1, -2 TM Morning.:Staf . : - WILMINGTON, N.'C. t6iTMoBKiNv ApbhA3, "1885. SIQRNINR EDITION ;FE0H ALL PAETS OF THE WOBXW -- t UNITED STATES SENATE. EXTR A SESSION. iadlM -AfiiUi-FInl Adjournment. $i35ateffito tl MornlngStsx.l " r 9if ASHitiaTOir, April 1. After the read Siing 'tit the Journal, bulletins Relating to t ? 0n. Grant's health were read from the Vf Clerk's desk."- - - " -.'fV-. 'Mr, Morgan offered the following resolu tlon, for which he asked immediate consid- , -" Arstion : v . - . ' VS?r vBawi:tf,That the Secretary of the Interior ' w'l be-and he is hereby directed to furnish, for -jtha information of the Senate, copies of all i , 'papers and correspondence filed in his office VlV-8incBthe4th day of March, 1885, relating - 's: to the appropriation of $300,000 for the " : Cherokee If ation of Indians, and the alleged :!, -misappropriation of a portion thereof. "Ss i Mr. lnialla objected to its present consid- oration and it went oyer for a day, "Upon motion of Mr. Sherman, the Senate - B 1&1V wuit uuwu tCUUUS BCBB1UU, Yv A 4 o'clock the doors were reopened and &toe Senate resumed its legislative session. Mr;.Baulsbury'8 resolution to suppress v--th6 spurious report from the committee on YY Post Offices and Post Roads, was called up v ?f and adopted. : .CVAt 1420 Mr. Sherman l.x! Senate ad journ sine cjie. moved jthatthe Carried. ;v WASHINGTON. - 1 Tne Pmloent'i lwi nemee so we Yr I 1 v',' Senate nomination Confirmed Tne latnmn Troubles Xne Nation al Bank -Failure In Norfolk Kea- -xLsf&k mm .'Tor tne TWtndrawal of. Gen. iltawtonal Nomlnaaon AetlTlty in '"V'- Navy Tarda.' : - By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l "WASHraaTOK. April 2. The last mes sage received by the Senate from the Presi- JV5 -c.- dent was as follows: . "Ibthe Senate of the United Staves: I 'hereby withdraw the nomination which , - was delivered to the Senate on March 80th, 4C- 1885, of Alexander R. Lawton, to be En voy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo ; tenliary of the United States to Russia. : ; y " Gbovkk Cleyeland.w -V The Senate today confirmed the fol - "lowing riominees: Henry Q. Pearson, Post . master at" New York: Macon Borman, Postmaster at Washington, N. C. v A. Leo Knott, of Maryland. Second Assistant Poet- - master General;. A. M. Keiley, of Virginia, V -Minister to Italy; R. Jlagr,. of Indiana, - -iWtniaffir to Sweden :T. J. Jarvis. of North . Y Carolina, Minister to Brazil; C. W. Buck,; -'of Kentucky, Minister to Peru;RB.Ander j ion.' of Wisconsin. Minister to Denmark; TIaaac Bell, Jr.. of Rhode Island, Minister i to The Netherlands; Wm. Caldwell, Sur---yeyor of the port of Cincinnati; David Kettle.-united states joarsnai xor me 7- Western District ot iHortn uaronna; irrea- i l- erick Raine, Consul Ceneral at Berlin, S' A : . Germany ; Norman J. Coleman, Commia c v V'-sioner of Agriculture; T. M. Walker, '"Copsui General at London, England; Ed- " mond Jussen. Consul General at Vienna, -I Austria; Joseph E. Johnston, of Virginia, . , Commissioner of Railroads; Edward Parke v' ' Custis Lewis, Minister to Portugal ; Geo. W. Merrett Minister to the Hawaiian Is lands;' Alexander McCue, Solicitor of the Treasury; Wm. R. Roberts, Minister to Chili i Clement Dowd, Collector of Internal J ' Revenue Sixth District or Jorth uarouna; v '': . John G. Searcy, Collector of Internal Reve T ' nu& Third District of Texas; Nathan ' - i Gregg, Collector of : Internal Revenue Sec - - ond District of Tennessee and R J. Boyd, 'Collector Internal Revenue Fifth District N. ' i - ' C. ;Lewis McMillan, Collector of the port of -i - New York; W. W. Long, Texas, Consul at : -fz--' Hamburg; Charles T. Russell, Connecticut, s V ' Consul at Liverpool, England : A. H. Gross, Pennsylvania, Consul at Athens; E. P. "O . Howell,- Georgia, Consul at Manchester; . Henry P. Kernschan, Louisiana, Naval --" Ofilcerat New Orleans; John T. McGaw, T--vt, --West Virginia, Collector of Internal Re- venue for the District of West Virginia; "1 - . James O. Henderson. Collector of Internal -Revenue for the 11th district of Indiana; und three postmasters of New York, Penn sylvania and Vermont. In regard to the Isthmus troubles, go vernment officials are of opinion that transit will not -continue closed for any length of time. It will depend upon the information derived in the meantime whether any ad- f ditional force is sent to Aspinwall Monday. C'mander B. H. McCall and Lieutenant McMason. on duty here, left for New : this afternoon to aid in transferring marines to the City of Para. After the .rture of 200 men to-morrow, about an al number of. marines will remain in Ue various yards. i When the Comptroller of the Currency ws to-day informed of the suspension of -VaVhe detailed James C. Brown, of his - - office, KC take charge of the bank and ex--::CZ c amine its affairs, and directed Bank Ex r " , "aminer B., U. Keyser to assist in the exam-j- ination, - : ' - - ,- - The nomination of Henry G. Pearson to . " be Postmaster or New York City wascon- ' irri rtui i wii.iiiiiil iniiinL iivihiiiii 7 W)i -l - r npmlnation of Alexander R. Lawton, to S;-. ' be Minister to Russiar : The committee on Foreign Belations had reported it adversely, a majority being of the opinion that al- - J (hough : Gen. Lawton . bad received full - " "pardon and amnesty from President John ' son in February, 1867, yet by the Four tee nth amendment to the constitution he " V - was ineligible because his political disabili- lies nau no. oeen rempveu py congress. , The committee reported this- as the only objection to the confirmation of General Lawton. In the Senate it was contended by some of Gen. Lawton's friends that the form of oath prescribed and taken by him, whenhe entered the military service of the United States, did not include the require ment to "support the Constitution," and that therefore it did not require any act of Congress to enable him to hold the posi tion f Minister. During the discussion, a message was received from the President asking that ac lion be suspended, and later - the nomina tion was withdrawn. This action was lakes on account of the committee's ad- " verse report; the Administration being of opinion that -President Johnson's pardon 1 " rendered Gen. Lawton eligible. - Although - the- Republicans in" cancus failed to agree upon the party policy re-J- " garding, the proposition to mate an Issue, with J. the : Administration f upon r - 'the question of removals without cause ' from offices which are not cover ' .'ed. by the ; tenure of ioflJce act, they eeeta to have been unanimously opposed to such removals; forwhen the nomination V of Mr. McGrow.td beternal Reyenue Col s '-l fector of the West r Virginia district was reached, . the: point was made that the ba cumbent was-an ex-Union soldier and that -he had not served tour years. ' It was argued " ;' the- office had no fixed term, . , v WmT principles of the tenure of office act r . 'Fere a nevertheless applicable and Re : - .publicans- expressed themselves as or . posedto soaking a-removal of the ' nd. . proposed npon political grounds . ,:ire..T a. uiuuuu was maae -v ;noae action - untiL fter the to posfr- .pendlng nominations had been gone over, and upon a.yeaand pay vote was carried by a strict Tjarty vote. Several omer : nominations were lemporaruy laia asiae upon me same ground, and when the list had been com oleted the subject was turther discussed. There being no prospect of an agreement without along debate, it was decided to postpone action until December. - " ft The Senate adjourned withouf electing a President pro tempore. . Dispatches from Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Boston and Portsmouth, N. H., report great activity in the navy yards, preparato ry, to the move zor active service. ;uetacn ments started to-day from the Philadelphia, Boston and Portsmouth, navy yards, and from the naval station at Newport, K. I., to rendezvous at Brooklyn,;whence a draft of men will be sent to Aspinwall in Satur day's Pacific Man steamer, v . I "': - GEN. GRANT. A Deelded Improvement In his Condi tion Resolutions of Sympatny Adopted by tne Sontnern Press Asso ciation i ' ;'v: ' . ' IBr Teleirraph to the Hornlnc SUr.) - New Yobk, April 2. Dr. Fordyce Bar ker, at 3 o'clock, left Gen. Grant's 'house, where he had been in consultation. He said to a reporter :lWhen I went in Gen. Grant was asleep. He awoke and recognized me, saving "How do you do?" I replied that ! ielt very cooa ana mat ne looaea a uiue more comfortable himself. -: The Doctor said that Gen. Grant, during his visit, could breathe through his nose. He is of opinion that Gen. Grant will pro bably live through the night. His greatest dangerthe Doctor thinks, is to be feared between 4 and 5 oclock in the morning. Gen. Dent left the patient soon after, and said that his brother-in-law's condition is about the same. 6.80 P. M. A member of the household has just stated to a reporter that the Gene ral is considerably better. It is the belief of this person that the. patient may live three days yet. The General is at the mo ment reposing easily on a sort of couch made of two chairs, although he has lately shown some restlessness by walking up and down. Senor Romero is now with him. 5.45 P. M. The improvement noted at 2.45 continues. The General has just had his throat attended to, at his own request, which, gave an opportunity to examine it closely. There is no increase of ulceration and the parts are not so angry in color as a week ago. He has the Appearance of one refreshed by a good sleep. There has been a decided improvement all day to-day. At one time he said, I am not sunencg now." At half past 8 o'clock Gen. Grant took his own temperature and timed his pulse beats by his stop-watch. He feels com fortable and cheerful, and has asked for the presence of the members of his family, that he may enjoy their company. His general improvement continues. His pulse is 80 and of fair temperature. He is not suffer ing any pain. Jacksonville, Fla., April 2. The fol lowing resolution was unanimously adopted to day by the Southern Press Association : Resolved, That this Association expresses its deep sorrow at the news received of the critical condition of Gen. U. S. Grant and its sympathy with the distinguished sufferer and his family. Nashville Teiot., April 2. At a meeting of ministers and laymen, at the Southern Methodist Publishing House to day, wavers were offered for Gen. Grant, petitioning Almighty God that the distin? guished sufferer now struggling between life and death might be sustained and com forted. FOREIGN. TneBrltlsn Advance on Tamal Ad journment of tne Frenen Chambers Iflanebester BlarkeU. TBt Cable to the Hornbuc Star. I Sitakim, April 2. Gen. Graham telc graphed from Gen. McNeill's zereba under date of 11 o'clock this morning as follows: " We are advancing upon Tamai with our entire force and will endeavor to compel the enemy to fight to-day." Paris, April 2. The Chamber of Depu ties and the Senate this evening both ad journed until Saturday. Manchester, April 2. The Guardian's commercial article says: The market is less depressed, but is still inactive. There is some inquiry for China, but business is at a stand still, awaiting the result of the war in Tonquin. Yarns are quiet The demand is slow and prices are unchanged. VIRGINIA. Bank Suspensions In Portsmouth and Norfolk Death of an Eminent Sur . aeon, IBy Telegraph to the Momhur Star.l Norfolk, April 2. Bain Bros, .bankers, at Portsmouth, and the Franklin Savings Bank, of this city, have closed their doors. Dr. T. B- Ward, an eminent surgeon and physician, died here this morning af ter a short illness. ELECTRIC SPARKS. Minnegerode & Co., of New Orleans, La., dealers in railroad supplies, have asked for a respite "from their creditors. Assets $45,000 ; liabilities $33,000. . ..Groceries,' ProTisions, Tobacco. &c. ' J5Q()BDl3FL0UB'all8radea 250 BaRr8 COVVSB'' Eio iAjmyra, Java, rj Boxes D S. SIDES and BELLIES, 25 " Smk'd SIDES and SHOULDERS, '25 Firktas BUTrKR' gQ Tea, Tubs affll rases LABD, . . Bbls RICE, whole aiid broken, 5Q Boxes CREAM, CHEESE,, 250 Bt)ls 8UGAB, srades' ( Bhls and Boxes CBACKEBS DjV and CAKES, 200 20X68 T0B ACC0 aU grades, ' 150 Btls POTATOES '., Bbls TTjKNIPS, - 1QQ Bhds Cuba and P. R. MOLASSES, . Bbls N. O. MOLASSES, J5Q Bbls and Half Bbls MACKEREL, 25Q Kits MACKEREL, ' 3QQ Boxes SOAP, - Candles, Lye, Potash. Starch, &c, x or saie at low ngores. mh 22 It ADRIAN A VOLLERS. WHEAT BAKING POWDER It oontainB no injurious lugTs dients. It leaves no deleterious sub. Btanoee in the bread as all pure grape Cream- of Tartar - and Alum Powders da It restores to the Flour the highly Important constituents rejected in the . bran of the Wheat. "' It makes a better and lighter biscuit than any other Baking Powder. - , BL&JSTIKr K A IBFriEISCH'S SONS, Establlsned MfflL .' ' . NEW YORK. . Trade Supplied bir HALL & PEARS ALL, -mh 28 8m - - sat wed Wllmlneton. N. C. lightning Bods. ' IF TOTJ WANT QUIET AND REPOSE DURING the thunder storm you most hare one of our STAR RODS. Our Drive Well Pumps insure rood water; eheaper aad more lasting than wells. We bare just received another lot of our new Colombia cook Stoves. Also a fine lot of Kero sene (Ml Stoves, Call and see them at ' Y - -v PARKER ft TAYLOR'S, , mh.29 tf . 23 South. FrontSt. - i if commercial; WILMINGTON MARKET STAR OFFICE. April 2, P. M. " SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market was quoted quiet at 28 cents per gallon with sales reported of 50 casks at that price, and lTdo at 27T cents! f ..' No change ln other articles. fWSfJRHTIO IttAHUKTJ. (By Telegraph to the Horning Star.) Financial. . New Yobk, April 2, .Evening. Sterling exchange 484. Money per cent Gov ernments quiet; new four per cents 121 1 ; three per cents 101. State bonds extremely dull. ----- v- . Commercial. Cotton firm, with ales to-day of 160 bales: uplands 11 3-1 6c; Orleans 11.7-lOe; consolidated net receipts 6,050 bales; exports to Great Britain 4,702 bales, to France 6.959 bales, to the continent bales. Southern flour quiet Wheat spot a shade stronger,, with very little doing; ungraded "red 8U 95c; No.2 red April 88f89ic. - Corn spot iic higher; ungraded 4950c; No.2 April 49i49fc7 May 4949c Oats a shade stronger; No. 2, 8637c, Coffee fair Rio on spot steady at $8 871; No. 7 Rio on spot $7 25; April $7 257 80. Sugar dull ana nominal. Moiasses steaay. race steady. Cotton seed oil crude S3i35c.; refined 40c- Rosin dull. Spirits turpen tine quiet. Pork dull and prices nominally as quoted last; mess on spot $13 0013 25; middles dull; long clear 6Jc. Lard 35 points lower and dull contract grades on spot f7 057 10; April $7 06. Freights to Liyerpool weaker cotton id; wheat 2Jd. Cotton net receipts 801 bales; gross re ceipts 1,394 bales. . Futures closed easy, with sales to-day of 57,700 bales at the following quotations: April 11.1411.15c; May 11.2411.25c;June 11.8611.87c;July 11.4511.46c; August 11.5411.55c; Sep tember 11.2111.22c; October 10.74 10.76c; November and December 10.56 10.58c; January 106410.66c. Chicago, April 2. Flour unchanged. Wheat opened ilc lower and closed c under yesterday; April 74fc; May 79i 80ic; June 81i82ic; No. 2 red 81ic Corn steady and fluctuations slight; cash 37i40ic;April 37i37ic; May 41i41ic. Oats firm on spot and 4c better than yes terday; cash 2731c; April 27i27c; May 81f31ia Pork mess offerings free and prices early declined 2022Jc, rallied 5f0c and closed steady: cash and April $11 60H 65; May $11 65 11 87; June $11 77ill 97,. Lard weak and unsettled; cash $6 726 75; April $6 721; May $6 756 85. Boxed meats in fair demand and easier; dry salted shoulders $4 504 60; short ribs $6 80 6 821 ; clear $6 306 35. . Sugars unchanged ; standard A $6 00; granulated $6 37. Whiskey firm at $1 15. St. Louis, April 2. Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat opened - llc lower and closed about as yesterday; No. 2 red 86i87c cash; May 87t88fc. Corn firm and slow; cash 29fc; April and May 29l 29 Jc. Oats firmer and slow at 311c cash. Provisions dull and lower. Pork jobbing at $12 10.- Lard $6 70.' Bulk meats long clear $6 00; short rib $6 10; clear $6 35. Bacon long clear $6 40; short rib $6 60 6 65; clear $6 706 75. Whiskey steady at$l 14. Charleston,' S. C, April 2. Spirits turpentine dull at 29c. Rosin 95c for Strained and $1 00 for Good Strained. . Savakhah, Ga., April 2. Spirits tur pentine quiet at 28 ; sales nominal. Rosin dull at $1 05; no sales. COTTON mARKCrift. HBy Telegraph to the Kornmg Star.) April 2. Galveston, firm at 10fc net receipts 102 bales; Norfolk, firm at lOfc net receipts 473 bales; Savannah, firm at lOfc net, receipts 907 bales; New Or leans,, firm at lOic net receipts 1,751 bales; Mobile, steady at 10 7 16c net re ceipts 258 bales .;Memphi8, firm at lOc net receipts 219 bales; Augusta, very dull at lOfc net receipts 104 bales; Charleston, firm at lOjc net receipts 208 bales - rOBBIGIf ISAKKKTI. IB? Cable to the Hornlnc Star. 1 .London, April 2, 5 00 P. M. 8pirits turpentine on spot flat at 22s; April de livery 22s ; May and August delivery 22s 9d ; September and December delivery 23s 6d. . FRAUD! CATJTtOIf II ICany Hotels and Restaurants reml the Ixa & Pzkrims' bottles vlth a spurious mixture and ssbvb it as the GENUINE Lea & Perrms' Worcestershire Sauce. THE GREAT SAUCE OF THE WORLD. . Imparts the most delicious taste and zest to KXTRACT e ota letter from 1 I a MEDICAL GEN. 1 I SOUPS, TLEMAN at Mad II raa, to hla brother I I GItAVIES. at Mar. 1851. ' TellLE A & PER. fish:, IIOX& cola MEATS, GAME, Occ. BINS that their sauce Is hlgbiy es teemed in India, andlstn my opin ion, the most pala- tarae, as well as the most whole some sauce that Is maae." Signature 13 oa every botUe of GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE SAUOE - Sold and used throughout tne world. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, . - AGENTS FOR THE TOUTED STATtSS. NEW YORK, fab 14 Doawly tr Prospectus. umn Weekly, Newspaper, to be called' The Western Tribune- The TRIBUNE will discuss with entire freedom all questions of publio interest. In politics it will teach Democratic doctrine, pure and simple., It will strive to advance the educational inter ests of our people. It will labor .zealously for the upbuilding of our whole State, and especially for the develop ment of the varied resources of Western North Carolina. It will be the friend of all Railroads so lone; as they are the friends of the people. a, wui aspire w deserve ine esteem or its read ers by dealing with all subjects in a fair and dig nified manner, and by carefully excluding from its columns everything of a vicious tendency. The TRIBUNE outfit has been paid lor in full, and includes a Power Press. - . . Thrprice of the paper will be Per Teat $1.60, Six Months 75e, Three Months 60o Invariably In advance. ., All communications should be addressed to THE WESTERN TRIBUNE, Asheville, NTcX FRANCIS CARTER, - - BUG. D. CARTER, . , NATHAN D. MAT, - . ' . .aawers ana ruonsaen. FRANCIS CARTER, Proprietor. lanl7DAW- The a Jlanning Timci ';r. . PTJBLISHSD BY , .. - 'L-- :'- L H. t DAES, Jr., at HAHHlKGi S. Only 11.50 per annum m advanee. Chean Ad- i a j - vertialag medium. JanStf MARINE. Port Almanae-Aprll 3 Sun Rises . ." ,V. 6.05 A. TA. 8unSets Y..t,1.V.Vr.... 6.42 P.M. HigbWatoTiit Smithyille. U :l 1M1 Morn. High Water at Wilmington, i - 1.11 Even. Day'aLength..... ."12o.- 87m. ARRIVED. r Stmrv Louise, Woodsides, ! Smithyille, master. ' " - - . Stmr John Dawson, 'Black, -Point Cas well, R P Paddison. - - . . - Strm Excelsior, Smith; Fay etteville, master.- 1 - Br Befar Mary Culmer; 243 tons, Ranger, Nassau, with fruit to Cronly & Morrhtr ' Dau barque Dambod.455 tons.Holm,Bar badoes, Paterson Downing & Co.. , " -; . ,. CLEARED. ' '' y-': ':-Btmr Louise. Woodsides, .Smithville. masterl - T '':"'-'V- 1 . . Stmr Excelsior, Smith, FayettevUle, master. . . , Nor brig San Juan, Basch, Bristol, Eng land, Alex. Sprunt & Son. - ' - Schr C. H. Macumber, Rumill, Marigot, St. Martins. Northrorj & Cummioz. Schr Dione, Maloney, Port au-Prince, Hayti, Northrop & Cumming. FOREIGN. Bristol Nor brig San Juan 770 casks sDirita turDen tine. 1.682 bbls rosin. Marigot Schr C. H. Macumber 104,- 000 feet lumber. 50.000 shingles, . 8 bbls nitch. 4 do tar. ' r . - Port au Prutce Schr f Dione 150,200 f eelumber, 20.000 shingles.; MAREVE DUtECTORYl List of Vessels in tbe Port ofWllmlni- ton, N. CM April 3, 1885 This list does not embrace veeaelB under GO tons. 1 BARQUES. Ottilie (Ger.), 823 tons. Terleberg, E. Pes- chau & Westermami. - Isfareren (Nor.), 892tons, Jorgensen, Hei- de & Co. . dischareine. Hattie H (Bu 403 tons, E G Barker & Co. dischareine. Clementine (Rus.), S50 tons, Szilund, Bei- "de as Co., cuscnarginjc. Michael (Ger.); 880 tons, Euler, E Peschau as wesiermann, uiaciiargmg. AdoIIo (Nor.). 482 tons Melson. E Peschau & Westermann BRIGS. Elsie (Colom 112 tons, Murphy, Geo Har ris & Co. Clara (Ger.). 860 tons, Foss, E Pesehau & Westermann. San Juan (Nor.), 296 ton s, Bache, Heide & Co. loadme lor continent. Metz (Ger.), 227 tons, Viekelman, E Pes chau & Westermann. dischareine. Oberon (Ger.). 242 tons, Westphal, E Pes chau & Westermann, discnarging. SCHOONERS. J Waples Ponder, 240 tons, Quillin, Geo Harris) as (Jo, discnareme. Martha Welsh, 805 tons, Burdge, Gen Har ms as Co. dischareine. William Wilson, 267 tons. Berry, GeoHar- riss 6s Co, loading for rniladelpbia. Vineyard, 215 tons, Rosebrook, Geo Har- rissA Co. loading for West Indies. Mair & Cra timer,, 265 tons, Budd, Geo Harriss & Co, loading for f Philadelphia. lolanthe (Br.). 888 tons. Card. Geo Harriss & Co. dischareine. A P Emetson, 244 tons, Emerson, E G Bar ker & Co. loadine for Havti. Cathie C Berry. 820 tons. Smith. Geo Har. riss & Co, loadine Boston and Thomaston E H Macumber, 120 tons, Rumill, E G - Bai ker & Co, loading for West Indies. Tom Williams, 867 tons, Rulon, Geo Har riss & Co, loading for Philadelphia. J P Wyman. 165 tons. Torrey, E G Barker as Co. loadine for West Indies. John W Hall, Jr., 193 tons, Fleming, Geo Harriss as Co. loading xor .Baltimore. Addie E Snow, 163 tons, Flanders. E G Barker & Co.loading for Plymouth, Mass Unas Ji; raigc, 862 tons, (iinord, Geo Har riss & Co, loading for San Domingo. A P Noweli, 241 tons, Wharton, Geo Har riss & Co, loading for Philadelphia. Natividad (Span.). 170 tons, Gonzales, A E Doebele. agent for owners, repairing. Edward R Emerson, 840 tons. Childs, Geo Hamas a Co. loading for New York. Dione, 208 tons, Maloney.E G Barker & Co loading for Hayti. List of Vessels Up, Cleared or Salleel for tills Port The following vessels are mentioned in the r ew York Maritime KegitUr as being up and e eared for this port : BARQUES. Cardenas (Ger.), 809 tons, IKorff, from Gibraltar Jan. Vir Ednard Pens (Ger.), 317 tons, Kipp, from Lisbon March 10. Prledrlek WDhelm IV. (Ger.), 339 tons, from Grangemouth Feb. 27. George Davis (Br.), 643 tons. Macomber, from Huh, Feb. 24. If arte (Ger.)' 67 tons, Permlen, at Liverpool Feb. BRIGS. Alkor (Kr r.). 257 tons. Lahftin. at Liveroool Mh 7. Conral (Nor ), 834 tons, Danielsen, from Maryport Feb. 15. Diana (Ger.). 814 tons, Schroeder, from Amster dam Feb. 1. Hermann Fried rich (Ger.), 288 tons, Kiejahr, at nremen.tan. is. MERCHANTS, BANKERS & MANUFACTURERS SHOULD READ s, A WEEKLT JOURNAL OF TRADE, FINANCE, AND PUBLIC ECONOMY. . Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twen ty Pages. Sometimes Twenty-four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. The foremost purpose of Bbadstrixt's is to be of practloal service to business men. Its special trade and Industrial reports: Its weekly epitome of bankruptcies throughout the United States and Canada, and the summaries of assets and 11. abilities, are alone worth the subscription price; its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceed ingly valuable. As commercial transactions, in us wiaer sense, axe coming 10 De more ana more conducted on a stattatfaa.1 hasta. th Infrnmatimi contained In Bradstbmt's is of the' first lmpor- iuuo uoui to proauoere ana miaaiemen. The Trade and Agricultural Situation through out the United States and Canada is renorted bv Telegraph to Bbadstbxet'b up to the hour of publication. . . SINGLE COPIES, TEN CENTS. 1 THE . BRADSTKEET CO., 279, 281, 283 Bboadwit, ' , deo24tf -1 "NEW YORK CITY. THE LANDMARK. PUBLISHED AT 81 ATESVILLE, IREDELL CC - N. C. IS TUB Leading Newspaper in Western. Horth Carolina. . .It is the only Democratic Paper published In Iredell County one of the lanrest and wealthiest counties in the State and has attained a larger. cii i . . wu" any paper eyer iiercwjjore yuuiiBiieu lu aa county. Its circulation In Alexander. WRkes. Ashe. AHe- ' 1 . W. JU W v m 4 ,m gunny, ximuw, uvlvio ana ireaeu, is larger tnan that of any two papers in the State combined: and is r&pKuy acquiring a strong footnoidmrorsytne . Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg. r 'It lathe only paper In Western North Carolina ' thus keep constantly before the people. Unacr cnis system a rapuuy increasing oircoiattoa Is tne reeuic, maainji tne LiUxdmaxk ... sj' . THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDiUM i - -: ERN NORTH CAROLINA, r". ... : -t-. J ' " - - - ' 1 etatesrille N. I The: Person CotmtyNews, - Published at BOXnpSO,N. a ; W1HTAKER & GITKBONS, ;- . - adltqrs and Proprietors. - . ' t - Tna wBftaeje largest circulation of any i.-uv v.-uviiuqwB ui we one tooaooo seotlon of North Carolina, i . . vv .'otS-18111 Try HbraL 8unsorIptloa Absolutely Pure. fPhtannwrtRrnAverTaries. A marvel Ot Parity. strength and wholesomeness. More economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In const rjetitlon with the multitude of low test, short weight, aium or pnospnace powuon. swovwym Wholesale, by adbiah vbisne nor 84 lv nrm . too or frm , 4n nov 24 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR AND BREAKFAST BACON. NONH C3-JB3Sr Tjri3STE IMUSS BCARina OUR PATEKTED TRADE-MARKS, A UOKT MCTALUO SEAU ATT A OH EO TO THE STRIMO, AMD THE BTR1PEQ OANVAS, AS IN THE OUT. dee 3 ly wed sat dee 3 IMO SURPRISE ! THE GOVERNMENT ENDORSES The American Agriculturist. TOOK TEB TENTH CHS BUS, VOL. 8, JUST FTTKLISHXD. The American Acrriculiurist is especially worthy of mention, because of the remarkable success that has attended the unique and untirintr efforts of its proprietors to increase and extend its cir culation. Its contents are duplicated every month for a German edition, wmch also circu lates widely." This Tribute Is a plcasicz incident in the mar vellous nearly HALF A CENTURY Career of this recognized leading Agricultural Journal of tne world. What it is To-Day. Six months aro the American Agriculturist en tered UDon a NEW CAREER OF PROSPERITY. and to-day it is far superior to any similar peri odical ever nroduced in this or anv other coun try. Richer in editorial strength; richer in engra vings; printed on finer paper, and presenting in every issue iuu oom.-nns 01 original reaaing mat ter from tne aoiest writers, ana nearly iuu illus trations. Dr. George Tnurber. for nearly quar ter of a century the editor-in-chief of the Amer- tam AorbmlturiiL Joseoh Harris. Bvron D. Hal- steo. ixjl. jl. u. weia. ana anarew n. jnuier. uie other long time Editors, together with the other writers who have made the American. Agricultv riet what it is to-day, ARE STILL AT THEIR POSTS.I WHAT, FREE ? ? ? Every subscriber, whose subscription Is IMME DIATELY forwarded us with the price. S 1-50 per year, and 15 cents extra for postage on Cyclopte dia making $1.65 in all will receive the Ameri can Agriculturist English or German for all of 1885, and be presented with the AMERICAN AQ RICraTURIST FAMILY CYCLOPAEDIA (Just OUt). 7VU fAUSS AXtlJ UV1SK 1VUU JUNUUAV mos. stroniriv Douna in oiotn. DiacK ana goia. This entirely newvolume Is & remarkable store house and book of reference for every depart ment of human knowledge, including an Agri cultural Supplement by Dr. Thurber. SEND THREE CNT STAMPS FOR MAILING YOU SPECIMEN COPY AMERICAN AGRICUL TURIST, AN ELEGANT FORTY-PAGB PREMI UM 1 1ST, WITH 800 ILLUSTRATIONS, AND SPECIMEN PAGES OF OUR FAMILY CYCLO PAEDIA. Caxyasskbs waktxd Evxbtwbxbx. Address PUBLISHERS AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, David W. Judd, Pres't. Sak'l Bubbhax, Sec. 751 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. an7tf THE CELEBRATED ARRIMON GAME FOWLS FOR SALE jyjY GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL RE putatlon. They have tought and won a series of the greatest mains ever fought on this or any other continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhibition at Philadelphia in '78, were honored by the Uni ted States Centennial Commissioner with, the Di ploma and MedaL I have a variety of Colors and most approved tsreeas in tne united states, i wm snip splendid COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, pei Express, C. O. D., at from S-4.00 to $6.00 each HENS, $2.50 and $3.00 each; or $7.00 per Pair $10.00 per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred Pairs this Summer, the Finest Games in the World, and will ship Young Fowls of March and April hatch during the months of August, Sep tember and October, at Five Dollars per Fair, or seven uouars per tho. Whoever disputes the superiority of my Birds, Will please baok the assertion with their stamps. w rue i or wuat you want. Address, 3. Q. ARRINGTON, apgtf- ; Hllllardston, NashCo. N.C. Baleigh Eegister. Early in February aa soon as the Dr ceive the neeeflsary material the publication of the RALEIGH REGISTER, a North Carolina Demooratlo newspaper, will be' commenced. The Rssi8TB wm be Printed weektrnatn th great political campaignof 1884 begins. It will then be issued twice a week, or as often as may be useful or necessary to the Demooratlo party In North Carolina. It will be printed from new and beautiful type, on good white paper, and though it may not be. large enough to hold all at once all the good things that glowing prospect uses sometimes rjromise. vet the anniinn.t.ion nf thorough taowledge of how to use them will put ww iuj unixy-cwo proaa oommns au tne news, much good reading, and a complete history of wow is none in xxortn uarouna. Mr. aui will ! euitor or tne rutersTxa. -i - - j The price of the Rxersro will be 12 a yean SI for six mouths. Pay for your home paper, and then remit for the.RseisTxa. Those who remit a w una omce wm reeeiye as -' -' either Volume ordered Of "Hale's Industrial Se- awo TOiumes are now ready: Tra Woods jjo Toons or Nobth Cabouha. uurus's, janmons', ana Kerr's Botanical Re- pons, suppiemencea ny accurate County Re ports of standing Forests, and illustrated by ou sawuuu uiBu ox un stave, i TOiume usmo. urousntro or Nones Cabot nraIx nrm Coax. akd Iaow ConsTiss. Emmons', Kerr's, Laid ley's. Wilkes', and the Census Reports; supple mented by full and aoonrate sketches of the rmj-vu. Aouuues. ana jtap tr toe State. 1 ruiiuiiQ ismo. uw. caps., 91.CO. . JA! : iJBALEJGH REGISTER. jan i uawg - Raleigh. N. C A - L l I s3 IM .Sena not cents tor postage JUk. aaaujurua reeetre. free, a costly bozo? goods which will help aJL of either sex, tomore money right away than anything else? this world. - Fortunes await the workers abeo- iuHijnu.Monw aaaresa tkus A CO Au BY"El-PRESS.; -4? BROWN & RODDICK, O North Front St. We have made the following purchases by Sam ples, the Goods to arrive by Express on Tuesday Morning. 'v . . rOULLARDS SILKS. . A full line in the following Colors, with White Figures-Browns, Blacks, Wines, Dark: Greens, Navy and Mid Bine; Price tSe. These Goods have not been sold by any house la the ceuntry under $1.00. They are the best grade In the mar ket, and warranted 'NOT' TO DRAW. Col tl Silk Velvet Ribbons. We have made a very large pnrchase in COL'D BILE VELVET RIBBONS, and will retail them at half the market value. The following widths and prices : No. 4 COc per piece, or 7 o perjard. 5700 7 903 . 12 fl 25 or 8 c or 10 c er l2J$o or 15 o Colors as follows Navy, Myrtle, Browns, Ar- doi3e. Garnets, Bronze, Biege. Mode and France. BUSTUBS. A full line of the LATEST STYLES 0? BUS TLES, made from Hair Cloth, Coralineand Wire. JUST RECEIVED, A verr large Invoice of those fine TORCHON LACES, at the following prices per dozen lEc, 33c, 2Ec, 3Cc. 35c, 40c,' 4Ec, ECc, 55c and 63c They are without exception the cheapest you have ever seen A DECIDED BARGAIN. BROWN & RODDICK, SOLE AGENTS FOR BDTTRIGK'S CUT-PAPER FATTEBIS. Send 2c stamp for Catalogue. mh29tf "CAPITAL. PRIZE, f T5.000.fff Tl eketa only $ 5 . Snares In proportion. Lonisiana State Lottery Comaiy. "We do hereby certify that toe tuperviu the ar rangementsor aU the Monthly and Bemi-Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and in person manage and control the drawings themselves, and that the tarns are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all par ties, ana we authorize the Company to use this cer dficate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached tn us aaverueemenie." Commlsalonera. Incornorated in 1S68 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of (500,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any Slate. IT NEVER SCALES OS POSTPONES. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY. A SPIilSNDTD OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE, FOURTH GRAND DRAW ING, CLASS D, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, AT NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY. April 14. 188 51 79th Monthly Drawing. CAPITA! PRIZE, 975.000,- 100,000 Tickets at STre Dollars Each Fractions In Fifths in Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize $75,000 1 Capital Prize 25,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 ss Prizes of Soouu . 12,000 5 Prizes of 2000 10,000 10 Prizes of 1000 10,000 20 Prizes of 600 10,000 100 Prizes of 200 20,000 300 Prizes of 100 30,000 600 Prizes of 60. 25.000 1000 Prizes of 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of t750.... 6,750 9 Approximation Prizes of 500. . . 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 250 1967 Prizes, amounting to t2600 Applications for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company In New Or leans. . For further Information, write clearly. irWmir fall address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders,or New York Exchange in ordinary letter, Currency by Express (all sums of $5 and upward at our expense) addressed . in. A.. llAUrltlNI. New Orleans, Vs. or m. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D.C Make P. O. Money Orderrf nayable and address Registered Letters to BBW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANE, , - - - new vfiesma, aisu mhl8D&W2aw4w we sa . Favetteville Observer. SN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 1883. THE v nndersiemed wiU revive the nubllcatkm of the FAYETTEVILLB OBSKBVKH. The Oasaayaa will be a large 88-ooramn weekly newspaper, and will be mailed to subscribers, postage Paid, at $2 per annum, always In ad vance. It will give the news of the day in as amDle form as its en ace will nermlt. and hotta m. gular ana occasional correspondents will cent!--Bute letters from the Capital on State politics Democratic in Dolltioa. the Obhkkvk wfn la. bor, first of all, to assure the' prosperity of the Town of Favetteville, to develop the vast agri cultural resources of its own- and the neighbor ing counties, and to promote all that concerns the welfare of the people of North Carolina. Opposed to such innovations -on the homely ways of our fathers as, tn the guise of progress, harm society, the Obsxbtxb will be found In full sympathy with the new thing feorn of the changed condition of the South which sound Judgment or enlightened experience find to be also good. As to the rest : It will strive to deserve the re putation of the name It Inherits. reo 9 tr : ... - s. j. hale. Jb. BOSTON POST. THE OLD, INVINCIBLE AND, THOROUGHLY TRUE BLUE DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER, -'The clean FamQvKewsDaner of Massachusetts. Containing the most eomDlete news of sat naner In New England. The Boston Dally Post la especially neted for Its reliable Commercial and Financial Feature. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. -its Daily One Year. $9; Six Months. $4.50: tn ad vance. - - , Wxkbxt FRrDATB L00 Mt Year In unnnv Six Copies for $5.00. --i- r-- : a : ,-,. CLUB BATES. Five or more to one address will be furnished s follows: ;-.-.t: :..!;. - . DAILY POST at $8.00 peryear per eepy; Tea optesfor $7.60 each. In advanoe.-' - . WEEKLY POST at tLOO -In Clubs of Five or more, one copy wilfbe give 1 lSFL hi a organizer 01 tne uw . -AT- r.i. r. katz's, 116 Harket St. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS THIS WEEK. BARG-AIN TABLE WITH DIFFERENT GOODS DAILY. RIBBONS, 2. 3. 5, 8c per yard. SATINS, Spring Shades, 10c per yard. A few COLORED AND BLACK SILKS left VERY LOW. GOOD DRESS GOODS at less than cost TIDIES from 8c up. NAINSOOK EDGINGS and INSERTIONS, suU able for coming season. MEN'S WHITE LAUNDEIED SIJIRTS MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS, 13c up. LADIES' VESTS, 22c up. AND EVER SO MANY ARTICLES THAT JIVKT BE SOLD. F. RUBINSTEIN. mh2tf ASSIGNEE. IMPORTANT ! A NEW AND VALUABLE JEfffiE A PATENT Water Closet Seat FOR THE CURE OF HEMORRHOIDS, (Commonly ca'Jri "PILES,") Internal or External, aad PROLAPSUS ANI, for Chil dren or Adults. NO MEDICINE OR SURGICAL OPERATION NECES8ARY. I have Invented a SIMPLE WATER CLOSET SEAT, for the cure of the above troublesome and painful malady, which I confidently place before the publio as a SURE RELIEF AND CURE r It has been endorsed by the leading residest Physicians in North Carolina. Is now beio; test ed In the Hospitals of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and we are satisfied the result will be satisfactory, as it has never failed else where. You can write to any of the Physiciaa or prominent citizens in Edgecombe Co , N. C. These Seats will be furnished at the foiloTiac WALNUT, Polished, $6.00 ) Discount to Physi CB3RRY - . 6.00 cicians and to toe POPLAR, - - - 6 00 ) Trade. Directions for using will accompany each Seat We trouble you with no certificates. We leave the Seat to be its own advertiser. Address LEWIS CHAMBERLAIN Patentee, rarboro, Edgecombe Co., N. 0. ly 17 DAWf WE STILL CLAIM THAT 0TJR STIUS - ARE UNSURPASSED By any other make now m use, and that otfB PBICES FOR 1865 WTLL STJRPKTSB FREETRADERS. Parties now expecting to on shonldreg ber that the manufactures of the STILL are PROTECTORS AG?,?- . tBRSB We have in stock the foUofTra7rS!i 60-BBLsT, FOUR 30-BBLS., SEVEN BBf- g mm nn, a ' DTr ta DDT Q . a Ian a lATZV lu' "en lMPwh?cah b tomeet all demands for REPAIRED . COUNTRY. . atonies aLAROT BOTTOMS. CmCLBS 1,!$ UJf oTILu Inches; in fact we nave a -SnnTS&S10 THIS LINE THAN ANY OTHER HOUW OR SOUTH, STILL DOORS, GRATE BARS, GeruOr TLES, and all kinds of Still Trunmin mgto the Distillery business, kept in Call on or address -' -T C. AYRrnrnL&6A- The Ilarion Star. TTjT.TSB1r'.15 TDB OLDEST OTWSPAPfi i VwS the Pee Dee Button. ?ne of $Jto$ and meet proBperous.in the State, on mission snd Wtoiesaw LT pted Wfe mamluuits. mechanics. pianir Hsioo. . . . - -is alternu. 0. I TRA WORMS, and a large lot of sswa Address sepsuWtI - oomtt .v-Trf'-.-i"s. 1 jukmuw.;. - nin so t a wit

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