I ' . 3V if 3 Jtt. a. Xhe Morning Stir, in ivn. urBEBNAJlll , . year, w - . ..... w Months, .. - -J HO Months." - 60 rwoXonW. .. .......... ! 7 ..mm Cltr. J SSod to collect or more r. MUM at. WUmtactoa.tt. CL. fin ctow . .turning edition, OVTLINKH. :- ,Wh,-m men who are members Of Indian . .. i;;il s ooetmasters. - The tribes are r..5 .. - wrtt const of Mexico is free from yellow frWr an outbreak of the disease is reported oo the Salut islands, near Cayenne. A vesel from the West Indies has arrived ,t IV-laware Breakwater, with the captain itk ith yeow feyer EiRhk P081 alters were suspended yealerday for .nsive partisanship." PajmaSter Ceiiertl Smith, of the Navy Department, y to I coiirtmartialed. nTheiost ifice at White Springs, Fla., burned, with its coutents. Hibba, the default-, roslmaster of Lewistoo, Idaho ,ias arrested in Victoria, B. C; he will re- Mat extradition. Jas. H. Milliken shot and killed James Lee, at Weather font, Texas. Gen. Grant has gone to M.ni'nt McGregor, N. Y. Cholera is. nuiMK i several provinces in Spain and in ttii- eiiy f Madrid; thirty thousand people li iietl-d from Murcia to escape the epi- , ic. The "Liberty -: Bell"i passed- 'itwugk Washington, D. C, and arrived at Pi,itllDhia last night. Rosa Cole lD) colored, of Edgefield County, CO in 'i ed of murdering her husband s ii ttccusi liicjitimate ennu. . u. uut&c, ii(; i.f tbe most prominent farmers of Vir ginia, died suddenly at his home in Bed ford county. Kerr Boyce appointed I'.sim-ister of Augusta. Ga. A. large ,,,,,!), r f the Marines at the Charleston N .vy Yard are sick with a disease supposed ' i i- Otiagres fever, contracted ai Panant. N..v York markets: Money I per ,,.u,.;i-..tiin quiet at 10 9-1610 ll-16c; iV,;,-,i. ungraded red 9094c; southern d.,r steady; corn, ungraded 5050c; , ia dull atfl 151 20; spirits turpen !, , tiim at 37c. 1-u ni t a d.,.v Miss Cleveland is 35 and not band some. There now! ' . - The best excuse for Ward Beecber's theological vagaries is to call him. a "crank." Father Jeremiah Oasilvan ia the name of the new Roman Catholic Bishop of Mobile. Conductor James S. Clemence was killed in South Carolina on the 14th by Mriking his head against a tre. Wiille o; ackiriff his train and signall- ins the engineer. The annual death rate of Charles ton is, whites 23.8G. This is far ahead of Wilmington. Last week the death rate was 14.5G for whites. There we ?.2 deaths, whites 7, blacks 25. Ex Empress Eugenie had given an annual allowance of 24,000 fra to j oung Victor Bonaparte. 1JJ li Ureportodtoher gf vieuma that she has withdrawn the pension. i? fe? - The politicians m tbefDistrietbf I Colnml.ia are represented to be ir? af woeful state of susnense. andili be- I cause Mr. President will not a the succeasors of the enemy;y,ttoriie of thpin aTe cursins lustilv.-511 1 '"' . .vtitlO'itH I he newspapers have at last-'gofc nev. ftara r. Jones's picture. i 'e has a strong face with combattive I qualities. The forehead lanf bigl. nut broad. He wears a moustache and a standing collar. He ought.to fie invited to North Carolina. The child that died at Gretna, wp posite New Orleans ease from a ship moored at the wharf j and ih.it. namn fm r I 11UIU a yfnuwi jever i post. The only safety is nori inW: ut off trade 9r the: time. Even the Richmond Dispatch did I it know Gen. nam a . At Tkk-rlil not wgton, Va., is his tomb, and on it is inscribed : Robert Edward Lee, Uorn January 19, 1807 Died October 12, 1870. - mo out ana paste it in your "iuie. fhfiTav w - r. j-uik. rroruL naa nnana i pedestal fund beyond $70,000. It "una to get the $100.000. ! It is I astonishing that Mr Vandprhilr anV 1 Mr GnnAA vanderbiltaqd I uuw Appreuisbe Vigor-" I 01,8 paraait of riht "R"k .i I uraw a , h W?nM J lvJr id,uuu ana maice I u P in a few minutes bv thr l tncomoa n- , rf T i --na relieve the World. reports last week 1&7: enures n the TJnittvl Stn gainst 1C2 iha MM.js' , Sontl, ruigwees. rne 7.UUilllln2 the States with out manure, furnishedjs folloisr o- uu lennessoe 2 each : uisianfi ?. - j : a i, mirv and -l , , . tit -'uua renniTPn -ino TV I r-.. w. w"w -.ittcwinn..r!iw :n ; a- ties llo ooo J "a7n .A .: - VOL.- XXXVI. NO, 74. COLDSBORO. The writer spent Sunday and Mon day .at Goldsbon?, te tjaogfi foirish- ing town in Eaitein iNorth Carolina. li was very1 wrmY and the shady aide of the house -was the" most ac cepUblepiace'. ffki burnt district is b4ing rebuilt vftn.iaore substantial houses than ; those consumed. 3ttt. work of rebuilding is not yet, half Our friend Bonitz, of the. essmger," was kind enough to show ua thro&h'mirire and, commodi- rjris, reetorj9 HVS at ..stanta upon the site of the i burnt-stricture, arid ia quit sunfiririr to it In all tkah peta.r lie wilrjbon 1 have the tmist co4npIet6 esCaDiispinent by fat in' XT'--if A1iTk'LS -; TT ' ... . .t ' ' jorui uaroiina. no uas jusb auueu, atla cost of $7,000, an engine and press . . of . . the best make ,or that: price.- He has built up a paper that has real merit, is the largest in the' State in circula tion and size, and that exerts no lit tles influence over a wide scope pi cointry. His energy pluek and "go" have done this. vVe called to see our young friend Robinson, of the Dkihj trgys, but were not fortunate in i meeting him. His neat paper is at present well received, jand we hope he, will be s. much t encouraged.. that it pay grow and develop so that in circulation it may be all that he can defire. He occupies nice quarters also,' We do not believe there is much building at present going on except in j tne burnt portion, me new Methodist Church, St. Paul by name, is a very neat and handsome struc ture. It was completed a few months agov Hi is i much the handsomest Methodist' ' church building in the Stite, so far as we have seen, and is the handsomest church of any de- noinination in the State 'unless we exfcept the First Baptist in this town. Tne shaft is very high and graceful. It does not equal the high shaft of the First Baptistjjsboch is or marked grace and excellenoa of proportion, a one. pBfit is nevertheless a uoble steeple. Tb,e interior is neat and tasteful. The architect failed in the seats, but these wil be remedied in the future. The pastor, Rev. Mr.Harjis,' is & diligent worker, a man of i intelligence and marked devoion t& bis duties, nd is eld ki high esteem'for his piety an zeal by nif people,' und,' as we learned, the community' at large. re is one arawoacK in tne. ar rangements of thd auditorium. ; The - ... of tbe pracber This particular choir is a good : one and contains several un- commonly nanasome gtris, it is im- possible to keep, the, eye from wan-; detintf f rom the preacher to a pretty right or left. That does not aid de votion. Either move the choir or swjap the pretty girisf or some ugly ones. , The two hotels are renovating and improving, rne rsonitz tiouse nas passed into new hands and they are m4king changes, that will be' of 'ad vantage -to u the, travelling public. Ooldsboro is steadily growing. We onjse visited it when it had but three hopseg;1 and now it is certainly one of th4 rnfHHg anU j' ptdgressi towns in iNorth Carolina., we are ' r PaW RW-22L-L f f L nd other To Clubs ?n London ) ' fs j agreed ithat rTiirA 4a n. nppp'ssit.V for the further coercion of Ireland. The Parnell- itefe are already losmgfavoT with the leaders. A London dispatch says: fit is not believed that the Marquis of S&isbnry wilt seek4 assistance from any of towards Ireland.' His plan will be to split mubw party completely, ny proposing f Txuaii-A -f rwrrAn muimi nn Hrvnftfir t1!!S ind a maloritv of Gladstone's Cabinet in WiediOn continuing in spite of the opposi of gif Chxte Pilke, . Joseph Cham-? oenain mujiu. i icvcijim. ouvu a urn ui M4h policy would be almost certain to lead to Ti leistf a eto66rary coalition? between mej moaeraie .m Derma uu uc. xunw nlhBadjcali give me new government a iremeuuuus. tt is said that Grant, repeats in his bopk the shameful falsehood as to Mr. Davis being caught in woman's attare. This is disgraceful. Is Grant anlinveteraffe liar that he should say such a thin or ? It is""bad to falsify Jh numbers' of the Confederate forces he fought; t lis worse to give hist indorsement ta a foul slander and i h d tifAMtt. i uiq luuuiscuitiUt IU ! - ,! . . . . . I "isenood against an eminent man, civilian ana soldier. WttlQJON 4 ! tueen (y ictoria is very nappy in Gladstone's; overthrow.: Her stand ard of a:man was Beaconsfield.- It is tiOti surpirisxng, therefore, ' j tht she neither apprteciates nor understands the geaVLiberjii iderf l 'KlBial f roni London 'say s : .1 ! i , 1." ' The 'Pamellitea who i accomplished G ad8tone'saverthxow are eoine to encoun ter the i hardest times t thev have ever had. . The Marquis or Salisbury, everybody be gins to see, lacks arcojafldance.. He has .been bold butvneverfasiglitediaaa leader ou uie uduuuuud. vtuuiswae never asKeu a 'AKpwV c sUna He was too superior to eticiuettev could.not flatter, and was impatient as a SMeVservant to ''the throne. " : J ' ;n tfiv is ajajdiati: jtho' ppstrMtetaf; Pfetersburg and Woodstock i will ? be retained atthbugKlRspificiS.The "vy ashington correspondent 1 of the Baltimore ; thus explains the matter: :- " - ' -' -i - "Under the rule of 'senatorial courtesy it has never been customary for the Senate to; confirm the appointment of any post- master ai ine aome oi a peaior who was Dersonallv obi actionable to such Senator' and this rule goes so far as to, disregard all poiuicai coosmerauons. 19 oniy a suori, time since, it is said, that the Republican majority of the Senate permitted Senator Hansom to control the aDDointment of the pqstmaster at his home, Weldon, N. C." Spirits Turpentine i A large anti-stock law meeting was held at Asheville. ;The JCenoir Chronicle has com pleted its first year. Brother Blair is giv ing his subscribers a quid pro quo. It is doing good. v . Concord 7me$: Mr. J. A. Lilly, of Albemarle, father of Dr. Lilly, of this place, had a stroke of paralysis Thursday morning last. , , , . . ' The second number of the daily North Carolina Teacher, published at Black Mountain during the session of the Teach ers' Assembly, has been, received.' It is srnalland handsome,; Dr. R. H. Lewis is lresident. ; Ilev. L C. Vass, of New Berne, delivered an excellent address before Vine Hill Academy, Scotland Neck. . Hia sub ject was "Meditations on an Inkstand." He is one of the best furaiBbed ministers in North Carolina and writes welj. ; i Pittsboro Record; On last Sat- urtTay a colored man, named William Mar tin, was brought- here to jail to await his trial for having cut with a knife a white man named Aaron Dunlap. They were working together when they got into. a fight, and Martin ' drew a knife and cut JJtxnlap cuitc oocrtajr. r Kinstm - Press: Mrs. II. E. Peebles has two thousand silk worms and is embarking in-the culture of silk. Several of the young people were at La Grange yesterday, to -hear -the words of beauty and eloquence as they fell from the lip of .the inimitable and charming Blount, who delivered the address at Davis High School Commencement. r Charlotte Observer: Mr. I. VV. Auten. of Lone Creek township, this cofinty, lost a valuable horse last Friday by hydrophobia. According to Mr. Auten a statement the horse was bitten by a mad dofc two months agorutsbowed no bad effects until last week, when it began! act ing strangely. The animal foamed at tbe mouth, and appeared to gt stark crazy. Friday it was seized with convulsions and died. .1 - Lenoir Chronicle: At the re cent session of Alexander SuperiofCburt, Mallowav llarlev was convicted; and fined focanyrirggconceaied wajns, adjii:j pnsonea OT tensypi sixiy juayi. Sunday nigh t some of his friends a went to the jail and broke, down, the door and re leased him IJs said therewera .about fifteen- in) t-ile--41f aba crop in Caldwell will be jU IcisVf ouHitflea rs larp-a thi -fear at iC wasJaal VeaTr i 11 j- JolfnfS4 4n.,r;ie Befne, denvercci tnc iueraryaaress oexore the Lanrmburg schooL,jThe . Mtehhnge says of his effort: "Jftv Long discussed .exhaustively the Uspiratioirf and-ideals ot yotth,; tao wing tne -powerfui innuence upon the moral and ihtlectual UTe' of the like aTWa.rrief.-ofi d'.3M&tf' gleamed, brighter adhnghunttimast wpTd, was utterldl wn ftarayrahorje pn erylryi coiintenancfti Hls osriodsS were romftoy nW,cuegtatfttl, hi figbrjes Maiitiui '. 4- AsheWTe Aditdndei Drl In MJ Rohntree. ofmhim.mVbe. J7LFf7at kiijs, of Durh&riilf. Ohiaye recently pur., chaed.loU fjjerAaP.tPougherty, at Black Mountainr and. at an i early day Will erect thereon handsome TeMdencet. - A little datghter.bf ;fTr M Gndgeif, of Marshall, . was thrown from a carriage at the depot at this place, ' yesterday, and swriously hurt byj the -j vehicle passing-over nernouy. There wer-ti;ptaDAwmfmie.M. the time. It ja feared that the accident majr prove fatal?; VZ'tSSZ 4- Carthago : Oazette -Tlx lire; fodr brothers living in this State, who were' bom and laised in Harnett county, who, seem to hold a ili) lep life. ; tetJli living ill CumlklahacMiity, 6ne tfl Banip-" son and two in HarJtetV'then- native coun ty. It does not seem, , a. very ; remarkable fac) that Jour brothers Were raised and are yet living, but this instance will prove very much so when we state that Robert Nor ris,i the oldest one, was born in 1795, Wil liam NOrris, the second brother, in 1798, Henry Norris, the third in l01,and James Norris, the youngest, in 1804, making him 81 years of agfl and the oldest Wr J jt Shelby 4 Aurora:- Cleveland county is free from debt and has several thousand dollars ia her treasury ; Burke owes $23,595. The last year's valuation of property in 'Cleveland . was ,$399,53, whfie Burke"! Was T onlja $X206i76 Rev. Dr. JH. T.- Hudson'a resldenee was struck by . Hehtniag , .dnring Monday's storm, and ''its six mmatea narrowly" es-, capea aeam. ine ugnming .uiviueu mj strength and descended the northeast and southwest corners of the dwellinff to' the foundation,1 knockIn: off three 'pieces;' of. timber and throwing down a rock from the foundation. ..Liehtnine rods in eood order didi not ward off or conduct . the electric" the Greensboro Spoke arid Handle Factory Company failed last. Tuesday for $10,000. 4-Dr. R. B. Haywood had a slight attack of facial naralvsis last nieht ' He was re- uorted better at last accounts. Died, at om.anybog'riie ,ueen. TOi99neaaj8fa uange in politics. She never liked; Glad t. ' i .. N. O., WEDNESDAY, h$r residence, in . St. ; Mary's township, Wake county, on Saturday-night last, Misa Green, daughter of the, late Furney Green, aged about 28 years, of pneumonia. - Mr., George H. Gorman, a Raleigh boy, will graduate this week at Washington-Lee Uni versity,' and will bear off the orator's medal. Mr. Gorman is a son of the late A. M Gor maa of this city, who once edited the Spirit of 'tihe Age. . About six weeks ago we mentioned, the' fact that, Mr. Wm. R ly&er, son of the late Hon. Kenneth Ray m r. had been shot and'seriously wounded iniBl Paso. Texas. -Information has been' refceiyed here to the effect that Mr. Rayner dieda.few days ago from the effects of the w Minrthi? received. ' ; ' ' - ' iRockinffham' Sbirtt.1 ! 1 Johli -BhiCasvirie, colored, a convicted murderer l . J -. ' H I 1 1.11 wna.was cuuuueu muur vuumy jau uauet tence of death and wio made his escape ae momha azo. waa captored in Bladen county, on Friday nig&t ofj last . week, by Sleriff Hall, of that county.- and remanded lojpriaoB laVxU placelMTiiefjpr was- re ward of f309 for his apprehension, by the State; and of $25 by Sheriff Bryant. He will probably , be , hanged. f tt Henry Qbick, who resides in Wolf Pit township, cajme to town last Saturday and got on a bender. Marshal Smith undertook to ar rest him, bat Quick refused to be taken and displayed a pistol. .Quick retreated .out of town bv tbe railr M&EshaT. - Smith, and when he had gdtteri across the bridge over the fac tory pond, turned and fired ' two or three sbtots,. without effect at Smith, who failed to return the fire.., A few hours af terwards there was a ' regular duel fought w(th pistols in Cole's lane, abount three fourths of a mile from town-, the partici pants being the said Henry Quick and KlngRatliff, colored. A number of shots were fired, but only one took effect, wound ing Ratlin! in one arm and the breast slight ly, The next day. Sunday. Henry Quick and James Gregory went to Adams' bar ropm, on the South Carolina line, ana en gaged ia another shooting scrape with some South Carolina darkies, which resulted in the wounding of . Gregory, severely, in the head, and Quick received a ball in the left breast near the heart: Both may die . No arrests.- 1 ' o?b;ej city, 4 ; NEW ADVEKTltHCiD KH MtrNSON Boys' suits. (' J. C. Mnxis-r-For rent. W. E. Davis & Son Wanted. Hkinsbkrgkr The Baus pianos. Base Ball Palmetto vs. Seasides. ' COTjjKB & Co Cigars, mines at auction. . jJoKCE-rTo Dr. B. T. Morgan, or heirs. pPKRA Hoosk Standard Dramatic Co. L ileal ums, Only one case before tbe Mayor yesterday morning, and that was a failure to pay license tax. Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., will preach in the Baptist Chapel, corner of Fifth and Wooster streets, to night, at 8.15 o'clock. n Mr. Martin Davis, employed at Messrs. Parsley & Wiggins' mill, had one of ; his thumbs badly mutilated yesterday morning, by coming in contact with a cir cular saw. To-morrow morning the Young Catholic Friends' ' Society go down the rivbron the steamer Passport, and with gold weather their excursion is bound to . L i . oe p pleasant one.. I he war against dogs has com- mrinced in earnest. On Menday twelve of the brutes were slaughtered and yesterday thirteen - shared the same fate. A great many can be spared. 1 The schooner litval, Captain Stewart, was cleared from this port for Aux CaW Hayti, yesterday, by Messrs. Nor throp & Cumming, with 73,000 feet of lum be and 100,000 shingles, valued at $1,455. The proposed race between the twb colored boat clubs, referred to in our did not come off vesterdav afternoon. because one of the boats was not quite cotapleted. They will row to day on Lake Waccamaw, and on Saturday afternoon, at '4 o'clock, the race will take place in the river; i Personal. - ?ev. T. J. Browning, of the North Card- flini Conference, is on a visit to this city for thei purpose of undergoing a surgical oper 'ation, and Is stopping ' at Mrs. Sutton's boarding house on Market street. Mrs. Gen. 8: It. ' Mnnning left Monday foriBrooklyn and Saratoga. Mrs? 'Chas. ' E. Tavlor and daughter. Marie,' have gce, to Rocky Point to remain thej guests of Mr. G-. Z. French until the 1st of July, when they go to Maine for the summer. . r ' lr.,; W. A4 Strauss, who has been quite sic for . a month or so',, is able to be out again.' - :? v -1 jIJijB Art Loan ExMbltlen. B testerday W' Art Loan Exhibition, which has been open at .VoUers' Hall since Wednesday last, waa , closed. The man agement deserve jgreat? credit, not only for the 'very meritorious exhibition which they so hurriedly improvised, but fortheman- 'nerjin which' it ha been conducted. 'We only nope tnat jit wiuA.De iouna to nave realized as handsomely for the object had in view as it deserved for it was certainly Ofid of the oest, most attractive an interest ing'exhibitions of the., kind ever given in this1 Stae The proceeds are to go towards beautifying St. James' church yard. eeient to One of tne mail Carriers. the second district, living at No. . 15 North Eighth street, has been laid up since May 28th front wefrnfls Received in' slipping down a flight of stone steps. On Monday a surgical operationwas performed upon .tnejof h:fee'Jr)lwo pieces'of bone. 'weijetaken out of. the bruised placei i He expresses himself as very grateful to those he has been servfng for, their ' acts iof kind ness since he has been prostrated. ?He has proved a faithful carrier. . ... Lit. .- t - JUNE 17, 1885;' -l"'THE!lPRE8S GANG. Annual OCeetinK f the lortb Caro s Una rrM Aaaoelatlon at Smltbvllle T-Ball at tne Hotel Brunswick To- ' ,J. " . k. !fJi;-.! .1-,.:.. ; ;l i r Nlgnt Cenpllmentary to tn,e Aocl j ilon, &e. '-, -., . ':-..! i-.... .-;: .' .. , tj J lota f: "-lu'.-il The annual meeting of the NorUi Caro lioa Press Association wfll ' commence at 8iithville, thirty miles below this city, to day. Mr. JoaephuS Daniels; of the Wilson Utfooaie is President othe AiBOaatioii; Tie followuig membef'fil to; read essays:, North. Carolina in : the Sdlid South, by Charles R. Jones,' editor of the farlptte, ' Obsmerj jfo'pbkfe of. Advertising, by Rev. J. L. Winfleld, editor of the Watch Timer; Immigration, by Jno. Hi Snedltoof iSgi Itvluatoiat Education .by "j&L. jA,; dldham, editor of the Winston Sentinel; Th6 New Educational Era in North Carolina, by E. G Harrell, editor of the North Carolina Teacher. 1 In addition to these essays it is expected that essays or papers Will be read ey Messrs. John u. Cameron ot the.Asne-. ville Citizen; J.D. Bundy, of the Laurin rburg Exchange; .WJH.. BlouaoXthe Wil soji Mirror; H. A. Foote, pf the Warren toi Gazette; R. K. Bryan, pi the'Hick Pess; Hi 8. Nunn, of the tew )Berne Journal, and probably by '' other members' ' oflthe Association. Mr. Walter fl. Page, of the Raleigh Chronicle, will deliver the annual oration. , ,, . ;.- ,u ; : We hope the meeting may prove a pleas-, ant and . profitable one ; that the members may be blessed with propitious weather and that the cool and healthful breezes ' frim '-old Ocean," whose "white caps' can be plainly seen from; their place of meeting, may have a good effect upon their, deliberations. The opening ball of the season will take place at the Hotel Brunswick this evening, arid will be complimentary to the Associa tion. ' A number of gentlemen of the Press, members of the Association, arrived in the City last night. Among others were the following: R. H. Cowan, Wadesboro Times. E. E. Harper, New Berne Journal., ' G. W. Blount, Wilson Mirror . , .. Joeephus Daniel, Wilson Advance. J. A. Crews, Wilson landmark. : G. D. Ellsworth, ehderson GWd Leaf. J. A. Robinson, Winston Leader. D. J. Whichar.d, Greenville Rtfiector. Geo. P. Hart. Rocky Mount Reporter., R. K. Bryan, Hickory Press. Z. W. Whitehead, Winston Twin City J. H. Lindsay, Hernersville News. 5 ' J. H. Kcrnodle, Alamance Gleaner. Mayo, Kinston Free Press. J. W. Hicks, Warrenton Home Journal, f' Hicks, Littleton Index. More of the members are expected to ar rive this morning, on the Carolina Central train. s Beat Hia Hair Slater. At a late hour Monday night a colored1 woman went to the residence of Justice Millis and said she wanted a warrant for the arrest of Alex. Martin, her half-brother, who had assaulted and beaten "her. She gave her name as Lucy Johnson; said she was from Whiteville; that she came down here on a visit and went to the house of . her half-brother, where she remained until Monday night, stating to her brother that she was going out to nurse for a month, and that he followed her into the street, threw her down and beat her badly. As Lupy Johnson was about to conclude her story Martin came in, when Justice Millis recognized him to appear before . him for examination yesterday - morning. At the appointed hour the case came up, . and the defendant was tried for assault and battery, , in which case judgment was suspended on the payment of costs; and he was then ar raigned on a peace warrant and ordered to pay the costs and give bond in the sum of $50 to keep the peace for sixty days - Assault with a . Deadly Weapon Richard Herring, colored, had, a hearing befpre Justice Millis yesterday morning, on the charge of. assault and battery with a deadly weapon upon Victoria Bryan, colored. The evidence was "to the effect that the defendant hurled a lamp at the woman's head, which she dodged, when it was smashed into fragments against the wasll; and that he then seized a stick,abont six feet in length, and struck he bn the arm with it as she attempted to ward off the blows. He Was ordered to furnish bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the .next term of the Criminal Court, . Off for Albany. Ben. Allen, he .colored1 counterfeiter, who was convicted at the . late . term of the U. S. District Court of counterfeiting silver money of, various de-. nominations and sentenced , by Judge Sey mour to ten years (in thef Peniteaiiary at Albany, started for hs destlaation yester day morning, in charge of TJ; 8. Marshal J. B. Hill,, who was expected to (take on an other convict at Goldsboro,. who was. to be seni on from 'New:.; Berne,- -The w6man, Louisa Allen, who was convicted with Ben Allen, is to serve out her sentence of six months in the county jail, s" ; ' : f Bxeurslons Yesterday, The excursion on the steamer, .Passporfe yesterday, uEder the auspices of the Cornet Concert Onb, was largely attended, and a! hands made the most of a fine day,. The c.wasn'great attractions y'-ixk.: idur frien2of the Second ' Presbyterian Chifrch hadaniCe time for their excursion I tliLakerand a iarge number availed thOstives the opportunity' to visit that beautiful sheet bf waters x?.'; whole no: m , ! uazei K.irKe. ' The well SnoWir play "o Hazel' Kfrke'' i as presented hut night , life the Standard iframate Company to the-largest audience that they have hadduring the(ir present en- J . cSived.'and viiAtiVtthqip Misk Irving made an attractive and pks irjg appearance as. lf(rjfe,and added to. hi r reputation. Hiss Ritehiejas DoUy Jetton performed -her. part well: and, Messrs. A. M. Hamilton, as Dunstan ,Kirke, r S. "B. Mret mmW'mrivA Wm: -Har1 court, ta Arthur CMrr3font, played-thein WTPiii ? iticcpi;ance..aiia satia- e cornpyplaylth Twof OThamf kf night, and'we bespeak a .good audience, ; moo Base Ball Notes.4 - v . ' lAnnouneenient, madeja th.u issu a came of baas' ball , mil, take plae on Ihe r3iaside Clhh-ifgrou,nds ! this' e;!;dn Thupida and Friday, JuniMh 19; betweenhe rPahnettoes." pf Mafkn& &; and the -'Soasides,' ot' Wflmwgtonf. AS tttPalinitMrWBi& Kone o we .nuef cluqsi.an toutnMtro-: liaa, a very intereslin0.4bd atti-activ eam0 y bexpfid Thc game will be called ac4.u o clock. Music will be furnished the Cornet Concert ClubM t. ry. ; ... An. GAME THIS "kFtiSKSOds. - ' ' - here "wiUb a ntc side Club grounds this ; -afternoon between the "Sea Gulls and . the vBenetPlent Nine," the proceeds to be for the benefit pf the Ladies' Benevolent Society; I The game wjll be called at 4,30 p.. ml' Price; of adi mtssiqp, 1Q cents'. ' The following, cbrnprise .the two nines: .a.,. ,rq -. ; SEA OOLL8. W. C Jones . 3 B. . R. F. . C. I .. L.F. . .8. S. . : liB. ,,,2B. .. C. P. CiE. Borden. vrt i ? ? v D McRae, Jr.:.'. R, N. Sweet. Hi R. Latimer. : . Oi W.Worth.... Oi P. Meares, Jr. Wr B. Phillips. . . G H. Smith. . j BENEVOLENT NINE, i Jno. W. Bolles. 3 B.s Louis P. Davis. . ..... . 2 B. Jack Duncan ..... i ............... R. F, Gi H. Green . w.. C. E.; J, Lilly, Jr. .....................C. F. C.p. Mallett. . . s. L. F. C.!B. Wru?ht...... IB. G.;J. Bpney. S. 8. A.' G. Ricaud. P. Industrial Sebool. .'J pift" ladies of the FirsTBaptisf Church, under the auspices ; of the Woman's Mis sionary Society, on Monday afternoon last organized an Industrial , School in. the Baptist Chapel, corner Fifth and Wooster streets. The following officers were elected : Mrs. Fannie S. Hayes, Superintendent, j Miss Missouri A. Ellis, 1st Assistant Superintendent.- ' " ' f Miss Julia Gore, 2nd Assistant Superin tendent. , ,,s . Miss Mary E: Bender, Secretary. , . iliss Florence Bpswell, Treasurer. f kiss Celeste" McEachern,1 Organist. " Ifr. W. T. Johnson, leader of the Sitiglng. Their meetings will, be held Monday af ternoon weekly in the Chapel, and we wish them much success in the, commendable and Christian work of doing good as they find opportunity. mertality Among Conference Iflem gentleman pf this city ; relates the re markable fact, in alluding to the death of the late Rev: L. H. Gibbons, ; that during th session ot the North Carolina Methodist Conference in Wilmington, last November fl vt ministers sat down to hia table at one i meal, four of whom have since died. The flvfe were Revs. L. H. GibbonB, J. W. LewiSj C. H. Phillips, R 6.. Pis, and R;P. Tray. Alf uHhe last nameh are noW dead. Seven members Of ne Confer ence 'have died since its last session, to gether with Bishop Linus Parker, who presided. ;r:- v )! - ( Weatberlnelkeaiuen. ' ' . The following are the indications for to day: ' ' For the South Atlantic States; local rains, southerly winds, becoming variable and shifting in thenprthern portion to norther ly.! and, slightly cooler weather. . ; , , . v; ! The steamer Jtanche tooik a fishing party down to the Snapper Banks this morning; leaving at 1 '6c1ocb:. 1 ' i U- aVISl4 OF LETTERS ' I . Remaining jn .the City , Postorflce,. Wed nesday, June 17: M!( . ;t, . r A AE ''Arthur, it B Alexander. Wm. Ahrena.:: - " 11 :l - A- 1 ' k B Wm , Brenard, W H Bnrdkk, Ned Brady, i t C Church & Co'Eachie IJolweH, W H Cutler, Carolina Cokling. . :.v- . , : I -F H Edwards, Henry Edwards. F Mary Fountain, Miles Freeman, .? W Fulton & Son. j. 3 f , , u G Stepheb Greelish, Eliza Goodman. ; (. H Frank. Hayes, Adeline HinoonL -f $G F Jordan. , .... . -'. : , , fi-j-P Iiaughlin, 'Jacob Leonard, Laura Larkins.:'i'i-j ; !?-- u .-i. M W H Morgan, Thos- McLanrln. J(l chej Mitchell, ,u ; rt " .,.H-ElijahNunlev.ii,r-; ,?. j.if..,.,-A A ,;0 Martha 01dam Obendorfer & Co. rR Stowell Reedy Sellers Racker, : Willie Richardson, J K Robinson. , j , -fM MStearn, Maggie Scott W-W C Weldon, A Wllams, David Watson.... 4ie:. -.v i- " persons callmg oir1 Mters in the above list' will please? aayi'advertised. ".it Letters wil - be sent to the Dead Letter Office, at WashingtonD. C, if hot called for within thirty daysrj-'M ? j; , s - E. R. Bbink. P M., 'Wilmmgton, New Hanover Co., NC. , I . BATES OF ADTE9TTtl7IG 8i?y 20 Py,..,. si or 1 75. r Two Wm( 6 60 10(j 18 00 S4 0d 60 CO Three Week,... On Month...... Two Months,.,. Three Months,. . 81xMonthaVT7... One Tear. tract Advertlsementa taken at nroDor : tieaatabj Jow rates. . . TImeS Solid Nonpareil type make one square j NEWADVERnSEMENTS. OPE RAH OUSE. Rlaridard Dramatic Company Hrass Band and , Orchestra, TO-NIGHT, TO TWO 0EPHAHS. ulTnch Melodrama, in Seven Acta. Admission IS MI1 9K nta VAoavral aaota tf h-, ?t .charge at Heuubeixer'a. - je l tf B su s e B Sb 1 1 Seaside Club Grounds, mti&f aEilMa7rJiniel8aii is.- ettb vs; Seasides Game to be called at 130 o'clock. Maslo bT the Comet Concert Club. Admisnon 26 oents. The Palmetto Cluh. of rtni-inn a n thb Sliest Claha in the State. ' jej71t A. G. McGIRT, Auctioneer. , ; ;BT coLoiRA co. GI&ARS add WINES ''.!.. "AT AUCTION. ' Jy jaiDAY, run wrar, at otjr salcs booms, ,wi will sell CIGARS and WINES. joint Excursion Again. 'JpHK LADIES 0? FRONT ST. M. E. CHTJRCH wSrpayja their proposed Szcnnion down the W verJRIBAY KX. 19TH INST. Dinner willbe jervM on board for 50o. Refreshments la varle tyl "Tickets 50o; children nnder twelve years and jew at snwedth: ion. 'T'HE JTDtJHQ CATHOUO FRIENDS' SOCIETY wnl have an Excursion on the Steamer Fi oni Thursday, 18th Inst., to Smithville i Vifta. Mnsie and Refreshments on boar port, the Tick ckets, co cents; children, 85 cents. t su we Opening Ball, H telBrtM SiitliTflle, H. C. FTRST GRAND BALL OF THE SEASON AiwUl be at the PaTlHcn, WEDNESDAY NIGHT, June I7rh, to welcome the N. a Press Associa tion ana rnenos; Free to all irnests of the Ho te . lel62t Wanted, 2i)Q CARRIER GROCERYMEN, TO GIVE AWAY ICE to their customers. Call and see us. Je 17tf W. E. DAVIS A 80N. Notice. JB. BRANCH T. MORGAN, (OS HIS HEIRS), whpfannerlr lived in North Carolina, and was in Texas In 1836, may be profited by addressing . J.H. COLLKTP. 3el7 8w at Austin. Texas. 4- I JOYS' SUITS. IT IS GENERALLY CONCE- aed that our Suits for Boys cannot be ex celled in style, quality, quantity or fit. We are showing an elegant line, of Steel and Brown Mixed Suits, which we are offering at prices suit able to the times. Boys'' Bine Flannel Waists and Knee Pants, Blue Flannel Suits and Long Pacts, and Suits of various kinds suitable for BoVs of any age. You can be easily suited in tweaand prices, at MTJNSON'S Je 17 It Clothing Rooms. ForEent, A STORE, with Four Rooms attached. three of which are plastered, with two fire nlanPH nn "Wrmatnr Wnu. an. and 9th Streets. ' Apply tb v J16gt J. C. MILLIS. ; The Bans Pianos, MDORSED BY ALL EMINENT ARTISTS. Exquisite in Touch, Solid in Construction, Unequaled in Durability. Elegant in Finish, Brilliant In Tone, and , ( Moderate in Price. The BAUS PIANOS are for sale at HETNSBERQER'S Live Book and Music stores. J 17 tf Slippers ! Slippers ! ADIE8, MISSES, CHILDREN'S AND GENTS' SL: PFERS; pretty and cheap; comfortable for warm weather; nice to rest your feet at ntsbt. Ba: ' a pair from , . . . . Goo. R. French & Sons, . 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. 'it-' H U tf ? Black Silks. - "Ty HO CAN EQUAL THE VALUE WE ARE pvfcg at such low prices? ' i '; :'NEW LAWNS, NEW GINGHAMS. ' 8 ATTBENS,real French, a few good styles left. ' TTINGS--Ariother lot to arrive Monday, all JERSEYS FOB MONDAY. . j H. VI.. BIcIAITlBE. TjTREISH BATH SOAP. jaMDAWtf , nriterlriBwrrT7TH T.TJfiOTT CITY A MD. The SSd Annual Sesaiou U be resnmd SEFTEMBEB, 1885, of Professors and ' Archer. Vlce-PrtocipaL circulars at aao joaaison Ave, Baltimore, Mi, nntU July J. je,13 8m . sat wed DMINBTBATOR'S NOTICJL Having .quali fied as Administrator of the Estate of E. T. Han cock, deceased, I hereby notify all persons hav ing claims against the said decedent to exhibit the same to me on or before the 8d day of Jane, A. IX 1888. Ail persons Indebted to the said de cedent are requested to make prompt pavment to me.- r ' . C. L. GSAFFLIM. Je 3 6w we x - Adm'r. Ice Cream. LL WE ASK IS A TRIAL il 07 OUR ICE CREAM, and you will continue to buy of " ' - MBS. E. WARREN, je U tf Parlors, 113 A 115 North Second gt. . Oaya,.... t. i 60' " : One Week...... i ; . .a- 4 00 Palm aa. 1 A -i - 4 H 3- 'I ' 4 1 -): I Ti' 4 0 :4 4: - 4 I It 'I l -i If -1 fes Ay i. i ' : ' ' - ' " " ' ' ' ... a a 'f

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