ai fk tao BMBiH :.Jtf f t-e noAM n. wikirNM IM ti o U W TM t VnXiT ST A MVtHto4 rT mtaV imm m i M ! rMb V M lor C1 smwt.fwi ADTXTTTStW KATES O-MTTV-O i4r. It : inr It ni txr4r. m wit ir $.' j tTX M t $ Id ! On l M ; a VHX f tl ai i oummH irr Mt saoa. MI i wnc!i ! dB 1 wfa twwfw, . T A.I nnoianmBi mt T2, JWrtJa, 4u rtM'i itef KwitaA IWJiW dtrv .. via xavrt nw 4cuiia4 r hlra as a financier. The corrtspea I sua cocoons - raxsca in me uqueu waIIt loess as if Grant had I Slates for less, mere were eeren citeo th bttfineae of Ike firm nth I ty. seven competitors jrora wen$j aa tiaoioAtio as aothoHxed him to Sulci.- The .report. were eryjcn lndor lL Mr. Fish, who ha4 coursgingas to the gtowtA xt 1263 OCO la the concern of Grant aaa i iuic inaaury. in tsunamis me xie- Ward, wished to know lometninpf oi I veioprnent it represeniea m wonuer- tU eooditloa. lie to I i a- auwy - u w mu Wo io doobt. He tocordiogl pro- log in the 8oitheni J&fteTf ccoomibg it, tad he 4du j K G L i dFc n KATEATr to lUier 0!f LEE. VMTta IiiiiwfTI. AJrUMmaaaM la (hO raifHtf Mltar. V to MHMITf 9 qjmaimL itMn W1X few &ri4 MM m ft urn ftutaZy (momL i ton Mrf rwa t a tanty, wtiftii to UKUvt. Onmil fcTfirtlnn 0 MA M V3ol to -toacn KtMiiM uf tAaa friir to srttM -NT tilillMiiiW ftaut tr &nr M (Alt MrX Oiwaiai krultuaU .fiwtoi acxt; MM Utarr 4i' to kAa liny to to avto niaonnl&ia ft Uto WiTti tt to Aaa arto tto toa k to dhmii via tor to t to to toV v. mi(Si1 It Ia of mmt tIIaI lo -D to de to honw.. on tbo f co artlJe "0,rn iU 6 PW; dj. by a leUAT wtlca tinea. I tfoo of (o. Ilobm '12. Utr ' inner leaaiog EoglUh; pab!icitIoo'l!i.Ye not withheld their praise of th genua, ,.,noble, herpio 5ouljrpn. JlUchooiHTs Magazine, more than a decadB.ago proclaimed that, be :was oneofthethrcegreatettoldrtof the EairUth fpcaVincr race Marlboro-Dgb, Welliogton, Lee. The last tribote to Le cortles from the man who ia now regarded io Joglaad aa BriUm greatest living aoldier Sir Garnet Wolteley, who one vinted Wil mlngton and is known to, tome of our ci lit tut. ,Tq a letter written on the 8 th of December, 1883, to a lad j. of Mobile, .Ala,, he tayt mdo ml trraeiooe t hi art. ' We find the- letter in the Southern IRstorfdai oentfy rtrjxri for May. We gitejhe mtin, part at follows, pen. Wolaeley sajs: "I hATe oolr kMira two beroca ia my lire, tna Ueoerj it. c im it one 01,100m. to joa cao wll' xxudertttad h-w I rJue oae of hit Wucrt. I belkTt Ut wbeO wil to mml Al 9U 9mmiim tMm torr to ar. UM oarO CaUT - m9'mrm9 I hat wkiek. wt art taU. he mw rtl-a Im4 AAd lirval UAi m watu n lArassMata at iaTa t&d t&At TTajJ to at ia baa hm BAtae for tU It it woruu t duitato bm UiIa mAJioer of Droceedlax 00 prt of t& ttotor pArtacr of a firm Cmllng ta Urgv GoTrsmot eootracu, ta U U4 iot ba lafon&Ad bjXt. FUXTtt of w&Jc te tow aoeeiautj bouuox If. to atapl AxaAMiox aaa aaccouoiA. TatA M a5oI4 UomdiAtlltatxant a tontr of uaUmltod crl!i to lit rtrr ttAa MflMnlat whoa Mr. FlAft demd It wie lb7 AtkOoIl 'COUOMi tofW oelj tddt V . - . , U4 AXOAJIAg GwDiXMWO. ft Uto iWf The Morning Star. TltK AT AH ROCTK THUI4 AOAl!T. The videoc tt accomalating Ah owing whAt a moottroat farc the Sur IIoqU trialt were. It it a thaxnefal ehapttr in the history of the Arthur Adminlttralion. Mr. W. W. Kcr, of rhiladlphia, wat ono of the coaosNjI for the proectition. He Cora i port ant. The to-called trialt were really only AitemDt to tcrcn the ratCAlt. A WtAhiogtoa tpcUl tajt: "TV abatAAoe ( Mr. Kir Imli cacti r waa tAt CILaa vaa act dAif jut to coovkl Dorw7. Aad Ihxl b mAj bo ml eCort to do (x Tim Unto book watch Dooey couatol. iownl 14 Jury. cocUlaf Vbm oaoma of saco wbo AUcaded U Dortey rf.aar ta Nw York was Lie property of i Artol f aJ jwv t f mitoA I , . , . c, tot wwAUfetoj. I kta Utwa before the Springer totoStlt AAtaaw w wnvSii4, I taittea. Flit etidenc U iop lUs Laa mltutd down tbe togry paaoqa o( th 'Nona. G&crl Lee will be Accepted la t& L olled 8tati at tae rreAteat OenerAl too bat btd. aad AACoad aa a mtrlot oolr to WtAbioftoo himaaJf.. 8tovawII jAcaaoa. I ooly knew allgbUy. bU baxdo win Hta foretrr alo Ij American hUtory "wbeatbatof Mr. U- S. Oraat bAA booo loea f orxoUea. aocAtkAt to nay bumble opialoa of tbeee men wbea vtowed by aa Gorf BIJaa, aad waa tAmped. wltk bit 1 oatalde atadeot of mfliUry hUtory wbo bat Br wtiLun ta. xattA. wiLMrxorox, a, c. Frio at Kraixts, Mar 30, lSJi. toiaiACrmlloa did sol wat Dortey coQTicled waa coAda aorA AfT Active br Ubia UUla book Uaam. la al pcb to tae j arr. alamd The cvtdtsoe of Mr. Ker will go far to cootr incw all doaburt and. to EVENING EDITION. ccaSrtn the opinioo. of othert al- "Good writert koow that it it a well esublithed law that the primary meaning of a word It to be Uken in preference to tccondary meanings and to on. Worcester gives the ready formed that this whole Sur Ximary meaning llonte botinoaa from first to Laat it tmk ntmie wr ttsh 7fai TWATSCA. Mooviy ott. the 2d ooe of ahockiog depravity, in which an important JLxy in North Carolina. Government and thieves are nnited, Tb MaitaU' of all the coaniiet th one to shield the others. Ker is xr to Uct Coaniy Comalwiooeri, I -a Uwyer of tba higbett standing $apriatadat. of Pablic School, I says the New York Time, Mr. Bitot and to Utt th tAiet for the next I dort not deoy that in the first trial Steal jxr. Gol govtrameot de pami a poo ja.t laws, etaiuhly and equally AifcainUured, intelligent and rortAciotioa. olScttl, low Uxee eally dUtriboled. and jadicioas ectiaomy. The office of Coanty CommbMiooer an importaat one, and noo bat grcd and true men oaght to b cboaan. If incompetent or unfiitbfal -aea are cboaen the pablic weal suer. The Magis trate are, therefore, to a very great ettant rpoobl for the conduct of th Hoard of Coanty Coaalsaioners, xa thoy have the chooain of them. Th ofica of Coanty SaponaUnd nt of Pabtio S:bot uio import- he asked that Dortey "might go. BtitA, be it remembered, it one of Arthur's intimates in fact "hit nearest political friend," qooth the Times, That ptper says of the sec ond trial: "TbAi ia lb teoood Sur Route trtoJ lir fie waa really la earBeet la proaecullor Doner to a fact wbjea baa bo beanor 00 tb cbArra made by Mr. Ker. Mr. Dorter At LbaX time bad erased to be of aay politi cal utility. priABt er proApectiTa. to Preai- drat Anhor, aad a la proarcuiioa iavolred ao waaU of PtaaUeaUAJ bQildlar CAAtertal. Drtidea. bo dczrve of seal ia tbto trial could wipe oat the di malax fact tbat ia Ue Crat txUI sir; VZm arced ta Uovero taeol to Wt Dortey ro." of , inclination to be this, "The act of bending or tarn tag down." It it only when . he reaches the fourth olaas of meanings that we bare declination defined, The art of declining, refosing or shanning." So mach for declination. Now tarn to doclifKOiurt. It hat bnt one meaning or tense, it is denned, "The act of declining, a refusal." No man of critical tatte would prefer a word with five different seta of meaning! to express one act, when there was a word at hand, and no batUrd, that had the exact meaning sought and in iU primary significa tion. This is in accordance with known laws that govern scholars and good writers. A person who would so prefer knoveingly and still claim to be "a good writer," would be apt to refer to "a black swan," in full be lief that there was such a bird nljroqxu eygnp. be put dowft If they attempt to ig. I HE LATEST" NEWS. nore it me ridiculous nasco oi ioou will bw-repeate&. COMMERCIAL. ThA KeDnblioans I are xl. afratd,to defend;their posi FI101T ALL PARTS OFTH W;0ELD tion on thatMasne. and-whether the- Democrati-defepd tEeir .pr cot wijfl' -maWso differefeoeiwithUhe fonoer. Repabricana will atUck tariff reform anyway.- Chicago Herald. A Thfl-AtlanU ConxtU ta fonrde- L responsible for his failure to take his , . -"li aw. m. f 4 'TZ25 TURF Tbe Great Raeefor tbe Oaks Stake at Eptom.Downs. :fBT OAblA Mornlaii StarJ -. z rLcppow, tlfaj .-80. The great race hreeyear4DM nines, -mat for tne ifltftkfWiiiaTSSril' was won bv i . i T7 ii ".1 r J. lerqimai W 14 M J;N G T4O N MAR K E T. - STAR OFFICE, May 29, 4 P. M . SPIRITS TURPENTINE-The market 3KaVi.quoted-,ilrnx at 29 cents per gallon, with sales reported of 400 casks at that price. .' ' ' " - ROSIN-The market was quoted firm 1 tWJA.V, iI yWDm!. t.,U I r-kni- o.V-. t",' ''aVe bar f Hkm real relief untU I used the , r , 01 lar and , . and CtmctTRA Hn.i ""Miy. an,i ,'UH Skin Beaatiflers. externally l,1" ( me and lett my 8kin ally, bfch A Positive Cur r- C, I mill U tllllon. . - m,iV!) lo rrnonsAKmoAUT vroiuii, JL reertthisVoryr Sn BWfipjjuw Bacid's bar, flllr Busv-Body. I TAR-The market was Quoted firm JA.aiecon at. Sf3SBSil quo seat m 1876 as he ia for the failure of 'tM Cihbltmhtf 06hVntion i to nominate -in xosu annopnceainavnis'ncai.n 1 11 tAdSam alsran'tmtd in CRUDE TURPENTINE The market wooiatie permit iim. to swept tM riveTp fo-h- Svtfe i aa lr:vrfi.rrJr - for Hard and $1.75 forYeUowDip., COTTON The-;, market was , . quoted steady, on a basis of 11 9ens per lb for nung. Dmaiisajesreporieaatiitcenis. fonowinreBjWgcial qiiotatlons: " 1 .TTT T " - ' 1 - : . . I4AA1 lil 1TI CI - T ITU ' jLrg as meanrtrafrrendlydenra UJfiA aAT.(niaarftn nmfcfi-Whrti re.- . . Conttei,"?iw!a;ioiri ana oreainzea dt eiecims Orleans, on oath, says.-in js-ni?'1'"111' broke out on mr l,nL' J" fclTofnlr....,.'Sf w broke out on mv l.H' DtTofnr..T'.:i ruptlon. Brervthlng'kno w to T ffi&" 2 oulty was tried In vain T,"t0 lhe m not lift tny hnnH utren rn In ho1 . 7 Dana8 tn n,. r looked upon life as a cZ p, ."3 cnltv In reffard tr' vjnttiriiN him4ntAt W nlrfit in-a ..TaoillaMoii ? and, tinddity,thab VAWWWWtf!.? were ready to. accept anything rather than nrodnfta a,nvU , Artnflit hv in sisting hat tho t wjll.' 0I1 the, people i J.itafro.', axxoaiaDe? enrorced, flartesepn Kevia and QourierPtm; I - 15- )0 iwwaraoiiW;VH!rimw9i : i.; Axbxky- May iSOIcea half an iqch. tniclr -tormed un uiS' vicinity last nigntr Sf:!!!8'!: Cotton..., auvAi- aa-J aAAa ,mJ 'aMwvjMug ua vw .-a mem an.nigai. ,ff.;lt ... s LoWi Middline. 11 . Middling 11 " Good Middlinir. . . . ... . llf " - " r ' PEANUTS Market dull, on a hasis of $1 151 20 for Ordinary, $1 301 85 for Prime, $1 401 45 , for Extra Prime, and $1 501 55 for Fancy. Ruihrford509r io yjbm State, , has .oi,i uoci-or oi juawt. York. Tka PntHmLaary TrlaJ.2XAAraltAla Vr''. .. tJ , nvcailaAiefalUaU,, u , . Correspondent, pf the. iew, fyraq Journal. A coroner's iurv waa emoannelled! and qpopiliv.IlflggiB admitting tLo I conferred ,te rdenee d.Docfpr of kiliin. tbej.yeturaed their. verdict w Drrqrris HHenry. of accordingly. i, 10 , ' " ? ,'.'i n na'8jaw . . Friday'". 0.; o'clock? a. ;, ' A ffiSfiVKNOJBL preliminary examination was began, U "' - " j.' before Justice Gi W.-Blake, who as- ; Jvlelphia CaH. soci4tcd With himself four other Western Poltticiah.Yes, sir, Justices, Dr. Win. S. Monfort, Ru- thar paper has abused rae terribly, fas' F. Pellaticr, Jimes Gerganns and but Ijhave ray revenge." N. N.r MeMillln. Abont 'a dozea -FHr.-7r"Have you sued" them?" witnesses wr examined 1 and the "Sued them ? No, of course not. testimony from every quarter ehow-' That -would do no good." ed conclusively- that Mr. Hugginfl '' "What havq yoti done? Stopped acted purely io self-defence. No the 'paper?. Got an injunction T I' art of the evidence ahowed the "No, I couldn't do that; but I have east shadow of criminality ia the prevented it from coming out for one action of ..Mr. llucreins. After hear- I day" anyhow." v. . incr all the tcatimony the Juaticea re I -'You don't mean to.aiy the paper RECEIPTS Rosin. Tar.w Crude Turpi ntine. . J. . r. . . . At times could nnum 'J'ameam.... .a . . "V" wt iiiv hnnj.r"v couia not turn in bed- wa L UU! looked unon Ufa...' ln const., ft 1880 1 heard of tL ' nr uutD. uwu buem ana was rprf.o.i "Uki. Sworn to before U. 8. Comrff D,yccHB A, STILL MOM so , Will McDonald, 2i4iDna,K ' rratef nlly acknowledees a Pi lhK SaU Kbeum, on head?neck. fi "L for seventeen yeare; not able 41l hands and knees, for one year IVM a himself for eight yean: trl ' dies; doctors pronounced his rZ . ds of m? manently cured by the CtT.a ltA p iltf MORE WONDERFTtTvT . E Carpenler, Henderson v ' 4 bales tee. by Ctn-iKTWlD'XV' 356 cask) ful cure on record. A dustuanfni ln. 011 1,451 bbls 110 bbls 75 bbls A dustpaafui f . Dl1 mouuai ne must die. turn Inwdi Justice of the peace and nft'S Inent citizens. 00 " mw. pnn from him dallv. thought he must die Te New York Naral Stores Market . From the New York Ifatyal , Stores and Tobacco Exchange Circular for- Wednes day, May 2' C. D. Morrison, Superin tendent, we glean the following: EXPORTS PKOM NEW TORE. Exports" from Jaauary 1st to' May 1st. : Spirits Turpentine. 7,556 bbls.. Kosm ..............79.635 " Exports from May 1 to date. Spirits Turpentine 1,023 bbls. Rosin... rr... 17,805 " DON'T WAIT. ' f6 n? for the8e testimonial. i , . send direct to the parties. All area Si J and given without our kuow edm , ' l,n Don't wait. Now is the ttae to c " Jl,1Utlo cies of Itching, Scaly, PimpW Kf ' VT ted. Contagious, and Coppercc )ItIa T the Blood, Skin and SciUp wuffife Rolrl hv nil HmTtHcf ul "air j . -.hlUv0, jiiuu; utTri-i-D. in . Bbsolvknt, $1; fcoxp, 25 cts. I'hbmicai, uo , boston, Mass BEAUTY SSy Sss:bbffl Bkin Blemishes, ue Cutici iu feoan ' a"d toe or fnj tired And-were unanimona in their I wont be published to-day? tilled 1 "Wot l ao." judgment that the prisonerJtilled Dr. Lesesno in order q protect ;his own life and thai ' tho'.kQlincr was justifiable' whereupon,' they ordered me prisoner to te aiscoargea. ; j Mr. Haggins' left 'the court room surrounded by his friends, who had New York, May 28. . Savannah, May 24 .. Wilmington, May 24 Charleston, May 24.. London, May 27. Afloat about. "Good gracious 1 Howl' did you manage it ?" "Stole the editor's shears." STOCK ON IT AND AT Tar. Spirits. Rosin. 4,160 1,147 18,133 .... 6,963 50,906 2,888 5,739 80,288 ...3,266 16,683 ....17,197 .... 4, 900 . . . SALES FOR THE MONTH. Spts. Turpt. Rosin. From May! to date. 2,500bbll. bbls. Spirits turpentine for future . delivery : Samion'i Leffi aad loeki. I The year, SOfc bid: 32ic asked.- Last When Delilah clipped 'off Samson's locks I half vfijir St rnfA hM- S9,lr nonta naVprl eom.from.TeryT..rtoftbeoon. XSgST gS&SSS&'S! . ' ' f ty to render him any assistance he poggaBsion of luxuriant hair would enable The following jwere the spot quotations : might need. . men to tear open lions laws, Hiscock & flnirits TuroenUne 824c: Strained Rosin The cansbfthe quarrel that led Co. would be driven .wild in.the effort to 3? Q . g . v purely a family affair, over which this entire community desire to draw a veiL .No man rejrreta the killing of pre vents your hair from . falling out. and re stores the original color if faded or gray. Betides it it a great addition to the' toilet table simply as a dressing. f Lescsne more than Iluggins: he feels it deeply and it will be a source of mortification to him for a long time, but he had no choice save that of death. It bad come, to kill or be killed. Dr. Lesesne's brother waa at the trial but made no effort to prose cute he called on Mr. Iluggins and they met on friendly terms. Mr. Iluggins has the sympathy of the people of this county, and this affair has made him friends, because he .bowed by hU action that Jie wanted HALL & PEARS ALL. to avptu a uiuiuui.v wiui ut. Xjh esne, and did all in his power to that end, but when the crisis came he did what every brare man will do under like circumstances. 1 75; H, $1 901 95; I,' $2 122 15; K, $2 552 60; M, $3 07i3 12; N, $3 503 60; W G, $4,S54 50. Market dull. MR. TILDENFOBMR. PAYNE ontr a SocQAbody write to the New York ant. He U tr a ret degree the I $.tn that the- Mecktenburg Declara drWm wheel of the cuchiorry. Io I Uon U a myth a fraod, and baare 'tha jcarA to coot, aaJer wider aad I hit charge opoo the aimilarily'. of wv-u-r iviA(too, wnea inc poouo i ungatga m mt aocameni ua in achoo( of tha SlaI hia boci in I Laa KaiIooaI TJAlArallon -Lha lalOrr all r.Prct.a ef5cient, this eSce will ooming more than a year Lata, jje'l "S WM ? of the Lake oo aaw ioporuocw and ef35den- elaima to hare UaO the fit to dU-v0 lD oor eT" P,- There it a tketch of Cot Edward Boocoinbc, aUr whom Buncombe oouBly waa .amfrd, in the Wash ington -Capital, The writer reports Geweral Robert D. Vance aa tay- A Few Mullets, CANVASSED HAMS, N. C. HAMS, MOUNTAIN BUTTER, AT LOW PRICKS. my 98 DAWtf Choice Hew Crop Llolasses. 2ND CABGO NOW LANDING , AND WILL BS SOLD PROMPTLY FROM WHARF AT LOW PRICKS. ' ' ; mpsatf WOBTH t WORTH. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.t Baltimore, May 30. Flour quiet : Howard street and - western super $2 75 3 00; extra $3 504 50; family 4 50 5 75; city mills super $3 003 50; extra $3 504 50; Rio brands $5 625 75. Wheat southern quiet; western dull and easier, except for spot; southern red $1 08 1 10; southern amber $1 101 13; No. 1 Maryland $1 lll 12; No. 2,western winter red on spot $1 04il 04. Corn southern higher and active; western easier and dull; southern white 6870c; yellow 6162c. cy. tn all th coaiitf alif!ed mto cover thia. If h will go to the At- ho'Il Ua choaaa whcver it U pot- tor Library and cooaalt the Yrw ibU ti !- o- York ZrriVie for 1846, he will find a TH Uvjtn of tAt tA aoc.tity. etrikiog paper in advocacy of the Tatatioo tt.4tf i a cane. It i only geaaioeoa of the Mectltabarg Dp-, t- b trtUril aad eaf arced hcaut claratioo from tha po of no lest) a without tt thr can hw no govern- man than (ha ooco famous and etc- naatof the paopU aad by the paoplo qaeot Rv. Dr. Fra&crs L. IIawkj,tf aad for tha paopte. Th aimal at U to rai jat will do andar propar acoqoco dttributa tha tardea jaatly. f airly. I vetr afterwarda by a fellow-who eipiublj . ThU applies to alt kindt avidratly LnowAbat UltW of thaad of Ui-coaotv or maniciptl, State jtct. We doriOttold to Dr. Ilawki'a or Kalrai.ttirwct or indirvct. Raij tiplaaation, having another theory tha uii oa tha rigkt thisrr-and that wa believe to be more probable lavy Juat Hul aa the actaal ns- aad eootittenti and we mention t (pimaaataof aa tcoooraica) and pare ooly to thow how far behind tie government will aIIow.- time It the Sun's corrctpondem. h i $ia and an oatrawft to hean I This wriUr thinks hia little peoo- whittle has blowti theacf of a Dcc Laratioa to the foor wiodtand that ao more forrver thall North Caroliniaas be foand celebrating aa etent io AMt North Carolina did u not "pro- dace him, for the sketch shows that ha waa a native of fit. Christopher's Island, Wettt Indree, and came to North Carotfni In 1765, eettling In Tyrrell coonty,where h,e liyed dntil view through the 'hewspapers, it has he entered the war of the xtavoln- oeen promptly ioirowea or a new lion. JIawaded tawFifUa North r7 f- Tilden'a. aawilhngness to aiiow nit name to . go oexore (toe tilt Intention to SAenra a Nomination W bleat na can Tranafar. . Washington Pott -New York, May 27. Mr. Samuel J. Tilden is not a candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination, and. he will not accept it for himself; bnt he will accent it for Mr. Henrv I . . .site it as. vaivtsiyt:t. IJ. Payne, pf Ohio, and it is to se- J fxnB mKNCH fkmaxje .skl-acting for- i3-64dr sellers' option; cure a Tilden convention which can t pS toM 6 iWt Te, be transferred to air. x'ayne tnat toe Tilden energies aro now being di-. m . i Jlolea, Rlngwoiui, Tetter, Ae., The work has been very quietly I fhaoioof or the pudding Ao, done, but Its object has not, been un- I k j A'VI'TIoo4-tti suspected. . Whenever it" has hap-I ' 'laJlU JrlttSXer, pened, however, that a suggestion I ttob.AXeby woody a cuBRjav Old Stand, No. r South- Front Street, where he is red to do at neat a job of 8HAVTNQ, HAIR INQ. Ao.. aa aan be had In the oitr. P. & Not much on Teeth, but can make Warts, more in a nurry. mhSOtf ed. however, that a sucrsrestiOn I T7or. bale by woody a ci to thrs effect ba reached the puhuo ir: Aw- .f V" "riTAS'li n axac TER MILLS, the ; CorraapondaBoe solicited. .?o;J ap 8 tf prodootA of Whloh are made mora bardoa a poo a people are actaaily naeeanry for the rods of govtrnmacc It U a tio and an oat n;i to opprvte ooe c!a for the" bes- ah& of another ci. It may tvedoee well attested, and that reflects each and it may ba tolerated, bat that will undying glory upon the men of not make it right. Mecklenburg. t Tha caaatlag of the J entices of the We think North Carolina ebonld 5ut oo Monday neat It Importaat make the 20th of May a general holi- lo the paopl the borden-beartrt day and that it ought to be duly and tha brtad winner. I celebrated throuffhont the State. It wat a great event viewed historically at A riXAnCIKXt, I 1 .v. . v, -n-. The papen, tome In sorrow and The fellow with the petitry-whitUe tb a williognese to coodtmn w bariaa touch power to stop the apon evUeoce, are dicowiog the l0f poptfarity of the 20th of Orant-ra"a tetttra. They'wm car- May among North Carolinianv aa taialylowtr Geo. Graal'a character cnt .t tfc tMatWt a ajtimuiea oi .anaurvctei - - in. vtuwica ifl t4 a a a . tiorta. Tit SoatJi baa lon aco tat I Oa the first da v. of this mouth a f at Shaaf t 1A ah - - a? 1 - . A a a a a a e www aaaiay ia LUu .fraew Sk th SA a aa - a r Aai I w m Wa aK(KiliAk aaa a m Vs.avi.-V aa aa a scUIat aad aa pontWaa. It it I XTuladelphia. It waa tha third ao prtpar.!to pat ha estimau pca "uoal award of premiums for tbo best . and threatened to wash him oat to tea. aderpTiaTlo Eu SUh jaar.e tkeh 1 Democrktio Sute TJnvention one, . t " 'a ' v'r-L I two, four, ten or, a aoxen deiegata matioo onceaing ihwaiUai soUiar. who-djaiaad th nomination of T dfiri'diador alive'- Andwho being ..NSdarb6roi House, -'KTO. ' 104 'NORTH WATER STREET XI ' Jii - -r t AND PBJNCKSS STREE . (WnjOTON.N. C. The Finest Kestaorantln the City, FOUEIGN KURKETS. (By Cable to the Moraine Star.'! Liverpool. May 30, Noon-Cotton Demand limited; uplands 6fd; Orleans 6d; sales 8,000 bales, of which 1,000 bales were for speculation and export; receipts 12,000 bales, of which 3,000 bales were American. Futures closed quiet and steady; uplands, lie, June delivery 6 22-64d, value; June and July delivery 6 22-64d, value j July and August delivery 6 27-64d, sellers' op tion; August and: September ' delivery 6 JOD4d, , buyers option; J September and October delivery 6 29-64d. sellers' option; October and November delivery 6 17-64d, value; November and December delivery 6 September delivery Tenders Jof 1.S00 bales new docket ; 200 bales old docket. Sales for the week were 73,000 bales, of which 44,000 bales were American; specu lation 12,000 bales; export 5,800 bales; actual export 6,000 bales; total imports 44,000 bales, of which 10,000 were American; stock 917,000 bales; American 640,000 bales; afloat 178,000 bales, of which 45,000 bales are American. The Manchester Qaurdian in its com mercial article says : "The market is stag nant. Business in India and China staples are at a deadlock. For other directions. there is a small hand to mouth business.": Where the Fire is Out. JTIasIe No More a Myterr-seon Froa Across the World. "Haroun of Aleppo," said Sir rhm,, d,. "had mastered every secret !n nature wUcbib, nobler magio seeks to fathom, nc discfireml that the true art of healing is to assist Katore to throw off the disease to summon, as it were the Whole system to eject tho enemy that has i tened on a part. His processes all inchM the reinvigoratlon of the principle of life." In this the Eastern sage merely anticipated tl' practice of the best physicians of to-day. Wmt life itself is. then nobody knew-nokody know now. But we have learned something of tbe reasons why the mysterious tide rises and falli Provided the great organs of (lie body are not irreparably destroyed, medical ieuce can il ways relieve, and often save. Yet no repuuilt physician now adheres to the barbarous and u pid processes of depletion, nuchas bleeding, by which it was attempted to cure disease byrafc cing the patient's ability to resist it. Xowt dap we do not tear down the fort to held t he pirrUoi we strengthen it. In this intelligent and beneficent work, It y conceded that PARKER'S lONir leads ell other medicines. As an invifrorant it act im mediately and powerfully upon the circulation and the organs of digestion, Urns civinc Nature the assistance she calls for. It follow that all ailments of the stomach, kidneys and liver are at once relieved or cured. No other preparation embodies the same qualities or nrodncen similar results. It Is delicious to use, and the best knnro anti-toxicant. Price 50c. and $1. Hwox (.. New York, sep 8 D2taw&Wlv wed sat nnn ie8 Dismal Swamp Lottery Co, Of NORFOLK, Va. The franchise of this enterprise is based upon the chartered right grantea to me umu Swamp Canal Company, and its leeaMty In been repeatedly tested before the Couru "f tt estate. The purpose in view is the "improvement am extension of the Canal, thus secnrlmr pt public benefits. J . .. Its fair oonduct has already secured poDiie confidence, and tho next Drawing will bemw on tne , 19th JUNE, 11, before the pnbllc, in NORFOLK, VA CLASS II, SCHEME: CAPITAL PRIZE, $5,000. 1 Prize of i. 5,ooo is 1 do l.soo is 1 do U i do 500 is 1 do 200 Is I do 200 is ' 1 do 200 is 1 do 200 Is ! 6 do 100 are 15 do 50 are 100 do 10 are 800 do 5 are APPROXIMATION PHIZES . 9 of 50 9 Of 30 9 of : 20 2 .. i.s It m SI KewTorft Naval Stores marKet. 858 Prizes, Distribtttlntl" TICKETS ONLY V- Plan of Lottery similar to that of I Mn5cr' tion, Tlfli Company J. P. UORBACII, Address all applications for inform. ets or Agencies, to .vriMalii Street, i. K HORBACH, 207 Wain yi 1 j . Board S1.85 ner Day. ' Three Tickets Sl.Oo. Sin fl KeaJa SScl Jio KeaU SBnt xmt. ; do?tf r &J.6CUJtBOfiOGH,Proprt .-.- ( It '1 .1. J4 J 0,E. Smith, ORK. ents of- . 71 -r - oh',m" rvzj the reports of tbe committee bm Ue I .uiraavex;8rwiii. . , ... , u i 1.4 tt&.te4tthib Copiah snd-DflUfllh riou, It u Slf they .re .J pvwr.- " :&y&Wm I w.s . . ; t. , : ,. : csmu Staefatui tidrxit.;! 'Sumter Advaiice. tK. nMWa riii m nation at the hands of the JeOQi-i I -.rr-.Tt .:. port coocnilAf the Danville distuTbanoe oy in 1884;lttt -.1 orieinal detcrmi- j - -TM People's Paper taio we pctmoruoos ox a Mruioary potm- i 0f.Aha JAmn.ratin Rtif (Vrnvp- I 17. pVavfijht. tSSrSlSSu cal plot U kill and terrorize. ,. Bott oaM, - ;. ' of these report are unqualified partisan, t . , . lawed w Ooltnabla. otct thirty years ago, be- ana aotn were compceeawun wow nras ; yH.r., m.' I Tras 6ukt AJ)V acb isthe best Adverti ifcaa thoM which would wWe traifh to safety of a postponement) or final ac-1 attig Medtim to e. Snty foercbante Ind I linn nnnn ha nart Viil tha mAOtinor 1 0peTJumneea 4Mtt. ' 'i ' - -r r"z ,v II 7? r' WsorJptton only $1.50 per year.' . w w 40 luiuuivauv vy -'wi.w-.. . .... 1 . , -' . . u ill . L . r I CI ALB VUttl. LUU ISObB BUtTUlU UO U1UWI. I trecuom haa.iJpaonDt.proadi t. 4 nnl irh i.h i-w-'' TiTift U fA . .Ml I W------- -WW... . - - cneu tiowijoown rora preoeaeni o Mf. f OleTelabd. He ia tio more for to precedent. bn It Ea done ' 4o oitrvland than f or Floxrerj anJ he Is wroogu u v4.ku o opposed tobth-4ecau8e he is for sime, ana inrouga 1 men tragro oi- Henry B. Patne. 1 and ptwogitJtcB'Wonld never ciye tip eren tha moet abominable of thetr to-called UrightaT.twithont the, people twUtlnjf tbeee pnt of their hands and saying "Thank yotuior rjothinglw " Toronto Globe. -. 'r -v Norfolk. Tbe undersigned supervised the D ness to ail interested. R0GEKS. - N. Yi. Journal of Commerce, May 29. ; Spirits turpentine The market is about article : by consumers; merchantable order-1 G, of the Dismal Swamp ifwiui ' lt -rmntoH of HnoinD 'I'ha mo.Wt I UeriUY IU1 lb WBO wi"""- is without' Tariation of movement, ruling rather quiet. The quotations are: Strained at $1 87i&l 40; good strained at $1 40 1 42i ; No. 2 E at f 1 47il ' 50 ; No.- B F at $l 57il. 60; Jfo. 1 Q' sale ef ontraots I i t ioi,o ncJ ir USVvWtOII.VOltOn. I n eeaO Aft. 01 Hf t- Mrta: iyi. executed. I wuvjiuo iUM 90 vimo$i 254 50.; . Tar quoted at 75 for Wilmington; pilch is quioted at my 1 tf the truih.M O UMRE2fT,COM2IEXT. 11 t.X ? . . :m Barnetfa (Doeali-e Is ROWTTX AS A iPtTBX AITD EfVXCTIVK IXaxs UBJtssiKa is EyxBY Quastxh Of Tins WpjjLD. . . , . ;. 1 For thirty vean it has been' a favorite with tbe people and a leader with the trade. Of One thin If tbenen in thd I ha nrooert v. , IlnrntL i fVi. havn flt&h.' DemocTatio party who are' afraid to I lUhed their trie right to its use in, several raise the ' tariff reform isaae' in the 4t i tha protecting thepnbllc and It they do not.Ahou iarifl, th Re- ErraacTS consUts in' their Terfect pnolicinf wilL The question cannot purity and great strength;' r. .f- FavetteviUe -Irseryer. TV THtTBSDAl, FXBRABT 8TH,Mj 1883L TUB yr undersigned wM revvo the publication of the FAYJSTTJfVlLLB OBSBRVBB. The Pmxtxb will bee large SSKielnmn weekly newspaper, and wfll be mailed to subscribers, Postage paid. $$ pei? -annum, always to ad vance. It wQI trive the news of the da In mr ample form as Its spaoe win. permit; and both re- I guiar aaa oocasionu oorresponqents W1U con tri bute letters from the Capital on State politics and affairs, tr . .r-i , , .-,,r- Democratic hi poHtios, the OMxbveb win la bor, first of miL to asrure the 'prosperity of the Town of Fayette ville. to develoD the vast acTi- eultural Tesonroes of its own and the neighbor ing counties, and to promote all that concerns the welfare of the people of North Carolina. - .Opposed to auch. Innovations on the homely ways of our fathers as, ta the guise Of progress,, harm society, the OasaavKa wi3 be found in fall sympathy -with the new thmgr born of the" ehanced eonditfon of flnntifi -whinh sonnd Judgment or enlightened experience find to he-1 ' As te the rest: ttwDl strive to deserve the re--pntation of the name it inherits. V fsbttf w.:. ::: i . K. T. HALB. Jb.' Savamnaji Rice TOtorket. ! . Savannah News,, May 29. 1 The market .was quiet and unchanged. The sales for the day, were 37 barrels..( The following are the. official;. quotations of the Board of Trade: Fair 5i5c; Good 515c; Krime 6i6ic. , C . rtoueh rice-ri-gountryiots JKJcSl20;tide L-water $1 251 40. . : : , (i Happiness is a great blessing to be pur- hchased at so small a cost as that of a bottle of HallHaurlienewer. ? f j Camphor, &c, rS tTM CAMPHOR. AEOMATIC CAMPHOR. IN VTseot Pawder, Fly Paper, Quicksilver and tu th sat TI..BK.TorMJ . .1.-.n1llf. f the Th(.ri. is m n . TB I I' r' -ui! T circulars eirlntf full informnu" - Electric Belt Ca, MB Waeliiiwwn oi, " deoieSeodly thsat - N. A. Stedman, Jr - , r ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Princess, between ln the Basement of Baildhw fo.i Journal Bunding. WUNQTO Practices mall the CJrimtaaian .,r of New Hanover, Bladen, Odunw9 Brunswick Counties. i THE CEMBBATl" '""".nntllf. AREINGTOS 1AME FO ww ntation. They have jpu- Miapmlar BgSsWMT i0Wb7 - 3". H. HARDIN, 'j, ifehW - Drtitand Seedsman, flXtnlS' Commissioner w'"1 : my 25 tf . New Market; Wilmington, N.C. The Robesonian, Published every Wednesday to Lamberton, N. C . . By1 W. W. BIcDIAllSIID, - : HAS TUB LARGEST CIRCULATION AND THE largest advertising patronage of any paper In-the State. It now has over eight hundred ub- Boribers In Robeson oonpty alone, besides a. eral circulation m the counties 01 j&oore, Cum berland, Bladen, Columbus, 'Richmond, and In the adjoining -counties, Manom. Marlboro and. Partington, ln Socth Carolina,-i ,y Jan M k . UIU DUIICB VWW" wilN ploma and Medal. , m0nt PFL I have a variety of Colo" ana Bh)p 10.00pe? Trio. I expect praise j, Pairs this Bummer, srnWisof i ser World, and will ship Young Foww 0(reA J AprUhatch during gSlSrt pe'1" tember and October, at nv Seven Dollars per Trip. , rfty 0f Whoever disputes thepenorw m Wfll please back the assertion w fwSteforwhatyou want. arriNGTO j ape&" AduardstoD.NI, ' -' - - . . j," - 1 r 1 v v.. .