- vO - -A f r::-;-r -t - t- as m :3 s.t i " i. . .. -. The Morning WILMINGTON NO. Friday Morning,; Aug.;" 29, , 1884. MORNING EDITION . -STTrroJ I THE LATEST-NEWS. 1 lifT.rrnZ v--nwr..,fy.-,:- I : - ' T.V r v FROX AIL PAETS OF THE WOELD' FOREIGN! Brltlab Expedition to EflTPt Franoe ana rnlna-Admlral conrlete Bef- port of tne Bombajment-Frine Minister Ferry ? Irritated t; Eadtth 8trletare-Blmark.Hi Colonial lolley ' approTed Cbolera BeportaAflMra : In xonqnln A BriUsb Man-of -war ordered to Cnlna. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. - Londox, Aug. 28 The Government is ex. pediting the departure of an increasing num ber of reinforcements for Egypt. The staff at Woolwich has been increased ana additional hands engaged to put transports iu readiness as rapidly as possible. Orders have been sent to Plymouth to hasten the fitting up of the transport Poonah. It has been decided to increase the expeditions for the relief of Gen. Gordon to 7,000 men. Seven- hundred Royal. Scots will be dis nthMl from the West Indies. The rest of the troops will go from Gibraltar, 1 Malta and Cypus., Four i hundred more river boats have been ordered. t . . : - London, August 28. A dispatch which left Shanghai at 5:10 a. m. to-day, says- "Admiral Courbet began , to bombard Kin pia yesterday. A heavy cannonade still continues." - . ' .-' ' ; ; Hong Kong, August 28. The French Wrpnrh merchants who were ex- belled from Canton last Satnrday, bym order : afc n" JrurKn;; Trteared by theefforts of f oreign ..consuls. vbo n- on weuueouaj. - - i " duced the French bishop and missionaries to leave tanton. Paris, August 28. The following is Admiral Courbet's report of his operations on Min river upjto last evening:. . - "Min River, 6 p. m., Wednesday, August 27. Our operations against the Mingan forts have been successfully .concluded. All the Chinese batteries have been, de stroyed. We have shattered all their can non with gun cotton. .The attack on Kin pai will be made to-day." Bismarck's colonial policy to analysis, and I The liepuoitqiie f ranca suyjeu x declares that France has no reason t o find fault with it London, August 28. Gen. Lord Wolse iey, the newly appointed commander-in-chief of the British forces in Egypt, pro poses to reach Doneola with Gordon's ' re lief expedition by November 7. He declares his confidence that he will be able to ac complish this programme without difficul ty. There are only six cataracts to pass; whereas, in the Red river expedition in 1870 he was compelled to drag his boats overland in forty-six different places. - London, August 28. The Paris corres pondent of the limes says: Prime Minister Ferry, in private conversation, complained with much vehemence of. the strictures of the Times regarding Admiral Courbet's conduct at Foo-Chow. "The French press," he said, "showed no . such spirit when the English bombarded Alexandria. h The English press, by egging China on, is 1 v-i ' gives the Chinese may next be turned azainst England. Commercial nations are -"'iFi 'natnrally uneasy at our actions, but once f : ft resolTed on redress we must deal blows Jft which will telL M. Ferry disavowed a aj . -policy of colonial conquest. Mv whole I daty," he said, "is to finish enterprises " originally ill conceived and ill -managed. .". We i want peace and free occupation of Tonquin. We want to enforce on China ' the respect she owes us. European inter ' ests need not be alarmed at this.. We are , acting for the civilized world." ,531 it Toulon, -August 28. There were two deaths from cholera here last night. At ' Manrillan, outside the city, there were five fresh cases and one instant death. The temperature had fallen suddenly. Pakis, August 28. Twenty-five hun dred troops have been placed in readines to proceed to Tonquin, if required. Ad miral Peyron, Minister of Marine, has tel egraphed Admiral Courbet that war sup plies for. the French forces can be obtained at the arsenal at Saigon, French . Cochin - China. Operations against Lanssbn have tteen suspended on account of intense heat. Gen. Nemrier will retire to Bac Ninh. It is stated -that the Delta is in no danger. Gen. Millot telegraphs to Tonquin that be lost four men while repulsing the Black Flags along the Red river who had 'massa cred the inhabitants. The French garrison , at Sontay and Hong Hoa with the aid of the gunboats, succeeded in driving them into tne mountains. , Paris papers doubt the report that .the French have landed at Eelung and captured ' the forts. . Admiral Courbet has been ordered to oc ; enpy Hainan, after taking Kelung. London, August 28. The British man-of-war Canada , has received orders to be ready to sail for China September 9th. The Dreadnought has been commissioned for the Mediterranean. Several other iron-clads can proceed on short notice to Egypt or' China. . ., . - - i: VIRGINIA. Intense Interest In tne Result of the RepnbUean Congressional Convene tlon ln tne Fonrth IHstrlct. - - By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l ' Peteusbuhq, August 28. Intense in' . terest is felt as to the result of the Congres sional Convention which is to be held here to-morrow to nominate a candidate ' far Congress from th Fourth District. In some instances a dual set of delegates have been elected. The indications are that two separate conventions will be held. Sena tor Mahone is here for the purpose, it is believed,, of securing the nomination of vjoi. James 11. Brady, s Gov. . Cameron, whose recent letter has created such a stir, is expected here to-day .and will address an ments here, and itis even . hint! iw may be the nominee of the Convention to- , .1 . . uiui ly yy. NEW HAMPSHIRE,, i A Crazy nan's Attempt to.KJira Wo man at Barrlngton. . i By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l : DovEB, August 28. Charles Tanner, of Barnngton, visited the residence of Mrs ?.oward in 0141 town yesterday! and invited her to his, home. - She went thinking his family wanted her. On her arrival she was asked into the siMdne room He then locked WdUa,r: rr .. ""j .iaL"ei: auu inree cnudren. uPiea to snoot Mrs, Howard, placing th& muzzle, against her head. Befordnf could flro nor,rr" v7."2 -"euuown ana over- -. KT.T.U iSf W found to - !,..n saione had been contem o v rr:. . e " anted to commit a rrimn T AlJ t tbe State prison "H , .:, a Jiving outside. PERU. Caceres .Attempt to Seize tbe Capital -Fighting :ln tb Strec-GOTrtt-: t Trop;irtTe 0ri BaMl. iBy Telegraph to the Homing Star. J v -.Charillas; Pkbu, "August - 28,-ia Gal tnn Tn Tjma." vesterdaT. there was a storm of kullets for over six hours, Caceresh entered the city -with a- raDDWiWno. yeueu nAyHre In the greatest disorder. ' The night before aU of the Government troops were withdrawn into ySSIiX lace, and the entry of Caderes.' -although ntunexrxted,ai somewhat-of a rur- not unexpected, was: somewhat- of tux- i prise.-? His men captured the uuanei ana the churches of Merced and San Angus- I .tine, from which they kept up a f usilade. About fifteen persons .were killed in the streets and nearithe Palace. Square, where the -flre - was hottest . Finally the Government - troops made a sor tie ! and i drove -out the mob. Caceres wa9 accnmnanied bv -about ninety horse men. They appeared to have: been travel ling all . night, and were not m condition to . fight with 1 troops ' well ) fed and fresh from "their beds. Three hundred prisoners were taken. Caceres escaped. A German,- proprietor of a i cigar ' store, was kUled while looking from a balcony. All telegraph wires were cut for miles - out of the city and no trains ran. Nothing oc curred at; ChariUos. The uawe sum are all right. Heavy , guns were heard for some hours, but no news as to the locality of the firing has been receivedl up to 8.80 a. m. 1AU is quiet this morning in Lima. The dead men and horses are being re-, moved and pools of blood cleared up.. The fight in San Augustine church proceeded with closed doors. CaceresTis said to have 1,300 disciplined troops who were to have ciao. These may return. L.ast night there were no guards in the streets all were in the uuartei ana raiace. v WASHINGTON. ' t ' ' v. vij, - A flairs or tne Second National Bank : of ! Xenla Onto Civil . Service Ap- polntment " - ? " . ' ' IBy Telegraph to the Monunjc Star.) . Washington. August 2a4-The acting 1Ye a ,eir. I fiius, saying mas tne anaira me oecocu 1 NaUon4 Bank of Xenia, Ohio, are not so I bad as has been represented, and that there js reason to believe that it will be able to meet all demands upon it. In view of this report the acting Comptrol , says that there does not appear to be any necessity for the appointment of a receiver. The Secretary of the Interior to day ap pointed 62 special ' examiners for : the Pen sion Office, at an annual salary of $1,600 each. The appointments were - made - in pursuance of the recent act of Congress providing for the appointment of 160 ex aminers. Jf that number sixty were pro- .moted in the Pension Office, and 28 were appointed on account of having success fully passed the provisions of the civil ser vice examination. A civil-service exami nation was held for the remaining 33. : In this examination there were about 500 ap plicants, about seventy per cent, being suc cessful The papers of the successful per sons were sent td (Commissioner . Dudley last week, and from them he selected the persons to fill the positions. These names were forwarded to: Secretary Teller's office and the appointments mado. : The follow ing are the appointees from the Southern States:. Georgia, Alfred Gregory; North Carolina, James H. Horrah; South Caro lina, W. It. Marshall ; Tennessee, Alfred S.- Badgeley ; -Virginia, Ilazelett Carlisle. ' ! TEXAS. : ' ihe Federal Warrants Acafnet Gov. ' Ireland and Others - IBy Telegraph to tbeMorabur Star.l . Galveston, August 28. Returns upon the Federal warrants issued . by Commis sioner Spann in the suit of the United States against John Ireland and others were made vesterdav. The warrant for Gov- enior Ireland was endorsed by Marshal Tracy as follows: "Not executed, because th is writ does not show -that the offence charged comes under that portion of Section 5510 Revised Statutes of the United States, Which is in force; that is, which has not been declared void, (second Otto 5421); but merely charges violation of Section 5510 of the Revised Statutes. Defendant herein not found in my district." Six other de fendants in the case, including Superior tendent Thomas J. Goree, of Huntsville penitentiary, with five penitentiary guards, appeared before the Commissioner yester day afternoon in charge of a U. S. Deputy Marshal.' . Their hearing was continued until today. r: - "t - 311 CHI OA N. Tne Savins Bank of Adrian : .," - , pended. : tBy Telegraph to the Morning Stat. : Adman, August 28. The Adrian Sa yings Bank suspended yesterday. Herman Loomis. cashier, says the trouble was pre cipitated by the innbility of the bank on Monday to meet a check for $1,500. The party'who drew the check spread the news, and s6melhingof a run began among small creditors. About $80,000 is due depositors, and Mr. Loomis states that ; the assets of ana jar. jjoomis siaies mats ine assets of the iastitution are entirely adenuate to nav , ;V . ILLINOIS j Oattle Plague Among a Herd of Jer- ; seys. .' ; :-: - ' By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l CmCAGO. August 28. The visit of Dr. Paaren, State Veterinarian; to Elmhurst yesterday, resulted in the killing of ten Jersey cows, appraised at $3,000. Their lungs were found to show more or less de cided traces of pleuro-pneumonia in some cases the longs adhered firmly, to the ribs andere decidedly hepatized. x - WENNSriAisiA. Saspended BanJters f PbUadelobla Mrgessltb Embezzlement. V . 5 IBv Telegraph to the Morning Star.l PmLADEiiPinA, H August -28. '-Several more warrants were issued . to-day for the arrest of Sadner Bros., suspended bankers, charging them with embezzlement of funds entrusted to them. The Sadners could not be found, Louis, who was in town yester day,; having gone to Atlantic City. ? - ; - EaVBCTRIO SPARsVS. 1 " "incw f ; , t ir nx r- ti i - . uuu.xi. kj. xtisuuuaru nas oeen rennmi nated by the Democrats of the Fourth Lou isiana Congressional District. "- 5 The Crane Iron Company of Catauqua, Pa., announces a reduction of ten percent, in the wages of their employes, to take effect September 1st. ; r - 1 ; The m Chairman of the Greenback State Committee of New Hampshire will call the Greenback State Convention at Mancbes- wilt li in.T l DLate licset will Denominated. , ;. . ' . - . The eleventh annual meeting of th 'nil tional Women's .ChrisUatftemwrance uuiun win ce neia at St. Twwif 23d to the 26th & It is exoec ZZeZZll , , 8n "rntories wiU be 'iPted by delegates from local auxill many, States and Territories wiU be JSdhoos. An amt o. - tnrrtiiiA'n.; - 1 I Rnfomho, r." "r?" 81 STn6'1!? Steady at Z at25s8d - "u pru oenvery steady I COMMERCIAL W XL MINGT ON MARK ET STAR OFFICE, Aug. 28j- 6 P. 1L, u SPIRITS TURPENTINB The market was-quoted firm at 28 cents per gallon, with sales reported of 200 casks at that price. - ' - ROSIN The n at.95 ceuts for.S Jri'-inli i Gpod Strained, wi ROSIN The market" was' quoted Arm Strained and $1 ,00 for vxxi ounvmcu, ; .'..TAiwi no marKei was quowxi uriu -a en Dei bbl of 280 lbs, with sales at quo- trit!nnj.: i i - . . . - , . . .... . . .. .... : " I CRUDE , TURPENTINE The market Was steady with sales reported at f 1 00 for Hard and i 85 foV Virgin and Yellow Dip. U COTTON The -market was. quoted firm; Small sales reported.- The following were the! 1 official quotations: Ordinary .V. 8$ Good Ordinary. : . . . . . 9i Low Middling. . ,..10f Middling. ... . ;..10i Good Middlin. ..... .11 cents &. ffOffllBSTlO WAKaKfVj." ' IBy TeieRTapb to the MomUuc Star.f - ' 1 ' Financial ' Naw Vona Aug; 28. Eveningr-Sterling exchange 483. t Money 211 per cent., Go vernments strong; new four per cents 120; new three per cents 100 J. 8tate bonds duU. " I -It- ''.v ''-xzG'V ! . Cbwnureial: , - ;. 1 Cotton firm, with sales of 1,271 bales; uplands ilOjc; Orleans -Hie; consolidated bales;r Southern flour steady common J to fair extra $3 404 40; good to choice dof44505. Wheat spot iOic lower; ungraded red 7596c; ungraded white 93c; No. 2 ted 88i88ic; , September 89l 9Uc Corn spot quiet: ungraded 62 65c; Nd. 3 August 6464Jc; September - CoSee - epot rain Kio nrm at .p ost 1075 - No. 7 Kio spot 8 w; ssepiemoer 8 758 85. 8ugarV8tronger iwith a fair I demand; centrifugal 5c; Muscovado 4 4jc; molasses sugar ic; lair to good renn lug 4i5c; refined sugar as follows: extra C CKasjc ; white extra C 55c ; yel low 44Jc; confectioners' A 6 7-16c; off IA. 5Jc; standard JLGi2&Z l(ic: powdered 6i7c; Erinulated 6c; mould rA 6 c; cut loaf and crushed 77ic; cubes 6Jc Mo lasses firm: 50 dec. test 18c.. Rice steady. X3otton seed oil crude 3536c; refined 39 42Jc. i Rosin firm. Spirits y turpentine dull at 31tC. Pork dull and drooping; new mess on spot fio-w; middies nominal; long clear 10Jc Lard opened 23 points lower, closing steady ; western steam on spot $7 857 88; September $7 80. Freights to Liverpool easier cotton id ; wheat 3d. Cotton net receipts bales; gross re ceipts i bales. Futures closed easy, with sales of 97.000 bales at the following quotations: August 10.8010.81c; Septem ber ia.7610.77c; October 10.5210.53c; November I0.4310.43c; December 10.45 10.45c; January 10.5510.56c; February ia6810.69c; March 10.8010.81c; April 10:9110.93c ; May 11.0411.05c ; June ll.16ll.17c. , Chicago, August 28. Flour unchanged. Wheat unsettled, nervous and weak, opened higher than yesterday, but closed f lc under yesterday; August 7ojouc; September 7980c. Corn weaker and fairly active, opened weak and closed 1c under yesterday; cash 53i52Jc; Septem ber 5l52Jc. Oats firm; cash 251c ; Sep tembcr 25i25fc Pork dull; cash $18 50 19 00 for small lots; round lots held for August figures; August $37 00; September $19 00. Lard easier and 2i5c lower; cash $7 47t7 50; September $7 457 47. Bulk meats in fair demand; shoulders $6 757 00; short rib $10 25; clear $10 85. Sugar f steady and unchanged. Whiskey gteacland unchanged at $1 10. tir. Lours, Aug. 28. Flour unchanged. Wheat unsettled and lower; No. 2 red 81 f 83c cash ; 83i83ic September; No. . 3 do. 71f72c Corn dull and lower; cash 4848fc; September 48e. Oats very, slow; cash 36r37c; September 26c Pro visions firm ancjmore doing. ..Pork $18 50 19 00. Bulk meats long clear $10 20; short rib $10 35; clear $10 70. Bacon long clear $11 00; short rib $11 25 11 374; clear $11 5011 62. Lard nominal Whis key steady at fl 07. Bavannah, Ga., August 28. Spirits tur pentine steady at 29c ; sales 100 bbis. , Rosin firm at $1 051 07; sales 250 bbls. . ; Chaklrston, S. C; August 8. Bpirits turpentine firm at 29c bid. Rosin qniet strainM to good strained . $1 02, . COTTON 1SAKKTS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l v ASgust 28. Galveston, steady at lOic net receipts 280 bales; Norfolk, -. steady at lO jc-f-net receipts 71 bales '.Savannah, quiet and buyers offering 4c lower at 10c net re ceipts' 79 bales ; Mew Orleans, steady at iu u-icc net receipt n Dales; Mobile, dull I at iujc net recopta , 13 Dales; Memphis, I nominal at 109c net receinU 33 bales: at l0c net receipts 12 bales; Memphis, Augusta, dull at 10c net receipts 16 bales: Charleston, nominal at 11c net receipts 23 bales. ... . . FOREIGN SIABKBTH. I IBy Cable to the Morning Star. LrfEBPOOL, August 28, 4 P. M. Cotton afloat 80,000 bales, of which 23,000 bales are American. , , Bellevne High 5 School, Bedford co., Virginia: For Bo- ys and Young Men.: Prermres for Busi ness, College or .University, rhoronriilv and aaauBomeiy eqaip Beautiful and hea ped. Foil corps of laitractprs. Ithy location. - i -j -- : - iddresa W. K. ABROT.Prlnrinal. D - Bellevne P.O. . JvSD&W2m St; Marys School; RALEIGH. N. C. THE ADVENT TERM, THE TH SBMI-AN- SS'S 11, 1884. For Cataloene address the RAAtnr. Rev - BENNETT 8MEDES, A. M. r Twn" Salem ; Feme;( Academy, SALEM, N. C . I Annual SesstoBheaThnrav nmhAV-ffi, i j .t :r" r,-' " ' jror tjauuocue address tb Pmiridnt. 1yl28m Ksv, & RONDTHALER. D. : StiQ-eorge's Hall forBoli1 Reisterstown, Md."? An unsurpassed Boarding Scho.Prepares for any coUege or business life. . $250 tp $300 a year. Large buildings, beau- uiui eiviuiuo. Aiui. vnuu oauy. . mo malaria. wwu irw.t vtruuian sent. Paer. J. a KUSEAR, A.M - Principal. Jy 29 3m TDGEWORTH SCHOOL. BALTIMORE, MD, H Boarding and Day Bctwlfor Youm? Idi Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies I ?&Jr? School Year begins intlXi 18tt d application to the Principal. ' HBS. TT T T Turffli-iruu JyS92awDAW2m tufr WFrankUnSt. - Try Our Cook : T3UGGIBS, TBK BEST CHEAP BUGGIES EVfcH dH.mad- We have In stock of our swn manu- if" -We have in stock of our swn i - SSE'CKS.? LByrgies, Phaetons, Cano- Trunks. Bam and SatnhAik;. n Idles. Harness. wnalby e only irStlcaiti Tronks MTtalrAd l practical trunk maker in the MoDOUGALL BOWDEN, A - 1M Nprth.FrontS Next door to D. A. Smith's.'' auggitf MARINE. i.-. -Port Almanae Ansvet 2.--" -Sun Rises. J.vr. . . . -5.53 A M. SunSets. .; 6.49 P M. Hieh Water at Smithville.".; . . 1.23 Morn; High.Water af Wilmington. . , 4.23 Morn.; Dav'a Leneth.:... ... 12h. -65m, T' ARRIVED.' " " L :8tmr Passport, Harper, Smithville, mas- v -Stmr A P Hurt, Worth,' FayettevDle, "Worth & Worth. v ' tStmr Uohn Dawson: Black. Point Caswell. R P Paddiaon. :Stmr River Queen Bagley, Fayetteville, master, v - ' .. ' - ... s Schr Lizzie Lane.ii 220. tons, , Herrick, Bath. Me, JJ G Barker & Co, with ice to B HJAhrens. Schr Thomas Sinnickson, tons, Her ron, Philadelphia, Geo Harriss & Co, ' Stmr Wave, Robeson, FayettcvilK G W wmiams & Co. - 1 ' Stmr Passport, Harper, Smithville; mas-ter- . 1 I.- - ' ,r r ! Stmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, yvoruids worin. . Stmr. River Queen, Bagley, Fayetteville, master. I , 4 " - i Stmr, Excelsior, Bowdoin, Long Creek and liaimerman s lindee. master.- : Stmr Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville, G W w imams & vo. . 4 Schr June Bright, Barter, Portland, Me,; J H Chadbourn & Co. - . ' y Schr Fannie R Williams, Insley, Phila- aeipnia. uisarxer as uo ; cargo oy j a Cbadoourn & (Jo ana i& U liarKer s (jo. 1 i BXFOUTKt j coastwise i i Poiitlard, Mk Schr June Brlght277,- 638 feet Iqmber r! pnrucDKipin PnrtiADKi3inA Schr f Fannie & -Wil liams ;189,000 feeet lumber, 165,200 shingles, -7 : -'- MARINE .DIRECTORY; a.lt or Veeeele In tne Port of TTH . ' ton. N. C. Ang. 20, 1884 ilns- CThto list does not embrace veeseia under 60 tonal BARQUES. "Lucy & PauKGer.). 828 tons, Andrics, 'i V - E Peschau & Westermann ;Lufra (Nor.), 470 tons; Lorentzen, I OPMebane Insula Capri (Nor.), 395 tons, Danielsen, v. , -y-' ' CPMcbane Frev (Nor.)."281 tons. Halvorsen. i , - Heidc& Co Aueust (Gcr.). 347 tons. Grsebe, ;i ; - E Peschau & Westermanu . . 'j SCHOONERS. . John A Griffin. 805 tons. Rice 1 . Geo Harriss & Co R S Graham. 341 tons, Avis, I i ; Geo Harriss & Co S G Hart; 505 tons, Fountain. EG Barker & Co Fannie R Williams. 347 tons. Inslev. I ueo tiarnsssuo Horace S Lanfair, 298 tons. Woodland. Geo ilarnss & Co Timothy Field. 189 tons, Adams. f G BarkcT & Co L C Hickman, 231 tons, Joseph, ' s t Geo Harriss & Co Sarah S Harding. 385 tons. Melvin, : Geo Harriss & Co June Bright. 347 tons. Barter. 1 ' J H Chadbourn & Co W H Keenv. 278 tons. LiDnineott . f ; Geo Harriss & Co Ust of Vessel Up, Cleared or Sailed tor Oils Port. The following vessels are mentioned in the new York Maritime Jteguur as being op and oiearea lor inis port : : lr BARQUES. " Puna CSarX 403 tona.'Taraldaen. at Para Jnlv 17. Hattie H, (Br.), 403 tons, Coohranjrom Hull Jane 23. !. - - , . Leda (AustV. 533 tons. Ereher .from Flame Jnlv 13 Ye re in (Ger.). 453 tons, Jancke, from Hamburg Ylkedal (Nor.), tons, from Archangel July 10. BRIGS. Diana (Ger.), 314 tons. Sehroeder, from Liverpool A.Og.17. ', - Express (Qer.). 978 tons, Fnetwnrst, at Uverpool Julyl?.'- :-- - ',,..; .... Hermatn Frtednch (Ger.). 288 tons, Klejahr.from uverpool ang. l - - v Grind Dafly ! rpQERBFORB TOU CAN BE SURE OF THE X BEST (BOLTED) MEAL- IN THE CITY." JTKKisu every day during tne "seated term." Also, Hay, Corn, Oats and Feed. : L ' PRESTON CUMMING A CO- - , - Millers and Grain and . ang27tf Peannt Dealers. TMPORTED SUITINGS. JXTSTRRCETVED AN a. elegant assortment r KMGUSa SUITINGS in new designs. - - ' ' " Anew lot of the IMPERIAL S1I1RTH. fit and quality guaranteed; decidedly the test One Dol lar Shirt ever offered fa thla market. uenta' 8LLK GABTIUiS, OOUARSL CUFFS and TIES, in great variety. At - - -- - I ang 27 It MUNSONS. i : The Clothier TO, THE FEONT ! WITH A LOT OF I yp- ' fil nnit krnts IAmmxjCf t I JL 116 i lillcIlDGSL j8.rD6LB ! ever offered te the people of thia section. . It is . oar purpose to CLOSE OUT THESE GOODS be- fore patting In new stock, so If yotf caD th tkne ' , - .... j t - . .. -f ' ' '':!.:. ' .-.jif f't '-.7 A, -. some BARGAINS are open.' , -. r- - . .. . 11. KI.- SIcINTIRll. ang 28 DAW tf - : . . "SMICI cl TeU You e Rea9n T1,y TI EHRENDS A MONRO! Cor. Market X and 2nd streets, have always the latest and best dcsijrna tn Vl kNITHRTC. and do mHthan ways in the mark taking advantagTf everf ordYrsgfvftfns'wlfha 1 in.Af n.u. d. Jz. JyLsiir viZ 1 mirpSse J ' - """"fST C i Beliahle Seed. TF TOU WANT FRESH AND RELIABLE SEED A. or any variety, and at low Prices, go to J. 11. ILAKDIN'S . Drnff and Seed Store. New V&rkAL Wilmlnirtnii. Ti. fL Philadelphia prices -given to merchants and mwiuit garaenera. - - ang tr A Chance for the Ladies 1EN PER CENT. DISCOUNT FROM SCHED- A ule price on Roberts' celebrated Razor Steel SCISSORS. " . i r , . . , . . . A HOW Snnnlv Of TjtVllna TtalKTmmn Ttnan nA vtvuui- ijihio i nreaa uair Hose. -aug 15 tf - , JNO. J. HEDRICK. WHITE CYPRESS & YELLOW PINE -tf"'-: BLINDS & DOORS. GUARANTEED A3 GOOD AS THE BEST ' i ... . I....' : .... i - MOULDING, BRACKETS AND ORNAMENTAL art em OA 4fi?r','H N :: t a Tn-r nw flnrM.Hn ! ang 84 tf PARSLEY & WIGGINS. ' M jioYALKtsatli J r'!' t: Absolutely Pure. strength and wholesomaness. More economical than ordinary kmda, and cannot be sold in com J petition with the multitude of low teat, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in - Wholesale, by ADRIAN & YOLLBR8 . now 84 lv nrm toe or frm 4v nov acfi Hackerel Ilackerel! Largef Extra Shore Mackerel. ;fat and juicy. t Undoubtedly the FINEST FISH THAT SWIM. New barrel lost opened. We have also A CHOICE LOT of MAGNOLIA - HAMS ! THAT EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN FLAVOR AND GENERAL EXCELLENCE. 1 110 North Front St. aq34DWtf TDRHIP SEED ! TOEHIP SEED! . NEW CROP. TNSXCT POWDER, FLAVORING KXTTS, ' ; CIGARS and TOBACCO. I WILLIAM H. GREEN, aag2ttf Drnggist. Furniture. A LARGE STOCK. AND OUR NEW STYLES are pronounced the HANDSOMEST ever seen in thia market. A full line of Mattresses, Window Shades. Baby Carriages, Ac. Wholesale and retail buyers will find It to their advantage to give me a call. . i i THOS. C. C31AFT. Aot.. ' " :' t . v . Fnrnltnre Dealer.: aagltif Bacon, Coffee, Hotir. 1 -j 1 Aft tktxe H-&a. r. isrnEs 1UU" .'i, ' v-.- " 'w AQ Sacks Choice KJO COFFEE, KQQ Bbls FLOUP all grades, For sale low V 'wIlli angSttf G. W. AMSACO. Salt Salt. Salt. ivi 000 Sacks tJV SALT' 200 8s- ,1000 agS4tf do do. do FINE die." ;lSOs. For sale low by G. W. -WILLIAMS A CO. Sugar, v Stigai Sugar. A Bbla Stand.;A A GranM SUGAR, 25 50 do ' White Extra C : do ; Golden C ; c. do ,do" For sale low by - , G. W. WILLIAMS A CO. ang 84 tf Corn. Ilolasses, &c. i I 9 AT) A Bash Prime White CORN, Kf A Bash. MEAL, Fresh Ground . 1 A A Uhds and Bbls Porto Rico MOLASSES, ivvf .-, i For sale low by G. W. WILLIAMS A CO. an 24 is Fianos and Organs. ERSONS IN WANT OF A GOOD PIANO OR ORGAN can buy now MUCH LOWER than in a : 1 i ' . -y - ' i - , month from now; as in that time the demand Wilt be larger.- , , . - f& can offer some EXTRA BARGAINS uv Decker Bros and Sohmer A Co.'s PIANOS. Call and examine our UNUSUALtY FINE STOCK. and bay while they are. low. '. ; .'. . ; . ! "; TnnlACU & YATES v ? s3 ; 7J t9 MARKET STREET, t - ang24tf Wflnuhigton, N. C," rPKB, AGONY ,18 . OVER L STATE OFFICERS j-i nominaiea 1 1 new nanover not torgotten 1 1 1 l m "ov i 'orRei Si Prempert s I I FaiMenable, 8haviD ? and Hair Dressing Saloon, I Not 7 South ProntrJBtreeti la stlU In full blasts J Where Mr. H. C - PremDert. assisted bv his two aonsj can always he found to. attend to those who wun;a nret-cia8a isnave, aair-cat," &c. Corns ex tracted ana dsw Diseases oia.il ainds cured. . 1 tL Respectfully, , , ' iotott . :-V H. C. PRSMPERT. nDhei ome Jonrnal; PUBLISHED EVERY FRJD AY MORNING, I JOHN " HICKS. f EDITORS AN0 PROPRIETOR. It has a splendid circulation In the counties of warren, Vanee, Halifax, N. C, and Meoklenbnrg, Vs. As an advertising medium it is onsorpaased. ' nns 11.60 a year in advancn. ; (!; .1 aifitftuifw. ....- Warrentciw.N,A:';i s V'-y. r . - Vi-'-y ,i" ''-.K-x- 1 i 1 ... j v.: i 4J V VLJ a .i.-.--;. ; V 118 riAUKET st.: t TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. TAKING WK UEEAD. It takes a lot of time to make an Inventory and measure goods. This dreaded time will come- next Week. As far as 'possible' we will '.TURN THR GOOlJs INTO CASH, and SELL GOODS AT. A SACRIFICE. CASH takes little, time. to pount and measure; therefore this week we will name price? that will enable yon to secure values " - ' 8UOH AS ARE "SELDOM SEEN. . . Feathers. 600 LONG PLUMES IN . EVERT SHADE from Fifty Cents up. Every one warranted worth dou- hie the money. Hats i Almost : Given , Away. TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS for La dies, Misses and Children, b , LACEa MADE-UP LACE GOODS, GLOVES i - . . i . .. and LACE MITTS, all. silk, warranted, In Black and Colors, Cream and White, C- and 8 Button length, 75cper'palr. ' Corsets. Corsets. ; . : . . .F A few more of that elegant lot of CORSETS I-left that have been selling sq rapidly at30o, B0c, 75c, 98c, &c, per pair. An early call will secure yon some of these poods. Ladies' Underwear. WALKING SKIRTS of fine Muslin, trimmed with fine Cambric ; Ruffle, with half. In tncks above, at 55o. CAMBRIC CHEMISES, with Point; ed Bosom, of insertion and puffing, with Yokes beautifully made, at 98c. MUSLIN DRAWERS. I ?n'y mj(&?&- as s&A kojns, maae oi cneck unsun and fine Cambric, trimmed in various styles with neat edging, at remarkablv low Drices. BABIES' cloaks, in she Merino and Pique, made of the best mate rial. In leading styles, at less than half their value. . Also, Dresses, Shoes. Bibs. Stockings. Will close the entire stock of STTNSH A TiTts. PARASOLS. RIBBONS, SASHES, HAND SATCH- AU, CIUllS, OAS., OA., M - ! ' - : s TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St, ang lO tf ,. WILMINQTON. NC. The Staples of Life. gUGARS, 35 BBLS JUST RECEIVED, WHICH I offer tn any quantities . at prices to COMPETE WITH EVERYBODY. I Retail Sngars CHEAPER than any one in this city.' ' SUGAR CURED SHOULD ERS.BACON STRIPS CANVASSED HAMS, and a few CHOICE N. C. HAMS, and the celebrated FERRIS' UNCAN- VASSED HAMS. 'COFFEES ROASTED AND GROUND DAILY, The ONLY PLACE in town where it can be had FRESB.V "! I'"-'"' ' "-i ;The MAGNOLIA HAMS, Justly celebrated over the world as THE BEST CANVASSED HAM in the United States. Try one by all moans. JANES C. 8TBTBNSON, "anpr ic tf MARKET STREET. ; E, G. -Blair, TOROKER. AND COMMISSION a MERCHANT X for the sale ot Floor. Meal. Grain, riot. ton and Foreign Finite. Merchandise and all kinds or uonntry , rrodaee sold and prompt returns guaranteed. - -y 4 - j: ) E. G. BLAIR, ang S8 tf No. 19 North Second St. j . . 1 Bargains I Straw Goods ! HARRISON ALLEN, . . . r ang S3 tf Hatters. 1 1 i" . i Funiitnre. JJEW ARRIVALS OF GOODS FOR FALL SEA- son. Low Prices and New Styles. Call and ex amine) before baying elsewhere. -" 1 aug 21 tf,-' Furnftare Dealer. No; Front St. i Gronnd Peas. sf rX stX irrTQlTTiTT JJ OT?nTTWT : PVlfl nnv OU V slgnment.Huid must Jae sold. Lowest market prices. Also. ONE HUNDRED BOXES TOBACCO: va- rjMOsgraaes. , -?;,.' . --.' t i -ii r - , . SAM I BEAR. SR.. Jy 18 tf 18 Market Street. I The Great Paola JJ AS BEEN. IS. NOW, AND EVER SHALL BE, the leading HALF-DIME CIGAR In the -city. AU we ask Is a fair trial. '1 GARDEN. CITY CIGAR EMPORIUM. ang ww - , ! A Card. TTAVING SOLD OUR STOCK AND TRADE TO -ax Messrs. w. H. AL.DERHAN & CO., we beg to asa tor uem a continuance oi me generous pat ronage extended to us, andl hi an esDeeial man ner to tender to t he public our thanks for their many acts oi Kindness and encouragement. an 84 lw F.;M. ING A CO. TJAVINQ PURCHASED , THE STOCK - AND trade of Messrs. F. M. KING & CO., as set forth . - ; " V "-' Jn the above Card, we . beg' to say that it Is : our purpose to continue the business in an its branch es,, as -Heretofore- eonauctea.. wui aeep con--stanUy on hand and be prepared to furnish all kinds heating apparatus, Kan gea aad Cook Stoves, together with a general assortment of- House Furnishing Goods usually found in oar line of trade. Shall watch with great vigilance the me chanical department of the business and see that It is all that it should be. All demands for ret pairs to Cook Stoves, including those sold by our predecessor, shau, have prompt attention. s ang841w w W.& APQBRMAN&OO. The PamticoJinte STONEWALL, N, Q, I A FIRST CULRS WEEKLY' PAPER, published J:V In the GRAIN KBGION of the State. -. . r. .- SubscrlDtlon S1.S0 a year. -Yeartv Advertiams j a Art sk n. m j,: a - v Bquares. ! SfOtHalf ( Vrarlvn fWim sKas MrAI ; Address. - ENTERPRISE. . It 8 U -; , v ' C I. Stonewatt. N. C ?EecialtiesFoF ThiT BROWN &IRQDDICK r." 1 - North rroni Street. Linen Towels. We are now closing out a lot of LINEN TOI ELS. that most astonish the trade. Size, Pnre Linen. Victoria lawns. pur WHITE VlCTpRJA AWNS, at tU, 15c. are certainly Below anything you lmv Ladies Skirts. The LADIES' COL D SKIRTS are still a leading attraction, and Just tbe styles required at itH season. Printed Lawns. Our PRINTED LAWNS are all rrdurcd Tven ty-Flve per cent. LADIES' SATCHELS reduced from ;r to rjc. Weaieofrerlng some RARE BARGAIN", and i every one in want of anything in ein line win find it to their interest to give ui a call BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONT ST. aug 24 tf BURR & BAILEY. SUCCESSORS TO HART, BAILEY &. CO., 19 & 21 South Front St., WILMINGTON, N. C. jyjACHINE SnOP, FOUNDRY AND COPPER WORKS; Builders of Engines, Saw Mills and Tur pentine Stills: Agents for the Atlas Portable En gine, Milburn Gin and Brooks Cotton Press. Full line of Pipe, Fittings, Valves and Mill Supplies. PRICES ON LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING AS LOW AS NORTHERN HOUSES. Hose, Hose Reels, Pipes and Sprinklers, and Plumbers' Sup plies; Manufacturers of Doors. Sash, Brackets and Mouldings. anentf t01,148,24.25 v 64,034,051.01 rpHE UPPER ROW OF FIGURES REPRESENTS the cash assets of the Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York. The lower row represents the tot al assets of all the other Life Insurance Companies bavin? Agencies in Wilmington. ThaMotnal Life's poli cies contain every desirable feature of tbe poli cies of other Companies, and its .premiums rates are 15 per cent. less. For further information address, M. S. WILLARB. Affent. 212 N. Water Street. ' aug 24 tf Bdgging, Ties, Twine. 100 0 Half Eolls BAGGING, 5000 Bnndles c0TT0N TIES' I51 Bales BALING TWUJ. For sale by aug'S4tf KERCHNERa CALDER BROS. Powder, Shot, Caps. Kegs Rice Bird, Sporg Bags SHOT, all sizes, . K Cases Water Proof Ms Jet q wm 1. V aug 24 tf KERCHNER A CALDER BW Flour, Sugar, Coffee. TOO 51)13 FL0ITB' aI1 Rrade!?' ! rrK Bbls Refined SUGARS' '( k Sacks Rio and Java COFFEE. 75 KFERCHNEDU CALDER BRO aug 24 tf Bacon, Lard, Molasses. - ?gQ Boxes Dry Salt SIDES, i 2 Cases Leaf.LABD, 100 SSuHOUffR For sate Dy rboS. KERCHNER CALDERf, minis ang24tf J0S.D.S JNO. W. GORDON Jno. W.Gordon & Smith U 4 AGENTS, lairerpool & London & GloUe Ins. Co, t (the biggest Insurance company whieh has paid during 3C years in tbe w". in tbe Una States over .f .. 33,000,000.00. WITHOUT DISCOUM ALL LOSSES PAID1 " aug 4 tf Iummer;s Cotton Gtoj H gpgKD. II E m xr SKML IT GHEA'iau on r-aug84tf : x,,,, 3B40Murenuu - " V - ... vv. - ; t At- if-