V - y'i:.: f v . . . .V V 111 ... nr lnti-' : i:t r c.... ii-ii " Hill, I. 1 w - 4 i. 1 iCH.M i i r CUPID D The !Mdrning Star. JDlfOCII4Xia OXLQAN1ZA-1 STATE' Otmwrmr shir. uicic li!T !. - !.i.':r-t arc attracted Jrvs., which atklA :rv frnrral elegance What's tt 1 j v rii-crcvai nun $m:th-s:t- ; ill" CRYING FOR AID, 4k i MiMu '.Tim Ytipiitti9 Ayer's Pills 6. J ..I 1. . ut'j J.C.Ayf 1 Co., LowI!,Mjiu .it mi. I U 'uil H'lr illJIIIIHIHHIIlllHIITI ir'n r 1 1 tti 'sh-nuu.-" t .IU-'. THE GREATSAUCE - inn. CUMCAMS SONS, BAKER'S Breakfast Gacoo. Cam 1,4 it ''IP''!, V Wlt) tvv 'r-'Vn Sir nr MNauaal Choice Crop Holasses- v ' M r tow ftm OIB KHO or n5. jamu wnrrcowa iuuet. Tt klU of aa for ya god tnt ( IU face work! ooSlochloily Ao4 ataiUM u loef m th wroojf rtsUu. Wii kauckkd fAUia &ad fortxiike fttU; II UrM U Uf b La prcAchioc of. AaJ loTt wbr moit It itc eed of lore, fib vtic l clr la lit df nu'i er. Ab4 bit tcw aUitn lhroajt Um tUod tao' trri ; TW Cxhl iilo ot bre ib doadi were dies. And lh wUo'i pnrtr rews an for hlro. Tb Utch to clkkctl at th boTtl doer. Aad tlt tick ma ac Lh mo ooce more, A ad oot o'er 1&4 tarrra field he aco Ppria1of bfowlni and wttat trt, FrIiac. ooly th dia may. TtvJ dod owri acrTa Ui com Ut wr, ScnoUfet lh ttt M h till wioda 00 Through lh ro Cl whr hU lorrd Th kJoi of mta for ove ad jou. !Iotrtr of worth we do ll erv&J ruIL ftad abides la trust That Ueoc will Uch us how nior U Jot. II walk4 ahrol aad tntvU ail kiodj Of rpra!ou aod vttjtj ralodt, AH jtDfalhlziag. h aham th pio Of ih d.sabt tftAl rack u heart and brain. AM. aaowinj thU. w frwp hU hand. We ar riy cooiio to uadervtaod f He kMka 00 io with pilTio; tj FTea the IonJ. aiivcw raraduM? Klr. should w rrid. though oir io hcyuld flow As trrk lhT huld h1 whiU aj toow A ad fwliar Win. with rrtel hsrf jlad That th ba.1 are rrnl as the rond are tie strtkrt strtifht oqt for the Ili(bt ad he It the kiad of a maa for joq aod me f VlTll AST FOIST no vn. OF TUR If it w deairablo to make a roan cootxoted wUh a hard aad haanj lot. iba it U (My to educale his calod. TXt Sam NolhitJ i clearer than that when ever the oAccrt of the court one aad all prtforta thWr whole duly, without fear or tmt. little coenplainl U heard LittU Iont ak lo be m..mt: l lb tunc o waen a youa ova car for aothiof but fit aol frofic. Imt . TXf.Lr tyir 3VtJ- Jripf who tiU 6rtnlr oa hU (hroae fu day U the Almighty Dollar. Foi hioa citiee are dretroyed without com punrUoo. mmmcrm are coco mil ted. and pa.iaaU are tiarTTI aed be air a Jkrtirt To Iryw (w firao ii trlfi worthy otiee thaa to lire for the ia(riaic value o the aoql kaw-a or uakaowtt. ItwUlbe ewuh to the if it U kaowa to God ad etf ami to wroe fr-od. To fall of fame thou Id - no sorrow , Meo Jo thiojr which their fa thers would bare depeerated. aad thea draw about themaerers a Cfmry cordoa of fphiry aad talk about the adraace of hamaaity aad libera though is whea it Is aothraf; after all but a preference for lodl idoal Lcvam.lK Uaii .Vw FEILSOXAL owe his barber says be shaved the Jim Krcne It.CtTO Spovbody oaver Mary Anderson now make her rilrud Jouraeya la a private palace car. fl cud up for her ae. The lYtnce of Wale ha ter caiasued has vtoM at the Grroa Capita! a 1 stoUd fr Ivai. .We hire no hcillioo in aay iar;i&l iCt. Irvfisja hpetioft of Ame rica are f f I C I JSC mu fiwSe lhmterl. lYrrater- (iUdatooe. wfitc-s a Ioojd4 cornntp.jodeot, ia not the strong aadwtMi4 mu t wae whea he took the rrtne cT CTorrrosMat te rears aro. and his Late' rHacs tutM kl viaibt&a of tie naXaeaa.' , ' Lr. Abby'sr lo em in opera this MMSOw-ha-ra been 'aaJcnUXed at Last It ulae tJCaOCO la foot the bill a sum much caor ta aay ether Ihactoo who staged tVeear wltb aa operate ear ever kwt. SUagifw tnkoath evta never aiakisc over flZVXQ a yea. 'aO. TlaaM. Tteckjr Jonc refuses! to testify ia a New York court aa to the family af fairs el the huhokl ia whica she waa employed for many years. She doe not taiak the dead persnaa wjne past lirra are lo be la)iml lato would approve any itch proceedings, aad she accordioly de 6n tb Con TV to make bee answer. rOLMTlCAi. I'OIXTSl ft U salJ that in prtrU there ia itett ealhtiauMoa for the oUi ticket ixnoor TUd-n aad Hadrjcks Tt-" if!i& Wa hear ii sakl by tl Rcroo erata every day. "If I could make the fmsideot. Thomae T. Ihtyard should be thv m.a-" Ajr. As between e-enator Kellojj aad flrewaur. Attorney General, ihc pub Itc wtll believe the es rwoator by a very Urje na5Uy. W04.it mytwm OiUe. John A. Ion, aotto voce: UUoott done tolerable apJeadid. but no where cle a Crt clv man don't have no how. nohow I haee seldom saw anything so diafaaitn.- Ilarisr-i TU$tjh Arthur is xs cood a Democrat aa lUoda eQ the AtiS. and aa much of a reformer aa aay man they are IikJy to nominate The raocraU miht recover their chaace by rickio him up. The esteemed Waahinjoo Post U iryiBf lo rea.1 Mr. Hat dail out of the Democratic party 'Iti V. Th bs mbuken. Mr. ILaaUil doea nt cxttt for u aay kar aa a Democrat. All the. world now kaows him to W what he la the Republkaa envoy extraordinary and ataitr plenipotentiary near the Democra cy W1L W. Area, SOCTTTKIZX IT1UI&. Otr 200 craplorea of the Phil adelphia A Hra.il of Iuilroad were dis charjerd froca Lha machine and ear shop at Iteadiojt ssday Lit want of .work. jACkoWlLLK, Fla., 3Uj 12. The 7W- Vt Kaison. F!a.. special saj: Ua SuadaT tltl maa named Xooe Carter, liviaf twelve mike aoolh weat froca here, was called to hU door and shot dead. It U cot known who did the deed. J IIOR3rottD-iaD v PHOSPHATE. Ixcowraaaata tx Stcx ilaoxiAcaa. Dr. rrvd Ileener. Jr.. Salera. Ya.. says: 'To faiWve the ta.ilvaUoo aad ao-cailed akk headache, aad mental dcpreaaloo lacidcot U certaia stajre of rheamaUsna, U it la comparable. f rUm T CrrarmklaaUaa af ila aeaae eraaa rarty ef Ifertta Care li am. Ugoh-i Djui. CcmuL Ex. Com JlaXrciGB, May 20, 1882. Thi committee hereby publish the plan of onnraitAtiori of the Demo crat io party ocrm piled from the rules ana amendment by the State Democrat! Committee. Towxsnir oroaxizatiox. 1. The unit of county oreanixatioa sball bo the township. Ioeach town, ship there sball bo aa executire com mil tee to consist of fiye aoiire Dem ocrats, who ah all bo elected by the Democratic velera. of ;,thd several townships ia tacetlnes called by the county executire committee. And aaid committew to, elected hall elect one of !u nembert u chairmao, who shall preside tt all said committee mcetincs. 2. The several 'township executire committees shall convene at . the meetings of the several county con ventions, or at any time and place that a majority of them may elect, and shall elect a county executive committee, to consist of not less than 6ve members, ono of whom shall be deaignated aa chairman, who shall preside at all of said committee meetings. 3. In case there shall be a failure on the part of any township to elect tta executive committee for -the pe riod oT thirty days, the county ex ecutive committee shall appoint said committee from the Democratic vo ters of said township. 4. The members of tho township committee shall elect to any vacan cy occurring in said committee. The county executive commit tee sball call all necessary county convention by giving at leaat ten days notice by public advertisement' in three public places in each town-, ship, at the court-house door, and in any Democratic newroaper that may everlastingly published in said county, request f a baby mind I H nemocrats of the county to meet in convention in their respec tive township, on a common day therein stated, which said day shall not be Icm than three days before tho meeting of tbo county convention, for the purpose of electing tbeir dele gates to tbo county conventions. That thereupon tho conventions so held shall elect their delegates to repreaent the) township in the coun ty conventions from the voters of the respective townships, which dele gates, or such of tbera as sball at tend, shall vote the full Democratic strength of their respective town ship on all questions that may come before the said county conventions. That in casino convention sball be held in any township in pursuance of said call, or no election sball be made, the township executive com mittee sball appoint such delegates. C. Each township si: all bo entitled to cast in the county convention one vote for every twenty-five Democrat ic votes, and one vote for fractions of fifteen Democratic votes east by thai township at the last preceding gu bernatorial election: I rovidcd, that every township shall be entitled to cast at least one vote, and each township may send as many dele gates as it may see fit. 7. That in case where townships consist of moro than one ward or precinct, each of said wards shall be entitled to send delegate to county conventions, and shall cast its pro portionate part of it townsbip'u vote, based upon the lat preceding vote for Governor in said township. 8. That for the purpose of folly in augurating this system, tho present county executive committees shall continue in office until their success ors are elected under this system, aad shall exercise all the functions pertaining to aaid office under this system of organisation. 9. The chairmen of township com mittees shall preside at all township conventions; in their. absence any other member of said committee may preside. in. In cases where all the town ship cxecutivo committees are re quired to meet for the purpose of electing county executive commit tees, said meetings shall be deemed to have a quorum when a majority of such townships shall be represented in said meeting. !TrTOtarL - t ' 2. The State convention shall We composed of delegates appointed by the everal county conventions,' Each county shall be entitled to elect one delegate and one alternate for every one nundred and fifty Democratic votes, aad one delegate for fractions over seventy-five Democratic votes cast therein at the last preceding 1 heretofore adopted I fpoernaionai election; ana none but emocratio Executive a,fgtes or alternates so elected Duwt cuMicvi kv DcawS 1(1 M 211 Li COD irjzoi,E3Aii.:PBicMs. i wijmjng-tnn :& Weldon I nbw.. advertisements. RICHHOHD Straight Cut No. CIGARETTES v Of Our quotations. It should he- understood. represent the wholesale 1 price . generally, in mating up small orders higher prices have to be onarsed. . vention; provided, that every coun ty shall have at least one vote in said convention. OKNERAL BULKS. 1. 13uch delegate (br alternates of absent delegates) as may be present at any Democratic convention, shall be allowed to cast the whole vote to which their township or county may be entitled.' ' 2. In all conventions provided by this -system, after a vote is castj there shall be no change in such vote until the final result of the ballot shall be announced by the chairman of said convention '. . f 3. All Democratic executive com mittees shall have power to fill auy vacancy occurring in their respective bodies, 4. That the chairmen of the dif ferent county conventions sball cer tify the list of delegates and alter nates to the. different district" and State conventions. And a certified list of said delegates and alternates to the State convention'shall be sent to the Secretary of the State Central tommittee. For the Committee: Octavius Coke, Chairman. J. J. LrrcriFORD, Secretary. Buffalo Lithia Water TAKES TEX PLACE OF TUX SUE GEO ITS KNITS FOR 8TONB OF THE BLADDER. asnoixs. BAGGING Gunny i. .... Standard , BACON North Carolina Hams, V B 0 Shoulders, 9 t.... 0 Sides, choice. W lb 0 Wbtmh 8m okxi -Hams. B B . . 0 : Skies. lb...... i Shoulders, ttlb 0 Dht 8axtd Sides, .!.... 1 Shoulders, B BARBELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each Ot New New York, each 1 & New. City, each 1 a BEESWAX W B 2! BRICKS Wilmington, f) M 8 01 Northern o BTJTTKR North Carolina, 9 U Northern, lb 2 CANDLES & Sperm If Tallow 11 Adamantine OC CHEESE W Ib-HortVn Fact'y 14 Dairy, Cream Ot 8tate 00 COFFEE V lb Java 18 Laguyra : ia Rio.. 12 CORN MEAL bush., in sacks, 00 Virginia Meal 82 COTTON TIES bundle 1 40 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yd Yarns. bunch 00 EGGS dozen 00 F18H Mackerel, No. 1. bbl... 16 00 Mackerel, No. 1, W naif bbl. . 8 50 Mackerel, No. 8, 3 bbl 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, $ half bbl. 6 00 Mackerel, No. 8, bbl 8 Sd Mullets, bbl . i: r; . . 5 00 Mullets, Pork bbls 11 00 N. C. Roe Herring, $ keg. . . 8 00 DrCod. lb 5 FERTILIZERS V 2,000 pounds French's Carbonate of Lime 7 00 French's Agricultural Lime 8 60 Peruvian Guano. No, 1 57 60 No. 2 36 00 " Lobos 00 00 . Baugh's Double Eagle Phos. 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer 45 00 Ground Bone 00 00 Bone Meal 00 00 Bone Flour 00 00 Navassa Guano 40 00 Complete Manure 00 00 Wham's Phosphate 00 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 Bcrger & Butz's Phosphate. 00 00 Exoellenza Cotton Fertilizer, 65 00 FLOUR f bbl Fine Northern Super Extra Family City Mills Super Family Extra Family GLTJI lb GRAIN W bushel. Corn,store,bags,prlme, white corn, cargo, la duuc, thicks. 10 : oo a : Bailroad Co. Orncs or Ga StrymTHiHT, i Wumlngtpn, N. C.. May 9, 1884 4 fir--- - f . & 9 00 14 00 & 18 Change of Schedule. ON!ANDIAFTER MAY 11TH1, 1884, AT 9.00 A.M. Passenger Trains on the Wilmington fc Wel don Railroad will run as foUews: : 5 Day mall and Express Trains, Dally , Nos. 47 IVort n and 48 Sontn. Leave Wllmlneton. Front St. DenoL at 9.00 A M. Arrive at Weldon 2.85. P M. Leave Weldon.... 2.55 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Denot, 8.35 P. M. Fast Thbottgh Mah Aim Passkksxs Train Dailt No. 40 South. Leave Weldon ... 5.45 P. M Arrive at Wilmington, Front st. Depot, 10.10 P. M Mah. akd PASsxNexs Traih Datlt Da 48 --.. NOBTH. Leave Wilmington. 8.35 P. M Arrive at Weldon. 2.35 A. M Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson. Goldsbbro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 P.M. and 4.30 P.M. daily.. Returning, tleave Tarboro at 3 P.M. and 10 A. M. dally. ; Train oil Scotland Neck Branch Road Iaava Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. M. Return ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 8 80 AI M. daily. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weld oil for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train no. ia runs aauy ana manes close oon- and CIGARETTE Smokers who are willing to pay a - ' little more for Cigarettes than the prioe charged for the ordinary trade Cigarettes will RICHMOND STRAIGHT CUT No. I ; ! SVPEBIOB TO ALL OTOERN. 61 They are made from the brightest, most delicately flavored and highest eoar cold tear frown in Virginia, and are abso lutely fvitnont adulteration or diugs. We use the Genuine French It lee Paper ' of our own direct Importation, which is made especially for us, water marked with the name of the brand: MmoBd Straight Cut No. 1. nine. ft, on each Cigarette, without which none are gea-v ine. uase imitations or this brand have been C , . ut on sale, and Cigarette smokers are cautioned . - that this is the Old and Original brand, and to observe that each package or box of ; . Richmond ALLEN & 7 50 & 900 & 63 50 37 00 51 00 & 25 00 50 00 40 00 45 00 & 57 00 & 45 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 5 00 5 60 6 50 9 00 5 25 6 00 7 00 13 Corn, cargo, in bags, Lea, in bags ITS VALUE IN B RIGHT'S DISEASE. GOUTY DIATHESIS, Ac. THE BUFFALO LITHIA WATER SUPPLANTS THE SURGEON'S KNIFE IN STONE OF THE BLADDER. Cae of Dr. J. B. rWebtllng, MlJdletown. Pa. stated by himself. "Experience In Its use In 8 tone of the Bladder, In my own person, enables me to attest the won derful efficacy of the Buffalo Lithia Water in this painful malady. After havtiis; been leng sab-: jeeted to sufferings, the Intensity of which can not be deeoribed. I nave nnder the Influence of this water passed Q am confident I am within the bounds of truth), at least an ounce of Calculi fUrto Acid), some of which weighed as much as i our grains, affording Inexpressible relief, and leaving me in a condition of oomparatlre ease and oomfort. I am now passing oaly occasion ally imkll Oaloult. and they are not attended by the tntaoae suffering which their passage has heretofore occasioned. On one occasion I passed thirty-Are Calculi la forty-eight hours. The ap pearance of this Calculus Nuclei indicates un mistakably. I think, that they were all compo nent particles of one large Calculus destroyed by the action of the water, ov means of solution and disintegration. At my advanoed period of life (I am serenty-seven years ad six months of age), and in my feeble general health, a surgical opera tion was not to be thought of, and the water seems to bavo accomplished all that such an operation. If successful, oould have done." 18 00 15 00 1 Sron at m Bumoaa (Uaio A cm). 8tttoss or Baiesrr's Dobasil Case of Mrs. . stated by Dr. David E Smith of Bronxville. Westchester. N. Y. "Mrs. was subject to severe attacks of Oout, a consequence of an inherited Gouty TJum tXsfU, followed after some time by Slant in the madder. The limbs were very (Edematous, so much so as to pit readily on pressure with the finger, leaving an Indentation long after its re moval. The trim was loaded with Urate and 25 prr cmi, Altotmm, and the clcro scope revealed Oot.showlng nnmtstakably.as I thoughtSrtoAl's Divatt of tt Kidney. I prescribed the Buffalo Lithia y ater.Hprlng No. 2, which afforded prompt relief tn the Gouty Aftctio, and resulted. In a few weeks, in the passage of a Stone fire-eighths of an Inch long by one-fourth of an inch In diam eter. Under tbe ocntinuea use or tne water toe Vrim has been relieved of Aibuminovt Imprtgna fton, and restored to a normal condition ; no Out ran be discovered, the (Edematout condi tion of the llmbsjhaa been relieved, and the gene ral health of the patient to a great extent restored." 8 toki la tbs Bladdbs. Phosfhatic. A Case stated by Dr. B. 8. Hardy, Hookerton Greene county, N. C. "My son, a young man, suffered 'from Stone in tbe madder, or chiefly of persistent use th a mixed character, consisting Carbonate and PhoephaU. After all Temedles indicated in the la, Spring No. 2, the weeks, resulted in tne 1DOE 2, the use of which, for some six Ln the nassace.at short Intervals. of Grapei. of small size, and at times of particles of Sand, followed, sometimes afterwards, by the discharge of a Stone weighing 12 grams, the larg est, I am cenndent, I ever knew to pass through the Urethra, virtually ending his troubles, since which time any unpleasant symptom has been relieved by the use of the water for a short time. Its action In this case has been Indeed wonderful." Water In cases of one dosen half gallon bottles 13 per case at the Springs. Springs open June 1st. Springs pamphlet sent to any address. THOS. F. GOO UK, Proprietor, an 10 tf Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va Corn, oargo, mlxe oats, rrom store Cow Peas HIDES fjl lb Green Dry HAY fi 100 lbs Eastern Western .... North Wver HOOP IRON V LARD lb Northern North Carolina LIME 9 barrel LUMBER City Sawed M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed Rough Edge Plank West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality 13 CO Dressed Flooring, seasoned. IS 00 Scantling and Boards, oom'n 12 00 MOLASSES gallon New Crop Cuba, inhhds " In bbls.... Porto Rico, In hhds " In bbls..... Sugar House, inhhds in bbls Syrup, in bbls... :.. NAILS keg Cut. lOd basis.. OILS gallon Kerosene Lard Linseed...'. ...( Rosin Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chlckens,live,grown Spring.. Turkeys PBAU8 bushel POTATOES W bushel Sweet Irish, oer barrel PORK tt barrel City Mess.... Prime Rump RICE Carolina, Rough, bushel (Upland).. Do, do (Lowland) BAGS w lb Country City ROPE lb SALT tt salt Alum . Liverpool. Lisbon American SUGAR Cuba Porto itico A Coffee B " C Ex C Crushed SOAP tt: lb Northern SHINGLES S M Contract Common Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts BTAVES tt M W O Barrel. R O Hogshead TAIXOW lb TIMBER tt M feet Ext Heart (1st class yellow pine) .13 00, 13 50 Prime shlp'g, 1st class heart. 12 00 Extra Mill, good heart 8 50, 9 00 Mill Prime" 7 50 Common Mill 4 00 Inferior to Ordinary S 50 WHISKEY S gallon .Northern 1 00 North Carolina WOOL tt lb Washed .-. Unwashed Burrv 0 00 Q 0 00 6 25 6 50 5 00 5 75 00 10 78 80 69 70 72 74 70 72 52 55 1 25. 1 80 4 6J 13 14 1 00 1 10 95 1 00 85 90 3J4 Sft 9 UiZ 11 12j 00 1 40 r neotion for all points North via Richmond w asnington. - All trams run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. For accommodation of local travel a Passenger Coach will be attached to Local Freight leaving Wilmington at 6.55 A. Sf- daily except Sunday. General Sup't. -: , T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. my 9 tf - ' WILMINGTON COL'HBIA & AOfiDSTAi . Railroad Co. OmcK ov Gxnxbai. Sxtp't, I Wilmington, N. C, May 9, 1884. f Straight Cat Cigarettes -t"? BEARS THS SIGNATURE or . 1 , L. s ' ' -- GINTER, Hann&ctDrfcn KICDIRIOND, NO NEW THING-. STRONG'S SANATIVE PILLS J .Proved by suocessful'use for half a century The Best Liver Medicine in the World. No Griping, Poisonous Drugs, but purely Vege table, safe and reliable. Prescribed even by Phy sicians. A speedy cure for Liver Complaint, Re gulating the Bowels. Purifying the Blood-Cleans- ing from Malarial Taint. A perfect cure for Sicte Headache, Constipation and all Billons Disorders. Sold oy Druggists. - or Samphlets, ete.. address C. E. IIUI.1V 6c CO.. 8 Cedar St., N. Y. City. GOUSURTION, 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 & 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 3 25 12 1 10 90 15 00 00 30 13 75 00 60 00 00 20 00 13 00 14 00 17 00 18 00 34 87 39 42 00 20 80 3 40 13 1 45 1 00 18 20 22 33 25 125 1 85 75 2 25 ' 494a 8 80 1 10 1 00 1 EJ 1 IH m m 146 29? 80 85 00 75 .. 00 - 00 00 75 0 00 0 00 0 8 0 8M mm ii 6 6?4 5 00 7 00 2 00 2 50 4 50 5 00 0 00 7 50 12 00 18 00 00 00 10 00 5 6 14 00 13 00 10 00 800 4 50 4 00 5 00 2 50 20 17 15 Change of Schedule. AN AND AFTER. MAY 11TH. 1884. AT 3.50 A. J M., the following Passenger Schedule will' be run on this road: NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally) Nos. 48 West and 4T East. Leave Wilmington. 9.C5 P. M. Leave Florence. . .. 2.40 A. M. Arrive at C, C. & A. Junction 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 6.40 A. M. Leave Columbia 9.55 P. M. Leave C. C. & A. Junction 10.20 P. M. Leave Florence 4.50 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington. 8.55 A.M. Nisht Mah, akd Passevsbb Tbaih. Daily. No. 40 West. Leave Wilmington ..10.30 P. M. Arrive at Florence. 1.45 A. M. Mah, axo PAssKtrexB Train Daily. No. 43 East. Leave Florence 4.05 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 8.05 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemington and Marten. - Passengers for Columbia and all points on G. & C. R. R., C. & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take 40 Night Ex press. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Augusta on Train 40. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. Local Freight leaves Wilmington dally, except Sunday, at 7.10 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, Genl Sup't. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. my 9tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. X bare s positive remedy for tbo above dUeus; b? It. oi CM., or in. worn una sna 01 lonir been cored. Indeed, o .tronr In my faltli acr. that J will send Two BOTTI.KS KHEH. together with a VALUABLK TRBATISB on thl. Ulrima, nee tboosande of eaeea tandlnsbave been enred. Indeed.eo atron In It erne; to ui sufferer. Olv Eiorm. and P. O. addres. PB. T. A. BLOOUM, 181 Pearl BU, Mew Tors..' ADVERTISKRSl send for our Select List of Lo cal Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell Jfc Co., n Spruce St.. N. Y. EPILEPSY, FITS, FALLING FITS, THI8 IS NO HUMBUG. FOR INFORMATION, FREE OF CHARGE, WRITE TO I. H. SCHUYLER. Stratford, Conn. my 1 D&Wlm Office or Sttpbbihtekpbkt, 1 Wilmington, N. C, May 11, 1884. f Change of Schedule. fTX AND AFTER MAY 12, lowing Hcneauie Railroad: will 1884. THE FOL-; be operated on this 1 00 18 16 14 WILRIINGTON HONEY MARKET. discount COt'NTT AXn DISTRICT CONVENTION'S. 1. The several county conventions hill be entitled to elect to their sen atorial, judicial and congressional convention ono delegato'and one alternate for every fifty Democratic voices and one delegate for fractions over twenty firo Democratic votes cat at the laat preccdinrr-gubemato-rial election in their rtprctive conn tict, anil nono bat delegates or alter nates so elected shall be entitled to seats in said conventions: Provided. that every county shall havo at least ono vote in each of said conventions. 2. Tbe chairman, or in his ab senco any member of the county, senatorial, judicial and congressional committee small cll to order tbeir respective conventions, and hold the chairmanship thereof until tbo con vention shall elect its chairman. 3. The executive committees of the senatorial, congressional and ju dicial districts, respectively, shall, at at the call of tbe respective chair men, meet at tome time and place in their rcfipcctivo districts, designated in said calL And it shall be their duty to appoint tho timo and place for holding convections in their re spective districts; and the chairman of aaid respective committees shall immediately notify tho chairmen of the different county executive com mittees of said appointment, and the aid county executive committees shall forthwith call conventions of their respective counties in conform ity to said notice to send delegates to said respective district conventions. QuarantinelNotice. QUARANTINE FOR THE PORT OF WILMING- TON will be enforced from May 1st to November 1st, as follows : Pilots will bring a'l vessels from Ports south of Car e Fear to tbe Qaarantlne anchorage; also, all ressels which hare had any kind of sickness on board during the passage, or on amvai. ana vui cause a signal to be set in the main rigging on the Port side, as soon as possible after crossing the No vessel must leave the Quarantine anchor age, or allow aav person, steamer or iur Doaw lighter, or boat of any kind to go along side, un toes by written authority from the Quarantine Physician, and every vessel must be anchored as fa to th oajrtward of the channel as is constats ant with aafntv Regulations governing vessels wftBe In Quaran tine may be bad on application at the office of the Quarantine Physleiaa at Smith rule. Applications for permits to visit vessels in Qua rantine must be made to Dr. Thomas F. Wood or Dr tieo G. Thomas, and permits so obtained will be endorsed by the Quarantine Physician, if, in bis opinion, it is proper and safe to allow commu nication with such ressels. A penalty of $300, for each and every offence, ill be enforced against any persons violating any of the Quarantine Regulations of the Port. - Quarantine Physician Port of Wilmington. OGVd.. Consultants, my 1 6m 1 ana 1 BOSTON POST. TTTR OLD. INVINCIBLE AND THOROUGHLY TRUE BLUE DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. The erean Family Newspaper of Massachusetts. Containing the most oemplete news of any paper in New England. The Boston DaDy Post is especially noted tat its reliable Commercial aad Financial Features. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. . ; TJailt One Year, $4; 81x Months, $4.50; In ad- rVMXLT FiunAV 11.00 per Year m advance; Six Coptee f or as-OS. " CLUB BATES. Five or more to one address wQ be furnished MDAIl7pOST at 18.00 per year per copy; Ten copies for $7.50 each, to advance. WEEKLY POST at $1.00 per year per copy. In Clubs of Five or more, one copy will be given to the enraalxer of tbe Club. en 8 DAW tf Land Plaster, U SALS BY WOODY A CURRTE, General commission jsercnantB, Wllminrton. N. C Also. Sole Agents for the PORTLAND FLAS tkh MILLS, the products of which are made from HARD PLASTER and FINEST GROUND. jpoi Correspcndenoe solicited. apStf Exchange (sight) on New York Baltimore Boston Philadelphia... Western Cities Exchange. SO days. 1 w cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 107 First National Bank Stock . -. 90 Navassa Guano Company Stock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons 23 Funding, 1866 10 Funding, 1868 10 New 4s 80 6eoal a&x 4 W A W R R Bonds, 7 o (Gold Interest)! .' ! .' 116 Carolina Central R R Bonds, 6 o 106 Wilmington, Col. A Augusta R R Uonds 105 Wilmington City Bonds (new) 6 o "100 " " 8c 100 ' New Hanover County Bonds, 6 $o 100 Wilmington A weldon K it stock no North Carolina R R Stock 80 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 120 PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. 1 Leave Wilmington at 7.30 P. M. No. 1. J-Leave Raleigh at 7.35 P. M. S Arrive at Charlotte at 7.00 A. M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 8.45 P. M. No. 2. y Arrive at Raleigh at 8.30 A. M. S Arrive at Wilmington at 8.00 A. M. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL. EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. ( Leave Charlotte 5.15 P. M. Arrive at Shelby 9.00 P. M. Leave Shelby 7.00 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte 10.45 A. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection air Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville, Stations West ern N. C. R. R., Ashville and points West. . Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent, my 11 tf ch-nsroDEB. The development of the treatment of Cancer with Swift's Speclfloseems so wonderful that all so afflicted should write us. Cancer for 14 Years. Spartanburg, S. C. March 14, 1884 I have for 14 years been a sufferer from a run--nlng sore' on my face that everybody called a Canceb. I have used over $300 worth of medi cine and found no relief. About four months ago I bought one bottle of Swift's Specifio from Dr. H. E. Helnitsh, and since have bought Ave others, have taken it, and they havo cubed Nb sound and well! My face Is as free from a sore as auybody's.and my health is perfectly restored . I feel like forty years had been lifted off my head. Yours, thankfully, ELIZA TIN8LEY. Mr. B. F. Burns, Hope, Ark., says under date of Jan. 22, 1884: I have taken five bottles of Swift's Specific for a sore on my temple said to be a cancer. I have been wonderfully benefitted and will soon be a well man. Mr. W. R. Roblson, Davisboro, Ga., writes, un der date Jan. 3, 1884: "I am getting on finely; the ulcer is gradually healing I feel that 8wlft's Specifio will cure the horrible cancer which has been feeding on me for over 20 years." Mr. W. H. Gilbert, Albany, Ga-, says: "A gentleman named Moore near this city bad an eating cancer on his face, which bad oaten away his nose and his under IId. and had extend ed up until it had nearly reached his eye The cancer was eating bis gums and had rendered his teeth so loose that he thought they might at any time drop out. He has been taking Swift's Specific about three months, and Its effect has been wonderful. It has driven the poison from his system, the cancer has healed greatly, his teeth have beoome strong again, and he thinks he has been rescued from an awful death. He is the most enthusiastic man I ever saw." Our treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to applicants. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. N. Y. Office, 159 W. 23d 8t., bet Oth A 7th Ave. ap 1 tf ch s m W OKI AIM Her Health and Happiness are Matters of Great concern to all fflanltlnd. Neab Marietta, Ga. Some months ago I bought a bottle of Dr. J. Bradfield's Female Regulator, and used it ln my family with great satisfaction. T have recom mended It to three families, and they have found It to be jnst what Is claimed for it. The females who have used it are now In perfect health and able to attend to their household duties. REV. H. B. JOHNSON. New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. STEAMEBS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK Every SATURDAY at S o'clock P. M. THE BEST PKEPABATION For nxsf oanre gray hair to its natural color; For raw BHTme the hair from turning gray; For pBQDUcine a rapid and luxuriant growth; For eradicating scurf and dandruff; For crrarso itching A all diseases of the scalp; For PMvjsTmo the hair from falling out: and For svsJtiTHiwe for which a hair tonic Is re quired It has no bquai o The HieHBsr TMTutosiALS of Its merits are fprejn Bbv. CHAS. H. READ, D, D., Pastor Grace Btretst jrrvavi Richmond, Va. For several years I have used no other Hair Dressing than the Xanthine, vuen-naa oeeu warmly recommended to me by a friend who had rfi min. it hnjL-tamv experience, accom plished all that is claimed for It as a wholesome reeerver anu raw . he hair, and a thorough preventive of dandruff. " J. H. HARDIN, Druggist, om ju ang sep f eb 29 BENEFACTOR Saturday, REGULATOR BENEFACTOR REGULATOR BENEFACTOR " For sale by nov 29 ly Bank of New Hanover. Authorized, Capital; - $1,000,000 Cash Capital paid in, - $300,000 gurplut Fund, - - - - $50,000 DIRECTORS C. M. STEDMAN, ISAAC BATES, J AS. A. LEAK. F. RHEIN STEIN, E. B. BORDEN, W. L GORE, O. W. WILLIAMS, -DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, B. B. BRIDGEES, J. W. ATKINSON. ISAAC BATES, President, ' G. W. WILLIAMS. Vice President, an 80 tf 8. D. WALLACE. Cashier, State ot Geobgia, Troup County. I have examined the recipe of Dr. Josiah Brad field, and pronounce it to be a combination of medicines of great merit in the treatment of all diseases of females for which he-recommends it. WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. Springfield, Tests. De. J. Bkadfield: Bear SirHLj daughter has been suffering for many years with that dreadf u affliction known as Female Disease, which has cosfme many dollars, and notwithstanding I had the best medical attendance, could not find relief. I have used many other kinds of medi cines without any effect.. I had just about given her up, was out of heart, but happened In the store of W. W. Eckler several weeks since, and he, knowing of my daughter's affliction, persua ded me to buy a bottls of your Female Regula tor. She began to Improve at once. I was so delighted with its effects that I bought several more bottles of it; and, knowing what I do about it, If to-day one of my family was suffering with that awful disease, I would have it if it cost $50 a bottle, for I can truthfully say it has cured my daughter sound and well, and myself and wife do most heartiy recommend your Female Regulator to be just what it is represented to be. Respectfully, H. D. FEATHERSTON. . . Treatise on the Health and Happiness of Wo man mailed free. Thb BnAprrsxp Rumn.ATOB Ca, Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. my 1 ly shim . May 8. May 10. May 17. May 24. May 80 'Through Bills Ladlne and Lowest Throus-h states guaranteea to ana from points in JNortn and Soutn Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. O. 8HIALLBORE8, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Tneo. G. Eeer, Freight Agent, New York. "W P. Clyde & Co, General Agents, f eb 24 tf 85 Broadway. New Yr"-. Baltimore and Wilmington Steamship Line. ATT TlM Send six cents-for postage, X XvXsQJBia and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help all, of either sex. tomore money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers abso lutely sure. At onoe address, TRUE CO., Au gusta, Maine. ma i iwwir STEAMSHIP TIDBTTE WILL SAIL Prom Baltimore SATURDAY,. MAY 10TH From Wilmington, - THURSDAY... MAY 15111 Through Bills of Lading aad Lowest Through Rates Guaranteed to and from points on the Railroad and Cape Fear. Also, to and from Boston. Providence, Phila delphia, and all Western Cities. For Freight Engagements apply to A D CAZATJX, Agent WILMINGTON, N. fJL ANDREWS & CO., Agents' - V v 8. W. corner Light and German 8ts.t' . my 8 tf BALTIMOJUJ , V 1 1" V-'-Y W - v .7 S, f '".. 'J y V f v 01 - a. - t .'Vv.l - i V; ' : .i-tr : ' v, ' ; . t i ' v fY klv (, I 1 1 r? ' J": t : j t - : ta-

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