1 r E " -. The Morning' -Star wzLimmTQir, it. a Susti.t UoBsnts, 'Mat ID, 1885.' ;MORNING.EDITIQN " 'I THE LATEST NEWS; t FUbli ALL PARTS OP TII35 WORLD Af viaitar-1 the U Sm JUaitmrr. Aee-JlPlnmell,la, - iByrelerPh to tt Mombur sur.l t Washihotok. Hay 9.-'I?e JTfgent Tx -ppolntgathe - CdtoBoud oT Tto- tors the muiea Daws jiiiUMurj"j ; Tt;rinw ftf New York. Charles R.i Codnuo, of MaaacliiMeJFitzhaghI, -tnnrinf 'Omrffe ' Hoadlev. f :Onk, TamM r! TftTaB. Of AllSa8. "PtOt Ed-I ward '8-Boldaa, oi.WiacrRin.-gejorgeJ&i. '- . Tha-PrMAnt to-dav aDDointed Hamll-4 n Tn-ofl Af North CSarolina.' to be V. V 8. District Attorney for the "Western Dia-. Strict of North Carolina; William A. Beay, - of Louisiana, to be Miniater Resident and, Consul General of, the V 8. to - BoUI To be Consuls General of the United States, Ephraim Rawing, ofIissouri, at the City of Mexico; H. C3ay; Armstrong, of Alabama, at luo ue wanenw. i w--: sul of the United States PeterStaub, M TonnpasPfl at St. Gall. John H. Oberly of B-lnois, to be Indian School Supenn-j S lendentrice James M. Haworth, deceased rl- Secretary Manning to-day requested and ' recelTed the resignation of Captain 1VN .j Barrill. Chief of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The resignafion will taKe effect June 1st, and Mr. K O. Graves, As- 8i8tantTreasarerf bas been appointed to succeed , him. Mrr Graves entered the; Treasury Department in 1863 as a 41.800 clerk. He has served as Chief Clerk of the Department, as Superintendent of the Ha- tional Bank Redemption Agency, and aft "Assistant Treasurer. He was also Chief; 'Examiner of the Civil Service Commission: - under President Grant, and in 1877 was a; " member of the commission appointed to reorganize the Bureau of i Engraving and , Printing. By this reorganization the ex-j penses of the bureau were decreased several ' hundred thousand dollars. ' The appointf S ment is a promotion for Mr. Graves, the salary being $900 per year? more than that of Assistant Treasurer. ) He voted iot Cleveland. The bureau of Engraving and Printing has about 1,200 employes, only. twelve of whom come under the provision ' of the civil service law; all thexthers being : appointed by the Chief of the Bureau." . : r SOUTHERN BAPTISTS. t Foartb Day's : Proceeding of i- ?f J ConTena S'Attlnata Ga. , ' l?rWen4flrtof fb itoahi. Star. . Auousta, May 9. The fourth day's scan sion of the Southern Baptist Convention to day was called to order by President ,MeU...... . ." v . . On motion of Dr. H. ATupper, the ' re- port of the committee on Woman'B Work and the substitute offered for the same were ; recommended to the committee. ' j A resolution of sympathy for Rev. J. P. . Graves, of Tennessee, in his physical affiio - tion, were adopted. s ' On motion of Dr. lank, of Texas, the committee on Obituary, with Dr. Redding - Andrews, of Texas, as chairman,, was ap pointed to take appropriate action on the deaths of officers of the Convention during the past year. ? - - -The discussion on Home Missions was participated in by Dr. Ellis, Mr. J. Lever ing and Rev. A. C. Dixon. of Baltimore, and a resolution was adopted pledging the members of the Convention to individual : effort to extend the work of Home Missions. Dr. Hawthorne, of Georgia, Rev. A. P. Schofield and Rev: A. F. Gregory ad dressed the Convention on the New Or leans mission. ALABAMA. A Negro Kartell er laynened. at Tns- CBrTelesmih totheKornlo. StarJ - CiNcrNNATi, May 9. A special to the limet-Star says: At -Tuscumbia, Ala,, last night, a negro named Jordan, who bad ' attempted a criminal assault upon Miss Davis, a daughter of a farmer, but who jumped from a window as Mr. Davis shet i at him was caught and lynched by a mob. ': It was found that Davis'. shot had wounded y him in an ear. . ' L - .i-i,,.'.-. f. TtASJS BA JiTt ' : J Camea PIaye4 at Tarloilis: Plaeca. j :;fWM tetneEofitaRl5 ; " &f T7BHiHGT03r, May 0. Tie following Is k the score of games played to-dayii j ' Ca-dana&-C5nmTrnatt Brookfrn 0. r .nwyui auutf mtwm xu, . rjjiuia . Oust- Jf vi TAnr. etii.l.j.iv!.-ii: ruuauciMi wubwii u, uautuVM iu. f?New York Providence 0,ew York 1. a.v a - ir. . a '.t - i a .?e.?'l.ii4, a.nania Auania , macon a. , j4 MtSz i battanooga--Augusta 8, Chattanooga 5. PENNSYLVANIA; i: 9erlowa Aeetdents at .Colllerr. . B7Telet7aphtothelforin.StarJ : ; ' ..Shakoexn, May 9. At Luke Fidler Col "7" llery, this afternoon, a car broke loose and :4 ; ran dowa the inclined plane into the boUer, r causing" an explosion. J. Zodolusky was 4killed, Martin Maloney fatally scalded, and William Romakin, John Maiose .and John Thomas were seriously injured. . ,. ..- : VIRGINIA. Delay IntaeClaverlnB Trial, t " IBy Teteicraph to the ICoroImr 8ta& ; Ricincoiii, May 9. Nothing Iwas done , in the Cluverius trial to-day. . The court afl - jonrned yesterday until Monday to await : the arrival of the draft of .fifty, talesmen from Alexandria;- - f-. i f f i EliECTBIC SPARKS. .5 ;?. .. Fire destroyed the store of Bickford & Q CroweU, at Newport News. Friday night. ; 1 tioss 'about $o,uw; partially insured. ; A steam shovel, owned by the Singer & Taleott Company, at ,Lemont,IlL, valued wti at $15,000 or $30,000 was burned Friday I fV.. Urn im jm - , X.a the workof striking.quarrymen.r j V The 'weekly statement of ' tiae . Asso j -elated Banks shows the following chanees: Loans increase $3,484,400; specie increase .. . .ft,553,i5UO; legal - tenders decrease $503, Vv js, wposia. increase J,ooa,sw; cir- ' culation decrease $17,800; reserve increase fl.e00,075.. The banks now hold $53,300,- :.ks;. - v in excess 01 toe soper cent. rule. ; " ; Olintoa; Jaztcapian ; 3e meet- .. ) mg at thejlethodist church continues with 3 Jnorrorjess interest at eacar service. ?t Be- 7i i tween forty and fifty have trofessedeli- tr ':J :&&aa up to the present time. Sudden- . -ly at he home in Dtrnliir ebnntTi on Tn- Mft;day April 38ttv 1885, Mrs,AAnie llcClam- ; ' Kf xue otME,. Gesri-eMcejammydied. v , . . lirord Butler:.; of: Honeycutts- fown ; '??A Jier,usual healtiufc Ati 9 v t?.,i& --cir uo awoKe us lather. Mr. . e SrmP.to-erand;found . " wua sne was dead, : , ; Special Jffeetlnc of tbe Board of Alder . menu ; - ' - S ' At a meeting of the Board of AWermeu Priday ; night -Iha V f ojlowlng ; proceedings were hadi i - -.. ' : Alderman. Worth reported the tax ordhs nance for the year 1885. Aldennani" "WorthTmoved to change the levy fo Norta mte? st?eet 6f 20 ents on the $100, and the same be added to the 80 cents levy rforHhe -payment cl matured bonds and interest on the bonded deb .etcJ Alderman Darby moved (hat the poll tax be changed to 1 instead of $1.50.; Adopted.' Alderman Boney moved tint the Finance committee designate what constitutes a dance house. ' Adopted. . : .Alderman Rourk moved that thesteve-j dore s pay $1 on each vessel loaded by themi .Lofti-.,; r:- .-. -t".;. it i C Alderman Rourk moved that the tax on, excurslpn steamers be $50 per annunvpay able In advance. Adopted. L ; : : f Alderman Darby moved that the Finance committee be appointed a committee to confer with the Board of Audit tnd Finance in regard to the changes in the tax ordi-i nancej with power to act. Adopted. ..' f : Alderman Bear moved that the tax on male dogs be $lr and on female dogs $3. j Alderman Rourk moved to amend , by fixing the tax on the former at SO cents and $1' on the latter. Lost and Aldermad Bear's motion adopted. Alderman Bear moved that section 41,' of the tax ordinance, be . referred Finance committee with power to tO -thfl I " ' I act in I regard to changing the same. 1 Adopted. I Alderman, Rourk moved that the com munkation of the Southern Electric 'Ligh C; be referred to a epmndttee of three to report. Adopted, t and. Aldermen Kourx Worth and Boney were appointed on . that committee. Mayor; Hall was substituted in place of Alderman Worth. ; ' v On motion of Alderman Worth the offi-f cial bond of G. Wi Thames, Clerk of Front Street Market, was fixed at $400. - I Alderman Bear moved that the vote by which a transfer of $848 for feeding two horses and the payment of two hands for three days in each- week was changed from Streets and Wharves to Fire Department, be rescinded. Adopted. .: Alderman Bear offered in connection with the foregoing the following resolution: . Besolved, That the hose reel horses of the Little Giant and Cape Fear Engine Companies be worked on the; streets, aS heretofore, and the aDDrouriation to cover ihe expense of th same and their drivers be and is hereby transferred from the Fire Department to the Department or Streefe and Wharves. : ' t Alderman Bear offered the following pre amble and resolution: - '- ' '-J', -,; Wh-kkas, The horses of the Steam Fire Engine and Hook and Ladder Companies are being used four days of each week oh thestreet8 and wharves, and the entire cost of maintaining the same is charged to the Fire Department, which is manifestly, er roneous, therefore be it . .;. .'. ' .. I Boohed, That $$96, being the equitable proportion of expenses which should be borne by the streets and Wharves Depart ment, be and is hereby transferred to the sfaawaidif Streetsaaa-Wharves ; Departr- Alderman Rourk moved that a commit. tee of three be appointed to confer with the railroad officials and see what part of the cost of bonding an iron bridge across the railroad at Fourth street they would pay. Adopted, and Aldermen Darby, Boney and Bear appointed on that committee Petition of Charles E. Collins for the privilege of bovine and eelline from his own cart, was not granted. Sundry petitions in regard to street lamps were referred to the Committee on Lights, with power to act Petition of citizens for - improvement of Nixon street was. referred to committee on Streets and Wharves, with power to act. I Alderman Bear moved that the Board meet at 4 o'clock, p. m., during the months of f June, July, August and September. Adopted. - ' ; A Serious Cbarse. Yesterday morning one WUlis Morrisey, a young colored, man, aged about 30 years, . was arrested and - lodged in jaU on the charge' of I having attempted a criminal outrage on Friday night upon Mag. Young,: colored, aged about 18 years, a daughter of Peyton Young, a well-known Byery stable drlveriiliThe ' fattier and mothe' of tlis :irl were boUi Absent at the time, tie former' on a businesilrip to the 'sound and the latter at'the bedside 'of hif 'sick 'sister. The case came up for ' preliminary exami nation before X O. Hill, J. P., yesterday, and at the conclusion of the testimony the defendant was required to give a'; justified bond in the sum of $500 for his appear ancrf at the next term of. the 'Criminal Court failing in which he Was remanded to jail. Morrisey is said to be a South Carolinian, and has only been living here some eight or nine months. -"V An Awfol 8eare As two vouhg gentlemen Were going Into a store on Front street,' last night they were startled by the' information that the cry of 'murder!" "murder!"- had been heard in the Giles & Hurchison lot The young men started off in thai direction, and they soon found that the woeful cries proceeded from an old colored woman; who had fallen into a large hole which the masons had dag for the purpose of making mortar. ffi" . She seemed, to : think: she bad fallen into perdition itself; : and there were Undoubted ly "spirits" around ; but .they were not of the other world. ,. The old woman was at length p-Ued out and went on her way re-: joidng, with tears in her eyes and sand In her hairyi cotti.s:'J x; ereceipU of cotton , this port during tiie past.wecik. footed up 23 , bales, as against 109 bales for the corresponding week -last jear, howin decrease oft71 . The receipts' of the crop year from Sep ember lst to date foot - up 93,654 bales, as against fl lS " .Ulea;. tat the same period last year, showing a net Increase of 3,?58 .bales In favor of 1885. ; J " , For Blemorlaljlay, May lltb. - The procession will form at 8.45 o'clock P, M., and move promptly at 4 o clock, as follows:' - " In' charge 6t Marshals D. L. Gore, T. v.. Sikes and H. C Evans, wiU form, on south side of Haiket street,! right "resting on Pourth: ll - - - - ' ' s "Wilmingtob Cornet Concert Club. -' WUmington Light Infantry. ' " Carriages with Chaplain and Orator." ' :Ladies Memorial Association. ; k Children's Memorial Association. . : Schools In' charge of their Teachers. ' ; SECOND rVISIOK ' - In charge of Marshals J. W. Taylor, C. S. Love and Chas. L. Cowles, will form on the soutii side of Market street, right rest ing near St. James Church: ' Association, of Officers of Third ri. u.: Infantry. . Organizations of other Confederate Army and Navy Forces, in charge of Senior , . , Officers. ,r::f:: jy, v; Soldiers and Sailors of the Confederate v Army and ?avy. i Civil Associations. " ;S -; Cttlzena on foot : TfOXD DIVTtSIOK " . ! In charge of Marshals J. T. Mclver and- J. F. Stolter. Disabled Confederate Soldiers and Sailors in Carriages. i ." ; J Citizens in Carriages. Y Marshals W. W. Harriss and O. K. HoU 'itn-a-rnrtTi will havfl rhATPtt of the Confed- s , -,tA iAt and nHi)uAnt crronnds in the ceme tery. Y ' . .. .",; ;..; .. -; " The ministers of the different churches are earnestly requested to have the bells tolled from 4 to 4.80 o'clock p. m. The route of march will be up Fourth Street to Campbell, up Campbell to met cemetery. t '- -" , 7; ''' - C -l , j The following order of exercises Will be observed: : ' Dirge by the WUmington Cornet Concert ; . ;n;" Club. : -r Forget not the Dead," by the Choir. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. W. . Primrose. ; Rest in Peace," by the Choir, J Oration by Mr. John S. Long. "Soldiers of Christ, Arise, " by. the Choir. -Benediction. Floral offerings. At the close of the ceremonies a salute wiU be fired by the Wilmington Light In fantry. : . f;:f.!:3J '.'; f-1'1 It is earnestly requested that no vehicles or horses will be allowed to stand in the circle Immediately surrounding the Con federate lot James L Metts, Chief Marshal. Salelde of Be v. J II. XMuiy, a Former Wlla-Iactoa Pastor, Our readers are familiar with the cir cumstances which, on or about the 22nd 01 May last led Rev. Jonathan H. Dally to surrender his parchment as pastor of Trinl ty Methodist Episcopal Church in Jersey CHy, New Jersey. . The following extract from an article In the Kew; York Herald of Friday gives the sad sequel. - Rev. Mr, Dally was formerly a member of the North Carolina Conference,' and was stationed In this dty shortly after the war, where he was very popular: .. .. "After his retirement Mr. Dally went to live with his aged father, a prominent resident of Woodbndge. Xi. J. tie was stricken with illness, and a physician was rurnished him try Air. Dearie and the stewards of the Jersey City church, who deeply sympathized with, the unfortunate man. lie was til lor six months, when his physician recommended that he , trav el in the hope of regaining his health. Pastor Dally entertained the hope that his long and excellent service in the Church would be considered when the Conference was apprised of his fall and they would mete out some mild punishment , and, not aismiss, nun irom tne ministry. . ' - "The Conference resisted the influence brought to bear in his behalf. His parch ment was accepted and . his services were forgotten The Conference adlourned : a few days ago and Mr. Dally was acquaint' eu wiui uieir luuirmeni ne was a me time studyins medicine in New Orleans. His retentive memory and previous knowl edge enabled him to complete his course in a few months. On April 2T he wrote to his wife at Woodbridee. that he . would that day start for St Louis, where ne intended locating, and he expected her to rejoin him there, lie stated that he would write as soon as he arrived at St Louis. Mrs. Dally and her father waited impatiently for in telligence from her husband,, but none came, until Wednesday a letter was re ceived from the captain of a Mississippi river steamer plying between New Orleans and St .Louis. .. "Mr. Dally had been a passenger on his boat -He noticed that his passenger was an intelligent man - and evidently in great mental distress. v He feared he contemplated suicide, and the captain made him share his spacious stateroom. He alwavs locked Mr. Dally in at . night so strong was his sus picion 'that' he intended drowning him self. On last Friday night while the cap tain was absent for a short time, Mr. Dally forced open the door, and before he could be intercepted ran to the deck and jumped overboard. -- The steamboat ; was stopped ana an The small hosts were "promptly lowered and manned. He was seen to rise to the surface once, then sank and did not again appear. From the letters found in Mr. Daily's 'writing desk the captain learned the' address of his relatives. ' The sad news a shock so severe to Mrs. Dally that her condition is critical She lias ho childrenl" The Officers of the Jersey City church have arranged to -have the body when recovered forwarded to that city. They have offered a reward for its recovery, - "The unfortunate 7 man"- was born in "Woodbridee. on October 7th. 1838.- He was a graduate of the Wesleyan University and was admitted as a preacher by the North Carolina Conference of the Metho dist Episcopal : Church in : 1863. Desiring to labor nearer home, he was transferred to the Newark Conference in 1871. . He was .assigned to - the church at Mount Horeb, in Somerset county. ;'; His later charees were at Washington. Warren coun ty ; RosevUle, Essex county ; Market Street Uhurcnv. .Newark ( Market Street Church, Paterson, and Trinity Church, York street eraey Mr. j :'-ix.s:- - - ,: -jr. i"----ap---aaw"--n-------'1 - AVllamlnjctoa mntnmiW0t ff fl At a meeting of the Directors - of the Wilmington Mutual Insurance Company, held On the 1st ' day .of ' May: inst, Mr. David CashweU was elected Secretary, and Treasurer of ; tho aame. He informs :us that ne has his office In the ap staixs of the postoffice building; on the corner of Second and. Cbsijut iifeebx; weatlior InUeatloaar " J J 1 1 - The following are the indications f ok to- .. . , . .' . . . ...... ..... ' ..Ji'l.j. - day: 1 ' - For the . South ' Atlantio States, ,falrf weather southwest tandrth'west winds,. slightly warmer weather. v T . ' ' , - j Personal. t TMr. E. T; Hancock Is improving. " f , We are sorry to' learn that: Rev. ..Dr. t 'ritchard has been quite sick since, he has been in Augusta. ' Messrs. Louis J. and DuBrutz Poisson, who have been spending some time in Cali-j ornla, arrived home -Friday nighty Mr: Fred. Poisson, who is assistant superinten dent of a silver mine, remained In CaUfor-r nia. j u - ' I ' - -.i, j -.. ; - . i. -"wt . WlImlnKton IlaBt Infantry The Wilminirtori TAahX Infantry intend eiving a festival soon, which wfll beunde the management of several young .. ladies whose names we will giyo later; We learn that the members of. the company will give a complimentary, .mop curslon to those young ladies who are kind enough to assist .them. , :j J''rr:' : A Temple of Israel."1" ; j" On Wednesday, the 20th of May, the rite of confirmation. wiU be administered to f our youths at the Jewish Temple of Israel,' tiie- season of much solemnity with our friends bfthe'IebrelaU-:'i:;3;H,.?.i We are.' in receipt ; a 'Verjj handsome ticket " of Invitation, .throueh Mrs && T K. u. jonnson, w. aiaer ana vos. sn Everett to the fifth grand annual. recepf tion of the Cadets' of Horner's School; aj Oxford, on Thursday, May 28th. : ' RIVEBAaonABIllE. The Revenue Cutter Ccifax has i been at Baltimore for. a few weeks past, - where she is undergoing pretty thorough-.', repair! She will probably not return ' under Iwo or three weeks, i - " , , .... .. ; The steamer Howard, Capt J bound from New York to Charleston, pu in here yesterday for a supply of fresh water for her . boilers. She was -fitted put at New York to r dredge Charleston bai, under a contract with the IT, S. Goveru- ment, under the centrifugal pump princi pal, with a capacity of four hundred cubic yards. The contractor, Mr. A. M. New ton, son of Geo. John E. Newton, was on board of the Howard. . -1. . ' Our. Cnsreli Calencar. , St. John's Church, oorner of Third and Bed Cross streets. . Ber. 4. CarmiehaeL B. IX. Kector. Fifth Sunday after Xaster. Holy Communion at 7 80 a.m. Jiornint; irayeraaa uonnrmauoaat 11 o'olfc: Sunday school at p. m. rrt Bt. rani's KDisoooai unnroa. oorner 01 rourtn mm! Orange streets. Eev. T. H. Ambler. Beotor. Xoromir Prayer at 11 o'clock; Srening- Prayer at 8 o'clock. Seats free. - - ; u - VrontKtret M. K. Chnrcn. Bontn. coiner or Tmnt and Walnut streets. Bev. Sr. S. A. Yates. pastor. Serrices at 11 a.m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 8 0. n. W. M. Par-er. anoerhueBdeiit. Praver meetuur ana leotare weanesaav evennur at 8 to' clock.. Christian Association Tnesday eTening after first and tntrd Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Seats free and strangers and visitors AnrdMJl-In ltea. . , . ' : , Fifth Street M. S. Church, between Hun 'and Church, Ber. D. B. Tutue, Pastor. Serrioesatu a. m. and 7Ua m. Class meetnur at 8 n. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday eyenlnsr at 7 d'oULfl First Baptist Church, corner of Fifth and Mar ket streets, icev. T. u. prucnara. l). d pastor. 8ei lees at 11 a. m . eoadncted br Re-. J. L. W. Carry, D. D., of Klchmond, Va-; and at 8 p.- m. Dy Key. h. v. Jtouume. rrayer ana praue meetlmr ThursdaT nurht at 8 o'clk. St. Paul's EyangUeallAtheraa Church, corner Sixth and Market streets. Bev. F. W. B. Peschau, pastor.' German services at 11 a. m.: Snglish servioes at s p. m. cunaay sonooi at s p. m., w. H. Strauss. suDt. i ! . 8t. Mark's Bpiscopal Church, oorner o f Sixth and Mnlberrv streets. Serrloes as follows: Sun days, Monuhe Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at St. Bar nabas' school-house at 4 p.m. Confirmation class at Church at 4W n.m. Seats free. , 8t.. Tbomasv JEroTathedral. on Sock street between Second and Third. First Mass at 7.00 a. m.: High Mass and sermon at 10.80 a. -m,; Vespers ana jueneaiouon aspwm.;inuiy jtassatT am. Seeond Presbyterian Church, oorner Fourth and Campbell streets. Bev. J. W. Primrose, pas tor, eemoes at 11 a. m. ana 0 p. m. BaDbatn ahnal at 4 nJm. , . .-.ii- i.. ,. , Servioes at the Seaman's "Bethel this morning at 1 1 o'ojock. oonaactea oy tne xusw. u. u. aeuy. Keats free. The public are cordially invited to attend. . . - . f Second Advent Baptist Church, oorner Church and Sixth streets. Praaohina at 11 o'clock a. m. by Bev. John S. W. Hdrreyj at night by Bev. J. 8. jj lutes. Baooam scaooi at zj p. nu jmv. rf. r, Klnc vastor. -'--: ,: j' - f Christ Church (Congregatlonallst); Nun street'1 between Sixth and Seventh. Bev. D. D. Dodge, minister, preaonnig seivues at u o'eioox a. nv and 8 o'clock p. m.- Pastor's Bible Class at ;ISH p. m. rrayer ana rraise jneeung, w eanesaay. a o'clock p.m. Sunday schooLS o'clock p. m.Hj memorial iiau, oorner 7ta ana nun streets. CITY ITEHW.- Coughs and Colds can be eared with abotili of sine's Syrup of Tar. . Only 86c For sale by A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, having passed several sleepless nicrhta. disturbed b- the aimntea and cries of a Buffering child, and becoming oOn- TmceauHan, wmsiows eootnmg eyrup was Just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was strongly m favor of HomoBooathT. That nieht the child nanmd in saffering,and the parents without sleep. Beturo ing home the day following, the father found the baby still suffering: and while contemplating an- otner sieepiess mgnt, tne motner steppearrom the room to attend 'to some- domesuo duties and left the father with the child. . Durmgher ab sence be administered: a portion of the Soothmg O l.Vw A4.VM ffK. n . I SL all hands slept well, and the little f ellow awoke in tne morning bright and nappy. - The mother was delighted with the wonderful chancre, and al though at first offended at the deception prac-- uoea upon ner, nas contmuea to use tne csyrmp, and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. . A single trial of the Syrup nAVn waf. roll a4 a1tava . Va tVw kk h-Mk-. oome the pre jodioes of the intber - Sold by all CUBILT A TaILOB THAT CAN GIVE TJNI' venal satisfaction Is Indeed an artist, for bo two men are the same shape, Identically, and for every one a new draft has to bemade. ; ; f ! Our success for the last! year has greatly In- creased our trade, and now while other estab- llahmepts are Just jogging along we are doing arBshingbuslnesat-' tg.--1'-. ----4- Sver since the 1st of March Jtir full fctrcd has been busy, and this, the result of our elegant work and satisfactory-fits, is very gratifying to imi U'-'-U i We Show the lamrest line of TTRCTB GOODS In the city. All the latest woolens for Men's Cloth ing are mown by usmna we mvlte au who ap preciate Fine Clothing and elegant fits to call to BCD US. t : - Our prices this season are lower than ever be fore, and much lower than the average flrst-elasa Auonng asiaDuaaments. vT ; , u. t I ' ' ' Am DATIDIv ; Ttf A -'Sli ''tn i-k Meixhant Tailor. T TTAVtt AW . TT k TtfT A T a ftiwri wt9 -a-' J. PURB NOBTHaSIT ICwhlch I win selL OF ,rom tn nate, at either of my Depots, or delir- erea at my ice House, at HALF CKST PS ; vouniry patron-e respcetfuuy solioited. , ,i v-.A good Ne. 1 MULK for sahSii- Proprietor New Jpe House. . - 4j.'i."'.-i " 11 ",'" "' 1 "" """r ' " " ' 1 Wm mm m m iw mw tm wwwwwiMwwHpBiBMaa rCOMMERCIALi ; WIIMIIIGTOK.!MA;RKET; :"ty STAR OTSJCa. May ; 6'Pf M. - IJPltUTg .TTjRPOTriNETbe fnarket was quoted flra.Alv 9 cents j?er gallon,; with sales reported of 20Q casks at that price. COTTOir t ANO NAVAL rTOKES ; . -!; ' WBEKItT:. 8TATE3IENT. . ,'- - - j Trohithe 1st to' the 9th of May,' 1885. ? 'OotUm. 'Spirit. ,Bosiri. Tar. Grudel i a . A,lW3 7,174 , 1,0-1- 4U0 4' ' -RECEIPTS Frbmfteist to' the 10th of May 1884. Cotton; Spirits. '-JSasiTk Tar,. Orudej .,;.. -r EXPORTS From the 1st to the 9th of May, 1885. ' ' (btom'Ftoirito: Botin. Tar.Orudei Domestic' ' 88 1 676 439 ' 2,757 1.459 Vari;PPj1Xp 6,570 - 8,800 250 Totatf t-S63 ;;i;676 ''' T.009 r 6.057 1,709 From tha 1st to the 10th of Hay, 1884; tbtton. BoiriU: Rosin "Tar. Crude. Domestic i' 982 463 1 l,99d ;1,075 1,480 Foreign.; 000, 2,250 J 7,098 ;;J vl rOOQ Total; i" 82 X3.718; 9.088 ,1,076: 1,480 ' STOCKS " ' ' Ashore and' Afloat; May 9. 1885. : 'HAtofa,,Jj(0at. Totals. Cotton , i . , . . , ,i; ' 726 , 8' . . 734 Spirits., olBS r-1,409 .. -,31 Roabi, , ,.i., , i ..' 83,743 10,608 93,351 Tar.,,,... . ... 8,843 , 1,813 . ; 5,156 Crude... m...-Vi 85 OW 30 STOCKS Ashore aVd,Moat;May 10, 1884. j Cotton. ' Spirits. JBosin ' Tar. Crude. ,1,910 ; 4,084 78.641. 5,805 f 2,297 ;4QUbTAtlONij';.' '..1 i ... 1i Vat Tft . ,; a MIT B. 1885. Cotton., ' lit ; , . 10J . Spirits.. 80 . 29 07i,; -,.."$1:12.. ! Tar..... V50j 1 15 , '' VwinBSTic naita at.1 1 By Telegraph to te Morning Star.) j .NaWiYbBA.' May 9.rBvenIng, Sterling exchange t 4861. , Money ii per cent. OAwrnniftnt Rtrnnff: new fonr oer cents 122 : three per cents 102.' . State bonds more active.. -; ;. , -:j ; . . ; T Cotton weak.' with sales to-day of -96 bales: , UDlands , 101c : . Orleans 11 10 : consolidated' net 'receipts 2,111 bales; ex- portato Great Britain 3,444 Dales, to France hales: 11 Sonthern floor steady.' Wheat- spot advanced 12 points, closing flrm;un ungraded red 87c$l 02; No. 2 red May $1 04J; Jane $1 03il 05. Corn epot steady and qniet; nn graded 5760c; No. 2 tTlOiSSc:. June 56i67c Oats a shade stronger and very aoiet: No. 2. 40ia401c. 'Coffee fair Rio on spot firmer at $8 25; No . 7 Rio on snot 6 50. Snsrar anieL firm and unchanged; fair to good refining 4 18-16415-16c; refined sugar ynchangd. Molasses steady. - Rice unchanged. Cotlon seed oil erode vz&sooi renned 3y4ie. Spirits -turpentine steady at; 82Jc. . Pork steady, with a light demand; mess on spot $12 50; middles nominal. Lard 5 points higher; western steam on spot $7 10; June $7 167 ia Freights to Liverpool weaker; cotton m; wheat -id. " ; Cotton-"-net receipts 87 bales ; gross re ceipts 44 bales. Futuro closed steady and quiet; sales-to-day -of 49,600 bales at the f ollowmg quotations; . ' May 10.66 10.67c; June 10J710.78c; July 10.82c; August 10.881 0.8&c; September 10.65 10.66c; October 10.80102c; November and December 10.1610.18c; January CmCAeo, May 9. Flour firmer. Wheat active and unsettled: closed lie above yes terday; May , 87i90ic;. June 90ft92ic; guiy viV4tc;. no. a red f l ool 02. Corn firmer and closed 4c above yesterday : cash 48rCt May 4848f ; June 4748ic; July 48i48ic Oats firm early, but closed easier; casn 43tc; Jixay S4i84ic; Jane84l841c. -Pork mess, firmer and 1015c higher, closing steady; cash $11 25 11 80; June $11;25U 87,; July $11 85 11 47T.- 'Lard -215c stronger and 5 Tie nigner; cash' ana May 80 846 871; Jane $6 856 2T.' Boxed meats steady; dry salted shoulders $4 85014 40: short rib L voD ou; snort clear sides $6 155 20. i-wjusisey sieaay at 15. sugar higher: aianaara a nc. " St. Lotjis,. May , 9. Flour strone and higher.: Wheat active and higher;, No, 2 rea casn ana May . $1 tU7g. Corn higher ana now; jmo. mixed , cash 4747tc; JnnA AKU7hV7lM 1 data "KTr Q ml. A fi..1, 86KJ. : Whiskejrsteady at $114. Provis ions firm. Pork $11 50. Lard $6 70 asked. Bulk meats long clear $5 70; short rib fo eu; Tiear f 0 uu. - uacon long clear $6 25; short rib $6 26);' clear $6 50 o ou. Say-NN-H, Ga.; May 9.dpirits tur pentine dull .at 28fcX sales of 200 bbls. Kosinfirm at 95c$l 10, , , f CABiawroN, I S. ' OL, v May a Spirits , turpentine 28rC bid Rosin nominal. -; . V .! ' " " f.'-V COTTON BLAK&STTS. : By Telegraph to the Morning gtar.l May 9, Galveston, qniet at 10ic net receipts 60 Dales; Norfolkiquiet at 10 9-16c net receipts 94 bales; Savannah, steady at lOJc net . receipts ; J733 bales; New Orleans, quietat 10fff--net receipts 930 bales', Mobile, quiet at 10 5-16c net re ceipts 1 bales; Memphis, qniet at 10c net receipts 7 bales; Augusta; quiet at lOJc net r receipts, .14 bales; Charleston, dull and nominal at lOJc--net receipts 48 bales. :'-TBBIBIIUBKB5;1 I 4 ; ' 1 ' fBy Crtle to the Morning Star.! ' .'r London; May j 9;r 5 M. Spirits turpentine, weajc on spot at 23s 6d; May delivery 23s Od ; June and August delivery 23s 9ch September :and December deliv- , LL-lL. '.- - ' 1. MARINE: Psrt iiitaiAm in ' Bto R&ea,- 5. j. 24 A. m B;eSH,v?3 - 7.08 P. M. ffigk Wei at Smitli-ille. . 4.28 Even! High. Water at Wabntogton. , 7.28 Even. JsTjMigth. . . .. r 13b. , 44m. thcidsideK SmWivme, mastflK. sti; k yis vi i-. ., ; j -ixj - BtmrT Mmtdson,Smith, Payetteville. a.W,WffliamiteQo v . BriUsb brig Solario, 243 tons, Cann.New Tork. Geo HarrtM Jtr. - ' Stmf. IkuIseWood8ides, Smithville master.-ri.:itart!,, j IP!Mar'Slxi8 Smhhv Fayetteville, G V7 W illiams & Ck. r c r 'i. d'i 1 -Brfir Hattie 1 "Gottbir, St Pierre, Martt nlqrjeEdward Kidder & Son ; Z - -.- llliiiji ', ' ' I - - ; . 15 , - ; .t.'f. 5f Iqmber, 78,6O0f cypress ahlngles.l V; v 1 . 1 -ta 1 Absplutely Pure. iiuyuwunwTsrTwwsi a uiam si ui y mjm strength and wholesomeness. More economical than ordinary kinds, and oannot -be sold in com! petition with the multitude of low test, short weignt,aiumorpnospnatepowaers. Boutmuftn cons. ...-, Wholesale, by ADKI AN & VOLLEB8. nov841v nrm too orfnn . 4p novM HOTEL BETJITSWICK, " mitiiTille, Ti. c. ; ; ' PHI8 HOTEIiWIL BB OPEN FOR THB BB- ceptlon of Guests on the 18TH OP MAT, 1885. The Manager will endeavor to .maintain the high reputation of this Hotel, .and respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. Bates $(0 per month, - $10 per wee-; $2 50 per day. Special rates made for the Month or Sea son, Dy aaaressmg . ' HOTEL BBUNSWICK. mysSm r- Smithville, K. Carolina. ; - OFFICE 01" WILMINQTON & WELDON B. R. CO, Km Uotice to Coiitractors. pBQPOS ALS ABB INVITED FOB CROSS TIES for the Wilson A Fayette?ille Ball Bond, of the following description : ' ' Ties to be (SWl eleht and a half feet lone. n nine inches wide, (7) seven inches thick: to snow at least (7) seven inches heart upon each face; to oe ereniy ana smoouuy newea ana squared, aut ted at each end. Said Ties to be of BLACK CTPBESS WHITE OAK, POST .OAK or PINK. If of Pine to be hewed upon all four sides, the others to have the bark taken off on two sides. Ties to be delivered on said line of road at such points as may be agreed upon, and cross piled on piles of to Ties each, at Intervals of 1C0 feet, or otherwise as may be agreea upon. - Ties, except Black Cypress, not to be cut before the 1st of July, If 85. aids will be received until tne zs:n ei May. ists. Address . P. GARDNER, -1 Engineer W. & F. Ban Boad. ' Care of W. & W. B. B. Co , my 6128M WUmington, N. C. OFFICE OF WILMINGTON & WELDON B. B. CO., Wn-mreTOK, N. a, April 25th, 1885. A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF this Company wOl be held at the offlce of the Company, in Wilmington, on MONDAY, THE 1ST DAY OF JUNE next, at 10 o'clock A. M for the .purpose of considering and acting upon a lease by this Company of the Railroad and property o the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Rallroa Company, and for the curoose of Drovidimrlfh the) nnanntal timwIk fit thta Cnrntutiv jsy oraer or tne Board of Directors, 3. W. THOMPSON, Secretary. ap 28 tdm Review copy. OFFICE OF WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AUGUSTA B.B. CO., WnjmieTON, N. C, April 25th, 1885. lit t MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF this Company wOl be held at 10 o'clock A. ML, on MONDAY, THE 1ST DAY OF JUNE next, at the offlce of the Company In Wilmington, N. C, and at 10 o'clock A. M., on TUESDAY, THE 2ND. DAY OF JUNE next, at Florence, S. C, for the purpose of considering and effecting a lease of the road and all its property to the Wilmington A Weldon Bailroad Company. . By order of the Board of Directors, 2 , B. BBIDGEBS, President, : . J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary. ap 29 tdm . Review copy. ;;; Auction Sale. jg Y ORDER OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THB N. C. State Exposition Company, we will sell at Public Auction, at the Court House door, in Ra leigh, N. C., on May 15th, 1885, at one o'cl'k P. M , . m a he Main Exposition Building. 896x838 feetcon taining "176 Window Frames, 24 lights, glass lOx 14. glazed and fitted" ; 4 large Doors, with looks and hinges-8 small doors: 874 squares Felt Roof ing; 8 Bolts, 1x16; 162 Bolts, JK-ttf Lumber in main building, over 600,000 feet. Also, Machinery Shed, 100x150 feet, covered with jelt roofing, and a quantity of secondhand Lumber. v W. S. PRIMROSE, President. ap21tMayt5 IL raia8'teCretary- . Broter aniCoiiimon HercM- SOLICTTS CONSIGNMENTS OF ALL BINDS of Country Produce. Highest Prices and Prompt Returns guaranteed; , mh85tf NO. 114 NORTH WATER ST. ;. ; Tolaqcblf Fadt ' 200 .TOBAcco- WANTED 1,000 ponhos" Beeswax; ,0CO dry Hldesi .XfiQQ pounds WoQl;aigQ Cotton. Bags. Highest market price paldT -fw,v"-,-w. Ai.tH'..i M I s5s;K i-r;; ' ; ' .HambnraN.Hallmrl)op.' ; -. Hamburgh Raster'Ao.. Ac , - Presorlpttons filled at kli hours at 4 t t v mhM tf Cbraer ox Fourth and Nun Streets, GUM CAMPHOR, '.INSECT POWDEB," ANTI Moth Carbolized Paper, Fly Paper. Mercu rWOintmenf. Qulcksflyer, Bed Bug Poison, Bai Pasto, Ac, all at bottom figures.- Call andprice. my Stf Newmarket WUmtarto: 5 and Seedsman ZOurJJew i. f----- ' - - . - V T8 NOW. JlT. WOBK,- AND BETTER SODA uiaa um wmca we oner cannot Te had m wil Caiiw tt;f 'STBBiaGVWco ASSIGIIEE'S : . Salt -AT- ri. r.i. katz's 116 Market St. WILL OFFER QN M0NDAT Jobs in Dress G00ds .. AT 4c. 10c, 12c, ib. m P28yard t A of asoaable and Deslr ALL-WOOL NUN'S VEILING, iu ALL-WOOL BUN1INGS. IN COLORS. V JAPANESE IPOPUNS. POUQEKS & BELOW COST. WHITE ANGOLA FLANNEL FOR CHILDBpj ALL OYER LACE GOODS. LACES, NOTIONS, RIBBONS, &0 , &c. THE JGOQDS MIfST BE SOLD F. RIIEIKSTEIX. apSGtf ASS1GSRS. Chickens and Eggs, 500 DOZKN EGGS W1LL be sold mm at 120 per dozen. Chickens, alive and dressed. Dried Peaches, 8 and 10c per pormi Tried Apples, 8 and 10c per pound. Dried Prunes, three pounds for 25o. The Celebrated Springfield Earns. " " Ferris Hams and Strips. Baltimore Hams, uncovered, 14c. Western Sugar-Cured Hams, naked, atUJfc. 25 Bbls Sugar, Granulated, White XCand Go!- den C. Elegant Strained Honey, 7Ec per gallon. Stevens jn' a Family Flour, the best valne for $G.O0. The "Bride" Flour IS THE BEST IN THE CITY. 500 Lbs Choice N. C. Hams. Canned Goods marked very low. apSStf J.O. STEVENSON, kFire-Proof Oil" JS BETTER THAN "KEROSENE OIL, OB any other Burning Oil. Can be used in any lamp- For sale by HOLMES & WAITERS, 7 North Front St. HENRY HAAR. 701 Chesnut St WM. OTBR8BN, corner 5th and Market GTJ8CHEN& BRO., corner Chesnnt andKcKae. P. H. SMITH, corner 4th and Campbell. J. C. STEVENSON A CO., 617 North Fourth St. B. H. J. AHREN8, corner 7th and Market Sis. J. C. STEVENSON, 131 Market St H. SCHULKEN, corner 4th and Wainnt Sts. J. H. BOBSCH, No. 801 North Fourth St Watch this list and see it grow. mh -jji Xia-rrgest, s GXtLeapest, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY IN THS rIT -7, STATES, The Hitnai Life Ins. Co. of Kew 'fsrt " ASSETS OVER $103,000,000. M.S. WILUKB. hl my 8tf terSt Notice. F OBDER TO BEEP PACE F?aJS times MEALS will be furnished at im- SCARBOROUGH HOUSJS ror v-"-- rwmt i i .k Vnotnf Wines. Llii"ulJ ... Cigars on nand to meet the demand .a. w rons. D, A. SBBWwarg Another Supply F THE CELEBRATED DUFFY ...la. KEY. Also, Wilson, J onn whUkel5 ' and other well known brands of THB GEM. WUXWB mh25tf 6NorthJrontSn$, We Offer f IgQQBbb Good FLOUR. CflA Kegs NAILS, Bhds Choice CUBA MOLA AND A FEW OTDEES. AT CLOSE PRICES TO PR0MTT BP ( HALL & PBARSAli. : Wholesale Grocers and Com. Mercb NoallAlSScWater aP25tf - J ToUetSets. WE HAVE JUST BECKIVED AS0T , for the money. the GirL myCtf COMMISSION MERCHANTS. vai BHin. u and Dlstfflers' SnpPma t North Water street, Wilmingw"' jo.' ap w tr gMOTH'S FCRSn BOOMS eaa.be found a VALTJABiJ 6IFTS. snitable ft ; The pubae.'Wespecy , tfallyjnvited to call and eTeg speot ,es28tf ruruiv - -; v nvlfl-uitlnwnffures. Dont JST-ioO,, 4-

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