I) ' -JLJL ; ; : i - mmmmmt ,, I,, .a --. - : .v-j.. - ; '.r . '4-: li t ,1 ' I ThrM Uo&tha.: Two Oae MoT in any pi ehv Our cat of the ratriQ w Agents are not authorized to ect tor more tout tore months m auTanoe. " ..' - " u y - Vl0iEtNINGfvBDIT10N. J T?f OVTtllTRa. Geo. Opdyko A Co.. New York, re-: cently saspendedezpect to pay v itt folL t -A - . ... ' i . burned- loss "BttittBa OH new started a riot at Argns, Iowa; one-maa killed, and six men aeriou&ly wounded! The Inter-State Commerce' hill passed the House of Representatives by rote- o 158 to 75. Fresh earthquake ; shpeks in Spain yesterday. rr-rr British harque Isabel, from Cadiz; reports an earthquake at sea on the 18th nit.; the shocks were ter rific, lasting fifteen minutes! V-lThhtyi men hanged : a man' arrested fox murder in frmv uv'M y w wwMf HWMww l!w a nyt '.' . Schooner Warren Sawyio,' ashore atKitfon, of which he IroneOf the prominent Nafltucket. JJaas.. is : total wrecku II NysjMPercravbcottonn at PennN.:The,Connecti - cut Legislature chose' State officers by bal- 1 lot yesterday, no candidate having received 1 n .aiority oraa.the votes cast in Novem. ber; the Republican nominees were chosen. I New York markets: Moneys, 1H per cent, r cotton dull at lljllc; south ern Sour firm at $3 05 50; wheat, na ffraded red 8U(&92c: corn. No. 2. 62c: - rod steady at $i 27 ; spirite tur- penune steaoy at oic. . .. A Mrs, Ward has made Miss Mary Aerson the heroine of one, of -iher nov els.- The latest about Senator Bayard is that he will be Cleveland's Secretary of the Treasury xithti ';'t A'-r tt. - - The New York Times is authority I r the -t.o athrmnfthnl for pounds of oleotnargerinef (shaqi but- ter were' sold in that State in one year. Fhe 91st volume of North: Carolina J Reports is now ready. It !contains I Too pages, and has been quickly pre, pared by the - retiring Attorney Gen eral, Col. Kenan. ' " : .- " .. New York talk; is that Senator Beck's proposed Tariff Commission foreshadows the President's policy I as it is understood that Mr. Beck has . . , : been in communication With Mr. Cleveland 'V ; - .. Evarts will probably get bis re- ward. It is now said his chances for I U. S. Senator are excellent. How will be ever manage tO get one of his paragraphs in the short columns of i'Le Record? : : "Didn't the moon set a bad example in beginning the new year as 'full' as she ciMd.be1n Albany (Qo.) New. Yes, and she will get "full" again before Jaaaaryends.. -Shame, to set such aa example to the rising young lUOOU... I he New Yorkr J3eraZ aaysi tar- 1 castically "and cnttingly;v that ; Mr Evarts deserreomeihjw i sub- . "5 wM.r "r mantial from his party "for his ser- vices, m his aLiemDt. to 'erao'rne j Stale of New York- af terh. elec tion,'? - ' '., -: ' -v-Vi . - ' : - r l Blifne roared An 'his f Angnsta speech about the bad treatment in the South of the negroes. The JTergld meets it J)y pointing to themulti I tudes of nem retnmnV troMiy I North to settle in theouth, and par ticularly in Texas. ;, A theory against a fact stands no showing. ' ,js.. . Elbert O. Cook,aaystbe New York TTor0, was one of the pleading citi- izeps of Havana, ' N. " y., a prominent laember of the Baptist Church and ibelong4 to one of the oldest families in this section..- Well.the Elbert has dpna"rkP4? to Canada"-' ffe in a hinker aepartea to Vanaaa. tie is a oanaer and his. depositors are in a stew". J 'i i r ; - , ' I mr. u. uv iu a loug article' in" the Richmond 'Stale in v -'.i ; ; - .... - which he standi by , bis report , of Moody's talk' in the'New York HipV , ' v , tt .a' .v , ,, .r podrome. He made j the following entryjat the time in.. i. ote Book: "Moody's illustration in his closing4is course in the Hippodrome, New York city.' The great evangelist's ohariif. An Hlus-; tration -between the, characters, oir. Jesus; Ubrist and the. Devil. . Our 1 Lee and Jack-' son represent the Devil; xGen,Grtaft;the precious Saviour of the worIdnTbe one a .cruel wrong, the other blasphemy. 'If there is no more charity, in tbe'relidon of Jesus Christ -than this man, exhibits I want a bet- ter religion than-the religion of Christ 4 He farther says, and it looks like .1 his statement may be reliedtpoo; : veturned to mv home and--related . facts, to Rev. William T. Hundley.' but thought it a mistake. In al'few days the Jielkrious Herald txrlwad.iMtaitkintt tUt. Smith's letter referringlp the identicallis, unprejudiced wUl agreeiarme, that that 1 was a rery strange ana; remarkable coinc- I ' una we snouia ootn ;tmaerstasa the I learn that. iff. w. , w. waimer ox iecaien Ulustration in the same way, - while neither I burg, contemplates devoting -himself to the aewoi we presence or even existence of I the other.'; i0. 92. 1 thinks that the true wav t& condtfcl a panyass is td discass issueg and 'noi to attack Presidential nominees. This ia so when those attacked are- ; Re-. pubUcans., Garlield and-Blaine had A m j ' : ' j - ii. - I trff"- , w"v"""0 v I TAnnlai ivith tAria Af thAnennia Af .their iparty , .Itf Bfaifie's case he lost probably $5)0QQtIndependents.'.CleVe land w a injured by the personal Nas sanlts npon him. f; .The . Raleigh NeussObaerver of ye8terday,'says of North Carolina at New Urleans: yV -. "Yesterday afternoon a reoorter - had a! J toitK Tip flhsa W nKnM wKn hr1 J A. . A . J .1 T f J officers. H says that' when he left 8av-i J many compliments, as Well for the extent; W display as for the admjrabjetaste ?DTL! North Caro- Una's section. The correspondent of the ,lJaltimoreulmmtfia writes: "It loots very muclrnow as if North Carolina would be the banner State of the South as far as the display of its resources is concerned. The arrangement of its , section ' shows great taste and ingenuity.; i Gen. Hazen hatf arranged a system f balloon ascensions , for the Sgna Semce, The Wasmgton rsaye: "After gettine. the project well advanced if tot. Abbe, who is to accompany Fror. King on the first ascensions, will give way to other officers of the Signal Service who 'are. desirous of making trips to the clouds, The main' object of these ascensions is to take observations in the upper strata of the atmosphere in the midst or storms, as n is believed -that much valuable knowledge ! tainedin this way." THE LEGISLA TURB 1 Raleigh Yifitor Report. SErATE. preciselv at 12 'clock m. to-dav R M.-Furman, Esq., Chief Clerk of the last Senate called the senate of North Carolina to order. ' ' ' ' The Senators elect then advanced in squads to the front of the Presi dent's desk, when the oath of office was administered by his Honor,J ndge J. C. L Gudger." Forty-nine Sena- tors were found to be present. . (Our dispatches gave nominations in yesterday's' Stas. 1 H0USE OF REPRESENTATIVES w n - ... : x ne nouse ox xtepreseneanves was cauea to oroer at ia o ciock oy ,u. T - r Roll of counties called and mem bers all present except Bertie. . A protest was handed in from Northampton. " ; ' The members were sworn in by C.' B. Root, Esq. "-rr ' . . The roll was called and 104 mem bers were present. ''.: . " (Officers: elected published in yes terday's STJLB.) . . . . i..-e. .: .; .- ; ' l m m m r .,' Spirits lurpeiiitine. Mr. H. A. MEar.hern has taken editorial charge of the Chadbourn Trm.. HonJameaW. Reidis,ican- m the. Fifth District for Ue unex- pired term of Gem Scales that ends on the 4th of March. j. . t -f-- itaierea-rtwor.' woyernor-eiect. Dcaies win an inaugurated en weoaesuaj, the 21st inst rr- The Navassa Guano Company, of Wilmington. N. C, took out a fertilizer license to-day to sell their "Na; .vassa Acid Phosphatetln this State. .A V 13 New. Berne JwrrkiZ. Since the. 1st of September 6,200 bales of cotton have been weighed at Kinston. This is the . . i ht.j smallest number, except the first year, amoe the law far weiehhiir cotton was p'assed Most of thi cotton has - been shipped by rail, owing to low water in the Neuse river.! .Wjtdesbbro Intelligencer: The small grain Crops In some parts of. the county are reported' as having been consid-' erably damajjed by . the recent freeze. Frank Yaughan, of Yaughanton, was shot: and instantly" killed by bis younger brother, Evan, on the 1st Inst. It happen ed by the snapping of an Unloaded" gun;' -The store of Mr. A. A. Johnson, at McFarland was destroyed by fire, recently together ' with' its entire contents. Loss about $1,500; partially insured. rsi r; ' --Raleigh ChronicU:. Lientehant Governor-elect Stedmanw.as in the Senate overnor-eieci Dteaman.w.asmne oenaie ukio 8 of the body over which he is to preside." The Democratic! Cau cus 01 Ute oenaie met again aiier me oenaie mm m' -a -r n . - i adtournea ana seiectea a. u. ijecswun, oi Baleighi Enrolling Clerk; .rT.1 V. Clifton; of Raleigh, ' Door-keeper; and Oaks, Assiatant Door-keeper. A wideawake journalist who spends much of his time ia Wasbiogton threw this' opinion square in my face: . "Your Carolina maq, Vance Is the biggest man in brains and heart that the nas rneer VSE as: one or two others; and he'll crack a joke ; on his death bed, -but he has the eccentricity : to be honest,. . .. ; : .J,i.v. lnbir;tCfefo;i'-Oiir' Thurs day night of last weeks ball was fired into the house of Maj. Harper, entering through the window of the parlor,- Where members of his family and some others were assem-, bled, the ball barely missing'drae of ? the party The ball - was from a88A calibre pistoL r On Christmas day a crowd o darkies were gathered together at the house: of Joe Jones,: about four : miles above Lenoir. Among the number present was. playfully jGeorgdD ula,Tm goin' to shoot you " to J5? :j3 then.f a which Jjma reou "Yea , I am:" KToll T will run then, saidDula .and started' ofL - l Was f:'4&: f-ZJL ? T xvaieign-v7ff-ioserver. -- vr c xNetes- Observer Wh I pTsparataonof tan? hmoricai- work, some what after the fashion of Green's history of . J Tl j i ueorge xuia. u seeraa mm ones eatery Ti i tainear ais gues oy poinung kuqs at xuejus hi i i ' .r i i i T. - ' - " ' ' JJJJ.MtM, , - - - i " In i i . i i ii i 1 1 . : I Z----5- ri-.s-W 1? WILMINGTON, N; Cm FRIDAY aANJJARY 9, 1885. the English pebpletand Stephen's i history of thefJnlted States, By the fire at St; ataryii ThomjA' B." Stevena loses flOO worth of tooB -and materials. Rev, Wm. S. Lacyias had a callto the Presby terian Church arHenderson; ' Wash ington letter ; Mr. JameaR.' Cook, of North Carolina,'?was yesterday admitted to the bar of tills District. t--rAbont fifteen col-; ored-miHtary ecinpanies-will " join in the Cleveland inauguratioil procession. 'V- Katharine, daughter-of the late Judge Gas- Lton of North Carolina died m News York n the 6UinsL?-The body, otthe lady, who was 6ft years of age, was , brought to this city,, and .the funeral occurred W ednesday. Charlotte. Observer; JIr; JL Lane FBrftain arrived at" the Buford House last Monday ttight, and was tLsaigned to a room on the tnird'iioorvADOUt i cciocav na went to his room, undressedr blew out the gas and hopped into bed About daylight the &au ooy traced the trouble to nts room, and entered to flndMr: Britain almost dead from sphyxia. Hewas dragged' Out of bed ana the .suat restoratives were- diligently: applied, resultin suocessf uUy.ln the course" of half tohbnr.--- Ou farmer friends, 1 nnttr mnluhW arat m felt she Tmmt mrut mritl .WaMM to.lay ikemsves jown to nn- iroubled dreumsy for, the ringleader of the meat atealere iaf m-'prlsozu.His csame is wiuianvgunee,ana ne was arrestea in this city: yesterday 'morhmgby f.the ipciicei At Dayidor.CoBege what appeared to be a cyclone fc the air was observed and great fear" wM, manifested, that it might make a dive downward .before ; it:' passed over the town.' .It Is described as. having resembled a'bigffuhnelhaped cloud that s.wept'over the town revolving at a rapid rate as it msved and being accompanied by a wind that roared ominously as it pared by. ? AaAlabamaMtarpentine farmer arrived in thesity on the train' from Wil mington yesterday with a gang of one hun dred b able bodied t colored men. r He was taking them to his turpentine fields in Ala bama where-they et.-eood wages. The man who.bad them jn .charge told an 05 aerver reporter that .the 'niggers' from Eastern North Carolina make the. best tux1 pentiDe hands that can be found. .' ' -rrVFayetteville Sun: This issue of the& will be the last' until after the 6th day of February, on which day the Sun and-Excelator Job Printing . Department, WiU(Pe sold at auction for a diviaion. The salTotthe jSu has -been a certainty since tne aeatn or jnr. josian jsvans. un Sunday morain- about -11 o'clock it was fllrTt. A Thomson and Mr. B. - E. Sed .berry, situated near Mims'MiU was on Are. The fire was evidently the work of an in? eendiaryThe'building was valued at $400, and was not insured., From Mr. Ste phen Royals, who lives not a greafjwajs from this dace we learn the following facts regarding the visitation of a terrific gale, in Sampson county on the night of the-22d lit, The blow occurred near South River, at a point equi distant from this place and Clinton. Mr. John Jackson had. all ofthe houses onJ his plantation Revelled to" "the ground, ' two of bis .children were struck by - falling Umbers and serious ly injured. ..His .horse was crippled and four hogs in pens -were -killed, one of which was carried . several hundred yards from the pen. Mr. O. Jackson had all of the houses on his place destroyed, in cluding the dwelling house a two story substantial buueung, but no one was hurt. Mr. Thomas Jackson had a pan of the buildings on his place razed to the ground, Mr. John Calvin lost the top of his saw mill which was blown into the mill pond. A man by the name of .Warren had his dwelling blown off the pillars and un roofed. A stack pole was taken from the field of Mr. John Jackson and carried eight miles. The path of the cyclone was nar row but tbe destruction left in it wake marks it one of severity. i -We have ''heard of no one being injured, .except the two children, of Mr. Jackson. ; 8ince writing the above we learn that -Goshen Church fell a victim to the store ' -v . ' : J..O. MmsjbePjrugs, etc..; Kaitlb Fine music box. j -Wm. H GMtas--Gatden seed. , ' " HMjJSBeBE,ve'a Daughters, t l MiSfsoM-Light-weight overcoats. t ' ' WLeDavts & Son Nice apples. ; r ' nVKmm www. h ; . ; .. . in .' Beceipts .'of, cotton yesterday 478lDaTeai:. r; V 1-4. - . : ' - - I. - Reeeipiai. ofoottoii y es terdayV yestwdajftabrmngJ 'i ' ', . r :0O5iwiite;t.ramp8 were lodged at the Station House Wednesdsy night. The fine weather 'of the past two days.iias Jbeen great .treat after 80 much clouds ram and mud. 4 ,Ve areUndebtedr to the. pub-. lishers for a copy -of "The Florida Timet' Union Annual ! for the year : 188&V1 witJx genuine illustrations on wood,- published at Jacksonville, Fla. - -The i German- ? barque h-lerea. Capt. GreenbergVt was eleared . from . this port for Bowling, G. B., yesterday, by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, , with. 3,800 barrels of rosin- and220 casks spirits tur- pentine, valned at $8,700. -; ; At a regular meeting of the Stedmah Bucket Company No. 1 the following offi cers were elected for the ensuing year: President J. P. O'Sulli van. Vice President R. A. BidcQe. i i 't Secretary James Moore, y PoiemanR S Grifilth. ' . ;p f : First Assistant Foreman Geo. Grotjen.: - Second Assistant Foreman J. G. Swain.; v Axemen-Wttv:heehan, J. P. Quinn, . Jl'Meadows, W, R Melton. T. GCanady The-examinatlon of John Revis, colored clated' wlth . the i iarceny of aarrel of mo VwBrbiyv0f l(.'W;1t liams (pmidiitiM fore Justice MUlis jyratCTday morning, ;huj when the csiewas called the counsel for de fendant waived an examination and Revla Was remitted to enter' into A inatlfted bondl- in the sum of $100 for his -appeaHaoa- at 4he Tnexi term jbf the nilnsof je f suit of whiclkhe was committedjioall. THE : JNQ InveatlcmUoB In the Cass of B. tmltii Fonad ; DeasTinr Ws Store-e Ter diet.) ' " The Coroner's jury held an terday morning oyer the body of BaiiSsear Smith, who was found dead in his store en the corner of Ninth and ; Bladen streets, on Wednesday afternoon. ;Isaec Boyster tef. of fatterbf thS first named: tified that himself and JSx. Q. 'X Schutte went to the store of the deceased,which also served as his residence, about VdUick oh Wednesday afternoon, and finding it dosed and not seeing anything of SmUby they were led to believe there - was something wrong.! A ndghbor,lhen climbed to wmqow or jus pea cnamber ana aaia mat Mr. Smith was there by his bedside in kneeling posture, apparently dead 1 1 1 Mrs." Jennie Fsrrawf aaid -her Uttle gfrl was. passlnjf ' Mr;f Efcwth's atoretab6iit: 6 O'clock ,TdeBday ereniiig, when ia .caueu 'her In and: asked her to close the' doors for ntvTheJgirl came.for witness And she 'Went- to assist - him. He was apparently neipieas irom tne enects oi auna, out not. ..V Hrf . George . Schutte stated" that de ceased had been; on a heavy spree ever sine Christmas?' His'store was of ten found! to be- closed -during, business hours. On Monday, Jan. 5lh, several of the neighbors, With witness,' were alarmed by ;the- issuing of volumes of smoke " from Mr. Smith's house,' and upon examinkUon it was dis covered that the premises were fastened up; but an entrance was' effected, when Mr.;B. was found very drunk, sitting 4n a rocker by the hearth, with me flames 'bulg ing, out : around him or about him and reaching to the mantelpiece. Witness and others rushed to him, extinguished the flaine, and rendered him all the assistance that his condition required. Mr. Schutte detailed the particulars attending , the dis covery of the body Wednesday afternoen. and stated that he notified the Chief of police. ; -' 1 ; . , Other witnesses threw noadditional light upon the sad event, and the jury, after a brief deliberation, rendered a verdict to the J effectthat deceased came to his death from frequent .and excessive use ; alcoholic spirits and exposure. - r- Yesterday morning Mr. S.'VanAmringe, Clerk of the Superior Court, appointed Mr. Wm. Genaust collector for the. estate of deceased who left no heirs, his wife hav Ing died abomt four years ago and to him Coroner Jacobs turned over all the effects. George E. Berden, the well known pro prietor of a colored boarding house on North Water street was found dead on the floor of his room yesterday morning, be tween 10 and 11 o'clock. Deceased had been under the treatment of a physician for the last ten years, . but during the most of the time has been able to attend to his busi ness. Wednesday night he was at a meet ing of the J. C. Abbott Post No. 15, Q. A: R ', and was installed as quartermaster. He complained of ' feeling a little unwell and said he hoped the ceremonies of Instal lation would be gotten through with as soon ...as possible!. Being up so late the night previous, it was expected that he would sleep; late yesterday morning, and it was not until the hour amed that some one went to call hin) and found him deadl He had left his , bed : and r dressed himself before the final summons came.-' ' Deceased will be interred at the National cemetery, permission ' to l,that end having been obtained froco, the Secretary of War, Berden being a discharged soldier. He was about 42 years of age, and leaves a wife. Installation of Tffleer. , ' . ! Tuesday evening January 6tb, 1885, was an interesting occasion to the officers and members of Hanover Council No. 25, Y, S. B. F., as at that time their officers were duly installed; for the term ending Decem ber 81, 1885, by the Deputy Supreme i Pres ident, Nathaniel JacqbL The officers-elect ere: '--:-h' -.- ,-.., .. ... President Thos.; B. Post. , ', . ViVice. President David H Walsh. '. Counsellor Wm. H. Green. ; Secretary-Ajss. FwPpst, Jr-- Financial SecretaryNatbaniel . Jacobi. Treasurer Wm. Goodman. ' Guideohn kftU?-fe j ; - CaptalhRev. DrrMehdelson? ' " ' Wwdeh-iGeo. R Dyer r Sentry R McR. Gilbert. ' ' ( Medical ExiMr-ih', F. W. Potter. There are fifty-six member? in this flour ishing benevolent institution, and its' mem bership is steadily increasing. Instruments for tne New Band.' , The instruments for the (Jermania Cornet Band, a new musical organization, made up from members of the .Howard Relief F. E. Company No. 1, came to hand, yes ter- -day and. were put .on . exhibition at Yates' book store! The horns are of German. sil- ? yer and are very handsome, . The pieces number fourteen, as .follows: Two Eflatj cornets; 2 B flat cornets; 2 altos; 2 tenors;, 1 baritone; 1 ' B-fiat bass; t iErflat bass; i snare drum ; 1 bass drum: 1, pair cymbals. ; There' was a meeting last night to test the instruments. " '' ' ' ' K t; : " : . -.I-' - t-.L ,' ,A-.Small Fire. . .:.s; -j ,viC, ' .' . flYjBsterday morning; about 7 O'clock; the gluejjcomiecW Wimismteof. Mr,; A: H. VanBokkelenAwisafc discovered to be on nre on tne rooi, ana me aiarm was sounded, but by promptness on the part of those. who happened ; in ; ;tte, fTclniti at -the time the flames were extinguished before doing more damage .than burning a not yery; large hole. ; The meh werent hu j fortunately itheir assistance was,nw rf quired, ;.i -4 . 1 '' Weatlisr Indleatlons. 'Tha f ondwmgare'the indications tor to- .Tor.the Soutii.'Aflantio States, warmerr and fair weather, southerly winds and fall-f ing barometer. . : f. .1. .. . ... . V Dr.-A; B. Burr.f New . Brunswick,!. J-iand wife, are OT'yJsltKWCoL'JvG.: and expects to remain about two weekksil MrVB! GWortfc !bes been suflering fat .some days with slow fever and will-pjo4 vmoij mi oe out again in some eigut or ven .day& . Major Wp CvEmersonj of Indiana, and his wife and daughter are on a visit to hisj sons,jMessrsr T. .m. and H. M. .Emerson aMa B; Fi Keith, Jr.; of Pender county. Lhas r opened a commission house ' here, ' at: 4o. jai jHorta W ater street. vc - XdastJllfflU.; v yAn: empty baggage car, in ; the railroad yard at the Froot'streeYdepot, was partially destroyed ..by fire abottt nine' .o'clock . last night. Through the timely efforts of, the firemen'. no other' damage resulted. 'The. cause of the fire , is unexplained, but it is thought a lighted kerosene lamp left in tie car bad something to do with it. Cotton See 0114 w . '. ; We were called in by vDr. D. M.1 Buie yesterday to wimesstheprooess of distilla tion of oil from cotton seed. The distilla tion is on a small scale, bqt large enough for elucidation or the experiment.! At some future day we propose 4to enter more in detail. Quarterly fflestlnss. . First Round for the VTilmington Dis trict oi the Methodist JC. Church, "south: , ' Clinton Circuit, at Andrews Chapel, Jan uary iu and 11. ' Cokesbury Circuit,' at Betbamy, 'January 17 and 18. Bladen Circuit, at Centre. January ii and Elizabeth Circuit, at Elizabeth town. Jan- nary SI and February 1. Wilmington, at Front "street: February 7 and 8. Carver's Creek Circuit, at Liberty. Feb ruary 14 and 15. . - - - v Waccamaw Mission, at Bethel.-Febru&ry 14 and 18. ' Whiteville Circuit, at Wbiteville, ..Feb ruary 21 and 22. ; - Tppsail Circuit, at Scott s HinAFebruary 28 and March 1. - , . Duplin Circuit, at Eenansville; March 7 and 8. Onslow Circuit, at Tabernacle,' March 14 and 15. , Brunswick Circuit. atXConcord. March 21 and 22. The District Stewards 'will meet at the Front Street!Church in Wilmington at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 4th of February. : iTA-Xm, J. UARBAWAT, Presiding Elder, The maQs close and arrive at - City Po OiSoe as follows: . CLOSE. . Northern through ntstts, fast. . 4 . . . k . . . 7-JO p. JC Northern through and way mails 8.-00 A. M Raleigh. 6:45 P. Jtf i8A.K Kails for the N. C. Bailroad, and- pontes BirppUed tnerefrom lnomdlnf . j. A.AK C. Bailroad. at. . .7:30 P.1LA 8.-00 A. IT. Boutftern mails tor au points. South, daily. 8.-00 P.M. Western malls (O. O. Bailway) dally texoepi csunaay; P. H. Allpoint8 between Hamlet and Baleigh -6:15 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlingtos. Jiail- Mails for. points bstwsen Florence aiUi , ' Charleston , 8K P. M. Fayette vtlle, and offices otr Cape Fear jeaver. -i-aesaays ana jmaays .-.. l.-no p. m. Payetterille, via a C. E. daUy,eir oept SmidaySi4i..v.-...-.:'.i.i4,.i..' 6:15 P. OnaTow C. H. and mten&ediate offloea. . Tnesdays and Fridays.. .-. 60 A. M. fentthville mails, hv steamboat, daflrr (except Sundays). ....... 8 JO A. M. Malls for lasy Hill, Town Creek, hal- . lotto and Little BtyervTaesdays and JJnaays , 2:00 P. m. rrightsyiue da&at. . .... .....w. ; 8:30 JLM. Northern thro' and way-mails.'. ..... :vae 41 M. Southern mails .7.80-AvM. Carolina Central Bailroad .. ....... '?4a A. M. Stamp Office open from 7.80 A. H. to C P.M. Money Order ' and Begister Dpartment open 8100 A.M. to SAO pV M.' continuous. ' " Mafla collected front street boxes from bus! ness portion of city at 5 AJL UiSO A.M. and 60 P.M4 from other parts of the city at fcPJf. , - General delivery open from 7. AJL to 6,00 PJL and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:30 A. M, Railroad time. 75th meridian. CITY' ITElfl.' ENDOBSED BY PHYSICIANS A5D ;DHTl QISTS. Everybody knows the general uses of a ? ilas ter, and that Benson's Poreos Plasters are he best, , . . . . v- .; . . ' ANOTHEBUFB 8AVED. Mrs. Harriet Cum; mlngs, of -Cinolnnati,. Ohio,, writes : "Early last winter my daughter was attaczed with a severe cold, whtoh -settled on her lnngs. We tried sev eral medicines, hone of which seemed to do her any good, but- she continued to get Worse, and finally raised large amounts of blood 'from her lungs: We called in .a family physician, but he failed to do her any good. -at this time a friend who had been eure4hyIR. WM. HALL'S BAL SAM FOB THE LUNGS,' advised me to give it a trial. We got a bottle -and she began to im prove, and by the use of three bottles was en tirely cured' " : i . Wm, H. Green,' Agent, Wilmington, IT. a - :. , . - WHO IS MBS. -W1NSLOW t As this question Is frequently asked, we will simply say that she is a lady who for upwards of thirty years has untfe rtngly devoted her time and talents as a female Physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, 'as a result of this effort, and practical knowledge, obtained- in. a lifetime spent as a nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup for ohildren teeth ing. It operates , like maglo-rgi ving rest and health, tad ia, moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this article Mrs. Wins low is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do xn tr and bless her; especially is this the case in this city. Vast quantities pf the Soothing Syrup are daily sold and used here. 4 We think Mrs. winslowhas Immortalized her name by this' invaluable arti cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of chil dren have been saved from an early grave by its timely mse, and that millions yet unborn will share its benefits, and unite-in calling her blessed,' No Motkbb has discharged her duty to herTsuffer ing little one, in our opinion, sntil sheMs given itthe benefit of Mrs. Wbialow's Soothing Syxupt, Try it, mothers tbt rr voir. Ladies' Fiuor,Kew York City. 8v all dragglsts.4igS cts. a bottle? :TWiimBtoit & , weiaon aaaroaa . cov; ! n nii iitTmnj 11 " Hi 'OFTICit OJ THE SBOBBJIAEX ATSASUKp ?r jWIIQtHJN. fit Jaiiuary e. jm. 'iit ,c Capital Stook or the Wllmlngtoii i. Weldoa B. B.4 Cb., has been declared, payable to fhe,Stockhol; ders on and after thdlSth tost..!, i , , - . - v. : . - J. W. THOMPSON, - b Jan78t. i v1 r - - ; Seo'y.and Treas'M mmi m m m mm wmi m m .. v w-m . ...... i ni ii in.- ivi i rt- ITotice fpHE KSiS MUSIC-Bpi WUA b j mm xuhA OJOitltUIfcK a BTQuSLon: SATrXETAY Jiuary IQUCa B o'clock,?, it Parties interested wffl take notice. V lani A tYEBY FEW MEDIUM - WEIGHT COATS at a bargain. Ths Ineperial tfiirt In all nan, ana voiuus ana uini oi every size, qusl- . -At f . ? umtemrti f ianfllt V. V Cklthillflr Hnrani Cheap & Beliable .-4l?V3P('J Garden Seed. !an9 'tt&rW3&Hw$ . fjpVuggistsI "ST 3TC -- - -- iQ BBLB,:OTCE APPLES (REPACKEI)), 'FOB Sale oheap to close out. "' - , - VK 'J---'-:'.- Call anb see ttt. . '?; : JanOtf '"f W.K. DAVIS A SON. Garto Mi. GarienM! THH LARGEST 8TOCK EVER BROUGHT TO JL THIS CITY. AT.T. VARTETIES OB- THK IT- NE8Z QUALITY. Seeds told hf voter faiiina to grow under favorable conditions, wtu be. rnlarA jTwc vj cnurge. moes gnaranieea to grre satis- lacnon. . WILLIAM H. GREEN, Jan tf . - : 117 Market Street. .:. Drugs, r; CB BK1CALS AND PATENT MEDICINES, PEB ' FUMEBY and TOILET ARTICLES. Prescriptions precared with accuracy and dis- " ' ? r' Pharmacy. - Jan 9 It . . ,104 North Front St. . ,: uive s iiangnters OB, COMMON SENSE FOR MAID, WIFE, AND MOTHER. Bv MARION HARLATJT). ant hoi- or wnmon ssense, in tne JtiQusenoia; SL50. 'The author of 'Common Sense in the House- L1 Jt 1 1 A A. I . f J A uuju iuui wruwn a volume oi wiaer scope, wnion will interest a much lanrer class of reSera. Tt uld write. It is a volume fnll of vrdna- blehlntaand TirafiHP.al mtlnn. fn fH Clothin. care bf children. Srlhond. dr' iruuooiOTpiujf aiiu uoine maimif.marnage, gos- -fa i i :r - sip, ana maeea almost every subject that enters into woman's lot and life." - i-4if For sale at ' '' - - . HEINSBSRGEB'S janstf ,-i Live Book and Music Stores. New Styles! low Prices! HARBISON ALLEN, , Hatters. Jan 8 tf HORNER SCHOOL. OXFORD, W. C. CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND -SCI ENTIFIC ACADEMY,, with Military Organiza tion and Discipline. The SDrinff Term of If 85 wrill lHn t.h RnnrmA aonaay, me lxm aay oi January. . An amnle corns of &h1a Tnatiaintrim fa n-m-tri. ded, and the School la thoroughly equipped for Terms for Board and Tuition as heretofore. eena tor catalogue. ' ; i j; H. & J. CtHOBNER. dec 23 8w - . tu fr ' Bock Lime, TjK)R BUILDING PURPOSES. a? FRESHLY BURNED PBICK KKDTJCKD TO fci.l R PTTR nsr I.TBERAL DISCOUNT FOB LARGS XOTS AND '1X1 TiUK TKADE. , Address . FRENCH BROS., , ' - X..- BockT Pomt. w. c. I of O. G. tu fr - wi: ap 1 tf u. ..rAKffi.Kx. jr. ilmtngton. N. Xost, Strayed of Stolen. ONE BLACK AND WHITE BUTT-HEAD COW, head black, medlnm aiza-. Una vnnnn. no if sooni six weexs oia. Lert my lot m t, ueoember se.- Any one finding and reti to me wm be .liberally rewarded,- : Dgj er rewarded,- (- . JONE8, Live; - Stable, Jao7 3t J a. J ONES, Livery stable No.. SU Princess St. HUMAN PROGRESS 18 AN IMMUTABUB LAW, IN THE VERY NA ture of things. "We cannot trb bank wards If w wuuia. .meois. lasnionea opea are, with the array of cooklne utensils, must stand nfrirlA for the modern Cook Stoveywith its superior advan- lhjcbh. uur r a urn kk uikl. uuuJi wiu give you entire satisfaction, if you will allow ns to give you an mcroauouon.- -j- :- . Jan 7 tf '.Plumbers'. Gas Fitters tt Tinsmiths. ' New Year 1 Presents I I HAVE QUITE A VARIETY OF ARTICLES . LEST SUITABLE FOR . : r NEW YEAR PRESENTS, which I am disposing of at greatly reduced prices. Call early and make your selections.: NEW YEAR CARDS ! A frsh lot just opened , of Prang's handsome . i. NEW, YEAR CARDS. - - - : ' DIAEIES FOR 1885: TURNER'S N 6 ALtfANAC ic., 0. ; :' C. W. YATES, ' 119 Market St dec 23 tf Jt. , J - - For Saler s - XNEARLY NEW) HBLBRJNG'S SAFES, - 2 GOOD feOILRRS,' i :' v' ' " ''' 2 GOOD MULES, ; j . a PONIES, &a, &o., ' 3 f ; i ; v PRESTON CUMMING A CO., f ; . . jsuiers ana uram ana JanStf vi"v j" 4 Peanut Dealers, t, NewCidies TX7R HAVE A FIRST, CLASS CANDY MAKER - ChoiceCdteH TT Chota ioWmAn j ia i. tnmfai.iniiMiMi; ter Candy than was ever seen here before, but his -I Candy wUl compare favorably with the celebra- I tea candies wia oy wnitney, oi rmiaaeipma. i 8. G. NORTHROP, AgentT ' 9 f :?- 1 A DDITTONAL DOZEN LADIES AND CfflL- 'JDREN'S HP: toolndiiiit 80 dozen of my.l far pVk Gei famous Narrov. Hem L. c. Hdxfs at iso.. ana au-. uostes or tne Dest styles m . my nisi, oirennx unts' T. n ntirl nh1n.Killc Hdkfa. Oents 25-Inch R1llr. TTmbmllsa At 2 Vt worth- AlSQ many.- pther bargains, which .wfllpe snowntnpiea- s rin tf . . : . lis Market St. Ntt biz jaoninfl,., 40 CO flora OTOontiMt Admtiaun&a titos St proper- J- " i MMisMiiy iow rszes. - I . . . . - . . i - m'h'wm uwwu.o vjBajwamsv . . , " ? " ...r-T-; '-tr&a'tt WiiiMi.'m't:.( oOlow, Sew.kifee6;Molass srfcBacoHsjas. hud. Canned Goods. Crock-: ery, Tin WareJand all the Fixtures belonrinr to ' ms store-Ecaigg, show Case, Ap. Jan 8 St ' Hattingk; iand Carets. I -. ' ' cmApyj5RT cheap. LADIES. 'Aim MTKSTES' .XTR aW; -'l ':- thMi supply a&d the prices VERY MODERATE, - LACOJBTAniSgoiur LARGE AKDt SVATT. CRTTV rrrvrAa mi i. than value. .. , .- - .- JanJDAWtf - . :., .vAv QUB "MASK. DOWN" LAS WEEK HAD A good effect, and many garments were carried away from our store. The. , , Eednctions in Prices I jwere, as we promised, so conspicuous tnat every one who called to look saw it; ' and uncertain callers became satisfied buyers. ' Our trade since the holidays consequent has not slacked tfp, but kept moviag, and ourwhoie force kept busy: - - ' ' We are, however, Etlll anxious to sell, and thi week the squeezing process will continue. Ian 4 ';'yemtirauor and Clothier, SPICEBPIffSFEEIiHD TRIPE. i aA ttat.V brt j vbkv vtwh- at tTv-wTcrr 1 VII "A1'r VKY FKE,.AT ASTONISH- I "a "SS?. V r I - '"r. Qr?? unq ipr cents. A nice I V Pounas. at l.5. I nm wrt.S Wrf rmrifT?TfT xi,w.o. 1 . , """-"" I . v wf 1 U - .-.1 ket was at bottom.' to be sold at attractive prices, . ,--;..'.; 2j HALF BBLS. NOS. 3 and 2 MACKERELu- A few packages of fine MOUNTAIN BUT TER ion consignment. 2g BBLS. BALDWIN APPLES. Try the SPICED TRIPS and PIG'S FEET.' They are a nice relish for Breakfast and Supper. J. C. STEVEXSOIV, MARKET ST. lan 6tf ;0neWeet; QF ARD LABOR ENABLES US TO JSHOW. the fine line of CANDIES usually kept in our es-. tablishment; all made since Christmas, as we sold, entire stock during holidays. SIKH. K. WAKKJBW ; . To the Public. -yB CLAIM NO EXCLUSIVE BIGHT, BUT WE have the DUFFY MALT WHISKEY at less than fl.CO per quart at the "GEM." - deolltf - WILL WEST T. N. C. A; f T?VERY HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMANAC FOR 1P85. Don't fail to secure a oopy. For sale at C. M. HARRIS' jan6tf ' Popular News and Ciirar Store. Hew Eiver Hnllets. , JJQ BABRELS FINE NEW RIVER MULLETS just reclved from the fishery, for sale low. Also, 160 BOXES.' CHOICE BRANDS OF TO- u A wo. to be sold at lactory prices. BEAR. SaL. ' V dec7tf 18 Market Street. - First National Bail, .TOiffloL DryXDJBKD OF.THRKB" AND A, HALF PER OBNT. has been declared fry, the Board iDireor tors of this Bank, payable on the 10th inst. , - ; Jan41w A," K. WALKER, Cashier, ;r'reecli-Loaiiii SM-Gm.-;" IF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS GUN WB CAN suit you. No bursting ours. t - . ' Lamos. Bird Cases and Children's Fancv Trava just reoeived. A few more of our new OOLUM-. jia uuo&. btovsjS on nana ; cheap ana good . . . PARKER & TA 1 PUBB "WHITB OEL LXLOa. : 1 deeSS-tf ' Cheap Sinner, Sets, JpOR SALE BY ) .. - J ' " ' GILES A MURCHISON, . . ' - - V , i . . ... jan 4 tf , i CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. Z r Xmas is Gone, gUT THOSE HANDSOME LADIES' at TWO DOLLARS, can be had J et shoes: t - At A. SHREER'8, ; 108 Market M. an4tf t Handsome Goods. "R EXHIBIT THE FINEST LINE OF LADIES BUTTON BOOTS AND BAL'S in the city. Our SHOES for Misses and Children are 'simply su perb. , Our prices are extremely reasonable. Goo. 1 ins wnwrr vrnur u'l'HKKT. ' .: Jan4tf ' -f UlU-IliOMUttArttUWlS,. - - - sin nnit . LmniiifP oTrn vuvnuv ; - - '. -nm tro a w-irjrtjroTVTDTrAT.tY AND ! V f ?K8 iwvuallx anw fnr th4iroatronsi and "well wishes during the past year, and hope to merit a con. tinuanpe of the same, during the present one. To the unconverted we say; give us a trial ana you win not regret It. ' ri . itjJ- I- tl . -J-.i,.- i'- - J.i:'..ri.-i. erpool TndonAlSlobe Ins. Co., and othtrs .oi gooa canore v1an4tf. a reneral assortment of Gl -i--uwuujrusjfx'oui mill ixxLin nr.nwra vawiit "tO-5 f-?.-: A .- if. 1'-- -. - V ;-.:-,.y- . . - - 1

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