r: ' ' . peMornirigfStar WILMINGTON N C. TUESDAY MOENIHGt5APBII. 21, 1885 MORNING EDITION. THE LATEST NEWS.1 FROM ALL PABT8 of the world? , The Snprtme Conn DecUIon la th ,; Tlrclnla C!ae The Georgia Delesa 't-'Uen'B Tllt 10 the President. "; fBy Telesraph to the Mornlmt Star J ' ' . Washinoton, April 20. Tie United States Supreme Court rendered an impor tant decision to-day, in the group of cases 1 known, as the Virginia coupon tax cases, in . ' volying the validity of recent legislation of that State with reference to the payment of K State taxes in coupons of State bonds. The' v decision was against the .State and in favor of the bondholders on all the material points. The Court holds that all legislation of the State which attempts to evade the - obligation under which it rests to receive , coupons of its bonds in payment of State taxes is unconstitutional and void, because It impairs the obligation of contract; that . the tax-payer, having once, made due ten ' der of coupons in payment of his taxes, is under no obligation to pay such taxes in money, but may rest securely upon his " right to have the coupons received when -offered; and that the tax collector who attempts thereafter to forcibly collect i such taxes by levying upon the tax payer's property, is not shielded by legislation of the State, but makes the at tempt at bis personal peril. The Court Jiolds, furthermore, that the suit brought jBgainst a tax collector for the seizure of a -ax-payer's property after due tender of ' - coupons, is not a suit against the State, ;bnt. is a suit against an individual tres passer, acting without legal authority of . the State. The opinion was delivered by Justice Matthews, Chief Justice, and Jus tices Bradley, Miller and Gray dissenting; Justice Bradley delivering the dissenting ; opinion. - " A delegation from Georgia, consisting of Gen. John B. Gordon, Senator Colqmtt, Hon. N; J. Hammond, M. CKiser, Wm. T. Newman, E. P. Howell, H. W. Grady, W. A. Hemphill, Jack W. Johnson, C. "A. Collier, John N. Nunn, Allison Green and John A. Fitten, '- called at the White House this af i ternoon and formally invited the Presi- dent to visit Atlanta, Ga., during the ses sions of the Commercial Convention, in the latter part of May. Senator Colquitt and . Gen. Gordon addressed the President and impressed on him the great good to the South which would result from a visit by him. The people down there, they said, . did not of tea have a chance to see the Chief Magistrate of the nation, and now that they have .one of their own choice they were extremely anxious to have him among them, if only for a day, so that they might become better acquainted with each other. Gen. Gordon said he wanted the President to come down South, just to see ' how they lived and see or himself how the colored people lived and were treated by their neighbors. The President received the delegation very cordially, and told them frankly that he wanted io accept their invi - tation, but was unable to say just at pres- : . est whether or not he could leave Wash : iagton at that time. He was informed that ; all the members of his Cabbet had been invited to attend, and it was -expected that - at least three would accept. The President then said he would lay the matter before vhe Cabinet to-morrow and give the com - naittee a definite answer on Wednesday. He then invited them to attend his recep ; tion to-morrow evening. - Judge Durham, First Comptroller of the '. Treasury,; has given an opinion in a case coming from Charleston, S. C, on a quea tion as to whether any portion of interest collected on direct taxes shall be refunded. He holds that under the decisions of the Court of Claims all interest collected for . the period prior to the expiration of sixty days immediately following the fixing of the tax, shall be refunded, and that the ap propriation made -by section 3,689 of the Revised Statutes is available for that pur pose during the fiscal year that claims are presented to the Secretary of the Treasury, and during the two fiscal years thereafter. FOREIGN. The Afghan Frontier Question A Less Favorable Outlook or Feaee. fBT Cable to the Mornimr Star.l '- London, April 20. It is stated in Liberal circles that negotiations regarding the fron v tier question have assumed a less favorable aspect, owing to the revival by Russia of questions which had been regarded as finally settled. The Standard says that despite the apparent peaceful settlement of negotia- - tions, there are indications sufficient to warn reasonable men against the assumption that the storm has passed. There is no abate ment in Russia's ardor in preparing for war, and the exultation of the Muscovite papers, instead of remedying evils, suggest that ' they may attempt to push their advantage ; beyond the limits which Mr. Gladstone's Cabinet even can tolerate. , r - The Timet says' that hopes of peacet are iv pot founded on - intelligence of any - new V element entering into England's treatings , , with Russia. It is simply known that in . the Cabinet a cold fit has succeeded the ,hot. We do not learn," says the Times, - .-"that any definite proposals, offering new iground for. agreement, have been presented or accepted by either side; therefore, it would be madness for the government to -suspend its activity in preparing for war." The Nepaulse Government is drilling 22, 000 Gorkhas in anticipation of the Indian Government's acceptance of their offer of ;v assistance. . - "" v It is rumored among Berlin diplomats ; ' that Lumsden is soon to be recalled. The Khan of Bokhara has written to the .. Ameer, who is his son-in law, advising him V against war with Russia. 'STJBW TOJSK. Frfees en the Stock Exehange Gen. ; . . ' . Grant's Drive In Central Park. j ' IBr Telejli to the Morning Star. ; ' New Tobk, April 20. The stock mar v ket was irregular at the opening this morn y: : - ? IngV; but immediately developed strength , ', and prices continued strong throughout the forenoon for everything on the active-list. -except St. Paul The early weakness in 8t. Paul extended about midday to other i Granger stocks,the decline f oUowing rumors . . that serious trouble existed among the , . : railroads of Chicago, and that rates s had been heavily cut ' Thesettports werewjou - contradicted, and from that time until the close of busiaess the street was flooded r.. ...fiH wua connicung rumors in "regard to the is Situation. -Thft WMfenpaa in 3.n extended td the remainder of the list, but :ie decline - which followed was only in fractiqnal amounts The " suTOort came Asf "om frienda dififerent' stccks, and they iA - wereaided in bringing about a reaction by Wh v dispatches from Europe, stating that Rus " hA :&T increased iudemands in ' 51 : ' oullcx?k for war was gain much 1 SS11 'ecoveryVasiun? V&.Z-Fgn to scarry prices oi nearly aU active At 2 o'clock this aftSS Gen; Grant. accompanied by one of his sons and, Dr. Douglas, jtook a carriage ride. in: Central Park, lasting thirty-live minutes, r. He ap- peared dressed much in his usual fashion, walked down the steps of his house unaid ed, and on his return ascended them, also HTiMit.--ifatftfMA''-'-',1TnnifTi1a of TteOnle had gathered to catch a glimpse fbf him, a rumor -' saving -got aoroau ,: vnai wuuiu take this airing.- To 'these Gen. Grant seemed to look fuJly" welf he last drove out over a month ago, and he lifted his hat and smiled a -greeting to hia friends air he came down the steps. ' ; TENNESSEE. 5 i TBy Tegraph to the Morning Star.l A Fatal Aflray Wear Chattanoolga; St. Louis, April 20. A' special from; Chattanooga, ; Tenn.;-' says : At ; Oakdale Junction, near Chattanooga yesterday, Pat Cain, hostler, and Jim First, a noted des perado, became engaged in a bitter quarrel in a saloon when First xErew a pistol and shot Cain through the breast As the lat ter was falling he fired at First, the bullet taking effect in his abdomen and causing a fatal wound. v ' i VIRGINIA. A. murder at Seaboard, on the S. & -. .' -. B. B. R.' I By Telegraph to the Morning Star J Pbtkbsbttbg, April 20. On Saturday night a difilculty occurred aV Seaboard station, on the Seaboard .& Roanoke Rail road, in this State, between Henrietta Ram sey and her husband, during which the former shot the latter in the head, killing him instantly. The murderess fled, and at last accounts had not been arrested. Victims of youthful indiscretions, suffer ing from nervous debility, lack of self-confidence? impaired memory, and kindred symptoms, should send 10 cents in stamps for large illustrated treatise, giving means of certain cure, with numerous testimonials. Address, World's Dispensary' Medical As sociation, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, New York. t Quarterly nestings. , Second Round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church, South Waccamaw Mission, at Zion, April 22 and 23. Whiteville Circuit, at Fair Bluff, April 25 and 26. Wilmington, at Front Street, May & Onslow Circuit, at Queen's Creek, May 9 and 10. Duplin Circuit, at Charity Chapel, May 12 and 13. Brunswick Circuit, at Summerville, May 16 and 17. Topsail Circuit, at Union, May 23 and 24 Magnolia Circuit, at Magnolia, Mav SO and 31. ' District Sunday School Conference will be held at Magnolia, commencing May 29 Paul J. Casbawav, Presiding Elder, Appointments by Bishop Watson, of the Dloceselof Bast Carolina. April . . .' 21 Tuesday, m.p., cnnst en., jcnza&etu city Wed'sday, M.P., S. J ohn's, Kewbegnn. Thursday, 8. Barnabas, Wood villa, Perqulm'a co. Sunday. Holy Trinity, Hertiord. Tuesday, H.P., Rockahock. Wed'sday. 8. Paul's. Kdenton. 22 23 23 28 9 30 Thursday, H.P., S. Lake's, Washington co THE BLAIIiS. The mails close and arrive at the City Tos Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern thro' mails, fast 7:45 P.M. & 10:30 P. If. Northern through and way maiLs. . .. 8:30 A. M. Ealelgh 6:15 P.M. 8:30A.M. Mans iot we m. .v. munoaa, ana routes supplied therefrom Including A. A N. a Railroad . at. . .7:45 P. M. & 8:20 A. M. Southern mails for all points Sooth, daily 8.-00 P. M. & 0:15 A. M. Western mails (C. C Baflwar) daflr (except Sunday) 65 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Balehh 6:15 P.M. jfau iot uneraw ana jjarnngton nail road ........ 8KM) P. M. Mails for ixInts between Florenoe and (3iarlesfon..... 8:00 F.M.& 6J5 A. M. FaYettevflle. and offices on Cane Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P. M. jrayeuevuie, via u. ts. xl, aauy, ex cept Snadays 6:15 P. M. Onslow c H. and intermediate offices. Tuesdays and Fridays , 6:00 A. M. Smithville maHa, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays)........ 830A.M. juus iorisasy uui. Town ureeK, saai . lotte and little lover, Tuesdays and Fridays. w. 90 P. M. W rightsrffle daOy at 8:30 A. M. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern thro' & way mails 730 A. M. A 8:15 A. X. 8onthern mails 9.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 8:45 A. M, Stamp Office open from 7J0 A. M. to 6 P. M. Money Order and Register Department open 8:00 A. M. to SM P. M. continuous. Carriers delivery open on' Sunday from 8:80 to :30 A.M. Mails collected from street boxes from bnsl ness portion of olty at 5 A.M., 1130 A.M. and 5:30 PJL; from other parts of the city at 5 P.M. and 5 A.M. General delivery oped from 7 A.M. to 6.00 P.M and on Sundays, from 830 to fcSO A. M. Railroad time. 75th meridian. CITY ITEMS. - Coughs and Colds can be cured with a bottle of Sine's Syrup of Tar. Only 25o. For Bale by Mnnds Bros. FOBTY TEARS EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Syrup Is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never falling safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of a week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomaeh, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gfvesrest, health and comtort to mother and child. We believe it the Best and Sorest Remedy In the world," in all cases - of DYSENTERY and DIARRHOEA IN CHILDREN, whether arising from teething or any other cause. Fun directions for using wfll accompany each bottle. None Pennine unless the fao-simile of CURTIS A PERKINS is on the out side wrapper. Sold by aU Medicine Dealers. 85 cents a bottle. . .. NEW SPRING STYLES! IN Men, Boys and Children's CLOTHING-! Just received. Vfe are offering this week a large assortment of PIECE GOODS! In entirely new styles, and we can suit the most fastidious myTT, STYLE AND WORK II AN SHIP. Give us a call andle convinced. "-."VTJ --:? ' ' - x- ; ; ; ;dayid,; ap lfftf r Merchant Tailor and Clothier. ' O ARLTPNIS HOUSE,, Iffamillupiii ON LINK. OF WILMINQTbN AND WSLDON Railroad, 55 miles from Wilmington. ... : -. Table always well supplied with the best the country, affords. ; Rates of Board very reasona bhv ?i ;Aj53 ttCABLTON,! . r deoSlDAWtf ; ; ; ; Proprietor. ' ' COMMERCIAL; wi im in o to n arket v r ' - . , ...,. .--f? p-' "- -.v. ; j ..- :-e j..; :, ; STAR OFFICE. April 20, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The marktt was quoted firm at 28i cents per gallon, with sales reported of 200 casks at that price, t , : C: t-T. ' IMlfIK?H-t! CflAHaKTN. " : (By Telegraph to the . Morning Btar.l ."k.'.'- Financial. -Ws,Yobk, April 20, Evening.- Sterling exchange 485. Money Ut3l percent. Gov ernments generally strong; new four per cents 1214; three per cents 10H bid.. State bonds strong. . :: Commercial. " Cotton7 easy,' with sales to-day of 108 bales; uplands 11 cent!;, Orleans 11 J cents; consolidated net receipts 2,828 bales; ex ports to Great Britain 2,223 bales, to France bales, to the continent, 922 bales. Southern flour firm and quiet.; Wheat spot advanced l2c; ungraded red 87c $1 OH ; No. 2 red May 97cl OOf. Corn 8 pot advanced lc; ungraded 5455c; choice white southern 64c ; No. 2 April 64 54c; May 5455ic Oats lljc high er; No. 2, 89i39c. Coffeefair Rio on spot quiet at $8. 75; No. 7 Rio on spot $7 15; May $7 00.. Sugar dull and un changed; fair to good refining 4 9-164 11-lOc. Molasses unchanged. Rice steady. ' Cottonseed oil crude 82j35c ; refloed 40c. Rosin dull at $1 081 10. Spirits tur pentine steady at 81 Jc. Pork firm and very quiet; mess on spot $18 0013 25; mid dles dull; long clear 6c Lard very dull and prices without quotable change; west ern steam on spot $7 257 SO; May $7 27. Freights to Liverpool steady; cotton 7-64d; wheat 4id. Cotton net receipts 852 bales; gross re ceipts 458 bales. Futures closed quiet and steady, with sales to-day of 49,700 bales at the following quotations.: April 10.84 10.86c; May 10.8610.87c; June 10.96 10.97c;July 11.0411.05c; August 11.11c; September 10.84c; October 10.4510.47c; November and December 10.2810.29c; January 10. 36 10. 88a Chicago, April 18. Flour unchanged. Wheat active and stronger; there was a steady advance of 2c; closing ljc higher than Saturday; April 85i87,c; May 86 88c; -June 88i91c; No. 2 red 94a Cornactiye; roseiHc and closed $c over Saturday; cash 46j47ic; April 46t47fc; May 47i48c; June 47J 47c, Oats dull and somewhat weaker; cash 8485c; May 84S5tC; June 35 35$c.Pork mess fairly active and aver aging lower; ;cash $11 8011 85; 'May 11 82111 85; June $11 7511 95. Lard quiet and prices showing a very little change; cash $7 00; May $6 957 00; June $6 977 07. Boxed meats firm; dry salted shoulders $4 504 60; short ribs $5 956 00; clear$6S56 40. Whis key firm at $1 15. Sugar unchanged. St. Louis, April 20. Floor unchanged. Wheat active and closing l2fc above Saturday; No. 2 red cash $1 00; May 99c $1 01. Corn higher and firm; cash 44 44c; May 4445c Oats firm and very slow; cash 85f85fc; May 85i35fc Whiskey steady at $1 14. Provisions un changed. Pork $12 0012 12f Bulk meats, in car lots long clear $5 905 95; short rib $6 006 05; clear $6 256 80. Bacon long clear $6 87i6 40; short rib $6 55; clear $7 007 05. Lard $6 85 6 90. Savannah, Ga., April 20. Spirits tur pentine firm at 28c; sales 100 bbls. Rosin firm at 92c$l 00; sales 100 bbls. Chableston, S. C, April 20 3pirits turpentine quiet at 28c. Rosin steady; strained 90c; good strained 95c. COTTON MARKETS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l April 20. Galveston, dull at 10ic net receipts 194 bales; Norfolk; dull at 104c net receipts 221. bales; 8avannah. quiet at 10c net receipts 447 bales; New Or leans, quiet at lOJc net receipts 1,141 bales; Mobile, -'nominal at 10c net re ceipts 207 bales; Memphis, quiet at 10fc net receipts 223 bales; Augusta, quiet and Steady at lOtc net receinta 17hiilpa- Charleston, nominal at- 10c net receipts vi Dates. FOREIGN flUBKBTt. IBy Cable to the Mornuur Star.l London, April 20, 6.00 P. M. Spirits turpentine quiet on spot at 28s 8d; April delivery 23s 3d; May and August delivery 23s 6d; September and December delivery 24s 3d; Stock 83,000 bbls; afloat ; de liveries 1,700 bbls. WE CALL ATTENTION ! TO THOSE ELEGANT LAMBS' TONGUES IN JARS, for lunch, picnics, Sound parlies. excnrslons,4c. They are Jnst what you want. Large Queen Olives ! I BULK. 40 CTS. PER QT. THEY ABE UNEXCELLED. Large Fine Hackerel ! FBESH FROM THE BARREL, THEY ABE SPLENDID. P. L. Bridgers & Co., 110 North Front St. ap 19 DAW tf This BELT or Regenera tor Is made expressly for the cure of derangements of the generative organs. There is no mistake about this instrument, the con tinuous stream of ELEC TRICITY permeating throuph the parts must restore them to healthy action. Do not confound this with Electric Belts advertised to -ure all Ills from head to toe. It is for the OKE specific purpose. r5irJ''"-" sWn? full information, add roes Cheever Electric Belt tlflS Washington St, ChlcagoVliL aoSlly tothsat E, G. Blair, " Broter anlCoinim HmM, SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS OP -ALL BUNDS of Country Produce. Elfthest. Prices and Prompt Returns sranteedv r mh 85 tf NO. 114 NORTH "WATER ST. 5iIIarion Star, rpHA OLDEST . NEWSPAPEB PUBLISHED IN andmost rowperons hi the State, offers to Ctom miaulon and Wholesale Merchants and. Maaufae turers, and to those who. hare adopted the plan Of aniline rT aumnlo a aTMllantiuu4h,n n m Tl n iatTrr with V f,M ansl iLZij2r .1 - merohants, mechanics, planters and naval store veittsamanta and Buhuws n-Am Zl jIw- rl terms; -.w-- i-. aaw" n.v ' . TH1 STAR MARINE. . ; Port, AlmsvpaeAprtl 21. aun Risua. . " ..T... ; 5.13 A. M. Burt 8etb ijAtAk.' 6-55 P.M. High Water at Smitkville.... 12.26 Morn. High Water at'Wihnhleton. . ' 8.26 Morn. Day's , :, . ; , - I3h. 12m. , ARRIVED. Louise. Woodsides, Bmitbville, Excelsior, Smith, Fayetteville, John Dawson, Black, Point Cas PPaddison. - CliEARED. Louise, Woodsides, Smithville, Excelsior; Smith, . Fayetteville, Stmr master. titmr master. Stmr well, R Stmr master. Stmr master. MARINE DIRECTORY. List of Vessel In cue Port o Wilming ton, N. CM April 21. 1885. This list does not embrace vessels and er Go tons. I BARQUES. Eduard Pens (Ger.), 857 tons, Kipp. E Pes- chan& Westermann. Naja(Nor.), 443 tons, Henricksen, Sholter &Co. Zacharias (Nor.), 835 tons, Eubresen, O P Mebane. i Susan L Campbell (Br.), 727 tons, Steele, Alex Sprunfr& Son. Danabod (Dan.), 455 tons, Holm, Pater son, Dowsing & Co. , discharging. Atalanta (Rus.) 578 tons, Lindermann, E Peschau & Westermann. George Davis (Br.), 643 tons, Macomber, Alex Sprunt & Sons, waiting. Marie (Ger.), 587 tons, Dillnitz, E Peschau & Westermann. Ottilie (Ger.), 823 tons, rerleberg, E Pes chau & Westermann, discharging. Hattie H (Br.), 403- tons, Cochran, E G Barker & Co, waiting. BRIGS. Express (Ger.), 276 tons, Voss, E Peschau & Westermann, Diana (Ger.), 314 tons, Schroeder, E G Barker & Co. Hermann Fnedrich (Ger.), 290 tons, Nie jahr. E G Barker & Co. Elsie (Colom j, 112 tons, Murphy, GeoHar ris&Co., repairing. Clara (Ger.), 860 tons, Foss, EPesehaa& Westermann, discharging. SCHOONERS. Annie E Rudolph, 210 tons, Lavins, Geo Harriss & Co. R S Graham, 841 tons, Avis, Geo Harriss & Co, discharging. L S Levering, 298 tons, Corson, Geo Har riss & Co, loading for Philadelphia. Clifford, 265 tons, Crabtree, Geo Harriss & Co, loading for St. Croix. Curtis Ackerly, 359 tons, Boule, Geo Har riss & Co, waiting repairs. Martha Welsh, 805 tons, Burdge, Geo Har riss & Co. loading for New York. lolanthe (Br.). 898 tons. Card, Geo Harriss & Co, waiting. Natividad (Span.), 170 tons, Gonzales, A E Doebele, agent for owners, repairing. M E Gildersleeve, 78 tons, Hill, Geo Har riss & Co. 1.1st of Vessels Up, Cleared or Sailed tor thisi Port. The following vessels are mentioned In the Sew York Maritime Register as being np and eiearea tor uus port : . BAROTTKS. C L Weyer (Oer.), 418 tons, from Llverpwl Ap'l 4. Carl Max (Ger.), SOI tons, Beyer, from Bremen March 84 Bmille (Oer.), 419 tons, Schultz, s'ld from Shields April 1. Frfedrick Wllhelm IV. (Ger.), 869 tons, from w&nfremonin r e D. TCI. Vereln (Oer.K 45? tons, Jahnke, sailed from Ham- Darg naron 01. BRIGS. Alkor (Nor.). 257 tons. Lahlun. at Llvernool Mh 7. Thela (Nor.). 8G2 tons, Touneaen, from Valencia msn;u la. "TVri llj-n oz?77" I (XUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT DISPLAYS the largest and most complete line of MILLI NERY GOODS to be found in this State, repre- Bentlne; every sfyle and quality, at by far the lewest prices in the city, at TAYLOR'S BA ZAAR. Our variety of . CHILDREN'S HATS! Is simply endless, comprising styles in Leghorn, Pearl Braids, Mllans, Ac, 4c. We Invite the special attention of milliners and the trade. Fancy Gilt Braids aad Cords. The most com plete line of RIBBONS In the city, embracing every color, quality and width; Fancy Ribbons, Bat Sashes in great variety, together with a large stock of Laces, All-Over Laces, Corsets, Silks, Crapes, Crape deShene, Satins, Ac, Ac., at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market Street, ." WILMINGTON, N. C ap 19 tf Flour, Bacon, lard, &c. 1000 Bbls FL0X7B 1111 ft6 100 50X69 D" 8" "B" sn)KS' i do SMOKED do QQ Palls LARD, . 2 Bbls Standard Granulated SUGAR, 2 Bbls White Extra C do Q Bbls Golden C do "150 8aCkS 0110106 ?10 COPPEB, -f AAEhdsandBbls New Crop Cuba MOLASSES, 2Q Bales RANDOLPH YARN. do do SHEETING1, 2 Bbls CAROLINA RICE, Kegs NAILS, gQO Bundles HOOP IRON, Tobacco, Snuff. Candles, Soap, Starch, Candy, Crackers, Ac, Ac. " For sale low by m , WILLIAMS, RANKIN A CO.. Wholesale Grocers A Com. Merchants, ap 19 tf Nos. 18 A 18 North Water fit. ' For the Sound. J3 ARTIES GOING TO THE SOUND CAN tthah Of dnmnihtnir 4-r. V-t .... ni .1 rdeaetoW' aplZtf v 114 North Front 8t. Gents and Boys' Goods, ANDOTMXBTOTKJUBT OPENED. SnmCla, Jewel7 apMtf , . jno. J. TntTiBTfnr A T Ii BMrnraJfURW it 1 rag - jyAnna. BOOMS can ;ie found large jusortment of VALUABLB GIFTS suitable for ' everybodv. " MVtUUUU, Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot purity, streagth and wholesomeness. More economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In com! petition with the multitude of low test, short weignt, alum or pnospnate powaera. Hold only in cans. Wholesale, by ADRIAN & VOLLKItS nov 24 lv nrm too or frm 4d nov 4 tar CAPITA!. PRIZE, 975.000. Ti ekets only 95. Snares In proportl o n . Louisiana State Lottery Company. "We do hertby certify that we supervise the ar rangementsor all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings o f The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and in person manage and control the drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with Honesty. fairness, ana in good faun toward alt par ties, and we authorize the Company to use this cer cilcate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached tn us advertisements." Commissioners. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve runa oi asGawo nas smce been added. By an overwhelming noDular vote its franchise was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO a rUKXUJXiS, JfJjri"U UUAND DRAW TNO. rfT.ARfl R TN TRIE A r A rnuv vm uttoti AID?B OrLbANS, TUESDAY, May 12, mo-isvui aioauuT rawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. lCO,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each Fractions in Fifths in Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capttal Prtae $75,000 j 1 Capital Prize 25,000 - 1 Capital Prize... 10,000 S Prizes of $6000.., 12,000 5 Prizes of 2000 10,000 10 Prizes of 1000 ; lo.ooc 20 Prizes of 500 io,000 100 Prizes of 200.. 20,000 800 Prizes of 100 30,000 500 Prizes of 50 25,000 1000 Prizes of 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 9 Approximation Prizes of 500... 9 Approximation Prizes of 250. . . 6,750 4,500 2,250 1907 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Applications for rates to clubs should only be maae io we omce oi tne uompany in New or leans. . For further Information, write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money uruers,or New lora Exchange In ordlnar letter, Currency by Express (all sums of $5 am upward at our expense) addressed 1TI. A. DATJPHIN. New Orleans, La. or HI. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D.C. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address negisierea lienors to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL RANK, New Orleans, La, apl5D&W2aw4w we sa Fayetteville Observer. ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8TTL 1883, THE undersigned will revive the publication of the FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER. The Oxsxbvsb will be a large 28-column weekly newspaper, and wfll be mailed to subscribers, postage paid, at $2 per annum, always In ad vance, it will give the news of the day In as ample form as Its spaee will permit, and both re gular ana occasional correspondents will oontr!- a rrr uapiHu on state pontics TkmtfiAMM. fn nAllMAa IV A A. tn i. bor, first of all, to assure the prosperity of the Town of Fayetteville, to develop the vast agri cultural resources of its own and the nelghbor- uig wuuuiB, rmu vo promote au mat concerns the welfare of the people of North Carolina. Opposed to suoh innovations on the homely ways of our fathers as, in the guise of progress, harm society, the Obsxbvxb will be found in fuu sympathy with the new tainge born of the ohanged condition of the South which sound judgment or enlightened experience find to be also good. As to the rest : It wfll strive to deserve the re putation of the name it Inherits. t eb 9 tf E. J. HALE. Jr. The Biblical Recorder PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Bronghton & Co. RALEIGH, N. C. REV. a T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. C. S. FARRISS, 1 . . Associates. CHAS..L. SMITH, J Ora of Nortii Carolina Baptists In Its 44th Tear. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. Only $2.00 Per Tear. Address BIBLICAL RECORDER, dec28tf Raleigh. N. C ADTERTISE IS Ilerchant and Farmer, PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT MAnioNtso urn car olina Til tftftM m, lnmMA m,m.Jt 4wmma1. 1 - . . -Heart nf t.n Paj. tiaa AAnnfw A v..n -t.. section of the two States. ft Is a desirable medium of communication Witt both the Merchants and Farmers of this sectioa, and particularly with those of Marion for the Business Hen of Wilmington. , J. D. MoLUCAS, . - Proprietor The Cotton Plant. The best and cheapest AgTioultur tmmHi w DOUtu. .. . '.r.. ..-. " ONLY 6Q CENTS A YEA The official organ of the State Grange. KrlrlAHMl K fha IaaImo .ti-m. m'-, , - gi -um jA$ ouua 'hi - it mi !) tnA hpjrr. fownoM In v a.-. i 11. andSurhb,Ped fpleS for 70ur8elt .Awuess W. J. KoKERALL. - BtI f Marion. S.C. An 8-page 40-oolnmn Agrloultural Journal, the A FEW LEADERS. ROWN & RODDICK, 9 North Front St. DESIIia TO CALL THE ATTENTION OP our patrons to the following BARGAINS. They are what 13 termed in our business LEADERS. Colored Velvet Eibbons IBy the Piece, In all the Leading Sh&deJ. No. 4, CDC; No. 5, 70c; No. 7, 8Do; No. 9. $1.10; No. 12, $1.25. MOST DESIRABLE FOR DRESS TRIMMINGS. Fouliard Silk, SOLID COLORS WITH WHITE FIGURES, 75c, worth $I.fO. These goods are below regular market price and cannot be duplicated. Sun-Shades & Parasols. OUR NEW STOCK ISZNOW OPEN. Ladies will find Stjle and Economy combined in our selections. The Eighmie Shirt IS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. OUR PRICE ONE DOLLAR EACH. SEE OUR 8c Nainsook Plaids. We are receiving New Goods every Steamer. Our buyer is now In the Northern markets. Call and look over our stock. BROWN & RODDICK, SOLE AGENTS FOR BOTTRIGTS CUT-PAPER PATTERNS. Send 2c stamp for Catalogue. ap 5 tf Fire-Proof Oil" JS BETTER THAN "KEROSENE OIL," OR any other Burning Oil. Can be used In any lamp. For sale by HOLMES & WATTERS, 7 North Front St, HENRY HAAR, 701 Chesnut St WM. OTERSEN, corner 5th and Market. GIESCHKN & BRO., corner Chesnut and McRae. P. H. SMITH, corner 4th and Campbell. J. C. STEVENSON & CO., 617 North Fourth St. B. H. J. AHRENS, corner 7th and Market Sts. J. C. STEVENSON, 131 Market St. Watch this list and see it grow. mh 29 tf Seasonable Attractions QVER THE RAILROAD BRIDGE. Elegant Peeled Dried Peaches. lCc. " Apples, 8 lbs for 25c. New Turkish Dried Prunes, 3 lbs for 25c. New Martin's G. E. Butter, 3 lbs for $1.00. Old " " 30c per pound. Stevenson's Extra Family Flour, 5c per pound. The Bride Extra Family Flour, 4c per pound. Fresh Sound Pig's Feet, 6a per pound. Green Rio Coffee, 10c and 12c per pound. Rio, Laguayra and Java Coffees roasted daily Sugars XC, 60; W. Extra C, 7c; Granulated 8c. N. C, Baltimore and Ferris Hams,Bacon Strips. Dried Beef and Shoulders. Three-lb Canned Tomatoes and two-lb Canned CornlOo. Everything best quality. Full assortment Fresh vjwuu. ji j uuug mcuw lur itumiy supplies, Including Chickens and Eggs. Come over and ap 18 tf J. C. STEVENSON & CO, Groceries, Proyisions, Macco, &c. 1500 Bbls I, aU grades, 2gQ Bags COFFEE, Rio, Laguyra, Java, ijty Boxes D. S. SIDES and BELLIES, OK " Smk'd SIDES and SHOULDERS, 25 tins BUTTER, 150 Tcs Tubs Ca8ea IARD, : Q Bbls RICE, whole and broken, 5Q Boxes CREAM CHEESE, Bbls SUGAR, all grades, QAft Bbls an Boxes CRACKERS wvU and CAKES, 200 20X68 T0BACCO 611 grades JgQ Bbls POTATOES, 0BblsTUBNIPS' 200 Hnds Cnba and RB- MOLASSES, g 0 Bbls N- - MOLASSES,; jO Bbls and Half BWs MACKEREL, 250 24(9 MACEERSL. "300BoxesSOA?' Candles, Lye, Potash. Starch, Ac, For sale at low figures. mh 23 It ADRIAN ft VOLLERS. Fire, Life, Marine, Accident, Insurance. M.S. WILLARD, Agent, 214 N. Water St. ap 12 tf THE CELEBRATED ARRINGTON GAME FOf IS FOR SALE jyY GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL RE putatlon. They have tought and won a series of the greatest mams ever fought on this or any other continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhibition at Philadelphia in 76,were honored by the Uni ted States Centennial Commissioner with the Di ploma and Medal ThATMft vn.rtnfvnf V1w .ml - - Breeds in the United States. I wfll ship splendid wmmo, u 11110 biwj wm uanasome pxumare. nei Express. C. O. D., at from $4.00 to $6.00 each $10.00 per Trio. I expect to 'raise Two Hundred jaiio lajio oiiiiiuior, tuo mesv uames in the World, and will ship Young Fowls of March and - ummvuo V4 AlUCUBk DOIT tember and October, at Five Dollars per Pair, or wnoeveraisputestne superiority of my Birds, Win please back the assertion with their stamps. Addreat J. G. ARRINGTON, ' aptf . HnHardston. NashCo. N.C. ASSIGNEE'S -AT- 116 Market St. EXTRA ISDUOEMESp THIS WEEK. BARGAIN TABLE WITH DIFFERENT GOODS daily. RIBBONS, 2. 3. 5, 8c per raid. SATINS, Spring Shades. lOc per yam A few COLORED AND BLACK SIi KS left VERY LOW. .v GOOD DRESS GOODS at less than cost TIDIES from 8c up. NAINSOOK EDGINGS and rNSEETIojfc Hl able for cominu season. MEN'S WHITE LAUNDEIED SHIRTS, . MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS, 13o v.p. LADIES' VESTS, 22c up. AND EVER SO MANY ARTICLES TEAT aifsr BE SOLD. mh22tf Ealeigh EegisterT Early in February-as soon as theprmteara oeive the neeessary material-the pnblicafarf RAJLEIGH RG1T; a North Carolina Democratic newspe:,m; r commenced. The Rxsistkb will be printed weefriaft vte great political campaign of 1884 beris iitwll then be issued twice a week, or as often as nay uaeiiu or necessary 10 ine iremoctane in North Carolina, It will be printed from nss and beautiful type, on good white paper, asd though It may not be large enough to hold all at once all the good things that clowinp prospjci uses sometimes promise, yet the applicative; a thorough knowledge of how to use them will pit into its thirty-two broad columns all the new;, much jgood reading, and a complete historr cl what fi done in North Carolina. Sir. Iaie Vs be editor of the Regibteb. The price of the Resistes will bo $2 a year; for six mouths. Pay for your home paper, ana then remit for the Resisteb. Those who rcmit $2 to this office will receive as A PREMIUM, either volume ordered of "Hale's Industrial 5 ries." Two volumes are now ready: Tins Woods akd Ttjibxbs or Nosth Casoiisa -Curtls's. Emmons', and Kerr's Botanical B Dorta. snnolemented bv accurate Conntrtie. ports of Standing Forests, and illustrated by an excellent map or toe state. 1 toiejc 130. Cloth, 873 pp., $1.25. l&DUUTjaras 01 Nobts Caeoiina Is T33 Coil Amy Iboh Counties. Emmons', Kerr's, Laid lev's. Wilkes', and the Census ReDOrts: sapp' mentedby full and accurate sketches of :! Fuiy-six Counties, and Map of tne state. 1 volume isnno. vioia, pp., i.ou. Address RALEIGH REGIST5P, jan 19 D& Wtf Raleigh. S. C. Prospectus. ON THE 28TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1S85. THE undersigned will begin the puhlicatioa, at AshevUle, North Carolina, of a twenty-eUht col umn weesay xtewspaper, to do caueu The Western Tribune. - The TRIBUNE will discuss with entire freedom all questions of public interest. In politics it will teach Democratic doctrine, pure and simple. . . . It will strive to advance the educational in e8It vhJPTOalously for the upbnildiB of our whole State, and especially for the dewM mentof the varied resources of Western Jow Carolina. , ,. It will be the friend of all Railroads so Ions they are the friends of the people. . , It wul aspire to deserve the esteem of its ton ers by dealing with all subjeets in a Im Md fc nifled manner, and by carefuUy excluding from Its oolumns everything of a vicious tendency. The TRIBUNE outfit has been paid 1 or in rem and includes a Power Press. w The price of the paper wiU be-Per JfW Six Months 75c, Three Months Mc-mvariaW All communications should be addressed to THE WESTERN TRIBUNE, Ashevule, a. . FRANCIS CARTER, BUG. D. CARTER, NATHAN D. MAY, Editors and Publishers. FRANCIS CARTER, Proprietor. lan 17 u&wtr THE LANDMAN PUBLISHED AT STATES VILLE, IREDELL CO 6 fill I tf Leading JTcvspaper in Western Born Carolina. j k It Is the only Democratic Paper P.V Iredell County one of the largest ana w counties In the State-and has attatoeo foJt local circulation than any paper ever ne puDiisnea m tne county. Its clroulatlon In Alexander, Wilkes. Ashe, ghany. Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is &at nr vtW, naners in the State cornWne is rapidly acquiring astoongfoottoiai"" Surry, Rowan and westernMecklenbnrg. It Is the only paper In Western North M,naVu!nniiafaint.lT before the PP' . ) 'M this system a rapidly Increasing circaauv result, TnairiTig ine uuiuuiut THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM 1 ERN NORTH CAKOWi Address The Home Journals PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY V05 At Warrenton, N. C JOHW W. HICKS, EDITOR AND PEOP It has a splendid circulation to Kfe Warren, Vance, Halifax, N. C.,ana- s m a year tbo t Warren- - The Lincoln Press, PUBLISHED -EVERY FRIDAY, A TON, N. Co By JOHN C. TIPTON, Ed'r ThA muss is acknowledged.Wr have tried it, to be one ShCarS" Ja X Mediums in Western North Cajwtn large and steadUy toarfng If, B coku Gaston, Catawba. JiEg Mecklenburg counties AnTuni. ' , . OuDBCripviuu a. AEr, 'I

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