he Morning Star. OneBquare taeDay,....,;;.:,;...t.y-? i w 2 - 2- Two Days,.. .. ! ' ' "' , " fM Three Days,.,......., ?; ' - Two Week ....i.. , ; On Month,. ..,....--... i1v1 ' , " . Two MonthB...,..... If ; ' : ,a "-- . 3 ,,iif.t. w.. llfiil fta aaB-r iart)oiitnot iilTwrtlMmenui takii at r-ropot tlonaielY low raUa. ' ' ' i . " ' r ' r VOL. XXXIV.--NO. 4G. . - WILMINGTON, N. 0.,' THURSDAY MAY 15, 1884. WHOLE NO. . 5211 if utSiiriil . .fi Ten llnec aolld Nanparfl trP toake on sqnao I H I 1,4 ''' ' - " ' .:. -' -U - ' - ,. . .. J :'i . H' : ' ... n I '-r - 1 11 1 1 - V I I 1 1 ' ' . nil i ni . i I .. in J .... i : " .. I I M i N I N hlJl 1 .....Miii:.- fie JaVwrhAatrHiX Tb fallurt .hi 'I'-'i ii :' iititr upa hair!o of rnQ of Uiat cttoo: . TU J. Kitt 0mtmtt al Capl ..ill. :l U "1 t .3 lllll I..! ' Cakaad To- .,, , ii. li.l'l '!!' ,,, Mill" " " -rnn.' wim kUVil aai a iVn tsa.l!f ijfl. ,,.,,..,,., yf iht UirwpmUa Jtv : t N'. Yoc. U , .. i r of liw!yt. rcip. , , t W;t triet . tUf- u a i in I V H II il-'"""' n nil H"l pr1 . v i.'rf Nk.-i X t a firm of ,-i jpru. .'.-'I oo.'y oa faitur r ; i l i' N-t jr ! Duoata .1 w i S Yok at , u-ii ' ' ' up t" !. Naia .. mi ; ., , ii JHi a.? iil do u mi-- ;iir!lt. Tfe i .)-ntio of Yirtal& .t il. i :t r-n.i-n rlirmaa. . iUc'iiKif n.l Joaa 1. i.' I.; - M.v u'y i--vl dJ- r ; -1 'i ii - York . ii.-- : ; r 'i ''otJilO qqict ;.- u' it. r i !.i;r k at $3 70 I I. I 'I : i v'lr i i;Mift -i "wti u: .1 jiK-J'Wi--. fo i . I,..' t . il v-rt r?l--t.4 St K.t'rljh i i i iu j'-i t Obi Mn:tf K k. loot k. i . 1 in' f tta v". ni wrry de-n- "vutl of Ka Ai.ni. n.' J..- I.isckburn N i- .-k. (MTor. th ' ' -. will ili.caaa (t).lin in. J ,Nr. Vm. rt , K btrn ar- v r ' foil to tlht a ' '. t.lrl. . J, ' ; :' " r a tr va at r i.mi e l artrl ICform. " ' 'i i I't iy that J3 ' . i. i.,i'.cr corur frn . ' v. -w-.f. :im a Drta ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 I'i . j j xrtr of " ') uniting Ytr 1 v h.i.4 no cooaec- h" v-: ! i;. y tU. no. Nt;4r; Kri.Ig,- i ii i '"' V 1. ...11 I,-. '"'v i i.:i,-f .-.t V,.... . pi ' L) i'1'f1 i.n " l jifi. th xl lK .''tlUJCVIi 4 i.te jr for Til- it-u all '' r- ,r x Proud. rnt? ;v,,""'" rjw volume in pre. ' 1 "Mingo and Other "." It w-dl pqbliahed also H:.i.nb..n Mr. !lrT,. M 0f iOr 'M. ' " ill - i bh wurt o receive I! inn iviU by bing pat oa the ( h. more thaa al tneste-l securely. ft n eittor who could on Im.ooo a year. r IU w m Jcirodt of Irish tjl'",, 11 bat bgo life ao " 1 .ift-Ugrs rising from Wur v . u" according to tha ugus or toe r'' " He was admitted ' J sin, er rogrliog ta II- '"i to bm 3. lie wa U M''"' aA TV gTal -:.& Ul U rr -rttUdgsnsraily. " n'w that jan ago Oeta, Pryor 1 tl srtevt living Araer. A coot tea enl it oa foot axnoog cec tain tnrtnbr ia th Cooctmj to I car tfc aboItUoo'of the Ux on iiqaort mA4 irom iruiu ina oa to bacco, ct;r,. eigrctu aod nuff, aJ o fcl riin" Jktluetion W doubt if tfct pccoocnU of the whoU coanlry will bo cooUat vilh this arraatncot, bowerer grbl it oy be to Uum who prtfer- to be UxS in Lbolr bo sad hat and blxnkf U aa4 crockery to being Uzed ta tbetr drink aod tmoltev The rbiladtlpbia TlmtA, Protection or gvn favoring the abolition of tbe HO raiUiona of iaternal taif ia U Waaiagt4n letUr of the 13th iaai, aaye: "Wail th Marriaoa wiax have tried to al thai rniuctioo ia the cailom datke aa4 hT f aikd. th frksd of hi cheaie aow cenw forwani with a nropoautioa to avako lha radactioa ia tha aboHtioa of the iauraaj rrvraoa tax. Ia th dirrctioa of th Uur parpcM ItepTMaaUtiT Dibrell. of Ttaacawe. Skiaaar. W IL Cox. Gra. tWaaott aad Dowd. of North Carolina, who Toted a, aad Oaorfe D. Wlae, of Vkfiaia. wko Toiad ya oa tha moUoa to trlka ool taa oaacllajr clattsa of tha Mor rttoo UO. oa Wodaaadar of but week hold a praiiaiaary coaftrtaca oo tha ailaalioa aiMl after touch daliharatioo it waa agreed to aoaad a few aaacaber of both wiaxj of lha partf tXs prpeis aviaaJua Uryf rWwt'iwa for tha prraeal aad argieg mtactioo ta certain brmache of tha iatrreaJ taxra. At tha BMetiag aixrra atatad acTaral hill were read aad cooaJdarad. whan it waa flaaily aarnwa to propoaa taa aoouuoa or all taxea oa rprita d!jind from frail aad alao oo looMccokft w-aa propoard to aound tha mers bar oo tbi propoaiUoo. A coa aaiiirw waa then appointed, cooaktlar of RcpmaaUHTtw Cabin, Scaiea and Candler, to aprwar baf ora tha cocnaoittea oo Way aad Maaaa to aaorrow to urga tha acrep Uaea of tha bUl proposed. " "Tha ana thai can be said of the lata Joiah P. neaamia I thai ha was a euc ceamfal lawyer after ha rot bayood tha - reach of AaMtlcaa compatiuoa. Asatlatea ovaa ha wa a rery coospuruous failure. " OvitMli jTafx trrr. TbAl ia a very prejudiced view of a great man cspjabilittc. Iieojamin was an eminent lawyer in America, lie ranked deeenredly with tbe fore moat. He wa besides an orator. lie wa aa able Cabinet officer, and we bare no doabt that in statesmanship be wa op to tbe Ohio standard. "A aeceaafol lawyer" because be bad no American to compete with. Fudge! Itenjamia wa at the bead of tbe New Orleans Bar at least forty year Lago ia 1344. Hat are tbere really no eminent lawyer in England ? What other American cittsen ever went abroad aad made a mocb fame by sheer talent? .Gladstone made a great speech on the 12th, ia tbe House of Commons, oo tbe vote of censure for. bit course io Kjrypt aad toward Oen. Gordon. He spoke with great power and elo quence, and was loudly cheered. He concluded by saying: T hara a duty to Gaa. Oordoo and a duly to the country: both will be perform ed. Despite the scoa or tbe honorable gen tkcaaa ai Uka climatic danger and difficul ty, ii may be the duty of tha srovernmaot to ptaat a British force ia thai terrible eooa4y.bat the government decline to be dxtera oo withoat eooeideriag tha blood, the fcoooe aad tha treasure of England; aad the government also decline to eater opuo a vast schema of cooqoesi to please a captious oppoaiUoo. (Cheers.) A bad tempered roxa ia Vet Vir- gioU by the name of Lawrence Spil- ler, has just shot aad perhaps fatally woaaded a young man by tbe name of Kdward Taylor wbo bad married bis tep-daugbtcr against hi witbea. A dispatch from Wheeling tayt: - "SpHIer heard of the marriage sooo after, aad i taxied to Iowa to kill tha newly made husband. Ascertaining where the couple wa. ha Laradcd the nuptual chamber, and hot the husband through the ieft breast The wif eadeavored to tare him. when the murderer beat her over the head with the rtrrolw ia a moat brutal manner, in fiictlag rrral horrible wound.' One of the negro Bishop i named Tarner. He bail from Atlanta. He take a very roeeato view of the his tory of bis race. He prophecies a great natioa ia Africa, aad that bis race are to be the fa to re rulers of the earth. If it caa produca maoy Tam er there is no telliog what it may become. Spirits Turpentine. Mis Faaaie Everittbat bought the StaterrUie Fcmai College for $3,000 ia cash. We have received No. 1. of AmlUrm JfttV Jrl, published at the Leaiaftoa. all! a year, monthly, by T. a Oixldge Co. Greecsboro Workman: Rev. D. a. Loot, formerly of Jf. C twit now of AatiocA CoUrgK'Ohi. ho was Injured soca tima ago la a raUroad accident, i now taaca Improved.) Rat?ha1 Iu'0tV Died, at her I hooa ta Cameroo. Mr. tydla Pool, wife of Mr. Oeo W. Fool aad daugbter of Mr. J. W. Mssrxnore. At a wif. a was iov lag aad actioCAt all that a husband could wish. . Gen. Jlotxrt Tana: I oo ot abUct. my pcepk da ac object. taa resttoa abU us oa whiaksy aad braadvibat wado objact la tha pvreaat Dathpd of lis coUec- tlo tbU toimiltoat fjftem that it fattened upon the riui of the people. - TVe knew weU younff Dr.Thoe. fiiiaMf. whoae deala wm reoeall repott ed, lie wtt e floe youo man amiable, ttrtTlnr. laiemiral and or eioeUenl pnn-. dole. T&e New York 2 tma contained a brief akelcb. of bim prepared by- one of its ttaS. ,." : A corretpoodent at Waderille write oa tbe 13th: "Oar Tlcialty wat rU- iSVsSd" irreat daxnaxe towbeat, oaUand other Tego uuoo. ooaae of oar iannert aanrered great- lv tn4n hxrl tK)r amtira trrtm tf am all I graia.- 1 New Berne Journal; Mrs. liar riet Eooace. of thi city, died at her resi den coon the 12th I oat. Mrs. Morgan. baring receired the Instruments necessary for taoonting flah by the Davidson proceaa, has cmnxnexiced work for the Craven coan ly. 8h axhibit. Report from tha coon try gay that cotton ha come up we IX aad that tha prospect are bright for a good stand. Shelby trrora. Tbe wheat a no oat crop of Cleveland took nourishing. Tbe yield of both will be greater than at ay period since the war. Mr. Rich ard Morris, oa Tuesday afternoon. May 6ih. wa eo fared in tearing down an old building oo J. R Byer' land, when tbe latter' wif called to him at a distance to desist. II threatened with an oath to shoot her aad Immediately shot at her twice with hi gun at the d I lance of 250 yards. Hickory Vest.' License for two bar room have been granted by the new board of town commissioners, with a tax of $300 each. The first contract of three mile of railroad grading on the Taylorsville end was completed this week. Lumber, tidegte and all other kinds of building material are being shipped from una raerKet la larra ouanliUea. We hear good account of the young tobacco plants, so far. Warren ton GaxetU: The wheat Is beading finely, so are the fall oat. James T. Duncan died at hi residence in Warren county oo the 80th ult. aged S4 years, and ai his death a manly heart ceased Its polsaUooa. Our former fel low countyman. Col. Green, wbo now represents the Fayetteville district, is mak ing an industrious, careful and working member of Congress. From every part of tha county comes the good tidings thai the people are diversifying their crop, wjrking harder and are spending leas. Lamberton Jiodcson ion. One of th convict employed on the C. F. fc Y. V. 11 It. near lied 8prings, tried to escape one day last week, but the volley fired at him by the guard caused him to return. Another cooTict waa accidentally shot through the hand by one of the guard who wa shooting at the running man. We kam that Mr. Ncill McArten died at hi home in IlarneU county, on last Wednesday, aged aJout 35 years. On last Sunday morning Mr. Troy Fisher's dwelling, together wlili his furniture ex cept about 150 worth were destroyed bv fire. Mr. Troy aoJIercd a similar loss about three years ao. Charlotte Observer: Mr. lio. Chambers said yeatrrday that one half of the money in rested ia tbe livery stable boaioesa in North Carolina waa here io Charlotte. A drunken man in Con cord ran up to a lady on the street and hugged her. lie waa arrested and carried before Mayor Moan yeterdy morning and waa fined forty dollars for the offence. - Mr. Nathaniel Johnston, an old and esteemed citizen of Cabarrus county, died sodden ly at his residence in Concord last Saturday night. He waa upwards of 70 year old. Garner, the city directory man, wbo i taking the census of Char lotte, aays the population of the city wlU be over 11.000. probably 11.500. The new forty-mile ao-hour schedule weat into effect on the Richmond & Dan ville Railroad Sunday. The time for the arrival and departure of trains at Charlotte is correctly given st the head of the local columns. Train No. 53 aod 53 are the fast train, their running time being forty to forty two. and sometime, when ''pick ing up schedule," fifty mile an hour. The road from Atlanta to Washington is one continuous Hoe of. steel and the bed is olid ballast. The storm on Bun day was particularly severe about Concord. The children centenary celebration was O0 g oo io the Melhodisi church at Con cord when the storm came op and some thing akin to a panic wa the result. The serriors were suspended and the greatest exdiemeot prevailed, many thinking that another cy clone was about to burst upon them, but the storm at length spent its fury without doing soy haim. The fall of hail to some sections was severe. About four mile north of Concord on the North Carolina road, the farmers are cutting off their young wheat to aare the straw and the cotton and the small grain is badly damaged. Considerable hail fell in Meck lenburg county and heavy damage is re Krted a having resulted therefrom in ng Creek township. T ZEE IE oio?5r- NKCV 10VKRTIIR.HB!1T. Mcssom Children's pant. IIcusaxAoca -Eve's Daughters. IIarjusox Jt Ai-i.a.v Straw hats. STATXMsjrrPhcfnlx Fire Ins. Co. &TATx.ME?rT Fire In. Association. OrcRA Ilocax Ryan's Combination. Mcxds & DaRosaxT Ilot water bags. aeal Data. A tewer it being constructed I from the Court House to connect with the City Hall sewer. The storm nag was displayed from the Signal Station yesterday. It was ordered up Tuesday evening. Wo learn that National Memo rial Day (May 90th) wlU be celebrated with more than usual eclat la Wilmington. There will be a big proceesion- Tbe jug-breaking entertainment given but night by the Dorcas Society of 8L Paul's Lutheran church, wat not well attended; owing to the storm. It will be repeated this evening. The annual meeting of tbe lock holders of tha Wilmington Compress Warehoaa Comoeav wlU be held at runk 0f New Hanover next Thursdsv. the 23 od last., at 11 o'clock. An arent of. the Baker Wrecking I fVirn was here vesterdsv tettlinr tome bosiaeat connected with the stolen tcbooa- tt AU CoZiiu. A YOUNG COLORED FEMALE l'ICJr O CKET. ' j A LW of Bor IrJiUBa Mo la Aeovooei of tPUallaar KIckelaroQi a A yoong colored 'girl, apparently abbat 13 or 18 yean of age, named. Rebecca Clar iday, wat arretted yesterday on the charge o; C,rd a number of pockets within the last two weeks. Among the losers from the depre dations of this precocious young female we may mention Isabella Goelet, who was robbed at St. Stephen's church on the night of Thursday, the 1st of May, of a sum of money amounting to f 18, which was tied up ia the corner of handkerchief. fl5 pf which was In gold and ' the remainder in. small silver change. On the night of Sunday, the 4th instant. Lane Ialer was robbed at St. Stephen's church of her pocket-book, containing $10 in $1 gold pieces; and on the first named evening Mary Outlaw had a brand new pocket book, containing $1, stolen from ber. Ail of these robberies, it is alleged, have beea traced to Rebecca Clariday, and there is at least one more of which we have not now the particulars, to say nothing of the accu sation that she actually stole two five-cent nickles from the eyes of a dead child. A warrant had been issued for the girl, and yesterday morning, while In pursuit of some other object. Officers Strode and Eagles suddenly discovered the girl on Nutt street, near Walnut, and, after a abort chase, succeeded in capturing her, when she was carried before Justice Millis and required to giro bond in the sum of $100 for her appearance before him at some futuie day, failing in which she was sent to jail. It will be remembered that some months ago a colored boy, named Jim McNeill, was arrested for stealing a pocket-book from Rebecca Clariday. lie was tried at the late term of the Criminal Court, found guity and sentenced to confinement for three years in the County House of Correc tion. He declared at the time of his ar rest, aod asserted afterwards, that Rebecca Clariday stole the pocket-book from a lady and he was trying to get it away from her. 8ubaequentvents have proven that both the boy and girl are desperate cases for children of their age. We should have stated in the proper place that the girl is also accused of pick ing the pocket of Mrs. Catharine Strick land, at Oakdale Cemetery on Memorial Day. RAILROAD MATTERS. n celiac of Cltlsen and BaalneaeSIen Tootorday. A meeting waa held at the Produce Ex change yesterday afternoon, to take into consideration matters connected with cer tain proposed railroad schemes. Mr. B. G. Worth was called to the chair aod Messis. IL W. Hicks and J. C. Ste venson were appointed Secretaries. By request of the Chairman, Mr. J. H. Currie atated tbe object of the meeting to be to take seme steps towards inducing the management of the Cape Fear fe Yadkin Valley Railroad to bring their road to this city. Also, to take some steps looking to tbe building of a railroad connecting this city with Onslow county. Major W. A. Hearne, being present, also addressed the meeting, giving a history of the manage ment of the C F. & Y. V. Railroad and stating that he knew it to be their intention to bring the road here. Mayor E. D. Hall followed in advocacy of the proposed connection, giving as his opinion that the management desired the road should be brought here, and also touched on its advantages and the possi bility of raising fund for a survey. On motion of Col. W. L. Smith, a com mittee of three, consisting of Messrs. A. II. VanBokkeleo, J. H. Currie and B. F. Hall, was appointed to report at a subse quent meeting, to be called by the Chair man, the cost of a survey of a route from Wilmington to Fayetteville and from Wil mington to Onslow county. After remarks by A. II. VanBokkeleo, Esq., the meeting adjourned, subject to the call of the Chairman. Our Flreaaen. At a meeting held Tuesday night, the W. 3. F. E. Company decided to go to New Berne on the 17th of June. The new caps for the company have been received and are very neat Members can be supplied by catling at the store of Messrs. Harrison & Allen At a meeting of the Howard Relief Fire Engine Company, held Tuesday night, it was decided to accept the invitation of the Charlotte firemen and attend the celebra tion of the Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependence on tbe 20th and 21st. They will take their engine and hose reel with them, and it is hoped that the Cornet Con cert Club will also go. Mayor's Coart. David Hawkins and Alex. Bowden, twoN young colored men, bad a bearing before Mayor Hall yesterday morning on the charge of writing obscene language on each other's backs with chalk, and exhibiting themselves to passers-by. They were or dered to psy a fine of $10 each, or go below for twenty days. Discharged. James Brown, the colored man who was arrested several aays ago, ana wno was thought to be partially deranged, was turned over to bis relatives yesterday, who sirniaea inetr anuiry to woa; aiter iuiu. rataer IaaHeatloiia. V The following are the indication for to day:.--. .. - ... ; For the i'jliddle Atlantic States, fair weather; nortMrly winds, becoming va riable, higher barometer and slight rise in temperatnre. ' For the South Atlantic States, , local ahowers . and - partly cloudy, followed by fair weather, northwesterly winds in the winds .hit.!,. .0-0 ill Uia7 PQIUgril pcUwt UlgUCav UoTUUKlcr CbUU illgntly cooler. J! or me XUast UUU ntaiee, ciearinsr ana fait weather, winds shifting to , northerly sou later to easterly, siauonary, loiioweu . . . . . . . , . rm, by slight rise in temperature during Thurs- dsy . ; 4 For the West Gulf States, clearing weather, variable winds shifting to , east - and south, lower "barometer and slight rise in temperature. For Tennessee and the- Ohio Valley, slightly warmer and fair weather, variable winds and lower barometer. Graded Schools. It is the custom of the school committee to appoint visiting days ' near the close of the session. In accordance with this cus tom the public is invited to inspect the work at the Williston Graded School (color ed) to-day at any time from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. To-morrow, at the same hours, visitors will be welcomed at the Peabody Graded School (colored.) The white Graded Schools will receive visitors on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Baae Ball. In a match game at the AtbJetio Club grounds, yesterday, between the "Caro lina" and the "Champion" clubs, the for mer scored 19, and the latter 17. . CITY ITJS91S WHAT R03ADALIS WILL DO 1 ROSADALIS is a sovereign remedy for all diseases of the blood. It has no equal for the cure of nervous disorders. Sead this certificate : I would like to bear testimony to the merits of Bosadalis, by saving that some eight years ago I was totally S rostrated and could get no relief from our fam y physician, but after taking one bottlo of Bo sadalis I became entirely restored to health. I now weigh 175 pounds, but when I first took your medicine I weighed only 190. I cheerfully recom mend it to all, and especially to those afflicted with nervous debility. UBS. A. A. MAB0N, Baltimore. Wa EL Green, Agent, Wilmington, N. C. A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, having passed several sleepless nights, disturbed by the agonies and cries of a suffering child, and becoming con vinced that Mrs. Winslow's SootMnar Svtud was Just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was strongly In ravor or uomceopatny. Tnatniguttnecnuai in suffering.and e parents without sleep. Return- rithc lng home the day following, the father found the oaby stui suffering : and wnue contemplating a other sleepless night, the mother stepped fro: an- im tne room to attend to some domes to duties and left the father with the child. During her ab- sence he administered a portion of the Soot a. That v allow awol Dtning Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night Syrup to tne baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke in the mornmtr briirht and happy. The mother jrnlng bright and happy. The mother was delighted with the wonderful change, and al- tnougn at nrst offended at tne deception prac ticed upon her, has continued to use the Syrup, and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and over come the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Straw Hats ! Pearl Stiff Hats! HARRISON ALLEN. Hatters. my 15 tf More OF THOSE CHILDREN'S PANTS WITH THE PATENT WAISTS received yesterday, No sewine on of Buttons for afflicted mothers. BUSINESS SUITS a choice lot at very reason able prices. MUNSON, my 15 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Hot Water Bags, -pEEDING CUPS, MEDICINE SPOONS In China and Glass, Bath Gloves and Sponges. Fine line of FANCY GOODS. MUNDS BROS. & DxROSSET, my 14 It Druggists, Market St. Marion Harland's TyATEST AND GREATEST WORK, "EVE'S DAUGHTERS," or Common Sense for Maid, Wife and Mother. Author of "Common Sense in tha Household." (100,000 copies sold.) One large and beautifully printed and bound volume. Price $2.00. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S my 15 tf Live Book and Music Stores. Did You Ever . . rpBY THE CHARIOT ? IF NOT DO SO. IT IS the BEST CIGAR for FIVE CENTS on the mar ket. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, At HARRIS' my 13 tf News and Cigar Store. Desirable Booms, yiTH BOARD. FROM MAY 1ST, MAY BE had at NO. 28 WEST 22D STREET, NEW YORK. References exchanged. my 10 Jw Furniture. SPRING AND SUMMER 1884. A LARGE AND very attractive stock of Spring and Summer Goods is now offered at the D. A. SMITH FUR NITURE WAREBOOMS at greater bargains than ever before. Call and examine same. D. A. SMITH, ... myllltf Furnlture,North Front Street. Ice. Ice. Ice. TF YOU WANT A CAR LOAD, HOGSHEAD OR Barrel of HARD, CLEAR and SQUARE ICE, well packed, setfd your orders to us. We guarantee satisfaction, and will not be undersold by any one. mylltf W. E. DAVIS 4 BON, . Peerless Cotton Seed. rjJHB CELEBRATED. PEERLESS COTTON SEED, ' . -.-' For sale by -. - J. H. HARDIN, - - Druggist and Seedsman, -mylltf ;New Market, Wilmington. N. a - NEW ADYEKn8E&E81& Grandest Event Season Ryan's Combination ! . - GIVES A PERPOBMANCK AT THE : Opera House To-nisrht. ptowtof mmp.,. I ao yaruvijya1 u au avow uubou fugUJUHA I and Sporting- Men of the day. Not only wOl the 1 aeonle be treated to the finest exhibition of Soi- entifie Sparring ever presenteto . audience, but there will be gentlemen present - , who will break, with naked fist, from an inch to atwo and a half Inch board, thereby indicating 1 the power and force of blows struck from -the shoulder. A lively time is expected with Mr. -I O'Brien, as several have acknowledged .their in tention, of meeting him for the $250, and at no time In the future will the people be greeted with an entertainment in which excitement will run as high as on this occasion. Those desirous . of having a real treat in the line of sporting life should not fail to give them a call to-night, as they are here for One Nleht only. Should gentlemen have any hesitancy in stand ing before Mr. O'Brien, thev can be accomodated by any other member of the troop, or if they de sire, can pass a few friendly rounds without danger of being braised or disfigured in the least. Tickets on sale at the box office. Popular prices of admission! Doors open at 74 o'clock; performance commences at 6)6. my 15 It Statement Showingr the Condition of the U. S." Branch of the Fire Insur ance Association. ASSETS. December 31st, 18S3. Value of real estate and ground rents ownea Dy tne company, (less the amount of encumbrances thereon,). $ Loans on bond and mortgage (duly re corded and being firt liens on the fee simple), - - - - - - Account of stocks and bonds of the united States and of this and other states, also all other stocks and bonds absolutely owned by the Com pany, 560,348.50 Stocks, bonds and all other securities (except mortgage,) hypothecated to the Company as collateral security for cash actually loaned by the Com pany, - H- - - - - Interest due and accrued on stocks and other securities, - - - Cash in Company's principal office and oeiongmg io tne company, deposited in Bank, ------ 351.142.05 Cash in hands of Agents and in tran- situ. Premiums or assessments unpaid, Premium or assessment loans and notes, - - - -All other assets, detailed in statement, 74,905.46 l.bll'.M Total Assets, LIABILITIES. - $987,407.95 Losses unpaid, including those resist ed, - 98,697.83 Reserve, as required by Law, - - 443,346.29 All other claims, - - . - - 15,491 85 Total Liabilities, Capital Stock paid up, Total Income, Total Expenditures, 1547,635.27 750,888.15 760,598.71 NORTH CABOLINA BUSINESS IN 1883. Risks written, Premiums received, Losses paid on risks taken, Losses Incurred, - $310,000.00 - 3,024,27 JOSEPH n. WILLIAMS. Attorney for United States. TATNALL PAULDING, District Manager. Secretary, General Agent, M. S. WILLARD. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Office of Sbcebtabtof State, insubance dep4btxent, Raleigh. N. C, 1st February, 1884. In compliance with; SecJ 9 of "An Act to con solidate the Insurance Laws of North Caroll na," I certify that the above is a true extract from the sworn statement of the U. S. Branch oi the Fire Insurance Association on December 31st, 1P83, now on file in this Department. W. L. SAUNDERS, my 15 it Secretary of State. Statement Showing tbe Condition of the Phoenix Fire Insurance Com pany, of Hartford. ASSETS. ' December 31st, 1883. Value of real estate and ground rents owned by the Company, (less the amount of encumbrances thereon, )$ 178,255.81 Loans on bond and mortgage (duly recoraea ana Deing nrst liens on tne fee simple,) - - 161,380.00 Account of stocks and bonds of the United States, and of this and other States, also all other stocks and bonds absolutely owned by the Company. - - - 3,203,170.91 Stocks, bonds and all other securities (except mortgage,) hypothecated to the Company as collateral security for cash actually loaned by the Company, - - - - 804.867.00 Interest due and accrued on stocks and other securities. " ts itss.ss Cash in Company's principal office and belonging to the Company, de posited in Bank, - - - - 365,891.29 Cash in hands of Agents, and in transitu, - - - - - Premiums or assessments unpaid, 208,424 61 Premium or assessments loans and notes, - - ..... All other assets.detalled in statement, 1,203.50 Total Assets, - LIABILITIES. $4,435,048.8 Losses unpaid, including those re sisted, - - - $ 215,589.71 Reserve, as required by Law, - 1,197,467.47 All other. Claims, - - - ............. Total LiabiUties, $1,418,057.18 Capital Stock paid up Total Income, - Total Expenditures, - - - - $2,000,000.00 2,113,600.32 2,105,t28.28 NORTH CAROLINA BUSINESS IN 1883. Bisks written, -Premiums received, -Losses paid on risks taken Losses incurred, President, H. KELLOGG. Vice-President, A W. JILLSON. Secretary, D, W." C. SKXETON. General Agent, S. L. NORTHROP. $ 988,256.00 12,117.80 3,073.94 341 .8 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, OmcsoF Secketabt OfState, Iksusahc DiPABTjanrr, Raleigh, N. a, 21st January, 1884. In compliance with See; 9 of "An Act to cdnsolk caia iisk 7r. BTimRirA Y tin. a. 77nrf.li nAivtlln. T certify that the aboye is a true extract frcm the sworn statement of the Phoenix Fire Jnsa - ranee Company, - of - Hartford, on December 81st, 1883, now on file in this Department W. L. SAUNDERS, my 15 It Secretary of State. ;NKW ADVERTISKMENTS. Tuesday, Hay 13, 188$ PARASOLS for Ladles, PARASOLS for Hlssv V ; -,? rAKASOL stor Chuaren. (n ersry style and color, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, vr - Auesuiiy,, iay jlomi, y AND EVERT DAT THIS WEEK.'- '. - . ',- - x-- Open, a New Stock" of PANS. FANS, FANS. - V. ANew Stook of FsTHmSANrF , A Hew etookoi : TkKIsnis3)AND-TN--- C .; - i TBJMHED. A New Stock of Ornaments, Slides, Buokles, tn steel, Jet and pearl, together with an IMMENSE ' vv j . I STOCK of Lace. Veiling, Ladles,' J Children's Arcons. Shirts. Night Bobs, and s, " irraat. mMT nlW articles, which WO Will dlsrlav on our counters tujssdax, si ax nm, ana au- .t - ring the entire week, to which we invite the !-, " dies to call and see. Prices, Quality and" Beauty x-y " ' " speak for themselves at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. mylltf WILMTN ton.'n.c, ' s : 2fe ., - . . .''' .. Pretty Shoes. X0 TOU WANT A NICE FPTTINQ SHOE TO make your foot look pretty? Do yon want a SHOE that will look neat and not hurt? Com . and let us show you some of the "nloest In. town.'V '.r-.r?i Geo. R. French & Sons. ICS Jf ORTH FRONT STREET. my 11 tf . Notice. I WOULD BESPECTFULLT NOTIFY THE PUB lio that I have Just purchased the Old Estab lishment of the late H. Burkhlmer. where I kep a full line of CIGrABS, SMOKINq and CHEWJNU TOBACCO, PIPES. SNUFF, etc JOHN A. LOCKFAW. Proprietor. , No. 6 Market Street. mylSlw . Furniture. LL THE LATEST AND LEADING PAT TERNS of Chamber, Dining Boom and Library 8ultf, Parlor Suits, Secretaries, Sideboards, Ao. . .l','-V.' ' ; -:. '-'r-i MATTRESSES ot all kinds In stock aad made ,j to order. THOS, .0. CRAFT, A or., Furniture Dealer, 20 So. Front St. my 11 tf VanLaer & Yates, 119 Market 6t., QFFER SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SOH MEB PIANOS: One Square Grand.four round corners; not only jL.:.i one of the finest toned Pianos, but of very fine outward finish. One Square Grand, three-stringed. One Upright Grand, which is the fluent finished .Piano Produced oy uonmer. One Upright Grand, plain case. The above instruments will be sold very low, as the finish makes them too expensive for this market. We offer also Decker Bros.' and E. Gobler St Bros.' PIANOS, and a very large assortment of ORGANS on the lowest possible terms. x Call and -be convinced. my 11 tf Soap, Soap. Soap.; . IVORY 80AP, FOR LAUNDRY AND TOILET "vf . )IJ ,r' ',?' USE. Floats on the water.) Made from purely i Vegetable OIL my 11 tf For sale by KEBCHNER A C ALDER BROS. Fancy and Staple Groceries;' FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, - i . . BACON, RICE, CORN, SNUFF, LYE, CRACKERS, SAI? MEAL, OATS, SODA. STARCH, CANDY, MOLASSES.. :T LARD, HAY, i POTASH, i i 80AP, v. v i CANDLES,'' ' trJ.V. - ,,- . RIVETS, i-iVi - : l . : ". POTASH, ' - ' ' HOOP-IRON, ;GLUE. SNUFF. LYE, HORSFORD'S PRBPT'N, PAPER BAGS, MATCHES, . For sale by T - TOBACCO, Ao., ao , - my II -tf KEBCHNER C ALDER BROS. ' PARSLEY & "WIGGINS ; , , ' MANUFACTURERS OF : ' Sash, -Blinds, Doors, I AND ORNAMENTAL, WOOD WOJIK, mylltf 1 - BOXES AND CKATE8, 5 . For snipmenc or vegeiaDies ana xruiia, of Vegetables and aade. )W PINE LUMBER. snooKS or retuiy innuo. YELLOW PINE LUMBER. - i ;. r A full stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber, twv ; -Laths, Ao., for BuUdlng. purposes. - v Orders by the cargo, Domestic and For- . . eign, solicited, v r my 11 tr PARSLEY A WIGGINS. " Water Coolers ! frERY CHEAP, .JV;'.t-- V AT GILES A iHTJRCHXSOfl'B,; ' Murchison Block. my 11 tf -'.v '... i. ; -v k i.' J , t-A v SI 3r . . - -Li 1 tees and V ,,. . .-rT- t .-1 - r i f '--.' . , v , -" . .. r -:r:; .'-'.J.J V',' . ;:. .. ;v - .'-.v- . " , . 1 . - "'..' m ' V 2 . ..- '':,".' . ' .'T i ;,'i'- . '..' ' ' . - , 1. -.vv .. - f i . . -

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