'-": I.. t V: ' V'" r. i. I- . f I. ' I, ; K" " ' to ' - . - .- k . ' ' - . ' .-'' - ..-. : . ., 2Ti - . ' , ' : .-.. ? V -; v 4v vtiXrti ni rv V.w JlnUnd. Tb contml ttlf.nUIioa or a oinion. Senator mmeralj, indadmg go d, silver, cop-, ?t - , ry ip w cm. Tofk crxtw ingUDO. 4owum . P'f lead (or ealena). line tin.mckeL, A "if ZXZZSZSiZir&S&SJSfS U. North d Floriaj.lo T.U.r. .fur .i nIE Into thomit- Jtei pEOllAlEPSOPTHE-BrbMl); vitrwMmMrMtoMrMr' V : - f for An appropriation of million IF at alao, precious stones, niamondifounol. r 1 V ?v Mb lArw Hutu w rMA 4 JU ; Una vmII J M t M l0 WU watrxMi rnciUtf tolrwrtitlarf r rnt A Jul tamu-ciun. a4 ts twrtoi p Ba rnv t'rntH)MBaa U ti Cte&wK 'mil, KMomneiuit at TaoAx a .rfmrr toj mr.'.tmmntJ 61 00.7 StAif rM 9r f-n?i A4oaactat off jUtvor-Ow nvra r w fmJTa mxAtm. o la oerv'twt dt &m sorMt. ftArvd lraalat AantmiaMnt. 1M!M Offlrti: to!rUwinata Mt Uilimr par tnr bwartiua. wwiwwtta tkt rtamuxmiUQMt of ad!0i StnK vtwetar to V3m abac mnuBniUieinna or oOarv'iM, MI b e&AJT4 ht vr'.y. totuurTivif u watrwt Cbncrtiti ktwMn mrd mot k2o4 to mmt Stir o ktrcriiM ay lXa M i&ntr rmrxlf rudxiw WoU xtr mAmrrm s4 liaa(iaat run nt mwx or 4Jwitwm ftrtedy nU peopartr fi taterw. r u MHiliM, tt xnat fti bt wt aciw wf. UKr vul li'Wfy t f!Mia if CrUajMPa 1A tewriftiUM. AJfwA fi(MtUt .Nrf tpiijjta taa MM a 4mM toiwOM ta. wf a ! tw ta HiUMit Ut tot -rortlHTBwn vtU ba tSHMft4 Uw OtoJf . W1um a lanrUw iraUMti ffer IAm cMr t to him arfia Uh ttok 4-wImMTMMt tit Co UW wcwlii wti vaif k MpuoalAlu r Uk mTti 0 Um pajar to ki ad RMalttaonMt 6 nat) ? CbawK. OrO. fntoi lM7 Or4. MrprmmK or to to4Kr4 The Morning Star. V J a? wiLtun it. asaaAjajx. wTLjfixoroy. x. a - TrtciMOAV Kvfctrso, Mat 15, liSL EVENING EDITION. a rtarioio rmai rots tvil JS!TO. Th moHt importxat scterprise that concern Wilmington Is the exlcn- sion of the Cado Fear and Yadin Valley fUilroad to this city and to I .w iw:.. t: tv... t. I m t wj j la i w aKav&a. autv acs ui i t.v a in which the future of Wilraingtoa o much involved a. in this. It Is a nfcrMMity thAt the hnk between Pavvuevtlleaod this plare should be constructed ana at n earlr dav. I rij ' I The nAtarAl outlet of Western North CroUoA i to the aboard I to Uminstoo. mt Tennessee mtrrchant ar drumming Western I I'AroIina for it trd. Krcry dollar I of thi. trade will come to WUtaing I ton if tho nc-!Ary highway of I tratnc r opod and the indacemcnta I .... . . . t- . - . v . . I ruer.,. r irs jjt ine ruA'j uQiit t. Mt. Atry, and then let oar business men .ro oat thm.!ve. . . . k nave ?r anajr aoien or more-1 to court. ot one of the oppr coan- I it, with rn tnorin Jura books aod penoiu ta hand, talking with the plantK-rt- trllinjj thera of tho pros pect. of the price of tobacco, wheat, Ac. th. b"t time t hip to market, and m tarn taking order for gro crrt, frm ;jpptt, tc. Thi per ooI ir:rji. wa ncceruary arul it ptl. Uichmand wit twenty-ooe mi! 'lut.uit on on ide, and Nor folk u on th other, with it. great hipping dr antagv, and if the gra did not grow ia th? strveU of Peters burg it. biioc(! raen ma.t bestir thnvt-N-. strike oat for the trade in that rich .ctHa tretchaog from tUrtiw county to Cok and Ilock inharu, and for the tra.loail tbroajb that Ally prtxlactivo and very timtlar ctton that lies in Virginia btitwfeo Psterburi and Danville and I Lynchburg. In pit of big Rich mood" and N'orfolk wtth iu very grat advanta . Ptrnbarg has grown sad t! jirishfd aad nor than held its own. Here is a Usjoo worth cooninj. Wilmington hA great natural ad- vanuges. jhe mart Iarn to improve ihm T tut .t elegsnt hot.l. There will be no pro- Srvs- ..til thb U done. r.II up our town all wmur frora (Xtob-er to I Mar-with w.ll t. .tM. Ka -ww i , . .... i . ,. . d not care h-?w oaeh it costs so they get the comforts and it wool J t , , . rtvolatiooUe the town. lt as mention a fact probably not - .tt i . t t-v I 4t V4 wv" rV'- I are two cIaas of visitor frout the North who go to Florida. There is the smaller clast of invalids. Thta cLmm seek rvpoe aad quiet. But "plorvla in too warn for them. By "April the weather oppresses them. , They sun hom aad the charge is o prvat that ia two weeks many of wwra uu iato th grave. The hart m .vtcas etimat ana Sad wiaUr It 1 - - icarisU in wart or plcaaar, aa- torn aciaauj rcqnircu . vum hiddenite, imetbyst, emeralds, chal-Tcntar-, qaUt, change and incut- $300,000, and we suppose that en- eedonj, agate, .onyx, etc.; great twao Florida. Tho litrhtencd and well informed legisla- variety of beautiful marblesr BtaW Mtlmiu b tkat TS.0OO proos en- UUU Uaatinux, Tb7makil a bhl-. They aro fi'Bf sad eomlnff all the time. They first "do Florida thoroacbly. TbU ar o J for Georgia, So alii Carolina, Tcoqcmmc, Western Carolina, Old Poiot, anywhere for a change. The invalid class would be de lighted with Wilmington qr with the faraoas Oaslow Spriogs and tho Sao i Una in that mast be bsilt there. Bol a railroad is the first thing when we think of Onslow. The Northern invalids can only get there by rail. The grU oyster and fish industries in which Wilmiogtoo is so roucb in tcrcftted really and will be more in terttei hereafter, demands s rail road also. When wethiok of Wilmington aod the great tntrel Southward the first And Last consideration is a hoteL Almost etry day new and convinc ing evidence cornea to as in so mo way of the great need and advantage of a lArge hotel for Wilmington. must come If the money cannot be raised Acre, then the bosinesB com munity ought to open correspond ence with capitalists elsewhere to try to indoeotbem to invest at least 250,000 here in a hotcL They are doing this in a doten or more towns south of us and why not here? The sum then of the matter is ' I Vrmf m nmm lint Second, the estenstoo of tho Cape Fear, and Vadkin Valley Railroad to Wilkin Z'on. Third, the extension of tbe same road to the Ohio River. It is only some 423 miles from Mt. Airy to Ctncinnati. Fourth, the building of a railroad to New Uivcr, Catherine Lake and the Alum Springv in Onslow. This mean health for Ujs Northern iovs- 1J, tremendous development of iK ;.k nA nvmtnr imlmtriM for ' - - Onslow, and a ffrcat canning centre for v ilmington. I Fifth, a free bridge otcr Brnns- I wick river and a steam ferry for tho vP rear at tno.Joot or uiarxet . I street. This means attracting tho I trade of that large county and the I development oi a large trucking uu sine. It means more Wilmington, and a big d of the vegetable canning industry. Sixth, the opening up of all avail able water wavs of trafBc Then v .v - t' :. . it w. v.- w.vp. rc.w.i u still farther improved in its depth of water so that Norfolk shall bo its . . i.it oniy nvai in excellence, wdh soan i rapialy a city or so,ovo peopi -feM .I r n-r- m.f in t.nimmitv art. I ik.w.mmv. i ittH-pli.!. . gnat Jet. A ...rong pull, a long poll ami a poll altg4her is what is needed. After awhile there will be a rail- the other side of the river probably. I Tbe Ust poaVible bathing is to be dvsi po-tioie oainio is 10 w d both at Hald lUad, and, we t,th. mrt nf SmithvilU ve, to the west of Smilhville. found beliei The time is not distant, we must be lieve, when an elegant and commodi ous steamer will ply upon our river. This will come with the new hotel and the crowd of visitors. Wilming ton ians think on these thinks. . . of Mississippi, is of politicians in Senator George, not of that class uke roocb tocic- IIe either belongs I to that cla of Southerners who were I always opposed to the great doctrine of Jefferson Madison, talboun,Alex. Stephens and Jefferson Davis, that the States had certain rights reserved to them under the Constitution, or he has deserted that doctrine alto- Sr - Io pooch is tbe Senate on the latemai t'euagocy bill this na- k "ntralixed style. Said be: I U not feed on the cry Acats aod I rue& r?w'JM cf umi tW rw. wntcn. oowtTtr resnectaoie in ueir i ,, h. - .. , . " M . TST EiL . UraiC Tf we frTr in S Jli!.!.5' . ctoru Sml'ailtr Z LJI'JIXTS sldniW-itK t. - I TbU U thm .!ut tS.t ,i, k trusted with the destinies of thU I - v emrnm I SSW SBV MWVW B country. The people mm sleeping OTSr 1 Vln mm nl Hvnmit. - J ...W BUVt I i. - . v . r t i u; u.i u are w we twp. ing of the Georges. The Congreae should appropriate all of the foods needed for the im- provement of ths Cape Fear Itiver as It is really a work of naUorul im- i ... .11: .1 : tors will not rcfaso to grant thU satrf tl Cgio think, to U reqaisite and necessary for' the next fiscal Terfa operations. Oar former paragraph was based upon imperfect Tho critic of tho Philadelphia American has cordial praiso for Mr. Crad dock's "In tho Tennessee Moun tains," tho new Southern book to which wo recently called attention, llo concludes a well written notice as follows: "In general. Mr. Craddock may be con til.nS imrriSylSriJj r1ctjnesj sod importance of the literary vela wbleb be has struck, and on the skill with which be pursues It. TUB PERIODICALS. Te $um for June is out aod overflow ing-as usual with illustrations, designs of fancy work, needlework, etc It has 2 colored plates; 3 natloaal costume nietures; 150 lustrations of dress and needlework ; 13 flat paper patterns; 0 embroidery de- . b" ident of the Metropolitan Bank, in place of sixns and 10 InlUal letters. It Is much winter to encounter. Living and la- q. i. Seney, resigned, souibt after and it 1 so wooder. Price 80 are extremely cheap, water Wall Stbebt, 10.45 A. M. The Ban cents. New York. International News Co . P.w.er 19 abundant for mining and kers and Merchants' Telegraph stock, in n v o, JU, milling purposes, and their king, cot- which A. W. Dimerick & Co. were heavily 31 Ueekman trcCL should manufacture bis own interested, is offered at 75, against 119 sales Vura Caniima TtatlUr for April is well filled as is usual with this very handsome . i i .. .vi. monthly. It contains a piece of music en titled "Keep the Place," L. W. XJagley, of Wake Forest, has ao article "Against School Pri are. " It has a portrait of Julius L. Tomlifisen, L A, Principal of the Win ston Graded School, and a long sketch of I bis career. Price $1 a year. Eugene L. narrell. Raleigh. N. C. Managing Editor. TXt SrvtJitm Pulpit for May contains a sermon by Rer. Dr. Sparrow, and a Vir giola pastor; outlines of sermons by Revs. E. A. WhitemsB, M. B. Sharbrough and W. T. Robert; Recollections of an Ad dross by the late Rev. Dr. James A. Dun . . t . i can, ana ouier maiier oi iniemk mce fl.60 per annum. Address, Richmond. Ya. NORTH CAROLINA. I La ntaeral and Lasaber ItMoams. Correspondence of ths Boston Post. Marios, N. C, April 29. Hereto fore the attention of the hardy and eneriretic sons ef New England has been turned to locating in and build- ing up the great West, extending I even to the far-oS Itocsrv mountains, It is an area largely covered j mr with primeval forest, and abounding in rich minerals. North Carolina alone having 15,882,807 acres of unim- proved lands rich in minerals and . ' . . , ir catea. It has been overlooked for lba K1Jon that before the civil war, when slavery was extant, Northern people did not visit or frequent these y, f . .. . ... acres under cultivation. Vhen some level-headed, thinking South ern men and railroad corporations said, "We can, if we will, exhibit .-., w " I practical proof of the actual resources of the South.bnngtoour aid Northern aod other capiuC and cause our rich vacant Ian da to be ocenrjied bv en- -- - - . - ji. " I nrMiiiion id iioilod njllLl Ult'n ui Lueir r . . r f- . . i "- JP--" i JK" f cotton. etc such a display r.rtvmri ifAnot arn 1 1 a I as would make any nation proud of such resources. Ue fol- I inarinrr fmstm from ftHiAia tnnrroa Vjorth Carolina There are 16 va- rietiee ot tree, 176 varieties of rieue ox tree, 170 varieties ot shrubs aod plants, many of them of great commercial and medicinal E yArieUcs of vines and many wild indigenous fruits. GIGAXT1C FOREST TREKS. In the tree catalogue are pine (eight varieties), spruce, cedar, hem lock, gum poplar, elms (three varie ties), walnut (two varieties), birch (two varieties), maple (five va neues;, nicxones Vo varieties, oner- .ry, magnolia (feven varieties), oak (nineteen varieties), asb, chest- rieties), hickones (0 varieties), oher- 0f many of the forest trees aregigan- tic: White oak; 15 feet 0 inches in circumference, 50 feet to first limb; JQCef 60 Teet to first limb; chesnut, 18 feet 0 inches in circumference, 50 feet to first limb; poplar, 17 feet 9 inches in circumference, 70 feet to JSfn camierprirp. fin f pt ta first 1 1 mh black gum, 9 feet 7 inches in cir- cum I ere nee, 40 feet to first limb: ItlkllS "l???0 'c?0 i There are trunks of pine that squared I o feet, 86 feet long, and the larecst . - t i iuck kdowd, sqoarea o leet at case aad 2i feet It top and 30 feet lone soU in Ns I Yort f nrmarJ gt soldin rew lork for 600. To givo an idea of what these forests can prod nco per acre in lum- oer. toe IOUOWinsr n cruxes axe Piven I . - ' u.m.:.r: t3.u Carolina ba 4 counties; out of these, W ll B1U1 S-I lllLlAi KTSa LI IliaLS'H 11 III I II 15 c0110 giro Inpinolnmber alone, feeL The Stats Is well traversed Tbv ra.il wavk U. . . I. 11 4 - Or t ' - . . - . - : 4 M inmber can Do freighted in quantities to the seaboard at low rates probably at 93 50 per ra.. by vessel from ' Norfolk or Wil mington to Boston. North Carolina has several ore belts traver sing the slate from northeast to aathweat, cArryiag 25 to 30 Tarie- I ' - 3 I . ... . . . i I inrr trrMt Th rmMn WMft in rnnrdfl nf trad, for ates except vne iargo c.ues ana h is utterly ana irreconciiaoiy nos- 'f7Kta OneTrihe lm.ni I,De of trave, nd Nrth Carolina tile to Blame's - cabdidacy.iV. 1. poggeag 8iigbtly wonnded, and one of eveiopmeni had only ix and a half millions of Time. Hen. Cash's associates was wounded seriousl v. . I luumuvw or-neiiDic"Buusuc, jboal, kaolin talo7cfil and mlU-seohe) fSoinrfsSwtT taken from th placers and surface of the veins by slave labor, in tbeir. crude mannr,-and trith' this present milliner, and intelligent management, mea!? .ittW' U-gMbi. the Carolinas and Gebrgia. A RICn MINING COUNtET, Tho writer took, four years aeo in four days ruq upon the plates from a common 10-stamp mill at the fa- mous Rudisiir minPo at Charlotte N. C, reopened since tbe war, and pnn- cipally from sulphurets, raw, more Pold lhan bo has over Been taken'in ! , Mmo Colorado under stances. The writer has been familiar with Colorado since 1850, and has pitched his tent in most section in that coun- I try, but in the past five or six years I has examined ana paid especial at- I tention to North Carolina, and woaw from choice mine m tna . 'i Bn Anantlr r. kan I v . J b . -rt ir o sr. ill, o. CURRENT COMMENT. Laying aside the question of the constitutionality bf the Educa tional bill, its very tendency is evil. It is a mixing up of State and Na tional matters and laying upon as heavily the strong iron hand of the United States Government. The do ings of its revenue officers are too fresh in our minds for ns to wish or , . , . , ... desire the touch of the ederal0roy- ernment in any of our affairs. While we respect it and are faithful to it, yet wo cannot look -to it for any ;i . , , Mnnill,a , salve to heal our wounds if we- are to judge for the future by the past We favor education. It is the ground- work of prosperity, but for us to hav th nartiian eve of a imwerful r - j r ' . party bearing gifts to us we protest. Camden (A C.) Journal, Dem. . lint the nomination Of Mr. I Blaino would be the 'preludw'to dis- I aster ouite as certain and quite as I overwhelming as that which would result from the nomination of Ar I tbur. His supporters may not be I a J mf easily convinced of this, for in large Dart tbev will reDresent constitaen I cies where there is a genuine popular belief in bis strength. It will not bo - J - . x I is regarded in many Eastern States, but tbev may bo convinced of the I importance and tho strength of the reform element, and of the fact that I .. . ... . . ..... THE TOBACCO TAX. Charleston, News and Courier. TT- 1. .... r? n " v ut"i oul4 "ur c,clJr mno Iteformer in tongress will Ji or reauce tne lax on tooacco. Jt is a scheme in the interest of irotec- ,J ......r.-t,,-. .a k.v i. ! on manufacturers who selfishly disre- "ter tteUte. II were a cnra.e to 8Ive to nnS miutona ot aouars at tne ex- P, of .t WOUIU Wits wuucuui4nuu ui the Democratic party. The Demo- crats who were beaten by a combina- l,on .f democrats ana uepubiicans """i" , r owe it to themselves, and to the country, to join the Repubncans ff need be in defeating any bill for cheap tobacco as an attendant or consequence of dear clothing, dear ...i : i i--i I ..vu.tu.i. ,u.F.cuc.ifcn,uca. 0a. timber. A Fitting Beply. Boston Post, Dem. The real revenue refomers should now como t0 the front 8ay8 tho New york W and deal with the surplus by reforming tho war taxes of the in- Sun might have added, the men who refused the people cheaper blankets, olothes, lumber, coal and sugar, must I now come to their relief and give them cheaper rum and tebacco. OUU STATE CONTEaPORABIBS. I Every man thinks he knows bow to edit I a uewipiDcr ana mue money tntnt ne nas i . a . t . a s I wow uieu uiu uangerous experimeni. ai people were as goodtoDavfor subscriDtion as to find fault the editors would be happy. The Aurora invites criticism. The editor is sot trying to please everybody and never exVoVii it is much more difficult aJT ,b tttak- At least three of the Radkal State ticket, to. - w --a -art . , . , r, i mwii. ; jji.es urn. xoris, I ? iuowju. ana prooaoiy omers, but wc cannot say positively for some of Ihem we never before heard of, were until a few months agcy staunch Democrats and i warm defenders of .the present system Tf county government "But" Jhe party de: ; . " "K"' U1 uio iravcm ouu manes l n Issue. Warrtnton Qatette. f. I Daraett's Coeoalne Is Hexowxed as a Pure asd Effective Hatr Dbesscto tsr Evert Quarter of tub Would. For thirty years it has been a favorite with the people and a leader with tbe trade. The name 'CocoArjfE' has become a valu able crooertv. Bnmtt rv i llshed their bright to lis uie n:.eral I suits at law, thus protecting the public and I themselves from imposition. . . . . The superiority of Burnett's Flavoh- ma Extracts "consists In thvir perfect purity and great strength. f Tbe Panle Somewhat Subsiding One Failure Reported to-day The IWetro--polltanJBaiik Rejinmep Bnlnese All CheckJi, VtmVlr Honored Favor i aale rteW.r,o'it ondon, etc. Br Telegraph to the Morning star.l Nkw Yobk, Waij, Stkkkt, May ,15, 10.15 A: l:Dimerickfc Co. have sus pended. '- -vy ' The Mfitropblitan Bank has posted notice on its doors,-adTing' that' the1 bank cxamin- I affairs, the Bank will resume business at 12 era. navinz maue an -invesiieawuu w Da rrWr.fvS "from lnAbn n btiV-botlr'Istock and bonds. Their" correspondents Report fthe market for American secunnes aavanczng, wnu a I -trnr fVimB-ftndno'Jaihires. v Wall STrafcT, 10.20 A.rH7 The stock market opened 1Jsrons: .'JJygf;- ntraf Sterl o.rM utrkA are buovant. After the an- I oouaccment of the failure of Dimerick prices sagged per cent, and the market was irregular. The loan rates are 1-641 per cent, for all active stocks; others flat. Money is easier. The bond market is feverish. Wall 8trket, May 15. The stock mar ket is higher this morning, in consequence of the resumption of the Metropolitan Bank and the action or tbe Clearing House. I pricea rotse J to 4 per cent. The failure of I A. W. Dimerick had but comparatively lit "--- JacQue8 haa been elected Pres. I yesterday. A sale at 00, seller na, nas iusc I been recorded. Wall Street, 11.30 A. M. A dispatch from Boston reports the suspension of F. A. Hawjey & Co., a firm which, although not heavy dealers, was regarded as of good standing. Messrs. Hotcbkiss & Burnham arc en gaged in the work of balancing their ac counts, and expect to be able to resume bu siness to-morrow morning. New York; 12.15 P. M. The Metro politan Bank has resumed, and is payiDg out to all depositors presenting checks. I Even before the hour named for resump- V k VVT aZa d and the first man in the line received his money. individaal waa an 0id wea- ther beaten man, who evidently drew out all his holdings, as the pile of greenbacks handed to him made a goodly show, and were carefully stowed away in his inner pocket8( af;eJr many glance8 at nia neigh tors, of whose probity he was evidently by no means certain. At noon the number in I hie was not over twenty-five, and was com- Ppsed principally of boys and clerks, some lot wnom only required certincauon oi their checks. Only one lady was among I the list, she being attired in widow's weeds. I Uer gratincation on receiving her money I Wfta nlainlv written on her countenance. I The number of those drawing out their I funds is regardedas very promising for the I f uture of tDe bank- RIDDLED WITH BULLETS., I I Bona Caab, tbe Sontb Carolina Ont law and Bfarderer, Killed by a Sberlfla JPoeae One of the Iatter baa bla Fingers Sbot OflT by Caab. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Ciiarlkstoii, May 15. A special dis patch to the News and Courier from Cheraw, says W. Bogan Cash, the fugitive murderer of town marshal Richards, was killed this I morning ai about 4.30 o'clock, while resist- I inr arrest TKia nwn wa in fVinnm nf Gov. Thompson received the following at 10 o'clock this morning: CJieraw, May 15. To Gov. Hugh S. Thompson r I went with a posse last" night' I w to arrest w. ri. Uasn. i instructed my men not to-fire unless absolutely-necessary.: i then surrounded the house and barn, ATtllb f 1 V- 'irr"B. IL" w uaro, i om-reu iv w ue Burrouuueu, v.asu' csmo out and fired on the posse. The fire i uujiets. a one or me posse were sirucK ex- l T . . . . 1 JSPSaS who.. w, (Signed) E. T. Kino, Deputy Sheriff. RAILROAD HORROR. Farther Particular of tne B. & O. B. B. Accident Twelve Persons In Jnredand Fourteen Horned to Death By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Pittsburgh, May 15. When the wreck near Connellsville was cleared away it was discovered that twelve persons have been "aod fourteen more were missing. Tho bodies of ten of these latter have been recovered; the Others are supposed to have been entirely consumed. Of those recov ered only two, Cassidey and Dermott.could be positively identified. The others were burned into a shapeless mass. LOUISIANA. Tne Legislature Protests Against Any Diminution In tne Duties on Sugar. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. I NewOrleaus, May 15. A dispatch to the Picayune, from Baton Rouee. savs' a 3oint resolution has been introduced in the r &tJZE..2i Senators to join in with all other American Interests needing protection, and avert im- nendine danger, and to exert tb ntrt . XV a m . m. " I tiioris in arrestms- bo ratal a r-Arftmitv no i would result from even the aliffhtpst j " uimiauuon oi existing duties on sugar. The National Anti-Monopoly Conven tion, in session at Chicagohas nominated Benjamin F. Butler for President. '--J m i T- eod Kpee Dr. Bradfleld In the Sale of his Never-Fallipg Female Regulator! - .i.unoiuo xciuaia ivcuiator I k . " m,wuo compounaea ana offered to the public for the diseases for which it is recommended. 1 am acquainted tciiA a iofy who never had ny health until h cemmenced using it. , It gave her im- mediate relief, and from that time until " uw vujujjcu nio ucai ui ueaiui. , x can say with hearty good will 'God St speed Dr. Brad field in the sale of his never-fjJlinrr . -T 1 . . Female Regulator 1' ' , Treatise on the Health and Happiness of Woman mailed free. - Bbamteu Regulator Co., g . . Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. WeHave TN stock tub best ant cheapest sad - ii:1Ji?eHi?,rn Trunks,8atohels,Buggies, Phae- J tentlo Tto' reoaM tVoSS iruiii jn&ser in tbe State. MoDOUQALLA BO WD EN, 114 North Front St., ' Next door to D. A. Smith's. my li tf GOMMERGIAE; I W I t.M IN G FO N MAUE E T. STARIoFPICE. May 15, 4 P. M. - SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market was quoted fjrm at 29i cents per gallon bidi"withates'Veported of 110 casks at that price. ROSINThe Lmarket was quoted firm at $107 J bid for Strained and $1 12 J for Good Strained, with sales at quotations. Also sales of 500 .-bbls (F) Extra No. 2 at $1 25 per bbl, .. TAR The market was quoted firm at $1 30 per bbl. of 280 tbs., with sales at quo tations. CRUDE TURPENTINE The market was steady, with sales reported at $1 00 for Hard and $1 75 for Yellow Dip. COTTON The market was quoted dull on a basis of llf cents per H) for Middling. Small sales reported. The following were the official quotations: Ordinary ..... 9 cents $ lb Good Ordinary. 10f " Low Middling, 11 " j Middling 11 GoodMiddlinff llf PEANUTS Market dull, on a basis of $1 201 25 for Ordinary, $1 401 45 for Prime, $1 501 55 for Extra Prime, and $1 601 65 for Fancy. RECEIPTS. Cotton 4 bales Spirits Turpentine 239 casks Rosin 650 bbls Tar 80 bbls . rude Turpentine. 33 bbls OOJIESriO HASKETS. : ut Telegraph to the Moraine 8tar.i Financial. Nbw York, May 15. Noon. Money firmer at 12 per cent, per annum. Sterling exchange 485485t and 486487. State bonds dull. Governments irregular. Commercial. Cotton steady, with sales to-day of 923 bales; middling uplands life; Orleans llc. Futures quiet and firm; sales at the follow ing quotations: May 11.52c; June 11.62c; July 11.74c; August 11.86c; Seplember 11.55c; October ll;05c. Flour dull. Wheat opened lilfc higher, but reacted partly. Corn opened c higher, but reacted. Pork steady at $18 50. Lard firm at $8 52J. Spirits turpentine steady at Z2 32Jc. Rosin steady at $1 401 42. Freights firm. Baltimore, May 15 Flour dull, with an easier feeling: Howard street and west ern super $3 003 50; extra $3 624 62; family $4 755 85; city mills super $3 00 3 50; extrcK$3 656 25; Rio brands $5 625 75; Patapsco family $6 50; do su perlative patent $7 00. Wheat southern steady; western "a shade higher and dull; southern red $1 09 112$; southern amber $1 llil 15; No 2 western winter red on spot $1 00il Olf; May $1 001 01i. Corn southern steady; western firmer, closing dull; southern white 6870c; yel low 6063c; western mixed spot 6060ic; May 6060f: FOREIGN HIAHKETM. By Cable to the Momlntr Star.l Liverpool. May 15. Noon Cotton More offering, nd sellers inclined to give. i - "o - I wa7 slightly; uplands 6id; Orleans 6d; sales 12,000 bales, of which 2,000 bales were for speculation and export; receipts ,uuu Dales, or wmcn 400bales were Ameri can. Futures quiet at a decline. Uplands, 1 m c, May - and June delivery 6 13-64 6 12-64d; June and July delivery 6 16-646 15-64d; July and August deliv ery 6 21-646 20-64d; August and Sep tember delivery 6 25-646 26-64d ; Septem ber and October delivery 6 22-64d. Spirits turpentine 25s 6d. 2 P. M Cotton Good uplands 6 7-16d; uplands id; low middling 61-16d; good ordinary 5 13-1 6d; ordinary 5d. Good Texas 6d: Texas 6d; low middling 6 d-lbd; good ordinary 6d; ordinary 5 9-1 6d, Good Orleans 6id : Orleans 6 S-16d ; low rn lHrll itict ft Sl .1 Ail ctatmI vrl ino Tvr ft1 . nrAt. middling 6 3-1 6d; good ordinary 6d; ordi nary 5 9 16d. Uplands, 1 m c, May deliv- ery 6 12-6M Mayand June delivery 6 l2-04d, June 'and July deUvery 6 15-64d July and August delivery 6 2-64d, all delivery e as-Mcr, Beptember and October delivery 6 22-64d, October and November delivery 6 ll-64d. November and Dr4m- i ti-.r. i I "aw,.. oot-o tI-V JdtU.a001a. American. 3 P. M. Futures firm, with a crood de mand for near positions; uplands, 1 m c, 1 June ana July delivery 6 16-64d; July and August delivery 0 21-64d. 4.00 P. M. Futures closed steady; up land!, 1' m c, May delivery 6 14-64d, May and June delivery 6 14-64d, June and July delivery 6 17-64d. July and Au gust delivery 6 22-64d, August and Sep tember, delivery 6 26-64d, all sellers' op tion ; September and October delivery 6 d-04d, value; October and November de livery 6 ll-64d, buyers' option; November and December delivery 6 7-64d, buyers' option; September delivery 6 28-64d, value. New TorK Blee market. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, May 14. The demand continues fairly active; stocks are light and holders require full quotations for both domestic and foreign grades. The quotations are : Carolina and Louisiana fair at 5i5ic; good at 5f 6c; prime at 66ic; choice at 6$7c Rangoon at 4c; Patna at 5c. Tierces. Bbls. Exports for the week 519 Exports from January 1 51 6,856 Exports same time last year. . 20 ' 5,966 Messrs. Dan Talmage's Sons & Co., Charleston, S. C, telegraphs the crop movement to date: Receipts, 64,735 bbls- l pwr ill . i 1 . r aaa m- V sales. 62.709 bbls: stock. 2.026 bblS. Marke nrm Savannah Blee ItlarKet. Savannah News, May 14. The market was very quiet There wes nothing doing. Prices remained firm and unchanged. Sales for the day 24 barrels. The following are the 'official quotations of the Board of Trade: Pair 5i5c; Good osoc; irime eigbic u : . n--.- v .. . I Every year increases the popularity of Ayer s unerry sectoral. KeCommended for all pulmonary troubles. f Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Rooms, BANK OF NEW HANOVEB BTTELDTNG, Wilmington, N. C. Fire, Marine : dT jtlft 'Craj9asli&k Afgregate Capital Represented Over 9100,000,000. fell tf A DMTNISTRATION NOTTCfE. BEING -DULY iToT mineton, I hereby give notice to aU persons navuur-olauns against my intestate to present them to xne on or before the 26th day of April, 1885, or this notice will be pleaded against them. Those indebted to the same Will please make fan mediate payment. HENRY BURKHIMER. ap 28 oaw 6w f r ' Administrator. OkLS and MALadi VER. From thoae 8ourceaAR A, ' the diseases of thl & torsri. Appetite, Bowels CM?,slstcnc:riV oke.flUlne.s after fk exertion or body OP .Vnf ' v"34- jura, A leeung of i, " rc"Pr, omedmy, Dimness wK Het, Wu before Th'e eitlr, K ?k4 ored Urine, COJVbtipVt.'.SL'sA. t'V mandtheuse of a remedy, 7?f01. anaS on theLlvec . As aUvcr L ' apta have no equal. Tho L ln?,TtT Kidneys and Skin is also nmi action m aU Impurities through t52fSl ; rc"ov ngere df the v,t,l 080 "Tee J'n! tlte soand deffi re,?roluci"K 1 cause no nausea or min tTT s Wli2 ANTIDOJXjTOj-ALAR HE FEELS LIKE ATT -I have had Dyspen JWAN. Hon two years, WZTmlu Cons' Pa kinds of pills, and TUTs n dir that have done mo any go0, ar" tlie m cleaned me out nicch- I' havo splendid, food digests icali . W'Mi have natural passVeq i f t ,a'Hl I no TUTT'S HAlfDYT Ghat Hair or WmsKFna ' stantlv toaGwsgr BucK 'K1 plication of this Dye. Sola L ninelc P or sent by express ou receipt PieK OlBce, 44 Murray Strec f N I ' ' TBH-e MANUAL OF USEFUL RFm 1.. Jy 20 Deod&Wly nrm ia rL su we fr Ira Corn, Bacon, Flour, &c. 3000 BuBh Prime White cow' 150 Boxes D' s" ' R' SIDES 1000 Bbls rL0UP a11 Rrades. 5QQ Bush FEED OATS, 5QQ Bales Choico Timothy DAY, 100 HhdS BblS PortoRico MOLaskrs 150 BWS Refined SIJGARS' a" WidH. JOO "acs Choice EIO COFTKR, 2 Bbls Carolina RCE, 5QQ Bush W. G. MEAL, Gross MATCHES, IQQ Gross R. R. Mills SM fk 100 011868 LYK' FJ0 Cases TOTASn, Can nn.l J0 Boxes SOAP, 0 Boxes STARCH, 100 B0xes CANDLES- Oysters, Crackers, Candy, Shot, Nails, Glue, &c, ic , For eale low by G. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Wholesale Grocers and Comm n Merchant;. my 11 tl 16 & 18 North Water Strte'. Read the Following: The Lirerpool & London & Ins. Co, paid wrrntfUT discount ' $3239,091 in "the great Chicairo fire, ' $1,428,729 in that of Boston, $465,151 in that of St. Jonh's. Over $33,000,000 paid in satisfaction of (ire losses in the United States by this company. Jno. W. Gordon .V Smiili, my 11 tf AGENTS. ENCOURAGE HOME I it Security Affalnsf Tire. Tke North Carolina Home RAL.EIGII, IV. C. THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE Po licies at fair rates on all classes of 1nnralle property. All losses are promptly adlusted and paid. T! "Home" is rapidly eaining in public favor, and iu North Carolina, appeals witn oonndence to insurers of priori' I Agents in all parts of the State. JOHN GATLING. President. W. S. PRIMROSE, Secretary. PULASKI OOWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON & MANNING, Agent, sep 96 tf Wllmlneton. N. 0. 150 Hhds. 150 " Cuba & P. R. Molasses, NEW ARRIVALS, AT LOW PRICES. 1400 BarrelflG00D FAMILY Fr'0lR' gQ Barrels REFINED SUGAR. JQ Bags RIO COFFEE, AT LOWER PRICES. HALL & PEARSALL mh 29 D&Wtf N.VA. Stedman, Jr., ATTORNET AT LAW, 4-tM2 T t. W-i - - m.An( onH 2d Stf. in the Basement of Building No. 114, next tooia Journal Building, WILMINGTON, N.C., nM Practices In all tho Criminal and Cml Coow of New Hanover, Bladen, Columbus. Penw M Brnnawlck Counties. Ian 1JU Steamer Passport 'yiILL MAKE "REGULAR TEIPS TO SMITH- ville and the Ports every day except Sunday Fare, 75c. round ;trip. Parties of ten or mcn ian secure tickets day befeor hand v-? ap 20 tf J- W. HAKTE Perfumery. JgAZIN'S EXTRACTS, FARINA luia- Florida and Toilet Water, Satcliet and TiW Powders, Ptrff Boxes, Pomades, Dnf?;' ' Medicines, etc. Prescriptions ap8jER'S, my 3 tf Corner of Fonrth &ndVrmw White (joods. QHECKED AND EMBROIDERED SWISS, IRISH and PERSIA LaWAS. Victoria and otherstyle' 8500 Yards STRIPED LAWN, at 10c per 3"ar 1 worth double the money. T n1mKlCK- ZaplStf JN0JjiL---- SIIE HAS VANISHED THE FRENCH FEMALE I trfor e m(7 ty-Horee Power Tooth E$to r, w gt , FEMALE SELF-ACTI ver Tooth Extractor, . DUC 11. v. riUKMriUtl mJ "... - hore no " but H. C. PREMPERT may stilt oe l""b n be U Old Stand, No. 7 South Front MVitt. HAlK' prepared to do as neat a jop ",,n 'rity. CUTTING, o., as can be had n '0J?' k'e WaH. t a -ri Iv. miV, hilt, call TD Moles, Ringworms, Tetter, Ac, move lf ne nrooi or tne puuumK , New Scarborough House, JO. ,104 NORTH WATERBSTRETsTREfff WTLMTNGTON. N. C. gle Keals 85e. NoMg .-Tnril This KLIori, (1, There i "",,, the OS Ksp'n'Joh. For eirculara fflvlmr full Informaiio " ul .IS IIIIHI '.I,1r.-W Eleetrie BeltCo., 1 wasmngmi' ""i Jtlt deo25eodly hsat 1 v - . - , . . v . i- s - - to ''