.v- f,V., CtSB Hoknino STAR, tto "oldest dally news ' aper la North Carolina, Is published dally, except toad&y, at $ 7 00 per year, $4 00 for six month 3 00 for three months. $140 for two months; 75c -or one month, to mail subscribers. . Delivered to ; Ity sabseribon at the rate of IS oenta per week f any period from one week to one year. WIS w asKLT STAR Is published every Friday morn.ua at SI 50 per Tear, 1 00 for six months 50 - V . . ADVERTISING RATES (DAILY). One square : : V. ' ne day, $1 00; two days, $1 75: three days, $ 50 j t - i four days, $3 00: five days, $8 50; one week, $400; , T v ' v two weeks, $6 50: three weeks $8 50; one month. -. " w , two montns, sir w ; tnree monus, - hi xmont$40;twelTe months, $00.00. Tea . V" t o solid Nonpareil type make one square. - r - AH annonnoements of Jairs.Vj'esttvala. Balls . . -r 1- Hops, Plo-Nios, Society Meetings, PoUtlcal Meet , - ; ags, so., wui De cnargea regular aavernsuig iww : Nbttoes under head of City Items" SOeents per : me for first insertion, and W cents per line for , ach Subsequent insertion. . ; .. . -v No advertisementa Inserted la Local Colnsm at any price. i . , i i f. AdTertisements tnaerted once a week la Dally . i wiu oe caarjred si ooper square roreaoa insertion. - ,Brery other day, three- fourths of dally rate. ; Twk3e a week, two tlilwU of daily rate. An-extra charge win be made for double-column -r triple-column adTertlsementa. j , ' Notfoes of XarrJage or Death. Tribute of, Be : tpect. Resolutions of Thanks, o., are charged . sor as ordinary adrertisements, but only half rates . V) oenta will i wnen paia ror smouy in aavanoe. At uus rate yfor a simple announcement of Marriage or . .tO. ! 1 Adrerti9ements to follow reading matter, or to iKJcapy any special place, will be oharged extra (tocordlng to the position desired j ; ... . ""AdTertlsementa on which no speolfled number .- of Insertions is marked wQl be oontmned till for , bid,? at the option of toe publisher, and charged ' up to the date of dlsoontlnuanoe. . . ". : AdTertfeements dlsoontlmied before the time t iontracted for has expired,' charged j transient ates ior time aocuauy paousnea. ; :; f i AdTertiaementskeritnnderthe head of "New AdTertiaemeiits" will be charged fifty per cent, extra,, v - t - Amnsement, Auction and Official advertisements one dollar per square for each Insertion. rAl! announcements and reoommendatlons of eandldatea for offioe. whether In ttie shape of 9omiminloatkn8orotherwlse,wUlbe enanredat c? Payments for transient advertisements most be made fn advance. Known parties, or stran&er ; wltS proper reference, may pay monthly or qnar ' terly, aooordlna to oontraot. .. , , ! ' "Contract advertisers win not be allowed to ex oeed their space or advertise any thing; foreign to their rejralar boslness wtthont extra charge at transient rates. i'i.u'i v I i Bemtttanoes must be made, by Check. Draft, -Kswki .ont)T ww, ji mwi, or m nwoBierea ?v.9? Bncn remtttanoes will .be. -a tt riBa ox toe puoiisner. 1 i cnnieatkms, miess they contain taper- tant news, or dlsonss briefly and properlT8ubJeS ofrealtnteresljvarenot wanted: a ft aooeftt! able In everv other wav. they fll invarfablv ba - rejected U the realnameoftheanthorla withheld. Advertisers shoeH alwaysepeolfy the Issue or aanee they desire to adrerose tn. Where no is--Hie is named the advertisement will be Inserted , n the DailT. Where an adTertiaar sontraata tern . 1 the paper to be sent to hfan during the time his advertisement Is tn. the proprietor will enlV ba responsible f or the maOlng of the paper to his adV areas. The Morning Star. Br WILLIASI H. BEBKARS.; WTLMmQTONt N. C. Thubsdat Eveking. Apkh. 23. 1885. 1 EVENING EDITION, THE VIRGINIA CASES IN COTJKT. - t. t ft. ,., a i terest has been delivered by the Stf preme Conrt ot the United Sta'tes in some years to that on the Virginia Coupon cases. -It is an opinion tiat rloea not affect Virmnia ilnrw fct" dot Virginia alone but uiajr BBnousijr, aiiecis omer statesv l lhe case is worth considering, at :some"lengthl " The Court holds that when a tax payer has made a tender of coupons which is the interest on the bonds to a tax collector that he is not bound to pay the tax jmelolfteisray1 If th6 fVSjquponal aiedeMedbui j his may rest secureiy In the fact thatj he has made a full and sufficiient teider and that a tax collector who' shall .at tempt to collect by force afterwards by levying on" the tax-pay era pro perty does it at his personal peril and will not be protected by any legislation of the State. 8 I . , " This looks like a righteous decis ion. A. State issues bonds and prem ises lo pay accruing interest. It does .seemrfair that, when that interest,- in the shape of coupons, is offered in "payment of taxes that it should! be valid payment and should relieve the tax-payer from all subsequent -claims. - .- I - The Supreme Court, in its decis ion, -declares in effect that the acts Of the .V irffinia. Lefnalai.nr Atmprt tA r ? coupons ate null and voidJ' V'itsliYg ' the coupons' ard valid nd the bbnd bplders are protected and snstained; 15ojm of thejiine Judges dissented; They contend in their opinion tjiat "the eleventh' amendment is not 'in tended as a mere jingle of words, to . Hogowe- ities and artificial methods of inter ; pretation.". Now this eleventh amend ment forbids that a State should; be c:-, - rvrJ - -.i i-, .fi. lnviduaL I' says: I,, - ,f ;j '.The' judicial power Of the" United States SSXSSSS rnTaworqmtycouTmencecror prosecuted against one of the United States by citians of another State, or by citizens of subjects " of any foreign State." - J j -ISne dissentients aro ChW Jnri,o " Waite and Justices Bradleykdler "and Gray.' The oninion -W-is. - vpiuwu lUBt aeuv-.l is thought by some to. contra-1 "-r"" sdhyen ;1883.- iTJiei;New York tfictra; previous Opinion of the Cohrt 7?m i1i.rtn.OM i.i.-J. ,1 r-W -o mn,cr eiauoraie I ly, ind says That the case previously aeciaeay .involved practically the same issue as the recent cases. j ln ;the decision of 1883 hhe State was sustained. The Times savs: ; .edecMonseemsmitsessentiatrini r 1 ' y '-'i . StW.Wotte ajroearsInanmconBistent posi-i iillttUiewAi!i i MSipnpt Uow I ys: i "Notwithstanding Mr. Matthews 1 ion f two years ago, the deekioa which he delivered yesterday declares thai ine sun against a collector of taxes is not a suit tion by its authority for the reason that the law under which he lias assumed to act is void. - The State cannot-taa a4aw which is forbidden by the Constitution of the United States, and any one assuming to act' under such a pretended Jaw is personally liable for his acts fn violation of the rights of citizens." '. ' S :' ' . ..Bat aside from the;, legal aspects of the question, what " will be the effect upon Virginia ? The Governor will at once call the Legislature to gether. Some . Bay. that ' the ! com mons schools of the State will have to stop. But this is not absolutely certain. or necessary Even 'the judicial and administrative machinery .may be imperilled, as - some seem to thinkil: But this will not follow. The revenues of the State are said to be some $3,000,000. ' The .interests ! re quires ' $1,400,000. This will leave $1,600,000 ; to carry on , the Siate operations, which is very , much more than North Carolina has. -There is nothing in the situation that is alarm ing.: Virginia is abundantly able to meet her honest, obligations. She is m a prosperous condition. : Her peo- J pie, if necessary, know HOW to make 1 . : ' . sacrmcea lorine mamienance oi we ureuib auu uuuor qi uie iotaie. xve- pudiation of any sort on the part of a great Commonwealth is a bad busi ness. ' ' ' ' ' , ' The decision may affect other 1 "y:, W.W ',luer wes. i Oi..i. t; i . I - " i ., .to meet obligations they , have .been I disriosed to " shirt f TTn-or it 4,511 j aiSPOSea lo 8lurjc- Mow operate as to the future of parties in Virginia we may not undertake i to anticipate. : ' ENGLAND ABOUSED. .For the first time in. two weeks we are inclined to the opinion that there will be war between Russia and Eng land, -Russia has grown so insolent so pugnacious, that England is simply '.forced to fight. If she will not fight now, after, the overbearing nl warlike attitude of Russia after 1 an overt : act. that : means war or means nothing, then indeed has Eng land fallen from her high position' as one of the great Powers as a nation as grea'V in war, as she is in peace. as erea't' in war as she is in neaoe iB-.S VrP - not f refa8es t0 dWow w . General Kmaroff has done m ttackinK the Afghans and seizing penjdeb, but refuses to make any ex- nMons whatever: Notonlvhi,. t , r ' ' I put as the JNew York limes eaja: .'Moreover, complaints are made of the size of Sir Peter Lumsden's escort, of Lord Dufferin's dnrbar at Kawalnlnri; nH nf - . i , ; -- r " I his menacing speeches.. If England does not .ngnx ,npon uus it is a lair inference that she will not fleht at all. and that Rus sia may advance to Herat or to Cahdahar without effective opposition. - t . Thenews from London of the last two or . three days is more warlike than before. :The peace-loving Pre mier ha9 asked for a wir fralif A a war credit. At t England is hu- last be realises that Engl miliated, and now no tninto that there must be war He asks for $55,- 000,000. The forces in the'Snnn IS fiBfloraA nnomof t?not-. , TTT 1:1- I 18 dPfilarPfJ AO-Ainat. Rnisit Wo i;va peace .Dd i,. : tnt wekre tired of seeing the insolent Musco- vites tweaking the nose of -our Eng- lish progenitor, and we will be satis- - x . 1 uuwonn uau will nit ? But - what a. war it will comes! 'Russia is a tremendous meanj war. Ti0 nK;. nr- AUV VUIVOEU VU VIII I - I says pertinently: - i . I "The Russians fought terribly at Plevna. I With'the weapons' now in the hands of nearly all the soldiers of the world, war be tween 'civilized' peoples comes near enough to butchery to. confuse most people's Ideas of the two things. 1 More men were killed at Plevna on both aides than, either Turkey AkUBoiu waa . wiumg snouia De written down in history. "Accbrdinzlv th aa. officially butthebones of the dead were eventually dug un. and used for varihim commercial . purposes. Scientific war has Decomeso destructive of life that it is hot disclose the facts to patriotic popu- lation.'r. , , . - .,.. . ' ' Mr-N. D. Sperry is an active Re- publican. He has been postmaster at X.T . f w New Havers fdrtwenty-four years. He has tJnade a ' e bas 'ade a most efiicient and t official. . The Washington " ' ' "" 1 'J:",:..8. rtm the office ta the satisfactiott l nnMu .s; "tamps and kept its accounts straight,- The New Haven, office Isl said to have ranked S effldencyWitttheNew York office; and I M SperryTUough a red-hot partisan out- tv aet was a n0n.partMan postmaster inside. I J He therefore laid thntemWoldlfn mwim eft"n that was urged in the caseof Mr. f - v. HI WIU1U' ; i Hia tAvm W -:j -xlr J. - ...... - - T fl' ' - SJIA BStiM All V CI I -' P ihmr V" v f-i left -out ,i wouw baTebeen-clad if Pearson had lnlthe Md.i Turn J em aU 9Ut Jft tte.righCway, tht.ItaMernffi f - v. irfiivvtr i .. : - . - . j. f mv wuvuier you approve ot i or paia taxes or nre ana four years, back. P? She has the best of soldiers. not . This invitation is not on a high iowUnjbit:mmS3 They fight far better now than in the level of political morals, but fronf a MffidJ??f wben b an .effdri it Napoleonio wars or. even in the Cri- man of fir. Evarts's antecedents' and ltontrlnd?i nSfe: W7.,'- 7--7 ttuiru 'wiiesausxea me .withi cThe I appointed Minister. So .Mr. Keiley's I . . J Tesigoation was opportune if en- Vtror. nxiwara a. jnorse, ox eaiem Mass., experimenting with solar rays for neaun&ju.4 venuiaung butMings . lie ex pects to succeed, and believes he has al ready furnished the crude apparatus that will - be ultimately refected. iKtftac UArontde. Men of sciencV&i .01 the sun will beetsy"ulizeds to run machinery "furnish lieat and so tides rece r"V , " .rTrro fx:" r4i I vv . "Tr," . VT7- r umcer4A; YVWienaiL axiio'cioctf this fore- l . . a a. ; m i civil NHrvif'O rornvmaw at- all avanri I on "The New AstronomtS that' 'm ."T PMe4n,;We ssenat n.n irn(m ipiosib room la the 1 H secretary of titate- now-j basemejat ,.Of thtf ."building 'The firemen ntly appeared in - TAe Century I DV ?,-tr.Vl-irjii v. 1 l iwi vi52 wWiAtiohf thanra ra 1 1 ami biaiI ; A Trcn nVi . Htian' ittMX,' niui' rLalloflhe catefi of the Admifaltv bttfldinflr ha ,;f i w Kkrnet?" With tha ATntioA nf r"r- -f-i""- f n - of the sud, the rays therefrom fur- nishing the motor and tbus turning ,.- ,t French diecovery.BoU, maohne, are represented in The Century - arti- ...... Cles. The cholera is attracting be , at tention of the authorities in, Wash ington and a quarantine is the talk for all : the Atlantic ports. -This 'would seem to be imperatively neces sary. An ounce of preventive is the I thinff needpd Th nnontmn "At the, I . neeuea. xne quesuon OI ine rights of State8 miffht come UD ind to save all doubt or-complaints the quarantine should be enforced ;by; State authorities. It is more than doubtful, under a strict construction of the r Constitution, if the Federsl Government has th W1 mVlir. .-- - - n v v disregard State authority and estkb- . uu U lish a quarantine at. points of danger. ' I M TVT rll r T T I . xue. nunoiK juanamarc reeraras the decision in the Counon cases as a yery serious matter, and advises the people of Virginia, in town and coun ty, "to pay their taxes in money and not to tender coupons. It saya in the conclusion of its discussion: - ."Our treasury ought not to be crippled, least of all, by our own people, and we should all show that if the State has lost her her .people and the way to do this is the waJ Jusl inaicatea. CURRENT COMMENT. iub ineory nas oeen prompt- lyvanced by be friends of 8L The theory has been prompt- tor Mahone that this decision will helP t0 enhance that gentleman's political importance in Vkginia and will promote his chances . of election to the Governorship of that. State. oubt, in politics, the politician is fometimesserved by the branding of ne aocinne tnat ne preaches. It depends simply in thU insUnce noon the question whether the people jot Virgipia are disposed to support ToV. ; :.: .t. . F auouvruo lu UUUUB1UUU W lUO I UU v o i .P ment of the Supreme Court of the United States, or to recognize the autnoruy or the augnst tribunal which has merely told them ought to pay their debts. be admitted that Senator Mahone tag the advantage , of t leadership: in' a n A. 1 . . mwTviueub wmou, navmg oeen in BDired bv a falfl rnnopntinn f nrlot J Pirea Dy a taise conception of what ?ae to the integrity of a State, bab e o . rnM' worae of -wn hitter tienah wM,?. 1 judicial decision, and will make the I repudiation issue a nrominent S ?n malTb tv. Saturday afternoon Senator iJawes one still more remarkable, tMr Evarts was distingnish- w oj ine periectiy developed vanid- ity of hi8 interminable periods'but expectauons h is comorebensible. J -I! . , . - , . . . Qn1 urill nr hA talrAn .. n 4 1 it is worth. But Mr. Dawes's Speech was at once demagoerio. Ignorant J and pretentions, and, coming from a leader of the party in the staunch Republican State, from the man who holds the seat of Charles Sumnerl fn the Senate of the United States, and who aspiies ta direct the thought of j n,s party, was, ; m the assumption .party would, listen .to it with patience, simply insulting.- JV. T. jr- Jr m - 1 WHOLESALE MOBMON CO N- VERSION. j - Herald. Tallc abmit o ii4n0 nt t, : A , ? Cllai,?! .hf art', said, a long-haired and big-wbiskered man at the Rock Island depot. . "I've just come from the biggest revival Where was stander. that?" asked .a bv-1 r,i--'-A " I -V, C tcXXTX . TTT . -w.. V . , 1 first speaker continued.. ,lWe had Mormob settlement in ilLirdcOun- :. V uy ous in.jVyo8tern.utan," the a.COnnJ;r ande fought , we were getting H - t, migniy suck wnen ail of a sdd e the , Suited States grand jory: - - I it had the merit of some genuine hn-1 era We? pay JJaetaTes against jixeml to h if it mor in the introductionf and f J iP.te"feW. .4 - " I i . ' . - I vajiu auymuJK at ait" ADC1 tht'rnnw I war J a r "T " i uiwn lcoiucnia-oi me county, nave hot I ub Bnovuiae ana- ciap-;:r;ue,pamuii8irauonio, pjce pea ns aiLm jaiL 'rhere was mdre'n m Am - wv. tiTT ,.:rr,":; aiiZ721:ly0 thes ahd aw led t)hi W ranontoilSi frf .i t t . i-.i - - i I f WiIl the conversion r be perma nent ?" asked a listener. " $-;Tre stranger hitched up his trou sers gind takip a I long; breath ob-4 served: "a to theothersI don'6 knoy, butVthe jjaJFandthe -broo cured mef PnftfBf or Jersey, vand it will take the whole United States armyjtpjbring mejback again." pWasfc Brjfpia j ? 5 Secretay!il Bayard is the typical ftW.. :?:Z,Z n'r'T" ''F' Bayard , have his own way. Hence J tW Wwiir, ;m,Ut a nn a prn n nia v-a.-'B.. j a. . .S'aX blunder jafter i blunder : in his diplo- 1 matlQ aDDOintmentft ,, :Two cren Aral ideas 8eezn, to;domjnie them sSesn are blue blpoxJ .aniuthern afnW SouU siblvbenobitior c0ia1.:A- ;r:Tr 'WfJW0.?! menfrom.tisuitt-r, h.ba8r Wholly ignored the yoice qf tho represenlatire men of the Sooth.' InA- made firlectionsr6r rjerarmf LL sons, i - one of fiArdon': UplrtBar itteVs.' -UWfceApril 16.Gen.. Gordon, Dltlnn 1 . f -w i ww aesDerate, is. i aav hia whnnyfeliDg ol.bittrneaft state it merely as a fact. If tha lawn falls.it is a . question, iwhether it wilt insure thef "fall b?assala and Be- , -i Co""lT- n ABopprtane Time, C- Hew TorV Run He bean tlinr J hi. CZa ;mn;. j.-T-r-e -vw u lmpassionedogs, when, suddenly ner face, boaiqs perfectlyexpressipn' less, her, eyes assumed a far awarr whither-am-I-driftinir look! and I lnfrBt in?;fQ Bl,fx-j n 5 - I 'ZTh.J he said, coldlv:1 "your evident indifference leads'- ma to oeiieve that my -words are dis - tasteful to " N-not 1 a-at' a-tall, George," she articulated, with ; great difficulty, 4b b-but I f feel th thatTm a-a-about to. s-s-sneeyie aw, , chew hasp-chew sbool There! Now, George, as yon were saying" .Alms t Alas t From Mr. Randali's Phaadelnhia VVASHKTftTO ine worst, bit, .1 . . . aepnvea o' gacions coumeiaf arthemOinerit wh;eti WflBW Bwoeenoi tnegreatfest va ue Bat -from Mr. Raridall, sTck" chamber havlnX f Silf mcy wouia nave" oeen or tne greatest lme,y counsel gone forth now and .- . . " - ouu.i .Y.vfit jiHaaujf ; appoinmenis i piosion was not acciaentai, but , that it was made , by Jhirn foairfif ths. arelrpm caused by dynamite. jiA!-large force of de the Sont5iem""5?f fttoo rii'flm -"rtecttrei iinaetAlBsnector 'O'Hairan. has N, ADril 19. Abdirt r - : " A - 5 JfUiea Pwang 0,ttUJr " w- Af m afnrtnna t. I .! "7:T3:r- " - " "v'"i I oiiauiot, apni rAiT . - " T .1 "? ior BuoaaipK the names, ana assistance steady; Howard street . I toc mw iu ih me , nrotractea i 1 wuoreov lue Aammistrftt.inn hMhn I then 1 g1 t0 Y that thlntthe spread of the flames. Fifteen PP th the timevi t; fcil4' Jeea destroyed and customed activity in affira of -mo ,rto, - a .::. Jrp - - F . ment.,, . .,- .. . . , J I - - ' uii.' -ai ODE ITA1B CONTKMPORAHlEI. 4 etknowof, our, own knowledge and nave heard from creditablA mn th li.. i sheriff had through1 negligence allowed many former residents of .'the county who fault, but.it is the fault of the board of commissioners that the amount nf nnM tales is so great Why is it that no action has been taken against insolvents for two or inree years past iVartAagpfazette. Instead of manufacturing nur own most abundant native, wooda;and ores into the different articles we' need 'and also mike thetn; a sonrce df revenue we buyalniost Aan aUI. 1. .1 - - a. - J 7 Tw t. wtwio ua-www ua iron ware that is SJOTfr?Wt bouse,, froii. I bearPwklfc bed stead; walk oyer VlforihArn-marfA' pet aod:stlr np 4he fire' with a Northern maafliboveUad tongs, or start it from' liorthern made match. W t S? .w - maatlfactured stove; eat dn'a 1 . .... . - - vai LUl A . nrTlou, lfUIU xvonaern made i w i j J0 ' Biaaa! toivea; and I iinamsj were demolished. ' Larkin Gen rH Pk our teeth with ,a; wc$entry1ron8e; ffrSSIL w u5, 11114 sent downto ua from t l also reraldemoushea and himself' the ever busy and money gathering North5. Political jpoints, , 1 The, ratals "Object td be , trjed t and a humber b'f the honest rnk H TL OUt! 'hikmiketIndip. . - " - ' - 'Atf esteemed oiWntettporaV a.t. i trri . . . I vonism Mtrarv AfDolowS? 8ecr?Ury S ociary miuiney:faa;Apoito.JSdw, uoas,ai?aojonin,,0 But ' no means a fftvnn'f trfth Rpntt.rt OTVi(.L.::nJl2 a ----rJ r iei:e TSahlf vkl faidisbositlo khu UILlilZ Jciala that d6 not arhovVefxSS" " www yuil IA OVIDiai iuhx atsl ace the blame nrUiJ ae. snouioera or Becretar rvBavafd. J Thfl & I a,Jthaf6sfrvelvt- :.karettes, smoker.-whrt-.r- m u iff .oramr?. ad? .cigarette,- wHI'flnd ; . a. - i . z jivv n.rir: u er l THE:LATEST NEWS. w ; 7 N . ' " FHOil AUS J?AETS OF THE WORLD London Excised over an Explosion In the Admiralty Office In Wblteball Several- Fereene -injured -and the ) OIBesmtCannleie Wrfch-nriMn f Imrsv JjONi)ON. ADrii s 83. -11.80 A. M, Great excitement was caused In ; the Admiralty I WfS'PJi'JP l once P08 wer: aiwweqw enter oraeparirom -the premises until a tho- supposed that the explosion was caused by I ntodm'y for exam- curred in.the Becretarrs deoartment. Mr. , iivuiww, auiu,u. me ciuiuoiuu oc dwin Swaruson; - assistant secretary 'and principal clerk,5 received a severe scalp wound.' 1 Itlssald that other officials were also injured;' but none- so seriously as Mr. owarneoir. ; n is now Deuevea mat ine ex- aa P0 one .is;,aiiowea to; leave, until after jidentmcatton, v- ; aO PMThe explosion thU morning hadU wnaged ;the -room' in which it oc- t yCurredVaid jt rt on flre. TheofBcjals and e vria sTv& a- as ha v i s 0 InforjnedLby.toJsgraphof the explosion.and Were, f jurnfehedwUh all of the facts in qou-nectiB-itbexeRRh: that, were ascertainable at the. time... A special messenger was dis--patched to wet. Home OfQce, and Sir Wm. Verndof lTar09rt.J ltdme'Becretary, was jim.-yaumPik-jjLMi;iiMMi were unmeaiafeiy Bproston :Oairie,fM Pi ; Civil Lord of the uh9 uuuucu - ui uie .' auurt - jur. vi ui. used 10. ause the explosion. Mr. Swain- son's.' room,4 Inu which- the explosion took I and. while all of the windnwo fmntino- rn i . Qprss jGuarda parade grounds were vue inspectors or the Home Office ground, and are ma- examination of the wreck age, , -Jo arrests liave been made up to this hour, nor has any one beendetained even on suspicion. ,? Noclue of any kind what soever has yet. been obtained a.3 to the ori gin ot yaa explosion. f 7WWl-X Harcourt ana uoiJiajenaie, t;mex inspector of Jfix- ploslvs,r are . making careful and per- sonarexamination of the wreck. No official 8ttemeht oi the cause of the explosion has T-16 and other pnn- ioirwui"'? uwumg are uninjurea. fcA i cussion of the brain. It is expected, how- 1 , UTCr rwmus injuries. PENNSYLVANIA. Disastrous Fire in tne Town of Sbarps bnrflr toes $75,000. CBy Telegraph to the Mornlnjr Star. 1 Pittsbuko, April 23, 2:30 A. M.A fire atSharpsburg, Pa., started in the saloon of PoMurphv, on jTenth street, shortly before 1 o dock, and quickly communi cated to the adjoining buildings on both sides. Three stores and four dwellings are has not yet ' arrived from Pittshnrir SharpsburgJs a thriving borough of about 5,000 inhabitants, with many fine buildings V Al M.The firb is burning fiercer than I Bver,' anana-'aiop .'or ! "r;anana-xirop.oi' water' nasi been thrown 00 tte doomed boJMingi or those has arrived. rnt it fa eTnertAd mnm.ntnrfi. r k -WW-WMWMMMJ A. a& IIUQ meanwhile, the citizens are powerless to The excitement is intense, The loss at thin hotircannotbe approximated, but it-will be very heavy brr 8.20 Ay M. The Alleghfcny Fire-Department has Just arrived, - and was greeted with cheers, They are doing good service and have the fire! now under control. One entire -block of buildings has been con sumed entire. Theldss will foot up $75.- TEXABJ Terrffle Cf done-Several Ilonsea De- mJjsfee sutd a Nnaaber ofPenim Killed. ; By leletraph to the Mornm Star.l j twGAi.VB8TOH.' April B3. AsTHJcial to the !'frottl Mexia Texas,- says:" The Prairie Grove neighborhood, eight miles south of Mexia. was visited about a AViA,-.ir yesterday by a severe cyclone, causing sen- jw usmigo vo aie ana property. A two- I Story school house. j in Which were ahrtnt I fifty chfldren, was blown down and tor4 to I pieces, killing one child and wounding save- 1 rai cniwren. The casualties were as fol-, f lows: Fourteeiiearold daughter of J.iP.,1 owmg , Kuieaj-iMieiie uook, Jtg broken; 1 two'chi dren of JBi Herring, leg end arm woken? two lohfldrea nf Mr. O'Hara, Jeg andiBfared interhallv. i ThA TinnM I i . inn mmI . a 4 I ptnntn n mi flCA1 no or Mr.Mji McKinnonr was blown down, so- 1 seUers' opUon; August and September Se riously injuring the,-owner. The store-: J kTerj 6 &-64d. buyers! option; September house and PostofSce. owned hv j :n 1 and October delivervR r&jua hnM 5a&heft i were demolished and the goods j pr6misouousiy Scattered ine residences wiii B.'wx.-u, Thdmp&on-and T. J. r-wire ana cniicrkilled."Othererfon. oi; "o. uucvwuu gi me cyclone." ' GENJ GRANT. No Worairot Better, than Vested " f?y Telegraph to the kdrnhut Star. NEwriTOBijCnrfl 2S.T iW.L-. ( 5?ev?.i(L JsleepjjQntihuously throuja the night. His,res,wa broken, but toe the same as onTnMufav niohf Tkr -T eral would have arisen and dressed t 7 ;'eaockihisiiiorin W ,iw:iSSu. .Vised him to remain TjlI 'rr: uiore, ' The7GeherTl W&0 qie Wed nea-T better, than yeaterdiyS I T10 market .was quiet, teady and nn v TJ' i Chamred. The sales f of thA H ri kvi ' V -B - -" - - I jar - " ' an 1"- I - in IBy TleiTanrtoth3.-ir . . RSSSP!? Streetpril 23; lixk ;op?niniaCTn fiM wiuunini wibn-Mir.AoMi.. - l wa rdllbwed bv a rrTin,,rrx.vr l irregular. Pacific Mail has been prominent for its strength, and all Gould stocks in facr: have been strong. Transactions continue light, and the, bulls talk very confidently this morning of higher prices. The loan ing rates continue easy; New York Central loaning at J-128l-64, - and others flat to 1J.28 At 11 o'clock Grangers and nnnlrl stocks are a shade higher than at the open ing. -and-New York Central, Lake Shore and Lackawanna are a fraction lower Oieon Railway- Navigation rose from ,67 to 70 on amail , transactions. : The total sales forthe first honr Were 50,000 shares.; i COMMERCIAL. W MiM IN G TON MARKET : STAR OFFICE, April 23, 4 P. M." SPIRITS TURPJSNTINE--Th.e market was quoted1 firm at 29 cents per gallon bid,, with sales reported later of 25 casks at that price. ; : : ROSIN The market was quoted quiet at 90 cts asked for Strained and 92 cts for Good Strained, with no sales reported, j TARThejnarket. was quoted torn), at $1 10 per bbl. of 280 lbs, with' sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Market steady, with sales reported at $1 15 for Hard and $ls 55 for Virgia and Yellow Dip. COTTON The market was quoted steady, with small sales reported on a basis of 10 cents per lb for .Middling. The following were the official quotations; Ordinary : . . . . . . . . . . . 8 cents lb Good Ordinary. ....... 9 " liOWMidnnn)?.. ..10 1-16 " f Middling 10 . i Good Middline. .10 9-16 " " , PEANUTS Market quiet and steady, with sales reported- at 4550 cents for Extra Prime, .5560 cents for Fancy, and $75 cents for Extra Fancy. ; RICE Market steady and unchanged. We quote: Rough: Upland fl 00l pLO; Tidewater $1 151 80. Clean: Common 4i4i' cents; Fair4f5 cents; Good 5 5f cents; Frime 5f6 cents; Choice ! 6i 6i cents per pound. j TIMBER Market steady. Prime and Extra Shipping,- first class heart, $9 00 10 00 perM. feet; Extra MiU, good heart, $5 508 00; Mill Prime, $6 006 150; Good Common Mill, $4 005 00; Inferior to Ordinary. $3 004 00. . K ECEirTS. Cotton.... Spirits Turpentine..., Rosin . Tar Onule Turpentine 8 bales 54 casks 858 ;hbls 179 -hbls 59 bbls DonEsnc marhjsts: ; By Telegraph to the Homing Star.t ' Financial. New York. April 23. Noon. Money easy at 1 per cent. Sterling exchange 486 and 48S. State bonds qoiet and steady. Go vernments steady. Commercial. Cotton steady, with sales to-day of 425 bales r middling uplands lOJc; middling Orleans llc. Futures quiet and steady, with sales to-day at the following quotations: April 10.76c; May 10.78c; June 10.88c;July 10 97c; August 11.04c ; September 10.79c. Flour dull and heavy. Wheat lower and weak. -Cora dull and lower. Pork dull at $13 0013 25. Lard steady at $7 20. Rniritn tiirnerttinn ctoo xr o 041. d 23. Flour Quiet and and western miwr o ia4 w; tuo Dranoa a uu. Wheat southern steady-and-ffuietT western loWer closing dulU aoutherBfred fl 04106;!do amber $1 081 10,' NO. tMaryland $103 bid; No. 2 western: winter red on spot 97T 97fc. Cornsouthern higher with an active demand r western Ann and dull southern white 5961c; -do yellow 5758c rOBBIGliaURKBTs. . ! - v- tBy Cable to the XoEn&ur Star.l LdvxHPOOL. April 28, Noon. Cotton quiet, with a fair inquiry; middling uplands 5d; middling Orleans 5 1516d; sales to day of 7.000 bales, of which ROO mm fm. speculation and export; receipts 11,000 roues, oiwnicay.yuo Dales were American. Futures steady. Uplands, 1 m c, April and May delivery 5 53-64d ; "May and June de livery 5 54-645 55-64d; June and July delivery 5 58-845 59-64d; July and Au gust delivery 5 fi3-4&ft , 9-64d ; August and September delivery ft 2-646 S-64d; September and October delivery 5 63-64d; October and November delivery 5 53-64d; November and December delivery1 5 50-64d. i Spirits turpentine 24s. Sd.- Good uplands 6d ; middling uplands Old; JOW-middlin? 5d! rVwi nrrlinarv 5d ; ordinary SJd.. ;Good middiine Texas I 6 l-16d; middling Texas 5 15-16dlowmid- UUUK ; A-ioaj gpoa ordinary 5id; ordi- nary 5M. Good midrllinrr Or Wn aKI. tllR i low middling 5-13-16d; eood ordinary 5id' ordinary 5fd. -1 f ' x i i J K M. Uplands, 1 m c,-April delivery 54-64d, sellers' Option April and May .de- "very o sellers option; May and une leHVery - 5 65-64d, buyers' option : d July delivery, 8 H4d, seUers; option:-Jul v and Anonst delivery 6d, 11011 J October and ITovember delivery 5 seuers opuon; JMovember andDe- cember delivery 5 eXMfid. buyers option Sales of cotton to-day include 5,300 ba.es American, i t .; -fij tt? New. Tork Naval Stores iaarkei. ; ', N. f Y. Journal of QpmerceAprU , ; Spirits TuTTjentineThe .rnirW steady, ,bnt quiet, the sales. ot a jobbing 31ic. Eosinsatarketslewand unchanged. Following are the quotations: "Btraiaed ; w-vli 06; .good M strained at $1 10; No. Vat ilNoTriT! rtVV, So? -; . rale- M dt 3.40-iTtV le N- at I4r ;wmaowkgiass Wat4; . fW.35 r-WflnlInoni1)ftcll.. Qlioted-at 70ar9(L " ' raof j ; . quoted lp4Si sxm ttroif.. i ' '- ---i aaisfKi dV worn Vt KVIa Pale H ot 8: tra fti rw j tT I ; .7V - oieiow , are .'Ine .- ofnciai nnnijitinna u I .,. . r ' " "J I X UU12L . J . UHU. r, WJ oawtc;i ooa ly,., rn the sout ca si li-m. 5 x"- . : ... - t jy. - ioriavgafflua.toBaeg ' AV wuw. uluahih "iamJ'w.nuiu8testim A Kemarknrtin -,.. uuuvuwih memDer of th fi-U. UBnt e-c with a severe case of pkeT JaIia,b,e eolt t-v the most fearful caP0f biWpli t2h& everseen. After eight or ni mpWonine Ik 15 tag with every rernldv thaf Tons of dVe desDairedof a'cure. Qit thi,' 1W hA: riirhthtod l woVrir. 4 swollen iZL? una we to mnvn. honon,. rr."ul.s me hn. i h&oyeryfortrrunsnb S SS?erf l'W orea n hU boha,11 limbs. He was a most pitiahio i and oti and I was advised to endPhRuffI??kiDs t shot-eon. He was & Woi.u,BUIIennM hh.v. not wantf to lose hta After mJ?al W l S in search for anotherremertt Jackln my ihaW X8VB iZllf I uable to the human family asT wrt ?as inw and why should it not betor tL a00 WWte' I did not hesitate, but sent 1? Kal we 1 ; .for a supply. lastJu'yto AtlaiL? I beean the tKntmont j.v . 4 oz of water three times h0 oz" 5 S. 8. s .M uearoraweex. Then 1 increkspH tla pa. of each, and oontinued fnl!11? d -i a . - h. Then 1 increeLl1 back to 6 oz. again. The result wafK6111 of the first week the horse 9tb at tb tite, which he had not had sWo Sad a fa'r apti niJh?.ndaev mnrAiuuui tn a nCT 1 . ' a vvep mi u provement was apparent, for manv J JSLFy. and the hors manvn? fa- horse i uetsire w moye about. At thP aU T'stsd 9 week he betran to ahnw Ltb,e eld.of the thLa full appetite. The swel hTg had ah ad peared. I used In all about i5 hntf?boc W Specific, and when I quit its uSt eof up Immediately. passed away, and up to aat the turn of the trouble Eave made tbli? the and the horse has done a S work ne. - I regard it one of the Zst remarteyfani!; have erer known Thus the great S e-Wres J Kenboon to the animal Sg$$g Augusta, Jan. 9, 1885. .TQ T t? MaUidfree. a C100a and SKin Dheaas. THE SWIFT SP3CIFIC CO JanSO-DAWly - n-SwT STft TUTT Us fJreatest Medical Triumph of tho Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. 1 if Pain nnder he shoulder! blade, Fallness after eating, with a dis- 5wKST?i?JLt,V?xertion,of body 01"niin(l, IiritabUUj of temper, Low spirits, witk - BtafcVla8 neglected seme duty, Wrarf 1 mmt JMsstness, t lutterina at ifo Heart, Dots before the e?es,H.eadufo wr tk vlckt eye RestleBBnesj, win fltfu dreams, Of a-hly colored I'riimi CONSTIPATION. TTJTX'S PITXSareesiJecially fetei to aneh Jeasea, one dose effects each & ehangeoffeelingastoastonislithesnffereT. They tornai the Aypettte.andcaosette body to Tmke on Seabthus the system 13 nonrlxlied, and by their Tonic Action on tne llgestive Oraans,ueeal&T Stools are produced. men sc Murray St.Jf.V. TUTT'S EXTRACT SHRSJPILU Benovates tlie body, makes healthy flesh, etrengttiens the -weak, repairs the wastes of the system with pure blood and hard muscte; tones the. nervous system, invigorates the brain, and imparts toe vigor of manhood. SI. Sold by druggists. PFICB 44 Murray St., Now York Jan30DWly . suwefr Jan30 Swift's Specific : n tne fail of issa i 1 PILLS 25 YEARS IN Us3 Fremhta firm I uuruKiaai: A KEf 0D YALMBIE BETfi P Uii A PATENT "Water Closet Seat FOE THE CUKS OF HKMOEEHOIDS, (Commoniy c-iiied TILES,") Internal or External, 'and , ; PBOLAPSTTS ANI, for Chil dren or Adults. NO MEDICINE OB SUEGICAL lOPEHATIOS NECESSARY. I have Invented a SIMPLE WATEK CLOSET SEAT, for the cure of the above tronMesoae and paluful malady, which I confidently place before the publio as a SURE RELIEF AXD CUBE '. It has been endorsed by the leading resident Physicians in North Carolina. Ia now betas test ed to the Hospitals of New York. FhiladclpMJ and Baltimore, and we are satisfied the resit will be satisfactory, as It has never failed .t Where. Yon can write to any of the Phvacua orpromlnent citizens In Edgecombe Co.N. t. These Seats will be furnished at the follow AENUT, Polished, $6.00 1 Discount to PhJ CHERRY, - . 5.00 V cicians and to tie POPLAR, - - - 5 00) Trade. Directions for using will accompany each be We trouble yon witti no certificates. We lea.e the Seat to be Its Own advertiser. Address i , LEWIS CHAMBERLAIN Patentee, rarboro, Edgecombe Co., a-1-- 1yI7DAWtf - rRATJBI CAXrriONIl . Many Hotels and Restaurants: renu u Pkbwns' bottles with a Btxtore and skevk it as the tvE it as tne Worcestershire Sauce. tea & Perrlns' THE GREAT SAUCE OF THE WORLD. Imparts fbe most delidons tasta and zesttt EXTRACT Of a LETTER from a MEDICAL GEN TLEMAN at Mad 1 ras, to nis brother at. WORCESTER, May. 1851. "Tell LEA & PER 1 KTN3 tbac tbelr sauce is nighiy esteemed- in India, and Is in my opin ion, the most pala table, as well as tne most whole some sauce Giat Is maae.T . pignanire xa on every uuw - . SAUCE ' WOftbESTERSHIRE ; . - . . . i,f tiM world. JOHN . DUNCAN S S0Nb aOESTSPOB THE UNITED ST" . f ... . .. ;,NBW YORK. reb 14 Doawly For the Sound. of something to their advantage u "-), th n&rHam. Phaeton. ButWY. TrUU. Harness and gad die Factory of r,nT)ES. W McDOUGALL&BO tg St 114 JOfui A HAMDSOME STOCK JUST OPEN Gmgnsms ana snrsncKBr, t . White Goods. Hosiery. ? J Linen Collars, Jewelry. RuscMng and Laces cheap. HEDjaCS. apKtf JNO. J. fi I SOl'PS, I j CKAVIES, ggj HOT CLD GAME

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