M I 1 v . V.: ii ;-THE'.u mo sTAB, the oldest dally new . tper in North Carolina, is pumisneaaauy, ww ocday, at $7 00 per year, $4 00 f of six moatM, 00 for three months, $1.50 for two months; JSC. r ona month, to mall subscribers. - Delivered to i? subscribers at the fate of 15 oenta per week - -wr period from one week to, one year.. us -.VKSKLY STAR Is published every Wday loruuuat 91 50 per obtor slk-inontliB 50 1 y. .nor three months. - si . . l ri nvTtwTTSTTca i? atto mAn.T-One sonare l ;.e day, 1 00 ; two days, Si 73 ; ureeaay. i st - .--" . . ' - An.. I day8,W00;fiTedays, ix monuu. hu mi: nmn nonuiai (neaorsouaoiii)areutypeinaeoo l??HrrTWni:thto 'ooiilinA themselyes stiictly 1 All announcements uopa,Pio-Kics,8ooietT Meetings, I asAwui.Deciiargearea.- t vhi tiTKin hpjiA of aty Itamsv SO OTtaper A H tnr flrat Inmrtion. and J5 OentS ef 4816 f 1 ' ' .Af.h anbseonent insertion, . . , .. No advertisements Inserted lA,Lwa tolumn.a J .ny pnoe. :i n H i' ' mi : -1 .intrttiAmanta inoArtAd asm a week In Dally I will be charged $1 00 per two are for each insertion. iCvorj other day, three lonrths or aauy .rato. i rwice a wees, two sura 01 omt "to. An extra charge winbeBiae for deable-ooliimn . Mnlfumlntmi ajdvArMaarnaBta. " Notices 01 jtarnags wr jjeataa iww v iruuit. 'Rttuilatkuui nt ItrtSsAa. JtO-t are- CDW sor as ordinary advertisements, but only hali rates when paid for strictly to advanoe. vnm rmxm v cents will pay i or a sunpiv aouuuuueiatnu w Carriage or Death. k AmKrUmmantM tA f nTlAW MadlntT matteV. kit W uocnpy any speoial place, will be charged extra laoordJng to i the positjoa desired - cliqeas andVof full knowledge, that we f insertions Is marked will be continued till for aents oa waicnno Pfow f 4d, ' at tn cnon or ine paDnsnor, anu bowkdu r.p to the date of diBcontoUAnce. r . Advertlsem'OTts'dlswnWtiod befoM the ttma . ontraoted tor has expired, ohargad transient - it for tljcae actually pubUalied. 4 (,;!: inifi Advertisements kept tinAer the ' jbead "of ""New advertisements" will be charged AKtra. A TnTinnrri ABC nrttf ofl'knrTOfttel&l 4dVe: m no dollar per saoare for each Insertion. . All .nTtATiTtAAYnaffrta on 'TAAATflTYli an.1Mtj tnr nfBnA. whether ln'tte Shane 'Of ?ommnnications or otherwise, will be charged at advertisements. ' , r , ?. , ,,i . ?;' Payments for transleht advertlsemeataBraatba nade In advance. Known parties or stranger iirt iihiiu, mfaMriA. nut tuiv mnnthrv or anar isrlv. accordlncr to oontraok'if ii-lfl- Contract advertisers will sot be allowed to ex ooed thetr space or advertise any thing foreign to their regular business without extra. oharga at traientratofcr jjf -1AtJ1 Bemlltanoes must be made- ry ecx, ifraru nnmTTiTinlnatlonB. nnless thev contain lmDOX ant news, or discuss Drieny anapropenvsuDjeow uf real tea: ible elected a iivnrH hath should alwavs arjeolfv the Issue or taues they desire to advertise in. Where- ne-la-! I c ne Is named the advertisement wuL.He flasertea, n the Dally. ; Where an advertiser eontraeta ,ro, rl tta nmwT tn hA tuTit tn htm. dmtec the time Ua advertisement is in, the proprietor wDl only kjs t oeponslhle for the mailing ox tne paper to sum afl-; dresa. The Morning Star, By WIllilAM H. BKBH ABJP. , WZLMIXTG TON, N. C. m Tues oat EtewthqJ TJN Vfi,A 885. EVENING EDITION. the two civilizations, ; 1 The race of "Peck8niffsw has not I iwt.i Un. i i l TTi iii i ii ii ni -KiuHarAfM -rml ... . . j i. & . Tar .1... A ther.,ettip" ' liwnra now.Myeamcmarchy v.-," - '-vJwSZ I '-atepdDUCj may wen be proud or , tne socio-1 1 nnmTnnnlAitlATin. nnleaa thev contain lmDOT. 1 . f " W . ti. h.j I iaa i'- died out in the North or Sot th You I K - ?2 . ;- . will find them in the papers almos 4 any aay. -a tacix amission .oav a . !1 " !l A the South is behind in everything is too common among Southern born people. It is not true. In many great essentials of high,-civilization the South has always led the North. , Both George Washington and Robert E. Lee were born in the South. And so was Stonewall Jackson and Abra- ham Lincoln. We do not believe in the game of "brag," and -in setting I up claims tor tne ooutn to wnicn it 1 is not entitled. iut, xonnern -wit-1 nesses being, heard, the civilization in the South before the war 'was quite equal to that oLthelhTorth and the men of the SMtnMominated the land. We referred the other day 4o Jl lf tne aamission or unanes BumneOTtofereby confess their impotency an J the United btates enate as to tbe superior breed of statesmen in the uul , . . ' ! v y? i -5 ott I for seventy years and to heir"un-J sallied honor Bat bow has it been since the war when politicians of altogether anoth- er breed came into power and "ran the machine?" How has it fared with the people since Northern states manship held the reins? Everybody knows the answer. Only last year as important element rathe Republi can t party revolted, and because, of. the wide-spread corruption in the old Republican party. ; Since the advent of Northern ideas and statesmanship . it has been a common thing to see . Northern Senators and Representa tives becoming millionaires npon a by'!:haa Joeeome ' a- third House in Washington. " Candidates' f or ' the rr Presidency like Garfield and Blaine .were all stained md iattox with corruption and bribery. A president like .Grant was deeply involved in ' Black Friday j. and - whiskey, rings. Hayes stole the Presidency by f rand xand corruption. ; u Thanjc ? God, when the South was to the front none of these things happened or could have Mhappenlai Ti i f The civilization of the Sonth be-' ;' fdre the, war. was ineo,mparabiy the grandest,;! puitj'tsMpIejsrk conntry haaknown'anaii ayery. ignorant man ' who" does! njjtt knoiv'iC Let us beware of Northern idean ; social equality, Freedmen's Bureaux, j Blair Pedagogic bills. and Paternal- f :s 18m. generally. ..Let n? have ho 'new4 A South r among tis, f ot the dear1 otd 'f. South .is good enough fdr ' the loy al and true people of the South.- Says' V a weu tMormed. writer in the-Havnes- - "The new Sonth of wr'w- -ajbe-frowned tZS3&Z& uuu we apeeions pretext of materiaT . wealth, nrfvnsxita , fi.-.-. .. "ci-i, ::. -7x."--Trt; r fUU8-Huuon oi fHorth- M. mm. tnr Anr tmA fionthern Drincinles.- Twhich have nroduced a race of braTe men XJeTasdtous at the carpet-Daggers at scaawaga i Tf tSsoA-rf onrDubIlC I ntS men who woulcueaea our peepieu i nnt - Wrtiest aim of statesmanship to secure .utirtn . who would substitute a I .! n...miit fnr the free institu I muuuu uutauuvm : -. - - . i - -d-iMiSiaA educate mr-peo- IXT; ' .Uv lnk tn WaahmtrtOU for .f1 nfvathhfir'iealouslv I ..mnta w ruiTn nrnT inrrp nnn r- i a J . - I wjuuouib u. - - Ksn .unm - . . i i . t i ain-:! enough i that a' true man, one Ul.,i Utfio 'i.nr finnlh ' DMta Ihnao lifei? J He: cltariy of that school 3fcf4i ;-i:r-j .iii. .! i .ha vtnBTitnriAn t n q t naiiavpu in i.iih ; . . I fca . . . . . , , 7 A 1 I 11 pas with, all of ua glonona memories lit! jtt r J v aa.'prei0ua:,inneTiMuice, uu wmv A-kowi Aforv. ' He writes so well, 6 . I ' i - - . , .- r . . iJl,"i" ot0 n-nti v pkngcaphj. ; He fays: . ! V RATitAfnora 1n not ' BllffiftientlV TC- I --J . . - ' " .s. imr wi.. aw. ! Ben uie uuoicab wwuhuiwb yw --wfp' wtlt r b Ibo iprlrs of libirtnd;We da not; niss to yaw under fA of fgji&edjrii i"we wno1 recall wivn nnue tne eioriea ui tile- South ; who -do 'not forget in these de- it3BC uc 1 tnamediTS u we v uhiuum iw m i n . - ijv.j fifertlea ,we epjoy to he preyalence of Blufnerh-ideas tbw Northern pretentions; iiiini iiiiiiiinst in iiissjiiii wpi mi rnH ,3r swoM of; Washington; and , that ' had the national idea 0 prerailerl in the Ir. 'drmatioh' niatiQh of Our tnstituuon, and our in- 8UWUons been stamped by the spirit of tjt provincial though it may be called, wbicn produced suca men.- : F'ln what land were ereater and belter i men erown than in the South ? How was men grown man in uie . duuui i nowwu ithat for -sixty years of Southern control of &SS,?l353: Inistration? How is it that as soon as. i passed away, and the sceptre fell to the DrtkyWe fiad that many statesmen became illionaires of 5, 000 per annum ? 'When we contrast the careers of Lee Grant we have no occasion to blush for ir provincialism." . THE TORIES. On the ' announcement that Mr. Gladstone and the Liberals had been diiven from power, the Stab said litis of the Tories: 'They will not dare to undo what Glad- 1 2sbne nas done.. - i - s piie- next day the Stab said:, . T " j-if they were to undertake to operate k Liberal plan, vig their ideas, h would I oonfeasion of-iapoteaey and malicious wjong doing. They must, there- f ore. move upon a line in every particular tne opposite of tnat pursued by the Lib erals." " fThe news from England" seems to. confirm the . opinion given. In the sIar of yesterday there is a state ment from two leading papers that inpicates that the English people will not tolerate any change of pol icy. The Standard says that pro- debcaand good faith will force the I cLRfirvativfi fnllnw Ht. h. I m aw Conservatives to follow what has hejen done by the Liberals. The a "ti, ;. r nejw departure or policy. jj ust so. The Liberals are driven fr6m power and the Tories go in but have .in the very beginning to adopt Jhb policy of the defeated party and Ff JWllVJf UA- LUO ViCt 1 malicious opposition. The Standard aDH Times are Tory organs. Before Jiilgianu.is oone witn xoryiam, wn fcA the leaders of that antiqu tiquated, iron-bound, ' anti-liberty party shall gqj back on its history for an hun dred : and fifty years, , Ireland will minm its. folly in combining with its olf enemy against the party of pro gressive and popular ideas. THE JLONDOIf JBXPOS1TIOX AND a nTDnnritmiri t is -nofi generally : known that thfereiis an Immigration Association representing b(teen Southern or bor- di ler States. Its headquarters are in New Orleans. It is a new organiza tion and has done something in pro meting immigration. ... The South has befen able tc-preserve its distinctive features thus fan If Northern neo- pli with capital ranging from $3,000 tO $100,000 wonl4 settfe'ln the South its; more rapid development would be aesurea. jne DOUUinas an immense ir4a that i nmwnnirf ani nnnr.it; tnay8unocc . dnnculti- ya ed and offers peculiar indneements to hose seeking' homes ?and invest-, ments. Thus far the immigratipn to1 NfoCaroHn,. lotWi.' Urge, Dia the incoming of people who have inekns with which to Operate, ,there C l . i."1 " iJ ' ' li' M not .been,;, much : encouragement Sen to merelaborers. AUemnts to intj-oduce white labor in several sec- lions ot , iMortn uaroiina nave . not been satisfactory, or only partially so. . We note that the new Immigra tion Association is working to adver tisd tne resburces ol thB'ts coni posngit by having tberd , represent ed Sin their prpdnetipna at the Expp-.: sitipn to be held in London m te. Aenisjn ynr jrucon ftf .riarwAlrf ? i ey wa &&mipjtymi inwiMon presenwexceiieni oppor - - tunities for such work. ' .,1 -,vr- j,'--i ' I M wnat a StOCK law IB UUlUg auu uaa I that holds to a strict construction of H"', ,m .i.t-r-i: Al nity per oew. tttmcientiy conaemn ana oenounce meww- rtlBementS I .J. , a --v -.k nMlnrt- wbk. uuiji a. i - w j . - - - ,s I Weclitmed two or three weeks Ago following from theh - y,Ie . " " . . . . tv it refers, But tnat 18 not material , j j 1 nffT nwtm rmmr- iinTTf jittti i 1 1 wniLrar I MB itockawv , ! 'f-Jr,fcr"-rurrr -i-SkT ,,. The ideaaf Ahe-ttBOblerarfft , . J!iV'?i avnanrlmcv ftnrl A StnO.BT SW Will , in I t "r' " r.. n i iina""" " nnr imnr.irnBi,npr.u .avitablv beoometho, universal ia,w of gtate before tbo-century ends,! l . 3 , it ..i ' i.i,4fwftt tfa-nnd we nave no uuuui. xuo nuo a politician who espoused Ihem. Herf ne for one county that n'aa adont 1 111 1UI JIMJ WU.U V WWV M fc. w w 1. To the land owner. the cost of f2nc has been reduced from S8a,75 per acre it leas uiaa u jci ,fo. .. . f ,.,. - i -2:j The price of land hasf-advancUn ! leas man f o per acre. Rpntara and tenants are more easily.l, biulned, and do more work in improving I tKolanila - !" ' ' ' ' V . . ' ' I , "4. xJareams?i maaenwiwienanw MA??! a way h6ea his with rope andrtoh.: usmadebysaviag k through th0w1Qjl l"2L Better preparation fqrage o carry the stock T-fi. The cattie are greaUy imnroted."- At 1 theliBtine of taxes last vear for our county. L, vufnnnT that thA mimhpr of aaUIA of 1 ik. miihornn 'w Hnrmi' oni hair: --vet r - rr j L jffi u7wS than the Vekr I rX33, , . , ... 5 . J :"T VlVI 4 istnoij peiievea to oe verjf lormmsoie i, si not iw:':The'follower8 of that ill-starred t v me are now f uasing after the usual ter-day style of the Napolednic faction, and are holding: up yenns- actors son 1 of Prince NaDolebn! t , ,' : , ' (tPlon-PIonM), as the true represent- " the oUim, if thefami.y: We do not, know what sort of a yenth Victor is. .We believe his mother is a 1 sister of the King of J Italy, and his father is a man 'of bfama with m verv deeaved rnoral character. He has quarrelled i with hfe father and is said to be in danger of! becoming a moral wreck early in ie? The Philadelphia ' Timed says 9 the young' aspirant to the head of tqe country: fIf Plon-Plon could , only get a good hold of Victor and give tbe youth a sound' thrashing and then set him to learn a trade he might yet amount to something and. be President of the French Republio some day.. TheFrench people would be glad to t- , u J?? ? TOW T. h,m' Lf he were ut. lh have done with mere pasteboard priests and 'Judge Foraker is the Blaine can didate for Governor of Ohio. He may be able to carry Ohio on the Blaine plan but it will not be credi table to a great State and will show retrogression on the part of the peo ple. If the Democrats had a leader like Judge Thurman they might cahrj f1', "7 t. "! Hbadly. Ohio is Republican ordi- i ww Iho r r mw W rxr n n I n "fa narilv. but in the Northwest it has belen supposed that there, was a grad- ual change of views taking place. The. Foraker platform dodges prohi bition. Senator Harris, of Tennessee, insists that thi Civil Service Commiaeiorf is a humbug. rkil. Fres. ...... That is the opinion of ninety- nine out of every hundred of the candid, intelligent Democrats in j the whole South. ; The Civil Ser viceneeded and desired by r the SaSuth is to clean out the last .Kadi-' cal and put in honest, capable, faith ful Democrats. a' -prince Frederick Charleb, of Ger many, nephew' of Emperor William; wlose dath has been annonncfed by cable,, was a distinguished , soldier. H commanded one of the armies un der Moltke-that, overran and con- I Wted France fiftyeara sjnee., CURRENT COMMENT: If the Government is to re ceive silver bullion on jdeposit at all, letj it do so and issue . certificates of its! weight and fineness and its value at (the price at the time of deposit; redeemable in silver .bqllioa alone, .of the saine .jveight.jand fineness, and leir the .yalne .-oi.uiese ertifacates from time to time be .jdetermined bv thi laws of trade and bythose only, I wai.uuui. juy ivtzai wuuer uuaiuy ior any purpose; Such'.certiflcate8 would anj6r he purpt)Beg of a mediuni of exfehange to thettUBt Went, that silfer Jonjd remain fairly in value. They would cheat ho one, fli, It s hardly necessary to say that the Wnes of to-Tildetf, Mr.'-Manning," I ana-Otners ' witn reoutatronior i I m -I I no anthority.-tJV: , -T.i Times, Hep. I i- Rev. Henrv Ward Berber seAnbns on evolution and . inspira- ;o.C..A . vtt BiL.i tioji;areausing hitn to beseverely criticised in theologieal circles-i He is charged itb-bviigttbandoned : wih being a preacher of rauonalism.'' Somef his erities' say he -makes no moreot the xu Die man or 'other iiu x&j once wnen peopie were uuuu y p.cj. , w M4rduUSJbf; SaHsl)nry ; ii .a t diced as to ranrbaas aha he was a bold J bfiattt man, ni'if npVensea jsolidl I n nvorale and doctrine is tpiticaUySuenv. headache or ,dh5ziness,-yoqaie as Ihat of, Herbert SpencerroHat i ley, t , Mr. Beecher.wUl donbtlessdel vote Home aiieunouto . uin criuus ait.! . . ' . . 1 T . -.. i - . i i.i: i . .n compiles! nis-preBeau II series or 8ermons.t;annaA JSfews, -.W f" , ' uo Hw . ng iup . connection with the infflish Wovern- nUt fa .o ainnfAna nnnlil wmm m mm v ww mom vwi.yviiw ru.viTtWSPymnFruS" r ' . i i - nbuLord SaliRbarv ;wiIL accept the. emi!Br8nipdorrJtagftndbian(lH.80onj ;tMUK wjiiimmown.u vuey l(iniog8,in h dhermoe(,torprtiM;T aiciu. ti-wcuamuo oi "Tii' ura; uwu aiuw l GOod Ordinarv.-, 0 . " IT tadmltets and supportert' 'this WBeiV 'WML v ,Vu , r,,. .Uw 9 15-16 ' " ruui & uower oi HoaiersauiK i of iu4ffment easily 'seen when j Co tar in Jtna , preaentemergency, the Marquis of Salrabnr.y hag; shown Uv. C .AlP.kllawMQ to-n.u! i . i,iin.ii , ainn w n v n i .iijai Atiuni ixicu ilia feaavMo charge: hid 'ttoo groat question of & war witb hjif. world, 'dam ! shonlaed and'! -nt(le. teah fOnne, t but wba can" Wf : tQOfflit io a foould-be leader of the British jQd-J a. 1-U , iv. i - r i r . . : . i 4 ri Y.ruuieuv wuw. wueu .ue vpuvrtuuuT I Wke nowna Uhat might captivate all Engl , tnat'irjigot captivate all England an4; iie world, simply Jiesitates whether rAT,L, soaBOji airoiwu 10 uinr- was too siion, nW:unbf a -T m Aw( a wf" fA m a va Un I w i4 'a power, anil giory zemweut ., j greah man j even a mediocre man, of firm I will; would not act so. j : GLADSTONE. - ; " v . V7ashington PosK ". :Tbe Tories, were never , bo dumb add crestfallen as no w, the Liberals ndver so buoyant and confident. At tbe Edinburgh deoot Lord Salisbury I "was greeted by a Tory crowd whose 4thsiastie demands for autborita- tiremWranOfaileto elicitT eVen caulioua response. The only trouble wpich clouds the, Xiberal mind, is -as to whether Mr. Gladstone will lead tHem in the next electoral vampaign. ,. strange to say, the Premier is A . . w-ik now more- "popular in nis weu pljanned defeat than" he has been since, opposing Beaconfield's charla tan imperial policy he' wasj known aej the Peoples VVilliam.,r It has been the fashion recently - to deride this fact as thou ghil was a discredi table circumstance to a statesman I that he was popular with tbe people whose cause he had made his own; btjt in the long run it may tarn to the great advantage of the Liberal patrty.' Mr. Gladstone's action is the one question' difficult to determine. Tko beat policy for bim wtvuld Uu retire for rest and then return to the contest for his party, with ; the re newed strength of the giant he is. The Liberals are more enthnsiasttc for their leader than ever before. They believe his help to be essen tial. ' CUA NG ING THE S UBJECT. -s f' Always," said papa, as he drank his coffee and enjoyed his morning beefsteak, "always, children, change thfe subject 'when anything unpleas anjt lias been , said. It is both wise and polite." -, That evening on his return from business be found his carnation, bed deppoiled, and the- tiny imprint of sippered feet silently bearing witness tothe small thief; "Mabel," he said to her, "did you pick my flowers ?" : " ' 4Papa," said Mabel, "did yon see a monkey rn town ?" , ' f 'Never mind that. Did you pick mr flowers ?' ; 'VPapa, what did grandma send me ?" i: 'Mabel, what do yon mean ? Did yoju pick my flowers ? Answer yes or no." i , ' Yes. nana. I did; but I thought ric change tbe strbject.'-' a a ' ' O The Dlnncra always on Time. . , N. Y. Sun . , . . . .. "For a while after. I, was married my dinner used to be from five to ten minutes late," said an experi enced husband, "but I soop remedied the matter." ; j'Ho w did i you accomplish (t ked another ,husband, anxiously, as "I'm havinff the same tronbte. fEasy enough.' When my wie would come in ancV say, Im sbrry deir, but dinner is a little late to- l-night I would reply,'Gdod4 'I'll I Kala timA and get a drink.' Try that plan; it's i a crond one." -. 1 " 1 m.mtj j ,uf .i n. ,,B 8E cPTE4Bi , u tmth that teararh MA ; ba'uS aVd Sa cognized, isnow so ;apparent , that it do &&SM people Is this new and gratification of Npn. -sttafschob crea i cew b"-"' nMR3K"jH.ouniain," W & u?n htQ animate the whole I BKlvJ&? rea :f$W-. oL&vs&W ihi. jL the mind!of the Wrage feniinine man I hurjter there are 6nly three snecieB. The Tk7 dnoUiiagj else, the man P good blood and aolhlag alaa, the man 5raln aadngJelSf.Of, jcoutse they do not countBie hangeiTon at such places, the pleasing fool commonly i Auvance:" m -t- n.:.i to jt;i;; , If you .experience a had tasta in the to action and strengthen uO voarsva-' like i Dr.: .Pim' TLswiJ. Vi.ifJli m7jyl 'Golden Medical Lnsco very. By druggists. u t .TV ... r-n -r m-nnm .XTTSTrrn l l ii j - j - : . u MJUAAAVAiAy f f o. QUEZON. - h-l Illarqola of Salisbury Relative to Ire land Tbe C'iiolerm Spreading iu IattfilhW Randolph IDT vauig w uv wuum mh.i i By Cable tbneornTHif Star.t lCh tnyMatiinwwgtmspnTw'Thei'e iiiiwm ;dal of spefiuation aa to the, result oyf j tbB ' " Jlhlir principal point or disagreements 1 .TILv--iti.-li4valwa3fi ?jt a uitiijj aj uuc m ajB ' w a u w w w i 0Bes; of -cholera t in this cttjesterdayand, 1 nnrrrvtAwi'jt'nnr.TfktAi I Colored T6matt ChTffed iwltri the nariie or ner- Httave?;'anesici- is mate rblld. . ' . ...... I ' iBv TeleeraDh to'iheTlfbnunc MtarJ innTrrvrriTA ' .TniiA 1 A J.'A' onectAl tn thA 1 M .XienicnJaigeneia details of a iudma MandJ :a,a,i iwoTeaT oia gidmatehild of Harry Coleman., color-; Iennie.augnan, aniaiotw cqiorea was cat-eoVjor by 'a colored couple 9 were. Oklleaa,: Coleman, n who.r wa$ rried. demanded his offspring, and car-. f id it to his hrime: Last Friday his Other iiidren reportea to itosa, nis wire, mas me ,.iii . u .u. . ieveit tyu violent'7 shaking. 1 The child dad.1 and sh8picidn';havhig been Aroused an investigation was'fOTdereei. and a post rtem 1 revealed the fact that the child s sktuti naa oeen rrusaea -ana , its oaca tem blb lacerated ny Rosa. The verdict placed the murder on1 Rosa, ho fled, and a party are in pursuit of .net:; New York Stock Market Strong; and HlSber. By Telegraph to the Horning Star.l New York, Wall Street, June 16, 11 A. Hi There has been a decided increase in L a ' ' J " at. the business, as well as continued strength IU, WIG IWVA JUUOEt WU IUU1UIUI(, X uc uin prices were generally. per cent, higher than thev closed yesterday.although Lacka- winna, Delaware & Hudson and Louisville & Nashville were unchanged; During the first hour; with heavy trading in Grangers and Lackawanna, the market advanced i to 1 per cent,, the latter in Northwestern, but Lackawanna was up and St. Paul . Toe weak stock on the. active list was Uaion Pacific, which fell a fraction . below the closing prices : of .yesterday. - A very srnall premium was charged in the loan crowd for tbe use of St Paul, Lackawanna and New York Central.. Northwestern loaned at 3-128, and Erie 2'da and Dela ware & Hudson . at 1-32.. .The .total sales for tbe first hour were 84.000 shares. VIRGINIA. Deatii of. lromlat anel i Known Parmer. Well-' iBy Telegraph to the Horntnc Star.l Ltnchburo, June -18. Cot. Jesse 8 Burks,' one of tbe best known and most prominent farmers in the State.died sudden-' ly at bis home, near unarlemonre, ueOTord cottnty, last night. He was atkaaother of Judge Burks, of tbe Court -oJL Appeals, and commanded the Forty-second Virginia Infantry in the late war. ELECTB1C SPARKN. Gen. Grant started this morning for Mdunt McGregor. "fchef President today appointed Ker Boyce to be postmaster at AuguBta, Ua., vice - W. F. Holden, suspended, upon pTofsof acts of partisanship, while in ofi ce..-. . -' ' . ' ' - Ex-Congressman Cox, remarking upon the things of Washington which be has left behind him.ob&rved sadly: "Othollo's occupation's gone gone to Hell-espont." Nevertheless, Mr. Cox objects to be called a bkimoxist. Springfield Republican. . Oil! BACK Erery atrala er eeli attacks that weak ftaek THE , - OESlTQinC Slrcncrtkens tlie Knaeles. ' J 8tWMll Cite Wi-r, EarlAei tbe B3o,' . eiM HcvrWlgon. i. hT kmwn ia air SO rau1 pricttOe, I have farad it spei bestial tenevTD(MOTi4iniMezh tkm, Md Is -All dobimiUnr ailmeate that bear aa t -hfayi xim mmiueum a iwniin r wnAfmiar.M . B&VSCHBnAIOBAX.TIMWKjMn. : Jjaar Hawd Book, aftal mad kttnette. oo. tMninf lmt of pnza for recipes, information about. . i coins, eta., given mwj by all dealera in medicine, or i .nailed to aiijaddryM qpaaoeiot otSo. stanux . . , . JstD&Wly' t lworJrm, nrm JJiH QTELBEimSWICK, J:iisit THS cep ion of Gaests 0 th18rH OlaAT, 185i i v . Tl ie'''ltanaM-,Viia 3atideijh tftWifayV K"i -.it: !, I . ivitii ckV .'r. j. VW i reputionsi :this: Hote and rsspectfaDy soil .its the patronakpll;';'' ;" " ; " Rftes-$ to per mouUw , JfW neriweek; 2 M per; dayi SperaXea mad iorU&e Kontirorl8ea- ,??v,s irMam3l v !(itnvam a ;ijj'.-.n snkhvme,. Carolhta. til A Proclamation. TTKOW1 YSAJTHAfATTHI8 8JEAJW)HO JXrtke year a-ooolhead la dealMd hv Trwwi . Be tt, therefore, proclaimed that : A Ct FHKM Slts tlIont StreJTthe aoetp HMranw'Bbay anTshamnoo An In nfeedof these commodities are respectfully TMeated tooaU at pW; Not a where ,thire are a few more left, and the proprietor aid first-dan and polite young men are always ready and willing- o serve thenv Kesrteetfalry'; ' T7t" i mylltC., j... i H. Ci.PBSMPXBT. t Cbokine.Stove, TTi8T THK THtKQ FOB VlSSKL ANTRTTr A ir. tf boat use;, durable . and heap. : . Alwava in stock .tofFarme? ind Golden Har Cook- owra. juoiaio wa yriue oi ue KltChaiL- Wood. and WUtowVarevfnraps. Bath Tibs, Aot K, AKKSB TAYLOH'S," 1 .' j and nearly yratntes yea. , Yacn ie 14 tf COMMERCIAL. ??fiI4K OFFICE. June 16, 4 P. M. -jsrimi l UKrixwJsrne market WMuoteXulla5, cents per gallon, with sales repotted later of 250 casks at that price. hsiwll nrt . a tivuaii & aaw uukt avi vrcao uuutCU ii i ii l (for8ti4eaaW95oifor Good iTAR--The market;. was, quoted firm at T J , ..AASie "i.r --r; I f4 iu per ooi. or ids,, wwn saies at quc- " pUpE TURPENTINE Market'firm liwitbi sales rorted at 1 1 for Hard &AA j f iw roc i-V gm $ and yellow Dip. , , 7 7 ,.T r. , - .'. k fi.taa u -ii.-.'Wii-:' Ty JiLfL. ly:,.:;! lows: Extra Prime 44(gi47 centefFancv !5 -'cents; knd Extra Fancy 5860 ts per bushel of 23 lbs. 1 3 HICE. --Market steady and' unchanged.! Wie quote : . . Rough ; , , Upland. 00 1.1 10; Tidewater $1 151 90. Clean: Common 4J4J cents; Fair 4f5i cents; Gyod 5f5i cents; Prime 5$6 cents; Caoice 6iuT cents per ' fll " ' ; IBfBER. The market coatiaues steady unchanged,with sales as follows: Prime and Extra Shipping.fixst elass heart, 9 00 loj 00 perM. feet; Extra MU1, good heart, 6( 508 00; Mill Prime, $6 006 50; Good Common Mill, $4 00g5 00; Inferior to Or- diUry. $3 oo4 oa; :. j , RECEIPTS. Cotton...;. ..i... Spirits Turpentine i 1 bale 288 casks 691 ' bbla Kosin.... Tar.i...... Cride Turpentine 233 tblt 249 bbls ooniEsrio iiabket. 1 By Telegraph to the Moraine Star.l 1 ' Financial J1bw York, June 16, Noon.-rMoney easy at 1 per cent. Sterling exchange 4851 and 486 J. State bonds quiet. Governments firni. . - Commercial Cotton quiet, with sales reported of 200 bales; middling uplands 10 9-1 6c; mid dling Orleans 10 ll-16e. Futures steady; sales at the following quotations: June 10.38c; July 10.38c; August 10.49c; Sep tember 10.24c; October 10,00c; Novem ber 9.89c. Flour dull and heavy. Wheat higher. Corn higher. Pork dull at $11 25 (ft 11 50. Lard firm at $6 8i Spirits tur pentine steady at 36361c. Rosin steady at $1 161 20. Freights steady. Baltimore. June 15. Flour steady and quiet. Wheat southern steady; west-, ern and mote active; southern red9294c do amber $1 001 03; No. 1 Maryland 98, &c; No, 2 western winter red on spot 94t91c.u Corn southern a shade firmer; western steady and dull; southern white 59. 59Jc; do yellow 5354c. PStBBIGIf niREKrt, ; J1 ; - CBr Cable to the Mornmc Star.l Iii vbbpooTj. June 16, i Noon.r Cotton dull, with a moderate inquiry; middling uplands 5fd; middling Orleans 513-16d; sales 8,000 bales, of which 1.000 were for speculation and export; , receipts , 5,000 bales, of which 4,700 were American." Fh-' tures dull at a decline; uplands. 1 m c 3ub6" and Julywlelivery 5 46-64d; July and Au gust delivery 5 49-645 48 64d; August and September delivery. 5 51-645 52r64d; September and October delivery 5 48-64d ; October and November delivery a 40-64d. , SDirits turrtentine 28a 9d. : . Sales of cotton to-day include 6,400 ba.es American. ' , 4.00 P. M. Uplands, 1 mo, June deliv ery o 45-64d, sellers option; June and July delivery 5 45-64d, sellers' option 1 July and August delivery 5 47-o4d,.sellea option; August and September delivery S 51-644. sellers' option; September and October de livery 5 47-64d, value; October and Novem ber delivery 5 39-64d,sellers' option ; Novem-" bet and December delivery 5 37-64d; sellers' option; December and January, delivery 5 87-64d, sellers' option; January and Febru ary delivery 5 39-64d, value.- Futures closed tekdy.: 'London, June 16, 4 P. M. Consols 99 9-1 6c. sMwaw Why 4o Doctor Preacrlbe Lienor? Because they know not what else to do; or because sometimes a little liquor serves to kindle the exhausted' fires of digestion. Bujt this liquor prescription is bad business for the patient, for it makes drunkards ant of a large majority of them. Brown's Iron meters does not Kindle a temporary fire. It nourishes, strengthens and purifies. It drives out debility and , dyspepsia, and seta the! invigorated' system at work on a basis of healthr h ; : , : Upf OPEN LETTER ; , j IN WHICH1 f A 1 1 Ijarrlies i i i ASK ;u . i i . : t DEEPLY INTERESTED ! -.I " "": ' : . : ., READ IT r ,t'T- i ' Belaib, Ga., Nov. 6, 184. - Getulttnen: ...... ' 1 have , been, . nalrig ; your wonderf at j remedy' "Pt Bradfleld'a,Jlemale. Kegnlator.' in my-fanu- ,lyfrfii kitlnand I want ; aay toth8 gnf: Xerirui ones of myafxthai thera-, was Beyer any-, thing equal to it. :IWoal4 to .Godr that very af flicted womanja Our land knewief its wonderful virtnes and curative powers as I doi Iluva nsed a great deal of itrince the birth of my tart child, abott a year and a half ago, and 1 do think :had It npt been for this valuable- raedkfaw I would have been -1 if Vhs tZED-IUDDEX F04 XIFC I iBht, thanks to'aklnd ! Evidence,' 1 was dhrepi ed o Its use, fthd taf life and health "have been spared ma If my means would admit of It I woaid never be wjthoutjt la my hanse, -'-t haver recommended it to a number of my friends, and, without' ekoepttonv they have all" been wonderfully relieved and cured. Xeive thia. indorsement without solicitation and freely, for the benefit of the sufferhur ones of mysex' i ' ' "'i -.! Vryrespeetfalryw ; ni -n i , - , Kaa. ANNA RAMP. . ictt . a9"ead for onr treatise on; Jemaie Jasaaes MaHedfree. Address, - . ' -' . . : ; f ;The) Bradfield Eegntoro., i ... ', . . P. O..BOXJ8, AtJantaiQa.; i William H. Green, Wholesale AgenW Wilming ton, N.c. -, !, ,k - i b!.J nLvi-j ?,nV' .X 1' Savlne I nicrrniTDiiin .. ITCHING TOIlTimrRS LOATH SOME Sonre AXD ' It SftY-T0-1?' even years teSr,,,to&!rv' A WUO UIUovA OI L V6rTlDlA flkin rf;. TTlT ? S SSr-and Cicdra Soap an iiUJte&utifier. .externaUv). hit!' exf(0isit weeks whaf done.' Ybm weeks what I have tried for eleven 111 ix done. .An ahaU have the partlon have lean give them to yon, and as vltz Mown in this part of the country ? S s. you,and the remedies will cure ail 1 fit h HATSTlU.:Kj. , aKT ii I BLOTCHES CURED. Li"" ,UUC ."UTICUBA REMEDIES forPW i and am completely cured-, to i. Kl0'ches. junrreuH. boap is the best lLavP t i ,1DlB p the profession It Is invalua 1p rZ .Usea i Vin. thaMtk. . ' ,,tl."e 'Or cleans and all the stuff used bv -.7 ?resp, and white and soft. My recommending auch aa article 1 u" Champion Comiai K. ODH6BTOWN, OHIO. ' c-'i!t'l- BEST FOR ANYTHING L'KfSJJKlSF?; BMSKM far,,,.. ;iwii iuuuiud aua b. ovwi . hmm nnn Dnii.. .1 .. - I anxtons to get it to sell onenmn,;..11- am I """JJany remedies I havft'. used for Tetter, Burns, Cuts, etc ! ,?, e.Ter the best medicine I have ever tried for amii 11 is MxaTL,aLBs,!, K. s! HoTfr NEVER A COMPLAINT noe lhave been selllug your Cuncrra R,. ii have never heard a single com.,',,ME: BIBS m Vi a aammm. T. . ."'"t'.aiiH, tint v wiui j cimj uiib wno lias ii soil ii, has been well nleasedrwith tho J a "hem 'ho eir sell aU others. E. B. CUBBKRLY L' out- Avnnvwn Tun ''mim j : scBOPUiuOiis sorkk. I ihad a dozen bad sores on my bodv ami , ; a all remedies I could hear of, ami at w J yonrCimcunA Bemsdies, and 1 hey have Vd Hebeok, Thatkb Coutt, Pexn" Ga,skil,j- Cpnctmi HMirorEs are sold evrnhPn Price : Cdtotiba, 50c; Rssolvent, $i; s0fr Sead for "How toCnre Skin DUeat.e. 4 1 DAWlm wed sat ' tocorfrm Cancer Cured. Mrs. Olrve Hardraan, an old resident of Wallnn county, and a lady of culture and prominence has, this to say of the treatment of cancer with Swift's Specific : Over fifteen yeara ago a cancer marteiis ap pearance on my face. It was treated with tera, and the core came out The place het, np after some time, and geemincly my fai e wa well. However. In a few years it returned a"iin with Bare violence than ever. It gave men .t deal of pain. The former remedy seemed tn do it no good. Knowing the disease to tnn in the family, havlne had one sister to die with cancer I became Sfrtously apprehensive of my condi tion. It continued to increase in size and viin lenee. I almost rave up all hope oi ever beine cured. he physicians advised the use of the knife and caustic. This was more than I could bear, and tefosed to have it operated on in that .way. All other remedies were used, bntthe can cercontlnned to grow worse . The pain was ex cruciating and my life was a bniden. in thh P. trenity, my son. Dr. Hardman, recommended me to ty Swift's Specific It was the last resort.bnt I was so prejudiced against the use of patent medicines, and especiaUy-thia one, that I hesita- a some ume. . ai last.! gave my cx ; last; I gave my consent, not is' any virtue ia it. The first ifevtrar there was' any virtue ia it. The first ttle only Increased the size of the sore and tii discharge from It,- and hence did not inspire me with any hope. On taking the second bottle there were signs of improvement, and my fai. h screngLnenea jusi iiLproporiion. i used the spe cine as a wash In the treatment of my cancer with remarkably gneoess. I sponged the sore with the medicine diluted with a little water. It softened the soab.looolea the face and relieved the itching sensation. The spot on my face be gan to decrease, as well as the discharge, and none SDrang ud m mv heart Could it be. l aked myself, that at last I was to be relieved of this disease? : It has erven me so many dark hours in the past that the Idea of being well again almost overpowerea me. . iXnere was a contest between hope and fear for a long time. It was a lon night of weeping, bat Joy. came with the mom- k There & notbtne loft to mark ttlfi VilaiT bnl a small fear, and I feel that is impossible tor me to express my gratitude for this great deliver . ance. It Is a wonderful medicine. ; "Mas. Olive Haedman, Monroe, (ia. Jan. 9, 1884. , Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable.and seems to cure cancers by forcing out the impurities from the blood. ' Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed lre. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, ;a. (POLLS 1 j 2C .YEARS IN USE. f Greatest Medical Trinmph of tho Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Low f fcpetite Bowels costive, Fain in ; tkm hed with ev dull aeasatlon In tho lekurCt Fain under the houlder r almde, Fullnasa atftef eatine, with adit teellnatienta exertion of body or mind. Irritability f temper, Low spirits, with si feeling afhavlnz neglected some dutr, ' Weulaeas, Dlzzinesa, Fluttering at tbe Hemrc Data before the eyes, Headacbo mr the right eye. Restlessness, w5 itfal dreuaa, Highly colored Urine, ana 1 COMSTIPATION. . - ' TOTpa TttJJs are especially adapts to awsb easea, one dose ' effects such a etoangoffelin5astoastoMsUthesnffew TTlJMaetfceAppete,snd , ftodyto Tako oa l?leabt thus i the syrtenu ' iioiirialMd, and by their Tonic Action on , the livOrett,Ite Stooisa ' yrodnced. PriceaSeT4MiirravSt..i-L; TUTT'S EXTRACT SIIUHU Benovates the body, makes healthy nesn, ftrenrthena the weak,- repairs the wastes the system with pure blood and hard muscte, tones tho nervous system, invigorates tne t brain, and imparts the vigor of mannooo. ' I. Sold by druggists. ,vrk. OFFICE 44 Murray St., New Yora Jan 30 PAW ly ' snwefr lPJL i rapoiiTANT : A !HEf AND3YALDABLE DEVICE ! . A PATENT ater Closet Seat! f FOB THS CTJSB:OF HEMORRHOIDS, (Commonly ilH! i "PILES,") Internal or External, rjw ' PROLAPSUS ANL for Chil- drea-er Adults. NO MIOICINS OR SURGICAL :0PKRATrf"' j j , , , NECESSARY. ive invented a. SIMPLE WATERS SEAT, for the cure of the above "" aaof paiuful malady, which I confidently bef pre the pubBo as a" ' ,r.,r , UBE BELIEF AND CVVW Iahas been ndorsed. by the leaegt PhyBlislahs in North Carolina. Is S&pbl d ta the HospMals ot w To rhwnit andimdreVand we are satisfied gj r WiUbesatUfaatory, as it has ?verfaiiea Whire. -You can write to any of the Phys' OfjromtoentpiastoEdgecombe These Seats wul be furnished at the ion WA1OTT, TollBhed, ' 1 TOsWt to CHBRRY. 9.00 ciciana anu w POPLAR, - . .. 5 001 Trade. hSc:l, l)KenforTistor win S3SSS I . We trouble you with no certificates. the Seat to be Its own advertiser. Adore i ' rarboro, Edgecombe -o.. DAWf i ?! iUTJ VV lS AK- rrtlBCBOONBR ISAAC: Wfffij FLINT 1 SwSwlth a cargo of the best MAm, c,K(iT Kf a Whiete l oaert seu ""r 5irpet, or aayof my, 1 oe pepot or will d8"Sies coo? rrfir T-XToa ft,, iaree qnantiue . . t lehton given to the Wholesale ""gggss, trw mitmniuM resDtocnuiy bji.. - , . EOi MULE for sale, JanaO-DiWlv frsnwe nrm chw ?3 Bouth FrontSt. nw 21 tr Proprietor New at