v' He MomingStar. - af nrWrf:-'- ; JATE OV AST.XSZISUIG -;'.4 -One sqttar One Day.U.iU. ... , . 91 0fV C i S5?y" - . MS -V?; . jnye iJayst-... .... ..i . - M :. . " Three Weeks....-.: -8 s ; ...TBLlsnKD wail vn toe Month, nhgcrib0w, delivered la any part JS City, nJSJSriSd to. collect for more Vi;., three montns in "'""" i,Uu mR.NlNG EDITION OVTLINE8. Tbe u S. steamer Iroquois has been sent Guayaquil toldemand release 'ronton, an American citizen held there . Gen. Grant was free tiin iff - . ,, fn.iu P in jtsterday. t. v- IWI. Jr- nf Washington. D. J. , sunenng fn.iii Urigut s aisease, nine u.o.i.. ,! T Merrick, the well-known lawyer, is Invito be dying. The illaCe 0f Portville, N. Y., nearly destroyed by ti-; loss 75,000. Earthquake shocks r',. felt yesterday in Switzerland. Tlll persons killed by an explosion in a ,,al miue. in Staffordshire,, Eng. Nine oung girls and a lad arrived at New York from Ireland, under ' a contract to sv.,rk in a flax mill; the District Attorney Will investigate the case, supposed to be a v h i .a of tbe law prohibiting the import iTTTTTi contract labor. - ? The Was sod Car and Foundry Works. Chatta- noo;i. failed, liabilities $10,000 Har- Tir.Uon ilic University boat race. iJC.Y. annuls: Honey 1 per cent. ; cotton steady atl0 7-16lo y-iuc; wueaw uugrayeu reu $1 001 02i southern flour steady; n,ta. ungraded 5254fc; rosin steady at I j 20; spirits turpentine steady at Salisbury will prove the lamest of diuks without the aid of Gladstone as a crutch. Gen. (t. V. C Lee has resigned die rresidency of Washington and L'u College oil accouut of ill health. The New York Times regards the appointment of Mr. Alden, its great attraction, as aa affliction. So do i-s readers regard it. Rev. Dr. John E Edwards, a na live of North Carolina, delivered the Bic -i alaiirate sermoa at Wofford Col-It-we, S. C, on the 17th inst. l'rinee FrederickCharles was called t!ie " Red Prince " because of his miiiincr of conducting war. The Augusta Chronicle says he " was a jreat soldier and a bad man. He was coarse, brutal, sensual and de bauched." Edward Cleveland, a.opasin ojthje 'resident and One-legged was.aniong the six applicants for the postmaster ship at Quincy, 111. James Richard son got it, although Edward Cleve land was indorsed by the Representa tive from that District. 5 '' - (.Tfeensboro Female College has had a prosperous year;- : Its faculty numbers fifteen teachers? It has graduated 191 girls. Its matriculates ftrthe year just closed numbered 10S. The Fall session begins on the ounh Wednesday in August.-, . The paroxysmal arm-clutch is a disease that is wide-spread The Augusta Chronicle wants Sam Jones to come that way and says: "Rev. Sam. Jones is said to - have ' anni liilatedthe arm clutch in Nashville. He should give Augusta a stirring up. The arm-clutch appears to be common in this region, and it is not a nice thin. Stop it." The Philadelphia Record sent out a quadruple sheet on the 25th of Alarch, entitled "Old and New Phila, delphia." The Record is an excellent paper-newsy, reliable, independent, able. It is one of the fairest and- most trustworthy of American news papers. - Fayetteville, Raleigh and Golds boro will celebrate the 4tu of July grandly, Wilmington ought to either lebrate the 20th of May, 31st of May, or the 4th of July. At Golds oro the oration will be delivered by lhe most impassioned and rhetorical f North Carolina speakers John S. ng,of New Berne. If he speaks a well at Goldsboro as he did here e will make the best oration of the lttat na8 been deliyered North Carolina in our day. in State G-leanings. ator iiLWe maI trust the PaPer8 Sen-, SPheewr8Ch Trinity Coltege01 B it! . vu"ege, we hearrT Mm .,. . " ana ne made a verv HPnniWo a ZP10' Twi aTtrin- ouKht tn H i.Cpamion " too bad gQl to do his best the nxt tima E9i3a;ei8b Reorder: Mr. Fabi'us H. elateW L8peech.at Wake forest CoW CldSSi !2T?-d hLmself M oPPOMd to ll lllonJ other col. lle briehtPst . . BU8oe is one of oi.j ."Qle8t men in thA fo w : hn Ba" alo. that not nnlv n.,oi bacco ifiKSij load of to forR'j.rar"sM warehouse. Ratnrrtav one-horse load of to warehouse. Saturdav ' haveever heard nfm',ae? "ue-norsp aa -."ytus uuwnea tor a - F.as 4,uu pounds for urUmtno-tstn. W. n " ,,lt9rod at tffdClaM Matter. VOL. .XXXVI. HO. 78. $770.85. J. S. Loekhart averaged $28.87 for his entire breaJbvMonday moring. J. W. Sherbn, from Granville, had one load at tltis sale that averaged $49.87 for 1.200 pounds. i AsbevilleC&izen; A larjje num ber of distinguished educators arernow.&t Black Mountain Chatauqua, Including State Superintendent Finger. Over four hundred leacners are now mere. uen. Jones has perfected all railroad arrangements for the movement of the troops to and from the encampment to be Held nere in Jury. Tbe ground selected for the ' encampment is north of the Asheville Academy, not New ton as,tne types made us inadvertantly say. The grand review by the Governor and his staff will take place on Wednesday, the 29th of July, and the encampment will break up on ine sist. Goldsboro Jtfessenqer .The ad dress of Rev. Geo. W. Sanderlin at Wake Forest is highly complimented by those whose pleasure it was to hear him. ' - The obstreperous prisoner in jail here, of whom mention was made in a former issue, had a rib broken in his attack upon the officers some days ago. Jf Pat. is Insane, as some allege, he ought to be sent o the asylum. On the 23rd and 24th inst., the commencement exercises of the Chowan Baptist Female Institute will be held. Dr. Theo. Whitfield, of Goldsboro, will preach the annual Bermon. The honors of telephoning the recent showers in advance have been about equally divided between the tree-frog and the rain-crow. A large property is in reserve for the man who will get up s revolving fan that will keep the family cooL and At the same time engineer an air current that will suck the flies out of the window. The lily seems to be a favorite with our flower' fan ciers, for in many of the gardens about town its white chalice, brimming with a heart of gold, nods sweetly to the pas ser-by. Fayetteville Obseruer; Will, a cart-boy, employed on the Wilson short cut, had his leg broken Saturday evening. The Independent Company, who al ways do things well and gracefully, marched from their Armory on Wednesday night to the residence of Mr. E. J. Hale, to pay their respects, and wish him a safe and speedy voyage to his new home. We regret to learn that Mr. J. L. Allen, while riding over the river on Monday evening last, met with quite a painful accident. The fifth Wheel breaking, he was pitched headlong to tbe ground, and was considerably bruised and badly cut on his face. Fourth of July this year will be celebrated in our city in a way which will cause the 4th of 1885 to ba a never forgotten occasion, both by our citizens and the great crowds that are coming here on the excursion trains that are to be run along both lines of the rail roads. Already over $500 has been sub scribed by our liberal merchants and other citizens, to purchase fireworks for the oc casion. A C. Presbyterian: Eleven persons were received into the communion or iUpnroma cnurcn, Kev. VV. o. ijacy, pastor, at a communion on the first Sun day in June, all of them by examination. Tarboro: Our little band Here nas been greatly blessed of late. Bro. Rose preached five sermons rich in gospel truth, which the Lord honored as His own. Five have"uniled with us, and one or two more will doubtless come out on the Lord's side. This to our little handful means much. - On the 13th, Rev. J. S- Watkins. D. D., Rev. Alexander Sprunt and Elder Samuel Watkins of Henderson, a commit tee appointed by Orange Presbytery for this purpose, met at Warren ton, N. C, and organized a cnurcn. There has been a very neat brick church building in Warrenton for sometime, but we have been without an organization. -Eighteen names were en rolled. Five of these from the Henderson church, one from Fayetteville, one from the First Church. Richmond, and the ma jority of the remainder from the Presby terian Uhurch m oanaaa. Line church, a very neat one, was built by a pious Jfresbytenan lady or weaitn, now deady, .some twenty-five years since. OTAKJ. , RBW IDVEUTlSlUlKNrK E. Daingkbfikij Art. M uu son Blue flannel suits. T. Shriek No battles to win. " Bbowtt & Roddick Bargains. A. Shriek Gents' low shoes. Fishblate Judge and lawyer. J. H. Hardin Royal glue, etc. A. David ;New lot seersuckers. Harrison & Allen Straw hats. Notick To Confederate soldiers. Parxeb.,&Tayxor Yacht stove. G. R. French & Sons Slippers. 124 Princess St Agents wanted. German Excursion Wednesday, Geo. W. Prick, Jr. Auction sale. Opera House Soiree and concert. Heinsberqer -Latest publications. J. W. Gordon Smith Insurance. ' W. E.rSPRiN6EB & Co Brown gins. , Giles & MURCHisoir Water coolers. R. MMcIntire Fine all-over laces. Excursion Wil. Hook & Ladder Co. Female College Greensboro, N. -C. McDouoaij..&Bowden Trunks, etc. W. H.' Rose & Co-Salesman wanted. W. H. Alderman & Co Hard times. Excursion S. S First Baptist Church i E. W MANNMo-Moonlight excursion. Williams,Rankin & Co-Bacon,flour,etc Wm. H. GRBENDrngs, medicines, etc, Personal.' Mayor Hall left on a short trip up the Carolina Central Friday night, and Alder man Samuel Bear officiates during his ab sence. Mr. T. J. Mont ford, who has been laid Hip with the rheumatism for the last three months, is out again, but very feeble. Mr. James McRee Lane, formerly of this city, and a nephew of Dr. W. W. Lane, lias recently arrived in Boston from South ' America, where he shipped as mate of the barque Hiram Emoryt bound for New- South .Wales and Hong Eong, China. Mr Lane Ief here about seven years ago. He had a strong" inclination for the sea, and from a position before the mast has already worked himself up to that of mate of an eight hundred ton barque. Capt. Justin M. Bunting, who .has been .in New York for the last ftwo weeks, re- r a t tv ? . , tnrned home Thurday night. , -r-The walls, of Col. Kerchners new store, on North Water street, are going up, : . - . - . WILMINGTON; N. "C- SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1885. IiAcal Don. 'r- Third -Sunday after Trinity. Day's Jensjthvl 4 'hours and 19 minutes. ' t Two bales, of cotton received yesterday. . , Very few vessels arc arriving at this port just now. Rev. E. S. Alderman will preach at the First Baptist Church to nights We notice that the letter boxes about the city have all been newly painted. A new dwelling is going up on the northeast corner of Eighth and Dock streets. All persons owning a dog are required to list the same for taxation and procure a badge. DisinfeoUaU ara being used quite liberally lately! They-are bad free of cost at the City Hall. . . Rev. Mr. Furguson, of Smith- ville, will preach at the Fifth Street church to-day, morning and evening. The Register of Deeds issued marriage licenses during the past week to one white and two colored couples; The W. S. F. E. Pleasure Club are talking of another one of their delight ful moonlight excursions for, next week. Preaching in the First Presby terian Church to-day by Rev. J. M. Rose,' of Goldsboro, at 11 a. m. and 5.30 p, m. Easterly winds have' prevail for the past two or three days, and havo produced a certain degree of coolness in the atmosphere. Don't forget the moonlight ex cursion to Federal Point Tuesday night, under the auspices of Captain Harper and Mr. Geo. N. Harriss. Thus far since the canine war broke out, which was on the 10th inst., fifty-one dogs have been slaughtered, which is doing pretty well. Holy Communion will be ad- I ministered in St. Paul's Evangelical Lu theran church, this morning at 1) o'clock in English. German services at S p. m. The Standard Dramatio Com pany which has had such a successful run here for the past two weeks, left on the steamer D. Murchison last night for Fay etteville. : Up to yesterday afternoon 3,700 persons had listed their taxes, leaving quite a number who have still neglected to per form that duty, and with only tWff days ta which to act. The interments in the 'various city cemeteries during the week were as follows: Oakdale, 1 -adult and 1 child; Bellevue, 2 children; Pine Forest (col.) 2 adults and ft child. Total 7. i The; usual services heretofore held on Wednesday afternoon at the Bap tist Chapel, corner of Fifth and Wooster streets, will hereafter be held on Tuesday afternoon, at the same hour. vA dozen of our merchants were up before Magistrate .Minis yesteraay morning for not , having a drummer's: license. They Waived an examination and their cases go on to the Criminal' Court. The Mr. Cicero Burruss, of Norfolk, Va,, whose death was mentioned in our telegrams of yesterday morning, was a brother of Mr. E. E. Burruss, Presi dent of the First National Bank of this city. .. An applicant for dog badges, at the City Hall yesterday morning, wanted them at reduced rates because he required several badges. He was strongly of the opinion that there ought to be a wholesale and a retail price. The proposed bycicle race be tween Mr. MaxweH,; of Charlotte, and a member of the Wilmington Bycicle Club, will probably not take place, as the pri vilege of the turnpike road for that pur pose has been refused. Moonlight excursion . to Pine Grove, Wrightsville Sound, will takeprace on Tuesday and Friday evenings nexX for. which place Capt. Boutberland'fr wagon ettes will be run. There is a chance for delightful trip at a very smalr cost. : Mr. Geo. E. Pittman, at one time a resident of this city, afterwards publisher of the New Berne Nut SheU, but more recently of Greenville, N. C, has lately removed with his family to Raleigh. He is a brother of Mr. J." C. Pittman, of thlsplace. : . ; Messrs. Brown & Roddick, our enterprising townsmen, will open a branch house at Fayetteville in the course of 4 week or so in the store formerly occupied by CoL Pemberton, 20 by. 85 feet, being large and commodious. The new business will not be in full blast before September, Mr. E. Dangerfield announces that he is prepared to receive commissions in oil portraits in the highest style of the art.- Orders can be left at Mr. P. Heini berger's store, where specimen . paintings can be seen, or at the residence of Mr. W. R. French, on Market street. - Messrs. Iredell Johnson, As A. Moseley, B. 82 Montfbrd and J. H. Home, tax listers of Cape Fear, Harnettr Mason boro audi Federal Point Townships, were at the County Commissioners' rooms yes terday for the purpose of receiving the list "of taxables of persons living here and own-. ing property: in any of the above town ships. . r BASE BALL, . "BeneTOlent Nine Ti Gulls.' The "Benevolent Nine" and "Sea Gulls" will play again on Tuesday afternoon at the Seaside Grounds, and we can assure the public that lots of fun .Is in store Ipr them. The gate money wul be given to the Ladies' Benevolent Society; and the Worthy purpose .for which the game is played should commend itself to all. The admission is only ten cents, and we hope a large crowd will witness the game, which is to be called promptly at half-past 4 o'clock by the umpire, Mr. Koockogey. Below is the list of those who are to play : BENEVOLENT NINE. Greene . C. p. . 1 B. 2B. . 3B. 8.S. L.F. O.F. R.F. C. Lilly....... . ...... .4 Wright..... Malfett..... Rloaud. WniaKL.... iiones.v, .......... . ii. . . . Boney.;.r:v,.......f..... Duncan.,'....'. SEA OULLS. Phillips.. P. kjl II I fail . ..,....... I . Worth flB. Meares 3B. Jones SB. Borden L. F. Harris, Tom.., : C F. aweet li.tr. mbexzlement caae. . r. Wm. Harriss, colored, who was arrested a few daysmgo on the charge of embezzling the proceeds of a lighter-load of wood, the property of Mr. W. M. Hankins, had a preliminary examination before Justice Millis yesterday morning. The evidence was' apparently conclusive. He sold the woody his own, and the order for the money -was made out in his name. He told Mi, Riley, Superintendent of the Gas House, that the wood came from down the river, and Mr. Jones tbe Treasurer, that it came from up the river. Upon being put upon the stand and warned not to say anything to' commit himself, he acknowl edged that he drew the money, but said he hardly knew what he did with the portion thai was missing, and proposed, if time wetegiven him, to make the amount good. He was ordered to give bond in the sum of $200 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which be was sent to jail. Solr.e an Concert. A musical treat of more than ordinary excellence is announced to take place on Tuesday night next, June 23rd. at the Opera House. It will be in the style of a soiree and concert for the benefit of the Cornet Concert Club, and will be under the direction of Prof. VanLear. The , en tertainment wiUigmbrace a vocal quartette, consisting of Mrs. Kahnweuer, Mrs. Sweet and Messrs. Grant and Mitchell; instru mental music by 'Prof. Hobbs, violinist; Prof. Herndon, cornet soloist; Prof. Greene wald, pianist Mr. Willson, cornet; Mr. Alderman, flute, and Mr. Schloss, violin. There will also be one or more grand overtures. The entertainment will be worthy of a large patronage, to say nothing of the worthy object to be bene fitted. The box-sheet will be opened at Heinsberger's book and music store to morrow. may Cenrt. Acting Mayor Bear had several cases be fore him yesterday morning. Lewis Hicks, a large, powerfully built colored man, was arraigned for acting, very disorderly, on Fourth, between Bladen and Brunswick streets, on fWednesday night, and resisting desperately the effotts of the police to arrest him He was given the full penalty of the law $50 fine or thirty days in the city prison and he went below- Sam Larkins and Alex. Howe, for en gaging in a fight in the neighborhood of the Front Street Market, were given two days each in the city prison, as no great quantity of blood was split. Harry Blount and Albert Sawyer, for fighting in the vicinity of the Fourth Street Market, next had a-hearing when Sawyer was discharged and Blount was sent below for two days, - - New Hanover BUM. Society. ' ; , At a meeting of the New Hanover Bible Society, held June l9th, 4885, the follow ing report was made by Mr. J. M. Elder, the Colporter of tke Society, of the work done by him during the past month : White. Col"d. Total. Families yisiUd. . ..... .217 Families without Bible;. 19 946 1,163 86 115 Destitute fammeasuDred 18 70 83 Individuals Bupptleo,... 12 16 28 Number of books sold 114. Donated 49. ; Mr. Elder will continue his canvass of the city, and arrangements Will shortly be made for a nnaon(rneeting of the various Evan gelical chcrches of the-clty, in the interest of the Bible danse. , ' ' i - IFire leiartnient Iteme. ; ' Wo learn. fom Chief Myers, of .our fire, department, that' the Charlotte company, which will arrive here next Wednesday will not pring their steamer. 1 The Chief has notification that tbe.New bern Steam , Fire ' Engine Company will make their proposed visit to this city some time in July. BIVER A7ID MARINE. The steamtug Blanche has taken advan tage of the dull season and gone te Charles ton to thoroughly overhaul her boiler, and engine. ' . . - ' ; . The Norwegian barque Naja, Salvor Ben, arrived at Riga, Russia, from this port "on tfie 14th. " ' . : , . . . Steamboatmen report bout four feet of water on the shoals near Fayetteville, and when the steamer D. Murehison left it was gradually falling. . ' - "'i . - Cotton... The receipts ofcotton for .the week end ing yesterday foot lupS8 bales, as against 14- bales for, the corresponding week last year, showing an increase of 24 bales in favor of 1885. ' ; . " The receipts of the crop year, from Sep tember 1st to date foot up 93,880 bales, as against 91,503 bales for the same period last year, showing a net increase of . 2,386 bales in favor of the present crop year. v Lak Waecunaw. Th'e Sunday School of the First Baptist Church will have a basket picnic at Lake Waccamaw on Tuesday next The mana gers will spare no pains to make the excur sion a pleasant one to alL Refreshments can be had on the grounds. CROOISV- tetbla 1 it7, wt tbe evenlug or Tlrars day. the 18th inst MAKY ASTBLLE, daughter or wm. h. im s.'X uroom,-aged seven weeRs. iteview.eopy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Sunday School OF THE First Baptist Church WILL HAVE AN EXCURSION TO WAG0AMAW LAKE, TUESDAY, 23rd Inst. Train leaves at 9. 30 A. M. Eetnrnintr arrives at 6.30 P. M. Tickets. 50c. and 25c. to be had at Front St. Depot. je 81 It Excursion on Passport BY WMnitOn Hoot 8r Laier Co. Ho. 1, rpo 8MITHVILLE AND THE FOBTS, THURS DAY, 25TH INST. Mnsfo by the Harpers. Eefreshments and Dinner on board, and in charge of a committee of eleven ladles. Rouod trin tickets. 50c.: children. 23c. Limited number. No liquor allowed, and strict order will be enforced by the Company, who reserve the right to exclude all objectionable parties. je 21 it Moonlight Excursion rpo WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND. WAGONETTS JL will leave corner of 4th and Market Streets, Tuesday, 83d, and Friday, 26th, at 7 o'clock P.M. Returning, leave PINE GROVE at 11 o'clock. Fare for round trip only $1.00, which includes PIG-FISH SUPPER and SALT BATH. C heap enough. ED. WILSON MANNING. je21& sutufr Moonlight Excursion. pKDKRAL POINT, TUESDAY EVENING. One and three-quarter hours at Rocks. Mavo'a SHSSPHBAD SUPPER: Music and Dancing. Round Trip 53 cents. Leave at 8 o'clock sharp. He torn at 1 o'clock. JOHN W. HARPER. JeSOat f G BO. H. HARRISS. FAMILY EXCURSION. THERE WILL BE A GERMAN FAMILY EX CURSION, on the St'mer Passport, on WED NESDAY. 24TH INST., to SMITH VILLE and the FORTS. Refreshments will be served on board at city prices. Music by Pascuoci's Band. Committee H. L. Vollers, J. W. Gerdts, E. W. Doscher, M. Bath j en, J. D. Doscher, A. Deume landt. je 21 It To Confederate Soldiers of the. - Late War. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF Inquiry, (before sending1 'applications to Ra leigh), in the matter of Pensions, will be held at the Court House, on Tuesday. 9une 23rd. at 3 o'clock P. M. HORACE A. BAGG, je 21 It Review copy Chairman. Wanted, SALESMAN FOR NORTH. CAROLINA, ON commission, to sell Gents' Neckwear. Address W. H. ROSE & CO., je 21 It 60 German St., Baltimore, Md. . Art! THE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES TO THE citizens of Wilmington that he is prepared to execute commissions in OIL PORTRAITS. Bis prices are m harmony with the times. Or ders can be left at Heinsberger's, where speci men portrait can be seen, or at the residence of W. R. French, Esq.-, 508 Market street. je 81 It B. DATNGERFIELD. Wanted, Agents. JADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF GOOD CHA- racter and. recommendation can find lucrative employment hy calling at 124 Princess street Salary or commission. $75 per month guaran teed. jeSllt Greensboro Female College, Greensboro, N. C. rpHE 59TH SESSION OF THIS WELL ESTAB X lished and prosperous School will begin on The 26th of August, 18S5. This Institution combines the comforts of a home with first-class educational advantages. Location healthful. Fare eood. Faculty Com tent and Faithful. Instruction thorough. C. 'ges moderate. For Catalogue apply to Je212w T. M. JONES, President. JETER'S BLUE FLANNEL SUITS. ' $6, S6, $6, $6, $5, AND UPWARD, A person can dress elegantly now for a VERY LITTLE money. LOW PRICES predominate for CLOTHING at jeSllt MUNSON'S, . Clothier, Ac. . oStiawJEtsL A LL QUALITIES I v " ? XL LOW PRICES! HARBISON ALLEN, Hatters. Je21 ti GtentsIibwiSlioes," T ADIES AND KISSES'- -! fM; . ' 1 :' OPERA SLIPPERS, In great yariety and at low prices. . : . , A.8HRIER,' - 121 tf . , , -1 108 Market Street. Yacht Cooking t5tove. -TTTwr Trrft rmwfl vor vessel' and STEAM- el boat user darable and cheap. Always etocK toe 'farmer ana .uoiaen uarves&roua. Stoves. Theyare the pride of the kitchen Wood -iana wuiow ware, rumps, tsam miw, av., i -Je 2ttf 4-t-jt . - 88 flduth Fronts. WHOLE NO. 585B NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BROWN & RODDICK, North Front St. ' WILL OFFER ON MONDAY, THE 82ND, THE. CHEAPEST LINE OF Hamburg Edgings, Flounces and Insertions, you have ever seen. tSont putoff; eome at onee for a BARGAIN. Prices range from ScenUto&i'ents. Figured Dress Satins. We will put a line of SATIN BROCADES on our counters on Monday morning, at 40c, worth 75c. The colors are Black, Brown, Mode, Navy, Light Blue and Cream. Spare time enough to come and look at them. It will pay. White Goods. We are just making things .hum in our WHITE GOODS, INDIA LAWNS AND MULLS LINEN DE IRELAND, VICTORIA LAWNS, PERSIAN LAWNS, &e., &c. Variety large; prices low. Summer Quilts. Ladies will find no better time to lay in a stock of SUMMER QUILTS. They cannot be lowe than our present prices. Children's Stripe Hose. We have Etill a few left of that lot of CHIL DREN'S FINE REGULAR HOSE. Former price 50c; closing price 2c. Now Is yonr time. TRAVELLING BAGS AND GRIP SATCHELS. This is just the season to buy such goods. Don't put it off to the last minute. We will sell you such goods at half prices you have paid hereto fore. BROWN & RODDICK, NORTH FRONT STREET. Sole Agents for Bnttericfc's Cut Paper Patterns. Je 21 tf HEW LOT OF SEERSUCKERS. "yB RECSTVED-lBSTJraDAY A NW"LO OF SEERSUCKER COATS AND VESTiC In SOin pretty and fashionable colors, and to-morrow we will reinforce this invoice with another lot Those in waiting will find some very attractive styles on our tables to select from. Tha knock-down prices ia our CAS3IMERE SUITS had a good effect. Many lots were bro ken and some entirely closed out. Our stock being very large, however, it "will take a good many weeks like last to unload us and break up the assortment. There are still many attractive styles left, and we are anxious to nave buyers rortnem. Last week's MERCHANT TAILORING trade was good, because every one. interested saw and appreciated tne reductions we nave maae. we will continue this grand closing out sale through this week, and to 'those who are disposed to doubt our sincerity we ass that they will give us a call. A. DAVID, Merchant Tailor and Clothier. je21tf No Battles to Win. JT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE WHAT INDUCE ments other houses may offer in the way of prices we can .save you money. Good goods, low prices and square dealing have won for us the reputa tion of being the leading Clothing Bouse in Wilmington. Doing business on the principle of $1 werth for every time. Selling goods for what they are wool for wool and cotton for cotton not recommending anything too highly and guaranteeing wnatever we say. do not pur chase before seeing what your money can buy at our establishment. Money, refunded on goods not proving satisfactory after close inspection at your homes. SURIER, THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET STREET. je211t Fine AU-Over Laces. JMSROIDERY ALL GRADES. , , BEAUTIFUL FANS. BLACK GOODS Trimmings, Braids, Ac, In variety. We are giving closest prices. MATTINGS New and elegant. n. m. hcditiiie. ' JERSEYS A SPECIALTY. je 21 D&W tf Hard Times. XTES. TIMES ARE HARD, AND IN ORDER TO X praotioe economy you must buy good goods, such as we profess to keep, and an Inspection will prove It. Cooking Stoves the best. Farmer Girl for instance. Refrigerators, Freezers, Fly Fans, and another lot ef beautiful Library Lamps lust in. W. H. ALDERMAN CO.; Je21tf 25 Market Street ilUm 'holeVaeeJand retail DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Cigar ette&j. Tobacco, Ac.. , : J . je 21 tf 5 ; -If ABKIT STREET. J. , -m -JL i ..-i " ' - Royal Gine,' - " G- ASTER'S LITTLE LTVEB PILLS, C ARTER'S TJttleNerveTnis, -Carter's Iron Pills, Ham UnM Wizard Ofl, Gregory's Dyspeptic- Mixture, and a full assortment of other. Patent Medicines for sale by, - , . q. HARDIN, ' , " - Druggist and Seedsman,' je 21 tf - : New Market Wilmington, N.C, one Month,...;,...- . 10 00 Two Months,.., 18 TO' ''- " - Three Months,.....wf.i.;;; 24 DO T-',.Jr - " toMonthaT?. 4oco:t Ane ..........., . ifwv -CO CO fSrContract AdyerUseinents taken at vrota uomueiy ww rates. - Tea Unci solid Nonpareil type make one square O P E R A H O U S R SOIREE & C0IICERT. Way, Jme 23, 1885, at O.P. IT. ' - . J ." .. v . . Soiree and Concert under the direction oTProf.' VanLaer, complimentary to the " V ? CORMET , CONCERT y CLCC. fr- The fnllnwtnv Vnalnali HMif 4ll ..i.. .' w f h' KahHweUer, Mrs. Sweet mad Mr. Giant Prof'ra "oobs. Herndon and Greene wald; also members' S'Sffw admission 25c Reserved Seats 53o. T . '"'-w. WW . JL JMmwvJLVl, AUCTIONEER ANT COMMISSION HXBXMhX "i QN MONDAY, JUNE 22ND, WILL BE SOLD?' , at tbe New Ano.tlnn Unniuv nnr. V&rVct yA i - J street, eointaenelnK t-U oadoek, l JBed itoont-- Set of Furniture,-o6mplete and in good and per- -' ;7 V ' uuuuiuuu; urueu seis; i reamer uea; s and 1 improved Refrigerator, with Water Cooler attached; 1 Lounge; 4 Tables; 1 Sideboard, ) - Rocking Crib; 1 Babv Carriage; 2 Sewing Ma chines; 1 Organ, parlor or concert, and a laree number of miscellaneous articles, - including Crockery. Tinware, and articles of Household ' and Kitchen Furniture. -leSlit , ' Yonr Honor, uuku, iuu reainer nuowu, i set ice tream lx - .-.' tures; 1 OfBce Desk; 1 Trundle Befl; l,fine No.8 .''U T AM SORRY, INDEED, FOB KEEPING "YOu'; , and the jurors waiting in this.oase. .After eating - my dinner it so happened that I passed the Great Clothing Establishment of Flsfihlate'a. The store ' was so attractive, the prices so terribly Tow. and feeling so much exhausted by my efforts thin morning, I was compelled to enter said bouse ana procure one or tnose masterly, ye?, master ly English Cassimere Suits for $10vW ; - . .v A splendid Undershirt for 50c ; : --- A good quality Jeans Drawers for 50a f - : A fine White Shirt for $1X0 ; -A fine Scarf for 25c ; - . and now I feel like a new man, and if yonr Hon or will excuse me this time, etc. ; - Judge You are excused, but I do not rad thk Suit on you. Lawyer Well, you see, your Honor, if a Suit 9es not exactly fit. thev make all the necMs&rv does not exactly fit they make all the necessary - -" alterations without any extra charge; and on Sunday, when the bright sunlight beams, me and , mine will be seen promenading along. Market Street with one of Flshblate's Cassimere Suits. ' Nicest and Koolest Garments a man can wear, and oaly to be had at Flshblate's. . Judge That will do; call up the jurors.- -Oh, yes! Oh, yes 1 Oh, yes 1 at - ; HEADQUARTERS FOR K0OL KLOTHING, MEN'S WEAR DEPOT, Norti Front fetreet, . Je 21 It Wilmington. N. C, ' Bacon, Flour, Corn, &c. 100 Boxea D- s c 8IDB8, QQQ BWs FLOUR, aU grades, 1000 Bu9h wmTK C9RN 100 Choice YoTtQ 15100 MOLASSES, 2 P Bbla CAROLINA RICE, -QQ Bbls Refined SUGARS, all grades, . -Q Sacks Choice RIO COFFKE, . , " 2Q Q Boxes SOAP, Boxes STARCH, QQ Cases LYE, FJQ Cases BALL POTASH, " JQQ Gross R. R. MILLS SNUFF, - Boxes CHEWING TOBACCO, -gQ Kegs NAILS, ' 250 Bundle8 HOOf IKON, 25 Bbls DISTILLER'S GLU r". Crackers, Candy, Oysters, ' Caadlea, Matches, &o., &o v -, -For sale low bv WILLIAMS, RANKIN CO, Wholesale Grocers & Com. Merchants. 1e 21 tf . Nos. 16 18 North Water St - J. F. Garrell, Live Stock Broker, for the SaIe . of Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. - FFICE, NO. 404 NORTH THIRD STj - Pens located on Little Bridge Road, at Smith's . Creek, and supplied with every convenience for -the care of Stock. - -' .Consignments solicited and prompt returns made. Liberal cash advances made on Stock jn . hand. . . , . - ' ' V 4 Refers to Bank of New Hanover, Wilmington,'- my 26 tf sn nae Latest Publications. JHE FAIR GOD, by Lew Wallace. " " Vain yorebodings, by A. tu Wirier. ' , In the Tennessee Mountains, by CiE. Crad- dock. . - " Roslyn's Fortune, by Christian Reld. " c'x 1 The Book Opened, by A. Nevta. - ' The Book Annexed, Authorized Ed. 183. 1 he Four Georges, by J. McCarthy, it. P. Holy Bible, Revised Edition. --, For sale at " " V HEINSBERGKR'S.i ; -je21tf Ltye Book and Musie Stores;. Slippers ! Slippers ! ; JADIES, MISSES, CHILDREN'S AND GENTS' , SUFFERS; pretty and cheap; comfortable -for' -warm weather; nice to rest your feet at nfeht L Buy a pair from ' - vv-v - Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. Brown Gins W! E WOULD EARNESTLY UBGi ONALt., of our friends in want of the Celebrated BRO WNPTONGINS and MON A RCH COTTON PRESS to place their orders with us immedh ately, to insure prompt delivery Prioesguaran- ; teed. WM. X. SPRINGEB A CO.. ' j l- Successors to Jno. Dawson & Co., : 19. 21 28 Market Street ' i le 31 tf Wilmington N. C ; Look Here! N OW' WHArS THE USE O rVYOUH PAYTNO dlBcoutit on your'pollcy in ease tf loss by fire,." whan for tne same amount oi.nremmm von can get a policy in the : ' - TiTBHOol & .louDii;VfilQlie;,Iia:fCa which V pays aD losses WITHOUT DISCOUNT. ; - 68,0C0 paid in this State for 1884, and WITHOUT DISCOUNT.- . , -; v .;t., - Jno.W.Gordon & Smith- jeMtf agents; ;.' 7 V- - t - f1 ft A. of 3, .T-.Sv"- .4' , 4 , T V ti ', ' Vir-, s cf '- :. :r- r X

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