-r-. " ' f - t - : it V !: - 4 -. i; - i I r I:' The Morning MORNING EDITION.' THE LATEST NEWS.' u ivm T P ARTS O THE tTOBISI-1 FROM Ala If AJiXS UXXILB. w " I '.--. . .. - WAsniNGtoy. ? postal Aflir-Ai Enterprfs: baeeo Dealer complained of ly tne ' Trade Removais for . OffenalT ru ' tlganbIpA.PotoffleeBnr0ed-fTr : - paymaiter Smltn 't lM Colortinar;. - ; tlaled A Defaulter Arreatd & J. if ' s fBr Telesrapb to tba Xornlns; Star.) ., V WASinNGTO Janejt6.--A numher 'of tobacco dealers-nave complained to the - Postoffice Department that a tobacco firm in Ohio is conducting a gift enterprise, ia nffprintr to tiistribnte 30.000 around- tff consumers of its tobacco; in prizes graded ' in proportion to the am.punt consumed, as rj-"" shown by the presentation of a number of tin labels that are affixed to each plug.. The business has grown so rapidly.? that other dealers in tobacco have - combined td ' employ counsel for the prosecution of the - rase before the Postoffice Department, with, a view to having the- advertisiTjg cir- ealars and tags or tne 'oniecuonaDie con ; rem excluded from the mails. Theinatter s - is under consideration at the .Po&toffifse De-, apartment. ? " -; 7 ; f The postoffice at White Springs, Fla. , - was burned last night, with all its contents. - v ; Hibha. the defaulting postmaster or Xjew . i3ton, Idaho,has beet arrested by Postoffice Tnanectora Murohv and Culver, on nam son river, east of Victoria, B. C. He wiU 'resist extradition. v James" J. Brooks. Chief of the Secret Service division of the Treasury Depart V - inent, has. at the reduest of . Secretary Afanninff. tendered bis resignation, to take ' effect Julv 1st nexL fc Ernest Pillow, appointed District At - tornev for the Middle District of Tennes see, is a resident of Cormersville. Marshall . ' . . county; served two terms in the House of ' Representatives from Tennessee and was one of the State electors at the last Presi dential election. James H. Freeman, appointed Marshal for the Western District of Tennessee, is a brother of Hon. Thomas J. Freeman, of Nashville, and is himself a business man of Trenton. Gibson county. The report of the Court of Inquiry in the case of Paymaster General Joseph A. Smith. Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, Navy Department, was made public to-day. It relates in detail the facts and circumstances in regard to the pur chases of beef and pork and summarizes the conclusions of the Court as follows 1st, That Paymaster General Smith has been derelict and . negligent in his duty and culpably inefficient in the performance thereof. 2d, That he has. to the detriment and pecuniary, loss of the government, favored Austin P. Brown in his orders and contracts. 3rd. That he has violated the laws regulating the duties and responsibilities of his office. and that these violations were to (he detri ment of the government.' 4th. That he has been in many ways unfaithful to the trust imposed on him by his office.- 5th. That the mildest interpretation that -the court f - can put on his acts is ignorance of his legal 1 - responsibilities and duties, . gross-neglect of r his duties; and indifference and inefficiency I , in the performance oi them. The secretary V ". - of the Navy has decided to order court- I : : martial for the trial of Paymaster General r . Smith, and the detail for the court will be i . - announced in a few days. ; ' Eight Presidential postmasters, includ ing tne one at Augusta, Ga., were sus pended to-day for cause and others ap pointed. The postmaster at isozman, Montana, was suspended upon the report or an inspector showing gross carelessness in the management or his offlce, failure to collect and account for box rents, and especially failure to make reports of de posits and quarterly accounts as 1 required by the Third Assistant Postmaster Gen eral and Sixth Auditor, after notice. : The Department desires the announcement to come to the knowledge of all postmasters in service that failure of postmasters to make a report of deposits or accounts after notice, will be ground for removal without further inquiry. The postmasters at -Winona, Minn. ; Osceola. and Laporte City. Iowa; North Manchester, Ind. ; Cambridge, Ohio: Au gusta, Ga,, and Balston, N. Y., were suspended upon proofs of acta of partisan ship while in office. These acts were of various kinds. Some were editors as weU as postmasters, and their newspapers in some cases, since as well as before the election, have contained scurrilous and indecent attacks upon the officers of the nwwMmy.., n - U M Mm. i ' cal feeling towards their ad?ersaries in general. Ia some cases it has also, been established that postmasters kept hanging in the postoffice political placards of one political party and refused to permit those of the other to be displayed; these placards being sometimes indecent, pictures or car toons unfit" for the eye of respectable persons. In other cases, postmasters have baen efficient political agents of their party, members of its working committees and leaders in its organization ; well known in the community as such and taking particu lar part in the conduct of election business, xften to the impairment of .their, perform ance of the duties of the office. In several of the cases political notices, circulars and newspapers of the opposite political party were shown to have been detained in the postoffice. Acting Assistant Surgeon Orr.Yof the Marine Hospital Service, has reported to - the Bureau that the Norwegian barque Au-: gustina - arrived at Delaware . Breakwater quarantine from Cienfeugos to day.- All on board t were well, except the captain,' who was suffering from . suspected, yellow - fever. The vessel - will be detained for fumigation and cleansing and the captain will be taken to the hospital on shore if necessary. ; , :1 . , ; , .. , . , . : Consul Wniard has reported to the State Department from Guaymas, Mexico, that the west coast of Mexico is now free from - yellow fever. The Marine Hospital Bureau ; is informed of an outbreak of yellow fever near uayenne, on the Salut islands. . The Postmaster General has decided that ; . white men who are members of Indian " - -tribes are eligible for appointment as post- . masters. -- . . . . riEQWlA.1 . Fnrther Poatponement of a Hearing (By Telegraph to the Horning Star. J H Richmond. June 16 The case of .T. J. Cluverius. convicted of the murder of TAU. Jian Madison, came up again to-day in the iium.mgs xxmn on a motion of arrest of . judgment; but -the hearing was further - .postponed unta . Friday next, the counsel i or ine prisoner not having finished the ex -fammauon or the record in thecase. There was an immense crowd presents in antfoina. tion of the pronouncing of the death sen- ;,ura ana me scenes incident thereto.' ' wlS'T8en&U.by,the General Assembly of - New Hampshire , i-cTZ The !libertv rll" r; . ii New Orleans a'rrived at Whi O i ? yesterday and proceeded to PhffiV s Ail well and safe.. : -r-.F. FOSE1GN. ParneUltcs Orcanuiag wwirow DemouUatItt-Bmcei of Cnoiera la Spalm. fBvCUMato tteXonlacBUr.l - s Majihtt). June 10. in ine. primuw Caatellon De" I. Plana, yesterday, tbere wete eighty cases of cholera and Ixty rteaih - ThirtT thousand people have fled from the provlnctf ot Mnrcla. In the city of Hurcia alone yesieruajr mcio w)nr trt thA i&test reiarnn. sixty-iuur fresh cases of cholera -and thirty-nine deaths: In the protinceof Murcia, outside fhA citv; there were flftv cases of cholera and sixteen deains, wiiain me same peu Thf Official Gazette confirms the statement that cholera Js raging in the provinces of Valencia, Castellon. De la nana, ana Murcia. and in the city of Madrid. The nnnrttition newspapers. v on the contrary, deny that cholera exists, in Madrid, and say .that all testimony regarding suspicious cases is insufficient to give warrant for. the assertion that they are cases of cholera.; ' ; Dublin, June 16. The Parnellltes are organizing for the purpose of holding a monstrous demonstration to snow vueir pleasure at the departure of Earl Spencer, fcbrd Lieutenant, from Ireland on Saturday next. i:.v , I NEW YORK, d. Graat at Mount McGrecor-A ynwlte Attempt la Yonkero. I rer Telewanh to the Morning Star. i ikomcx McGbkoob, June 16. General Grant arrived here at 2.45 this afternoon. Th last stage of the journey was tpe worst, as the jolting caused tne uenerai much pain and fatigue. '. Yonkebs. Jane 16. Last night, at eight minutes past 9 o'clock, a watchman at one of the carpet mills, discovered two giass Jars connected with a, burning fuse in a -rr . 1 1 iL. mm fnAA tint door-way. ne seizeM uw uuruuigtuw, fu" out the hre and threw the jars in an ash pan. and covered them with ashes and then eave an alarm. The jars were taken to tne & ... i . i .l:. .... : police station ana euumneu uim muruiug bv Messrs, CBrien and Clark, contractors, and they say thatrone jar contained four, pounds of dynamite, enough to blow up half the city. - MASS A CHUSETTS, Cbagrea Fever at cnariestown navy Tard-nany HIarlnee 81eK. ? By Telegraph to the Xornlng Star. Boston. June 16. A large number of the marine corps at Charleston navy yard are ! now on the sick list. Yesterday twenty-six men reported to the yard sur- geon to De piacea on ine sick ust, aim five men were sent to the naval hospital at Chelsea. It is thought that Chsgres fever has broken out among the men, as the disease with few ex ceptions is confined to men who were at Panama. Yesterday the clothing, beds and bedding of the sick men were taken to one! of the navy yard wharves and burned. The sale of milk at the barracks has oecn prohibited and the canteen closed. BASE BALL. Game Played at Varlova Places. .. IBy Telegraph to the Koranic Star.l Washington. June 16. The following is the score of games played to day: IBaltimore Baltimore a, riltsDurg a; seven innings rain. Norfolk Wumington 18, JMorfoiK 7. Philadelphia Athletics 14, Louisville 10. Macon, Ga. Columbus-Macon game prevented by rain. Chicago1-Chicago 8, Detroit 6. Newark, K J. Newark 2, Trenton 3. New York Metropolitan 4, Cincinnati 5. Brooklyn Brooklyn 4, St. Louis 11. Richmond, Ya. Virginia 6, Nat ional 11 TEXAS. A Fatal Fend at Weatnerford. IBy Telegraph to the Horning Star.l Galveston. June 16. A special from Weatherford. Texas, Bays: A feud has been going on for some time between James Liee and James 11. Miluken, partners in the construction of the new court house. Yes terday morning Milliken approached Lee while the latter was sitting . in a chair and shot him five times, klllling him instantly. Lee was unarmed. Milliken has been taken into custody. , CITY ITETIJ. A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, havlne Dassed several sleepless nights, disturbed by the agonies and cries of a suffering child, and becominf? con- nnsIoWa Sootbine Syrao was lust the article needed, procured a supply for the hild. On reaching home and acauaintintr his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was strongly in favrfe-of HomfBonathr. Thktnlfht the child tiasaed in Bnlferiririid the parents without sleep. Eeturn ing home the day following, the father found the baby still Buffering: and while contemplating an other sleepless night, the mother stepped from the room to attend to some domestic duties and left the father with the child. During her ab sence he administered a portion of the Isbothinz Syrnp to the baby, and said nothing. . That night all hands slept weQ, and the little feQow awoke in the morning bright and happy. The mother was delighted with the wonderful chaiure. and al though at first offended at the deception prao tioed upon her, has continued to use the Syrup, andsmreruuc erring babies and restless nlehts have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and over come the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all Druggists. SS cents a bottle. AN OPPOKTUKITY FOR A FORTUNB LOST. the ran Vav. the Drawing of The LouUlana State Lottery Company showed the following results : Ticket No. 21.2S8 drew the Tint Capital Prize of $75,000. It was sold in fifths at $1 each one to Harry Button, Melrose. Mass.; one to oeo. Williams or wasmngton, u. v.; one to ur sini Zapp of ReuAd Top.Texas, collected through jtessrs. j as. u. naymona s. uo.. oi Ausun,Tezas; one to S. F. Spencer. Greensbnrg, Ky.: and the rest elsewhere. Ticket No. 51,885 drew the Sec ond Capital Prize of 125,000, sold in fifths one to J. it. iiengsneid, ciert or ueatoman, smith Co. ot ureenTiue, man., collected through the Bank there; one to H. N. Calderwood, Ottawa, Kansas; one wr. u eexion, uruion, stewan oo., lnn., collected through the Northern Bank of Tennes see; at Clarksvllle, Tenn. ; one to John B. Jewell or cataraugus, N. y.; tne remainder sold else where. No. 62,001 drew the Third CapltafePrize of flOKw. sold also in fifths; one to Job Bod ley, -No. 67 8. 6th 8C Columbus,;o.; others tjar ties In San Francisco, CaL; LaCygne, Kansas, and elsewhere. Tickets No. 5,289 and 18,807 drew the two Fourth Capital Prizes ot f 6,030 each, and the entire sum of $235,500 was likewise broad cast through the land. The whole thing will be repeated on Tuesday, July 14, of wbioh all infor mation can be had on application to M. A. Dau phin. New Orleans, La. Let not the opportunity slip by you, aa you have hitherto done. yjR- BDWAED PHILLIPS . (INQALL, PHIL UPS & CO , formerly proprietors of Palmer, Mel U&h'tfe Dudgeon's Wharves, London), will shortly wummwoicij uuauiew h a iseaieriB retroieum. Lubricating, Turpentine, and other Oils. From his great experience, gained by the aotual hand ling of these articles during the past twenty years, he possesses a thorough practical knowl edge of the Oil trade generally, , and especially with regard to Petroleum, being connected with that Oil since its first Introduction into London. Mr. Phillips is desirous of obtaining an Agency for some special Brand, which he Is tea posi tion to introduce to the principal buyers through out .the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Address KUWARD PHILLIPS, care of Messrs. Goldberg & Langdon, Solicitors, 1 West Street, Finsbury, London. my 281m . Fire-Proof OH" 18 , BSTTXB THAN "KKEOSXKK OIL, OB any other Burning OIL" Can be used in any lamp " v - For sale by r HOLMES A WATTBRS, 7 North Front St. HBNRY HAAR, 701 Chemut St. -WM. OTBR8KN, corner 6th and Market. ' gnHEN BBO., corner Chesnut and McRae. P. H. SMITH, oorner 4th and Campbell. - -A i- Oj STavjKNSON CO., 617 North Fourth 8t. B. H. JjAHMWS, corner 7th and Market Sta. ( ? J. aSTKVSNSON, m Market St. , l f 'FTt8'Pme 4a &nd Walnut fits. 2PCHjNp. aril North Fourth St. - Q?;s CJAPON, No. 22 South Front St. :i f Watch this list and see it grow. mh 29 tf ' commercial: ' Grain, Provlaloas and Cotton. - The following is a summary of the Chi cago Grain and Provision market and New York Cotton market, .as telegraphedryes terday, by direct wire, to the office of .Mr." John R. Turrentine, in this city at 4 i - Chicago, June 16, 1885. John Ji. Turrentine; , : -Wilmington, JT. C.r Wheat opened higher, on the announce ment of 393,000 .bushels decrease in the visible supply.; We think the figures are incorrect, as the amount in transit to the seaboard, is put at 180.000 bushels in the Chicago estimate and 280.000 bushels in the New York estimate! i The latter, is proba bly the most reliable. However, the bad stormy weather that has been prevailing, and the disposition to buy evinced by fctroDg parties, frightened the shorts and many of them went ashore. The market was dull but decidedly nrm au day. and the outlook is for an upward market to morrow. Corn is strong, with light receipts and light stock. A decrease of 868,000 bushels in the visible supply and a good shipping demand induced free buying, and we can' only reiterate our opinion , that corn is a good property and the situation warrants higher prices this summer. A prominent dealer was a strong buyer of September at the close of the market. : Provisions firmer and ia.sympathy with corn. ' There was not mucuHrading in hog produce, but short ribs have many friends, and we think them a purchase on any de cline, barring yellow fever or cholera. ' ' NBW YORK COTTON MARKET. With sales of 88.100 bales to-day, the cot ton market has been very quiet Futures remain unchanged aad no features worthy, of note. The sentiment is still rather bearish. lutifl knt l: tn a r u. k' -s By Telegraph to the. Morning Slar.l I Financial. Naw York. June 16, Evening. Sterling exchange 4851. Money 1 percent. Govern ments firm; four per cents 1231; three per cents 104. State bonds moderate busi ness. i: ! Ootntneretat. - '' Cotton quiet, with sales of 200 bales ; up lands 10 9-16 cents; Orleans 10 11-16 cents; consolidated net receipts 340 bales; exports to the continent 100 bales. Southern flour steady. Wheat spot advanced iic; un graded red 90a94c; No. 2 red June tl 01 for elevator; July f 1 Wfl uiT. ,uorn spotiic higher, closing firm; ungraded 505(4c; No. 2 June 54f5ftjc; July 55i54Ic. Oata llc higher; No. 2, S8J 39c. Coffee fair liio on spot dull at $8 371; No. 7 Rio on spot $600; July $6 70 6 75. Sugar firm and quiet; English Island 4!6ic: Muscovado 5 5-1 6c; Brazil 4fc; fair to good refining 5J5c; refined steady. Molasses unchanged, nice nrm. Cotton seed oil crude 32 35c; refined 38 89c. Rosin dull. Spirits turpentine firm at 37c. Fork quiet and steadily held; mess on spot $11 50311 60; middles firm. Lard a trifle higher and very quiet -.contract grades on spot$6 85; July $6 826 83. Freights to Liverpool steady cotton fd; wheat 2Jd Cotton net receipts bales; gross re ceipts 3.126 bales. Futures closed quiet and firm; sales of 3o,100 bales at the following quotations: June 10. 4010C41c; July 10.43c: August 10.51c; September 10.2610.27c; October 10.03c; November 9.939.94c; December 9.94c; January 10.0210. 03c; February 10.1210.1Sc; March 10.22 10.23c; April 10.3110.33c Chicago, June 16. Flour dull and un changed. Wheat strong, and closed fc higher than yesterday; June 88a88ic: July 89i90c; August 90i92c; No. 2 red 94 941c Corn decidedly stronger, closing .fc higher than yesterday; cash 48c; June 47f 4ttic; July 46447c; August 4oi47ic. Oats active and lc higher; cash 33i 331c; June 33i33Jc; July 33133C; Au gust 2828ic Pork mess, fairly active and 1015c higher, but closed steady; cash $1035010 40; July $10 3510 421; Au gust $10 42i10 50. Lard opened firmer, advanced 571c and closed steady; cash $6 606 621; July $6 C2id 65; August $6 706 75. Boxed meats steady; dry salted shoulders $3 853 90; short rib $5 405 421; clear $5 705 75. Whiskey nrm at f l id. ougars uncnangea. St. Louis, June 16. Flour unchanged, Wheat higher, although somewhat unset tled; No. 2 red cash $1 00ll 00ft; July $1 01fl 021. Corn alow and higher; No. 2 mixed cash. 44l441c; July 45c. Oats steady; No. 2 mixed cash 82i32fc; July 80c Whiskey steady at $1 13. Pro visions firm and generally higher. Pork jobbing $10 75. Lard $f 40. Bulk meats long clear $5 30; short rib $5 40: clear $5 60. Bacon long clear $5 755 85; short ribs $5 905 96; clear $8 106 20. Savannah, OA., June 16. spirit tur pentine 35c asked ; no tales. Roslh quiet at $1 001 15 ; sales 100 bales. , , Charucston, S. C, June 16. Spirits turpentine ooc ltosia steady at pre vious quotations. , OOXTOH BtAfKKira-.x IBy Telegraph to the Morning Star. June 16. Galveston, quiet at 10 3-16c net receipts 10 bales ; Norfolk, nominal at 10c net receipts 38 bales ;Savannah, very quiet at 10c net receipts' bales: New Orleans, dull at 101c net receipts 242 bales; Mobile, nominal at 10 3-16c net' receipts 1U bales; Memphis, dull at 10fc net re ceipts 26 bales; Augusta, steady at lOftc net receipts 19 bales; Charleston, quiet at luic net receipts bales. rOBBIGN nAHKBl R. Br Cable to the Morning Star.l London, June 16, 5 P. M. Spirits turpentine firm; spot 28s 3d; July and August delivery 28s 3d; September and December delivery isaa 5d. New TorKRlee Market. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, June 15. Rice is held to steady prjees. .Demands . . : r t: t , - - re isir: varuuus auu jjouisiana, com mon to fair 4J5icrgood to prime 56c;. choice 6i6c; fancy head 6$g7c; Rangoon 4f4fc duty paid, and 2i2c in bond; ratoa4j5c; Java 5f5ic. I cuarleeton Rlee market. Charlesten News and Courier, June 15. The market for ricewas-quiet to day, and sales of 100 barrels were made,' We quote : . Common at 444lc, fair at 5 5c, good at 5i5fc. and prime at 5 ! 1 Out of Every 7 A f eiDENT INSURANCE POLICIES ISSUED xl pTS a claim for indemnity or a total loss on account oi aeatn. Persons insure their dwllins arainst fire. when the probability of the dwelling's burning is immensely less man tne proDaouuy or an ao- ciaent Happening to tntmseives. . Policies are fssned f or any amount from $500 to no.ouo, at a cost or ironi fs.tu a xear to SO. These Policies oar a weekly indemeitT in case of accident, -and pay the whole amount of f oncy u aeatn ensues wiuun tares momns. APPly to : r - tk jl. a. je 10 tf -- M4 N, Water St. DoFOTget THAT w. ci ;.flTVB TOU Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Hats, Trunks, Valises and ..umDreuas. ' w? .?- : t i 1e 14 tf .m A. A r i a. n . 'a 1 I MARINE. t Port Almanae-'Jnne IT Sun' Rises. .". Sun. Rets..".. J. mm m m. W At! t 0.11 A.Ai 1 7.80 P.M. High Water at Smith vm ""11.B2 Even. High Water at Wilmington..;" 3.52 Morn., Duv'n Tn oth f ' i . 14h. 19m ; : ARRIVED. .; Stmr passport, Harper, Smithv.Ile, in as ter.f - 7 ' . ' ,:' Stmr Louise. Woodsides; T Smitnvuie, Stmr Bladen: Green. Favetteville, C S Love & Co. ' : Stmr A P Hurt. Robeson, Fayetteville, Woody & Currie. . - :. . cleared v Simr Passport. Ilaroer. Bmithville, mas ter. "Vi-S1:.. . . -V"' -J Stmr Louise, Woodsides, Smithviltej master.. Stmr ;D J Black! Paddisori. Point Cas well, master : ,W;r u, Stmr A P Hurt. Robeson, FayelteviHe, Woody & Cnrrie. . '-- Stmr Bladen. Green. Fayetteville, U B Love & Co.' ' v : ' Schr Rival Stewart: Aux Cavs, Hajti, E G Barker & Co, cargo by Northrop & Cum- mmg. ' .-.:., ....... ... - a EXPORTS. .. . , . , ;. foreign. . ,:. . Aux Cats Schr R?val 72,000 feet lam ber,, 100.000 shingles. . IttABlNE DIRECTORY. Vint or Veeiielv In tne Port of Wllmlng- ton N. CM Jane 11, 1885. CThli list does not entbraoe vessels under eo tons. I ! 5 BARQUES. Vcrein (Ger.). 453 tons, Jahnke, E Pes- ehaH & Westermann,. . , ? C L; Weyer(Ger.), 418 tons, Frank, Liver pool. E Peschau & Westermann. Insula Capri (Nor.), 410 tons, Danielsen, C V Mebane. Frey (Nor.), 281 Ions, fialvorsen, Heide & Maggie Brown (Br.), 564 tons, Davis, Pat- erson, Dowsing a co. . BRIGS. James Miller, 302 tons, Crccker, E G Bar ker & Co, loading for New York. SCHOONERS. C H Foster, 385 tons. Coombs. E G Bar ker & Co, loading for Granada, W I. Natividad (Span.), 170 tons, Gonzales, AE Doebele. agent for owners, repairing. Lizzio Heyer, 220 tons, Harrington, Geo Hamas & Co. loading for New York. nannah F Carleton, 214 tons, Bryant, Geo Harnss & Co, loading for Hajti. Walter W Pharo. 260 tons, Randolph. Geo Harnss & Co. discharging. Joseph Baymore, 296 tons, Burdge, Geo Harms & co, loading for Fhua. Jennie Middleton, 340 tons. Hatch, Geo Harriss & Co, discharging. Rival. 123 tons, Stewart, E G Barker & Co. loading for Hay ti. Anna E Valentine, 300 tons. Chambers, Geo Harnss & Co, loading for Phila. Jennie N Huddell, 265 tons. Henderson, Geo Harnss & Co S H Levin, 369 tons, Pardee, Geo Harriss &Co. Bacon. Flour. Corn, &c. QQ Boxes D. S. C.R. SIDES, 1000 BblS FL0UI' &11 grades, 1000 BaehWHITSCGBM QQ BbU Choice Porto Rico MOLASSES, 2g Bbls CAROLINA RICE, 100 Bb'8 Refined 6TOARS all grades, -JQ Sacks Choice RIO COFFEE, 2QQ Boxes SOAP, Doxes 8TARCO, JQQ Cases LYE, Cases BALL POTASH, QQ fJross R. R. MILLS SNUFF, Botes CTIEWIMG TOBACCO, jQ Kegs NAILS, 2gQ Bundles noOf IRON, 25 Bbls DISTILLER'S GLUE. Crackers, Candy, Oysters, Candles, Matches, &c, Ac. For sale low by WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO.. Wholesale Grocers A Com. Merchants, te 14 tf Nos. 1ft 18 North Water St. Groceries, Promons, Macro, Sc. 1500 BhU FL0URaUTade8 25Q Bags CpjfFEElo,Igyra,7ava, Boxes f 8: SIDES ind BELLIES, 25 " 8lnk,d 8IDRa SHOULDERS 25 Fh-klns BUTTER, 150 Tc9' Tnbs and C&B6a LARD 5Q Bbls RICE, whole and broken J t 5Q Boxes CRKAM CHEESE, j OCA BUs SUGAR, all grades. JAA Bbls and Boxes CRACKERS OVV . and CAKES, IbOU ruBAUcu, au grades Bbls POTATOES, rQ Bbls TURNIPS, JQQ Hhds Cuba ami P. R. MOLASSES, Bbls N. O. MOLASSES," J50 Bbls and HaS Bbls MACKEREL, 2Q Kits MACKEREL, AAoSOAr-. Candles, Lye, Potash. Starch, Ac, For sale at low ngnrei. mh 22 It ADRIAN M VOLLER8. 300 Tons , r GERMAN KAINIT, ,' FOR SALE AT REDUCED PRICES. ! apiatr WORTH WORTH. Bird Garien an! Flower Seeil. t.SO, LEECHES.: - ; i Hamburgh Tea, Hamburgh Drops, HambUTKh Plaster. An.. Ail, 'Prescriptions filled at all hours at . mh 14 tf Corner of Fourth and Nun Streets. Geo. W, Price, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Herchant. f FFICB AND SALES ROOMS. 215 MARKET w jBTKEET, where special attention will be -given the sale of Goods, Wares, Merchandise, o ; on Consignment, and a General Oommisston Business. STRICT attention to business, and sua retains or Baies , ., . mviotr look Here! VJOWWHAT'S THE USE OF YOUR PAYING dteobuot onSonr-polIcy In case of loss by fire, wban for the same amount of premium you can oi & JLtOndon & Globe Ins Co ?roiica pays ' ail T losses WII'Mdirn itTarnrrnm W&lSJtgS iathi stat OT 188i, and WITHOUT Jho. W.Gordoii & Smith Je14 tf. i AGENTS. 4 ' " - f Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. ' A marvel of tmrltTt treagth and wholesomoness. More economical than ordinary Undo, and cannot be sold tnt setltlon with the multitude of tow test, s weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in eani. ' Wholesale, by ADRIAN VOLIEBi : noy Si lv nrm . too ot frm v 4n nov24 ISr CAPITA!. PRIZB, 9T5.OOO.0 Trketonly $5.. Sbarea In proportion. Loilsiana State Lottery Cempaiy. "We do hereon certify that w ruvervise the or- ranatmenUfor all the Monthly and SemirAnnual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and ,4a person manage and control the drawing themselves, and that the earns are conducted vruh honesty, fairness, and in good foMh toward all par Ues,ahdweauthorUe the Company to vsethisar eiJUati, with facsimiles of our iianatvrt attached tn it aavfrtuemenu." Commissioners. IneorDO rated in 1868 for SS rears bv the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes witn a capital or i,oou,uuo to wnion a reserve fond of $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. - The only iMtery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any Slate. IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES, ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS Take place monthly A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. SEVENTH GRAND DRAW TSQi CLASS G, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, AT NJW OKLKAHo, TUJESDAY, JBIy 14, i safe 1 8xa j&ontmv urawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, $TS.OOO. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollar Each Fractions In Fifths In Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize . .$75,000 1 Capital Prize 25,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 2 Prizes of $6000 12,000 5 Prizes of 8000 10,000 10 Prizes of 1000..." 10,000 80 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 200 80,000 800 Prizes of 100 80,000 600 Prizes of 60 25.000 1000 Prizes of 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 0 Approximation Prizes of $750 6,750 9 Approximation Prizes of 500 4.5C0 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2,250 1967 Prizes, amounting to $261,500 Applications for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New 'Or leans. For further Information, write clearly, rivln ran &aaress. rusiaii huiks. jug Money Orders.or New York Exchange in ordli letter, Currency by Express (all sums of $5 np-VHra at our expense) aaaressea New Orleans, La. or IS. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventn St., Washington, D.C. Make P. O. Monev Orders navable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La. Je 17 D&W2aw4ff we sa THE QUESTION ABBES' WHERE TO GET The Best Groceries ! FOB THE LEAST MONET f ? WE WOULD AD VISE YOU TO TRY P. L. Bridgers & Co,, for, besides selling on SMALLER PROFITS, the goods are delivered promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Nenfchatel Cheese (Tuesday s steamer), Phillips' Digestible Cocoa, Candies Fjesh from Boyster's. CIG-ARS! CIGARS! The finest line In the city of 5 AND 10 CENTS CIGARS. If you want a good smoke step Into BRTDGERS' STORE and get It. - P,' L. Bridgers & Co., 110 North Front St. ; je 7 DAW U . Stationery ' i V chants, Teachers. Lawyers; Ministers and others. We male a & 'orwuktaltv Af sl..v d.w. wujiij uuiunuB. vrueis ior jsngraving Checks. Drafts. Noteo. Sohnnl Pmmmmai T,(fi7 Visiting Cards, Ac will meet with prompt at- JeHtf ""YAtES'lBOOKSTORE. Summer Goods. FREEZEBS, "COOLERS A new lot." nv ivn. nil c-. . wv . n Brlghtonr Goods are cheap now; call early and get the pick. . - T , w- ALDERMAN CO., mt 31 1' . Plumbers. Gas Fitters Tinners. - . - - . , ,,; . AT D- A SMITH'S .FUBNTTTRB ijWAKE-i RoqMS can be found ; si urge assortment of VALUABLE GIFTS,, suWble 4or everybodT. tfei. .re- 'vv"' vaw uwtiW4usiiuiieprn0 deo88tf' '"' Furniture Warerooms. lie Caafii ThSTA' 1'- HPKT APP- W. A Robeson, will eontlnue to run on the same dava aa heretofore, and ,nn Fn w j to give satisfaetion to shlrjpera andpassengers? ', Agents, and Commission Merohants. mvl7tf , : Wilmington, Na I- - I 5ilUrrr;r- , . . - w " ' T. J ..l'.,. j For TWs Week. BROWN E RODDICK ' 9 North Front St. E TAKE P EAMIRB IN CALLING ATTEN- tlon to the following LOTS which are decidedly under tn market value. ITT BLACK BILK M ims, SOou75e and 9Co. I SUN-SHADES AND PARASOLS. ! We have added largely to this department this week, and are showing a very handsome assort ment. Onr prices for a BILK 8nnshade varies front $100 to $3.00. LADIES' MADE UP UNDERWEAR. ; Closing out at low prloes. Chemise S56; Fan- taleites 25c; Night Dresses 75c, tucked and em broidered. WHITE QOODS. ' , This is a very popular season for White Goods Our etock was never so large or the prices so low J Give ns a call and see for yourselves. j LINEN TOWELS. Fine Linen Damask and Hnck Towels, hard knotted Fringe 25c; very decided Bargains. CHILDREN'S HOSE. W have still a few of that lot left at 25c a pair; former price 60 c. LEATHER TRAVELLING GRIP SATCHELS. In Alligator and an the different classes of Lea ther, at half the prices you have paid formerly. BROWN & RODDICK, NORTH FRONT STREET. Sole Agents for Bnttericrs Cut Paper Patterns. Je7tf CARLTON HOUSE, Warsaw, Dnjlin CoetrrN. CL QN LINE OF WILMINGTON AND WXLDON Railroad, 55 miles from Wilmington. Table always well supplied with the best the country affords. Rates of Board very reasona ble, ; H. J. CARLTON, dec SI DAWtf Proprietor. Water Coolers. TyATER COOLERS AND OTHER NEW goods just received and for sale low, at GILES MURCHISON'S, je 14 tf Opposite New Market Examine Your Trunks, BAGS AND SATCHELS. IF5HEY NEED RE patring or covering call onus and have It done by the only Trunk Maker In Wilmington. Carriages, Buggies and all kinds of Vehicles. And B.H m.t Insut nrlnoa McDOUGALL A BOWDEN, joMtf 114 North Front St. By Express This Say. JNDIA MULL, LINEN DS IRELAND, BATISTE CLAIRE, PARIS MULL, VICTORIA STRIPES. and FRENCH PIQUE, With MULL TRIMMINGS to match. ja tttf JNO. J. HEDRICK. .... j Ottawa Beer, Q.ING ER ALB, ' SODA, MINERAL WATERS, ICE COLD, at IBSISGS PHARMACY. Jel3 tf ! mineral Waters. rjATE EPSOM WATER, ON DRAUGHT. SODA WATER, with Pure Fruit Juices. WILLIAM H. GREEN, Druggist." Jefl tf IZanhatta and Chariot CAN'T BE BEAT (OUT OF THE QUESTION), in this or any other (market. It ts the best Five Cent Cigar made, sold only at 4 t C M. HARRIS' 'I Popular News and Cigar Store. Readbtff Ronm in ki. rtnlw mttm rv month. . le 14 tf j Another Supply QF THE CELEBRATED DUFFY MALT WHIS KEY. Also, Wilson. John Gibson & Sons, Baker, pother well known brands of Whiskeys at THE GEM. "1 WILL WEST, J12tf , K North Front Street. i A Full Stock OF DRUGS, -CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI .cines. Toilet Soaps, Fancy .and Toilet Arti cles, Cigars, Cigarettes, Ac, For sale low by . j J.H. HARDIN, , ' Druggist and Seedsman, je 14 tf New Market, Wilmington, N?G. Straw Hats ! pOWEST PRICES I ! 50c PER DOZEN AND UPWARDS 1 HARRISON AT.T.w, . . Battan. Je.H .1 We Offer j 5 QQ Kegs NAILS, 100 DhdS ChlCe CxmA MOLASSES, j AND A FEW OTHERS. AT CLOSE PRICES TO PROMPT BUYERS. .v HALL PEARSALL, - Wholesale Qrooers and ComTMerchants, ! . Nos. 11 13 So. Water Street. -1 4p2Stf '.- - : ? Wilmington, N. C JS THE PLACE TO GST THE BEST me A Tit tha can be furnished In the oity for 25 Ceata, Also, a fin lot of Imported and Domefittb Wmes. Liquors and Cigars. . f , y i myastf . W. E. BLACK. Manager. XWAISTISpop it has become an IpdispensaWe .! .'. . .. Prtofela-?swararobe- Comfortable, n, edwronient, npfhlng else takes its p4Ce everjthelsei over-production ha, 1,1 T- '8elHDg now . ' :i -- ' w at half. ! price. . All IMMENSE VARIETY ni? Hait-Kiif Shawls ai FassiWlt,r for cotatry and seaside we-ir . ; i ; ' ar' at ttract,Te prtceP. together with an Immense stock MiiirucKr.Hats, Flowers. Feather,, tf Laces, Gloves. Ribbons, Underwear, &c t' ? " convince you of the above at TAtLOE'S BAZAAK, j v iarKet Street, JelBtf WILMINQT0N,N.0 i Fine Merchant TailoriDRl 'pO-MORROW WE WILL MAKE A EIQ In prices in this department. We thought we ha4 made the rednction biff enough last week w j there are some styles of Cassimeres and Wor t eds that we ara especially anxiou? to ,ij5pw!0 , These will be told at a sacrifice All PIECE GOODS must be sold. Wo want t keep our hands employed, and if low prices wu effect anything, they will continue to have work for some line. We will make Suits to order ve ry low, and solicit a call from those interested We have a large lot of BICYCLE AND polo SHIRTS, in all colors and styles, for Men and Boys, and will sell them at l easonable prices We have a lot of BAR3AINS ia onr stork. aDj all we ask 1s a call. We think any one wi,l a the redactions wc have made. A. DAVID, JeHtf Merchant Tailor and Clothier. TT A IKS I TT A JVISI HAMS ! 3000 op TH0SB JUSTLY CELEBRATED EPSIKGP IELD HAMS Parties desiring them In lots will be offered is dncements. 2000 'BS' ARK0UR' CANVASSED SUGAR-CURED HAMS 1 Will be sold at 12Jc per lb. Every Ham puaran teed first quality. OLD AND SPRING CHICKENS. . FRESH CHERRIES on consignment. JeI13 tf J. C. STRVEXSON. I S- j I 1 1 DOOES, -BXiHSTIDS. JHE VERY BEST MATERIAL USED, AND none but the most skilled workmen employed; not an apprentice boy In our shops Our ' WHITE ASH INSIDE BLINDS ami DOORS, and Hard Oil linish, will equal any In the world. Je 15 tf PARSLEY & WI00INS Beeswax, HONEY,WHORTLEBERRIES,BABLT FR0ITS, i Eggs. Chickens, Smoked Meats, Dried Fruits and Country Produce generally, are ew on small commissions by JOHN R MARSHALL, General Commission Merchant, . No. 24 North Water Street, Wilmington. N. C. RetaU dealers will do well to give him a ail Consignments from farmers and village mer chants respectfully solicited. my24Du Grain Cradles. NOW RECEIVING, THE BEST GRAIN rA DLBS ever on the market; prices lower than ever sold at before. Grain Fans, good stottoi Feed Cutters. LOW FIGURES. n - WM. B. SPRINGER & CO.. Successors to Jno. Dawson 4 Co., 19, 21 & 23 Market Street, 1el4tf wilmineton N. I- ASK YOUR GROCER FOR AND BREAKFAST BACON UNLESS IIAIMN OUR MTCNTEO TRADE-MARK A V" ! HKTALUO StAU ATTAOHEO TO THE STRING. AN THE STRIPED CANVAS, AS IN THE COT. dec decly wed sat WHEAT BAKING POWDER TttalnsnoinJurionBiB AlomPowdertda tbe Powder. Established K29. FOR SALE BY All Leading Grocers. mh 28 Sm sat wed 1h . - . .v. SI ,