The Morning -Star. B V VM. II. BEBNABI) PITBLISHBP DAILY One Yea?. 0 MaU) Postage fyd. 8? oo 4 GO SIX Jionuio, -Prtma Months, , i 00 : I 64 Two Months, 75 Oaontn., g.,,,- delivered la any part "iav, rttv Subscribers, m ww. woBtaed o ooUect lor more IRK it at . - er week. Oar City gtoSe months J months to advance. .daTthePosi OOWtotoKtclfca. MORNING EDITION; , OUTLINES. Stephens and Davis, Fenian leaders in Paris, France, have been arrested and or A ered to leave the country.; ." A large . furniture factory at Easton. Pa., burned loss 60,000. Pope & qole, dealers in mstals, Baltimore,-McL, have failed ttabiK ities 1,000,000. Total net cotton ieT ceipts since September -4,464,249 . bales. Business failures for the week number 238. Secretary : Manning, lias is--nt Esed with the services of forty persons employed in the Special Agents' Division of fie Treasury Department, solely in the iit rtsts of economy. - President Cleveland issues a proclamation to the Ok l,homa booineis. . An agreement is announced by Mr. .Gladstone between Eng' 1m;.: scd Rnisiat,"treither Russian nor Af funu foicts are to advance any fur her on eithtr side of the frontier; the British War Department is making preparations for the powiMe. occurrence of serious trouble Afghanistan. John West, colored, ' hiiued for murder at Montgomery, AhvT New York markets: Money Hl per ".Wu.: cotton firm at 11 S-16lt 7-16c; -outnern fiour firm; wheat? ungraded 75 95'.-; corn, ungraded 505c0i; rosin steady it 1 23; spirits turpentine dull at -J . , .. i- k..- ' ?,J31c. ". . , , r Charleston is iD danger ,6F losing its tieelric light. f-:u- - i Esiiand is appointing mourning Oajs for the dead hero Gordon.; . .' Mr. Cleveland has a big family at tie White House and Washington is surprised. ' A' , A''A. Young Martin,the slayer of yonng Pen-y Carririgton,? will , be tried irr ihy. .Bail was refused. " The war cloud is thick and black in XocdoD. A collision in Afghanistan is expected at any time. - The fellow who coined "mug wump must have been the flame fel low wba discovered "whaugdoodie." Tney are awfully sjunding words. Within the last twelve day in the. iSurtli workingmen to the number of 30,000 have been re-employed. This is ood pewa for them aud the coun try. - - . - : " Parsos Newman, Grant's fellow tfiioks that "the purest American bio d is found iu the South." ;The parsn hays he likes the South; but ihe South does not admire , the par- .-on Here is a jjood one too gooJ to ibe emitted. An exchange say a. "The New York Sun having "remarked that 'it has been reserved ifflsr Mr.. Cleve land 10 play the part of Joshua,' from way down iu Rome, Ga., the Sentinel responds: 'It probably did not recollect at the writ ing that it was Joshua who made the sun stand still.' . ; " ' The Charleston flews and Courier is very severe on Jttr. McAden. and I , . ,r - .1 . I advises Mr. Pearson to try the ef- I - fects of a double-barrel shot gun. It says among other harsh things: The inevitable susDicion is that Mr. HcAden's wealth has a great deal to" do with the impunity with which he has plaved the part of a bully Col. Wharton J. Green did a proper and manly thing when he op posed by speech and Vote the re tiring of Grant upon a big salary. His constituents ought to remember I that. Col. Bennett, our able Repre sentative, also did his duly and voted no. :'. The New Orleans Times says that the late Bishop Linus Parker was born in Kentucky; This is a mis take. He was born in New York in 1829. He died on Thursday, it :seeme, of paralysis. It says of him: "The character of the ' deceased was one i great humility and modesty. - His chan. IV WaS UnhnimriMl a-nA ha ar.a r,rsA nis dislike of controversy, both in the pul pit and in the Conduct of thelonmal whinh owes so much to his earnest and well di-f xiea eaorts. With all this he was a man h aI firmne69 and pursued the work he naa chosen to perform without swerving even in the least from the rigid line of self- ""yuaeu QUiy. K ..i; . it the legislators who took a hand in thp e 1 -n- , . i , ,1 me work of killing the stock law hill -xt ' : ? I 0111 tor New Hanover could hear the comments of fence-builders thev would not feel complimented. It was ad inexcusable outrage that. """Ci oi Jew nanover countv were not allowed to have the privilege of saying whether tteVf desired a iaw., Other - counties 'were given of ."ZZrl i"" fuuuu aenumenjEv A'ne bill mended mn!.ni iv. 1 of the A -- wo-wtos ' Jve-ouUders should anplv to 'he County Cornmi0o;rt.- t ehonld K " erS ?-there no 8tock-lawt, and even uus was refused. Tt. i 4nf t - ;,. u. i VOL. XXXV. NO. 147. those v I" unwarranted j i high-handed I condemnation or all fair-minded men. r There is ,ometbing . behind not yet known to the people. ; 1 1 The Enterprise cottoa mill at Aul gusta, Ga., - has recovered from the great embezzlement on the , part of its' 1 President; George ' T. Jackson; The property was burdened. with, a debt of. $200,000 as a consequence. A special in the Charleston News and Courier says: - I "In order to meet' the demands against the Company; $250,000 in preferred stock iiad been issued. Since the issue 1148.000 lias been subscribed for. Second mortgage bonds to the amount of $100,000 have been taken up and destroyed, and $65,000 of the outstanding indebtedness has . been paid.. The net earnings, of the mill from Novem- ber last February 1 were" $18600. Th President is confident that in a few years the Company will be : able to redeem its preferred stock." . , ; It is well known that the standard morality : and personal - honor ; is shamefully low in the army. Gen. Swaim has just been tried and white- nroaucu auu vjccu. uaicu 10 uuw un dergoing a trial. Here4 is an- item concerning two Lieutenants who have been dismissed: "Lkavknworth, Kah., March 10. The court-martial of Lieuts. William English and J. P. Pierce wasxoncluded this even ing, both being found guilty.' English was charged with conduct: unbecoming an officer and a gentleman and Pierce with duplicating his pay account. Both -were sentenced to dismissal, and will cease to be facers f the army from to-morrow. A general court-martial has just been ordered for Ihe trial of Lieut, Vasa E. Stolbrand, charged with duplicating his pay "accounts." ; Such occurrences are painfully com- mon. iseiore tne.war it was a rare thing that the honesty , of an officer was ever brought Under suspicion. Spirits Turpentine ' New Berne Journal; We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. O. K. TJzzell, which sad event occurred at Seven Springs on the morning of the 8th inst. Mrs. TJzzell was the daughter of Col. G. W . Stanton, of Wilson. '-; f - Durham Reporter: Chapel Hill items: Several deaths in the past ten days from measles and pneumonia. The Memorial Hall will cost $40,000. There is not a structure of its design in America. It has required two years to build it. V i - The Raleigh Farmer and Me chanic says that Mr. Walter H. Page, one of the editors of the Raleigh Chronicle, will retire from that paper and return to New York. The Chronicle will continue under the management of Mr. F. H. Arrendell. Clinton -Caucasian: Pneumo nia still rages throughout the county. Some days ago Mr. J. W. Stokes sold the fishing-privilege of his mill pond, near New Hope -Church, for -$25. . The water was drawn off and the fun began. . Fish, fish, fish; 35,000 fish or not a scale. Asheville Advance; We learn from a private source last night that at a conference of the North Carolina delegation in Congress Col.: Samuel McD. Tate, of Morganton, was recommended for Collec tor of Internal . Revenue for this - district, and Mr. : David Settle for Marshal. Rockingham Rocket: Mr. A. B. Pearsall, who owns and operates a saw mill near Hoffman in mis county, lost his Hoffman, this county, lost i4itAt1M ' ' tnesi Itv Am Ta.f amIaw Innf uMiss Cranford-daughter of Wilson . . . J TT ap 11 T-V 111 3 1 traniora, oi ree uee vmage, aiea on Friday last, of pneumonia. Her age was about 14. ' ' Charlotte Vbserver: The suit of Mr. George W. Chalk against the Rich mond & Danville Railroad Company to re cover damages for a lot of flour burned at the depot in this city in the fire of 1875, was yesterday decided in Mr. Chalk s favor, the jury awarding him a verdict for $845. Mrs. E. W. Lyles died yester day afternoon, at her husband's residence. four miles from this city, . JV. C-Educational Journal: To the Chemical Laboratory has been ad ded, a fine assortment of chemicals and ' chemical apparatus; and henceforth more than ever ; Prof. Pegram will make the practical supersede the theoretical. Every thing seems to oe wor sing well, we reel that we have reason to be hopeful for the future prosperity of our beloved Institu tion.;:: Ninety-two have enrolled up to date to Trinity College. - Raleigh Visitor: Hon. S. F. Phillips, Solicitor General of the United States, has tendered his resignation to the President to take effect upon the appoint ment and Qualification of his successor. - It is now stated that before very long a new line is to be run from New York city down the eastern 6hore of Virginia to a point at or near Cape Charles. ; . From thence the tram will be conveyed by, boat to Portsmouth, Thence it will run by con tract over the Seaboard & Roanoke, Ral eigh & Gaston, Raleigh .& Augusta Air Line and Carolina Central ,. Railroads , to Charlotte, making the run at the rate of nearly forty miles an' hour.- This will, it is said, be the fastest line ever establiahed in the south. . . ! Wadesboro Intelligencer; There I in Wadesboro a few days ago, owing to the criminal carelessness pi a countryman wbo had sold eggs to a grocer, one of which had !- i i r- mi j . . arsenic ia if- .- vu xnursaay morning last Mrs. H, G. Pinkston met with a pain ful accident. . While passing out doors she stepped upon a small box, which turning caused her to fall to the ground.. 'Her left arm 4,was broken near the wrist and her. right arm Sprained. Jay the fall Hen rietta LockharW colored, was committed to jail last Monday for. brtsining her twelve year old child with a club, and then seek ing to conceal her crime by firing her house. Sunday afternoon last Rich Bird, Levi Kendall and Dan Allen, con- floed inthe county jaU for larceny, and Aaam uuniap,ior. assault witn a deadly I weapon upon William Newton, broke from their cell 6nthenpper,floorof the jail, and when Mr, Staten went up to carry them water, overpowered him, broke open the lower door and escaped. - Allen anff Dun iP were captured in a few minutes aud re- neA ? .J M the others escaped and I uave not since Deen neara irom. KTV MMilii 4. " - ' Hi WILMINGTON, - " Raleigh Wetes- Observer; 'YeBter- The remainder of the time was occupied in engrossing, enrolling and . signing bills and resolutions. The total number 01 Dills and resolutions introduced in the Senate was 1,055. , s In the House were introduced 1,043 biUs and 10B resolution,, a total or 151. The grand total in dow orancnes 01 me as- i sembly was therefore 2,3U0 Dills and resolu tions. Tuesday morning two colored convicts on the Louisburg & Franklin Rail road made i break from the guards. One. was h6T entirely through-the body and is probably fatally hurt. ; The ball passed through a 'small tree before it struck the man. The other convict succeeded in mak ing his escape. -Several handsome cot tages are in course of erection in various parts of the city,. Over fifty buildings of various kinds are. going up. ; ceveral new contracts have been made; All of the build ers are busy. .The Washington cor respondent of the New York World says: "Mrs. L. n. Vance is a leader among th.e 5enators'.wive8, aa In society generally.and her Thursday receptions are always crowd- Ledkfor.she'is personally: as popular as her .husband and is almost as well posted a poll' tician. - Having always taken a deep inter-' est in the affairs of the nationshe is "well fitted to be the wife of a public man. and her opinions have considerable weight and influence with the Senator. Mrs. "Vance is by birth a Kentuckian. . , . , ' ; Goldsboro Messenger; On the last day of the session f of the -Congress Hon. W. J. Green made' a speech in op position to placing Gen. Grant on the re tired list. . Masters Tom Hill, Gaston Lewis, Dan flutton and Tom Hyman, : neither of whom is over fourteen years old, have designed and constructed a very creditable Bkiff, fifteen feet in length which is already launched in Little river. : I "The melancholy days have come,' "'-. r The saddest in the year" , ? To Jimmie B., who pouts at home1, While "Groverw takes the Chair. There isn't much poetry in that verse, but don't it just bristle ou with cold and de lightful facta, though t - Hon. R. R. Bridgers, President of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and Maj. H. Walters, the General Manager, went .' up to the Pine ' Level and . Selma sections "on Tuesday for the ' ' purpose . of locat ing the depot for the "short cut" line. A body of internal revenue officers ar rived in, this city "on Sunday, and early Monday morning "they wended their wa I thitherward" into the swamps of Johnston. wnere, we learn, tney destroyed several illicit distilleries and captured two "moon shiners." Washington letter: A North Carolina lady, residing in the city, had a diamond cross, valued at - $1,200, stolen a few days ago. In the Pension Office Miss Lasselle G randy, of Elizabeth City, has been promoted from the class of $900 to that of $1,000. In the Patent Office North Carolina promotions are as follows: Mr. David H. Graves from the $1,400 class' to that of $1,800; Miss Emma J. Lindsay from the laborers nt $600 wages to the skilled laborers at $720. The vote in the House on retiring Grant was' 198 for to 79 against the measure. O'Hara and Gen. Vance voted aye. The noes were: Messrs. Bennett, Cox, Dowd, Green, Reed and Skinner. THE CITY". MBW AUVEUTISBKIBNT!!. MuNeon Waterproof articles. Collieb & Co Hay at auction. Will West Free lunch to-night. J. C. STEYEK80N Cheap groceries. The Crrr Shade elm trees for sale. Heihsbkrqkb. Congressional Gov't. Collier & Co. Groceries at auction. Lci uoii. , . Receipts of cotton yesterday 66 bales. . . ' :" - Don't forget the matinee at two o'clock this afternoon, j XJ- No tramps applied for accom modations at the station house Thursday night. The storm signal was again fly ing yesterday,- and - the weather was very: threatening. The time for registering is get ting short. Remember, the election takes place on the 26th. . Considerable ram fell during Thursday night, and(f rom 4 to 5 o'clock it was accompanied by some pretty heavy thunder. ' '' ; Yesterday was a very disagree able day, and the fall of temperature was very decided. At 7 p. m. the thermometer registered 44 degrees. Painful Accident. ; A lady , was walking down Market street Thursday afternoon, on her way to her hus band's store, and was within a few feet of her destination, when she '. trod- on some object on the sidewalk that had a sharp nail in it, and the nail penetrated the ball of her foot to the depth of about an inch. By walking on the heel of the wounded foot she managed to reach the store, when her husband made an examination and found that the nail had gone through the sole of her shoe and literally pinned it to her foot, and he had to draw it forth with a pair of pincers. The lady had to be taken home in a .carriage, of course, and in . the mean time the wounded foot bled profusely. At last accounts the lady was still suffering severely from the accident,' but was some what easier than she had been. . I' mayor'! Court. ;t;;--? . : i T - 1 . George Weston, the colored youth who was arrested Thursday afternoon, charged with acting disorderly in the vicinity of the Purcell House, had a hearing before Mayor Hall; yesterday morning and was ; sent be-, low for fen days. : He is said to be, one of a number of boys who have been in the habit of conducting themselves very dh?orderly in the neighborhood of the hotel. military Inspection. ''- 1 Adjutant General Jones has notified the Wilmington Light Infantry that an inspec tion will take place oil Friday, -the 30th inst.. ' under the direction of: Col. F... H.; Cameron, Inspector General of North Car olina. :y Qn this ccasion- f ull ranks will be expected. ' ' -1 N. C, SATURDAY, MAKCH 14, t885i Mr." H. W. Shaw; formerly! thfe city. but now. travelling for a house in' Baltic more, Is here on one of his occasional visits. i Mr. R. .C. Dudley, who has been spend- ing some time in Florida, ;ha ;Teturned to nis 01a nomc u uu vj : lw, t fJ ''WoTth1 has" been somewhat' j - ' indisposed far several . days, past, and has consequently not made . his appearance , at his office.' . . : ;;.ns --r,-,f:- i Prof W. Liaeback, of Salem, was in the city yesterday, and it was understood that ' he would kindly assist in the parlor concert -at the residence of ' Mr. tWm. Iat kins last nightf & I i ::0h P :' ! Col. E. T. Boykin of Sampson;! who made such a flne'Tecord in the late: State Senate, was in the city yesterday. I 4 5 : j The; friends of Lt. Gov. Stedman are glad to welcome him baca Home. : . 1 - ; Nothing thus far" his been "semw heard of the bodiesof 3ie "three unfortunate col ored people wh lost their lives by the ex--plosion on the steamer Tf ate, which took place on Thursday, the 5th inst, if we may except a rumor to the effect that some fish ermen had found some mangled portions of the remains' of a man some, miles below the city, and that there were some , marks by which they, were known to be those of Neill JesVupV ' This riiirior, which was be-:, ing circulated some two or three days ago, could not be traced to a responsible source. It has been ascertained to a certainty that the three person." mentioned . were the only ones that lost their lives. No attempt to raise the wreck has yet been made, j ; BadJr Blcten. by Xox ' ' i On Thursday afternoon complaint was .odged at the City ' Hall that two dogs had made a furious attack upon a small colored "girl, named Lucy Phillips, daughter of. Frank Phfllips; corner of Eighth and Tay lor streets, and threw her down in the gut ter. She was finally rescued . from the brutes, but not 'before she had received very severe injuries about the limbs. The Chief of Police dispatched an officer to the scene with instructions to shoot both dogs, which was done. The animals were the property of a colored woman living in that vicinity. " " ' I ' English Visitors Daring the War. As has been previously .stated,. Gen. Wolseley, who is now attracting much at tention in Egypt, where he is superintend ing operations against, the Mahdi, ? passed several days in Wilmington during the lat ter part of the war. He came here from Richmond, having spent some time in visit ing Gen. Lee and inspecting the army of Northern Virginia. He was accompanied by Mr! James Conoly, a member of "" Par liament, and another gentleman whose name our informant (Ma. W. L. Young) cannot remember, "fie went from' here to wards Charleston. Fire In Wadesboro. Fires are getting to be very frequent and destructive in North Carolina. One at Wadesboro Thursday night, originating in a saloon kept by Alex. Moore, consumed a block of four brick houses and one frame dwelling on Rutherford street, below the Central HoteL The sufferers were Alex. Moore, building and stock ; insurance $2,500. J. H. Horton, building; insurance; $1,500. Kemp Kendall, stock of good; insurance $800. A. O. Bruner. building and furni ture; insurance $1,900. Origin of fire un known. " ' I In Wilmington. ::, S Jonas Powell, the colored desperado who" was concerned . in tne arunten row at Point Caswell on Saturday last, and who, after setting fire to his prison, succeeded in making his escape from the officer 'who was bringing him to our county jail, is now re ported to have been seen in Wilmington on Thursday. ! Tne Silver King. I The Silver King will be played i here to night and there will also be. a matinee this afternoon. This company comes highly recommended and the play will be un doubtedly well patronized. ) " - '..".v Qnarteny meanng. ! First "Round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist K Church, bouth Duplin Circuit, at.Kenansvule, March 14 and 15. Brunswick Circuit,- at Concord, March 21 and 22. Paul J. Cabbawat, 1 , . Presiding Elder, . THE BEAU,S. i . , The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: .V , l,',-.v;. f;. Northern through mails, fast.. .. .. ..M; ' 750 P. M Northern tnrouga anu wajmsiiiH gnwA. Balebrh 6:46 P. M. A 8KX) A. M. Hails for the N. C. Bailroad, and Tnnt HtnjDuea inereirom moiuauur a jk N. d. Railroad, at.. .750 P.M. &8.O0 A. H. onnthArn mails for all Doints South. daily.. 80 P.M. Western mails (a C Hallway) daily - ' (except Bunaay ;r.m. Allpoints between Hamlet and BaleUrh ' 0:15 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Bail- ; , road.. ! 8.-00P.M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston 8dOF.lL L-OOPjM. 6:15 B. M. SjOOAM. 830 A. M. Fayette ville, and offioes on Cape Fear River, mesaays ana xnaays. Fayette ville, via C, C. B. R., daily, ex cept Suadays.. ........ ;........ Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays Smithville mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays)..... ....... i... Mails for Easy Hill. Town Creek, Shal lotte ana iime m yer, Tuesdays and Fridays. 2KWP. M. Wrightsvmedaa....,.! 830. ' x .. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ; Northern thro and way mails.......;, -730. A. Mr Northerri thro and way malls......... -730 A.M. Southera'mails.;.... . . 7.80 A.M. Carolina Central Railroad.. f ....... 8:45 A. M, Stamp QfSoe open from 7.80. A. M. to 6 P.M. Money Order " and Register Department open 8:00 A. M. to 5.-00 P, M. continuous.; v -yxi Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 830 to ' Mails collected , from street boxes from busl ness portion of city at 8 A.M.; 1130 A.M. and 530 PJL; front other parts of the city at BPJL ' f - General delivery open from. 7 A.M to 8.00 PJC and on Sundays from 830 to 930 A. M," Railroad tune. 75th meridian. r:iAa .. V ' . I T.w i . 1 WMlbtr Intflentlons i . r x. :A ? ; The following are tlje indicationa f or to day: . ' ' f, : . J For the ' South ; ' Atlantic ' States, gen erally fair weather; preceded on the North Carolina coast by light local rains, warmer weather in northern portion, slightly colder In southern portion, winds generally north erly and. becoming variable, rising barom- etet. CITY j ITEMS. ! - Conehs and Colda can be oared with a bottle f Sine's Sjrap of Tar, : Ofilr 85o. Por sale by MBS. WTNSLOW'S SOOTHUra BYBTJP; Biv. Stlyahus Cobb thus writes in the Boston Chrit- turn ureeman : we would Dy no means reoom- mend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good particular of Mrs. wins low 'a Soothinir ovruD we can speak from knowledge: in our own family lt has proved a blessincr Indeed, bv crlvrnr an infant troubled with oolio pains, quiet sleep and the parents tmJ oroaen rest at mens. . most parents can appre ciate these btessiiurs. Her an article watoh work to perfection , and wblcn is nacnilea fox . taetteeo asoroa ute- lnrant is Deneetrr natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during- tne process or teetn- mg its value is incalculable. We have frequent-' 17 neara motners say toat tney wouia not oe without lt from the birth of the child till it bad finished with the teething siege, on any conside ration wnatever.' sold Dy au druggists. 25 cents a bottle. - - - DIED. POTTER. On the mornine of the 12th Instant. In Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs. MARIAN P., relict of aamuel a. rotter. .-. . Funeral eervlees at St. James' Church this (Saturday) afternoon at 4 o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend. - ' - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. C. McGIRT, Auctioneer, ,. . 1 BY COLLIER A CO. ' J ;: ' ' Hay at Auction. rpHIS DAT, COMMENCING AT ll0'CLOCK. A at our Sales Room, we will sell 100 BALES OP HAT, more or less slightly damaged. : . lt : . .. r 'A. G. McGIRT, Auctioneer. k C u BT COLLIER 4r CO., Auctioneers, Brokers and Commis'n Merchants. Groceries at Auction. "VTONDAY, MARCH 18TH, AT 15 & 17 SOUTH PRONT STREET, comrcencin at 10 o'oiook. we will sella General Stock of Groceries.xjonsistrnsr . . . la part of Floor, Mackerel in Kits and Half Bbla, natter. Molasses, uerrins:. coeee, sugar, Tea, Canned Goods, Pickles. Jellies. Crackers, Starch, Soap, Spices, Tabs, Washboards, Measures, Paper Baza. Buckets. Brooms. Tobacco. Snuff, Citrars. aopw uase, riatiorm ana uounter eoaies, Meat unoppcr, umce utove ana irurniture. mh 14 xt For Sale. - JpiFTY ELM SHADE TREES, FOR SALE LOW. The City will set them out free of charge to the purchasers. Apply to mh l4 1t B. D. HALL, Mayor. ONE OF THE FINEST FREE LUNCHES OF THE SEASON WILL BE spread at THE GEM this (Saturday) Eve ning, commencing at 8 o'oiook and lasting until tbe pertormanoe X the Theatre is oyer, whea- the following will be served Kockfish, Chowder, Boston Based Bean?, Cold Meats, Salads, Pic kles, Cheese, Crackers, &o. W1L.L. whst. Master or ceremonies, mh 14 lt 26 North Front St Waterproof Coats, -ATERPROOF UMBRELLAS, SEASONABLE OVERCOATS, BUSINESS SUITS, GOING at LOW PBICES at MUNSON'S, mh 14 It Merchant Tailor. Congressional Government STUDT OF AMERICAN POLITICS. By Woodrow Wilson. SECOND SUPPLY received. Price $1.25. Postpaid on receipt of price at . HEINSBERGER'S. Brackets, ; A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BRACKETS, all XIl. , !. . . styles and very cheap, at . HEINSBERGER'S Live Book and Musio Stores. mhl4 tf Tour Saturday's Groceries CAN BE BOUGHT TO BEST ADVAN , . - TAGE FROM J. C. STEVENSON. 1000 1,1,3 cholce N- c Eams' 1000 Sngar Care Hams, . Breakfast Bacon and Shoulders, Sugars are cheap, so that no customer has any complaint Stevenson's Family Flour is the best value in the city for $5.50. The latest decline in Coffees is conceded to my customers. Large No. jl Mackerel anal Pickled Salmon. Large Bloater Herrings, Smoked. 830 Fresh Fat Chickens, alive and dressed. ' Fresh Craokers and Cakes and full line Canned Goods ' - Come in and see the Bargains. J. C. STEVENSON, mhl4tf Market Street. Farmers and Country MerciaiitSi C AVB MONET BT SENDING THEIR PRODUCE to JOHN K. MAKsnALaj,' . General Com. Merchant, ; 84 North Water Street, Wilmington. N.C. : Ha obtains rood orioss for their Products and makes correct returns. Those, who nave tried him say they are well pleased, mh 12 D&wtf v iCliiAiese Gordon. - A SUCCINCT RECORD OF" HIS LIFE, BY Archibald Forbes, with illustrations, for sale at . t.s v '-.,.;--- . U. JH, HAltKIp - PontxlarNewm and dear Store. ' Open untQ 11 o'clocfcon Sunday. Reading Boom in rear: so cents per montn .. . . ma o u Atkmson& Manning's : c Insoranee Boomi, 4 7 - -A f ' ' ' " ; BANK OF NEW HANO VER BUILDING, "t A A A' Wllnlngtoni ! IT. C? 1 .. ... . 1RW te Capital Represented Over 1100,000,000. 3 " " WHOfiE Novates t 1 NEWfADVERTISEMBNTS, ;0 1? E It A H O U S E, 4 OKB NIQHTA MATINKK. SATOBDAIT; M'CH 14.' ': Grand Matinee Satorday at 3 P. M.-; v; U The Event of the Season l Harry Miner's Enperb, t Company in the Great Moral Spec- - . - taoular Melodrama, - '-," THE i SILVERv; KTHOfi I Three years at the! Prinoesa Theatre, " J W ' . -. :: Ixindon. Snrland. , ; . ;i . Longest run on record at Wallack'sTheatreJSr.T.. t , F. C. BANGS as the 8ILVES KINO. l i Double Stage and Revolving Soenery. 17 Entire ' scenes transportea dt special train. -1 Reserved. Seats SI. Matinee &0o. On sale Heinaberger'8 on Thursday. , W mhl2St, M. S. WILLARD. Fire. Marine and Accident Insurance mhlltf Agent, 214 N. Water St. Jerseys,: Jerseys,p Jerseys1'! For Ladles and Children . Sizes 33 16 42: sizes 84' to 30. . The above received by to-daj's Express.-, Dry Goods; ets, Mattings, Good stock at all times at BOTTOM PRICES. - R. M. McLNTIRE. , mh 11 D&Wtf COTTON SEED MEAL. 100 Tons w ft AA n 1 M ' - ' -"0. 1 iOttOU beCtt llieai, ONE THE VERT BEST OF FERTILIZERS. For sale by ifeb 22 tf WORTH & WORTH, Slocum's iTVXYGENISED PURS COD LIVER OIL. W Scott's Emulsion. Camm's Emulsion. Hydro- lein, and a new supply of all kinds of Patent Me dicines and Pare Drags just received. Prescrip tions filled at any time, day and night, at F. C. MILLER'S, jan 4 tf Corner of Fourth and Kan streets. Special Notice. TJHE EXCITEMENT IS OVER, THE FAILURE has proven a failure. Now call and see what I can rurnisn yon with in my line. atisiaetion J 'WILL WEST. febltf Prep. Gem Saloon and Restaurant. Land Plaster, TTOR SALE BT WOODT A CURRIE. . General Commission Merchants. Wilminrton. N. C. Also, Sole ents for the PORTLAND PLAS- TER MILLS, the tj e products of which are made rom HARD PLASTER and FINEST GROUND. Oorrespondenoe solicited ap3tf Bottom Prices ! XXTE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE of ALL STYLES OF SHOES, which we offer at Bottom Figures. Come and buy a pair of our uenfs ss Shoes. They nt niceiy ana wear weu. mh8tf 108 Market St. Garden Seed. Garden Seed. "DEANS, PEAS, CORN, CABBAGE, BEET, TOMATOES, &C, &c. Wholesale and retail. WILLIAM H. GREEN, mh8 tf .- 117 Market Street. Closing Out, fTTR STOCK OF GARDEN SEED PEAS, BAHooBM,o,at much beiow the market price. mhlStf W. S.BRIGGS&CO. New'Styles ! Stiff Hats ! Ladies' Hats ! HARRISON ALLEN, . . Mauers. , mu 13 U Warren's Candies, "REST IN THE CUT, 1 trt them, Apples, Oranges,, Bananas, Dates, Figs, Ac received fresh dally. mnstr Ladies' Garden Sets5 TjOR SALE PT. '., GILES & MUBCHISON,. mh8tf March ison Block. Dermal Soap. rpHE DERMAL SOAP 18 UNSURPASSED BT JL any of the so-called Skin Soaps, and is par- tir.niariv ariantftfl ror tnose wno are tronDiea with tenderness or irritability of the skin. For sale by - r - . Druggist and Seedsman, mh 8tf New: ' Mara.e let Wilmburton, N.C Having TJISPOSED OF A GREAT MANY THINGS WE have advertised, we wOl revise the list and "see you later." ' ,: " -. Millers and Grain and mh 8 tf t . - - Peanut Dealers. L Doh't Yoffi Forget TpHAT OUR COLUMBIA COOK IS LEADING X all others. It's a beauty, cheap, ana s.nro Class 8tove. Should yon want a Rosm Dipper, owin.. v.nmiM , Mnmnnlv inn. ruiut w nu t mi i , I mh 8 tf 'A'-'Az: v .23 South Front St. itiiii Rami gtrnanta tor postage - A' rKI A K. anH Miwin free. a. eostlv box of goods which wOl help all, of either sex, nnr.m. mnra viirtit h than anvthim? else fir this world. Fortunes await the workers abso mttelvsure. At once address TRUE A CO- Ao- ' gurta, Maine. , - , mh 80 DAWlTV : : to' v: :yri " J. . : " .'- 'At '- .- H 1 One Square One Day I tr Of " T i , Poar DTi...i...... oa " 'One Week, " Z Three Weeks,. f...t, S,e - 1 " S? Month,, 1. .,100 ; - ''i-". Months,. s. 13 00 - ' I?"??11?,?1. -S,..C.- 24 CO -2 " Montha,...v....s.J..: 40 co One Year,..., Wfe , lancontrart Advermsnta takso at propor-5 ttiiatejjDwrat:;...- C-'"' Ten Haea solid Konpsisa tnmsAaonesqaar ' , NEW ADYERTISEMKNTS. i l Tho Pric6 Tells, And JIverbody Tells the Price - - - pflOSB BOCK BOTTOM PRICKS ADVERTISED lat week had a good effect. . Idea so aiiny people read aa advertisement, for the rash wasfar greater than we expected. tWe would , not let a caller jro away without showing him j ' The Great Reductions;" - ..- ' v . . j , . ... and the poorest judge 'could see. how A8TOK-.: ISHENGLT LOW we are selling the balance of our stock. . . .; - -v - v. -. We want another week jost like the last, and - we will do oar part to keep up the rash. ,-. - If there are any in the etty who did not call 1 last week we wCl be glad to see thm tMs.;! - -,A. DAVID, V mh 8 tf r, Merchant Tailor and Clothier. 1 . - - OLiyES ;IN BULK;1 50 Cents per Quart. ; ' , 1LAMBS' tokcues in jars, Beyond doubt the finest thing in the way of a LUNCH ever offered. 6Cc. per jar. VERMICELLI , AND MACAE0NI. " ' IMPORTED AND TBSSH. - Smoked Beef Tongues, Pickled Pigs' Feet, '"-.-' . Pickled Tripe, Canned Vegetables and Fruits, Early June leas Lima Beans,. Windham Corn, Window's Corn, Baldwin Tomatoes, Peaches Pears, &o. i T . "X" -y EXAMINE OUR STOCK" AND PRICES; P. L. Bridgers & Co.; i 10 North Front Jst. ; mh 8 DAW tf - : GARPETING-S. . W. J. SLOAN E HAVE MADE A GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF ALL GRADES OF GOODS. MOQUETTES, from $1.25 upward BODT BRUSSELS. from .95 upward TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, from . .50 upward INGRAINS, i , V-'.-'-' -from , .40 upward ; CHINA MATTING, from S5per roil of 40 yards - upward OIL CLOTHS, MATS, RUGS, IN GREAT VARIETY. Samples sent by mail whenever desired. All correspondence will receive prompt at tention. ; ' ' - , Broadway and 19tn Street . NEW YORK CITT. feb 13 DAWeowlm . chf You Save Honey; IN CASS OF A LOSS BT FIRE, IF TOU ARB .. INSURED IN THE ' . . Iiren ool ; & Won & Me Ins. Co.. as that Company pays Its losses WITHOUT DIS- :" V. : " COUNT. . A Jno.W.Gofdon & Smith , ' AGENTS. ; . P. S. PATS WITHOUT D ISCOUNT. , mh 8 tf ATTENTION ! T1TB WISHTO CALL TOUR ATTENTION TO YV the fact that we are selling Blank Books. . Paper and Envelopes, Ink, Maouage, Pens, Pen-" cus, ana au Kmasor stationery at a great reano tion upon former prices. Paper Bags, Straw Wrapping Paper. Twine, Ac., at lowest marke . prices. . ,. mhStf 119 Market St. X: M We Paint AND REPAIR CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PHAE tons, -Wagons, Carts and Drays. Skilled workmen employed and none but the beet mate rial used. A full line of Carriages and all kinds 01 Saddlery Goods at low prices. - - ' . Opposite Giles & Morchison's Store. ' mh 8tf - wnii opiinger ce vcu TTAVEIN STOCK A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE of the best ' known manufacturers. Prices guaranteed 19, SI A S3 Market Street, " . Wilmington, N. C. mh. 8 tf - 1 BockLimev TjX)R BUILDING PURPOSES. ' . .1 . Jb FRESHLY BURNED PRICE REDUCED TO $1.15 PER CASE-; LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR LARGE LOTS AND TO THE TKAUU. ' . ' Address FKKMCH BKOH., Rocky Pomt, N C ; or 0.6J. sutnfr WI ARSLBT, Jr., umlngton.N... LADIES, HISSES AUD CHILDREH. FLEXIBLE SOLES FOB LAIMJ0, 3 i v , ' m nnf r.' SPRING HEELS rUK xinnast aw vu i DRSN. - . ' - ' AA' BOOTS and SHOES, in Greatest Variety, and at ;. Lowest Prices, at . . - 't: Geo. E.. French & Sons '108 NORTH 7R0KT STREET. mh7tf - g ' C. PREMPERT, AT HO. 7 SOUTH FRONT Street is now, like an the rest, Keeping a jnrsv- --.-. .'-34-- Class Shaving, 'Hair Cutting, ro Saloon, with ; Albert G." Prempert and Wm. J. Stewart as as sistants.. Give them a call. - - ? feb 1 tf - i I f j .' j is i. i 1 f 9

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