tu y; Qfor I Tlie; Mprning Star. -TinrBSDiT Morning March 26, 1885 MORNING EDITION. THE LATEST NEWS. FEOH ALLPABTS OF THE WORLD? T UjfJTEI STATES SENATE. EXTRA SESSION. Tto Well aiMl ! Abra Mexlean Treaty i-oi uB4er conilderattoiii fBy Telegraph to tbe Moinlmc Star.l " WAraisaTOiTt March 25. Senator Jones, r ' of Arkansas; announced that his colleague " elect, James nH. Berry, of - Arkansas, war present, and was ready to take the oath. The oath was administered by the Vice ' X President.' . ' Upon motion of Mr. Miller, of Cala., the Or- Senate then went into Executive session, and continued the consideration of. the rkWeiI and La Ahra treaty.; T ' ,J ' - C?onsldera:tion of the Wett -and La Abra " treaty consumed the day, and was not con--Eluded. ";At 4.10, p. m. the doors were re r; i" opened ad the Senate adjuonrned , WASHINGTON. " ''Seminations Confirmed The Kepnb liean Caaens-Aflalrs In tne Depart meats: . . (By Telejcraph to tne Morning Star.l i - Washisgton, March 25. The Senate in '.:''-executiTO session, confirmed the nomina tions of Samuel S. Cox, to be Minister to Tnrkev: Henrv L. Muldrow, to be Assist ant Secretary of the Interior; and Wm. A. Sparks, to be Commissioner of the General Land Office. At the EeDublican Senatorial caucus considerable feeling was manifested and it vwaa stated by some Senators who have se- cared emDlovment ior tneir cierKsinatii the Sherman resolution was adopted they would favor an entire revision or the T committee list." The subject of final ad- joamment was alluded to and the Presi-7c-- dentVwish, that the Senate should remain , vuntil ; the endib? the week was made "known.'" Without any formal action the tacit understanding was reached that minor treaties Bbould be considered at such times , , tasthe Senate war ' not engaged with nomi I'1 nations. - vy Th& Commissioner of Pensions issued an . order to-day directing' that for the present -Cv ', until tlie mass of business upon the board ''or review is disposed of, members of that division, of the pension office shall begin " -r7'work'at"8.80 a. m. and finish at 5 p. m. i - fochard Devens, Superintendent and Dis bursing. Officer, of the-Postofflce Depart v s ment, has resigned that position voluntari- ly ,to engage in private business. Secretary "Lamar has issued an order ' -closing the "Interior Department, to-mor- row, out of respect to the memory of the - Jate Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the In r terior -during, the administration of Presi K dent Buchanan. ' ' K Pirst'Comptrollor Durham, of the Trea-; x ' - sury Department, assumed his official duties 10 aay., . . I " L Indian -Commissioner Atkins was at the - Interior Department to-day, and will quali- " Jy and enter upon the office to-morrow. X40 change nas occurrea in ine conaiuon of Hon. -Casey Youne, who is threatened " withparalysis sincC yesterday. Hisphysi- ciaw says he is in no immediate danger. MICHIGAN. ? Perils of LaKe NaTlsatlon IeeBonnd Tessels. ' By Telecraph to the Morning Star. ' "LxniNGT03i, "March 25. The propeller X Flint and Pere, Marquette No. 2, which left Chicago eleven days ago, and has since J heen bound in the ice about twenty-five - ' miles off Little Point Sable, reached here last night. The clerk, eight passengers ' ' v and the wheelman were here some hours before the steamer, having left her thirty "- miles j off Little Point Sable, making the ' shore at that point. They came the rest of the way'Jby land. Their trip from the tboat to the shore was a dangerous one; the .1 ice breaking up ,and cutting off all com f . ri - munication with the boat. They left at 7 - -T " o'clock Monday morning, and all went well, r r until they met an opening in the.ice thirty Z - feet wide about 1.30 p. m. It was then ne- . " pessary for them to cut a large cake of ice, -r w and one of the party ferried the rest across, " . one at a time. "They met thin ice at 2.30 p. -v " ta., ' and . crossed it by spreading . out ' and all holding to- a line, the ice cracking under their feet. At 3.45 p. m., while crossing a field of ice half a mile - .: wide and four inches thick, they found it to -be moving three miles per hour, and wind ' , rowing op very fast; several broke through A thence. J. O. Touchette,'a passenger, had a ' 'V very narrow escape. At 4.30 their chances Rooked slim for getting to shore. Two of t'O the passengers gave up several times.. At ' v "5.30 ihey -reached the Point, got a team 7 and went to Meare's Station, where they --'H took the cars. They are badly used up. 'There are no advices from the propeller V Wisconsiny ten days out, nor the City, of ,vrv Ludington, seven days out, since they left - ' this port: There are fears that they have ' - - met with disaster through crowding ice. V- ' '- "' - - - - NEW YORK. Gen& Grant's Condition Considerably Jmproved Alleged Frauds In tbe : Naval Stores Trade. V , r 4 NEW -ToitK, March 25. Gen. Grant's ' J condition this morning showed considera - .ble improvement. After retiring about 10.30 o'clock Ia?t night, the General fell 1 ' vTinto a quiet andT refreshing slumber, which ; continued with but short intervals of wake - fuineES until 'the morning.' On - awaking r the General said he" was comparatively free 4-v, f ram "pain," and his-sleep had been better -than for any night of the week.--AV noon .he kft the house for a drive-through the park in the warm and nleasant sunshine. " . ti.- At a jneeting of the" Naval Stores ttade t - to day, -a report was heard from the com-s-v 'rnittee in- regard WdevisintftTneans of - j, checking the fraudulent -rpracticerwhich" , - prevails among looDere or Savannah. Ga.. vWilmingtoni N.3;Td-aMHleston,; S. C, of alterig mark pot W Sonthern insoec- jt-s s tora upon barrels of rosin and turpentine to v Z , io'dicateOhe quality and quantity of the , harrel.-" A' resolution was adopted appeal- s' ?-iog to the Southern' Exchanges to have J , J- these frauds stopped, by legislation. , . - MANITOBA. Bibelllon -In tne ' Norinwcst Outrages I ;';;;fbyiBalf-Breedfc " :" - IBy Telegraji to the ICornmeStarJ , ; WrsSBPEGiv March h 25. Nothing is 4 talked :)of .here but the rebellion in the nonawesi. jiumora ana conntsr . mmnn of the wildest character continue to fly , wmii. xi. i reponea witn some connrma-. - tion that fifteen of a detachment of mount-" ed police which was attempUng to enter -v Carleton were shot and killed, andlhat tte , - - rebels have, made forty whites prisoners , , -and. are threatening more. E. O. Hughes ' whose stock aV Duck. Lake Is now&pos- session of the insurgents, and his manacer -.. . imprlsoned-hat arrived here, and aes - - :xaat the half-breeos, under Kiel have been' ' . .l . Preparing; fpr an uprising- all the winter." , -'t, 9 metk 9X9 thoroughly -armed. - weUrflled-and disciplined v ?sft ,J,,r,'.""1 War nnmoraIiondon and the stock. mark eta Excited A Special Cabinet council In London. - - - Af VU1V W uwavijiuinwwiii - ' . i- Paris, March 25.-The la Temps say that it considers war between Russia and England to be imminent. '- Bostos, March 25 The Herald prints the 'following: rVA private cable dispatch received in Boston from a reliable source, says -there is great excitement in London. It is reported that25.000 militia have been called out. Humors are thick that Russia has rejected the English proposals. - -LoHDOK, Ma'rchSS. The stock." market at the close to-day was depressed under the influence of the increase in preparations for war. Consols closed at 97 1-16, the lowest igures yet, reached since xthe com mencement of the Anglo Russian dispute. Russians fell lto H per cent, this after noon. The news from the continent shows that all continental bourses sympathized with the financial situation in London and that prices towards the close were flat. ; ' London, March 25. The tension be tween Russia and England over the Afghan frontier question has increased. The stock market is excited.' British consols are one half and Russian securities one per cent, lower than at the close of the market last evening. - . -The Cabinet held a special session this afternoon on the Afghan difficulty. - It was resolved to firmly demand of Russia that she cemmence forthwith the work of de limitating the Afghan frontier, in accord ance with 1 the unaeretaname unaer wnica Sir Peter Lumsden and the British survey ing party have passed so many months in the Ameer's dominions. All officers belonging to the British In dian army and now in Europe on furlough, have been ordered to immediately rejoin their respective regiments. CHICAGO r Large Orders for Canned Beef from the British War Department. By Telegraph to the Horning Star.l . Chicago. March 25. The N. K. Fair banks Canning Company, of this city, has received during the last , seven days, cable orders for canned beef for use of the British army, which, coupled with an ad ditional order received this morning, make an fr pre rate amount to be shipped of 4.000,000 pounds. The orders came from the British War Department, and the de stination of the meat is Woolwich. It will take two weeks to fill the orders. The Armour Packing Company is also in receipt of orders to supply 5,4UU,uuu pounas. These are the largest orders ever received here, and owing to their magnitude the supposition is that they are to meet a war emergency. . The canning houses are work ing day and night, in order to meet these demands. WEST VIRGINIA. Great Suflerlng Beported In Drought Afflicted Counties. , By Telegraph to the Mornlmr Star.l Charleston, March 25. So great is the suffering of the people in the drought-afflicted district that the authorities and peo ple of Kanawha county were appealed to yesterday, and quantities of provisions have been ordered sent by the county court for the relief of the distressed. Tales or suffering men, women and children, and of beasts, .reach here from portions of Jack son, Gilmer, Calhoun and Roane counties. The mountain farmers in those counties are unable to purchase either food or seed, and as the season for planting is near tnings look decidedly serious. Kanawha county can take care of her own needy people, but help will be needed for other counties. Be Prudent. pRTJDKNT OF YOUB HEALTH AND PRUDENT in spending your money. Bay Rood, comforta ble SHOES to protect your feet and your body from cold, and save money by buying them at the loweet rates from Geo. R. French & Sons,, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. mh22tf Notice. EVERY WORKING DAY, FROM DAYLIGHT till dark, I will be in my shop and ready to serve all who have anything in my line to do. Yours, respectfully, W. K. KING, Practical Tinsmith, Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker, mh 15 lw One door below Star Office. AT D. A. SMITH'S FURNITURE WAHB- ROOMS can be found a large assortment of VALUABLB GUTS, suitable for everybody. The pnblle, and especially the ladies, are re spectfully invited to call and examine prides, Ao D. A. SMITH, dec 28 tf Furniture Warerooms - Turpentine Tools. HACKERS, PULLERS, DIPPERS, WHETTERS, Files, Weights, Trass Hoops, Coopers' Adzes. Broad Axes. Jointers' Stock, Howells and Crozes, Drawing Kt ives, Ac. Fail stock of first class goods in this line. Guaranteed prices. WM. &. 8PR1NGKR & CO.. Sncessors to Jno. Dawson & CoV' 19, 21 A 23 Market Street, mh22tf Wilmington. N. C. fc6JEVISED." 1 Large Marvin Safe, 2 Engines and Boilers, 23 and 30 H. P. 3 Ooc d Farm Males. And every thing in the Grain and Feed line. "Best (Bolted Meal in the Citv." PRESTON UUMMlNG A CO., Millers and Grain and mh 18 tf Peanut Dealers. - Bird, Garten aM Flower Seed. -; JJLSO, LEECHES. Hamburgh Tea, Hamburgh Drops, - Hamboreh Plaster. Ac' Ac. . Prescriptions filled at all houri at " F. C SfTLLER'S, mh 14 tf "nrffne? WfFogrth and Han Streets. Spring Woolens. VARTETT OF mCTLLEWT GOODS FOB Men and Boys wear, direct from the manufac turer. Very Cheap I " : - mhlBtf JNO. 'J. HEDRICE; .: . : ' Chinese Gordon. SUCCINCT - RECORD OF HIS LIFE, BY Archibald Forbes, with Illustratious, for sale at cumThakbis' Popular News and Cigar store. ' - Open until 11 o'clock on 8unday. Reading Room in rear; EO eems per month. mfigtf 1 ' 1 BOSTON POST. THE OLD; INVINCIBLE "ANDTHOROUGHLY - TRUE BLUE-DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. - I The clean FamQyNewspaperof Massachusetts. Containing tbe most eompletenews of any paper in New England, i- ...... The Boston DaUy Post ia especially neted for its reliable Oommercial and Fmaneial Featores. ., SUBSCRIPTION SATES. . DxaT-OneXearja; Six Jlonths, $460; ia ad vance. ' ' " . . Wktoy Faro ATtrfLOO per Tear toadvanoe; - - : -t j; ' CLUB BATES. .- Fire or more to one address wixl be furnished as follows : ' . - . ..- . DAILY POST at f8.oa per year per eepyt Tea' copies for 17.50 each. In advance. v WEZXLY post e f loo per year per oopy In Clubs of Five or more, one eopy will be give - I P1 I tneorUMrottbs Club. . - ,, . sepiDjbWtf. v -i,. rv , - ' commercial-; J WILMINGTON MARKET' STAR OPPICE, March 25, 6 P. M. SPLRITS TURPENTINE The market was quoted t firm at 29 cents per gallon; with sales reported,, of ,".175 casks at that figure, closing firm. J ' 1 IBy Telegraph the Mornlajt Star. - Financial. . . I 'NfcwyoKK.Marjch25,Evenrng. Sterling exchange 484. Money per cent. Governments firm; new four per cents 122i; three per cents -10H. State bonds very dull. Gornmeretat. ' Cotton dull.with sajes to-day of 60 bales; uplands 11 ic; Orleans.-llic; consolidated net receipts 5,565. bales; exports to Great Britain 3,487 bales, to France 3,217 bales, to the continent 625 bales. Southern flour barely steady; common to fair extra $3 20 4 25; good to choice do $4 805 40. Wheat spot llfc higher; ungraded red 81 97c; No. 2 red March nominal;. April 89i91ic. Corn ihlc higher; ungraded 491 50c; No. 2 March 50i50fc; April 50 50fc. Oats ic higher and less active r No.2 87a Coffee fair Rio on spot firm at 8 75; No. 7 Rio on spot $7, 15- Sugar dull and nominal; fair to good refining 4 11-164 18-16c; refined weak. Molasses weak-and dull; 5ft test 18c Rica juiet. Cotton seed oil crude 33i35c;refined 40c. Rosin dull at $1 20 1 25. Spirits turpen tine dull at 32c. Pork dull and in buyers' favor; middles dull; long clear 6fc. Lard 46 points higher, closing firm; western steam on spot $7 171; April $7137 17. Freights to Liverpool firm;. cotton id; Cotton net receipts 652 bales; gross re ceipts 6,260 bales. Futures closed steady, with sales to day of 77,800 bales at the following quotations: March 11.1811.19c; April 11.13c; May 11.26c; June 11.88c; July 11.4411.45c; August 11.5211.53c; September ll.17ll.18c; October 10.68 10.69c; November and December 10.52 10.53c; January 10.5910.61c Chicago, March 25. Flour steady. Wheat opened strong and lc higher, fluctuated ana closed lflfc higher than yesterday; March 75i76Jc; April 75 76c; May 80i81$c; No. 2 red 80c. Corn in good demand and advanced fc;receded c and finally closed c higher than yesterday; cash 38140ic; March and April S838ic ; May 41421c Qats in good demand and iic higher; cash 2831c; March and April 28C; May iHi31c. fork mess only moderately active but steady and clos ing 15c higher; cash $11 8511 90; May $11 8512 00. Lard firm and a shade higher; cash '$6 85; April $6 856 871; May $6 871 6 921. Boxed- meats firm; dry salted shoulders $4 504 60; short ribs $5 95; short clear $6 356 40. Sugars steady and unchanged; standard A $6 00; cut loaf $7 007 121; granulated $6 44. Whiskey firm at $1 15. . St. Louis, March 25. Flour unchanged. Wheat higher and strong; No. 2 red 84Jc cash; 8688c May. Corn higher and more business done ; cash 38K&391C ; April 38i$8c. Oats, higher and slow at 33c cash. Provisions firmer and slow. Pork $12 25 cash. Lard $6 75. Bulk meats long clear $6 10; short rib $6 20; clear $6 35. Bacon long clear $6 45; short rib $6 006 021; clear $6 756 85. Whis key steady at $1 14. Charleston, 8. C, March 25. Spirits turpentine firm at 29c. Rosin steady at 95c for Strained aad $1 00 for Good Strained. Savannah, Ga., March 25! Spirits tur pentine quiet at 30c; no sales. Rosin firm at $1 001 10; sales 700 bbls. COTTON S1ABKETS. fBy Telegraph to the Horning Star.t March 25. Galveston, dull at lOjc net receipts 142 bales; Norfolk, dull at 10 15-1 6c net receipts 259 bales: Savan nah, dull atr lOfc net receipts 838 bales. New Orleans, quiet and easy at 101c net receipts 1,864 bales ; Mobile, quiet at 101c net receipts 49 bales: Memphis, steady at ,101c net receipts 298 bales; Augusta, very dull at 10c net receipts 55 bales; Charleston, steady and in good demand at lGfc net receipts 525 bales Prospectus. THE 28TH DAY OP JANUARY, 1885, THE undersigned will begin the publication, at Asoevule, Nortn Carolina, or a twenty-eight col umn Weekly Newspaper, to be called The Western Tribune. The TRIBUNE wOl discuss with entire freedom all questions of public interest. In politics it will teach Democratic doctrine, pure and simple. '" , it will strive to advance the educational Inter ests of our people. It will labor zealously for the upbuilding of our whole State, and especially for the develop ment of the varied resources of Western North . Carolina. - ' It will be the friend of an Railroads so long as they are the friends of the people. It will aspire to dserre the esteem of its read ers by dealing with all subjects in a fair and dig nified manner, and by carefully excluding from its columns everything of a vicious tendency. The TRIBUNE outfit has been paid tor in full, and includes a Power Press. The price of the paper will be Per Yearf 1 SO, Six Months 75c, Three Months 60c invariably in All communications should be addressed to THE WESTERNTRIBUNS, Asheville, N. C. . FRANCIS CARTER, UH. U. UAxCTJUC, NATHAN D. MAY, - Editors and Publishers. FRANCIS CARTER, Proprietor. Ian 17 D&Wtf ; NORTH CAROLINA BESUDBCES. ' ' One of the most useful serie of descriptive books ever published about any State." Bos ton Poet. Hale's Industrial 'Series. Two Volumes How Beady. I. Tne Woods ana Timber of Nortn - Carolina. Curtis's, Emmons', and Kerr's Botanical Reports; supplemented by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, and illus "trated by an excellent Map of the State. 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 273 pp., S1.25. II. In tne Coal and Iron Oonnttea of "North Carolina. Emmons', Kerr's,-Laid- ley8, Wflkes', aad the Census Reports; supple mented by full and accurate sketches of the ; Fifty-six Counties, and Map of the State. 1 Volume 12mo ' Cloth, 425 pp $.50. ' 'Sold by aU BookseOers or ' mailed postpaid -orrreeeipts ef the price, iy ?a Sffcj j.HALM A "SON, ' PuBLiSKBsa, - B&TJcnuixBa mmd "Svatiobbs, MEW YORK: : the Biblical Eecorder ' ? FUBLXBHXD BT - . BJLLEZGHTIT. C. ; BEV. p. T. BAILEY, Editor. KEY.. C 8. FABBISS, --:-t .CHAS. ISHTTH, v ' Associates. In It 44Ui Tear. EVEBY BAPTIST SHQtJLD TAKE IT As an JLd vertismg Medium Unsurpassed. -hi - s Only $2.00 Per Tear, BIBLIC AL ESCOBDSR. - flee 88 tf-' marines- :l port Almanac march 2&' ; v Bun Rises'. .'.SJt.tc;.. 6.15 A. M. Bun Setsrr.-r. . . .r.. .-. 6.89 P. M. High Water at Smithvllle. .7. '4.01 Morn. High Water aV Wilmington .y ,-7.01 Morpf Day's Length., .V..r; 1V 21m. ' ARRIVED. : , Stmr -Louise. . Woodsides. Smith ville.1 master. '- k.- ' : -' ' -; " ' if i G W-WllKams & Co. . ; Stmr John Dawson, Black, Point Cas well, R P Paddison. , u - Scot Charlotte AnnPigott, Spencer, Lit ,tle River, SO, naval stores to D L Gore. Schr Argyle. Bell, Little River, S C, na val stores to D L Gore. - Schr Ontario, Bell, Tubbs' Inlet, naval Stores to Kerchner & Caldet Bros. Schr William, Moore, Shallotte, naval stores to A Martin. Rus barque, Clementi ne. 850 tons, Sjol und, St Thomas, W I, Heide & Co. CLEARED. Stmr Louise W)odsidest Smith ville. master. Stmr D Murchison, Smith, Fayetteville, G W Williams & Co. Schr Alice Hearn, Pennewell, Baltimore, Geo Harriss & Co; cargo by Geo Harriss & Co," C C R R, and J A Fore. Schr Geo P Hallock, Edmunds, New York, Geo Harriss & Co; cargo by D R Murchison & Co, "Robinson & King and DeRosset & Co. -r. -; -' l Schr Charlotte Ann Ptgott, Spencer, Lit tle River, S O, D L Gore. ' Schr Argyle, Bell; Little River, S O, D L Gore. Schr Ontario. Bell, Tubbs Inlel,Kerch ner & Calder Bros. 3chr William, Moore, Shallotte, A Martin. EXPORTS. GOASTWISEi Baltimore Schr Alice Hearn 375 tons old iron, 50,000 feet of lumber, 125,000 shingles. New York Schr Geo P Hallock 745 casks sDts turpt. 1.850 bbls tar. 102 bales cotton, 404 bbls rosin. MARINE DIRECTORY. List of Veeael In tne Port of Wilming ton, N. c, March 20, 1885. (This list does noj embraoe vesaelB under 80 tons. I BARQUES. Mindet (Nor.), 437 tons, Abrahamsen, E Peschau & Westermann. discharging. D- Michael (Qer.), 880 tons. Euler, E Peschau & Westermann, discharging. Anollo (Nor.). 432 tons Melsoo, - E Peschau & Westermann BRIGS. Minititlan (Br.), 275 tons. Fourniei. Geo Harriss & Co. completing; load. San Juan (Nor.), 298 ton s. Bache, Heide & Co, loading for continent. Pommer (Ger.). 233 tons, Bohm, E Peschau & Westermann, discharging. SCHOONERS. Vineyard, 215 tons. Rosebrook, Geo Har riss ess to, discharging;. Mair & Cranmer., 265 tons, Budd, Geo Harriss & Co. discharging. Iolanthe (Br.). 398 tons, Card, Geo Harriss & Co, waiting. A P Emerson. 244 tons.Emerson, E G Bar ker & Co. discharging. Cath5e C Berry, 820 tons, Smith, Geo Har, riss & Co.loading Boston and Thomaaton Jennie N Huddell, 279 tons, Henderson Geo Harriss & Co., loading for Phila. E H Macumber, 120 tous, Rnmill, E G Baiker & Co. discharging. Tom Williams, 867 tons, Rulon, Geo Har riss & Co. lovding for Philadelphia. J P Wyman, 165 tons, Torrey, E G Barker & Uo., watting. John W Hall, Jr., 193 tons, Fleming, Geo Harris & Co. loading for Baltimore. Addie E Snow, 163 tons. Flanders. E G Barker & Co. discharging. Thomas W Holder, 219 tons,. McMillan, E G Barker & Co, loading for Hayti. Chas E Paige, 862 tons, Gifford, Geo Har riss & Co. loading for San Domingo A P Newell, 241 tons. Wharton, Geo Har riss & Co, loading for Philadelphia. Geo P Hallock, 823 tons. Edmunds, Geo Harriss & Co. loadinsr for New York. Lizzie Major, 171 tons, Foster, E G Barker a& Co. loading for Hayti. Natividad (Span.). 170 tons, Gonzales, A E Doebele agent for owners, repairing. Edward R Emerson, 840 tons. Childs, Geo Harriss & Co, loading for New lor k. Fred Jackson, 276 tons, Snow, E G Barker & Co. waiting. Dione. 206 tons. Maloney.E G Barker & Co loading for liayti. Alice Hearn. 847 tons, Pennewell, Geo Harriss & Co, loading for Baltimore. List of Vessels Up, Cleared or Sailed for thle Port. The following.-v vessels are mentioned in the New York Moritinu Begltler as being up and cleared for this port : BARQUES. Cardenas (Ger.). 899 tous, .Korff, from Gibraltar Jan. 17. Frledrlck Wilhelm IV. (Ger.), 889 tons, from Otaneemouth Feb. 27. George Davis (Br.), 1643 tons. Hacomber, from Hull. Feb. 24. Hattie H. (Br.), 403 tons, Cochrane, Malaga, Jan 88. Istararer (For.), from London Jan. 17. Marie ittsr.)' E67 tons, Fermien, at Liverpool Feb. 27. Ottille (Ger.), 823 tons, Ferleberg, from Liverpool Jan. 7. RBTOS Alkor (Nt r.). 257 tons. Lahiun. at Liverpool Mb 7. Congal (Nor ), 834 tons, Danielsen, from Maryport Feb. 15. Der Pommer (Ger ), 238 tons, Bohm, from Rotter dam Jan. l. Diana (Ger.). 814 tons, Schroeder, from Amster dam Feb. 1. Hermann Friedrioh (Ger.), 3S8 tons, Niejahr, at Bremen Jan. 13 - CARLTON HOUSE, Warsaw, Duplin County, H, C. fS LINE OF wlLMHK&ON AND ' WELDON ' Railroad, 55 miles from .Wilmington. Table always well supplied, with the best the country affords. Bates of Board very reasona ble. H. J. CARLTON, dee 81 D&Wtf Proprietor. LFavetteville Observer. ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 1883, THE undersimed will rev've the Dublioation of 1 "the FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER. Tne VB8XBVXS will be a large Je8-column weekly newspaper, and will be mailed to subscribers, postage paid, at $2 per annum, always in ad vance. It will give the news of the day in as ample form as its space will permit, and both re gular ana occasional correspondents will contri bute letters from the Capital on State politics -ana auaini. - Demooratlc in oolitlca. tba-OBsxRvxa will la- I b6r, first of all, to assure the prosperity of the rown oi jrayettevuie. to aeveloD the vast am- eoitural resources of Its own and the neighbor ing counues, ana so promote &u that concerns tne weuare oi tne people of north Carolina. Opposed to such Innovations, on the homely ways oi our ratners as, mxne guise or progr . harm society, the Obsxbvxb wul be found In ; sympathy with the new thingr born of tbe ohanged condition of the South whloh sound Judgment or . enlightened experience find to be also good. s-.:.r. . .. s As to the rest :itwul strive to deserve the re-. pntaoon of the name It inherits. - .febOtf , E. J. HALE, Jb. The Robesoiiian, f "Published every Wednesday In Lumberton, N. 0 Br W. W. EIcDIARirilD, : pjnwn m nvuvsua ouBty aione, oesiaes a gen eral circnlation in the eonntiea of vm r&m. Denima. Biaaen. uunmom. UAiinimiii i 4 .adjoining oountle. Marlon. Marlboro and vnriLUKbwa, in ouaia varouna. laaSftiEjl YJASTHE tu&BGEST CTBCULATION AND THE in the State. Itnowhaa i ;Wrrt i: at i ::m n . v. -. Absolutely Pure. tois DOWQor never vanes, a. luarvei ui vutihi strength and wholesomeness. More economical than ordinary sunas; ana cannot do soia m corns petition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phesphate powders. Sold only in earu. ' ' Wholesale, by auuiAN ec vullkus nov 84 lv - nrm too or frm in nov 24 IF YOU D0 A GOOD 'THING! - WHEN VOtI SEE IT, JUST L00E AT THIS ! T AMBS' TONGUES, 63 CENTS PEB JAB, ready for lunch. DSVILLED HAM, TONGUE, TURKEY and CHICKEN. ENGLISH DAIRY, EDAM, NEUFCH ATEL and KOQUBPOBT CHEESE, fresh from the dairy. That CREAMERY BUTTERED FLOUR Is still surprising the cooks and pleasing the house keepers. PICKLED PIGS' FEET AND TRIPE ia abundance. They make a splendid breakfast or supper dish. Three pounds for 25c. P. L. Bridgers & Co., HO North Front St. mh 22 DAW tf FARMERS ! Plant Less Land and make More Cotton by Baying FOHVIELLK'S SELECTED COTTON SEED! I HAVE FOB 8 ALE FIFTY BUSHELS DUN CAN'S Prolific Cotton Seed: Fiftv Bushels JONES1 Seed; and One Hundred Bushels DIC&- SON'tJ Improved seed. Each one of these Seed has its advantages. The DUNCAN need Is a Long Limbed Cotton. very prolific and the Largest Bowled Cotton I have evereeen, and suits rich land or land well manured, and ought to be planted four to five feet between the rows and two feet on the row. one talk to the hill. If so It will make, beyond a doubt, more cotton than any cotton planted or ever was planted in the South. The JUNaS Cotton has also long limbs, begin ning to branch at or near the ground. Large pointed bowls, holds the ootten in storms, yet not hard to pick oat. Short Jointed whioh makes the bowls thick on stalk, and the earliest cotton I have ever planted. Last year it was all open and picked out by the -20th of October, and not a bowl opened after. It is at last three weeks earlier than any cotton I ever was acquainted witn. Tbe DICKSON Cotton; all know what the pure elected seed are.- 8ufflce It to say they are all as good and as prolific as I have ever sold the , seed of. The Seed I offer for sale this year are all Se lected 8eed, and in every particular as tbe seed were that Capt. A G. Mopeley, Isham R. Falson. w. at. uurst. Dr. Matthew Moore ana u J. Mia- dletoiLof Duplin county, and L. W. Haraet, Frank Thompson. A. J. MurrilL Solomon Gornto. W. H. Burst and A. J. Hurst. Jr.. of Onslow coun ty, said: These Seed are the most Prolific and the Best Cotton planted in our section of the State, and we unhesitatingly say the seed raised and seia to us oy uol js. w. fujm vusliLlB are me nest we have ever piantea or ever seen grow. u i can t sen tne Dest 1 enaii seu none. PRICE OF SEED : DUNCAN AND JONES SEED Two Bushels and under, $3 00 Five Bushels and over. 1 CO DICKSON SEED Two Bushels and under, 2 00 jnve Busneis ana over, 1 cu Those wishlnsr to buy had best order at once.. If the seed they order should be sold I will send their money DacK in tfegisterea Letter. Registered Letters, with funds to pay for Seed, at my risk, only. I will Sack and Mark, as I may be directed, and Pay Freight to Wilmington, and have them shipped by Railroad or Express as I may be di rected. BDW'D W. FONVIKLLK, duck creeK, cms low county, n. c. mh 15 D AW4t su FRAUD! . CAtTXIONIl Manv Hotels and Restaurants: refill the Lxa & pkrrixs' bottles with a spurious mixture and bsbvb it as the GENUINE Lea & Perrlns' Worcestershire Sauce. THE GREAT SAUCE - OF THE WORLD. -Imparts the most delicious taste and zest to EXTRACT Of a LETTER from I I a MEDICAL GEN- 1 f SOUPS, TLEMAN at Mad- II TSS - J I May, 1851. - . S . TellLEA & PER m -tv. a FISH, KINS ' that - then sauce is highly es teemed In India, and is In my opin ion, the most pala HOT OLD MEATS, GAME, ice table, as well as the- most . whole some sauce that Is maae." if? Signature is on every bottle of GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE SAUOE B014 and used throog-hout toe world. JOHN DUNCANS SONS, AGENTS FOB THStmiTED STATF3. 7 J(BW YORK. .. fab 14 Doawly. ... fr The Home Jotmiiil, PUBLISHED XVEBY FRIDAY MORNING EDITORAND PROPRIETOR.. It Has S BDlendld eirenlatlon In fha nnrnitfoa Af narren, vauoe, tiauiax, . and Jleoxlenburg Va. As an advertising medium it Is unsurnasaed. m. a. . n iM j ' xvruu m jrvor uiBuvauon. - -' - Address THE HOME" JOTTKNA L. a au 5 tf . - Warrenton, N. a By Steamer: jRejpildtor. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 North Front St. We have reotlved the following per Steamer Regulator this week, and take much pleasure rn . . '- i - - - calling the attention of our pat' ons. Tall Iaces. A full line of VALL LACES by the yard or piece some entirely new designs. Hand-Made Torchon acea. We have just opened a large invoice of above in the finer quality: the prices are low and very recherche patterns. - Don't Fall To see our CORSETS at "25e even if you do not purohase. The Famed Leonard SPOOL KNITTING SILK, full weight and pure Silk, 35o a Spool or three f or $1.00. Jnst Call and Look At our FRENCH SATEENS, 85o a yard. It will Tpay to buy early. New TInsil Braids, For DBESS TRIMMINGS. Also a variety of the Plain In all widths. Our Beaded Fronts, At $3.50, are a WONDER t)F CHEAPNESS. BROWN & RODDICK, SOLE AGENTS FOB BDTTEICK'S CDT-FAPEE PATTERNS. Send stamp for Catalogue. mh22tf rjr-OAPITAt. PRIZE, T.000.ES XI eketa only 95. Sbarea In proportion. Louisiana State Lottery Coney. "We do herebv certify that we ewoenite the ar rangement for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings of 77ie Louisiana State Lottery Company, and in person manage and control the drawings themselves, ana wot tne same are conaucua wxui honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all par Use. ana we authorize the Company to use this cer cificate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached tn us advertisements." Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 85 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of $550,000 bas since been added. By an overwneiming popular vote its rrancnise was made a Dart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. The ojuv Lottery ever voted on and endorsed 6y the people of any State. IT NEVER SCALES OB POSTPONES. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY A SPaVfiiTDin OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE, FOURTH GRAND.. DRAW PNG, CLASS D, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, April 14. 1 8 851 79th Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE 75.000 1C 0,000 Ticketa at Five Dollars Each Fractions In Fifths In Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Price $75,000 1 Capital Prise 25,000 1 Capital Prize... ..- 10,000 2 Prizes of $6000.. 12,000 5 Prizes of 8000 10,000 10 Prizes of 1000 10,000 SO Prizes of 500 ; 10,000 100 Prtxes of 200. 80,000 800 Prizes of 100 80,000 500 Prizes of 60 25,000 1000 Prizes of 85 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 6,750 9 Approximation Prizes of 500..: 4,600 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2,250 1967 Prizes, - amounting to 61.500 Applications for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company In New Or leans. For further Information, write oleailv. eivjns full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordinary letter, Currency by Express (all sums of $5 and upward at our expense) address? d m. a. JUAurum. New Orleans, X. or OT. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D.C. Make P. O. Monev Orders navable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL. BANK., new urieani) aa. mh 18 DAW2aw4w we sa MERCHANTS, BANKERS & MANUFACTURERS SHOULD BEAD BRADSTREET'S, A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FINANCE, AND PUBLIC ECONOMY. Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twen ty Pages. Sometimes Twenty-four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. The foremost purpose of Bsasstrxxt's ia to bo of practical service to business men. Its snnniai trade and Industrial reports: its weekly epitome of bankruptcies throughout the United States ana cacaaa, ana me summaries of assets and 11 abilities, are alone worth the subscription price; Its synopses of recent learal decisions am atimmI. Ingly valuable. As commercial transactions, In uio wiuer troiitso, ue oomingco oe more ana more conducted on a statistical basis, the information contained in Bbadstbxxt's is of the arst Impor tance both to producers and middlemen. ' - The Trade and Arrienltnrn.1 SltnnMnn tWn.ii. out the United States and Canada is reported by Telegraph- to Bbadstbbxt's np to the hour of publioation.1 . SINGLE COPIES, TEN CENTS. THE BRADSTREET CO., 879,28I,283BaoAWAT, ' deo 24 tf ' ' NEW YORK CITY. ADVERTISE IX Ilercliant aiid Farbier. PUBLISHED WEEKXT AT O MARIONiSOUTH CAROLINA " B- WVIIIMIIMI ui wiv section of the two 8tates. . . . . ; - ,. - it is a desirable medium of communication . Witn both t.ha M amhnnta urtA . "9. phm .v- - seotion, and particularly with those , of Marion and Marlboro Counties. It is therefore the naoer tor the Business Men of Wilmington. . J. D. McLUCAB, S7 Kl . tin . K A TZ'S, 116HMketSt. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS THIS WEEK. BARGAIN TABLE! WITH DIFFERENT GOODS DAILY. RIBBONS, 2, 8. 6, 8c per yard. SATINS, Spring Shades, fcOo per yard. A few COLORED AND BLACK SILKS left VEBYLOW. GOOD DBESS GOODS at less than cost. TIDIES from 8o up. NAINSOOK EDGINGS and INSERTIONS, suij able for coming season. MEN'S WHITE LAUNDBIED SHIRTS, 50c. MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS, 13c up. LADIES' VESTS, 2Sc up. AND EVER SO MANY ARTICLES THAT MUST BE SOLD. F. BHEINSTEIX, mh 23 tf ASSIGNED. Eggs and Chickens, 1000 DozenEGGS' and QQQ CHICKENS, TO BE SOLD. Six Dozen Zggi to l Chickens Alive and Dressed. QQ Lbs Choice N. C, HAMS, 1000 LbS SUGAE"crUKKD HA3 2gQ ths Celebrated FERRIS HAMS, Dried Peaches, Dried and Evaporated Apples, Dried Blackberries. Canned Corn, Tomatoes, Succotash, Okra. Peaches, Pears, Blackberries, Ac- New Crop Cuba Molasses, New Orleans Molas ses, Fine Syrup, Maple Syrup. Pickled Mackerel and Salmon. Every thing nice at Lowest Prices J. C. STEVEXSOX, mh 81 tf Market Street Ealeigh Eegister . Early In February as soon as the printers re ceive the neeessary material the publication oi the ; BAIJSIGB REGISTER, a North Carolina Democratic newspaper, will be commenced. The BxoisTxa wfll be printed weekl until tfie great political campaign of 1884 begins. It will than hA inmnd twlna a. week, or as often as may be useful or necessary to the Democratic par? in North Carolina. It will be printed from new and beautiful type, on good wmte paper, thsuicTi ft. TTi- nrkt w la-pow nnnnrh to hold ill ai once all the good things that glowing prospect uses sometimes promise, yet the application o. a thnmn?h-trnnwlAdcm nf how to nse tbem WillP"' into its thirty-two broad columns all the news, much good reading, and a complete nistoryor what is done tn nortn uaronna. r. uu,b m be editor of the Bxenrxa. ,, Thenrioe of the Rxsibtkb will be $2 a year; 5; for six mouths. Pay for your home paper, ana then remit for the Rieisnta. Those who remit $2 to this office will receive as A PREMIUM, a . either volume ordered of "Hale's Industrial, se ries." Two volumes are now ready: Ths Woods akd Tomans or Nobth Cabouk Curtis's, Emmons', and Kerr's Botanical im ports, supplemented by accurate County .w ports of Standing Forests, and ulnstratedW an exoeHent map of the 8tate. 1 volume law. Cloth, 273 pp., $1.25. lgDXTSTBiss or Nobth Caboi mi Ih ths Cau xsd Iboh Commas. Emmons', Kerr s, uu ley's, Wilkes, and the Census Reports; supp wnented by full and accurate sketches of tne Fifty-six Counties, and Map of the State, volume 12mo. Cio!)h, 425 pp., J 1 50. Address RALEIGH REGISTER Jan 19 DAWtf Ralelgn- The Cotton Plant ; An S-page 40-oolumn Agricultural 'ob& only paper In South Carolina published exd in the interest of the Farmer and Mannfactt The best and cheapest Agricultur South. ONLY 60 CENTS A YEA The official organ of the State Granee. t Endorsed by the leading citizens i of and by the best farmers in the State "nn South. I nrd5 Send postal for specimen copies for yoo" andyourneUrhbors w. MoKEBALUg , The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS ANDFAMH"? g .pager and the Organ cf the Methodists tant Church In Norfli Carolina, is publlsce0 Greensboro, N. C Terms, $2 00 per annum, in advance. Theallglbuity of its location, the number activity of its agents, and the constant ' awjj tng demand forit among the more folldcij, readers in various sections, give tae f atr0r PROTESTANT peculiar claims npon tbe age of the advertising public. Terra ve, able. Consult your business interest, ana u thedttor J. L. MKJHA.,- m The Marion Star, rTEK OLDEST NEWSPAPER .PUB1? X the Pee Dee section, one of coo- rtA mnat nmmAmna in the State, Offers w mission and Wholesale Merchants and J pua turers. and to those who have adoptea Of Boning by sample, an excaUent medtnm a munlcatW with a farge ,and tnfluentla merchants, mechanics, plan a nd na " al terms. THE STAj'r Addreai ootTtf Oysters. Oysters. A JTNB LOT 6P FRESH OYSTERS cSved.: WIRES, UQUOBS, LAGER, BS GARS, JkOoatSTAB SALOON. So. IS GmF.HERi,; oct7tt h 1 rropnetor. f-. '--.-V V:'Y.'.-;- -NT

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