he Morning Star. RATES er ADVKRTmNei - , 8Qaarsoai)ay,:..;:;.vl.i..,'.."iv.-". or :vi,?!2iv25r-- - I?? liTBBttXAirH :1 1 '.lira DftTL. B Its Twe Weeks, i S M liLJLLd., i 2 Z P Monta,...--ri.")l.'.'"..'.". 10 Co --u; - Two Montaa,.i..i.:.-it.,f...v18 00 ioalr-"-- 'i'l: io i.tM i Jf fc!Ui',o !:oi33ir.?i:-"si -Oil J 'lev ' . ; I ' t I : 1 i i rn three montna m JI77t the Post Office at wmfiE&Ktou. H- " inRNING PDITION OVTL1SKS. ! The funeral of Victor Hugo, io Paris vts-crday, was attended with grand and ininosins ceremonies; hundreds of Ihpu .ands of peoPle crowded the streets throujth which iho great pioceasion mored; there ffas no disturbance. It is said that Collector Young of the Fourth K C. Pis- ;n or.nn he removea ana i4mocrH tl H- " . 7 TWr ftr t for May is $3,350,833. appointed in his f the public debt Oeu Grant suuers Terj ibucu wiui his tbroat. but his general condition is ip nan ntly improved. Evidence in pe Cluvtrius trial at Richmond, Va.,as duded yesterday and the summing:up II Hit Col. Aylett opening for the prose-. c. ition. (Vnti :il - Workmen on the. Kentwjky' H iiiroad have struck against re-. I ,1,,, ti,.M of waees; no freight ,talns '.are run- llltf Gen. Crook teleeraphs to the War IK-paitment that the Indian troubles i n, w Mt-xico will be exceedingly difQcuit J.Miuprens; about 1,200 U. S. troops re ir, the field. George W. Julian has ,.. n appointed Surveyor General of New Mexico, and J. H. Maynard, of Newark, t I Second Comptroller of the 'treasury. New York markets: Money 21 per ,.,.,; cotton dullatl015-16llic; wheat, unt.T i.ltHl red 8593c; southern flour dull ,.,d weaker at 4 705 60; corn, ungraded 4!t56-2; rosin steady at $1 12l 15; .ir,i nir,nUne steady at 33c ; Tin- Mt for Senator in New Huniliire is narrowing down to Blair an.l anti Blair. . - Norfnlk has a new bank; YV( hone it will be on a sound Dasis ana will be honestly raanagea. j The Georgians are much stirred and are moving upon the Adminis tration to get Marshal Bryant of the Northern District, in that State, re- fli'ivxii. i The Democrats have just carried Norfolk,, Portsmouth, Princess Anne and Norfolk counties, and the towns of Suffolk and Franklin. There is nothing like having a Democratic Administration for success. BraJstreefs reports for last week 1G1 failures in the United States a?.iust 184 the preceeding week. Exclusive of States with one failure the South supplied as follows: Ken tucky 2, Florida 3, Tennessee 4, and Virginia 5. Concerning the free pas report, Gov. Jarvis said this to some gentle men at Gtddsboro, as we learn from the Argus: I In truth and in fact, gentlemen, the Hon. .lohn Roach has never given me the opportunity of refusing a free pass; he has lu ver i udered me one. " - ! KtlSCOFAL COXVEttTMOlT Asheville Citizen if Second Day, Way 28th. . After the reading of the Bishop's ttddrew, ,n motion of Mr. R. H. Smith, it was resolved that that, por tion of the address in reference io the Ravenscroft Mission and Train inj School be referred to a special committee of three clergymen and two laymen; and that they be in- i meted to report by 11 o'clock on i-nuay morning, Ui.d ider this resolution, the Bishop I in led as said committee the 1 Kev. Dr. Hnv B. S. Broil-I son and W. B. Wetmore, and MesHrs. B. H. Smith and H, G. Jones. . Mr C. M. Busbee read a report oh the lhcks fund, which was referred lo the same committee. The Secretary then read the foj w wing reports: Reports of the Trustees of .the -'wese Keport of the commitlos' n the division of thfl Spnnritioa 'f . iheold Diocese of North C,rolina: i ! J, i e,V'. J- B- Cheshire, Jr., pre-' fnted a claim from the Trustees of n!i Cet"e,of Ea8t Carolina regard- Th V ""ranip in the General NpI T , &em,nary in the city of was referred to a committee of three rFortto this mention. session of the Con- 7JTJ resolution the Bishop Z lJie evs. Jos. W. Muf- tt- Busbee. Tu ... r., and Mr. C. tho rn uu "asKe presented following preamble and resolo- oe kav i i n i . V 1 1 T r. , . rrt Rencv i . if , 18 Sreat dive'" Jinini,.,..-; '""M.c Ul reporting eora- rZ "? irom tne various parishes. DritrX.? That a 'nveflU Vu1"'66 De aPPomted to The reso,1?." aH'-be ascertained. Kev M as -Adopted, and Mr 'Tnr8;.Ha8ke ad Hil, 0u committee. Thp nEVENlXGSKS8I0N. o dock n 1 uuon assembled at 8 finiAr; ana resumed the nn- thrfrninbe- Hion9,,;l'v",'"l ine Jiixecutive Mis ent iWmilt.ee aid immediately lto committee of th Whol m tne w noie. ' Tha committee of the 1 W h ole rose. reporte$',pro2essk and submitted the f ollowin? resol&UciL which werejre- comraehdadforttMWkl f 3iJ2feriThat ArtieleriVof- the rales of trder be smended.bT M ding . to the list c&lle for; reported from achi parish . ia alphabetical order, to be read to thtt Convention, stating in detail as follows: How many collections for Diocesan Mis sions have been taken np dnringj he year? , 2adii How mach waa taken) at each. collection?. ... ' ; . ,. "., That tatemenlof 'the Rector as 10 tke seeTing'of aeal in his oongrtioii' on-tfe twbject lof Diocesan Missions and an 'itemized acconnt tf all contributions towards church ptfrposea daring the year; 1 ; Also, tae following resolution? f ; Jiesolved. Tha.t the Execative Mis. sionary jlornimittee- be , authorized and mpowre4 ioeafUrvs it.hJeVj shall deem the same advisable upon snca terms as they may agree upon, an agent to represent in the parishes and congregations of? the Diocese for the cause of Diocesan Missions, and to make private and individual, as well as public appeals for funds!to carry on the work; ! Mesolved, That Canon VIII., Sec. , be amended by striking out in line 3, from the word "five, and adding in lieu, thereof, the words "four clergymen and five laymen," in which each convocation to be rep resented by both orders and of which five of whom the Bishop may be one, shall constitute a quorum. ; Thied Day Fbtday, May 29thJ The morning session was occupied in discussing resolutions relating to the Ravenscroft Theoloeical and Training School. NBW IDVERTISBKIBNTN J. H. Durham A. card. ! Munson Gents' furnishings. " Hbiksbkrgbb Berised bible. ' CavuKR & Oo--AucUon sale. G. Z. Fbehch Proposals for fence. SpfitNGKK & Co, Salesman wanted. , .W. & W. It R. Co. To stockholders. The Mayor To merchants and others. LoeaJ Doc. Receipts of cotton yesterday 15 bales. i Four tnfling xases of disorderly conduct were disposed of by Mayor Ball yesterday morning.. There was a very heavy rain storm passed over this city Sunday after noon, accompanied "by some severe thunder and lightning. The "Seasides," of this city, and the "Nationals," of Goldsboro, will play here on Friday and Saturday of this week, at the base ball grounds of the home club. ... "" " The Norwegian brig Thela, Capt. Touresen, was cleared from this port for Glasgow, Scotland, yesterday, by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, with 2,700 barrels of rosin and 500 casks spirits tur pentine, valued at $10,600. A post mortem examination of the body of the late G. W. W. Davis, who died on Saturday morning, revealed the fact that he died of enlargement of the heart and liver. . We mention the fact as it was a case that created some interest. . Dr. Storm conducted the examination. We received last night a special telegram frpmSurgaw. giving an account of a horse-whipping affair, said to have taken place there yesterday, and in which two leading citizens were the actors. The telegram has no signature, reason it would be a violatU and for this violation of our rule to mint it. An excursion will be given on the steamer Pawport to morrow r (Wednes day). June 3rd, for the benefit of the build ing fund of the Fifth Street Methodist Church, There will be an organ on the boat, and the singing of revival hymns will be an attractive feature. There will be refreshments also. , Personal. Dr. John T. Bellamy, of Enfield, Halifax county, was in the city yesterday. Mr. J.'. Hinson, formerly of this city but now of Charleston, is here on a visit. Mr.' Hugh McRae, son ,of Mr. Donald McRae, of this city, graduated a few days ago from the Boston Institute of Technolo gy, being one of thirty, out of a class of more than one hundred who attained that distinction. . , : L,. , y i j Maj. John Hughes, of New Berne, and Mr.1 E. T. Boykin, of Sampson, , were in the city yesterday on railroad business. Mr. Ww A WeUl left last night for Phil adelphla, where he goes to take a position in a dry goods house. ' : The Death f Wm Holiqw. Under the head of "In Memoriam" ..the Jacksonville, (Fla.) , . Timet- Union of the 81st ult. says: ,t -. , -. ; 'On Saturday mominf , the 80th insti at o o clocks Miss AJice u. Holmes . passed m to the rest of Paradise. She was the daughter of our esteemed fellow-citizen. John L. HolmesEsq.,' who moved to this city from Wilmington, K U., a Do at three years ago. The family soon fathered around them, many; attached - friends, the deepest svmnathv or whose hearts iroes out to them in their great affliction. Alice was aaways a neat iavorite with all who Knew her, and had been for moat of the time of ner residence among us an active worker in me Dunaay school or bt. John's Church, or wnicn ner father was an honored vestry man. Jier earlv loss will brine sadness to Bl8r8ercle of loving friends, both-here and in her old home pa North qi j VQVHTJl MATXER8. Jol t peeAlBKH te; or .f 1 1traterap4 tr Connttera 'Tdaynibrn rhjac cordance with rvQVs notice,, a JoJUitmeet ine of the Beard of I MariBtrates and Board pf County Cniissmners ; cbhvened'ln'the llaiotcthft ' A quorum beidg r present the Ghairman, Jasj-'BaV called ' thtaeeting to ordernand eipJaiB its .object. 'i' ': '' I ' ... Chakman Bagg.iof jthe Board of County, Commissionera then 'arose1 and further ex- pinM!(he nguw'!pbecie'eW in&! which waa to ievy.the tax for theen. suing year and to electa Board of ' Edica. tfonj Se'sald iMif was'the sameaB last year, witii the exception of ; the addition of 25 cents to the State tax, making the entire Wcenjfcifc "'"Mr. Chairman' Bagit thenead his report, ! as follows: ,. -.v. . .v--. i Otficx Board of Oowkthsiokhrs 1 ' : NEW HAKOVBB COTJHTTy.' :.7 : Mav 30, 188S.' To. the Wori$ful. ihe Jutiitse of the Peace oj JSew Manover (Jounty: ; i.-; ; ni Ukntlkmes Airaln it is mv dutv. as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for New - Haaover county; to submit to your worships my annual report It if- fords me pleasure to report the affairs; of the. county as all that could be desired. Being in an easy position, financially, the Commissioners thought proper to make some , needed improvements, and, conse quently, the court room, has been repaints ed, changes made in the sheriff's office and the grand jury room, and a contract award- ea lor the erection of an iron bridge over 1 1 Smith's Creek, which, when completed, will be an ornament to this section of the State, a great convenience to the citizens living in Cape Fear township and the coun ties adjacent to New Hanover, and a great saving in the cost of repairs to the old wooden bridge to the county. The public roads have also received the attention sof the Commissioners, a wooden trunk having been placed alongside of the old Nsw Berne road, at or near St. Thomas Catho lic Cemetery, (where the road washes badly during heavy rains) to lead the surface wa ter into the creek in a direct line. Oak Grove Cemetery, near the southeastern sec tion of the city, owned by the county and used for-burying the pauper dead, has neen enlarged, tne fencing ana trees neatly whitewashed and the grounds cleaned by removing all dead leaves, &c., therefrom. This, Board, or any member thereof, is cordially invited to visit the said cemetery and inspect it. Public buildings are in as good condition as could be expected, for time is beginning to tell upon them, and some are becoming dilapidated. la regard to tne roor Mouse, l will use the language of a Grand Jury that recently visited it: "The Grand Jury .visited the Poor House and House of Correction and found the premises and buildings in admirable condi tion, and the unfortunate poor well cared for. We made a careful examination of the department allotted to the insane and are convinced that most humane and rea sonable care is exercised in their behalf ; the sleepiBg apartments, store room and dining room were visited and each found to be in fine order." A standing invitation is extended to the Board of Magistrates to visit this institu tion and see for themselves how it is con ducted. A large number of the poor of the county (not in the poor house) have been assisted, as'far as the fund would per mit, with food, medicine and the services of a physician. The county has no floating debt, as the expenses are paid monthly. The bonded debt is the same as stated in my last report, $0,100, and the amount stated in said re port, $6,665, set apart to meet said debt when due, has been increased to $7,000, as is evidenced by a certificate of deposit of the First National Bank, bearing 4 per cent, interest. Having furnished each of your workships with a detailed statement of the estimated expenditures for the next fiscal year and the tax levy necessary to meet the same, a more extended report-is not necessary. Very resp'tf'y, your ob'd't servrt. Horace A. Hasg, Chairman. ; The report was received and adopted. ! 'Justice J. D. Taylor moved that the tax levy be adopted., Pending the motion, in response to an in quiry, Mr. Cnairman isagg explained that last year there were no capital cases tried by the Criminal Court, while during the one term just closed there were four -cap ital cases, entailing upon the county for witnesses and jurors an expense of $600. He therefore made no change in his esti mate on account of one-half of the burden of the Criminal Court being assumed by Mecklenburg county, thinking it better to over-estimate than to under estimate. The motion of Justice Taylor was then put and carried. . j The next thing in order was the election of a Board of Education. Several names were put in nomination. A ballot was taken, Justices C. H. Rob inson and W. M. Poiason . having been de signated as tellers, and the result was as follows: H. A. Bagg. . . , . .... 25 B. G. Wortlu..t- 33 E. L. Pearcej.:...v..f .., 22 J. A. Montgomery.'. .'. . . '. ... . .......... 7 Roger Moore. . . . 4 Alfred Howe.nv,. . , .. 1 . It is due to justice 'Moore to say that he was not put regularly in nomination. t It is understood that Messrs . Bagg, Worth and Pearce, who now constitute the Board of Education , for New . Hanover county, will hold office until the first Monday in December, 1887, or until their successors qualify, and that' the term thereafter will betwoyears. ; . - , h !.. f . The joint meeting then adjourned. The following is the tax levy : ' For CrimifiaTCbutC $8,250; Superior Court, $1,500; Commissioners, $900; Coro ner, $400: Justices of the Peace, $150; Con stables, $75; Register; $500; Advertising, $130; IncidentaTi'li,300; Roads and Bridges $400; Superintendent Of Health, $900; Poor House, $2,400: -Out Door Poor,? $3,700; Hospital, $1,900; JaU, , $1,800 j 1 Public Buildings, $750; Printing and Stationery. $400; Tax Listing,! $1,050; Attorney, $250; Tat on property purchased by: County and paid to State, $1,200. Total $28,955. ; i , To meet this It is recommended that the following levy be made on property: ; ' , Real and PersonaW-For general expenses, on $100, 201 cents; for Criminal Courts on SlW, ,15 cents; for Hospital, on,: $00; 2 bents. Total on property; 37 cents. iii And oti the Poll For general expenses,' 6H cents; tor .Criminal Court, 45 cents; for Hospital,' 6 cents. Total on poll, $1.12. .. It is estimated that this levy on property and on income' and franchise will realize, net $21,000; from Schedules' B and C. ,$ 000; from 25 per cent, of poll; tax, f $1,000. Totals $26,00(i: :With this levy the whole tax. wiU, be h-, follows: For county1 on property, STi cents; for State on property.i 371 cents. " TbtaJ, 75 cents, i On poll ffor countv. Sl.lSrr'bn poll .for schools and rpoor; $ll2li'' Total, $3.25. a; 1 ; tBur4 of Connty CommlMloaer. , The Board met in regular monthly, ses- sipn yesterday afternood, all the members being rresent.,.,; hfifit rThe Treasurer submitted his 'report (for the'month of May, as follow: - ; General Fund, showing balance j Educational irnnd, showing bal- -. h 1 anca in hand'. . lo.ozu iy ai'j!ie&u$. Fan;$7,000 is in the form of a certificate of deposit in the First National Bank. ', . , ; It was .ordered, by the Board that the claim of F. Rheinsteie, assignee of M. M. Eatz, for $13.60, be allowed. The Chairman reported the collection of sundry taxes1 and exhibited the Treasurer's receipt for the same. The following persons were drawn - to serve as jurors at the July term of the Criminal Court, to wit: 1 Henry Price, Robt R. McCartnee, Ed ward Dixon, W. R. French, J. F. Sellars, J. F. Lanier, Win. Waiters, Jno. T. Keen, Robt C. Smith, John E. St. George, G. J Beach, Alonzo Hewlett, J. C. Bler- kins, 8am'l Carman, E. Scharff, A. G. Hankms, R..L. Hutchins, A. L. Brown, E. M. Surls, E, F. Cason, J. Alvis Walker, John Southerland. R. M. Fowler, M. M. Parker, James Brinkley, E. H. Davis, B. L; Gornto, Wilkes Morris, L. Solomon, Charles Murphy, C. W. Bradley, Edward T.i Craig, John McLaurio, E. B. King, J. F. Stanland, W.? A. Grant. The Board then 'adjourned, subject to the call of the Chairman. Cm AFFAIRS. Itlotttfaly neetlag of tbe Beard or Al dermen. The Board met In regular session at the City Hall yesterday afternoon. All the members were present; Mayor Halt pre siding ; The committee on Finance reported that the changes made in the tax ordinance. at the last meeting of the Board had been concuired in by the Board of Audit and Finance. The tax ordinance as amended was then adopted. Consideration of the report of the com mittee on Fire Department was postponed until the next meeting. ' i Alderman Darby submitted a series of ordinances in relation to the sale of vegeta bles and other farm products, which on motion were referred to the committee on Markets, to report at a called meeting of the Board. The petition of J. C. Stevenson and others on the matter of using two feet of the sidewalks was received, when Alderman Darby submitted a resolution that the or dinance on streets and wharves be so amended as to permit merchants UTuse two feet of the sidewalk for the full length of their stores for the display of merchandise. On motion of Alderman Giles the mat ter was - referred to the committee on Streets and Wharves, to report at the next meeting of the. Board. Sundry petitions in regard to the erec tion of buildings and asking for the repair of streets were referred to appropriate com mittees. Messrs.. J. H. Cbadbourn, D. McRae, James Sprunt, R. E. Heide and D. G. Worth were elected as the Board of Navi gation and Pilotage for the ensuing year. A petition from the Historical Society for the nse of rooms in the Front street market house, was referred to the Market committee, with power to act. Petition of B. H. J. Ahrens to erect a refrigerator in Front street market house was referred to the committee on Markets for report. . Petition for , the erection of a fire' hy drant at the corner of Eighth and W.ooster streets was not granted. Action upon a petition asking for the appointment of a wood inspector was de ferred until the next regular meeting. Petition of the Wilmington Light In fantry Co. for remission of rent of City Hall was not granted.' A communication from the Southern Bell Telephone Co. was received and filed The special committee to whom was re ferred the matter of the Gamewell system of fire alarm made a - favorable report, when, on motion of Alderman Darby the matter was referred back to the committee with instructions to hear from the Southern Bell Co. and report at next regular meet ing. , A -resolution requesting the Board of Audit and Finance to appropriate' a suffi cient sum to purchase five summer uni forms for new. members of the police force was adopted, - Alderman Giles offered a resolution that the Adrian Fire Company be authorized to proceed at once with improvements to.lheir engine house under the direction of the committee on Fire Department, it being understood that all f unds-' expended by them, . not exceeding the appropriation made, shall be reimbursed, without interest, Norember 1st next. , ,, 'i:".V:',v. .. t A communication from Dr. Potter In re lation to the overflowing of bis lot on Mar ket street, after heavy rains, was referred to the committee on Streets and Wharves with instructions to investigate and report. The Board then adjourned. v. s nc - luv.a , OUR RAILROADS. t.S Jf geUnjs' .pfifie stetoodra of .t t& J . .r .. . . t - : ... ' i . . . .... . ft WI tnd Wn C & A. B. iR.-Lfase Tiie TermsDividends, ' ei i i y Meetings of the stockholders of thec-Wil-j mington &;Weldonf and Wiimiiigtoli.jCo-. lutpbia fc AugusRmlrpd Cnrn kt respectively held at the office of :jti?f wb! Companies in this city t yesterday,' at which a krge njodty 'bf ths panywafutopresentjgjjj UoLr UL B. tfHOTt acted . as tuhairmaa ox ids meeung on we pan oi ue rr .,V7. 44V it. Company with JK. J.m Thompson as Secretary,, and MrrWnsu.Calderasr.Gh man of the meeting 6n the'! prt;bf " the Us W. Jt. It. Ampanyv-wiUi Mr. Thompson, The result.of the. ,two meetings was that lease of the -entire property and rftan-- chlses o( the. VTilmlngton, Columbia W Augusta Railroad Company was made to' the Wilmington & Weldon 'Railroad 'Cem- pany upon the following terms and cbndi-' tions, tb-wii: The "iinrigton Weljlon Railroad to pay all interest on the bonded debt of the , Wilmington,, Columbia & An-, gusta Railroad and all fixed charges; and in addition thereto the sum of 6 per cint' per annum on the capital stock of the W., C. & Al R. R. Co., payable in semi-ahnhia), instalments on the 10th day of January and July of each year. :- ; "L , '' I The Wilmington Ss Weldon Railroad Company also authorized the issue, of a mortgage to the Safe Deposit and ' Trust Company of Baltimore, Trustee, upon jail of its property to secure general first mort gage gold bonds at the rate of $12,000 per mile of constructed road, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, pay able semi-annually , on the 1st of January and July of each year. and. having-fifty years to run ; $1,200,000 of mid bonds tobe held in reserve by the Trustee, unissued, for the purpose of providing for the present bonded indebtedness of the ' road, and he balance of said bonds to be used for the general purpose of the company. The Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company also passed the following resolu tion: . 1 Resolved, That all who are now stock holders in this Company shall have the privilege at any time prior to July 1, 1835, of subscribing for said increase of stock at the price of $110 per. share in tbe propor tion of 20 per cent., or say one-fifth of the present holding of said stockholders, pay able one-fourth or 25 per cent, thereof pn the 15th day of July, 1885, and the re-, maining three fourths, or 75 per cent., on the 15th day of November, 1885. . 1 t At a meeting of the Directors of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company, subsequently held, a dividend was declared of t peT"t!ent. bf tne" -capital ttock of t2fed Company for the six months ending June 30th, payable on the 15th day of July next. Also, the Treasurer was directed to pay Jo the stockholders of the W., C. & A, R. R., a dividend of 3 per cent, on the capital stock of that Company on the 10th of July next. ' ' ' ' ' Base Ball Blatters. I The wet weather has proved disastrous to base ball, having stopped games not only in this State but in all parts of the country.! The games played in this State thus far compare well with those played in other leagues and associations. The scores this season have' as a rule been large. ; A correspondent, writing to the Raleigh News and Observer from Oxford, says: "The Oxford Base Ball Club, while it has not succeded as. yet in winning a game in the League, has made a most remarkable batting record. The Club has! played two games with the Raleighs, and two with the Wilmingtons.two of which were ten inning game. The Oxfords made in these four games a total of 63 hits and 48 runs, to 66 of all the clubs combined. This Club has one of the highest-priced batteries in the South engaged, and those who think they will have easy victory when Oxford goes on the road are vastly mistaken." . j The following, says the Newe and Obser ver, was the relative standing of the clubs in the State, May 29th: . . i Lost. . Wop. Durham, 0 4; Raleigh ...3 7; - Wilmington. ,3 5; Henderson.... .;..vivO ! Oj Oxford...; .....!&- 0 Goldsboro . 1..? 0 Oxford has engaged the services of Lotz, of Cleveland, Ohio, a pitcher who, it is I said, has successfully contended with the best professional clubs. Monthly Exports. , - The following is a statement of the for eign exports from the city, of Wilmington for the month of May, as compiled from the books in the Custom House: Cotton 625 bales,' weighing 292,538 pounds and valued at $31,000.- 1 Rosin 21,58? barrels; valued at $23,871 Tar 6,285 barrels, valued at $9,024.' Pitch and Turpentine 551 barrels, valued at $1,109. .;.. Spirits turpentine 03,8p8 gallons, val ued at $60,67& ...w .... ) Lumber 2,135,000 feet, valued at $33 683.-1 : ,-, ; :...!. ..;.(.' Shingles 333,000, valued At $1,603. Total On American vessels $16.34 foreign $144,711. Grand total $161,052. Fifth Street IO. E. Cbureb. Our friends o! the Fiftii Street M. Church have . 'commenced improving thetr church building. It is tp.be extended seventeen feet in front, giving, room ; for ja vestibule ; the side galleries are to be re moved and a semi circular! callerv, erected instead, and there' is to be a. general1 Im provement of the whole building, such as re painting, etc. '" ''- ' ; .There have been seven accessions, to the church during the past two' weeks.1 :WHOLE NO.-58 J Terrible saccijrnt , snrawnina er TW Xadles aad THre , Children at Zeke's Islamdi f ft;'' )! .til! ii, .Tj! ,1-f-t. t.i t i Ij. , Tbfr steamer Passport upon, her arrival here yesterday r afternoon, brought . nevra qt a tenible'accident that happened at 2eke's Island, "below' Fort 8 Fisher, 1 yesterday morriiog.! ' tt5seerBs that a party of twelve ofc tbirteeil persons landed at tin ?RockaM from the sbamer Patsgort, about U o'clock apd walked oyer'to Zeke's Islan(L;i3oat 4 p. m. a message was sent from the1 Island 'to's; it!." r.iiail i! Ji'll1 L ii. AiuTTTL tuc parvj- were airntneu, auu soon ailCX Capt.' JoeWtriatoXeovWrjd' ire tho fplewing:particltBB a tho-dieinaBing mmmk .hatted i r.: He says. that two ladies, iMrs. James H. Winn andlfirs. Tbne'v DeStafnev) and fbnr cldlrjfeiiwere win Wthe beaclijsSne' olhe rclrildfeu'Wa& ab W get .fjejtfM.M' 4epthv whed ahwger Mae: Mas suit tSber it, Both of these, getting .beyond their depth, a, panic ensued,, the two women rushed to the rescue, followed by, the children, and the next moment aff seven were struggling in the deep -WateirV' TheirBcreams attracted the attention of Capt, iMlamson, who was at a house on the bhiff, distant about 100 yards. He rushed tp the spot and jumped into the water and succeeded in getting ene of the chHdreniaTelyf6nand. He then returned,1 div'etf :ifter'8ome' oVtne bthjeis and brought tnedead body of a child! to the surface. ; These were all that could be found, the others having disappeared- and drifted beyond Capt. . W. "a reach. ' At last accounts parties were , searching with drag Mrs. Winn Was the Widow, of the late Jas. H. Winn,-the well known machinist, who died a few months ago. ' Mrs. Destaf ney, her sister, was the wife of Mr. Toney Destafney, an Italian musician, who has been for some time a .resident of this city. Mr. D. had been hunting during the after noon, and. upon his return, met a messen ger with the sad intelligence of what had befallen his wife; when he was completely overcome with grief. A Mr. McKoy, who arrived at the "Rocks"; at 4J p. in., brought the report that the three children drowned were Mun son Winn, Olivia Winn and Jas. W. Winn, the latter being the child whose body Capt. Williamson recovered. The terrible news cast a Bhadow of gloom over the entire community. Some of the relatives of the unfortunate deceased went down on the iiport last night RECOVERY OF BODIES. Capt. J. Williamson and Mr. Davis, of Davis' sharpie, came up last night on their vessel, bringing the bodies of Mrs. Winn, Mrs.De Stefano.the eldest daughter and the Tomgest ton- of Mrs. Wiaa The body of Manson Winn, the eldest son, kas not yet been recovered, but it is hoped will be to-morrow on the turn of the tide. The bodies were all recovered by Capt. Williamson. On arrival here they were taken in charge by Capt. J. M. McGowah, and removed from the vessel to the resi dence of Mr. De Stefano, on Eighth street, between Nun and Church. Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port during the past month footed up 199 bales, as against 170 bales for the corresponding month last year, showing an increase of 29 bales. , The receipts of the crop year from Sep tember 1st to date foot up 93,825 bales, as against 91,457 bales for tbe same period last year, showing "an increase of 2,368 bales in favor of 1885. Base Ball. There was a game of base ball played yesterday at Hilton between the "City Boys," Capt. Joe Eing and the "Silver Stars," Capt John Stienkeu, for, the cham pionship. The score was 16 for the "City Boys" and 13 for the ' Silver Stars." There was a good crowd present WMthcr IacletUM. The following are the indications for ic- day : , . . , ! For the South Atlantic States, fair Weather, stationary temperature, variable winds,' higher barometer: ' i - CITY ITEMS. Goacbs and-Colds can be eared with a bottle of Sine's Syrup of Tar. Only 2So, For sale by Manas Bros. ; FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Window's Soothing Synip is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in to-United States, and has been used for thirty vcars with never failing safety and success by millions of mothers and cbildren,frora the feeble infant of a week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colio, regulates the bowels, and rives rest health and comtort to mother and child. We believe it the Best and Sorest Remedy in the world, hi all eases of DYSENTERY-and DIARRHOEA IN CHILDK3N, whether arising from teething or any other cause Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless", the fao-Bimfle of CURTIS A PERKINS is on tba out Bide wrapper. Sold bv all Medicine Dealers. SSeentsabottjeT! - , JDIED. , j MclVKV. Ia this city, Sunday morntar, 81st ultimo. WILLIAM, yonntest child . of Jordan f. and Leila L. Mclrer, aged 1 year and Si days, j KKWtADVEBTISIfiMKNTS. r Proposals SEALED PROPOSALS FOE BTJILDINO FENCE from Morgan's Creek to N. E. Hirer (about 18 miles), will be received by the subscriber, at Rsckv Point Station, till 13 o'clock noon, Thurs day, July 2t 1885. and opened immed lately there after. Specifications can be seen at RockyPoiat StationTPederOT-- KO Z. FRENCH, Je 2DWlt v fV Chairman Commijsloners.a, " ' .'. - , , ' . . ' . , I ' Suspenders and Braces, OF VARIOUB KINDS; tlSLX THB'DGLOvTS, ia White, Black and Colors; Linen Handkerchiefs very cheap, and an elegant assortment of Neck wear at - u't "'- i MUNSOH'ft i jeSlt Clothing Rooms. umtraet Advenbenieats taken at propor- ' pocataiy krw rates. - . . - Ten Hues aoMd gesmaren type make one square" , J 41 ' HE W ADiraSTJSEMENTS . V 4.- - A. O. EXcGUlT; Auctioneer. ' BYC0LLIKB4 CO., rrHlg Ml at c DAY. COMMKWnma AT i'ftrTir if I at OnrSalea Knnma wa w4!1 ull rw.. m tf? . . i 1 Parlor Set. i "omijonuB, ugs, iiemon syrup, Ac. it - .. - "t 4TJCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MBBCHANTp' 1 4 ! OTOWSSDAY J CWI 2ND, WILL !2SLi'MflA? Velvet Plash Parlor Bet, In . )ii Red Velvet Flash Parlor Bet, in lerfeot eoBditian. a. mtl finn not: nr- irw3 vomiiaan, a reauy nne set or: k. mtOre: Slantwn Cnttmmnx Batm niux..n . Ill t also two Cottage. Sets, one-made-up Set, (to good condition), one small Refrigerator, H ' j Patent Booker, two WriOn Desks, on- fine n w - r r WarbrohSy lot of Matting. Clothes and Hat . Racks, a mjaoellaseoas assortment of Tin Ware, " SPPkeX wro' Ie of those Stone Jar 1 Waier. V0Jer5jTuh covers) and Gutter MUk -ChnrnS left. Wia be subject to examination rkm Boom. No. as M u-knt atNut - wn.. oni : . X and 3rd streets..' ""n8L - If : .. k I WILL B ABSENT TILL FRIDAY -MORN- ing, attending the North Carolina DentaTkssocl- atlon In Charlotte. . ' .':s' : Je it ' : . . J. H. DURHAM. Hardware Salesman "TTANTEp, FORTHK JOBBma Aid) RETAIL BUSINESS. ' A competent Young Kan can pro cure a permanent situation and good salary. ' Jeliw Wilmington. N. C. BoyiWanted. N AcnVE, INTELLIGENT BOY, WI1H fair English education, who wishes to become' a Job Printer, may secure a situation bv atDlvine at the STAR OFFICE. One who has had some experience In feeding Printing Machines and Job Presses preferred. nao my 81 St .f CITY OF.WmjtTNGTON, N.J., ,"' MAYOR'S OFFICE, Jum 1,1885. " CTrN5 UPON LEGAL ADVICE IN THE premises, all persons interested are notified, that in the listing of goods, wares and merchandise, and ttocks in trade of merchants for tax ation, no deduction on account of debts and liabilities incurred for the purchase of said ' stocks, or otherwise, are allowable ; but said stocks are required to be listed for their full and actual yaiue, without any deduction whatever. JS. 1). HAXJ Je 1 It Review copy. Mayor. OFFICE Of WILMINGTON & WELDON E. B. CO.. . WILMINGTON, N. C , June 1st, 1885. Notice. JT A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF this Company, held this day, tbe f. ir wing Reso lutions were paxd, to wit : Canltsl Stock of thla Com pany, bow eonBtatirrf mjM Shares. X iaepsr value of asga,40S, fenA the aanae is hereby la- creased to 23,000 Shares, of the par value of a.5O0,C00. Eewlved, That all who are now Stockholders In the Company, shall have tbe privilege, at any time prior to July 1st, 1885, of subfcribing for said increase of stock, at the price of $110 per Share in the proportion of 20 per cent, or one fifth of the present holding of sach Stockholder; parable, one-fourth or 25 per cent, thereof on the 15th day of July, 1885, and the remaining three, fourths or 75 per cent, on the 15th day of Novem ber, 1885. - All Stockholders are hereby requested to noti fy me, on or before the 1st day of July prox., whether they wish to subscribe for their allot ment of the above Stock, as after that date tbe privilege will cease, and any Stockholder who fails to notify me within the time named wfll be considered as having declined it, - No fractional parts of Shares can be tasnsd, and consequently no subscription can be re ceived where the allotment would fall telow one Share. - J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary and Treasurer. je24ir tafr . nae Review copy. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, ' Wilmington, N. C.) May S , 1885. Summer Excursion Tickets. QOMMXNCINQ JUNE ' 1ST. 1S85, SOUND TRIP TICKETS to tbe various Summer Resorts of North Carolina and Virginia will be placed on sale via this line. Tickets good to return until Oct. Slst, 1885. ' ' ' " ' .'. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars between Golds boro and Asheville, connecting with train leav ing Wummgtoa at?.?r a.m. ; T. M. EMERSON,' ' General Passenger Agent. mySOiw RetM TersiOuiif tie Holy BiWe. LL SIZES AND STYLES OF BINDING, For sale at . HEINSBERGER'8 JLL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS OF THE day, fresh from the press, can always be found on the counters at HETNSBKRGER'S Je z tf Live Book and Music Stores. Bock Lime, yOR BUILDrNG FPjgjrxY BURNED - PRICE REDUCED TO J1.15 PER CASK LIBERAL DISWUNTF0 ARGE LOTS AN f TO TBS TRADE. " Address T&KSCB BEOS.. . , Rocky Point, N. C xt xO. G4PAR8LEY, Jr., smwfr-. Wilmington. N.t, v. apl.tf PJR. EDWARD; PHILLIPS (ING ALL, PHIL . LIPS St CO., forroerty proprietors of Palmer, Mel- : Ush a Dadgeon's .Wharves, London), will shortly, oonnnenee bp1 cs as a Dealer la Petroleum - Labricatiog,.a. pectins, and other OilSi Frenf his great experisce, gained by the actual hand-' . ling of these articles daring the past twenty . years, he possesses a thorough practical knowi- edge of the Oil trade generally, and especially with regard to Petroleum, being connected with that Oil mnoe its first Introduction Into London. Mr. Phillips is desirous of obtaining an Agency for some special Brand, which be Is hi a posi tion to introduce to tbe principal buyers through out the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.-Address EDWARD PHILLIPS, care of ' Messrs. Goldberg A Laagdon, Solicitors, 1 West . . Street, Finsbury, London. .;; j -my281m ''. ' -. -I "P ill r, Mi Si If 4 ' ;i l ''t f T

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