1 jjSirZ. ! THE BESTTDIIIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron' with pure rpeetable tonics, quicKiy ana completely , 7wp9 Livspepsia, ladigestloiie Weaknesv.. ifto anSSSStaf anedy for Diseases of tho KK,Tsyinv?luable for Diseases . peculiar to Women, and all who lead Bedentexy lives. it does not injure the teeth, cause headache.or rXinee constipation other Iron medicines do. P it enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates v ftnnetite, aids the assimilation of food, re- . ves ncaiw"- " " Energy. &c it nas ao equaV -. The genuine has above trade mark and c-ossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Bade lr by BROWS CHEMICAL CO BALTIBOBn, MB ; jy37DAWlT too or ten. nrm My 27 A Clear Skin i is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady ; may have it ; at least, what f looks like it. , Magnolia ; Balm1 both freshens and. beautifies. feb 1 DtW sutathl nrm ... ohm. Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only goo for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. feb 1 DAW sututh nrm ch m Tie Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite Bowels costive, Pain la the bead, with doll sensation ia the back part. Fain under the shoulder blade, Fullness after eating, with a die inclination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, Low spirit, with a feeling of having neglected eomednty, Weariness, Dizziness Flattering at the Heart. Dots before the eyes Headache over the right eye Restlessness, with final or cams, uigtuycviviva wmei CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'S P1TXS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a J3 hange offeelingasto astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite .and cause the liody to Take en Flesfcutlros the system w nourished, and bytheir Ti Action oa . the Digestive Organs, jtegwlar Stools are jroducedrica54rrmytjjni TUTT'S EXTRACT-SIRSAPAR1LU- Kenovates the body, makes healthy -flesh, strengthens the weak, repairs the wastes or the stem with pure blood and hard muscle; tones the nervous system, invigorates the brain, and imparts the vigor of manhood, ' " $1. Sold by druggists. , r .-- OFFICE 44 HInrray St.,IfewTorlK jan30DWly suwefr: janSO Buffalo LitMa Water FOR MAI ARIAL POISONING. " f UiBOFIT IN A GASH OF YELLOW FBVKB Do. Ws. T. Howabd, or BAunxpsm, Professor of Diseases of Women and Children In the University of Maryland. Dr Howard attests the etmtotem. adavtatio of (hit water in "a wide range of ccues" with that of the far-famed White Sulphur Springs, ia Green brier county, West Virginia, and adds tho follow ing: ..... .. . ' ' :' 'indeed, in a certain class of cases it Is much. superior to the latter. I allude to the abidins; debility attendant upon the tardy convalescence from grave acute diseases; and more especially ' to the Cachexia and Secruels ncident to Malarious Feoen, in all their grades and varieties, to cer tain torms of Atonic Dyspepsia, and aL the AJfec-. lions Peculiar to Women that are remediable at all by mineral waters. In short, wer I called upon to ttatefrom what mineral waters I have seen the great -est and most unmistakable amount of good accrue in the largest number of earn In a general way '1 iDonld unhesitatingly say the Buffalo Springs, in Jf'xklenJxurg county. To." -.-- Da. 0. F. Mahsoh, or Richkohb, Va Late Professor of General Pathology and Physio logy in the Medical College of Virginia:- "I have observed marked sanative effects from the Buffalo Water Ic Malarial Cachexia, Anionic Dyspepsia, some of the Peculiar Affections of Wo men, Anatmia, Hypochondriasis, Cardiac Paipita tc. It has been especially efficacious in ihronic Intermittent Fever, numerous eases of this character, which had obstinately withstood the usual remedies, having been restored: perfect health in a brief space of time by a sojourn at the Springs." Da. Joeh W. Wrf.t.Tf OTfqji iicsacai, Tnnf. Extracts from Comrmtnieatibon"-lAe Therapeutic Action ofthe Ri-ffa'-o IMhia Water in the " Tirgkiia jfttfbai W(MJdy . for Fsbruary, 'TheU-great yalue'mstoafrjWaea and has been most abnndantiy and satlsfao wray tested; and I have no peetion that it would nave been a valuable attsiliarrlin. the treatment m ! epWemio of YeUow Fever which so terribly afflicted the Mississippi -TallejMturlng the past "mer. I prescribed It myself, and it gave mpt relief in a case of Suppression of Urine, la iw Fevtr' and decidedly . mitigated Other . dis- b,ut how 'ar the water may have contrt-: '"'e case) I, of course, cannot undertake to: ! tadSfty doubi however, about they act that cialreiuitg " auenaeta op wi mom -omw ts i2f I ta ca8es of one dozen half gallon bottles Per case at. th . . . . . . . ... vW. t;;t " v vol"' uea xo anyaareee. -' -bbSmS8-.! h., Green, where the Sprtngs -ruvulaj DBiounu.-- - -.fc,.,.t., ti .. ..... n m THOS. P. GOODS, Proprietor, . -LIltL p Buffalo Lithla Snringa. Va WHEAT baking:- POWDER. ' PURE and WHOLESOME ? pTOto five breed a. fa" srape Cream of Tartar and pgwders . ItertJ111.6 nnportantcib. It makT.tiw bran of the wheat. -ierbSSi pwder. hfu meow thaa any: M$mn soss,.;'- l5,by all lesOiis wocers. 1 - 25 YEARS INFUSE.! ec2l3u: EBIN. - ; ESMERALDA. BOYLE . , ' . The ocean breaks against the rocks , j3lHsi sweeps arjout eacn lonely reel Where grass is torn, as women's locks ojo ioin id nours 01 wildest grief. The" wind is meaning long and loud, : T.1-;l i -i : xia wait ut fiuiiuw uuarseiy rings, As though a hand thrust from a shroud IT a m - - n r a a ,. - e ' naa loucnea a narp wiin DroKen strings! 1 ' :-Th& Current. . CURRENT COMMENTS ' President Cleveland's success depends., upon himself. He alone will be responsible for :his advisers. "If he is, as some have believed him to be, much better than his - party, the time to prove his superiority has come. .. We confess to deep misgiv ings as to his strength in such a con-; test, Knowing what the Democratic party has eer been; we await the re sult of its resurrection -.with gravest doubt that any man can change its character. The policy of President Cleveland, if' his inaugural means what it says, will find its most 'power ful and persistent opponents in ; the Democratic party. If he can sum mon courage to. do right as well as to mean right, Republicans will be the first to give him the reward of merit. Albany Journal, Hep - Pennsylvania is regarded as the paradise of the workingman. In 1880 the census report showed the number of hands engaged in making pig iron in that State 13,460; wages paid,$4,Y52338 rnumber of tons pro duced, 1,930,31 1. Wages paid to make a ton of pig iron, $2.40. ' And yet in that very year the protecction tax on pig iron a crude pursuit,' one of the lowest and most degrading of all was $7 per ton, or nearly three times as much as all the wages paid. This, too, in spite of the fact that the cost of ocean transportation operates in the same .way as a tariff, and that this freightage is almost equal to the wages. Mark you, that $2.46 per ton paid in wages was not the differ ence between American and English wages," bit it'wash aU the American wages- paid to make a ton of pig iron. If so called "protection" were anything "else than a lyipg pretence, the Pennsylvania . workmen would have been paid $7per ton instead of $21.46,, Nashville "World,, Bern. -m OCR 8TATE CONTKOTPOBAHIES. "While there are so many honorahle call ings ia which honest men can earn a decent living, it is a shame upon manhood and an insult to the powers that -be this eternal hankering for office, and flooding executive chambers and consuming the time of pub lic servants with petitions and letters in the interests of favorites. An appointing pow er, properly qualified, is better able to dis criminate and make a satisfactory appoint ment than partisan friends or crafty politi cians AMoro Courier. In the absence of laws to protect, the only way that farmers desiring to engage in sheep culture can proceed, is to organize clubs and take the dog in nana themselves. Let the farmers or each lownsnip enter in to agreement that they will keep only as many dogs On their places -as are absolutely necessary, collar these dogs or mars tnem io euch a way that their ownership may be known, and further agree, with the lull de termination, to carryvOut the agreement, to kill on sight every dog found prowling on the highways or byways, unaccompanied by some one to see that he does no harm. Thus, in time, ther worthless, roaming curs may be thinned out, V not entirely erur ptteA.CAarloUe Observer. PERSONAL. C Mi. fl.roo1r t.rto A'rnt.iA OTnlnrpr. is to visit England shortly. Gen. McClellan is to deliver an address at Antietam on Decoration Day. , Lamar is a- Southern dreamer. the Hamlet of the lost cause. Media Amer ican I hear that Mr. Thurman will be offered the first vacancy on the Supreme Dencn. wavt. . cimaicn w toe vinctmut Enquirer. - : : Mr; W D. Howells is authority for the assertion that no woman who studies Greek ever marries. No . wonder it is a dead languageLP&a. Becord. -- Gen. John A. v Logan is being urged! by hia; frieods-T-at least they call themselves f riends to write a history of th fSvil Waf. Now ia the time for Mr. Tmriin to pstAhliflh the fact bevond disDute that he is on familiar.easy-goingterma with the'Edghsh iaBguage. iV. JY.World. 1E- i Miss Lucilla.Y. Dudley was for some time a model in the London art world. Amnntr those to whom she used to sit is Mr pvwnrrl "Rnrnft Jones. Her name and address still ornament ,the pre-riaphaeute SIUUIO UUUI UU WUlbUUG TllUXsB HUB UHU1W VI. his models. -She also used, to sit for Sir Frederick Leighton. - . - : 'POLITICAL POINTS. A dav of mournine for Gordon has been proclaimed in England. In view of all the facta it should be made to cover a period equal in duration to. Iient. new York World, Hem. 1 The movement to make the Hon. Phil.' Thompson, of Kentucky, Commis sioner of Internal Kevenue, to eniorce me laws against the illicit distillation of whis bov hftA nrnhahlv not been surrjassed in in genuous wisdom since Captain William Kidd was engaged by the Earl of Bellemont m. ' - J TsvfMi J 7 I i--TMeems highly probable that Senator . Thurman will be appointed Minis- tion will be more warmly recelxfid than such n annointment. tilt will be -a refreshine sight to every truly American eye to see the great statesman in such a representative place a jixrnrj sen respecting American, witn iruiyAmercican yiewB.zi.Mcty mux TWINKLINGS. 1 The New York Tim call our Tffialnlnre a hpar carden: The Times is lookinir into the wrone caee. It is a mon key BhortWpiag News. y ' ' i The minister ? renroachfully) "Ah ' JTns " I'm korrv to see this! : I thought you were a steadfast teetotaler I" James (who ' is , too full to walk) "Sho I am. sir: but I'm no a bieebtted ane!" h' .The cha W already noticeable, r There is an absence of Alotrftnt- trniiqera ;v,fflA nhtrt fronts and kid oyeftvThese S avaheeiirreplaced by tne strange ana unianuiiar ieaturespi piam ciouiea, common Bense ana uaru wyrs. oi. . f ,' "I Have Suffered r With everv disease imaon nable for the last three years." Our W . .'. . n : JJruggist, T. J. Anderson, recommending1 "Hop Bitters" to me, - --, . - . I used two bottles 1 . , . -. i:Z- i: 'Am entirely cnredand; heartily recomi meuu nop . .miters to every one. ; J. u. Walker, Buckner, Mo. - ' -lit I I write this as a';! 1 Token of the treat abrjreciation I have of your Hop i- ZZz-K " " !" r; Bitters. I was afflicted, With Inflammatory rheumatism 1 1 1 Pornearly - - -v.- , .... .. . Seven years, and no medicine seemed to do me any - t:y:,i!i'f ': Wood 111 . - . '" Until I tried two bottles of vour Hod Bitters, and to my surprise I am as well to-day as ever I was."' I hope "You may have abundant success" -In this great and" : - . , Valuable medicine: Anyone! . v wishing to know more about my cure ? Can learn by addressing meE. M. Williams. 1103 16th street. Washineton.: - I consider your : Remedy the best remedy in existence For Indigestion, kidney Complaint - "And nervous debility. l nave just iteturnea ; ; , v - "From the South in a fruitless search for health, and find that your Bitters are doing -me more Good! , , ,. Than anything else; - , A month ago I was extremely "Emaciated 1 11" .. And scarcely able to walk.-- Now I am ." Gaining strength! and - '"FleahV' , v , . Z Ac.: " -'And hardly a day passes but .what I am comDllmentedon my 'improved ' appear--ance, and it is all due to Hop .-. . Bitters! J. Wickliffe Jackson, V " WHmington, Bel. . B&None genuine without a bunch, of nmn Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poi sonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in their name. pec s wit it yn tn sat - ch m arm The fittest sub jects for fever and acme, ana remit tents! are the debil itated, bilious and nervous.1 To such persons Hostetter's stomaon meters af fords adequate pro tection by increas ing vital stamina and the retdstant power of the con stitution, and by checking Irregular ities of the liver, stomach and bow els. Moreover, it eradicates malari- oomDlamts of an obstinate type, and stands alone uue- a nailed among our national remedies. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. ray 17 db wiy nrm tntnsa my n XMPOyiTAXT! A NEW AND VALUABLE DEVICE A PATENT Water Closet Seat! F0BTH2 CURB OP HEMORRHOIDS, (Commonly called - "PILES,") Internal or External, and PROLAPSUS ANT, for Chil dren or Adults. SO MEDICINE OR SURGICAL OPERATION ! NECESSARY. T have Invented a SIMPLE WATER CLOSET SEAT, for the cure of the above troublesome and paiiful malady( which I confidently place Dei ore tne puouo as a SURE RELIEF AND CURE ! It has been endorsed bv the leading resident Physicians tn North Carolina. Is now being test ed in the Hospitals of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and we are satisfied the result will be satisfactory, as it has never failed else where. You can write to any of the Physicians or prominent citizens in Edgecombe Co., N. C. These Seats win be rarnished at the louowing WALNUT. Polished. S8.00 1 Discount to Phyid- CHKRRY. . . 6 00 V - ctdana and to the POPLAR. - - ' S 00 1 Trade. . i nrnAttoiii tat ngffiff win aocomnanveacn seal.- We trouble too with no certificates. We leave the seat to be na own aaveruser. aaaress -: LEWIS CHAMBERLAIN Patentee, Tarboro, Edgecombe Co N. C tyl7 DAWtf - ' - - MERCHANTS, BANTERS MANXTFACTUREES SHOULD BEAD BRADSTREET A WEEKLY JOURNAL OP TRADE, FINANCE, AND PUBLIC ECONOMY. Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twen ty Pages. Sometimes Twenty-four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR, v : The foremost purpose of Bbasstbxxt's is to be of practical service to business men.- Its special tnuia and Industrial renorta: its weekly eDitome of bankruptcies throughout the United States and Canada, and the summaries of assets and 11 miihui. iM iifflin worth the' subscriDtioB urice: its synopseswof recent legal deolsiens are exoeed- ingiy vaiuaDia. .-.as oommrrcsu hbunhjuuiu, m the wider sense, axe coming to be more and more nnnrinntad on a statistical basis, the information contained in Bbadstrbbt's is of the first impor tance both to producers ana miaaiemen. The Trade and Arrieultaral Situation through out the United States and Canada is reported by Telegraph to Bkadstbkxt's up to the hour of puDucation. , : ' SINGLE-COPIES, TEN CENTS. THE BRAD STREET CO., : , - 279. 281, 283 Bboaiwat, deo24tf NEW YORK CTTY. THE LANDMARK. V . PUBLISHED AT 81 ATESVLLLB, IREDELL CO N. Cr. IS THE Leadiiig Newspaper in "Western Nortli ; Carolina.,. . :: :-; It is the only Democratie Paper published in Iredell County one of the largest and wealthiest counties in the State and has attained a larger local circulation than any paper ever heretofore published m the eounty. ::, , .. c . ' Its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle ghany. Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is larger than that of any two papers in the State combined; and is rapidly acquiring astrong foothold in Forsythe Surry, nowan ana western jawaieuuiuK. It is the only paper in Western North , Carolina that employs a Rbstjlab Canvassih Asxht, and thus keep constantly before the .people. Unacr this innttam a r&nidlv increasing ciroulatiou is the result, making tne Landbakx. TB3 BEST ADVERTISING .MEDIUM t . i , ERN NORTH CAROLINA. ;.- Address. - M : BOSTON POST. THE OLD. TNVTNClBL ANDjraOBOTJHLY - TBUB BLUB DEOvJitA.'riu flAn irAcjuh - . -n nier.n.MA VaMaAltnufd. Tne oiean jramuy ewiior iuu.v. Containing the most complete news of any paper In New England, j-jv-;;- .y y jThn Arwkm tjaHt Post Is esDeoIally neted for its reliable Coramerolai and Financial Features. i Daxlt One Year, 'JS; Six Months, $46p;ht ad- BBmT-FBTDATs--$1.00 per Year to adTance; Six Copies ior o.uu.i ,ui-j. w? - ..; Fire or more to one address will be furnished iffir POST at VtW year per eepn Ten conies for $7.60 each, in adTanoe.i l i,' Wmri.v TOST at L00 per year per copy; t Ynnh of "Five or more, one copy will be give to the organizer of the Club, sep 8 D&W tf . . v . The r.l o rn 1 ng St ar PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY SufeiBtlOu Rates-In f Aitfiiicelg f DAILY STAB, One Tear postage paid ,....$7 00 ......4 00 a oo 1350 1 75 ... sixMonths. ; -s - ,M ' "' " ; Three Mentha j lJ;'" r ' r Two Months, " Vone Month " 3' WESKLY STAB, One Year, postage paid .$1 60 4 AA . r SixMonths. ; Three Months :.' 50 NOTICES OF THE PEESS: nn.. c.i in rinnldedlY one of the best Dauers in the State, as bright and newsy as eTer. Long life to it. Salem Press. . ,r The Wilmington Stab has entered en Its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want.. ChariomlMmoeraL 't ...... .:...'.; i " i The Wilmington Stab has entered on ts twelfth year. ' As a dally journal of news it Btands ;"up head." Concord Beaister .. , The "Wilmington Star has entered its twenty fifth volume. There is no better paper published In ahe State. Lenoir Topie.- - - - - :h The WQmlngton Stab has entered upon its thir teenth Tear.- - It IB one Ul uu uvsk yayan iu uio Stote.--Trarrntoa Gasette. - . j . im xrnminirtn Stab has entered Its thirteenth year. 7 It has oeoome one 01 uw leaumg pavero.ui the South. Oxford Torchlight. . -, " - The Wummgton Stab is not only "one of the best edited papers in the State, but for freshness of news and typograpioal appearanoe cannot, be Deaten. Jackson jieporver. - "The wTlmfatoh Stab Is one of the very best pa m in tha Annt.h. in vfirv deDartment from tv do graphy up to editorial ability and independence. Petersburg ( Fa.) Index-Appeal. ; ( '- TtiA wnmbitrtn nr. C.) MosmHe Stab Is a mod, .1 nasnmiinAr. Tndeed. we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say it is the newsiest (secular) paper published tn the South. Richmond -(FaO Beliaibut fferald. , :. , , uc The WUKungton Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers in the South and, as a North (ferollolan; we are proud, of it Tarboro Southerner. . , .. - Va lffea tha Run Iwwuuiaa It is thorouehlv re- II.VIa nn-rAt f.a.laM anH OI vaII Tt . tt.TV edited, newsy, spioy, and in fact a perfect news paper. .Long may tne btab iwiiusjo. miu .iry Althnnirb At the, haaA nt the Dress in this State in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still It continues to improve. It is a Stab of the first magaltude. May its lustre never wane. TMJrree ntujsavnss. ... TtiA At h la no well and favorablv known m this section of the State, that we can say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know. -It Is in every respect one of i the best dai lies in pieoutn.nooesonian. TflT miumtfioent-beaniinir Stab has completed Its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac The system in the get up of the pa per surpasses them &xLTarooro Boutnerner, r " The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. It is & most excellent newspaper, wbu eu .ted, a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and tc North Carolina Journalism. Charlotte Observer. Pha Wilmington Stab is now taking the regular midnight ASBOOiatea rress reports, aaa nae iw IiIm fhnrMfuwd the amount of its readinir matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surDrlsing since it is so deserving. Chariot' Observer. ,i The Times cannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has Just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper n is a iavcnte with tha State nreaa and Is soueht after by the neoDle. Long and DrosDerous fife to it. Felds- ville Times ! Tha WTiminfrton Stab, we are Dleased to notice. still continues on the high road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the verv best of our exchanges, and consider it the peer of any journal pubiisnea in we bouul. uxjora jrree uance. Wbv in it that all the naiiers with the name of Star are such bright little journals. The Wilming ton (N C.) Stab, the Washington Star, .the Frea artnbahrmF fttjur. tJaot Vnrk Star, for examtile. There must be something in a name after, ail. Michmona ivoj state. Tha wnmlnvton Stab has entered UDonits 13th volume, and we are pleased to notice still contin ues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab Terr highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those .of MT nthnr of our axonaiures. and its eoitoruu ae- aartment is conducted with much ability. Her- canton mads. . , TTnmbla In its beffmnmss. as was inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreca oi ior- tnne that attended tne couapse ox tne oouiuern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a Artnatjint.lv hrlirhtanin DrosBeritv. As a newtra- per it has few equals, and no superior, for: aprrs prlate selection and judicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among our most accepts: Die exchanges. utusooro aecoraer. The Wilmington Mobniks Stab has entered up- mi tha thlrtaanth veer of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it mpon its prosperity ana aeservea poDumrxiy. ie rom able suooess of the Stab Is due to Its strict atten tion to business. The boast Qf the Stab (rightful ly too) is that it always has the news, and this is ttia flmt thtnr in innrn&lism. Otherwise the pa per is all that the term of "good newspaper" Im plies, anal is corps oi editors auu niiy1."" vD thnmnirhiT adnnnid newsDRoer men.. May the healthy, moral influence of the Stab never be re- taraea, ana may iu gemai enwrpnuni pryvrw tor enjoy many more nappy years oi useiuinean. Gouuooro MfssenQtr. w SURPRISE ! THE GOVERNMENT ENDORSES The American Agricultiirist TBGM. TSS TKHTHCXBStm. VOIm 8, JTJST FUXLI8HXD. that has attended the unique and untiring efforts or us proprietors to increase ana e-wuu iw culation. Its contents - are duplicated every mouth for a German edition, whloh also circu lates widely." ' This Tribute is a pleasing incident in the mar- venous neariy XT , T -BI A 4 ILPMrill I li V Career of this recognized leading Agricultural iiournaiui mo nunu. Wliatitis To-Day. Of. MAaVa mrneA VkA AsmOXfiiVL A fjrlllfal Wjrf ATI- niA ii n hi nin a-u IUV x.rwwi eww vw . terea upon a xNjfiw wft rtMin ur rAwormoiA a a Zm f. - M t nww almila a-s4 aud UrUajr lb la icax duutjiiui wv am 0iAuAnA wu ouiciu over uruuuuou iu tuio ui ut 1 . v 1 iaanlH(finA In AnAVO. yiniTs; printea oa uuer paycr auu jv wwuiiuig -a ter from the ablest writers, and nearly 100 ilius- tcr of a oenturjrthe editor-tn-omei of the AmeT' lean A.grcaiiur8i j osepu narrus xyruu u. aoi- KLVUm sJi JO S TT CXVAa CkAAU. AAAUaVTT V. ' -.-.w. tA ncwt-VioT wit-.n t.nA nt.nAr tJLrUCi AUilK VAAAAW 4kUlVVl Of v,vvuw. HAM mhA hava moHa tVa Mmriyin A rrriiVuni- rlst what it is t6-day, ARE STILL AT THEIR foaxa. i i WHAT; FREE??? VkT a mnT v fsxvmavArtA tib vsHt-h t.nA nrlnA. Sr.oO Tier AlAAlalJA ivinntuvu -w wv T T " - A IK .an4a nvfB frvr Yrat CTA fin Ovr.IanfA dia making $1.65 in all will receive the Ameri can Agriculturist iBngiisn or ueraauj 18S5, and be presented with the AMERICAN AG- ttiitt mrTDium w a m i i . v : v i :i j ir i. k I linb OUt), 700 PAOaa uyjiaiuuufl.iaiwi! i This entirely new volume Is a remarkable store house and book of reference for every depart ment of human knowledge, including an Agri- SEiJd THREE ENT STAMPS BXJB MAILING TUTTANBLEGANT FORTY-PAGE PREMI- TTM I 1ST. 'Wun -w iuuuaiJW""oi SPECIMEN PAGKS OF OUR FAMILY CYCLO- PEDIA. VJAKVASSKBS waktjw. JkY.M iroiua. A a . PXjjbhkRS AMERICAN r AGRICULTURIST, Datxd W. Jttdd, Pres't. oakx bubkhax, aeo. t 751 BROADWAY, NEW -YORK. ; r an7tf r . : j OAELTON HOUSE, , f anaw; DnplinCoiinty, N. C. !. IIU1UUII lHfUU j vvwuj.ii N LINE OF WILMINGTON AND WELDON " 1 . -rrrtl .1 Sailroad, miies irom uuuuisyvu. I Table always well supplied with the best the country affords. . Rates oi uoara very reasoua ble, M. J. CARLTON, deo 81 D& Wtf Proprietor. Tlie: Haiii H. L. D1BB, Jr., at HANHIH&. s. C. Only S1.50 per annum In advance.' Cheap Ad vertising medium. janeti WHOLESALE PRICES. Z 03F Our quotations. It should be understood, represent the" wholesale prices ' generauy.: In making up small orders higher prices have to be eharged.-i : . y ;;r' ; 1 ABTIOIJSS. rBicas. -r ioa uh 00 & V- 18 ; oo o BAGGING Qnnny ... . . . .. r Standard. BACON North Carolina . Hams. lb Shoulders, 9 9..... Sides, choice, tt fi . oo oo 00 10 it- T 8 WBSTKBxrSxosxD Hams. V " ciues. v .................... Shoulders. V tt 7 & :7a Dbt 8altid Sides, V lb........ Shoulders, V lb............ . , 7 second nana, eacn New New York, each........ NeW City. each....;......... 1 60 1 00 1 00 23 8 00 0 00 00 25 S65'' a oo 5 80. 127 9 00 BEESWAX 9 fc........ . ...... bricks wiinungtonw Northern . 14 00 BUITEH -North Carolina, 9 B. 00 Northern, w .......... r 85 25 12 12 CANDLES 9 Sperm ..... , . . 18 Tallow.., Adamantine AM 00 & CHEESE !-North,nFact'y 14 00 10 18 IS Dairy, Cream-.. State 12 28 COFFEE p , B-Java .......... AAguyra ..................... k . a A - A m m a - 14 1 18 IO CORN MhAL-9 bush., in sacks, 67JiP; 70 00 a - 70 y irgiuia jn.cu COTTON TIES bundle.:.... DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yd Yarns, J bunch.............. 40 1 45 6r -7 00 & . 85 16 - 18 BWis w dozen FISH-Mackerel, No. bbl... 16 00 20 00 Mackerel, No. 1, 0 half bbl.., 8 50 & 10 00 MaokereL No, 2. tt bbl. Macaerel, Nc 2, half bbl. Mackerel, No. 8, tt bbl Mullets, bbl.... Mullets, Pork bbls ...... . . - N. C. Roe.Herring, tt keg. . . Drycod. id.....: FLOUR-- bbl Fine northern super - Extra.,...,.,. jfamuy .City Mills Super A . VTJUUAr v ju..,. ........ GRAIN bushel. Uorn,8tore,Dags,prime,wnibe Corn, oargo, in bulk, . " Corn, cargo, In bags, " . Corn, oargo, mixed, in bags Oats, from store.... Cow Peas.... : HIDES tt fi Qreen. . . . .Airy.- HAY tt 100 lbs Eastern western HOOP IRON tt ft . lKD w Tf nortnern North Carolina..... LTME tt barrel LUMBER City Sawed tt M ft. amp atnnT.resawea.. ia w Rough Edge Plank....... 15 00 West India Cargoes, accord-, - ing to quality.... .i 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Board s.comn 12 00 20 00 a io oo a is oo a 22 00 a 15 oo MOLASSES gallon new urop uudb, in nnas... . - eu " ft- . in bbls.... CO Porto Rico, in hhds -.. 28 " " in bbls SO Sugar House, in hhds 00 tn Mia ...... nn a a a SvruT). in bbls... 25 NAILS tt keg Cut. lOd basis.. 00 oils V gallon a.erosene vt jjara.... i in Linseed............... 90 Rosin.....:: 15 Tar 00 Deck and Spar 00 POULTRY Chickens,live,grown CO aprmg..- s Turkevs 65 PEANUTS tt bushel 60 POTATOES tt bushel Sweet.. 40 Irish, per barrel, new., 2 75 PORK tt barrel City. Mess.... 15 00 rriinM ....................... XT w Rumo 00 RICE Carolina, 4 Rough, 9 Dusnei tupianaj.. eu Do. do (Lowland) 100 BAGS f lb Country 1 City 12 ROPE tt ft 14i halt v salt Aium eu Liverpool ow Lisbon 00 American .' 00 SUGAR ft-Cuba 0 Porto-Rico.. o A Coffee 0 B 0 c - e Ex C 7 Crnshed TV SOAP ft Northern 5 SHINGLES tt M Contract 5 00 Uommon z uu Cypress Saps 4 0 Cypress Hearts 0 00 STAVES V M W O Barrel. ... 18 00 R O Hogshead: 00 00 TALL0W ft 0 TIMBER M feet Ext Heart i io oo 9 00 7 50 6 00 4 00 8 00 20 16 Prime ship'g, lstcless heart.. 8 00 Extra Mill, good heart 6 50 Mill Prime : 00 Common Mill.. 00 Inferior to Ordinary 00 WOOL ft Washed 00 unwashed w Burrv. 10 12 WHISKEY gallon Northern 1 00 5 00 2 50 north Carolina l w WILMINGTON EIONKY MARKET. Exchange (sight) on New York discount ; Baltimore Boston . Philadelphia Western Cities.. Exohanre. 80 davs. 1 tt cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock First National Bank Stock Navassa Guano Company Stock........ North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons .. 108 .,.: ..140 .. 28 .. 10 yoncung, isse... Funding, 1868... New 4s SnecialTax... .. 1 - :: 1 .. 118 .. 106 . 105 .. 100 .. 100 ..loo .. 110 .. 82 50 .. 120 W & W R R Bonds, 7 tto (Gold Interest) Carolina Central K K Bonos, nyo Wilmington, CoL & Augusta R R Bonds Wummgton City Bonds (new) 6 c... " . . 8o New Hanover County Bonds, 6 o Wilmington & weiaon it u atooK North Carolina R R Stock ). Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock Wilmington cotton mms atocx ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security Against Fire. Tie Norm Carolina Home Insurance Co, RAEEIGII, N. C. THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE PO lloies at fair rates on all classes of insurable property. I.' AU losses are prompur aojosHHi auu utuu. iud fHome" is rapfdUy gaining hi pubiio favor, and appeals with confidence to insurers of pro pert' ltt worm uaroiina. s Agents in all parts of the State. . jotLN atjujlw, rresiaeni. - W. S. PRLMROSB, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON St MANNING, Agents, sep28tf Wilmington, N. C Pavetteville Observer. ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH. 1888, THE undersigned will revive the publication of the FAYEOTEVTLLE OBSERVER. The Obsbbvxb wui DC a large za-ooiumn weeaiy nni. tnrm an its muuA will Termit. and both re gular and occasional correspondents will contri bute letters from the Capital on State politics and affairs. - ' - - , - Democratie in politics, the Obsxbtkb will la htf fimt. nf all. tn assure the nroBDeritVof the Town of Fayetteville, to develop the vast agri cultural resources oi its own ana uio neiguDor big counties, and to pre mete all that concerns Mi a wnifura nf the Tteoule of North Carolina. ; Opposed to such innovations on the homely ways of our fathers as, in the guise of progress, harm society, the Obsbbvbb will be found in full sympathy with the new tkingr "oorn of the changed, condition ' of the South which sound judgment or enlightened experience find to be also gooa. - . . . - ab to the rest : it win strive to deserve the re putation of the name it lnnents. leDUtl . .- n. . nnun, aa. The Eobesonian, Published every Wednesday in Lumberton, N. C By W. Wi McDIARMID, TJTAS THE LARGEST CTBCULATI6n AND THE Iw AV 04.va T4 Viae AVAValffht nvin1'MUl anrw BorlberS in Robeson county alone, besides a sen- erai oircuiauon ui uit Biiiiiinn.jiuiiuiun berlancL .Bladen, Cohunbus, Richmond, and in Mm 9 - Al.a VkhIaII Va1WMb-l OTlif oarungton, in eonui -arouiia. ,: - ; wji w. The Person; ! . " Published at BOXBOEO, N; a - . AVUITAItER & GIBBONS, paper published or circulated in the fine tobacco t 1 section 01 rtortn csrouna. . - - Advertislug rates : very liberal. Subscription ou per year. BW U:W 6 00 7 00 - 00 5 0b 5 00 O 6 00 -11 00 12 00 8 00 4 00 5 a io o oo a s oo 8 75 4 50 6 25 6 60 ', 5 60 a 8 00 : 4 00 a 4 10 syj sola, 5 50 . 64 a 65 ,17 a 58 60 a 61 6 2 a 63 53a 60 75 a 60 o a -. w io a is . 1 05 a i io 90 a i oo r 90 a too s a va 9 a - ioj oo a w oo a 1 40 WUmington 7eldon Omciojonft, ScrxBiNTXirDxST,'- z 1 a , WUmlngton, N. C, March 6, 1865. 1 : ; CliaTige. of 8cJednlA 5 : y ON AND AFTER MARCH 6jjf 85. AT 5.20 A.M.- Passenrar Trains on the Wilmhurton A Wel- don Railroad will run as f allows : ;r. ,r .; -. Day Blall and : BxrprWs .Train, Dally--' : lfoe.47Nortnand.4S Sonta,: :; i Leave wnmington, Front St, Depot, at 9 27 Av M.; Arrive at Weldon.. '...,.. 8.05 P. M. Leave Weldon.. . . . . : l : 2.10 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front fit Depot,. 7.55 P. M. Fas Thbotsb Maxlaks Passxh6xb Tbats Dajlt No. 40 South. . -. -;t,.j M ... Leave Weldon: : . ' . BuS8 P. M Arrive at Wilmington, Front st Depot, 10.00 P, M Mau. akd i Passxkoxb . Tbatji . Daily No. 48 ' ' ' - ; Nobth. . . , ' .u ;;;; Leave WQmtngton , ; 8.50 P. M Arrive at Weldon... 2.65 P. M Train No. 45 leaves Wilmineton at 2.10 A. m . arrives at Weldon at 7.80 A. M. -Train No.-42 leaves Weldon at 1.03 A. if ar rives at Wilmington at 7.10 A.M. Train no. 43 daily except Monday. . ; Train No. 45 daily except Sunday. ' Train No. 40 South will stOD only at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia. . - Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 8.45 P.M. daily.- Return ing, leave Tarboro at 11.50 A M. daily. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 8.00 P. M. Retnrn- ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 8 80 A. M. daily. , Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon tor an points North daily. All ran via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. -- Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con nection for all points .North via Richmond and Washington. -- All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. , , For aooommodatlon of local travel a Passenger Coach will be attached to Local Freight leaving Wilmington at &0 A. M. daily except Sunday. , .. dUUM jr.AllVANJt, .- General Supt v T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent -1 mh 7 tf WILHIHSTON, COL'HBIi & AUGUSTA Sailroad Go. Omen ew GxsnuL Stjpt, - I ; WUmlngton, N. C, March 6, 1885. ) Change of Schedule, ON AND AFTER MARCH 6, 1865, AT 5 C7 A. v.. the following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road: . NIGHT , EXPRESS TlXAINS (Daily)- Nos, 48 West and 4T East, Leave Wnmington......... 8.20P.M. Leave Florence .. 2.40 A. M. Arrive at C, C. A A, Junction. . .... e.ao A. m. Arrive at Columbia. . . ......... 6.40 A. M. Leave Columbia 9.55 P.M. Leave O, C. A. Junction.. 10.20 P. M. Leave Florence. ........ 6.C7A.M, Arrive at Wilmington. 9.07 A. M. Nisht Mau. ahd Fasskv ess Tkaih. Daily. No. 40 WIST. Leave Wilmington . .10.20 P. M. Arrive at Florence 1.30 A.M. Mail akd Pasbxhskb Tbatk Daily No. 43 East. Leave Florence. 4.15 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 8.25 P. M Train No. 42 leaves Wilmington at 7.30 A. M.: arrives at Florence at 11.45 A. M . Train No. 45 leaves Florence at 10.00 P. XL: ar rives at Wilmington at 1.50 A. M. - - Train ho. 42 daily except Monday. , Train No. 45 daily except Saturday. Trains 42 and 48 stopat all Stations. . No. 40 Btops only at Remington and Marlen. Passengers for Columbia and all points onG. & C. R. R., C. & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Ex press. : Separate Pullman Sleepers for Augusta on Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. Local Freight leaves WUmlngton dally, except Sunday, at 5.25 A. M. tuun jr. uivjlnje, GenlSupt T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent mh 7tf CASOLIHA CENTRAL RAILROAD W. Omoi or SuTKBiBTaSAXira, Wilmington, N. C, Sept 21, 1884. Change of Schedule. rTX AND AFTER SEPT. 21, 1884, THE FOIr w lowing acneduie wui be operated on uus Railroad: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. 1 Leave WSmingtoa at .7.00 P. M. No. L V Leave Raleigh at....... .7.85 P. M. I Arrive at Charlotte at 7.30 A. M. 1 Leave Charlotte at.... 8.15 P. M. No. 2. V Arrive at Raleigh at...- .9.00 A. M. I Arrive at WUmhurton at 8.25 A. JC Passenger Trains stoD at regular stations only. and Points designated in the Company's Time Table, SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MALL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. ' Dally except Sundays. Wn v I Leave Charlotte.. 8.15 A. M. .12.15 P. M. XT- a (Leave Shelby 1.40P.M. f Arrive at Charlotte.: 5.40 P. J Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. As A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington ana unariotte ana itaieignana cnariotxe. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville, Stations West ern N. C. R. AshvUle and points West. . ; Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta ana all pomts aouuiwesL. L. C.JONES, Superintendent F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent, sep 21 tf ' ' Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital, -Cash Capital paid in, Siirplus Triad, - $1,000,000 $300,000 - $50,000 (DIRECTORS W.LGOBS, . G. W. WILLIAMS, . DONALD MacRAE,' H. Y0LLER8, R. B. BRTDGERS, ,rf C. M, STEDMAN, ISAAC BATES, JAB. A, LEAS,' : F. RHELN8TEIN, B. B. BORDEN, : ' J. W. ATKINSON. ISAAC BATES, President G. W. WILLIAMS, Vice President an 20 tf 8. D. WALLACE. Cashier. A POSITIVE c&ed tober 16, 1876. One box wUl cure the most obsti nate case in lour days or iess.i - : Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougies. : No nauseous dose of cubebs, copabia, or oil of sandal wood, that are certain to produce dys pepsia by destroying the coatings of the stomach. Price $L50. Sold by all druggists, or mailed on receipt of price.-For further particulars send lor circular. . . . J,C ALLAN CO., rt TTP T? : -jl. 3.John Street New York.. U U Hill. augsseodiy. r tntnsat ? - aogga The Pamlico Enterprise A! FIRST CLA8S WEEKLY PAPER, published to the GRAIN REGION of the State. ., . i Subscription $1.50 a year. Yearly Advertising rates One Square, $12; Two Squares, $181 Three Squares. $24; Four Squares, $3K Quarter Column, aih Half Colamn, $60; One Column, $100. No de viation from .-jjjgprjrg : .., .:: StonewalLN. O I HerEiveriHullets. V KBlJEtREli'FlNEN lust reoived from the'nher&for salelowl" 1 J AlHoTlfiO BOXK8 CTOIciT BRANDS OF.TO- BACCO, to be sold at factory prwefc jtory prices. deo7tf 18 Market Street: - OTW ADVERTISEMENTS. , , v When I cat etu I Aa ml mMTw.Mf.tA k. -- tlmsand then hT them raturn asmia. I mean radtol rnra. SICKJ KS3 a lifJoii .tiKtj. I warrant my reraedT to cars the ""' w a. cera pan at nara bara tailad la bo reaaoa fcr -ow receiving a rare. Sand atone (or a treatfe. and a not Fre.1 raw 01 my lnatiiDM remedy. ety Express and Poat " ' nn m .rial, , milCBn Ton - 'TyTMTTPAY lf.50 PER 'DATT To all who work for me at home. To many lean r8TKATlV TtVPT1 V M HN'I' "l iair, r.. Amt.Wobx. Send Postal Card to ' T. TT. HUIUUT, AOU1BVIIJ.B, JiY bars e Doaltive remedy lortae abor. dlseaae: by iia aae " theBmad. of eaaea of (be worst kind and of long standing naTe been cored. Indeed, so atronit ts my faith 1b- I ta efficacy, ' that I will send TWO BOTTLES FBKB, tow ther with a VaL- I UABLB TRBATISB on tbla disease, to any snOerer. dir. Ea raeandr.Q..ddraai. DA.T. A.8U)CUM;i81 r'eari8t.,M.Y. , A DVERTTSERS1 send lor bur Select List of . LoV' jca. cat Newspapers. - oeo. r. . Lowell &- ro.. IS Spruce St., N. Y. . mhSC&WJm . . New York : and . Wilniiiigtoii ? ; Steamsliip Oo.- FROM PIER 84, EAST. RIVER, NEW YORK, ' At 3 o'clock P. M. " ,w BENEFACTOR , .Saturday, - Feb. 21 Feb. .28 "' March 7 s; March' 14 ; REGULATOR . BENEFACTOR. . ........ ' " REGULATOR. ......... " , FROM WILMINGTON. REGULATOR. . ......... Saturday, Feb. 21 BENEFACTOR ....... . . Feb. 28 REGULATOR........... " . March 7 BENEFACTOR.... 'March 14- 3T Through Bills Lading and Lowest Throwr h ' Bates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina For Freight or Passage apply to H. G, SMALLBONES, , r Superintendent ' - " WUmlngton, N. C. . .... Theo. G. Eser, Freight Agent, New York. "W P. Clyde & Co., General Agents, ' . bh , aa uroaaway.Kew xo Without Honev AND We have just issued a most wonderful and . valuable new book, which treats of diseases "pe-f ouliar to the female sex," and have spared neith- f. , . -. er pains nor money to, make It worthy the pe rusal and confide.noe of the women' all over our ' land. . " ; Every mother, wife, sister and daughter in this country is deeply, aye, vitally Interested In this great work, and should send for it without delay. It will be sent to any address in the United States ' - Free of Cost " Bead it carefully, study it well, and you will glean from its pages information that may prove more valuable than all the wealth of all the Rothschilds more precious than aU the gems of Europe's royalty ! IT MAT SATE TODR LIFE. Give Fostoffice and write name plainly, and address - . . The Bradfleld Eegulator Co., P. O. Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. : - Will LftTTl TT AMAll W1lA.aolA A rVAVlf WflvMtwtM. w50 C U.IWOW1W AAjOUW lAMHIAlf myiiv ch s m . j THE BEST.! PBEEABATIOJI i ; For BxsTOBixe gray hair to its natural color; ' For rBxvxxnxe the hair from turning gray; For producing a rapid and luxuriant growth; ., For KaADioATise sonrf and dandruff; For cTTBnre itching all diseases ef the scalp; ' For rxxvximiie the hair from falling out; and For xvxBYTHrire 'for which a hair tonic is re-. . quired it has no squAik ' The BieBBST nsmioxiAie of its merits are given. . - - From Err. CHAS. H. READ, D D , Pastor Grace Street Presbyterian Churoh.1 " For several years I have, used no other Hair Dressing than the Xanthine, which hadbeen warmly recommended to me by a friend who had v'. . tested its va" It has, in my experience, aeoom -plished all Lls claimed for it as a wholesome , . preserver and restorer of the natural color of " -the hair, and a thorough preventive of dandruff. .: . , ... . CHAS. H.BEAD. ; For sale by v ' IJ. H. HARDIN, Druggist. :. 'nov291y om Ju aug-sep feb 29 Prospectus. nmn Weekly Newspaper, to be called tX THE 28TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1885, THE ' KJ undersigned will begin la publication, at ; SaHmrm J3r. OamllnB.. nt . f.wnntvlffht. rstt--1. f The Western Tribune ; I The TRIBUNE will discuss with entire freedom all questions of pubiio interest. . ' , in politics it will teach Democratic doctrines pure and simple. . ' '' ' i It will sfrive to advance, the educational Inter estsof ourpeople. . - t ' - J ; : It will labor zealously for the upbuilding of our whole State, and especially for the develop- ' ment of the varied resources of Western North . . Carolina. ' : It will be the friend of all Railroads so long as they are the friends of the people. - . It will aspire to deserve the esteem of its read ers by dealing with all subjects in a fair and dig- -nifled manner, and by earefuUv excluding from , its columns everything of a viciou tendency. . The TRIBUNE outfit has been paid lor in full, -and includes a Power Press. mi ' - : The price of the paper -will be Per Year $1.50, Six Months 750, Three Mouths 50c invariably- in advance, l - - - - -- J '4t ; All eommunloatTons should be addressed to. JL THE WESTERN TRIBUNE, AsheyUle, N. C. , s ; FRANCIS CARTER, I ? BUG. D. CARTER, " NATHAN D. MAY. , . o 'vV ' . " Rditors and Publishers. . FRANCIS CARTER, Proprietor. r- ' .'- jan 17 D&Wtf ; . v AJDVE11TISE Di nerchant and Farmer, : . pxjBLISHSD WiUUSmLY.AT ' it has a large ahttmCTBasmg circulation m th heart of the- Pee Dee- country, the best Cotton, i section of the twaetates. .--.v.- . it is a' desirable medium-of communication With both the Merchants end Farmers of this section, and particularly with those of Marion , and Marlboro Counties. ; It is therefore the paper - for the Business Men of Wilmington.- -..:,.. A. MCJ IcLUCAS, deeStf ' i ? -' - Proprietor. .. , r."v mm ; rr - -: 1 '., I . 1 - - ! ' -v t i V suwedfr