. r -1 The -Morning Star. BV Will. II. BBBMAKD. PTTBLI3HED DAILY EXCEPT mpNDAI 8 BARES or wnwuu" Oae Year, (by Mall) Wets PaM. . , . . . . w .... . 4 W THIWMUU"1 ..- . ! f U Vnntha. " . . - - l "Sr TocW Subscribers, deUveredln any part f the City. Thratma Cmrre per week OorCSty ?JSm TJ2ov attttorie4 to oHoo lor more three mmdSa -fa adTwe;;-:..-. r "-:. entered asthe Post Offleo-a Wlbnlnijton, N. CU MORNINGKEDITIONi OUTLINES j Dynamiters4 Uireate . to Slow tHe Bank of England; tb.e British Home Secre tary has received aJettetiaeBjtioping a num ber of buildings marked for destruction and giving the names of the plotters."" Six people killed, twenty injured and six to eight houses wrecked by explosions of nat ural gas in Pittsburgh Pa. - John S-ind ford's house at Chattanooga, Tenn..1 was burned to the ground and two of his children perished in the flames. The c tton crop in sight is 4,863,697 bales. The Legislature of Arkansas yesterday d i eted Jas. K. Jones U. S. Senator. : A man giving the name of Philip Newbold was arrested at Derby, Eng., with dynam ite in his possession, and documents re v dung a plot of considerable magnitude. The' agent for marine underwriters of New Uftren-; Cfcfha discovered that, the wr eking of the schooner Sarah Queen, in .Fbir Island Sound, was a scheme to de fraud insurance companies; the vessel was from Richmond, Va..with a cargo of, pin -' iron The public debt reduction for January is between seven and elghi mil lionfi - New York, markets: Money fn-r cent. ; cotton quiet at t lit life; southern Dour easier at $3 25 5 75; wheat, ungraded red 8493c; corn, ungraded 4950Jc; rosin dull at $1 25 1 27 i; spirits turpentine steady at 81 ic Henry M. Stanley, the African traveller, will soon have another book reajly, for the market. j v , Turn to the right. Thewbites vi olate this law about as, much as the negroes. Do not hug the fence when going both ways. There was a sailing j match ap North on the 28th between two ice yacht. Distance six miles; time 8 minutes, 27 seconds. " ! " r ( The Democrats in the Legislature did a proper thing -when they chose Peter M. Hale, Eq.; for: the Public -r- Printer. The State ia to be congrat ulated. "' ' . . ':' i- ' The British have been .doing some splendid work in the Soudan. The press is bereaved sorely; i two distin guished correspondents killed and one wounded. We rejoice to see it stated that the Northern Republicans are changing their minds as to the Blair grb bill. Many are reported, as, oncejf avoring but now opposing. : p A Miss Assing killed herself in Paris last August. She left $29,00Q to old Fred Douglass with a revere sion to. the Society fo the Preven tion of Cruelty; to Animals. . ; . Mr. Sain Randall has been to Al ii my and ha bad a' long chat with! Mr. Cleveland. Mr. Carlisle was to: have visited him" on Friday last.' Randall siy.4 he will not leave the House. ' Mr. Bayard's friends deny that he' will be influenced in his decision of a Cabinet appointment by pecuniary; considerations. Whilst he is indis posed to take a portfolio smaller men1 are about dying to get one. '' George Augusta ''Sala; the well known English author, now lecturing in the United States, was a - very, strong friend of the South; in "the late unpleasantness." . This will not enable him to get better audiences in the North. . v; . The woman that. Kilpatrick took .with him in his march through North Carolina has turned up, a obrnplete, drunken outcast in Chicago. Kit was a hard case. . She -was a Northern school teacher he came across in South Carolina. The Norfolk Ledger is 'opposed to the Paternal Pedagogy bill and says; . ''We do not belong to that class of iati tuamarians who can always find an excuse lor doing an act not specifically granted in the Constitution, and yet when the shoe pinches them endeavor to find shelter un der the very instrument that their own va cillation had aided in destiojing." If the Criminal Court of New Hanover is killed we have but little doubt that the householders in Wil mington will live to regret it in sack cloth and ashes. It will prove mise rable economy, we f ear. iThe rogues and rascals will rejoice .when the news comes that the bi-monthly vyourt is at an end. '. ; Some'papers'have a peculiar view . we mission ot a newspaper. It ma8t. noy presume to run counter to the action or opinion of ooliticiaas. You must sing the same Dsalms that Congressmen sing. It is this sort V 11 V 11 '"'r:' j a v r --. . ; . i ; i 9 - ..... vol. xxxv. No mi of depressed view that gives editors so little inflaence. H They,; are eter nally piping; the praises of others.' Theyieel inferior and cannot ven- tare to discuss a question that! col lides with politioians. We think; men like Hale, Camerony Heitmanlio beyv Bailey, Creecy, Micbanx, Brjan, Merritt, Law, Murrill, Wall, -Mc- Laurin, Page and others have,: much right to opinions upon public questions as any men in Congress, j ' . The evil ' effects of " the dynamite horror are being seen in the unjust and cruel persecutions of innocent Irishmen .in . London. A dispatqh from Lon4on, dated the 28th nltL, says: : , ,, . ;c I I "It is reported that in the eastern Dortidn' of London- attacks : have been' made on Irishmen, as a result of the f eeline brought aboat by the explosions, and that many jf uiem : nave been beaten an the -streets at niglit. The feeling ot animosity? against the Irish isN spreading, and the police have outrages." -" j ; s The worst-enemies Ireland ever had are these cruel assassins. THE GIT1T; N ML CT lDVKBTISBIHENTh.. . ; A. Shkieb B. S. S." " Mtjnson Neckwear, etc. Bkn White Hung again. H. C. Pkempkrt O, I H. H. Fobteb Vocal da&s. J.'C. Mtoros Putz-Pomade. . Wrxi. "Wkst Special notice. L Shbtjeb Truth and fiction. Gbemajt MAsquKRADB Ball. 0. W. Williams & Co Notice. " J. S. McEachebn House for sale. Hkksbsbokb Pianos and organs. Paseek & Tatlob Library lamps, i Giles & Mukchison Spring trade. M. S.Wellabd Reduced ins. rates. G. R French & SoKB--Gents'shoes. J. W.Gobdon & Smith Insurance. 8. H. Trutblk & Co Auction sales. A Citizen Tribute to Dr. Bellamy. -J. EL Habdin Georgia Major cigars. -. "Williams, Rabkin & Co New firm. (Wm. H. Green Powdered sage, etc I P.- L. Bridgers & Co About candies. W. S. Briggs & COT-Shoulder braces, i -C. W.Yatks To merchants and others; McDotjgall & Bowdsn Lots of things. W. H. Alderman & Co Plumbing, etc. Otterbptjrg &Co Marvelous reduction Harrison & Allen Boys' Polo caps. W, E. Sprengkb & Co Hard ware, etel Mrs.E Warren Orangesjand bananas. Bbown fc Roddick Great 1 reductions. BapUst SnBday Sclil lTalm. . The Wilmington Baptist Sunday School Union will, hold a mass Sunday school meeting at " the Bhnop ore9 J55tl Church.', corner i of McRae and t Walnut streets, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. ; Th exercises will consist of essays, recitatioos and the discussion of some very interesting topics. The duties of teachers to scholars will be discussed by Miss Nora M. Bennett of New York. " The colored Baptists of this city, we are told, are being greatly benefitted by the teachings of Misses Bennett and Dobbins, who were sent here by the American Home Mission Society, hear a year ago." They visit and teach at five different schools every Sabbath.' An appreciation of their services is' shown' by the large attendance at nearly ail of the meetings. . The neople, it is claimed,' are gettihe a purer, ideaiof Christianity, and its relation to temperance through r the influence 'of tneir teachings.! All the teachers of the different Sunday schools that have joined the Union " meet together and are instructed by them every Wednesday evening, which makes : them better prepared to teach on the Sabbath. - Railroad matters. ' : " .. The .dining room at the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad depot, in this city," here-i tofore in charge of Mrs. Winton, has been undergoing a thorough overhauling and has beenfitted tfp" In handsome style. Among! other improvements it has.beenjiewly pa pered throughout arid yesterday MrB.-F.' White was engaged in putting up new lambrequins,'' lace curtains,, cornices, etcJ Handsome" shades have also been ordered for that and the new hotel at Weldon-Mr.) Mann, who, it is understood, will have the; management of the eating house here as well as the hotel in Weldon, was expected' to arrive last night with the -necessary sil ver ware,-and.it .is understood that the re . juvenated dining room will be opened toj the public to-day. - - aa-a . -' Mr. George W; Westbrook, who former y resided near Harrison Creek, in Pende county, where he was a prominent farmer, sold out all of his possessions recently for; the purpose bf going to Florida and taking up his residence in that 'land of flowers;' He went, and only A a few days were suffi cient to convince 1 him 'thai he had made a! mistake id leaylog North Carolina, and yesterday" he; wasktelling his friends in Wil mingtpn how glad he was to get' back among theni. ?ri- ' : - Personal. We had l a pleasant isit from our: old friend Maj. .Thomas H,Blacknall, now of Atlanta. . He is a: Granville boy and has now charge of :the selling department of Blackwell tobaccpa; from Philadelphia f to the Gulf. He is a man of map and gx;. itJfcT James KWfiliamsreasu Cape Fear & ; Yadkin j Valley ! Railroad, was in the city yesterday. . r ' ;; WT T.MTNfiTON I.Cal HOC. :cr;j Xoiii U v ' - One. month of 1885 gone. This is SeptnagesimaSunday. -Receipts 'of cotton ' yesterday uaicc. ...... . Thirwinter has been famous for rainy Suadays. : ' "IC ASidlher '.'rainy;' spelt set in yesterday morning. . " ""',..; : . , 1' Eggs were 'retailing yesterday at 20 "cents per dozen. '. ' ' : ; : ; ,.. Heavy firing in the eastern sec tion of the city every nighf." ' , j The Board ot Aldermen have their regular monthly meeting to-morrow night.4 s, ni swixfisn'-!i.f: - The storin1 signal, , after one day's? Testwas; again Vat the mast-bead yesterday a : V-v ., r -- ' : j The ordinance 'of .Baptism will I be administered at tke Jlrsl Baptist church this evenipgi after the sennon-: r' 1 f '- There wStbe angular meeting of the Board "of Managers of the Produce Exchange oh Tuesday,' the 3rd. The Mayor had . no . cases be fore him .jresterday . morning, except two cases for failure to pay license tax. , f . - - ' . The Cornet Concert Club are to have a . meeting of importance at their band room Tuesday night at 2 o'clock. Elder.0. N. Gore will preach at the Primitive Baptist church, on Castle, between Fifth and Sixth streets, this morn- ing at 11 o'clock. ' 4 ' ., . ' ; -r Messrs. Marsden Bellamy, A. G. Ricaud and other lawyers who were in attendance upon the Bar Convention, -have returned home. Th.ejRegister of. Deeds issued six marriage licenses during the-past week. of which three yere for?whlteand ree for colored jCQu plea, iir y-k: . ; The Board of County Commis sioners will hold their regular monthly session to-morrow afternoon, commencing at half past 2 o'clock- - . . The German Masquerade Ball takes place at Mr. Toller's new hall oppo site the ;nw market on Front street, Wednesday night next. vri 'Tjbere will be a . meeting of the Ladiea Benevolent Society at Miss Hart's school-house, on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 3rd, at half past 3 o'clock. . The magistrates are on the war path against delinquent poll tax-payers. Justice Millis alone disposes of about five or six cases a day on an average.- .- Wm. Moseley aed David Jose lui, two worthy colored men of the city; the former janitor at the City Hall, and the latter for the Front Street Methodist church, arevery sick. ' " ' '4 v,rrr The interments in the various cemeteries of the city during the week closing yesterday were as ' follows: Oak dale, 3 adults; Bellevue, none; Pine Forest (colored), 2 adults. Total 6. Petitions are in circulation for an increase Ju the number of Superior Court Judges and an increase in the num ber of terms, so as to meet the demand for speedy justice now afforded by the Crimi nal Court. , . " , The Norwegian barque FaGcen, Capt. Christiansen, 'was cleared from this port for Glasgow, Scotland, yesterday, by Messrs. Alex, Sprunt & Son with 600 casks spirit turpentine - and 1,328 barrels of rosin, vahied at $10,2(KX In the front, garden of the premises attached to the residence of Mr. Wm.; Calder. corner of Front and Mulberry Streets,; there ft ib4 of grass , as green as can be seen in midsummer. To the1 mind of the passer-by, the ...effect is cheerful. Rev. R. A. Young. D. D., thus . writes in the yLdvoddtftf Missions: "The North Carolina Conference held its session in.JVilmiogtQnrVthe.city.by the sea." The good old ity of Wilmington has no decaying splendors. It is in fine repair." ; Maj. H H? Foster, our neigh-' bor of the -Heviea,: will soon, begin a class in vocal music , at Temperance Hall, and we heartily advice all who have a desire to learn that beautiful and, attractive 'accom plishment to ' pnt ' themselves under .' his Foster ing care.. . v, - V '; -":'aaa ' . New Finn.! ' ';-.,.. . By. announcement elsewhere it will be seen that : Messrs, G.? W. "Williams & Co., have disposed of , their wholesale grocery Dusmesa to Messrs. liuncan m. wuuams Robt. G.-Rankin .aad John K. Williams, who will hereafttf . ' Conduct the business under the firm name of Williams, Rankin & Co.,- at'the'oid ' .stand - on ' North Water, between Market and ' Princess streets. Messrs. GW Williams & Co., will con tinue the'coTnmiqsion.and .shipping busi ness. . . j First JPresbysrlHq?!nrelu r: ,RevVPf.Wito away last night by this death of a member of his family 'no services will be held in the irai Presbyteritn Church :to-dsy.: Rev. JrT.Prtmrose will supply the'pulpit to ght ii ijiiwA i,..The usual collection WilT be taken up.' "J. Arrested on saspfeien. colored hoy was arrested and lodged In the itnard house yesteiday'pnV suspicion q baying stolen a ojrBTlietir 'finite Investieated" by ' Mayor1' tiall -toniorrow morning jT5 j -'ar, - " ' i O. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 1885" fveatlier InoMeatioiia.; ;V( . . .' The following are the Indications for to day: '"T .;'" .. For the 4 South . Atlantic . States, local rains and stationary temperature,' northerly winds, t'ij'j-.y; br"y:J - No tramps presented themselves at the etation house Friday night. ' For the Star.' "ASTBONQMT." r ' . - . Mf. Editor An, extraordinary",' cor respondent in your paper, a few days ago, said that "no astronomer ever taught that the sun threw off worlds. Now let us see. In 1655 Kant outlined a system which sup posed an immense nebulae condensing and, throwing off worlds from its periphery, the condensing sun being the centre, and con trolling all. 7 Hetschel seized the thought: and moulded it into better form. Liapiace,. who was j contemporary with Herschel grasped the idea, and assuming the exist ence of "nebuto filling space equal to the solar system," he fancied "that system to have. been1 "evolved by the operation, of natural forces,- out of that nebulous' mass."' ; But to make snort worse, ana not to quote from many others, I give Prof. Winched statement. He says, after: exhibiting the matter of the solar system ririnaTrrxi8t-, ing as an intensely hot vapor, so attenuated as that several cubic miles , ot such .'fire- mist" condensed would only weigh a grain, "the cooline and contracting of this vapor inaugurated a rotation which was inevita bly accelerated to such an extent that a peripheral ring was detached which became planets in due succession, the present sun being the residuum of the mass. ?Also, Prof. Wells, eminent as a scientist, says: "The cooling and contracting of this mass of vapor, under great rotatory motion, by the centrifugal force threw off rings.' Such detached masses formed themselves into single planets, or, like the' great original sphere, into planets with satellites and rings, until finally the principal mass con densed itself into the sun. which still occu pies its original position as the centre of the system, and as the largest body." Now the relative sizesof the mem bers of the solar system are as yet only approximations to ' the ' real. i Some of the best astronomers say that "the, aun is only five hundred times greater than all the planetary matter around him. Others say" six hundred, and still others seven hundred and fifty. UAH these may he taken with due -allowance. . In making t statement of these relative sizes, .we may make a mistake and wrong impression un less .we state it all; that' is, that while the diameter of the sun is one ' hundred times greater than that of the earth, the sun is only one fourth as dense as the-earth. A grown-up "school boy ought to wait until he reads and studies more. I believe your first correspondent wrote only to Stim ulate young people to bear Prof. Proctor s lectures. A Gkhtlemau. . Oar Omren Calenaax. . . ., , . - First B&Dtist Church, corner of Fifth and Mar ket streets. Bev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., pastor. Bervloea at 11 a. m. and 7M d. m. After the mor ning sermon the Lord's supper will be admin istered. Buoaay scnooi at p. m Kegtuar monthlr Church meeting Monday night at o'clock. Prayer and .Praise meeting Thursday night at orolk. st. raui's jsrangeneai L.utneran church, corner Sixth and Market streets. Her. F; W. B. Peechau, pastor. Sngliah serrices at 11 a. m.. Oermaa serrloes t 7.80 p. m. Sunday school at S p. m., W. H. Strauss, sup't. First Presbyterian Church, corner of Third and Orange streets. Bev. Sr Joseph B. Wilson, pas tor, temoea as 11 a. m. ana 7.w p-.m. , Sunday Bohool at 4 p. m. Lecture Thursday night at 7 &) o'clock, s 7 ... Second Presbyterian Church, corner Fourth and CamobeU - street: Bar. J. W. Primrose, pas tor. Services at 11 a. m, and 7.80 p. m. Prayer Meetimr and Lecture eyenr Wcdneadav nitht at 70 o'clock. . Sabbath scnooi at 8 p. m wm. H. bpront, raperlntendent. at. jonn's cnurcn, corner or Third and. Bed Cross streets. Bev. J. CarmichaeL B. D., Rector. Beptuaceslma Sunday.. Morninr Prayer and Bo ly Communion at 11 o'clock; Church Service by BunaayscQooi aio.w p.m. . ' ; St. Paul's .Episcopal Church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets. Bev. T. M. Ambler. Hector. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Kveninr Prayer at 8 o'clock. Seats free, eats free.- Front Street M. S. Church. South, comer of Front and Walnut streets. Bev. Dr. B, A. Yates, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7.3u'p.m. Sabbath school at 8 p. m., W.M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after first and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'olock. Seats free and strangers and visitors cordially invited. , ., , , Fifth Street M. B. Church, between Nun and Church, Bev. D. H. Turtle, Pastor. Serrices at 11 a. m. and 7 Hp. m. Class, meeting at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 9 o'clock. ; Christ Church (Congre nationalist), liun street, between Sixth and Seventh. Bev. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, o o'clock p. m. Sunday school. S o'olock p. m, in Memorial Hall, corner 7th and Nun streets. jsrooaiya nan sunaay school at s.80 p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting every Friday and Sun day evening, at 7.80o'olook. The publfo are cor dially invited to attend, St. Thomas' Pro-CathedraL on Dock street." between Second and Third. First Mass at 7.00 a. m.: High Mass and aermon at 10.80 a. m.; Vespers and Benediction at 4 p. m.; Daily Mass at 7 a m. St. Mark's Bpisoopai Church, corner of Sixth and Mulberry streets, Sendees as follows: Sun days, Morning, Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 7H o'clock. Sunday school at St; Bar nabas at tiki p. m. On Saints' days. Morning Prayer at 7Ho'Qlk; Evening Prayer at 4o'clk. Sea s free. " , . . . t The A11-Sou1b Christian Union hold religious services at Tileston Upper Boom, every Sunday afternoon at 8 o'olock.. The public are Invited. First Baptist Church,' corner Fifth and Camp-; bell streets, Bev. A M. Conway, pastor. Preach ing at 11a.m., 8p.m. and 7.30p.m.- Sabbath; fccnooi itip.m. Mt. Olive A. M. TL Chnrchi'corner of Second and Dawson streets. 'Bev, F. F. Giles, pastor. Divine serrices as follows: At 11 o'olock, a. m.; 8 p m.. and 76 p. m.; oiass, meeting at o'clock iu. Saobatn scnooi atxp. nv- MBS. WIN SLOW '8 SOOTHING STBUP. Bxv Rtlvattds Coam thus writes in the Boston Chris tian Freeman We would by no means recom mend any kind of meniome wnicn we did not know to be arood Darticularly to infants. ' - But of Mrs Winsiow's Soothing Syrup we can speak from knowledge: in our own family It has proved a blessing Indeed, by giving an Infant troubled, with colic pains, quiet sleep and the parents un broken rest at night. Most parents an appre ciate these biessuus. . uere i an article' wmon -works to Derfection. and which is harmles?: for the bleep wnich It affords the Infant Is perfectly -natnral. and the little cherub awakes as "orient aa a button" And durlna the process of teeth-; Ing its value is incalculable, we have f requent-j ly heard mothers say that they would not De without It from tbe birth of tbe ehild till It had finished with the teething sl-ge, on any conside ration whatever. Sold by all druggists. S5 cents a bottle. ' . . 0'KKfLL--DAJ)iiL.r-OBf' Thursday evening, January 22. at the residence of tbe bride's m by the Bt. Bev. Bishop Northrop, LOT-HE, daughter of the late N. Q. DarieL to Dr, O'SklLLi of Charleston, S, C -j s ! ' ax tne resiaenoe ox ue onae-s motner. eiaest W. P. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale, :; iA FOUB-KOOM HOUSB, in perfect ffji f order,' on Wood, between Red Cross aMJand Campbell streets. Season of sale, 3. ! ...i ..v. Vbci; Class. ' 1 V( i i ' iu- f rpHK 1 SUBSCBXBER WILL ? COMMBNCB A A Class In Vocal Music at Temneranoe HalL op posite City Hall, as soon as a sufflctent number of pupils have been obtained.. ' Terms for IS les sons a, notice oi .tune oi , commencemoui, ui Class will be given hereafter.. ieo i H. H. FOSTER. M Ei : ia : s - l; fNEt ADVERTISEMENTS A. G. SIcGIRT Auctioneer. ?" BY S. H. TBDIBLE A CO. OHjnJISDAY, FEB. 3D, 'ATJ0 O'CLOCK, at Exchange Corner, we will sell Three Horses and one Douole-Seat Bulkey. Atll o'clock, at our Sales Room, we wUl sail every thintc pertain mg to make up a First Class Country Store; also Household and Kitchen Furniture, Bedding, &c febllt - . - . Qennan ; Masquerade Ball, J. AT H- VOXiLKKS' NB W HALL, WEPNESDATNIGHT, FEB. 4,1885. A dmWon Sl.00 for Lady and Gentleman; Be- freshments 53c. Tickets can b9 had bf any mem ber of tbe Committee. No tickets will be sold at the door to any one In maskj v 'r Oenunttteet . Vollers, John Haar, Jr-VlL L. " Toilers,: SL w. Doesoher. ' - . feb 1 It TT IS BUT JUST TRIBUTE TO DR. BELLAMT A- that mention be made of his skllL as shown In the gratuitous operation performed on John ' Jackson, son of Mary Jackson, who had both legs erusned ey tne tram a lew weeks ago. not more than thrwe Ouartera of an hour waaoonsumed by the Uoctorrot amputation, and though no one imputation, ana vnougn no one i -he boy woafcl sottIW, the little 1 i out bravely and is now perfectly- fc i much thanks. . . . , . I i mpposed tiiat tne boy woaa enow tras come wen, whi w hub uiuuu uuuiu.; '. - - i 11 1 w n febllt.. ... A CITIZEN, u Eung Again., JUST RETURNED FROM WALDON, HAVING finished the decorations for the hotel therein Wall Paner: am nrenared to fill the bill first-class here. Send in your work for next week. BEN WHITE, - - The Paper Hanger feb 1 It ' and Carpet Maker. Notice. TCTB SAVE DISPOSED OF OUR WHOLESALE Grocery business to WILLIAMS, RANKIN & CO., and bespeak for them the patronage of our old friends and customers. ' - We will oontlnue the Commission and Shipping Business as heretofore. feb 1 tf GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. New Firm., rpHB UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PURCHASED the entire Interest and good yld orMessrs, G. W. WILLIAMS St CO , in the Wholesale Grocery Business, propose to conduct the same In all its . .... , branches, In connection with a General Commis sion Business, under the style and firm name of WILLIAMS, RANKIN & CO. We trust by strict personal attention and low prices to merit a share of the public patronage. DUNCAN L, WILLIAMS, ROBERT gTrAKKIN, JOHN K. WILLIAMS. , feb 1 tf Boys' Polo Hats ! Umbrellas ! HARRISON ALLEN, tobiu Hatters. AN ELEGANT S.TOCK OF NECKWEAR, KID :. . ' ,.' . -i .. Gloves. Silk Handkerchiefs and Drlvlnsr Gloves. Corkscrew and Diagonal Salts to Measure, at ex ceedingly jow prices, r .. - s At MUNSON'S, feb 1 It Clothing Rooms. . it ? "PUTZ-POMADE I USCFUI. IN THE HOUSE- a. hold, in the Store, In the Workshop, in every jriaoe woete Jteuu won ii to De- aept. Dngnc Try It for Show Cases, Andirons, Silverware, Har ts. Stove Trimmings, Door Handles, and any kind of Metal Work. For sale by JAMES C. MUNDV . Pharmacist, febllt . 104 North Front St. Special Notice. HE EXCITEMENT IS OVER, THE FAILURE has proven a failure. Now call and see what I can furnish you with In my line. Satisfaction guaranteed. t. v - ' WILL WEST," feb 1 tf Prop. Gem Saloon and Restaurant. Kid Glove; Oranges, Aspinwall ;. i -Bananas. TX7x abe Receiving per bail and steam Yv er weekly, the finest a spin wall Bananas and Kid Olive oranges ever brought to this mar ket. 1 ry the Kid Gloves and you will buy no other Oranges. Fresh Candles made dally. , .: MRS. J. WARREN, f eb 1 tf i l , Fruit and Confectionery Store. r To Merchants and Others. . : BLANK BOOKS, LETTER BOOKS, CHECK, Note and Receipt Books all sizes, in stock and made to order, fpeoial attention to orders for Lithographing Checks, Drafts, Letter Heads, Visiting Carda, InyltatiQTiB, &o -Seals and Rub ber 8tamp8 of every descrlpi ion made to order A full stock ot Office and Fancy, Stationery al ways on hand. ' ' - . , , C W. YATES, feb 1 tf 119 Market St. Georgia Major. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A "FRESH SUPPLY of GEORGIA MAJOR CIGARS, and they are better than they ever were Call and get a good smoke for five cents. !...- .. ;. - u J. H. HABDIN. - I . Druggist and Seedsman, feb ltf New Market, Wilmington, N.C. . C. PRSMPEBT, AT NO.. 7 SOUTH FRONT Street, is now, like; all the rest, keeping a First- - ' Class Shaving, Hair Catting.: S- c, Saloon, with Albert. Q. Pretnpert and m; J. Stewart as as sistants. Give them a call. ., . feb 1 tf "-iriShrier. S. S. I HAVE RECEIVED A- LARGE LOT OF BAY STATE SHOES, which I offer at lowest prices. I am Sole Agent in this8taie for the above nam ed goods,and every pair Is warranted. Don't for get thcsejJM.00 LAJHBs' J3HOKS. - - - v- A RI4 PI Kit 1 feb 1 tf 108 Market St. Wm. E, Springer & Co. JTJAVEIN STOCK A LARGE A880RTMENT OF Foreign and Domettio HARDWARE of the best known manu'acturers. Prices guaranteed. ,r - - - 19, 81 A 3 Market Street, , feb ltf, ;:. ... . Wilmington, N C: i Edck lMe. , v T70B BUnrNGPURPOSES. J? r - FRESHLY BURNED PRICE REDUCED TO $1.15 PER CASK. T .trier AT. DISCOUNT FOR , LARGE LOTS AND TO THE TRADE. Address FRENCH BROS., f Rocky Point, N.C. or-O. QSP1 apltf sataff : Wilmington, N. C'. ' .2 r WHOLE NO. 5733 NKW. APVERTISKMENTS. GREAT EEDUCTI0IIS! As BROWjSf & RODDICK, 9 North Front St. ' "yE HAVE JUST FINISHED TAKING AN IN; ventory of our Stock this day, January 81st, And have laid the following Lots out to offer at a SPECIAL BARGAIN, in order to wake up trade. This Is not done for the sake of advertising or deceiving, as we GUARANTEE THE REDUC TIONS TO BE JUST AS STATED. CALL MON DAY, FEBRUARY 2ND. . - a - LOT iv a . . LADIES' CORSETS, former Ratafl prlees $1,90, $l.$Und75d.oalng-Pr I ; 50c a PabV ':' 't . . . , V -.- .A- LADIES' MOUSQUrr AIRE KID G.LOVES, fot-f mer prioe f 1.50. Closing Price $1.00.- ' ' '. l5t 3. . i i ' 1 LADIES' 4-BDTTON KID GLOVES, former priee $1.(0. Closing Price 75 c. LOT 4. LADIES' 2-BUTTON KID GLOVES, former price 7jC. Closing Price 50c. i LOT 5. ; SHAWLS -A- CLOAKS. ALL REDUCED AWAY BELOW COST. ' LOT 6. : TOWELS, slightly soiled, marked away below ANY COST PRICE In the city. ; LOT.7.v SEVENTY' DOZEN TOWELS, former price 30c. Closing Price 1 5 c (a Bargain). The above ARE BELOW ANY COST PRICE, but we MUST offer inducemonts and keep pace with the-times UNDER ANY AND ALL CIRCTJM. STANCES. BROWN. & RODDICK, f ... .. . . . SOLE AGENTS FOR - BDTTRICK'S CUT-PAPER PATT MS. 0 NORTH FRONT ST. feb ltf Trntli is Stronpr tliaii Fiction. ; .. rHE OLD ADAGE, "THE PROOF OF THE PUDf ding is the eating of it," the proof that one's me thod of dolag, business is good is not what he says, but what he does; not what he advertises, but what ,he performs; ,npt what he claims, but In tbe results.. Business success gained bya fair, uniform and honorable dealing with patrons, by .selling good goods at the lowest prices, by con ducting the business to the mutual benefit of both buyer and seller. Is a true success. We have been In business m this city fifteen years, and by fair dealing have been successful in gain ing one ot the' largest clothing ti ades in this city. Anything we have now in stock yon can bav on our pledge to give the best value for. the least money, every time with the privilege of ex changing or the refunding of -money. ' : . :'. ; .SHBIEBji J THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER,, . ; 114 MARK ET STREET.' . febllt . ; . i - : : Prof. Proctor HAVING EXPLAINED, SATISFACTORILY HIS - IDEAS ABOUT THE NEBULAR HYPOTHESIS and having removed all doubt in our mind as to Its non-existence, by illustrations and commen tations,' we are -prepared, to prove to the Wil mington people that some candy-makers are ac tive agents ln'thls iVett&rr Hypotheti theory, and; are filled with' vaporous ideas and. hnagmatlonai They rotate with euch speed that they create a vapour about them, and! ih!nk!they are manufac turing WORLDS OF. CANDY,' when. In point of fact, -r. i-. h .- ;. ; Royster's Pure Candies lead all other kinds in the market They are PURE, FRESH AND WHOLESOME. The young ladles demand It; the old ladles enjoy it; the young babies cut their teeth on It. Young men, pay attention to these facts, and. strdigmway invest w uus necessity. - irevona air doubt the most popular CANDY In our city, and it is sold ror mirty-nve cents poanev 1 P. L. Bridgers & Co,, 110 North Front St. feb 1DAW tf To Mqneraders. A NEW LOT OF MASKS, MADS OF WIRE, CLOTH and PAPER,' just received..' Please call and supply yourselves at --' ' . , , IHEINSBBRGER'S, Pianos and Organs. o OLD FOB CASH OR ON THE EASY INSTAL- ,'v, ........ . ;-. MBNTPLAN, ; At- ' ' 1 ' ;! HETNSBERGER'S Live Book and Mnslo Stores. f eb 1 til Htimbing aed Gas YY'-K ARE NQW PREPARED TO EXECUTE all jobs in Plumbing and: Gas Fitting with' dis patch, and guarantee satisfaction Also a few 'more STOVES (botn .Cooking and. Heaters) left, atnguresto sure an. - . , ; : W.H. ALDERMAN COC A feb 1 tf . . 85 Market Street. Powdered Sage,1 T30WDERED CAYENNE PEPPER.' o - -mb'SAHi- : POWDERED THYME,' SPICES OF ALL KINDS, -, tr . x A fresh lot Just received. . ' -. WILLIAM, H. GREEN. . feb ltf Druggist. r- OA.THSO AaTB.aiin-. i neSqn wOMtoi.ji or 1 75 seo 8 00 f0 400 6 Co Tnreeuaya.. Fporpays,...,,. Flvo Days...'..... vmw irvw. .... .-. .... ,...... Two Weekar.-......: Three Weeks, ...x -rut 8 18 n Month,....;...;... io co TWO Months,..,....;.......,,, 18 00 Tteej Months.......... M oo 8U Months... 40 00 Yearw,...M. .......... 00 to "Oeatrot AdWttoemexta taken at propor tionately low ratea. . - " TaattMs solid Hoinjtoegtypmake one square NEW - ADVERTISEMENTS. Ilarvellous Beductions Men's Fine Clothing ! OTTERBOtTEG & CO. JJ DETERMINED TO REDUCE THEIR 8TOCK OF FINE CLOTHING, which they give a BONA FIDE GUARANTEE as to the . same being of the LATEST 8TYLES rjo&sessing every point of taste requlsitato good fit, warranted well made, and AT PRICES UNPRECEDENTED IN ' WTLMTNGTON. The readers of the "Stab" the wearers of Coats, Pants and Vests are ear-' neatly reminded of the fact that OTTERBOUBG A CO. only handle NEW AND FRESH GOODS, and never under any circumstances are led Into the buying of Imaginary bargains offered by Auctioneers and Odd-Lot Jobbers. When yon donasulsof out Clothes you have the satisfac tion of knowSog that thay are FRESH, STYLISH ' and DSSTBABLBL : We repair levery disaattof ac tor; trade wrthorrl on word or argament. Try us oQoe just for lack and be convinced. OTTERBOURd & CO., KING CLOTHIERS, Wilmington, N. C febl It JNO. W. GORDON. JOS. D. SMITH Jno. W.Gordon & Smith Agents, LiTerpol & londoi & tt Ins. Co., which, -as we have onoe or twice remarked, pays aR losses without discount. "- Give ns a trial, and we will do our best to please yon. -.- feb ltf More of Them. HOSE POPULAR WAUKENPHAST SHOES for Gentlemen. Fit like a glove and don't hurt. We have the best $6.00 GAITER for Gents in the State. Call and see them. Geo. B. French & Sons, f ' i 108 NORTH FRONT STREET feb ltf -. Spring Trade. "TE ARB PREPARED TO FILL PROMPTLY orders from the country for Plows, Hoes, Trace Chains, Backhands, &o , at very low prices. . UlLiSs A MUhCHlSON, - feb l tf Murchlson Block. Just Received. FRESH ASSORTMENT OF THE NICKER BOCKSB SHOULDER BRACES, for both Ladles and Gentlemen. - W. S. BRIGGS A CO , feb ltf N.W. corner Front and Kexket, v For Sale, Lots QF HORSE BLANZETS, LAP ROBES, 8AD- dles. Harness, Trunks, Satchels. &o. A full line of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Carta, Drays, Ac, at factory of McDOUGALL St BOWDBN, Opposite Giles & Murchlson's Store, feb ltf . library Lamps. HAND AND STAND LAMPS, LAMP BTRN ers. Chimneys and Shades. We have just received a full supply of our popular OOLUM blA AND SOUTHERN OAK COOK STOVES. Have yon seen our Improved Farmer? Pore White Ull I 1 always on hand. PARKER TAYLOR, -23 South Front St. feb 1 tf Sliip Notice. : r Andersons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting any of tne crew or tne American itag -MARY B. DANA. Cant.' Mltchen. as no debts of their contracting win be paid by Master or Consignees. . & G. BARKER CO . Consignees. jan8t Ten Cents Per Honth. THE STORY MONTHLY IS THE CHEAPEST Magazine published It contains 80 com plete atorles, 128 pages of. U eful -Information, Wit.and Humor (striotly moral) , -For sale at - w C. M. HARRIS' i Jan f& tf ' Popular News and Cigar Store. WE AEE SELLING! ,." ALL KINDS OF ' DRY GOODS, 1 f : CABPET8,V t :- : : a cuhtatns, COnNICE,BIATTINGS, Ac, Ac, - , VERY, VERY CHEAP NO MISTAKX. , ;'. ii si. ncrjrririB. . Closing out UNDERWEAR very obeap. a Jan86DWtf : ; lsumce Bates Eeducjcd.: JTH3 PREMnjM RATES OF THE MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF NE W YORK (assets one hun dred and one million dollars), were reduced a few years ago about IS per cent., lower than any other Co, Policies will be issued on which the premiums may be paid In monthly Instalments. For Information apply to : -1. ; ,M,S. WTLLABB. Agent a nr. Water street. Telephone No. 5. aa- x . a , feb ltf For R A DIVISION THE FAYETTEVOXB 6UN, AND JOB OFFICE ATTACHED, will re sold ik Public Auction, on February Mta, at 19 o'olock M. -Terms cash. . , r B.5- BRYAN Jr. . Surviving Partner of Evans firyas. . -' laaatas . iiiA' ins ... . f .". TN TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, DOTLAS AND towels, a new supply or b ano&sbciu jurti, good aualitT. heach. HEDRICE, 115 Market St, Jan85tf 5 I c