The Morning Star! Smtor Mo3Te, Mat 31,1134. MORNING EgmON. Till LATEST NEWS. mo x all pasts or ms voaiD CUICJLUO xe seaie ctaa siataeri:- rrtttalMrr smlrwaJaAXIa: aaraara weweai far lntf a4 lilM rr-rtttU Sa itaisae ee;tai t-d r " A. CI rear BU4 ff U ckAirMuur-aukM eave. tae t DaleUea free Vlrwtate. fry TLmtrsb aa tba Moral: sta.I Ctttcix 5IjJ X Taa morula g brouill la portioa of Ike Iw daefft" two. tire mQlr c A & C clc tjno aaJ eia Te dalac". DT few from OWo aad Kentucky ia frirU of portiott t IS ICJacla d loinu lb Jrr eoeatita! lb !j fcUukio wia fa antral im eracetiinr !aya. From 2ew York, faoaayrraai aal tl ?(aiiocI C?iul however, com fetrf mtiilico to tba ad vance r-rl ' Ilea laUrwiad la lie cut com of lie Xatxoaal Coovaatioo. bat wbo facta aa part of ft workls boilr. TMr Miwnct. aowa-rar. ha hnparteil m Cfa U the pralimieary Uirmadiax. aad for ta 8rt time tb botal are akiai lb si of activity aaow by ibem for tnU prt eiou to taa conoUa of four year ago. !I.ll'iftri ware c?bU tbie Bora lax for La Artbur ea.J Cial fort; laoa of liar. Ucw ai- baaa ia xktae for m Ay T5t mnaiadac of tba Iowa daiairttioo will arrive to eaorrow aooralaf . at waica fame tba CM ocufaa daarfalioe) wUl elw eat a a ece. TSavortaalia tioa of State .feiactfkw ari3 Wia fcov row afternoon lata ener i tbxsewwhJca a. fU mrMwaiaxloa ta is city. Ta wttatfr. walea, aaa Da ccfcl aad raw ta piMt tar r1 wamwj UmIij. aal If ta prmwo teurtratara Is taaiabuaad U wiU pro prfct far ecomaoa pcrwaaa. Cun. Ax May X TVn wara aiJvLtloa al artitali taia afWraooa. aad aaoef tta mom promacal wara lloav. Oaloaaa A. On, of la. atow aaxcw at CMnikMMd fa ta caairsutaaaip of laa Coarantioo. CoofpBaamaa TVsaaaa A. Drna aa4 ta otar iccmJ.-alTnfiaj!Taia imUxu ara aJ aera Ita: Aadrta H. Wait, of N. T . arrtwl la ajraaca of laa aaaia tx!r of aia dIUIio. iculca Tonkmt, C. w. MjuIjo, aaU Asaoa Smita. wao rp rvwot taa raafaard of laa Soaroiaa 41 fiiioa. afrtmf tah araafax. Wjitsfutt Ma 311 A Cakaio cial to taa Si- Ur aaja Maaoo aaJ wom of aia dxleic ara an. A prop aUjtt to aJaaie beta lia YixjU amltf-y-iiioos to tSt Co amotion la rrjctd by MAoMk aaU laa NaUoaal ccairaiaa ara pitti.W u to aao aaaS aata tickcU of vi.Tiu3a. prtraaxily to lia fafrrtoca of ta iria to taa enmaitta ca OaJaa tiU tf tax DwockJarf JIffiioo ta a4 auttml ta aoi or ia part. Maaona aaja aia l-UrCia wUl kava taa CoQtaaUoa. It afa rMm3rf Ba4 bcua oatwCcil M a flpMliaa aal taa: aia cuatljator. Go. Wirtaaa. U a raaorraL Xjm EWtra A. LockwoaJ. 1 b a d!a caaa to taa Coaalka. wita Dr. Hc M mir aai Dr HUati. frooa taa NaXicaaJ Aritratiua Lcaaa aad Usirvnal IVaca t'ana ara harv. !fr objact ia aUatuUnc ta Coavaatloo ia to ori taa laarrtioo of a pLiaa ia taa pUtf xaa farvrtox axtilraiioo 8aa wtU be font taaeommitUa appoiatad b itna rMuluttooa aad win caaxa aa ap ptAl for taa aduptioo of oaa pro-rVila taal a laa woowo of Uua coaatry ara cilUaa. prmtacara mal tajpayara. aad maaaMa to ail lava of taa Uad. citrU aaJ crtAiiaaJ. waica taua fr laay aara oaJ do part ta naXiaiC taay taoaiJ ba anra tib to ivu oo r;uiil uracu w'.ta ta aiaa. To aiat ta will kctara oa "Taa Aaacrkaa 5U(mcoaa aai aia Icrt cocaiaj-f. or. woo aall tw rtaaitltwt rar AWa Uk f Mai aaaarr ri I a I AraMawaa tm av Cal Dia tr1 a Cat la taa Kwltia Bm cn Vratt at ta Kraaaa TiimI AaMaai-Cfr- I raw War ara. i St Tirrcft to ta Xomfaa at. I prrracB. I'a . Mar 3tX Aa latixaate rrwml of lift ff. Dowyy. ta4ir1tlaal N tpwr of th raa lUai. tttatta utrtmat fjf aua toij taat caacaa of D WU-aua A Cto. . ITT?! On . Wataea A Cm . MTtaM-ai Sraaa. wata Jrawa aad iinmt y ftaaftVal Kkif!. aad l2ul taa iaar rapnrwtataii al taaa trea. Taa Mn pMt brt or f CaTO.COO ta oil aad ianirfu da taa bnak a4XTtai 1.300, Hiaj waa al oca uaaa ptaaraawi t.0M.f3k U-mt it hi oil Taa Faaa-yt-na ltarti JtaauciAUoa tuaj f 4tXC0D ttapiMitatl ia taa taut a waaa taa doora wara etMi. out cUixoa aaa baaa rrjactl. ui taa AMit-iaika t3 eaasiaoa bowlaraa. N ttMYa aa bawi aarra4 oa taa diractora f.'r nactiai Sutofflay norata to prapara utaraat f.r (aamaara. wlttca will ba publuttuxi sa Jaaa Sti. 4.aoxa. Hay Stl Taa cara-t nlf taa trtcaa of taa ftnu&ar, fUiiroaJ. At'4 jauriay. baa raa4aml alt eoTHar taa MIm. aal taa froaaij to aeill aiaaiaf All tnflc a taa rloa4 baa baaa aoapal vl Taa btMty of a wvrbaaaa. wao waa iNtrtatl ttatlar Ua ouaa of carta, baa act haaw rairoaaWMl Tba braaca aow coart aa araia of oixt two baadraj fC A aaw tracb u aw baia lakl arooai taa braacb. At-4at ytf ax Taa runway f Taaaat eulllary catatl tbia saoralaf aad burtwd Gam St)ry. a caiaar. fifty otaar aatnart am-apail laaUat 4aata by a axlracla. $ury 6Mjy baa act baaa lacataawA rttTaac. May 50. Tba corona ' la aaiifitiua tato taa Cm pea tuaaal acct tlaot aa taa Sm' raaaaytraaia Kailrcavl Watlaaatlty. at cuachxilad aaat oibi aai a a"te waa raadarati asoaaratiac taa coo iractora froaa all Uaaa. rrcry pracaaUoa bat taf baaa taAaa. Taa accklaat m waa f-nt to bara baaa rataaaxl ty tilct aaaJ. Tba aaaan toaa ki2mi aatrib4 war Spaa UkfU an4 flaartaaa Taa aiaara aara ataca Jiad. but taatr aaataa bara act baaa taaraatl. aa taay wara kaowa to taa bvaa oolf by a oaa bar. Tba o(ar lajaravl wlQ proaiy racoaar. rvrttat au. May SQLA coafrraaca of tba Iroa lfaaaf wtarrra aad taa AouJa aaatatt Aaaoeiaiium baa baan caHad for to wrwa, wbaa It la afpactcd tbU Uat yaax a acala wl3 ba tirsad. wttboat axaaad- aaaatj nd wort roauaoail Taa Bill of Klrkpatrtcb Jb C. at Uacuborf. r., ai'oad tba acaJa today. irusirixoToy. Mriaa,Uka Caaarmaaaat KaaWaalar, raaata la CUvaSaJX. PT Talamoa ta taa Iteranuc ttar.t Wimxxvrtos. Mar SOL Cot Lkiraaida waa ao bapt a bla bouaa la caarza of a tepnty aaaraaJ 3 aibV. aa waa al tru la adail Ha a ramoaad t tba jalTaboat 11 o clock Uat aula. Hia atTorj to aacnra tail aat u fw taaa froitkaa aad Lia ftf 'l la uWw farorabat S!rt!!tri!f J.r. 'p bo Lttfal -4 oibara Tarrlaia Aaaiatal at BaJtlaaara-Car LtaaraDall4:ac a Car traa A "aaaaar af Prraaaa Oart4 la la B aLaa ' . ra Ti in i i r a In ilia VnrtH1 fir ) BnrauL ltty ia-A terrlbU arcUt ecomtd U Uoopr bW'-S. a v,..v na B$?at. al 1 o'clock tail tTtaJor. uaaral Twraoea ara kaowo Id baraUta ia mis Tl wefrbt of cotloa at.rrd ta Ua bclar caoaad lfa eojUrae. xv-m im troAi cl tba bclMiaz fell ia. ibrva or focr peraocj artra la lb coaotlxif ( WW mm m 1 r V m of wara a laaaa mwa or iwwiii is . itnvtnn nracaaa and colic a art butUy tfgi ta maonaf UadabrU la ortSer ta gtt tba pcoeJa out. To ooay of tta bocaa. waa fouJt pack la tetweca aera raJ bam I. A zaaa oaacd ' Kelly aad a cciorad boy alao. Lara been fan ad ataoof tbaruiaa. Lihl bodkaao far.tatateca dlacorarid. ' ( t.- t aVWV lM aaaslaa oalr tba fcodfei of Llaibkiaia aad tba olami boy J. UOwea. Uaa oaan racorarw hw Hoopar's war&booaa. ta addlUoa to tboaa atady aamad. Edward Dowta. tba eotored sf f m ItAArwf la In tba WTtCk. Wax. B. Cbcacna. eWk. waa caaf bt uadar tlxobara. bat waa Utxl latartd. Onrdala A Loajr. drakra la f aTtnixera, occupied U rranl ooca ta taa acooou coor 01 ut ouiiu lor. aad Baal. Orraaward. OUdco. Hook aad Kaaaatb UcLea. 3p-3jt, ara Kaowa an Kwa l&ara wbaa tba craab caxaa. Gnccawood reacbed tba window aad waa raacoad wiiaoalaerioua lalary. ilook aad McLc ara stiU oadcr tba dobrU. Iba wbola of wbJca aa8Ud with caa trxax brokta pipea, TbabolMiajr waa auppoacd to b oca of tba caoat autaxaauaj ta u cy. witb baaa-r aida walla aad blaaatoaa front. It baa baan occapkd for arrcraJ ycart by Wax H lloocar A Poa oottoo fooda aiaafaftxLrtira. and aa iAOMaaa atock aterad oa tba lira floor Onwbich floor ta braaA occorrad La aot kaowa. aad ail mrm dowa from tba froct to wiLbJa about forty feat of tba rear, wbica opaat oo ryrmlrrVk atrwc Tba oooatior room U toraiad la tba raax of tba flrat floor, aad Miaft of taw rwraoa wara Ibaxa wbaa tba trak oecvtai Qaabalf of tba op eav firtt waa tbrowa dowa aad lao ra- toaiadcrao broaaa aad poabed ootwaxd. tbaX tt ia Babia to fan at aay aaooaat. Tba warabowa waa boilt aboot twaoty flra aaara B-rrv ajui waa loo Oied a a tobaOCO boaaa, Tba rrouad waa filled ia. battnx oafa been tba rirrr borax. Tba fooadaUo U mL4 tn Kaa artrlad down, aad tba lav maaaa wtibl of good waa tba area of tba caJaxatty. XBir YORK. raaXavaw4 Vara ai lMav aaraaUa af Ctty Caaaaartala Taawaja-Taa Caartaayalaaa Baca. DTr Tatacraob ta taa VorazaaT Star.) Xrw ToaJC. May 3a Fardinaad Wara aid to bt cooaacl. by wbom ba waa tin tad bxiar. ia Lodlow atrtat iaiL that- "tba rrrrooaibilitT of Co Oraat aad J no. O. Flab la tba firm of Oraat A Ward, waa tba aaaaa aa tar oaa." Taa rtatraaxSoo of Xalaoa Tappaa. cit 2 caaabarlaia. waa accarXad jraterday brara data May S3d. but lu accaptaao or tTaa tba fact of lla bavinf beca mad, waa aoi glraa publicity aatil altar tba report af tba rraod fory waa poMiaaeo. ucary n Lodiow. baakar aad arcnt or taa baak of CaJiforota. baa beca appointed aa aucccaaor to Tappaa. bat baa aot yet rirra booda, Tappaa a ktter aaaifaa poor quiat aad rrat. aa bt rraaoca for taadrrioc bja trairaaUoo, LefaJ ociaiooa obtaioed by aawapape raportert boM taat Tappaa a rawraauoa wuj aot protact aim 11 ia CWli aboald ddd ba ws calpabla la taa matter of tba dty dacoaiu ia taw Mario Baak. Tappaa waa appelated by Mayor Wytkaam. ta lSTi, aad raappoialed oy Harora TTj aad Cooper. Tba Coortary-Itoaa raca baa bean poat- poead until to-oorrow ereoing. on accouat of roxb watar. COTTOy S TATKMKXT. ratal Hacalvia al all Aaaarlcaw larta ataaa laaaaaaar. 87 TaXacraoa to taa Xorataa 8tar.l Nrw Toax. Mar 30 To following ara tba total act rccripta of coUoa at all ta roruaiac Srptcmbar Z. 1S33: Ualrcatoa. 47.860 baV: Saw Orkaaa. 1.50ft, OM; Mo- U. SS1.K; Baraaaaa. 9A9.Q: Cbarlea- too, tZX, : WUmiartoo, f orrolk, 37 a. 334; Baltlmora. 53.961 :tw York, 1 13. 3rtt .0catoo,17a.i33: 1rorkiroca.5.2l J"bll- adtpaia. .74l: Wat loiat, 177.637; nmnawkk. &.CO: rbrt RojL 11.193: rea aafoU. 33.330; Oty Point 3.S33; ladkaaoU, S.4: Nrwparrt haw. 1.13-1 ; minor poi a U. H.ltl Total 4747,53a itturr FizosTs. drawl Paaaaar la TaftUlUaTbraiia aava Waal ara aialaaw nry Talacrata to taa Vorataa Star. I Waaamo-ros. May SO Aootbrr baary froat occorrrd laat olfbt bclojc tba third ta inccaaaloo doia bcary damajca to cor. oaU. potato, cmrdaa vrarUbjea. track farm aad aaWeially to tobacco. Ice a Sartar of aa tack tbkk ta rtportad la aad aad fraasJaf tcmparatar rrported tbroof boat WaaUra raaaylraaia.Iadlaoa, Ullaoo. Micalxaa aai Wtacooiia. W. Brow. coJorfd. waa axecuted jea Urday at IWIkTilVa, HL Brow a aardrrad a paddlar. a poor crippled Bataiaa exlla wboca ba tadaced to racnaia all alf bt la bla bai. JU8T HIAGPTE. Taa coot-err itacsios. umoto an or VI tS AT TAYLOB'S BAZAAR, a waaa raawatad tba atoak ta tmiemt Craaa ta MttUStXX AXJ T ASCT COOO. aa wa raaarta aaW aad akoic (?4a aaary aay. 7aK baaxtM, It'eaata for a taaa af lara Tpa t ar aaaon racaiaa ralaa oaa aoar. Tbaaa go4a aara baaa alaa aa raoUly Cut wa bad to tfajfiaaiaibaca orar aad oaar acala by w qaaat of oar yatmaa. Jaat awaaraa. O aaaaa for a fcvaeb of tarta SvUak Tta; awU twtca tba aaoaay. Aacbprteaa W3aa kaa aarar board f baora. ia taaxtaa. T1 casta fcr 7jm TTaaia la aay aaof laatbar rompoona. Aa aarty iX, wf3 yoa aocaa of thm floedt at TJLTLOlt BAZAJJL Flowers, fvoaa tta faan ata(a TV4at ia taa lantaaa feraa-ha4 Vrm iraatara. tMVf Wraataa. raa aaa cla aaaac tafaea.aarykta4 of rtow ara. aa aalaaa waia aat aoarpaosfaa) aa daflaaca. Jaaa naat4.a ataaA a raaa aad raraaota. ancataaa- wttaaOaa atoaav of laafaar aau-Wla. UaOarwaar. Cotmol Suba. laoaa aad Maia 89 taaa taaoda,, aroalartaa, A at TAYIOE'S BAZAAR, lltnarketft 7 aryOtf wTUOTorroa. ice WAITED atao. ta aoaaaeooai vna t!s-r t rmmm nam for raatrada. AAdtmm M.CUXjstfMLl.A COu at a ivKiirn a w jaaraaa atraac i'aUau.s2ua. wyrrai taUaat COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MAHKi2T. . STAR OmCXE. lUy :?.'fP.M.;. ; BPIIUT3 TURPEKTINB TL market waa qootcd firm at 29 ceata per gallon. witb: sale rrported of COO eaaka al tkat prica. ' ROSIN The market waa quoted firm at $1 00 for StraJoeJ and $1 OS for Good BiraJaed, with aale at quoutloot. TAU Tb aaarkct' wu quoted firm at $1 l0perlM. of280Iba, wiUi talea at quo tAtloaa. ' -'- 1 a v, "''. , CRUDE TimPETrmE-Tb market wat ateady, wUa tales reported at $1 00. for Hard, aad . X 75 for,Tenow Dip. yiTON The markH waa ouotad Bteadrr'oa a baaUof lll oeaU per lb for Mlddilnf. Email tale rrported at lit ceo ta. Tba follow Ias were the offldal quotaUona: Ordlaary ,.:... cenU R lb oooa umiaary iuf Low JLklcUiBg....... 11 MJddUajr.. .....Ill Oood lCddllas HI i foumvw rt am a -. I8r Talacraak to tba Sfacaiaa Btar.l Haw Yoaa. May 80. ETeninc Cot- too cooajlIdatd netreceipu 1.137 oaJeat ax porta to Grrat Britaia 89 balee; weekly net reedpta 3 bale, rrea 4.713 baJea: ex port to Great Britain 8.847 bales, to Prance 89 balra. to la cooUaeat 710 Daiea; aaie 13.633 bale; atock 818,063 bales. 8ATAjntaar. Oa.. May ajpiriu tur penUne notblnr unicr. with laat qaota Uooat29obld. Roaio ifrm at 1101 12; sale 800 bbla. CaLaaxxaroit. 8. a. May SO. SplriU terpentine actir at Sdc bid. Roan quiet ttraloed fl 12 aad good atralned f 1 15. cwrt)!' niBarra; ray Taaiapk to tba atoralac 8tar. sa Qarraaton. fcoJlUay nal re- ceipU 3 bale; Norfolk, aofaiaaiat 11 7 16c oet receipts 24 XaJca; aaTanoaa. easy atllJo oetracelpUSO baloa. New Orleana. qolet at 11 7 10c ner receJpta 846 bale; Mobil, dall aad nominal at lire net re- cipU89baJe: Memphis, ateady St life net racdpu 93 baios: Aojniata, aiesoy at llfcc4recpu7DJa;i;aarteaOD, nomi nal at life aat reoeipU 8 bale Haw Tark Caaaparattva Carta atata- aaawt. IBy Talacrapb to tba If ornoe Star.) 2iw Toax. May 80. The foUow- lag la the comparalire cotton atatement for ta week entunrrxoa date: 18S4. 1883. Net recafpU at all Uaited States porta d oritur the week.. 8,136 80,280 Total reoeipU to thia date 1,747.830 5,773,044 Lxporta for the week. . . 17.436 55.019 Total exporta to thia data A54S,687 4.343,873 Stock ia all United States port 478,175 505,567 Stock at all interior town. 83,850 51,253 Stock ia Urerpool 917,000 978.000 American- afloat for Great Britaia 45,000 110.000 PARSLEY & WIGGIHS btxxuyAcruRZRS or SaSh, BlindS, DOOrS, A5D ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK. ylltf BOXES AJVD CRATES, For ahlxaBaat of Yecaiablea aad Fralta. ia raatf y maoa TXLLOW rnrvLTMBXlL A fan at oca of aad Pre and Lamber. Latha. Ao for BaUdm porpoaaa. Karprdara by tba canro, Domeatlo aad For- alca. eork-ttad. asylltf FASSLZY A WlOOCtS. Headquarters EX)B FISHEfO TaCXLl AT WM. k. SFRXNQER A CCa. t. n an Market Street. : . Tba larraat aad baat aaaorUaaat erar offered ta thia aiarfcet. aT u Star Saloon rs the rutcx to orr the vert finest A 8HRTKP4 to ba faaad ta tba etty. Alao. WINKS, uqi'oas. c uaitacad. C3QAK5 aad TOBACCO. Call and be GEO. F. BEKBEKT. . Proprietor. taat tf "ITJIUITSOTOW. WEIOHT8VTL1JI ONSLOW I T . KAlUtnaJD . lUtn AD A aaUa of Board of Diree- tor. of taa W W. A O. R. K Company to called of tba w. w. , toaaeetal tba Ooapaaya ettea, 11M4 Prtnoeea StraaUoo TCESDAT. JCKS lOTu. at IS otlook M. A full attaadaaoa of taa ooaru u aaroaat ry raoaaataa. aa baaUMaa of rraat baoortanoe, aaa arraajraaaaeta for BBuaadlat work on taa Koea, are to ba oocatdered. GEO. W. PaUCE. Jr aay Rat aa W rraaldaaC New Haven Palladium. DAILY AND WEEKLY. TCSTAaLXSTIXD 183S.' L j Tba baat adrertietrur media m af teaKoat fa erary ta Monk Carolina wkoaaa a raraa. - aahta. tract of timber lead or walaa row ao aaa. Tba letter of oar ataff aarraaoawdaata bar atraa tba FAtaannnt l-raaX rapaaaiicaa threw hoot Hew EngUad, aa taaely real rap ia nut rva of th "Tar Baal Siatat aa aQ Kaw Eaclaadara who tamk af k- aaUac bs Xaatb Caawttaa aaad to taa Fauaxava lojrai -apaaa7 . . . Jo aaa 1 aa4 otaar partSaalara. addraaa - , SATO aOUriSQN, Bnefaea Maoaar Taa raaaaaavw, arAXIDAvraaa JlawB van. Oooa. AXTXRTISE Dl merchant and Farmer, I fTTBXXEHSD WEZaXT AT If A RI0Kt80UTH CAR OLINJL It baa larva and tntnwaatna eiroeJaiVm m tba bear! of tba Pea Daa eoaam. tba beat Cotton seettoaef taa twosaatea. it a a taatrehie mafltrrm of eommunloaona witb bota tba M arrbanta aad Farmer of tola SeetVm. aad raxtieitlartr wttk tboaa of Marlon aad alar; bore CotraUea, tt Is therefore the paper for tba irtaiaaaa Urn of wuaiagToa. aVBTkcLUCAf, : Propttaaor. OeeAtr BOEIfl CASOUHA BBUDBCES. "On4trftJUtMfulmtrbaefdt!r4Dti pout rpubXlaXit any StoUTBom - -. - a fca pax. .. . aaaaaaaaaawawa Halo's Industrial Series. Two VolaaesKow Eeaiy. I. Tata XT am TTaa aara af Nartat OaraUn.-' cartta'a. axamoaa, aad Kerr's Botaatoai Kaporta; aapplaasantaa by aeoarate Cbaaty Haportaof 8taDdtnForeaU. and- Uloe- irataa by aa axeauaa sup oc ta gtata. 1 Yolsae 12mo. Goth, 273 pp $1.25. tf. Tatb Cela4 I ram Caaatle af pi art a cr41aw-4rauaooa', Krr"a, Lald- Jaya, Wtlkaa. aad taa Ceosua Baporta; anppla vratad by full aad accurate eketobea of tke FUVyaU CoaaUaa. aad Map of taa atata. . - 1 Yolaias 12mo CTothr425ppS ,60. 0 rmecipU ts pric, bf " - B.. HALE SON,' Btotnusw aaw ' Sranoaaaa, vbaw vuEKi ,7"WATJr, Fvboaaar, Salelga, -It d I - ... - -- Ss. -.. 1 oa ' -'-'fort Alaaaaae nay llri'; Fan R!a::. AV'vS.V " 'itA'ATU ta Seta, i . .., ; : . . 7.09 P. At HJrk Water at fimithTUle:.,. 13.88 Mora; Day'aUntfh.:;, r; rf" ARRIVED. 8tmr 'AP Hurt, 'Worth,"' Payette vffle; Worth & worth. :v a U Stmr Paaapork Harper. eniithTMle. J mas ter, f t ."i" 4.-sV--r'rr-;" v---; Scbx R 8 Graham, 841 tons, Avia.'.Phila delphie. Gao Harria fc Ck; c&reo of 470 toaa ateel raUa to O O R R Co. and general mdae to suodry paxtiea. -'-. .t , " ' .;..fl" h . CLEARED. v . ' ' 'J j ' Stmr John '-Dawson, - Black Point Gaewell. R P Paddiaonv i . r Stmr Paaaport,' Harper, -BmithTiUe. maa- trt" f ' . ; ," X,f. . ; - ' 2 - , Stmr A P Hurt. Worth. FayeteriHe, Worth & Worth. . ' I Schr E Arcularius, Marston, Boston. Gea Harriaa & Op; cargo by Robinson & King: KXPOBTS : t - ,COASTWISJ5. V 1 .' BosToir Schr E ' Arcul axiua 255 "bbla rosin. 120 do crude turpentine, 200 do pitch. 808 bbla tar. . r ,r t . , gJAIIIXE PmEfJTOKY, ; l,la a Toaaajta In Stta Part of WXlaalB; - faanH. C. Blay ai 1884. ! mMliatdoea ootanibraoeTeaaeli andarCOtons.! BARQUES. Lydia Peschaii (Ger.), 883 tons, Bremen, i&iescnauo3 wesiencann ridelio (Ger.X- 876 tons, Merer, E Pesehau & Westermann Glacier, 818 tons, Loesen; - - . - r is t marker as uo Atlanta (Ger.), 899 tons, Bcheripg, E Pesehau & Westermann Dux (Nor.), 847 tons, Johnsen, ' Heide & Co Grid (Nor.), 429 tons, Olaen, . Heide & Co Eiatracht (Ger.). 899 tons, Muawicjk, ' rescnau & westermann Herman Frieirich .(Ger.). 288 tons, Nie jmhr, EG Barker & Co Erwin (Ger.), 855 tons, Langhinrichar E Pesehau Si Westermann Storjohann (GerA 837 tons, Williams, E Peahcau ft Westermann Adolph Michaels (Ger.).393 tons, Niemann, i E G Barker & Co BRIGS. Diana (Ger.), 815 tons, Schroeder, E Pesehau & Westermann San Juan (Nor.), 296 tons, Cache, . Heide & Co SCHOONERS. -LsTolta, 168 tons, Lelaad, Geo Harriss & Cb Carrie Bene, 274 tons,' Sea rey, E G Barker & Co Anna M EsteU, 139 tons; Trarets, ' Geo Harriss & Co E AicuUrius, 101 tons, Maraton, Geo Harriss & Co SaUie Mair, 258 tons, Houck, Geo Harriss & Oo List of .T la Ca, Clearaa or Balled Tba folloartnr reaaala ara mentioned In the ww York MarUim JUgitUr aa belns; up and cleared for thia port : BASQUES. Ajrdar (Nor.), 435 tonr, Flaaatadt, from Hull May 17. Ala (Nor.V 461 toaa. Halaen, from Stettin Nor. lata, tu Areaaeu Apru n. Amykoa (Nor.), tons, from A rend all May 8. U weyar (Or.), 41S too aa, Frerch, from Ham I Ea(Wr..9tona.EhulU. fromSwinemnnde banr April la. Oao lavta (Br.), 613 tons, Maeomber, from Ham bora' April 23. -Kroninaea Aajrosta (Oer.X 400 toaa, Wilde, from atattia Deo. sua Leviathan (Nor.), 383 tone, Terjeaen, from Phillip vUJe a prU 18. Ottoo (Nor.)k SfS toaa, daoaen, from Stettin May is. Prodaoent (Nor.). SM tons, Jensen, from St. Yin eaat, tt D- April SS. Bio hard (Ger J, 469 tons, Paska, from Hamburg' April Si 8aa(NorJ, 41ft toaa, Laraen. from Hamburg Taxaa (OerJ, 691 toaa, Loof , at Hamburg May IS. THE LANDMARK. FUKI.ish m AT 81ATESYLLLE, IREDELL CO., N. C IS THE Trading llewipaper in Western Horth Carolina, It la tba only Daiuoeiatlo Paper pubBabed m Iradall Coontr ona of the larnat and waalthiest ooantlea m tba State and haa attained a larger local ctrcolatlon than any paper ever heretofore pabUabed m tba oouaty. aaawMaa Ita etreulatlonia Alexander, WHkea, Ashe, AQe- rhany. Yadkin, Da via and Iredell, ia larcer than taat of any two papera In the State oombmea; and ta rapidly aoqulrta a rtronr foothold tn Forsythe, Barry, Rowaa and western Mecklenburg-- It lathe only paper m Western North Carolina that employe a Kaanxaa Curriamra Aexxr, and thos keop ooaatantry Deiore im people, unaer peopl trcula taw rrmtetn a raptaiv moreaamg c; tion la the raaalt. aoakmg toe Laoi THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN WEST EES aOBTH CAROLINA. Addreas "LANDMARK, BtateavUle N. C BOSTON POST. THE OLD, INVINCIBLE AND THOROUGHLY TRUE BLUE DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. Tba eleaa Fattfly Newspaper of Ms sua ehnaetta. Contaiata tba moat complete newa of any paper a new aaypann TbaBoato Dafly Post la eeoeeialrr noted for tta raUabta Commaroial and Flnanotal Features. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ' IUmr One Year, 0-, Six Month, AaO; m ad- vanea. . - Waaxtr FamiTa $L0O per Year ht advanoe; Six Copies for 13.00. CLUB BATES. r-- Fiva or mora to ona addreaa win ba furnished .MDAJLYPbsT at $100 per year per oepy; Ten oopVea for $7.00 each, in advanoe. WEEKLY POST at f LOO per year per oopy. Za Claba of Five or mora, one oopy will be given to taa UWUI aeoSD BTBSCEIBB SOW TOR The Cotton Plant. An Spaga aooohnan Arrlonltnrat Journal, Mm only paper In South Ca -tuy naner In South carrauia nnbl llsbed evdueivdy ta the Interest of tba Farmer and Manufaotnrr, annraotamr. Tba beat and cheapest AgrtoultHra DOuUL m : ONLY 60 CENTS A YZA Tlie omdal oraaa of tba State Oranre. Epdorsedby the leading oitlxena of th nt t. and by oa bast farmers in tba SUta h South. V ' ' Seod Dostal for rnnaimtm eonlea for vouraeit. aadyonraelahbora . : . .aareaa . . ' w. J. mckkrau Marion. ftC The FairiHco Enterprise - STONEWALL, N, a A, FIRST CLASS WEEKLY PAPER, published tn the GRAIN REGION of the tate. mnaonpuoa 9L60 a year. Yearly Advertising TUtlon from above ratea. Addreaa. i ENTERPRISE. vattf RtooewaU.NO The: Persoir County News) f "Jrona4 at HOXB0BQ, Jf.C t; r UUiXAJLEII A GLUIIOH8. . " VdHnra ibA PrnnHitna.-'v.'''-'' 1 The NEWS baa the largest circulation Of an KTIf "SJ,JLouiV:ulwI m W nno jooaooo i Advartlatug rate vary UberaL Sabaerlption tUpax year. .r - Abcolutely Pure. This nowder nerer rarlea. A marvel of parity. atrearth and wholeaomness. More eeonomloal than cardlnary klnda, and eaanot be sold in com petition with tba multitude of low test, short weight, atom or phosphate powders. Sold only in eaaia by AimiAN & TOaKBS. i, noTM It Innn - too orfrm 4d. nor4 LARGE SUPPLY OF - T $f!S ' SPMNGF'LI) HAMS JUST RECEIVED, These HAMS are the FINEST sold in WilminRton, and CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Cakes and Crackers - . . . of every variety and of the BEST QUALITY re ceived freeh every week. p. L. Bridgers & Co., 110 North Front St. my 5 DAW tf TTa Tria f TTaTTIR ! TTRTTIR ! 1000 Lbs 030105 N- - hams Q Q Q Lbs Small IZL HAMS, "700 Lb SPRJNQFTKLD nAMS' gQQLbs Slip Cov'd SUGAR-CURED HAMS FERRIS' HAMS and STRIPS and SMOKED TONGUES received b every 8teamer. 4Q Bbla SUGAR, all grades, just receiv ed, to be sold at the lowest, prices; oonght before the rise. J g Boxes LEMONS and ORANGES. Elegant NSW MAY BUTTER. Pur chasers can be suited In Price and Quality. JASUSS C. STEVENSON, my 23 tf MARKET STREET. Fine Art. J TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO MY frienda and the public generally that I am again located in my old Studio. 881 Broadway, corner of. Union Square, N. Y. I respectfully solicit or derr for Portraits. In Crayon or PasteL No oae need hesltata to send on their order, as I guar antee perfect satisfaction In every Instance, and my prices are beyond doubt unexcelled for suen work. Address 164 West 23rd St Very respect! ully, mylftf ORIN THOMAS.: Corn; Flonr, Bacon. 2500 Btai Prlm White CORN, 1000BblaTLOUiaisnid68' Boxes D. 8. and Smoked C. R. STD! - For tale low by 1 my 85 tf - O. W. WILLIAMS A OO.' Sugar. Sugar. Sugaf. Bbls Stand. Granted SUGAR, j 50 d Whfte Sxtn C do ! 100 a 6nC do s For sale low by - ' 1 i my tf - Q. W. wtt-t.ta v a OO.' irails. Tolxon, Gluei. 20OKe8KAlLS, Q0Q Bundles HOOP-IRON, ( 1 , . BbkDIataiem.' GLXJE. , ' For sale low by " j mymtf Q. W. WILLIAMS A CO.i f V pats JIeal. : ; ' 2Q Bale OioJoe TlntatayHAY, : fJ0Q" Buah FEED OATS, f ' 500 B MEA b Ground, . : f ay ay tt--' J of wTwTltj ams a 00J 'n 1 ' A Public Examination " ' TT71L1, ESTABLISH THE FACTS THAT BEH Y Y. BENDS A MONROE, S. E. cor Market and Second streets, keep the largest and best select ed stock of Furniture, Matting, Mowpiito Nets, Ac, of newest designs and best workmanship. - ana offer the aame, at wholesale and retaJLlower .nan wutj uuun m we .pcaie. vinoed. ; Call and be con- my 25 tf ;Ice iklceM I; Ice. t armnlv n fully prepared to fill orders at LOW PRICES, by . uio 'onrreL uogBneaa or car ixaa. co au pomes reasonable share of patronage. - s t Proprietor New Ice House. BROWN e .ROJ3DIGK, i) North Front Street. -IV WKIIAVK KECEIVEO BT THIS WEEK'S 8TEA- C , "1IEIL ASPOtXOW8: i , ' ; Tloaqmio Ilet, It yards Ion?, 108 inches wide'; f 1.75 for the placed Sunshades. A Second Logof those very cheap BLACK SATIN . . PABASOLS, from $1.00 up. Laces. A New Lot ot TRIMMING LACES to arrive in the Steamer this week. White Goods. WHITE NAINSOOK SWISS AND VICTOBIA I PLAID DRESS GOODS. One Special' Lot 18c, worth 25c Black Buntings. We will exhibit on MONDAY, May 26, a .BLACK WORSTED LACE BUNTING, at 10c, worth 85c, No such value ever offered.either North or South BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NOKTH FRONT ST. my 25 tf Hart. Bailey t Co. 19 & 21 SontrFront St. WaXJTIINGTON, n. c, JACHINB SHOP, FOUNDRY AND COPPER WORKS; Builders of Engines, Saw St Ilia and TurS pentlne Stills; Agents for the Atlas Portable En pine, JiUburn Gin and Brooks Cotton Press. Fall line of Pipe, Fittings, Valves and Mm Suppliea. GrOC61ieS GrOCerieS. PEICKS ON LEATHER AND RUBBER BELT- I TNG AS LOW .AS NORTHERN HOUSES. Hose, Hose Reels, Pipes and Sprinklers, and Plumbers, supplies; MannraotBrera ox uoors, basn, Braex- eta and Mouldings. ap27tf rjTHE BE3T ASSORTED AND CHEAPEST stock of WHTTB OOODS in the city. . LACES In every style. ' PARASOLS; a few very handsome. The best stock of HANDKERCHIEFS we have ever had. . - , . . I'.- Positlve Bargains In Table Damask and Nap kins. Call and look at our Scotch Lawn at 10c. per yard. Foster Hook Lisle Gloves at 15c. a pair. Lace Top Lisle Gloves at 0o. a pair. uanoaome u. a. uoiorea jjoraer tanaxercnieis at 15c. each. Ladies' Jersevs at SI .CO and SS.G0. with many other Bargains. my!8tf . JNq J.HEDRICK. White ltleal Yeast. VERY VALUABLE PURE YEAST POWDER. Having been thoroughly tested by a great many of the ladies of Wilmington, I feel no hesitation in commeading it to the public It is elegant for bread, rolls or biscuit. . - ' ' It Is made by Miss Hodges, of this city, of pure vegetable matter, and she refers to Mrs. A. A. Willard, Mrs, Gen. Whiting, Mrs, W, I. Gore,1 Mrs. Samuel Northrop, for the correctness of her statements. For sale by .; : ,, . .. . ' - ;.' , i' -'-r 1, JNO. L. BOATWRIGHT. 12 A 14 No. Front St., mh80tf Sole Agent. Tie Uferpool iMoii & filote Ins. Ct. "PAYS ALL LOSSES ?H ?:; Withop. Disc ount !. Jno. W.Gordon & Smith ,"T N. B. Over $33,000,000 paid In" the United States alone. - ., ' my 25 tf - Furniture o F EVERY DEJCRIPTION, -.' 3 MATTRESSES, r . . WINDOW SHADES, ' 'OILCLOTH. BABY CARRIAGES, MOSQUITO NETS, ' AT - CRAFT'S, ;-r JUST KfcCfclVEj AT Cl BI a KAT : 116 Market St, Another Assortment -OF- Braided Jerneys, Embroidered An,C roi( PCt, Wide Embroideries, Nainsook Checks an1 s, : Marseilles and Pique Wcu Persian Lawn and LlnenN, Tucking all our 3000 Yards In acemnantg Emb rolderic Cheap. Extra Jobs In Silk Sash Ribbon, Blaek and Colored Silks. Besides a Complete AMorineat of STAPLE AND FANCY AH at Very Low Price AT 116 MARKET ST. 1 my 18 tf VanLaer & Yates QFFER SPECIAL PRICES IN SOHlflB m N0S. lheSohmerPlanoisoDeof the fee- FTBST CLASS PIANOS now made. They are not I -recommended, "but actually used In public, br "the greatest artists. An artist may teoomnnd a piano, but the true test is whether he will actciBj use it himself In public, as be will not pltct bli self in a position where his performawt till br handicapped by a poor Instrument. W brr several fine Sohmers on hand which we offer it prices far below our usual rates, and now b the opportunity to pure nasi' one of these nnelnsni ments at a very low rate . Pecker BmT ud t Gabler Bros.' PIANOS and Clouh A Wtrm ud Mason; Hamlin and other ORGANS tlnyiot hand at low rates for cash or Instalment my 25 tf 1500 BbIfl FL0UR' a11 frnu)e8' 250 BblS GranuIated SCGAk tnCmlC 2QQ Bags Rio and Lajmyra COKPKl Tierces LARD, JQQ Cases and Buckets LARD, . JJQIBoxes CHEESE, 40 1,11)8 BUTTKB 150 380x68 and Bbls cRACKEiS' 200 BbI B1SED P0TAT0KS' Bbls TURNIPS, 2Q Bbl8 APPLES, fJQ Hhds MOLASSES, 125 Bbla d0 2QQ Kegs NAILS,, 25 Q Bundles HOOP IK0X, g Q Bbla and Half BbU MACKDffi Tobaoee. Chran aad snno Caadles. Soap, Candy, ac. Lies, Soap, CM a For sale low b; e low oy , mhStf ADRIAN vuu Ilolasses, Sugar, Coffee Hhds CubaandP.B.kOLASS ij Bbla Refined SUGARS, j " 125 Saok8 m0 and JAVA 007711 ! my25tf wfiS jCAUgj 4laay, Corn, Oats, 4250 Bles HAY' 01,0106 Tlmotbr, 5000 Bnsh white and Mlied n 00 Bush Feed OATS, J For sale . .tdbrBH, i : my 86tf . KERCHNER ACAjgi A Soap, Soda, lye, J00 Boxes SOAP, 1 r 100 30X68 B- c' S0DA 100 Ca8e" LYR For sale by ktDff tX. KERCHNEK ACA15 HailsHoop-IroB :00 Kegs NAILS, all QQAABdls HOOP-IRON, K Cases RIVETS, jj Vnr Kale by ..o Rf' I D1y 25 tf mrRCHNKB3f-- T "RnhftS THE Flir TN ENDLESS VAKUf i . Xsortment of TrunM, roe .offered In this city. Bm&M a Bxidb Nextdoor iieep uooi ; t&ttt ' A NOTHBR LOr OF THOSE WAT Aeived. . Ice .SMV 3STo. NORTH FRONT STREET, is Tint oij, toebert!- AEobuyaGe as the "Golden Harvest sn -dL that are cooling to to the cookjB , TjTK pjrjBB white on. aaaa an II i . X- lanAftn RaTtnirArKLUir3 - nrfZ K I V ' " ka InthecItytotetaGOODClGABfor Aak for GOLD TO? BRAND. . Send for Prices.' we fr sn ap SO 3m mySStf Furniture Store.. r .-s-. -V a - a v