Si " Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. v: has probably been asked thousands Theqnestion m g Bitters cure eTary- does cure any diaeaaa would presonbe IBOH rasi wn Tto the profession, and Inquiry of any eJ' oJfirmwiU wihstantiate tJbe assertion lP&Sf mora preparationa of farpn llua of amy ttit thereodSno This shows cool 1 o fMVWIUH - . oiu "r-Ti,t ,- g acKnowwagea w do ua mass clusiv that?? " SaleScl praotioe. It is. importani "rKi, that ra-iar i rtant factor"" hie fact, that prior to the dieoov- tw?oi?nWN'S IRON BITTERS no perfect- ovfever. ' ) IRON BITTEKs tombinatioahad ever b eIT of ,H bu Lliniamb inatiaahad ever been found. ,ysa,- iTTPB fdoes aotfariare lUrineB do. BROWN'S IRON BITTKR8 , '"indigestion, Biliousness, Wemkneas, mnep" iMalarla, Chills and Fevers, S'de, Back or Limbs, Headache and Neural- an lOT ail UKX W BROWN'S IRON BITTERS, not core' in minnte UK au ouwr tinwia nnauinwj, acts ' When taken by n file first symptom of Konetit is renewed energy. ne musclee tnen beooras rmer tlifl dUfestion improves, the bowels are active. In teamen the effect is usually more rapid and marked. The eyes begin at once to brighten: the skin dears . healthy color comes to the cheeks; nerroosness disappears; functional derangements become regn. ar and if a nursing mother, abundant snstenanoa tagnpplied for the child. Bemember Brown's Iron Bitters is the ONLY iron medicine that is not in jurious. 1'hyticianl and DruggitU recommend ii. The Genuine has Trade Hark and crossed red lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. - jy 27 D&Wlv too or rrm nrm Jy27 All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need ja cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. :v ' - ' feb 1 D&W BU tu th nrm ' eh m The Mirror ! is no flatterer. Would youj make it tell a sweeter tale?! Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost1 cheats the looking-glass. ! ! feb 1 DAW sutnths - nrra A ch m ssxa the LIVER aai KI OMtY8 iad fiEffTtfUK Tfrs EEHAXrTI and VIQOIt of YOtjTH. Dr V i-opsia. Want cf p petite. In oigestion. L&ck of Strength cure a. iues. icasciesana nerves reeeiv iicwforce. jniive3 ine luina anal niinnliii Krain Power. ' Snfferinefrom complaints B nprnllirto Ihsir Bex Will 2od In Iiii. iiaSTEB'SIBOKr TOHB3 a safe and tpt-fti'- xir.-e. Jivcsaclejir, neaniiv complexion. J'rcfjn-:;: attempts ti. eonnterreitiuK oaly adol tothejojiitsrltyof the oriciual. Ua not expert. .PTIti',i'i:. ilKd:Ik- 1L AD iSKST. i tJo. I aSi.Lo-ie. Aio.,for oor "UilEAtl ZUXXS." an;; 16 TiAWiv an 18 Hot SpriDgs at Tour Door. Springs Physicians ose in their own Cases and Prescribe for Others BulMo Lithia T7ater IN ' 1 ' i UOUT, RHEUMATISM, AND DISEASES GENE RALLY OP UKIC ACID DIATHESIS - f i DC JAMES Ii. CABELL, Professor of Physiology and Surgery In the Med ical Department of the Untversity-of Virgiai nd Pre ident of t e National Board-of Health, and former Kesident Physietaa, Hot; Springs, . Virginia. ' . f ' The water of Spring. No. 2 contains tn nola bie quantities two of the Alkalies, which are ao iveiaed as extremely valuable In the treatment f-f Oout, l.ithiasis, and Liver Affections. I refer to t ne Carbonates of Potash and Liihio. It is now wel; known that both of these alkaline earbon ate. nave an ascertained value in cases of UHe Acid lhatlmis connected with GravH. and in cases of C hrome Omit, because of their affinity for Uric Acid and the great Isohibllity of the salts which are formed by their union with that acid." DR. ALGERNON S. GARNETT, Saeon (Katired) TJ. S. Navy. Resident Physician HotfJprmga, Ark. r "My experience In the use of Buffalo Lithia jjater iimited to the treatment of Gout, Khen an,d lbat hybrid disease Rheumatio 7 "oi 80 ca!ld). wh'ch la In eontxadistinction to Me BfituTiialoid Arthritti of Carrod. i nave had excellent results from this Water in i iese affections, both in my own person aad In i. ?ih! of Patient4 for whom I have pre !'nr'faed lt: .f course the remedUl agent Is its on amed Alkalies and their solvent properties. a iW,1? a Prophylactic as well as a reme Tn-1 NePh?tio Colic and forming Calculi, when any to a ledundancyof Lithio Acid." DR. W. B. TOWLE3, Miwr-Medlcal Society of Virginia, Resident iliysician Hot Springs, Va. fione he8ltaney whatever in saying that In Hi Rheumatio Gont, .Rheumatism, Stone In w ner,an? 111 diseases of DrioAcidDla- ii. fir.i'n ft ,1? no remedy at aU comparable to rSK? pithuia w&ut, Spring No. 2. In a single S1118 seuse of the Kidneys I wit ntrtif 17 mared beneficial results from its sbonw ?tTom Its actlon ia this partfcjular ease, I would have great confidence in it in this dis- DR. T. B. BUCHANAN. Resident Physician, Hot Springs, Ark. SwuSka111? caBes Buffalo Lithia Water, C? 1 nave made use of this Water for Menta?i?ra-cJa8ej and prescribed it for pa KriS11"lT,BUIerl ,witb a mo8t decided Ctv rt i-.v1 teke Pleasure in advising """ty patiente to these Springs." J -Atkinson & nannings Insuranee Rooms, i NO-113 NoRTlI WfTER STREET, Wilmington, N. C. ir5i Marine ail-Life taiiaiifis. ?W6 Capltal Repwaented Over SIOOJOOOO. The Person County Nes, PnbusliedatR0n50BQ,N.a 'Published circulation of aav onof North TnZSiST" in the fine tobacco Kwrastei" ratS" a rr.1"?. Terr IiberaL Bubflortoflon 0 5 683 ana Frowrlotn; le larmnf 3U Thelliirtgtar JKAN-INGELOW."' 3f . i 1."J -- rrake joy borne, And make a piacetitUhy great heart for ' her,;?- - 7;"' ; And give her time to grow and cherish her j Then will she cptejmd- oft -will hlog to 1 vthee; ' When Ihoa art workitig iathe furrows, jay Or weeding In the sacred hour of dawn. J It is a comely fashion glad ; Joy ia the grape we say to God. There 4ft rest remaining. Hast thou Binnedt-'-'iu- There ia, a sacrifice, "Lift up tJiV head;" , Thg oyely j)rid and the dyer-voftf alike King ith a efppg eternel a, h8ppyrr4Je : 1 JByltherloveftthee j RELIGIOUS MISCELLANY 1 jlltte idispdaHiop Hioytiing4 that 19do wfuse to dor thtngs that we do noOike ia noty as ajule, a good onei A part pt Criarrtrahng-consiats of self denial. The moBt disagreeable' work; there fore, is work that should not be neglected'. The fact that it Is not pleasant is not proof that jt is the best, but neither is it evidence that it ia not good. United Presbyterian. I c:rr? ..pbri8tiaiiitj,.is either the mosi daring of impostures or the truth of God, It presents imperative claims to every mind 0d heart. , It admits of no. equivocation'. Jolerates t no ,deniaK f Ita, trumpet calL through nineteen centuries, has never aba ted in the least its tone of divine com mand. Full acceptance or complete, re jection are the only possible alternatives. Richmond Advocate. Lord Radstock, an earnest English .Christian. , now on an eyangelieal visit to India, . writes to the London Christian that prejudice against ! Christian ity seems to be dying out all over that country.' There are more students in the ChrisUan College in Madras than in' the government and Hindoo Colleges together. Christians in India are convinced that a great preparatory work is going on, to be soon followed by large results. J Rev. Mr Chaney has tackled Rev. Sam Jones on the subject of . Hell ana the Prince of the Powers of' the Air. We ave no, ubtf inJhlsTbwn fashion,, tbje Georgia ."son of Umnder will to take care qt himself. Tho decadence of morals always carries along with it a double effort to argue God out of His universe by the philosophers, so-called and the.Devfl out of his jurisdiction, by lay and clerical purists. Augusta Oa.) Chronicle. I - I often hear folks talking abotlt heart religion.'...! want the religion that be gins at the top of my head and extends- to me soles of my feet just as well as in my heart : They don't talk much about the beatt up yooder: they say "I was hungry j" there you need bands to feed them; "I wis sick,- and in prison, and you need feet to go and wait on them. Oh, for a thorough consecration, soul and body, to Christ. Rev, Sam Jones. OugLt 1 to make a public con fession of faith' and join the Church? This important question is, no doubt, agitating the minds of hundreds among the readers of these columns. The first person with whom most of you would discuss this ques tion would be your own pastor. He would probably say to you, Yes, my friend, you had better do so, provided you have already joined Jesus Christ. If the Son of God be within your heart then you are spiritually alive: vou have experienced the new birth; you are prepared to live the Christian life because He liveth in you. If you only make membership of a church the main thing, . if you unite yourself to nothing stronger than a company of frail, fallible fellow' creatures, and expect them to tow you along by tne power ol tneir prayers ana xellowsnip, tnen you nave but a poor chance of success in this world or of heav en in the next. The first question for you to settle is. Have you been born anew by the Holy Spirit? Have you, by sincere faith, united your heart to the omnipotent Saviour? Rev. T. L. UuyUr. If. D. SpmtS'T'uipentiiie Charlotte lias reduced the police force and - trimmed the salaries. ' The Mayor gave part of Ms salary to the Graded School. 5 trzaJ&lrioh Visitor: The Rev. N. D.t"WBson is criticaDy ill, at his hotel in SThoTtol lni i TTia fa mil ir worn tas1acrranl,wi . VMfrv m, m m - mwm aw'MUJ w a-a suw q foTndare nowhis1)edBide. - Charlotte Observer: Thomas Vance, the youngest son of Senator Vance, has been elected mayor pf Lenoir, and is perhaps the youngest mayor in the State. Clingman in " Goldsboro 3fes- senger: '. No man who fails to advertise : His goods, can e'er secure A -"run of trade of any size, ' Or name that will endure; For when his card the people see Is no where to be found, They take a vote and straightway he Is quickly passed around ...... . As a fraud. Asbeville rAdvance: The Ra leigh Recorder says: Rev. J. L. Carroll is meeting with mucn success in nis wors in AshevUle Since the first of January there have been ' about ninety additions to the Baptist church. - The dwelling house of Mr.'. ' William Corn, about four miles north west of the city, was destroyed by fire about one -o'clock night before last and its entire contents consumed, the family barely escaping with their lives. A little grand child of Mr. Corn's, aged five years, in making its-way out-of the building, was terribly burned. Elizabeth City Economist: The fisheries in Croatan Sound have cut off and hung up and the other fisheries higher up on Albemarle Sound will follow suit in a few days: The poundnet fishermen will hang on a few days - longer and then they too will sing the song of the season's close. This baa been the-best season for fish for many years. . April 21st was the most remarkable day for the clearness of the day at Kitty - Hawk for many years. The tower of Whaleshead lighthouse, which is 22 miles distant, appeared only 10 miles, and all the sand hills beyond the light were plainly visible at night. Cape Charles light 65 miles distant from this station and 75 from Nag's Head, was plainly seen. It could have been seen 80 miles away. . Raleigh. .Ifews-Observer : Mr. HaL Worth has been appointed to, and has accepted the position of Chief Marshal at the next State Fair. Maj. W. WV ass, of this city, has. perhaps, the honor of be ing the oldest railroad treasure In the world. Will it be believed that the "Official Rail way Guide" left out the name of iMaj. Vass as Treasurer of the Raleigh & Gaston Rail road, and didnt correct the error Of omis sion until In the last issue." For forty years the Major has been Treasurer of that road and has filled the position faithfully and ably; i Gen. Scales has ordered a spe cial term of the Superior Court of Haywood county, to be for the trial of civil causes only.- The term -begins July 13th and Judge Graves will preside. : ; ' FayeUevilleMni-?Diedi at his residence, in Rockfish, on the 1st inst., Mr. David Murphy. Mr. Murphy was born n South River, in the ountv of New Han over, about the year 1801, and was in his eiguiy-iounu year at nis ueavu. v ..,". James DeL. Smith, of this place, has for a long time borne thereputetioirTjf being an exceedingly good znarksmanvat-iiis lastj feat has raised- him toa level withcDr. Carrcr, iBogardus and other crack shots. ' Only a short time since Mr. Smith, with ? Remington rai t diftance of 20 paces,1 kUled two humming. birds Jnlhree shots. ExdtemeatTfefgied supreme lit Evans", Chapel on last Wedbesday night. For several weeks quitQajiiinteresttag revival has' been : n pci0'wr many are the coaverts,tlmtjU jvoentt f jqy; and praisei giving was one of the; wildest confusion and dismay; one of the; galleries gave way, one ot the posts falling out and the gallery leaving the walls several inches. We have heard of no serious in-: Jury to any one,: but many were sligbtlyf raised in the struggle to reach the Outside.! i' ss sjV- : OUR STATE CONTEnPORABIES. j t The Representatives of 'Northern Civili-1 zation" who delight' to sneer at 'I'Sduthern Lawlessness," had v better put up shutters over their own glass windows. The tele-! grams within the past week told of the cap ture or i our members 01 tne Pennsylvania Legislature in a low gambling house; the arrest of several members of the Ulinois Legislature for rowdyism and assault, while; on the excursion to New Orleans; the ar-l rest of a son of the New York Secretary of State for. shooting I another; r the breaking tpen of two jails by mobs of lynchers; the murder of two express messengers by train robbers- the outraging of a young gJil at a public ball in New York by a police officer,; four suioides in one -city in. a single day. -4 Raleigh Farmer 'Mechanic. J Jarvis' great forte , was his , ability td "wire-work" or manipulate conventions! The people werei ully alive to this and aware of his , aspirations and the effort td defeat Vance, else, why were o many of the representatives in the last General As4 sembly pledged I on the stump to support Vance first, last and all the time. Lincoln ton Press. -. , f .JttAt BLOSSOMS. i '" First dude "Hie Smith girl have beautiful fignres, have they not ?" Second dude "Ah yes, bah Jove, about 4 million ; between them I . thii k, "Boston Post, j . ...... "The First Kiss of Love' is th title of a pretty little 'poem written bj Nathan D. Urner. The man is evidently trying to Urnef a k1ss.2Vw Orleans Pica, yune. ' ' - j f A new 'paper in: the South is called the Epidemic. "The editor probably thinks," observes the New York Journal, "that every body, will take if." But he has apparently lost sight of the fact that an epidemic generally dies out within 'a ' year. Norristown Herald. " - f "My dear," asked Mrs. Wiggs of Mrs. Diggs, '"can you tell me why they call them tournures?" "Yes," was the rer pry, 'it .is because you have to turnure head around to see hpw it hangs." "Qh!" i She may live without dress what is fash ion but lying? 4 '. ... ; She may live without beaux what is court ing but signing ? V She may live without smiles what Is laughter but grinning? -.. But where is the woman can live without "chinning?" . St. Paul Herald. The minister was strugglingTto put on a new four-ply collar and the ' per spiration was starting from every pore. "Bless the collar," he ejaculated. "O, yes, bless it. Bless the blessed collar I" "My dear," said his wife, "what is your text for this morning's sermon ? "F fourteentn verse f -fifty fifth iPBa!m,,, he replied in short gasps. " 'The w-words of hts m mouth were s smoother than b-butter, but w-war was in bis h-heaft.' " Sfevx York Times. " - . . ; POLITICAL POINTS, To condemn Congress per se, and to dread its assembling is to condemn our system of government. Congress is just what people make it. Washington Re puKican. f Col. Henry Watterson says it was "a slight attack of sore eyes!' that sug gested his recent visit to Washington. The sore-eyed goddess of reform ' Is improving under Dr. Cleveland's treatment, Phu. Press, Rep. ' ; . . The Washington Qritie remarks that "Senator VanWyck is generally loaded, but he sometimes carries more pow der than ball." When the Senator used to fire himself off' in Nebraska he carried more bawl than powder. Jfebrajika State. Journal. r .., . , : Brother Bruce is the latest re signed man. He was the best of all the colored men whom the war brought into politics, but there was no particular reason why he should not go. There will be more of the same kind of cheerful resignations by and by. PhU. Times, Ind: Rep. ' ;. , J We have not advocated and do-' not propose to advocate any man's claims, but as a Democratic paper we, while loyal ly placing tbe utmost - confidence in .the judgment of the Administration, do reiter ate the urgent need of a complete change in the Federal officials of this State. Provi dence Jt. I.) Mail, Tem. - " PITS AND OINT. A dog that knows where to find a bone is wiser than a scholar who has not learned how to make a living. John Swin ton's Paper. If people would try half as hard to correct faults as they do to condemn them the result would prove advantageous.. Boston Post.- I It is only a weak man who tries to please everybody. Such experiments usually end, as the old story relates, in the pleasing -of nobody. Boston Herald. Good people are- happy. All 'the sneers, jeers and cynicism in the worjd only make that simple fact the more prom inent. Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. ? There is a deal of wearisome slush in the papers about "The First Lady in the Land," which is disgusting to every man who loves a. mother, wife or sister. Louisville Timet. "" ' - ; . : ' T - Tbe BepnJJeauaav-PJawMd . San Francisco Call, Rep. It may be stated as a fact that Re- Sublioans; generally ar favorably isappointed in the Administration of President Cleveland. They ex pected a clean sweep of 'Federal qf? fices, and probably would hot have had much to .sayin 'condemnation had it been made. .But they find tne President cautious and conservative in i the discharge of his duties. T What Do tin Draeslat Sayt ' .) . . They know wfeat the people call for, and they hear what their patrons say as, to whether the medicines they buy work well or not. Martell & Johnspn, Rush City, Minn., say, 'Brown's Iron Bitters giyes entire . satisfaction . to y : our ; customers." Klinkhammer & Co;, Jordan, Minn., sayr "We sell more Brown's Iron Bitters than all other bittersjopmbined,", L.; E.-Hack-ley & So-WinQnarJkliiw., say, 'An crur customers speak highly of Brown s lrpn Bitters." A. CW-hitman, Jackson, Minp., say, "Browij'srilrMifBHters is giving gepd satisfaction tp purchasers." These are oi ily a few." t-l-BrJ M good. ', ' " "- ' ' v '.''';: ' ' ' " ' THE SUPERIOR CO.URTS UN- BER IjTSE NEWiARRANIwi MENT. - , ... r-v Fall Terms, 188S. ' Raleigh New-Observer. ! rrasT pisTJggr-T-JUDOB ' siibphjerd. i Currituck September 7, one week. .V, I Camden September 14, one week. , -' I Pasquotank -September 21, one week, -1 Perquimans September 28, one week.: Chowan October 5, one week, r Gates October 12, one week, i ' . f Hertford Oct. 19, one week; pec. 21, one week. v ; - f - - j Washington Oct. 20, one week; Dec j14,f iitoneweek.Sw.t l-' K; : Tyrrell November 2, one. week. . Dare November 9, one week, j ' HydeNovember 16, one week. . ' 5 Pamlico November 23, one Week. . Beaufort November 80, two weeks. f "v.- v SECOND DISTBICT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Warren-September 21, two weeks. Northampton October 5, two weeks. Edgecombe October 19, two weeks. Bertie November 2, two weeks. , Halifax November 16, two weeks. Craven November 80, two weeks. ." THJBD DISTBICS JUDGE .- 't FrankKn Aug. 17, one week; Nov, 16 one week. . ... Martin Sept. 7, two weeks; Dec. 7, two weeks, for civil causes and jail, cases ,- .only. - - .V -Pitt Sept. 21, two weeks. Greene Oct. 5, two weeks.' i Vance-Oct 19, two weeks. S Wilson Nov. 2; two weeks. 1 Nasl--NdV..23,-two weeks. ; i nr -.h ' FOURTH DISTRICT JUDGE -. ! Wake July 18, two weeks, criminal Minoaa nnliri A nv ' Iota woaVo r vi 1 unuow vuijj a.u. UA nv novaoi viii causes onlyrSept.'28','two weeks, crim- only. , .:. .. ' . -Wayne July 27, , two weeks, civil anc criminal Sept. 14, two weeks, civi causes ohlyr t)ct 19, one week, civi causes nly Harnett Aug. 10, one week, civil and criminal. , Johnston Aug. 17, two weeks, civil and criminal. -i.- "j FIFTH DISTBICT JUDGE GILMER. r Orange Aug. 10, one week; Nov. 9, one Caswell "Aug. 17, one week; Nov. 16, one 76ka ' - - Person Aug. 24, one week; Nov. 23, one week. , , Guilford Aug. 81, two weeks; Dec. 14, two weeks. -Qrranville Sept. 14, two weeks; Nov. 30, two weeks. Alamance September 28, One week. Chatham-October 5, two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOY. Jones Aug. 17, one week; Nov. 2, one week. Lenoir Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 16, two weeks. Duplin Sept 7, one week; Nov. 80, two weeks. Pender September 14, one week. New Hanover Sept. 28, two weeks, for ci vil causes. Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow November 9. one week. Sampson October 12, two weeks;: Decem ber 14, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MC BAB. Cumberland July 27, one week; Nov. 9, oae week, for criminal causes only; Nov. 16, two weeks, for civil causes, Columbus August 3, one week. Moore Aug. 17, two weeks; Dec. 7, two Robeson Aug. 81, -two weeks; Oct." 12, '.two weeks. Anson Sept.. 14, one week, tor criminal r causes; Nov. 80, one week, civil causes. Brunswick September 21, one week. RichmondSept. 88, two weeks; Dec. 21, one week. Bladen October 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE IredellAug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 9, two ' Weeks. Rowan Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 23, two weeks. ' I Davidson Sept. 7, two weeks; Dec. 7, one week. . Randolph September 21, two weeks. Montgomery October 5, two weeks. Stanly Nov. 19, two weeks, i Cabarrus Nov. 2, one week; for criminal - cases and non-jury civil cases. NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham-sluly 27, two, weeks; Nov. 9, one week. ! Stokes Aug. 10, two weeks; Nov. 16, one week. " i Surry Aug. 24, two weeks; Nov. 23, one week. . Alleghany September 7, one week. Wilkes September 14, two weeks. Yadkin-p-September 28,. two weeks. :Davie October 13, two weeks. Forsyth October 26, two weeks. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY. Henderson July 20, three weeks. Burke August 10, two weeks, Ashe August 24. one week. Watauga-August 31, one week. Caldwell September 7, one week. Mitchell September 14, two weeks. Yancey September 28, two weeks. McDowell October 12, two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHTPP. Alexander July 27, one week. Catawba--August 3, one week. Cleveland AugnstlO, two weeks;. Octo ber 26, one week. i Mecklenburg August 81, three weeks; civil causes only. ' i Umon September 21, two weeks. Lincoln'October 5. one week- Gaston October 12", two weeks. Rutherford November 2, two weeks. Polk November 16, one week. - - :i I . ' . i"- ; TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GUDGER.i Madison August 8, two weeks; November 23, two weeks; civil causes. Buncombe August 17, three' weeks; De- cember "7,'two weeks. . " Transylvania September 7, one week. Haywood September 14, two weeks. Jackson September. 28, one week. Maccn October 5, one week. Clay October 12, one week. Cherokee October 19, two weeks, Graham November 2, one week. ( Swain November 9, two weeks. "'- " ""B-a-'BsTsa" Sine's Syrup of Tar will cureyour cold. Try a bottle. Only 25 cents. For sale by Munds Bros t 1ST I T;. 300 Tons 1 , G-ERMAN KAINIT, FOR SALS AT REDUCED PRICES. SP 12 tt - WORTH St WORTH. , J (Kreters; Oysters yJPRESH elveoWB GA4txVatrrrABrLiU)OKNal3Mar IMjfXX ' fl'jSEO, P. HERBERT,-! & octTtf" x Proprietor, WHOLESALEPJHVES IT Our quotations, It should be understood!! represent, the Svhole'sale?" prices'" EeneraJly. Inj making np small orders higher prieea have to bej eharged. " y i ASTIOIXS. nxn. BAGGING Gunny , T. . . 104 : ll Standard....... uu BACON North Carolina - , Hams, ft :-' Shoulders, s -u..i Sides, choice,. .... , WssrsMSMoni) Hams.fl .i Sides, 9 ft Shoulders, 9 !.... ...... ..v. DBTSaxran Sideaj ft S........ ShonlderSr 9 BAPELS Spirits TurronUne. 110 ii 8: , 9 10 13J4 8sa., ,10 1 m 7 7 Second Hand, each...,,... 1 60 New Now York, each........ . 1 90 New City, eaett. I 00 BEESWAX 9 ft.... 23 BlilCXS Wilmington, 9 IL:... 8 00 1 66 8 00 1 90 27 9 00 Kortnera... u uu & 14 00 & 25 O 25 BUTTER -North Carolina, 'IS 23 CANDLfiS- fc-Sperm 18 AUWllaUblUD CHEESE ft-North'nFaet'y ' Dairy, Cream........... State COFFEE 9 ft-Java4.i....,J t Laguyra ............. ... ..... CORN MEAL V bush., in sacks, Virginia Meal.1...... COTTON TIES V bundle.-.;... DOMESTICS-Sheeting, 4-4, ft yd Yarns, bunch EGGS dozen FISH-Maokerel, No. 1. bbl... 00 a 12 & v 13U 10 13 18 a ,28 una ' 7ia 75 00 o 140 6U 70 14& 7 t : 00 k : - 85 10 00 & so 00 i jaaoKerei, jno. i, .w nan ddi. 1000. 9 00 7 00 50b 800 12 00 400 Maoxerei, jno. a, v ddi Mackerel, Nc 8, V half bbl. Mackerel, No. 3, $ bbl. Mullets, bbl . . . . . .v; . . . Mullets, Pork bbls. N. C. Roe Herring, 9 keg. , . 8 CO 6 00 4 25 5 00 11 00 8 00 5 4 75 5 75 7 00 ,4 00 4 60, 10 pry uo a. y id.... FLOUR V bblSnper. . , Extra. . Family 10 5 25 25 7 50 4 10 ,5 50 IS 'V City MUls Super. . 4'. FamuV ... ............ oiiujfi v GRAIN bushel. -- Corn,8tore,baffS,prime, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, ' Corn, eargo, in bags, " Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags Oats, from store, Cow Peas HIDES Vlft Green, .. .. .... . Dry HAY !gJ 100 ft s Eastern Western.... North River .......... HOOP IRON ft......... LARD ft Northern North Carolina t:.. LIME barrel 72 65 75 I CO f 70 J 93 : 64 85 ;.,-0 00 1 201 110, IK I I w 8 8 00 10 9' 10 00 ,J40 LUMBER City Sawed V M ft. snip stun, resaweo. Rough Edge Plank. '. 18 00 15 00 20 00 10 00 18 00 22 00 15300 West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality... 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned . 18 00 Scantling and Boards,com'n 12 00 MOLASSES ft gallon New Crop Cuba, inhnds,... . 21 fi " in bbls.... 28 Porto Rico, in hhds.... M 28 "... " tn bbls 20 Sugar House, in hhds. . . . . 00 tabbls 00 Svrup, in bbls 22 NAILS 9 keg-rCnt. lOd basis.. 00 OJLS gallon Kerosene.... 12 Lard 1 10 Unseed -. 90 Rosin 15 Tar-. 00 Deck and Spar 00 POULTRY Chickens,live,gTown 80 Spring,, . 18 Turkeys 00 PRANUrS V boflhel......... 60 POTATOES 9 bushel Sweet.. 50 Iriflh, per barrel, new.. .v.... 2 75 PORK 9 barrel City Mess.... 14 60 Prime 13 60 Rump... 00 RICE Carolina, 9 ft Rough, 9 bushel Upland) . . 80 Do, do (Lowland) 1 00 RAGS $ ft Country..... 0 City li ROPE 9 ft 14 SALT V salt Alum 80 Liverpool 80 Lisbon 09 1 American 00 SUGAR Granulated.... : .... 6 .Standard A 6 White Ex C7; ; 6 Ex C, Golden. 6 C Yellow....' 4 SOAP ft Northern.. ;& SHINGLES 9 M Contract 5 00 Common g 00 Cypress Saps 4 5C Cypress Hearts......... 0 00 STAVES 9 M WO Barrel.... 8 00 RO Hogshead.....:.. 00 00 TALLOW 9 ft 6 TiMBitR 9 M reet Ext Hearr (1st class yellow jine) . . .., ; . . Prime shbYg, 1st class heart. Extra Mill, good heart...... Mill Prime 9 00 10 00 8 00 9 00 4 60 8 00 6 00 8 50 400 500 3 00 4 00 00 15 00 16 10 - 12 1 00 8 00 1 00 2 60 Common Mill 4 00 inierioirto ordinary . ... WOOL 9 ft Washed ..... unwashed.... Burrv WHISKEY S gallon Northern North Carolina 1 00 WILMINGTON HONEY HARKET. Exohange (sight) on NeW York M discount Baltimore Boston Philadelphia Western Cities.. Exchange, 80 days, 1 9 oent.-' - Bank of New Hanover Stock First National Bank Stock Navassa Guano Company Stock North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons Funding, 1$6... '. Funding, 18S8.. New 4s......... W4WBB Bonds, 7 o (Gold Interest) Carolina Central R R Bonds, 6II0 , Wilmington, Col. A Augusta R R Bonds Wilmington City Bonds (new) 6 9o... " " " 80....; New Hanover County Bonds, 6 90 .... Wilmington A Weldon RR Stocks North Carolina- R R Stock..... 109 W 140 23 10 10 82 4 118 108 105 100 100 100 110 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock. ... SO ... 120 Wilmington Cotton Mills St i too.. Bank of Hew Hanover. 1 1 Authorized Capital, Cash Capital paid in, Surplus Fund, - - $1,000,000 $300,960 $50,000 - DIRECTORS: 1 W. L GORE, C.M.STEDMAN, O. W. WILLIAMS, ISAAC BATES, DONALD MacRAE, JAS. A. LEAK, H. VOLLKRS, F. RHEINSTETN, R. R. BRID3SR3, E. B. BORDEN, , J.W.ATKINSON. ISAAC BATES, President, " G. W. WILLIAMS, Vice President, aasotf S. D. WALLACE. Cashier. ' ) MERCHANTS, BANKERS & MANUFACTURERS SHOULD READ BRADSTREET'5, A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FINANCE, AND PUBLIC ECONOMY, ' Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twen ty Pages. Sometimes Twenty-four Pages, f FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR.: The foremost rjurnose of Bhad strskt' S Is to of practical service to business men. Its special, trade and Industrial reports: its weekly epitome of bankruptcies throughout the United States and Canada, and the summaries of assets and li abilities, are alone worth the subscription price; its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceed ingly valuable.' As commercial transactions, in the wider sense, are coming to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, the information oontainedin Bkadstsbxx's is of the first impor tance both to prodnoers and middlemen. - s The Trade and Agrienltaral Situation through out the United State and Canada is reported oy Telegraph' to Bbadstrxbx'sl up. to the hour of puDttcauono -. : -lOim-s-.' j a i SINGLE COPIES; TEN CENTS. a ,; THE BUADSTREEX CO., j 279, 281, 283 Bboaiwatv - ; deo"4 If " NEW YORK CTTY. . .-,.,, m -a B .Hi- t i ' ;.Tha. Eobesoniaiir if Published every Wednesday mLamberton.N.'G- CyW.W. neDIAKOTD, J 0NANE tot Bvailglnff natTOTHUrS) of &.T1V natter of any pal MM. UiV VVnWt ' AM MVT. w.v. " . u scribers in Robeson county alone, besides a Jfen- erai circulation m tno ooanueB ox vuui berland, Bladen,- Columbus, Rtohmond, and. In the adjoining counties, Marlon, Marlboro- and Darlington. In South Carolina. lan 24 tt T7ilmiTlgtofL tTX7eldoni Condensed Schedule.' ' TRAINS GOLNO SOUTH." s "'r ; j Dated May, 3,1885. , No, fS, pally No.4a,Dallv teave WeWott..-.. 8.10P. M.J . HHP. M.1 Arrive Rocky Monnt... SiP-M. ... , ....j AriiveTarboro..,. ' . 4,55 P. M.' .... ...... Leave Tarboro ..... F tl.WP.lC. ti,;.. Leave Wilson.....;. . 4.05 P.M. ..S.MP.M. Arrive Goldsboro. ... . . 4.54 P. M. 7.86 P. M. Leave .Warsaw.. v' A;. K.MP.M. .LMveBnrcaw , 7.C0P.M. Arrive WUmington ,J. . ' r.61 P. M. .S5 P. M. , , j , ' TRAINS iSOlNG NORTH. , . 1 ',''" , . i Nov47,Dally No.4S,Dany Leave Wilmington. .... 9.27 a. M. 8.40 P. M. Leave Burgaw,. 19.16 A.M. 9.51 PjM. Leave Warsaw......... 11.28 A.M. 11.07P.M. Arrive Goldsboro 12.23 P.-M. 12.08 A. M. Leave Wilson. - tf 1.1s P. M. 12.53 A. M. Arrive Rocky Mount... r I -47 P.M. 1.33 A.M. Arrive Tarboro ..Vi'A.r J4.65 P. M. 7.,..:.... " Leave Tarboro. ...y... 11.50 A.M. ) Arrive Weldon........ 8.06 P. M. 2.50 A. M. Train on Scotland, Neck, Branch Road leave Halifax for Scotland 'Neck at 8.00 P. M. ' Return Uw, leavesSootlaHdNeokat8 aqA.M.daUy. , 1 ; Train No. 43 North will stop at all stations. j Train No. 40 Sooth wul atop only at WilaonJ Goldsboro and Magnolia. 1 .Train No. 47 makes elose connection at Welden ior au points xtom oauy. jui ran via ittonrnondJ auu uaujr ea.xyi ouuuay via oaj xone. i Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washinartnnr . i AU trams run oolld between Wllmlrnrtnn' nniT Washington, and have Pnlunan Palace Sleeperi : Jv' JOHN F. DIVINE, , General Supt T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger' Agent. my7tf f . , WILMIKGTOM, COLlBUi AOSUSTil ; ; Railroad Co. ? - II ... JUL- !l-JiT-''y ' I 1 . Condensed Schedule.' -c TRAINS GOING SOCTg. Dated May 31885. No. 48, DanyN6?40, Daily Leave Wilmington.. ,v. Leave L. Waccamaw .. Leave . Marion.'. Arrive Florence Arrive fcumter-. ..::.. Arrive Columbia 8.16 P. M. 9.43 PMZ 11.43 P.M. 12.39 P. M. 4.81A.M. 6.40 A.M. 10.10 P. M.; n.rrp.M.; 12.40 A.M.) 1.15 A.M.' TRAINS jGOING NORTH, No. 43, Dally No.47,Dailj Leave Columbia Arrive Sumter 9.55 P. M,' 11.55 P.-MJ 6.07 A. Ml 6.53 A. MJ ,7.44 A. MJ 9.07.A. MJ Leave Florence..,., ,1- 4.15 P.M. 5.01 P. M. .65P.M. 8 20 P. M jueave Jianon Leave L. Waccamaw. Arrive Wilmington. . . ' Train No: 43 stops at all Stations. . ,j , ' Nob. 48 and 47 ston onlv fct Rrlnklpva "TPT.!lii vills, Lake WaccamaV,Fai? Bluff; NlcholBal rion, Pee Dee: Florence, 1 Immonsville. Lyncll-. burg, Mayesville, Sumter, Wedgefield, Camdeh Junction and Eastover. - . . . r f Passengers for Columbia and all points onCs G. R.R. J3..C. & A. RjR. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Ex press. . , i Separate Pullman Steepen for Savannah anil for Augusta on Train 48. . , i Passengers on 40 can take 45 train from Flor enoefor Columbia, Augusta and Georgia points viaColnmbi?. r t All trafoa run solid between Charleston ana JOHN F. DIVINB, 1 Gen'lSupt. ' T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent, my 7tf - ' CAROLINA CEMiL RilLBOAD CO. .it-- rr Omen ot StjtxxUhtxhdzht. WUmington, N. C, Sept. 21, 1884. j Change of Schedule. ; ON AND AFTER SEPT. 21, 1884, THE FOlr lowlng Schedule wIU be operated on this Baflroad: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. 1 Leave WUmington at 7.00 P. M. No. 1. V Leave Raleigh at . 7.35 P. M. I Arrive at Charlotte at 7.30 A. M. ) Leave Charlotte at...... 8.15 P. M. No. 2. V Arrive at Raleigh at. 9.00 A. M. t Arrive at Wumfiicton at 8.25 A. M. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time Table. ' ' SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT Dally except Sundays. Kn 9 I Leave Charlotte..... 8.15 A. M. 12.15 P. M. v. 1 Leave Shelby 1.40 P. M. f Arrive at Charlotte 5.40 P. M. Trains No. Iand2-make close connection at Hamlet with B. A A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. . Take Train No. 1 for Statesville. Stations West ern N. C. R. R., Ashville and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent, sep21tf Caje' Fear & TaffiE lalley E. B. Co. CONDENSED TIME TABLE NO. 11, TO TAKE effect at 8 A. M., Monday. -January 19th, 1S65. TRAIN NORTH. , Arrive. Leave; 8.00 a. m. 10.00 ! Bennetts vQle.. Shoe Heel Fayette ville.. Sanford ....... Ore HU1 Liberty 9.87 a. m. 12.10 p. m'. 5.34 1.00p ass 4.38 5.40 .pa. Greensboro. 7.00 50 minutes at Fayetteville for dinner. TRAIN SOUTH. . Arrive. Leave. Greensboro .... 9 Liberty 10.56 a.m. 11.C6 Ore Hill ...... 11.69 12.05 i Sanford 1.16p.m. 1.36p.m. Fayetteville 8.45 . , 4.C0 t Shoe Heel 6.15 6.40 , Bennettsville . 8.20 20 miriutes for dinner at Sanford. W. M. S. DUNN, Gen'l Supti JNO. M. ROSE, Gen'l Pass. Agent. : myltf - . EHC0UBA6E HOME IRSTITDTIOHS. ' Security Aeainst Fire, Ite Hortb Caroliiia Home Insurance Cov " : . .... . . , . . . .. i rpHIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE PO X Uoles at fair rates on all classes of insurable property. au losses are prompt adlnsted and paid. The Home" fa rapidly raining fa publlo favor, and appeals witn oonnaence to insurers 01 property lu North Carolina. . - : . . t -v Agents mall parts of the State. f JUiLN WATLLNtr, neSUieBC. W. S. PRIMROSS, Secretary. ., PTOSKICK5WPER,SupernsOR-- ' f i AQNA MANNING, Agents, , sep 86 tf " j: " Wuniington, N. o! ;..'V.i''M , . ; . , t The Hdin Journal, - -1 AtTrarrenton, N. C - ia :: jronar iir - .dicks,- ITTlTTnT? ATJTI -t r It has a sDlendid elroolatlon, n tte counties of Warren, Vance, Halifax, N. C, and Mecuenoi Ta.-1 As an advertising mwlrain ltts i Terms ai.OV a j oat m nmmmu. - . S - 'Adoressv THE HOME JOURNAL, J , ap 5 tf ? WuTenton, N. Ct r . -, ' " " ' I Ban a naattin raned tor tM abor Itaun fav it. hm . . Va thoaaaada 1 k aw af ttva-sraraKklikl ami t ksf atandtso '. hart been cured. Tndeed, M itronr ta my faith la in- Bean,, -sr' that I wilt mmtd TW OTTlJ8 tHKZ, tocetlter with a VaC i OABUi TR&aTISB oa this dSaaaM, to ans rAiw. - Or. Kx- t Tlniritty of iniiiJ SUCOnriEa LAW aUECTUaES (nine week- It) begin 9th July, 1885, and. end 9th September.. Have proved of signal use, 1st, to students who. design to pursue their stadies at this or other Law School; 2d, to those, who propose to read privately; and 3d, to practitioners who have not ' had the advantage' of systematie instraelion. For circular apply (P. O. University of Vav to Johk B. Mihob, Prof. Com. and Stat. law. TTABITS OFTOUTHV EXCESSES OP- ' a a munnoott ana secret aiseases cause more sui- s j ; f ering, suicides, nervous debility.impotence, d e- " land, bladder, kidneys, heart, catarrh, consnmp- " tion, dropsy, d iabetes and Blight's disease; than . everything else, and cannot be cured with. atom- , - , ach medicines alone, electricity, erayoas, belts, . ' -cauterizations, sounds, catheters or oottlng. The, -'1 Asahel-Mineral Spring Water pbvslolaii AO 1 c ' , Broadway, Ne w York, wm send a treatise, with J 4S wood euts, for 25 cents, givinrf the.remeaies v It j which cure them at home, without pain, privately." - TH 'ID VIRTIS1tSbswest . Sates t sr ' - 7; . JU advertising in 962 ro ; newspapers sent : . u free. AddressGEO. P. R0WLL A COO Spruce 't . - . St.. N. Y. ' : '.. T?rrry ID&Wlm A ? Few Torb: wxdllifi : : lUXUUlWLLU) Vh4 k iHl " !'t . . M .. . .a A- i a 7- , ri 1 ;st - .1.1... ij,. ... -. ist .jv:i'. . FROM PIER 84i7EAST BJVEH, NEW -TORE AtSe.'olockP.M, REGULATOR BENEFACTOR Saturday, ' ApVa.5 BENEFACTOR ... FROM WILMINGTON. BENEFACTOR ... REGULAS50S4.. BENEFACTOR...., REGtATQH...... . ..Friday, jJaPril j 24 . - , "ii - May,. 8 15 ly.Throngh Bills Lading and lowest Tlvongir Rates guaranteed to and from points la Norta. and;Soutn Carolina.- . . 'r- For Freight or Passage apply to '-; H. O. SIAIiI.BONaSSW - ' SnnertntendenW , ., . WQnungton,,IV.C. . Xlaa. G, cer, Freight Agent, New York - IT.' P, Clyde Sz Co., General Agents, f ap 19 tf , Broadway, New Yo ... -3$. ..jf:. J - TTa " . V - AND' Without Price ! r 1 We have Just issued a most wonderf ul and ' valuable new book, which treats of diseases-"peculiar to the female sex," and have spared neith er pains nor money to make it worthy the pe rusal and confidence of the women all over our land. Every mother, wife, sister and daughter in this country Is deeply, aye, vitally interested in this .great work, and should send for it without delay. It will be sent to any address in the United States v . Free of Cost ! Read it carefully, study It well, andyouwDl x , ... . . , - - - : j glean from its pages Information that may prove more 'valuable than all the wealth of all the Rothschilds more precious than all the gems of Europe's royalty 1 IT MAT SAVE TODR LIFE. Give rostoffioe fignd write name plainly, and -address The Bradfleld Begulator Co., P.O. Box 28 Atlanta, Ga. Wmiam H. Green, Wholesale Agent, WUming ton, N. C. - -mrllv - chsm I For BxsTOBXHS gray hair to its natural color; For pfciVASTUis the hair from tuning gray; -For PEODTJCTwe raidand luxuriant growth: For nAsioArnro scTrrf and dandruff; . ' For ctrBJOia itching ft all diseases of the scalp; For FBXvzHTrjra the hair from falling out; and For sTBBXTaUM for whiob a hairtoaie u re quired it has no The EisEXST Txsmoniaxs of Its merits are tFrom Rxv. CHAS. H. READ, D . DM Pastor Graea . , Sttsbyterian Cbnrch.1 ; -'-- -"- - . - - Rmnswu, Ya. For several years I have used no other Hair. Dressing, than the- Xanthine,, which had been warmly recommended to me by a friend who had tested its value. It has, in my experience, accom plished all that Is claimed for It as a wholesome preserver and . restorer of the natural color of the hair, and a thorough preventive of dandruff.' - v .... CHAS. H. READ. For sale by, , H. HARDIN, Druggist. ' uovSOly ?! otn jnaugsep feb29 ..T11JB CELEBRATED . AREIHSTOH GAHE FOVLSFORSALE JY GAME FOWLS HAVE a'KATIONAL RE put&tion. They have rooght and won a series, of the greatest mams ever fought on this or any other continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhibition at Philadelphia In 7t, were honored by the Uni ted States Centennial Comndsskmer wuh the Di plomaaadMedaL- - ... . , , , - ' ' i have a variety of Colors and moot approved Breeds In the United States. I will ship splendid COCKS, of fine siae and handsome plumage, pel Express, C. O. D at from $4Jto S6.00 each HENsTss.60 and SSW each; or fTOO per Pair S10.00 per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred Pairs this Summer, the Finest Games ta the WOrld, andwill ship Young Fowls of March and April hatch during the months of August, Sep bOTand OctobeV, at Five Dollars per Pair, or Seven Dollars per Trio '1iJm, Whoever disputes the PeT t Wtll please back the assertion with their stamps Write for what yon want. jidresV" ARiaHOTOTL; minatdstoiu Nash Co. ' H. C. apetf t . .. i ATiVEIlTISE Oi - Ilerchant and Farmer III 14 " PUBIJJOTED WEEKLY' AT , ; ' It nas allafge and tncroastogchvmlatkni hi the heart or tne ree uee- reunify, tne oest coooa sectionof the two States, - vi II - r It is desirable medium .of communication .with both the Merchants and Farmers of this section, and particularly with ibeee- of Jfartoa . and Marlboro Conntiea, lt is therefore the paper Jot thflEushiessMenol WUniington. 4 . -- - 'i'5.propri)tol, . I i r j., I v.! - J y - r 4 ? y Z.1 ,r i ' ' 1"" 1