fhe Morning bee es CVie r?y,.:.. , . ; V ho. 2 lyoDays, J ?5 "2 '-v lelays: ..,:;-.- 2 to 2 ; Day iv ...... 1., ffr .... reran DAILY JCXCXPT MONDAYS. Star rnv Mall) Postage r, . . , ST1 1 60 75 f-nrSe Post Offlce at Wilmington, H. C., altered at J" dug Matter. . , - ,f ( ) KIN 11 XUS-f x. a. x. . DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET. TOR PRESIDENT , ... ; , CBOVER CtEYEE.ATO; OF NEW YORK. ; FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ' , tJioihas a. hekdricks, OF INDIANA. . . ' Elect1"-81 tante JOHN N. STAP'JSS, of Gailford.. f V H. KITCniN, of Halifax. -..--"-"' District Kleetar. , - i ypist-DONNELLQILLIAM; - 3d Dl t.-a W. McCLAMMY, of Pender. ; ub Dtst.-B H. BUNN, of Nash county. " , 5th Dfct.-R. B. GLENN, of Forsyth. ah Dist.-A, H. ROWLAND, of Robeson. -lb D!st.-R. C. PURYBAR, of Yadkin. ah DisL-R- McBRAYBR, of Cleveland - 9th Dist -H. M. JUSTICE, of Rutherford. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. - pon ckjvkbnob: ilFRET) MOORE SCALES of Guilford.' FOR UBtrTlENAHT-aOTMKOB: CllARLKS Jl. ST ED MAN, of New Ecaumr. , MB SKCRtTART OP STATRT '-..' WILLIAM L SA UNDEBS, of Walt. ' - FOR TREASURER! -'-: DOXALDW. BAIN.of Wake. " : FOR AUDITOE: - - - - W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates. - v- ' FOR ATTOKHKT GENIRAX: THEODORE F DAVIDSON, of Buncotnbe. ;P0B LTEP.tNTEXDENT PUBLIC INBTRDCTIOH: - 5, M. rut tf-B-ti, oj taiawoa. JOB ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREXR U)UH t A. S. MERRIMON, of Wate. mSDZX TYLER BENNETT, of Anton. ' OUTLINES. The Democratic Convention of the Sec em! District of Maryland took 1,408 bal his anil failed tn make a nomination; the convention then ntljouraed sine die, leaving tiie matter to the State Central Committee. Thf Frunfl flaA chin w norknrtfxl tn bsw suffered severely i a the tKtmbardment 'of Cchinv and tbc forces lantletl were re. pulsed and failed to spike the guns. British Admiral Dowell is at Foo Chow to trmnge with ' other foreign naval officers fuf the protection of Europeans in China. . Officer Kelly, of the relief steamer 3kr. says that the survivors of the Grcel y ixpHiition all admitted that they ate the fad bodies of their companions. In heat causes an increase in the num er of deaths from cholera in Marseilles. Gen. Stephenson has been instructed te take command of the expedition for the relief "of - Gen. Gordon. r- The Demo crats and Greenbackers of Iowa have de-cidc-d to make a fusion on the State elec toral ticket. - Business failures through out the country for the past week number 203 Tot tl net receipts of cotton at all the pons since Sept. "1st, 4.759,017 bales. The New York bricklayers claim that they have virtually won the fight for the nine hours' rule. The Great Falls cotton mills, Dover, N. H will shutdown until Sept. 1st. - An incen-1 di&ry fire destroyed part of Lampasas, -Texas. a piot na3 been discovered in Mexfeo to depose President Gonzales ' and to put in his piace Jose Maria Inglesias;': aany arrests have been made: New Tork markets; Money il per-cent. ; cot-: toil firm nt Mtnin - . a ivjntc; southern nour y at 3 406 25; wheat, ungraded 7594c; corn, ungraded 5561c; rosin teady at $120125; spirits turpentine firaerat313Uc- . ' 1 r. .t Sunset" Cor sava t.Ko Ai f h campaign i8 in fav0r of Cleveland. The Earl of Lauderdale was killed y gning . on Wednesday whilst Ending in-ootland. - re expelition to relieve General- on willbe flent by rail.toSar- m and thence by camels jto Sen ceh. . -. . f Us NeUieWelshTaed 22, died hospital at Albany from self-, 'ctea injuries prompted by disap- Pomtedlove. ; - ' - Rev, Dr. Deems has been on a- lect, uriDg tour in Wf. TaU-V-i Kentucky. Ho is again homaVt. -MU,regttIar work. , Crowds of drunken rougbs' inva- Dp j au ueueu ine tern- LvC6 aw- Warrants are onttffer lBe fine po,u L ; a -MC1B wno are known. . . "v.- IT 5" Ftt . 'wy warm t t .. . ' . . U.. "viiua,. IS It to f)A ,' rillb . cr Af 1l.. - I.-" - 7! . - h... , 1 1 ernaDs . tnev are "ytwin-litn ... never rea Mr . mA-' vrat and u . v 1 . r -be a : .ence he cannot be saidio ueceiver. Dana merelv edtobe a Democrat. -r the City, 'A'nthniHwwi Collect for IDOr r - - - - f - , -..- .. - v. : - . .: - .--i tvwaj , . - t.j- ; , t; n . , : . - -i , - Fourgoli aed wer -presented to four gallant mynberof the Bal timore ; fire v department for heroic cgnaacc. : ,1'ne medals wei e presented 6 James Disfieyladderman of Hook and Ladder, Company Ko. 1; George W. Foxwell, captain of rHook and Ladder- Company No. 3; .Andrew German, ladderman of " Hook, and Ladder Company 4 No. - '3; Louis LockSjladderman of Hook and Ladder Company "No. 3, Besides "the med aia tne parties received each $100 m gold. ; , . . , i If there' was bo mutilation ; why does the Government fear an exami nation of ihe.txdies Of the men who died in the frozen land? The fol lowing to the Herald is significant: ' Phtladelphia. Aucust 13. 1884. The undertaker, who buried the body of Ser geant Lynn, of the Greely expedition, in this city last Sunday, has received a dis patch from .Washington directing him un der no circumstances to 'permit the disin terment of the remains, or the opening of the metalic casket containing the body of sergeant .Lynn." - The Herald reports thai in New Jersey the Independent Republicans are numerous. It says: "Lawyers, bankers and business men of Newark, who have formerly voted nothing but the Hepublican ticket, declare that they will not .support Blaine. Some will vote for St. John, but -most of them'for Cleve- aao. in xiast urange aiso we independ ent movement is very strong. The move ment to attract' tne insn to the iiiaine standard in Essex? county appears to be -a nzzie. " - - : . ' Old 6eh Butler, when at Chicago said this to his "brother Demo. crat8:" , . .... . " . "Nothing but the triumph of the Demo-' cratic party, in my opinion, can give assur ence that our free institutions will endure SOyears." Ben told the troth then, but he has again fallen into bad habits. Senator .Gordon, of-'Maryland, is Chairman of the Democratic Nation al Committee. At its recent meeting he said he would resign;. if any at tempt was made by the organization to-print or circulate charges involv ing Blaine's private life. That was right and decent.' '? ' ' t . J .'. Whilst. from 170 to 250 or more failures are reported weekly, in the United States,' there were but 83 in England, Scotland, Wales and Ire land for the week ending July 19th; the last we have seen reported. Eng land has no High Tariff. Senator Butler, of South Carolina, in New York at present, says this, as reported in the Herald : r ' "From all I ean hear and read the out look for -the- Democratic ticket is very promising, - With the progress of the cam paign Cleveland's chances will improve." Dana, of the Sun - in ' eclipse, has been invited to preside over a Butler meeting; Her-is too- busy, . but he will f endeavor otherwise J to contri bute towards its success;" by stab bing Cleveland, we suppose. . ' ': " MMRMMWWRWR The French constitution has beens revised and all of the radical amend ments were voted down. The con-i servative changed proposed 1 by the Government were adopted. . - 4 The Legislature of Virginia met in extra session on Wednesday. i THE STATE CANVASS., , IUleigh Correspondent; of j Norfolk- Vir . -tt .- einian. i-r . , The Liberals are in bad humor, and evince a desire tos part company, with their friends the. Kepublicans.' Io ? theffcEifth District -the brethren are in qnite . a plight, and "never speak as they pass, by Another encouraging omen for theDemocrats.; Senator Ifenso Gexuf Scales 'andi others were to have " addressed the people at Reidsville on Thursday at the re-union of Confederate soldiers,' Sp aid the JoKar WeeMy.y .; ' J Raleigh News Observer. 'r . Col. Wharton J. Green will speak at Lillingtdn, : Harnett county; on: ;Tuesday of -court-week . (19th inst. jOtber speakers a?e expected tobe. present and champion - the banse of Democraoyt tt . s ? : f " fr-. - Goldsboro Messenger. .-. .. ( A nrominent,-Wayne county Be- Ipublican, who heard Scales and York in the western part of the State last jweek, returned here thoroughly .dis-" gusted witkn York! wioV He say sj, is most certainly ,ot to wbe Gov ernor. ' - - ' . .r, . J- I'll' J-C. . - IKichmond Rocket. s - : - The? "Republican . Congressional .Convention which, was to . have jnet ihere to-dav has been postponed in- jdefinitely. for what reason weCknow i - Goldshpro Messenger , ' Gov. Jarvis, it afford- us pleasure to announce, will address the people of Wayne, Wilson; Green and John ston at Fremont during the last weeki ot the present month. . , Hoa; W.T.;(Dortch declines a re- nommauon w.tne senate, ior wmca he had been verywarmly? pushed by ctuzens oi bqiu y ayne ana xupiiD. He will, however, enethe. campaign and make a number pf . speeches jn this and adjacent counties. TIIK PHAHZ1ACEUTICAL A8- -".'' CharlottJ 'Observer's Report j - ? . Tfieliftli iwual fmeeiinf,::the North? Croliiaa .Phaxmacutic As sociation con vened in thitcity yeiter"- uay morningfuiere DeiDguii xuu representation. r The - meeting -"waa called, to order t 10 o'clock a, in., in wie rooms oi. iae i;namper yom meroe, wlth JJtxi. W H. Green, the Wfcgident,. presiding, and Mr; J. C Munds, at the secretary's table. Be fore proceedinto business, a'prayer was offered by. Rev. .J. T. Bagwell, after which he president announced the meeting .formally .opened,. Col. H. C. Jones then took the floor and in a speech of a. few - minutes in length, gave, the visiting druggists a cordial welcome to the city. The address of Welcome wad happily re sponded to by.E. N. Nadal, of Wil son. The roll ? was then called and the following members responded to their names: T, R.Abernathy, R.T, Beck, T. C. Crawfordrj. D. Croom, J . S. M. DavidsonV H." L. Fentress, J. CGidney,R.G Glenn, JC. Goodman, Wm. H. Greon, .X L. .Grimes, F. W. Hancock, John IL Hardin, . R. Harty, F.1 H.? HeaTtty Thoa. B. - Hill, W. R. H6rn6. F.F. Hunter, A. S. Lee, P. P Lorbacher, Geo. A; Lowe,; T. H. Mayo, Jas, C. Munds, E. M. Nadal, W. C. Porter, O. M. Rovster. A. W. Rowland. B. E. Sedberrv. Wr L."lShenrIlL: B. T. Simmons. Wm. Simpson, J. B. Smith;4 S. O. Smith, T. C. Smith, Logan Stimaob, V. U. 'ltompson, N. K. Tunstall, F. W. -Vauffhri, L. R. Wriston, "K: V. Zoeller. , ' The following new members- were then received and their; names duly. enrolled ; R. E , Adams, of Gas tonia; Ow'en "Davis," Henderson, "and G. W, Warren:; Wilson: Theodore F. Flutz,s Salisbury; W. H: King, Oxford; F. M. Matthews, Reidsville. Walter a Turner, Monroe; W. R. BurweU, R3H. Jordan,! J. II. Mc Aden, Thos. Reese, Win. Wilson,' Wm. If. Wearo, Charlotte. , President Green then Tead his re port which was referred to the proper committee. y,i v v i -k. . (ji -,i ' - The reports of the treasurer and secretary were read and , referred to committee, after which the conven tion adjourned to 3 p. m. The afternoon session was - mainly devoted to the hearing of reports and the reading of essays in reply to queries formulated at the last annual meeting of the body. There was a full representation of: members pre sent to hear the reports and the es says. The questions under discus sion were of peculiar interest to the pharmacists, and - the papers read served to throw considerable light upon tne; lublects. 'Aftef the read- ing of the replies the association ad journed to 10 o'clock this morning. After " adjournment the visiting druggists were taken in chargetby wifit, Aaaripe puarmacisis, auu. ,,es-; corted about the" city. ; Spirits ' ;lTirpentxae. Goldsboro Messenger: We learn that: all preliminary arrangements have been perfected by the Bank of Ne Hano ver of this city for the construftion of. a. larire bankine buildme at the northeast corner of Walnut and James streets. We learn that the committee, on- premiums for the fair to be held here next fall will offer a prize for the best base ball club in the State. ' ' J ' ' tt Raleigh Neio8- Observer. Captl Carraway, known also .as D. R, Walker, is just from Lenoir county and says they had. the hardest rains, ia that county last week they have had since the war., Ncuse river- rose five feet in one day. , Liotton on an mo low lands is ruined, Yet another step forward: is to be taken and the electric, light, that powerful modern Illuminator, is to be put into operation at the works of the Raleigh & Gastoii road here. There will be ten lamps each of high power." These will illuminate the shops, the round-house, rail road officesVciMton pisiform, warehouses, car sheds and all the space round about.-1 l- Fayettevilie'' OerifJLfttm1'. er savs that the lair weatner ox ims weex .lias been of at least $1,000 a day benefit to the cotton crop of. this county; uart nett Cotinty Democratic Convention- met to-day and nominated, Daniel ' Stewart for the House of Representatives; John A.: Green for Sheriff t Henry T.. Spears for Register of Deeds; A., A;. Beathea for County iTeasurer ; J . A. tttewart tor our, veyor; W. F. Marsh for Coroner. u iCarjt.'J, B. .Smith has brought to this office a nne specimen ot wutuxo growu uj axat, T. 8 Lutterloh,1 oa the old Gen. Holmes' rjlace. three miles west of town. " It is evi fdent that the, weed which,, s enriching the, middle ami upper counties i onn-c;aro-lina can be grown successfully here. . ' j Richmond JRocJcet:,r, t is. said thftnce Dr York -uttered his wrathful pronunciamento to put the negro "in hell the dusky sons of Ham are giving him a wide berth in the Western part of the State. Indeed, report has it thaV&omf of the more 1 superstitious are Teavinand going to South' Carolina, n -A friend in Wadesborohast sent us Henley's book. Wereaa it at one sitting. It contains ahout sixty pages. It 'is a leanui expose ovxu vasa ccaracier. "We shall not be surnrised if it calls out ' counter testimouy. . By request - of i Professor borne body the omithsoniaai in stitute At Washington i-Krj JtXi Bfeele, 'the archaeologist, forwarded to the Insti tute last week a fine specimen of the per-9 sonai estate left scattered through the Pee Dee. country by "'Lo, the poor Indian,'-'; This is an earthenware , pot -iound: after a recent overflow Of the Pee Dee iA Mr.W. P Stanback'fl low grounds. Its capacity is about two bushels.; And fortunatelyj the' , vessel is entire, except a break atthe base bf itwnich cad be easily mended: ln a conrpany were two women Bena Davis andirah Hornr-who were both enamored ot a han who was nresent. and -the CTeen- eyed tidnfitet took possession of Bena's n ueart cy reason ox me iact tnac xne man was more devoted to Sarah.' Ben a, there- lere, approached iTarah ana began a tirade fit abuse, finally knocking her down with a stick. . Not satisfied Vith this she jumped btj; W, when Sarah," who had an open war BiMRgunwif. duo cut uer osuiy en ine face and neck gash just missing the jugu- ni : . . . .ii.v . .Qharlbtte.Ofiaerrer; Mr. Brown Gordon, -who built .the : Great Falls,- Pee Dee and' Rockingham cotton factories at Rockingham, Was accidentally killed at the Pee D factory 'yesterday afternoon, fay the f alli!? of a derrick, which struck hkn on, the "j3, croons thft skriU and can mgjaiMs iastanl death, Mr, Gordon was m, native of Hillsbero, but' for a number of years has resided at Rockingham, doing work on the varions factories. -r-- The Vicinity of Bndersonville has been shock ed ever the sudden and terriDie death ox Mrs.' Phillip ' Hart; which oceurred eatr mat place on the nth max. rs. Mart; with her son, was driving along the moan, tain road, and' in crossisir a high bridce. the ; mule attached to their . buggy became frightened and backed the buggy against the hand railing; which broke. ; - All were precipitated to the ground beioW and Mr Hart's neck was broken by the fall, caus ing instant deaths Her little son; escaped unhurt and ran to his home near by toJ tell: his- father ' the terrible news. Bum Butler. 1 a voune mechanic of this city, appeared on the streets yesterday looking as if he had been run through a mill, i His : head and body ;were rhadly bruised and he had' i limping gait. He had fallen from a third-story window of Biddle Institute. ' It seems that he was en gaged in fastening some hooks in the upper part of the window, and had to lean out sidelo drive in the hooks. . He was holding to one and dnvmg it at the same time, when it pulled but and Bum went down ward With considerable speed. He struck the ground below with great violence but fortunately for him none of his bones were broken. : He was ' merely shocked and bruised bv the fall.' -- The annual fair of the Poplar Tent Fair Association began yesterday. . The day was beautiful, and the crowd was estimated at five thousand. At about 12 o'clock, the crowd, having as sembled under the spacious arbor, Maj. W, J. Montgomery, introduced Hon. A. M." Scales who spoke in -a happy vein about the past and present history of. the State, as related to her material educational de velopement: ' He was followed by Col, R. T. Bennett. Col. A. W. Bowland and Col onel ;W. F. Beaslev. - la Exhibitian HalL down I stairs, were arranged, some of the finest agricultural products probably ever gotten together in North Carolina. .The Observer was presented with an Irish pota to that weighed 43 ounces! and a : beet raised by Mr. H. P. Helper, of this county, that measured 80 inches in circumference. The encumbers, tomatoes, and "other ear- den and field products were calculated to make One feel that North Carolina was a goodly land after all. Up stairs .the ex hibits were most the handiwork of the la-' dies of the vicinity. ;. , . N B W lOVEKTISJEnENTK. Htjkson Gents' furnishings. Hktjisbxkgeb School books. Mkoicai. College of Yirgibia. , 'B. G; BxAntr--Flour, meal, etc ? J Ci STKVKSSOJt The staple of life. MuinJS&BTsRosgKT Mineral waters. G. R French da Sons Only a-few left. '- Receipts' of cotton yesterday 25 bales. - ; - ' - - - - The streets are becoming; dry t and dusty. , . .;..v . No cases for the Mayor's Court' yesterday morning. . i Revi, T.Jd. Ambler has returned from his visit tb friends in Virginias, and will occupy his" pulpit in St. Paul's Church Sunday; - Services at the usual hours. The 'thermometer "in , the Stab office' registered as low as GO degrees early, yesterday , morning, and at the. same time 'Thursday morning it stood at 66 degrees. ; jfli Rev. Geo. S. Best pastor of the Masonboro Baptist Church; is carrying on a gracious revival in his church. So far eleven persons have connected themselves with the church and been baptized.. -'- The juvenile base ball clubs known as ther '.'Backward Boys" Capt-' Frank Myera, and the ' "Forward Boyst?i Capt. A.'? Btumenthal, played fa J aaen game yesterday, the former making 18 runs and the' Tatter 13.V " ' ' " ' ' Col. B. R." Moore' jras much' complimented' by the bar upon his remark ably able and impressive speech.in prose-: citing the caial .case" in ; 4 Uie . CiiminaV iOpurt. - We have heard this effort spoken; (of as being exceedingly: fine; .iCoh Moore'. lias made an efficient oCcer. - -.;.. - Th6! alarm ' of , fii'e about half- past H o'clock yesterday" afternoon ' was. caused Dy tne discovery oi, a Diaze on. me roof pft a, building on, Ann street, between Seventh, and .Eighth. The damage was. smalh The building; belonged, to :J. H, iBerneman, and, is insured with Messrs. J. jWs. Gordon &. Smith. .f:v- , . i- ::one.Cllminerln. , .,-lr t' The colored delegation f rom Point Cas Well, that. put ns all, into,. such a fever of excitement en. Thursday, by their march iing, and ; countermarching on our streets made their appearance again yesterday Worning; and when the John Daxtton took'' iier departare sTie' relieved ns of their- im posing presence, soul-inspiring music, ban-' sie andafl ;' - 'J tGerrellSls v,l ,;."'.:;; '.Vi. : . In the report Of. the survey of the Onslow Railroad, in out last, the total estimated cost is ?" summed 'up, and it jshould : have been i, $174,327.27, instead .of which the types had it $474,327.27. ? - : - - w ' In the account' of Cthe: Tarboro. fire the loss of Mr. C J. Austen appears as $117000 .when it should have been $1,000. ( ' V - ' : If dt ao not. . f Our friend'.bf the Fayettevfllo. huh vfas in Wilmington en the 25th of 'Julyi and in a letter to his paper occursthls paragraphi "At noon the thermometer registered 98 degrees in the shade .(blood heat), and the people were almost euEocatea. jwunung .ton is truly a hot place hi summer, and her people are to be commended for desirinsr to Now, we ,wilj venture; say that eiht out or ten 01 our sensitive population win tell you that Wilmington is one of ihe pleasantest places they can find fn the sum etO; they only leave it tor a season on ae countof a change. vTha thermometer; la the Stab office, which, haa be jteste4Jjaf will show that the maximum temperature has exceeded that" by only "a few degrees. TSvea when the temperature is at its highest here there is almost always a pleasant breeze from ocean ward Uiat neutralizes the heat to a very ieatextBn: v.? Prepare yoiu-Exblllt. : '"; '; ''t "v Only about six . weeks remain in whiclu to prepare exhibits for the State Exposition. In some .counties greaPinterest is being taken in the matter and great energy dis played. How is it in .New Hanover? Is there anything being done besides; what Capt. Noble, and a few others . are doing ? From present appearances our.county will not begin to make the show she is capable of making.1: Down about Newbern and Beaufort experts have been engaged: for months in preparing different varieties of fish and other denizens and curiosities of ihe deep for exhibition.- What, kind of a display will New Hanover ' make in this particular ? We hope she ' mavVnak6: a good one. but if she does there will have to be a good deal-of-work-done- in the next five weeks. The Exposition opens on the 1st of October. - m tm t ' . f Criminal Court. , The following business was done yester day: " ' - - . - State vs.: J. . C. Hill, charged with em-' bezelement.. Motion in arrest of judgment by defendant .granted. Appeal by the State. State vs. Augustus Reese, convicted of assault and battery; sentenced to the House of Correction for thirty' days. 1 ' Joseph Jones, Isaac Davis, Moses Evans,' and John Smith alias W. H. Wortham,-' each convicted of larceny;' were sentenced to the State Penitentiary for two years. . Court adjourned yesterday for the term. PerMui, ' . ' . . Mr. Geo. RL French,' Jr. , " who has' .been North for some weeks past, has returned. We are glad to hear that his wife continues to improve In h.calth and strength, which it is thought will soon be fully restored. ; , z, j r:- v-'-i FortheStar. TOPSAIL SOUND PICNIC. Mb. Editob: Please allow me space to inform your many readers how the citizens of this beautiful portion of Eastern North Carolina enjoy themselves In spite of the present dull times. On the morning of the 7th inst. there assembled, on the classic, grounds, known as Sloop Point landing, a large concourse of the natives of this ta voreoV section, with a number of visitors from the counties ,. of : Sampson, Duplin, Cumberland, Onslow' and your own New' Hanover, all admiring the seenry and the substantial schooner May owned and com- ; rnanded by Capt. Jj. Standland, which had, been tendered to take the picnicers td tile banks. "- Under the discreet management of the gallant young gentlemen bf the vicinity we were safely and pleasantly transferred from the shore to the vessel, ,: the experi enced crew of which at once weighed' an-' chor and' unfurled s the "snowy s sails'r to the t breeze, and we were soon rush ing down the, beauuiui , , stream amid, delightful strains of music furnished by a number bf violins in the hands of eehtle- men of that dultivated community. Before the lovers were satisfactorily seated the Captain gave the command to well, I don't know exactly whit; but "'down, came the jib and the foresail, and before the . crowd had recovered from the temporary commotion set: up by this necessary ad justment of the sails ,the . schooner was . . 1 . ... . 1 ancnorea unaer me snore at wnat is Known as the fWbite Hills" xm "Topsail Banks", and only a few' rods from the ocean. While the baskets and boxes bf choice viands, watermelons, cantelopes and various fruits were transferred' to the there a' very cortu- ous gentlemen, whonUhe natives called Mr r, . 1 . -Ml J ; ; .1 iuu, wa iooiung atter ami ; brsisuiis . mic , hunqrM or more people off of the vessel. - un landing we were joined rjy a laree num ber who ' had preeeeded' ua. in sail boats. On ascending the hill we were in the midst of a dense and beautiful grove pf the native; livefoak. Hera we were, in view of ,the large crowd of fair young-ladies, gallant voting ' gentlemen, hoary headed sires, stately ma-' trons and " lovely i children, suchi a con course we have not witnessed in many years, i Before the. general salutations were con cluded large numbers of the finest melons, such as only TopsaU'catf produce, were cut' and much! enjoyed; while ' a ruBtic 1 table, over an hundred feet long, was constructed fires kindUjd and fish and oysters brought from boats in greatest prpfusion. Later thb contents of the baskets and boxes were spread out until the table Would1 hold nd moraj At the iMXrers time thai company were invited to dinner, the.blesaing of. God- invoked in. a most solemn manner by that gentleman, the Venerable? Dougald 1 McMit? Ian, : and all - were ' made welcome. After dinner sea bathirig wa a order, and ; was' enjoyed immensely. ; On our return trip , late in the afternoon, we had a fine, breeze and all Was lovely, with tausid iijt fite air. , Ere loBg the schooner was. ; anchored 'at Sloop-'Point, when Mri 'G-. E. Shepard, in; a very - neat and F appropriate ppeech, .re-j turned the thanks , of the company to . the s ladies.' the managers, ; Hha; IMdleTS, Vand: last, ' but inot - least, v to Capt." Stand land for.' his s kindness in gratuitously taking the company to and from, the banks assuring him that hU'generoaity would be long remembered by the' farmers-of that community. ' 'The party was then landed; and with theh friendship thus renewed,'' left for their respective homes. r ; -.- ; It is a real pleasure, -Mr. t Editor to wit-: nessihe evidences of the fine social rela tions existingin this community.' We hope the Onslow Railroad will be pushed to an early completion 'ini order that that -fine country mav be opened un to the Northern. markets, and made more acceptable to the, pieasnre-seesers oi me counuy. ; - ' 4 t Visitor, ietergistedhighej uut W degrees this season, andrthei record at the 'Signal office wajr Department, ; Signal . Serrlee, I;. l DivMoaof Telegramaarid .Reports for the j) neiwox vonimeroeand Agriculture - August 18 1884 6P.lt " .a i..i 2 AVERAGE if! Dl8TRICta:7 V?''if '"vi 77 Max? Min. Temp, f Eemp; hi - . -I , ..;i. I'. san;' Wilmington. Charleston. . ; . Augusta. I. ;.:: Bavanxiah,. .l Atlanta ...... I Montgomery y t Mobile........! New Orleans.. . ;.f ' 60, " 64' i59 ei- 4 ; --68 , 64- .00. .00' .00 M .00. .00- ft 87 '-- t- Galveston.-, VM Vlckstrarg: . . . LitfleRock.. Memphis.;,. ;.oi. .10 " .05 90 Weatbef Indlcauon. ' , Thefollowing are the indications for to day: u , I j ' i ,i( i . For the South Atlantic States,, slightly warmer weather, northerly -winds, fresh and: brisk along the North Carolina coast Tne Crepe and Oilier Blattera. Mr. T. B. Henderson, who is travelling through some of our neighboring counties. sends us the following ' items ' from NW Berne: I -T" ' - Cominsr ud veaterdav- from lfArphpftri the cars; were crowded; persons returning home, we thought, owing to cool weather; but we notice as-many others going down over the Atlantic road toniehW- I learn from Mr. Jos. L..Rhem that from his farm; near N.ew Berne; fie made a net profit this year r from potatoes,! peas and beans about $10,000: and unon Dart of the same land now has a crop growing as fol lows: Corn, 250 acres, very good; cotton, acres, koou unui ine iaie rains, ana whichtflamaged it one-fourth. He is weU pieaseq with his peanut crop, and -will ln crease it largely next season (he plants the Virginia bunch peanut) He has now three acres of beautiful asparagus and will, in crease it to ten acres, next season. - His rice crop is good and: will be increased next year,, while his cotton crop will be reduced. lie e never uses Peruvian guano and has cul tivated the Bame land in succession tot 30 year past He harvestea 'fodder about July 10th, and is now harvesting corn on his Florida plantation. He is the -model larmer or North Carolina. , Mr. Henderson will next give us some items i rum unsiow. f. r , . . - - Wllm last oat and New Derne Firemen. We see by the New Berne Journal that the New Berne' Steam Fire 'Engine Com pany has received an .invitation from the W; S. F. E. Company' similar ; to the one extended to their brother firemen, the " 'At lauticaT" -We also' noticed in the- Journal an; . " Acknowledgment of Courtesies", ex-. tended to the Wilmington firemen by. the firemen and citizens generally of "New Berne during their recent -visit,"' signed by Messrs. T. D. Meares, John Cowan and W. N. Jacobs, committee. It is a very -neat and handsome tribute to a s generous hos pitality. --Li vr'l A niRtalce. Pur Informant was surely mistaken in connecting George Vann with the band -headed by Pompey Sneed. It was proba bly a man that looked very much like him ; but George Vann is" running a saloon in Laurinburg; and is leading a quiet and or-. derly life. This we have-from two or three different, sources,! one of the parties who gave us the information ha ing been in his place of business within the last day or two. A Fine View.' : . The scaffoldingi on the Baptist Church steeple has very nearly reached the top a height of about one hundred and'sixty-flve feet-and yesterday a couple of gentlemen climbed' Tip' tOJa tdizzy- perch just below: . .. . . , Where the workmen were engaged and took a view of. the surrounding scenery. They could see .the ocean with the naked eye, and with the aid of a glass a "vessel could be plainly seen off the beach", f " A. i " tmmn-mm i k ; Slttlns By tbe Spring. ; A young genthunan ot mis city, wno knows Pompey Sneed well, was coming up. from the Sound, On Thursday afternoon i when he saw Sneed and two of his co-n federates sitting downwat the Mineral Spring; a short distance below the first toll house. : They we're armed with rifles and other deadly weapons.;,.,, , RIVERAHD IBABINB. - i ,; ' 1 . V. , The steam tug Harold is being over- iA MJW.nintoA " " ' hauled and repainted The ' steamboatmen report that the river is falling rapidly there being now only about six feet of w&ter oa the shoais, CITY ITEMS. t, FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE OF THE iER Y. The folio wine is an extract from a letter written to the German uejormea Messenger at Chfunherabunrh. Penn. : A Behzvactbxss. Jus open the door for ; her, and Mrs.. Winslow will nrnva tbe American Florence JNurnnneaie oi me Nursery, Of this we are so sure, that we. will Winalow? for helping fcge $SS' SHSSi teach our "Busy" to say, a, messmg on Mrs. ner wj survive ana : escape and teething siege. Mrs. Wurautw'a- Soothess Stbuf . relieves the ' child from pant, andlcures dysentery and diarrhoea. It Hofteaa the (rnmajedaoea inflammation.cureswind colio, and carries the Infant safely- through the" Iteeuungpenoa. it' periorma preciHejyj vuh ror esses io penorm, every pork vi u uuliuii am Wa haira ruinT anAii Mvn. Witinlrnr brtni j her only through the preparation of her "Soothing -Syrup for' Children Teething." . If we had the power we would make her, as she is, a physical ; saviour to the infant race ikia.Dy au oruggBta,, ss cents a uwbuu. i - - t i ..... ' fNKW ApERTISEMENTS. JeBical College; bf Virginia RICHMOND. . 'The FORTY-SEVENTH SESSION begins OC- - MTL. JAMES. M. D aug 16 2m 8U we Dean of the Faculty. T7L0UB. FLOUR. FLOUR. i JT . MEAL. HEAL. MEAL. TOBACCO. TOBACCO. - TOBACCO, . HAKES and CRACKERS of every kind. We represent some of the. largest firms la the Union In the above Lines, and can't be undersold North or South, ii. - i , -Country consignments solicited. Prompt re turns made. ,i , -. E. G.BLAIR, - augiotr .,no. i second si. J " 3 Months, (18 CQ - - BizjionuiB, .......,.... 4a lis - -s aos er,..... 60 W ' 1 vontraet Advertisements taken at ptodoi . nonaiearjow rates. ' : - Tan Bnes aolld Nonpareil type make one sqnar- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: Tile Staples of Life; gTNUBS, g 5 BBLS JTJST RECEIVED, WHICH I offer In any quantities t1rtcc8 "to COMPETB WITH EVERTBODT. I Retail Snjars CHEAPER than any one in this city. - , STJGAR-CURKD SHOULD KES, BACON STRIPS: CANVASSED HAV3, and a few CHOXCti W.'C, HAMS, and the celebrated FERRIS URCAN-'. COFFEES BOASTED AND GROUND DAILT '-; The ONLY PLACE in tovra where it can be had - FRESH. . The MAGNOLIA HAMS, Justly celebrated over the world as THE BSST CANVASSED HAM in .the Uaitad States. Try one by all means. JAMES C. STEYENSOrV -aafStf MARKET STREET. Only a Few Left. BUYERS APPRECIATE THE LOW PRICES we are givunr with those " ,. "BARGAIN" LOTS OF SHOES, ' Yoa get MORE than money value.' Come andv get a Palf before they all go. i M M I JGO. IX. i? reilCll OS oOIlS. I f ' ".V a,' anglStf1", School Books. gCHOOL BOOKS, ABOPTED BY THE STATE Board of Education, , AND ALL OTHER SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL SLATES, PENCILS, &c. Special Discount ta Merchants and Teachers. Orders by mall will receive prompt attention ; - Prom ,. HETNSBERQER'S - auglGtf " live Book and Music Stores. BUFFALO LTTHIA WATEE NO. 2, (by the bottle or case). Coneress Water, Hataom Water - All the popular Mineral Waters on draught from our handsome soda fountain. MUNDS BROS. & DeROSSET, , - Druffgists, Market St. THE SPANISH CHEROOT only 5 cents. augMlt TXTHITE YESTSJAT 75c. I T . i ' SUMMER SUITS ONLY $5.00. THE BEST UNLAUNDRIED SHTRT s ' WORN FOR ONLY $1.00, auglC It Gente' Furnisher and Clothier. $30.94 , 2.61 THE UPPER ROW OF FIGURES REPRESENTS ' the cost of 81.000 ordinary life lnRnranc (at , age 40) tu the Equitable Life-insurance Co., the - wnuiwuuui nuuuu, fiew xorK jjiie, ana an other mutual life insurance companies tu the U. 8. except the MUTUAL lifkob1 new vorit The cost of $1,000 insurance in this Co. Is repre-' eente'lby the lower row of figures. Any one Who can take two from two nun nalnnlntn thn ! difference In cost. The MUTUAL LIFE is the". ; largest Co. In the world; its premiums may be naid in monthly instalments: tta Iarrt-r nr tma I -without discount, and all Its policies are non forfeitable. Male lives insured for $50,000; female lives for $10,000. ! Any other information will be furnished py M. S. WILLARB. Agent angle tf , 212 N. Water 8treet. IDRNLESEED ! TURNIP SEED l BAQA TURNIP pBED I -- White Flat Dutch, Red or Purple Top, I ;'j . tvniie uioDe, - xeuow Aberdeen. t v:White Globe, r seven Top, Cabbage Seed, &c.. r . - For sale by - ' , WILLIAM H. GREEN, ang8 tf . : i . ,. Druggist Ltiiiimer's Cotton Gin ! rrrs claim for it greater speed, lighter draft and better sample than any Gin on this market, it combines also that great lm. provement the Beater Attachment. GILES MUKCHISON, .. l ang 10 tf 38 A 40 Mnrchlson Block. BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! . . BARGAINS! IN EVERY DEPARTMENT 1, . - Dry Goods and Carpets. h iJe marked an goods at the LOWEST It POSSIBLE, PRICES, and during the present I "jyftfSE ?n hMdmustbeelosedout. and the prices will move them. Dont forget we mo iuwwMsu m uww jou just wnav we can ao. R. M. fclcINTIRE. aug 10 D&Wtf Stiff & Soft Hats !: Straw Hats I HARRISON A ALLEK ' ' '" ' Hatter. aug 14 tf For Sent, FIRST PLOOR OF EAST STORE IS5S.1 S of the Evans Block, from 1st Octo ber next Apply to - , H. C. EVANS. - augUtf Valentine's llenctol Pencils, SURE CURE FOR HEADACHE, NEURALGIA,' Toothache and Nervons Affeetinna. OnlvlO ' Cents. Also. Drnen. Pprfnmprv Vstnrv nnrl Toi let Articles, Prescriptions a specialty at F.C.MILLER'S, aug 18 tf Corner of Fourth and Nun Streets. Specialties. JOSQUITONETS, . - v ' 1 BABY CARRIAGES, - - - WINDOW SHADES,' RATTAN CHAIRS,. LADIES' DESKS AND WORK TABLES, and a fall line of the most FASHIONA BLE FURNITURE at lowestrprioes, at the LEAD ING FURNITURE HOUSE." V aug iotf - THOS.CCRAFTj At' --!.- J'-fc - f

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