holding convention in their re- a;.,.. .;m.B v 7' T. .".XZu shall aaiu rciPcvMe wmwinwa immediately notify the chairmen of the different county executive com mittee of said appointment, and the said county executive committees shaU forthwith call conventions of their respective counties) in conform it j to said notice to aend delegates to rfaJJ. rtspccUrc district conven- tlons. , '",,; . ' -' V-; '-" ; . 1 .: . STATS CONyESTioSsT V - 2.. The State : convention shall be wuijwuvi. ut'aB ppoimea oy the aeveral COOnty Conventions.' Each' delegate and one alternate for every one nunarea :ana ny uemocratio rotes, asd one delete for fractions over bo venty.fi ve Democratic votes caat therein at the last preceding delePAtes or "alternates so elected ehalf be entitled to seats in said con vention; provided, that every coun ty shall have at least one vote in said convention: GENERAL BUXES. 1. Such delegate (or alternates of absent delegates) as may be present at any Democratic convention, shall be allowed to cast the whole vote to bich their township or county may W VllklklCU. 2. In all conventions provided bv this svstem. after a vote ia cast. . . f , . . there shall be no change in such vote until tbe final result oF the ballot shall be annonnced by the chairman of said convention. 3.. All Democratic executive com mittees shall have power to fill any vacancy occurring in their respective bodies. 4. That the chairmen of the dif ferent county conventions shall cer tify the list of delegates and alter nates to the different district and State conventions. And a certified list of said delegates and alternates to the State convention shall be sent to tbe Secretary of the State Central Committee. For the Committee: - Octavics Coke, Chairman. J. J. Litcuford, Secretary. EKcTclopBtent la Cancer Treatment. Mr. W. II. Gilbert, Albany, Ga., says: "A gentlemen named Moore near this city had an eating cancer on his face, which had eaten away bis nose and bis un der lip, and had extended up until it had nearly reached his eye. The cancer was eating his gums and had rendered bis teeth so looso that he thought they might any time drop out lie has been taking Swift's SrEcinc about three months,, and its effect has been wonderful. It has driven the poison from his system, the cancer has healed greatly, his teeth have become strong again, and he thinks he has been rescued from an awful death. He is the most en thusiastic man I ever raw." Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., 5 Drawer 8. Atlanta, Ga. rirtlAPITAL PIIIZE, ST5.000.A3 TSeketaonlr SX. Share In proportion. Lonisiaiia State Lottery Company. rr Jo krby certify Ulai M tvptrvit OlS or rtrnywtii for all t MontMy ana Smi-Annual Drawing of TTu Louisiana Stat Lottery Company, amd in prrtcm manao and control tK drawing trmjits, and mat UUi i am or conducted wUA kontsty.airn, and in good faith toward all par ti, andw aulKoriM th Company to ut Pii cer cytcalf, trllA facimUej of our signature attached. In U adrrtifmnt.n Comnalaalonen. Incorporated In 1SC8 for 85 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of S 1.000,000 to which a reserve fund of S-ua.000 has since been added. By aa overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December Ad, A. D. 1879. Tk only Lottery vr wtd on and endorsed by Ik prtfi of any S lot. IT NKVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. ITS GRAND SINGLK NUMBER DRAWINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY A SPLK5DID OPPOBTCKITY TO WIN A 'FORTUNE. FIFTH GRAND DRAW INO. CLASS K, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, AT 5EW ORLEANS, TUESDAY. May IS, 18S4 lSStta Monthly Drawing. CAPITA L PRIZE, 97&.000,- lOO.OOO Ticket at Five Dollars Eaeb, Fraction In Fifths la Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capiial Prix $75,000 1 Capital Prix 25,000 1 Capital Prixe 10,000 t Prises of SflOOO 12,000 SPrLtes of 8000... 10,000 10 Prix of 1000 10,000 SOPrUesof 500 10,000 100 Prues of 900 90,000 AM Prises of 100 30,000 500 Prises of 50 25,000 looo Prixee of as 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 6 750 9 Approximation Prises of 500 4,500 f Approximation Prises of 150 250 1,987 Prises, amounting to. .$265,500 Applications for rate to olubs should only be mad to the office of the Company in New Or leans. For further Information, write cleaily, giving full address. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL. BANK, x New Orleans, La. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mall or Express (all sums of $5 and upwards by Exprees at our expense) to PI. A. DAUPHIN New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, SOT Seventh St., Washington, D.C. ap 9 DWaw4w we sat Raleigh Register. Early in February as soon as the printers re ceive the accessary material -the publication of the RALEIGH REGISTER, a North Carolina Democratic newspaper, will be com menced. Tbe Bxenrrxs wQl be printed weeklv until the rreat political campaign oi laee oegina. it wui thn be Issued twice a week, or as often as may SgZZZTR Sifc p&'new' and beautiful type, on good white paper, and tbooah It may not be large enough to bold all at ooo all the good things that giowlns usee sometimee promise, yet the appll thorough knowledge of how to use th appUoation of a tboroogh knowledge of how to use them will put Into its thirty-two broad oolumns all the news, much good read In r. aad a complete history of what is done in North Carolina. Mr. Hals will I,. ri at nr umi fiiewm 'oricZ of the Kaeisrxa wm be t3 a year; $1 Zt! S this offloe wiu receive as a premium, either volume ordered of "Hale's Industrial Se rtee." Two volume avr now reaoy: Tar Wood aito Tnraxa or North Caouxa. Curtie's, Snnnoas', aad Kerr's Botanical Ke w, anrTlinented bv aceurate CountrKe- ports of blaiKlmg Foreeta, and illustrated by aa excellent map of the State. 1 volume 12m o. r'krh erson 11J85. - , bub. Inovmn or Noam Caaor iha Is raa Coax. aan Iiwrw Cut) 1 ise. Emiaons', Kerr's, Lald leyX Wilkes, and the Census Reports; snppie Bieoted bv foil and aeon rate sketches of the nfir-etx Oooatle. and Man. of the State. 1 vojam lirno, CVnK 429 pp., $1 60. Addrees - RALEIGH KEQISTER. jantSPAWU - '" 1 - BsJelxtuN.C. Ann TfTt? ' 8 eeaulroT postage JL XwJLsOJD sad reoelve free, a costly St .w Vono. ire - ta. Maine, , -; . BOX OI gooos wojoa wu owb au, wi rauni away uwa Myunna w await the woraers aoeo addreas TRUECO-Aa- , mhSODAWiy..- WHOLESALE kPMICJESU I reirnt to wholeakle prices , generally Hi I making op small orders higher prices haye to be BAGxsmaS;". BAortMiaroiina- -'" - HsWV ... '-IS.0'- 00 . 12 00 00 00- 00 0 & 00 00 & 9 .10 13 10 8 11 ' 1 75 2 00 t 90 SO sjokxd-Wis, 9 I dt SAiaip-skies, Shoulders. b BASKKUS Spirits Turpentine, Second Band, each New New York, each........ New City, each.-..' BSKSWAX 9 !....:.;........ BKICKS Wilmington, p If..:. Northern BUTTER North Carolina, 9 Northern, S ft...; CANDLES f) b sperm Tallow Adamantine CHEESE fJ fc-Norta'nFacfy - 06' 1 & 1 00 28 & & 8 00 9 00 0 00 14 oo - 18 & 18 25 35 18 HJ4 00 14 00. 00 18 18 00 82tt 1 40 00 00 16 00 25 12 12 14tf 13 28 14 15 80 85 1 45 7 85 12tf 20 00 iairy, coFraM'jaVa.,.::::.'.. I cRNMEAX"bnsn.Vm"saokK ; . .JO??-1!- i wnvn iuts y Dtmoie domestics sheeting, 4-4, ? yd Tarns, aj bunch EGOS dozen... FISH MaekereL No. 1, bbl. AA JXl AUAC1131- A. W lUl . . S V w Mackerel, No. 1, 9 half bbl.. 8 50 10 00 Mackerel. No. 2, V bbl. . 9 60 10 00 Maoaerei, no. as, v nau ddi. ouu. a o ou Mackerel, No. 8, 9 bbl 8 50 900 Mallets, bbl 5 f:0 6 00 Mullets, Porkbbls 11 00 12 00 N. C. Roe Herring, 9 keg.. . 8 00 4 00 DryCod. lb 5 10 FERTILIZERS 2,000 pounds French's Carbonate of Lime 7 00 7 50 French's Agricultural Lime 8 50 9 00 Peruvian Guano, No. 1 57 50 63 50 NO. 2 8800 5700 " " Lobos 00 00 61 00 Baugh's Double Eagle Phos. 00 00 25 00 Carolina Fertilizer 45 00 50 00 Ground Bone 00 00 40 00 Bone Meal 00 00 45 00 Bone "Flour 00 00 57 00 Navassa Guano 40 00 45 00 Complete Manure 00 00 67 00 Whann's Phosphate 00 00 70 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 70 00 Bcrger A Butz's Phosphate. 00 00 60 00 ExceHenza Cotton Fertilizer, 65 00 60 00 FLOUR bbl Fine 0 00 5 00 .Northern Super.. 0 00 5 50 " Extra 6 25 6 50 " Family 650 900 City Mills Super . 5 00 5 25 " Family 575 600 Extra Family 00 7 00 GLUE lb 10 13 ORA1N bushel. Corn, 8tore,bags,prim a, white 75 Corn, cargo. In bulk, 68 Corn, cargo, in bars, " 70 Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags 59 Oats, from store 526 Cow Peas 130 HIDES S B Green 4 Dry 13 HAY 100 Jb 9 Eastern 1 00 Western 90 North River 80 HOOP IRON 11 SJ4 LARD lb Northern 9 North Carolina 11 LIME barrel 00 77 69 71 70 55 1 40 14 1 10 1 00 90 LUMBER City Sawed M It, Ship Stuff, resawed Rough Edge Plank. West India Careoes. accord 20 00 16 00 ing to quality 13 CO 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 22 00 Scantling and Boards, com'n 12 00 15 00 MOLASSES S gallon New Crop Cuba, in bhds.... 00 34 " In bbls.... 00 37 Porto Rico, In hhds 00 39 " tnbbls 00 42 Sugar House, in hhds 00 oo in bbls 00 20 Syrup, in bbls.' 40 80. NAILS 8 keg Cut. lOd basis.. 8 25 3 40 OILS gallon Kerosene 12 13 Lard . 1 10 1 45 Linseed 90 1 00 . Rosin 15 18 Tar 00 O 20 . Deck and Spar 00 22 POULTRY Chickens,live,grown SO 33$ Spring.. 12 25 Turkeys..-. 75 125 PEANUrs bushel 1 00 1 85 POTATOES bushel Sweet.. 60 75 Irish, per barrel 00 2 25 PORK barrel City Mess.... 00 20 00 ITinje J3 uu is hw Rump 17 00 18 00 RICE Carolina, S Xt Rough, bushel (Upland).. Do, do (Lowland) BAGS lb Country ., City 4U 80 1 00 W 1 , 80 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 7M 0 10J 5 5 00 2 00 ROPE lb SALT salt Alum Liverpool Lisbon American SUGAR B Cuba Porto Rico A Coffee B " C M Ex C Crushed SOAP W lb Northern SHINGLES M Contract. . . Common Cnress Saps 7 00 2 50 5 00 7 50 4 50 Cypress Hearts 0 00 STAVES V M W O Barrel. ... 12 00 . RO Hogshead 00 00 TAIXOW S 5 18 00 10 00 6 TIMBER M feet Ext Heart (1st class yellow pine) .13 00, 18 50 14 00 Prime ship'g, lstolass heart. 12 00 13 00 ae ship'g, lstolass heart. 12 00 Extra Mill, good heart 8 50, 9 oo 10 oo Mill Prime 750 800 Common Mill 4 00 4 50 Inferior to Ordinary 350 400 WHISKEY gallon .Northern 1 00 5 00 North Carolina 100 250 WOOL lb Washed 00 25 Unwashed 18 20 Burrv 14 16 WILMINGTON HONEY MARKET. Exchange (sight) on New York H discount Baltimore Boston Philadelphia Western Cities.. Exchange. 30 days. 1 cent Bank of New HanoverStock 107 First National Bank Stock 90 Navassa Guano Company Stock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons 23 Funding, 1866 10 Funding. 1868 10 t New 4s 80 Special Tax 4 W 4 W R R Bonds, 7 o (Gold Interest). ... 116 Carolina Central R R Bonds, 6 o 106 Wilmington, Col. fc Augusta R R Honda. ... 105 Wilmington City Bonds (new) 6 o 100 8o 100 New Hanover County Bonds, 6 o 100 Wilmington & Weldon R B Stock 110 North Carolina R R Stock 80 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock .... 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 120 TnE BEST PREPARATION " For BxsTOBniu gray hair to Its natural oolor; For frxtektlnq the hair from turning gray; For PBODCciNe a rapid and luxuriant growth; For iBADioATiKe scurf and dandruff; For cuaiNO itching all diseases of the scalp; For rasvairarKO the hair from falling out; and For iTiKiisas for whioh a hair tonic is re quired it has no x(jtrAi OM The hishsst tsstmohials of Its merits are fFrom Rxv. CHAS. H. READ, D. D., Pastor Grace Street Presbyterian Church. 1 RicHxoim, Va. -For several years I have used no other Hair Dreaslng than the Xanthine, which had been warmly recommended to me by a friend who had tested Its value. It has, in my experience, accom plished all that Is claimed for it as a wholesome preserver and restorer of the natural oolor of the hair, and a thorough preventive of dandruff. CHAS. H. READ. For sale by uov 29 ly J. H. HARDIN, Druggist. om Jn aug sep feb29 Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital, -Cash Capital paid in, Surplus Fond, - - ' $1,000,000 $300,000 - $50,000 . DIRECTORS : W. L GORE, CM. STEDMAN, G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLEES, R. R. BIUDGERS, ' ISAAC BATES, JAS.A. LEAK, F. RHETNSTEIN, E. B. BORDEN, JW. ATKINSON... - : ISAAC BATES, President . : - r. : , . . O.W. wnaJAME.VlcePresldeBt, . . - ? V . . sm Ski tf ' & IX WALLACE. Cashier. , ' ; ; XZilmingtoii 'A & wlleldon Railroad Cot - ; f Wra GlSHX SUPEBtMTBMDBJT, T I v Wilmington, N. April 85, 18f4 Change of Schedule. ' s"N AND AFTER APRIL 27. 1884. AT 9.00 A. M. J- Passenger Trains on the Wilmington & Wei con Railroad will run as follows: ? j ; Day Stall and Express Trains, Dally Nos. 4T Northand 48 Sontb. j ; Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 9.00 A. JC. Arrive at Weldon. i . . 2.81 P M. Leave weldon..... ....... 3.00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 8.40 r.K Past Through Matlakd'Passknskb Tbahi Dailt . ' . MO, 40 SOOTH. v. - ' - Leave Weldon . 8.50 P. M Arrive at Wilmington, Front st. Depot, 10.25 P. M MAn, aito Pissbsoib Teahi Dailt No. 43 Nokth. Leave Wilmington.. -8.00P. M Arrive at Weldon. . ; 2.20 A. M Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilsonr uoiusooro ana jnagnoua. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rooky Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 P, M. and 4.30 P.M. daily. Re turningleave Tarboro "at 3 P. M and 10 A. M. daily. - , - 3' Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3 25 P. M. Return ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 8 30 A. M. daily. - Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con nection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. . All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. For accommodation of local travel a Passenger Coach will be attached to Local Freight leaving Wilmington at 6.55 A. M. daily except Sunday. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. ap 25 tf WILMIHGTON 'COL'HBIA & AUGUSTA Eailroad Co. Omen or G enseal Sup't, I Wilmington, N. C, April 25, 1884. ) Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER APRIL 25, 1884, AT 3.10 P. M., the following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road: NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Daily) Nos. 48 West and 47 East. Leave WilmmgtonT. . . 9.10 P. M. Leave Florence 2.40 A. M. Arrive at iXC. & A. Junction 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 6.40 A. M. Leave Columbia 9.55 P.M. Leave C., C. & A. Junction ..10.20P.M. Leave Florence 4.33 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington. 8.28 A.M. Night itfAtr. and PAsasrrexB Tbatx. Daelt. No. 40 West. Leave Wilmington ..10.40'P. M. Arrive at Florence .- 1.45 A. M. Mail and Passengkb Traih Daflt No. 43 East. Leave Florence.... 3.35 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 7.42 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stons only at Fleminerton and Marten. Passengers for Columbia and all points on O. & C. R. R., C. & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, snouid ta&e 40 Night Jx nress. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Augusta on Tram 40. All trains run solid between .Charleston and Wilmington. Local Freight leaves Wilmington daily, except Hunaay, at s.uu a. jo. JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen'l Supt. .t.-jh. Jmhkson, oen'i Passenger Agent. ap 25 tf " CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Omci or Sttpebintkitdekt, Wilmington, N. C, June 13, 1883. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JUNE 13, 1883, THE FOL lowing Schedule will be operated on this itanroaa: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. 1 Leave Wllminetoa at.. 7.00 P. M. No. 1. ) Leave Raleigh at 7.35 P. M. ) Arrive at Charlotte at. 7.30 A. M. ) Leave Charlotte at ....8.15 E. M. No. 2. y Arrive at Ralehrh at 8.-30 A. M. ) Arrive at Wilmington at . . . .8.25 A. M. Passenger Trains stop at reerular stations only. and Points designated in the Company's Time xaDie. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL. EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. . Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlotte 8.15 A. M. Arrive at Shelby..... 12.15 P. M. Leave Shelby 1.40 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte 5.40 P. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleieh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington ana unanotte ana uaieign ana unariotte. Take Train No. 1 forStatesville, Stations West ern N. C. R. Ii., Ashvllle and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta ana au pomts soutnwest. L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Eassenger Agent, , je 13 tf THE CELEBRATED ARRINGTON GAME FOWLS FOR SALE TiTY GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL RE ATA putation. They have fought and won a series o the greatest mains ever fought on this or any other continent, ana fifteen rairs, on exnioicion at Philadelphia in '76, were honored by the Uni ted states centennial commissioner witn tne in- ploma and Medal. . I have a variety of Colors and most approved Breeds in the United States. I will Iship splendid COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, pei Express, c. o. u., at from $4.oo to $a.oo eacn HENS. 2.50 and 83.00 each: or $7.00 per Pair $10.00 per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred Pairs this Summer, the Finest Games in the World, and will shin Young Fowls of March and -April hatch during the months of August, Sep tember ana uctooer, at jnve uouars per air, or Seven Dollars per Trio. Whoever disputes the superiority of my Birds, will please back the assertion with their stamps. Write lor wnat you want. Address, J. G. ARRINGTON, Hilliardston, Nash Co. N. C. ap6tf Favetteville Observer. ITVN THURSDAY, FEttKUAJtr BXtl. 1883, wXtU5 nnderslened will rev.ve the publication of the FA Y EVrK v lLlLlX unsntivizx. The Obsbbvbb will be a large 28-column weekly newspaper, and will be mailed to subscnoers, postage paid, at $2 per annum, always in ad- toiwip. it will arive the news of the day in as ample form as Its space will permit, and both re gular ana occasional comaponuouMi wm uaiv bute letters from.; tne capital on mate, pontics and affairs. . Democratic In politics, the Obsbbvxb wm la bor, first of all, to assure the prosperity of the Town of Fayette ville, to develop the vast agri nnit.nra.1 resources of its own ana the neighbor ing counties, and to promote all that concerns tne weiiareoi tuc ptsupio iu uunu viacviiuoa Opposed to such innovations on the homely ways of our fathers as, in tne guise or progress, harm society, the Obsxbveb will be found in full sympathy with the new thing oorn of the cbansred condition of the South which sound judgment or enlightened experience find to be also gooa. As to the rest : It wQl strive to deserve the re putation of the name It Inherits. fob Stf E. 3. HALE. Jb. The Pamlico Enterprise .. " STONEWALL, N. C. A FIRST CLASS WEEKLY PAPER, published xx m tne ubjlim iusuiuis 01 tne etate.. - Subscription $1.50 a year. Yearly Advertising rates One Square, $18; Two Squares, $18; Three Squares. $24; Four Squares, $35i Jnarter Column, $40: Half Colamn, $60; One Column, $100. ,No de viation from above rates.' c v - ' k . Address, . ENTERPRISE. Jy8tf .StonewalUN. C- 1 1 sjagjBjttfi ii hggjjggsgjB I to "AT " v-HX . NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS. !l!ij0JT'. - ' i'V-TT) -tWe have a limited quantity of Seed of the above , " moss vsinsDie urass rorour ttoatoern states.' yrom 8 to 10 pounds of seed to the- acre, which -, must be sown only during hot weather.' fr ' t pouna, oy man. jre.aucea rate in large qusnu ties; satalogues free. , .- : s- V - J MrTHOEBTJM & CO p: 16 JOHN STREET, ,-' . NEW TOOK. I have a positive and permaaent cure for ibis disease and all derangements of the digestive or ' trans. Circulars, oontalntne th eery highest testi -. monials, sent on application. Half pint bottles, , - Dy express, si.oo; per aozen, io. rAaaress , .; DR. W, W. GBEGOBx, Charlotte,N.C. , I hsv a positive tvmedy for th above dkaeua sb Ii .. tis thooianda of casei of tbe wont kind and of hme -candlBChave been oared. Indeed, eoetronr U rnvfalih In lUelficecT. " I will eend TWO BOTTLES FKKE, -. together with VALUABLES TBBATISB ea thl dleeaes, . -to uij aoflerer. Give Bxpreae end P. O. addreea. - . ; Da, t. a. b Locum, in pearl st, m Trk.; ' ADVERTISERS! send for our Select List of Lo cal Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell A Co.,-19 Spruce St.,N. Y. aplDAWlm Is the season in which bad or poisoned blood is most apt to show Itself. Nature, at this luncture, needs something to assist It in throwing off the impurities which have collected by the sluggish circulation of blood during the winter months. Swift's Speoifio Is nature's great helper, as it Is a purely vegetable alterative and tonic. Rev. L. B. Peine. Macon. Ga.. writes: "-We have been using Swift's Specific at the orphan's home -as a remedy for blood oomplainte, and as a gene- -ral health tonlo,and have had remarkable results from its use on the children and employes of the institution. It is such an excellent tonic, and keeps the blood so pure, that the system Is less liable to disease. It has cured some of our chil dren of Sorofula." . W. H. Gilbert, druerrist. Albany. Ga.. writes : "We are sellinar laitre Quantities of Swift's SDecl- flo for a spring alterative and general health to nlo, and with the best results. It is now largely used as a preventive and cure for Malaria, There are many remarkable evidences of its merit in this section." The Great Droar House of Ch lea s;o. We do not hesitate to sav that for a year past we have sold more of Swift's Specific (S. S. 8 ). than all other Blood Purifiers oombined.and with most astonlshlne results. One gentleman who used a half dozen bottles says it did him more good than treatment which cost him $1,000. An other who has used it for a scrofulous affection reports a permanent cure from its use. VAN SHAACK, STEVENSON CO. . One gentleman who had been confined to his bed six weeks with Meourial Rheumatism has . been cured entirely, and speaks in tbe highest praise of S. S. S. CHILES & BERRY, Chattanooga, Tenn. Our treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to applicants. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. N. Y. Office, 159 W, 23d St., bet 6th & 7th Ave, ap 1 tf oh s m New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. STEAMEES WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK Every SATURDAY at S o'clock P. M. BENEFACTOR Saturday, May 8. REGULATOR " May 10. BENEFACTOR " May 17. REGULATOR May 24. BENEFACTOR " May.S 'Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to 0. G. 8KIALLBONES, ( Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Theo. G. Eger Freight Agent, W. P. Clyde Co., General Agents, f eb 24 tf 85 Broadway. New Yofk. ; Baltimore and WHrnington Steamship Lme. STEAMERS RALEIGH & VIDETTE On and after SATURDAY. JANUARY 5TB. a Steamer ef this Line will sail From Baltimore EVERY SATURDAY,.". . . A ATS P. M. From Wniriington, SATURDAY, unless sooner loaded. . Throueh 1 of ding aad Lowest Through . Rates Guaranteed and from points on th Railroad and Cape Fear. A'SZZSel rroviaenoe, mum- I For Freight Engagements apply to A. D. ' CAZAUX. Aceat, , ; WILMINGTON, H. C. ; ANDREWS- ek CO., Agents, t J. S. W. corner Light and German Bts. BALTIMORE. deoSOtf ENCOURAGE HOKE IHSTITDTIOBS, Security Asalnst Fire.' , Tli Hortl CaroliiiaHoiD Insurance Co. riAi.EiGn, n.C THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE Po licies at fair rates on all classes of insurable Vrovertr. .. . ' . . . . au losses are promptly aajustea ana paia. "Tlnma" I. nnMl.nlnfn. fn rmhlln f.VOr. and with . 1 oonndenoe to Insurers 01 propenv In North Carolina. Agents ta an parts of the state. dUtUi UATiiUu.rnnusak sep-86 The Peso Oounty News, Published at BOXBOBO, K. C.. v WOITAKER A: qtTSBON V; y, -i Editors and PronrietoTa. ' ' ' The NEWS has the largest circulation of as paper published or circulated hi the fine tobaooo section of North Carolina. ' - - r ", . u Advertisiug rates verr llberaL ' Subscription , : at-TOperyearr - - , , . II VAAA-e ejrza. a. aa wy w- , v , ' I " ' ' a W. S. PRIMROSE. Secretary. - V PULASKI COWPKR, Supervisor, r ." ; ,. v,. ATKINSON A MANNING, Agents. -,.-'-. ., tf - wummgton. ".-;-; ; 'it' .4 ... - 1..'. 1- l A-v'V' . v f , ,1 J .. k a J . . r -i'i '4 ' t - w V ' - .' I' ' ,7 ' X rV iS, $tj, V A. I, TO -a i . , 4 f ... - . . iH.y 1 . r V 1 . 1" 1 1 . .' 'v;"-! "X '. i ' 1 '. f : -r- v. I v '..f.V--' i , ; , . " :.. " 1 f a - J , Iff

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