- J -X X. , . ' - (rep (REM 1 CURETTES V I II ' I I ikd tions whcn 'jiicn Willi v I I EE 1. IL' demand., iMTS-mixS Each Cigarette is provided with a swetclea'n.hew mouth piece, which feposes of all nicotine. ' . or!rJe-mkBUlL Iqd (pmni wiftoul it. 15m . toc&nrm cbd an 31 Fail Words faU to ,. express my grati-zc; - 1 tude" says Mr; 4u Caeteil of Kashrille. Tenn.. "lor 4e 1ivfits derived from Ayefs SarsapariHk. ton? been afflicted all my life -with Scrof- ; . my system seemed saturated with it. It , "Mod fin Blotches, Ulcers, and Mattery ' fw 11 OTer my body." Mr. Carter states '; w m Tas emirely cured by the use of iJJE's Saesapaeilla. and sibco divfln. fcaisg its nsef eight months ago, he has had - retfc of tUa rpf ulous symptoms. Ail baneful Infections of the blood are "fnptly removed by this unequalled altera- : ' Sre. t-BEPAKED BT J.C.Ayep&Co., Uwell, Mass Sail h n r. . . . "r?gists; 51, tlx bottles for nrm dee 31 AYER f i L c ferns to eouumc ....... - mi j Ltance t(lem.i , " maiaviai aw- A Mr8 nuch,) far v..-.. ' .. . - -1 4 reme.lv u ' scu hi mo ; 2 or deleterious aubsto,u l..t- !te..i. ... ""i"""u, urn. leaves the "aiuiy as it was before M.a .i.cl T ATEE'S AGUE CDIIE a m- I"' KemUte't -ever.: . tlnetrio, a n,alana- I" caseof fafturer hw, are "orlwd, by our : . . July 1st, 1882, to refuud the'; i Ayer&Co.. Lowell. Masa! WbyaUDinggista. . T . - . - i novai'-: - GOLD MEDAL; A&BFS- ' Warranted ahantutfln m oeoa from hich th& ercew 6i 1? V11 ha8heenremQved.It hMtkrea the ttreityh of Cocm mixed, tflh Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and ia therefore far more economl , eal-: It U delicloM, noorUbtog, trengtbenin?. , admira adapted for Invalid tm . well as for persons ia health. " :' bjfiroem eTerrwher - I CO., DoMtestBr, Hass x. 7 we fr ra ' 1 ' jan s SOU & ITnmiitw'it i&tn : ro " Op mrm -i.)k ,.n . 'HANOvmBrrrLTiTwa : Untl, instoa, N. C. i tdTBR-anriiifn 7im Mtt P'tal Represented Ovir itoOJW Aft : TOIMomihg'Staf: raoss. BY EDGAR FAWCKTT. Strange tapestry, by Nattire ipun' : n !' ! On viewless lawns, aloof from Bun, c --: And 8pread through lonely- nooks and Where shadows reign.; and leafy rest- Oh moss I of all your dwelling spots, ! - In which one are you Icrteliest tt ;C : ' .... : -,. . ( . . ' Is it whea near grim roots that colt - 1 Their snaky black; through humid soil ?: , : , Or when you wrap, in woodland glooms, 1 Tne great prone pine trunks, rotted ' :;: redjvt.il uf C U:Oify--ii -rfH .; Or when you dim, on sombre tombs, The "requiescats! of the dead ? -a Or is it when your lot is cast ;r " r - ' In some 4aaint garden of the pasC5 Ji 'r On some gray, crumbled basin's brim, Withs concha that 'milde wed Triton's5" V blow," ' -;;p While yonder, through the poplars prim Looms up the turreted chateau ? r ; Nay, loveliest are you when time weaves xour emerald turns on low, dark eaves, y a Above ,where ink p6rch-f oses peer, til f And woodbines . break . . in fragrant foam - . ' . And children laugh and you can hear The ibeatingspf the heart of home. ; ; ' (DOB OTATB CONT This political cry of equality as seen in the Republican clamor at Chicago and en dorsed by ' Dr. York is an attempt to de grade the coble Anglo-Saxon race that rwere born to ,rule. t, The .inferiority of races la printed4 on the face of nature and indelibly written in the ; history, of the world's progress, r When you hear a white man preaching on civil rights you. may know he is a demagogue who expects.to ride intt office on the backs of the poor negro. aneury Aurora. -. Ask tiie aid of no one; and when you have hepped yourself the world cannot take the! credit .tmakiiyou iehat you; are. - Cajve your "own way "up the steps" of difficulty ; by cutting one step after an- -.other out of the stone until the height is reachedwhere the prize is be to won. Those who hate acquired fame or made fortunes arp not 'often those who prayed for puffs and public favor. They have stretched out their hands and touched the public heart, and it .has pulsed more generously when you have fully aroused its sympa thies aid ' mteresta Point Enter- pnse., ... . ; ! THE CAMrAI&ITj Cjolonel. Vilas is booked for fifty speeches in .Wisconsin and he is to make at least one trip East. " .- :. . . Gen.T Plaiste will take, ,the stump in lluetiiUweek, and refresh Blaine'4 memory in the. matter of .theMadi gan circular. . .... , - ; ' U A call ia out for the Blaine bolt Berkshire county to meet in Pitts i I 4. ere o field. Mas3.,Aiir.29. at 2.30PLrJtf to form ajrounortaljizatJon. l ' - Carl Schnrz has accepted an in vitation from some Germans of Milwaukee to visit; that city and to make a speech on the political condition of the country. A. well-attended meeting of anti Blaine Republicans and Independents was held at Brandon, Vermont, Saturday evening, and a campaign club was formed. - - T-Tie secretary of the committee of one hundred says that his canvass shows that in a ward of one city whicht went Re publican last year in a total of 210 votes, Cleveland will have one vote more than Blainej a-1 large number of . Republicans having decided to throw their ballots either for Cleveland or St. John, or strike off the head of the ticket altogether. Botton Post. ; irLBAjnr,JN, Y?, Ang. 24. Let ters ' from Cincinnati and Cleveland ' say that the Republicans are becoming alarmed and , are making . plaintive appeals for monej . The German element is a cause of much juneasiness on the part of Republi cans. 1 Unlessaffairs take. a turn a large part " of, this class will go with the Demo crats, bid in Such numbers as ' to make a Republican victory almost impossible., : j , IAugusta, Me., Aug. .24. The Republicans will this week add to their stock! of imported speakers the, following: William Cumback of Indiana, Henry H. BingBam of Philadelphia, Frank Hiscock, JobnL. Barbour andf Gen. ; George W. Car ter6flNew York, Col El a Taylor of Chi cago, lex Gov. Ixmgiof laxSsachufctt&i Kep resenfctive''Hort"'of ' Michic3n, Geni Joe Hawley of Connecticut," Mark H. Dunnelt of Mijanesola,' and Rev. ' Dr. George W. Pepper. Judge J. B. Foraker, Gen. Robert P. Kennedy and William McKinley of Ohlbj -iv . ..... political roiNi&tuv -4Are noi &focrM.9the ewnTork Tribune sufficiently funny with out tie Blaine managers-starUnK a comic papet ? Baltimore Day, Bern. s; I fTapa, wby do they" call Mr. Blairje a plumed kfugJtfJ.T LOno teason, my Bbv, may be that while( in office he al wavsi feathered his twn nest.' 'St: Pant If Cleveland's letter, of accep- tanexj was' brtef, wnat are we to siyie Hendricks T Brevier 1Chicdfar-NeiJD8. No; no, niinion. PMladeljM Inquirer, Wrong agaiij. NcnpareiX.I-SMtAd JayKJem. -4 The one incomprehensible ttina to the Republican politfcWnsi the iniuncJ- tion ft Gov.Ulevelanciionv inena, - a eat the truth." They can't begin- to under- stand why the truth snouia oe toia wnen therd is a good opening lor a lie. Wash ington Post, Deify? pi . ?; r iV V-l-i - Benjamin ; FT Bntler Vas the most violent and unscrupulous of the - im peachers off Andrew; .Johnson in 1868. These was nothing to which this malignant demigogue did not resort in order to pro cure the removal oi tne rresmem. rim. Jtecordlnd. Dem. . j v !Tne Blaine Scandal. SrJcW dispatch to the Boston Post. lNbiAKAi?blis, August 24It is ru mored here that the Indianapolis Sentinel has gathered a remarkable Utrnnor arravbf facts to be used in Its awb aetence in case our. pwiuc ouau brine libel suit to trial.! Senator VOrheetf will be th leading attorney f nr the Sentinel. In aa; editorial paragraph the- Sentinel . Bays; ,?!r"Ere labi the . nuhliewill ; know through tner ynn7i"(iiuuu. . guvu.4Ho whfr the . liepnblijan . cdndidate. was thel person most tnterestea in; naving figure chiseled fxom the tOfAbstdrie,'1 ae circuatiioux u. kuv., wijf-"iKr nel hiS' increased over '4000 copies ; gineelBteineereiJiis suit. 2VV':.'. tA f!inn Tn nXl who axe Bufierinff srom SirAra atWT inilionrpf inna of VOUth, nerV(18 WfldlrTVWta - ftftrtv df!SV. .08S OI maDuouu, aW r- w' a rit v w.li 0f !frife that-will cure you FBEB OPCniUQK, ' XUIS grea reiuBu,noo disoovered by a missionary in -South Amer ica? end selt-addressea envelope wwty. Joseph T. Ismail Station D, Nm York. VM AMITY BEGINS AT HOME. New Orleana Mei Xn&tjHxtmci fiii , V Capital Prize or $1;000. , Eugenej Gaudlns, warehouseman for Messrs B. OnoTito & Co.V?for some,linie, is a good and trusty wotkfir;"Hewas.'coa parativelsf happy at his hoine.: No-231 SL Peter street, and in his walks e passed a place in which the tickets ofiThe Louisiana State Lottery Company laAprayed' He had purchased tickets in partnersfcjp' wtyh his fellow-workers. During August he saw one diplated which particularly struck his fancy No. 15,365 whether it was the pe culiar arrangement of the B'sYor thq, magl cai placing of the 3, even Gandhis-is at. a loss to explain. , But that - particular ticket haunted im; peeped out enticingly front thft winrlnw KrrnnrffT TvlninW in Via Ytrmatif The day was close, at hand, and stilbit hung in tue wmaow.-r ajs'jcomraaes were, drop ping off, n& when the' last day, the 12th arrived, it was almost to4bejpiUed &bits loneliness'. Gaudina earth dav Grlanned hastily tdsee if his.Uttle 4en:ct;was stllHaH piace, Biartea several ximes. o wais poiaiy. in and bay it on his sole account; bp 'ie? old trammels of the' partnership. arrange-; ment held him nntil thn last mnmnnt Tpn o'clock on the morning of thelSthheheld Boieiy inni8 soie possession one-nitn or tne coveted Hicket. ? . The - revolutions of the . wheel at j the Academy of Music brought oat No.j -15,865 asr drawing hthe. Capital, prize. The fact was published and came soon to the earsofjSaudins, who yesterday was poor, but to-day, by tha Investment of a dollar, sanks among the "bondholders." - He called at the office of The Louisiana State Lottery w4th J, Mr, Onorato; and was promptly paid in full. A reporter wanted tio know what he proposed to do. and he answered that he would buy a nice home for his family, and that seeing them placed beyond the reach of want and in comfort Would be as much happiness as he desired. The .balance of his, money he would try to Invest profitably!' and would himself Continue to play his modest part, unspoiled by prosperity. -signed his name neatly to the receipt for the money, and went out of the office of the Lottery as happy and contented a man as the Crescent f "S tl7 nmv rnntnina Wat fnlanna TInunmo August J5th. : ; --.:vt,, ,. , , , Hearing that another fortunate holder of a part of the lucky number 15,365, drawing $75,000 in the August scheme Of The Louisiana State Lottery, was on hand to collect his money, a reporter interviewed him. Mr. Louis Seymour; the fortunate gentleman, was found in the ofSce of the Lottery f with i two friends. He had pre- sented his one-fifth ticket, and was await ing the making out of the check for the ambuntjit called for. While appreciating his.: fortune, he was perfectly cool and pleasant . u . ; ' He told the reporter that he was a native of Memphis, Tenn., and served in the Con federate army in the battle of Shiloh, under Gens. Albert Sidney Johnston and Beaure gard. His health, impaired by army ser vice, had grown much worse of late years, and he ame ; here to " benefit himself As his means were limited, he went to work on the buildings of the great World's Fair, to be held, in New i Orleans next winter. He stuck to it steadily for nearly five months,' although it almost counterbalanced the good doneThim by tha genial climate. r He Tas a firm believer in luck, and never failed to purchase a ticket n The Louisi ana State Lottery. His experiment in pur chasing No -15,365 has . confirmed him in his belief. He was pleased with the coun try and the people; was delighted with everything, and hoped to enjoy his good fortune. He had not formed any distinct plans for the fnture. bat wbiild remain at case for some time recuperating, not for getting) always to try his luck in the lottery that bad proved such a bonanza to him.' New Otleant Picayune, August 16. ' f FRAUD! CAUXIOIflf ' Kany Hotels and Rcstaurante refill th6J Lka & Pkrrins' botUes 'with a spmtobs mixture and skve it as the GENUINfi Lea s& Ferrfns' Worcestershire Baaoe. THE GREAT SAUCE ' ioF,yq&woRLp. ..;;, Imparts the most dellcloaa taste' ind rest to - EXTRACT. ' " -. :r.. !,. .".i" ;k-r of a Better from 1 J 5 ras,to his brother I I ctBAVIES at WORCESTER. tZfftf- EIN3 that their sauee Is highly es teemed in India, and is In my opin km.the most Dala- nOT&COLD - - 1 :.' MEATS, '.- f .x.. V. GAME, Set (, tnei most wnoie- Bome sauce that is maae." r Kfe-nalrrrn la rm Averv DOEUO OI UGnUMB VyOROESTERSHIRE . .SAUOET;' i - Bola ana nsea tnroturaoas vu worju. AGENTS FOR THK TJtSITFD STATES. f nh 14 Doawlv " fr 1 - 1 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, it-' Wllmingtojn. s N ,C, t J iH 0. I Perry, , j j . I'roprieior, Wr(i rn in (dl aniKilntmenta: Terms 12.00 10 ?.ta ier doy. - feb 8 t xi er. narSv tn Vfthmarv an soon as the Drlnters re- celve the necessary material -the publication of the I i. : "' "" RALEIGH REGISTER, a North Carolina Democratic newspaper, will be OUiUlUOUWU. ... ... n.t. : The Sxsistkb wui De pnntea weeuv nniu sn trreaD poinioai campaign ui un uokiuh then be issued twice a week, or as often as may In North Carolina. It wul be printed from new ana Deautinu sypey an koou wmut paper, buu thoash it may not be large enough to hold all at ases sometimes promise, yet we sppucauun 02 a thorough knowledge of how to use them will pat 1HW) ICS WUTl.y-l.WO UIUSU WUIUUJU Ml vud uoito. mttcil good reading, and a complete history of .),. fa iinnA in North Carolina. Mr. Ualx will be editor of the RuesnXB. -J:'' -4 ' -'::' Tne price 01 tne uxemxn wui oeaa ycrj i ,..). Pav r mnf hnmfl nn.TMtr. n.Ti(l lur blx wuuwa x -" then remit for the Kigistkb. Those who remit tatathls office will receive as - v ' . , either volume ordered of "Hale's Industrial Se ries." Two volumes are now ready: mJ-itm. . -xx W1.M ..M ft.ttiiwii flionrtvl Curtis'a, Emmons', and Kerr'B Botanical Re- ., rjofts, suppienjeuieu oj auuuraw wuij - TOtteof Standing Forests,-and Illustrated by an excellent map 01 tne utaie. i Tomme umu. . OT4 nrv 1 OK . - I . i .It .Vj-;.. LfTDXisTiaKs o Nobtb: Cakottha Ih ram Cut - ANt iBoir C0tTlmM.Emlri6n8,', Kerr's Latd ley's, Wilkes', anoVthe Census Beportsf snpple- T" nitrated by full and accurate sketches of the - ' -mtiwjrt-r rvfnnties. and MaD of the State. 1. volume i2mo.r Ctojhi 425pp-j. VS& : Address &AroSRER, ? The Lincoln Press, jjjojbiDED EVERY FRIDATf AT UNCOLN- J : i -S. JOHN V TVVTOlf an Prop. The PRESS Is acknowledged, -by those who t n Ana of the best Advertising -MaittnTna in wnatArn North Carolina. It has a large and steadUy increasmg patronage in Lin MeOfclenbnrg counties. Advertising rates libe- rat - Subscription l.eo per annum. . ma u a. J T h ef rl o r n in Star L'-! - ff -- - - , :. kiff Suskia) daily and weekly Urn ijto Rates In; Mrance.- ?i DAILY S' 'AB, One Tear, postage paid T. $7 00 TlireeMonjUw! iwo montos, ;ne Month 4 , v-j ' X- . .-. WEEKtY STAR, 0ne Year, postage paldi 60 i U t ' 1 m ....... - ' ' ' . ' ' Six Months. . . . 1 i. 1 00 1 Three. Months , w ; iJL.x.1' 60 .4 N0)TICS OP. THE PEES3 r i' Thfi Svl la AasrirlaAlTr n&'n fva Ixqct Vvnnnw. w Jhe State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life The Wttiilnpton 8t2b hM fintomd on itji MM year as gooda paper as any people should want. vnarlottJMmocrat.. year- As a dally journal of news 4t stands "ud h4f Cjpno. -.v . .,, p The WDmlngton Stab has entered Its twenty nfth volume.. There Is no better paper published in ih State. Xtwif Tatnc. ' - tvT , . , . Tne wiunlngton Stab has entered upon Its thir teenth year. It -Is one of the best papers In tha State. Wmrreruon Gazette. . The WHsilngtoo; Stab has entered Its thirteenth year. theS It has become one of the leading narers'of ie;SoatIiJ Oxfprd TordOiQht.. j ' - 1 : The Wllmlnirton Stab Is not onlV bne of tn a hAot edited papers in the State, but for freshness' of news and! typograpicai appearance cannot be beaten. -Jackson Meporter. . . . , The Wllinlngtoh Stab Is one of the very best pa The Wlltnineton (N. C.) Mobbtho Stab is a mod el newSDaoer. Indeed, we think we do not exae gerateltspierits when we say it Is the newsiest (secular) paper published in the South. icAmorid FU jReliqtow Herald. . . .v- j . The Wilmington Stab has now TOtered trpon lta thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited naners In the South And, as a Jtforth Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tasvon SoirtJurner. r .. , , -; ,, v; ; " We like the Stab because It Is thorouerhlv re liable, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect news-' aper. Long may toe .MSABjtwmsie-, A.try . mtor. ' - : v ...v . ., - - Althonah at the head of the nress hi this State In all thai makes a paper valuable to the reader, -still it continues to improve, - It is a Stab of the first magaltude. ; May its iustre. never .wane. TtoJfree wui jsaptuu . . The Stab Is so wen and f avorablv known In this section of the State, that we can say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know. It Is in everv respect one of. the best dai lies in the South. Jlobesorilan. " That maeiiiflcentbeamliur Stab has completed its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and srkling dailies south of the Potomac The system in the get up of the pa per BorpaBses mem an. l arouro sxmuierntr. The Wimlngton Stab has entered on its twelfth year. .It is a most excellent newspaper, weu ed ited, a compendium of all the Tiews of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and tc North Carolina journalism. Charlotte Observer., The Wnhdngton Stab is now taking the regular. midnight Associated Press reports, and has be sides increased the amount of Its reading matter. The Stab! Is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising since it is so deservinK. Chariot U The Times cannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has lust reached one of Its Jnany birthdays, r As a newspaper it is a favorite witn tno state press ana is sougni alter oy tne people. Iiong and prosperous life to it.Peld vilU Time. ' 1 ... The Wilmington Stab, we are Pleased to notice. still confinnes on the high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly regarding it as one nf thn vnrv best of nnr exenaneres. ana consider it the peerjof any journal published hi the South.- uxror jree Lance. ; 1 . Whr la it that all the papers with the name of Star are such bright little journals f The Wilming ton (N. c.) stab, tne wsshington star, tne irrea erlcksbarg Star, New York Star, for example. There must be something in a name after all. Richmond (Fa.) State. - The WHmlneton Stab has entered upon its 12th volumeand we are pleased to notice still contin jies on the road to success... We esteem the Stab verr hiehlv. regarding It as one of tne very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news oolumns are always a little fuller than those 'of any other or our exenanges, ana its eaitoriai ae aartment is conducted with much ability. JUcr oanton JUade. j Humble hi its besinnhurs. as was Inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the Treck of for tnna that attended the collapse of tne Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed'' un til it now beams respiena$nt in we rail glow 01 a constantly briguteijng prosperity. Asa newfjra- T?r it has few 1 ana no superior, ior arrrs udlcious arrangement, and prlate selection and : we are proua w ran it among our most accerra ble excSanges. : BMlsboro Becorderi The wlhninffton Mobhtns Stab has entered up on the thirteenth year of its existence, and we; take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its THwsneiatY and deserved popularity. The remark-' able success of the Stab is due to its strict atten- - j x 1 im 1 a n. o .w. wl l. r. 1 UOU IO PUBUIOBB All") BUWH.UiJdai'VMlliUUUl'. 'too) to that it Always na&xne news, anq tnis is. ie first thinff ht iournaiismJ Otherwise: the pa-. per is all that the Umcyit'goodBewopaTer' im- SUes, ahd its corps of editors and reporters are aoroiifhly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral Influence of the Stab never be re tarded; and may its genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. Gdd&oroMesMior. 'r ."-. ffiBnaln. Want vt ArmAlltA mjI Rahm. mnunfli and r&ervM receive new force. Jk-Snlrvens the mind and I A 171 1 KSO ewfTerlnfffrom complaints mms anniioB Krain rower. m tj f la m0 pecnllar to' their aex will pedy cure. GlTeu clear, "'y,?P'li .S equent atwrnpta at cpnnxerfxmg onlyadd to tie popnlarJty of the original. Do not expert- ang16DAWlyt'6 .ill : au IS B ahk of Hew Hanover. Autiorlzed Capital, i $1,000,000 Cash Capital paid in, j ! .f ?: ' Surplus Fund, - . - - L- DIRECTORS-; ! $30jt,ooq . $50,000 W. Z. GORE,: C.M.STEDMAN, ISAAC BATES, "ia:A;tKAJ5r'..r"l': TP. RIIEINSTEIN, ' ' Ck WILLIAMS, ' ,1 DpNALl) MacRAB, b! vollers. Rt R. BRIDGERSr V B. JB,r BORDEN, " Ji W.ATKINSON. - 1 ISAAC BATISi President,,; I Q. W. WlLLIAMSi Vice President. anSOtf ,Sv I. WAtllACB. flashier Hdlasses; Baggj, &p. kHhds Prime CUBA MOLASSES. AA do do P. R. jo . A A Half Rolls Standard BAGGING, - jj Q Q Bales New ARROW TIES. ; K(( do Pieced ao QQ BbIS FIAJUU, , ws.ili 1 x ' x, s. A A Bbls SUGAR, QQ Bags CWSB,.Cw 'X,-Cr;. l Lime, cement, riaster, ao. ,v -' -! i1j 'Ail atjLowest Prices. m aug 24 tf VTWORTII 4: WORTH. 1 t Star Saloon JS THE PLACE TO GET. THE VERY FINEST SHBIMTS to be f eund In the cltVjJ Also,WINES,j LUuOlia, uiuahs ana ivjuAVAAi. vau ana oe convinced: . -ihtiZZ" etanltf r-;-!-,;,.; Proprietor.;:.. pers in tne aqutn, in every aeparxment irom typo graphy upj to editorial ability and independence. JttertourqiVa.) Index-Avfmi. . ; u AS vaiOBLTTm: , 'dlExf: f(Q)'KlD;' 1 w, BninBjHnMnBOTV cwa jour nam w iu5tii.; 45Zn:in m mfnllof tiaase and ustBnl.uuoniiauon,ine. ;;,.! wholesale parens. Our quotations. It should be understood, represent the wholesale - prices ? generally. .In making npWall orders higher prloes have to be tmargexL- , . - PBICX8.- -IQMfc'lflf BlonNGrf5anny :.; f .v..: - i 6tftlld ftld ' iS mi p'm'f it " BACON North Carolina ;r . Hams, ft -. . .vx.. .... ....J.. - . Shoulders, p !.:...,..'..-.,, -. . .Sides, choice, Tb ... . . . . vWxrBBK SKOBBn-HEIams.fi Jbft sids 9 fiShoulxleTS, t Dbt Saxtbd Sides, hi;v..i.--. Shoulders, fllb.i. ...i...... BARRELS Bnirits Tnrnantine. . 00; ;.12j. W. 11 ;. V 00 & 00 00. & CO- r 00 00 ; Hj SeeondHand,ach....;.....":i 60 1 6S ; NewNewYork,eaob...i.'x 1 SO 8 00 i ' New City, each. . :. ....... . .1 00; & 1 90 ' BEESWAX 9 ; " ' - 00 : 26 v BRICKS Wumington, V M.., ,8 00 9 00 Northern.....".............;. '0 00: '-144)0 BTJTITCR North CJarollna. 00 , ; 00 " - Northern. S 1 " SS'-'S5 --t GANDLESr-V fc Sperm. ... -. 1& lf.85 TalloW................ vllM..x 12 Adamantine.................. 00 ii 12 . CHEESE Ib-North'nPact'y . , .14 .: , 14W . Dabry.iCream... ............. OO & s li - State i.. i.-.i it 00 . , 11 - COPFEE-I xvJava.. ... 18 28 . Laguyra ......x... ' 13 , .' 14'.. ?" Rio ..J.,,..,. .- ? 00 ,.10 , CORN MEALll bush, in sacks, ; r 85 87 ' ' Virginia Meall 'l 90 - 92J4. COTTON TIES V bundle . 1 40 1 4f , D0M3STIES Sheeting, 4-4, yd 6J a7 Yarn&l bunch J 00 I 85 BGGS-dosen... '..;r..t:-' -00 18 WSH-Mabkerel, No.l.bbl..l8 00 f 20 00 ; . Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl.. S50 10 00 - Mackerel, No. 2, bbl... .....S 60 10 00 H'-aauKerei, no. s, v omi uui. d uu o ou Mackerel, No. 8, fi bbl.... Mullets, bbl ... - Mullets, Pork bbls. . . . : - N. O. Roe Herring, V keg ' Dry Cod. ...... FLOUR-V bbl-Phie........ 8 60 , 9 00 b 00 - 6 00 11 00 12 00' 8 00 4 eo : :"' 1-1 i. 10 v- ,0 00 5 00- 4 50 5 00 6 25 6 60 5 50 8 00 - 4 CO '4 75 5 00 5 85 , . . 00 : 0 00 1 7 10 ' 13 Nortnern super i Extra " f PamUy 1 City Mills Super. . " T Family... M 1 'Extra Family...... GLUE W B GRAINS busheL ; ' xjo rn, store, pags,pnrae,waiie ' Corn, cargo, ia bulk, - Corn, cartro. In baes. " 85' ,,73 ' ,80 71 !' 47H 00 0 10 86 ... 74. . ' . 82 ' ; 73 '. 60,. ;i0o .""12 1 05 v, 1 OOx" ' Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags Oats, from store.. . . . . . ..... ' Cow Peas.................... HIDES B lb Green.... Drr-v-...- v HAT i00 l)s Eastern..,... westotii ii. '. v ' "North River...-. ..4. .......... HOOP IRON-? . . ; . ' LARD 9 t Northern......... North Carolina.............. LIMB barrel. t, T TTUDPb. rM-x HO V TV - 95 "90 90 1 00 9 00 00 : 10 I 40 Ship Stuff, resawed..... IS 00 50 00 - . Rough Edge Plank..... IS 00 16 00 West India Cargoes, accord- ing to oallty.. 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 22 00 . Scantling and Boards,com'n 12 00 115 00 MoiiASSKa-r-v gauon New Crop Cuba, luhhds.... " , " hi bbls.... . Porto RJeo,mhhd8.. ......... 1 t in bbls.. . Sugar House, Inbhds.... . , t In bbls........ Syrup, hi bbls. . . NAILS V keg Cut. lOd basis.. OILS gallon Kerosene.. .. . Linseed.., i....." , Rosin................ Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens,llve,grown I 44 . Spring.. - Turkeys J PEANUTS bushel.... POTATOES $ bushel Sweet.. Irish, ner barrel, new .,. 00 00 00 .00 vOO 00 "401 00 '12 1 10 90 . 15 00: 00 . 00 V 8 00 1 00 76 I 00 29 30 vf;t2 & 1 20 80 8 00 ' 13 r 4s 1.00 13 20 22 25 2b J 50 1 60 1 00 SCO: PORK iJ barrel-City Mess.... 17 50 Prime , 15 00 18 50; 16 00- Rump....V... 17 00 18-00 RICE-Carolkia, , 4 Vi- 8 Bough, ft bushel (Upland)., jjo, r ao uawianaj RAGS Ih-Country .......... 4 City,....J ROPE . SALT ft salt-Alum Liverpool i Lisbon... American.... SUGAR V lb-Cuba.. Porto Rieo A Coffee 00 00 0 0 0 0 7M 0 l(&a 5 B " G ! " . Ex C Crushed. SOAP W lb Northern . ... . . " 4 SHINGLES 39 M Contract.... , Common. . .. Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts.............. STAVES M W O Barrel. R O Hogshead. . . 5 00 17 00 2 00 ; 2 50 4 60 5 00 0 00 7 50 13 00 18 00 00 00 10 00 TIMBEB-VM feet Ext Heart (1st class yellow pine): .13 00, " Prime ship's, 1st class heart. Extra Mill, good heart Mill Prune .................. ' Common MQl Inferior to Ordinary ........ 00 12 00 00 10 00 ,00 8 00 6 50 7 60 ' 4 00 4 50 seo 4 00 00 20 1.1 en ' is Unwashed Bnnr, i ..10 : 12. f 5 WHISKEY V gallon N Ion Northern 1 00 6 00 " North Carol inna...... 1 00 a 50 WIliItHiyGTO HONEY 1 f Exebadge (sight) on New York,.'..' discount Baltimore...;.... Boston Philadelphia..... - - Western Cities.. Exchante.30 davs. X V eens.." ' Bank of New Hanover Stock..... y. ; .... 107 . First National Bank Stock........ . ...... 7. 90 Navassa Guano Company Stock.,,. ......... :140 Nortn carol ma.uonas-7-uia fix-cowpoiis.... . a ,. . ? unaing, 1&00 iu Funding,-1868. MO New4.t ...... 80 Soeolal Tax v, 4 - j. W A W R R Bonds. 7 o (Gold Interest). . . . 116 Oaroliiia Central R R Bonds, 6 Wo 106 Wllminarton. Col. A Augusta R R Uonds. .a 105 7 "WUmbigton City Bonds (new) 6 0. ... . . . 100 r , . . f". a 90 iwi New Hanover County Bonds, 60 ........ 100 Wilmington A Wehion RRStookr;..v.... 110 North Carolina R B Stock........ ...... 80 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock.... 50 Wilmington Cotton MOIs Stock. ..J 120 '-x We Can SmiTilv i l ; A A -. ALTjlTT' DEMAND FOR ' . - DRY SALTED and SMOKED MEATS. All grades of CUBA, PORTO RICO .., , I 1 ' -5 - .- 'xii-i.;-I MOLASSES and SYRO COFFEE, SUGAR, FLOUR, " Aid CASE GOODS at LOW,PRlCKS, x ,,.f And, solicjt orderafrom all reliable buye'rs.' ; . u jyz$DAWtff Iyy -f THE CELEBRATED "It CY! GAME FOWL HATI A NATIONAL KB 1U f t I rvntatlon. H mtatlon. They have tought and won a series of the greatest mains ever fought en this of any other continent, and Fifteen Parrs, on exhibition at Philadelphia 1b TV, were honorea Dy tne uni ted States Centennial Commissioner with the Dl- nlAm, anil MMIAl. . , f ..x I have a variety of Colors and most approved Breeds in the United 8tates. I will .ship splendid COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, per Express, a O. D., at from. 4MJa S8jOO each , HEN8r$2.50and $3.00 each; or $7.00 per Pair $10.00 per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred Pairs thiB i Summer,' the Finest Games in the World, and will ship .Young Fowl of March and April hatch during the months of August, Sep tember and October, at Five Dollars per Pah, or Seven Dollars per Trio. ' Whoever disputes the superiority of my Birds, will please back the assertion with their stamps. Wi4tA f nr what vou want. 1 r Address. i. u. Auunuivn, apCtf I Istoa. Nash Co. N.O. EKCOUBAGt HOHE-IHSTITOTIOHS. Tie: Koflrcaroliiia Hop tamco. TB5S COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE Po licies at fair rates on all olaraes of insurable property.! ; All losses are "Home" is rani anneals with 00: hi North Carolina. " ... " '. V' , Agents hi all parts of the State. ' ; ; ' i JOHN GATLING, PresideBt.' : J ' W. S. PRIMROSE Seoretary. . . , - 5 ' PULASKI COWPER,:8hperyiBOr. -U I !" ATKINSON & fn sep 26 tf v r- A r. Wilmington, y. C. LandFlasteri SALE BY WOODY TUBR1B, General uommission Mereuauisv p,. ... .... , i wilrainrton. N. O. Also. Sole Agents tat the PORTLAND PLAS TER MILLS, the products of whtcn are made rom HARDPLASTEB and FINEST GROUND. Correspondence solicited.-: i apsjtf. VV . W fx. f. 100 ill 1 . ljf i v.-jg 80 85 00 . 75 Ml IflL T 111 00 i"7S;i 00 , 00 11 6M Ranroa4,Cgf7r-;iit OCTRnr 6 GBBg0lTOJItBJ.IMT. IVi wnnimuil-w Jniv -u ifi&Ai J, oenanu jriaxeau, S5,uuu icei aoove ine sea levei. . -. .WuataEOB ijhjUSoyt ThisSehoel, untor the special patronage of the- , ff t Vv ft ' ,i H'l' 'T in II -yx x,:V fiH?' - - -" --.: v. .-' . xv i 4 '..-A AFTER' JULYx.l3i 1884, AT AOOiAiM.' rams oa tne wiiTnragtoTi yvei- Day Mt9 ind fixprM Tralair Dtilr lvelWjQWlngton, Front St. DepoCsi (lOtf AA" Arrive a wSaoafi....:'..:-.;' P kLi Leave Wejdon... .'.V-. . '.-.. &55 F. M. Arrive at Wlhnmgtoh, Front Bt. Depot. 433 P. M.- . AT ABBOfQaH JtAXb ASS f ASSXHaKBTBAtH DAILT -70 NO. to&oyTB-,, ux7o.Tx nuiuu.'ii,w.i.v.i...,;i..j,v 0.35 f. U. jArrive at WUmbigton. Front st. Depot, 1&00 P. M hah. Leave Wilmington.. .. . ...... .. ass P. M Arxtyft at WeUion.,. . 2.35 A. M fTraln o.,4QiSonth wttl stop only at Wilson,; vrvnuuunji aiiu jnaguuiu. J Trains otl vTarhorn Rntn n T?na1 1aa WvoV M6nnt foil Tarboro atl.20 PMwand .4.30 P. M. fI!fS!nt Tarboro at 8 P. M. and Train on Scotlanii Week Branch'Road leaves HalifttT tea- SfiAtl&nd IVnnV at T? XT . Itatnm. JngaeaveTsootland Neck atS 30 A. M. dally. - - Aram n. Hiaaes ciose connection at weiaon for all points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Line, o v-if -i Train No. 43 runs daiiv and mnlrni nlvu ivm. nection fdr all pointNorth via Richmond and Washington. -- - v - - - -; " All trains run solid hntwufm WilmlntH-i'n mrA WasWntbn, and have Pullman Palace Steepen For aooommodation of local travel a Passenger Coach wul be attached to Lnnal - nvnlo-ht iAn.vin Wilmington at 6.55 A.-.M. daUy except Sunday.,, -1 . ..... f. ..r; JOHN F. DIVINE, : .. : - , uenerai oiipx. -r. M. EMERSON, Gent Passenger Agenfe ' jy-istf) . . fILHipTOH, COLUBli & AOGOSf A A - BailxoadCo. , ; J Omci or GxmBAi, Sup't, 1 r ; s Wilmington, N. C Ahg. 18, 1884. f ' Change of Schedule. . ON "AND AFTER AUfiUST 20, 1884, AT 5.00 P. U.. the followtne1 nssenm'T -fthhAHnln vfll be run od this road: . IflGlT EXPRESS ' TRAINS (Dally) Leave Wlhuington.-... .(...w.. ...... Leave-Flbrenee-. w... . . . ... .v. . . . j Arrive at C, C. A A. Junction ...... U . . 9.C5P. M. 2.40 A.M. .... 6.40A.M. ....9.55P.M. . ..10.20 P. W. Arrive ail Columbia. Leave Columbia . 1 . . . -.1 . -J ... Leave C.i C. A A., Junction Leave Fforenoe. 4.50 A, M. Arrive at WIJLmhigton. 8.35 A. M. NieHT MivXL AirD pAssBroiB Tram, Dailt. No. 40 -. ' WBST. .; ' - , . Leave mmgtcai.;..h.;..V.;;.'.'.-..10JB8P. MV Arrive at Florence. ................. J. . .. 1.25 A. M. .j MaHi AHp PASsxHexB Tbaix Daily No. 43 East. Leave F)orxmce:V.C. 4.05 P. M Arrive at wiunlngton, . .u. ........ , ..... B.05 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations.. ' . -, No. 40 htops only at Remington and Marten. Passenffers for Columbia and all nolnta on 6. A C. R. TL. C. A A. R.R. Stations. Aiken Junction. and ail points beyond, should take 40 Night Express.- I - : . iit ....-..-M .t-wf Separate Pullman Sleepers for Augusta oh Train 4Ck .. V, All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington.- v .-u. . -i -i i : xl stvfi Local Freight leaves Wllmlnerton danv. except 8unday; at 6-50 A.M.. . ' 1 JOHN F. DIVINE, ' .Gen'lSupt. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. aug lStf ; CAROLINA' C1KTRAL RAILROAD CO. ,, 1 OmuS'ov StnrKJtiiiTasnimT, x .'-.. 1 ' v ; -,. .wummgtonN. (i, May 11, 1884. 7 Cliange of Schedule. eT8S KSQ AFTER MAY 12, 1884,' THE FOL lpwing Schedule will be pe rated on this it-. , ,. . ...f j r.:.: : PASSENGER MAD AND "EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. ' , ' - fceave Wlbnlngton at..,.. 7.30 P. M. ?e jiiaieignai....... ........ .7.30 ja. ve at Charlotte' at: . .-. 1 . .7.00 A. M. iVe Charlotte at..V. J.Jl.. 8.45 P. M. Arrive at Raleigh atl....... ....a30 A. M. Arrive at Wilmmston at. i . . .i..8.00 A. M. r Trains stop at re eular stations onlv. ts -designated In the Company's Time SB3LBY,DIVISION, PASSENGER ,MAIL, EX- -PRTtSS A-NTi HTxTKIOnT 1 taj.allyxjvapt fqndays. 7 Leave Charlotte ......... . 5.15 P. M. Arrivojat Shelby................ ....... 9.00 P. M. Leave rshelby...'.......; ......U..... 7.00 A. M. Arriveat Charlotte 10.45 A. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at with R. ' A A. Trains to and from Raleigh; gh Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. - Take Train No. 1 for Statesville, stations West ern N.-C. R. R., A8hviile and points West. -Also for Soartanburff. Greenville. Athens. At lanta and all points South west. , V ... ;'. . I - ... : L.C. JONES, , -. - Superintendent. lr. vr. ciakk, uenerai tassenirer Agent, . FRIEND. . .X .. .... . . . .. ....... A Jrecidus Boon to Ionian. 1 WORDS OF PRAISE. lng to be: confined .to use Mother's RelieL Cou pled wiih this entreaty I will add that during a ong ibstetrical practice (forty-four years) I have neves known It tofaUtoxfrodHcea uickand safe delivery. S H.' J. nOLMES, M. P. - A lady from one of the counties of Middle, Georgia, who has been acting midwife for many years, writes: I - have disposed of all the Mo--ther's Friend you sent me, and I am delighted with j It. In every instance where it has been used Its effects have been all that 1 could ask. , I consider It a great blessing." :A gentleman wrltes:"My wife used your Mo ther's Friend at her fourth confinement,-, and her testimony Is that she passed through it with one- half the suffering of either of her former .confine ments, and recovered f 90m Its effects in much less time.. She also 'recommended It to a lady friend who Was about to be confined for the first time; and she says: 'I have never seen any one pass through this great trial with so much ease and so little suffering.' " , wQa v ; ! A. qtflCIt Ain EAST TIME. " i ,: ' A distinguished physicfan of Mississippi writes: Every one expecting to be confined should use the Mother's Friend; for during a long obstetric practice I have never known it to fall to produce a quick and safe delivery. -' : - i This remedy is one about which we cannot publish certificates, but It is ai most wonderful liniment to be used after the first two 6r three monjtbs.'; ':" "f '; .' ' " , Send for our treatise on the Health and Happi ness of Women, mailed free, which gives all par ticulars : ' : ' ' '-. -' ' ' " J .. Y " '''' . if Bitoxd RxetriLATOB Ca, ' 'f ;- . - -' Box 28. Atlanta. 6a. William H, Green, Wholesale Agent; Wilmmg4 tOn, N. U. .;; i , ' V ' i . JUT i II vuoi ;i : Vi.,i " Jl ' Tin TTTTH Send six cents for postage A ATXtAi J2l and receive- free," costly box of goods which will help all, of either sex, tomore money right away than anything else in: utawnrM VATtanoa await the workers abso- htttelysura. At once address TRUE A CO-Augusta, Maine. ; t v." mhsoDAWiy don,Rallrofa( ir stir . ja m aim mm w , t , -.J mo. 1. oa; i .vtti; iBttI lOiea Nov&y andPoSn In i NEWAD VERTJSElIEliTS.' ..THE .DuTEE51.r ORIESOUTB. Is located at SEWANEE, TENN, upon the Cum- jsisnops of tne irotestant icpiscopal ennren in . - the Snnt.h . nt Smt.hwmt vnffdM th a huatthipst -. ' :.- - - ftMf68140116680 thtrbest advantages, both moral ? , , xuf-na eaueationai, in res urammar scnooi ana its - -x ' -Collegiate and Theologleal Departments. For tie.- I. fecial raaiins oitms university ror r apPl? for doeunientototheRev.TELF. Universitr for patronaee oeumentato thoBev. TELFAIR .HOJMK SON, D JP Yioe-Chapcellor, Sewanee, Tenn. - 4 tIluAbleto In the NEW Catalogue of the Busprass COLLEGE. ; YOmiG tiAir.: EVEE-Y SENT FREE. Address x" A. JT. RIDER, Principal, : Trenton, ff: JT. - E-mSSETlITE;- 5 jf h REV. J.CWBltATT.ftI' -prtTfnft' rt.iwl i. , , by a fall corns of experienced teaehars. Tha Jitb. r". - . scBBiuuupeas cepb iu, 1004. Terms moae- rate Number of boarders limited ATt.Uftnt.frrti' boaraers limited. A-pplii or im vacancies oreatea by tne retirement or.'-:; members of the nadnaincr rlimn will now. Ym pa- oeivedA Apply for circulars tothe Principal-i- rrnnna 'Vl'rr" r.tt 7 Treated bv aSiew and' wonderfnTlv snoeesflfii) - method, without the knife or less or blood t j Vastly superior to all other methods 1 Hundreds Of cases cured.' Write for deRcrfnt.tvA namnhlt - ' Address OB. E, H. GBEEN. 5'i,: pr '( lTJPeaehtree Street, ' ' yikUUCfirj Habits EASTXlT.iCTIBxEIX. 'rvBOOayREE,'- - dr. j. o;BorrMAK jmutsoiwiscossii., Send for aVCatalasae ortbe Collte of Physfciaiis anj Surgeons, : Baltimore, Md., which offers the . SSndent of JHeaicme superior advantages.! , i . THOS. OPIE,M. J: (Dean), 179 N.Howard St:.1'; $1,000 Jill ..:' I A Hi be paid to any one who will find a par- ' : IT tide of Mercnry, Potash, Iodine. Arsenic, ur any puiuonona auDsiance m CANCERS - 1 . . OPiP Swift's Fhecifics -gfr, .- . ; ."CC- ' - , - : ' " - . :. . ,- s -v .. . fl have cured Blood Taint by the use of Swift's . ecific after I had most signally failed with the ercuryand PoTash treatment " . -fr'i j I". A. TOOMER, M.'D., Perry, Ga. . "Swift's specific bas cured me of Scrofula of 12 years standing. -Had sores as large as my hand, and every one thought-1 was doomed. Swiffsl.. Specific cured me alter physicians and all other . medicine had failed." . E. L. HIGH, Lonoke, Ark. 1 . - x . j "Give lite a Christian, speak in deeds; A noble life's the best of creeds; .... And 'he thall ttear a royal crown t " Wholgives a lift when men are down." . ' - . . djl ft ftftft would not purchaseTrom me what U1U.UUU Swift's Soeelflo has done if or me. It cure d me of rheumatism caused by malaria.' . . . . TjrxTTT o mtiiu A a tv mA - - Statement of T. I. Maasenbnrg, . ' s ISacon. Ga. I have known much of ; the ntia of Swift's Rn- cific, and have seen many- of the worst-cases of Blood Taint and Blood Poison cured with it,af ter having tried all other sorts of treatment; in fact; I have never known it to fail when taken proper ly. I can cite the case of a young man who had been treated by the best physicians for Blood " Poison,, but all to no purpose; and as the time for his marriage was approaching, be was nearly . - . distracted. He finally took Swift's Specific, and' was cured as sound .as a new dollar. . Another who tried": evervthimr. and snent four . months at the Hot Sprines without benefit, was at last eured bv this remedv: His case was like raising one from the dead. I could go on and tell yont of a hundred cases, ' - Sin luatlso uaMaeia aadQAIa IMBAANefrTnnJlAd ." ". free to applicants. ' . TJiJS SWJjfT SfJSUIFIU CO., j ' ' 'Drawers, Atlanta, Ga. v N. Y.Oface. 159 W. 23d St.: PhUadelphla Office. 1205 Chestnut St. apltf : . ch sm Tyiiite Ileal Yeast. VERY VALUABLE PURE YEAST POWDER. Having been thoroughly tested by a great many Of the ladies of WQmiagton, I feel no hesitation I ........ . ; . In commending it to the public. It Is elegant for breadVrolls or btecujt. , - -:.... . It is made by Miss Hodges, of this city, of pnre vegetable matter, and she refers to ; . Mrs. A. A. Wlllard. Mrs. Geh Whiting, . Mrs. W. L Gore, ' . ' Mrs. Samuel Northrop, I for the correctness of her statements. For sale by ; f - ,r w. .:. JNO. L. BOATWRIGHT, 1 . v suy ; .t - " 12 A 14 No. Front 8t ' Sole Agent.1 mhSOtf ceries. - Groceries. 1500 Bbl8 FL0DK a11"! 1 - h ;.. - 1KA Bbls Granulated SUGAR ' 'iilVft J . -f.. : ; 15, , .Extra O and C- QBaBio,andLagnyra FBK.(-r , J.f TlerclVARl,iCi uwt sij .,-4 ... x if 111 uases ana uucaeis ijuj ; gQg8oxesCB3ESB,J,t) .... ; .. . ' - 1f A Tuba BUTTER,' ' ' ' : '. ,gQ Boxes and Bbls CRACKERS,.-!,.:- " .....' OAfk Bbls SEED POTATOES. V . ; Q Bbls TURNIPS, i d ,' OA Bbls APPLES. :. ' ' ' ' ";'- :" '' -' iRA HhdsMOLASS -iOKBblsV do 1AO " 1 Onn Kegs NAILS, OKA Bundles HOOP IRON, gQ Bbls and Half Bbls MACKEREL, Tobacoo. cigars ana smut. Candles, Soap, Candy, Ac, ror sate raw ay mh2tf ADRIAN A TOLLERS. .. i .V r4 : ----- New Scarborougli House: 104 NORTH -"WATER' STREET . - AND PRINCESS STREET fb Finest Restaurant in the City. 1 u 1 Board $1.25 per Day..; Three Tickets $1.60, Sis-, gle Meals 35c No Meals sent out. deeTtf , . . R. J. SCARBOROUGH, Proprt : " .'I TliRbtiespmcmr Pabshed every Wednesday hi Lmbern,'N.. C .'J f : ? By W. W.Hcpiimp k 1 HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION AND TUX largest advertising patronage pf any paper In the State. - It now has over eight hundred sub acribers in Robeson County alone, besides a ens eral circulation in the counties of Moore, Cum-, :. berland, Bladen, Columbus, Richmond, and in the adjoining counties,' Marion, Marlboro and Turlington, la South Carolina. .laa 84 1 --irit-jf t. ' x, ' ' , c xi v- -. - Jv, H t.; : -x x."x V.-Vi- 4 XX .'f tj-Xlit. ' '3 - -a f x r' " x. x; 'x;i'xTJji j, :vxf' x . v:4 'mi 1.3 . .'y.-i'xi . -x - .. - 1 - -,VfjxJ .;-"'..'-. ;. - . --1 v-' ;'.-St? '. --w.r'?x.j 5 I-5 -:-sx":"-.' sV'''-tx-i;a 2 -,ikii j. , . - V: ---." jcx .;.-..tr---;- :' x,. - - . '.-f x It " ' r.v.-.-;?f .. . .. . -A ; ' ?t i - ".'-;,- VC -x ,;-;cx..M -. : - : x --- .v.. I rv-;;-?-v:':'i-:M;'-lif . 'vv;r. ;-' . - v t--" .i' ," - -X.x ,