i ( ----- The Morning' Stan HATES OJR ADTKSTISINGt n8qaar OaeDay,.............;..... fi or ..... u ThreeDara- a m f 1 1i -:) 8 00 PITBLISHP'PAIU' ' KXCgfT MQNDA1 S BATS8 OT IVMOIIRnw. I ajjtaaub. - r !-. Wim PnatAM Paid. S? Tturee Months, g TwoMonths, . ; ....... .!. 0aTottty Subscribers, delivered to MTPjjt of the City, rorra i iBTita are not uuwniea to oauu w wn than mroo . - - , . . . entered at the Post Offiee at Wilmington, N. a, BS oeoona vumb jumww. v j4 MORNING EDITION, OUTLINES, ; Tbe French forces in Tonquiu have had three days hard fighting; the resistance of the Coioese was obstinate and the losses of the French were heavy. A. '.public school building at Atlanta burned; loss $15 000. i A $10,000 fire; at -Gainesville, Ga., is reported. Conductor Clarence Washington was killed in the wreck of a freight train on the VfSshingr too, Ohio & Western R. R. Snow fcll at Montgomery and Selma, ; Ala., yes terday to the depth of four inches. One of the Full River (Mass.) cotton mills contemplates moving its entire machinery tn Mexico. - Two murderers were hanged yesterday at Little; Rock, Ark, ;Jr L. U Beach was executed at Holltdays l)ur, Pa., for the murder of his wife. York markets: Money 1-per cent.; cot ton quit at llllfc; southern ; flour r.pavy at $3 205 75; wheat, i ungraded white 8591c; corn, ungraded 4951c; rosio dull at $1 22J1 27; spirits tur j.entirt dull at 3030ic. Mr. Cleveland has gone into re- tireraent for the present at j Albany. H needs quiet and rest. j i L )fl Wolseley says he has person ally known but two great j jberoes: Robert E. Lee and 'Chinese Gor don," who has just been killed. ' The Paris correspondent jof the New York Times writes on the ,20th of January as if he thought there were clear signs of a general Euro pean war in tbe near future. j . " -. The Grand Jury is in session at Salt Lake; and all of the leading Mor mons have skipped the town. Ten indictments under the United States statutes have been made in a week. The Committee on Foreign Rela tions in the Senate have reported favorably for a Pacific cable between the United States and the Asiatic coast. "Westward the course of empire takes its way, fcc." j Gen. WolseleyV friends in Eng land say he was never in favor of the route he took up the Nile, but favored the Red Sea route. This - plea may or may not be true. The reinforcements are all being sent fy the route by Snakin. j The South-haters in the Kansas . Legislature are boiling over because ex-President Davis participated in the Liberty Bell reception They have passed red-hot resolutions of .denunciation that will hurt no one but the fellows who did it. .The State Senate refused to pass a bill graining 13,000 to help publish !. Sloan's "History of. North. Caro lina in the war between tbe States." It would be well to pass a bill to have the Hosier of troops in the late . war corrected for it abounds in er rors. ' i ":.-.! , An item for Dr. Bailey? Two" students were at ihe Unisersiy. One paid 8 1 tuition; the other iwras a couuty beneficiary. The one who paid his tuition spoke in a 120 suit of clothes at Coramenceme'nti The beneficiary bought three suits at a 5ost of $135.00 and spoke also. There are other cases that could be pro duced. ' ' ! The Reformers in New York State do not'seem to favor either Whitney or Manning for a Cabinet place. We do not know much ' of these men. Manning is a sharp party manipula tor but he is hardly a statesman. Whitney is son-in law to Senator elect Payne, of Ohio, who is said to be the candidate of the Standard Oil monopoly. Whitney is said to be much preferred to Manning by the county Democracy of New York. We are in receipt of the "Third Biennial Report of the Superintendent-of Fish and Fisheries of. the State of North Carolina for 1883 84." !t is a neat pamphlet of 35 pages and contains a full account of the operations of Superintendent Worth, whoi8 an efficient officer It also contains the lecture of lieut. Wins low, of the Navy, on the Oys er In dustry, and a paper on the same sub ject by Prof. Brooks, of Johns Hop klDB Diversity, Baltimore.; i ere is a painful rumor from Washington concerning", the ! Greely Pfrt7. It is no said- that Lieut. ' freely was himself guilty of the very crime for which he 'shot! private enry. 8orae of the extracts rfrotn thA - . rwieB of the men haver been -I t - - - " ' VOL. XXXV. NO. 122. published. "A special from Washing ton to the Boston Post says:. . "The extracts from the diaries which: are published indicate that there was no th ine worse tnan a mutinous diSDosition in the party; that Henry was 'shot a month ' after the - rations - were -.exhausted; that Greely made no effort to eet the 1.500 ra tions at Cape Hawkes; nor to go to Little ton Island. : although Lieut. Kislinirburvi asked for one of the boats. The diaries tend to show that Lieut. Qreelv was inefft-1 cient and incompetent, and that he is re sponsible for the loss of the 19 men who died at Cape Sabine. It is this story which has begun to be whispered about TXT a. . - - tw asmngton. Spirits Turpentine Winston Graded School has 455 pupils. 1 .. ; Greensboro Workman : The shuttle block factory at High Point, be- onciDtr to VV. U. Snow, was consumed br fire last njhtbQAt ct'cleck. t . s " Davidson 'Dispatch: We were informed this morning that a full roller nour mill or seventy five barrels daily capa city, is to be built in Lexington during the summer. I The contraci for the erection of the necessary buildings has been signed, -i Monroe Enquirer-Express : A negro named Lee Staton was incarcerated in our county jail on last Friday on a charge of attempting- to - commit a rape on tne person or a utile wnlte girl, aged 10 years, daughter of Mr. H. M. Bancom.who lves near Olive Branch, in the eastern por tion of the county. Charlotte Observer; Mr. An drew Berry, of Lemley's township, died ast luesaay, at tne age of about 70 years. He was a prominent man in this coupty. ine many friends in Charlotte of Mrs. Mary Mattoou, wife of Dr. S. Mattoon, of Biddle University were pained to learn of the sudden death of that lady -yesterday morning. At 12 o'clock last night the thermometer had reached 12 degrees above zero. J Oxford Torchlight: Jessie Par- ham, who shot Mike Cook on the streets of Oxford last Tuesday and immediately af terwards ran . away., to avoid arrest, was capturedthe next morning at Clarksville, Va.j and carried to the Boydton jail. We notice among tnose licensed to practice law by the Supreme Court last Tuesday, tne name ot ju&rcelius unariea Hansom, ol Oxford, a colored man who until recently taught school and preached. Elizabeth CVf Economist: Sup pose the Legislature, at its present session. were to oner premiums from tne state Treasury of $500 for the best yield of ten acres of tne eight staple crops mentioned above. That is to say, $500 for tbe best yield of corn on ten acres, $500 for the best yield of cotton on ten acres, $500 for the best yield of field peas on ten . acres, ZoUU for the best yield of wheat on ten acres, $500 for the best yield of lrisn and sweet potatoes on ten acres five acres of each; $500 for the best yield of rice on ten acres,. $500 for the best yield of peanuts on ten acres, and $500 for the best yield of oats on ten acres. Raleigh Farmer ds Mechanic? It is not generally known that the Peniten tiary Directors get $300 a year $25 per month and $5 per day while on inspection service. Jfix senator Clingman, of North Carolina, has made at least one con vert to his theory" that tobacco is the sover eign remedy for wounds; bruises and sores. senator Lapnam says be knows from ex perience tne Hortn Carolinian does not exalt the curative properties of the ''weed" too highly. Report says nine negroes were buried one day last week in r ayette ville; and three the next. Prof. J. S. Purefoy has printed circular in relation to Gov. Scales message and the Umrersity. Asheboro Courier: A farmer in the. neighborhood of Bush Hill lost eight sheep by dogs a few nights ago. As we go to press, we learn that a woman by the name of Hill killed another woman named Hancock last Monday, in Back Crtek township. '- A bill has been in troduced in the Legislature to repeal the charter of the Fayetteville & Winston Rail road. When this is done, the managers say they intend to start again and build the road, A few days ago, Joseph Hack ett, near Red Cross, shot at a bird on bis hay stack, and killed the bird but did not notice that he set his hay on fire. The con sequence was he lost his hay and nearly all' his provender, and his barn barely escaped. Raleigh Chronicle: The ban quet tomorrow evening at 9 o'clock at tbe Central Hotel given by the I. O. O. F.. complimentary to Grand Master John E. Woodard and visiting brethren, will be an, exceedingly pleasant occasion. Mr. C. M. Busbee will be master of ceremonies.' - -Yesterday Gov.'. Scales commissioned the following officers of the headquarters staff: Adjutant General, Johnstone Jones, rank Brigadier ; General; Inspector General, FrancisH. Cameron, rank Colonel, Sur geon General, Eugene Grissom, rank Colo nel; Quartermaster General, Eugene More head, rank Colonel; (State Ordinance Offi cer, Frank A. Olds, jxank Lieutenant Col onel. A ' - Raleigh JSTews- Observer : Ox ford sent a large delegation of . representa tive men to Raleigh yesterday . in the . in terest of the Oxford & Clarksville Railroad. The charter was introduced in the Senate, and will be reported on favorably to day. The Oxford people are enthusiastic over the building of the proposed road. An inter Stat cocking main between Vir ginia and North Carolina commences to morrow, near -.Portsmouth. . Some disposition is manifested to locate here the preparation and manufacture of Gen. Clingmaa'8 tobacco remedies. The Durham cotton mills -are putting on the finishing touches to their handsome and commodious buildings. They propose to begin operations in March. Lincolnton Press : Last year Mr. J. O. Toutherow, of this county, raised 1,600 pounds of tobacco on two acres of land near town. ; Some idea of the qual ity of tbe tobacco may be formed from tbe fact that Mr. Toutherow was offered 25 cents per pound or . $400 for the lot by, a Shelby tobacco firm last - week. : A few weeks ago - we published an item rela tive to a fight between Miles Hester, "the bully of the Big'Ore Bank," and George Stiller, in which Hester was worsted. Al though Stiller got the : "beBt of it" in the fight, he came up and swore , out a peace warrant against Hester: In the meantime Hester procured a marriage license, "stole" Stiller 's daughter, made his escape and was married to her. i ' New Berne Journal:, On " Sat urday a colored girt went too near the fire and her garments were soon in a blaze. A colored man, who lived near, seeing the light, went in and, throwing a - heavy coat around the girl, , soon t extinguished the flames. - She was jcorcbedjn a few places, but not seriously hurt. This was in Kins ton on Saturday morning early. A WILMINGTON, few days ago; while at' Kinston. we were shown Bailey's combination baby carriage. It is the invention of Mr. Clement Bailey, of Kinston, for which he has obtained, a patent, and is the most complete thing of the kind we have seen It is first a, baby carriage; it can then be changed, in a min ute's time, to a crib, then to a . cradle and lastly to a chair. It is an elegant carriage, a snug little crib, a beautiful, convenient cradle,: and an easy chair. - r "" : '. ElizabethCity Falcon: We "are informed reliably that one of Elizabeth City's old Republican war horses is dispor ting;; on - the shadowy dividing line: be tween the two political . parties, with his head toward the Democratic sunlight. ' So soon? The Falcon gives, space to Capt. Scarborough's communication cheer fully, and for his honor, and that of the service, rejoices at his promptness in re futing the charge of cowardice and mis conduct The original statement of the case was based upon information furnished by a resident of that neighborhood and the Falcon had no reason to question its aothen theotidty. In further justice to Capt. Scarborough it should be said .lb an e7e Wltfi esaio the "rescue and to - the efforts . made by Capt Scarborough and Lis subse quent actions, made a : detailed statement of the case to tbe Falcon and completely exonerated Capt Scarborough. THE CITX !SKW ADVERTISED ENTM D. O'Connor For rent Muhson Spring goods. Heinsberger Valentines, j. C. Munds Putz Pomade. t . Trimble & Co Auction sale. W. .& J. Sloane Carpetinga. Correspondence Browning Divine. ' J. D. Daughtret Pianos and. organs. ! I Sou. Wilmington needs a Building Association. Only 16 bales of cotton were received here yesterday. Charlotte has three Building Associations, and they are doing . a great work for the people of moderate means in that city. The Germania Cornet Band, having supplied themselves with suitable : instruments, are now having semi weekly, practices. Four tramps were accommo dated with lodgings at the station house Wednesday night, and ordered to leave the city yesterday morning. Yesterday morning, at 6 o'clock, the Stab thermometer registered 24 de grees, or two degrees lower than at the same hour Wednesday morning. At 6 p. m. it showed 42 degrees. Trnek Farming:. We had the pleasure of a call yesterday from Mr. T. -B.-Maesey, of Oak Grove, Westmoreland county. Virginia, but for merly of Maryland, who is here on a pros pecting tour with the view of purchasing land and going into the truck farm busi ness on an extensive scale. Mr. Massey was led to visit our immediate section on this errand from reading an" article in the Stab from Mai. W. L. Young on the "Semi Tropical Area," which he contends embraces the .country round about this . city. He had the paper in his pocket yesterday, and was much struck by the views there advanced. Mr. M. says that if he becomes sufficiently eat-c isfled by what he sees to decide upon em barking in the business here, others of his friends will follow. He will spend severa days herein looking around, and we hope that he will be afforded every facility in his investigations that he may require. An Exciting Runaway. A wagon team, belonging to Capt T. J. Southerland, started somewhere on Front street yesterday morning and ran away. Dash ing down Front to: Princess street, they turned that corner and were running furiously in the direction of Second, being nearly abreast of the stables, where a young colored man named Jamie Wbitty, in the employ of Capt. Southerland, rushed out, threw himself by the side of the frantic horses, seized the one next to him by the head-gear and instantly arrested them in. their wild flight, seemingly at tbe imminent danger of his life. Those 'who witnessed, the dangerous exploit, among whom were several who have had much experience in the matter of looking after horses, say that it was well done. But for the sudden stop pace serious damage might have resulted to the wagon and team, if nothing else. As it was, if there was any injury it was very slight. - . A Bay Wllbont a Name, Borne or Friend. A small colored boy, apparently about ten years old, was found by a policeman asleep in a private yard on Wednesday night and taken to the guard house. He could give no account of himself further than he used to stay over in Brooklyn. . He says his parents are both dead and that he can't tell what their names were! He only knows that his name is Bennie; don't know that be has any other. He has been in. the habit for some time past of sleeping, under houses or wherever he could get a chance. He says he has no home or friends.- Chief of Police Brock will make an effort to se cure a,home for the destitute and forsaken little fellow. In the meantime he will be cared for at the station house. New Steam Fire Engine. ..The new steam Are engine purchased by the Howard Relief Fire Engine Company No. arrived on the steamship Benefactor yesterdays She Is from the Button , , Fire Engine 'Company, of ,.Waterford, ew rk.iAni: engineer (Mr F Button) from the manufactory, is expected here in a day or two, when the new engine will be tested. New Berne has a Button "engine and is much pleased with it. N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1885. OPERA HOUSE. iriilton Nofclea la "Lave and Uw, Milton Nobles," who is a great favorite in this city, presented his new, play, "Love and Law," last night, and won fresh laurels to his well earned reputation. .. ." , - ; - The Opera . House was, packed, and this fact seemed to be fully, appreciated by the different actors, who acquitted themselves most creditably. . . f ; The play has many strong points, and tbe author, Mr.'a Nobles, has tbe happy faculty of presenting these points in'such a manner as cannot fail to please. Mrs. Nobles, as Mtta, won most hearty applause, and her acting was excellent Mr. Nobles, in the character ot Felix yPaff, sustained himself most admirably, and in the last scene, where he personated the'Italian, the audience were at a loss to identify bpn until he-threw, off his'dis guise.;v " ' '- ' -" 'r . The Company is a most deserving one and every character in the piece was well done,- and extremely well done, and the au dience were loud in their praise, and mani fested their interest in the play by the closest attention. Mr. Nobles is not only an actor, but also a writer of considerable ability. Wilming ton showed her appreciation by giving him the largest house. of the season. Kntgnte of Pytnlae. - The Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias, in session at Raleigh this week, elected the following officers: P. G. C W. H. Hollowell. G. C. J. C. Brewster. , G. V. C W. H. Overman. G. P. W. L Jewett. G. M. A W. H. McLaurin. I G. K. R. S. J. L- Dudley. I G. M. E. R. T. Scanlin. i G. I. G. E. M. Pavie. j G. O. G. W. A. Johnson. 1 Supreme Representative E. G. Harrell, Raleigh. ! The newly elected officers were installed, and the Grand Lodge adjourned t omeet on the second Tuesday in February, 1886, at Raleigh. Criminal Co art. The following cases have been disposed of since our last report: State vs. Jordan Lemon, charged with larceny. Defendant found guilty. State vs. Thomas Gardner (a colored youth), charged with an attempt to burn a house. Defendant found not guilty and discharged. State vs. Julia Ford, charged with as sault and battery. Defendant found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $1 and4he costs. State vs. Wm. Carter, charged with in flicting injury to real estate. Defendant found not guilty. Personal. Lieutenant J. U. Rhodes, of the revenue cutter Bibb, in service on Lake Ontario, is here on a short visit to his friends. He is well known and highly esteemed by the people of Wilmington. Lit. R. is accom panied by his sister, Miss Jennie Rhodes, of New Haven, .who will spend some weeks in our sunny clime. " Capt. E. D. Browning (kommonly kalled "Dolly"), the well known conductor on tire W. & W. Railroad, has resigned. The old man's popularity is only exceeded by his size, and the traveling public will regret to hear that he will call no more "tickets." " la It a Faet. : In discussing the Judicial Bill in the House of Representatives, last Tuesday, Mr. Womack stated that he held in his hand, a petition signed by 1,000 tax payers of New Hanover county asking that the Criminal Court be abolished. Surely, there must be some mistake about this matter.' We knew there was opposition to the Court, but we had never heard that it had reached the formidable proportions of "1,000 tax-payers." The friends of the Court should give that petition a careful examination. Lntberan RInaleal Entertainment The young People's Association of St. Paul's Lutheran church gave a very pleas ant musical entertainment at Memorial Hall on Wednesday night. We thought we had secured the services of a special re porter, but he failed us. The efforts of the young people are very highly compli mented. Young lady amateurs rendered most of the pieces, and did so exceedingly well, considering the fact that as a general thing they bad never appeared before an audience before. The attendance was quite large and everything passed off agreeably. Change in Time df Molding Courts.1l Mr. W. T. Bannerman, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Pender county, requests us to call attention to an act of the Legislature to change the time of holding Superior Courts inthe counties of Carteret and Pen der, by which, Mr. .Bannerman' states, the' Court in Pender is brought on the eighth Monday after the first. Monday in March and September, and in Carteret on the fif teenth Monday. The next term of Pender Superior Court will meet therefore, on the 27th day ot April 'under the present law.1 Mayor's Conrt. C. E. Jeyens, charged with engaging in one of his periodical entertainments for the benefit of his neighbors,', but which seem to prove anything but satisfactory to their sense of. proprietyin other words, With getting tipsy' and . haying a general "blow out? had a hearing and was ordered to be confined for fifteen days in the city prison. .Obadiah Jenkins, charged . with acting disorderly, was required to pay a fine of $10. Weatner iDAleauona. : ' - . , ' The following are the indications for U. day:;; tX "Y"'' i VMZBMie States! slight 'rains rbr snows and ' generally cloudy weather, . northwest to southeast Winds slight rise-in temperature, Bank of New Hanover Annval Meet ' lax. The annual meeting of the Bank of New Hanover was held at their Banking' House yesterday at 12 p'clocx On motion. Mr. HJ C. McQueen was Mr. a D. Wallace called to the chair, and was made secretary. Upon investigation jit was found that there were 7,575 . shares represented, of which 1,609 were in person and 5,876 by proxy. . ., The old Board of Directors was re elected, as follows; Messrs. G. W. Williams, C M. Stedman, W. I. Gore, Donald MacRae, J. rW. AtkihsB7 E. B. Borden, Isaac Betes, R. R. Bridgers, James A.- Leak, H. Vollers and Fi Rheinstein. j : - The meeting then adjourned.. THE FLORENCE OTGHTINGaLB OP THE NURSERY. The following la an extract from a letter written to the German Reformed- Messenger, at Chambersburgh, Penn. : A Benefactress. Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Winslow will prove the American Florence Nightingale of the Nursery. Of this we are so sure, that- we- will teach our "Susy" to say, f A blessing on Mrs. Winslow" for helping her to survive and escape the griping, colioKing, and teething siege. Mas. Winslow'b Soothing Stbtjp relieves the child from pain, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces inflammation,cureswind colic, and carries the infant safely through the teething period. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, every-part of it nothing less. . We have never seen Mrs. Winslow know her bnly through the preparation of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." If we had the power we would make her, as she is, a physical saviour to the infant race. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CORRESPONDENCE. coPT.l Wmcisoxoir, N. v., Feb. 9, 18S5. Capt. J. V. Drvnrs, Qen'l Sup'c Atlantic Coast Line, Wilmington, N. C. Mi Lzab Sib : I hereby tender my resignation as Conductor on the W. & W. R.R. to take effect on February 15, 1883. Permit me, In offering my resignation, to express my high appreciation of the kindness fhown me by yourself and 1'apt, intent, i shall ever look with pride upon the continued prosperity that the Road has enjoyed tinder your efficient administration, and it will ever be my hope that the same eminent success that bas characterized your management as a Railroad man in the past will continue in tbe fu ture. . . The kind relations that have always existed between yon and Capt. Knight and myself, will ever be amongst my most pleasant recollections. I feel it my duty also to say that during the short time Car t. Kenley has been with us, my relations with him have been of a most pleasant nature. With best wishes for all my Railroad friends, lam, Yours, truly, (Signed) B. D. BROWSING. - Thb Atlajthc Coast Likb, Richmond to Charleston. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. lirtb, 1885. E. D. Bbowniko, Esq., Wilmington, N. C. Dxab Sib: Yours of the 9th instant, tendering your resignation as Passenger Train Conductor of the Wilmington & Weldon Bailroad Company, is received v In accepting the same it affords me pleasure to testify to the faithfulness and ability with which you have performed your duties. You' uniform courtesy and efficiency have re flected credit on yourself and on the Road, and while I regret that you are leavi-g our service, I hope the chanee will be beneficial to yon. and that you may meet with success in whatever you undertake. With my best wishes, yours respectfully. JOHN F. DIVINB, Gen'l Supt.. For Eent, House on Princess, bet 4th and tth. House on Ann, bet 2d and 3d. House, corner 3d and Ann. House, corner Dock aid 7ch. xiuuse on xi, oet. nun ana inurcn. House on 8d, bet. Brunswick and Bladen. Apply to D. O-CONNOR, feb 13 8t Real Estate Agent CARPETINGS. W. & J. SLOAiME HAVE MADE A GREAT REDUCTION IN. THE PRICES OF ALL GRADES OF GOODS. MOQUETTES, from $1.25 upward BODY BRUSSELS, from .95 upward TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, from .SO upward INGRAINS, from .40 upward CHINA MATTING, from $5 per roll of 40 yards upward OIL CLOTHS, MATS, RUGS, IN GREAT VARIETY. Samples sent by mail -whenever desired. AU correspondence will receive prompt at tention. Broadway and 19tli Street, NEW YORK CITY. feb 13 D&Weowlm ,.chf J. D. DAUGHTREY, From the Old and Reliable PIANO AND ORGAN WAREHOUSE OF RYL AND & LEE, RICHMOND, VI., Can be found at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL for a few days If you contemplate purchasing a PIANO or ORGAN, ot wish information about instruments, it will be to your interest to call on him, or leave a note for him and he will visit yon. feb 18 It Expected To-Morrow, QUR FIRST INSTALMENT OF SPRING GOODS, the finest ever brought to this market, which we are prepared to make to measure at astonishingly low prioes. MUNSON. feb 13 It Merchant Tailor and Clothier. PUTZ-POMADEH US KFUL IN THE HOUSE 'hold, in the Store, in the Workshop, in every Place waere Metal Work is to be kept bright.' Try it for Show Cases, Andirons, Silverware, Har ness Trimmings, Scales, Musical Instruments, Ptove Trimmings, Door Handles, and any kind of Metal Work. For sale by " JAMES C. MUND. ; .. " . Pharmacist Jfeb13lt 104 North Front Bt. February 14th T8 ST. VALENTINE'S DAY, AND DO NOT foigetit. Your sweetheart will never forgive youi.' you do not remember her, by tending aa appropi atealelitine, wUckVoTcan purchase at a very moderate price from aLARGANI BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT at" ' ' f V : ieb 13 tf . " Live Book and Mnslo Stores. WHOLE NO. 5743 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. McGIUT, Anfloneer. BY 8.' H. TRIMBLE Jk CO. Z ON EXCHANGE CORNER, TBJSDAY, FEB. 18, we will sell -, Hordes. Buggies and Harness, ' Drays and Harness, " - Carts and Harness, - Milob. Cow,.4e. - feb lt Which is Cheapest ? rE& FOLLOWINQ ilS A COMPARISON OF two insurance Policies, aeUiaJly In existence, both issued iu 1809. one in the Mutual Life Insur ance Co. of New; York, and the other in the Ma sonic Relief Association, one of the most careful ly and honestly managed and oldest Co-operative Mail l ife of N. Y. Kelief Ass'n. Actual payments for assess menu in 14 years...., j..., Annual dnesand fees...:.... 851 70 83 01 Actual paym'ntsof premloms to company..... Totat cost 14 years! ...'.f.. .'. Cash value at end of 14 years 537 C8 $537 08 $283 70 Nothing. 871 40 70 At end of 14th year if assured eooutd cease to pay a Paid up Policy would be issued for........... Am t of Policy $2000, age 35. $739.40 Nothing. M. 8 . WILLA K B. Agent, Mutual Life ins Co of New York. feb 10 tf Notice TE HAVE DISPOSED OF OUR WHOLESALE Groeery business to WILLIAMS, RANKIN A CO., and bespeak for them the patronage of our old friends and customers. ' We will continue the Commission and Shipping Business as heretofore.: i febltf :GBQ.W. WILLIAMS CO. . New Firm. 'J'HE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PURCHA8ED the entire interest and good -will of Messrs. G. W. WILLIAMS A CO , In the Wholesale Grocery Business, propose to conduct the same In all its branches, in connection with a General Commis sion Business, under the style and firm name of WILLIAMS, RANKIN & CO. We trust by strict personal attention and low prices to merit a share of the public patronage. ' DUNCAN M WILLIAMS, ROBERT G. RANKIN, febltf JOHN K. WILLIAMS. New Goods. 8. W. HENRIETTA. ALBATROSS, GERSTER CLOTH, BUNTINGS, ALMA CLOTH, CASHMERES. AU'of the above in BLACK, and at PRICES MODERATE EMBROIDERY, EMBROIDERY, an elegant as sortment. R. M. MclNTIRE. feb 11 D&Wtf The Geiss Electric Lamp. SUPPLY OF THESE UNRIVALLED LAMPS i OST RECEIVED. W. S. BRIGGS & CO., Sole Agents, feblOtf N.W. corner Front and Market WANTED Ladles and Gentlemen, in city or country, to take light work at their own homes; $3 to $4 a day easily made; work sent v mail; no canvassing. We have good demand 1'or our work, and furnish steady employment. A( dre, with stamp, CROWN M'if'G COMPANY, &94 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, le 10 D&Wlni Comic Valentines. JONG JOKERS, CHANGEABLE FAULT F1ND- H.RS, SHARP DARTS, &c at C.M.HARRIS' . Popular News and Cigar store. The HANHATTA and CHARIOT Cl A R can't be beat. Only Five Cents. feb 10 tf WHITE CYPRESS & YELLOW PINE S-A.SIE3L, BLINDS & DOORS. GUARANTEED AS GOOD AS THE BEST. MOULDING, BRACKETS AND ORNAMENTAL WOOD IWORK. au24tf PARSLEY & WIGGINS. New Crop CUBA MOLASSES, . First Carp or tie Season. 552 Hoa8H5AI3 TIERCES, V Ex Schooner Canton, Direct from Matanzas, now landing. Orders solicited. : jan 8 tf WORTH 4c WORTH "Hell JS PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS," SO DO not intend to insure, but do so at onoe, and give your Insurance to Jno. W.Gordon & Smith AGENTS, Lirerpool & London S ..(Hole Ins. Co., which pays all losses ' WITHOUT DISCOUNT, WITHOUT DISCOUNT, feb8tf WITHOUT DISCOUNT. Thomas Smoothing Harrow. -TB OFFER FOB SALE A LOT OF THOMAS SMOOTHING HARROWS CHEAP. ' Jan 84 tf BURR & BAILEY. Ei;G; Blair, - Broter ani Commission Mercian!. TLOTTB, MEAL, GRAIN, COTTok AND COUN- J? TRY PRODUCE a Specialty.- . . TEN THOUSAND DOZEN EGGS WANTED, i JanSltt No. 19 N.8econd Street .1W... 8 CO '"- " One Ifonth in S Una Month mm " Two Months, ism Three Months, 84 00 One Year, qq (0 CyOontraot AdTgrtinementa taken at propor ttoaately low rates. Ten Hnea aoHdNonparell type make one square NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ASSIGNEE'S SALE AT r.i. r.i. katz's, 116 Harket St. I WILL COMMENCE TO SELL, Monday, February 9th. THAT . Large Assorted Stock OF DRESS GOODS, STAPLE fc FANCY DRY GOODS NOTIONS, HOSIERY,COKSETS, FLANNELS MEN & BOYS' WEAR, ; SHAWLS, CLOAKS, I . . 0 WHITE GOODS, EMBR'DE RIES LACES, &t.y &c, AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE KNOWN: IN THIS 9V MARKET. THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD. F. RIIE1NSTGIX, febStf ASSIGNEE. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, PASSSNGER DEPARTMENT, WiucmGVN, N. C, Feb. Tth, 1885. Inaugural Batep. JXCURSION TICKETS TO WASHINGTON AND RETURN will be sold from Febraary 18th to jnaron ora. gooa to return nntu Marcn lotn, at the following low rates: Military in uniform. ... $ 7.15 7.80 7 75 8.85 10.45 ..... 1800 Citizens. $10.80 1195 11.80 12.75 16 15 17.85 Scotland Neck. Tarboro Wilson Goldsboro. WilmlnRton.... Florence T. M. EMERSON, nao G..P. A. feb 8 lw Think of This! rpHB ADVANTAGES YOU HAVE IN BUYING BOOTS AND SHOES of us are: The largest stock in theState to select from, better goods for less price than, elsewhere, more styles and variety of finish and shapes, and yon save money by tra ding with Geo. B. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. febStf Out of the Way. WE ARB A LITTLE OUT OF THE WAY, BUT yon will not regret yonr walk when you see our CANDIES, and yon will continue to come when you onoe try them. .j MRS. B. WARREN. Candy Manufacturer, febStf ill &115N. Second Street. Bock Lime, TJH)B BUILDING PURPOSES. A? FRESHLY BURNED PRICE REDUCED TO $1.15 PER CASE. LTBERAI. DISCOUNT FOB LARGE LOTS AND TO THB TRADE. Address ' TRENCH BROS- Rocky Point, N. C. or O. GJPARSLEY, Jr., -ap 1 tf ma tn fr w Imlnarton. N. , Land Plaster, fjX)R SALS BY WOODY CURRIB, JJ . General Commission Merchants, - . Wihninirton. N. C. Also. Sole Agents for the PORTLAND PLAS TER MILLS, the products of which are made rom HARD PLASTER and FINEST GROUND. OoTreroopdenee solicited apatf Special Bargains JN TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, DOYLAS AND TOWELS. A new supply of B ANDKERCHIEFS, good quality. Misses' UOSS AM BR3 at one dollar each, HEDB3CK, jan 25 tf 115 Market St. New Candies. WE HAVE A FIRST CLASS CANDY MAKES from Richmond, who is turning out some Choice Candies. He does not claim to make bet ter Candy than was ever seen here before, but his Candy will compare favorably with tbe celebra ted Candies bold by Whitney, ot Philadelphia. For sale by deoSOtf S. Q. NORTHROP, Agent. Oysters. Oysters. . FINE LOT OF FRESH OYSTERS JUST BE-, oerred. WINES, LIQUORS, LAGER, BEER, CI GARS, &o., at STAR SALOON. No. 18 Market St. GEO. F. HERBERT, . Proprietor. oetrtf Special Notice. pHE EXCITEMENT 18 OVER, THE FAILURE; has proven a failure. Now call and see what I ran furnish yon with, in my line. Satisfaction, guaranteed. ?x I J wiiAi WJtar, feb 1 tf Prep. Gem Saloon and Restaurant. 15 9 1 1 t" 1 -j3 i .i 1 -JM. "fi PA - II s m ''i, . ... , i . . '