I V Qui EK j is how we differ in Ws. smo- uLkl.' Be'miis"-- 1L. CAfT' IS MKWELLS WW "Loffc U ro.-n Ik- .PUREST, RICjHEST LEF, ils FR GRfiCEi.s U1 EQUALED; J lis PURITY W Qudty. UUESTIOfiED:, .;, . .: The Genuine can always be rec ognized by trade-Mark j of the BULL. " ' e l 3ra toeinrm cb d an 81 tram The distress- lngfeeUng of 'weariness' of eriiaustioii without Effort, Wc&.iiiakea life a burden to so many, people? isauis; to the, fact that the blood is poor, and the vitality consequently feeble- If yoo are-suffdring from such feeling?, Ayer's Sarsparilla . is jn?t what yon need, and will do you incal culable good. .' : ; Ko othor preparation so concentrates and . - combines blood-purifying, vitalizing, enrich ing, and invigorating qualities as Ayeu's Saesaparilla. , ' : prepared by Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists ; 51, six bottles for 85; JanlDly chw nrm deoSi: AYER'S Ague Cxtce owains an antidote for all malarial dis orders which, so far as known, is used in no ouier remedy. It contains no Quruiiie, nor "By mineral uQr deleterious substance what ever, and consequently produces no injurious nPn t"o constitution, but leaves the teinas-healthy as it was before the attack. WABRAHT AYEE'S AGUE CURE - I0,? Tery case of FcTer aud.AgtWi Inter "ent or Chill' Fever, JattauiJ'Fever, "mM A&ne Bilious llaiutcaniJ t' . - -.' IS per due trial, dealers are authorized, by our "rcniar ted jnly lst lgg2 to refund money. . Dp3C.Ayep&Co.,Lowell,MaM Sold by all Druggists. GOLD, JtETUL, .PAEIS,-, 187&', Warranted absolutely ptiHS Co fronbicl the'excess of Ollhubeenremoved.lthaa three time the frnjtt of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar! and la therefore far more economi c&L . It te deHcio&fj- nourishing,, trengthenlng, easily digested, and admirably adapted for Invalid a well as for persons in health. 'JD&Wly Ice. Ice. , Jqe. ijCfanfi&Tr.FOTTW THE CI- rfflafuirsni'f.6- i nave tpllTihiiriPPlj! LOf CHOICE 1CK and am now Barret j&Jrf-,018" at IXXWJkWCBat'bT -ble8hare ofpTrolS OQpeloCHre. o H. J. AHBZNS, Send tnr tj... Proprietor New Ice House. BEST LONG Cut g Star. . TnE BASE BALI CRAlE. f "In Court," said the card on the lawyer's - door, , "Back in ten minutes" on many' more;' one to the hospital," on the doctor's , slate, . .-,- On another, "Sit down and wait" ; .Gone to bank," on the notary's sign; " , Arbitration," that young clerk of mine. "Back soon," on the broker's book ; "Collecting rents" on my agent's hook.' They were.all too busy, a matter quite new,"-1 , 1 . Very sorry was I, I had nothing to do. Then I hied me hence to the base ball ground,' , ; - And every, man on the grand : stand 4 fffrA , New' York Sun. ! I OCR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. mi." " - '- : ' . . Ihere is a striking different ht.wrAn Hon. Alfred. M. Scales, the Democratic candidate, and Dr Tyre Yorki the Tfcmiih- lican, candidate for Governor of North Caro lina,; The one possessses all the elements necessary for. a good, safe, conservative Governor; the other lacks the essential qualities that a man aspiring to that high, nonorea, ana aigmned position,- should nave. .oviarwne Observer. f The experience of the DeoDle of North Carolina under Radical rule was a bitter ex perience and we do not suppose that, a white man who had a share in that experi ence has a shadow of a desire to repeat it ; yet if the party does not work harmonious ly, vigorously ana with its full, undivided strength, we may expect an experience ten fold worse under the. rule of the miserable, mongrel 'mugwumps. T-lAneolA Fress. THE CAXt&IGN iSxf Charles F, Bravton of Boston, a staunch Republicanvand promi nent iq urana Army, affairs, will vote for Cleveland this year. , ; Tlje wholesalers in the X31ijiton market have voted as follows: Cleveland, 31; Blaine., 17; Last year a. similar' can vass showed SO for Robinson and 27 for &ulet. Boston Post, Deifi. , .Henry J. Bogert, an active Re- publicaa 6f flushing, N. Y., has joined a Cleveland club, and ex-District Attorney Downing, removed f rum office bv Cleve land f orincompetency, has done likewise. It is rumored that a newspaper, printed every afternoon, not, a hundred miles from Boston, nas been paiq $20,000 tocome out for Blaine, and that it will do so to day, or a few days hence", at latest. Boston Fostt Dem. . . ; - JThose Republicans a who -have been counting' on an easy victory over the Democratic hosts i in ; Beptember. a walk over in the irace I for State and county omceravana congressmen "are rcoKODMS from wrong 'premises.TTT-S?tnrjc Reporter, i 1X3 5 -. r f f ; " : " - Mr. J. P. Tucker of No. 28 State street, says he knows- of a firm of 6f three employing : 70 voters. At the last election 66 of the latter and all of the members of the firm voted the Repub lican ticket. This year all the latter and 64 of the workmen will vote for Cleveland. Boston Bost, Dem. PERSONAL. ?enl Plaisted says Gen. Butler .will support Cleveland. Cyrus H. McCormick left an es tate as the inventory Bhows, worth $10,000,000. ! - John A. Logan has a large num ber af relatives who are- comfortably fixed in Government positions. t ....... - Gov. Cleveland , is so overrun with visitors that he has been forced to es tablish a sort of quarantine, f Mrs. Langtry says her profits for last seckson : were about $82,000, of Which she has invested $65,000 in New fYork city property.' i i The August number of Temple tBar contains the first part of a story en titled "The Red Manor.' j It is by a daughter of Lord Lytton, who is not yet nt of berjeens. ! I Oncew more , the' cable; bears across the sea the rumor that Mary Ander son is actually going to become a nun. Per haps titi r . i r 1.11 1 w nen iviary is sick, juary a raau w ouiu ue, iJut when Mary is well, not much of a nun ! is she. Savannah News. POLlTICALiTOINTS. The nrobabilities are that Gen. RnllAr urill rnailpr tTiA TirtWpll ConffreS- sional district as his fitting field for politi- . . . . WW -w -w - W : -a i cai activity. jsoston ueraia, ina. jsep . Mr. Blaine's rotten Dublic re cord cannot be hid from the public eye by, bespattering the private character of Gov. Cleveland with Republican SiXtxl Boston' jfost, vem. ; . ' Plninn rF Mama uri 11 ha iVifl Bixlh James in the White House; if and so Trn-th- Thprn was another James VI. who was nothing to brag of. Boston Trans cript, teetp. . Rlainft was writing nrohlbltorv I jeditorials a score of years before Gov. St. John was Known ouisiaeoi nis own tamiiy but the ungrateful prohibitory party is bound to beat him !if it cm.-Bdston Her ald, Jnd. Rep. , i f Mr. : Purcell's newspaper, the nruAtar TTnfah. in not aidin? in the Dem ocratic canvass any more than Mr. Purcell himself, an out ana out. ooiier. . ine pian of the paper is to shriek for free trade. Phil, Times, Ind. Rep.- Chadbourn s During one bf those dry spells some eight or nine years ago, Mr. B anmr4 Jones,-, at Bladenboro, was obliged to dig deeper the well which supplied his turpentine still with water. vviieu a ueput ui j ciguwou v - .nnnhiiH tha WatAT nftTTlft IntO the Well so rapidly that it was necessary for Jthe i fVrOTKmeil lO gel OUl Ol n npccuuj. in o efinrt timp to the SUrfaCO Of the ground, and continued to rise until it nowea irom we wen to buwu uui-u iw ri haB nrtntimied to flow from the Well to the branch eyer since. v During the I. ii . - - i Annr iroe llllt na Ory spell iasi gnnnnM,ic-wi m nu., j Btrong as at any oiner uwu. Qnarterly Ifleetlnce, m.!.j y.'.a m- tlio Wilmincrton Dis rint of the Methodist .B. Church, South: Wilmington, at Front Street, August - ' -. , i s 5- . - w - -.a . .- f bmithvilie, August uu Brunswick Circuit, at ML Zion, August PwMliville Circuit, at Peacock's, August f Ftemington Circuit, at Carver's Creek, f j. no A ttH , fUSS Circuit, at Purdie's, August 30 and 31 ' " - ' ' ' 1 C Newton Grove Mission, at Newton Grove, t A ..a. Oft 01 . K- -f .. '.- . - t Cokeabury Circuit; at Bethel, September fiie Mdrriin o anu . i . r - W. H. Bobbitt, P. E. r n n n r t e rnr ttth? I "1 MiclUU a AJAJ TO CURE lUrsmw ftrrrir IT Is at this season when the Fores oped freely and the Perspiration Is abundant that Disfigu ring Humors; HumUiattafc Eruptions, Itching Tor tores, Salt Bheum or Eczema Psoriasis, Tetter, lUnRworm, Baby Humors, Scrofula, -Scrofulous Sores, Absoewes, and Discharging wounds, and every species of Itching, Soaly, and Pimply Dis eases of the Skin and Scalp - are most speedily and economically cured by .the Cdticitba. Bbms- j '. . IT IS A FACT. A ; ' Hundreds of letters in our- possession (copies of which may be had by return mall) are our au thority for the assertion that Skin, Scalp and Blood Humors, whether Scrofulous, Inherited, or Contagions, may NOW be permanently cured by CcmcTJKA. Rksolvknt. fhe new BloodPuriner, in ternally, CuTHJUKA and Cdticttba Boat, the great Skin Cures and Beautiflen, externally, . in one half the time and at one half the expense of any other season. . ,. '- - GREATEST ON EAIITII. CtmcuBA Remedies aire the greatest medicines on earth. Had the worst case Salt Bheum in this country. My mother Jiad it twenty, years, and in fact died from it. - I believe Cuticuba would hate saved her life. My arms, breast and head were covered for three years, which nothing relieved or cured until I used the Cdticuha Resolvent, internally, and CtrricxmA and ConoimA Soap, ex ternally. ; ; J. W. Adams, Newark, O. '" ' ' j .).. . ..I,. . ..i ..ii am i ii ii i-- rr f i GREAT BLOOi MEDICINES. , The half has not been told as to the great oura tlve powers of the Cuticttka Kkmxdies. I have paid hundreds of dollars for medicines to cure diseases of the blood and skin, and never found anything yet to equal the Ccticttba Remedies. i . . i Chas. A. Wiuxams ' Providence, B. I. ' - -. r CURE IN EVERY CASE. i Tour Cutiouua RjutxPixs outsell all other medl oines I keep for skin diseases. My customers and patients say that they have effected a cure in every Instance, .where other remedies have failed. . H. W. Brockwat, M. D. t Franklin Falls, N.H. ! Sold by all'drnggists. Price : CcrfbtmA, r30 cents;' Bksolvknt, $1.00; Soap, 25 cents. " Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Send for "How to Cure Sbln Diseases. DX1 A TT'H V For Sunburn, Tan and Greasy Ola IX U1I Skin, Blackheads, Pimples, Skiu Blemishes, and ipWwitile Humors, use Cuti cura Soap, a real Beat, ifier. smh5D&Wtf t wQsat too or f rm 1 Stories on the Boad. Commercial Travellers at a Wayside Ion Someiblns to Put In a Gripsack. 5 "Gentlemen, I almost envy .you the positions you fill; your experience of the world; your knowledge ;of business; the changing sights you see, and all that, you -know." ' ' j This warmly expressed regret fell from the Hps of an (elderly pleasure tourist, last August, and was addressed to a semicircle of commercial traveller j seated on the porch of the Liadell Ho tel, St. Louis, Mb. ' i Yes," responded a New Tork: representative f the profession, "a drummer isn't without his pleasures, but ho runs his risks, too risks out side the chances of railroad collisions and steam boat explosions," J 'What risks, for instance ?" 1 ThIs, for instance," said Mr. W. D. FranKlin, wuo was then travelling for an Eastern house, and is known to merchants In all parts of the country: :"The risk which, indeed, amounts al most to a certainty of getting the dyspepsia" iruni perneiuai cnange oi aiet ana water ana irom having no trxeaiRaiirf6f eftins tug. I myself was an example. I say 11 am au ngncnow." "No discount on your digestion?" broke In a Chicago dry goods,, traveller, lighting his cigar afresh. f . j "Not a quarter per cent Rut I had to give up travelling for a white. The dyspepsia ruined my paper, finally I came across an advertisement oftPARKEU'S TONIC. I tried it and it nxea me up to perfection There is nothing on earth, in mv opinion, equal to It as a cure for dyspepsia," ' - , v . - . , t S Messrs. Hiscox & Cox. of New York, the dto-- prietors, hold a letter from Mr. Franklin stating tnat precise ract. cahk.isic's xoiui; atas aigestton,-: cures Maiaiiai Fevers, Heartburn, Headache. Coughs and Colds, and all chronic diseases of the Liver and Kidneys. Put a bottle m your valise, ; Prices, SOu. and f U Economy in larger size. sepa iKawxwiv wed sat . nrm se 8 . TORPID DOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From thoe sources arise three-fotrrtha of the diseases of the hnrnan, race. TtKo' symptonu indicate their existence : Ion of Appetite. Bowels costive. Sick Hd- . aebe, nUlneu tetter eatlnr, aversion to exertion or bodjr or mind. Eroetatloim of food. IrrltaoUltr of temper, Low spirits, A ftelima: of hsvlng neglected j some dnty, IMzzfaess, flotterln-- at the -Heart, Dots before the eyes, highly col- -ored Urine, COHSTIPATIOIV, and de mand the use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. As aLiver medicine TBTT'S PHtliS have no equal. Their action on the1 Kldnevs and Skin ii also nmmnf. nmnvine all impurities through these three scav engers oi tne system,? proaucing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vigorous body. TWIT'S PILLS cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. JDS VEELS IKE A HEW MART. "I have had Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two years, and have tried ten different kinds of pills, and TTJTT'S are the first that have done.' me any good. They have cleaned me out nicely. My appetite is? -splendid, food digests readily, and I now nave natural passages. I feel like a new man.! .WD. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. ' t SoldeverTwhereaScffl , Ghat Bats or Whiskers . changed in stantly to a Glossy Black by a single ap. plication of this Dtb. Sold by Druggists, . or sent by express on receiptor!. . Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUn MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE, jy 20 Deod&Wlv ' .mm sa weifr 1y 23 New York and. Wilmington Steamship Co. , . FROM: PIER 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK, 5 At 3 o'clock P.M. REGULATOR ...Saturday, August 2. BENEFACTOR.....7 " August 0 REGULATOR ,w r; " r . August 16. BENEFACTOR.... " August 23., REGULATOR... ... " . August 30. ? FROM WILMINGTON.. BENEFACTOR, v...... Saturday, August 2. REGULATOR . " M August 9. BENEFACTOR " August 16: REGULATOR.. '...v... " V August 23, BENEFACTOR " ' .- August 30. ' rar" Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North ana souuiAAuuuua. . . : For Freight or Passage apply to v Hi-0i SREAltliBONES, . . Superintendent, , - ' . Wilmington, N. C. nr. P. Clyde 4c Co. General Agents, I Jy29tf -35 Broadway, New York. ; ThelHarion Star. THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PTJBLISHED:-1N the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest mmtt timonernns in the State, offers to Com mission and Wholesale Merchants and Manuf ac turers, and to those who have adopted the plan of soiling by sample, an exoeUentmediumof com-1L-i? wtt.fi ar Iarsre and influential class of merchants, mechanics,, planters and .payal store ni en whose patronage is worth solicitation Ad vsImetta aBaimess Cards inserted o libe Addrea - : r thi stab. -' octs:tftAM 'J , . - MarlonS.C. ILLS The. brriihg Star PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Siscriiition Rates In; AiTatt, DAILY STAB, One Tear, postage paid ..... $7 00 j ,". .ThreeMonths,.V..". ...v" M i . - Two Months, " :'-, ;;...'' ' " One Mooth " u WEEKLY STAR, One Year, postage paid -- . $1 60 5 " " Six Months, - " " .... 100, ".... ..,; Three Months " ,;:.,. -60 ! NOTICES OF. THE PEESS: 5 The Star Is decidedly one of the best papers in the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to it Sciem Press. , - - , The Wilmington Stab has entered on Its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. UharlUts Democrat. , .. , i The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. As a dally journal of news it stands "up batA.nOoncoraegister. ? The Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty fifth volume. There is no better paper published la ihe State. Lenoir Topic.. . . The Wilmington Stab has entered upon Its thir teenth year. It is one of the best papers In the State. if! arrenton Gaeette. ! The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. Tt has become one of tho leading papers'of the South. Oxford TorOUiQht. ' i The Wilmington Stab is not only one of the best edited papers In the State, but for freshness of news and typograpioal appearance cannot be beaten. Jackson Bevorter. , 3The Wilmington Star is one of the very best pa pers in the South, In every department from ty po graphy up to editorial ability and independence. FtersburQ ( Va.) Index-Appeal. -. The Wilmington (N. C.) Morntns Stab is a mod. ej newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say It Is the newsiest (secular) paper published In the South. Richmond ifa.) Religious Herald. A?t.-ia.r'.:--- i The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One bf the best conducted and edited papers in the South id, as a JNortn uaroiiman, we are proua oi it. irOoro iSoulnerner. . We like the Stab because it Is thoroughly re liable, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect news paper. . Long may the Stab twinkle. Mt. Airy Yisitor. v y.;'-i:'? ' : j Although at the head of the press in this State fn all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to Improve. - It is a Stab of the first magaitude. May its lustre tiever wane . TheFree Will Baptist. . . , i I The Stab is so well and favorably known in this section of the State, that we can say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know. It is in every respect one of the best dal lies in theSouth. Bobesonian. 1 That magnificent beaming Stab has completed Its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac. The system in the get up of the pa per surpasses them alL Tarboro Southerner. , i The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a compendium of all the news of the day,: and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and tc North Carolina journalism. Charlotte Observer. t The Wilmington Stab is now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has be sides increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising since It is so deserving. Chariot4 WUrHf.':'.; i-:'-)".-, f --. The Times cannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought after by the people, i Long and prosperous life to it. Feids ttille Times. TSmlnrton Stab, we are leased to notice. still continues on the high road to success. We esteem the Stab very bfoblv, regarding it as one of the verv best of our exchanges, aai consider it the peer of any journcd published in tno-Sautb.r vxrora eree uance. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still contin aeB on the road to success. We esteem the Stab verv highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those 'of any otner oi our exenanges, ana its eaitonai ae aartment Is conducted with much ability. Jrr canton Blade. i Hnmbleln Its beelnnlnes. as was inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of for tune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. Asa newefa per it has few equals, and no superior, for arrrs- pnate selection aim juuiuiuua tumuigvuicin, nuu we are nroud to rank it among our most aceerta pie exchanges. Uillsboro Beeorder. ; The Wilmington Mornino Stab has entered nn- VU tUO UUfWOUUl J OfU Vl .Aba UUUW. W1U WW take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prosperity ana aeservea popularity, u ne remarx able suocess of the Stab is due to Its strict atten tion to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful-, ty too) is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the pa per is all that the term of "good newspaper" im plies, ana its corps oi editors ana reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral influence of the 8tab never be re tarded,! and may its genial enterprising proprietor- enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. Ooldsboro Messenger. i -J I3P-CAPITAI. PRIZE, T5.O00. Tldtctsonly $5. Shares laproportlon. 1 f Louisiana Slate ' Lottery Compan?. - ' We dn htrehu tvrtlfu that vie SUOerviSS the aY rangementsfor all the- Monthly and Semi-Annual: Drawings of The Louisiana State uouery company, and in: person fnanaqe and control the drawings themselves, ana mat tns same are conaucvea wun honesty, fairness, find in goodfaUh toward all par ties, and we authorize the Oompany to use this cer tificate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached. ci us aanertxeemenis. Commissioners. TninvfM r tiA lature Tor Kaucationai ana cnantaDie purpostja with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve runa ot S550.0U0 nas since reen aaaeu. - . ' By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. . " ' The only Lottery ever voted ori and endorsed by m peopu of any state. IT NKVKK Ml AI.KM UK rUOirUHJlO ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY a ini.KNmn OPPOBTVNITY TO WTO" A WORTTTNR. TETOHTH GRAND1 DRAW ING, CLASS II, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, AT NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY, .Anenst 12, 1884 171BC Montmv JJrawing. , , CAPITA PRIZE,' 876.000t7 1 CO.000 Tickets at Five Dollars Eaeh, I Fractions In Fifths In Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES, ..: L.75.orjo i rar.ta PHiii 25.000 i lCanitai Prize... ..,..:......... 10,000 2 rrizea oi ejouw - -. i,uw sr TJ M CWVWt 4 1n Wl i m 'w. a-, m n n warn . . . ..b- - luiuuu i 1ft Prizes oMOOO. 10,000- ! wiMmnf Knn . .. ki.ooo . v. ........ -f-i " inn IM7Ainf 200 ... .:.. .v 20.000 ! 300 Prizes or ' iuo ; u... au,uw 500 Prizes of 60,...,... ari.uw 1000 Prizes of 25....;.... 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Aoproximatlon Prizes of 500 4,500 ; 9 Abbroximatlon Prizes of 250.......... a,50 l,967Prlzes, amounting to...." ..$265,500 ! Applications for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Or- ?eFor furthei Information,, write "clearly, giving full address. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and aaoresa jtegujMsiro mjoio bu ? ., ,, r.mr ahi D 1 H W1TMH1 1. RlltE. r : - . .- New Orleans, JLa. MalV or Bxpresa (all sums of $5 and upward br JitJLUiVao e va vf-- v i - Iff. A. DAUPHIN. , " ! ' " -'-r511 i ' ' New Orleanv or M.! A. DAUPHIN," Ot SeventbSt.w TVasnrnston, D.C T 4 1tt nWOawla) . .V ? . . . 1 .; . wa nat r. .v y wu i " - ' . -j i i in THe Terson OountyNews, Published at ROXBQRO.N.d i . AVIIITAILEU & GIBBONS, i ' mm- an in a Vmm .Va Unuat AfwiTila1m "nf AH " A 111. CJOlYJ O UOa i Wl VUJM.MH.WM. " - nater published or circulated in the fine tobacco Advertising . rates - very . liberal. - Subscription snooper year.. - . ; -j. - ! ' - ! WHOLESALE PRICES. japnnii nnntaMnns. it should he understood. represent toe wholesale- pricer generally. In making up small orders higher prices have to be charged. t -, v i ' . ABTICXXS: . FBICSS. BAGGING Gunny f . , : . ic 00 Btanaara..... BACON North Carolina - is' 11 Hams, V "to Shoulders, V fi Sides, choice. 48 lb.. 00 00 00 00 0 & & Wxstxbh Skoxxd Hams, ft lb . . Hides, vs.! Shoulders. S.... .......... 00 & 00 Dbt Saxtkd Sides, B.. ...... ShonldersitNlb............. BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, second nana, eacn. . . .. ... New New York, each. . . .- NewCitv. each.............. 1 60 1 SO 1 00 26- 1 C5 2 00 1 90 87 9 00 juuurraAv w . . ; ..... BKICK8 Wilmington, V M . . irmianri v Mk l .. . ' 8 00 Northern.!........ . 0 00 & 14 00 18 BUTTER North Carolina, . 16 - Northern, B CANDLES V fc Sperm 25 .& 18 11M 00 & 35 25 12 12 . 28 14 . 13 mt 92s 4b 7 " 85 Taiiow Adamantine ... . ... . CHEESE -North'n Facfy 14 Dairy, cream.:.. ............ State ...... 00 , 00 18 13 10 COFFEE Ib-Tava iiaguyra ;...;. w ..... s ... -. . Rio CORN MEAL tt bush.', in sacks, '85' - 90 O 1 40 Vlrgmia Mean CJOTTON TTE8 tt bundle...... DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, tt yd V4 Yarns. 99 hnnch 00 EGGS dozen..;i 00 FISH-MackereLNo. 1, tt bbl... 16 00 & 13 & 20 00 " & 10 00 10 00 5 50 ' 9 00 6 00 12 00 4 00 10 Mackerel, no. 1, V naii ddi.. au Mackerel, No. 2, W bbl 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, tt half bbl. 5 00 Maokerel. No. 3. bbl : 8 60 Mullets. bbl .... v.- 6 00 Mullets, Pork bbls........... 11 00 N. C. RoeHwring, keg... 3 00. DrvCod. tt a.....: 5 FERTILIZERS W 2,000 pounas rrench s carbonate 01 tome v ou French's -Agricultural Lime 8 60 Peruvian Guano, No, 1. . 67 50 No. 2 36 00 " " Lobos 00 00 Baugh's Double Eagle Phos. 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer...:...... 45 00 Ground Bone. 4:.-;. 00 00 Bone Meal... 00 00 Bone Flour.... 00 00 Navassa Guano. ............. 40 00 Complete Manure ........... 00 00 Whann's Phosphate.... 00 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 Bcrger & Butz's Phosphate. 00 00 ' Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer. 65 00 7 50 9 00 63 50 37 00 51 00' 25 00 50 00 t40 00 45 00 57 00 45-00 67 00 70 00 70 00 & 60 00 60 00 FLOUR tt bbi Fine......... 0 00 5 00 ' 5 00 6 60 8 00 6 25 rJ75 7 00 13 Northern Super, .... 4 50 " Extra.... 6 25 " FamUy 6 60 City Mills Super. ........... 6 eo " - Family 6 60 Extra Famili...... 00 GLUE tt lb.'. 10 OKA i v Dusnei. . Coro,Btore,bag8,prime,wmte Corn, cargo, in bulk, " Corn, cargo, m bags, " Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags Oats, from store.;.......... Cow Peas.. - 85 75, 80 701 60 55 77 82 Tl 52 2 00 6tt 14- HIDES tt lb Green . . . . - 4 13 95 90 90 ' Dry" . . . . . v ...... . . ...... HAY 100 s Eastern....... 1 05 1 00 1 00 3' 10 11 1 40 North Itiver. ... . . .....-... HOOPvIRON tt . 334 9 10 00 LARD tt Bfe-Northern. f Mortu carouna... LIME tt barrel - LUMBER City Sawed M, ffc r swp stuff, resawea;. . . ... . 10 w Rough Edge Plank. ......... 15 00 West India Cargoea accord- -ing to quality. ... .......... 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Boards.oom'n 12 00 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 MOLASSES gallon New crop cuDa, mnnas.... uo hi bbls.... 00 Porto Rico, in hhds 00 . " in "bbls 00 Sugar House, in hhds........ 00 P in bbls..... .. 00 SvruTi. in bbls. 40 NAILS keg Cut. lOd basis.. 00 OILS tt gallon Kerosene... .. 12 lara.. ...... ....;.:. .... i Linseed 90 -Resin.. 15 Tar..... 00 Tteckand Dar.... . ........ 00 POULTRY ChickensJJve.grown , ; 00 springs.. iu Turkevs .". Ti PEASUi"S bushel... 75 POTATOES tt bushel Sweet-. 60 Irish, per barrel, new - 00 PORK barrel-City Mess...t 17 50 rTnne ' Rumo - 17 00 RICE Carolina, H 4 Rough, v busnei tupiana;.. bu Do. do (Lowland) 1 00 RAGS tt lb Country... - viijr ...... . ROPE ft. .. SALT $ salt Alum .... Liverpool Lisbon American.. SUGAR lb-Cuba... . Porto Kico A Coffee.... B " Ex C . 0- Crushed.... - 10U SOAP tt lb Northern.... 5 SHINGLES tt M Contract.... 5 00 common w Cypress Saps 4 '50 Cvoress Hearts 0 00 STAVEs-tt M W O Barrel. : .. 13 00 a o iioeaneaa. uiw 0 TALLOW lb... 5 TIMBER tt M feet Ext Heart list class yeuow pine) . ia uu, w o Prime ship'g, 1st class heart. 00 Extea Mill. good heart...... 0 Mill Prime 6) Common MIU. 4 00 Inferior to Ordinary 3 00 WHISKEY 'tt gallon northern . 1 00 North Carolina. ...... . iuu o WOOL-tt lb Washed.......... 00 unwasaea ia w Burrv... 10 WIIilTIINGTON EIONEY MARKET. Exchanere (sight) on New York. . ... ..M discount , Baltimore $ ', Boston - -.Philadelphia .Western Cities.. Excnanee. 30 aavs. 1 w cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 107 First National Bank Stock 90 Navassa Guano Company Stock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons 23 1 -unaing, iueo . iu A , Funding, 1868...... .10 Now 4s T .. . 80 ..." Special Tax... 4 W A WRR Bonds, 7 tto (Gold Interest).... 116 . Carolina Central RR Bonds, 6 tto .....106 Wilmington, Col. s Augusta it it uonas iik WflmingtonCltj Bonds (new)6 ttc,..,.... 100 ". . " 8o.. 100 New Hanover County Bonds, Wo ' . . ...... 100 Wilmlnsfton A Weldon RR Stock. ..-110 , North Carolina R R Stock................... - 80 Wilmington Gas Lignt company btocK mi Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 120 THE CELEBRATED ARR I HGTON GAME FOWLS FOR SALE ItTY GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL RE Sutatlon. They have fought and won a series of le greatest mains aver fought en this or any other contment, ana infieen rairs, on exniDiLiou at Philadelphia m to, were nonorea Dy me uni ted States Centennial Commissioner with the Di ploma and MedaL -,..: I have a variety of Colors and most approved Breeds in the United States. I will .ship splendid COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, pei Express, CO. D.i at from $4.00 to $6.0freaeb HENS, $2.50 and $3.00 each? or $7.00 per Pah? $10.00 per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred Pairs this Summer, the Finest Games in the World, and will ship Young Fowls of March and April hatch during the months of August, Sep tember and October, at Five Dollars per Pair, or Seven Dollars per Trio. . Whoever disputes the superiority of my Birds, will please back the assertion with their stamps, i Write for what you want, r to t ? .. Address, ' J. G. ARRTNGTON,1 f ap6tf Hilllardaton, Nash Co. N. C. EHCOUEAGE , HOME IHSTITUTI0S5, j Security Against i Fire ; Tie Horth Carolina Home Insnraiicti Co. ! RAEEIGII, N. . mum nniTDlW nrVKITI N 1 1 US TO WRTTTI PO- IX licies at fair ratesron all classes of Insurable property. - -,- - .i -- T AU losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The f'Home" is rapidly gainfiig Ui"publlo favor, and appeals with confidence to insurers pf property Ju North Carolina. - ' . ; Agents in all parts of the State. - f ' JOHN GATLLNG, President. t ' W. S. PRIMROSE. Secretary. I - PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. : ' f -- ATKINSON A MANNING: Agents, - i sep26tf v s . Wilmington. N. a j&tkinson & Ilanning's j ; ' r.Insnranee'Kooms, ' j bank ovmsw HAN07EB BUILpESG, ' , Tire. Hatlna Ml . Lire ; Com7janies. Aggregate Capital Represented Over $100,000,000. v leu u . . . .Hiliniiistoii; Wqldoii v Eaiirqiid Co. QrWCS OJ GXM'L, SCJi-XKlKTXWUSST, - I ' .- Wilmington, N. C, July 11, 1884. f . Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JULYilS, 1884, AT 9.00 A.M. Passenger Trains on the Wilmington A Wei-, don Railroad will run as follows: -. - ' - - -, j f . -Day Mall and Express Trains, Dally ; ; - No 4T North add 48 South. C Leave Wilmington, Front git.' Depot, at 9.00 A JC Arrive at Weldon..'....i..ii.. ..... ...... 2.85 P M. Leave Weldon. 2.55P.M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot. .35 P. M.; Fast Thbotjoh Mail abb Pissxacrjca Tbaiv Daitt No. 40 South. , -Leave Weldon. ... . .... .r . ... . . . . 5.35 P. M Arrive at Wilmington, Front st. Depot, 10.00 P. M Mail akd Passknqkh 1 baui Daily Na 43 . ', " NOBTB". Leave Wilmington. .i........... . 8.35 P. M Arrive at Weldon..'.. L... 2.35 AM, ; Train. No. 40 South win" stop only at Wilson; Goldsboro and Magnolia. j . Trains on Tarboro Branch' Road leave Rooky Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 P. M. and 4.30 P. M. daily. Returning, .leave Tarboro at . 3 P. M. and 10 A.M. daily. . ' r . Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 8.25 P. M. Return ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 8 SO A M. daily. ;Traln No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily.? All rail via Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. -Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con nection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. 7 - "All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. , r i 1 For accommodation of local travel a Passenger Coach will be attached to Local Freight leaving Wilmington at 6.59 A. M. daily except Sunday, i JOHN F.DIVINE, i" General Supt. - T.M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. jy 12 tf - j fiLHIMTOH. COL'MBIA 8t AUGUSTA Railroad Co. Oraci or Gbttbral Sttp't, 1 -WUmington; N. C, July 11, 1884. f Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JULY 13TH, 1884. AT 9.05 P. M., the following Passenger Schedule will vo run ou 11113 roaa: NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally) ,i - " nos. 48 West and 47 East. Leave Wilmington...... .1. Leave Florence .1. ... . . Arrive at C, C. A A. Junction. . . Arriveat Columbia...-...u...:. LeavejDolumbia . : J; Leave C.r C. & A. Junction. . Leave Florence Arrive at WUmington. 9.C5P.M. ... 2.40AM. ... 6.20A.M. . . . 6.40 AM. ... 9.55P.M. 10.20 PiM. ... 4.50AM. ... -8.35 A.M. Night Mail akd Passenger Train. Daily. No. 40: i Wist. Leave Wilmington. ...... J. 10.20 P. M. Arrive at Florence I . . 1.25 A. iL Mail aut Passxhoxb Traih Dailt No. 43 East. Leave ' Flbrence . 4.05 P. M Arrive at Wilmington. . . . h.. . .... ...... 8.05 P. M I Train 43 stops at all Stations. . . T , No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton and Marien. , Passengers for Columbia and all points on G. A C. R. R., C. & A. R. B, Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take 40 Night Ex press. " j. - ' ' ;' Separate Pullman Sleepers for Augusta on Train 40. i s .. . , All, trains -run solid between Charleston and Wilmington.. " 1 u Local Freight leaves Wilmington daDy, except Sunday, at 7-00 AM. '1 1. - . -I dWjxTl JT. AlAVATiJS, 1 -C- j Gen'lSup't, T. M. EMfflJSON, Gen'l passenger Agent, jy 12tf . - -1-" CAROLINA CEHTEAMAIEROAD E Omcx or Superintendent, :intendent, . , . . 1 ,ba,Mayll, 1884.) W0mington,cl t Change 1 of i Scliediile. ON AND AFTER IffAt 12, 1884, THB FOL lowine Schedule wiH be onerated nn this Bafiroad: -. - . ". . f i "... v : . . . PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: 'DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. ' 1 Tjuta WIlmlnirtA f 9H .P XT tfo, 1. VLeaveRaleighat..,.".."."..""."."7".35 P. M. Arrive at cnariotte at. . . , . .7.00 a. m. ) Leave Charlotte at.... .. .845 P.M. No. 2." Arrive at Raleigh sat .8.80 A. M. I Arnveat Wilmington at. 8.00 A. M. ; . ...... . .v;t , I Passenger Trains stop at regular stations onlv. and Points -designated in the Company's Time Table.-.. ... .; - i ,i ' SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MALL. EX- 1 . PRESS AND ! FREIGHT. ; I Daily except Sundays. Leave charlotte. ! . . .": it . Jl '.' .... S.15P. M . Arriveat Shelby........ if. 9.00 P. M. Leave- Shelby.;..........?... 7.00 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte ..... i i .10.45 A. M. Trains No, 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh, j Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. I Take Train No. 1 for Statesvule, Stations West ern N. C. R. R., Ashville and points West. 5 Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest, i L. C. JONES, '? Superintendent, j F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent, my 11 tf . ;j i A SINGLE FACT ! IS W0BTH A SHIP-LOAD OF ARGUMENT, , s! Cartersville, Ga. : This Will certify that two members of my im mediate family, after having suffered for many years from menstrual irregularity, and having been treated without benefit by various medi cal doctors, were at length completely cured by one bottle of Dr. J. Bradfield's Female Regular tor. Its effect on such eases Is truly wonderful, and well may the remedy be called "Woman's Best Friend." Yours resriectfully, r ' JAMES W. STRANGE. ' ENTIRE AND ABSOLUTE SUCCESS. . j i I MaJ. John C. Whitner, bf Atlanta, well and fa vorably knbwnall overjthe "Dnited States as a General Insurance Agent,1 says: "I used this reme dy before the war on a large plantation in a great number of cases, alwayswllh absolute success." I Dr. J. Davis, of. Mfllton, Ala, writes: "Have used . Bradfield's Regulator extensively In my practice with entire success. If it is not a specific, it Is, in my opinion, the best known remedy for the diseases for which it js recommended." j A ladv of Bonham, Texas, writes: "Ihave been using your Female Regulator for several weeks and with great benefit. My case is of long stand ing, and has baffled many physicians. I have tried every medicine 1 1 could hear of, but the Regulator is the only one that has ever relieved my distressing sufferings.'! f i ; . Notasulga, Ala. Dr. J. Bradfield's Female Regulator has been thoroughly tested by me In a great Variety of cases, and I am- fully convinced that It is unri valed for that class : disease which It claims to cure. 1 r. if J.C.HUSS.M. Dt ' Treatise on the Health and Happiness of Wo man mailed free to any: address. .: - " The Bradstkld Regulator Co., ...r I - : ! Box 28, Atlanta, Ga," William H. Green, Wholesale Agent, Wilming ton, N.C. ' -i ' " . mylly -. 'chsm " .y -- l - . i A - TiT TV IA - Send -six cents for postage, iCLJT XbXsUXa and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help alL-of either sex, tomore money right away than anything else in t.hta world. Fortunes await; the workers abeo luttely sure. . At once address TRUE & CO, Au- gusta, Maine. If mhSOD&Wlv -- A -r, k-. '. - - .-, - . - i : .... . .. , - - U. rsMttPrsi3 i it.. . g HEW. ADVERTISENENTS. EPILEP0Y, PITS, ' FALLETG FITS, " OUKBD. ' THIS IS NO HUMBUG. FOR INFORMATION, FBESOF CHABQZ, WRITE TO - . I.. IX'. SCHUYLER. Stratford, Conn i LiiObilli liuuhJuCpiuyHASiTS ? EASXLT CTJltED. - BOOK FREE. BB J. C. EOFfMAH, JXTRSSOS. WISC0NSU. . BT 9. T flfLsV march fob band DLMnjj U ilUtrnll Complete, 20 parts, 40c . SNYDER A HANNOLD, 904 Filbert st.;Phila , Pa CANCERS TUMORS and - UliCERS ' ; Treated by a new and - wonderfully successful -method, withont the knife -or Iobs of blood I -Vastly superior to all other methods 1 Hundreds1 ; of cases cured.' Write for descriptive pamphlet. . Address - DR. E. H. GREEN, - lm Peach tree Street, Atlanta, Ga. THE ITALIANS " - . - - - Have a'Proverb that: "Some men are so good as top be good for nothing.'!. It is not claimed, as is the '. . case with many so-called remedies,that SWIFT'S .- SPECIFIC! a cubs-all, or can reinoveaIl the x? ills to which flesh' is heir; but as a rosio an health ben ewer, and for BLOOD A SKIN DlS-hl EASES, and' for troubles dependent on impure and nrpovEBisHss blood, it Is without a rival! ' u The Mightiness of Truth ! LET THE FACTS SPEAK IH STENTORIAN TONES, j t ' kFat as a Pe. kind of skni humor, and, after being treated five months by my family physician, was given up to die. The druggist recommended Swift's Specific, and the result was as gratifying as it was miraculous.- My child soon got well, all traces of tbe disease are gone, and he is as lat as a pig." : , J J. KIBKLAND, . i . ' ' Mlnden, RnsS County, Texas. Blood Poison Eliminated. . : I "I used Swift's Specific on my little daughter, who was afflicted with some Blood Poison which bad resisted all sorts of treatment. The Specific relieved her permanCntly.and I shall use it in my practice." . ; W.B. BRONTE. M D., . I , Cypress Ridge, Art. ?; An Editor's Experience ! - ; LAID ASIDE FROM JOURNALISTIC WORK. " . After trying; numerous remedies for Bheuma- , tlsm, but without permanent relief,I was advised -to use S. S. S., which had given permanent relief to others suffering from rheumatism. . after ta king half a dozen bottles I found that the disease was entirely driven out of my system, and a per manent our secured. - This was over a -year -ago. and since then, even during our most severe weather, with sudden changes, I have never suf fered a return of the old attacks which disabled v me from editorial work. - ! It is very seldom, indeed, that X recommend anything to the public in this manner, but I feet , it due to your valuable preparation, that has gi ven me such long desired and much needed re lief, to state these facts thus publicly. -1 am sure that but for your Specific I shjuld have been laid aside from journalistic work, as the -severest at tack was in my right arm and hand. " j -rf, ; Sidney Herbert, Atlanta, Ga. ; ; Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to applicants. - -- j ' THE SWD7T SPECIFIC CO., j . Drawer 3, Atlanta, Gs. 1 - ' ": " - . . 'i N. Y. Office, 159 W. 23d St.; Philadelphia Office, 1205 Chestnut St. I ap 1 tf .. ch s m . . ; I Wliite Heal Teast. A VERY VALUABLE PURE. YEAST POWDER. Having been thoroughly tested by a great many - - - -.- . . . 1 dfthsadieof WUmingtonI feel no hesitation in commending it to the public. It is elegant for bread, rolls or biscuit- - j - i It is made by Miss Hodges, of this city, of pure yegetable matter, and she refers to I Mrs. A. A. Willard. Mrs. Gen. Whltmg, , Mrs. W.L Gore, Mrs. Samuel Northrop, for the correctness of her statements. For sale by jno. l; boatwright, 12 A 14 No. Front St., Sole agent. mh30tf Groceries Groceries; t J5Q() Bbls FLOUR, all grades, OKA Bbls Granulated SUGAR, iOJ - - . ; Extra C and C 2QQ Bags Rio and Laguyra'COFFEE, Tierces LARD, V" JQQ Cases and Buckets LARD. pjQTBoxes CHEESE, v- Tubs BUTTER, JQ Boxes and Bbls CRACKERS, ' 200 BblB SXSD POTATOES Bbls TURNIPS,. 2Q Bbls APPLES, . .'- Hhds MOLASSES, i25Bbls do - ':- ' 200 Kbbna1ls'' 250 BnnUe HOOP IRON, Bbls and Half Bbls MACKEREL, -' 1 Tobacco. Cigars and Snuff uuHiieB, soap, janay, sc., - For sale low by mh2tf ad: RIAN m VOLLERS. rpHB AGONY IS OVER! STATE OFFICERS A nominated 1 1 New Hanover not forgotten ! 1 1 -Therefore do- aot forget that H. C. Prempert's FashiSnable. Shaving and Hair Dressimr Saloon. - No. 7 South Front Street, is still in full blast, wnere Jtr. - u.- c. rremperti assisted by his two sons, nan ftlwn.va hA fnnnd tr attn1 tn . Knaa vrKrv '- wish a first-class Shave. Hair-Cut, Ac. Corns ex- ' tracted and Skin Diseases of all kinds cured. I ' - Respectfully, The Bihlical Recorder I PTJBLISHED BY , Edwards, Uronghton & Co. 1 RALEIGH, N. C. I REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. C. S, FARRISS, Associate Edltorfv i : Organ or Korth - Carolina Baptists j In itf 44th Year. - EVERT; BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT ' - As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed- ! Only $2.00 Per Year. Address 5 ; BIBLICAL RECORDER, - ' j dee28f . Vr- Raleigh. N. (J v , 1 .1 1 1 . ! The iincoln Press. PUBLISHED 'EVERY . FRIDAY, AT LLNCOLN- .!.-.'. ton, n. a;,-, Br JOHN C. TIPTON, Ed'r and Prop'r. - i The PRESS Is acknowledged,' hy those who ; have tried it, to be one of the best Advertising Mediums In Western North Carolina. It has a large and steadily Increasing patronage ia Lin coln, Gaston, Catawba, Cleaveland, Burke and Mecklenburg counties. - Advertising rates libev -rai . Subscription $1.50 per annum. mh 11 tf . vj -A. .4. ' "s- wefrsu apaosm - i - - V